ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY COLLEGE OF BUSINESS & TECHNOLOGY WESTERN ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY Knoblauch 135 1 University Circle Macomb, 61455-1390 Dave Hunter, PhD KH 340 298-2319 FALL 2009 Office Hours: Monday 9-10, 1-2; Tuesday 9-10, Wednesday 9-10 MET 271: PREREQUISITES: Basic Electronics, 3 semester hours TEXTBOOK: Basic Stamp Activity Kit: Item code: 90005 (Includes text, homework board, cable, CD and components) ADDITIONAL MATERIALS: Calculator that can do trigonometry and inverse functions Recommend TI-30 or equivalent COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course provides a comprehensive study of electronic theory, practices, and fundamentals. Laboratory activities explore the underlying principles of DC and AC circuitry through measurement analysis and problem solving strategies. None Department Outcomes and Assessment By graduation, Engineering Technology students should be able to: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Think critically and creatively, Understand the theoretical principles of the profession, Understand and apply relevant technology in the solution of technical problems, Organize, manage, and maintain projects, Develop an appreciation for ethical and professional practices, Develop and refine oral, written, and visual communication skills, and Demonstrate an overall competency in the program objectives. Course Objectives This is a technical course that will meet Outcomes 1, 3, 4 & 7. Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 5. 6. Use analog and digital volt-ohm-milliameters to measure resistance, voltage and current, Use ohms law to calculate V, I, R. Use the power formula to calculate P, I, V, Measure the voltage and period on an oscilloscope, Calculate the frequency using period, Explain the difference between electrical and electronic devices and why, Program the Parallax Microprocessor to control various input and output devices, Wire input and output components into the Parallax breadboard. ATTENDANCE This is a lecture-lab course. You will be expected to attend all scheduled lecture and lab sessions. If you are unable to attend a session, let the instructor know as soon as possible. Attendance will be taken randomly at any time during the assigned class periods. Any student missing four or more lecture or lab sessions without instructor approval will be penalized 10% of their final grade. If you complete the exercises assigned during a class period, check with the instructor prior to leaving. No homework will be collected late. If you wish to receive credit for homework, you must electronically submit it by midnight of the Monday it is due on. If you are absent from a lab assignment or exam, you must provide information of your whereabouts if the absence will be accepted as excused. It is then up to the instructor if you will be allowed to make up the work. If you have an appointment made prior to a scheduled exam date, you must let the instructor know in advance or the absence will not be excused and you will not be allowed to take the exam. GRADES Each student will complete many individual and group assignments throughout the semester. Please maintain a folder with all returned assignments so that any discrepancies in grading may be easily rectified. Students may request to view their grades at any time during the semester. Also, students will be shown their grades just prior to each exam. This course is graded by points. Each homework assignment, lab assignment and exam will be worth a specified number of points. At the end of the semester the total number of points accumulated by each student will be added. This number will then be divided into the total number of points possible to determine a percentage. This percentage will correspond to a letter grade using the following criteria: 94-100% = A 87-93% = B 78-86% = C 70-77% = D below 69% = F THE FINAL EXAM WILL BE ON MONDAY, DEC. 14 AT 10:00 AM. Sample Grade Calculation Labs Assignments Tests/Quizzes Subtotal Final Exam Total Points For Course possible std received 110 pts 140 pts 115 pts 110 + 140 + 90 = 340 pts 85 pts 340 + 85 = 425 pts 102 pts 116 pts 96 pts 102 + 116 + 96 = 314 pts 82 pts 314 + 82 = 396 pts Student’s grade = # pts received / # pts possible = 396/425 = 93.17% Student’s grade = B TURNING IN WORK All assignments except test, quizzes and exams, are due at Midnight of the following Monday in which the work is assigned unless previously announced. Due dates will seldom be extended but, if exceptions are made, all students will be notified in class. It is expected that every student does his/her own homework – see academic integrity policy below. Students may turn in assignments: 1. in hard copy during any class period. 2. at the Department Office. Give the assignment to the secretary and ask that it be time & date stamped and placed in my mailbox. Do not enter the mailroom un-attended. 3. by emailing the assignment as a Word document with a .doc or .docx extension. 4. by emailing the assignment as a PDF file. Limit all email attachments to 2.0 Mbyte in size. INCOMPLETE GRADES A temporary symbol of I (incomplete) foracourse may be given only when a student, due to circumstances beyond his or her control, has been unable to complete the course requirements within the official limits of the term. The circumstances must be documented to the instructor’s satisfaction. ACADEMIC INTEGRITY Preamble Western Illinois University, like all communities, functions best when its members treat one another with honesty, fairness, respect, and trust. Students have rights and responsibilities and students should realize that deception for individual gain is an offense against the members of the entire community, and it is the student's responsibility to be informed and to abide by all University regulations and policies on Academic Integrity. ( Plagiarism, cheating, and other forms of academic dishonesty constitute a serious violation of University conduct regulations. Students who engage in dishonesty in any form shall be charged with academic dishonesty. It is a duty of faculty members to take measures to preserve and transmit the values of the academic community in the learning environment that they create for their students and in their own academic pursuits. To this end, they are expected to instill in their students a respect for integrity and a desire to behave honestly. They are also expected to take measures to discourage student academic dishonesty, to adjust grades appropriately if academic dishonesty is encountered, and, when warranted, to recommend that additional administrative sanctions be considered. Grading policies are the exclusive prerogative of the faculty; administrative sanctions are under the authority of the Director of Student Judicial Programs. This document provides policies and procedures to be followed when academic dishonesty is encountered. Definitions of Academic Dishonesty The following definitions and examples are not meant to be exhaustive. The University reserves the right to determine, in a given instance, what action constitutes a violation of academic integrity. (See for complete descriptions of the following topics: Plagiarism, Fabrication and Falsification, Cheating, Complicity in Academic Dishonesty, Abuse of Academic Materials, Multiple Submissions Reporting Academic Dishonesty All members of the University community share the responsibility and authority to challenge and make known acts of apparent academic dishonesty. Any student, faculty member, or staff person who has witnessed an apparent act of student academic dishonesty, or has information that reasonably leads to the conclusion that such an act has occurred or has been attempted, has an ethical responsibility for reporting said act(s). Confronting and reporting academic dishonesty can be done in a variety of ways, and people should choose the manner most appropriate for the circumstances. Acts of apparent academic dishonesty that occur in the classroom should be reported directly to the course instructor, and/or the course instructor's Department Chair, and/or the instructor's College Dean. The Council on Admission, Graduation, and Academic Standards (CAGAS) or the Graduate Council will not accept or act upon anonymous reports, but will hold in strict confidence the identity of any person reporting a suspected instance of academic dishonesty, unless that person consents to having his/her identity revealed. ACCESS & DISABILITIES In accordance with University policy and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), academic accommodations may be made for any student who notifies the instructor of the need for an accommodation. For the instructor to provide the proper accommodation(s), you must obtain documentation of the need for an accommodation through Disability Support Services and provide it to the instructor. It is imperative that you take the initiative to bring such needs to the instructor's attention, as he/she is not legally permitted to inquire about such particular needs of students. Students who may require special assistance in emergency evacuations (i.e. fire, tornado, etc.) should contact the instructor as to the most appropriate procedures to follow in such an emergency. Contact Disability Support Services at 2982512 for additional services. If you have emergency medical information to share with me, if you need special arrangements in case the building must be evacuated, or if you need accommodations in this course because of a disability, please make an appointment with me as soon as possible. My office location and hours are at the top of this syllabus. If you plan to request disability accommodations, you are expected to register with the Disability Support Services (DSS) at 298-2512. RESOLUTION OF PROBLEMS Should a problem occur, students should speak to their instructor first. If the problem is not resolved, meet with the chair of the department. If the problem continues to be unresolved, go to the College of Business and Technology’s Dean. Students should observe the following sequence for the resolution of problems: Student --- Instructor --- Chairperson --- Dean TENATIVE COURSE OUTLINE All reading is to be completed by next lecture period. All assignments are Due at Midnight on Monday of the following week. NO assignment is accepted late – regardless of reason. 8/24 8/26 Syllabus, safety, introduction to lab Constructing an electronic circuit and testing components 8/30 9/2 Quiz: Safety (you must receive 70% or better or you will have to schedule to retake it) Ohm’s Law in Series Circuit LAB: Ohm’s Law and Series Calculations READING: Handouts ASSIGN: Handouts 9/7 9/9 Labor Day – no classes Ohm’s Law in Parallel Circuits 9/14 9/16 Parallel calculations and measurements LAB: Series Circuits versus Parallel Circuits 9/21 9/23 Combination Circuits LAB: Combination Circuits LAB: Combination Circuits 9/28 9/30 EXAM 1: Series, Parallel and Combination Circuits READING: Parallax chapter 1 Lecture: Parallax Stamp Microprocessor – Chapter 1: Getting Started 10/5 10/7 LAB: Getting Started Review: Getting Started LAB: Getting Started READING: chapter 2 READING: chapter 3 10/12 10/14 Lecture: Lights On – Lights Off LAB: Lights On – Lights Off READING: chapter 4 10/19 10/21 Lecture: Digital Input Lab: Digital Input READING: chapter 5 10/26 10/28 EXAM 2: Parallax Basics Lecture: Controlling Motion READING: chapter 6 11/2 11/4 Lab: Controlling Motion Lab: Measuring Rotation READING: chapter 7 11/9 11/11 Lab: Controlling Motion/Measuring Rotation EXAM 4: Motion Control READING: chapter 8 & 9 11/16 11/18 Lecture: Digital Display & Measuring Light Lab: Digital Display READING: chapter 10, 11 & 12 11/23, 11/25 READING: Handouts READING: Handouts LAB: Parallel Circuits READING: Handouts THANKSGIVING BREAK 11/30 12/2 Open Lab: Measuring Light, Frequency & Sound, Electronic Building Blocks, Extra Credit: chapter 13 Open Lab: Measuring Light, Frequency & Sound, Electronic Building Blocks, Extra Credit: chapter 13 12/7 12/9 Open Lab: Measuring Light, Frequency & Sound, Electronic Building Blocks, Extra Credit: chapter 13 Open Lab: Measuring Light, Frequency & Sound, Electronic Building Blocks, Extra Credit: chapter 13 LAB CLEANUP BEFORE YOU LEAVE 12/14 MONDAY, 10:00 AM FINAL EXAM OVER CHAPTERS 10, 11 & 12