Principles of photovoltaic energy conversion and pathways to high efficiency Louise C. Hirst NRC associate U.S. Naval Research Laboratory U.S. Naval Research Laboratory The Naval Research Laboratory provides: Primary in-house research for the physical, engineering, space, and environmental sciences Fundamentals New capabilities Field demonstration Experimentalist Test engineer Theorist Founded by Thomas Edison in 1923 Key achievements: First modern U.S. radar First operational U.S. sonar NAVSTAR GPS - based on the NRL TIMATION program First US Earth orbiting spacecraft - Vanguard I Semi-Insulating Gallium Arsenide Crystals Technique for growing high-purity single crystals slide 1 of 26 Opto-electronics and radiation effects III-V device design an fabrication Simulation capabilities Growth & characterization 5000 ft2 class 100 cleanroom Photovoltaics Innovation for high specific power and power density for specialized applications Operation in extreme environments (e.g. space, underwater) Large scale power generation Satellite space experiments Design, build, operate, and post-flight analysis Radiation effects Optical detectors for imager technologies Night vision, thermal imaging, missile detection slide 2 of 26 The Solar resource Irradiance (Wm-2eV-1) 700 The Sun is a blackbody with temperature ~6000 K 600 500 E2 dE 2ΩA I(E) = 2 3 c h exp(E/kT)-1 400 300 1000 W.m-2 peak incident power 200 100 0 1 2 E (eV) 3 4 NASA 2009 Solar energy use is innate Directly as heat Chemical, mechanical & electrical conversion Indrect an inefficient processes Photovoltaics provides direct conversion slide 3 of 26 Incumbent PV technology 1839 - Becquerel demonstration of photovoltaic effect 1954 - Bell Labs first ``high-power" Si solar cell (6%) Extremely fast growing industry - 38 GW capacity installed in 2013 Si-wafer PV - 90% of 2013 production Multi-crystalline Si - 55% of total production Record conversion efficiency for this technology is 20.4% Most installed system ~15% Extremely cheap - cells produced $0.2/W Achieving grid parity in many parts of the world US residential installations outstripping non-residential 1/3 coming online without state incentives slide 4 of 26 High efficiency PV Key issue with multi-crystalline Si: Limited applications Domestic power generation, suburban or rural residential installation 22% energy consumption - residential (2011) Industrial, commercial and transport Weight/area are significant Industrial architectures High power density requirements Portable low power density (W/m2) low specific power (W/kg) High efficiency PV provides solutions World record efficiency 44.7% Why is the efficiency of incumbent technology is fundamentally limited? Mechanisms for achieving high efficiency slide 5 of 26 Solar heat engine 1 TS QA Absorber QA = AσTS4 QE = AσTA4 TA4 QA - Q E Net energy flux =1- 4 = Incident energy TS QA 0.8 η (%) QE TA Q1 0.6 0.4 Heat engine - transfer energy hot source to cold sink 0.2 W 0 0 Q2 T0 2000 4000 TA (K) C B S TA TA T0 T0 B C D 6000 η= 2nd law : ΔS≥0 W Q -Q T Q = 1 2 = 1 - 2= 1 - 0 Q1 Q1 TA Q1 A isotherm B P ( (( ( TA4 η= 1- 4 TS 1- T0 TA adiabat D A T A Q1 Q + 2 TA T0 ΔS = - D C V 84.9% at TA = 2480 K Carnot engine is isoentropic slide 6 of 26 Solar heat engine: invalid assumptions TS QA How do current PV technologies deviate from the ideal? ( (( ( QE TA4 η= 1- 4 TS TA T 1- 0 TS Mismatch between absorption and emission angles -the terrestrial absorber is not a perfect blackbody cavity Q1 W Some energy transfers from TS to T0 without being absorbed Q2 Some heat dissipation - dewar flasks are not perfect thermal insulators T0 C B S TA TA T0 T0 B C A isotherm B P adiabat D A T A 84.9% at TA = 2480 K D Non-isoentropic ΔS=0 C V D slide 7 of 26 Energy (eV) Semiconductors as absorbers Entropy free work is generated by thermalization Teh>TL energy C: Eg = 5.5 eV Si: Eg = 1.1 eV Ge: Eg = 0.7 eV CB Sn: Eg = 0.1 eV Pb: Eg = -- Teh=TL time CB Δμeh VB VB atomic radius <ps elastic absorption scattering thermalization radiative rec Recitification: with charge separation, the chemical potential becomes a voltage across the device The Photovoltaic Effect Eg Semiconductors have an bandgap V = eμ Most often realized in a pn junction structure Some transmission permitted to prevent total thermalization slide 8 of 26 Detailed balance limiting efficiency Detailed balance approach: J = Jabs - Jemit ∞ ∞ - e α(E).n(E, TA, μA = eV, Ωemit).dE 0 Generalized Planck equation E2 .dE c2h3 exp(E-μ/kT) - 1 n(E, T, μ, Ω).dE = 2Ω Particle number conserved Unity absorptivity above Eg and zero below Current density A.m-2 0 Fraction of incident solar radiation = e α(E).n(E, TS, μ = 0, ΩS).dE 1 0.8 0.6 400 200 0.4 Voltage 1 0.2 Power All recombination radiative 0 Infinite carrier mobility Maximum power point opperation Boltzmann approximation: (E-μ)/kT >> 1 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 Eg (eV) 32.5% for Eg = 1.35 (31% for 1.31 eV numerical) slide 9 of 26 Intrinsic losses Mismatch between absorption and emission angles: kTA. ln(Ωemit/Ωabs). Jopt Fraction of incident solar radiation 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 Boltzmann 0.2 Power 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 Eg (eV) slide 10 of 26 Intrinsic losses Transmission of low energy photons Eg E.n(E, Ts, μ=0, ΩS).dE 0 Mismatch between absorption and emission angles: kTA. ln(Ωemit/Ωabs). Jopt Fraction of incident solar radiation 1 0.8 0.6 below Eg 0.4 Boltzmann 0.2 Power 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 Eg (eV) slide 11 of 26 Intrinsic losses Thermalization of high energy photons ∞ E.n(E, Ts, μ=0, ΩS).dE - Eg. Jabs Eg Transmission of low energy photons Eg E.n(E, Ts, μ=0, ΩS).dE 0 Mismatch between absorption and emission angles: kTA. ln(Ωemit/Ωabs). Jopt Fraction of incident solar radiation 1 thermalization 0.8 0.6 below Eg 0.4 Boltzmann 0.2 Power 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 Eg (eV) slide 12 of 26 Intrinsic losses Carnot Emission Eg(TA/TS). Jopt Eg. Jemit TS Carnot emission QA QE 1 Thermalization of high energy photons ∞ E.n(E, Ts, μ=0, ΩS).dE - Eg. Jabs Eg Transmission of low energy photons Eg E.n(E, Ts, μ=0, ΩS).dE 0 Mismatch between absorption and emission angles: kTA. ln(Ωemit/Ωabs). Jopt Fraction of incident solar radiation TA Q1 thermalization W 0.8 Q2 T0 0.6 below Eg 0.4 Boltzmann 0.2 Power 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 Eg (eV) slide 13 of 26 Pathways to high efficiency Target dominant intrsinsic loss mechanisms: Carnot Boltzmann loss emission 1 Hot carriers Focusing module Field localization ~100 nm |E| 2 1000 Directional emission 100 10 Furman et al., 35th IEEE PVSC, 475 (2010) Adams et al., 35th Ciracì et al., Science IEEE PVSC, 1 (2010) 337, 1072 (2012) Thermalization & below Eg Multiple absorbers Hot-carrier solar cells Fraction of incident solar radiation Solar concentration thermalization 0.8 0.6 below Eg 0.4 Boltzmann 0.2 Power 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 Eg (eV) Sequential absorption and MEG slide 14 of 26 Multi-junction solar cells fraction of incident solar radiation 1.0 Carnot emission 0.9 Boltzmann Bandgap optimization is a materials engineering challenge 0.8 0.7 thermalization 0.6 below Eg 0.5 Conditions: Spectral conditions: terrestrial/space concentrator/flat plate? Stacked cell or monolithic growth? Separately contacted or current matched? 0.4 Solutions: III-V alloys 0.3 0.2 Power 0.1 0.0 Increasing junction number increases efficiency through a reduction in thermalization and below Eg losses 1 III V B N Al Si P Ga Ge As In Sb 2 3 4 5 6 number of junctions Optimal Eg and separately contacted junctions assumed slide 15 of 26 Multi-junction solar cells AlP 2.5 GaP Industry work horse, space applications: Current matching InGaP/GaAs/Ge EMCORE ZTJ - 29.5 % Eg optimization AlAs 2.0 Eg (eV) AlSb 1.5 GaAs Si Emerging technologies for high efficiency: InP 1.0 GaSb Ge 0.5 InAs 0.0 5.4 5.6 5.8 6.0 6.2 lattice constant (Å) InSb 6.4 slide 16 of 26 Multi-junction solar cells AlP 2.5 GaP Industry work horse, space applications: Current matching InGaP/GaAs/Ge EMCORE ZTJ - 29.5 % Eg optimization AlAs 2.0 Eg (eV) AlSb 1.5 GaAs Si Emerging technologies for high efficiency: InP Quantum wells 1.0 Reduce middle cell Eg for current matching GaSb Ge 0.5 InAs 0.0 5.4 5.6 5.8 6.0 6.2 lattice constant (Å) InSb 6.4 Felixble system for Eg optimization Ekins-Daukes et al., Appl. Phys. Lett., 75, p. 4195 (1999) InGaAs GaAsP GaAs slide 17 of 26 Multi-junction solar cells AlP 2.5 Industry work horse, space applications: Current matching InGaP/GaAs/Ge EMCORE ZTJ - 29.5 % Eg optimization AlAs GaP 2.0 Eg (eV) AlSb 1.5 GaAs Si Emerging technologies for high efficiency InP Quantum wells 1.0 Reduce middle cell Eg for current matching GaSb Ge 0.5 InAs 0.0 5.4 5.6 5.8 6.0 6.2 lattice constant (Å) InSb 6.4 Felixble system for Eg optimization Metamorphic growth MM cell InGaP Confine defects to a buffer layer to move lattice constant InGaAs buffer Ge slide 18 of 26 Multi-junction solar cells AlP 2.5 Industry work horse, space applications: Current matching InGaP/GaAs/Ge EMCORE ZTJ - 29.5 % Eg optimization AlAs GaP 2.0 Eg (eV) AlSb 1.5 GaAs Si Emerging technologies for high efficiency: InP Quantum wells 1.0 Reduce middle cell Eg for current matching GaSb Ge 0.5 InAs 0.0 5.4 5.6 5.8 6.0 6.2 lattice constant (Å) InSb 6.4 IMM cell MM cell InGaP InGaAs buffer Ge Ge InGaP GaAs buffer InGaAs Felixble system for Eg optimization Metamorphic growth Confine defects to a buffer layer to move lattice constant Geisz, et al., Appl. Phys. Lett, 93, p. 123505 (2008) slide 19 of 26 Multi-junction solar cells AlP 2.5 Industry work horse, space applications: Current matching InGaP/GaAs/Ge EMCORE ZTJ - 29.5 % Eg optimization AlAs GaP 2.0 Eg (eV) AlSb 1.5 GaAs Si Emerging technologies for high efficiency: InP Quantum wells 1.0 Reduce middle cell Eg for current matching GaSb Ge 0.5 InAs 0.0 5.4 5.6 5.8 6.0 6.2 lattice constant (Å) Ge InGaP GaAs InGaAsP InGaAs InP InSb 6.4 Felixble system for Eg optimization Metamorphic growth Confine defects to a buffer layer to move lattice constant Bonded 4J Soitec - World record (44.7%, 297X) Epitaxial lift-off & mechanical stacking Dimmroth, et al. Prog. Photovolt., 22, p. 277 (2014) slide 20 of 26 NRL pathway to 50% 1.0 AlAs AM1.5D, low AOD, 500X 2.0 Eg (eV) AlSb 1.5 GaAs Si InGaAs/InGaAs strain compensated QW InP 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 -0.2 0 1.0 GaSb Ge 0.5 InAs 0.0 5.4 0.8 5.6 5.8 6.0 6.2 lattice constant (Å) InAlAsSb InGaAsP InGaAs/InGaAs QW InSb 6.4 In0.39GaAs GaP 3J on InP (1.74, 1.17, 0.7 eV) In0.66GaAs 2.5 Energy (eV) AlP Eg 5 10 15 20 Distance (nm) 25 InAlAsSb quaternary - new material Simulate material properties: Ternary end point lattice constants and band alignements from experiment Estimate bowing parameter to interpolate MBE growth for development: Immiscibility - kinetics and thermodynamics Temperature - Growth and anneal Characterization: Emission : PL Device: QE and DLTS Absorption: PLE and transmission InP slide 21 of 26 Broader perspective Still significant issues with MJ devices other than laboratory efficiency: Cost - extremely expensive materials and fabrication methods Implement in highly focusing solar concentrator systems Improved efficiency through Boltzmann loss reduction Severly limits applications options - only suitable for desert power stations $/W values - difficult to compete with flate plate Si Industrial, commercial, transport & portable applications low power density (W/m2) low specific power (W/kg) Materials abundance Substrate removal and reuse Spectral sensivity - limits annual energy yields Recycling Ultimately limited by junction number - complexity is not free and only offers incremental improvement in efficiency slide 22 of 26 The hot-carrier solar cell Carriers do not fully thermalization Change the rate balance between absorption and thermalization Steady-state hot-carrier population Teh>TL energy Fundamentally different heat engine Teh=TL time CB Δμeh VB SJ MJ hot-carrier Contact to the hot-carrier population via an energy selective contact Cooling confined within an ∞ narrow energy range is isoentropic Carrier population thermally equilibrates without dissipating excess heat energy elastic absorption scattering thermalization radiative rec TL εe TS > Teh> TL εeh Most like the Carnot engine Δμeh Δμ Eg εh metal ESC absorber ESC metal slide 23 of 26 Making an HCSC Requirements Hot-carrier absorber Broadband absorber Restricted carrier-phonon interaction Steady-state non-equilbrium hot carrier population Achievable levels of solar illumination Energy selective contact Reduced range of energy states relative to absorber Carrier transmission High current, concentrator devices Recent progress Slow carrier cooling in QWs Record low thermalization coefficient in InAlAs/InGaAs wells Resonant tunneling Dimmock et al., Prog. Photovolt, 22, p. 151, 2014 in press IEEE J. Photovolt., 2014 InAlAs 340 320 InAlAs InP 15 nm 360 Teh (K) Device solutions Energy selective extraction 300 20 40 60 Pabs 80 ( 100 120 InGaAs E-field enhancement nanostructures Absorption in ultra-thin device High carrier density -> hotter carriers Semi-selective energy barrier Hirst et al., Appl. Phys. Lett., 2014 Quaternary superlattice structures on InP for miniband formation slide 24 of 26 NRL hot-carrier solar cell design Ultra-thin (active region < 100 nm) incident sunlight nanostructure <λ Reduction thermalization quantum well hot-carrier absorber Superlattice energy selective contact Plamonic waveguiding nanostrucutre 200 nm Cost Material abundance 0 0 field enhancement in ultra-thin InGaAs quantum engineered PV converter -100 0 100 Spectral sensivity No complexity limit CMP tomorrow 2:30pm in room 103 Nielsen Hall slide 25 of 26 The finish line Carnot emission 1 Fraction of incident solar radiation Multi-crystalline Si - 55% of total production Extremely cheap - cells produced $0.2/W Key issue with multi-crystalline Si: low power density (W/m2) low specific power (W/kg) Pathways to high efficiency MJ - Leading high efficiency PV technology thermalization 0.8 0.6 below Eg 0.4 Boltzmann 0.2 Power 0 0.5 Race to 50% InAlAsSb InGaAsP 2 2.5 Ultimately limited by junction number Teh>TL 3 3.5 Teh=TL time CB Δμeh InGaAs/InGaAs QW What's there at the finish line? 1.5 Eg (eV) energy Metamorphic buffers Quantum wells ELO and bonding 1 VB InP hot-carrier SJ MJ elastic absorption scattering thermalization radiative rec slide 26 of 26