FORM A -- SUMMARY OF CURRICULUM CHANGES AND BUDGET SUMMARY DATE: _2/8/16_________________ COLLEGE: __CHAS________________ DEPT/SCHOOL: __Mathematics__________ I. DROPPED COURSES [see FORM B-1] Automatic Course Drop: initiated by the Office of the Registrar (list titles and course numbers) Course Drop: initiated by Department/School [see FORM B-1] (list titles and course numbers) MATH 1210, MATH 3303 II. DROPPED AND/OR SUSPENDED MAJOR/MINOR/EMPHASIS/CERTIFICATE [see FORMB-2] (list titles) enter text here III. COURSE CHANGES [see FORM C] (list titles and course numbers; star all changes that are editorial) MATH 1310, MATH 3212*, MATH 3213* MATH 3425, MATH 3215, MATH 3410*, MATH 3425*, MATH 4500/5500, MATH 3600*, MATH 3751*, MATH 4460*, MATH 4501/5501, MATH 4510/5510, MATH 4641*, STAT 3142, STAT 3751*, STAT 3771*, STAT 3775/5775, STAT 4772*, STAT 4773* IV. NEW COURSES [see FORM D] (list proposed titles, course numbers, and credit hours) enter text here V. RESTATEMENTS OF MAJORS/MINORS/EMPHASES/CERTIFICATES [see FORM E] (list titles; star all changes that are editorial) B.A. Mathematics –Teaching Major – Add MATH 3530 Combinatorics and MATH 4420 Advanced Calculus I to the list of electives in the major. VI. NEW MAJORS/MINORS/EMPHASES/CERTIFICATES [see FORM F] (list proposed titles) [also see FORM G for new majors only] enter text here VII. OTHER CATALOG CHANGES and/or ADDITIONS [See FORM H] (list items) enter text here VIII. BRIEF NARRATIVE EXPLAINING WHAT YOU ARE HOPING TO ACCOMPLISH WITH YOUR CURRICULAR CHANGES, identifying the relationship of the proposed changes to other planning processes (i.e., Academic Program Review, Student Outcomes Assessment, strategic planning, and licensure or accreditation/re-accreditation requirements). Explain how you know these changes are needed, based on those planning processes. (e.g., Based on what we learned through assessing our _____ learning goal for the major, showing that we needed more emphasis on _______, we are restating the major to add some possible electives and change the required core from 9 to 12 credits with the addition of a newly created core course.) MATH 1210 and MATH 3303 are being dropped from the catalog as a result of changes made in the last curriculum cycle. MATH 1310 – Change course name from "Technology and Programming for Secondary Math Teaching" to "Technology for Secondary Math Teaching " to reflect what is actually done in the course in practice. MATH 3215 – Add MATH 3214 as pre- or co-requisite and add “junior standing or consent of instructor” to prerequisites, based on outcomes assessments which showed that students need more mathematical maturity to succeed MATH 3304 – Replace MATH 3303, which is being dropped, with MATH 2303 as pre-requisite MATH 3305 – Replace MATH 3303, which is being dropped, with MATH 2303 as pre-requisite MATH 3305 – Add MATH 4500 as a pre-requisite based on outcomes assessments, which showed that students would be better prepared for MATH 3305 if they took MATH 4500 first. MATH 4500 & MATH 4501– Change description to reflect reorganization of topics in MATH 4500 Modern Algebra I and MATH 4501 Modern Algebra II – We shuffled topics because we have learned that the topics we were covering in Modern Algebra II were more directly related to secondary school mathematics than the topics in Modern Algebra I. Since all secondary teaching majors take Modern Algebra I, but very few take Modern Algebra II, it made sense to swap the content of the two courses to better suit the needs of the students. MATH 4510/5510 – Drop MATH 4500 from the list of pre-requisites for MATH 4510/5510. A review of the course has shown that the content of MATH 4510 is not essential for success in MATH 4510/5510. STAT 3775/5775 – Change MATH 2422 Calculus III from a pre-requisite to a co-requisite for STAT 3775/5775. A review of the course has shown that the sequencing of the topics in MATH 2422 allows students enrolled in both MATH 2422 and STAT 3775/5775 to learn the content in MATH 2422 they need to succeed in STAT 3775/5775. The change will give students more flexibility in scheduling their courses. The restatement of the B.A. Mathematics – Teaching Major is intended to allow students maximum flexibility in scheduling their courses and thereby make it possible for students to move through the program faster. IX. BUDGET SUMMARY FOR DEPARTMENT (should summarize needs for entire curriculum proposal package) A. Will the curriculum changes proposed in this package increase the budgetary needs of the department? X No Yes If NO, explain the changes in the department or the departmental rotation of courses which offset the costs. enter text here No new courses were added. The changes in pre-requisites all involve courses that are required in the program. The only thing that changes is the timing of when the students have to take these courses. The proposed changes will have no impact on the department budget. If YES, identify the total costs. 1. Staff 2. Additional facilities 3. Equipment 4. Support personnel 5. Library requirements 6. Computer service 7. Educational technology 8. Other services (identify) ______________________ TOTAL COSTS $ _________ $ _________ $ _________ $ _________ $ _________ $ _________ $ _________ $ _________ $ _________ B. If the costs above are not simply the sum of all the various budgets in this package (FORMS C, D, E, F), explain why. enter text here X. UNRESOLVED OBJECTIONS TO COLLEGE-APPROVED PROPOSALS (list all proposals with unresolved objections) enter text here XI. COLLEGE-APPROVED PROPOSALS WHICH VIOLATE CURRICULAR GUIDELINES (list all proposals violating curricular guidelines) enter text here -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Department Head Signature Date ____________________ (starting Fall 2015, Form A is due to Dean’s office by Dec. 15) College Dean's Signature Date ____________________ Approved to proceed to College Senate or College Curriculum Councils __ Yes __ No College Dean Comments – starting 2016, Dean sends a copy to Provost office and College Senate Chair by Feb. 1 enter text here College Senate Comments – due to Dean of College and Provost office by May 15 enter text here