


DEPT/SCHOOL: ___Science Education_____________________

COLLEGE: _____College of Humanities, Arts, and Sciences___________________

1. Proposed Program Title: ____STEM Education Minor____________________

(If the program title is longer than 26 characters, including spaces, also provide an abbreviation to be used by the Office of the Registrar.

2. Proposed statement of the program as it should appear in the Catalog.

Include any description of the program, enrollment management policies , program admission requirements and/or exit requirements associated with the program that are to appear in the catalog.

All prerequisites to courses required in the program must appear in the program listing, including any "hidden" prerequisites.

All courses in the program must be listed with their credit hours shown in parentheses ().

All courses in each part of the program (i.e. required components, elective groups) must be categorized by departments in alphabetical order (i.e. accounting, economics, mathematics).

The hours (or range of hours) in each part of the program (i.e. required components, elective groups) and the total hours

(or range of hours) for the program must be identified, including all prerequisites and Liberal Arts Core Education courses.

 For the purpose of determining whether the length of the major (or emphasis) meets the University’s standard program length requirements, the hours from Liberal Arts Core courses may be double-counted.

 Excluding any allowable double-counting of Liberal Arts Core courses, the maximum hours allowed for a major in the Standard Program is: 62 hours for the B.A. and B.L.S. degrees, 68 hours for the B.S. degree, 80 hours for the B.F.A. and B. Music degrees, and 80 hours for the B.A. - Teaching degree .

When a major (or emphasis) has a range of hours, if the minimum hours in the range meet the requirement for a

Standard program, the major (or emphasis) is considered to be a Standard program, even though the maximum hours may exceed the requirement for a Standard program.


STEM Education Minor


The STEM Education minor is designed to prepare students for careers as integrated science, technology, engineering, and mathematics teaching majors. This minor is especially appropriate for students planning to earn a certification as an elementary or secondary educator and teach elementary and middle level math, science, and or integrated STEM courses. This minor provides for either the Iowa Grades K-8 STEM

Teaching endorsement (for those seeking elementary license) or the Iowa STEM Grades 5-8 endorsement (with a qualifying required first endorsement in mathematics, science, or technology education) as approval by the Iowa Board of Educational Examiners.

The STEM Education minor requires a minimum of 33 total credit hours to complete. This total includes courses that meet either Liberal Arts

Core requirements or specified major requirements.

Options that best fit those seeking an elementary education degree are designated with a *. Options that best fit those seeking a secondary education degree are designated with a ^. Courses that are required by both elementary and secondary teaching majors are designated with a † .





Group 1 – STEM Education Minor Required Core Classes (11-13 credit hours)



CS 1150 Programming Environments for Elementary Education* (2) with Pre- and co-requisites: Level One Field Experience; -or- CS

1140 Programming Environments for Secondary Education^ (3)


MATH 3213/5213 Topics in Mathematics for Grades K-8* (3) with Pre- and co-requisites: MATH 1210; MATH 3204; junior standing; -or-

MATH 3313 Topics in Secondary Mathematics^ (3) with Pre- and co-requisites: MATH 2303


SCI ED 3100/5100 Integrating Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics in the Elementary Classroom* with (2) Pre- and corequisites: SCI ED 2300; BIOL 3181 or EARTHSCI 3500; junior standing; -or- SCI ED 3300/5300 Orientation to Science Teaching^ (3) with

Pre- and co-requisites: TEACHING 2017; EDPSYCH 2030; a major or minor in a science area; junior standing; SCI ED 3200


TECH 1019 Introduction to Technology and Engineering Education † (3)


4186/5186 Studies in STEM Experiences † (1) with department options of CS 4186/5186, MATH 4186/5186, SCI ED 4186/5186 or TECH




Group 2 - Mathematics Content Electives (6-7 credit hours for a total of 12 credit hours in MATH including the hours in 1 & 2 from Group


MATH 2204 Mathematical Reasoning for Elementary Teachers II* (3) with Pre- and co-requisites: MATH 1204  

MATH 3204 Mathematical Reasoning for Elementary Teachers III * (3) with Pre- and co-requisites: MATH 2204; UNI and cumulative GPA of 2.50 or better; junior standing or consent of department  

MATH 3211 Introduction to Algebraic Thinking for Elementary Teachers* (3) with Pre- and co-requisites: MATH 2204  

MATH 3212 Introduction to Geometry and Measurement for Elementary Teachers* (3) with Pre- and co-requisites: MATH 1210; MATH

3204; junior standing  

MATH 3214 Problem Solving in Mathematics for Elementary Teachers* (3) with Pre- and co-requisites: MATH 3203; at least one of

MATH 3211, MATH 3212/5212, MATH 3213/5213; junior standing  

MATH 3215 Mathematics for Elementary Students with Special Needs* (1) with Pre- and co-requisites: MATH 3203 or MATH 3304  

MATH 1420 Calculus I^ (4) with Pre- and co-requisites: Satisfactory score on ALEKS exam or subsequent remediation  

MATH 1421 Calculus II^ (4) with Pre- and co-requisites: C- or better in MATH 1420  

MATH 3751 Probability and Statistics^ (3) with Pre- and co-requisites: MATH 1421  

MATH 2500 Linear Algebra for Applications^ (3) with Pre- and co-requisites: MATH 1420  

MATH 3530 Combinatorics^ (3) with Pre- and co-requisites: MATH 1420 or CS 1800; junior standing  

MATH 3610 Modern Geometries^ (3) with Pre- and co-requisites: MATH 2900 or MATH 3600/5600); junior standing  

MATH 3600 Euclidean Geometry^ (3) with Pre- and co-requisites: MATH 1420 or equivalent; junior standing  

STAT 1772 Introduction to Statistical Methods^ (3) – or- STAT 1774 Introductory Statistics for Life Sciences^ (3)  


Group 3: Science Content Electives (12 credit hours; must include a minimum of 1 Biology, 1 Earth Science and 1 Physics or Chemistry

Course; SCI ED2300 is counted as fulfilling the Physics requirement)


BIOL 3181 Investigations in Life Science* (4) with Pre- and co-requisites: SCI ED 1200  

BIOL 2051 General Biology: Organismal Diversity^ (4)  

BIOL 2052 General Biology: Cell Structure and Function^ (4)  

BIOL 3100 Evolution, Ecology and the Nature of Science^ (3) with Pre- and co-requisites: BIOL 2051; BIOL 2052; CHEM 1110 and CHEM

1120, or CHEM 1130. Prerequisites for Earth Science Major - Interpretive Naturalist Emphasis: BIOL 2051; BIOL 2052; CHEM1110  

CHEM 1110 General Chemistry I^ (4) with Pre- and co-requisites: student must have satisfied university entrance requirements in

English and Mathematics  

CHEM 1130 General Chemistry I-II^ (5) with Pre- and co-requisites: CHEM 1120  

CHEM 1020 Chemical Technology^ (4)  

EARTHSCI 3500 Investigations in Earth and Space Sciences* (4) with Pre- and co-requisites: SCI ED 1100  

EARTHSCI 1300 Introduction to Geology^ (4) with Pre- and co-requisites: student must have satisfied university entrance requirements in English and Mathematics  

EARTHSCI 1320 Earth History^ (4) with Pre- and co-requisites: EARTHSCI 1300 or equivalent  

PHYSICS 1511 General Physics I^ (4) with Pre- and co-requisites: MATH 1130 or MATH 1140 or MATH 1150 or MATH 1420 or equivalent, or a satisfactory ALEKS score  

PHYSICS 1701 Physics I for Science and Engineering^ (4) with Pre- and co-requisites: one year of high school physics or equivalent;

MATH 1420  

SCI ED 2300 Investigations in Physical Science* (4) with Pre- and co-requisites: SCI ED 1300  


Group 4: Technology Electives (3 credit hours)  

TECH 1006 Project Lead The Way: Introduction to Engineering Design^ (3)  

TECH 3010 Project Lead The Way: Principles of Engineering^ (3) with Pre- and co-requisites: PHYSICS 1400 or PHYSICS 1511 or PHYSICS


TECH 3102 Living in Our Techno-Social World* (3) with Pre- and co-requisites: junior standing  


3. If the program is long or contains many courses that must be taken sequentially, show how the program may be completed within the allowable number of semesters. [Standard programs allow 8 semesters plus a summer session].

The STEM Education Minor is primarily designed to serve those seeking licensure as a K-12 teacher. The STEM

Minor courses have been mapped onto the plan of study for the majority of the STEM teaching programs (see attachment). Completion of the degree requirements for the various programs and the minor will require an additional

1 or 2 semesters, without the consideration of summer classes. In most programs, some semesters will have a lighter load than in the current plan of study. Participation in summer courses could reduce the time to completion.

4. For a new Certificate proposal, identify the academic office that will be responsible for maintaining and publicizing the program and for notifying the Office of Registrar in a timely fashion of those graduating students who have completed the program.





Identify any proposed new courses required for this proposed program (list proposed course number and title).

No   New   Courses   needed  

6. Provide an estimate of the expected enrollment in the proposed program.

10 to 15 students

7. Identify how the proposed program will be staffed to serve the expected enrollment.

No new courses needed. Sections of existing courses will be filled closer to capacity. The program was designed to utilize as many courses as possible from the existing Science Education & Science, Mathematics, and Technology and

Engineering Teaching programs.

8. Identify any other existing programs with similar purposes, course requirements, and/or titles.


9. Identify the impact on majors, minors, certificates, courses and/or prerequisites within or outside of the department.

There will be more interaction among students seeking math, science, and technology & engineering teaching degrees at UNI because these students will share coursework with their STEM teaching peers.


10. Justification, including the relationship the proposed program has to other planning processes (i.e. Academic Program

Review, Student Outcomes Assessment, strategic planning, and licensure or accreditation or re-accreditation requirements).

Explain how you know this new major/minor/emphasis/certificate is needed, based on those planning processes.


STEM Education Minor is designed to allow UNI elementary, middle level and high school level teaching majors to fulfill the requirements of the State of Iowa Grades K-8 STEM Teaching Endorsement (for those completing a program resulting in elementary licensure) or the Grades 5-8 STEM Teaching Endorsement (for those completing a program resulting in secondary licensure). The program is long, however justified given the scope of courses that these endorsements allow a teacher to teach. The Grades K-8 STEM Teaching Endorsement certifies the educator is highly qualified to teach all science Grades K-8, all Mathematics Grades K through pre-algebra and integrated STEM courses. The Grades 5-8 STEM

Teaching Endorsement certifies that the educator is highly qualified to teach all subjects of Grades 5-8 science, all Grades

5-8 math up through pre-algebra (but not algebra), and integrated STEM courses. This minor increases the number of courses that our UNI math, science, or technology teaching graduates can teach.


11. Describe how this new program will affect the usage of computer resources and facilities.

No significant changes because utilizing existing courses.

12. Summarize the needs for additional Library resources and services that the proposed new program will require.

[NOTE: Library consultation on new programs is required.]

No new Library Resources









13. Consultation summary: check [

] appropriate response(s).

[Must consult with all those identified in #8, #9 and #11 above]. NOTE: For any proposed change that would have an impact on teacher education, the Council on Teacher Education must be consulted (use form J-T Ed.). Any proposed change that has an impact on the Liberal Arts Core must be reviewed by the LACC (use Form J).

For Department and LACC (Form J) consultations:

Departments Contacted For


No Impact   Has Impact



CHAS Biology      

Has Impact -









Not Possible  





CHAS Chemistry              

CHAS Comp Science    

CHAS Earth Science  



CHAS Mathematics    

CHAS Science Education    

CHAS Physics    

























CHAS Technology              

COE Curriculum &


COE Teaching  














For Library (Form J-L) Consultations:

_x_ No further consultation needed

__ No further immediate consultation needed

__ Further Consultation needed.

For Teacher Ed. (Form J-T Ed.) Consultations:

__ No further consultation needed

__ Further consultation needed with Office of Teacher Ed.

_x_ Further consultation needed with Elementary and Secondary Teacher Education Senate(s)

__ After further consultation, it appears there can be no resolution of this concern at this time

14. Will this proposed new program increase the total budgetary requirements of the Department?

_x_ No __ Yes a.

If NO, explain the changes in the department or the departmental rotation of courses which offset the costs


No new courses. Enrollment in course sections would grow but no new sections are anticipated. Each of the students pursuing this minor would already be enrolled in approximately one-third of the courses fulfilling the minor as a part of their major. For example, students seeking to become middle school/junior high school science teachers would already be taking the science content and methods required by the minor but would be adding the math and technology courses (some of these courses could dual fulfill their


LAC requirements. In addition, those seeking to become technology educators would already be enrolled in the technology courses and one-third to two-thirds of the science content courses required but would be adding science and mathematics methods and mathematics content to fulfill the minor. While the minor would be open to non-education majors, it is unlikely that non-education majors would pursue it.



  b. If YES, identify the total costs .

(2) Additional facilities $ _________


(7) Educational technology

(8) Other services (identify)


$ _________

$ _________

