FORM A -- SUMMARY OF CURRICULUM CHANGES AND BUDGET SUMMARY DATE: March 1, 2016 COLLEGE: CHAS DEPT/SCHOOL: Communication Studies I. DROPPED COURSES [see FORM B-1] • Automatic Course Drop: initiated by the Office of the Registrar (list titles and course numbers) • Course Drop: initiated by Department/School [see FORM B-1] (list titles and course numbers) Course Drop: COMM EM 2655 Video Production: (Topic) COMM EM 2656 Audio Production: (Topic) COMM EM 3651 Electronic Media Sales and Promotion COMM EM 3656 Audio Practicum COMM EM 3659 Media Industry Trends and Issues COMM EM 4600/5600 Selected Topics in Electronic Media II. DROPPED AND/OR SUSPENDED MAJOR/MINOR/EMPHASIS/CERTIFICATE [see FORMB-2] (list titles) None III. COURSE CHANGES [see FORM C] (list titles and course numbers; star all changes that are editorial) COMM 2256 Oral Interpretation: Texts in Performance [name change]* COMM 2455 Group Performance: Scripting and Directing [name change]* COMM 3455 Oral History Communication [name change]* COMM EM 1600 First Year Electronic Media Seminar* COMM EM 1611 Media Literacy* COMM EM 1655 Introduction to Electronic Production* COMM EM 1659 Beginning Writing for Electronic Media* COMM EM 2650 Intermediate Electronic Production* COMM EM 2940 Applied Electronic Media* COMM EM 3179 Cooperative Education* COMM EM 3655 Video Practicum: (Topic)* COMM EM 3657 Multimedia Production: (Topic)* COMM EM 3658 Electronic Media Projects COMM EM 3660 Strategic Media Planning* COMM EM 3900/5900 Internship in Electronic Media* COMM EM 3940 Advanced Applied Electronic Media* COMM EM 4611/5611 Electronic Media Industries: (Topic)* COMM EM 4616/5616 Electronic Media: Processes and Effects* COMM EM 4633/5633 Electronic Media Criticism: (Topic)* COMM EM 4636/5636 Electronic Media: Law and Policy* COMM EM 4638 Electronic Media Programming and Distribution* COMM EM 4644 Senior Seminar in Electronic Media* COMM EM 4646/5646 Electronic Media and Culture* COMM EM 4647/5647 Communication Technologies: (Topic)* COMM EM 4655/5655 Electronic Media: Audience Analysis* COMM EM 4656/5656 Electronic Media Management* COMM J 4743/5743 Mass Communication Law and Ethics* IV. NEW COURSES [see FORM D] (list proposed titles, course numbers, and credit hours) COMM 3555 Communication and Code (3) COMM 3557 Advanced Digital Visualization: (Topic) (3) COMM 4412/5412 Performing History (3) COMM DM 3651 Advanced Digital Media Production: Live Studio (3) COMM DM 3652 Advanced Digital Media Production: Documentary (3) COMM DM 3653 Advanced Digital Media Production: Fiction (3) COMM DM 3654 Advanced Digital Media Production: Video Editing (3) COMM DM 3655 Advanced Digital Media Production: Audio (3) COMM DM 3959 Advanced Applied Digital Journalism (1) V. RESTATEMENTS OF MAJORS/MINORS/EMPHASES/CERTIFICATES [see FORM E] (list titles; star all changes that are editorial) Communication Major (Liberal Arts) Communication-Theatre Teaching Major Communication-Theatre Teaching Minor Communication/Electronic Media Major Interactive Digital Studies Major Interactive Digital Studies Minor Communication/Digital Journalism Minor (Liberal Arts) Political Communication Master of Arts (MA) Degree Program VI. NEW MAJORS/MINORS/EMPHASES/CERTIFICATES [see FORM F] (list proposed titles) [also see FORM G for new majors only] None VII. OTHER CATALOG CHANGES and/or ADDITIONS [See FORM H] (list items) Form H-1 [updates to Enrollment Management statement in catalog] Form H-B-1 [COMM J to COMM DM prefix] Form H-B-2 IDS Major [delete one line of descriptive text in catalog for IDS major] VIII. BRIEF NARRATIVE EXPLAINING WHAT YOU ARE HOPING TO ACCOMPLISH WITH YOUR CURRICULAR CHANGES, identifying the relationship of the proposed changes to other planning processes (i.e., Academic Program Review, Student Outcomes Assessment, strategic planning, and licensure or accreditation/re-accreditation requirements). Explain how you know these changes are needed, based on those planning processes. (e.g., Based on what we learned through assessing our _____ learning goal for the major, showing that we needed more emphasis on _______, we are restating the major to add some possible electives and change the required core from 9 to 12 credits with the addition of a newly created core course.) These changes are all in keeping with SOA for each program and our recent, extensive 2014 Academic Program Review. The changes generally cover three program areas: Communication, Interactive Digital Studies, and Electronic Media/Journalism. In short, the changes to the Communication program are relatively minor, with the renaming of three courses to reflect changes in the Performance Studies field, and the addition of a course for an interdisciplinary connection between Communication/Performance Studies and the Interactive Digital Studies program, in the proposed Digital History bundle. Changes to the Interactive Digital Studies program are based on Academic Program Review, a 2014-15 IDS student survey, and a review of enrollments in the various bundles. The program adds one course, Communication and Code, to the foundational class list for the major and minor. This was a course originally envisioned for the IDS curriculum, but we did not have the faculty in place to be able to develop and offer this course. Now, we do, and this course will enable IDS majors and minor to develop better code skills to bring to each disciplinary bundle they take. The Digital Visualization bundle changes reflect our research that this bundle needs a better focus on theory and applied tools of digital visualization. We found that there was insufficient student interest in the current course line up and that it was one of our least successful bundles. To remedy this, we propose a redesign to put more emphasis on visuality and journalism rather than the current emphasis on sociology, and to streamline the offerings so that the classes build on one another more coherently. The Digital Computation bundle changes reflect collaboration with the Department of Computer Science to create a stronger programming foundation because programming is fundamental to web development. The revisions to the Digital Writing bundle, in coordination with the Department of Languages and Literatures, offers an additional course (ENGLISH 4186) from which to choose, enables students more disciplinarily-appropriate flexibility in shaping how they wish to define the IDS Digital Writing Bundle's focus on digital content creation--be it from professional, philosophical, and/or literary approaches. The changes to the Digital Advertising bundle, developed by the Department of Marketing, add an advanced course (Advertising Campaign Development MKTG 4150) to the IDS digital advertising bundle. This course synthesizes concepts and applies skills to a large “real world” marketing challenge. This course will replace Services Marketing (MKTG 3156). The Digital Music bundle changes are administrative in nature, and are due to changes in the credit hours of two courses that are in the Music: Music Technology program. MUS THEO 3220/5220 and MUS THEO 3230/5230 are changing to 4 credit hours each. The impact is acceptable for the IDS Digital Music bundle; it results in dropping the 2-3 credit hours of electives in the Digital Music bundle, which is also acceptable. The bundle changes from 15-16 credits hours to just 16 credit hours. Finally the Digital History bundle updates the Media and Social Change bundle (which is our other least successful bundle) with more clear focus that is directly tied to a particular discipline (History), and more marketable as it leads to expertise in established and exciting new careers in museum studies, digital archives, and education. It was developed with the Department of History's public history program, and moves the IDS program to a stronger relationship with CSBS. Changes to the Electronic Media program reflect the results of the faculty self-study, research into similar programs at other institutions, and recommendations of the Academic Program Review process. We found that course descriptions and titles needed to more accurately reflect the major's focus on the production, distribution, and management of digital media. We have, therefore, updated all the course descriptions and provided new names to courses. We are also proposing the major be renamed from Electronic Media to Digital Media (also a recommendation of the APR). In addition, a third emphasis was added in Digital Journalism to the existing emphases in (Digital) Media Production and (Digital) Media Leadership in recognition of trends towards convergence and collaboration in digital media. The Digital Media Production and Digital Media Leadership emphases have been streamlined with course requirements adjusted to reduce requirements to 49 credits (a recommendation of the APR). The Leadership emphasis has also included additional course choices from the Business school based on our research into the professional training needed for this area. The new Digital Journalism emphasis uses all existing courses and faculty. All former COMM EM and COMM J courses are proposed to be united with the COMM DM (for Digital Media) prefix. Most of the course changes are editorial in nature, with name changes and some updated descriptions. Six courses are dropped, and five of the new courses (COMM DM 3651, 3652, 3653, 3654, 3655) are essentially existing course sections of the former Video Production. (Rather than have a multitude of different sections offered, we decided to have separate course titles for the commonly offered sections. Course rotation remains the same.) COMM DM 3959 Advanced Applied Digital Journalism does the same (it just gives a new title to what was otherwise an existing section). Thus, there are only really three two truly new courses proposed in the entire Department of Communication Studies package. Commented [CM1]: We ultimately dropped this new COMM course from this curriculum round, but are trying again as a CS course for the 2017 catalog. IX. BUDGET SUMMARY FOR DEPARTMENT (should summarize needs for entire curriculum proposal package) A. Will the curriculum changes proposed in this package increase the budgetary needs of the department? No x Yes If NO, explain the changes in the department or the departmental rotation of courses which offset the costs. enter text here If YES, identify the total costs. 1. Staff 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Additional facilities Equipment Support personnel Library requirements Computer service Educational technology Other services (identify) ______________________ TOTAL COSTS $ 9570 (two new COMM courses in the IDS program, which reflect growth in the program) $ _________ $ _________ $ _________ $ _________ $ _________ $ _________ $ _________ $ 9570_______ B. If the costs above are not simply the sum of all the various budgets in this package (FORMS C, D, E, F), explain why. enter text here X. UNRESOLVED OBJECTIONS TO COLLEGE-APPROVED PROPOSALS (list all proposals with unresolved objections) enter text here XI. COLLEGE-APPROVED PROPOSALS WHICH VIOLATE CURRICULAR GUIDELINES (list all proposals violating curricular guidelines) enter text here Department Head Signature Date ____________________ College Dean's Signature Date ____________________ Approved __ Yes __ No College Dean Comments enter text here College Senate Comments enter text here