Engineering Technology Department College of Business & Technology Western Illinois University Knoblauch 135 1 University circle Macomb, IL 61455-1390 Graphic Communications 217-1: Introduction to Graphic Communication Spring 2010 Meets at 8:00-9:50 AM on Monday and Wednesday. The class meets in Knoblauch Hall, Room 51B. 3 semester hours Catalogue Description: GCOM 217 - Electronic Desktop Publishing. A study of terms, programs, and equipment used in electronic desktop publishing. An introduction and exposure to a variety of electronic desktop publishing programs and tools. Emphasis is on design, layout, and execution of techniques used in publishing. 2 hours.lecture; 2 hrs.lab. . Instructor Information: Joyce A. Runquist Knoblauch Hall B33 Office/Voicemail: 298-1860 Online Course Content: E-mail: Office Hours: Monday 10:00 AM -11:00 AM; Tuesday 8:00 AM – 10:00 AM; other times by appointment. If office hours can not be made, please call or e-mail to make appointment. 8:00 9:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 1:00 2:00 Monday GCOM 217-01 GCOM 217-01 Office Hour WACS WACS Tuesday Office Hour Office Hour GCOM 211-01 GCOM 211-01 WACS WACS Wednesday GCOM 217-01 GCOM 217-01 WACS WACS Thursday Friday GCOM 211-01 GCOM 211-01 WACS WACS WACS WACS Department of Engineering Technology Goals for Student Learning: Engineering Technology (Construction Management, Graphic Communication, Manufacturing Engineering Technology) is a field of study designed to provide students educational programs that allow them to communicate effectively, design and apply technical solutions, use technology effectively, and respond to project management tasks in an environment with continually changing and sophisticated technology in an increasingly competitive global marketplace. By graduation, Engineering Technology students should be able to: 1. Think critically and creatively; 2. Understand the theoretical principles of the profession; 3. Understand and apply relevant technology in the solution of technical problems; 4. Organize, manage, and maintain projects; 5. Develop an appreciation for ethical and professional practices; 6. Develop and refine oral, written, and visual communication skills; 7. Demonstrate an overall competency in the program objectives. Course Objectives: After successful completion of this course, students will be able to: 1. Discuss a variety of desktop publishing technologies and how those technologies interact and impact society. 2. Analyze digital technology products and how to produce projects with an emphasis on preparation for publication. 3. List and explain the available desktop publishing technologies and terms and their uses and meanings. 4. Compare and contrast digital and analog print preparation technologies giving advantages and disadvantages of each. 5. Demonstrate skills and knowledge required use and discuss desktop publishing technologies. 6. Identify careers available in desktop publishing and pre-press. 7. Effectively work independently and in groups as required. Course Outline: Weeks 1-2: Introduction and History Weeks 3-16: Design Processes, typography, and learning Adobe InDesign CS4 Midterm: Week of March 8th. Final Exam: Monday, May 10th, 2010, at 8:00 AM. *Subject to change with notice* Grading Information: Tests and quizzes account for 30% of the total grade. Regular assignments, class presentations, and abstracts account for 60% of the total grade. Class participation and attendance accounts for 10% of the total grade. Grades can be found at the following website: You will need to login using your class, name and password that is found in Western-Online. Grading scale: 90 – 100% = A 80 – 89.99 = B 70 – 79.99 = C 60 – 69.99 = D 0 – 59.99 = F Laboratory Guidelines: 1. No smoking, food or drink in the laboratories; if you want to use a water or drink container that can be sealed you are welcome to keep it under your computer desk or in your backpack; do not set these bottles next to your keyboard, and do not munch on greasy food right before using a keyboard ; 2. Students are responsible for cleaning up their work area. Clean up should be done during class and at the end of class. This ensures a clean environment for other students and other classes. Failure to clean up work areas will result in loss of participation points, and a dirty laboratory in which to complete our projects; 3. Computers in the lab are for work in this class only. Students may save appropriate files to the computers and the server, as long as the files are related to this class; 4. Printing from computers is for the sole purpose of completing class assignments. Do not use the laser printers in either of the GCOM lab’s to print out work for other classes; 5. Paper is expensive, so please be careful to print only what you need, and please recycle all paper that you print out but cannot use. If you are having problems printing something, do not continue to hit PRINT over and over again. Stop your print job and see me. Save a tree! 6. IMPORTANT NOTE: Cell phones are prohibited from ringing in the classroom and the laboratory. Make sure they are turned off, or at least have them on vibrate. Also, if you are working during lab hours, do not just chat away on your cell phone in the lab, take your phone call into the hallway so that the other students around you can focus on their work and not listen to your conversation about what might be going on at the Café that night; 7. Headphones/Music: I love music and often will play music during the lab times. I know some of you feel the same way. So, feel free to bring in your Ipod and your headphones. During normal lab times you are welcome to listen to it at a reasonable volume level. If the student next to you can hear that you are listening to the Grateful Dead, the volume is too high. Respect the students around you. You will not be allowed to wear headphones during any type of examination. 8. Internet/E-mail: you are welcome to surf and check your e-mail before or after class, or during lab time. I do not want you surfing, chatting, or e-mailing as I am lecturing or during times which you are supposed to be doing something class related. If you insist on surfing while I lecture, I will deduct points from your participation grade. If you are caught downloading illegal software or viewing inappropriate sites, you will automatically be banned from the computer lab during open lab hours, and have all of your participation points removed from your final grade. Attendance: It is the policy of the university that students attend classes at all times except when unable due to illness or emergency. The instructor is under no obligation to the student to aid in makeup for unexcused absences. Arriving late and leaving early is not recommended. Attendance will be taken through out the semester and will account toward the student’s final grade. Students with perfect attendance as documented by the instructor will be exempt from a final exam. No exceptions. Required Technologies: Students must furnish their own thumb (flash) drives to record their files. Students also are responsible for keeping their own back-ups. Files left on the server are at student’s own risk – they can be deleted or damaged by others, so make sure to take a copy with you. Late Assignments: Late assignments should be discussed with the instructor on an individual basis. Assignments are due at the beginning of class. Late assignments will be assessed a 10% deduction for each DAY late. Assignments five or more days late will be counted as a zero. Assessments: Two tests will be administered over the course of the semester. Students are expected to take the test at the assigned times. MP3 players, cellular phones and PDAs should be turned off during lecture times and will not be allowed during test times. During an exam, if a student leaves the room (i.e. to get a drink, place a call, use the restroom, etc.) the examination will be considered completed at that point. Required Text: ADOBE INDESIGN CS4 REVEALED-W/CDS by BOTELLO (Author) CENGAGE L– Publisher - 2009 ISBN - 9780538764773 Class Web Site: Special Course Costs: To help cover the costs of supplies for this course, a special course cost of $25.00 will be charged to each student. This is payable to Kristin in Knoblauch 135 by March 15, 2010. Computers: Students must have access to computers and Internet. Students should have access to a Macintosh or Windows compatible and the appropriate software. There are University operated, fee supported laboratories in Library, Stipes, Morgan, Horrabin, and in most of the dormitories. Graphic Communication labs may be used during open lab times. Final Exam: Monday, May 10th, 2010, at 8:00 AM. Any exceptions to the final exam schedule must be approved by department chair and the Dean of the College of Business and Technology in writing including student’s name, ID# and signatures. Last Day to Drop Course: February 1, 2010, Last day to delete Spring course or withdraw with full refund/credit. April 4, 2010, Last day to drop regular 16-week course and receive "W" grade. Rules for Giving an Incomplete: WIU policy – A temporary symbol of I (Incomplete) for a course may be given only when a student, due to circumstances beyond his or her control, has been unable to complete the course requirements within the official limits of the term. The circumstances must be documented to the instructor’s satisfaction. Academic Integrity: Preamble: Western Illinois University, like all communities, functions best when its members treat one another with honesty, fairness, respect, and trust. Students have rights and responsibilities ( and students should realize that deception for individual gain is an offense against the members of the entire community, and it is the student's responsibility to be informed and to abide by all University regulations and policies on Academic Integrity. Plagiarism, cheating, and other forms of academic dishonesty constitute a serious violation of University conduct regulations. Students who engage in dishonesty in any form shall be charged with academic dishonesty. It is a duty of faculty members to take measures to preserve and transmit the values of the academic community in the learning environment that they create for their students and in their own academic pursuits. To this end, they are expected to instill in their students a respect for integrity and a desire to behave honestly. They are also expected to take measures to discourage student academic dishonesty, to adjust grades appropriately if academic dishonesty is encountered, and, when warranted, to recommend that additional administrative sanctions be considered. Grading policies are the exclusive prerogative of the faculty; administrative sanctions are under the authority of the Director of Student Judicial Programs. This document provides policies and procedures to be followed when academic dishonesty is encountered. Definitions of Academic Dishonesty: The following definitions and examples are not meant to be exhaustive. The University reserves the right to determine, in a given instance, what action constitutes a violation of academic integrity. (See for complete descriptions of the following topics: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Plagiarism Fabrication and Falsification Cheating Complicity in Academic Dishonesty Abuse of Academic Materials Multiple Submissions Reporting Academic Dishonesty: All members of the University community share the responsibility and authority to challenge and make known acts of apparent academic dishonesty. Any student, faculty member, or staff person who has witnessed an apparent act of student academic dishonesty, or has information that reasonably leads to the conclusion that such an act has occurred or has been attempted, has an ethical responsibility for reporting said act(s). Confronting and reporting academic dishonesty can be done in a variety of ways, and people should choose the manner most appropriate for the circumstances. Acts of apparent academic dishonesty that occur in the classroom should be reported directly to the course instructor, and/or the course instructor's Department Chair, and/or the instructor's College Dean. The Council on Admission, Graduation, and Academic Standards (CAGAS) or the Graduate Council will not accept or act upon anonymous reports, but will hold in strict confidence the identity of any person reporting a suspected instance of academic dishonesty, unless that person consents to having his/her identity revealed. Access & Disabilities: In accordance with University policy and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), academic accommodations may be made for any student who notifies the instructor of the need for an accommodation. For the instructor to provide the proper accommodation(s), you must obtain documentation of the need for an accommodation through Disability Support Services and provide it to the instructor. It is imperative that you take the initiative to bring such needs to the instructor's attention, as he/she is not legally permitted to inquire about such particular needs of students. Students who may require special assistance in emergency evacuations (i.e. fire, tornado, etc.) should contact the instructor as to the most appropriate procedures to follow in such an emergency. Contact Disability Support Services at 298-2512 for additional services. If you have emergency medical information to share with me, if you need special arrangements in case the building must be evacuated, or if you need accommodations in this course because of a disability, please make an appointment with me as soon as possible. My office location and hours are at the top of this syllabus. If you plan to request disability accommodations, you are expected to register with the Disability Support Services (DSS) at 298-2512. Resolution of Problems: Should a problem occur, students should speak to their instructor first. If the problem is not resolved, meet with the chair of the department. If the problem continues to be unresolved, go to the College of Business and Technology’s Dean. Students should observe the following sequence for the resolution of problems: Student --- Instructor --- Chairperson --- Dean Syllabus subject to change with notice. GCOM 217 – SPRING 2010 Upon reading your syllabus, please sign the following form. This form will act as a contract between you (the student) and me (the professor). By signing the form you acknowledge reading the syllabus and understanding such things as; what might happen if you break the honor code (you fail the project, fail the course, and are reported to the University honor code office), what might happen if you do not turn in a project on time (you get a zero), and what might happen if you do not come to class on a regular basis (you will not pass the class). This “contract” allows me to know you have read the syllabus and understand the consequences. On a different note, by reading the syllabus and signing this form, you also understand how it is easy to pass this course, and get a good grade; show up to class everyday, complete your projects on time, do a little more than the assignment asks for, and clean up after yourself. Please print your name and sign the line below, then I will tear this sheet off when I take up the syllabus at the end of class. Thanks! Print your name here: ________________________________________________ Sign your name here: ________________________________________________