Minutes of the Regular Meeting of November 14, 2012

Minutes of the Regular Meeting of November 14, 2012
The Board of Education of Community Unit School District No. 1, Coles and Cumberland Counties,
Illinois met in regular session on Wednesday, November 14, 2012 at the Administration Building – 410
West Polk Avenue, Charleston, Illinois 61920
At 6:30 p.m., President Coe called the meeting to order and asked for roll call.
The following board members were present:
Jason Coe, President
Ron Miller, Vice President
Tim Hutti, Secretary
Kelly Miller, Treasurer
Scott Clarke
Brenda Coffey
Susan Daniels
The following staff members were present:
Jim Littleford, Superintendent
Todd Vilardo, Assistant Superintendent
David Kuetemeyer, Financial Consultant
Visitors 93 and 2 Members of the Press
The artwork display was provided by the Carl Sandburg Elementary School students. Heather Bryan is
the art teacher.
Jefferson & Ashmore Elementary School Students
The Character Education students that were chosen by their teachers for representing the trait of
Teamwork were recognized. Roxanne Cornebise, Counselor is in charge of the program.
4th GradeJake Tresslar
Kevin Caltry
Eva Chinchilla
Sam Cornebise
Sebastian Howarth
Ben Hess
Xiola Seymour (Ashmore)
5th GradeDylan Harrison
Christoph Bertrand
Kamden Flynn
Rylee Porter
Brandon Turner
Kennedy Hughes
Ambria Ford
Ethan Burns
6th GradeAlex Johnson
Amber Logsdon
Bella Sibenaller
Natasha Wiley
Haley Sanders
Kelly Drake
Jewel Kodavatikanti
Adrienne Gullion
Charleston Middle School teacher Eric Bright was recognized for being named the State of Illinois
Math Teacher of the Year by the Council of Teachers of Mathematics.
Robert Lynn, Mary Ann Crome, Jennifer Dryden, Blain Mayhall, Crisy McMillan, and
Karen Murphy were recognized for serving on the CMS Veterans Day Committee. This committee
organizes the CMS Veterans day program which includes an assembly, lunch for veterans, panel
discussion, and a museum. These activities are greatly appreciated by veterans of our community and
provide a great learning experience for students.
Charleston Board of Education – the State of Illinois has proclaimed November 15 as School Board
Members Day. Mr. Littleford presented certificates to Charleston Board of Education members Jason
Coe, Ron Miller, Tim Hutti, Kelly Miller, Scott Clarke, Brenda Coffey, and Susan Daniels.
Mr. Littleford announced that nominating petition forms for the April 9, 2013 school board election in
Community Unit School District Number 1 are now available in the office of the Board Secretary, 410
West Polk Avenue, Charleston, Illinois, on any business day between 7:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Three seats
on the seven-member Board of Education will be filled at the April 9th election. Seats on the Board up
for election are those currently held by board members Jason Coe, Ron Miller, and Tim Hutti.
Under Public Comments, President Coe asked if there were any requests or written communications to
the Board of Education. Two requests were made to address the Board of Education.
First, on behalf of the Joint PTA, Michelle Lassak invited the Board of Education to attend the Holly Day
Breakfast on December 1, 2012 from 7:30 – 11:00am at Mark Twain Elementary School. She stated
there would be games, a book fair, gift shop, and Santa Claus will make an appearance. In advance, she
thanked all the volunteers working at the event.
Second, CHS Principal Diane Hutchins read a letter from Kim C. Cox and presented a copy of the first
commencement program of Charleston High School from June 27, 1873. The announcement belonged to
Dr. Rush Patton, great-granduncle of Ms. Cox. He was a seven-term mayor of Charleston. His daughter
Emma, was in the graduating class.
The Board of Education accepted the commencement program and would archive the documents to be on
display at Central Office.
Mr. Littleford reviewed the items under Consent Agenda.
IV. Consent Agenda: Standard Items
A. Approve the minutes of the Regular Board Meeting of October 17, 2012.
B. Approve the bills and payrolls for the month of October 2012.
C. Approve the Activity Fund Accounts for the CUSD #1 attendance centers, period ending
October 2012.
VI. Consent Agenda: New Business
A. Grant permission for the students listed in a memorandum from Principal Diane Hutchins to
graduate from Charleston High School at the end of first semester of the 2012-2013 school year.
B. Approve submission of the FY2013 School Library Per Capita Grant Program application to the
Office of the Secretary of State.
VII. Consent Agenda: Employment
Accept a letter of resignation from Leann Brackney as a paraprofessional at Ashmore Elementary
School, effective November 12, 2012.
Accept a letter of resignation from Ben Lawson as the Boys’ Assistant Track Coach at Charleston
High School, effective immediately.
Approve the transfer of Kristin Runyon from her current teaching assignment as an English/LBS1
teacher into a full-time teaching assignment as an English teacher at Charleston High School,
beginning with the 2013-2014 school year.
Increase the employment of Clara Pedigo, paraprofessional in the Early Childhood classroom at
Mark Twain Elementary School to full time status, effective October 29, 2012.
Approve the transfer of Kyle Sims from his current paraprofessional position into a
paraprofessional position for student #80957 at Jefferson Elementary School, effective October
22, 2012.
Approve the employment of Brenda Foster in the extra-curricular assignment as the 8th grade
Girls’ Track Coach at Charleston Middle School during the 2012-2013 school year.
Approve the recommendation for the following people to serve as volunteer coaches for the
Boys’ Basketball team at Charleston Middle School during the 2012-13 school year:
Daniel Bennett
Matt Feldhake
Tevin Brookins
Milan Stojanovich
Approve the list of substitutes/volunteers for Community Unit School District No. 1, effective
October 9 – November 2, 2012.
President Coe asked if there were any requests from the Board of Education to remove any of the consent
agenda items or addendum items for discussion. Hearing none, President Coe recommended that the
Board of Education approve items under IV through VII inclusive on the Consent Agenda. Dr. Clarke
moved and Mrs. Daniels seconded the motion.
On roll call vote:
AYE: Clarke, Daniels, Coffey, K. Miller, R. Miller, Hutti, Coe
NAY: none
Abstain: none
Motion carried
Superintendent’s Report
ARAMARK Food Services/New Food Regulations
Mr. Littleford invited Janice Alexander, Director of Food Services to review the new USDA food
mandates with the Board of Education.
Ms. Alexander prepared a summary of accomplishments, an outline of new meal standards and
requirements, examples of menu comparisons to previous and new final rule requirements, and challenges
to review with the Board of Education, (see official board book for presentation).
Ms. Alexander reported that effective October 1, 2012, the district will be eligible to receive an additional
6 cents of reimbursement for each lunch meal served. The USDA food based meal pattern was now
implemented in all participating National School Lunch Program schools and includes larger portions of
whole grain, fruits and vegetables from a variety of vegetable subgroups. Ms. Alexander provided
examples of the new menus. She did acknowledge that participation in the lunch/breakfast program is
down due to the change of menu mandates by the federal government. Challenges include helping
students adapt to healthier menu selections and increasing meal participation in the schools. Ms.
Alexander stated that food service providers throughout the country have been educating the public on the
new USDA food mandates.
Board member Ron Miller expressed his concern that students do not like the food and low income
students receiving a Type A breakfast/lunch (free/reduced meals) cannot afford to purchase items from
the Ala Carte menu. He did not feel it was fair to the students that could not afford to buy ala carte and
therefore the option to purchase ala carte items should be taken away.
Ms. Alexander stated if the ala carte menu was taken away, she was afraid students would leave the site
for lunch. She did say they have noticed more students are bringing their lunches to school instead of
David Kuetemeyer noted this was a federal regulation and public school districts must follow the
guidelines to receive reimbursement for the breakfast/lunch program. He stated that ARAMARK Food
Service personnel as well as the District were concerned of lack of participation because of the new menu
requirements. This problem is not just in Charleston but throughout the state.
Ms. Alexander stated that she worked with CUSD #1 Technology Director Mary Ann Pattenaude to
develop a link on the District website for the new USDA food mandates. In closing she stated
ARAMARK would continue to educate students as well as parents to adapt to the healthier menu
Mr. Littleford stated that he and Mr. Kuetemeyer meet with Ms. Alexander on a monthly basis to review
the food service program and will continue to do so in the future. He thanked Ms. Alexander for her
2013-2014 CUSD #1 Budget Calendar
Financial Consultant, David Kuetemeyer presented the Budget Calendar for the 2013-2014 school year.
The calendar is used as a guide for the District to remain in compliance
Mr. Miller moved and Mrs. Miller seconded a motion that the Superintendent’s Report was received by
the Board of Education.
On roll call vote:
AYE: R. Miller, K. Miller, Clarke, Coffey, Daniels, Hutti, Coe
NAY: none
Abstain: none
Motion carried
New Business
Contract Renewal/Third Party Administrator - CUSD #1 Health Benefits Program
Mr. Littleford reported that the district’s health insurance program operates as an Insurance Trust. The
district insurance trust employs a Third Party Administrator (TPA) under a contract that runs from
January 1 to December 31. Insurance Consultant Steve Bushue of Bushue Human Resources met with
the CUSD #1 Health Insurance Committee on October 25 to summarize the renewal proposal from the
current TPA, Coventry and to discuss the plan design changes.
Mr. Bushue was in attendance and outlined the consensus of the Insurance Committee as follows:
1. Recommends the board renew on a self-insured basis with TPA and Reinsurance carrier Coventry
for the Group Health and Dental Insurance Plan for 2013 calendar year.
2. Recommends maintaining the current plan design for the Gold Plan and changing the Silver Plan
design by increasing the deductible from $1,200/$2,400 to $1,250/$2,500 in order to comply with
the 2013 IRS requirements as referenced in attached plan options.
3. Recommends maintaining the premium contribution levels for the 2013 calendar year as
referenced in the attached plan options.
4. Recommends adding coverage for Bone Anchored Hearing Aides (BAHAs) for the 2013 plan
5. Recommends renewal of the Life Insurance package with Benefit Administrative Systems and
Mutual of Omaha for two year period without change in rates until 2015.
It was the recommendation of the superintendent that the Board of Education accept the recommendations
of Steve Bushue of Bushue Human Resources, Inc. and the CUSD #1 Health Insurance Committee,
effective January 1, 2013 through December 31, 2013.
Mr. Miller moved and Mrs. Coffey seconded the motion.
On roll call vote:
AYE: R. Miller, Coffey, Clarke, Daniels, K. Miller, Hutti, Coe
NAY: none
Abstain: none
Motion carried
Award Contract – Diesel Fuel
On October 25, 2012, Charleston CUSD #1 accepted sealed bids for diesel fuel (B5 SME BIODIESEL)
for school bus transportation purposes for the 2012-2013, 2013-2014, and 2014-2015 school years.
Financial Consultant, David Kuetemeyer provided a breakdown of the two proposals received.
Effingham Equity Bid: OPIS DAILY WHOLESALE RACK PRICE (at Robinson Refinery).
Plus TOTAL FEES $0.229 plus $0.10/Gallon Delivery.
South Central FS, Inc. Bid: OPIS DAILY WHOLESALE RACK PRICE (at Robinson
Refinery). Plus environ impact fee ($0.008), State UST ($0.003), Federal UST ($0.001), and
State MFT-DIES ($0.215) = TOTAL FEES $0.227 plus $0.09/Gallon Delivery.
The superintendent recommended that the Board of Education award the contract to provide B5 SME
BIODIESEL diesel fuel for school bus transportation purposes to South Central FS, Inc. at the OPIS
DAILY WHOLESALE RACK PRICE (Robinson Refinery) Plus environmental impact fee ($0.008),
State UST ($0.003), Federal UST ($0.001), and State MFT-DIES ($0.215) = $0.227 TOTAL FEES plus
$0.09/Gallon for the 2012-2013, 2013-2014, and 2014-2015 school years as outlined in the bid
Dr. Clarke moved and Mrs. Miller seconded the motion.
On roll call vote:
AYE: Clarke, K. Miller, Coffey, Daniels, R. Miller, Hutti, Coe
NAY: none
Abstain: none
Motion carried
Statement of Completion – Health/Life Safety Amendments #12 & #13, Mark Twain School
Mr. Littleford reported that Health Life Safety Amendments #12 and #13 approved to replace the flooring
and the front door entrance at Mark Twain Elementary School are now complete. Architect Michael
Snedden of the UpChurch Group did a final inspection and has provided the attached Statement of
Completion to be submitted to the Illinois State Board of Education.
It was the recommendation of the superintendent for the Board of Education to approve a Statement of
Completion for Health Life Safety Amendments #12 and #13 for work completed at Mark Twain
Elementary School and noted in the 10-year Health Life Safety Survey.
Dr. Clarke moved and Mrs. Miller seconded the motion.
On roll call vote:
AYE: Clarke, K. Miller, Coffey, Daniels, R. Miller, Hutti, Coe
NAY: none
Abstain: none
Motion carried
2012-2013 School Improvement Plans/District Improvement Plan
The 2012-2013 School Improvement Plans and the District Improvement Plan were provided for the
board members review. Assistant Superintendent Todd Vilardo reported that this was the third month in
a row in which academic information has been presented to the Board of Education. In September, Mr.
Vilardo and the building principals gave AYP information. In October, school report cards were
addressed and this month, the Board is receiving school improvement and district improvement plans for
review. All of the building’s School Improvement Plans and the District Improvement Plan for the
2012-2013 school year are provided for the board members review.
It is the recommendation of the superintendent that the Board of Education accept the 2012-2013 School
Improvement Plans and the District Improvement Plan as presented.
Dr. Clarke moved and Mrs. Coffey seconded the motion.
On roll call vote:
AYE: Clarke, Coffey, Daniels, K. Miller, R. Miller, Hutti, Coe
NAY: none
Abstain: none
Motion carried
Head School Health Care Professional Job Description Duties & Responsibilities (first reading)
It is the recommendation of the superintendent that the Board of Education adopt, in tentative form, the
Charleston CUSD #1 Head School Health Care Professional Job Description Duties and Responsibilities.
The tentative job description will be placed for public review until final adoption at the December 19,
2012 board meeting.
Dr. Clarke moved and Mrs. Coffey seconded the motion.
On roll call vote:
AYE: Clarke, Coffey, Daniels, K. Miller, R. Miller, Hutti, Coe
NAY: none
Abstain: none
Motion carried
Proposed Board Policy 5:125 Personal Technology and Social Media; Usage and Conduct; 5:125-E
Employee Receipt of Board Policy on Personal Technology and Social Media (first reading)
It was the recommendation of the superintendent that the Board of Education adopt, in tentative form
newly established Board Policy 5:125, Employee Personal Technology and Social Media; Usage and
Conduct and accompanying document, 5:125 Exhibit, Employee Receipt of Board Policy on Personal
Technology and Social Media, as presented on first reading. The tentative policy and exhibit will be
placed for public review until final adoption at the December 19, 2012 board meeting.
Dr. Clarke moved and Mrs. Coffey seconded the motion.
On roll call vote:
AYE: Clarke, Coffey, Daniels, K. Miller, R. Miller, Hutti, Coe
NAY: none
Abstain: none
Motion carried
At 7:56pm, Mrs. Miller made a motion to adjourn from the board meeting. Mrs. Coffey seconded the
On roll call vote:
AYE: K. Miller, Coffey, Daniels, R. Miller, Hutti, Coe
NAY: none
Abstain: none
Motion carried
Jason Coe
President, Board of Education
Kelly Miller
Secretary Pro-Tem, Board of Education