Professor Ana Deletic Address: Monash University, Dept. of Civil Engineering, Building 60, Vic 3800, Australia T: +61 (0)3 9905 2940, F: +61 (0)3 9905 4944 E: Introduction Ana Deletic is a Professor in Civil Engineering at the Department of Civil Engineering, Monash University, Fellow of the Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering, a Director of Monash Water for Liveability and was instrumental (as Regional Executive Director) in establishing the CRC for Water Sensitive Cities. In just two decades she has supervised over 25 PhD students, published over 220 journal articles, conference papers and other publications, consulted with governments and chaired - or delivered keynotes at – conferences in several countries. Ana is the leading international researcher in sustainable urban water management, focusing on Water Sensitive Urban Design technologies. Higher Education 1995-2001 Ph.D. degree in Civil Engineering, Department of Engineering, University of Aberdeen. Part-time study, while working as a full time lecturer, resulting in the PhD thesis entitled: ‘Sediment behaviour in overland flow over grassed areas’. 1990-1994 M.Sc. degree, 1st class, in Environmental Engineering and Hydraulics, Faculty of Civil Engineering, University of Belgrade, Yugoslavia. Two-year part-time course with 9 exams, plus work on a research project over two years producing the MSc thesis entitled ‘Modelling of surface runoff water quality based on the field measurements’. 1984-1989 B.Sc. Honours degree, 1st class, in Civil Engineering with major in Hydraulics and Water Resources, Faculty of Civil Engineering, University of Belgrade, Yugoslavia. I obtained the second highest average mark in the class of 350 students. I was awarded twice by the University Council. Work Experience 2003-now Professor (2009-present), Associate Professor (2008-2009), Senior Lecturer (2003-2007) in Water Engineering, Department of Civil Engineering, Monash University, Australia. 1995-2001 Lecturer in Environmental Engineering (1995-1999 grade A and 1999-2001 Grade B), Department of Engineering, University of Aberdeen, UK. Researching in diffuse pollution. 1995-1995 Junior Lecturer, Department of Hydraulic Engineering, Faculty of Civil Engineering, University of Belgrade, Yugoslavia. 1991-1995 Teaching Assistant, Department of Hydraulic Engineering, Faculty of Civil Engineering, University of Belgrade, Yugoslavia. 1-1991 Research Engineer, Faculty of Civil Engineering, University of Belgrade, Yugoslavia. Teaching Professor Ana Deletic has lectured in several units at both undergraduate and post graduate courses. This includes teaching in open channel hydraulics, urban drainage, wastewater treatment, integrated urban water management, general environmental engineering and groundwater. She has supervised 25 PhD students, of which 13 completed. Research In 2010, Ana became Director of Monash University’s Centre for Water Sensitive Cities, renamed Monash Water for Liveability in 2012. The Centre plays a pivotal role in fostering resilience to current and future challenges, while building Australia’s capacity to advance sustainable urban water practices through (a) research excellence; (b) engagement with planning, development and water management professions; and (c) supporting development of government policies. In December 2011 the Centre won the Commonwealth grant, CRC for Water Sensitive Cities, comprising AU$30 million from the government and AU$30 million from industry; Ana was nominated Regional Executive Director of the Melbourne node comprising Victoria, Tasmania and South Australia and served in that role throughout 2012 until September 2013. In the early ‘90’s, Ana became involved in urban water research, while working on her MSc thesis on monitoring and modelling of urban runoff quality in Belgrade (Yugoslavia) and Lund (Sweden). After moving to Aberdeen University (Scotland) in 1995, she worked on stormwater treatment and sustainable wastewater planning. Leading a small research team, she worked towards her PhD on modelling sediment behaviour in runoff over grassed areas and developed a new model of stormwater sediment removal by swales and filter strips. Moving to Monash University in 2003, Ana built a strong research team now internationally recognised in the field of urban water management and Water Sensitive Urban Design. In the past 9 years she has attracted over $20 mil (outside the CRC grant) to support the research activities of the group. Ana led research activities of the Facility for Advancing Water Biofiltration (FAWB), which developed design specifications for stormwater bioretentions, now accepted as industry standards. This award winning technology was adopted in Singapore and Israel. For example, Ana’s research group is testing the first stormwater biofiltration systems for stormwater harvesting in Tel-Aviv; a rare example of water technology export from Australia into Israel (as stated by the Australian Ambassador to Israel at the Kfar-Sava system’s opening). Ana also led the development team of MUSIC Version 4, the industry recognised tool for design of WSUD systems. The team received an award as the Team of the year within eWater CRC. Ana is leading a large team of researchers within the Research Program on Cities as Water Supply Catchments, developing innovative designs for stormwater harvesting systems. Furthermore, Ana fosters strong international collaborations, e.g. leading a Monash research team in the EU FP7 project PREPARED, focusing on adaptation of urban water systems to climate change. This Monash group is the only non-European research organisation involved in this large multidisciplinary project. In her role as Chair of the International Working Group on Data and Models, she has led an international project on defining uncertainties in urban drainage models that includes 6 research organisations from Europe and Australia. She chaired the Korean-Australian delegation for the Green Growth Workshop in Seoul 2012 with the Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering (ATSE) and is also helping to establish links between the CRC for WSC and Public Utilities Board in Singapore. Awards In 2008, Prof Deletic received the Dean’s Award for Research Excellence as the best performing researcher within the Faculty of Engineering at Monash University. In 2012, the Victorian State Parliament awarded her the prestigious Victoria Prize for Science and Innovation. Ana is the first woman to win this award in its 14 year history. Consulting Ana has worked as a consultant in several countries (e.g. with the Pennine Water Group in the UK), focusing primarily on design and implementation of stormwater systems, as well as working closely with national, state and local governments or regulatory authorities, including the Urban Water Stakeholder Reference Panel, National Recycled Water Regulators’ Forum and Technical Review Committee (as chair) of Best Practice Environmental Management Guidelines, involving such crucial organisations as Melbourne Water, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, Office of Living Victoria and the Environment Protection Authority. Key Leadership Roles • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 2013: Regional Executive Director of CRC for Water Sensitive Cities (Vic, Tas, SA); 2012: Melbourne Hub Leader of CRC for Water Sensitive Cities (Vic, Tas, SA); 2012-current: Nominated co-Director of Monash Water for Liveability (MW4L), formerly the Centre for Water Sensitive Cities; 2012: Appointed (by invitation) Chair of the Technical Review Committee of Best Practice Management Guidelines (BPEM), involving significant authorities such as the Environmental Protection Authority (EPA); 2012: Appointed (by invitation) to join the Urban Water Stakeholder Reference Panel (UWSRP) under the auspices of the Federal Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities (SEWPAC); 2012: Chaired (by invitation) the delegation of the Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering (ATSE) on Sustainability in Urban Design to Korea. The delegation took part in the Korea-Australia International Green Growth Workshop on Impact of Climate Change on Urban Living, co-organised by ATSE and the National Academy of Engineering of Korea (14-15 May, 2012, Seoul, Korea); 2011: Elected Fellow of the Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering (ATSE), the first academic of Dept. of Civil Engineering, Monash to do so; 2010: Elected Fellow of Engineers Australia; 2010-present: Director of Monash University Centre for Water Sensitive Cities (with around 50 researchers and PhD students), renamed Monash Water for Liveability in 2012; 2010-present: Deputy Director of Research Program on Cities as water Supply Catchments; 2007-2009: Director of Research, Dept. of Civil Engineering, Monash University; 2005-2010: Research Manager, Facility for Advancing Water Biofiltration (FAWB), Monash University, Australia (that is $4.3 million worth research organisation funded by Vic Government and Industry; Ana lead the grant application); 2004-2010: Deputy Director of the Institute for Sustainable Water Research (ISWR), Faculty of Engineering, Monash University; 2004-2005: Deputy Director of CRC for Catchment Hydrology. Professional Services (in the past 5 years) • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 2013 Presented two keynotes at EAWAG (Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science & Technology) in Zurich, Switzerland; 2013 Presented on Water Sensitive Cities at Interurba III Workshop in Austria; 2013 Presented at the World Leadership Conference in Jerusalem, Israel; 2013 Presented keynote at the international Water Research conference in Singapore, and visited again later to present at a CRC / PUB workshop for Water Sensitive Cities; 2013 Co-hosted an interdisciplinary 2-day Mini Symposium on Stormwater Management at the Monash Sustainability Institute, Monash University; 2013 Visited Southeast University in Nanjing, China, in an advisory role under the auspices of the CRC for Water Sensitive Cities; 2013 Visited Vanuatu to supervise an AUSAID funded PhD student; 2013 Presented at various local government workshops and consortiums, locally and interstate, as part of her executive duties with the CRC for WSC; 2012 By invitation, joined the Urban Water Stakeholder Reference Panel under SEWPAC in Canberra, Australian Capital Territory; 2012 By invitation, joined the Water Forum Committee of the Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering (ATSE); 2012 Made presentations at various forums, workshops and conferences including the international River Symposium and Melbourne Water Research & Development Forum; 2012 Delivered lecture on Water Sensitive Cities at the National Technical University of Athens; 2012 Advised Pennine Water Group at the University of Sheffield, UK, as visiting international expert; 2012 Presented a Water Sensitive Cities seminar at the Climate Adaptation & Innovation Conference with the Society of Danish Engineers (IDA) in Copenhagen, Denmark; 2012 Co-chaired Israeli-Australian workshops on Water Sensitive Cities; 2012 Chaired Korean-Australian delegation to Seoul, Korea, at Green Growth Workshop, with Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering; 2012 Presented a Stormwater Harvesting Course in Sydney with the NSW Catchment Management Authority; 2011-2012 Organisation Committee member, author / presenter / supervisor: 9th International Urban Drainage Modelling conference held in Belgrade, Serbia 2012; 2011 Elected Fellow of Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering (ATSE), the first academic in the Department of Civil Engineering, Monash to be so; 2010 to present: served on the Professorial Promotions Committee at Monash University. 2011 By invitation, presented in Water Forum & took part in water recycling panel in G’Day USA, LA, America; 2011 By invitation, delivered lecture on stormwater at Imperial College, England; 2011 Keynote on Urban Water Management – Challenges & Opportunities & chaired Urban Flooding Session at the 11th International Conference of Computing & Control for the Water Industry (CCWI), Exeter, UK; 2011 Presented at CSIRO Minerals Futures Collaboration Cluster workshop, Brisbane; 2011 Participated in CSIRO’s Managed Aquifer Recharge & Stormwater Use Options Project Satellite Sites Field Tour & Workshop in Adelaide, SA; 2011 Clearwater / Melbourne Water short course: Designing Stormwater Harvesting Systems Delivery; • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 2011 Presented & chaired session in the Water Panel at IITB Monash-Research Academy Symposium at Mumbai, India; 2011 Presented public lecture on water sensitive cities at University of Belgrade, Serbia; 2011 Keynote, JNF / KKL conference on water sensitive cities, in Tel Aviv, Israel; 2011 Participated in National Validation (NatVal) Inception Workshop, University of NSW Streetmap / Roadmap with Australian Water Recycling Centre, Sydney; 2011 Keynote at Smarter Water, Parks & Leisure in Perth, WA; 2011 By invitation, delivered speech at The National Water Recycling & Reuse Technology conference, Melbourne; 2010 Elected Fellow of Engineers Australia; 2010 Presented at FP7 EU Prepared Enabling Change Workshop Area 6 in Obergurgl, Austria; 2010 Co-chaired Workshop on Uncertainties in Water System Models in Surfers Paradise, QLD; 2010 Presented in 6th International Conference on Sewer-Processes & Networks in Surfers Paradise, QLD; 2010 Attended 2 meetings with the National Recycled Water Regulators’ Forum, one in Perth, the other in Canberra; 2010 Co-organised & delivered presentations at several Industry Partner / Verification / Research workshops on Sustainable Technologies with Centre for Water Sensitive Cities & Cities as Water Supply Catchment programs across several states; 2009-2010 (inclusive): Associate Editor of Water Science and Technology (IF=1), the largest water resources journal; 2009 Opened 8th Urban Drainage Modelling Conference, Tokyo, Japan; 2008 Appointed Associate Editor of Water Research (IF=3.6 and No. 1 ISI journal in Water Resources); 2005-2008 Elected member (represented Australia and Pacific regions) of the Joint Committee on Urban Drainage (JCUD) that manages the largest specialist groups of both IWA (International Water Association that has 10,000 individual and 400 corporate members across 130 countries) and IAHR (International Assoc. of Hydraulic Research); 2007-2009 Chair of the International Working Group on Data and Models (that works under IWA/IAHR); 2006 Co-chaired Joint Int. 7th Urban Drainage Modelling and 4th Water Sensitive Urban Design Conference, Melbourne, Australia; 2006 Co-chaired UNESCO Urban Water Data Management IHP VI project. A book, coedited by Prof Deletic, was the key product of this large project. 2005-2009 Australian representative on the Committee of Sewer Systems and Processes Working Group (that works under IWA/IAHR). All Publications by Ana Deletic Books 1. *Fletcher TD, Deletic A (Eds) (2007) Data requirements for integrated urban water management. Paris: Taylor & Francis. 2. *Hatt, B.E., P Morison, TD Fletcher, A Deletic (2009) Adoption Guideline for Stormwater Biofiltration Systems, Facility for Advancing Water Biofiltration, Monash University, June 2009. 3. Maksimovic C, Stojimirovic A, Djordjevic S, Prodanovic D, Tomanovic A Fluid Mechanics - A Collection of Solved Problems, text-book, Faculty of Civil Engineering, University of Belgrade, Yugoslavia. Book Chapters 1. *Deletic A., Fletcher T.D. (2007) Chapter 2 - Overview of guiding principles. In Fletcher TD & Deletic A (Eds.), Data requirements for integrated urban water management. Paris: Taylor & Francis. 2. *Deletic A., Fletcher T.D. (2007) Chapter 4 - Selecting variables to monitor. In Fletcher T.D. & Deletic A. (Eds.), Data requirements for integrated urban water management. Paris: Taylor & Francis. 3. *Fletcher T.D., Mitchell V.G., Deletic A., Maksimovic C. (2007) Chapter 1 Introduction. In Fletcher T.D. & Deletic A. (Eds.), Data requirements for integrated urban water management. Paris: Taylor & Francis. 4. Shuster W., Fletcher T.D., Deletic A. (2007) Chapter 17 - Stormwater. In Fletcher T.D. & Deletic A. (Eds.), Data requirements for integrated urban water management. Paris: Taylor & Francis. 5. Deletic A., Fletcher T.D. (Eds) (2007) Urban Drainage and management and Water Sensitive Urban Design, Water Science and Technology, 55(4), 292 pages. 6. Deletic A., Fletcher T.D. (Eds) (2006) Proceedings of the Joint 7th Conference on Urban Drainage Modelling and 4th Conference on Water Sensitive Urban Design, ISWR, Eng Aust, IWA, SIA, ISBN:0-646-45903-1. 7. Deletic A. (1999) Monitoring and Instrumentation: The first flush load of urban surface runoff, in the book, Business Briefing: Global Water & Wastewater Technology, World Markets Research Centre, UK. 8. Picksley JW, Deletic A. (1999) The thermal enrichment of storm runoff from paved areas - A statistical analysis, in the book Stormwater and Related Modeling: Management and Impacts, edited by Prof. B. James, Guelph, Canada. 9. Tomanovic A. Continual measurements of quantity and quality of surface runoff, chapter in the book: Contemporary Problems of Sanitary Engineering, University of Belgrade, Yugoslavia. 10. Maksimovic C., Stojimirovic A., Djordjevic S., Prodanovic D., Tomanovic A. Fluid Mechanics - A Collection of Solved Problems, text-book, Faculty of Civil Engineering, University of Belgrade, Yugoslavia. Refereed Journal Articles 11. Payne E.G.I., Fletcher T.D., Cook P.L.M., Hatt B., Deletic A., (in press), Processes and drivers of nitrogen removal in water biofiltration, Critical Reviews in EST – accepted 14th September 2013. 12. Bach P.M., Deletic A., Urich C., Sitzenfrei R., Kleidorfer M., Rauch W., McCarthy D.T., (in press), Modelling interactions between lot scale decentralised water infrastructure and urban form, Water Resources Management – accepted 25th August 2013. 13. Ferguson B.C., Brown R.R., Deletic A, Planning for Transformative Change in Urban Water Systems: A Diagnostic Procedure based on Transitions, Resilience and Institutional thinking, Ecology and Society – accepted 27th July 2013. 14. Vezzaro L., Mikkelsen P.S., Deletic A., McCarthy D.T., (in press), Making uncertainty analysis simple for stormwater models, Water Science and Technology – accepted 6th July 2013. 15. Bach P.M., McCarthy D.T., Urich C., Sitzenfrei R., Kleidorfer M., Rauch W., Deletic A., (in press), A planning algorithm for decentralised water management opportunities in urban environments, Water Science and Technology – accepted 20th June 2013. 16. Dotto C.B.S., Deletic A., McCarthy D.T., (in press), Urban drainage uncertainty analysis: should we break our back for normally distributed residuals? Water Science and Technology – accepted 29th April 2013. 17. *Browne D., Deletic A., Mudd G.M., Fletcher T.D. (in press), A two-dimensional model of hydraulic performance of stormwater infiltration trenches, Hydrological Processes, 27 (19) 2785-2799. 18. Tang J.Y.M., Aryal R., Deletic A., Gernjak W., Glenn E., McCarthy D.T., Escher B.I., (2013), Toxicity characterization of urban stormwater with bioanalytical tools, Water Research, online July 2013. 19. Deletic A., Ghadouani A., Keller J., Wong T. (2013), Revolutionising Urban Water Management, Water (Australia), April 2013, 40 (2): 62-70. 20. De Haan F.J., Ferguson B.C., Deletic A., Brown R.R., Exploring Scenarios for Urban Water Systems Using a Socio-Technical Model, Water Science and Technology, 68 (3), 714-721. 21. Daly, E., Kolotelo, P., Schang, C., Osborne, C.A., Coleman, R., Deletic, A., McCarthy, D.T., Escherichia coli concentrations and loads in an urbanized catchment: The Yarra River, Australia (2013), Journal of Hydrology 497, pp. 5161. 22. Chandrasena G.I., Deletic A.., McCarthy D.T. (2013), Evaluating Escherichia coli removal performance in stormwater biofilters: a preliminary modeling approach, Water Science and Technology 67 (11), pp. 2467 – 2475. 23. Yong F., McCarthy D.T., Deletic A. (2013) Predicting physical clogging of porous and permeable pavements, Journal of Hydrology, 481, pp. 48-55 24. Zinger Y., Blecken G.T., Fletcher T.D., Viklander M., Deletic A. (2013) Optimising nitrogen removal in existing stormwater biofilters: Benefits and tradeoffs of a retrofitted saturated zone, Ecological Engineering 51, pp. 75-82. 25. McCarthy D.T., Deletic A., Mitchell V.G., Diaper C. (2013), Predicting BetweenEvent Variability of Escherichia coli in urban stormwater, Journal of Environmental Engineering – ASCE, 139 (5), pp. 728-737. 26. Ferguson B.C., Brown R.R., Deletic A. (2013) Diagnosing transformative change in urban water systems: Theories and frameworks, Global Environmental Change, 23 (1), pp. 264-280. 27. Rauch W., Ledin A., Eriksson E., Deletic A., Hunt W., (2012) Stormwater in Urban Areas, Water Research, 46 (20), pp. 6588-6588. 28. Bratières K., McCarthy D.T., Schang C., Deletic A., (2012) Performance of the enviss™ stormwater filters: results of a laboratory trial, Water Science and Technology, 66.4, pp. 719 – 727. 29. *Daly E., Deletic A., Hatt B.E., Fletcher T.D. (2012), Modelling of stormwater biofilters under random hydrologic variability: a case study of a car park at. Monash University, Victoria (Australia), Hydrological Processes 26, pp 34163424. 30. Grant S.B., Saphores J.D., Feldman D.L., Hamilton A.J., Fletcher T.D., Cook P., Stewardson M., Sanders B.F., Levin L.A., Ambrose R.F., Deletic A., Brown R., Jiang S.C., Rosso D., Cooper W.J., Marusic I (2012), Taking the ‘Waste’ out of ‘Wastewater’ for human security and ecosystem sustainability, Science, 337 (6095), pp. 681-686. 31. Li Y.L., Deletic A., Alcazar L., Bratieres K., Fletcher T.D., McCarthy D.T., (2012) Biofilters for removal of microorganisms from urban stormwater, Ecological Engineering 49 137– 145. 32. *Chandrasena K.K.G.I., Deletic A., Ellerton J., McCarthy D.T., (2012) Removal of Escherichia coli in Stormwater Biofilters, Water Science and Technology, 66 (5), pp. 1132-1138. 33. *Le Coustumer S., Fletcher T.D., Deletic A., Barraud S., Poelsma P.J., (2012) The influence of design parameters on clogging of stormwater biofilters; a large-scale column study, Water Research, 46 (20), pp. 6743-6752. 34. *Guest R.M., Schang C., Deletic A., McCarthy D.T. (2012), Development of Novel Activated Carbon Filter Media for Pathogen Removal from Stormwater, Water Science and Technology 66.7, pp. 1582-1589. 35. McCarthy D.T., Hathaway J.M., Hunt W.F., Deletic A. (2012) Intra-event variability of E. coli and total suspended solids in urban stormwater runoff Original Research Article, Water Research, 46 (20), pp. 6661-6670. 36. Feng W., Hatt B.E., McCarthy D.T., Fletcher T.D., Deletic A. (2012) Biofilters for stormwater harvesting: Understanding the Treatment Performance of Key Metals that Pose a Risk for Water Use – Environmental Science and Technology, 46, pp. 5100-5108. 37. *Deletic A., Dotto C.B.S, McCarthy D.T., Kleidorfer M., Freni G., Mannina G., Uhl M, Henrichs M., Fletcher T.D., Rauch W., Bertrand-Krajewski J.L., Tait S. (2012), Assessing Uncertainties in Urban Drainage Models, Physics and Chemistry of the Earth 42-44, pp. 3-10. 38. Dotto C.B.S., Mannina G., Kleidorfer M., Vezzaro L., Henrichs M., McCarthy D.T., Freni G., Rauch W., Deletic A. (2012) Comparison of different uncertainty techniques in urban stormwater quantity and quality modelling – Water Research 46, 2545-2558. 39. *Yong C.F., Deletic A., Fletcher T.D., Grace M.R. (2011) Hydraulic and treatment performance of pervious pavements under variable drying and wetting regimes, Water Science and Technology 64 (8), pp. 1692-1699. 40. Hatt B.E., Steinel A., Deletic A., Fletcher T.D. (2011) Retention of heavy metals by stormwater filtration systems: breakthrough analysis, Water Science & Technology 64 (9): 1913-1919. 41. McCarthy D.T., Deletic A., Mitchell V.G., Diaper C. (2011) Development and testing of a model for Micro-Organism Prediction in Urban Stormwater (MOPUS) Journal of Hydrology 409 (1-2) pp. 236-247. 42. Dotto C.B.S., Deletic A., McCarthy D.T., Fletcher T.D. (2011) Calibration and sensitivity analysis of urban drainage models: MUSIC rainfall/runoff module and a simple stormwater quality model, Australian Journal of Water Resources 15 (1), pp. 85-93. 43. Dotto C.B.S., Kleidorfer M., Deletic A., Rauch W., McCarthy D.T., Fletcher T.D. (2011), Performance and sensitivity analysis of stormwater models using a Bayesian approach and long-term high resolution data, Environmental Modelling and Software 26 (10), pp. 1225-1239. 44. *Francey M., Duncan H.P., Deletic A., Fletcher T.D. (2011) Testing and sensitivity of a simple method for predicting urban pollutant loads, Journal of Environmental Engineering 137 (9), pp. 782-789. 45. McCarthy D.T., Deletic A., Mitchell V.G., Diaper C. (2010) Sensitivity analysis of an urban stormwater microorganism model, Water Science and Technology 62 (6), 1393-400. 46. *Blecken G., Zinger Y., Deletic A., Fletcher T.D., Hedström A., Viklander M. (2010) Laboratory study on stormwater biofiltration: nutrient and sediment removal in cold temperatures, Journal of Hydrology, 17320. 47. Dotto C.B.S., Kleidorfer M., Deletic A., Fletcher T.D., McCarthy D.T., Rauch W. (2010) Stormwater quality models: performance and sensitivity analysis, Water Science and Technology, 62 (4), 837-843. 48. *Bach P.M., McCarthy D.T., Deletic A. (2010) The development of a novel approach for assessment of the first flush in urban stormwater discharges, Water Science and Technology, 61(10), 2681-2688. 49. *Bach P.M., McCarthy D.T., Deletic A. (2010) Redefining the Stormwater First Flush Phenomenon, Water Research, 44(8), 2487-2498. 50. *Francey M., Fletcher T.D., Deletic A., Duncan H.P. (2010) New Insights into Water Quality of Urban Stormwater in South Eastern Australia, Journal of Environmental Engineering, 136(4), 381-390. 51. *Read J., Fletcher D.H., Wevill T., Deletic A. (2010) Plant traits that enhance pollutant removal from stormwater in biofiltration systems, International Journal of Phytoremediation, 12(1), 34–53. 52. *Blecken G., Zinger Y., Deletic A. Fletcher T.D., Viklander M. (2009) Influence of intermittent wetting and drying conditions on heavy metal removal by stormwater biofilters, Water Research, 43(18), 4590-4598. 53. Kleidorfer M., Deletic A., Fletcher T.D., Rauch W. (2009) Impact of input data uncertainties on stormwater model parameters, Water Science and Technology, 60(6), 1545-1554. 54. *Le Coustumer S., Fletcher T.D., Deletic A., Barraud S., Lewis J.F. (2009) Hydraulic performance of biofilter systems for stormwater management: Influences of design and operation, Journal of Hydrology, 376(1-2), 16-23. 55. Dotto C.B.S., Deletic A., Fletcher T.D., Analysis of parameter uncertainty of a flow and quality stormwater model Water Science and Technology, 60(3), 717725. 56. *Daly E., Zinger Y., Deletic A., Fletcher T.D. (2009) A possible mechanism for soil moisture bimodality in humid-land environments, Geophysical Research Letters Volume: 36, Article Number: L07402. 57. *Blecken G., Zinger Y., Deletic A., Fletcher T.D., Viklander M (2009) Impact of a submerged zone and a carbon source on heavy metal removal in stormwater biofilters, Ecological Engineering, 35(5), 769-778. 58. *Hatt BE, Fletcher T.D., Deletic A. (2009) Pollutant removal performance of field-scale stormwater biofiltration systems, Water Science and Technology, 59(8), 1567-1576. 59. *Hatt B.E., Fletcher T.D., Deletic A.(2009) Hydrologic and pollutant removal performance of biofiltration systems at the field scale, Journal of Hydrology, 365(3-4), 310-321. 60. Haydon S, Deletic A. (2009) Uncertainty testing of a coupled pathogen indicators-hydrologic catchment model, Environmental Modelling and Software, 24(3), 322-328. 61. *Browne D., Deletic A, Mudd G.M., Fletcher T.D. (2008) A new saturated/unsaturated model for stormwater infiltration systems, Hydrological Processes, 22, 4838–4849. 62. *Bratieres K., Fletcher T.D., Deletic A., Zinger Y. (2008) Nutrient and sediment removal by stormwater biofilters: A large-scale design optimisation study, Water Research, 42(14), 3930-3940. 63. *Fletcher T.D., Deletic A., Mitchell V.G., Hatt B.E. (2008) Reuse of urban runoff: A review of Australian recent advances and remaining challenges, Journal of Environmental Quality, 37(5), S116-S127. 64. Hatt B.E., Fletcher T.D., Deletic A. (2008) Hydraulic and pollutant removal performance of fine media stormwater filters, Environmental Science and Technology, 42(7), 2535–2541. 65. McCarthy D.T., Deletic A., Mitchell V.G., Fletcher T.D., Diaper C. (2008) Uncertainties in stormwater E. coli levels, Water Research, 42(6-7), 1812 – 1824. 66. *Mitchell V.G., McCarthy D.T., Deletic A., Fletcher T.D. (2008) Urban stormwater harvesting – sensitivity of a storage behaviour model, Environmental Modelling and Software, 23(6), 782-793. 67. *Read J., Wevill T., Fletcher D.H., Deletic A. (2008) Variation among plant species in pollutant removal from stormwater in biofiltration systems, Water Research, 42(4-5), 893 – 902. 68. *Siriwardene N.R., Deletic A., Fletcher T.D. (2007) Modeling of Sediment Transport through Stormwater Gravel Filters over Their Lifespan, Environmental Science and Technology, 41(23), 8099 – 8103. 69. *Hatt B., Fletcher T.D., Deletic A. (2007) Treatment Performance of Gravel Filter Media: Implications for Design and Application of Stormwater Infiltration Systems, Water Research, 41(12), 2513-2524. 70. *Li Y., Deletic A., Fletcher T.D. (2007) Modelling wet weather sediment removal by stormwater constructed wetlands and ponds: insights from a laboratory study, Journal of Hydrology, 338(3-4), 285–296. 71. Haydon S., Deletic A. (2007) Sensitivity testing of a coupled E. coli -hydrologic catchment model, Journal of Hydrology, 338(3-4), 161-173. 72. *Siriwardene N., Deletic A., Fletcher T.D. (2007) Clogging of stormwater gravel infiltration systems and filters: insights from a laboratory study, Water Research, 41(7), 1433-1440. 73. *Hatt B.E., Fletcher T.D., Deletic A. (2007) Hydraulic and pollutant removal performance of stormwater filters under variable wetting and drying regimes, Water Science and Technology, 56(12), 11-19. 74. Fletcher T.D., Deletic A. (2007) Statistical evaluation and optimisation of stormwater quality monitoring programmes, Water Science and Technology, 56(12), 1-9. 75. McCarthy D.T., Mitchell V.G., Deletic A., Diaper C. (2007) Escherichia coli in urban stormwater: explaining their variability, Water Science and Technology, 56(11), 27–34. 76. *Blecken G.T., Zinger Y., Muthanna T.M., Deletic A., Fletcher T.D., Viklander M., (2007), The influence of temperature on nutrient treatment efficiency in stormwater biofilter systems, Water Science and Technology, 56(10), 83–91. 77. *Le Coustumer S., Fletcher T.D., Deletic A., Barraud S. (2007) Hydraulic performance of biofilters for stormwater management: first lessons from both laboratory and field studies, Water Science and Technology, 56(10), 93–100. 78. *Siriwardene N., Deletic A., Fletcher T.D. (2007) Preliminary studies of development of clogging prediction method for stormwater infiltration systems, Water Technology and Practice, 2(2), 1433-1440. 79. *Mitchell V.G., Deletic A., Fletcher T.D., Hatt B., McCarthy D.T. (2007) Achieving Multiple Benefits from Urban Stormwater Harvesting, Water Science and Technology, 55(4) 135-144. 80. *Fletcher T.D., Mitchell V.G., Deletic A., Ladson A. (2007) Is Stormwater Harvesting Beneficial to Urban Waterway Flow? Water Science and Technology, 55(4), 265-272. 81. *Hatt B.E., Deletic A., Fletcher T.D. (2007) Stormwater reuse: designing biofiltration systems for reliable treatment. Water Science and Technology, 55(4) 201-209. 82. Hatt B.E., Siriwardene N., Deletic A., Fletcher T.D. (2006) Filter media for stormwater treatment and recycling: the influence of hydraulic properties of flow on pollutant removal, Water Science and Technology, 54(6-7), 263-271. 83. Haydon S., Deletic A. (2006) Development of a coupled hydrologic-pathogen catchment model, Journal of Hydrology, 328(3-4), 467-480. 84. Deletic A., Fletcher T.D. (2006) Performance of grass filters used for stormwater treatment - a field and modelling study. Journal of Hydrology, 317(3-4), 261-275. 85. Pokrajac D., Deletic A. (2006) Experimental study of LNAPL migration in the vicinity of a steep groundwater table, Soils Foundation, 46(3), 271-280. 86. Hatt B., Deletic A., Fletcher D.T. (2006) Integrated treatment and recycling of stormwater; a review of Australian practice, Journal of Environmental Management, 79(1), 102-113. 87. Deletic A., Orr D. (2005) Pollution build-up on road surfaces, Journal of Environmental Engineering (ASCE), 131(1), 49-59. 88. Deletic A., (2005) Sediment transport in urban runoff over grassed areas, Journal of Hydrology, 301(1-4), 108-122. 89. Deletic A. (2001) Modelling of water and sediment transport over grassed areas, Journal of Hydrology, 248(1-4), 168-182. 90. Deletic A., Ashley R., Rest D. (2000) Modelling input of fine granular sediment into drainage systems via gully-pots, Water Research, 34(15), 3836-3844. 91. Burkhard R., Deletic A., Anthony C. (2000) Techniques for water and wastewater management: A review of techniques and their integration in planning, Urban Water, 2(3), 197-221. 92. Deletic A. (1999) Sediment behaviour in grass filter strips, Water Science and Technology, 39 (9), 129-136. 93. Deletic A. (1998) The first flush load of urban surface runoff, Water Research, 32(8), 2462-2470. 94. Deletic A., Maksimovic C. (1998) Evaluation of water quality factors in storm runoff from paved areas, Journal of Environmental Engineering, 124(9), 869879. 95. Deletic A., Maksimovic C., Ivetic M. (1997) Modelling of storm wash-off of suspended solids from impervious surfaces, Journal of Hydraulic Research, 35(1), 99-118. 96. Tomanovic A., Maksimovic C. (1996) Improved modelling of suspended solids discharge from asphalt surface during storm event, Water Science and Technology, 33(4-5), 363-369. 97. Tomanovic A. (1991) Urban Storm Surface Water Quality Modelling - A Literature Review, Vodoprivreda, 23(129-130), 95-104. Refereed Conference Papers 98. Bach P., McCarthy D.T., Urich C., Sitzenfrei R., Rauch W., Deletic A. (2012) DAnCE4Water’s BPM: A planning algorithm for decentralised water management options. 9th International Conference on Urban Drainage Modelling, Belgrade, Serbia. 99. Chandrasena G.I., Deletic A., McCarthy D.T. (2012) A Preliminary Model on E.coli Removal in Stormwater Biofilters. 9th International Conference on Urban Drainage Modelling, Belgrade, Serbia. 100. DeHaan F., Ferguson B., Deletic A., Brown R.R. (2012) Exploring Scenarios for Urban Water Systems Using a Socio-Technical Model. 9th International Conference on Urban Drainage Modelling, Belgrade, Serbia. 101. Dotto C.B.S., Deletic A., McCarthy D.T. (2012) Urban drainage uncertainty analysis: should we break our back for normally distributed residuals? 9th International Conference on Urban Drainage Modelling, Belgrade, Serbia. 102. Dotto C.B.S., Allen R., Wong T., Deletic A. (2012) Development of an integrated software tool for strategic planning and conceptual design of water sensitive cities. 9th International Conference on Urban Drainage Modelling, Belgrade, Serbia. 103. Lintern A., Daly E., Deletic A. (2012) Verifying a stormwater biofiltration model. 9th International Conference on Urban Drainage Modelling, Belgrade, Serbia. 104. Rauch W., Bach P., Brown R.R., Deletic A., Ferguson B., de Haan F.J., McCarthy D.T., Kleidorfer M., Tapper N., Sitzenfrei R., Urich C. (2012) Modelling transitions in urban drainage management. 9th International Conference on Urban Drainage Modelling, Belgrade, Serbia. 105. Urich C., Sitzenfrei R., Kleidorfer M., Bach P., McCarthy D.T., Deletic A., Rauch Wolfgang (2012) Evolution of Urban Drainage Networks in DAnCE4Water. 9th International Conference on Urban Drainage Modelling, Belgrade, Serbia. 106. Vezzaro L., Mikkelsen P., Deletic A., McCarthy D.T. (2012) Urban drainage models – making uncertainty analysis simple. 9th International Conference on Urban Drainage Modelling, Belgrade, Serbia. 107. Kandra H.S., Deletic A., McCarthy D.T. (2012) Impact of filter bed design parameters on clogging in stormwater filters. 7th International Conference on Water Sensitive Urban Design. Melbourne, Australia. 108. *Pham T., Payne E.G., Fletcher T.D., Cook P.L., Deletic A., Hatt B.E. (2012) The influence of vegetation in stormwater biofilters on infiltration and nitrogen removal: preliminary findings. 7th International Conference on Water Sensitive Urban Design. Melbourne, Australia. 109. Yong F., Deletic A. (2012) Factors that predict clogging through porous pavements. 7th International Conference on Water Sensitive Urban Design. Melbourne, Australia. 7th International Conference on Water Sensitive Urban Design. Melbourne, Australia. 110. Ferguson B., de Haan F., Brown R.R., Deletic A. (2012) Testing a strategic action framework: Melbourne’s transition to WSUD. 7th International Conference on Water Sensitive Urban Design. Melbourne, Australia. 111. *Zhang K.F., Filip S., Chandrasena G.I., McCarthy D.T., Daly E., Pham T., Kolotelo P., Deletic A. (2012) Micro-pollutant removal in stormwater biofilters: a preliminary understanding from 3 challenge tests. 7th International Conference on Water Sensitive Urban Design. Melbourne, Australia. 112. Li Y., Deletic A., McCarthy D.T. (2012) Copper coated media for pathogen removal in natural stormwater (2012). 7th International Conference on Water Sensitive Urban Design. Melbourne, Australia. 113. Schang C., Osborne C.A., Deletic A., Cook P., McCarthy D.T. (2012) Survival of pathogenic and faecal indicator bacteria in the bed and bank of sediments of the Yarra River estuary, Australia. 7th International Conference on Water Sensitive Urban Design. Melbourne, Australia. 114. *Roberts S.J., Fletcher T.D., Garnett L., Deletic A. (2012) Bioretention saturated zones: do they work at the large-scale? 7th International Conference on Water Sensitive Urban Design. Melbourne, Australia. 115. *Zinger Y., Blecken G., Fletcher T.D., Deletic A. (2012) Retrofitting a Saturated Zone (RSAZ) in stormwater biofilters: impact on pollutants removal. 7th International Conference on Water Sensitive Urban Design. Melbourne, Australia. 116. Lundy L., Ward S., Shaffer P., Wong T., Ashley R., Arthur S., Armitage N.P., Walker L., Brown R., Deletic A., Butler D. (2012). Water sensitive urban design in the City of the Future. 7th International Conference on Water Sensitive Urban Design. Melbourne, Australia. 117. *Chandrasena G. I., Filip S., Zhang K., Osborne C.A., Deletic A., McCarthy D.T. (2012) Pathogen and indicator microorganism removal in field scale stormwater biofilters. 7th International Conference on Water Sensitive Urban Design. Melbourne, Australia. 118. Poustie M.S., Deletic A., Brown R.R., de Haan F. (2012). Institutional Barriers to Advancing Sustainable Urban Water Management in Port Vila, Vanuatu. 7th International Conference on Water Sensitive Urban Design. Melbourne, Australia. 119. *Browne D., Deletic A., Fletcher T.D., Mudd G. (2011) Modeling the development and consequences of clogging for stormwater infiltration trenches, 12th International Conference on Urban Drainage, Proceedings, Porto Alegre, Brazil, 11-16 Sept 2011. 120. Poustie M.S., Brown R.R., Deletic A. (2011) Receptivity to sustainable urban water management in the Pacific, 12th International Conference on Urban Drainage, Proceedings, Porto Alegre, Brazil, 11-16 Sept 2011. 121. Ferguson B., Brown R., Deletic A. (2011) Towards a socio-technical framework for mapping and diagnosing transformational dynamics in urban water systems, 12th International Conference on Urban Drainage, Proceedings, Porto Alegre, Brazil, 11-16 Sept 2011. 122. *Chandrasena K.K.G.I., Deletic A., Ellerton J., McCarthy D.T., (2011) Removal of Escherichia coli in Stormwater Biofilters, 12th International Conference on Urban Drainage, Proceedings, Porto Alegre, Brazil, 11-16 Sept 2011. 123. *Lintern A., Daly E., Duncan H., Hatt B.E., Fletcher T.D., Deletic A. (2011) Key design characteristics that influence the performance of stormwater biofilters, 12th International Conference on Urban Drainage, Proceedings, Porto Alegre, Brazil, 11-16 Sept 2011. 124. De Haan J., Ferguson B., Brown R.R., Deletic A. (2011) A Workbench for Societal Transitions in Water Sensitive Cities, 12th International Conference on Urban Drainage, Proceedings, Porto Alegre, Brazil, 11-16 Sept 2011. 125. *Bratières K., McCarthy D.T., Schang C., Deletic A. (2011) Performance of the enviss™ filtration media: Laboratory trial, 12th International Conference on Urban Drainage, Proceedings, Porto Alegre, Brazil, 11-16 Sept 2011. 126. *Kandra H.S., McCarthy D.T., Deletic A. (2011) Investigation of biological clogging in stormwater filters, 12th International Conference on Urban Drainage, Proceedings, Porto Alegre, Brazil, 11-16 Sept 2011. 127. Guest R.M., Schang C., Deletic A., McCarthy D.T., (2011) Development of Novel Activated Carbon Filter Media for Pathogen Removal from Stormwater, 12th International Conference on Urban Drainage, Proceedings, Porto Alegre, Brazil, 11-16 Sept 2011. 128. Li Y.L., McCarthy D.T., Deletic A. (2011) Treatment of pathogens in stormwater by antimicrobial-modified filter media, 12th International Conference on Urban Drainage, Proceedings, Porto Alegre, Brazil, 11-16 Sept 2011. 129. Schang C., McCarthy D.T., Bratières K., Deletic A. (2011) Expected performances and lifespan of the enviss™ stormwater treatment technologies: results of a breakthrough analysis,12th International Conference on Urban Drainage, Proceedings, Porto Alegre, Brazil, 11-16 Sept 2011. 130. Bach P.M., Urich C., McCarthy D.T., Sitzenfrei R., Kleidorfer M., Rauch W., Deletic A., (2011) Characterising a city for integrated performance assessment of water infrastructure in the DAnCE4Water model, 12th International Conference on Urban Drainage, Proceedings, Porto Alegre, Brazil, 11-16 Sept 2011. 131. *Ross A.E., Lipeme Kouyi G., Fletcher T.D., Molle P., Chocat B., Calla M., Daly E., Deletic A. (2011) Hydraulic modelling of constructed reed-bed wetlands for stormwater treatment, 12th International Conference on Urban Drainage, Proceedings, Porto Alegre, Brazil, 11-16 Sept 2011. 132. *Zinger Y., Deletic A., Fletcher T.D., Breen P., Wong T., A (2011) Dual-mode Biofilter System: Case study in Kfar Sava, Israel, 12th International Conference on Urban Drainage, Proceedings, Porto Alegre, Brazil, 11-16 Sept 2011. 133. Urich C., Bach P.M., Hellbach C., Sitzenfrei R., Kleidorfer M.K., McCarthy D.T., Deletic A, Rauch W, (2011) Dynamics of cities and water infrastructure in the DAnCE4Water model, 12th International Conference on Urban Drainage, Proceedings, Porto Alegre, Brazil, 11-16 Sept 2011. 134. Nunes R.T.S., Deletic A., Wong T.H.F., Prodanoff J.H.A., Freitas M.A.V. (2011) Procedures for integrating Water Sensitive Urban Design (WSUD) technologies into the site planning process: Criteria for streetscape scale applied in Melbourne Region – Australia, 12th International Conference on Urban Drainage, Proceedings, Porto Alegre, Brazil, 11-16 Sept 2011. 135. Wong T.H.F., Deletic A., Brown R.R. (2011) An Inter-Disciplinary Research Program for Building Water Sensitive Cities, 12th International Conference on Urban Drainage, Proceedings, Porto Alegre, Brazil, 11-16 Sept 2011. 136. Bach P., Daly E., McCarthy D.T., Deletic A. (2010) Investigating pollutant variability for the development of a semi-stochastic water quality model of urban stormwater runoff. Paper presented at SPN 2010. Gold Coast, Australia, 2010. 137. Dotto C.B.S., Kleidorfer M., McCarthy D.T., Deletic A., Rauch W. Fletcher T.D. (2010) Towards Global Assessment of Modelling Errors. Paper presented at SPN 2010. Gold Coast, Australia, 2010. 138. *Blecken G.T., Zinger Y., Deletic A., Fletcher T.D., Viklander M., (2010) Effect of retrofitting a submerged zone on the performance of biofiltration for heavy metal removal - preliminary results of a laboratory study. Paper presented at the NOVATECH Conference, Lyon, France, June 27-July1, 2010. 139. *Bratières K., Fletcher T.D., Deletic A., Somes N., Woodcock T (2010) Hydraulic and pollutant treatment performance of sand based biofilters. Paper presented at the NOVATECH Conference, Lyon, France, June 27-July1, 2010. 140. *Hatt B.E., Wendelborn A., Deletic A., Fletcher T.D. (2010) Retention of heavy metals by stormwater biofiltration systems: breakthrough analysis. Paper presented at the NOVATECH Conference, Lyon, France, June 27-July1, 2010. 141. *Kandra H.S., McCarthy D.T., Deletic A., Fletcher T.D. (2010) Assessment of clogging phenomenon in granular filter media used for stormwater treatment. Paper presented at the NOVATECH Conference, Lyon, France, June 27-July1, 2010. 142. Poelsma P., McCarthy D.T., Deletic A. (2010) Changes in the filtration rate of a novel stormwater harvesting system: impacts of clogging and moisture content. Paper presented at the NOVATECH Conference, Lyon, France, June 27-July1, 2010. 143. Schang C., McCarthy D.T., Deletic A., Fletcher T.D., Bratières K. (2010) Development of the enviss™ filtration media. Paper presented at the NOVATECH Conference, Lyon, France, June 27-July1, 2010. 144. Yong C.F., Deletic A., Fletcher TD, Grace MR (2010) The drying and wetting effects on clogging and pollutant removal through porous pavements. Paper presented at the NOVATECH Conference, Lyon, France, June 27-July1, 2010. 145. Bach P., McCarthy D.T., Deletic A. (2009) Debugging the myth behind the First Flush Phenomenon. Paper presented at the 8th International Conference on Urban Drainage Modelling, Tokyo, Japan, September 7-11, 2009. 146. *Browne D., Deletic A., Mudd G.M., Fletcher T.D. (2009) A 2D stormwater infiltration trench model. Paper presented at the 8th International Conference on Urban Drainage Modelling, Tokyo, Japan, September 7-11, 2009. 147. *Deletic A., Dotto C., McCarthy D.T., Kleidorfer M., Freni G., Mannina G., Uhl M., Fletcher T.D., Rauch W., Bertrand-Krajewski J.L., Tait S. (2009) Defining uncertainties in modelling of urban drainage systems. Paper presented at the 8th International Conference on Urban Drainage Modelling, Tokyo, Japan, September 7-11, 2009. 148. Dotto C., Deletic A., Fletcher T.D., McCarthy D.T. (2009) Parameter sensitivity analysis in stormwater flow and quality models. Paper presented at the 6th International Water Sensitive Urban Design Conference and Hydropolis #3, Perth, Australia, 5-8 May, 2009 149. Dotto C., Kleidorfer M., Deletic A., Fletcher T.D., McCarthy D.T., Rauch W. (2009) Stormwater quality models: performance and sensitivity analysis. Paper presented at the 8th International Conference on Urban Drainage Modelling, Tokyo, Japan, September 7-11, 2009. 150. McCarthy D.T., Deletic A., Mitchell V.G., Diaper C (2009) Sensitivity analysis of an urban stormwater microorganism model. Paper presented at the 8th International Conference on Urban Drainage Modelling, Tokyo, Japan, September 7-11, 2009 151. *Bratières K., Fletcher T.D., Deletić A. (2009) The advantages and disadvantages of a sand based biofilter medium; Results of a new laboratory trial. Paper presented at the 6th International Water Sensitive Urban Design Conference and Hydropolis #3, Perth, Australia, May 5-8, 2009. 152. *Hatt B.E., Deletić A., Fletcher T.D., Morrison P., Brown R., Boer S., Burge K., Wong T.H.F. (2009) Towards widespread implementation of biofiltration for improved stormwater management: an overview of the new Facility for Advancing Water Biofiltration's Adoption Guidelines. Paper presented at the 6th International Water Sensitive Urban Design Conference and Hydropolis #3, Perth, Australia, May 5-8, 2009. 153. Yong C.F., Deletić A., Fletcher T.D., Grace M.R. (2009) Porous pavements: Evaluation of clogging in two accelerated laboratory studies in Melbourne. Paper presented at the 6th International Water Sensitive Urban Design Conference and Hydropolis #3, Perth, Australia, May 5-8, 2009. 154. Al-Anbari R.H., Wootton K.P., Durmanic S., Deletic A., Fletcher T.D. (2008) Evaluation of media for the adsorption of stormwater pollutants. Paper presented at the 11th International Conference on Urban Drainage, Edinburgh, Scotland, August 31-September 5, 2008. 155. *Blecken G., Zinger Y., Deletic A., Fletcher T.D., Viklander M. (2008) Heavy metal removal by stormwater biofilters: Can it withstand alternative wetting and drying conditions? Paper presented at the 11th International Conference on Urban Drainage, Edinburgh, Scotland, August 31-September 5, 2008. 156. *Bratières K., Fletcher T.D., Deletic A., Alcazar L., Le Coustumer S., McCarthy DT (2008) Removal of nutrients, heavy metals and pathogens by stormwater biofilters. Paper presented at the 11th International Conference on Urban Drainage, Edinburgh, Scotland, August 31-September 5, 2008. 157. *Le Coustumer S., Fletcher T.D., Deletic A., Barraud B. (2008) Influence of time and design on the hydraulic performance of biofiltration systems for stormwater management. Paper presented at the 11th International Conference on Urban Drainage, Edinburgh, Scotland, August 31-September 5, 2008. 158. Dotto C., Deletic A., Fletcher T.D. (2008) Analysis of uncertainty in flow and water quality from a stormwater model. Paper presented at the 11th International Conference on Urban Drainage, Edinburgh, Scotland, August 31September 5, 2008. 159. *Hatt B.E., Fletcher T.D., Deletic A. (2008) Improving stormwater quality through biofiltration: Lessons from field studies. Paper presented at the 11th International Conference on Urban Drainage, Edinburgh, Scotland, August 31September 5, 2008. 160. Kleidorfer M., Deletic A., Fletcher T.D., Rauch W. (2008) Impact of input data uncertainties on stormwater model parameters. Paper presented at the 11th International Conference on Urban Drainage, Edinburgh, Scotland, August 31September 5, 2008. 161. *Lewis J.F., Hatt B.E., Le Coustumer S., Deletic A., Fletcher T.D. (2008) The impact of vegetation on improving the hydraulic conductivity of stormwater bioretention systems: results from two field scale biofilters. Paper presented at the 11th International Conference on Urban Drainage, Edinburgh, Scotland, August 31-September 5, 2008. 162. McCarthy D.T., Mitchell V.G., Deletic A., Diaper C (2008) Development of an urban stormwater microorganism model. Paper presented at the 11th International Conference on Urban Drainage, Edinburgh, Scotland, August 31September 5, 2008. 163. Yong C.F., Deletic A., Fletcher T.D., Grace M.R. (2008) The clogging behaviour and treatment efficiency of a range of porous pavements. Paper presented at the 11th International Conference on Urban Drainage, Edinburgh, Scotland, August 31-September 5, 2008. 164. *Smith N., Allen R., McKenzie-McHarg A., Deletic A., Fletcher T.D., Hatt B. (2007) Retrofitting functioning stormwater gardens into existing urban landscapes. Paper presented at the Cairns International Public Works Conference, Cairns, Australia, August 26-30, 2007. 165. *Hatt B.E., Lewis J., Deletic A., Fletcher T.D. (2007) Insights from the design, construction and operation of an experimental stormwater biofiltration system. Paper presented at the Rainwater & Urban Design Conference, Sydney, Australia, August 21-23, 2007. 166. Siriwardene N., Deletic A., Fletcher T.D. (2007) Application of laboratory experiment results into practice: clogging of stormwater infiltration systems. Paper presented at the Rainwater & Urban Design Conference, Sydney, Australia, August 21-23, 2007. 167. *Fletcher T.D., Zinger Y., Deletic A. (2007) Treatment efficiency of biofilters; results of a large-scale column study. Paper presented at the Rainwater & Urban Design Conference, Sydney, Australia, August 21-23, 2007. 168. *Zinger Y., Deletic A., Fletcher T.D. (2007) The effect of various intermittent dry-wet cycles on nitrogen removal capacity in biofilter systems. Paper presented at the Rainwater & Urban Design Conference, Sydney, Australia, August 21-23, 2007. 169. *Hatt B.E., Fletcher T.D, Deletic A. (2007) The effects of drying and wetting on pollutant removal by stormwater filters. Paper presented at NOVATECH, Lyon, France, June 24-28, 2007. 170. Browne D., Deletic A., Mudd G.M., Fletcher T.D. (2007) A new model for stormwater infiltration systems. Paper presented at NOVATECH, Lyon, France, June 24-28, 2007. 171. McCarthy D.T., Mitchell V.G., Deletic A., Diaper C. (2007) Urban stormwater Escherichia coli levels: factors that influence them. Paper presented at NOVATECH, Lyon, France, June 24-28, 2007. 172. Blecken G.T., Maria V., Muthanna T., Zinger Y., Deletic A., Fletcher T.D. (2007) Biofilter treatment of stormwater: temperature influence on the removal of nutrients. Paper presented at NOVATECH, Lyon, France, June 24-28, 2007. 173. Siriwardene N.R., Deletic A., Fletcher T.D. (2007) Modelling of treatment of solids through infiltration systems. Paper presented at NOVATECH, Lyon, France, June 24-28, 2007. 174. *Le Coustumer S., Fletcher T.D., Deletic A., Barraud S. (2007) Hydraulic performance of biofilters: first lessons from both laboratory and field studies. Paper presented at NOVATECH, Lyon, France, June 24-28, 2007. 175. *Fletcher T.D., Deletic A. (2007) Statistical observations of a stormwater monitoring programme; lessons for the estimation of pollutant loads. Paper presented at NOVATECH, Lyon, France, June 24-28, 2007. 176. *Zinger Y., Fletcher T.D., Deletic A., Blecken G.T., Viklander M. (2007) Optimisation of the nitrogen retention capacity of stormwater biofiltration systems. Paper presented at NOVATECH, Lyon, France, June 24-28, 2007. 177. Mitchell V.G., Duncan H., Inman M., Rahilly M., Stewart J., Vieritz A., Holt P., Grant A., Fletcher T.D., Coleman J., Maheepala S., Sharma A., Deletic A., Breen P. (2007) State of the art in integrated urban water modelling. Paper presented at NOVATECH, Lyon, France, June 24-28, 2007. 178. McCarthy D.T., Mitchell V.G., Deletic A., Diaper C. (2006) Escherichia coli levels in urban stormwater: Five melbourne case studies. Paper presented at the Joint 4th WSUD and 7th UDM conference, Melbourne, Australia, April 3-7, 2006. 179. Haydon S., Deletic A. (2006) Sensitivity of lumped conceptual pathogen models. Paper presented at the Joint 4th WSUD and 7th UDM conference, Melbourne, Australia, April 3-7, 2006. 180. Siriwardene N., Deletic A., Fletcher TD (2006) Preliminary studies of development of clogging prediction method for stormwater infiltration systems. Paper presented at the Joint 4th WSUD and 7th UDM conference, Melbourne, Australia, April 3-7, 2006. 181. Francey M., Duncan H.G., Deletic A., Fletcher T.D. (2005) Using a simple model to predict the behaviour of pollutant loads from urban catchment withinevents. Paper presented at the 10th International Conference on Urban Drainage, Copenhagen, Denmark, August 21-26, 2005. 182. Siriwardene N., Hatt B.E., Deletic A., Fletcher T.D. (2005) Laboratory experiments for predicting clogging in stormwater infiltration systems. Paper presented at the 10th International Conference on Urban Drainage, Copenhagen, Denmark, August 21-26, 2005. 183. Mitchell V.G., McCarthy D.T., Fletcher T.D., Deletic A. (2005) Optimising re- use strategies for stormwater; application of a continuous simulation model. Paper presented at the 10th International Conference on Urban Drainage, Copenhagen, Denmark, August 21-26, 2005. 184. Haydon S., Deletic A. (2005) Trial of a coupled pathogen-stormflow model. Paper presented at Engineers Australia 29th Hydrology and Water Resources Symposium, Canberra, Australia, February 21-23, 2005. 185. Li Y., Deletic A., Fletcher T.D. (2005) A novel approach in modelling performance of urban stormwater wetlands. Paper presented at Engineers Australia 29th Hydrology and Water Resources Symposium, Canberra, Australia, February 21-23, 2005. 186. Francey M., Deletic A., Fletcher T.D., Duncan H.P. (2004) Monitoring of Stormwater Runoff in Melbourne, 19th EJSW on Process Data and Integrated Urban Water Modelling, Lyon, France, March 11-14, 2004. 187. Francey M., Duncan H.P., Deletic A., Fletcher T.D. (2004) An advance in modelling pollutant loads in urban runoff. Paper presented at the 6th International Conference on Urban Drainage Modelling, Dresden, Germany, September 15-17, 2004. 188. Fletcher T.D., Wong T.H.F., Deletic A. (2004) A Continuous Modelling Tool for Simulating Sustainable Urban Water Management Scenarios. Paper presented at the 6th International Conference on Urban Drainage Modelling, Dresden, Germany, September 15-17, 2004. 189. Haydon S., Deletic A. (2004) Development of a coupled pathogen-hydrologic model. Paper presented at the 8th International Conference on Diffuse/NonSource Pollution IWA/JSWE, Kyoto, Japan, October 25-29, 2004. 190. Mudd G.M., Deletic A., Fletcher T.D., Wendelborn A (2004) A review of urban groundwater in Melbourne : Considerations for WSUD. . Paper presented at the International Conference on Water Sensitive Urban Design: Cities as Catchments, Adelaide, Australia, November 21-25, 2004. 191. Deletic A., Fletcher T.D. (2004) Modelling performance of stormwater grass swales – application of simple and complex models. Paper presented at the International Conference on Water Sensitive Urban Design: Cities as Catchments, Adelaide, Australia, November 21-25, 2004. 192. Hatt B., Deletic A., Fletcher T.D. (2004) Integrated stormwater treatment and re-use – Inventory of Australian practices. Paper presented at the International Conference on Water Sensitive Urban Design: Cities as Catchments, Adelaide, Australia, November 21-25, 2004. 193. Fletcher T.D., Poelsma P., Li Y., Deletic A., Noyce M. (2004) Wet and dry weather performance of constructed stormwater wetlands. Paper presented at the International Conference on Water Sensitive Urban Design: Cities as Catchments, Adelaide, Australia, November 21-25, 2004. 194. Fletcher T.D., Wong T.H.F., Duncan H.P., Deletic A., Coleman J.R., Jenkins GA (2004) Recent advances in decision-support for stormwater management: the MUSIC approach. Paper presented at NOVATECH, Lyon, France, June 710, 2004. 195. Deletic A., Orr D. (2003) Water quality of runoff from paved surfaces. Paper presented at the XXX IAHR Congress, Thessalonica, Greece, August 25-27, 2003. 196. Deletic A. (2002) Grass buffer strips, Conference on Sustainable Urban Drainage, The Institution of Civil Engineers of the UK, Glasgow, UK, March, 2002. 197. Deletic A., Orr D. (2002) Pollution build-up of fine particles on road surfaces. Paper presented at the European Conference on particles in the size of 2.5 to 10 microns in urban areas, Berlin, Germany, November, 2002. 198. Jansz A., Fox J., Williams T., Colvile R., Deletic A., Patra A., ApSimon H. (2002) Mass balance and characteristics of particles of road surface origin in roadside air in Bexley, London. Paper presented at the European Conference on particles in the size of 2.5 to 10 microns in urban areas, Berlin, Germany, November, 2002. 199. Pokrajac D., Deletic A. (2002) Clogging of infiltration systems. Paper presented at the International Conference on Sewer, Operation and Maintenance (SOM), Bradford, UK, November 26-28, 2002. 200. Burkhard R., Deletic A., Craig A (2001) A review of rainwater management techniques and their integration in planning. Paper presented at Future Homes, Dundee, UK, May 17-18, 2001. 201. Kelso J.T., Orr D.W., Deletic A., Pokrajac D. (2000) Field monitoring of the performance of a soakaway, Decision Support for Urban Water Management. Paper presented at the 15th European Junior Scientist Workshop, Terschelling, the Netherlands. 202. Pokrajac D., Deletic A. (2000) Hydraulic behaviour of a stormwater soakaway. Paper presented at the International Conference on Urban Drainage via Internet, Czech Republic, 203. Burkhard R., Deletic A., Craig A. (1999) Evaluation of holistic water and wastewater management strategies for new housing developments: A review. Paper presented at the 4th SANHYGA99 conference, Piestany, Slovak Republic. 204. Todorovic Z., Butler D., Maksimovic C., Pokrajac D., Deletic A. (1999) Simulation of dynamic processes for sizing, clogging and life cycle assessment of stormwater infiltration facilities. Paper presented at the 8th International Conference on Urban Storm Drainage, Sydney, Australia. 205. Deletic A. (1998) Sediment behaviour in grass filter strips. Paper presented at the 4th International Conference on Urban Drainage Modelling, London, UK, September 21-24, 1998. 206. Deletic A., Maksimovic C., Loughreit F., Butle D. (1998) Modelling the management of street surface sediments in urban runoff. Paper presented at NOVATECH, Lyon, France, May 4-6. 207. Maksimovic V., Deletic A., Maksimovic C. (1995) Urban storm water quality modelling. Paper presented at the Conference on Waste Waters and other Wastes, Vrnjacka Banja, Yugoslavia. 208. Tomanovic A., Maksimovic C., Ivetic M., Marinkovic V. (1995) Modelling of suspended solids runoff from urban surfaces. Paper presented at the 11th Conference of Yugoslav Hydraulic Association (JDHI), Belgrade, Yugoslavia. 209. Maksimovic C., Tomanovic A., Pokrajac D. (1994) Pollution potential of runoff from urban and industrial areas. Paper presented at the Conference on Integrated Rehabilitation of Environmentally Devastated Areas in River Basins in Eastern Europe, NATO-ARW, Moscow, Russia. 210. Tomanovic A., Maksimovic C. (1994) Statistical analysis of water quality data of storm surface discharge from asphalt areas. Paper presented at the Conference on Water Protection ‘94, Igalo, Yugoslavia. 211. Tomanovic A., Ivetic M., Prodanovic D. (1993) Lake stratification modelling. Paper presented at the 20th Conference on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Kragujevac, Yugoslavia. 212. Tomanovic A., Babic B., Maksimovic C. (1992) Pollution potentials of urban storm runoff. Paper presented at the 4th Rhine Danube Workshop, Budapest, Hungary. 213. Despotovic J., Tomanovic A., Batinic B. (1990) Hydraulic explanation of the capacity of the urban storm drainage gutter pavement grate inlets. Paper presented at the 5th International Conference on Urban Storm Drainage, Osaka, Japan. 214. Ljubisavljevic D., Babic B., Tomanovic A. (1990) Two phased hydraulic design of waste water treatment plant. Paper presented in Conference on Water Protection '90, Bar, Yugoslavia. 215. Milojevic M., Batinic B., Tomanovic A. (1990) Hydraulic investigation of efficiency of tubular settling columns. Paper presented at 10th Conference of Yugoslav Hydraulic Association (JDHI), Sarajevo, Yugoslavia. 216. Tomanovic A., Despotovic J., Batinic B. (1990) Hydraulic modelling of urban storm grate inlet capacity. Paper presented at 10th Conference of Yugoslav Hydraulic Association (JDHI), Sarajevo, Yugoslavia. Professional Magazines 217. Deletic A., Fletcher T.D., Brown R.R., Hatt B.E., Wong T.H.F. (2008) Advancing stormwater biofilters, Water (Australian Water Association), November 2008, 35-39. 218. Wong T.H.F., Brown R.R., Deletic A., (2008), Water management in a water sensitive city, Water (Australian Water Association), November 2008, 52-62. Reports 219. Wong T.H.F., Allen R., Beringer J., Brown R.R., Chaudhri V., Deletić A., Fletcher T.D., Gernjak W., Hodyl L., Jakob C., Reeder M., Tapper N., Walsh C. (2011) blueprint2011 – Stormwater Management in a Water Sensitive City, Wong T.H.F. (ed), Centre for Water Sensitive Cities, ISBN 978-1-921912-00-9, 47pp. 220. Wong T.H.F., Allen R., Brown R.R., Deletic A., Griggs D., Hodyl L., Mcllrath B., Montebello T., Smith L. (2011) Transitioning to a resilient, liveable and sustainable greater Melbourne (localised case studies) report prepared for the Living Victoria Ministerial Advisory Council, March 2011. 221. Mitchell V.G., Hatt B., Deletic A., Fletcher T.D., McCarty D., Magyar (2006) Technical Guidance on the Development of Integrated Stormwater Treatment and Reuse Systems, ISWR Technical report 06/01. 222. Hatt B., Deletic A., Fletcher T.D. (2004) Integrated Stormwater Treatment and Re-use Systems - Inventory of Australian Practice, CRCCH Technical report 04/1. 223. Tomanovic A. (1990) Urban Storm Water Quality - Literature study, report of Lund Institute of Technology, Lund University, Sweden. No Project Title Dur. Funding Body Total Cash to Project Total Cash to Civil Eng 1 Monitoring Field Biofiltration Systems: Banyan Reserve Treatment Train 2008‐ 2012 Melbourne Water $220,000 $220,000 2 Piloting Biofiltration in Israel: The Kfar‐ Saba Biofilter 2009‐ 2012 Jewish National Fund, Kfar Sava Municipality $630,000 $483,000 Advancing Demonstrating Capability for Stormwater Harvesting in Israeli Cities Understanding the Role of Vegetation in Biofiltration Systems – ARC Linkage 2012‐ 2014 2009‐ 2013 Jewish National Fund $1,400,000 $730,000 ARC Linkage, Melbourne Water, WA Dept of Water $335,000 $335,000 Monitoring Newport Kangaroo Wetland 2012‐ 2014 Industry $60,000 $60,000 2012‐ 2015 Melbourne Water $891,000 $891,000 Melbourne Water $115,000 $115,000 DIISRa $260,000 $130,000 ARC Linkage, Melbourne Water $246,000 $82,000 AusAid $80,000 $40,000 Lee Liberman charity – LJCB Investment Group $365,000 $365,000 ? ? $938,000 $350,000 $832,000 $399,000 $536,000 $110,000 $968,000 $968,000 $606,000 $303,000 $907,000 $758,000 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Sinks and Sources of Faecal Micro‐ Organisms in the Yarra River Estuary – ARC Linkage Hawthorn Main Drain and Prahran Main Drain Monitoring. Dynamic Adaptation for eNabling City Evolution for water Exploring Social Innovations in Urban Water Systems with a Novel Modelling Approach – ARC Linkage 2011‐ 2012 2010‐ 2012 2012‐ 2014 Transitioning to Sustainable Urban Water 2012‐ Management in Developing Countries of 2013 the Pacific Region Centre for Water Sensitive Cities Israel 2013‐ 2014 Office of Living Victoria Living Wall, Malvern: design / research 2013‐ (OLV) / State Dept Env & into creepers as biofilters for wastewater 2015 Primary Industries (DEPI) & & greywater reuse Monash City Council (MCC) A5: Socio‐technical modeling tools to 2012‐ examine urban water management CRC Commonwealth 2015 scenarios (DAnCE 4 Water): CRC Commonwealth B2a: Cities as Water Supply Catchments: 2012‐ Stream ecology (formerly CWSC Project 2014 4): B5a : Social‐Technical Flood Resilience in CRC Commonwealth Water Sensitive Cities – quantitative 2012‐ spatio‐temproral flood risk modelling in 2016 an urban context C1a: Sustainable Technologies (past P1 of 2012‐ CRC Commonwealth Cities Program) 2014 2014‐ CRC Commonwealth C1: Fit‐for Purpose Water Production 2016 C4: Integrated multi‐functional urban 2012‐ CRC Commonwealth water systems 2017 CRC Commonwealth D2a: Integration and Demonstration 2012‐ through Urban Design (P8 of Cities) 2014 $9,917,000 Sub‐Total SCHOLERSHIPS: Total No of students fluctuates between 8 per year (23k/y over 3.5 years per student) TOTAL $890,000 2009‐2012 Monash Uni, Brazilian Gov, $700,000 Chilean Gov, China Gov, ... $10,617 $346,000 $6,320,000 + 365,000 + ? $700,000 $7,020?