Charleston Middle School Living History/ Drama Name: ________________________ Teacher: Mrs. Crome Date : ___________________ Title of Work: ___________________ Criteria 1 Appropriate Topic 2 Topics is relevant to Topic chosen is not part the chapter: Oregon of this chapter Trail, Alamo, or Gold Rush Points 3 4 The topics is covered with adequate knowledge and depth. The topic is covered with a great deal of depth and knowledge Dress and props are above and beyond requirements Dialogue is not time Dialogue is Dialogue is Dialogue is period appropriate appropriate for the appropriate for the appropriate for the (current slang or time period (word time period (word time period (word sayings) usage and sayings) usage and sayings) usage and sayings) Effort is not made to Effort is evident to become the character become the portrayed character portrayed Four minute goal Less that four minutes achieved Dress and props Time Period Dress and props are not Dress is appropriate appropriate for the Appropriate time period appropriate for the time period (brand names) time period attire and props Dialogue Dialect Time Requirement Total----> Teacher Comments: ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____