Black Hawk County Food Assessment 2012 Population: 131,820 Human Health & Wellbeing Access & Consumption Units of food and water available for emergency preparedness1: In the event of an emergency, the county contacts large-scale distributors. The supply of the food bank is small. No existing emergency inventory, but other regions will come to the aid of the county in the event of an emergency. % Youth consuming at least 5 fruits per day2: Black Hawk County Results (2012) 6th Grade: 7% total 5% Males 9 % Females 8th Grade: 4% total 4% Males 4% Females 11th Grade: 7% total 9% Males 5% Females All Grades: 6% total 6% Males 6% Females State of Iowa Results (2012) 6th Grade: 8% total 9% Males 8% Females 8th Grade: 6% total 7% Males 5% Females 11th Grade: 5% total 5% Males 4% Females All Grades: 6% total 7% Males 6% Females % Youth consuming at least 5 vegetables per day3: 1 Food Bank and County Emergency Management 2 1 Black Hawk County Results (2012) 6th Grade: 7% total 7% Males 8% Females 8th Grade: 3% total 3% Males 3% Females 11th Grade: 5% total 7% Males 3% Females All Grades: 5% total 6% Males 4% Females State of Iowa Results (2012) 6th Grade: 6% total 6% Males 6% Females 8th Grade: 4% total 5% Males 4% Females 11th Grade: 4% total 4% Males 3% Females All Grades: 5% total 5% Males 4% Females % Food insecurity rate (overall food insecurity)4: Black Hawk County (2011) Overall food insecurity rate: 14.8% Food insecure people: 19,310 57% below SNAP threshold of 160% poverty 11% between 160-185% poverty 33% above threshold of 185% poverty Additional money required to meet food needs in 2011: $7,555,340 Average cost of a meal: $2.40 State of Iowa (2011) Overall food insecurity rate: 12.9% Food insecure people: 395,620 53% below SNAP threshold of 160% poverty 9% between 160-185% poverty 38% above Other Nutrition Program threshold of 185% poverty 3 4 2 Additional money required to meet food needs in 2011: $152,212,750 Average cost of a meal: $2.36 % Food insecurity rate (child food insecurity)5: Black Hawk County (2011) Child food insecurity rate: 19.4% Food insecure children: 5,440 61% income eligible for nutrition programs (income at or below 185% of poverty) 39% likely ineligible for federal nutrition programs (income at or above 185% of poverty) State of Iowa (2011) Child food insecurity rate: 19.3% Food insecure children: 137,120 60% income eligible for nutrition programs (income at or below 185% of poverty) 40% likely ineligible for federal nutrition programs (income at or above 185% of poverty) % Infants breastfed at birth6: Black Hawk County 2007 results: 66.2% 2011 results: 73.1% State of Iowa 2007 results: 69.8% 2011 results: 74.5% % Adults who have consumed fruits and vegetables five or more times per day7: State of Iowa (2009) % Rate: 18.5% # of people surveyed: 1,217 Black Hawk County8 % Rate: 21.3% % Children overweight or obese9,10,11, 12: 7 8 9 5 6 3 Black Hawk County 2010 (3rd grade) 25% overweight 25% obese 2011 (7th-8th grade) 14% overweight 25% obese 2012 (9th grade) 14.8% overweight 16% obese State of Iowa (2010) Overweight (Age 2-5): 17.2% Obese (Age 2-5): 14.7% Cedar Falls (2011)13 32% of students in Cedar Falls schools (K-12) were overweight or obese 34% male students 30% female students Waterloo (2011) 45% of students in Waterloo schools (K-12) were overweight or obese (was 35% in 2002) 45% male students 45% female students % Adult overweight or obese14: State of Iowa (2011) Overweight (BMI 25.0-29.9) % Rate: 35.8% # of people surveyed: 2,512 Obese (BMI 30.0-99.8) % Rate: 29% # of people surveyed: 2,013 Black Hawk County15 Overweight (BMI 25.0-29.9) Obese (BMI 30.0-99.8) % Rate: 23.5% 23% in 200916 Environmental Health 12 13 14 15 16 CDC, 2009 Behavioral Risk Factor Survey Age-adjusted Rate 10 11 4 Production # Acres in harvested cropland17 18: 1974: 254,077 acres 1987: 223,324 acres 2007: 252,509 acres # Acres in harvested vegetables, potatoes, and melons19 20 21: 1974: 56 acres 1987: 116 acres 2002: 206 acres 2007: 222 acres 32 farms # Acres in orchards22 23: 1974: 49 acres 2002: 15 acres 2007: 25 acres 14 orchards # Acres in berries24 25: 1974: 10 acres 2007: 3 acres 11 farms Estimated average annual sheet and rill erosion on cropland (tons per acre per year, total cultivated and non cultivated)26: January-December 2013: 1.23 tons per acre per year # Waterways that are very poor, poor, or fair27: 17 18,_Chapter_2_County_Lev el/Iowa/st19_2_001_001.pdf 19 20 21,_Chapter_2_County_Lev el/Iowa/st19_2_030_030.pdf 22 23,_Chapter_2_County_Lev el/Iowa/st19_2_031_031.pdf 24 25,_Chapter_2_County_Lev el/Iowa/st19_2_034_034.pdf 26 27 5 2013: 4 Cedar River, Wolf Creek, Beaver Creek, Black Hawk Creek # Acres irrigated28: 2002: 16 acres 2007: 20 acres # Acres treated with commercial fertilizer29: 2002: 173,487 acres 2007: 194,011 acres Environmental Health Waste Management % Total (state of Iowa) food waste30: Statewide MSW (2011) 13.3% of total waste was food waste Residential Waste (2011) 13.6% of total waste was food waste ICI Waste (2011) 13.1% of total waste was food waste No information at county level Social & Cultural Health Production # Farms31 32: 1987: 1,269 2002: 939 2007: 942 # Farms marketed products through Community Supported Agriculture (CSA farms)33 34: 28,_Chapter_2_County_Lev el/Iowa/st19_2_010_010.pdf 29,_Chapter_2_County_Lev el/Iowa/st19_2_042_042.pdf 30 31 32,_Chapter_2_County_Lev el/Iowa/st19_2_001_001.pdf 6 2007: 4 farms 2013: 7 farms Average age of principal operator35: 2007: 57.1 years old # Community gardens (public, private, faith-based)36: 22 total Community gardens: 4 Church gardens: 6 Neighborhood gardens: 4 School gardens: 8 # Community organizations active in food system development37: 2013: 7 University of Northern Iowa ISU Extension Northern Iowa Food and Farm Partnership Northeast Iowa Food Bank Blue Zones Project Healthy Cedar Valley Coalition Farmers’ Market Associations # School gardens38: 8 school gardens # Home gardens39: 45-55%, but could be higher # Master Gardeners40: 171 active in last 3 years 100-120 generally very active Over 400 have gone through Master Gardener training Social & Cultural Health Transformation 33,_Chapter_2_County_Lev el/Iowa/st19_2_044_044.pdf 34 UNI Local Food Program, 2013 35 df 36 UNI Local Food Program and Iowa State University Extension and Outreach 37 UNI Local Food Program, 2013 38 Iowa State University Extension and Outreach 39 Iowa State University Extension and Outreach 40 Iowa State University Extension and Outreach 7 # Small-scale food processors (bakeries, dairies, meat lockers, etc.)41: Bakeries: at least 4 Dairies: 1 Meat lockers: 3 # Licensed community kitchens: No data available Social & Cultural Health Distribution & Retail # Distributors that specialize in transporting local, farm-fresh products42: 5 (2013) Hansen’s Chad Thomas Lloyd Johnson Iowa Food Hub Thompson # Commercial food and beverage warehouses: Black Hawk County Estimated 10 this year43 Martin Brothers Distribution (Cedar Falls) Target Corporation (Cedar Falls) Frito-Lay, Inc. (Cedar Falls) Standard Distribution Co. (Cedar Falls) Sam’s Club (Waterloo) Old Dutch Foods (Waterloo) Fahr Beverage, Inc. (Waterloo) United Beverages, Inc. (Waterloo) Crystal Distribution Services, Inc. (Waterloo) 1 more (name unknown) # Farm stands or u-pick farms44: 2013 UNI Local Food Program, 2013 UNI Local Food Program, 2013 43 Black Hawk County Chamber of Commerce 44 UNI Local Food Program, 2013 41 42 8 Farm stands: 2 U-pick farms: 2 # Farmers’ markets45 46: 2009: 9 2012: 7 2013: 9 # Supermarkets and grocery stores47: Supercenters and club stores # in 2007: 3 # in 2009: 4 Grocery stores # in 2007: 21 # in 2009: 22 Specialized food stores # in 2007: 9 # in 2009: 11 # Supermarkets and grocery stores per 1,000 residents48: Supercenters and club stores # per 1,000 residents in 2007: 0.03 # per 1,000 residents in 2009: 0.04 Grocery stores # per 1,000 residents in 2007: 0.17 # per 1,000 residents in 2009: 0.18 Specialized food stores # per 1,000 residents in 2007: 0.08 # per 1,000 residents in 2009: 0.09 # Convenience stores per 1,000 residents49: 46 UNI Local Food Program, 2013 47 Stores met the definition of a supermarket, supercenter, or large grocery store if they reported at least $2 million in annual sales and contained all the major food departments found in a traditional supermarket, including fresh produce, fresh meat and poultry, dairy, dry and packaged foods, and frozen foods. 48 49 45 9 Convenience stores # per 1,000 residents in 2007: 0.51 # per 1,000 residents in 2009: 0.42 # Stores authorized to accept Food Assistance (SNAP)50: SNAP-authorized stores # in 2008: 113 # in 2011: 133 # Stores authorized to accept WIC51: WIC-authorized stores # in 2008: 26 # in 2011: 23 # Fast food (limited service) restaurants52: Fast food restaurants # in 2007: 81 # in 2009: 78 # Full-service restaurants53: Full-service restaurants # in 2007: 94 # in 2009: 104 # Food hubs54: 5 total Hansen’s Dairy, 3 meat lockers, and Waterloo’s Public Market Social & Cultural Health Access & Consumption 51 52 53 54 UNI Local Food Program, 2013 50 10 # Food pantries or emergency food providers (soup kitchens, food shelves, etc.)55: 2013: 14 food pantries # Pounds distributed by food pantries56: 2013: Over 2 million pounds served in Black Hawk County # Families served by food pantries57: 2013: 4,500 families # People served by food pantries58: 2013: 10,000 people # Foodborne outbreaks: No data available # Housing units without a car and live more than 1 mile from a supermarket or grocery store59: Households, no car & low access to store # in 2010: 1,159 # Seniors living more than 1 mile from a supermarket or grocery store60: Seniors, low access to store # in 2010: 4,029 Food deserts (low access measured as living far from a supermarket, where 1 mile was used in urban areas and 10 miles was used in rural areas to demarcate those who are far from a supermarket)61: Black Hawk County (2013) Low access, living at least 1 mile from supermarket: About 16,838 people in food desert regions Low access, living at least 10 miles from supermarket: None # Farm to School Programs No active Farm to School program chapters in Black Hawk County Price Lab (Closed) Northeast Iowa Food Bank Northeast Iowa Food Bank 57 Northeast Iowa Food Bank 58 Northeast Iowa Food Bank 59 60 61 55 56 11 Wrap Your Own Iowa Grown (2009) A is for Apple (2010) Wrap Your Own Iowa Grown (2010) Wrap Your Own Iowa Grown (2011) North Cedar (Led by Ben Olsen) A Garden is the way to Grow (2013) Average monthly WIC participation rate62: 2009: 2.52% of total population 2011: 2.32% of total population Average monthly Food Assistance (SNAP) recipients/households63: Black Hawk County (2009) Average monthly households: 7,507 Average monthly recipients: 15,535 Total annual food program benefits: $22,872,591.00 Average benefits per person per month: $122.69 Black Hawk County (2012) Average monthly households: 10,080 Average monthly recipients: 20,264 Total annual food program benefits: $29,284,433.00 Average benefits per person per month: $120.43 % Free and Reduced school lunch eligibility (building and school district levels): 2008-2009 Cedar Falls: 18% students eligible Dunkerton: 30% students eligible Hudson: 17% students eligible Union: 22% students eligible Waterloo: 54% students eligible 2009-2010 Cedar Falls: 20% students eligible Dunkerton: 36% students eligible Hudson: 19% students eligible 62The monthly average percent of the population who received at least one WIC Program (Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children) food instrument or food during the report month or were breastfed by a participating mother. Participation data are 12-month averages. 63 ueWBdxrXWhi6euZQG2P-A*RBXDIwM_|H4sIAAAAAAAAAAMAAAAAAAAAAAA_&wsrpwindowState=wsrp:normal&backURL=&wsrp-urlType=blockingAction&cpsportlet=301C571F53ACF456E6BAF345C0DBECFD&wsrp-interactionState=set:data_center_channel 12 Union: 23% students eligible Waterloo: 55% students eligible 2010-2011 Cedar Falls: 21% students eligible Dunkerton: 39% students eligible Hudson: 22% students eligible Union: 27% students eligible Waterloo: 65% students eligible 2012-2013 Cedar Falls: 21% students eligible Dunkerton: 31% students eligible Hudson: 22% students eligible Union: 27% students eligible Waterloo: 67% students eligible % Free and Reduced school lunch eligibility (county-wide)64: Black Hawk County 2008: 37.5% 2009: 40.0% 2010: 41.8% 2011: 48.0% 2012: 48.5% # Living more than 1 mile from a supermarket or grocery store65: Population, low access to store: # in 2010: 31,222 # Low-income who live more than 1 mile from a supermarket or grocery store66: Low income & low access to store # in 2010: 11,768 # Children (<18) living more than 1 mile from a supermarket or grocery store67: Children, low access to store # in 2010: 7,031 Social & Cultural Health Waste Management,2752/false/868,867,133,38,35/any/2695 65 66 67 64 13 Municipal or county recycling compost or woodchips: Both Cedar Falls and Waterloo City food compost pickup: None Economic Health Production Farm income (value of sales)68: 2007: $178,047,000 Average of $189,009 per farm Average farmworker wage (payroll divided by # workers)69: $6,833 per worker Economic Health Transformation % Of food manufacturing establishments that preserve fruits and vegetables (NAICS Code 31142)70: None Economic Health Distribution & Retail $ Value of agricultural products sold directly to individuals for human consumption (as compared to the % of total agriculture sales)71: Total value of agricultural products sold: 2002: $114,383,000 2007: $178,047,000 Value of agricultural products sold directly to individuals for human consumption72: 68 df 69,_Chapter_2_County_Lev el/Iowa/st19_2_007_007.pdf 70 1GS101&prodType=table 71 013.pdf 72,_Chapter_2_County_Lev el/Iowa/st19_2_002_002.pdf 14 2002: $213,000 2007: $389,000 Economic Health Access & Consumption Number in poverty73: Black Hawk County # in 2009: 21,437 Percent in poverty: 17.3% #in 2011: 20,634 Percent in poverty: 16.4% State of Iowa # in 2009: 342,309 # in 2011: 376,300 Redemption of food and nutrition assistance program benefits (SNAP EBT + WIC FMNP + WIC CVV + Senior FMNP)74: SNAP redemptions/SNAP authorized stores (average) in 2008: $154,108 201175: $225,009 WIC redemptions/WIC authorized stores (average) in 200876: $111,913 2011: $112,068 % Farmers’ markets accept SNAP EBT, WIC FMNP, WIC CVV, Senior FMNP)77: Cedar Falls Farmer Market (Cedar Falls) Some individual vendors accept all programs ueWBdxrXWhi6euZQG2P-A*RBXDIwM_|H4sIAAAAAAAAAAMAAAAAAAAAAAA_&wsrpwindowState=wsrp:normal&backURL=&wsrp-urlType=render&wsrpnavigationalState=FAAAAE8HtCe5c4bm0FUkaSVInsuBicuev8fHdnI5SlFmxrny00PkHgGmRU_%7cH4sIAAAAAAAAAG3MSwrDIBRA0a0UN1A1L37ACi9RtyGCFoS kCeqkuy8tdJbx5R5zppb22yvt5UFy7eeW3vF5bLk0YmOFgFw7JgJKB0HThbGJrR4hAC4Aytx%2fvzVX TM2xjzTKF1K4SkodSnQOtAcdpllRpbmfNRcCL6F%2btEHsP30A3GnUY6sAAAA%3d&cpsportlet=301C571F53ACF456E6BAF345C0DBECFD# 74 75 The average SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program) redemption amount per SNAPauthorized store in a county. SNAP stores include: supermarkets; large, medium and small grocery stores and convenience stores; super stores and supercenters; warehouse club stores; specialized food stores (retail bakeries, meat and seafood markets, and produce markets); and meal service providers that serve eligible persons. 76 The total dollar amount of WIC Program (Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children) benefits redeemed through WIC-authorized stores in a county divided by the number of WIC-authorized stores. Redemptions are set to -9999 when data are not available or when there are fewer than 4 WIC-authorized stores in a county. 77 73 15 College Hill Farmers Market (Cedar Falls) Some individual vendors accept all programs Downtown Waterloo Farmers Market Accepts none Evansdale Farmers Market Accepts all but SNAP Kimball Ridge Family Market (Waterloo) Accepts none Kimball Ridge Farmers Market (Waterloo) Some individual vendors accept all programs University Avenue Farmers Market (Waterloo) Accepts all but SNAP City Park Farmers Market (La Porte City) Some individual vendors accept Senior FMNP Number of institutions in Black Hawk County purchasing locally grown foods: 1998: 3 2002: 7 2008: 27 2012: 13 Dollars invested in locally grown foods by institutions in Black Hawk County: 1998: $110,773 2002: $200,730 2008: $2,400,000 2012: $2,683,976 # Farms with direct sales78: 2007: 50 farms Market value of livestock, poultry (and their products) sold79: 2007: $56,118,000 79,_Chapter_2_County_Lev el/Iowa/st19_2_001_001.pdf 78 16