Content process overview Thursday, April 23, 2015 New content requested External news event 1. Commission content 2. Research Content 3. Produce content 4. Enter/edit content 5. Review content Finish 6. Produce Behind the Headlines Page 1 1. Commission content Thursday, April 23, 2015 NHS Choices Operations Board 1 Present Roadmap following consultation with stakeholders Approves Roadmap Subject editor Editor assigned to subject Contacts policy team(s) and informs them of subject and plan (if appropriate) and identifies clinical contacts Policy teams 3 Collates key messages from all interested parties Subject meeting with relevant stakeholders 2 5 Takes key messages from policy team(s) and collates content list 7 Incorporates feedback and creates content list 2. Research Content Create content 6 Reviews content list and provides feedback Clinical engagement 4 Initial clinical input if required Page 2 2. Research content Thursday, April 23, 2015 Subject editor 1 Agreed content list Consults peer reviewed scientific research 3 9 When direct experience is required, consult people with direct experience (defined below) Review comments Compiles research and completes content 3. Produce content Completed content Evidence and other peer reviewed research 2 Research NHS Evidence for systematic reviews and other peer reviewed data Evidence base consulted Direct experience 4 Consult ( where relevant 5 Consult relevant clinicians 6 Consult national charities where relevant 7 8 Patient organisations Feedback to NHS Choices from patients and the public where relevant Page 3 3. Produce content Thursday, April 23, 2015 Subject editor 5 Receive comments Negotiate with clinician/ policy. If unresolved, request final decision from CIAG No Content drafted 2 Edits work and sends to subject policy team(s) where relevant Editor agrees with feedback? Yes Significant changes? Return content to clinical sign off No 6 Edits content and sends to Head of production for entry Yes Policy teams 3 4 Reviews content and disseminates to interested parties Collates feedback and sends to editor Clinical engagement 1 With appropriately qualified clinician for clinical sign off Head of production 4. Enter/edit content Approved content entered Page 4 4. Enter/edit content (after final sign off) Thursday, April 23, 2015 Head of production Content passes review? Head of production receives content/changes Change to existing content? 4 Yes Yes 9 Content published to live site Edit properties to include a publish begin date No No Assigns Sub editor 7 No Informs Product lead or nominated deputy for approval 10 To be published immediately? Yes Submit for publishing Subject editor 1 2 3 Enters content into CMS Review and amend content in CMS Informs Head of production content is ready Sub editor 5 6 Review and subedit content in CMS (checks facts, spelling, grammar, style) Submits for approval to Head of production and provides hard copy Product lead No 8 Content passes review? Yes Reviews content Page 5 5. Review content Thursday, April 23, 2015 Content on the site is reviewed systematically Arrive at scheduled date Triggers content review User generated feedback 2. Research Content 3. Produce content 4. Enter/edit content Finish Evidence update Page 6 6. Produce Behind the Headlines Thursday, April 23, 2015 BtH editor External news event 1 2 Research Media outlets Select appropriate story 3 4 7 Research scientific papers Send paper clippings and scientific papers to Bazian Edits article 4. Enter/edit content No Significant edits? Yes Content published on live site No Libel check needed? Yes Bazian Internal lawyers 5 6 Write article Reviewed by in house clinicians for clinical sign off Yes 10 Article accepted? Review article No Page 7 Content process key Thursday, April 23, 2015 Internal event External event Result High level process 1 Process Process end Wait Page 8