MCC Student ID # OFFICE USE ONLY Date Received PERFORMANCE-BASED SCHOLARSHIP VISUAL ART APPLICATION FORM ELIGIBILITY: These scholarship awards are based on the student’s aptitude and interest as indicated by grades and recommendations. The applicant must have at least a 2.0 overall high-school average.Student must enroll in coursework in the area of study for which they are applying. TO APPLY: PART 1 of this application is demographic information and must be filled out completely. PART 2contains the specific requirements for Visual Art. Your high school art teacher and counselor must write letters of recommendation and your official high school transcript must also be included. These may be mailed to the address belowor delivered by hand at the time of your portfolio review (see PART 2). If your teacher/counselor mails recommendation letters, you must providethem with a stamped, addressed envelope: VISUAL ART: CREATIVE AND PERFORMING ARTS DEPARTMENT MUSKEGON COMMUNITY COLLEGE 221 S. QUARTERLINE ROAD MUSKEGON, MI 49442 DEADLINE: This application with all relevant information must be post-marked/received by APRIL 1st Applications received after this date will not be considered. PART 1 Name: Address: Middle City Contact Information: Home: State ( Zip ) Cell: Email: First Street Last Social Security Number: XXX – XX - (last four digits only) High School Name & City: Graduation Date: High School GPA Are you eligible for other scholarship(s) or aid? (If yes, please list) Yes No Have you applied for a Performance-Based Scholarship from any other department at Muskegon Community College? (If yes, please name the department) If successful, when would you like the award to begin: Fall Yes No Winter Official High School Transcript and recommendation letters must be mailed/delivered with this formPART 2 –on next page must be completed PERFORMANCE-BASED SCHOLARSHIP VISUAL ART APPLICATION FORM PART 2: PORTFOLIO REVIEW 1. You must schedule a portfolio review with a MCC Visual Art faculty member. Contact Erin Hoffman at 231-777-0399 or Tim Norris at 231-777-0344. 2. Your portfolio should consist of actual works and be your best examples. A combination of actual work with digital photos on a CD is also acceptable. Up to 20 actual works may be included. Particular emphasis is placed on basic drawing skills so you should bring as many drawings as possible based on direct observation reflecting strong technique and effective composition. 3. During the portfolio review you are expected to be able to verbally explain the assigned requirements or intended goals of each artwork based on the language of art as learned in your classes. 4. You must bring the application form (PART 1) at the time of your portfolio review. Letters of recommendation and your official high school transcript can also be delivered at that time or you may have them mailed ahead of time by your teacher/counselor. 5. The MCC Art Faculty will jointly jury the submitted portfolio after the initial review with you. You must be able to leave your portfolio with the art faculty until the approximate date of May 1 while scholarship recipients are selected and available funds are determined. All portfolios must be picked up after notification of scholarshiprecipients occurs in May. Any materials left unclaimed after the month of May will be disposed of. MCC VISUAL ART PERFORMANCE-BASED SCHOLARSHIP REQUIREMENTS -KEEP THIS PORTION FOR FUTURE REFERENCETo receive or renew a Performance-Based Scholarship: 1. You must have at least a 2.0 GPA from your high school. 2. You must maintain a minimum of three courses and a 2.5 GPA per semester while on a MCC Art Performance-Based Scholarship. At least two of these courses must be in art. 3. The scholarship can be renewable up to 62 credit hours. 4. The scholarship is limited to the cost of tuition. 5. The scholarship is typically awarded in one-year (two-semester) increments. It can, however, also be awarded for one semester. After 1-2 semesters, your GPA will be checked and your art class work will be evaluated by the art instructors. Based on your performance, the scholarship may or may not be renewed. 6. If you are eligible for state, federal, or other institutional financial aid, such aid will be awarded prior to receiving a Performance-Based Scholarship. 7. Although an “Art Major” is not specifically identified in the MCC catalog, we expect you to schedule the majority of your electives in art. Remember: at least two courses per semester must be in art to qualify for this scholarship. 8. The Creative and Performing Arts Department (the Visual Art discipline is in this department) asks new Performance-Based Scholarship recipients to work one hour at the visual art table at “Taste of Tomorrow,” MCC’s annual recruitment fair during the winter semester. Taste of Tomorrow is typically held on a Saturday in late March. Scholarship recipients will be contacted at least two weeks prior to the event to schedule their service.