Minutes of the Public Hearing of June 18, 2014


Minutes of the Public Hearing of June 18, 2014

The Board of Education of Community Unit School District No. 1, Coles and Cumberland Counties, convened for a Public Hearing on Wednesday, June 18, 2014 at the Administration Building – 410 West

Polk Avenue, Charleston, IL 61920.

At 6:15pm, President Miller appointed Mr. Coe to serve as Secretary Pro-Tem and called the special board meeting to order. Secretary Pro-Tem Coe called roll.

The following members were present:

Ron Miller, President

Jason Coe, Vice President

Susan Daniels

Charles Jarrell

The following members were absent:

Brenda Coffey, Secretary

Kelly Miller, Treasurer

Scott Clarke

The following staff members were present:

Jim Littleford, Superintendent

Todd Vilardo, Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum & Instruction

David Kuetemeyer, Financial Consultant

Visitors _9_ and _1_ Member of the Press

President Miller asked if there were any comments, questions or written communications. There were no requests for the Board of Education.

Mr. Littleford stated the purpose of the meeting was to hold a public hearing on the amended budget for the 2013-14 school year. He invited David Kuetemeyer, Financial Consultant to report on the budget amendment.

As presented at the board meeting in May, Mr. Kuetemeyer outlined the line items in the 2013-14 budget that need adjusted because of cost changes.

Health, Life, Safety Fund has expended two hundred ninety-five (295) per cent of budgeted expenditures or a total of $288,434.15 due to safety upgrades. He recommended increasing the budgeted expenditures by $240,000.

Comparing the budgeted expenditures in the Bond and Interest Fund ($3,120,600) to the percentage of payout as of May 30, 2014, the district had expended one hundred and three-tenths

(100.31) per cent ($9,950) of the budgeted Bond and Interest Fund Expenditures. This was caused by inverting two numbers on the budget form. Recommendation to increase the budgeted expenditures by $20,000.

Comparing the budgeted expenditures in the Education Fund ($19,857,399) to the percentage of payout as of May 30, 2014, the district had expended ninety-four (94) per cent of the budgeted

Education Fund Expenditures. Eleven-twelves of the education budget would equal ninety-one

(91.66) per cent. Since the district cannot exceed the budgeted expenditures without incurring a note on our District Audit, it seems prudent increase the budgeted Education Fund Expenditures by five (5) per cent ($992,870).

Public Hearing of June 18, 2014 Page 1

Mr. Kuetemeyer did note that as we enter the final bills it appears that we will remove the following recommendation because our actual final expenditures will not exceed the Budgeted expenditures.

Comparing the budgeted expenditures in the Operations & Maintenance Fund ($2,353,857) to the percentage of payout as of May 30, 2014, the district has expended ninety-one (91) per cent of budgeted Expenditures. Eleven-twelves of the building budget would equal ninety-one (91.66) per cent. Since we cannot exceed our budgeted expenditures without incurring a note on our

District Audit, it seems prudent

Mr. Littleford reported that Board President Ron Miller met with Mr. Kuetemeyer and himself to review the budget amendment. He indicated that when you cut the numbers close there is not much room for error. During the week of July 21, the auditors will be in the district.

Mr. Kuetemeyer reported the district continues to rely on budget surpluses that built up after large budget cuts made a few years ago, but those reserves continue to decrease each year. He noted that cuts in state aid to education and that any chance for an increase in funding is unlikely, no matter who is elected governor this fall.

President Miller agreed that for the 2014-15 school year budget, we should allow more cushion. He also stated that the Board of Education will need to begin planning on next steps following the next election and should begin the process by spring.

At that time, Mr. Kuetemeyer asked if there were any questions regarding the budget amendment by the

Board of Education or audience. There were no questions or comments received.

At 6:35pm, Mr. Jarrell made a motion to adjourn from the special board meeting. Mrs. Daniels seconded the motion.

On roll call vote:

AYE: Jarrell, Daniels, Coe, R. Miller

NAY: none Abstain: none

Jason Coe

President Pro-Tem, Board of Education

Brenda L. Coffey

Secretary, Board of Education

Public Hearing of June 18, 2014 Page 2
