WESTERN ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY DR. GARRETT HUNTER ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY KH 340 298-2319 mfgdh@wiu.edu ENGR 573: Computer Aided Decision/Management Applications January 2009 Office hours: __________________ REQUIRED MATERIALS Promodel Student Package and Printed User Guide www.promodel.com/academic CATALOG DESCRIPTION The use of computer applications to design, monitor and/or enhance manufacturing processes, facilities and maintenance operations. Students will solve case studies using various manufacturing management software programs to include process simulation and MPR-II/ERP. COURSE OBJECTIVES The overarching goal of this course is for students to learn systematic production planning and controlling techniques. The students completing this course will be able to: 1. Create slide shows using Microsoft PowerPoint presentation graphics software, 2. apply advanced formulas and data locating operations in Microsoft Excel spreadsheets, 5. 3. plot the critical path and prepare Ghant charts using Microsoft Projects, 4. develop company databases, part masters, bills of materials, inventory part maintenance records, and customer and vendor databases, run MRP-II computer simulations to forecast production runs and generate purchase orders, work orders, kit lists and shipments within the Alliance MRP-II and/or the DBA ERP software programs, and layout and run simulations of production and/or process facilities in Promodel Simulation. ATTENDANCE This is a lecture-lab course. You will be expected to attend all scheduled lecture and lab sessions. If you are unable to attend a session, let the instructor know as soon as possible. You are responsible to make up any work missed due to an absence. During the course you may be assigned to work in groups on a major project. Occasionally, your group may find it necessary to meet outside of class. If so, YOU ARE EXPECTED TO ATTEND ALL MEETINGS OF YOUR WORKGROUP. PROPOSED COURSE OUTLINE Readings will be announced each week when required. Week 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14 15. 16. Lecture Lab Syllabus & Course Overview PowerPoint Intro to Prod Plann & Control Excell SS Table Production Systems Excell SS Graphs Element of Planning/Controlling Projects Techniques for Product Planning Projects Techniques for Product Planning Projects Test 1 Demand Management Alliance Mfg Capacity Planning Alliance Mfg Master Production Scheduling Alliance Mfg Materials Requirements Planning Alliance Mfg TEST 2 Building a model Promodel chapters 1 – 8 pm text Building a model Promodel Promodel project Promodel Promodel project Promodel Final Exam -- Comprehensive GRADING: There will be a number of written and lab assignments in addition to the scheduled exams. All work is graded by points. At the end of the semester, the total number of points earned will be divided into the number of points possible. Grades will then be based on this percentage: A = 96 – 100% B = 87 - 95% C = 80 - 86 F = 79% or below Save all assignments after they are graded and returned. Mistakes can inadvertently be made during the grade recording process and if a question should arise about your grade, it will be easier to absolve if all graded and returned work is available. STUDENTS WITH DISABILITIES: If there is any student in this class who has need for test-taking, or other, accommodations due to a disability, please feel free to discuss this with your instructor. MATERIALS COST AND SOFTWARE USAGE FEE: To help cover the costs of commercial software licenses, there will be a software usage fee of $15.00 for this course. This fee may be paid at any point during the semester. Please make all checks out to WIUEngineering Technology.