Document 10768784

Minutes of the Special Meeting of January 22, 2014
The Board of Education of Community Unit School District No. 1, Coles and Cumberland Counties, convened
for a Board of Education/District Administration Retreat on Wednesday, January 22, 2014 at 5:30pm at the
Administration Building – 410 West Polk Avenue, Charleston, IL 61920.
At 5:36pm, President Ron Miller appointed Kelly Miller as Secretary Pro-Tem and called the meeting to order.
Secretary Pro-Tem K. Miller called roll.
The following board members were present:
Ron Miller, President
Kelly Miller, Treasurer
Scott Clarke
Susan Daniels
Charles Jarrell
The following board members were absent:
Jason Coe, Vice President
Brenda Coffey, Secretary
The following Central Office staff was present:
Jim Littleford, Superintendent
Todd Vilardo, Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum & Instruction
David Kuetemeyer, Financial Consultant
Visitors 0 and 0 Members of the Press
CUSD #1 Administration in Attendance:
Trevor Doughty
Kristen Holly
Brad Oakley
Mary Ann Pattenaude
Brandon Miller
Cathy Chaplin
Chad Burgett
Rob Ulm
The following were absent:
Diane Hutchins
Terry Diss
Under public comments and written communications, President Miller asked if there were any comments,
questions or written communications. There were no requests for the Board of Education.
The purpose of the special meeting was for the Board of Education and CUSD #1 Administrative Team to
convene into a retreat/workshop to review the current goals, outline priorities and strategies for the District. The
workshop was facilitated by Jim Burgett, retired Superintendent of the Highland School District.
Following introductions, Mr. Jim Burgett provided an overview of the retreat as follows:
Step #1. The five current goals adopted by the Board of Education in September 2011 will be presented to the
group. The current goal will be presented, current status of goal, identified need, and suggest goal or changes to
the goal. Following each presentation, the group will have a question/answer period to identify what goals need
further discussion or change.
Step #2. The group would divide into three groups. For the goal(s) to be revised, the groups will outline the
parameters outside the district and parameters inside the district keeping from accomplishing the goals. They
would have a 20 minute time period.
Special Meeting of January 22, 2014
Step #3. The group will come back as a whole to share information and to establish tentative goals to be
presented on first reading at the February 19, 2014 regular board meeting.
Todd Vilardo presented Goal #1 Academic Achievement
The district will provide high quality educators and professional development that will enable them to utilize the
very best instructional practices available so that each student annually meets or exceeds learning standards,
(handout included in official board book).
Identified need: Focus mainly on adults, next step is the alignment of our programs and services in the area of
human resources (i.e. teacher selection, induction, development, and evaluation). Doing so should lead to high
quality instruction and therefore student learning and performance.
Suggested changes to goal:
Academic Achievement
The district will incorporate an aligned system for teacher selection, induction, development,
and evaluation that is aimed at provide providing research-based, effective instructional
practices high quality educators and professional development that will enable them to utilize the
very best instructional practices available so that each student annually meets or exceeds learning
Jim Littleford presented Goal #2 Community Relations and Collaborations
Charleston CUSD #1 will develop a plan with EIU, Sarah Bush Lincoln Health Center, Chamber of Commerce
and City of Charleston to strategically recruit professionals and families into the Charleston School District.
Identified need: There is a need in the district to develop the utilization of social media to provide district fact
based information. This would be district wide and controlled at the Central Office.
Suggested changes to goal:
Community Relations and Collaborations
Charleston CUSD #1 will collaborate develop a plan with EIU, Sarah Bush Lincoln Health
Center, Chamber of Commerce and City of Charleston to strategically recruit professionals and
families into the Charleston School District. CUSD #1 will also develop the utilization of social
media to provide district fact based information.
Chad Burgett presented Goal #3 District Facilities
The district will develop and implement a Health Life Safety Plan to improve the safety of learning environments
to maximize student achievement.
Identified need: A more progressive goal to upgrade buildings, not just maintain because school safety and
security upgrades are ongoing. The district is in need of parking lot expansions/upgrades for safety. Also, there
is a need of getting information out to the voters in regard to the County School Facility Tax and how it would
help fund the schools.
The group held suggestions for this goal to discuss in individual groups.
David Kuetemeyer presented Goal #4 District Finances
The district will maintain viable fund balances. The Education Fund balance will not drop below $2million and
will begin increasing within five years.
Identified need: Mr. Kuetemeyer shared district finances, mandates to the district, lack of state funding, and drop
of student enrollment in the district. He discussed the need to upgrade technology as well as maintaining district
facilities. Also, in finding another way to fund public schools and the need of getting information out to the
voters in regard to the County School Facility Tax and how it would help fund the schools.
Special Meeting of January 22, 2014
Suggested changes to goal: The group held suggestions for this goal to discuss in individual groups.
Mary Ann Pattenaude presented Goal #5 Technology
Enabled by technology, telecommunications, and training, the CUSD #1 staff will guide all students as they
participate in a variety of learning experiences which will prepare students to become productive citizens.
Looking to the future, CUSD #1 will demonstrate an awareness of emerging technologies which foster an optimal
learning environment.
Suggested changes to goal:
Enabled by technology, telecommunications abundant resources, and training, the CUSD #1 staff will
guide all students as they participate in a variety of learning experiences which will prepare students to
become productive digital literate citizens. Looking to the future, CUSD #1 will demonstrate an
awareness of emerging technologies which foster an optimal learning environment.
Mrs. Pattenaude would be meeting with the Educational Technology Committee and they would review the goal
and bring recommended changes back to the superintendent.
At 8:00pm, the Board of Education and District Administrators divided into three groups to outline the parameters
outside the district and parameters inside the district keeping from accomplishing Goal #3 and #4.
Results from group planning: Parameters Outside & Within District Control
Goal # 3 District Facilities (current)
By December 2010, the district will develop a plan to improve the safety of learning environments to
maximize student achievement.
Parameters outside district control:
Health Life Safety Code
No outside funding source
Public opinion/perceptions
Environmental causes
1%sales tax – cannot control vote
Time/aging processes, natural disasters
Criminal activity/actions
Unfunded mandates
Old buildings
State aid – money
Prevailing wage
Health Life Safety $$
Decreased ISBE Special Education $$
Parameters within district control:
Preventive maintenance
Safety procedures
Health Life Safety Amendments
Health Life Safety Bonds
Health Life Safety Levy
Public opinion
1% sales tax – guide & provide factual info
Maintain existing facilities
Making priorities
Mitigate effects
Image/knowledge of facility condition
District Facilities (Revised)
The district will develop and implement a long-term facilities and capital improvement plan
that ensures the Health Life Safety Plan to improve safety of our school community and supports
the learning needs of our students. learning environments to maximize student achievement.
Goal #4 District Finances (current)
The district will maintain viable fund balances. The Education Fund balance will not drop below
$2million and will begin increasing within five years.
Special Meeting of January 22, 2014
Parameters outside district control:
Lack of state revenue
Decrease of state revenue
No new industry - $ decrease
Declining enrollment
‘Rust-Belt State’
Declining property values
Unfunded mandates
Rising special ed. Costs
Affordable Health Care Act
Technology changes
1% Sales tax – cannot control vote
State revenue stream
Unfunded mandates
Parameters within district control:
Attempt to control expenditures
Class size
Facility usage
Enhance revenues
1% Sales tax – guide & provide factual info
Message of the state of our finances
District Finances (Revised)
The district will maintain viable fund balances commit to serving as responsible stewards of its
fiscal resources and seek revenue sources that fulfill the district’s needs. The Education Fund
balance will not drop below $2million and will begin increasing within five years.
The group concurred with the goals as revised.
Mr. Littleford thanked Mr. Jim Burgett in facilitating the retreat. The CUSD #1 District Goals will be presented
to the Board of Education on first reading at the February 19, 2014 regular meeting with final adoption at the
March 19, 2014 regular meeting.
At 9:14pm, Mr. Jarrell moved to adjourn from the board meeting. Dr. Clarke seconded the motion.
On roll call:
AYE: Jarrell, Clarke, Daniels, K. Miller, R. Miller
NAY: none
Motion carried
Ronald L. Miller
President, Board of Education
Brenda L. Coffey
Secretary, Board of Education
Special Meeting of January 22, 2014