TEARFUND INTERNATIONAL PUBLICATIONS CATALOGUE Tearfund’s vision is to see millions of people released from material and spiritual poverty through a network of local churches. Our publications provide practical information and tools to equip people who are working to bring about positive change in their communities. Chris Boyd Tearfund We cover a range of topics including food security, health, disasters, climate change and advocacy. Many of our publications include Bible studies and reflections designed for church-based development work. Most are available in English, French, Portuguese and Spanish. All are free to download on our website www.tearfund.org/tilz. ROOTS books aim to help Christian development organisations in their work. They provide detailed information on relevant subjects – either on organisational development topics, or on good practice in key development issues. Each book has a similar format: Reflection questions help readers to consider the issues raised in the book and apply the learning to their own situation. Case studies from Tearfund partner organisations enable readers to learn from experiences around the world. Bible studies help Christian organisations to carry out their work according to biblical values. Handouts in some of the books can be photocopied and given out during workshops. All the books have been designed so that they can be photocopied easily. Exercises in some of the books assist learning. Languages available ROOTS books are available from Tearfund in English, French, Portuguese and Spanish unless otherwise indicated. Some are available in Russian as PDF files. The books have also been translated into other languages in various countries. n Visit www.tearfund.org/languages for further details. ROOTS books may be translated, provided credit is given to Tearfund. Email publications@tearfund.org to request design files and our translation guidelines. Tom Price Tearfund ROOTS ROOTS 1 AND 2 ADVOCACY TOOLKIT An easy-to-use, comprehensive guide to the theory and practice of advocacy. Revised and expanded second edition including 80 case studies. 2014, 238 pages n Available in print in English, French and Portuguese. n Available in PDF in English and Portuguese, and in French and Spanish from mid-2015. ROOTS 3 CAPACITY SELF-ASSESSMENT An assessment tool to enable organisations to identify their capacity development needs. Written particularly for use by experienced facilitators. 2003, 76 pages n Available in print in English, French, Portuguese and Spanish. n Available in PDF in English, French, Portuguese and Spanish. ROOTS 4 PEACE-BUILDING WITHIN OUR COMMUNITIES Learning points taken from case studies of Tearfund partners involved in peace-building work. 2003, 60 pages n Available in print in English, French, Portuguese and Spanish. n Available in PDF in English, French, Portuguese and Spanish. ROOTS 5 PROJECT CYCLE MANAGEMENT Describes the project cycle and the use of planning tools such as needs and capacity assessments and stakeholder analysis. It shows clearly how to develop a logical framework. 2003, 80 pages n Available in print in English, French, Portuguese and Spanish. n Available in PDF in English, French, Portuguese, Spanish and Russian. ALL ROOTS BOOKS ARE AVAILABLE IN ENGLISH, FRENCH, PORTUGUESE AND SPANISH UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED ROOTS 9 REDUCING RISK OF DISASTER IN OUR COMMUNITIES Looks at a process called Participatory Assessment of Disaster Risk, which involves working with local people to identify hazards and plan action to address them. 2011, 97 pages ROOTS 6 FUNDRAISING Shows how to develop a fundraising strategy and diversify an organisation’s funding base. 2004, 76 pages n Available in print in English, French, Portuguese and Spanish. n Available in PDF in English, French, Portuguese, Spanish and Russian. ROOTS 7 CHILD PARTICIPATION Looks at the importance of including children in community life and in project planning, implementation and evaluation. 2004, 60 pages n Available in print in English, French, Portuguese and Spanish. n Available in PDF in English, French, Portuguese and Spanish. ROOTS 8 HIV AND AIDS: TAKING ACTION This book was published in 2005; it is now out of date and no longer available. Peter Caton Tearfund Visit www.tearfund.org/hivresources for current resources, case studies and policy papers. n Available in print in English and French (revised and expanded second edition); available in Portuguese in the first edition only. n Available in PDF in English and French (revised and expanded second edition); available in Portuguese and Spanish in the first edition only. n Available in print in English, French, Portuguese and Spanish. n Available in PDF in English, French, Portuguese and Spanish. ROOTS 11 PARTNERING WITH THE LOCAL CHURCH This provides practical tools, case studies and models for Christian organisations that wish to work more closely with local churches. 2007, 88 pages n Available in print in English, French, Portuguese and Spanish. n Available in PDF in English, French, Portuguese, Spanish and Russian. ROOTS 12 HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT Looks at policy and practice relating to people who work for an organisation. Includes practical information about recruitment, contracts and managing and developing staff. 2008, 88 pages n Available in print in English, French, Portuguese and Spanish. n Available in PDF in English, French, Portuguese and Spanish. Ralph Hodgson Tearfund ROOTS 10 ORGANISATIONAL GOVERNANCE Looks at governance principles and issues so that organisations can improve their governance structure or set up a governing body if they do not already have one. 2006, 92 pages ROOTS 13 ENVIRONMENTAL SUSTAINABILITY This helps organisations to consider the impact of the environment on their work and the impact of their work on the environment. It looks at how to carry out an environmental assessment and contains ideas that encourage good stewardship of resources. 2009, 96 pages n Available in print in English, French, Portuguese and Spanish. n Available in PDF in English, French, Portuguese and Spanish. ROOTS CD-ROM v3.0 A CD-Rom containing ROOTS books 1 to 13 in PDF. Please note, books 1, 2 and 9 are only included in their first editions. 2009 n Includes English, French, Portuguese and Spanish versions. VISIT www.tearfund.org/roots TO ACCESS PDF FILES OF ROOTS BOOKS Footsteps is a magazine which aims to share information, ideas, contacts and experience in a Christian context at grassroots level. It encourages the practical outworking of integral mission in all aspects of local development work. Footsteps is published three times a year and is available in English, French, Portuguese, Spanish and Hindi. A number of issues have also been produced in Bangla, Burmese and Chinese. BACK ISSUES All previous issues of Footsteps are available free of charge on the Tearfund International Learning Zone website, TILZ – www.tearfund.org/tilz. This makes it easy to search for information by topic. Recent titles include: n Hygiene and sanitation n Human trafficking n Poultry keeping n Valuing food n Mobilising local resources n Conflict and peace n Maternal health n Livestock n Managing disasters n Non-communicable diseases n Stigma n Trees E-FOOTSTEPS Electronic versions of Footsteps are now available by email, making it easy for readers to access each new issue by linking into the website. THE FOOTSTEPS INDEX CD-ROM OR USB STICK Contains copies of all previous Footsteps issues from 1 to 96 in pdf format. n Please note that the English version was produced in 2015. n Other language versions may now be available. Please contact us for more information. Subscribe to Footsteps If you wish to subscribe to Footsteps, please complete the form supplied with this leaflet and return it to International Publications, Tearfund, 100 Church Road, Teddington, TW11 8QE, UK, or send an email to publications@tearfund.org. Please state your preferred language (English, French, Portuguese, Spanish or Hindi) and whether you would like to receive a printed or electronic version of Footsteps. Please also provide your postal address and organisation (if relevant). Alice Keen Tearfund FOOTSTEPS PILLARS Alice Keen Tearfund The PILLARS process encourages groups of all kinds to own their own development through discussion-based learning. PILLARS Guides provide a range of information topics to help people to implement change in their communities. The books are not designed just to read through. The full benefits will only come through discussing and learning from the content in small groups, using just one section at a time. Each Guide contains Bible studies for group discussion. Translating PILLARS PILLARS Guides are designed so that they can easily be translated. The PILLARS workbook gives guidance for organisations wanting to hold translation workshops, and the CD-Rom contains design files for printing. Please email publications@tearfund.org to request translation guidelines. Do check the list of existing translations on the TILZ website first (www.tearfund.org/languages). ALL PILLARS BOOKS ARE AVAILABLE IN ENGLISH, FRENCH, PORTUGUESE AND SPANISH UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED Any small group of people who meet together regularly will benefit from this kind of learning. A trained leader is not necessary – just a group member who can read and who can facilitate discussion. The person facilitating should read through the whole Guide a couple of times so they are familiar with all the sections and Bible studies. They should then do the following: n Introduce a section so group members see its relevance to their experiences. It may be helpful to begin with a group Bible study. n Share the information by reading it out – sometimes rewording it to help people understand. Alternatively, use a simple role play to highlight the issue. n Lead discussion. Allow time for people to discuss each question fully. Sometimes they may need help to get the discussion started. n Draw the meeting to a conclusion. Summarise the learning and agree on any responses the group want to make and plan how to take these forward. FACILITATION SKILLS WORKBOOK Equips people with the skills and confidence to facilitate small group discussions. Designed as training material for people who are using PILLARS Guides with local groups. 2004, 80 pages PREPARING FOR DISASTER Encourages communities to consider possible risk situations and helps them prepare to respond effectively. Includes information on first aid, emergency stores and community shelters. 2002, 52 pages n Available in print in English, French and Spanish. n Available in print in English, French, Portuguese and Spanish. n Available in PDF in English, French, Portuguese and Spanish. n Available in PDF in English, French, Portuguese and Spanish. MOBILISING THE CHURCH Encourages church members to widen their vision. Contains material on the church’s role, leadership, Bible study groups, planning, working within the community and maintaining the vision of the church. 2004, 52 pages AGROFORESTRY Agroforestry improves soil conservation, nutrition, soil fertility, fuel wood production and family income. Includes details of nursery techniques. 2001, 52 pages n Available in print in English, French, Portuguese and Spanish. n Available in print in English and French. n Available in PDF in English, French, Portuguese and Spanish. n Available in PDF in English and French. CREDIT AND LOANS FOR SMALL BUSINESSES Encouraging good practice in record-keeping, planning and maintaining savings and credit groups. 2001, 56 pages HEALTHY EATING Ideas to help improve household nutrition at low cost – food groups, kitchen gardens, recipes, methods of food preservation and hygiene. 2003, 52 pages n Available in print in English, French, Portuguese and Spanish. n Available in PDF in English, French, Portuguese and Spanish. n Available in print in French, Portuguese and Spanish. n Available in PDF in English, French, Portuguese and Spanish. Geoff Crawford Tearfund MOBILISING THE COMMUNITY An exciting process of encouraging and supporting communities to analyse their own situations and to work together to make changes for the better. 2003, 52 pages n Available in print in English, French, Portuguese and Spanish. n Available in PDF in English, French, Portuguese and Spanish. Ralph Hodgson Tearfund SEEKING JUSTICE FOR ALL Understanding human rights and God’s passion for justice, so that communities are better equipped to challenge unjust laws and to protect the rights of others. 2006, 64 pages IMPROVING FOOD SECURITY Practical information on pest control, grain banks and new techniques for food preservation and storage. 2001, 57 pages n Available in print in English, French and Portuguese. n Available in PDF in English, French and Portuguese. BUILDING THE CAPACITY OF LOCAL GROUPS Encourages groups to improve their communication, effectiveness and activities. 2001, 52 pages n Available in print in English, French, Portuguese and Spanish. The English version is available with African or Asian illustrations. n Available in PDF in English, French, Portuguese and Spanish. ENCOURAGING GOOD HYGIENE AND SANITATION Understanding the basic facts around good hygiene. Reducing disease from poor sanitation, poor hygiene and dirty water. Practical ideas for encouraging hand washing, safe drinking water supplies and latrine design. 2005, 72 pages n Available in print in English, French, Portuguese and Spanish. n Available in PDF in English, French, Portuguese and Spanish. n Available in print in English, French and Portuguese. n Available in PDF in English, French, Portuguese and Spanish. PILLARS WORKBOOK Provides information on translation and printing in local languages for people wanting to use the PILLARS process. 2001, 89 pages n Available in print in English, French, Portuguese and Spanish. n Available in PDF in English, French, Portuguese and Spanish. PILLARS CD-ROM v5.0 Contains all PILLARS Guides, the PILLARS workbook and Facilitation skills workbook. Most of the Guides are supplied with a choice of illustration sets for use in different regions of the world (Africa, Asia or Latin America). 2007 n Includes English, French, Portuguese and Spanish versions, where available. PILLARS TRAINING DVD This video contains seven sections which provide an introduction to using PILLARS Guides, facilitation skills, training workshops, translation and writing skills. It includes some practical sessions and discussion. 2007, 52 minutes n Includes videos in English, French, Portuguese and Spanish. VISIT www.tearfund.org/pillars TO ACCESS PDF FILES OF PILLARS GUIDES UMOJA Cally Spittle Tearfund Umoja is an exciting and transformational church and community initiative. It helps church leaders and their congregations work together with the local community to bring about positive change for the whole community. It is a process that inspires and equips local people with a vision for determining their own future with their own resources. UMOJA FACILITATOR’S GUIDE Contains Bible studies, activities, energisers, tools, advice and a step-by-step process to help a church and community become inspired and start working for transformation in their community. 2009, 174 pages n Available in print in English, French and Portuguese. n Available in PDF in English, French, Portuguese, Bangla, Chinese, Nepali and Thai. UMOJA CO-ORDINATOR’S GUIDE Provides everything that an organisation or church needs to know to start and manage an Umoja programme across a number of local communities. 2009, 117 pages n Available in print in English, French and Portuguese. n Available in PDF in English, French, Portuguese, Bangla, Nepali and Thai. UMOJA: HIV AND YOUR COMMUNITY A supplementary guide for Umoja facilitators, designed to enable the church to work with the community to prevent the spread of HIV and reduce its impact. Recommended for use in churches and communities who have already completed at least one cycle of Umoja. 2011, 46 pages n Available in print in English and French. n Available in PDF in English, French, Portuguese and Nepali. VISIT www.tearfund.org/umojaguides TO ACCESS PDF FILES OF THE RESOURCES ABOVE AND TO READ A SELECTION OF CASE STUDIES WHY ADVOCATE? GUIDES Tearfund has produced a series of short booklets, based on many years’ experience in advocacy, about the following issues: WHY ADVOCATE ON GOVERNANCE AND CORRUPTION? This booklet highlights why it is important to undertake advocacy to combat corruption and promote good governance. 2012, 31 pages WHY ADVOCATE ON CLIMATE CHANGE? This booklet looks at why organisations need to use different advocacy tactics to help tackle the problem of climate change at the local, national or international level. 2011, 23 pages n Available in print in English, French, Portuguese and Spanish. n Available in PDF in English, French, Portuguese and Spanish. n Available in print in English. n Available in PDF in English. WHY ADVOCATE ON HIV? This booklet sets out why advocacy on HIV is important and why civil society needs to hold governments accountable for their commitments to tackle HIV. It is aimed at organisations that are already working on HIV, but have not yet considered an advocacy approach to HIV. 2008, 15 pages WHY ADVOCATE FOR DISASTER RISK REDUCTION (DRR)? This booklet sets out why advocacy on DRR is important for holding governments accountable in addressing DRR. It is aimed at organisations that are already involved in DRR but have not yet considered an advocacy approach to DRR. 2007, 15 pages Available in PDF only in English, French, Portuguese and Spanish. WHY ADVOCATE FOR WATER, SANITATION AND HYGIENE (WASH)? This booklet shows why WASH is a crucial issue for governments and a vital political priority, and how an advocacy approach to WASH can complement a programmatic approach to WASH. Second edition. 2009, 14 pages Available in PDF only in English, French and Spanish. Huw Tyler Tearfund n n n Available in print in French and Spanish. n Available in PDF in English, French, Portuguese and Spanish. VISIT www.tearfund.org/whyadvocate TO ACCESS PDF FILES OF WHY ADVOCATE? GUIDES CEDRA OTHER TITLES CEDRA (Climate change and Environmental Degradation Risk and Adaptation Assessment) is a strategiclevel environmental risk assessment tool for agencies working in developing countries. It helps agencies to access and understand the science of climate change and environmental degradation and ensure their full portfolio of projects is resilient. DISASTERS AND THE LOCAL CHURCH A guide aimed at church leaders in areas where natural disasters are common (but also relevant for other faith leaders and NGOs). Covers topics such as needs assessments, disaster management committees and different types of disaster. 2011, 224 pages CEDRA This comprehensive guide to the CEDRA process describes how to complete the seven CEDRA steps, using case studies and exercises. Second edition. 2012, 88 pages HAND IN HAND A collection of 23 Bible studies covering a range of issues relating to HIV, including stigma, forgiveness, gender, bereavement, HIV‑discordant couples, and understanding disease and suffering. The studies can be adapted to use as sermons. 2010, 69 pages n Available in print in English. n Available in PDF in English, French, Portuguese, Spanish, Arabic, Burmese, Nepali, Urdu and Russian. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT A projectlevel tool to assess the impact of projects on the environment and of the local environment on the project. Users decide whether to modify the project design so that it has a lower negative impact and/or improved positive impact. 2009, 61 pages n Available in print in English, French, Portuguese and Spanish. n Available in PDF in English, French, Portuguese and Spanish. VISIT www.tearfund.org/environment TO ACCESS PDF FILES OF CEDRA RESOURCES n Available in print in English and Portuguese. n Available in PDF in English, French, Portuguese and Spanish. n Available in print in English and French. n Available in PDF at www.tearfund.org/churchandhiv in English, French and Nepali. GUIDE OUR STEPS Contains 101 participatory Bible studies on a wide variety of development issues. Includes advice on how to use the materials for small group Bible study and guidance on how to prepare new Bible studies. 2004, 52 pages n Available in print in English, French, Portuguese and Spanish. n Available in PDF at www.tearfund.org/churchmobilisation in English, French, Portuguese and Spanish. TILZ website ALL OF OUR PUBLICATIONS, INCLUDING BACK ISSUES OF FOOTSTEPS, ARE AVAILABLE ON OUR WEBSITE www.tearfund.org/tilz FREE OF CHARGE The TILZ website contains a range of additional documents on policy and research covering issues such as climate change, disasters and food security. It has sections on monitoring and evaluation, church involvement in development, and Bible studies. You can also find out how you can be involved in communities of practice (CoPs), which are groups for people involved in grassroots work to transform communities. All material on the TILZ website is free to download. A number of Tearfund’s international publications have been translated into a range of other languages. Visit www.tearfund.org/languages for further details. ORDERING PRINTED COPIES Visit www.tearfund.org/publications to purchase printed copies of our publications. Please email publications@tearfund.org if you are unable to find what you require. Alternatively, please complete the order form included with this catalogue and return it to the address below, together with a cheque made payable to Tearfund. All prices include the cost of postage and packing to addresses worldwide. Discounts are available for bulk purchases, and may be available for health and/or development workers who cannot afford the regular price (please email publications@tearfund.org). One copy may be available free of charge to organisations unable to pay. International Publications, Tearfund, 100 Church Road, Teddington, TW11 8QE, UK T +44 (0)208 977 9144 E publications@tearfund.org www.tearfund.org/tilz Follow us on Twitter @footstepseditor Registered charity No. 265464 (England and Wales) Registered charity No. SC037624 (Scotland) 31384–(0515)