FORM A -- SUMMARY OF CURRICULUM CHANGES AND BUDGET SUMMARY DATE: March 3, 2016 COLLEGE: Social and Behavioral Sciences I. DEPT/SCHOOL: Sociology, Anthropology, and Criminology DROPPED COURSES [see FORM B-1] Automatic Course Drop: initiated by the Office of the Registrar (list titles and course numbers) Course Drop: initiated by Department/School [see FORM B-1] (list titles and course numbers) NA II. DROPPED AND/OR SUSPENDED MAJOR/MINOR/EMPHASIS/CERTIFICATE [see FORMB-2] (list titles) NA III. COURSE CHANGES [see FORM C] (list titles and course numbers; star all changes that are editorial) ANTHROPOLOGY: Change the course title for ANTH 1002: Culture, Nature, and Society. New Course title: ANTH 1002: Introduction to Cultural Anthropology. IV. NEW COURSES [see FORM D] (list proposed titles, course numbers, and credit hours) ANTHROPOLOGY: Add a new course: ANTH 2018 Food and Culture. V. RESTATEMENTS OF MAJORS/MINORS/EMPHASES/CERTIFICATES [see FORM E] (list titles; star all changes that are editorial) NA VI. NEW MAJORS/MINORS/EMPHASES/CERTIFICATES [see FORM F] (list proposed titles) [also see FORM G for new majors only] NA VII. OTHER CATALOG CHANGES and/or ADDITIONS [See FORM H] (list items) FOUR CHANGES TO THE CRIMINOLOGY BA AND THE EMPHASIS IN CRIMINAL JUSTICE I. Change the required number of upper division credit hours in the major to graduate. Language should be changed to: In order to graduate with a major in Criminology, students must take at least 15 credit hours of CRIM Prefix Upper Division (3000/4000-level) courses at UNI. II. In Group 3, delete these 2 courses as elective choices: POL AMER 1048 (942:048) Introduction to Public Administration AND SOC 1060 (980:060) Social Problems III. In Group 3, add these 2 courses as elective choices: FamServ 3145/5145 Violence in Intimate Relationships AND SW 3102/SOC 3090 Conflict Resolution IV. Add a class to Group 2 in both the BA and the Emphasis in Criminal Justice: Course: Mental Health in the Criminal Justice System VIII. BRIEF NARRATIVE EXPLAINING WHAT YOU ARE HOPING TO ACCOMPLISH WITH YOUR CURRICULAR CHANGES, identifying the relationship of the proposed changes to other planning processes (i.e., Academic Program Review, Student Outcomes Assessment, strategic planning, and licensure or accreditation/re-accreditation requirements). Explain how you know these changes are needed, based on those planning processes. (e.g., Based on what we learned through assessing our _____ learning goal for the major, showing that we needed more emphasis on _______, we are restating the major to add some possible electives and change the required core from 9 to 12 credits with the addition of a newly created core course.) ANTHROPOLOGY: We propose to add a new course (ANTH 2018 Food and Culture). The need to add this new course was identified in Anthropology program’s Academic Program Review, Student Outcomes Assessment, and faculty members’ discussion and decision. Currently, we especially need to offer a course in this area for our second year students. We also propose to change the course title of one course: the course title of ANTH 1002 Culture, Nature, and Society will be changed to ANTH 1002 Introduction to Cultural Anthropology. The program’s faculty members have determined that the new title is more accurate and better represents the course contents. CRIMINOLOGY: I. Reasons for Dropping Courses to Group 3 in the Major and in the Emphasis in Criminal Justice: The two classes we are proposing to drop are both 1000‐level classes. Groups 1 and 2 in our major do not have any 1000‐level classes, so dropping these two classes is consistent with the rest of the major. Additionally, Social Problems and Intro to Public Administration are really loose fits for our majors. Neither class is guaranteed to topics specifically related to criminal justice or criminology. II. Reasons for Adding Courses to Group 3 in the Major and in the Emphasis in Criminal Justice: The two classes we are proposing to add complement the existing interdisciplinary list of courses and provide potential avenues for minor, certificate, or double major completion. The Criminology major is a 39 credit majors. With the 45 LAC credits and the 39 Criminology credits, students typically have enough university electives to double major and/minor. Family Services is a popular minor for our criminology majors. Adding FamServ 3145/5145 Violence in Interpersonal Relationships will facilitate the completion of a minor with a criminology major. The Conflict Resolution certificate, out of the Department of Social Work, also compliments our major. Adding SW 3102/SOC 3090 Conflict Resolution provides both an excellent class for criminal justice majors, who must deal regularly with conflict, as well a pathway to a certificate. III. Reasons for Changing Upper Division Requirements: Criminology is a popular major at UNI. We have a significant number of students who transfer credits, including AA and AS degrees, from community college Criminal Justice programs. These programs capitalize on creating courses that will transfer easily to UNI. As it stands now, a student from Hawkeye Community College can transfer in 12 of the 18 required courses, 6 of the 9 required Group 1 credit hours, 6 of the 6 required Group 2 credit hours, and 3 of the 3 required Group 3, plus there is one additional class that counts as a Group 2 that satisfies the requirement of "one additional course from any group." That means that all a student has to take at UNI to get a Crim degree is the University required 10 upper division credit hours in the major, plus one required non‐transferable lower‐division course (Research Methods). Furthermore, current students can apply interdisciplinary courses in Group 3 (e.g., Sociology, Political Science, Psychology courses) toward the upper division credit hour requirement. Given the current national climate towards criminal justice professionals, particularly police officers, we believe students graduating with a Criminology degree from UNI need advanced level course work at UNI to ensure we are graduating students who have been exposed to advance‐level critical thinking, reading, and writing skills. IV. Reasons for Adding a New Course to Group 2 course: Mental Health in the Criminal Justice System This course will help expand Group 2 Offerings within the Criminology Major. In addition, this course covers a gap in our current curriculum. Although people with mental illness are disproportionately likely to have contact with the criminal justice system, we have no class that directly addresses these issues. In addition, many of our students will go on to work in the criminal justice system and most certainly will have to work with people with mental illness. The material covered in this class will be important for preparing them for such work. Finally, students are interested in this course material. Several of us address mental health issues in a single unit or passingly in relation to another topic and students generally are interested in a more in‐depth analysis of these issues than is currently available. IX. BUDGET SUMMARY FOR DEPARTMENT (should summarize needs for entire curriculum proposal package) A. Will the curriculum changes proposed in this package increase the budgetary needs of the department? X No Yes If NO, explain the changes in the department or the departmental rotation of courses which offset the costs. ANTHROPOLOGY: The new course will be taught by the program’s current instructional faculty and will utilize the resources currently available to the program. CRIMINOLOGY: Adding/Dropping courses from other programs in our Group electives category does not fundamentally change anything for our students except for the topics they can choose from. Because we are increasing the number of required upper division credit hours that must be completed to graduate with a Criminology BA, it is possible that we will see an increased demand for seats in our upper division classes. However, at least for the next one to two years, we do not anticipate that any changes would need to be made, since current students are under the existing, lower credit hour requirement. If demand for our upper division classes grows, as expected based on changes made to the program last year, then we will have a need to hire an additional faculty member or may other adjustments to the program. Adding the mental health class does not impact the budgetary needs of the department. This class fits into Dr. Baker’s rotation of classes, and is a Group 2 class. If YES, identify the total costs. 1. Staff 2. Additional facilities 3. Equipment 4. Support personnel 5. Library requirements 6. Computer service 7. Educational technology 8. Other services (identify) ______________________ TOTAL COSTS $ _________ $ _________ $ _________ $ _________ $ _________ $ _________ $ _________ $ _________ $ ____0_____ B. If the costs above are not simply the sum of all the various budgets in this package (FORMS C, D, E, F), explain why. NA X. UNRESOLVED OBJECTIONS TO COLLEGE-APPROVED PROPOSALS (list all proposals with unresolved objections) NA XI. COLLEGE-APPROVED PROPOSALS WHICH VIOLATE CURRICULAR GUIDELINES (list all proposals violating curricular guidelines) NA -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Department Head Signature Date ____________________ (starting Fall 2015, Form A is due to Dean’s office by Dec. 15) College Dean's Signature Date ____________________ Approved to proceed to College Senate or College Curriculum Councils __ Yes __ No College Dean Comments – starting 2016, Dean sends a copy to Provost office and College Senate Chair by Feb. 1 enter text here College Senate Comments – due to Dean of College and Provost office by May 15 enter text here