onicle UIIivTity nvPage 9 - Steering,çommitfee

The Official
Volume V, Issue 1
regon tate U niverstty
Student Magazine
toter 2003
.Pagé 3 - Steering,çommitfee
Page.4 - PlasticsiFór Poets
Page 5 'Theses to Think Ao
nvPage 9 - The Debbie Johnson Story
- gage 10 - Opinion Pieces
pge 14 - CQrvaIlis Hot spots
Page 16- HOroscopes and Mo e Reviews
Page 18 - Art a
Photo by CarohAn
uhcchronicle@ at made be can Comments College. Honors OSU the or
University State Oregon of policies or views the reflect officially not may but
staff, Chronicle the on writers individual the of views reflect Articles dents.
stu- OSU and UHC by term every published is magazine Chronicle
Chronicle The
Horn Naaman
Blake Nathanael
Gregory Jeremy
Moser Jenny
Woodworth Casey
Mathur Avantika
Sheahan Luke
Ruth Miranda
Baddeley Bob
Ries Jillian
Froemming Hannah
reviews lovie
Matbur Avantika
Allun Christina
Editors Assistant
Simpson Emily
Phillips Abby
C-town in spots lot
Staff Staff Staff
fine. just bill the fit students Honors ofgiants." shoulders the on
standing by is it farther, seen have I "If Newton: Isaac quote to is prise
enter- our to bring you what view I how say to way best the Perhaps
together. challenges the meet to strive all will we promise I College. ors
I-Ion- University the to and OSU to bring you what for you Thank
en- so ourjobs make sociallythat and funintellectually having of
ways peculiar your mention to not synthesis; for and meaning for search
your it: consume merely not and knowledge create to help to learn,
to desire your is It students." Honors with work you when spectators
no are "There say, to used professor Psychology former a As
students. our of expectations the meet will that opportunities provide
and kind in respond to need Honors in and OSU at administrators and
staff, Faculty, us. of all for bar the raise will
that expectations of set and dedication, ise,
prom- with come they that is students Honors
with interacting about like things the of One
graduate. you after here be will who and here,
already are who us of those of lives the rich
en- to help that things many great a bring they
OSU to and Honors to come students As
Dean UHC
Hendricks Joe
Get They as Well as Give Students Honors
climb 3ubimos.we
debate great The
meaning for Looking
perils parking Perennial
story Johnson Debbie The
exceeds class UHC
classes Crateau's
about think to Theses
steering the Inside
editors the from Letter
ide C/iron
Letter from the editors
with the moans and groans associated with the anxi-
WARNING: The issue you are about
to read has not one, but two, I (we) repeat
TWO co-editors, bearing equal powers of
grammatical dictatorship over our peon un(Please writers do not take offense, we truly
appreciate your efforts.) Seriously though,
all joking aside, this auspicious and momen-
eties of starting new classes after a long break. Whether
you're a senior dreading the upcoming thesis defense,
or a freshman complaining that you still have three years
left at OSU, you can all make the most of this term by
putting forth your best efforts regardless of the task at
hand. But perhaps a more difficult obstacle is finding
spare time for hobbies, social activities, and other en-
tous event occurred when Abby thought
maybe,just maybe, Emily contributes an
exactly equivalent share of work and thus
deserved the same pompous title in the
gagements that balance out the rigors of college life.
The Chronicle is one such area that provides an escape from classes, lab reports, and ten-page essays
it doesn't matter if you're a reader or a contributor to
magazine hierarchy.
The fact that we are now <<insert superhero theme music>> the Dynamic Duo
(minus unsightly capes and leggings, so five
the magazine. Our co-authorship will hopefully
derlings! <<insert maniacal laughter>>
minutes ago) protecting the UHC from
ghastly reading materials makes us simply
unstoppable, or at least we'd like to think
strengthen this publication and set a precedent for future publications.
Abby Phillips
But we don't want to bore you with
verbose self-proclamations--after all, the
Chronicle is your publ ication. With the be-
Emily Simpson
ginning of winter term, the air is already filled
Inside the UHC Steering Committee
experience for honors students better. Besides that,
the Steering Committee provides an array ofopportu-
Naaman Horn
Staff Writer
Oregon State University agriculture students
go about their business oblivious to what is
happening deep beneath the soles of their
plodding feet. Nestled deep within the
basement of Strand Ag. Hall and lined with
asbestos insulated pipes sits the S.L.U.G.
(Students Learning Underground). Inside
this underground haven for honors students,
at 5:15 p.m. every Tuesday, the infamous
members of the Steering Committee meet.
The UHC Steering Committee is
comprised of students from various backgrounds who all gather for a common pur-
nities and services for its students. Following are a
few examples of the services the
Contributions of the committee
Organizes Dad's Weekend
Tailgater each year
Provides "Snack Shack" food
in the SLUG
Plans Sunriver Trip
Puts on Honors College Dance
for OSU Food Drive
poseto direct and guide the events and
Plans spring rafting trip
proceedings of the Honors College. Jane
Siebler, the fearless advisor, mentor and
Contributes to Faculty Senate
friend to all, leads the Steering Committee.
The Steering Committee works
diligently behind the scenes to make the educational
UHC Steering Committee provides:
The committee organized a tailgater for dad's weekend, which provided good food,
a place for friends and family to
gather, and an opportunity for
students to show their appreciation for their fathers. Students
and fathers alike not only had
an agreeable time but were
pleasantly surprised with a rare
Beaver football win.
Another service provided by the Steering Committee, implemented just last year,
Conitinued on next page.
Fall 2002
Chronicle The 4
REDUCE-REUSE-RECYCLE. difference. a make
CAN we effort little a With recycled. are them of 3.5% yea......only each produced are plastics of pounds billion 10
following: tile Consider plastics. of recycling and use responsible the promote can we but eat?), bike, a ride player,
CD a have teeth, your brush you (do lives daily our from plastics eliminating of think to practical not It's (above). 2002
Day Earth at display on MasterCard plastics recycled ft 8 x ft 4 the made they why that's and society, our in plastics
ChE the in students HC of group a how That's
of use responsible the about feel class Poets" for "Plastics
Earth the Saving
PETE)- (#1 bottles soda recycled
from made Jacket Synchilla PCR Patagonia
$85 HDPE)- (#2 jugs
milk recycled from made Backpack
$28; I-IDPE) (#2 containers tergent
de- and jugs milk recycled from made Lamp
14 $7. PVC) (#3 pipes ter
wa- and HDPE) (#2 jugs milk cycled
re- from made binder notebook and Ruler
peace- yet 111g.
roar- a trip, Float River
Com- Steering the to ideas their contribute
Urnpqua the enjoy can students
and attend to welcome is Anyone
spring, the in Later fun. have and
school. the out
dance, mingle, to lights dimmed der
un- congregate Students individuality.
through- resounds commitment their of effect the
but members committee the of faces the know not may
and emotion, style, grace, of union a is
Some College. Honors the of direction the affect will that
Drive Food OSIJ February the for benefit
a as held dance, College Honors The ships.
decisions makes and meets committee the members, its for
place better a College Honors the making of goal modest friend- oflifelong forming and relaxing, skiing, of weekend a
tile with Tuesday, Every mind. in students College Honors for River Sun to escape students where excursion winter a is
all with services of range a provides
Trip River Sun The year. coming the
Committee Steering The
for planned has Committee Steering
students. its
of array an to ward
services and opportunities
this of functioning the to critical is vice
ser- their and Council, Faculty UHC this
of array an provides
time. cial
Committee Steering The
so- and study much-needed more ing
with participate to volunteer members
Committee Steering Three Hendricks.
provid- while replenishment, nutrient
Joe Dean, UI-IC to counsel provides that Committee Senate essential obtain to students honors allows convenience its
Faculty the of members student as serve to year each lected and cost purchasing above studentsjust to sold is food The
S.L.U.G the frequent who students for foods and snacks ous
vari- provides smorgasbord sweet This Shack. Snack the is
se- are Committee Steering the of members Finally,
River. Umpqua majestic the down adventure ful
continued Committee: Steering
UHC the Inside
Theses to think about: activity in the UHC
Contributing Writers
Sarah Campbell, who earned a H.B.S. in Microbiology in 2002, explored quite a different field from her afore-
mentioned major in her thesis which centered onArthurian
Legend in the Modern Realm. She investigated the roles
that women played in the Arthurian tale (as told by Thomas
Malory) and studied their historical impact on the development of attitudes towards women today. While one
may frequently dismiss myths as children's
bedtime stories or moral lessons envel-
oped in a world of fantasy, Campbell
stipulated that "These beliefs are passed
down from generation to generation and
propagate themselves into something that is
a part of the heritage of the group even if these
beliefs are detrimental to the society in the mod-
ern age." Morgan Le Fay, traditionally seen as
a heartless, evil sorceress, is reinterpreted as
the most misunderstood and worthy female
heroine of the tale - posing as the one independent woman willing to go out on a limb
for her desires and ambitions. Yet the image that perpetuates our society is that of
the ever devoted, beautiful and fairly help-
less woman. It is suggested that the
Arthurian legend may in fact be responsible for the huge focus of our society today on outward
appearances, cosmetics, and fashion.
Sadie Wilson graduated in 2002 with a
H.B.S. in Speech Communication. Her thesis was one of the few that went against
the normal recommendation of avoiding subjects too personal/emotional,
yet did so with overwhelming success.
Sadie was the Student Body President of
events like these "can really happen at anytime, to anybody,
David Klinkenberg also graduated in June, 2002 with
an H.B.S. in Political Science. His thesis was the achieve-
ment every musician dreams of his own record deal with
Epic Records. Both a singer and a violinist, David documents his experience and gives tips for succeeding in the music world. Talent, contacts,
perseverance, and yes, even image are im-
portant. He familiarizes the reader with
general insight on picking the right manager, agent. producer and lawyer, and
demonstrates the role each individual
plays in the music business. His thesis also includes case studies of individual success stories that serve as models to
the aspiring musician or singer. Many would-
be musicians believe a record deal
comes equipped with top agents in ei-
ther Nashville or Los Angeles, but
David argues that finding the spotlight
requires more than just connections:
"those getting discovered met the right
people through hard work and dedication." Becoming famous is a multi-faceted
and often frustrating process, but the bottom line is hard work is essential in obtaining fame.
Jason Schindler is graduat-
ing this year with a H.B.S. in
Chemistry and a minor in Writing. He decided to combine his
in the UHC passions into one cross-disciplin-
present their ary piece: "The thesis I am evolvtopics in the annual ing originated from my own ideas
thesis fair. These about linking models and theories
Thurston High School when the tragic school
students presented at the
shooting at the hands of Kip Kinkel took place.
1997, 1999, and 2001 fairs. of chemical bonding, electron exchanges, and other principles of
Her thesis consists of a personal reflection on this
event four years later and explores the impact of school vio- chemistry to ways that humans interact and form social bonds.
lence on her life, focusing not so much on what happened on It is easy to see some of this theory in our modem language
May 21, 1998, but on thejourney to healing afterwards. when people talk about personal "chemistry," or, "being on
Oftentii'nes people, especially the media, make the horrible the same wavelength," and as such, my thesis will explore
mistake of underrating and devaluing the experiences and that concept." He found two mentors within the sociology
emotions of people whose lives were touched by such an department to assist him with the somewhat more unfamiliar
event, but were not themselves physically there. It is an sociological aspects. Currently, he is exploring a critical comamazing, poignant piece expressed with utmost clarity in parison of his chemical model of human interaction to Erving
which the insanity of this world is accepted for what it is, Goffman's classic model based on theatrics (e.g. life as a
having no reasonable explanation except the conclusion that stage).
Fall 2002
Chronicle The
away washes and dams over streams triumphantly water As up- drifting raft, a from and system), River Willamette the
flood. roaring and storm a announces sky winter a of rumbling of part (a River Blue the of headwaters the at Park, terfront
baritone loud the 1941, of November in later, Years
Wa- Corvallis new the along Willarnette, the beside written
depths. clean cool, Willamette's have Pennell, Jed and Hasson, Rachelle Gardner, Courtney
the in skin brown smooth, her drenching before tion Blumhardt, Tammy students, tJHC Four it. from emerges that
reflec- her at briefly peers woman Kalapuya young a while writing the and site a as river the between relationship the
harmonious remain And water. clear the in thirst her ing explores that course UHC new a is River the "Writing
quench- doe timid the for and surface the beneath just gliding
salmon abundant once the for in thrown staccatos few a with
below. tion
centuries, past depicting light, start would music The
reflec- her in course the describes Crateau Professor River.
harmony. the with clashes contemporary add which the Writing named creatively was course second The
notes harsh creating together clutter and reeds, in catch river,
the down float cups paper and butts cigarette cans, Empty
cymbals. like ripples the of out and in splash Steelhead and
violins are 1-loneybees story. the tells water the and rhythm,
the keep crickets melody, the
life. its tray
por- best would emotion with overflowing sonata a perhaps
Or sorrows. and joys and downs and ups of cycle dramatic
a waltz a create would flow graceful steady, water's the
Maybe Willamette. the of story the tell would composition
my No, march. happy-go-lucky a nor sonatina carefree a
be not would it symphony, river a conduct to were I If
Symphony River
river. the "wrote" they after Chronicle the with
pieces writing their shared class the in students Three
language." and
metaphors, thoughts, our both infuses river the on and beside
writing that learning are we Together Anthology. Student
A River: Our Honoring publication, regional a in as well as
page web UHC the on published stories short and poems,
essays, prose, photos, of collage a be will product final The
drafts. other's each as well as writers of variety a from ings
read- out-loud conversations, shop coffee experiences, their
around friendship unique a forged has group the writing, mal
infor- of pages with Along Albany. to Corvallis from stream
Leis). (Amber raising" conscious
it's - series lecture this of merit the is that that perhaps think I
milk... breast in contamination pesticide the about debating
candidates gubernatorial hears one No politics. of context
. .
the in discussed often aren't issues these most. the me
affected has which down pin to hard it's series, lecture this in
far so me for 'awakenings' many so been have "There
creation." God's for respect a and surroundings, our of
interconnectedness the of awareness sustainability, for need
the illustrates [it] Overall course. powerful a is "This
Parmelee). (Rhiannon comprehend" barely
can we way a in intertwined are sky and lakes children, and
women men, nature, how about eloquently writes [Carson]
face we situations environmental current the about
book a is it 1960's, the about book a isn'tjust Spring Silent
that is me on had has lecture this impact biggest "The
words. own
their through understood best is course the taking students
the on had have lectures these influence The book. selling
widely her through to attention brought Carson which nature,
and environment the on effects human about ideas turbing
dis- sometimes and extraordinary presented speakers ent
differ- of variety A discussed. were book the of anniversary
the to related topics which during series, lecture fall Matter
Ideas the attending after week a once met class The
publication. controversial novel's the of anniversary
fortieth the celebrated and Carson Rachel
by written novel a after named was Spring, Silent entitled
course, first The term. fall last courses enriching and
taught Crateau Ann Carole Professor
intriguing very two
Writer Staff
Mathur Avantika
students in best out brings Craleau success: great a classes UHC
trees and roads, a great glissando reaches new octaves.
A few measures later, these quick, resonating notes
sorrow. A young teen, frustrated with the troubles of life,
gasps his last breath and plunges himself into the river off
subdue to the soft giggles of children venturing down to banks
to let the river lick their toes. The melody is soft and playful
as more people gather around the Willamette to play Frisbee,
Fremont Bridge. The powerful minor halts. A full rest.
picnic and bike. Laughter and chatter begin to crescendo
louder and louder. Tones become shriller, foreshadowing
disaster. Suddenly, an empty can of Coors is carelessly
tossed into the river. More sewage and garbage spill into
the vital flow, flooding the music with disharmonious flats
and shams.
The flats send the river swirling into a melancholyA
and agony, but still the river flows and still its music is capti-
minor whose painfully slow chords drown in the river's great
Slowly, cautiously the music resumes, each note timidly test-
ing the atmosphere. The symphony is a mix of frustration
I'd invite all to the banks of the Willamette to listen.
Myself I would situate on an old cracked log. Closing my
eyes, I'd breathe the moist air into my lungs, feeling the passion of the river. Then, holding a reed, I'd raise my arms
above my head
- Courtney Gardner
I Am the River
Flowing down, over, around
my waters transcend the bends in the earth
Following curvilinear paths to dissect mass, my task is varied and plentiful
Reaching the far ends of the earth I bring life and sustenance to all
Not withholding my nourishment from one or the other
Yet people continue to use me, to fight over the rights to my body
All flowers may bloom beside me; every tree may dip its roots into me and take freely
Sometimes calm, sometimes turbulent, sometimes shallow, sometimes deep
I am the river
Each plant, each living being may grow green by my streams
Map my waters but I will continue to change slipping away like a cloud in the air
I cry for replenishment; I cry for the same care I show you
Draw near to me and see your reflection
But be dear and care for me like I matter
As you know I do
Drink me up and be well; bathe in me at night
What I heard by the river
But don't take me for granted
I heard a car pass by. I heard you
I am the River
can never step into the same river twice. I heard a
whisper. I heard that there were once so many salmon
Ride my waves; lie on my shores play in my pools
you could walk across the river on their backs as they
But keep me cold and clean; don't contaminate me
swam by. I heard it in an elementary school assembly,
with debris and disease
and I heard it was true. I told my dad; he looked anDon't damn me and try and control me,
noyed and told me it was a legend. Wouldn't it be neat,
for the tighter you grasp the quicker
though, to run across a river on the backs of fish? You
I'll slip away
know, he's an employee of Bonneville PowerAdminisAnd your loss will be your own
tration, he probably didn't want to believe it was true.
So take heart before it's too late
But it made for good conversation over the dinner table.
See how connected, how interwoven are our fates
A mound of mashed potatoes and my conservative dad,
Love me, cherish me, lie beside me
arguing with what they teach me in grade school. I still
breathe in my scents
wish I could run across the river. I heard someone sigh;
are for me and I will continue to care for you
I heard a camera snap. I heard a song once, about a
Protect me; protect your future...
river, and I can't seem to get it out of my head. And I
I am the river
heard another car pass by.
- TammyBlumhardt
Fall 2002
care." to and communicate..
.to reason.. to ability the gifts: human great three the of
use good make to learn we because be will it do, we if But
world. natural the and neighbors our with harmony in live
to way a find will ever we if know don't "I hope. about both
are writing and lessonreasoning valuable most her learned
Moore Professor even OSU, at years 20 nearly After
Young. Thom stated perspective," smaller a it'sjust
change; regional or global as significant as just are viduals
indi- other upon have people effects positive the that believe
"1 hope. for reason a
empowering an gained dent
stu- each importantly, most But book. entire the throughout
itself manifests learning applied of principal The
Kuzma. "Hope" Chickie cot
mas- class the even and Moore, Professor students, the of
profiles include pages final the while argument, effective to
approaches and strategies give sections nine The questions.
study occasional and comments, sidebar definitions, and
terms essays, student-written contains textbook The
spring. the in publishers
to manuscript the offering be will Kathleen term. the of end
the at self-published was Hope for Reason titled book the
when product final the of result the saw class 121 losophy
Phi- Honors The of." proud be can we that product final
a result, tangible a produced and intentions original our with
through followed we that fact the liked] [l experience: on
hands- the enjoyed course, the in Young Thom like students
And lives." their affect should classroom the in learn students
what that believe really "I do. writers what did student Each
environment. real-life a in students of comniunity a served
ob- She place. take creation this watching involved role
Kathleen's of much project, the of figure central a Although
book. the of sections nine the of one into placed then and
again, revised revised, revised, were Pieces process. draft
three-step a endured topic writing Each writing. and soning
rea- effective through difference a make to wanted students
if step crucial a was this but revisions, writing rigorous of
course the rid couldn't mix demographical the Even
class." the in power the of
some "created diversity group the that believes Moore sor
Profes- biologist. marine the to research embryo of issues
moral the illustrated student med the and philosopher, the from
Chronicle The
textbook the of production the for step next The
buses. school
on required being seatbelts of idea the to research stem-cell
from ranged Topics problem. general or ethical moral, a on
argument an asserted that topics writing brainstomied class
the textbooks, Moore's Professor of one alongside class
the of nature self-directed the With book. the of content the
was tackled students the and she obstacle first The
text- own their producing by writing and reasoning of skills
the learn students the proposed Moore give, could setting
classroom normal the what beyond experience an for ing
search- was class the that Seeing dancing." fast some quired
re- minute last the at class the transforming "but interview,
an in stated she learn," to want they what students teach
to want "I problem. a posed hope find to needed they fuel
the group charged a such give could Moore not or whether
but hope, to reasons for looking were students The
to response "a as, labels Moore desire a writing, and ing
reason- through change implement to desire earnest their by
united were they values, and backgrounds unique with class
the into came individual each though Even students. rolled
en- eight the of lives the shadowed still I 9/I of memories
commenced, class Writing and Reasoning the When
term. the of end the by learn
would students her and she both much how just at ished
aston- was but transformation, this promote to do could she
what and hour, the of end the by changed be should dents
stu- how herself asked always has She OSU. at years 19
after surprises any expecting not had, always she as lecture
started Moore 2002, in course Writing and Reasoning 121:
Philosophy winter her of day first the On did. it way the out
turn would it knew never Moore Kathleen Professor
Editor Contributing
expectations exceeds class UHC
bo the of povr the for pose
Writing and ng
Rea of class
th of Members
- -
argument of art the of importance the understood soon gist
ecolo- The course. the in enrolled was who ajunioratOSU
Halleck, Tami Said us."of eight only were there because well
really other each know to got and together worked all "We
diversity. group the with work to learned students cation,
dedi- much Through skills. group and reading, critical ing,
listen- also hut skills, writing good establish to had only not
students so, do to But reality. a into ideas the turning was
Path to Success: The Debbie Johnson Story
Luke Sheahan
Staff Writer
students in the United States to receive the Rhodes Scholarship to Oxford University. At Oxford, she went on to obtain
her master's degree in management in 1997. During her
Oregon State University has sent many successful students out into the world. Numerous graduates have achieved
substantial success and recognition in their respective fields.
Another OSU alumnus, Debbie Johnson.joins the ranks of
these elite graduates. Her story is not one of length, but of
depth. Since her graduation, Debbie has accomplished so
much that the College of Engineering awarded her the Outstanding Early CareerAchievementAward in 1999, an honor
only given to the elite few who accomplish a career's worth
of achievement in less than twenty years.
From the beginning Debbie showed promise for a bright future. She was a recipient of
the Presidential Scholarship and the sole recipient of the Mentor Graphics Scholarship
(a full ride scholarship from Mentor Graphics). During college, Debbie not only held a
3.9 grade point average but also participated
in kayaking, symphonic band, the Science
Math Investigative Learning Experience
(SMILE), and was a Girl Scout leader for at-
risk teens. Debbie worked as an intern at
stay in England, Debbie published some of her research done
for her master's degree.
Nortel Networks offered Debbie ajob working in telecommunications as a project manager in North Carolina.
During her first two years at Nortel she received three promotions, she went from project manager to manager, manager to senior manager, and senior manager to Director of
Engineering for the Nortel circuit board assembly plant in
Raleigh. While Debbie worked for Nortel, she received the
Nortel Top Talent Award, and was one of only thirty
people to be selected regionally to the Leadership Raleigh program through the Chamber
of Commerce.
After two years as the director of engineering (which was divested to Solectron).
Debbie quit herjob to raise her two children (now 2/2 and 3'/2 years old). In January of 2002, Debbie accepted a teaching position in the College of Engineering at Oregon
State University, where her intensely successful engineering career originated. She
teaches honors statics and is working
on a committee including members of
the College of Engineering and the
College of Business to create an en-
Intel after high school and then at Mentor Graphics in Wi Isonville after her first
year ofcollege. Mentor Graphics also
provided Debbie with an internship in
Germany after her second year.
During her senior year, Debbie
noticed that there was not an opportunity for a "hands on" engineering course
Debbie Johnsgjr('UHCs newest
addition, Is ndw an adviser for
engineering students In The UHC.
trepreneurship program at Oregon
Debbie considers the Honors
photo by Jillian Ries
College to be a great opportunity for
for freshmen. After speaking to the Engineering Advisers students at OSU. Her advice to the students in the Honors
regarding this dilemma and learning that the department College is to get involved in activities that are fun and relacked a faculty member for the position, Debbie volunteered warding and to improve their skills in writing and communiherself to teach the class. In addition to her activities and cation: "It does not do you any good to be brilliant if you
volunteer work, Debbie was also involved in several honors can't share your ideas with the world." But, she also says
societies: Mortar Board; Tau Beta Pi, Cardinal Honors; Phi not to worry about being perfect:just that students should
Kappa Phi, and she was president of the Electrical Engi- remember to use the gifts they have to help those who are
neering Honors Society, Eta Kappa Nu, her senior year. not as privileged as they are. Debbie would like students to
Although Debbie attended Oregon State before the time of take the initiative to step forward and fix a problem if they
the Honors College, the program was already in the process see it, not wait to let someone else do it. She encourages
of creation her senior year and she was able to serve on the U I-IC students to ask themselves the question, "How am I
committee that hired Dr. Joe Hendricks, the Dean of the going to save the world? How am I going to use the privilege that I have to make this a better place?" Now the
Honors College.
Following her graduation from Oregon State with top question is, how many will take her advice, step up to the
honors in Electrical Engineering. Debbie was one of only 32 challenge, and follow in her footsteps?
Fall 2002
737-2583. at Services Parking
OSU contact shuttle, OSU the of times
departure and map route a get To
system. shuttle
OSU the using or biking, walking,
by tickets avoid certainly can students
lot, parking spacious and new a for gers
fin- their cross only can they While
tick- for targets such are they why stand
under- ever students will nor lenced,
si- be never may parking of lack from
rage road student of outcries The
Bursell. said
well," really on caught has and one tic
fantas- a is program shuttle "The
many please not would that idea an
asphalt, more for way make to field a
over pave to have would OSU cation.
lo- the is parking for lot new a building
in arises that problem Another
lot. the of upkeep and design
the as well as land, for expenses cover
to have would fund The favorable.
very not still is lot parking new ofa idea
the bind, a in situation financial OSU's
with But improvement. lot parking
for aside set is that fund a is There
lot. parking new
a for pay to dollars tax or tuition given
not are they that means This eration.
op- self-sustaining a is Services Parking
OSU the Bursell, to According
Crossing Slug
sys- Shuttle OSU free the of advantage
take to encouraged also are Students
bikes. riding or walkingof use venient
con- makes Corvallis of size The
systems. portation
trans- alternative using by hands own
their into matters take however, can,
they campus, its onto lot parking new
a incorporate will OSU not or whether
dictate can't students While
campus." the of perimeter
the on be would "It responded, Bursell
one, fund to able hypothetically were
ifOSU be would lot parking new a of
location the where asked When
city. this of areas
rural the prize who residents Corvallis
necessarily. Not right?
problems, all solve would This lot. ing
park- new a build to money this use to
logical seem itwould program, parking
the into back goes money the all If
issues." lated
re- and program parking the into back
goes money "All replied, Bursell this, To
Chronicle The 10
for? used is money this what to as ous
Curi- money. of amount large a to allot
can there tickets $40 couple a and here,
tickets dollar $15 few A term. per ets
tick- parking given are students 4,000
approximately that said Bursell
tickets. parking few
a with deal and teeth their grit to have
to going arejust Students out. carried
be to continue probably will it problem,
major a poses practice this Unless
ago. years many section student the in
park to privilege the members faculty ing
giv- of practice the set Committee ing
Park- the said Services, Parking OSU's
of Manager Bursell, Peggie
limited. already
is students for parking the and faculty,
of number the outweigh far students of
number the though even section, dent
stu- a in park they when ticketed get
not do staff right, That's exists. fine or
violation such no but section, student
a in parking for fine same the members
staff give to fair seem would It
section. staff the in caught
are they if them to given ticket $40 or
$15 the escape never permit parking
OSU an for necessary $80 the spend
to choose who students Even
crunch. this with deal
must who students the is it and constant,
remained has spots parking of number
the 7,000, around reached has lation
popu- student the While spots. parking
of lack the to contributor main the is
body student the in growth Recent
week. finals than stress more
causes availability parking sparse as rage
to student University State Oregon calm otherwise an
mention mere The parking. Student
drive can word this of
Editor Contributing
Perils Parking Perennial cars: for
Phillips Abby
place a Finding
Finding a place for ourselves: looking for meaning in our lives
Bob Baddeley
Layout Editor
Every person needs a purpose; a reason for
xisting. it is just too depressing to think that we can
think but that there is no reason.
need to find a way to occupy ourselves. To do this, we
attribute importance to something. We all attribute importance to a variety of things, really: job, family, cars,
Making the future brighter means making its inhabitants brighter. Education is the single greatest way
to invest our resources for the future. Our goal should
be to teach the future everything we have learned and
daily newspaper. Are any of these things essential,
give them the resources to learn even more than we
though? If there was one less Honors College Student
Magazine, would anyone notice?
know now. At the university level students discover the
boundaries of human knowledge and effort and dedicate themselves to push those boundaries and advance
We are here, and we have a lot of time, so we
Someone attached importance to creating this
magazine and convinced other people to share in that
the species. The university is about learning from previ-
importance. Then they all convinced everyone else that
ous generations that were dedicated to education, get-
that magazine was important. But if it stopped being
published, people would move on.
That's the depressing part. Someone may assign
a lot of importance to something and dedicate a lot of
time to it, and maybe even other people will recognize
ting funding from previous generations dedicated to edu-
it and assign personal importance to it, but when enough
people cease to find it important, it ceases to exist. We
cation, and using those resources to build more.
Oregon State University and Oregon in general
seem to be losing touch with that idea. As the budget
gets thinner and thinner every year the number of people
who can benefit from an education gets thinner and thin-
ner. Tuition increases force students to attribute more
importance to getting along than to
can only hope that our efforts will
getting educated. They cannot do
be noticed, and that, more imporMaking th e future
undergraduate research or further
tantly, they will affect someone.
scientific research and knowledge
brighter m eans making
The point is that everything is
because they are too busy getting
done because someone thought that
its inhabit ants brighter.
from day to day. When they graduit was needed, but that necessity is
ate they will move immediately into
only artificial. People must be conajob to pay off student loans.
vinced that something is necessary, and ifthey have to
Budget cuts mean department cuts, which means
be convinced of it, then it isn't necessary. Too often
sections of human knowledge disappear from a
people's lives are wasted creating something that has
university. Less money results in fewer resources, so
no importance for anyone else, and then when that perthat students must use outdated materials and technolson dies has no importance for anyone at all.
ogy, making it impossible to develop new and advanced
Ultimately every person's goal is to dedicate their
resources. Denying education contributes to solving a
time and efforts to something that will last beyond their
temporary problem, but also prohibits students from
own life. They want to know that what they are doing
getting the education they need to permanently solve
will make a difference. They want to say"! helped to
some of humanity's problems.
build the Great Pyramids of Egypt," not"! designed a
Education is the best way to invest our resources
part that was used in a machine that was used to build
for the future. In the end, we would rather say "I helped
Betamax players." Every person chooses how they
build the great pyramid that is Human Knowledge"
spend their resources, and hopes that they are getting
than "I voted down a levy because I don't think the
the most out of those resources and making the future
future is where I want to invest my resources."
Fall 2002
Chronicle The
created? have we
problem a solve to innocents of millions murder we
abor- to opposed vehemently now is he being; human
should so, If human? living a fetus a Is rhetoric. their
living a is fetus a that hini convinced tool scientific new
all than louder screams point this on camp abortion
This technology. ultrasound developing the in interest
pro- the of silence The not. would Bradbuiy Bill that
an had also he but abortions, performed I-Ic wall.
question the answer must we And do. we But
the in crack first the put who NARAL, of founder
co- and abortionist an Nathanson, Bernard was it
being. human living
a of death the meant abortion each that sure for know
irony, supreme a In scene. the onto came science Then
not did truly they passed, was Roe when for forgiven,
women. of oppression the upon bent fanatics religious
as portrayed were disagreed who Those ". growth..
be perhaps can they But 1979). M.D. Nathanson,
cancerous a like just tissue, of blob little A man.
Bernard America, fabrication(Aboii/ng outright an
was abortions" alley back and hanger coat from ing
hu- living a not it's course of "No, that, assert to able
was lobby abortion the years For life". "potential be
dy- women of "thousands about line repeated monly
com- the example, For methods. dishonest using by
to fetus a declare to Court Supreme the allowed ment
public the convinced they and it, solving than rather
develop- fetal of Ignorance aborted. being fetus the
away go problem the make to trying of route easy
the took They wrong. horribly was goals these attain
to tried they which by means the But goals. noble are
con-of point important most the ignores camp abortion
pro- The general. in debate abortion the of crocosm
improvement social and equality Gender general. in
world better a create to out were architects societal
mi- a as serves incident This points. my considered
even not
The this. with interfered children unwanted men, with
feeling the with left Yet! shake.
equality achieve to trying were
hand- congenial a with ended and
sts i in
respectful, polite, was conversation
social and feminists between ance
The minutes. few fora him to talk
chronicle(ahotmail.com. uhc at
go to able was I Afterwards
alli- unusual ofan result the was
Chronicle the email comments, submit
Wade v. Roe children. unwanted
question. next the to
to like would you If UHC. the or staff
of problem societal the negate to
moved then He in. involved ing
Chronicle the of opinions or views the
attempt an is Abortion simple. so
be- business any has .) etc. church,
not are abortionof status legal the
(government, one no that decision
on effect no to little had has fact
personal a is abortion that stated
this why reasons The life. human unique a of ginning
he short, In gender). my given statement ridiculous
be- the is conception that shows clearly Science
rather (a one get shouldn't I then abortion like don't
fingerprints. tinct
I if that saying by ended He it. about anything do
dis- has even fetus the time, this by ten; week around
to try not better had I that but abortion, dislike sonally
per- to me for fine was it that health"; "reproductive
performed are abortions Most present. are systems
their control to right the have should women that was
response His question. the dodge to .only himself..
rallied quickly he politician, experienced an
Being being?" human living a be to fetus or embryo
an shows science modern that given this youjustify
do How campaign. your to central been has abortion
for support your earlier, stated you "As loose. let
I and Lounge, M.U. the in presentation his of portion
Q&A the reached had We him. asked hadjust tion
ques- the by aback taken seemed Bradbury 13111
body's the all weeks, eight By forty. at waves brain
days, eighteen as early as detected been has heartbeat
fetal A differentiate. to begin embryo an of cells the
hours, seventy-two At life. for requirements logical
bio- the all fulfills it and code, genetic unique own its
has embryo an conception, At is. It human. living a
is fetus a not or whether of debate scientific the ended
have then since medicine pre-natal in improvements
dramatic The side. their on science had who lifers
pro- the was it Now debate. abortion the of equation
the reversed radically 1984 in abortion) an of video
ultrasound (an Scream" Silent "The of release His
Writer Contributing
Blake Nathanael
others for wrong some, for topic controversial a Abortion
Subimos. .We Climb
UHC student reminisces about foreign travels
J ererny Gregory
mischief from Hernán 's younger days. We have
moved on to many other "deeper" topics, but at
times a certain tree or hole will spark a reminiscence of days gone by. I am happy to say that
afterjust a couple of months here, I too have stories to tell about time spent on the mountain. We
Contributing Writer
QUITO, ECUADOREvery Saturday and Sunday
morning my host father and! head up the volcano Pichincha,
whose falsely-comforting forested slopes loom over western Quito and our house. My dad the endocrinologist/naval
officer becomes tour guide, philosopher, and best friend in
the moment that we embark on these weeklyjourneys. For
him, the hikes provide more thanjust exercise and a fantastic view of the city below - Pichinicha's eucalyptus and pine
forests were his childhood haunts and he has innumerable
adventures to recount after nearly 50 years of exploring them.
He knows exactly where every path leads and which fallen
trees along the way will provide the perfect angle for a photo.
His time on the mountain has not only produced a deep
appreciation for Ecuador's natural beauty, but has also inspired several profound ideas for her future. My favorite is
a vast reforestation project which would preserve the environment, and in doing so combat the rampant poverty that
characterizes the rapidly expanding urban areas. Although I
haven't shared this with him. I think he would make a great
president for this country.
Hernán has plans for my future as well, quite possibly
have shared our career dreams, those which I hope
to realize and those which lie already has. I am
amazed at how much this fifty-year-old Ecuadorian endocrinologist and I, a twenty-year-old gringo
from Oregon, have in common. We have shared
our opinions on capitalism, the death penalty, matrimony (not necessarily as a form of the previous
topic), and even potential thesis projects. Who
knew that an early morning hike in Ecuador could
offer so much? Although I didn't learn everything
I needed to know about Ecuador from these
weekend hikes, they have definitely yielded a great
I will probably not re-
member a lick of organic chemistry
nor an
as many as I do. According to him, I will first perfect my
Spanish here in Ecuador and then return to the states for
medical training. I will then take advantage of my "free time"
during medical school to obtain funding and establish an international aid organization. As a doctor and philanthropist,
of Newton-
ian physics when
I will return to Ecuador and together we will seek permaI
to OSU next
nent solutions to the many health problems that plague the
year, but the hiking chats
poor people ofthis country (some 80% of the 12 million
that I have enjoyed with my
inhabitants struggle at or below the poverty line). He has a
dad have been my favorite
massive education campaign in mind, which he sees as the
moments in Ecuador and have truly
only way to bring about lasting change. In fact, he has almade my study abroad experience worthready started down this path with the recent release of the
while. More than anything else, I have develthird edition of his book on diabetes, for which I got to coloped a friendship that will surely last a lifetime.
laborate on the design.
Sojust what do we talk about while climbing? Perhaps
Jeremy Gregory is a 3rd year UHC student with maan easier question to answer would be what don't we discuss? Initially I received an overview of the modern Quito jors in Spanish, Biochemistry and Biophysics, Pre-Med
spread out below us and of the ancient city, which existed Option, and the International Degree. He is spending acafor over five thousand years until the Spanish conquistadors demic year 2002-03 on OSU's study abroad program in
arrived. Next we proceeded to stories of adventure and
Fall 2002
Chronicle The 14
downtown. jewelry body and shop, thrift little cute a is Meow
Tuesdays or Sundays on music
livejazz for looking you're if 2 beads for known well is Star Northern The Cat's the door, Next ranges.
Phillips Abby by photo
SW on byAJ's stop to free Feel
price affordable in jewelry body
partake. to enough old not us
and beads of assortment great
a offers Star Northern road, the
of those for area non-alcohol a
have does which Monroe, NW
down Just section. book new the
1501 at Clodfelter's ommends
about lounging felines store the
rec- student, UHC another Ruth,
of one into run might you lucky,
Miranda boat! your floats ever
you're if and magazines and
as well as books, used
What- club." type frat-party dent
stu- college "trash a as it terizes
mostly of selection large a tures
charac- saysLegg he
fea- Bin Book The from. choose
Peacock the try don't nitely
to stores fun and quirky of copia
cornu- veritable a boast streets
Defi- 1st. SW 202 on &Firkin
Fox the suggests student, UFIC a
fourth and Third delights. friendly
Legg, Ben variety, over-2 the of
student- for hotspot particular
a is area downtown The
leisure for looking is one If
St. 2nd SW 341 at located It's p.m. 8:00
home. taken and up picked be can pottery course) of
at Wednesdays on dancing belly ture
(non-toxic, painted newly the days, tour
brownies. popular
fea- also they thing), of sort that toward
In everyone. for something certainly
is sandwicherie This
inclined is one if drink (and food good
there's kids, or couples, Groups, vases.
offer place this does only Not World."
and teapots even and covers switch light
the in Brownies "Best self-proclaimed
figurines, to bowls and mugs from thing
every- offer they
own your it make
the of seller Deli, World Old eclectic
the forget could who course, Of
and paint to pottery of piece a out pick
adults. -of-age- and
Simply Madison. SW 264 at Place,
responsible by played be to games ing
Pottery the is spots tivity-oriented
ac- of list the of top on Definitely
drink- concerning Corvallis) (in literature
of selection best the possibly quite have
also They ducks. rubber inevitable the
school- of drudgery the from diversion
and incense candles, Buddhas, plump
welcome offer Corvallis around and in
smiling, parasols, and
placesof plenty yet, quite attention your
Japa- like people, upon gifts as bestow
need don't homework thatof rest the all
or with house your decorate to items
and problems, chemistry papers, those
randoin other and clothing of assortment
that yourself convince to manage how
some- do you if But right. Yeah,
fun a features Moon West Corvallis.
to flair unique own its bringing
finished! is work
home- your all when occasion rare that
finally It's calculated. are problems chemistry the
All up. typed is pluralism multicultural on paper That
done. is reading sociology of pages 50 the So,
but beads), the (minus Star Northern to
akin somewhat enterprise, Eugene-based a is Moon
West Tearoom. Hearts Joyful the to next Street 4ih
on located Moon, West is hearts our to dear stores
downtown to addition recent most The Society.
Humane Heartland the support proceeds whose
Writer Staff
Woodworth Casey
wl*h ripe ConU Dowidow.t
C-town in $pots 144*
pilot) l)\
photo by Abby Phillips
photo by jiflian Ries
The Book Bin is a locally owned and operated bookstore that carries more than just books. Both the owner and her
cat are popular at this establishment, valued for its good deals, great service, and comfortable atmosphere.
from 6:30-8:OOpm (and yes, it is a music venue
for under 21 'ers). The scene is low- key and
mellow, perfect for those seeking to relax and
enjoy themselves.
No money? Enjoy nature? The per-
fect spot is just north of Corvallis at
is the Avalon Cinema at 160 N. W. Jackson: "They
play all the alternative movies and indie films." Show
times are usually listed in the Friday Barometer, or
check out their entertaining website at
lfthat homework is still nagging you, and
allow visitors to walk, horseback ride, and
you have to pull an all-nighterto make up
for all the fun you've had out on the town,
bike. Located inside the forest itself is
there's always the numerous coffee houses.
Peavy Arboretum, 40 acres of varying plant
Two Starbucks, the Beanery, Interzone,
and endless others are sure to provide
McDonald Forest. Many miles of trails
species to enjoy and learn about.
Learning? No! For those burned
out on academia, there are plenty of other
options. Myles Catchpole, one of the
plenty of caffeine for those certain sleep-
less nights. Insider tips include
Piazza's Zebra Mocha (with
whipped cream of course),
SLUG staffers, by self-definition "easily
amused," enjoys the Toy Factory at 361
SW 2nd St. This is, in fact, a
I nterzone's vanilla steamer,
and the Beanery's Buy
fabulous toy
One Get One Free Drink
store, and they
certainly have
deal on Sundays (the
best deal of all). Also
don't forget about
puzzles to play
the Beanery lo-
with, along
cated at 500
with a good se-
5 2 for great
atm o s ph e r e,
with live music
lection of
books, board
games, mod-
from 8-lOprn
els, etc. Another favorite
usually (and lo-
cally roasted
1)hOt() b
illian Ric
Fall 2002
Chronicle The
watching. worth definitely it's hours, four almost sig- rains, the of trace no With year. coming the in doubled
for spans it Though movie. family must-see a definitely is be will lagaan, or tax, annual their that containment British
Lagaan film. the in role lead the played also he production: nearby the from order the given are village the of famiers poor
first Khan's Aamir was This life. village of aspect each ing the as unfolds stoly the clouds, rain monsoon anticipated the
portray- characters of range versatile the through sorrow to of traces for sky the searching woman elderly an of scene
humor from emotions of array an evokes film. the of director a with Opening India. of colony its around clenched tightly
the Gowariker, Ashutosh film. the in spoken dialect Hindi is fist British the and 893, is year The Champaner. called
the and costumes, and cinematography earthy bright, the ofGujarat state the in village rural small a in set is story The
2001. of summer the in release its upon world the around tion
through depicted colorfully is life ofvillage simplicity The
plot. the to chann sensa- a caused 1-lindi, in tax means which "Lagaan,"
recognition. worldwide
adds Shelley) (Rachel Elizabeth sister own Russell's tain
Cap- and Singh), Gracy by played village the in girl (a Gauri and acclaim critical earned India from entry the but film,
Bhuvan, between triangle love A climax. captivating and foreign best for award the won Bosnia from Land" Man's
exciting an to leads forces oppressive and masses fenseless "No Ultimately Award. Academy an for nominated was
de- the between battle unarmed unlikely The Blackthorne). "Lagaan," year, the of productions 'Bollywood' best the of
(Paul Russell Captain containment, the of head the lenges one as March last breath their held movie-lovers Indian
chal- and increase, the fight to wants Khan), (Aarnir Bhuvan
Writer Staff
character lead charismatic The lagaan. double of prospects
Mathur Avantika
the at terrified are villagers the income, or crops no nifiing
oppression about flick Indian Lagaan, love Locals
again. way same the dreams lucid of practice the to language of roots the to existentialism
of think never you'll And life. your of hours two those regret from run conversations These people.of types all with sions
won't you animation, eye-popping the by dazzled simply or discus- fascinating of string a into catapulted is he it, from
discussion philosophical the by enriched are you Whether for life, Wiley's of rest the deterinine does corner That
Life." "Waking rent all should you conclusion, In
life." [his] of rest the
while. worth of path the deternine will "that corner street random a on off
well it make aspects positive movie's the content, tionable Wiley lets he until life of most the making to key the discusses
ques- is there though Even scene.) jail-cell the during volume driver the freeway, the down proceed they As lift. a him fers
the muting consider might you violence, about squeamish of- motorboat converted a driving man a station, the leaves
re fyou' (I content. disturbing or violent and language for R Wiley As destination. its at arrives riding is he train the as
rated is it forewarned: be but mind, subconscious the of tial Wiley with awake isjolted viewer the there, From destiny."
poten- the of examination phenomenal a is movie This
is "dream fortune: a reveal to lifted is flap paper the chosen,
dream. actual been has number final the When fortune-teller. paper a with
an of discombobulation the mirrors perfectly that symbolism playing children small two with opens Life" "Waking
quirky and colors bright of canvas ever-shifting luxuriant,
dreams. of world subconscious the through ney
a into movie the turning once, at animation of styles more jour- philosophical always yet confusing, often an on Wiley
or two incorporate scenes the all Almost animation. to age follows movie the Linklater, Richard by Directed Life." ing
foot- live-action the converted artists thirty and live, shot was "Wak- ilovie 2001 the of actor lead and character main the
movie The art. animated of quality fantasy-like the with action Wiggins, Wiley for room make and Hamlet, over, Move
live of sophistication the all combines Life" "Waking
effects. visual extraordinary by balanced is
dream..." to perchance sleep, "To
plot complex This dream. a fact, in is, movie entire the that
Writer Staff
realizes viewer the course, its runs movie the As dreaming.
Moser Jenny
cinema quality to awakening great a Life Waking
Demented, but deep, Donnie Darko delights audience
Casey Woodworth
Staff Writer
Gyllenhaal shines in a performance that is at once darkly
haunting and beautifully realistic. He plays the "crazy" well,
but there's something so human in his confusion and pain
days, 6 hours, 4 minutes, and 12 seconds. Or so says that we can't help rooting for the doomed Donnie from the
"Donnie Darko," immediately plunging its viewers down a very beginning. Also particularly good is Jena Malone as
twisted path that explores fate, love, God, and the nature of Donnie's girlfriend. Another high point is Mary McDonnell,
who manages to wrap a mother's love and apparent helpdeath.
Donnie Darko (Jake Gyllenhaal) has more problems lessness against her son's inner demons into a powerful perthan the average teenager. On top of dealing with his idio- formance.
The brilliant score, composed by Michael Andrews,
syncratic family, the perils ofdating, and '80s hair, Donnic is
hiding something much deeper. His paranoid schizophrenia manages to strike a balance between sweetly romantic and
has manifested itself in a giant rabbit named Frank, who in- downright creepy. It sets up the tone of the picture perfectly
It is October 2, 1988. The world is going to end in 28
without intruding upon any of the other elements. Gary Jules'
cover of the Tears for Fears song "Mad World" is also particularly great.
Multi-layered but still achingly simple in its denouestop. Sound weird? Good. It gets weirder. Throw in a
self-help guru, time travel theories, and a strange old woman ment, "Donnie Darko" has both the heart and the intellect to
nicknamed "Grandma Death," and you'll have some idea of become a cult classic. Here's hoping it has a chance to find
a life on video before the world really does come to an end.
what's to come in this memorable film.
forms him that the end of the world is coming. Meanwhile, a
plane engine falls from the empty sky and into Donnie's house,
kicking off a chain of events that Donnie feels powerless to
Horoscopes by Naaman Horn
Aries: March 21 April 19
and move on with your life.
Sagittarius: November 22 - Decem-
Yours is a truly blessed sign. You
are one of the lucky few who share a
group of stars with my editor. Clearly,
you are charming, smart, funny, and
appreciate good writing when you see
Leo: July 23August22
You have not called your morn for
You are about to stumble on an
quite some time. Sure you are busy...
TOUGH! That is a lame excuse. Call
abundance of money; unfortunately, you
will probably spend it all on tuition and
your morn.
cheap beer.
Taurus: April 20 May 20
Virgo: August23 September22
Capricorn: December22 January
The term is quickly approaching
its end. Your mind wanders as images
The moment is right for
I see romance in your luture and
of spring break fill your thoughts.
brownnosing of your teachers. Do not
go overboard. Instead, use subtle, well-
Buckle down and finish the term right.
placed questions and comments and
you will as well. But first you must start
looking past physical attractiveness and
Endurance now will pay off for you later.
watch as your G.P.A. rises.
see the inner beauty of those around
Gemini: May 21June21
Libra: September 23 October 22
you. Ordinaty people have feelings too.
You are confused, but do not
wony. Simply speak loudly, often, with
authority, and confidence. Others will
soon begin to believe anything you say
The stars are shining brightly on
you my friend. Enjoy your success, but
remember to give credit where it is due.
Aquarius: January20 February 18
The winds of change are heading
in your direction. Use it as a guide, but
do not become swept away in its gales.
- whether you are right or wrong will
Scorpio: October 23 November 21
no longer matter.
Do not reject your friends, or you
might find Pooky (your dog) to be your
Pisces: February 19 March 20
only companion. I doubt your R.A.
would appreciate your furry friend's
your time relying on the stars to predict
your future. Grab life by the reins and
control your own destiny.
Cancer: June 22 - July 22
Do not fear the unknown. Instead,
sweep it out from underneath your bed
congenial qualities as much as you do.
You are spending too much of
Fall 2002
perceive. which that But
believe, will Nothing
Chronicle The 18
Tran Amy by backgrounds
and page this on Artwork
fact. determines Faith
sealed; is Destiny
abstract. is Justice
real; are Senstations
turned. is page last one's When
age, with comes Wisdom
spurned. are Memories
rage; follows Regret
elope. and pleasure, Find
hope. replaces Fear
moon thumbnail a by Admired
sunset a in it saw
until rainbow a saw never
Smith Aaron By
console to interrupt not did That
ear kind a by replaced be to only sight my fled
until love experienced never
west further us drives And
crest hill's next the Upon
gold greatest The
air of ceiling and walls by Unencumbered
prison glass its of outside it glimpsed
until swim fish a saw never
foresight. our Enshrouding
reams, our upon rains that veil gloomy the dissolve To
pale, or ink is all till seems what bleach And
light, contouring by knit finely what's stretch We
string a on soloist a of Instead
chorus a by serenaded was
until song bird's a heard never
winter in breath as cold as And
glass as clear as pond a into waded
until feet my beneath Earth the felt never
me pulled current the way whichever
swim to down hair my let
until dance soul my let never
heavens. the reach we when chaste to agree And
ridges arched recusively with works our augment we Then
islands, anonymous Connecting
bridges build hedonistically we lovers free Like
unemployment. and Boredom
day: our of evils the fight To
continents nameless Toward
away sail we Aimlessly
Hasson Rachelle By
Smith Aaron By
Destiny Manifest
The Poem
By Crystal lves
Troubled soul and anguished heart
Unite to form the embryo
Safely housed in an iron shell
Countenance disguised that none may know.
What beast lies beneath the façade
Terrified, dark, alone and forlorn?
Ever struggling to break free of its prison
Until the moment the poem is born.
Lake Timpanogas
By Thom Young
Such depth, such grace, such beauty
This creature with polished
Golden scales.
Why did you swallow the stars?
Why did you consume the Universe?
There's no point in playing innocent with me
As I peer down at your complacent waters
My eyes penetrate your unfathomable depths
Your impassive beauty beguiles dark intentions
But I can see through your transparent facade
Born of fear, trials and tears
Emotion flowing as lifeblood
Crystal wings unfold in the darkness
Light cascading like a flood.
I can see The Stars of the Big Dipper shining
Who can truly comprehend
Gasping for air from beneath your placid surface
of strife and broken heart?
Shuddering with fear, longing for home
Yet its glance is captivating
Trapped forever beneath your liquid sky
From it my eyes cannot part
The Moon, too, stares from within your wet dungeon
Eyes wide and mouth agape
Who could imagine such scintillating beauty
Lines etched into his weary face
Rising from the deepest pit?
The Wind feels betrayed by your malevolent actions
I may not understand the creature
She parted with a final whisper,
"Farewell to lost love"
She has abandoned you to flirt with other waters
The black Forest stares at you, alone and perplexed
Arms outstretched, questioning your cosmic depths
Autumn Romance
Roots clenched like sharp talons
By Jacob Rankin
Frustration unleashed into the dark soil
Through which your wicked life-blood seeps
I love the autumn months
The Mountain towers high with a smirk on her brow
I love the leaves that fall
Now she rules the heavens with a narcissistic embrace
But Pumpkin Pie, you're the one
Jagged crown on her head, declaring dominion over all
I love most of all.
She nods faintly at you for usurping the stars
You tantalize my taste buds
Entranced by the fear of the captured Universe
Your spices are an art
I dread The Moon's intimate knowledge of your abyss
have my attention
But the dark mystery of your void casts a Siren spell upon
You have my heart.
Foreboding liquid midnight too much to resist
I love not so much the flaky crust
As I gaze from the boat back into your depths
But in the middle, din'
I feel a deep longing to feel deeper yet
Proving true beauty isn't on the outside
So I implore of you with fearful curiosity
It comes from deep within
Lake Timpanogas, "When will you swallow me?"
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