Distr. GENERAL UNCTAO/OSD/SEU/1 13 January 1993 ENGLISH ONLY UNITED NATIONS CONFERENCE ON TRADE AND DEVELOPMENT Selected statistical series on the bal~nce of payments, foreign trade, population, labour force and employment of the occupied Palestinian territory (West Bank and Gaza Strip), 1968-1987 Prepared by the UNCTAD secretaria.t .... - - - ...~.------' The designations employed and the presentation of the material in this document do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Secretariat of the United Nations concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area, or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries. GE.93-55056 (11 ) CONTENTS Preface Explanatory notes BALANCE OF PAYMENTS Gaza Strip: Balance of payments on the current and capital accounts, 1968-1987 BP/1/1B: West Bank: Balance of payments on the current and capital accounts, 1968-1987 BP/II/1 B: BP/lIl/1 B: Occupied Territory: Balance of payments on the current and capital accounts, 1968-1987 Sources MERCHANDISE TRADE BY MAIN MARKETS, SOURCES AND COMMODITY GROUPS FT/I/1B: Gaza Strip: Merchandise trade by main markets and commodity groups, 1968-1987 FT/II/1B: West Bank: Merchandise trade by main markets and commodity groups, 1968-1987 FT/IIt/1B: Occupied Territory: Merchandise trade by main markets and commodity groups, 1968-1987 P8ges (iv) (v) 1 2 4 6 8 9 10 12 14 FT/1/1C: FT/1I/1C: FT/III/1C: Gaza Strip: Merchandise trade by main markets and commodity groups, 1968-1987 West Bank: Merchandise trade by main markets and commodity groups, 1968-1987 Occupied Territory: .Merchandise trade by main markets and commodity groups, 1968-1987 16 18 20 FT/1/1D: Gaza Strip: Merchandise trade by percentage share of main commodity groups, 1968-1987 West Bank: Merchandise trade by percentage share of main commOdity groups, 1968-1987 Occupied Territory: Merchandise trade by· percentage share of main commodity groups, 1968-1987 22 FT/II1/2B: Occupied Territory: Merchandise exports by selected commodities, 1970-1987 28 FT/1II/2C: Occupied Territory: Merchandise exports by selected commodities, 1970-1987 30 FT/III/3B: Occupied Territory: Merchandise imports by source and selected commodities, 1970-1987 32 FT/III/3C: Occupied Territory: Merchandise imports by source and selected commodities, 1970-1987 34 FT/III/4C: Occupied Territory: Trade with Jordan by percentage distribution of selected commodities, 1970-1987 - 36 FT/III/5C: Occupied Territory: Trade via Israel by percentage distribution of selected commodities, 1970-1987 38 FT/1I/1D: FT/III/1D: 24 26 Sources 40 DEMOGRAPHIC CHARACTERISTICS AND POPULATION Gaza Strip: Population estimates and sources of change, 1967-1987 DP/1/1A: DP/I1/1A: West Bank: Population estimates and sources of change, 1967-1987 DP/III/1A: Occupied Territory: Population estimates and sources of change, 1967-1987 DP/IV/1A: East Jerusalem: Population estimates and sources of change, 1967-1987 DPN/2A: Average mid-year population and annual growth rate in.the occupied Palestinian territory, 1967-1987 43 44 OP/I/3A: DP/II/3A: DP/III/3A: G~a Strip: Population estimates by sex and sex ratio, 1967·1987 West Bank: Population estimates by sex and sex ratio, 1967-1987 Occupied Territory: Population estimates by sex and sex ratiO, 1967-1987 45 46 47 48 49 49 50 (iii) Pages OP/I/4A: OP/II/4A: OP/III/4A: Gaza Strip: Population by age structure and sex, 1967-1987 West Bank: Population by age structure and sex, 1967-1987 Occupied Territory: Population by age structure and sex, 1967-1987 51 53 55 OP/I/5A: DP/II/5A: OP/III/5A: OP/1V/SA: Gaza Strip: Live births and crude birth rates, 1968-1987 West Bank: Live births and crude birth rates. 1968-1987 Occupied Territory: Live births and crude birth rates. 1968-1987 East Jerusalem: Live births and crude birth rates and infant mortality rates, 1975-1987 57 57 OP/I/6A: OP/II/6A: OP/1lI/6A: Gaza Strip: General fertility rates. 1968-1987 West Bank: General fertility rates, 1968-1987 Occupied Territory: General fertility rates, 1968-1987 58 58 59 59 60 Sources 61 LABOUR AND EMPLOYMENT LE/I/1A: Gaza Strip:Population aged 14 and over by labour force characteristics.1968-1987 LE/II/1A: West Bank:Population aged 14 and over by labour force characteristics,1968-1987 LE/III/1A: Occupied Territory:Population aged 14 and over by labour force characteristics. 1968-1987 65 66 67 68 LE/I/2A: LEIII/2A: LE/III/2A: Gaza Strip: Population not economically active by functional category. 1968-1987 West Bank:Populationnot economically active by functional category.1968-1987 Occupied Territory: Population not economically active by functional category. 1968-1987 69 69 70 LE/I/3A: LE/II/3A: LE/III/3A: Gaza Strip: Total employed persons by economic sector. 1968-1987 West Bank: Total employed persons by economic sector. 1968-1987 Occupied Territory: Total employed persons by economic sector. 1968-1987 71 73 LE/I/3C: LE/II/3C: LE/III/3C: Gaza Strip: Distribution of total employed persons by sector. 1968-1987 West Bank: Distribution of total employed persons by sector, 1968-1987 Oc.cupied Territory: Distribution of total employed persons by sector.1 968-1987 74 75 76 LE/I/4A: LE/II/4A: LE/III/4A: Gaza Strip: Employed persons working in Israel by sector. 1969-1987 West Bank: Employed persons working in Israel by sector. 1969-1987 Occupied Territory: Employed persons working in Israel by sector. 1969-1987 77 77 78 LE/1/4C: LE/II/4C: LE/III/4C: Gaza Strip: Distribution of employed persons working in Israel by sector.1969-1987 West Bank:Distribution of employed persons working in Israel by sector,1969-1987 Occupied Territory:Distribution of employed persons working in Israel by sector. 1969-1987 LE/I/5A: LE/II/5A: LE/III/SA: Gaza Strip: Employed persons working in the Gaza Strip by sector. 1969-1987 West Bank: Employed persons working in the West Bank by sector, 1969-1987 Occupied Territory:Employed persons working in the occupied territory by sector, 1969-1987 82 82 83 LE/I/5C: Gaza Strip:Oistribution of employed persons working in the Gaza Strip by sector, 84 1969·~f987--------- LE/II/SC: LE/III/5C: Sources ---"- . West Bank:Oistribution of employed persons working in the West Bank by sector. 1969-1987 Occupied Territory:Oistribution of employed persons working in the occupied territory by sector, 1969-1987 72 79 80 81 85 86 87 (1 v) PREFACE 1llis documert is the fifth in the series of selected statistics on the economy of the occupied Palestinian . t8rrltory (Gaza Strip and the West Bank). compiled by the Special Economic Unit (Palestinian people) of the UNCTAD secretariaL It is devoted to statistical series on the balance of payments. foreign trade; demography and population, and labour force and employment of the occupied Palestinian territory for the period 1968-. 1987. lhe irregular and partial publication of offICial and other statistical series Since 1988. has precluded inclusion of data for the 1988-1991 period in the present publication. The series are based on official data published by the Israel Central Bureau of Statistics and exclude East Jerusalem. unless otherwise indicated. They are classlied il accordance with the specifications established under the Economic Time SerieS (ETS) in use in the UNCTAD secretariat. In order to ensure the greatest possible degree of consistency of terminology and defi1ition with established guidelines. relevant United Nations and other statistical publications have also been consulted. For general technical information on the classification of the series. reference is made to the Explanatory Notes on page (v). These series complement the statistical series on the national accounts of the occupied Palestinian territory. published by the UNCTAO secretariat in UNCTAO/RDP/SEU/6. (v) EXPLANATORY NOTES 1. Tables are numbered as follows: The first two leners in a table number. refer to the major topic, as follows: . - "BP" for Balance of Payments - "FT" for Foreign Trade - "DP" for Demography and Population - "LE" for Labour and Employment A roman numeral follows the first leners and refers to the geographic area, as follows: - "I" for Gaza Strip "U" for the West Bank - "111" for the occupied Palestinian territory (i.e .• Gaza Strip and West Bank). excluding east Jerusalem - "IV' for east Jerusalem - "V' for the occupied Palestinian territory, including east Jerusalem. The Arabic number which follows the roman numerals refers to the specific topic of the tables. A - capitallener follows the Arabic number, and refers to the units used: "A" for the original currency or natural units, depending on the topic of the table; 'B' for United States dollars; 'C' and '0' for percentages. EXAMPLE: Table designation FT/I/1B signifies the following: FT: Foreign Trade I: Gaza Strip 1: Merchandise trade by main markets and commodity groups B: U.S. dollars 2. Unless otherwise noted, all statistical series used for the preparation of the tables are based on figures published by the Israel Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS) in the annual Statistical Abstract of Israel and the periodic Judea, Samaria and Gaza Area Statistics (published prior to 1984 under the title The Administered Territories Statistical Quarterly). These publications are referred to in the sources of separate tables as SAl and JSGAS, respectively. 3. The figures used are the latest available estimates for the 1968-1987 period. In many cases these are revised versions of earlier published estimates. 4. In cases where figures were misprinted in the original published source, the sums of components. were computed or other published versions of the misprinted figures were substituted. 5. Unless otherwise indicated, all "totar series have been generated from their components in order to ensure consistency between series and tables and greater accuracy than in previously published totals. 6. Unless otherwise indicated. variables are defined as in the original sources. 7. ... WheneverpOSSible,~the titles of variables and layout of tables have been streamlined in accordance with·standard international terminology. 8. The 'Occupied Territory' (III) tables were prepared by adding up the figures for the West Bank and for Gaza Strip. These tables do not incorporate statistics on occupied east Jerusalem. (vi) 9. New Israeli Shekel series (i.e., the "A" tables) are not included here for the SP and FT series. These were compiled within the ETS by using published figures (in Israeli shekels) for the longest available period. For earlier years, figures in Israeli liras and old shekels were converted respectively according to the following ratios: 10,000 Israeli liras - 1 new Israeli shekel 1,000 old shekels. - 1 new Israeli shekel = = 10. United States dollar series (i.e., the "S" tables) for the period 1968·1979were obtained by converting the computed New Israeli shekels into United States dollars using the average annual exchange rate as quoted in the International Monetary Fund, International Financial Statistics (Washington D.C., IMF, 1985 and 1987). Conversion of series originally expressed in national currency into a common currency - U.S. dollars through the use of official exchange rates is not always satisfactory owing to the deviation of the official exchange rates from purchasing power parities. For this reason, some data in U.S. dollars contained in this document can be used only as an approximation of the relative magnitudes involved. They can alternatively serve as a source of primary data requiring further processing and adjustment. 11. For the period 1980-1987, Israeli data as originally published in U.S. dollars were used wherever available. Since the U.S. dollar series published by the Israel CBS were computed using quarterly data expressed in New Israeli Shekels and quarterly exchange rates, they are more accurate than the series generated by the use of annual exchange rates. Calculations based on annual exchange rates (as in'9 and 10 above) were resorted to only when original data were found to be inaccurate or incomplete. 12. All tables in percentages (i.e., the "C· and ·0" tables) are calculated from tables denominated in United States dollars (i.e., the "S" tables). 13. The following symbols are used: category not applicable unknown, series discontinued, or not available for publication USS = United States Dollars NIS New Israeli Shekels = = = All years refer to calendar years, starting on 1 January and ending on 31 December. 1 . BALANCE OF PAYMENTS ON CURRENT AND CAPITAL ACCOUNTS TABLE BP/I/18 GAlA STRIP: BALANCE OF PAVH(NTS ON THE CURRENT AND CAPITAL ACCOUNTS, 1968-1987 (HI IIlons of current United States dOllars, 1968 I CURRENT ACCOUNT TRADE BALANCE Exports of Goods (FOB, Imports of Goods (FOB, -311.286 33.711& 68.000 BALANCE ON SERVICES Total Services Credit Total Services Debit 2.000 22.571 20.571 1910 1971 1972 1973 1971t 1975 1976 1977 -47.714 39.343 87.057 -19.971 "1.686 311.651 -19.196 26.515 115.710 -32.405 34.786 67.190 -40.309 43.143 83."52 -76.637 61.390 138.021 -95.962 80.552 176.51" -82.960 10".1&1&6 187."06 -103.662 133.556 237.218 0.3 113 21.086 20.7113 1.3 113 9. "13 7.800 3.'105 13.378 9.973 18.881 33.286 1..... 05 .36.833 57.095 20.262 117.018 75.516 28."98 "'.311' 72.729 31. 388 "6.688 8".836 38.1119 "6.65" 87.342 40.688 1969 II -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------?0118 1. ') 711 0.952 2.562 0.000 2.018 0.000 0.000 3.502 Transport Credit (b) Transport Debit (b) 3.086 1.1,00 2.011 2.905 3.786 5 ... 0 .. 5.69" 6.297 6.597 11.343 9.686 0.943 1.229 1.394 1. ,,21 1.952 2.0 1,8 2.262 2.7111 3.632 3.767 3.328 3."70 3.51" ".257 3.138 ".47" Insurlnce Credit Insurance Debit 0.286 0.651 0.3 1,3 0.171 0."29 0.509 0.333 0.762 0.500 1.119 0.762 1.570 1.10" 2.350 1.209 2.59" 1.205 2.591 Direct Investment Income Credit Direct Investment Income Debit 0.886 0.086 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Government Services Credit Government Servlcell Debit 0.000 2.400 0.000 1.0M 0.000 1.099 0.000 1.167 0.000 1.429 0.000 1.883 0.000 1.877 0.000 2.003 0.000 2.08" Credit Debit 15.571 4.829 7.851 3.911, 11.555 4.933 30.0118 7.524 52.286 11.214 69.103 15.81" 61&.795 17 .997 78.539 22.991 79.837 21&.9"3 Credit Debit 15.571 2.829 7.857 1. 111 ".555 1.11118 30.0"8 1.1"3 52.286 1.1105 69.103 1.771 6".795 2.22" 78.539 1.814 79.837 1.7"0 -32.286 56.286 88.511 -"1.371 60."29 107.800 -18.629 23.829 42.457 -15.791 39.893 55.66" -13.52" 68.071 81.595 -3.1176 100.238 103.71" -29.619 136.906 166.525 -5".621 153.281 20].902 -36.272 189.282 225.55" -57.008 220.899 271.906 60.286 60.286 0.000 56.800 58.651 1.657 28.371 1.257 29.383 31.019 1.635 26.262 31.0 118 4.786 11. 310 15.61'3 II. 333 '''.215 20.090 5.87" 29.385 "2.177 12.792 52.557 65.264 12.706 52.008 64.885 12.678 28.000 116.571 88.571 9. 1129 119.086 109.651 9.7113 53.1151 1,3.111, 13.592 10.912 57.319 12.738 .99.119 66.361 7.833 115.681 108.0"8 -15.40" 156.995 112.399 -25.237 195. 1157 220.694 16.285 254. ~117 238.262 -5.000 <'A5.78 11 290.78" -28.000 0.000 28.000 -9."29 0.000 9."29 -9.743 0.000 9.7"3 -12.738 -13 .592 0.000 0.000 12.138 13.592 . 7.833 7.833 0.000 15.40" 15 ...0 .. 0.000 25.237 25.237 0.000 -16.285 0.000 16.285 5.000 5.000 0.000 Travel Abrold Credit Travel Abroad Doblt Other Services Other Services of which Labour Ineome Labour Income 17 .429 10.286 BALANCE ON GOODS AND SERVICES Goods and Servlees Credit Goods lind Services Debit NET UNREQUITED TRANSfERS Transfers Credit Transfers Debit 8ALANCE ON THE CURRENT ACCOUNT BRlance Current Account Cred It Current Account Debit CAPITAL ACCOUNTCc, Ballnce Capital Move.ents Credit Capltll MoveMents Debit Ca, Data cover both the west Blnk and eala Strip 29.6~? Cb, Inclusive or 'assenger Transport. Shlp.ant Ind others Cc, PriVate currenc~ hOldings onl~ N TABLE BP/I/1B GAlA STRIP: BALANCE OF PAYMENTS ON THE CURRENT AND CAPITAL ACCOUNTS, 1968·1987 • (continued) IMI I lions of current United Statel dOllarl) I' 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 CURRENT ACCOUNT __________~~~~--~~~--~~~--~~~~~~~~--~~~--~~~~~~~~--~~~--~~~~ TRADE BALANCE I ·83.276 -98.7~2 -11~.~22 -121.~07 -119.000 -150.100 -173.500 ·172.500 ·235.400 -252.100 Exports of GoodS (FOB) 122.646 122.209 155.035 191.847 191.600 182.300 106.200 109.100 142.800 160.300 Imports of Goods (FOB) 205.922 220.951 269.~57 313.253 310.600 332.400 279.700 281.600 378.200 412.400 I BALANCE ON SERViCES 52.377 86.203 93.169 116.044 124.100 170.200 123.300 84.600 145.000 215.900 Total Servlces]Cred/t 95.418 142.414 163.544 191.479 202.200 264.900 216.000 167.200 251.000 332.300 Total ServicesiDeblt 43.041 56.211 70.375 75.435 78.100 94.700 92.700 82.600106.000 116.400 !i --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3.3 1 4.118 4.873 2.784 4.700 ,6.900 4.900 8.100 5.~00 5.~00 6.243 8.176 11.749 10.550 11.000 11.200 10.000 12.700 17 .900 21.600 Travel Abroad tredlt Travel Abroad Debit 3.305 5.790 3.892 7.154 4.918 8.431 4.689 9.728 4.200 8.400 4.700 8.300 3.900 8.400 4.200 7.600 4.800 8.700 5.500 10.200 Insurance Credit Insurance Debi~ 1.317 1.965 4.245 2.205 4.742 2.511 2.824 5.~50 2.600 5.600 3.200 6.900 10.600 13.100 4.200 5.100 5.700 7.100 8.400 10.300 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.896 0.000 2.201 0.000 2.537 0.000 2.432 0.000 2.500 0.000 2.600 0.000 2.400 0.000 2.400 0.000 2.800 0.000 3.100 Credit Debit 88.013 26.289 133.215 31, .434 152.303 112.916 179.407 "7.275 190.000 50.600 251.600 65.700 196.800 58.800 153.900 54.800 233.600 69.500 309.700 71.200 Credit Debit 88.013 1.592 133 .215 3.223 157..303 4.0 110 179.407 3.508 190.000 3.600 251.600 4.100 196.800 4.400 153.900 3.000 233.600 3.200 309.700 3.700 -30.899 218.06 1, 248.963 -12.539 26 1'.623 277 .162 -21.253 318.579 339.832 -5.363 383.325 388.668 5.100 393.800 368.700 20. laO 447.200 427.100 -50.200 322.200 372.400 ·87.900 276.300 364.200 -90.'fOO 393.600 484.200 -36.200 492.600 528.800 42.045 56.05/t 14.009 /t 1. 588 62.697 21.108 50.820 75.;>93 2/t.1'73 53.530 81.690 28.160 50.800 78.700 27.900 45.900 60.400 57.700 82.100 24.1100 39.300 53.900 14.600 42.500 60.800 18.300 56.100 81.300 25.200 Transport credit (a) Transport Debi~ (a) Direct Direct Investm~nt Investm~nt Income Credit Income Debit Government Ser~lces Credit Government Services Debit I Other Services Other Services of which Labour Income Labour Income 1, I BALANCE ON GOODS AND SERVICES Goods and ServIces Credit Goods and ServIces Debit NET UNREQUITED TRANSFERS Transfers Credit Transfers Debit 3~.500 I BALANCE ON THE ¢URRENT ACOUNT Balance: ----~1~1-.7,4~6~--2-9-.-0~II-9----2-9-.-5-6-7----4-8-.-,6-7----5-5-.-9-0-0----6-6-.-0-00----~7~.5~0~0-----4-8~.~6~0-0---·~4~7-.-9-0-0----,-9-.-9-0-0 Current Account Credit 274.116 327.319 393.872 '165.015 472.500 527.600 1104.300 330.200 454.600 513.900 Current Accoun~ Debit 262.972 298.270 3611.304 1416.848 416.600 461.600 396.800 378.800 502.500 554.000 I CAPITAL A~r.OUNT (b, ________~~~--~~~--__--~--~~~--~~~--~~~~--~~~--~~~--~~~--~~~ Balance· ·,1.,45 ·29.049 ·29.567 -48.167 -55.900 -66.000 -7.500 48.600 47.900 ·'9.900 capital Movemeots Credit 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 ,0.000 118.600 117.900 0.000 Capital Moveme"lts Debit 11.145 ,29.049 29.567 48.167 55.900 66.000 7.500 0.000 0.000 19.900 or Ca, Inclusive Pauenger Trlnsport, Shipment ~.ncf others Cb, 'rlvate cur~.nc~ holding, onl¥ ~ WEST BANK: BALANCE Of PAYMENTS ON THE CURRENT AND TABLE BP/II/1B ~APITAL ACCOUNTS, 1968-1981 (Hi Illons of current United States dol lars) 1910 1911 1912 -Itl.714 39.3lt3 67.051 -33.486 31.511t 65.000 -36.086 ItO. 13 It 76.220 -47.766 52.833 100.619 0.343 21. 086 20.743 8.01\6 21L657 20.771 26.032 53.619 27.587 42.905 77 .905 35.000 51.0 1'8 95.609 44.762 3.086 2.229 3.083 4.024 4.343 9.666 2.714 6.429 5.141 5.094 Insurance Credit Insurance Debit 0.286 0.657 0.800 1 . 4~ 7 Direct Investment Income Credit Direct Investment Income Debit 0.666 0.086 Government Services Credit Government Services Debit 1975 1976 1971 -69.633 -104.910 60.190 94.977 130.021t- 199.888 -118.233 113.123 231.356 .-119.824 129.055 246.679 -144.981 124.589 269.510 71.143 134.507 63.363 70.032 136.703 66.672 61•. 408 152.416 68.010 65.134 161.434 96.300 4.905 6.661 7.492 6.952 7.006 6.119 8.190 5.357 12.595 10.628 18.094 7.855 18.722 8.564 25.730 9.522 26.489 1.",,8 1.769 1.238 2.167 1.546 2.714 1.928 3.430 2.524 4.905 2.292 ,,,421 2.304 4.417 0.886 0.086 0.912 0.13 1, 0.833 0.119 1.000 0.161 1.121 0.179 0.946 0.158 0.907 0.151 0.822 0.134 0.000 2.400 0.000 1.714 0.000 1.769 0.000 1.236 0.000 1.5lt8 0.000 2.040 0.000 2.019 0.000 2.154 0.000 2.237 Credit Debit; ·'5.511 4.829 24.451 6.657 It6.113 15.137 69.114 19.262 86.000 22.833 119.036 32.758 120.142 33.375 138.816 "6.602 146.185 54.015 Credit Debit 15.511 2.829 24."57 2.371 46.113 2.869 69.714 2.610 66.000 2.546 119.036 3.206 120.142 3.233 136.816 3.267 146.165 3.069 -32.286 56.286 88.571 -47.311 60.429 107.800 -25. 1,00 60.371 85.711 -10.05 1, 93.153 103.807 -4.861 130.138 135.619 -18.786 156.000 171'.786 -33.767 229."84 263.251 -.,8.202 249.827 298.028 -55.416 281.473 336.669 -79.847 266.023 365.670 60.266 60.266 0.000 56.600 58.657 1.657 36.629 40.686 'I. 057 31.260 37.7 1,8 6.1'86 26.071 36.190 10.119 12.690 22.310 9.619 22.332 35.493 13.161 9 •.,6., 35.552 26.068 40.428 62.645 22.217 35.191 57.495 22.3011 26.000 116.571 88.571 9.429 119.086 109.657 11.229 101.057 69.829 21.206 131.501 110.295 23.190 166.97.9 1115.736 -6.095 17IL 310 1611.405 -11.435 264.971 276.412 -38.738 265.378 324.116 -14.967 31,1'.116 359.105 -1111.656 ]113.518 366.17 1• -28.000 0.000 28.000 -9.429 0.000 9.429 -11.229 0.000 11.229 -21.206 0.000 21.206 -23.190 0.000 23.190 6.095 6.095 0.000 11.435 11.435 0.000 38.738 38.738 0.000 14.967 14.967 0.000 44.656 44.656 0.000 -34.286 33.714 68.000 BALANCE ON SERVICEs Total Services CredIt Total Services Debit 2.000 22.571 20.571 Transport Credit (b) Transport Debit (b) BALANCE ON GOODS AND SERVICES Goods and Services Credit Goods and Services Debit NET UNREQUITED TRANSfERS Transfers Credit Transfers Debit BALANCE ON THE CURRENT ACCOUNT Ba lance Current Account Credit Current Account Debit CAPITAL ACCOUNT (e) Balance Capital Movements Credit Capital Movements Debit 1969 • --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2.600 1.839 1.905 5.237 0.000 1.794 0.000 0.000 0.000 Travel Abroad CredIt Travel Abroad Debit Other Services Other Services of' which Labour: Income Labour Income 17 .429 10.286 (a' Data cover both the West Bank and Gaza Strip Inclusive of Passenger Transport, Shipment and others· (e, PriVate currency holdings only (b) 1913 1974 1968 • CURRENT ACCOUNT TRADE BALANCE Exports of Goods (fOB) Imports of Goods (fOB) ~ · WEST BANK: BALANCE or PAYMENTS ON THE CURRENT AND CAPITAL ACCOUNTS, 1968-1987 - TABLE BP/ii/IB (continued) (Hi Illons of current United States dol'.rs) 1978 1979 1960 1961 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 -109.161 144.152 253.333 -202.005 154.674 356.679 -211.456 198.439 409.694 -223.532 217.391 440.923 -226.600 206.900 423.700 -246.300 211.100 459.400 -220.500 190.100 410.600 -226.400 172.000 389.400 -268.700 244.600 513.300 -405.100 234.700 639.800 'I' CURRENT AC~OUNT TRADE BALANCE Exports of Good~ (fOB) Imports of Goods (FOB) i BALANCE ON SERVICES Total Services Credit Total Services oeblt i Transport Credl~ (a) Transport Debi ti, (a) 102.467 133 .600 95.804 168.500 96.305 68.299 111.300 148.900 233.300 93.100 239.612 255.831 286.800 216.352 329.400 161. 730 264.500 316.300 233.400 435.400 120.047 153.364 155.200 160.900 93.431 "14.009 153.200 202.100 140.300 167.400 ------------------------------------------~------------------------------------------------------5.172 3.931 5.867 6.800 6.600 2.841 6.400 8.200 9.800 6.000 11.740 12.900 12.568 9.159 13 .000 6.638 11.600 13.700 19.300 24.800 8.757 27.383 9.984 33.766 12.100 40.691 11.889 48.797 9.000 39.100 10.100 37.000 7.000 39.000 6.300 7.,800 7.800 39.200 9.700 46.100 Insurance Credit Insurance Debl tl 2.188 4.244 2.830 5.582 3.201 6.245 3.394 6.701 3.700 7.500 4.400 9.200 13 .600 16.800 6.300 7.800 7.800 9.700 11."00 14.200 Direct Investment Income Credit Direct Investmetltincollle Debit 0.590 0.097 0.472 0.079 0.293 0.039 0.157 1.076 0.091 1.100 0.046 1.400 0.000 0.700 0.000 0.600 0.000 0.200 0.000 0.100 Government ServIces Credit Government Services Debit , 0.000 2.033 0.000 2.356 0.000 2.713 0.000 2.598 0.000 2.700 0.000 2.800 0.000 2.500 0.000 2.500 0.000 3.000 0.000 3.400 Credit Debit 147.354 53.035 199.135 69.104 219.047 61.752 23'L503 82.451 269.300 91.900 306.300 97.500 237.500 62.600 214.100 80'.300 292.300 96.000 404.500 113.500 Credit Debit 147.354 2.594 199.135 6.486 219.047 7.358 " 234.503 7.168 269.300 8.100 308.300 8.900 237.500 9.800 214.100 6.500 292.300 6.200 404.500 7.100 -40.882 305.882 346.164 -105.699 371.226 476.926 -115.652 438.251 553.903 -121.065 1173.221 594.287 -83.200 -79.800 495.700 540.500 578.900 , 620.300 -109.200 454.600 563.800 -124.300 405.400 529.700 -119.800 560.900 680.700 -171.800 670.100 ' 841.900 49.009 70.510 21.501 53.263 81.407 28.145 60.187 92.135 31.946 65.751 101.023 35.272 55.800 93.000 37.200 54.500 98.700 44.300 34.500 67.700 33.200 31.500 54.400 22.900 34.400 60.700 26.300 71.800 106.200 34.400 8.121 316.391 368.264 -52.437 452.633 505.070 -55.46~ 530.386 565.651 -55.314 574.244 629.559 -21.400 588.700 616.100 -25.400 639.200 664.600 -74.100 522.300 597.000 -92.800 "59.800 552.600 -05."00 621.600 701.000 -100,000 776.300 876.300 -8.121 0.000 8.127 52.437 52.437 0.000 55.464 55."6 1, 0.000 54.527 5".527 0.000 21.400 27.400 0.000 25.400 25.400 0.000 74.700 74.700 0.000 92.800 92.800 0.000 85.400 85.400 0.000 100.000 100.000 0.000 Travel Abroad Credit Travel Ab~oad Debit Other Services Other Services of which Labour Income Labour Income I Balance on GOOdSi and Services Goods and Servlges Credit Goods and Servlfes Debit NET UNREQUITED TRANSFERS Transfers Credit Transfers Deb I t ' BALANCE ON THE CpRRENT ACCOUNT Balance .! Current Account! Credit Current AccountiOeblt CAPITAL ACCOUNT (b) Balance Capital Movements Credit Capital Movemen~s Debit I (a, Inclusive or Pas •• nger Tr.nsport. Shlp.ent .nd others (b) Prlv.t' Curre~c~ Holding. onl~ U1 TABLE 8P/III/18 OCCUPIED TERRITORY: 8ALANC.E OF PAYHENTS ON THE CURRENT AND CAPITAL ACCOUNTS, 1968-1987 (HI I lions of current United States dollars) 1968 1969 1910 1911 1912 1913 1974 1975 1976 1917 CURRENT ACCOUNT __________~~~--~~~--~~~~~~~~--~~~~~~~~~~~--~~~--~~~--~~~ TRADE BALANCE -34.286 -41.114 -53.457 -55.281 -80.190 -110.143 -181.547 -214.196 -202.783 -248.643 Exports of Goods (FOB' 33.714 39 .. 343 46.200 66.649 87.619 103.333 156.368 193.675 233.501 258.145 Imports of Goods (FOB' 68.000 87.057 99.657 121.930 161.809 213.476 337.914 407.870 436.284 506.788 BALANCE ON SERVICES Total Services Credit Total Services Debit Transport Credit (a, Transport Debit (a' 2.000 22.571 20.571 0.343 21.086 20.743 9.429 38.000 28.571 29.437 66.997 37.560 61.786 111.190 49.405 87.881 152.905 65.024 118.161 210.022 91.861 111.372 209.432 98.060 111.096 237.254 126.159 111.788 248.776 136.988 -------------------------~---------------------------- --------------------------------------------- 0.000 3.086 0.000 3.629 0.000 5.09 1• 0.952 6.929 3.952 6.690 3.812 12.265 8.738 13.186 3.413 13.249 5.163 13 .604 4.343 9.686 3.657 7.657 6.5 112 6.515 8.011 10.238 7.619 15.310 14.260 21.861 11. 183 22.192 12.078 29.987 13 .260 32.964 Insurance Credit Insurance Debit 0.286 0.657 1.143 1.629 1.817 2.279 1.571 2.929 2.048 3.633 2.691 5.000 3.628 1.256 3.501 7.015 3.509 1.006 Direct Investment Income Credit Direct Inyestment Income Debit 0.886 0.086 0.686 0.066 0.912 0.1]11 0.633 0.119 1.000 0.167 1.121 0.179 0.946 0.156 0.907 0.151 0.822 0 •. 134 Government Services Credit Government Services Debit 0.000 2.400 0.000 2.800 0.000 2.669 0.000 2.405 0.000 2.976 0.000 3.924 0.000 3~896 0.000 4.156 0.000 4.321 Credit Debit 15.571 4.. 629 32.3". 12.171 57.666 20.670 99.762 26.766 138.286 34.046 168.139 46.632 184.937 51.372 217.355 71.599 226.023 76.958 Credit Debit 15.571 2.829 32.314 3.543 57.666 4.316 99.762 3.952 136.266 3.952 188.139 4.978 184.937 5.457 217.355 5.101 226.023 4.809 -32.286 56.286 88.571 -147.371 60.429 107.800 -44.029 84.200 126.229 -25.844 133.646 159.491 -16.405 198.610 217 .214 -22.262 256.236 276.500 -63.386 366.390 429.775 -102.823 403.107 505.930 -91.688 470.755 562.443 -136.855 506.921 643.776 60.286 60.286 0.000 56.800 56.657 1.857 65.000 70.3111 5.314 60.643 68.767 8.123 54.333 69.238 14.905 211.000 37 .952 13.952 36.547 55.583 19.036 38.849 77 .129 38.880 92.985 127.909 34.924 87.199 122.380 35.182 26.000 116.571 88.571 9.429 119.066 109.657 20.971 154.514 133.543 34.799 202.413 167.614 35.929 268.046 232.119 1.738 294.190 292.452 -26.839 421.972 448.811 -63.975 480.835 544.810 1.297 598.665 597.367 -49.656 629.302 G76.958 -28.000 0.000 28.000 -9.429 0.000 9.429 -20.971 0.000 20.971 -34.799 0.000 34.799 -35.929 0.000 35.929 13.929 13.929 0.000 26.839 26.839 0.000 63.975 63.915 0.000 -1.297 14.981 16.285 49.656 49.656 0.000 Travel Abroad Credit Travel Abroad Debit 11.429 10.286 0\ Other Services Other Services or which Labour Income Labour Income BALANCE ON GOODS AND SERVICES Goods and Services Credit Goods and service. Debit NET UNREQUITED TRANSFERS Transfers Credit Transfers Debit BALANCE ON THE CURRENT ACCOUNT Balance Current Account Credit Current Account Debit CAPITAL ACCOUNT (b' Balance Cap' tal Hovements Credl t Capital Movements Debit (a, Inclusive of Plssenger Transport, Shipment and others (b, Prlvlte currenc~ hOlding. onl~ TA~LE BPIII 111B OCCUPIED TERRITORY: BALANCE Of PAYMENTS ON THE CURRENT AND CAPITAL ACCOUNTS, 1968-1987 - (contInued) IMi I lions of current United States dol lars) 1976 CURRENT ACCOUttT TRADE BALANCE . E)(por ts of Good' (r08) Imports of Goods crOB) -192.457 266.798 459.255 1979 -300.746 271.083 571.630 1980 1961 1962 1963 1984 1985 1966 1967 -325.676 353.473 619.351 -3 1111.939 409.238 154.111 -335.600 396.500 734.300 -398.400 393.500 791.800 -394.400 296.300 690.300 -398.900 281.100 671.000 -504.100 367.400 891.500 -657.200 395.000 1052.200 188.913 216.511 182.508 251.100 120.616 338.700 234.600 177.700 293.900 449.200 4117 . 3 10 358.765 403.356 491.000 257.148 594.300 480.500 400.600 567.300 767.700 214.363 136.472 H6.256 ?26.199 233.300 255.600 245.900 222.900 273.400 318.500 ------------------------------------------------------ --------------------~-----------------------5.624 10.160 12.200 7.272 9.290 12.000 11.100 10.900 15.100 18.S00 22.290 24.317 23.900 12.881 17.335 24.200 21.600 26.400 J7 .200 46.400 BALANCE ON SER~ICES Total Servlce~ Credit Total Servicei DebIt Transport CredIt (., Transport Debi:t (a' i Travel Abroad Credit Travel Abroad DebIt 12.062 33.113 13 .816 40.920 17 .018 49.122 16.518 56.525 13.200 47.500 14.800 45.300 10.900 47.400 11.200 43.000 12.600 47.900 15.200 56.300 Insurance CredIt I nsur ance Deblit 3.505 7.068 11.196 9.827 5.406 10.988 5.905 12.151 6.300 13.100 1.600 16.100 24.200 29.900 10.500 12.900 13.700 16.600 19.800 24.500 Direct Investment Income Credit Direct Investment Income Debit 0.590 0.091 0.412 0.019 0.293 0.039 0.157 1.076 0.091 1.100 0.046 1.1100 0.000 0.700 0.000 0.600 0.000 0.200 0.000 0.100 0.000 3.929 0.000 4.560 0.000 5.2~0 0.000 5.030 0.000 5.200 0.000 5.400 0.000 4.900 0.000 4.900 0.000 5.800 0.000 6.500 CredIt DebIt 235.367 79.324 332.350 103.538 371.350 124.666 413.909 129.126 459.300 142.500 559.900 163.200 434.300 141.400 368.000 13S.100 525.900 165.500 714.200 184.700 CredIt DebIt 23S.367 4.167 332.350 9.709 371.350 11.397 413.909 11.216 459.300 11.700 559.900 13.000 434.300 14.200 368.000 9.500 S25.900 9.400 71.4.200 10.800 BALANCE ON GOODS AND SERVICES Goods and Ser~lces Credit Goods and Services Debit -71.781 523.946 595.721 -118.239 635.6'19 754.061 -136.905 156.830 693.135 -126.428 656.5 117 962.915 -78.100 669.500 961.600 -59.700 987.100 1047.400 -159.400 716.600 936.200 -212.200 681.700 893.900 -210.200 954.700 1164.900 -208.000 1162.700 1370.700 NET UNREQUITED ,TRANSFERS Transfers Credit Transfers Debit 91.05 1, 126.564 35.510 9 11.651 11111.104 49.253 111.001 167.428 56.421 119.281 '82.1'" 63.,,33 106.600 171.100 65.100 100.300 119.100 18.800 92.200 149.800 51.600 70.800 108.300 37.500 74.126 118.750 44.624 129.906 169.530 59.624 BALANCE ON THE CURRENT ACCOUNT Balance Current Accou~t CredIt Current Account Debit 19.273 650.509 631.231 -23.388 119.952 803.340 -25.898 9211.257 950.156 -7.1111 1039.260 10 1f6.407 28.500 1061.200 1032.700 40.600 1166.800 1126.200 -67.200 926.600 993.800 -141.400 790.000 931.400 -133.300 1016.200 1209.500 -80.100 1350.200 1430.300 25.898 55 .•,64 6.360 54.527 48.161 -28.500 37.400 ".900 -40.600 25.400 66.000 67.200 74.700 141.400 141.400 0.000 133.300 133.300 0.000 80.100 100.000 19.900 Government Government Se~vlces Se~vlces Other Servlce~ Other Services of which Labour Income Labour Income CAPITAL Credit Debit ~CCOUNT (b, Balance· Capital Movements CredIt CapItal Movements Oebl, _ of' ' ....nger held'"tl 6"'~ I,)~J 'fj~••• tWfr.Her InclutlV8 -19.273 0.000 19.213 tr.ns;';':" 23.388 52.437 29.049 29.~67 ihIPIllt!M .nd o,ht!,.. - 1.~OO -.l 8 SOURCES TABLES BP/I/1B· BP/III/1B . 1982-1987 For an series except: Trade Balance; Balance on Services; Goods and Services Credit, Debit and Balance; Net Transfers; Current Account Credit, Debit and Balance, and; Balance on the Capital Account, all of which were computed as sums of their components: 1985-87: 1984: 1983: 1982: SAl, SAl, SAl, SAl, 1990, No. 1987, No. 1986, No. 1985, No. 40, p. 38, p. 37, p. 36, p. 716, Table 17.10 701, Table XXVII/11 692, Table XXVII/10 712, Table XXVII/10 1968-1981 : For all series except: Trade Balance; Balance on Services; Goods and Services Credit, Debit and Balance; Net Transfers; Current Account Credit, Debit and Balance, and; Balance on the Capital Account, all of which were computed as sums of their components: 1981: 1979-80: 1977-78: 1976: 1975: 1973-74: 1972: 1971: 1970: 1969: 1968: SAl, SAl, SAl, SAl, SAl, SAl, SAl, SAl. SAl, SAl, SAl, 1984, No. 35, p. 750, Table XXVII/9 1982, No. 33, p. 740, Table XXVII/1 0 1980, No. 31, p. 686, Table XXVII/10 1979, No. 30, p. 724, Table XXVII/10 1977, No. 28, p. 712, Table XXVII/10 1975, No. 26, p. 692, Table XXVII/11 1974, No. 25, p. 689, TableXXVIl/10 1973, No. 24, p. 701, Table XXVII/10 1972, No. 23, p. 651, Table XXVII/10 1971, No. 22, p. 629, Table Y/10 1969, No. 20, p. 634, Table X/3 9 MERCHANDISE TRADE BY MAIN MARKETS, SOURCES AND COMMODITY GROUPS TABLE FT/I/1B GAlA STRIP: HERCUANDISE TRADE BY MAIN MARKETS AND COMMODITY GROUPS, 1968-1987 (HI Illons of current United Statea dollara, 19688 TOTAL TRADE BALANCE 1969a 1970a 1971 1972 1973 197 .. 1975 1976 1977 -3 ..... 3 -49.71 -54.29 -21.88 -32.24 -40.31 -15.83 -93.28 -83.46 -10".24 Total Agricultural Exports Total Industrial Exports 17.40 18.09 17.69 23.29 20.57 24.66 20.35 7.21 19.76 12.31 25.10 18.05 30.09 31.30 37.57 "5.4" "6.74 56.94 70.11 62.55 TOTAL IMPORTS Total Agricultural Imports Total Industrial Imports 69.91 2".60 45.31 90.69 23.43 67.26 99.51 26.91 72.60 49.44 7.32 112.12 '6".31 9.00 55.31 83.45 1.4.40 69.05 137.22 18.05 119.17 176.29 26.29 150.00 187.1" 29.56 157.58 236.90 40.9" 195.97 TRADE BALANCE WITH JORDAN 10.31 12.60 13.51 3.22 3.24 4.48 11.12 16.47 24.23 40.33 Agricultural Exports Industrial Exports 15.51 7.51 8.00 19.71 8.49 11.23 17 .20 9.03 8.17 3.27 3.27 0.00 3.29 3.29 0.00 4.55 4.55 0.00 11.28 11.28 0.00 16.62 16.62 0.00 24.28 24.28 0.00 40.3" 40.30 0.05 Total Imports Agr I cu I tur. I Imports Industrial Imports 5.20 3.80 1.40 7.11 4.86 2.26 3.69 1.49 2.20 0.05 0.05 0.00 0.05 0.05 0.00 ·0.07 0.07 0.00 0.16 0.00 0.16 0.16 0.02 0.14 0.05 0.00 0.05 0.01 0.00 0.01 -38.23 -57.86 -62.20 -32.28 -41.93 -50.95 -85.02 -113.56 -104.14 -140.15 Agricultural Exports Industrial Exports 15.31 5.49 9.83 14.94 3.26 11.69 20.91 4.83 16.09 9.68 2.47 7.21 15.17 2.86 12.31 25.12 7.07 18.05 37.35 6.05 31.30 52.98 7.54 45.44 66.62 9.69 56.94 79.88 17.37 62.50 Total Imports Agricultural Imports Industrial Importa 53.54 14.03 39.51 72.80 10.91 61.89 83.11 16.60 66.51 41.96 6.97 34.99 57.10 8.61 48.43 76.07 14.19 61.88 122.38 16.57 105.81 166.55 23.36 '''3.19 170.77 23.00 147.77 220.03 32.82 187.21 -6.51 -4.46 -5.60 7.18 6.45 6.17 -1.93 3.82 -3.55 -4.42 Agricultural Exports Industrial Exports 11.66 11.40 0.26 6.31 5.94 0.37 7.11 6.71 0.40 14.61 111.61 0.00 13.62 13.62 0.00 13.48 13.48 0.00 12.76 12.76 0.00 13.111 13.111 0.00 12.77 12.77 0.00 12.45 12.115 0.00 Total Imports Agricultural Imports Industrial Imporu 11.17 6.17 4.40 10.77 1.66 3.11 12.71 8.83 3.89 7.43 0.29 7.13 7.17 0.29 6.88 7.31 0.14 7.17 111.69 1.118 13.21 9.59 16.32 6.56 9.76 16.86 8.12 8.75 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------TOTAL EXPORTS 110.97 27.56 32.07 45.23 43.14 61.39 35."9 83.01 103.68 132.67 ---------------------------Total Exports TRADE BALANCE WITH ISRAEL ---------------------------Total Exports TRADE BALANCE WITH OTHER COUNTRIES ---------------------------Tota I Exports Ca, Data cover both the West Bank and Gaza Strip 2.92 6.67 ..... a TABLE H/l/1B I GAlA STRIP: MERCH~NDISE TRADE BY MAIN MARKETS AND COMMODITY GROUPS, 1968-1987 - (continued) (Millions of current United States dol lars' 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1963 1984 1985 1986 1987 -76.60 -99.69 -116.49 -123.66 -120.40 -151.50 -164.50 -175.40 -238.30 -255.00 Total Agricultural Exports ToUI Industr~al Exports 56.75 62.99 57.63 63.33 59.8 1, 92.76 55.15 13 1, .01, 57.20 132.60 116.70 133.90 27.50 67.40 30.90 75.10 34.80 104.90 32.40 124.70 TOTAL IMPORTS ! Total Agrlcul~ural Imports Total Industr,lal Imports 198.33 27.70 170.64 220.64 29.68 190.96 269.11 31.,47 234.64 312.85 36.06 276.79 310.40 .332.10 36.60 114.90 273 .60 .267.20 279.40 41.80 237 .60 281.40 41.20 240.20 378.00 53.20 324.80 412.10 60.00 352.10 32.95 30.46 26.97 25.61 34.50 22.50 14.90 16.10 18.80 11.80 32.95 32.90 0.05 30.46 30.46 0.00 26.97 26.95 0.02 25.61 25.49 0.11 34.50 31, .50 0.00 22.50 22.50 0.00 14.90 14.90 0.00 16.10 16.10 0.00 18.80 18.80 0.00 11.80 11.80 0.00 TOTAL TRADE BALANCE ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------152.62 169.19 190.00 180.60 121.74 120.95 TOTAL EXPORTS • 114.90 106.00 139.70 157.10 TRADE BALANCE ~ITH JORDAN ---------------~-----------Total Exports I , Agricultural Exports Industrial Exports I-' I-' Tota I Imports i Agricultural ;Imporu Industrial Imports •! TRADE BALANCE ~ITH ISRAEL ---------------------------Tou I Exports Agricultural Exports Industrial Exports -99.82 -115.53 -123.18 -128.49 -132.60 -154.60 -161.00 -173.30 -228.10 -237.30 80.16 17 .22 .62.94 81.60 18.28 63.33 116.22 23.46 92.76 156.62 22.69 133.93 149.40 16.60 132.80 151. 10 17.20 133.90 95.80 8.40 87.40 85.20 10.10 15.10 118.70 13.80 104.90 143.20 18.50 124.10 179.98 25.64 154.34 197. 13 26.65 170.26 239.40 31.71 207.63 285.11 33.76 251.35 282.00 31.30 ·250.70 305.70 37.90 267.60 256.80 35.50 221.30 258.50 33.70 224.80 346.80 44.70 302.10 380.50 52.70 327.80 -9.73 -14.62 -20.28 -20.78 -22.30 -19.40 -18.40 -18.20 -29.00 -19.50 8.63 8.63 0.00 8.88 8.88 0.00 9.43 9.43 0.00 6.96 6.96 0.00 6.10 6.10 0.00 7.00 7.00 0.00 4.20 4.20 0.00 4.70 4.70 0.00 2.20 2.20 0.00 2.10 2.10 0.00 18.36 2.06 16.30 23.51 2.83 20.68 29.70 2.69 27.01 27.74 2.30 25.4" 28.40 5.50 22.90 26.40 1.00 19.40 22.60 6.30 16.30 22.90 7.50 15.40 31.20 8.50 22.70 31.60 7.30 24.30 I Toul Imports , Agricultural ilmporU IndustrIal Imports T TRADE BALANCE ~ITH OTHER COUNTR I ES' -~;;;;-~;;;;;;l------------AgrIcultural Exports IndustrIal E~ports , ToUI Imports. Agr I cu I tural ]lmporU Industrial Imports , TABLE n/ll/lB WEST BANK: MERCHANDISE TRADE BY MAIN MARKETS AND COMMODITY GROUPS, 1968-1987 (Mi Ilions of current United States dollars, 1968a TOTAL TRADE BALANCE 1969a 1970a 1971 1972 1973 197.. 1975 1976 1917 -3 ..... 3 -1~9.71 -54.29 -36.76 -46.93 -71.40 -105.87 -121.91 -123.95 -149.03 Total AgrIcultural Exports Total IndustrIal Exports 17 .40 18.09 17.69 23.29 20.57 211.66 7.86 31.82 14.31 37.21 14.52 43.24 20.04 71.79 24.54 84.37 28.30 95.93 37 .35 82.24 TOTAL IMPORTS Total Agricultural Imports Total Industrial Imports 69.91 24.60 "5.31 90.69 23.43 61.26 99.51 26.91 72.60 76.43 13.99 62.114 98.45 17.31 81.14 129.17 22.88 106.29 191.71 31.95 165.16 230.82 "0.24 190.58 2"8.19 45.78 202.41 268.62 48.26 220.36 TRADE BALANCE WITH JORDAN 10.31 12.60 13.51 111.61 21.05 11.83 22;02 29.8" 39.'" 39.58 Agricultural Exports IndustrIal Exports 15.51 7.51 8.00 19.71 8.49 11.23 17.20 9.03 8.17 18.34 11.66 13 .61 25.55 10.88 14:67 15.76 6.05 9.11 26.79 7.74 19.06 34.79 11.15 23.6" "3.17 12.38 30.79 "4.24 21.41 22.82 Total Imports Agr Icul tura I Imports I ndustr I a I Imports 5.20 3.80 1.40 7.11 4.86 2.26 3.69 1.119 2.20 3.73 1.29 2.44 4.50 0.93 3.51 3.93 0.93 3.00 4.78 0.76 4.01 4.95 0.14 4.81 3.77 0.19 3.58 4.66 0.28 4.38 -38.23 -57.86 -62.20 -40.16 -55.67 -73.52 -112.71 -134.87 -144.87 -167.18 Agricultural Exports Industrial Exports 15.31 5.49 9.83 14.94 3.26 11.69 20.91 4.83 16.09 20.80 3.19 17 .61 25.55 3.43 22.12 41.60 8.48 33.12 64.42 12.31 52.11 69.75 10.46 59.29 77 .66 13.55 64.11 74.32 15.94 58.38 Total Imports Agricultural Imports I ndu&tr la I Imports 53.5" 14.03 39.51 72.80 10.91 61.89 83.11 16.60 66.51 60.97 10.64 50.32 81.21 13.38 67.83 115.12 20.00 95.12 177.13 28.23 148.90 204.62 32.35 172.27 ,222.53 36.62 185.91 241.50 41.22 200.28 TRADE BALANCE WITH OTHER COUNTR I ES -6.51 -4.46 -5.60 -11.21 -12.31 -9.71 -15.18 -16.88 -18.49 -21.43 Agricultural Exports Industrial Exports 4.66 4.40 0.26 6.31 5.94 0.31 7.11 6.11 0. 110 0.54 0.00 O. 51~ 0.43 0.00 0. 113 0. 110 0.00 0.40 0.63 0.00 0.63 4.37 2.93 1.44 3.40 2.37 1.03 1.03 0.00 1.03 Tota I Imports Agricultural Imports Industrial Imports 11.17 6.71 4.40 10.17 1.66 3. 11 12.11 8.83 3.89 11.74 2.06 9.68 12.74 3.00 9.74 10.12 1.95 8.17 15.81 2.96 12.85 21.25 7.74 13.50 21.89 8.97 12.92 22.47 6.76 15.71 ---------------------... _-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------TOTAL EXPORTS 45.23 39.68 51.52 40.97 57.76 35.49 91.84 124.23 108.91 119.59 ----------------_._--------To ta I Expor ts TRADE BALANCE WITH ISRAEL ---------------------------Tota I Exports ---------------------------Tota I Exports (a, Data cover both the West Bank and Gaza Strip I-' I\) TABLE rT/II/1B WEST BANK: MERCHANDISE TRADE BY MAIN MARKETS AND CQMMODITY GROUPS, 1968-1987 - (continued) (MI I lions of current United States dol lars) 1978 1919 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 TOTAL TRADE BALANCE -112.85 -206.16 -211.43 -226.23 -211.90 -251.10 -222.30 -220.10 -273.40 -410.90 --------------~-----.--------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------"149.17 TOTAL EXPORTS " 191.53 209.41 200.60 201.00 139.51 184.50 166.40 238.60 228.20 46.11 47.13 Total Agricultural Exports 42.10 47.30 46.60 38.99 49.00 47.40 40.40 41.50 162.35 143.42 Total IndustrIal Exports 110.18 153.30 97.41 154.20 135.50 119.00 198.20 186.70 TOTAL IMPORTS Total Agricultural Imports Total Industrial Imports 252.36 38.24 214.12 355.94 50.31 305.62 408.96 61.96 346.97 435.70 60.27 315.43 418.50 49.80 368.70 452.70 57.10 395.60 406.60 67.20 339.60 386.50 60.90 325.60 512.00 17.00 435.00 639.10 99.80 539.30 57.13 53.14 73.73 69.58 81.60 59.10 15.30 60.60 70.90 57.00 Agricultural Exports Industrial Exports 62.14 25.35 36.79 58.14 20.60 37.54 79.16 21.06 58.12 17.04 21, .60 52.44 90.50 30.30 60.20 65.90 23.60 "2.10 63.50 33.50 50.00 69.30 32.50 ~6.60 81.80 23.80 58.00 66.40 22.00 44.40 Tota I Imports : Agricultural ,mports Industrial Im$)oru 5.01 0.32 4.70 4.99 0.39 4.60 5. 1'4 0.51 4.94 1."5 0.18 1.21 8.90 0.40 8.50 6.80 0.30 6.50 8.20 0.10 8.10 8.70 0.30 8.40 10.90 0.20 10.70 9.40 0.00 9.40 -142.37 -215.41 -244.34 -254.81 -251.30 -272.90 -263.20 -243.40 -295.10 -420.20 76.03 16.75 59.28 90.06 18.40 11.66 110.13 27.05 63.68 130.94 22.53 108.42 109.10 17.00 92.10 134.00 23.00 111.00 99.90 15.50 84.40 96.10 14.90 81.20 155.90 16.60 139.30 160.50 19.50 141.00 Total Imports : Agricultural ~mports Industrial Imports 218.40 36.55 181.85 305.46 46.34 259.12 355.07 58.26 296.62 385.75 57.37 328.38 366.40 44.00 322.40 406.90 51.70 3.55.20 363.10 62.10 300.40 339.50 54.10 285.40 451.00 69.70 381. 30 580.70 94.10 486.60 TRADE BALANCE WITH OTHER COUNTRIES, -27.61 -4".50 -46.82 -41.00 -42.20 -37.90 -34.40 -37.30 -49.20 -'n.70 AgrIcultural ~)(ports Industrial Exports 1.34 0.00 1.34 0.98 0.00 0.98 1.62 0.00 1.62 1. 50 0.00 1.50 1.00 0.00 1.00 1. 10 0.00 1.10 1. 10 0.00 1. 10 1.00 0.00 1.00 0.90 0.00 0.90 1.30 0.00 1. 30 Total Imports AgrIcultural ~mport. Industrial Imports 28.95 1.38 27.57 45.48 3.58 41.90 48.44 3.22 45.22 42.50 2.12 39.18 43.20 5.40 37.80 39.00 5.10 33.90 35.50 4.40 31.10 38.30 6.50 31.80 50.10 7.10 43.00 49.00 5.70 43.30 - -, TRADE BALANCE WITH JORDAN ---------------~-----------Tota I E)(ports : I TRADE BALANCE WITH ISRAEL ---------------~-----------Tota I E)(ports , AgrIcultural ~xport. Industrial Exports I-' ! ---------------------------Tota I E)(ports ! \.J.I TABLE FT/III/18 OCCUPIED TERRITORY: MERCHANDISE TRADE BV MAIN MARKETS AND COMMODITY CROUPS, 1968-1981 (Millions of current U.nl ted States doll,,..) 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1915 1976 1911 TRADE BALANCE -34.43 -54.29 -58.63 -79.17 -111.71 -181.70 -215.19 -207.42 -253.27 -----------------._-......__ ..... __ .... -49.71 - ... _-_ .... -_.---_ ....... _-- ...... _..................•..••..•••••...•.... __ ...... _..... 61.24 83.60 45.23 TOTAL EXPORTS 40.97 100.90 153.23 191,92 35 .4' 227.91 252.26 28.20 34.07 20.51 Tota' EKportl 11.69 39.U 11.40 107.41 '0.13 7',04 'Z.l'. 152.87 24.66 39.03 49.52 Tou I I"duu,., II Ekporta 23.29 61.29 129.81 . 18.09 103.09 144.79 ~OTAL Agrlc~ltur.1 TOTAL IMPORTS Tota' Agricultural Import. Total Industrl,l Imports 69.91 24.60 45.31 90.69 23.43 67.26 99.51 26.91 72.60 125.87 21. 31 104.56 TRADE BALANCE WITH JORDAN 10.31 12.60 13.51 17 .83 Agricultural Export. Industrial Exports 15.51 7." 8.00 19.71 8.49 11.23 17 .20 9.03 8.17 Tote I Imports Agricultural Imports Industrial Imports 5.20 3.80 1.40 7.11 4.86 2.26 -38.23 Agricultural Exports Industrial Exports 162.76 26.31 136.45 212.62 37.29 175.33 334.93 50.00 284.93 407.11 66.53 340.58 435.33 75.34 359.99 505.!U 89.20 416.33 24.29· 16.31 33.14 46.31 63.64 19.91 21.61 7.94 13.67 28.83 14.11 14.67 20.31 10.60 9.71 38.07 19.01 19.06 51.42 27.78 23.64 67.46 36.66 30.79 84.58 61.71 22.87 3.69 1.49 2.20 3.78 1.311 2.114 4.55 0.98 3.57 4.00 1.00 3.00 4.93 0.76 4.17 5.·" 0.16 4.95 3.82 0.19 3.63 4.67 0.28 4.39 -57.86 -62.20 -72.44 -97.60 -124.48 -197.74 -248.44 -249.02 -307.33 15.31 5.49 9.83 14.94 3.26 11.69 20.91 4.83 16.08 30.48 5.66 211.83 40.71 6.29 34.43 66.71 15.55 51.17 101.77 18.36 83.41 122.73 18.00 104.73 144.28 23.24 121.05 154.20 33.31 120.89 Total Imports Agrlculturel Imports Industrl.I Imports 53.54 14.03 39.51 12.80 10.91 61.89 83.11 16.60 66.51 102.92 17 .61 85.31 138.31 22.05 116.26 191.19 34.19 157.00 299.51 44.80 254.71 371.17 55.71 315.46 393.30 59.62 333.68 461.53 74.04 387.49 TRADE BALANCE WITH OTHER COUNTR I ES -6.51 -4.46 -5.60 -4.02 -5.66 -3.55 -17.11 -13 .06 -22.04 -25.65 Agricultural Exports Industrial Exports 4.57 4.40 0.26 6.31 5.94 0.31 7.11 6.71 0.'10 15.15 14.61 0.5'1 14.05 13.62 0.43 13.86 13.118 0.40 13.39 12.76 0.63 17.16 16.34 1.44 16.11 15.14 1.03 13.46 12.45 1.03 Total Imports AgrIcultural Imports Industria' Imports 11.17 6.77 4.40 10.17 7.66 3.11 12.71 8.83 3.88 19.17 2.36 16.81 19.90 3.29 16.62 17 .43 2.10 15.33 30.49 4.44 26.05 30.84 10.66 20.17 38.21 15.53 22.68 39.33 14.88 24.46 -----------------------.---Tota I Exports TRADE BALANCE WITH ISRAEL --------------------------Tote I Exports ---------------------------Tote I Exports ...... .t.>o TABLE fT/III/18 OCCUPIED TERRITORY: MERCHANDISE TRADE BY MAIN MARKETS AND COMMODITY GROUPS, 1968-1981 - (contInued) (Millions of curre~t UnIted States dol lars' 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 -189.45 -306.45 -333.92 -349.89 -338.30 -403.20 -386.80 -395.50 -511.10 -665.90 i TOTAL TRADE B~LANCE -------------.--------------------------------~------- --------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL EXPORTS! Total Agrlcu,tural Exports Total Industrial Exports 261.24 100.84 160.40 270.13 96.62 173.51 344.14 107.94 236.20 398.66 102.27 296.39 390.60 104.50 286.10 381.60 93.50 288.10 299.40 76.50 222.90 272.40 78.30 194.10 378.30 75.20 303.10 385.30 73.90 311.40 TOTAL IMPORTS', Total Agrlcu,tural Imports Total Industrial Imports 1150.69 65.911 3811.75 576.57 79.99 1196.58 678.06 96.45 581.62 7118.55 96.33 652.22 728.90 86.60 642.30 728.80 102.00 682.80 686.20 109.00 577.20 667.90 102.10 565.80 889.90 130.20 759.80 1051.20 159.80 891.110 TRADE BALANC£!WITH JORDAN --------------~------------Total Exports i Agrlcultural!Exports IndustrIal E~ports 90.08 83.61 100.70 95.19 116.10 81.60 90.20 16.10 89.10 68.80 95.09 58.25 36.84 88.60 51.06 37.54 106.15 48.01 58.14 102.64 50.09 52.55 125.00 64.80 60.20 88.40 46.30 42.10 98.110 48.40 50.00 85.110 48.60 36.80 100.60 112.60 58.00 78.20 33.80 44.110 5.01 0.32 11.70 11.99 0.39 11.60 5.114 0.51 4.94 7.45 0.18 7.27 8.90 0.40 8.50 6.80 0.30 6.50 8.20 0.10 8.10 8.70 0.30 8.40 -242.19 -330.94 -367.52 -383.30 -398.90 -427.50 -424.20 -416.70 -523.20 -675.50 Agricultural! (xports Industrial Exports 156.19 33.97 122.22 171.66 36.67 134.98 226.95 50.51 176.44 287.56 45.22 242.34 258.50 33.60 224.90 285.10 40.20 244.90 195.70 23.90 171.80 181.30 25.00 156.30 274.60 30.40 2411.20 303.70 38.00 265.70 Total'lmports! AgrIcultural Imports IndustrIal ImportS 398.37 62.19 336.19 502.59 73.19 1129.40 594.48 90.03 504.45 670.86 91.13 519.73 648.40 75.30 573.10 712.60 89.60 623.00 619.90 98.20 521.70 598.00 81.80 510.20 191.80 114.110 683.110 961.26 146.80 814.40 i i ToUI Imports I AgrIcultural i Imports Industrial I~ports 10.90' 0.20 10.70 9.110 0.00 9.40 I TRADE BALANCEiwITH ISRAEL , --------------------------Total Exports: I' ! TRADE BAlANCEiwlTH OTHER COUNTRIES - -37.34 -59.12 -67.10 -61.78 -64.50 -57.30 -52.80 -55.50 -78.20 -67.20 Agricultural Exports Industrial Exports 9.97 8.63 1.34 9.87 8.88 0.98 11.05 9.43 1.62 8.46 6.96 1.50 7.10 6.10 1.00 8.10 7.00 1.10 5.30 4.20 1.10 5.70 4.70 1.00 3.10 2.20 0.90 3.40 2.10 1.30 Total Imports! Agr/cultura' Imports Industrial I~ports 41.31 3.44 113.81 68.99 6.41 62.58 18.14 5.91 12.23 70.24 5.02 65.22 71.60 10.90 60.70 65.40 12.10 53.30 58.10 10.70 117.40 61.20 14.00 111.20 81.30 15.60 65.10 80.60 13.00 61.60 -------------------------Total Exports: 0; TABLE FT/l/lC GAlA STRIP: MERCHANDISE TRADE BV MAIN MAR~ETS AND COMMODITY GROUPS, 1968-1981 (Percent) 1968a 1969a 1970a -' 1971 1972 1973 197" 1915 1976 1977 -"0.309 -75.830 -93.281 -83."63 -1011.235 (million US$) 1. TOTAL TRADE BALANCE 2. TOTAL EXPORTS 3. Total Agricultural Exports ... Total Industrial Exports -3 ..... 29 -149.7114 -5".266 -21.677 -32.238 ------------------------------------------------------ --------------------------~----------------- 5. TOTAL IMPORTS 6. Total Agricultural Imports 7. Total Industrial Imports 35.1186 17."00 18.086 "0.971 17 .686 23.286 "5.229 20.571 2".657 27.560 20.3'19 7.212 32.071 19.762 12.310 ,.3.1"3 25.095 18.048 61.390 30.090 31.300 83.013 37.571 .. 5 ..... 2 103.678 116.738 56.9"0 132.667 70.115 62.553 69.91" 2".600 115.31" 90.686 23.,.29 67.257 99.51" 26.914 12.600 ,.9.'137 7.319 42.118 6".310 9.000 55.310 83."52 14.405 69.048 137.220 18.0"9 119.170 176.293 26.293 150.000 '87.1'" 2.9.559 157.582 236.902 110.937 195.966 TRADE WITH JORDAN AS A PERCENTAGE OF TOTAL TRADE ----.--------------------._.-------------------8. Total Exports (8/2) 9. Agricultural Exports (9/3) 10. Industrial Exports (10/4, "3.72 43.19 44.23 ,.8. 12 "1.98 146.22 38.03 43.89 33.111 11.87 16.07 0.00 10.24 16.63 0.00 10.511 16.12 0.00 18.37 31.148 0.00 20.03 "14.25 0.00 23."2 51.95 0.00 30.'" 51."7 0.08 7 ..... 15.45 3.09 7.8" 20.73 3.36 3.10 5.52 3.03 0.11 0.73 0.00 0.07 0.53 0.00 0.09 0.50 0.00 0.11 0.00 0.13 0.09 0.06 0.09 0.03 0.00 0.03 0.00 0.00 0.00 0'\ I'. 12. Total I mpor ts (11/5' Agricultural Imports (12/6) 13. Indus tr I a I I mpor ts (13/7) TRADE WITH ISRAEL AS A PERCENTAGE OF TOTAL TRADE --------7---------------------------------~----14. Total Exportl (14/2' 15. Agricultural Exports (15/3, 16. IndustrlaJ Exports (16/4) "3.16 31.53 54.314 36.47 16."2 50.18 "6.24 23.41 65.214 35.12 12.12 100.00 "1.29 14.46 100.00 58.22 26.16 100.00 60.85 20.12 100.00 63.82 - 20.07 100.00 6".26 . 20.72 100.00 60.21 214.78 99.92 17. Total Imports (17/5) 18. Agricultural Imports (18/6) 1 9 • Indus tr la I Imports C19/7) 76.58 57.03 87.20 80.28 116.59 92.01 83.52 61.66 91.62 8,.,67 95.214 63.07 68.16 96.30 67.56 91. 16 96.51 69.62 69.18 91.60 88.79 914 ... 7 88.84 95.46 91.25 77 .60 93.77 92.88 80.17 95.53 TRADE WITH OTHER COUNTRIES AS A PERCENTAGE OF TOTAL TRAOE --------------------------------------------------------20. Total Exports (20/2' 21. Agricultural Exports (21/3' 22. Industrl~1 Exports (22/~) 13.12 25.29 1.42 15.41 33.60 1.60 15.13 32.6'1 1.62 53.02 71.81 0.00 42.46 68.92 0.00 31.24 53.70 0.00 20.78 142."0 0.00 16.15 35.68 0.00 12.32 27.32 0.00 9.38 17.75 0.00 23. Total IMports (23/5' 2 ... Agricultural I_ports (214/6) 25. Industrial Imports (25/7' 15.98 27.53 9.71 11.88 32.68 ".63 12.78 32.80 5.35 15.02 ".03 16.93 11.14 3.17 12.44 8.76 0.99 10.38 10.70 8.20 11.08 ~.~ 11.10 ".145 8.72 22.20 6.19 7.12 19.83 ".146 Ca) I-' Data cover both the Welt Bank and Caza Strip .. i TABLE rT/l/lC GAlA STRIP: MERCHANDISE TRADE BY MAIN MARKETS AND COMMODITY GROUPS, 1968-1987 - (contInued) (Percent) 1918 1919 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1981 (million US$) , 1. TOTAL TRADE BALANCE i, i 2. TOTAL EXPORtS 3. Total Agrlc~ltural Exports 4. Total Industrial Exports -76.60 -99.69 -116.49 -123.66 -120.40 -151.50 -164.50 -175.40 -238.30 -255.00 58.75 62.99 57.63 6].33 59.84 92.78 55.15 1]4.04 57.20 1]2.80 46.70 1]3.90 27.50 87.40 30.90 75.10 34.80 104.90 32.40 124.70 198.33 27.70 110.64 220.64 29.68 190.96 269.11 34.41 234.61, 312.85 36.06 216.79 310. 1'0 36.80 273.60 332.10 44.90 287.20 279.40 41.80 231.60 281.40 41.20 240.20 378.00 53.20 324.80 412.10 60.00 352.10 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------152.62 189.19 121.14 120.95 190.00 180.60 114.90 106.00 139.10 151.10 i 5. TOTAL IMPORTS 6. Total Agricultural Imports 7. Total Industrial Imports I TRADE WITH JORDAN AS A PERCENTAGE OF TOTAL TRADE ---------------~-------------------------------, 8. Total Exports (8/2) 9. Agrlcultura~ Exports (9/3) 10. Industrial [Exports (10/4) 27.07 56.00 0.08 25.19 52.86 0.00 17 .61 45.04 0.02 13.53 116.22 0.08 18.16 60.31 0.00 12.46 48.18 0.00 12.97 54.18 0.00 15.19 52.10 0.00 13.46 54.02 0.00 7.51 36.40 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 I 11. Total Impor ts (11/5) 12. Agricultural Imports (12/6) 13. Industrial! Imports (1317) 1 WITH AS A._PERCENTACE OF TOTAL TRADE -TRADE - - ____ - __ - -ISRAEL - - - -+ ______ - .0. _____________________ I 14. Total Exports (14/2) 15. Agricultural Exports (15/31 16. Industrial 'Exports (16/4) I 17. Total Impotts (17/5) 18. Agrlcultur~1 Imports (18/6) 19. Industrial \ Imports (19/7) 65.85 29.32 99.92 61.47 31.72 100.00 76.15 39.20 99.98 82.78 41. 15 99.92 78.63 29.02 100.00 83.67 36.83 100.00 83.38 30.55 100.00 80.38 32.69 100.00 84.97 39.66 100.00 91.15 57.10 100.00 90.74 92.58 90.45 89.35 90.46 89.17 88.96 9?.19 88.49 91.13 93.62 . 90.81 90.85 85.05 91.63 92.05 84.41 93.25 91.91 64.93 93.14 91.86 81.60 93.59 91.75 84.02 93.01 92.33 87.63 93.10 ! TRADE WITH OTHE~ COUNTRIES AS A PERCENTAGE or TOTAL TRADE --------------------------------------------------------20. Total Exports (20/2) 21. Agricultural Exports (21/3) 22. Industrial :[xports (22/4) 7.09 14.68 0.00 7.34 15.42 0.00 6.18 15.75 0.00 3.68 12.63 0.00 3.21 10.66 0.00 3.88 14.99 0.00 3.66 15.27 0.00 . 4.43 15.21 0.00 1.57 6.32 0.00 1.34 6.48 0.00 23. Total Impo"ts (23/5' 24. Agrlcultur" Imports (2_16, 25. Industrial flmports (2517) 9.26 7.42 10.65 9.54 10.83 11.04 7.81 11.51 8.87 6.38 9.19 9.15 14.95 8.37 7.95 15.59 6.75 8.09 15.07 6.86 8.14 18.20 6.41 8.25 15.98 7.67 12.17 6.90 9.55 6.99 ,.... -.:J WEST BANK: MERCHANDISE TRADE BY MAIN MARKETS AND COMMODITY CROUPS. 1968-1987 TABLE fl/li/le (Percent) 1968a 1969a 1970a 1971 1972 1973 197" 1975 1976 1977 (ml I I Ion US$) 1. TOTAL TRADE BALANCE 2. TOTAL EXPORTS 3. Total Agricultural Exports 4. Total Industrial Exports .29 -36.76 -46.93 -71.40 -105.87 -121.91 -123.95 -1"9.03 11.69 23.29 20.57 24.66 1.86 31.~2 14.31 31.21 111.52 "3.21, 20.04 71.79 24.54 8".37 28.30 95.93 31.35 82.24 90.69 23.43 67.26 99.51 26.91 12.60 76."3 13.99 62.4" 98."5 17.31 81.1" 129.17' 22.88 106.29 197.71 31.95 165.76 230.82 40.211 190.58 2"8.19 45.78. 202.41 268.62 48.26 220.36 38.03 "3.89 33.1" IHl.22 59.39 I,? .91 49.58 16.04 39. l fl 27.29 41 .61~ 22.47 29.17 38.59 26.55 31.95 45.44 28.02 3".75 43.75 32.10 36.99 57.33 27.75 3.70 5.52 3.03 ".88 9.20 3.91 ".57 5.36 4.40 3.011 4.06 2.82 2.42 2.39 2.42 2.15 0.35 2.52 1.52 0.41 1.77 1.73 0.57 1.99 -34.43 ' -49.71 17.40 18.09 69.91 24.60 "5.31 5. TOTAL IMPORTS 6. Total Agricultural Imports 7. Tota I I ndustr I a I Imports TRADE WITH JORDAN AS A PERCENTAGE or TOTAL TRADE ----------------------------------------------~48.12 8. Total Exports (8/2) 43.72 9. Agricultural Exports (9/3) 43.19 "1.98 10. Industr,lai Exports (10/4) 48.22 4'L23 11. Total Imports (11/5) 12. Agricultural Imports (12/6) 13. Industr I al Imports (13/7) -51~ ----------------------------------------------------------------_._--------_._------------------45.23 39.68 40.97 51.52 57.76 35.49 91.84 108.91 124.23 119.59 7.44 15.45 3.09 7.84 20.7J 3.36 TRADE WITH ISRAEL AS A PERCENTAGE OF TOTAL TRADE -----------------------------------------------14. Total Exporta j14/2) 1~. Agricultural Exports (15/3) 16. Industrl.1 Exports (16/4) 43.16 31.53 54.34 36.47 18.42 50.18 46.2" 23.47 65.24 52.43 40.61 55.35 49.58 23.96 59.44 72.01 58.36 76.60 70.14 61.41 72.58 64.04 42.61 70.27 62.51 47.89 66.82 62.15 42.67 71.00 17. Total Imports (17/5) 18. Agricultural Imports (18/6) 19. Industrial Imports (19/7) 76.58 57.03 87.20 80.28 46.59 92.01 83.52 61.66 91.62 79.76 16.05 80.59 82.1'9 77.30 83.60 89.12 8L'" 89.49 89.59 . 88.35 69.83 88.65 80.40 90.39 89.66 80.00 91.65 89.90 85.42 90.69 TRADE WITH OTHER COUNTRIES AS A PERCENTAGE or TOTAL TRADE --------------------------------------------------------20. Total Exports (20/2) 21. Agricultural Exports (21/3) 22. Indus tr I a I Expor ts (22/4) 13.12 25.29 1 ~"2 15.41 33.60 1.60 15.13 32.61. 1.62 1. 35 0.00 1.68 0.83 0.00 1. 15 0.70 0.00 0.94 0.68 0.00 0.87 4.01 11.95 1. 70 2.7" 8.37 1.08 0.86 O.UO 1.26 23. Total Imports (23/5) Agricultural Imports (24/6) 25. Industr,.1 Imports (25/1) 15.98 27.53 9.71 11.88 32.66 4.63 12.78 32.80 5.35 15.36 14.15 15.50 12.94 17 .33 12.00 7.83 8.53 7.68 8.00 9.26 7.75 9.20 19.25 7.06 6.82 19.59 6.36 8.36 ' 14.01 7.13 2~. (a) Data cover both the West Bank and Gaza Strip ..... (X> TA~LE rT/II/1C WEST BANK: MERCHANDISE TRADE BY MAIN MARKETS AND COMMODITY GROUPS, 1968-1988 - (continued) (Percent) 1918 i 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1981 -222.30 -220.10 -273.40 -410.90 ! ( mI I I Ion US$) I I 1. TOTAL TRADE IBALANCE . -112.85 ! 2. TOTAL [XPOR~S 3. Total AgrIcultural Exports 4. Total IndustrIal Exports -206.76 -217.43 -226.23 -217.90 -251.70 ------------------------------------------------------ ------------~--------------------- 139.51 "2.10 97.'" 149.11 38.99 110.18 252.36 38.2" 214.12 355.94 50.31 305.62 191.53 48.11 209.47 41.13 162.35 200.60 41.30 153.30 201.00 46.80 154.20 184.50 49.00 135.50 166.40 ft1."0 119.00 238.60 40.40 198.20 228.20 41.50 186.70 3't6.91 435.70 60.21 315.43 418.50 49.80 368.70 "52.70 57.10 395.60 ft06.80 67.20 339.60 386.50 60.90 325.60 512.00 17.00 435.00 639.10 99.80 539.30 36.78 52.20 32.30 ft5.11 6ft.06 39.27 32.79 50.85 27.30 ft5.26 68.37 36.90 41.65 68.57 30.92 34.28 58.91 29.26 29.10 53.01 23.78 1.50 "t3.42 'I 5. TOTAL IMPORTS 6. Total AgrIcultural Imports 7. Total Indusurlal Imports TRADE WITH JORD~N 408.96 61.98 AS A PERCENTAGE OF TOTAL TRADE ---------------~-------------------------------! 8 •. Total Exports (8/2) 9. Agrlcultura, Exports (9/3) 10. IndustrIal IExports (10/4) 44.54 60.22 37.71 38.97 52.82 3't.01 41.3ft 43.71 40.52 1.99 0.82 2.19 1.40 0.78 1.50 1.33 0.82 1.42 1. 71 0.30 109ft 2.13 0.80 2.31 0.53 1.64 2.02 0.15 2.39 2.25 0.ft9 2.58 2.13 0.26 2.46 1.47 0.00 1. 74 60.31 41.18 65.04 57.82 56.23 58.35 62.51 41.80 66.18 54.39 35.94 60.08 66.67 "9.15 71.98 54.15 31.63 62.29 51.75 31.43 68.24 65.34 41.09 70.28 70.33 19.54 75.52 85.82 86.82 93.99 85.54 88.5't 95.16 81.55 88.35 81.,,4 89.88 90.54 89.19 89.26 93.30 88.46 81.84 88.83 87.65 88.09 90.52 87.66 90.86 94.29 90.23 I 11. Total Impo"ts (11/5) 12. AgrIcultural Imports (12/6) 13. I ndustr I a I I Imports (13/1) I WITH ISRA£L AS A PERCENTAGE or TOTAL TRADE -TRADE ---- - - - -- - --- -- -------'. -- - ---- -- -- -- - ---- -- --~ 14. Total Exporta (14/2) 54.50 15. Agrlcultur.1 Exports (15/6) 39.78 16. Industrial I Exports (16/4) 60.85 i 86.54 11. Total Imports (11/5) 18. Agrlcultur,1 Imports (18/6) 95.51 19. Industrial I Imports (19/1) 84.93 92.11 8".18 81.'tl ! ---------------~-------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------ TRADE WITH OTHER COUNTRIES AS A PERCENTACE or TOTAL TRADE ---------------~-------------------------------------- --20. Total Exports (20/2) 0.96 0.66 0.85 21. Agricultural Exports (21/3) 0.00 0.00 0.00 22. IndustrlaliExports (22/4) 1.38 0.89 1.13 23. Tot.1 IMports (23/5) 11.41 24. Agr'cultur.' IMports (24/6) 3.61 25. Industrl.,! Imports (2511) 12.88 12.78 1.11 13.11 11.84 5.20 13.03 0.00 0.92 0.50 0.00 0.65 0.55 0.00 0.11 0.60 0.00 0.81 0.60 0.00 0.84 0.38 0.00 0.45 0.57 0 .• 00 0.69 9.15 4.51 10.60 10.32 10.84 10.25 8.61 8.93 8.51 8.13 6.55 9.16 9.91 10.67 9.79 9.22 9.09 7.61 5.71 8.03 0.11 9.17 .... ~ TABLE FT/III/1C OCCUPIED TERRITORY: MERCHANDIS~ TRADE BY MAIN MARKETS AND COMMO~ITY GROUPS, 1968-1981 (Percent) 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 19111 1975 1916 1971 (mi Ilion UsS) 1. TOTAL TRADE BALANCE 2. TOTAL EXPORTS 3. Total Agricultural Export II. Tota I Industrial Exports -311.43 -49.71 -54.29 -')6.63 -79.17 -111.71 -161.70 -215.19 -207.42 .. 253.27 17.40 18.09 17.69 23.29 20.57 24.66 26.20 39.03 34.07 119.52 39.62 61.29 50.13 103.09 62.11 129.81 75.04 152.67 107.47 1114.79 69.91 24.60 45.31 90.69 23.1t3 67.26 99.51 26.91 72.60 12'L67 21. 31 10 11.56 162.76 26.31 136.1t5 212.62 37.29 175.33 334.93 50.00 261t.93 407.11 66.53 31t0.58 . 435.33 75.31t 359.99 505.53 69.20 1t16.33 38.03 43.69 33 .. lit 32. 1/. 28. lit 35.03 34.1t9 41.56 29.62 20.13 26.71t 15.65 24.85 37.92 18.49 26.79 114.72 18.21 29.60 116.86 20.114 33.53 51.42 15.79 1.26 0.24 1.45 0.88 0.25 1.01 0.92 0.31 1.05 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------67.21t 45.23 63.60 40.97 100.90 35.49 153.23 227.91 252.26 191.92 5. TOTAL IMPORTS 6. Total Agricultural Import 1. Tota I I ndustr lal Imports TRADE WITH JORDAN AS A PERCENTAGE OF TOTAL TRADE -----------------------------------------------8. Total Exports (8/2) 9. Agricultural Exports (9/3) 10. Industrial Exports (10/4) 11. Total Imports (11/5) 12. Agricultural Imports (12/6) 13. Industrial Imports (13/1) 113.72 43.18 414.23 1.44 15.45 3.09 46.12 47.96 1t6.22 7.814 20.73 3.36 3.70 5.52 3.03 3.00 6.29 2.33 2.79 3.11 2.62 1.86 2.66 1.11 1.47 1.52 1.146 TRADE WITH ISRAEL AS A PERCENTAGE OF TOTAL TRADE ---------~-------------------------------------14. Total Exports (14/2) 15. Agricultural Exports (15/3) 16. Industrial Exports (16/4) 43.16 31.53 54.35 36.41 16.1t2 50.18 1t6.211 23.1t1 65.21t 1t5.33 20.06 63.60 1t6.10 16.1t5 69.52 66.12 39.21t 83.49 66.42 36.63 80.90 63.95 28.97 80.68 63.31 30.97 79.18 61.13 . 30.99 83.49 17. ToUI Imports- (17/5) 18. Agricultural Imports (18/6) 19. I ndustr lal Imports (19/1) 76.58 57.03 81.20 80.28 46.58 92.01 83.52 61.68 91.62 81.17 62.61t 81.59 84.98 83.80 85.20 89.92 91.70 89.54 89.42 89.60 89.39 91.17 83.74 92.62 90.35 79.14 92.69 91.30 83.01 93.07 TRADE WITH OTHER COUNTRIES AS A PERCENTAGE OF TOTAL TRADE ---------------------------------------~-------------- --- 20. Tota I £xports (20/2) 21. Agricultural Exports (21/3) 22. Industrial Exports (22/4) 12.81 25.29 1.42 15.41 33.60 1.59 15.13 32.64 1.62 22.~3 51.81 1.31 16.80 39.91 0.81 13.16 34.01 0.66 8.14 25.45 0.61 9.26 26.31 1.11 1.10 20.11 0.68 5.34 11.58 0.11 23. Total Imports (23/5) 211. Agrlcul·tural Imports (24/6) 25. Industrial Imports (25/1) 15.98 27.52 9.11 11.88 32.68 4.63 12.18 32.80 5.35 15.23 11.01 16.08 12.23 12.49 12.18 8.20 5.62 8.15 9.10 1.51 16.03 5.92 8.18 20.61 6.30 1.18 16.68 5.87 8.88 9.14 I\) 0 TABLE FT/III/1C OCCUPIED TERRITORY: MERCHANDISE TRADE BY MAIN MARKETS AND COMMODITY GROUPS, 1968-1987 - (continued) (Percent) 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 -386.80 -395.50 -511.70 -665.90 (million usS, 1. TOTAL TR~DE BALANCE 2. TOTAL EXPORTS 3. Total Agtlcultural Exports 4. Total Industrial Exports -189.4~ -306.4~ -333.92 -349.89 ·338.30 -403.20 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------344.14 396.66 270.13 390.60 381.60 261.24 299.40 272.40 378.30 385.30 I 5. TOTAL IMPORTS 6. Total Ag~lcultural Imports 1. Total Industrial Imports 100.84 160.40 96.62 173.51 101.94 236.20 102.21 296.39 286.10 93.50 288.10 16.50 222.90 78.30 194.10 75.20 303.10 73.90 311.40 450.69 65.94 384.15 516.57 79.99 496.58 618.06 96.45 581.62 748.55 96.33 652.22 728.90 86.60 642.30 728.80 102.00 682.80 686.20 109.00 571.20 667.90 102.10 565.80 889.90 130.20 159.80 1051.20 159.80 891.40 TRADE WITH JbRDAN AS A PERtENTAGE or 104.~0 TOTAL TRADE ------------~----------------------------------36.40 57.76 22.97 32.80 52.85 21.64 30.84 44.48 24.61 25.15 48.98 17.73 32.00 62.01 21.04 23.17 49.52 14.61 32.87 63.21 22.43 31.35 62.01 18.96 26.59 56.65 19.14 20.30 45.14 14.26 1. 11 0.48 1.22 0.87 0.49 0.93 0.80 0.53 0.85 1.00 0.19 1.11 1.22 12.59 9.45 0.93 11.86 7.81 1.19 9.82 8.21 1.30 13.71 8.34 1.22 11.98 8.65 0.89 0.00 1.05 65.9~ 12.13 44.21 61.17 66.18 32.15 78.61 74.71 42.99 85.01 65.36 31.24 17.07 66.56 31.93 80.53 72.59 40.43 80.57 78.82 51.42 85.32 86.73 69.62 91, .60 68.89 86.96 66.95 89.23 97.78 87.81, 91.24 90.34 90.09 90.38 89.53 65.99 90.17 89.65 87.86 89.94 91.44 91.86 91.36 TRADE WITH qTHER COUNTRIES AS A PERCENTAGE or TOTAL TRADE -----------~-------------------------------------------! 20. Total Exports (20/2) 3.81 3.65 3.21 21. Agrlcuttural Exports (21/3) 8.55 9.19 8.73 22. Indust~lal Exports (22/4) 0.84 0.57 0.69 2.12 6.81 0.50 1.82 5.84 0.35 2.12 7.49 0.38 2.09 6.00 0.52 0.82 2.93 0.30 0.88 2.8 1, 0."2 9.38 5.21 10.00 9.82 12.59 9.45 8.91 11.86 1.81 9.16 13.71 8.34 9.14 11.98 7.61 8.13 1.58 8. Total Exports (8/2) 9. Agrlcult~ral Exports (9/3) 10. Industrii al Exports '( 10/4) I I 11. Total ImportS (11/5) 12. Agrlcul~ural Imports (12/6) 13. Industri'al Imports (13/7) TRADE WITH I~RAEL AS A PERCENTAGE or TOTAL TRADE ------------r----------------------------------14. Total Export. (14/2) 15. Agrlcul~ural Export. (15/3) 16. Indust~lal Exports (16/4) 59.79 33.69 76.19 63.55 37 .96 71.80 46.79 74.10 17. Tota I Impor ts (17/5) 18. Agrlculltural Imports (18/6) 19. Industr1lal Imports (19/1) 88.39 94.31 81.38 87.17 91.50 86.47 93.3 /, 23. Total I~ports (23/5) 24. Agrlculitural Imports (24/6) 25. Indua trila' Imports (25/1) 10.50 5.21 11.40 11.96 8.01 12.60 81.67 11.52 6.13 12,1'2 1.71 . 5.49 0.49 8.47 9.82 8.21 8.65 ... I\) ..... TABLE fT/I/l0 GAlA STRIP: MERCHANDISE TRADE BY PERCENTAGE SHARE OF MAIN COMMODITY GROUPS, 1968-1981 TOTAL TRADE YEAR E)(ports Agricultural Industrial Imports Agricultural Industrial E)(ports Agricultural Industrial (21 (%) (3 I (%) (II) (%) (%1 (51 (%1 (61 (%1 119.03 113. 17 45.48 13.83 61.62 58.17 49.01 115.26 115.08 52.85 48.26 /J7.611 39.21 29.15 30.11 25.86 23.93 29.15 211.91 20.62 50.91 56.83 54.52 26.11 38.38 41.83 50.99 511.14 511.92 117.15 51 .7/J 52.36 60.79 70.85 69.89 14. III 76.07 10.85 15.09 79.38 35.19 25.83 21.05 14.80 13.99 17.26 13.15 1/J.91 15.80 11.28 13.97 13 .45 12.81 11.53 11.86 13.52 14.96 14.64 14.07 14.56 6'1. 81 111.11 12.95 85.20 86.01 82.7/J 86.85 85.09 8/J.20 82.72 86.03 66.55 87.19 68.1'7 88.14 86. 118 85.04 85.36 85.93 85. 14 ' 118.43 113.011 52.49 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 99.88 99.84 100.00 99.93 99.56 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 51.51 56.96 /J7.51 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.12 0.16 0.00 0.0-' (1) 1968_ 1969a 1970a 1911 1972 1973 197/J 1915 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1962 1983 19811 1985 1986 1987 TRADE WITH JORDAN (a, Data cover both the West Bank and the Gaze Strip () • It I, 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Imports Agricultural Industrial (7) (8) (%) (%) 73.08 68.27 40.31 100.00 100.00 100.00 0.00 10.00 0.00 0.00 26.92 31.13 59.69 0.00 0.00 0.00 100.00 90.00 100.00 100.00 I\) I\) TABLE FTlillD GAZA STRIP: MERCHANDISE TRADE BY PERCENTAGE SHARE OF MAIN COMMODITY GROUPS. 1968-1987 - (continued) TRADE WITH ISRAEL YEAR Exports Industrial A~rlcultural TRADE WITH OTHER COUNTRIES Imports Agricultural Industrial Exports Agricultural Industrial I 1968a 1969a 1970a 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1971 .1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 ( 1;» (9 ) (10) ( 11) (%1 ( 13) (%) (%1 ( lit I' (%) (%) (%1 35.82 21.80 23.09 25.48 18.84 28.15 16.21 14.23 14.54 21.75 21.48 22.40 20.18 14.49 11.11 11.38 8.77 11.85 11.63 12.92 64.18 78.20 76.91 74.52 81. 16 71.85 83.79 85.77 85.46 78.25 78.52 77 .60 79.82 85.51 88.89 88.62 91.23 88.15 88.37 87.08 26.20 14.99 19.97 16.61 15.18 18.65 13.54 14.03 13.47 14.92 14.25 13.62 13 .27 11.84 11. 10 12.110 13.82 13.04 12.89 13.85 73.80 85.01 80.03 83.39 811.82 81. 35 86.46 85.97 86.53 85.08 85.75 86.38 86.73 88.16 88.90 81.60 86.18 86.96 81.11 86.15 91t.48 94.12 94.38 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 5.52 5.86 5.62 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (a) Data cover both the West Bank and Gaza Strip Imports Agricultural Industrial (15) (16) (%) (%) 60.61 71.09 69.44 3.97 3.99 1.95 10.08 30.43 40.20 48.13 11.20 12.04 9.07 8.29 19.37 26.52 27.88 32.75 21.24 23.10 39.39 28.91 30.56 96.03 96.01 98.05 89.92 69.57 59.80 51.87 88.80 87.96 90.93 91. 71 80.63 73.48 72.12 67.25 72.76 76.90 I\) 'VI TABLE FT/II/1D WEST BANK: MERCHANDISE TRADE BY PERC[NTAGE SHARE OF MAIN COMMODITV GROUPS, 1968-1987 'fOTAL TRADE YEAR TRAD[ WITH JORDAN Exports Imports Agricultural Industrial Agricultural Industrial 1968a 1969a 1910a 1911 1912 1913 1974 1915 1976 1977 1978 1919 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 ( 1) (2) (3 ) (%) (%) (%) 49.03 43.17 45.48 19.80 27.71 25.14 21.83 22.53 22.78 31.23 30.17 26.14 25.12 22.50 23.58 23.28 26.56 28.49 16.93 18.18 50.97 56.83 54.52 80.20 12.23 74.86 18.17 71.47 77.22 68.77 69.83 13.86 14.88 11.50 16.42 16.12 13.44 71.51 83.01 81.82 35.19 25.83 27.05 18.31 11.58 17.71 16.16 17 .43 18.45 17 .97 15.15 14.14 15.16 13 .83 11.90 12.61 16.52 15.16 15.04 15.62 (a) Data cover both the West'Bank and Gaze Strip Exports Agricultural Industrial (II) (%) (5) (6) (%) (%) 64.81 74.17 12.95 81..69 82.42 82.29 83.84 82.57 81.55 82.03 48.43 113.04 52.119 25.44 112.59 38.31 28.87 32.05 28.68 48.41 40.19 35.43 26.60 31.93 33.148 36.12 40.12 116.90 29.10 33.13 51.57 56.96 41.51 14.56 51.41 61.63 11.13 61.95 71. 32 51.59 59;21 64.51 13.110 68.07 66.52 63.88 59.88 53.10 10.90 66.87 8 /1.85 85.86 8 /4.8 /4 86.17 88.10 87.39 83.118 8 /1.2 /4 8 /1.96 84-.38 Imports Agricultural Industrial (7) (%) 73.08 68.27 40.31 34.53 20.63 23.64 15.96 2.87 !,,02 5.95 6.29 1.87 9.32 2.46 4.49 4.41 1.22 3.45 1.83 0.00 (8) (%) 26.92 31. 73 59.69 65.41 79.37 76.36 84.04 97.13 94.98 94.05 93.11 92.13 90.68 97.54 95.51 95.59 98.78 96.55 98.17 100.00 I\) .t>o TABLE FTII 1/10 WEST BANK: MERCHANDISE TRADE BY PERCENTAGE SH~RE or MAIN COMMODITY GROUPS. 1968-1981 - (continued) TRADE WITH OTHER COUNTRIES TRADE WITH ISRAEL YEAR Exports Industrial Ag~lcultural (9) (~) 1968 a 1969 a 1970 a 1971 1972 1973 197/J 1975 1976 1977 1976 1979 1960 1961 1982 1963 1984 1985 1966 1967 35.82 21.80 23.09 15.3/J 13.42 20.38 19.11 14.99 11 • /J5 21.44 22.03 20.43 24.43 11.20 15.58 11.16 15.52 15.50 10.65 12.15 (10) (~) 64.18 18.20 76.91 8/J.66 86.58 79.62 80.89 85.01 62.55 18.56 77.97 79.57 75.57 82.60 8/J.42 62.84 84./J8 84.50 69.35 87.85 Imports Industrial Agricultural Exports Agricultural Industrial Imports Agricultural Industrial ( 11) ( 12) (13 ) ( 14) ( 15) ( 16) (~) (%) (%) (%) (%) ( ~) 26.20 14.99 19.91 17 . /J6 16./J8 17.37 15.94 15.61 16./J6 17 .07 16.73 15.17 16.'11 14.67 12.01 12.71 17 .27 15.94 15.45 16.20 (a) Data Fover both the West Bank and Gala Strip 13.80 65.01 80.03 62.54 83.52 62.63 6'1.06 6'1. 19 63.5/J 62.93 63.27 6/J.83 63.59 65.13 67.99 67.29 62.73 611.06 64.55 83.79 94.48 94.12 9/J.36 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 67.15 69.63 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5.52 5.88 5.62 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 32.65 30.37 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 60.61 71.09 69./J4 17.58 23.55 19.29 18.72 36.45 40.91 30.09 4.77 7.87 6.65 6.40 12.50 13.06 12.39 16.91 14.17 11.63 39.39 28.91 30.56 82.42 76.45 80.71 61.28 63.55 59.03 69:91 95.23 92.13 93.35 93.60 87.50 66.92 67.61 83.03 85.83 88.31 I\) IJ1 TABLE FT/III/1D OCCUPIED TERRITORY: MERCHANDISE TRADE BY PERCENTAGE SHARE OF MAIN COMMODITY GROUPS, 1968-1987 TOTAL TRADE YEAR Exports AgrIcultural IndustrIal 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1911 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1981 TRADE WITH JORDAN Imports Agricultural Industrial Exports Agricultural Industrial ( 1) (%) (2) (%) (3 ) (4) (5) (6) (%) (%) (%) (%) 49.03 IU.17 45.48 41.95 40.76 39.26 32.72 32.36 32.92 42.60 38.60 35.11 31.37 25.65 26.75 24.50 25.55 28.14 19.88· 19.18 50.97 56.84 54.52 58.05 59.24 60.74 67.28 67.64 67.08 51.40 61.40 ·64.23 68.63 14.35 73.25 15.50 74.4' 71.26 80.12 80.82 35.19 25.84 27.05 16.93 16.16 17 .54 14.93 16.34 17 .31 17.64 14.63 13.87 14.22 12.87 11.88 14.00 15.88 15.29 14.63 15.20 64.81 74.16 72.95 83.07 83.8" 82.46 85.07 83.66 82.69 82.36 85.37 86.13 85.78 87.13 88.12 93.69 811. 12 84.71 85.38 8/1.80 48.43 43.05 52."9 36.72. "9.13 52.17 49.94 54.02 54.35 12.96 61.25 57.63 45.23 118.80 51.84 52.38 49.19 56.91 42.35 113.22 51.57 56.96 47.51 63.28 50.87 47.83 50.06 "'.98 "5.65 27.0" 38.75· "2.37 54.11 51.20 48.16 47.62 50.81 "3.09 57.65 56.78 Imports Industrial Agrl~ultural (1) (%) 73.08 68.27 40.31 35.46 21.47 25.00 15.45 3.09 ".95 5.94 6.29 1.87 9.32 2.46 4.49 4."1 1.22 3."5 1.83 0.00 (8) (%) 26.92 31.73 59.69 64.54 78.53 75.00 8".55 96.91 95.05 94.06 93.11 92.13 90.68 97.54 95.51 95.59 98.78 96.55 98.17 100.00 I\) 0\ TABLE FTII I 1/10 . OCCUPIED TERRITORY: MERCHANDISE TRADE BY PERCENTAGE SHARE OF MAIN COMMODITY CROUPS, 1968-1987 _ (continued, TRADE WITH ISRAEL Y[AR Exports Agricultural Industrial (9' (~) 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1916 1971 1978 1979 1960 1981 1962 1983 1984 1985 1966 1987 35.82 21.80 23.09 18.56 15.4" 23.30 18.04 '''.66 16.11 21.60 21.15 21.36 22.25 15.13 13.00 14.10 12.21 13.19 11.07 12.51 (10, (%, 6".18 78.20 76.91 81 ..... 84.56 16.10 81.96 65.3" 83.89 78.40 78.25 78.64 17.75 84.27 81.00 85.90 67.79 86.21 88.93 87.49 ' TRADE WI TIt OTHER COUfHR I ES Imports Agricultural Industrial ( 11 ) (%, 26.20 114.99 19.97 17 .11 15.94 17.86 14.96 15.01 15.16 16.0" 15.61 1".56 15.14 13.56 11.61 12.57 15.64 14.66 14.34 15.27 (12) Exports Agricultural Industrial (13, (%) (%1 73.80 85.01 80.03 62.69 84.06 82.12 85.04 84.99 84.6" 63.96 84.39 85.44 84.66 66.42 66.39 87.43 8".16 85.32 85.66 84.73 96.34 94.12 9".36 96.46 96.95 97.06 95.31 91.93 93.61 92.34 66.55 90.04 65.34 82.32 65.92 86.42 79.25 82.46 70.97 61.76 ( 14, (~) 5.63 5.88 5.62 3.54 3.05 2.92 4.69· 6.07 6.39 7.66 13.45 9.96 14.66 17.66 14.08 13.56 20.75 17.54 29.03 38.24 Imports Agricultural Industrial (15' (~, 60.61 11.09 69.44 12.31 16.51 12.02 1".56 3".58 40.64 37.82 1.26 9.29 7.57 7.15 15.22 18.50 18.42 22.68 19.19 16.13 ( 16). (~, 39.39 28.91 30.56 81.69 83.49 87.98 85.44 65.42 59.36 62.18 92.14 90.11 92.43 92.85 84.18 81.50 81.58 17 .12 80.81 83.87 I\) -.J TABLE FT/III/2B OCCUPIED TERRITORY: MERCHANDISE EXPORTS BY SELECTED COMMODITIES, 1970-1981 (Millions of current United States dollars, 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 TOTAL EXPORTS 45.224 67.239 83.611 101.130 153.220 189.081 227.919 252.257 261.250 EXPORTS TO ISRAEL 20.914 30.483 40.714 66.714 101.771 122.729 144.282 154.197 156.186 1."0 15.164 14.049 14.118 13 .391 llt.9aa 16.171 13.475 9.969 14.616 0.548 13.611 0.438 13.706 0.411 12.760 0.631 13.417 1.521 15.131 1.034 12.445 1.030 B.627 1.342 17 .200 21.593 28.848 20.298 38.058 51.414 61.466 BIt.585 95.096 9.030 7.947 14.157 10.584 19.022 27.771 36.660 61.717 58.246 4.992 1.701 0.801 0.453 7.095 3.268 2.615 1.180 7.493 1.901 1.030 0.160 14.897 2.270 1.309 0.547 22.235 4.075 1.067 0.394 30.439 2.985 2.842 0.395 52.863 4.492 3.958 0.403 44.643 6.848 6.482 0.274 13.646 14.690 9.714 19.036 23.644 30.806 22.868 36.850 4.013 0.000 4.16 1, 0.439 1.784 0.380 0.127 0.000 2.739 5.115 0.000 4.261 0.546 2.128 0.255 0.139 0.000 0.679 0.000 4.627 0.615 2.135 0.328 0.194 0.000 1.136 7.629 0.000 5.108 0.730 2.779 0.319 0.170 0.000 2.301 4.550 0.000 9.133 0.857 4.007 0.492 1.224 0.000 3.381 7.298 0.000 9.298 1.322 4.065 0.690 2.617 0.000 5.516 2.207 0.717 9.825 1.177 4.115 0.730 2.056 0.927 1.114 12.017 1.821 11.959 0.868 3.889 0.931 2.581 1.770 1.014 ----------------------------------_.---------------------------------------------------------_ ........ -._._--------------------, -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------._.-----------------------------TOTAL EXPORTS VIA ISRAEL Citrus Fruits Other E)(por ts -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------EXPORTS TO JORDAN Agriculture Exports Citrus Fruits Other Fruits Vegetables Other Agricultural E)(ports Industrial E)(ports Olive 01' Pick led Olives Margarine & Dairy Products Sweets and Chocolates Soaps Plastic Products Stones Marble Other Industrial E)(ports N (» 2.211~ '4 TABLE fT/III/28 OCCUPIEO TERRITORY: MERCHANDISE EXPORTS BY SELECTED COMMODITIES, 1970-1987 - (continued) (MI I lions of current United States dol lars) TOTAL EXPORTS 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1981 210.135 345.751 401.861 395.245 382.019 299.399 272.486 319.830 385.410 ------------------------------------------------------ -------------------------------------~----------------------------~------- EXPORTS TO ISRAEL 111.659 226.951 287.560 258.500 285.100 195.100 181.300 214.600 303.100 9.878 11 .501 8.900 11 .800 9.100 5.300 5.123 3.115 3.411 8.141 1.131 9.818 1.683 1.225 1.67'j 10.682 1 . 118 6.935 1.165 4.483 0.811 4.121 1.002 2.243 0.872K 2.142 1.335 ----------------i--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! TOTAL EXPORTS VIA ISRAEL Citrus Fruits Other E)(ports i i i, ----------------~------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- EXPORTS TO I JORO~N , Agriculture Exports CItrus fruIts i Other Frul ts ! vegetables i Other Agrlcult~r.1 Exports Industrial Expo~ts 88.598 107.299 105.401 124.945 81.880 98.399 85.463 102.116 18.234 51.066 48.513 51.434 68.213 43.911 36.217 48.811 42.498 33.181 40.961 6.179 3.103 0.217 37.627 7.569 3.231 0.086 35.320 10.264 5.3 115 0.505 44.336 14.214 9.276 0.387 26.145 13.082 4.101 0.563 17 .849 12.584 5.244 0.600 24.175 15.198 8.334 0.504 23.089 13.380 4.905 1.124 20.517 9.856 2.585 0.823 31.531 58.786 53.967 56.732 43.969 62.122 36.652 59.618 44.453 8.434 0.000 16.300 0.810 4.261 0.491 2.616 0.000 4.616 28.546 2.620 . 15.239 0.566 4.432 0.324 3.482 1.369 2.772 211.047 2.028 111.239 0.610 4.239 0.240 3.266 3.212 2.696 20.311 2.300 19.016 0.2i1 4.288 0.291 1.859 6.425 2.2'12 13.574 2.471 13 .929 26.949 1.492 17 .670 0.681 0.028 18.404 22.306 2.387 11.288 8.636 0.223 18.077 3.715 0.714 4.494 3.559 1.453 3.552 0.439 5.662 4.961 1.391 3.433 0.322 11.814 0.161 1.143 3.651 0.519 11.669 0.149 1.649 4.155 0.332 10.922 0.126 1.980 i Olive 011 Pick led 0 I I ves Margarine & Dairy Products Sweets and Cho~~lates 'I' Soaps Plastic Products Stones Marble Other Industrl., Exports i I I . . . . . I\) ,'0 TABLE fT/III/2C OCCUPIED TERRITORV: EXPORTS Of SELECTED COMMODITIES AS PERCENTAGES Of TOTAL EXPORTS, 1910-1981 (Percent) TOTAL EXPORTS (million UsS) 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 197' 1976 1977 1978 45.224 67.239 83.611 101.130 "3.220. 189.081 227.919 2'2.257 261.250 16.26 0.52 13.55 6.33 0.41 7.10 0.80 6.64 0.45 4.93 0.41 3.30 0.51 EXPORTS VIA ISRAEL AS A PERCENTAGE or TOTAL EXPORTS --------------------_.----------------------------21.14 CI trus frul ts 0.62 Other Exports 0.41 EXPORTS TO JORDAN AS A PERCENTAGE Of TOTAL EXPORTS -------------------------------------------------Agricultural Exports Citrus fruits Other fruits Vegetab·1 es Other Agricultural Exports VI 9.72 1.48 1.42 2.53 1. 19 0.61 8.49 3.91 3.13 7.41 LIn 0.16 0.36 5.97 0.00 6.19 0.65 2.65 0.56 0.19 0.00 4.07 6.12 0.00 0.67 4.98 0.00 3.33 0.46 1.61 0.21 1.66 1.02 0.85 11.76 2.16 0.56 0.21 13.36 1,31 20.96 1.25 0.17 0.16 2.41 3.20 0.00 4.08 0.58 1. 78 0.30 1.15 0.87 0.28 3.69 0.47 1.63 0.29 0.62 1. 78 1,57 17.09 2.62 2.48 0.10 Industrial Exports -----------------Olive 011 Pickled Olives Margarine & Dairy Products Sweets and Chocolates Soaps Plastic Products Stones Marble Other Manufactured Exports .. 5.10 0.65 2.55 0.31 0.17 0.00 2.69 0.00 4.58 0.61 2.11 0.32 0.19 0.00 1. 12 0.11 0.00 1.50 0.00 4.83 0.45 2.12 0.26 0.65 0.00 1. 79 0.00 2.42 . 0.37 0.44 ".60 0.70 ".58 0.33 1.49 0.36 0.99 0.66 0.39 o TABLE FTII 1I/2C OCCUP,IED TERRITORV: EXPORTS OF SELECTED COMMODITIES AS PERCENTAGES OF TOTAL EXPORTS. 1970-1987 - (continued) ~ (Percent) I 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 270.135 346.317 402.470 395.456 382.079 299.399 212.486 319.830 81.711 1.80 0.42 2.70 0.28 1.82 0.30 1.50 0.27 1.73 0.37 0.59 0.23 2.62 1.63 25.11 12.06 3.16 1.01 ! TOTAL EXPORTS ("jIllion USS) EXPORTS VIA ISRAEL AS A PERCENTAGE OF TOTAL EXPORTS ----------------:----------------------------------2.83 3.24 Citrus Frult~ Other Export~ 0.42 0.49 EXPORTS TO JORDAN AS A PERCENTAGE OF TOTAL EXPORTS I -------------------------------------------------Agricultural Exports --~------------~---Citrus Fruits Other Fruits! Vegetables . Other Agrlcu~tural Exports 15.17 2.29 1.37 0.08 10.86 2.19 0.93 0.02 8.78 2.55 1. 33 0.13 11.21 3.59 2.35 0.10 6.84 3.42 1.07 0.15 5.96 4.20 1. 75 0.20 8.87 5.80 3.06 0.18 6.08 3.12 0.00 6.03 0.30 1.58 0.18 0.97 8.21, 0.76 4.40 0.16 1.28 0.09 1.01 5.14 0.58 4.81 0.05 0.40 1.71 0.80 3.55 0.65 3.65 0.00 0.97 0.20 1. 18 0.93 0.38 9.00 0.50 5.90 0.00 1.19 0.15 1.89 1.66 0.46 0.25 0.01 6.75 0.00 1.26 0.12 4.36 0.06 0.64 5.87 0.63 4.55 0.00 0.96 0.14 3.07 0.00 5.97 0.50 3.54 0.15 1.05 0.06 0.81 0.80 0.67 3.52 1.29 0.30 Industrial Expo~ts ---------------~-Olive 011 I Pickled Olives Margarine & Dairy Products Sweets and Chocolates Soaps I Plastic products Stones . Marble I Other Manufa~tured Exporta 1.08 0.07 0.47 1.62 0.57 0.04 0.43 10.57 0.27 22.12 0.00 5.08 0.41 13.37 0.16 2.42 VI I-' TABLE FT/I I II3B OCCUPIED TERRITORY: MERCHANDISE IMPORTS BY SOURCE AND SELECTED C~MMODITIES. 1970-1987 (MIllIons of current United States dollars, 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 TOTAL IMPORTS 99.514 125.852 .162.774 212.607 334.729 406.425 435.338 505."12 450.084 IMPORTS FROM ISRAEL 83.11" 102.922 138.310 191.190 299.506 371.167 393.299 ..61.530 398.373 3.690 3.772 4.556 3.999 4.709 5.119 3.820 ".556 4.970 0.379 0.328 0.629 0.299 0.207 0.469 0.574 0.183 0.236 0.394 0.244 0.012 0.023 0.113 0.053 0.040 0.115 0.029 0.045 0.221 0.007 0.125 0.190 0.002 2.436 0.647 0.011 0.076 0.127 0.108 3.581 1.325 0.111 0.074 0.179 0.186 1.406 1.706 3.005 0.941 0.088 0.077 0.269 0.133 0.128 1.362 4.060 1.045 0.252 0.091 0.396 0.213 0.050 2.013 4.930 2.272 0.211 0.079 0.683 0.230 0.057 1.399 3.636 2.180 0.211 0.078 0.494 0.170 0.162 0.341 4.284 2.163 0.152 0.179 0.952 0.418 0.084 0.337 4.653 3.448 0.183 0.236 0.536 0.123 0.035 0.093 19.158 19.909 17 .418 30.515 30.139 38.219 39.326 46.741 1.821 0.731 0.253 0.510 5.650 3.258 0.21111 0.008 0.177 0.067 1.002 0.187 0.032 0.066 2.7112 0.357 0.2116 0.485 4.288 3.224 0.659 0.067 0.211 0.130 0.909 0.239 0.067 0.211 1.101 4.500 1.760 0.129 0.329 0.884 3.286 2.251 0.713 0.415 0.189 0.125 1.669 0.264 0.106 0.464 0.966 3.469 2.207 0.986 0.5110 0.919 10.368 2.367 0.1135 0.400 0.402 0.304 1.564 1.003 0.351 0.375 1.564 4.085 3.255 1.726 0.380 1.306 3.969 5.609 0.258 0.169 0.557 0.325 1.412 1.316 0.254 0.622 2.222 5.785 0.539 2.687 0.789 1.264 7.829 6.086 0.273 0.132 0.518 0.354 1.543 1.306 0.260 0.741 2.906 7.8111 0.005 2.321 1.552 1.495 6.507 7.199 0.614 0.076 0.345 0.408 2.058 1.263 0.518 0.849 IMPORTS FROM JORDAN AgrIcultural Imports Pu 1505 Seeds Other AgrIculture Imports IndustrIal Imports 01 Is Da I ry Products Paper • Cardboard TextIles. Products Iron, Steel, • Products Plastics. Resins Other IndustrIal Imports IMPORTS ~ IA ISRAEL Cereal. Livestock Milk Powder Corfee,· Tea, • SpIces sugar F lour Oils Processed Meats Soaps Wood • Wooden Products Paper • Cardboard TextIles. Products Iron, Steel, • Products Plastics. Resins Electrical -MachInery Machinery. Appliances Othor Industrial Imports --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------0.317 0.273 0.184 0.189 0.650 0.994 0.975 1.336 1.490 2.200 . 12.710 . ----------------------------------------------------------------------------.----------------------2.326 2.390 3.146 0.975 2.644 0.177 0.414 0.386 0.~79 3.886 3.636 8.089 . .2.674 1.700 2.101 5.466 7.389 0.248 0.167 0.494 0.522 2.211 1.867 0.568 2.157 5.542 11.878 \>I I\) TADLE n/III/3D OCCUPIED TERRITORY: HERCHANDISE IHPORTS BY SOURCE AND SELECTED COMMODITIES, 1970-1987 - (continued) (HI Ilion. or Current United State. dollar.) TOTAL IHPORTSi 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 198" 1985 1986 1981 589.310 676.675 7"3.670 728.9'" 78".798 686.199 667.86" 889.761 1051.292 502.59" 59 ..... 76 670.859 6"8.399 712.599 619.899 597.999 797.799 961.200 5.006 5. '499 7.306 8.915 6.799 8.200 8.6"0 10.918 9.4"2 0.222 0.175 0.002 0.2111 0.290 0.000 0.006 0.256 0.000 0.001 0."37 0.000 0.000 0.2"7 -0.2"7 0.000 . 0.089 0.000 . 0."02 0.000 . 0.000 0.000 4.607 3.202 0.251 0.302 0.454 0.197 0.024 0.176 11.989 3.923 0.382 0.206 O. ' .. 8 0.180 0.012 0.138 7.0 .... 5.460 0.497 0.352 0.288 0.335 0.028 0.08" 8."77 1.413 0."08 0.201 0.116 0.261 0.037 0.041 6.5119 4.192 0.762 0.24" 0.168 0.3116 0.080 0.157 8.126 6.999 0.388 0.185 0.125. 0.312 0.096 0.021 8.309 6.620 0.72" 0.298 0.115 0.459 0.057 0.036 10.767 8.533 0,631 0.316 0.613 0.079 0.073 9.429 7.400 0.488 0.585 0.299 0.395 0.082 0.180 81.711 76.700 65.505 11.600 65.400 58.100 61.225 81.04" 80.650 0.011 2.700 3.467 0.125 3.7110 11.588 0.719 0.664 1.165 0.721 3.132 2.72" 1."06 6.813 7.131 0.000 3.162 3.5115 5.1"8 2.982 12.923 1.1183 0.352 0.237 1.729 ".978 4.272 1.457 2.010 10.095 19.8"3 0.000 3.005 2.104 1.501 3.041 8.816 0.235 0.757 0.722 1.5"3 5.82] 2.782 1.727 1.194 6.662 0.017 3.359 2.628 0.7"7 5.211 8.517 1.257 0.533 2.088 1."73 4.609 2.464 1.776 1.016 9.70" 2".815 0.424 2.422 3.496 0.304 2.015 5.382 0.05" 0.78" 3."17 1.358 ".55" 2.921 2.232 1.209 8.765 26,226 2.316 5.324 0.1183 1.497 6.0411 2.112 0.615 1.498 1."01 3.3"7 1.837 2.105 1.326 6.679 i IHPORTS FROH ISRAEL t IHPORTS FROH 10RDAN I Agricultural Imports Pulses Seeds Other Agrlcu,ture Imports Industrial Imports 011. Dairy Products Paper • Cardboard Textiles. Products Iron, Steel,:. Product. Plastics. Resins Other Industrial Imports --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------0.013 0.0111 0.151 0.250 0.331 0.262 0.510 0."38 0.399 0~522 . 0.000 J ! IHPORTS VIA ISRAEL I Cereals Livestock Hllk Powder. Coffee, Tea,l • Sp Ice. Sugar : Flour Oils ~ Processed H~ats Soaps i Wood • Wooden Products Paper • Cardboard Textiles. products Iron, Steel ~ • Products Plastics. Resins Electrical "achlnery Machlnery.!Appllances Other Indus~r'.' Import. , I --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------0.272 0.123 0.201 1.397 2.4811 2.965 1."69 32.637 U.90" . ~1.U3 . 3.680 11.238 0.402 2.017 10.059 0.032 0.601 2.233 1.492 3.697 2.133 1.434 1.218 6."98 21.219 . 4.859 2.274 0.592 ".139 7.078 0.745 0.807 1.297 1.851 ".502 3.167 2.999 1.543 14. '" 1 31.050 . 3.629 1.312 1.670 3.525 4.721 0.574 1.07" 3.700 2.561 5.945 3.558 3.988 2.813 10,289 31.~91 \.>I \.>I TABLE FT/III/3C OCCUPIED TERRITORY: IMPORTS OF SEL[CTED COMMODITIES FROM JORDAN AND ISRAEL AS PERCENTAGES OF TOTAL IMPORTS, 1970-1987 TOTAL IMPORTS (million US$, 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 99.514 125.852 162.774 212.607 334.729 406.425 4'35.338 505.412 450.084 IMPORTS FROM JORDAN AS A PERCENTAGE OF TOTAL IMPORTS ---------------------------------------------------Pulses 0.30 Seeds Other Agriculture Imports 0.26 0.50 0.18 0.13 0.29 0.27 0.09 0.11 0.12 0.07. 0.00 0.01 0.03 0.01 0.01 0.03 0.01 0.01 0.04 0.00 0.03 0.04 0.00 01 Is Dairy Products Paper • Cardboard Textiles. Products' Iron, Steel, • Products Plastics. Resins 0.51 0.06 0.06 0.10 0.09 0.00 0.81 0.07 0.05 0.11 0.11 0.00 0.4' 0.04 0.04 0.13 0.06 0.06 0.31 0.08 0.03 0.12 0.06 0.02 0.56 0.05 0.02 0.17 0.06 0.01 0.50 0.05 0.02 0.11 0.04 0.04 0.43 0.03 0.04 0.19 0.08 0.02 0.77 0.04 0.05 0.12 0.03 0.01 VI ~ IMPORTS VIA ISRAEL AS A PERCENTAGE OF TOTAL IMPORTS --------_ ... _--------------------------------------Cereals 0.31 Livestock Milk Powder Coffee, Tea, • Spices Sugar Flour Oils Processed Meats Soaps Wood • Wooden Products Paper • Cardboard Textiles. Products Iron, Steel, • Products Plastics. Resins Electrical Machinery Machinery. Appliances Other I ndustr lal Imports 1.45 0.58 0.20 0.19 4.65 2.59 0.141 0.01 0.14 0.05 0.80 0.15 0.03 0.07 0.1,6 3.09 0.25 1.68 0.22 0.15 0.1.0 2.63 1.98 0.30 0.014 0.17 0.08 0.56 0.15 0.014 0.13 0.68 2.76 0.08 0.83 0.06 0.15 0.34 1.55 1.06 0.42 0.19 0.09 0.06 0.88 0.12 0.05 0.23 0.145 1.63 0.79 0.66 0.29 0.16 0.13 3.10 0.71 0.27 0.12 0.12 0.09 0.47 0.30 0.10 0.11 0.147 1.22 0.24 0.80 0.42 0.09 0.06 0.98 1.38 0.32 0.04 0.114 0.08 0.35 0.32 0.06 0.15 0.55 1.142 0.72 0.12 0.62 0.18 0.06 1.80 1.40 0.29 0.03 0.12 0.08 0.35 0.30 0.06 0.17 0.67 1.80 0.47 0.00 0.46 0.31 0.12 1.29 1.42 0.30 0.01 0.07 0.08 0.41 0.25 0.10 0.17 0.72 1.60 0.52 0.00 0.59 0.38 0.06 1.21 1.64 0.47 0.04 0.11 0.12 0.49 0.41 0.13 0.48 1.23 2.64 TABLE FTII 1I/3C TOTAL IMPORTS (~I OCCUPIED TERRITORY: IMPORTS OF SELECTED COMMODITIES FROM JORDAN AND ISRAEL AS PERCENTAGES OF TOTAL IMPORTS, 1910-1987 - (continued) Ilion USS) 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1981 589.310 676.675 7113.670 728.9111 7611.798 666.199 661.864 889.161 1051.292 I IMPORTS FROM JORDAN AS A PERCENTACE OF TOTAL IMPORTS I, ---------------------------------------------------Pulses 0.03 0.04 Seeds Other AgricUlture Imports 0.03 0.00 0.04 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.03 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Oils Da I ry Products! Paper & Cardbo$rd Textiles & Products Iron, Steel, &!products Plastics & Resins 0.54 0.011 0.05 0.08 0.03 " 0.00 0.58 0.06 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.00 0.71 0.07 0.05 0.0'. 0.05 0.00 1.02' 0.06 0.03 0.02 0.011 0.01 0.61 0.10 0.03 0.02 0.04 O.OJ 1.02 0.06 0.03 0.02 0.05 0.01 0.99 0.11 0.04 0.02 0.07 0.01 0.96 0.07 0.06 0.04 0.07 0.01 0.10 0.05 0.06 0.03 0.04 0.01 0.20 0.00 0. 1,0 0.26 0.01 0.'11 1. 19 0.20 0.10 0.10 0.21 0.78 0.37 0.23 0.16 0.91 3.21 0.19 0.00 0.116 0.36 0.17 0.72 1.17 0.10 0.07 0.29 0.20 0.63 O.l" 0.24 0.1" 1. 11 3.40 0.03 0.05 0.11 0.45 0.01 0.26 0.69 0.04 0.10 0.44 0.17 0.58 0.31 0.28 0.15 1. 12 3.34 0.02 0.00 0.34 0.78 0.32 0.22 0.88 0.07 0.09 0.22 0.20 0.49 0.27 0.31 0.19 0.97 3.11 0.04 ' 0.00 0.55 0.63 0.00 0.30 1.51 0.06 0.09 0.33 0.22 0.55 0.32 0.21 0.18 0.97 3.18 0.00 0.00 0.55 0.26 0.08 0.47 0.80 0.07 0.09 0.15 0.21 0.51 0.36 0.l4 0.17 1.59 3.49 0.00 0.00 0.35 0.12 0.05 0.34 0.45 0.16 0.10 0.35 0.24 0.57 0.l4 0.38 0.27 0.98 2.98 I IMPORTS VIA ISR~EL AS A PERCENTAGE OF TOTAL IMPORTS ---------------~-----------------------------------Cereals 0.50 0.37 Livestock Milk Powder i Coffee, Tea, &: Spices Sugar Flour Oils Processed Me8t~ Soaps Wood & Wooden Products Paper & Cardbo~rd Textl let. Product. Iron, Steel, ~ Product. Plastics • Res~n. Electrical Machinery Machinery & Appliances Other Industrl~1 Imports 0.00 0.46 0.59 0.12 0.63 1.97 0.02 0.11 0.20 0.12 0.53 0.46 0.24 1.16 1.21 5.54 0.00 0.47 ,0.52 0.22 0.411 1.91 0.76 0.05 0.04 0.26 0.74 0.63 0.22 0.30 1."9 ,2.93 UI V1 TABLE FT/III/~C OCCUPIED TERRITORY: TRADE WITH JORDAN BY PERCENTAGE SHARE OF SELECTED COMMODITIES, 1970-1987 EXPORTS TO JORDAN (mIllion US$) 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 17.20 21.59 28.85 20.30 38.06 51.41 67.47 8~.58 95.10 Percentage Share or Exports to Jordan ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------AgrIcultural Exports Citrus Fruits Other Fruits Vegetables Other. Agricultural Exports ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------24.59 36.91 39.14 23.12 43.25 45.12 62.50 46.95 IndustrIal Exports OlIve 01 I PIckled OlIves Margarine. Dairy Products Sweets and Chocolates .Soaps Plastic Products Stones Marble Other Industrial Exports ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------17.73 3.35 20.05 18.59 8.85 10.82 2.61 12.64 IMPORTS FROM JORDAN (million UsS) 7.88 3.71 2.10 3.69 11. 33 9.07 4.09 9.37 5.07 0.79 5.96 3.44 1.44 7.93 2.08 0.77 4.42 4.21 0.59 5.31 4.68 0.48 7.20 6.82 0.29 0.00 19.29 2.03 8.26 1.76 0.59 0.00 12.68 0.00 14.77 1.89 7.3.8 0.88 0.48 0.00 7.18 .0.00 22.80 3.03 10.52 1.62 0.96 0.00 5.60 0.00 13.42 1.92 7.30 0.84 0.45 0.00 6.05 0.00 17.76 1.67 7.79 0.96 2.38 0.00 6.58 0.00 13.78 1.96 6.03 1.02 3.88 0.00 8.18 0.85 11.62 1.39 ".86 0.86 2."3 1.10 1.32 1.92 12.58 0.91 4.09 0.98 2.71 1.86 1.07 3.77 4.56 4.00 4.71 5.12 3.82 ".56 4.97 Percentage Share or Imports from Jordan --------------------------------------Agricultural Imports Pu I ses Seeds Other Agricultural Imports ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1.05 0.99 2.51 111.36 8.37 10.04 0."4 6.51 Industrial Imports 01 Is Da i ry Products ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------57.08 69.31 44.38 22.19 23.68 11.16 29.08 "7."6 Textiles • Products Paper • Cardboard Iron, Steel, • Products Plastics. Resins 8.10 16.61 1.88 3.36 2.03 2.86 0.00 4.5 1, 10.29 2.113 3.92 1.62 4.09 0.00 ".58 5.91 2.20 6.13 1.93 3.33 3.20 5.18 0.25 5.35 8.40 1.93 ".52 1.07 2.21 1.04 4.13 13.34 1.5" 4."9 1. 11 3.01 0.16 5.53 12.93 .2.0" .....6 ".23 ".85 0.15 3.3" 20.90 3.92 9.11 1.85 3.83 0.05 3.69 10.77 ".15 2.47 0.70 VI 0\ TABLE FT/III/4C OCCUPIED TERRITORY: TRADE WITH JORDAN BY PERCENTAGE SHARE OF SELECTED COMMODITIES, 1910-1981 - (continued) EXPORTS TO JORDAN (ml Ilion USS) i 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1981 88.60 101.30 105.41 124.94 87.88 98.40 85.46 103.12 18.23 Percentage Shar~ or Exports to Jordan ---------------~--------------------! Agricultural Ex~orts CI trus Frul ts I Other Fruits I Vegetables Other Agricultural Exports . I Industrial Exports Olive 011 Pickled Olives Margarine & Da~ry Products Sweets and Chocolates Soaps Plastic Produc~s Stones . Marble Other Industrial Exports -----------------------------------------------------.-------------------------------33.51 35.01 35.48 29.15 18.14 28.29 22.61 26.23 46.24 6.91 14.18 0:25 7.05 3.01 0.08 9.14 5.07 0.'18 11.38 1.142 0.31 14.89 14.67 0.66 12.19 5.33 0.61 18.49 9.15 0.59 13.10 4.80 1.10 12.60 3.30 1.05 -----------------------------------------------------------'--------------------------. 22.81 16.26 26.61 15.45 9.52 21.39 0.80 21.84 11.04 0.00 18.140 0.91 4.81 0.55 2.95 0.00 5.21 2.44 114.20 0.53 14.13 0.30 ·3.25 1.28 2.58 1.92 13.51 0.58 14.02 0.23 3.10 3.05 2.56 1. 84 15.22 0.17 3.43 0.23 1.149 5.114 1.19 2.81 15.85 0.00 4.23 0.88 5.11 4.05 1.65 1.52 17.96 0.00 3.61 0.145 5.15 5.05 1.141 0.03 21.53 0.00 4.02 0.38 13.89 0.19 2.04 2.314 16.93 0.00 3.58 0.51 11.143 0.15 1.61 0.29 23.11 0.00 5.31 0.42 13.96 0.16 2.53 5.01 5.50 1.31 8.91 6.80 8.20 8.614 10.92 9.144 I IMPORTS FROM JOROAN (ml I lion USS) I Percentago Shar~ or Imports rrom ----------._------------------------------------------------------------------------Jordan --------------~----------------------- AgrIcultural Imports Pulses ! Seeds Other Agricultural Imports i Industrial ImpOrts I Oils oal ry Producu TextIles & PrOducts Paper & Cardb9ard Iron, Steel, • Products Plastics. Resins i ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.00 3.89 0.08 14.44 3.49 0.03 5.28 0.00 3.50 0.00 14.90 0.00 3.614 -3.614 0.00 1.08 0.00 4.65 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------16.62 18.16 18.31 70.148 85.35 11 . 314 83.15 14.13 63.96 5.02 9.08 6.03 3.94 0.49 6.95 2.69 3.15 3.21 0.22 6.80 3.914 14.82 4.59 0.38 14.58 1.30 2.25 2.93 0.142 11.21 2.147 . 3.59 5.09 1.18 4.73 1.52 2.26 3.80 1.11 8.38 1.33 3.45 5.31 0.66 5.18 2.89 4.18 5.61 0.12 5.11 3.17 6.20 4.18 0.81 \J.I -.l TABLE FT/III/5C EXPORTS VIA ISRAEL (ml I lion US$) OCCUPIED TERRITORY: TRADE VIA ISRAEL BY PERCENTAGE SHARE or SELECTED COMMODITIES, 1970-1987 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 1915 1976 1977 1918 7.11 15.16 111.05 14.12 13.39 14.94 16.17 13.41 9.91 96.39 3.62 96.66 3.12 91.09 2.91 95.29 4.71 89.82 10.18 93.61 6.39 92.35 1.65 86.54 13.46 19.16 19.91 11.42 30.51 30.14 38.22 39.33 46.14 2.02 9.57 3.83 1.33 1.26 30.65 11.07 2.67 0.0 1• 0.93 0.35 5.25 0.98 0.11 0.46 3.03 20.36 2.06 13.77 1.19 1.24 3.31 21.54 16.19 2.44 0.33 1.36 0.65 4.57 1.20 0.34 1.06 5.53 22.60 1.02 10.11 6.67 . 7.23 3.23 1.77 1.42 33.96 7.76 3.01 1. 31 1.32 1.00 5.13 3.29 1. 15 1.23 5.13 13.39 3.24 10.80 5.73 1.26 0.65 13.11 18.61 4.33 0.56 1.85 1.08 4.69 4.31 0.84 2.06 7.37 19.19 8.23 1.41 7.03 2.06 0.71 20.48 15.92 3.31 0.35 1.36 0.92 4.04 6.08 0.01 5.90 3.95 1.56 16.55 18.31 3.80 0.19 0.88 1.04 5.23 3.21 1.32 2.16 9.25 20.51 4.92 0.00 5.65 3.59 0.52 11.55 15.62 4.44 0.35 1.04 1. 10 4.67 3.95 1.20 4.56 '1.71 25.11 Percentage Share of Exports Via Israel -.--------------~---------------------. Citrus Frul ts Other Expor ts IMPORTS VIA ISRAEL (m I I I Ion US$) 12.71 Percentage Share of Imports VIa Israol -----------~-------------------------Cereals LIvestock MII k Powder Coffee, Tea •• Spices Sugar r lour 0115 Processed Hoats Soaps Wood • Wooden Products Paper. Cardboard Textiles. Products Iron, Steel •• Products Plastics. Resins Electrical Machinery Machinery. Appllence8 Other I ndustr I a I Imports o.n 1.69 4.10 16.67 12.92 5.06 2.38 1.08 0.72 10.73 1.52 0.62 2.76 5.55 19.92 3.4~ 0.68 1.94 7.60 20.53 VI (» TABLE FT/III/5C, i EXPORTS VIA ISRAEL eml I lIon US$, OCCUPIED TERRITORY: TRADE VIA ISRAEL 8Y PERCENTAGE SHARE OF SELECTED COMMODITIES, 1910-1987 _ (contInued) 1918 1919 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 9.97 9.88 11.50 8.90 11.80 9.10 5.30 5.72 3.11 3.48 88.55 85.37 1~.63 81. 18 18.82 90.53 9.~7 76.21 12.80 8".58 15.42 82.49· 11.51 72.01 27.99 61.60 38.40 81.71 16.70 65.50 71.60 65.40 58.10 61.22 81.0" 80.65 3.63 0.01 3.30 3.24 0.00 2.2~ 1.95 0.00 4.59 0.31 0.64 3.68 5.31 0.21 0.00 3.99 9.16 3.74 2.58 0 ..... 0.02 0.00 6.01 6.92 0.00 0.00 ! Percentage Shar~ of Exports VIa Israel -~;;;~;-;;~;;;-l--------------;;:;;--Other Exports : 13.46 ".~5 i IMPORTS VIA ISR~EL ( mI I I I on US$, ~ 46.74 . Percentage sharq of I·mports VIa I.reel ---------------~---------------------Cereals 4.92 LIvestock. 0.00' MIlk Powder 5.65 Coffee, Tea, .~Splces 3.59 Sugar . 0.52 Flour 11.55 Oils 15.62 Processed Meats 4.4~ Soaps 0.35 Wood • Wooden ~roduct. 1.0.. Paper • Cardboard 1.10 TextIles. Products ".67 Iron, Steel, .rProducts 3.95 1.20 Pla.tlcs • Res'n. Electrical Mac~lnery 4.56 Machinery. Appliances 11.71 Other Industrial Imports 25.11 ".12 0.15 4.62 1.93 3.89 16.85 6.71 0.81 0.~6 1.~3 0.31 0.88 2.25 6.49 5.51 ".2~ 0.88 ~.58 1~. 18 3.83 3.33 1. 72 8.3" 8.73 39.9" - 4.6~ ".69 3.67 1. 76 7.28 13.'.6 11.69 2.29 1. 16 1. 10 1.0 .. 0.14 2.92 2.06 6.44 3.44 3.21 0.36 2.36 8.89 13.16 4.25 2.64 1.82 10.51 25.87 36.'.9 1.90 2.62 0.08 3.15 8.18 0.46 10."0 2.48 ".44 3;39 1.42 13.55 34.65 0.83 1.06 2.58 2.41 5.76 3.16 3.62 1.84 13.32 39.84 11.50 36.72 1.19 5.19 2.06 6.92 2.28 0.05 3.29 16.43 0.66 0.96 3.65 2.44 6.0" 3."8 .2.3" 1.99 10.61 34.66 0.00 6.00 2.81 0.92 5.11 8.73 0.13 1.00 1.60 2.28 5.56 3.91 3.70 1.90 17.45 38.31 0.00 ".50 1.63 0.11 ".31 5.85 2.07 1. 33 4.59 3.18 7.37 ".41 ".94 3."9 12.76 38.80 V4 '-0 40 SOURCES TABLES FT/I/18 • FT/III/1B 1. The foHowing series were computed as sums of their components: .- Total Trade Balance; Total Exports; Total Agricultural Exports; Total Industrial Exports; Total Imports; Total Agricultural Imports; Total Industrial Imports; Trade Balance with Jordan; Total Exports (to Jordan); Total Imports (from Jordan); Trade Balance with Israel; Total Exports (to IsraeQ; Total Imports (from Israe~; Trade Balance with other countries; Total Exports (to other countries); Total Imports (from other countries). Note: Owing to administrative and related complications. Gaza Strip ceased importing from Jordan and other Arab countries after 1977. 2. Agricultural and Industrial Exports and Imports (by main market): For 1982·87 1985·87: JSGAS, 1988, Vol. XVIII. No.1. pp. 6·7. Table C/1 1983·84: JSGAS. 1987. Vol. XVII. No.2. pp. 6·7. Table C/1 JSGAS. 1985. Vol. XV. No.2. pp. 6-7. Table C/1· 1982: Except for 1987: The only data avanable for agriculturaVindustrial trade with Israel 1987 cover the first three quarters of that year; Using data on total trade with Israel for the whole of 1987 and the average distribution of industrial/agricultural goods in the first three quarters, the commodity distribution for the fourth quarter can be estimated. thus allowing a quantification of agricultural/industrial trade with Israel for the whole of 1987. For 1968-81 Figures are computed from (converted) New Israeli Shekel data in: 1981: 1980: 1979: 1977·78: 1975·76: 1974: 1972·73: 1971: 1968-70: 3. SAl. 1984. No. 35, p. 751. Table XXVII/10 SAl, 1983, No. 34, p. 764, Table XXVII/ SAl, 1982, No. 33, p. 739, Table XXVll/11 SAl, 1980, No. 31. p. 685, Table XXVII/11 SAl, 1978. No. 29, p. 773, Table XXVII/11 JSGAS. 1977. Vol. VII. NO.4, 41. pp. 6-7. Table C/1 SAl. 1975, No. 26, p. 692, Table XXVI/12 SAl, 1974, No. 25. p. 692. Table XXVl/11 SAl. 1973. No. 24. p. 704. Table XXVI/11 All other series: 1970-87: SAl, 1989. No. 40. p. 709. Table XXV\1/11 1968-69: From (converted) New Israeli Shekel data in: SAl, 1973. No. 24. p. 709. Table XXVI/II Except: 1986: For West Bank data on Exports to Jordan, the flQures used are the sum of the components which differ from the published figure. Figures for Trade Balance with Jordan, Total Exports and Total Trade Balance were corrected accordingly. 1984: For Gaza Strip data on Exports to Israe~ the figures used are the sum of the components (Agricultural and Industrial Exports) which differ from the published figure. Trade Balance with Israel, Total Exports and Total Trade Balance were corrected accordingly. 41 TABLES FT/I/1C • FT/III/1C For all years: Computed from the respective series in Tables FT/1/1 6· FT/III/16 Note: Rows 1·7 are in million United States dollars; Rows 8·10 express the exports to Jordan of that commodity from the area (W6/GS/OP1) as a percentage of the corresponding total export category for that area; Rows 11·13 express imports from Jordan of that commodity to that particular area as a perceruge of the corresponding total import category for that area; The same applies for trade with Israel (rows 14·19) and with Other Countries (rows 20-25). TABLES FT/I/10 • FT/III/10 For all years: Computed from the respective series in Tables FT/1/16 • FT/1II/16. Note: Each agricultural component and each industrial component of exports is expressed as a percertage of total exports from the particular area to that particular market. Agricultural and industrial importS are expressed as a percentage of total imports from that particular source to that particular area TABLE FT/III/2B 1. Total Exports was obtained by adding Exports to Israel, Exports via Israel, and Exports to Jordan 2. Disaggregated US dollar data is not available for the year 1970. Accordingly the totals which appear in the table for that year correspond to the series generated in Table FT/III/1 B. "3. For all years except 1970 the following series were computed as sums of their. components: Total Exports via Israel;. Total Exports; Agricultural Exports to Jordan; Industrial Exports to Jordan. The last two series were recomputed due to inaccuracies in the published sum of components. 4. Other Industrial Exports: computed as the difference between Industrial Exports to Jordan and all other components. 5. For other series: (a) Components of Exports to Jordan: 1984·87: JSGAS, 1988, vol. XVIII, No.2, p. 11, Table C/4 1980·85: JSGAS, 1987, vol. XVII, NO.1, p. 11, Table C/4 (b) Components of Exports via Israel: 1984·87: JSGAS. 1988. vol. XVIII. No.2. p. 10. Table C/3 1980·85: JSGAS. 1987. vol. XVII. NO.1. p. 10. Table C/3 (c) The following were calculated from (converted) New Israeli Shekel data: (~ Exports to Jordan and components of Exports via Israel: 1977·79: JSGAS. 1985. vol. XV. p. 17. Table CIS 1972·76: JSGAS. 1979. vol. IX. p. 14·15. Table CIS 1971 : JSGAS. 1978. vol. VIII. No. 3-4. p. 14·15. Table CIS (ii) Marblear'ld plcl<led olives exports:JSGAS. 1981. vol. XI. No.2. p. 15. (Footnote) Table C/5 1979: 1978: JSGAS. 1979. vol. VIII. p. 15. (Footnote) Table CIS 1977: JSGAS. 1978. vol. VIII. p. 15. (FootnOte) Table C/S TABLE FT/III/2C Computed from the respective series in Table FT/III/26 42 TABLE FT/l1I/3B 1. Total Imports was generated by adding Imports from Israel, Imports from Jordan, and Imports via Israel. 2. Oisaggregated US dollar data is not available for the year 1970. Accordingly the totals which appear in the table for that year correspond to the series generated in Table FTIIII/1 B. 3. 1980-87 (a) Components of Imports from Jordan: 1986-87: JSGAS. 1988, vol. XVIII, No.1, p. 12, Table CIS 1980-85: JSGAS. 1987, vol. XVII, No.1, p. 12, Table CIS (b) Components of Imports via Israel: 1986-87: JSGAS. 1988, voL XVIII, No.1, p. 10, Table C/3 1980-85: JSGA~, 1987, vol. XVII, No.1, p. 10, Table C/3 (c) Other Industrial Imports: 1984-87: Series obtained by subtracting the sum of the components from the published total. 4. 1968-79 Calculated from (converted) New Israeli Shekel data as follows: (a) For components of Imports from Jordan: 1977-79: JSGAS, 1985, vol. 'IN, No.1, p. 13, Table C/7 1973-76: JSGAS, 1980, vol. IX, NO.4, p. 19, Table C/9 1971-72: JSGAS, 1977, vol. VI, No.4, p. 19, Table C/9. (b) Agricultural Imports from Jordan, Industrial Imports from Jordan and their total, namely Imports from Jordan, as well as Imports via Israel, were recomputed as the sum of their components, which may in some cases differ from the published totals. Consequently, the following series were recomputed as the difference between the total and the sum of all other components: Imports from Jordan; Other Agricultural Imports from Jordan; Other Industrial Imports from Jordan. TABLE FT/III/3C Computed from the respective series in Table FT/III/3B. TABLE FT/III/4C For all years: Computed from the respective series in Table FT/IiI/3B. TABLE FT/III/5C For all years: Computed from the respective series in Table FT/III/3B. 43 DEMOGRAPHIC CHARACTERISTICS AND POPULATION TABLE DP/I/1A GAlA STRIP: POPULATION ESTIMATES AND SOURCES OF CHANGE, 1961-1981 (Thousands) YEAR 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1971 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 , 1985 19M 1981 POPULATION AT THE BEGINNING OF YEAR 389.7 380.8 356.8 363.9 370.0 378.8 387.0 "01.5 "'4.0 "25.5 437.4 "50.8 463.0 444.7 "56.5 469.6 "77.3 494.5 509.9 527.0 5"5.1 NATURAL INCREASE . 8.3 10.0 9." 11.2 ,12.2 12.8 '''.3 15.0 16.1 16.3 16.9 16.5 16.9 17.7 17.8 18.2 20.2 19.9 2"'6 23.6 POPULATION MOVEMENT -12.2 -32.3 -2.9 -3.3 -2." -".0 1.7 -1.8 -3.5 • -".2 -2.9 -4.7 -4.8 -5.1 -5.3 -3.1 -1.0 -4.8 -2.9 -3.6 -3.3 POrULATION AT THE END or YEAR 380.8 356.8 363.9 370.0 371\.8 387.0 401.5 1114.0 1125.5 437.4 450.8 463.0 1144.7 456.5 468.9 477 .3 494.5 509.9 527.0 545.1 565.6 RATE OF NATURAL INCREASE (Percent) 2.2 2.8 2.6 3.0 3.2 3.3 3.6 3.6 3.8 3.7 3.7 3.6 3.8 3 :9 3.8 3.8 4.1 3.9 ".1 ".3 ANNUAL GROWTH (Percent) MID-YEAR POPULATION . 385.2 368.8 360.3 366.9 -6.3 2.0 1.7 2." 2.2 3.7 3.1 2.8 2.8 3.1 2.7 -4.0 2.7 2.1 1.8 3.6 3.1 3." 3." 3.8 37 ..... 382.9 394.3 407.8 "'9.8 "31. .. 444.1 456.9 453.8 450.6 "62.7 "73.4 "85.9 502.2 518.4 536.0 555.3 to .t;.. .t;.. WEST BANK: POPULATION ESTIMATES AND SOURCES OF CHANGE, 1967-1987 TABLE OP/II/1A (Thousands) YEAR 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1918 1919 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1965 1966 1987 POPULATION AT tHE BEGINNING OF YEAR 595.9 585:9 583.1 597~9 607~8 62216 633 ~5 652~4 669.1 615~2 68h3 695~1 1081.0 7181.6 1241.3 732:~7 749 '.3 771.7 79 31. 4 815 '.5 837'.7 I NATURAL INCREASE . 13.0 13.5 14.9 17.3 18.1 18.7 20.1 20.6 22.5 22.1 21.6 23.3 22.9 23.2 24.5 25.2 27.4 n.1 27.5 29.7 POPULATION MOVEMENT -13.0 -15.8 1.3 -5.0 -2.5 -7.3 0.3 -2.8 -15.1 -14.4 -10.2 -9.4 -12.6 -11.3 -15.7 -7.9 -2.7 -5.8 -5.0 -5.1 0.7 POPULATION AT THE END or YEAR 585.9 583.1 597.9 607.8 622.6 633.5 652.4 669.7 675.2 683.3 695.1 708.0 718.6 124.3 131.8 749.3 771.7 793.4 815.5 837.7 666.1 RATE or NATURAL INCREASE . 2.2 2.3 2.5 2.8 2.9 3.0 3.1 3.1 3.3 3.3 3.1 3.3 3.2 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.6 3.4 3.4 3.5 ANNUAL GROWTH (Percent) . -0.5 2.5 1.7 2.4 1.8 3.0 2.7 0.8 1.2 1.8 1.8 1.5 0.8 1.0 2.4 3.0 2.8 2.8 2.7 3.6 ·HID-YEAR POPULATION 590.9 584.5 590.5 602.8 615.2 628.0 642.9 661.0 672.4 679.2 689.5 701.8 713.3 121.4 728.0 741.0 760.5 762.5 804.4 826.6 852.9 .f>. VI TABLE DP/III/1A OCCUPIED TERRITORY: POPULATION ESTIMATES AND SOURCES or CHANGE, 1967-1981 (Thousands) YEAR 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 POPULATION AT THE BEGINNING or YEAR 985.6 966.1 939.9 961.8 977 .8 1001.4 1020.5 1053.9 1083.1 1100.1 1120.1 1146.5 1171.0 1163.3 1180.8 1202.3 1226.6 1266.2 1303.3 1342.5 1382.8 NATURAL INCREASE . 21.3 23.5 24.3 28.5 30.3 31.5 34.4 35.6 38.6 39.0 38.5 39.8 39.8 40.9 42.3 43.4 47.6 47.0 49·.1 '53.3 POPULATION MOVEMENT -25.2 -48.1 -1.6 -8.3 -4.9 -11.3 2.0 -4.6 -18.6 -18.6 -13.1 -14.1 -17 .4 -22.4 -21.0 -11.0 -3.7 -10.6 -7.9 -8.7 -2.6 POPULATION AT THE END or YEAR 966.7 939.9 961.8 977.8 1001.4 1020.5 1053.9 1083.7 1100.7 1120.7 1146.5 1171.0 1163.3 1180.8 1200.7 1226.6 1266.2 1303.3 1342.5 1382.8 1433.7 RATE or NATURAL INCREASE (Percent) . 2.2 2.5 2.5 2.9' 3.0 3.1 3.3 3.3 3.5 3.5 3.4 . 3.4 3.4 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.8 3.6 3.7 3.9 ANNUAL GROWTH . (Percent, . -2.8 2.3 1.7 2." 1.9 3.3 2.8 1.6 1.8 2.3 2.1 -0.1 1;5 1.7 2.2 3.2 2.9 3.0 3.0 3.7 MID-YEAR· POPULATION 976.1 953.3 950.8 969.8 989.6 1010.9 1031.2 1068.8 1092.2 1110.1 1133.6 1158.7 1167.1 1172.0 1190.1 1214.4 1246.4 1284.1 1322.9 1362.6 1408.2 ~ 0\ 47 TABLE DP/IV/1A EAST JERUSALEM: POPULATION ESTIMATES AND SOURCES OF CHANGE 1968-1987 (Thousands) YEAR 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 AVERAGE POPULATION POPULATION MOVEMENT NATURAL INCREASE RATE Of NATURAL INCREASE (Percent) 71.3 83.5 93.2 96.1 100.3 103.7 107.2 108.6 112.5 115.2 117.9 122.3 126.5 130.0 132.8 136.5 0.4 1.7 -0.6 0.4 -0.3 0.5 -0.5 0.0 -1.2 -1.1 0.1 2.9 3.4 3.5 3.8 3.7 4 .. 0 4.1 4.0 3.8 3.9 3.4 3.4 3.4 3.4 . 3.6 3.6 3.8 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.5 3.3 3.3 2.8 2.7 2.6 2.6 TABLE DP/V/2A AVERAGE MID VEAR POPULATION AND ANNUAL GROWTH RATE IN THE OCCUPIED PALESTINIAN TERRITORV(.), 1967-1987 YEAR 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1913 19714 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 AVERAGE MID-VEAR POPULATION (Thollsands) Gaza West Bank 385.2 368.8 360.3 366.9 590.9 58".5 590.5 602.8 615.2 628.0 6"2.9 661.0 672.4 679.2 689.5 701.8 713.3 721." 728.0 741.0 760.5 782.5 80".4 826.6 852.9 37 ..... 382.9 39".3 1407.8 419.8 431.4 444.1 456.9 453.8 450.6 1162.7 1173." 485.9 502.2 518.4 536.0 555.3 (a) Including east Jerusalem East Jerusalem 71.3 83.5 93.2 96.1 100.3 103.7 107.2 108.6 112.5 115.2 117 .9 122.3 126.5 130.0 132.8 136.5 ANNUAL RATE Total Gaza West Bank 1047.4 953.3 950.8 969.8 969.6 109 ..... 1037 .2 1162.0 1166.3 1211.0 1237.3 1265.9 1275.7 1284.5 1305.9 1332.3 1368.7 1411.2 1452.9 1495.4 1541•. 7 -4.3 -2.3 1.8 2.0 2.3 3.0 3.4 2.9 2.8 2.9 2.9 -0.7 -0.7 2.7 2.3 2.6 3.4 3.2 3.4 3.6 -1.1 1.0 2.1 2.0 2.1 2." 2.8 1.7 1.0 1.5 1.8 1.6. 1.1 0.9 1.8 2.6 2.9 2.8 2 .. 8 3.2 or GROWTH (Percent) Eest. Jaruulem 3.1 4.4 3.4 3." 1.3 3.6 2." 2.3 3.7 3." 2.8 2.2 2.8 Total -9.0 -0.3 2.0 2.0 10.6 -5.2 12.0 2.3 1.9 2.2 2.3 0.8 0.7 1.7 2.0 2.7 3.1 3.0 2.9 3.3 0> """ 49 TABLE DP/I/3A GAZA STRIP: POPULATION ESTIMATES BY SEX AND SEX RATIO, 1967-1987 (Thousands) YEAR 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 TABLE OP/II/3A fEMALE POPULATION 198.4 190.2 185.3 188.4 192.3 196.0 200.7 207.2 213.4 218.7 224.6 230.7 228.8 226.9 233.0 237.9 243.7 251.5 259.1 267.5 276.6 MALE POPULATION MALES PER 1.000 FEMALES 186.9 178.6 175.1 178.5 182.1 186.9 193.5 200.5 206.4 212.8 219.5 226.2 225.0 223.7 229.7 235.6 242.2 250.7 259.3 268.6 278.8 941.9 939.1 944.9 947.4 946.6 953.6 964.3 967.7 967.2 972.9 977.2 980.3 983.5 985.6 986.0 990.4 994.0 996.5 1000.8 1004.0 1007.8 TOTAL POPULATION 385.2 368.8 360.3 366.9 374.4 382.9 394.3 407.8 419.8 431.4 444.1 456.9 453.8 450.6 462.7 473.4 485.9 502.2 518.4 536.0 555.3 WEST BANK: POPULATION ESTIMATES BY SEX, AND SEX RATIO, 1967-87 (Thousands) YEAR 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 FEMALE POPULATION 297.7 294.1 296.1 302.1 307.6 315.1 321.7 329.9 335.5 338.7 343.8 349.9 356.3 361.1 365.1 372.4 382~0 393.0 403.5 413.3 424.9 MALE POPULATION 293.2 290.4 294.4 300.7 307.6 313.0 321.3 331.2 336.9 340.6 345.7 351.9 357.0 360.4 362.9 368.6 378.5 389.6 401.0 413.3 428.0 MALES PER 1,000 FEMALES 984.8 987.4 994.3 995.4 1000.0 993.4 998.8 1003.9 1004.2 1005.6 1005.5 1005.7 1002.2 998.1 994.0 989.6 991.0 991.5 993.9 999.8 '1007.3 TOTAL POPULATION 590.9 584.5 590.5 602.8 615.2 628.0 642.9 661.0 672.4 679.2 689.5 701.8 713.3 721.4 728.0 741.0 ... 7.60.5 782.5 804.4 826.6 852.9 50 TABLE OP/III/3A OCCUPIED TERRITORY: POPULATION ESTIMATES BY SEX, 1967-1987 (Thousands) YEAR 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 fEMALE POPULATION 496.1 484.3 481.4 490.6 499.9 511.1 522.4 537.1 548.9 557.4 568.4 580.7 585.1 588.0 598.1 610.3 625.7 644.5 662.6 680.8 701.5 MALE POPULATION 480.0 469.0 469.5 479.2 489.7 499.9 514.8 531.7 543.3 553.3 565.2 578.1 582.1 584.0 592.7 604.2 620.7 640.3 660.3 681.8 706.7 MALES PER 1,000 FEMALES 967.6. 968.4 975.3 977.0 979.4 978.1 985.5 989.9 989.8 992.8 994.3 995.6 994.9 993.3 990.9 989.9 992.1 993.4 996.6 1001.4 1007.4 MID-YEAR POPULATION 976.1 953.3 950.8 969.8 989.6 1010.9 1037.2 1068.8 1092.2 1110.7 1133.6 1158.7 1161.1 1172.0 1190.7 1214.4 1246.4 1284.7 1322.9 1362.6 1408.2 TABLE DP/I/4A GAZA STRIP; POPULATION BY AGE STRUCTURE AND SEX, 1967-1987 "-- -------- ------ (Thousands) AGE GROUPS YEAR 00-04 05-09 10-14 TOTAL 15-.19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 SO-54 55-59 60-64 19.3 20.5 19.9 20.5 21.7 22.3 23.4 23.1 17.8 25.4 25.8 27.0 26.8 26.7 26.3 28.0 27.8 27.2 21.5 27.11 21.11 15.7 15.6 16.1 16.6 17.7 16.4 17 .6 18.1 19.7 19.8 21.6 21.3 21.2 22.1 21.5 21.9 24.1 211.6 25.2 25.2 12.6 12.3 12.0 12.7 13.6 12.3 13.4 14.6 16.1 16.3 14.9 15.8 15.4 15.4 16.2 16.2 18.8 19.1 19.9 20.8 21.9 11.4 10.8 10.5 10.9 11 . 1 10.2 10.7 11.3 12.1 13.1 11.6 12.6 13.2 13.3 13.6 11.2 12.0 13.0 13.6 14.3 14.9 11.6 10.3 10.1 10.2 10.1 9.7 9.7 9.9 11.2 10.9 10.0 10.7 10.9 11.2 11.9 9.6 9.7 10.0 10.1 10.3 10.6 9.0 7.6 8.0 8.2 8.4 9.6 9.5 9.6 10.4 10.0 9.5 9.7 9.7 10.0 10.1 8.3 9.0 9.1 9.2 9.2 9.5 5.1 5.3 5.4 5.6 5.7 7.3 7.3 7.5 6.3 8.2 9.3 9.5 9.2 9.2 9.1 8.0 8.1 8.1 8.1 8.0 7.9 5.6 4.0 4.0 4.0 3.6 4.9 4.8 5.0 5.6 5.4 7.1 7.2 7.2 7.3 7.4 8.4 8.J 8.1 8.1 8.0 7.9 2.4 3.3 3.2 3.1 3.0 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.1 3.5 4.6 4.7 4.7 4.7 6.2 1.1 1.0 6.9 7.3 7.6 4.9 3.3 3.1 2.9 2.8 2.9 2.1 2.6 2.1 2.6 3.2 3.3 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.1 2.9 4.0 4.0 11.2 4.4 8.6 7.3 7.1 6.4 5.6 6.9 6 .• 3 5.9 5.6 5.2 1.9 7.1 6.3 5.5 5.2 7.1 7.0 7.1 7.9 8.2 8.4 198.4 190.2 185.3 186.4 192.3 196.0 200.7 207.2 213.4 218.7 224.6 230.7 228.8 226.9 233.0 231.9 243.1 251.5 259.1 267.5 276.6 19.4 19.3 19.9 21.0 22.0 23.6 25.0 26.1 25.5 27.5 28.2 29.8 29.8 29.4 29.3 31.2 31.0 30.0 30.4 30.3 30,3 10.0 10.4 11.5 13.0 13.8 14.9 16.4 17 .5 18.2 19.9 21.5 23.5 23.8 23.5 24.2 23.3 24.0 26.1 26.9 27.2 21.1 6.1 6.7 6.6 6.8 7.2 7.6 8.8 10.1 11. 1 12.5 13.3 14.3 14.5 15.2 15.8 19.8 20.0 20.1 21.5 23.0 24.4 8·.6 1.3 6.6 6.3 6.1 5.7 5.9 5.0 6.4 7.2 7.3 8.1 8.6 9.4 9.9 9.9 10.9 13.0 13.9 14.8 15.6 7.6 7.6 7.1 7.2 7.1 6.5 6.5 6.4 6.0 6.0 5.6 6.0 6. 1 6.0 6.4 5.1 6.1 5.9 6.5 1.1 7.9 7.5 6.5 6.9 7.0 7.1 6.8 7.0 7.1 6.8 7.1 6.4 6.5 6.1 5.8 5.5 4.0 4.1 4.0 4.4 4.8 !). 3 5.3 5.4 5.3 5.5 5.7 6.0 6.2 6.5 6.6 7.0 6.7 6.9 6.7 6.4 6.4 6.3 6.1 5.0 11.9 4.1 4.5 4.2 3.6 3.7 3.9 4.0 4.7 4.7 5.0 5.1 5.5 5.8 6.1 6.1 6.2 6.2 5.3 5.1 6.0 5.9 3.1 3.5 3.1 3.0 3.0 3.2 3.2 3.4 3.6 3.8 4.4 4.6 4.6 4.7 4.8 5.2 5.1 5.0 5.1 5.3 5.5 4.3 3.3 3.3 3.0 2.9 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.7 2.9 2.9 3.0 3.2 3'.3 3.3 3.8 3.9 4.0 4.2 4.2 9.7 8.1 7.4 7.1 6.5 7.7 7.1 6.6 6.2 6.0 7.2 6.8 6.0 5.6 5.4 6.1 6.1 6.5 6.6 6.6 7.0 166.9 178.6 175.1 178.5 182.1 186.9 193.5 200.5 206.4 212.8 219.5 226.2 225.0 223.7 229.7 235.6 242.2 250.1 259.3 268.6 278.8 65+ FEMALEiPOPULATION 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1971 1918 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 ----------------36.1 29.6 26.7 35.0 30.6 30.1 31.9 33.0 34.5 37.1 40.1 39.7 41.2 42.1 42.9 42.0 42.7 45,.2 45.8 46.11 48.5 51.4 55.2 29.6 30.5 32.11 . ·30.8 31.0 29.2 28.8 21.9 28.3 29.4 31.1 32.1 32.9 311.4 36.5 37.7 39.2 40.9 42.4 43.9 25.3 24.8 211.9 26.0 26.0 28.1 29.6 31.6 30.2 29.8 27.6 25.9 24.6 26.2 26.5 27.8 29.2 29.6 30.7 31.7 20.~ 4~6 I MALE POPULATION 1961 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1971 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1964 1965 1966 1987 ---------------32.0 29.8 39.6 38.2 33.3 33.1 35.0 36.3 38.3 40.6 43.2 43.3 44.9 45.5 46.2 45.0 45.9 47.8 46.0 49.3 51.3 54.6 58.3 ! 31.11 32.9· 34.7 33.7 33.7 31.8 31.6 31.2 30.8 32.4 35.2 35.5 36.4 37.9 39.1 41.9 113.3 44.1 145.8 111.2 21.1 27.4 27.0 27.9 27.5 30.1 32.1 33.9 33.3 32.6 30.1 28.2 26.9 28.1 28.6 30.1 32.3 33.3 34,1 35.2 5.7 5.4 V1 ..... TABLE DP/l/lfA GAlA STRIP: POPULATION BY AGE STRUCTURE AND SEX, 1967-1987 - (continued) (Thousands) AGE GROUPS YEAR 00-04 05-09 10-14 TOTAL 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60-64 38.7 39.8 39.9 41.5 43.7 45.9 48.3 49.8 43.3 52.9 54.0 56.8 56.5 56.1 55.6 59.2 58.8 57 •. 2 57.9 57.7 57.7 25.7 26.0 27.6 29.5 31.5 31.4 34.0 35.6 37.9 39.7 41.7 45.2 45.1 44.7 46.2 44.6 45.9 50.2 51.7 52.4 52.9 18.6 18.9 16.6 19.5 20.8 19.9 22.2 24.6 27.2 26.8 28.2 30.0 29.9 30.6 32.0 38.0 38.8 39.2 41.3 19.9 18.2 17 .0 17 .1 17 .2 15.9 16.5 16.4 19.1 20.3 19.1 20.9 21.8 22.6 23.7 21.1 22.9 26.0 27.5 29.1 30.7 19.1 18.0 17.1 17 .3 17 .3 16.2 16. 1 16.3 17.1 16.9 15.6 16.6 17 .0 17.2 16.3 14.7 15.8 16.0 16.6 17.4 18.5 16.4 14.1 l1L9 15.2 15.5 16.4 16.4 16.6 17.1 17.1 15.9 16.1 15.7 15.8 15.6 12.3 13.2. 13. 1 13.6 14.1 14.8 10.4 10.7 10.7 11.1 11.4 13.3 13.5 14.0 14.9 15.2 16.0 16.3 15.9 15.6 15.6 14.4 14.1 13. 1 13.0 12.7 9.8 1.6 7.7 7.9 7.8 9.6 9.5 10.0 10.7 11.0 12.9 13.3 13.3 13.5 13.6 13.7 13.2 14.1 14.0 13.7 13.3 5.5 6.9 6.3 6.1 6.0 6.8 6.7 6.9 7 :'3 7.3 9.1 9.2 9.2 9.4 9.5 11. 3 12.2 12.0 12.0 12.6 13.1 9.2 6.6 6.4 5.9 5.7 5.5 5.4 5.3 5.4 5.3 6.1 6.2 6.1 6.1 6.3 6.3 6.8 8.0 8.1 8.5 8.6 65+ TOTAL POPULATION 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973. 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 ----------------75.7 61.6 56.5 73 .1 63.9 63.2 66.9 69.3 72.9 77.7 83.3 83.0 86.1 87.6 89.2 87.0 88.6 93.0 :93.7 95.7 99.8 106.0 113.5 61.0 63.4 67.2 64.5 64.8 61.1 60.4 59.1 59.1 61.9 66.9 67.7 69.3 72.3 76.2 79.6 82.5 85.6 88.2 91.1 52.4 52.2 51.9 53.9 53.5 58.2 61.7 65.5 63.6 62.5 57.7 54.1 51.5 54.8 55.1 57.9 . 61.5 62.9 611.8 66.9 113.9 46.3 1~.4 18.2 15.4 14.5 13.5 12.4 14.6 13.3 12.5 11.8 11.3 15.1 13.9 12.3 11. 1 10.7 13.3 13.1 13.6 14.5 14.9 15.4 385.2 368.8 360.3 366.9 374.4 362.9 394.3 407.6 419.8 431.4 444.1 456.9 453.6 450.6 462.7 473.4 485.9 502.2 518.4 536.0 555.3 V1 I\) TABLE DP/II/4A WEST BANK: POPULATION BY AGE STRUCTURE AND SEX, 1967-1987 (Thousands) AGE CROUPS YEAR 00-04 05-09 TOTAL 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 43.6 "7.2 49.3 50." 49.1 46.0 43.8 42.0 41.4 43.7 44.5 45.6 41.5 48.8 49.8 51.0 25.4 27.8 28.0 29.7 31.5 33.2 35.6 37.5 38.8 40.8 41.7 43.6 45.1 45.5 45.3 43.6 43.8 42.5 43.2 42.7 41.8 21.9 21.5 21.9 22.2 23.3 22.2 23.8 25.0 26.1 27.5 29.3 32.0 33.7 35.4 36.8 38.5 39.5 40.5 41.7 42.0 42.1 17 .5 18.4 18.1 18.6 19.2 17 .9 18.6 19.5 19.1 20.8 18.4 19.7 20.5 21.9 23.2 25.7 27.8 30.8 32.5 35.0 37.6 16.3 15.9 16.3 17 .1 11.2 16.0 16.6 17 .2 17 .2 17.7 15.9 16.4 16.9 16.7 17 .0 13.5 14.9 16.8 17 .8 19.1 20.5 16.7 16.2 15.8' 16.1 16.1 14.9 15.1 15.5 16.3 16.7 15.3 16.0 16.4 16.5 16.5 13.8 13.7 12.8 12.6 12.7 12.9 lit. 1 12.6 13.6 14.1 14.3 14.9 14.1 14.9 15.4 15.6 14.5 14.9 15.4 16.1 16.1 13.1 12.9 12.8 12.6 12.7 12.9 8.8 9.5 10.0 10.4 10.6 12.4 12.4 12.8 13.2 13.8 14.4 14.5 14.7 15.1 15.1 12.9 12.9 12.8 12.8 12.6 12.3 44.1 42.3 44.6 45.7 47.3 48.4 51.5 54.5 55.1 54.6 51.2 48.8 47.2 116.5 118.7 118.9 50.6 51.6 52.7 53.7 55.0 26.7 26.3 30.5 -33.0 34.7 36.8 39.2 41.7 43.1 45.8 46.9 49.0 50.7 50.3 50.0 118.5 48.6 41.8 48.3 48.2 47.2 16.3 17 .0 18.2 19.6 21.1 21.6 23.6 25.3 27.3 29.2 32.1 34.8 36.7 37.6 38.3 40.5 41.5 42.7 44.0 45.1 45.9 11.6 12.4 12.2 12.4 13.2 13.4 14.7 15.9 16.2 16.9 17 .3 18.3 18.9 20.6 21.3 27.0 29.8 31.8 33.8 31.5 41.3 12.6 11.8 11.3 11.5 11.4 11. 1 11.7 12.5 12.3 12.6 11.9 12.4 12.6 12.9 13.0 10.9 12.8 16.0 17 .0 18.7 20.6 11.4 11.6 ·11.6 11.4 11.6 10.9 10.9 11 . 1 11.2 11. 3 10.7 11.2 11.6 11.4 11.4 1.9 7.9 6. I 7.9 6.3 9.0 11. 3 10.5 11.0 11.0 11.3 10.9 10.9 10.8 10.6 11.0 10.4 10.6 10.7 10.8 10.6 8.0 7.9 8.1 8.4 8.7 8.9 9.5 9.6 9.1 9.8 10.1 10.2 10.7 10.4 10.5 10.4 10.3 10.3 10.0 9.9 8.9 8.6 6.6 8.4 10-14 50-54 55-59 60-64 65+ 9.1 7.2 7.2 7.5 1.4 9.0 8.8 9.3 9.6 10.0 11.8 12.0 12.4 12.9 13.1 13.2 12.9 12.8 . 12.8 12.6 12.3 5.2 7.0 6.5 6.4 6.2 6.9 6.7 6.7 6.7 6.8 8.4 8.. 3 8.8 9.1 9.3 11.0 11.8 12.0 12.1 12.5 13.0 9.9 7.2 7.0 6.6 6.5 6.2 6.0 5.7 5.5 5.4 6.2 6.0 5.9 6.0 5.9 6.2 6.8 1.8 7.9 8.2 8.4 16.4 15.9 16.0 14.9 13.8 16.6 15.1 14.1 13.1 12.0 16.4 15.1 14.0 12.7 11.7 15.1 14.9 15.3 15.9 16.5 16.9 ·291.1 294.1 296.1 302.1 301.6 315.1 321.7 329.9 335.5 338.7 343.8 349.9 356.3 361.1 365.1 372.4 382.0 393.0 403.5 413.3 424.9 7.5 7.0 7.2 7.5 7.6 7.8 7.7 7.9 8.5 8.8 9.1 9.4 9.6 9.8 10.0 9.1 9.1 8.9 6.8 8.6 8.4 6.7 7.3 6.9 6.1 6.6 6.2 6.1 6.2 6.5 6.7 7.2 1.2 7.3 1.9 8.0 8.6 9.1 8.9 9.0 9.1 9.1 9.1 7.8 7.4 7.1 6.9 6.2 5.9 5.8 5.6 5.6 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.1 5.7 5.1 5.2 7.0 1.0 7.1 7.3 20.5 17 .6 17 .0 16.6 15.5 17.3 16.2 15.1 14.5 13.9 16.0 14.7 13.9 13.2 12.4 14.3 14.0 111.4 14.4 14.5 14.6 293.2 290.4 294.4 300.1 307.6 313 .0 321.3 331.2 336.9 340.6 345.7 35 1.9 357.0 360.4 362.9 368.6 318.5 389.6 401.0 413.3 '428.0 FEMALE POPULATION 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 ;976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 198/J 1985 1986 1981 ----------------37.2 50.7 46.5 52.4 47.0 46.9 49.9 53.7 54.6 57.7 59.5 57.6 58.3 59.1 60.8 61.8 61.0 65.8 68.2 70.7 73.6 76.3 81.4 46.1 49.8 5G.9 49.5 47.6 46.4 44.8 4".5 44.9 47.3 48.5 49.7 49.8 50.5 55.3 56.3 51.7 59.2 60.5 61.9 36.4 38.9 40.6 "2.2 HALE POPULATION 1967 1968 1969 1910 1971 1912 1973 1974, 1975 1976 1971 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 --------------51.6 55.6' 57.,4 52.6 53.'1 56.:2 59.,9 61..3 63.4 64.8 63,,3 64.:" 65.3 66.7 61.5 66~6 69.3 71.0 72.7 71.6 80.6 85.8 50.7 55.0 55.5 54.7 52.8 51.1 50.9 51.1 50.0 52.6 54.2 55.2 55.8 56.5 59.8 61.11 62.6 63.8 65.0 66.5 7.9 6.3 9.0 V1 VJ TABLE DP/II/4A WEST BANK: POPULATION BY AGE STRUCTURE AND SEX, 1967-1987 - (continued) (Thousands) YEAR AGE GROUPS 00-04 10-14 05-09 TOTAL 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40- 114 45-49 50-54 55-59 60-64 65+ 52.1 56.1 58.5 62.7 66.2 10.1 74.8 79.2 81.9 86:1 88.5 92.6 95.8 95.8 95.3 92.1 92.3 90.3 91.5 90.9 88.9 38.2 38.5 40.1 41.6 44.4 43.8 47.3 50.3 53.4 56.8 61.4 66.8 70.5 73.0 75.1 79.0 81.0 83.3 85.7 87.1 87.9 29.1 30.8 30.3 31.0 32.5 31.2 33.3 35.4 35.3 37.7 35.7 38.0 39.4 42.5 44.6 52.1 57.6 62.6 66.3 72.5 78.9 28.9 27.8 21.6 28.7 28.5 27.0 28.3 29.7 29.5 30.4 27.8 28.8 29.6 29.6 30.0 24.4 27.7 32.7 34.7 37 .9 41.2 28.1 27.6 27.4 27.6 27.6 25.7 26.0 26.7 27.5 28.0 26.0 27.1 28.0 27.9 28.0 21.8 21.6 21.0 20.5 21.1 21.9 25.4 23.1 24.6 25.1 25.6 25.7 25.6 25.7 26.0 26.6 24.9 25.5 26.1 26.9 26.8 21.2 20.8 21.0 20.5 21.1 21.9 17.1 16.3 18.9 19.9 20.3 22.1 22.2 22.8 23.4 24.5 24.8 25.0 25.1 25.4 25.4 22.9 22.8 21.8 21.6 21.2 20.6 16.5 14.3 14.4 15.0 14.9 16.8 16.5 17.2 18.1 18.8 20.9 21.3 22.0 22.7 23.1 22.3 22.0 21.8 21.6 21.2 20.6 11.9 18.9 14.9 14.4 13.7 13.4 12.4· 11.9 11.5 11.2 10.9 11.6 11.5 11.4 11.8 11.5 12.0 12.0 14.g 14. 15.3 15.6 38.9 33.5 33.0 31.4 29.3 33.9 31.3 29.2 27.5 25.8 32.4 29.9 27.8 25.9 24.1 29.5 28.9 29.7 30.3 31.0 31.5 TOTAL POPULATION 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1971 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 ---------------106.3 98.1 81.3 109.8 99.1 100.1 106.1 113.6 116.0 121.1 124.3 121.0 122.6 124.4 127.5 129.3 127.6 135.2 139.2 143.4 151.2 156.8 167.2 96.8 104.8 106.4 104.2 100.5 98.1 95.7 95.6 94.9 99.9 102.7 104.8 105.7 101.0 115.1 117.7 120.2 123.0 125.5 128.4 78.7 83.5 86.3 89.5 92.1 98.7 103.8 105.5 103.8 91.2 92.6 89.2 87.9 92.4 93.3 96.2 99.2 101.5 103.6 106.0 14.3 13.4 13.1 12.8 13.1 12.:8 12.9 13.2 13.5 15.6 15.6 16.1 17.0 17.3 19.6 20.9 21.0 21.1 21.6 22.1 590.9 564.5 590.5 602.8 615.2 626.0 642.9 661.0 672.4 679.2 689.5 701.8 713 .3 721.4 128.0 741.0 760.5 782.5 804.4 826.6 852.9 VI .p. TABLE DP/III/IIA OCCUPIED TERRITORY: POPULATION BY AGE STRUCTURE AND SEX, 1967-1987 (Thousands) AGE GROUPS YEAR 00-04 05-09 TOTAL 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 110-1111 45- 119 50-54 55-59 60-64 65+ 61.6 63.6 65.5 68.2 69.6 75.2 78.9 82.0 79.3 75.9 71.4 68.0 66.1 69.9 11.0 13 ./1 16.1 18.5 80.5 82.7 44.7 48.1 48.0 50.2 53.2 55.5 59.0 61.2 56.6 66.2 67.5 70.6 71.9 72.2 71.6 71.6 71.6 69.7 70.7 70.2 69.2 37.6 31.0 38.0 38.8 111.0 38.6 41.11 /l3.1 45.8 /l7.4 49.5 53.7 55.1 56.6 58.9 60.1 61.11 64.1 66.5 67.2 61.3 30.1 30.7 30.2 31.4 32.8 30.2 32.0 3/l. 1 35.2 37 .1 33.3 35.5 35.9 37.3 39./l 43.9 46.6 49.9 52.3 55.9 59.5 27.7 26.7 26.1 28.0 28.3 26.2 27.3 28.6 30.0 30.8 27.7 29.2 30.1 30.0 30.7 2/l.7 26.9 29.8 31.3 33.4 35.5 28.3 26.5 25.9 26.3 26.2 24.5 24.8 25./l 27.5 27.6 25.3 26.6 27.3 27.7 28.5 23.5 23./l 22.9 22.8 23.1 23.5 23.1 20.2 21.6 22.3 22.7 24.11 24.2 211./l 25.7 25.6 23.9 211.6 25.1 26.1' 26.2 21.5 22.0 21.9 21.8 22.0 22.4 13.8 111.9 15.11 16.0 16.11 19.7 19.7 20.3 21.5 21.9 23.6 24.0 23.9 24.3 24.2 21.0 21.0 20.9 20.9 20'.6 20.2 14.6 11.3 11.2 11.5 11.2 13.9 13.6 111.2 15.2 15.5 18.9 19.2 19.7 20.1 20.4 21.7 21.0 20.9 20.9 20.6 20.2 7.6 10.4 9.1 9.5 9.2 10.5 10.2 10.2 10.5 10.3 13.0 13.. 0 13.4 13.8 14.0 17 .1 18.9 19.0 19.0 19.8 20.5 14.7 10.5 10.1 9.5 9.3 9.1 8.7 8.3 8.3 8.0 9.4 9.2 9.0 9.0 8.8 9.3 9.7 11.8 11.9 12.4 12.8 27.0 23.4 23.1 21.3 19.6 23.5 21./l 19.9 18.6 17 .2 2/1.2 22.3 20.3 18.2 17.0 22.3 21.9 22.4 23.8 24.6 25.3 496.1 484.3 481.4 490.6 499.9 511 • 1 522.4 537.1 5/l8.9 557.4 568.4 580.1 585.1 588.0 598.1 610.3 625.7 644.5 662.6 .680.8 701.5 13.9 69:3 72.1 72.7. 15.2 15.9 81.6 86.5 89.0 88.0 83.9 78.9 75.4 73.4 77.3 77.4 80.6 84.0 85.9 81.9 90.2 93.1 46.2 47.5 50.4 54.0 56.7 60.4 611.2 61.7 68.5 73.3 15.1 78.8 80.5 79.1 19.3 79.7 79.5 71.8 78.7 18.5 71.5 78.1 26.2 27./l 29.7 32.6 34.9 36.6 40.0 42.8 /l5.6 49.1 53.6 58.3 60.5 61.1 62.11 63.8 65.5 68.8 70.9 72.3 73.6 74.1 11.6 19.1 18.8 19.2 20.5 21.0 23.5 26.0 27.11 29.11 30.6 32.6 33.3 35.8 37.1 116.8 49.8 51.9 55.3 60.5 65.7 70.5 . 21.1 19.2 17 .9 17.8 11.4 16.7 17 .6 11.5 18.7 19.9 19.3 20.5 21.2 22.3 22.9 20.8 23.7 29.0 30.8 33.6 36.4 39.1 18.9 19.3 18.7 18.6 18.7 17.4 17 .11 17. 5 17 .2 17 .11 16.3 17 .2 17 .1 17 .11 17 .9 13 .0 14.0 111.0 111.11 15.4 16.8 18.6 18.7 17 .0 11.9 16.0 18.11 17.1 11.9 17.9 17.4 18.2 16.9 17 .1 16.8 16.6 16.1 12.0 12.0 12.2 12.3 13.1 1/l.3 15.8 13.1 14.1 14.3 15.0 15.3 15.7 16.0 16.5 16.8 17 .8 17 .2 17.4 11.1 16.1 16.8 16.3 15.9 13.9 13.7 13.3 12.9 12.5 11.7 10.7 10.9 11.11 11.6 12.5 12.4 12.9 13.6 14.3 111.9 15.11 15.1 16.0 16.2 111./l 14.2 111.9 14.7 14.3 13.8 13.3 9.8 10.9 10.0 9.7 9.6 9.4 9.3 9.6 10.1 10.5 11.6 11.8 12.0 12.6 12.9 13.8 1/l.2 13.9 14.1 14.4 14.6 13.9 13.4 11.2 10.7 10.1 9.8 8.8 8.5 8.4 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.4 8.6 8.9 8.9 9.0 9.1 11.0 11.0 11.3 11.5 10.9 30.1 25.9 24.4 23.6 22.0 25.0 23.2 21.1 20.6 19.9 23.2 21.5 19.9 18.8 11.8 20.5 20.1 20.9 21.0 21.3 21.6 22.9 480.0 469.0 /l69.5 479.2 489.1 /l99.9 514.8 531.1 5/l3.3 553. 3 565.2 578.1 582.1 584.0 592.7 6011.2 620.7 640.3 660.3 681.8 .706.1 733.2 10-14 fEMALE POPULATION 1967 1968 1969 1970 1911 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 ----------------76.1 86.8 63.9 87.3 77.7 ! 77.1 , 81.8 : 86.7' 89.2: 94.8' 99.6' 97.3 99.5 101.2 103.6i 103.8' 103.7 111.0 114.0: 117 .1 122.1 121.1i 136.6 75.6 80.3 83.3 80.3 78.7 75'.. 6 73.5 72./1 73.2 76.7 80.2 81.8 82.7 8/1.9 91;8 9/1.0 96.9 100.1 102.9 105.8 MALE' POPULATION 1961 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1914 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1981 1988 --------------95.2' 83.5 95.4 85.9, 86.2 1 91.21 96.2' 99.6 104.01 108.0 106.6, 109.3 110.8 112.8 112.6 112.5, 111 .1 118.9 122.0: 128.9 135.11 144.1 151.6, 82.1 81.9 90.2 88.4 86.6 83.5 82.4 82.3 80.8 85.1 89.4 90.7 92.2 94.4 99.5 103.3 105.9 108.5 110.8 113.7 118.2 VI VI TABLE DP/III/4A: OCCUPIED TERRITORY: POPULATION BY AGE STRUCTURE AND SEX, 1967-1987 - (continued) (Thouli8nda) YEAR AGE GROUPS 00-04 10-14 05-09 15-19 20-24 25-29 TOTAL 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 48.8 45.9 44.6 45.8 45.7 42.9 44.8 46.0 48.6 50.7 46.9 49.7 51.3 52.3 53.7 45.5 50.6 56.7 47.2 45.8 44.5 44.9 44.9 41.9 42.2 42.9 44.7 44.9 41.6 43.8 45.0 45.1 46." 36.4 37.4 36.9 37.2 38.5 40.4 41.9 37.2 39.5 40.3 41.1 42.1 42.1 42.3 43.1 43.7 40.8 41.7 41.9 42.7 42.3 33.5 34.0 34.1 34.1 35.1 36.7 27.5 29.0 29.6 31.0 31.6 35.4 35.7 36.9 38.3 39.7 40.6 41.3 41.0 41.0 41.0 37.3 36.9 34.9 34.6 33.9 33.1 26.3 22.0 22.1 22.9 22.8 26.4 26.1 27.2 26.8 29.8 33.8 34.6 35;" 36.1 36.7 36.0 35.1 35.8 35.6 34.9 33.9 55-59 60-64 65+ 28.1 21.7 20.8 19.6 19.1 17.9 17.3 16.7 16.5 16.3 17.8 17.1 17.5 17.9 17.8 18.3 18.8 22.8 23.0 23.1 24.3 57.1 49.3 47.5 44.9 41.6 48.5 44.6 41.6 39.3 37. 1 41.5 43.8 40.2 37.0 34.7 42.8 41.9 43.2 44.7 45.9 41.0 TOTAL POPULATION 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1911 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 ---------------182.0 159.6 137.8 182.7 163.6 163.3 173.0 182.9 188.9 198.8 207.7 204.0 208.8 212.0 216.5 216.4 2·'6.2 228.1 232.9 239.1 251.0 262.9 280.7 157.7 168.2 173.6 168.7 165.3 159.2 156.0 154.7 154.0 161.7 169.6 172.5 174.9 119.3 191.3 191.3 202.8 208.6 213.7 219.5 90.9 130.9 95.6 135.7 98.4 138.2 104.2 143.4 109.9 145.6. 115.9 123.2 156.9 128.9 165.5 171.0 125.2 161.3 139.5 159.7 142.6 150.4 149.4 143.4 152.4 151.9 139." 147.2 150.9 148.4 151.3 154.1 151.1 160.6 141.5 164.4 149.4 168.4 .148.1 172.9 146.7 63.9 64.4 67.7 71.3 75.8 75.2 81.4 85.9 91.3 96.5 103.1 112.0 115.6 117.7 121. 3 123.9 126.9 133.5 131.4 139.5 140.9 47.7 49.7 49.0 50.5 53.2 51.1 55.4 60.0 62.5 66.4 63.9 66.1 69.2 73.2 76.6 90.7 96.4 101.8 107.6 116.4 125.2 62~2 67.0 71.9 17.3 21.3 19.7. 19.2 18.8 19.8 .19..5 19.8 20.5 20.8 24.6 24.8 25.4 26.4 26.8 30.9 33.1 33.0 33.1 34.2 35.2 976.1 953.3 950.8 969.8 989.6 1010.9 1037.2 1068.8 1092.2 1110.1 1133.6 1156.1 1167.1 1172.0 1190.1 1214.4 1246.4 1284.1 1322.9 1362.6 1406.2 Vl 0\ 57 TABLE DP/I/5A GAZA STRIP: LIVE BIRTHS AND CRUDE BIRTH RATES, 1968-1987 ( Thousands) BIRTHS YEAR ---------------------------~--------Males Females TOTAL 8.018 8.785 8.247 9.026 9.555 10.206 10.515 11. 174 , 1. 530 '1.373 11.676 11. 475 10.837 11.193 11.121 11.533 12.585 12. 108 12.963 13.800 TABLE DP/II/5A SEX RATIO AT BIRTH (per (male per fethousand) ma Ie births) (Thousands) 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 CRUDE BIRTH RATE 7.485 8.043 7.738 8. IH9 8.787 9.346 9.817 10.452 10.870 10.633 11.108 11.126 10.599 10.784 10.727 10.734 11.648 11 .429 12.208 13.124 15.503 16.828 15.985 11.505 18.342 19.552 20.332 21.626 22.400 22.006 22.784 22.601 21.436 21.971 21.848 22.267 24.233 23.537 25.171 26.924 42.0 46.7 43.6 46.8 47.9 49.6 49.9 51.5 51.9 49.6 49.9 49.8 47.6 47.5 46.1 45.8 48.3 45.4 47.0 48.5 107.1 109.2 106.6 106.~ 108.7 109.2 107.1 106.9 106.1 107.0 105.1 103.1 102.2 103.8 103.7 107.4 108.0 105.9 106.2 105.2 WEST BANK: LIVE BIRTHS AND CRUDE BIRTH RATES, 1987 (Thousands) BIRTHS YEAR .------------.----------------------Males Females TOTAL 13.342 13.488 13.774 14.735 14.831 15.279 15.768 15.890 16.405 16.287 15.740 16.146 15.940 15;684 16.169 16.598 17 .444 17 .289 17.100 18.110 SEX RATIO AT BIRTH (per (male per fethousand) male births) (Thousands) 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 CRUDE BIRTH RATE 12.308 12.036 12.681 13.528 13.888 14.005 14.109 14.632 15.364 15.010 14.705 15.327 14.460 14.711 15.045 15.442 16.359 15.949 15.953 17.116 25.650 25.524 26.455. 28.263 28.719 29.284 30.477 30.522 31.769 31.297 30.445 31.473 30.400 30.455 31.214 32.040 33.803 33.238 33.053 35.226 43.9 43.2 43.9 .45.9 45.7 45.5 46.1 45.4 46.8 45.4 43.4 44.1 42.1 41.8 42.1 42.1 43.2 41.3 40.0 41.3 108.4 112.1 108.6 108.9 106.8 109.1 107.2 108.6 106.8 108.5 101.0 105.3 110.2 106.2. 107.5 107.5 106.6 108.4 107.2 105.8 TABLE OP/I I 1/5A OCCUPIED TERRITORY(a): LIVE BIRTHS AND CRUDE BIRTH RATES, 1968-1987 (Thousands) BIRTHS ------------------------------------TOTAL Females Hales YEAR (per thousand) (Thousands) 1968 1969 1970 1911 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1971 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 19.793 20.079 20.419 22.007 22.675 23.351 24.526 25.084 26.234 25.643 25.813 26.453 25.059 25.555 21.360 22.273 22.021 23.761 24.386 25.485 26.283 27.064 27.935 27.660 27.416 27.621 26.777 26.871 27.290 28.131 30.029 29.397 30.063 31. 9 10 SEX RATIO AT BIRTH CRUDE BIRTH RATE 25~772 26.176 28.007 21.378 28.161 30.240 41.153 42.352 42.440 45.768 47.061 48.836 50.809 52.148 54.169 53.303 53.229 54.074 51.836 52.432 53.062 54.307 58.036 56.775 58.224 62.150 (male per female births) 107.9 110.9 107.8 108.0 107.5 109.1 107.2 107.9 106.5 107.9 106.2 104.4 106.9 105.2 105.9 107.5 101.2 107.4 106.8 105.5 43.2 44.5 43.8 46.2 46.6 47.1 41.5 47.7 48.8 47.0 45.9 46.3 44.2 44.0 43.7 43.6 45.2 42.9 42.7 44.1 (a) EXCluding east Jerusalem TABLE DP/IV/SA EAST JERUSALEM: LIVE BIRTHS, CRUDE BIRTH AND INFANT MORTALITY RATES, 1915-1987 (Thousands) YEAR 1975 1976 1971 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 LIVE BIRTHS CRUDE BIRTH RATE INFANT MORTALITY RATE 4.120 4.371 4.413 4.514 4.662 4.564 4.368 4.489 3.917 4.068 3.899 3.948 42.9 43.6 42.6 42.7 42.9 40.6 31.9 38.1 32.5 32.2 30.0 29.7 27.9 48.3 41.9 41.9 28.9 26.6 25.2 24.5 17.3 23.2 20.9 17.2 12.9 16.0 -------------------------------------------------( thousands) (rates per thousands) 3.810 59 TABLE OP/I/6A GAlA STRIP: GENERAL FERTILITY RATES. 1968-1987 (Thousands) YEAR TOTAl. BIRTHS WOMEN OF CHILDBEARING AGES GENERAl. FERTILITY RATES -----------------------------------------------(per thousand) (Thousands) 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 TABLE OP/I 1/6A 15.503 16.828 15.985 17 .505 18.342 19.552 20.332 21.626 22.400 22.006 22.784 22.601 21.436 21.977 21.848 22.267 24.233 23.537 25.171 26.924 82.4 82.1 84.7 88.3 87.8 91.6 94.7 96.2 103. 7 101.4 107.0 106.6 107.0 109.4 104.9 107.3 110.6 113.1 115.3 117.5 188.1 205.1 188.8 198.1 209.0 213.6 214.7 224.9 216.1 217.1 212.9 212.0 200.4 200.9 .208.3 207.5 219.1 208.1 218.3 229.2 WEST BANK: GENERAL FERTILITY RATES. 1968-1987 (Thousands) YEAR 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 TOTAl. BIRTHS GENERAL WOMEN OF CHILDBEARING AGES FERTILITY 121.9 123.7 128.2 132.1 131.5 136.8 142.4 146.1 152.9 149.4 157.1 162.7 .167.2 170.1 161.3 165.5 169.1 173.2 177.0 180.1 210.3 206.4 .206.3 213.9 218.4 214.1 214.0 208.9 207.7 209." 193.8 193.4 181.'& 179.0 193.5 193.6 200.0 191.9 186.8 195.6 RATES -----------------------------------------------(per thousand) (Thousands) 25.650 25.524 26.455 28.263 28.719 29.284 30.477 30.522 31.769 31.297 30.445 31.473 30;400 30.455 31.214 32.040 33.803 33.238 33.053 35.226 60 TABLE OP/I 11/6A OCCUPIED TERRITORY: GENERAL FERTILITY RATES, 1968-1987 " (Thousands) YEAR 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 TOTAL BIRTHS WHEN OF CHILDBEARING AGES GENERAL FERTILITY RATES -------------------------------------------------(per thousand) (Thousands) 41.153 42.352 42.440 45.768 47.061 48.836 50.809 52.148 54.169 53.303 53.229 54.074 51.836 52.432 "53.062 54.307 58.036 56.775 58.224 62.150 204.2 205.7 212.9 220.5 219.3 228.4 237.1 242.3 256.6 250.8 264.1 269.3 274.2 279.5 266.2 272.8 279.7 286.3 292.3 297.6 201.6 205.8 199.3 207.6 214.6 213.8 214.3 215.2 211. 1 212.5 201.5 200.8 189.0 187.6 199.3 199.1 207.5 198.3 199.2 208.9 61 SOURCES TABLES DP/I/1A - DP/III/1A 1. Population at End-of-year; Population at Beginning-of-Year; Natural Increase; Population Movement: 1967-87: SAl, 1989, No. 40, p. 700, Table XXVII/1 Except: 1986-87: 1983-84: For Gaza Strip, computed figures for Population at End- and Beginning-of-year replace published figures. For the West Bank, computed flQures for Population at End- and Beginning-of-year replace published figures. 2. Mid-Year Population was obtained as the mean of Population at End-of-year ,and Beginning-of-year flQures. 3. Annual growth rates are computed as the terminal growth tates between Population at Beginning-of-year and Population at 8eginning-of- the preceding year. TABLE DP/IV/1A 1. Population: 1983-87: Statistical Yearbook 1975-82: Statistical Yearbook 1974: Statistical Yearbook 1967-72: Statistical Yearbook of Jerusalem, of Jerusalem, of Jerusalem, of Jerusalem, 1987, No.6, Table 111/6, p. 60 1986, No.5, Table 111/7, p. 52 1983, No.2, p. 30 1987, No.6, Table 111/6, p. 60 NOTE: According to the above sources, data for 1978-82 excludes "non-Jews" resident in west Jerusalem; data for 1967, 1972, 1974-77 and for 1983-87 include this figure. 2. Population Movement: 1973-83: Statistical Yearbook of Jerusalem, 1984, No.3, Table 111/11, p. 111 3. Natural Increase: 1977-86: Statistical Yearbook of Jerusalem, 1986, No.6, Table IV/3, p. 67 1973-76: Statistical Yearbook of Jerusalem, 1984, No.3, Table 111/10, p. 111 TABLE DPN/2A 1. Average Mid-year Population estimates for Gaza Strip and the West Bank were computed by averaging the respective Population at Beginning-of-year and Population at End-of-year as in Tables DP/1/1A and OP/II/1A. 2. Average Mid-year Population for east Jerusalem is as in Table DP/IV/1A. 3. Total average Mid-year Population in the Occupied Territory was computed as a sum of the three component areas ~B/GS/EJ). Where data for east Jerusalem were missing, Total. Population was only the sum of the population in Gaza Strip and the West Bank, with figures bracketed. 4. Annual Rate of Growth was computed as the terminal growth rate between Average Mid-year Population in that particular year and the Average Mid-year Population of the preceding year. TABLES DP/I/3A-DP/III/3A Computed by applying End-of-year male and female Population ratios to mid-year Population totals from the following sources: 62 1. Total Mid-year Population: Tables DP/1/1A-DP/III/1A 2. End-of-year: Male Population, 1987: SAl, 1989, No. 40, 1985-86: SAl, 1988. No. 39. 1967-84: JSGAS. 1987. vol. Female Population, Sex Ratios: Table XXVII/3, p. 701 Table XXVII/3. p. 706 XVII. No.1. Table 1. p. 66. TABLES DP/I/4A-DP/IIl/4A 1. Israeli sources originally categorized population age groups in 16 quintiles, covering 0 to 75+ years of age. However. as of 1982, the last 3 categories, namely (65-69). (70-74) and (75+) were merged into one single category (65+). thus leaving 13 categories. In 1985. data was rearranged again and the categories were reduced to nine. Only the categories of (0-4). (15-19). (20-24) were retained, the others being merged into decDe groups. 2. To accommodate these changes, two steps were followed: (a) The Israeli practice regarding persons aged 65 and above was adopted, thus merging the categories of (65-69), (70-74) and (75+) for the years 1967-1981. (b) To retain the other quintile groups, for each absolute number of each new decile group, the two absolute numbers of its two corresponding component quintile groups were calculated using the same proportion these quintile groups had in relation to their deciles total in the latest available year, namely 1984. The drawback in using this method is that a constant structure of age groups for the period of 1985-1987 is assumed. 3. Data for 1968 does not provide figures for female age groups. Hence these had to be calculated by subtracting figures for male age groups from the corresponding total categories. 4. Data for total population age groups was then generated by adding up the component groups of female and male population groups. 5. Sources for all Female and Male Population age groups: 1987: SAl. 1989. No. 40. Table XXVII/3, p. 701 1985-86: SAl, 1988, No. 39. Table XXVII/3, p. 706 1982-84: ATSQ, 1987, No. XVII. vol. 1. Table 2, p. 67 SAl. 1982, No. 33, Table XXVII/3. p. 734 1981: 1980: SAl, 1981. No. 32. Table XXVII/3. p. 714 SAl. 1980. No. 31. Table XXVII/3. p. 678 1979: 1978: SAl. 1979. No. 30. Table XXVII/3. p. 718 1977: SAl. 1978. No. 29, Table XXVII/3. p. 766 1976: SAl. 1977. No. 28. Table XXVII/3. p. 706 1975: SAl. 1976. No. 27. Table XXVII/3, p. 688 1974: SAl, 1975, No. 26, Table XXVI/3, p. 685 1973: SAl. 1974, No. 25, Table XXVI/3,' p. 683 1971-72: SAl, 1973, No. 24, Table XXVI/3, pp. 694-695 1969-70: SAl. 1971 "No. 22. Table Y/3, pp. 623-624 SAl, 1969, No. 20, Table Xl2, pp. 633 ' 1968: 1967: SAl. 1971, No. 22, Table Y/3, pp. 623-624 , > 6. Initially, data for Total Population age groups were obtained by adding up the components, i.e. Male and Female Population groups. However, there were discrepancies between the totals thus obtained and the published series for Mid-Year and for End-Year Population. To obtain consistent population series. each age group of Male, Female, and Total Population, was adjusted by multiplying them by the same ratio of the calculated total to the published total. 63 TABLES DP/1/5A·DP/III/SA 1. Live Births (Males and Females): 1983-87: SAl. 1990, No.4. Table XXVII/4. p. 702. 1968-84: JSGAS. 1987. XVII. No.1. Table 1. p. 83. 2. Total Births: calculated as the sum of its components. 3. Crude Birth Rate: calculated as the ratio between Total Births and Mid-Year Population (Tables DP/1A). 4. Sex Ratio at Birth: calculated as the number of Male Births per 100 Female Births. TABLE DP/IV/5A 1. Live Births (tota~: 1978-87: Statistical Yearbook of Jerusalem, 1988, No.7. Table IV/1. p. 46. 1975-77: Statistical Yearbook of Jerusalem. 1984, No.3, Table IV/1, p. 115. 2. Crude Birth Rate: calculated as ratio of Total Births to Mid-Year Population (Table DP/IV/1A). 3. Infant Mortality Rate: 1978~1987:Statistical Yearbook of Jerusalem. 1988. No.7, Table IV/2. p. 47. 1975-1977: Statistical Yearbook of Jerusalem. 1987. No.4. Table IV/2. p. 116. TABLES DP/I/6A • DP/III/6A 1. Total Births: obtained by adding Male and Female Births from Tables DP/5A. 2. Women of Childbearing Ages: calculated as the total Female Population between the ages of 15 and 49, from Tables DP/4A. 3. General Fertility Rates: calculated as the ratio of. Total Births to Women of Childbearing Ages from Tables DP/4A. 65 LABOUR FORCE AND EMPLOYMENT TABLE LE/l/lA GAlA STRIP: POPULATION ACED 14 & OVER BY LABOUR FORCE CHARACTERISTICS, 1968-1987 (a) (Thousands) YEAR POPULATION AGED 14 & OVER LABOUR TOTAL LABOUR TOTAL Females Males Thousands fEMALE LABOUR Crude Activi ty Rate Thousands 182.6 189.0 196.8 200.7 205.1 210.4 218.6 225.0 231.5 . 239.5 249.8 243.0 242.7 247.1 246.4 261.6 264.9 278.8 276.5 282.6 102.7 103.2 106.4 108.3 110.9 112.9 116.3 120.2 123.1 126.7 131.4 127.4 126.9 129.0 128.0 135.9 137.6 144.5 142.3 145.6 79.9 85.8 90.4 92.4 94.2 97.5 102.3 104.8 108.4 112.8 118.4 115.6 115.8 118.1 118.4 125.7 127.3 134;3 134.2 137.0 53.6 58.2 62.4 61.8 64.6 68.6 73.5 72.7 76.3 77.3 80.8 79.8 81.3 82.8 82.4 85.8 88.0 92.0 95.1 101.7 29.4 30.8 31.7 30.8 31.5 32.6 33.6 32.3 33.0 32.3 32.3 32.8 33.5 33.5 33.4 32.8 33.2 33.0 34.4 36.0 MALE LABOUR Crude Activl ty Rate Thousands (%) (%) 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972' 1973 197 .. 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 FORCE 6.6 5.1 5.4 4.8 4.3 4.5 5.3 5.0 5.2 5.1 4.9 4.5 5.5 4.9 4.2 5.1 4.6 4.2 4.4 4.3 6.4 4.9 5.1 4.4 3.9 4.0 4.6 4.2 4.2 4.0 3.7 3.5 4.3 3.8 3.3 3.8 3.3 2.9 3. 1 3.0 Crude Activl ty Rate Total Employed Persons (%) 47.0 53.1 57.0 57.0 60.3 64.1 68.2 67.7 71.1 72.2 75.9 75.3 75.8 77 .9 78.2 80.7 83.4 87.8 90.7 97.4 58.8 61.9 63.1 61.7 64.0 65.7 66.7 64.6 65.6 64.0 64.1 65.1 65.5 66.0 66.0 64.2 65.5 65.4 67.6 71.1 ~ 44.5 52.9 58.7 59.7 63.6 68.1 73.0 72.4 76.1 77.2 80.4 79.6 80.9 82.5 82.0 85.3 87.2 90.9 93.7 100.2 Unemployed Persons (b) 9.1 5.3 3.7 2.1 1.0 0.5 0.5 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.4 0.2 0.4 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.8 1.1 1.5 1.6 Rate of unemployment (%) 17.0 9.1 5.9 2.9 1.5 0.7 0.7 0.4 0.3 0.1 0.5 0.3 0.5 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.9 1.2 1.6 1.6 (a' As of 1986, data refer to persons aged 15 and over and Is based on new survey data. Comparisons with data on earlier years should be made with caution. (b) Data cover only persons officially registered with the labour exchange of the Israeli Employment Service. 0\ 0\ TABLE LE/II/'A WEST BANK: POPULATION AGED 14 & OVER BY LABOUR rORCE CHARACTERISTICS, 1968-1987 (a) (Thousands) YEAR POPULATION AGED 14 & OVER LABOUR TOTAL LABOUR TOTAL Females Males Thousands FEMALE LABOUR Crude Activi ty Rate Thousands 308.6 313.7 322.9 330.0 336.6 341.6 355.2 366.9 371.0 379.4 389.7 398.6 401.0 402.9 405.9 420.7 436.3 443.8 441.8 455.8 167.1 165.1 169.2 112.3 115.2 178.8 185.0 189.7 192.1 196.1 201.2 205.5 207.1 209.4 211. 7 217.2 224.3 228.7 228.3 234.5 141.5 148.6 153.7 151.7 161.4 162.8 110.2 177.2 118.9 183.3 188.5 193.1 193.3 193.5 194.2 ' 203.5 212.0 215 .. 1 213.5 221.3 93.0 114.6 118.4 119.7 126.6 127.1 139.0 133.9 131.3 128.8 132.8 134.1 137.2 135.3 142.8 150.2 160.0 159.2 172.2 182.2 30.1 36.5 36.1 36.3 37.6 37.4 39.1 36.5 35.4 33.9 34.1 33.6 34.2 33.6 35.2 35.7 36.7 35.9 39.0 40.0 MALE LABOUR Crude Activity Rate Thousands (%) (%) 1968 1969 1910 1971 1972 1913 1974 1975 1976 1917 1918 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1981 rOHCE 13.8 22.2 24;0 21.9 19.3 19.3 26.5 24.3 24.5 23.6 25.7 24.2 25.7 23.5 26.2 23.8 25.0 21.7 24.6 22.3 8.3 13.4 14.2 12.7 11.0 10.8 14.3 12.8 12.8 12.0 12.8 " .8 12.4 11.2 12.4 " .0 11. 1 9.5 10.6 9.5 Crude Activity Rate Total Employed Persons (%) 19.2 92.4 94.4 97.8 107.3 108.4 112.5 109.6 106.8 105.2 107.1 109.9 " 1.5 111.8 116.6 126.4 135.0 137.5 1117.6 159.9 56.0 62.2 61.4 62.0 66.5 66.6 66.1 61.9 59.1 51.4 56.8 56.9 57.7 57.8 60.0 62.1 63.7 63.9 69.1 72.3 ~ 82.9 109.9 114.6 116.8 125.2 126.4 137.6 132.3 129.7 127.3 131.5 132.8 134.8 133.4 140.9 147.2 154.1 151.2 165.7 171.6 Unemployed Persons (b) 10.1 4.1 3.8 2.9 1.4 1.3 1.5 1.6 1.6 1.5 1.3 1.3 2.4 1.9 1.9 2.6 5.9 8.0 6.5 4.6 Rate of unemployment ( %) 10.9 4.1 3.2 2.4 1.1 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.0 1.0 1.7 1.4 1.3 1.7 3.7 5.0 3.8 2.5 (a) As of 1986, dati refer to per Ions Iged 15 and over and 1& based on new survey data. Comparisons with data on earlier years should be ma~e with caution. (b) Data cover o~ly persons officially registered with the labour exchange of the Israeli Employment Service. 0"\ -.I TABLE LE/III/1A OCCUPIED TERRITORY: POPULATION AGED 14 AND OVER BY LABOUR fORCE CHARACTERISTICS, 1968-1987 (a) (Thollsands) POPULATION AGED 14 & OVER LABOUR FEMALE LABOUR TOTAL LABOUR TOTAL females Males Thollsands fORCE Crude Actlvi ty Rate Thousands 491.2 502.7 519.7 530.7 541.7 552.0 573.8 591.9 602.5 618.9 639.5 641.6 643.7 650.0 652.3 682.3 701.2 122.6 718.3 738.4 269.8 268.3 275.6 280.6 ' 286.1 291.7 301.3 309.9 315.2 322.8 332.6 332.9 334.6 338.4 339.7 353.1 361.9 373.2 370.6 380.1 221.4 234.4 244.1 250.1 255.6 260.3 272.5 282.0 287.3 296.1 306.9 308.7 309.1 311.6 312.6 329.2 339.3 3'49.4 347.7 358.3 146.6 172.8 180.8 181.5 191.2 196.3 212.5 206.6 207.6 206.1 213.6 213.9 218.5 218.1 225.2 236.0 248.0 251.2 267.3 283.9 29.8 34.4 34.8 34.2 35.3 35.6 37.0 34.9 34.5 33.3 33.4 33.3 33.9 33.6 34.5 34.6 35.4 34.8 37.2 38.4 Crude Activity Rate Thousands 1%) 1%) 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 ' 1984 1985 1986 1987 MALE LABOUR 20.4 ' 27.3 29.4 26.7 23.6 23.8 31.8 29.3 29.7 28.7 30.6 . 28.7 31.2 28.4 30.4 28.9 29.6 25.9 29.0 26.6 7.6 10.2 10.7 9.5 8.2 8.2 10.6' 9.5 9.4 8.9 9.2 8.6 9.3 8.4 8.9 ' 8.2 8.2 6.9 7.8 7.0 Crude Activity Rate I~) 126.2 145.5 151.4 154.8 167.6 172.5 180.7 177.3 177.9 177.4 183.0 185.2 187.3 189.7 194.8 207.1 218.4 225.3 238.3 257.3 57.0 62.1 62.0 61.9 65.6 66.3 66.3 62.9 61.9 59.9 59.6 60.0 60.6 60.9 62.3 62.9 64.4 64.5 68.5 7,1.8 Total Employed Persons ~ 127.4 162.8 173.3 176.5 188.8 194.5 210.6 204.7 205.8 204.5 211.9 212.4 215.7 215.9 222.9 232.5 241.3 242.1 259.11 277.8 Unemployed Persons I b) 19.2 10.0 7.5 5.0 2.4 1.8 2.0 1.9 1.8 1.6 1.7 1.5 2.8 2.2 2.3 3.1 6.7 9.1 8.0 6.2 Rate of unemployment 1%) 13 .1 5.8 4.1 2.6 1.3 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.8 0.8 0.7. 1.3 1.0 1.0 1.3 2.7 3.6 3.0 2.2 Ie) AI of 1986, data refer to perlonl aged 15 and over and Is based on new survey data. Comparlsonl with data on earlier years should be made with caution. (b) Data cover only persons officially registered with the labour exchange of the Israeli Employment Service. 0'\ en 69 TABLE LE/I/2A GAlA STRIP: POPULATION NOT ECONOMICALLY ACTIVE BY FUNCTIONAL CATEGORY, 1968-1981 (Thousands) YEAR POPULATION AGED 14 AND OVER (a) 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 (a) 182.6 189.0 196.8 200.7 205.1 210.4 218.6 225.0 231.5 239.5 249.8 243.0 242.7 247.1 246.4 261.6 264.9 278.8 276.5 282.6 POPULATION NOT ECONOMICALLY ACTIVE fellales Males 96.1 98.1 101.0 103.5 100.6 108.4 109.5 115.0 117 .9 121.6 126.5 122.9 121.9 124.1 123.8 131.0 133.0 140.3 143.3 141.2 32.9 32.7 33.4 35.4 39.9 33.4 35.6 37.2 37.3 40.6 42.5 40.3 40.8 40.2 40.2 44.9 43.9 46.5 47.7 39.6 TOTAL 129.0 130.8 134.4 138.9 140.5 141.8 145.1 152.2 155.2 162.2 169.0 163.2 162.7 164.3 164.0 175.9 176.9 186.8 191.0 180.8 Thereof: FUNCTIONAL CATEGORY Work Abroad Study Abroad 2.1 8.0 2.9 3.7 4.6 5.6 8.0 7.6 6.5 7.0 4.6 7.2 5.9 5'.5 5.6 5.6 5.3 4.2 4.7 2.3 As of 1986, data refer to persons aged 15 and over TABLE LE/11/2A WEST BANK: POPULATION NOT ECONOMICALLY ACTIVE BY FUNCTIONAL CATEGORY. 1968-1981 (Thousands) YEAR 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972' 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 . 1984 1985 1986 1987 POPULATION AGED 14 AND OVER (a) 308.6 313.7 322.9 330.0 336.6 341.6 355.2 366.9 371.0 379.4 389.7 398.6 401.0 402.9 405.9 420.7 436.3 443.8 441.8 455.8 POPULATION NOT ECONOMICALLY ACTIVE Females Hales TOTAL 153.3 142.9 145.2 150.4 155.9 62.3 56.2 59.3 59.9 54.1 54.4 57.7 67.5 72.2 78.1 81.4 83.2 84.8 81.7 77.6 77.2 77.0 77.6 74.1 61.5 215.6 199.1 204.5 210.3 210.0 213.9 216.2 232.9 239.7 250.6 256.9 264.5 267.4 267.6 263.1 270.4 276.3 282.0 286.0 273.6 159~5 158.5 165.4 167.5 172.5 175.5 181.3 182.6 185.9 185.5 193.2 199.3 204.4 211.9 212.1 (a) As of 1986. data refer to persons aged 15 and over Thereof: FUNCTIONAL CATEGORY Work Abroad . Study Abroad . 10.7 7.8 13.1 12.5 11.8 13.1 10.7 8.4 9.3 8.3 6.4 7.8 8.1 8.0 9.0 7.8 5.7 5.0 4.1 3.4 . 70 TABLE LE/III/2A OCCUPIED TERRITORY: POPULATIO~ NOT ECONOMICALLY ACTIVE BY FUNCTIONAL CATEGORY, 1968-1987 (Thousands) YEAR 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 POPULATION AGED 14 AND OVER (a) 491.2 502.7 519.7 530.7 541.7 552.0 573.8 591.9 602.5 618.9 639.5 641.6 643.7 650.0 652.3 682.3 701.2 722.6 718.3 738.4 POPULATION NOT ECONOMICALLY ACTIVE Females 249.4 241.0 246.2 253.9 256.5 267.9 268.0 280.4 285.4 2911.1 302.0 304.2 3011.5 310.0 309.3 324.2 332.3 344.7 355.2 353.3 Males , TOTAL 95.2 88.9 92.7 95.3 94.0 87.8 93.3 104.7 109.5 118.7 123.9 123.5 125.6 121.9 117 .8 122.1 120.9 124.1 121.8 101.1 '344.6 329.9 338.9 349.2 350.5 355.7 361.3 385.1 394.9 412.8 425.9 427.7 430.1 431.9 427.1 446.3 453.2 468.8 477 .0 454.4 (a) As of 1986, data refer to persons aged 15 and over Thereof: FUNCTIONAL CATEGORY Work Abroad Study Abroad 12.8 . . 15.8 16.0 16.2 16.4 18.7 18.7 16.0 15.8 15.3 11.0 15.0 14.0 13.5 14.6 13.4 11.0 9.2 8.8 5.7 TABLE LE/I/3A GAlA STRIP: TOTAL EMPLOYEO PERSONS BY ECONOMIC SECTOR. 1968-1987 (Thousands) ECONOMIC SECTOR YEAR TOTAL EMPLOYED PERSONS AGRICULTURE INDUSTRY CONSTRUCTION COMMUNITY AND SOCIAL SERVICES TRADE. RESTAURANTS. AND HOTELS TRANSPORT, STORAGE, AND COMMUNICATION OTHER SECTORS (a) , I 1968 1969 1970 1911 1912 1913 1914 1915 1976 1917 1978 HI19 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1981 44~5 52i.9 58.1 59~1 6h6 68~ 1 73~0 12 r4 76 .1 1 17~2 801.4 19 .6 8Oi·9 82,.5 1 82~O 85,.3 87~2 90.9 93'.7 100.2 11.3 17 .5 19.2 20.2 19.4 20.0 20.2 17 .4 18.2 18.2 17 .5 16.4 15.1 14.3 14.4 15.4 15.6 17 .8 16.0 18.3 1.2 6.6 6.9 1.1 8.4 8.8 9.5 10.3 1106 11.6 13.9 15.8 15.8 14.3 13.0 14.5 15.3 15.9 16.5 18.1 4.3 5.1 7.3 5.5 8.1 11.5 14.1 16.1 16.5 16.0 11.2 18.3 18.1 21.8 22.3 22.3 22.1 21.7 23.5 23.8 6.4 7.4 9.0 9.5 10.4 10.2 10.0 9.6 10.6 11. 3 10.9 9.6 10.5 10.6 11 . 1 11.2 11.2 11.6 12.0 12.8 (a) Includes: electricity and water; financial. business. and personal services 8.2 9.6 9.5 9.7 9.0 9.4 9.8 10.2 10.4 10.5 10.9 10.0 11.3 11.1 11.3 11.6 12.~ 12.9 13.4 15.0 I 3.5 3.8 3.5 4.2 4.5 4.9 5.4 5.3 4.9 5.3 5.5 5.0 5.3 5.5 5.1 5.0 5.2 4.8 4.8 5.4 3.3 2.9 3.3 3.6 3.8 3.2 3.9 3.8 3.9 4.3 4.5 4.5 4.2 4.3 4.8 5.3 5.1 5.9 5.8 6.6 -.l f-J TABLE LE/II/3A WEST BANK: TOTAL EMPLOYED PERSONS BY ECONOMIC SECTOR, 1968-1987 (Thouunds) ECONOMIC SECTOR YEAR TOTAL EMPLOYED PERSONS 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1971 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 82.9 109.9 114.6 116.8 125.2 126.4 137.6 132.3 129.7 127.3 131.5 132.8 134.8 133.4 140.9 147.2 154.1 151.2 165.7 177.6 (a) ACRICULTURE 32.4 49.2 45.0 39.9 38.5 33.4 40.5 36.3 35.8 35.4 36.7 33.4 35.3 32.2 35.5 33.3 34.5 33.3 38.5 36.0 INDUSTRY 12.5 14.6 16.5 17 .6 19.7 22.4 22.3· 22.0 21.5 22.0 23.1 24.3 22.8 21.9 23.2 24.7 25.5 24.6 27.2 30.1 CONSTRUCTION 10.6 13.1 16.8 20.2 26.3 28.6 30.6 30.0 27.6 25.1 27.3 29.9 30.5 31.9 33.8 36.5 37.3 37.5 40.8 44.4 COMMUNITY AND SOCIAL SERVICES 9.1 11. 3 14.6 15.7 15.8 15.7 16.7 17 .6 17 .3 16.7 17 .0 17.1 17 .9 19.0 19.6 19.7 21.3 20.3 21.1 22.3 Includes: electricity and water; financial, business, and personal services TRADE, RESTAURANTS, AND HOTELS 10.6 12.9 12.8 13.9 14.2 14.5 15.4 15.7 16.8 17.3 16.4 16.7 17 .2 16.6 16.7 18.8 20.5 20.8 23.1 25.2 TRANSPORT, STORAGE, AND COMMUNICATION 3.9 4.1 4.7 4.7 5.4 5.4 ~.6 6.0 6.2 5.8 5.5 5.9 6.0 6.5 6.4 7.5 7.8 7.3 8.0 10.0 OTHER SECTORS ( a) 4.4 4.7 4.2 4.8 5.3 6.1 5.8 4.9 4.5 5.0 5.5 5.5 5.1 5.3 5.7 6.7 7.2 7.3 8.1 9.4 -.J N TABLE LE/III/3A OCCUPIED TERRITORY: TOTAL EMPLOYED PERSONS BY ECONOMIC SECTOR, 1968-1961 (Thousand&) ECONOMIC SECTOR YEAR TOTAL EMPLOYED PERSONS I ACRICULTURE INDUSTRY CONSTRUCTION i 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1914 1975 1976 1911 1978 1919 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1981 121.:4 162.:8 113 .13 176.15 168.8 194.15 210.16 204.!7 205.18 204.1 5 211.9 212.'4 2 15.:1 215.9 222~9 232~5 24 1 ~3 242 J1 259.'4 211,8 43.1 66.7 64.2 60.1 57.9 53.4 60.7 53.7 54~0 53.6 54.2 49.8 50.4 46.5 49.9 48.1 50.1 51.1 56.5 54.3 19.7 21.2 23.4 24.7 28.1 31.2 31.8 32.3 33.1 33.6 37.0 40.1 38.6 36.2 36.2 39.2 40.8 40.5 43.1 48.2 14.9 .18.2 24.1 25.7 34.4 40.1 44.7 46.1 44.1 41.1 44.5 48.2 49.2 53.7 56.1 58.8 59.4 59.2 64.3 68.2 COMMUNITY AND SOCIAL SERVICES TRADE, RESTAURANTS, AND HOTELS 15.5 18.7 23.6 25.2 26.2 25.9 26.7 27.2 21.9 28.0 27.9 26.1 28.4 29.6 30.1 30.9 32.5 31.9 33.1 35.1 (a) Includes: electricity and water; financial, business, and personal services 16.8 22.4 22.3 23.6 23.2 23.9 25.2 25.9 21.2 21.8 21.3 26.1 28.5 28.3 28.0 30.4 . 33.1 33.7 36.5 40.2 TRANSPORT, STORAGE, ANO COMMUNICATION 7.4 1.9 8.'2 8.9 9.9 10.3 11.0 n.3 11. 1 11.1 11.0 10.9 11.3 12.0 11.5 12.5 13.0 12.1 12.8 15.4 OTHER SECTORS (a) 7.7 7.6 7.5' j 8.4 9.1 9.3 9.7 8.7 8.4 9.3 10.0 10.0 9.3 9.6 10.5 12.0 12.3 13.2 13.9 16.0 -J VI TABLE LE/II/3C WEST BANK: DISTRIBUTION or TOTAL EMPLOYED PERSONS BY SECTOR, 1968-1981 (a) (Percent) [CONOMIC SECTOR YEAR TOTAL EMPLOYED PERSONS (Thousands) AGRICULTURE INDUSTRY CONSTRUCTION COMMUNITY AND SOCIAL SERVICES TRADE, RESTAURANTS, AND HOTELS TRANSPORT, STORAGE, AND COHMUNICATION OTHER SECTORS (b) I 5.3 12.6 4.1 11.0 12.6 15.1 39.1 82.9 1968 4.3 11.1 3.7 10.3 11.9 13.3 44.8 109.9 1969 3.7 4.1 11.2 12.7 14.7 14.4 39.3 114.6 1970 4.1 4.0 11.9 13.4 11.3 15.1 34.2 116.8 1971 4.2 4.3 11.3 12.6 21.0 15.7 30.8 125.~ 1972 4.8 11.5 4..3 12.4 22.6 17.7 26.4 126.4 1973 4.2 4.1 11.2 12.1 22.2 16.2 29.4 137.6 1974 3.7 4.5 11.9 13. 3 22.1 16.6 27.4 132.3 1975 3.5 4.8 13.0 13.3 21.3 16.6 27.6 129.1 1976 3.9 4.6 13.6 13.1 17.3 . 19.7 27.8 127.3 1977 4.2 4.2 12.5 12.9 . 17.6 20.8 27.9 131.5 1978 4.1 4.4 12.6 12.9 22.5 18.3 25.2 132." 1979 3.8 4.5 12.8 13.3 22.6 16.9 26.2 134.8 1980 4.0 4.9 12.4 14.2 23.9 16.4 24.1 133.4 1981 4.0 4.5 11.9 13.9 24.0 16.5 25.2 140.9 1982 4.6 5.1 12.8 13.4 24.6 16.6 22.6 147.2 1983 4.1 5.1 13.3 13.8 24.2 16.5 22.4 154.1 1984 4.8 4.8 13.8 13.4 24.8 16.3 22.0 151.~ 1985 4.9 4.8 13.9 12.7 24.6 16.4 23.2 165.7 1986 5.3 5.6 14.2 12.6 25.0 16.9 20.3 171.6 1987 (a) The percentage. of .actoral .haras In employment may not always add up to 100~ due to discrepancies In original published data between total figures and the sum of the components. (b) Includes: ele~trlclty and ..,ater; financial, business, and personal services -..J V1 TABLE LE/III/3C OCCUPIED TERRITORY: DISTRIBUTION or TOTAL EMPLOYED PERSONS BY SECTOR, 1968-1987 (a) (Percent) ECONOMIC SECTOR YEAR TOTAL EMPLOYED PERSONS (Thousands) AGRICULTURE INDUSTRY CONSTRUCTION COMMUNITY AND SOCIAL SERVICES TRADE, RESTAURANTS, AND HOTELS TRANSPORT, STORAGE, AND COMMUNICATION OTHER SECTORS (b) 6.0 14.8 5.8 12.2 11.7 15.5 34.3 127.4 1968 4.7 13.8 4.8 11.5 11.2 13.0 41.0 162.8 1969 4.3 4.7 12.9 13.6 13.9 13.5 37.0 173.3 1970 4.8 13.4 5.0 14.3 14.6 14.0 34.1 1971 , 176.5 4.8 5.2 12.3 13.9 18.2 14.9 30.7 188.8 1972 4.8 ~~3 12.3 13.3 20.6 16.0 27.5 194.5 1973 4.6 5.2 12.0 12.7 21.2 15.1 28.8 210.6 1974 4.3 12.7 5.5 13.3 22.5 15.8 26.2 204.7 1975 4.1 5.4 13.2 13.6 21.4 16.1 26.2 205.8 1976 4.5 5.4 13.6 13.7 20.1 16.4 26.2 204.5 1977 4.7 5.2 12.9 13.2 21.0 17 .5 25.6 211.9 1978 4.1 5.1 12.6 12.6 22.7 18.9 23.4 212.4 1919 4.3 5.2 13.2 13 .2 22.8 17 .9 23.4 215.7 1980 4.4 5.6 13.1 13.7 24.9 16.8 21.5 215.9 1981 4.7 5.2 12.6 13.8 25.2 16.2 22.4 222.9 1982 5.2 5.4 13.1 13.3 25.3 16.9 20.9 232.5 1983 5.1 5.4 13.7 13.5 24.6 16.9 20.8 241.3 1984 5.5 5.0 13.9 13.2 24.5 16.7 21.1 242.1 1985 5.4 4.9 14.1 12.6. 24.6 16.8 21.-8 259.4 1966 5.8 5.5 111.5 12.6 24.6 17 .4 19.5 277.8 1987 (a) The percentages of sectoral shares In employment may not always add up to 100% due to discrepancies in original published data between total figures and the sum of the components. (b) Includes: electricity and water; financial, business, and personal services -..l 0\ 77 TABLE LE/I/4A CAZA STRIP: EMPLOYED PERSONS WORKING IN ISRAEL BY SECTOR, 1969-1987 (Thousands) YEAR ECONOMIC SECTOR Agriculture Industry . 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 . 2.4 4.2 7.9 8.4 8.6 4.8 5.4 5.6 7.3 6.9 6.3 5.8 6.1 6.6 7.9 9.0 9.5 9.7 TABLE LE/II/4A TOT At. EMPLOYED IN ISRAEL 0.5 0.7 2.6 3.1 3.9 4.7 5.1 5.4 6.4 7.4 7.2 6.6 6.3 7.6 7.3 7.9 7.4 8.6 Construction Other Sectors . . 2.8 3.1 6.3 9.8 12.2 13.8 14.4 12.8 13.9 15.2 15.2 17 .8 18.5 18.6 18.1 17 .6 19.4 19.3 0.2 0.2 0.8 1.4 1.6 2.6 2.8 3.7 3.8 4.8 5.8 5.7 5.2 6.9 6.9 7.1 7.1 8.5 Thousands 1.1 5.9 8.2 17 .5 22.7 26.3 25.9 27.8 27.5 31.4 34.3 34.5 35.9 36.1 39.7 40.2 41.7 43.4 46.0 As a Percentage of Total Employed Persons 2.1 10.1 13.7 27.5 33.3 36.0 35.8 36.5 35.6 39.1 43.1 42.6 43.5 44.0 46.5 46.1 45.9 46.3 45.9 WEST BANK: EMPLOYED PERSONS WORKING IN ISRAEL BY SECTOR, 1969-1987 (Thousands) YEAR Agriculture 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 TOTAL EMPLOYED IN ISRAEL ECONOMIC SECTOR 2.6 3.3 4.3 3.4 4.5 4.4 4.5 4.5 4.2 4.1 4.0 3.7 4.0 4.0 4.9 5.1 5.3 6.2 Industry . 1.9 ".3 6.5 8.0 8.2 7.5 7.8 8.0 8.7 9.5 8.5 7.2 7.7 8.8 9.0 7.9 9.1 11.1 Construction . 8.4 14.6 19.8 21.9 23.8 22.2 18.4 15.7 16.9 19.0 20.3 21.0 23.3 25.7 25.6 24.8 26.1 30.4 Other Sectors . 1.8 3.4 ".3 5.3 5.9 6.3 6.4 7.3 7.0 7.2 7.7 7.9 8.'0 9.6 10.7 9.7 10.6 15.2 Thousands 8.4 14.7 25.6 34.9 38.6 42.4 40.4 37.1 35.5 36.8 39.8 40.6 39.9 43.0 48.1 50.1 47.5 51.1 62.9 As a Percentage of Total Employed Persons 7.6 12.8 21.9 27.9 30.5 30.8 30.5 28.6 27.9 28.0 30.0 30.1 29.9 30.5 32.7 32.5 31.4 30.8 35.4 78 . TABLE LEII I 1/4A OCCUPIED TERRITORY: EMPLOYED PERSONS WORKING IN ISRAEL BY SECTOR, 1969-1981 (Thousands) YEAR Agriculture 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 TOTAL EMPLOYED IN ISRAEL ECONOMIC SECTOR 5.0 7.5 12.2 11.8 13.1 9.2 10.0 10.1 11.5 11.0 10.3 9.5 10.1 10.7 12.8 14.1 14.8 15.6 16.7 Industry . 2.4 5.0 9.1 11.1 12.1 12.2 12.9 13.4 15.1 16.9" 15.7 13.8 14.0 16.3 16.2 15.8 16.5 19.7 16.8 Construction . 11.2· 17 .1 26.1 31.7 36.0 36.0 32.8 28.5 30.8 34.2 35.5 38.8 41.7 44.3 43.7 42.5 45.5 49.7 54.2 Other Sectors . 2.0 3.6 5.0 6.7 7.5 8.9 9.2 " .0 10.8 12.0 13.5 13 .6 13.2 16.5 17 .6 16.8 17.7 23.6 21.7 Thousands As • Percentage of Tota I [Mployed Persons 9.5 20.6 33.8 52.4 61.3 66.7 66.3 64.9 63.0 68.2 74.1 75.1 75.8 79.1 87.8 90.3 89.2 94.5· 108.9 109.4 5.8 11.9 19.2 27.8 31.5 32.6 32.4 31.5 30.8 32.2 34.9 34.8 35.1 35.5 37.8 37 .4 36.8 36.4 39.2 36.8 ~ ~ TABLE LE/I/lfC GAlA STRIP: DISTRIBUTION Of EMPLOYED PERSONS WORKING IN ISRAEL BY SECTOR~ 1969-1987 (Percent) YEAR 1969 1910 1911 1972 1913 1914 1915 1976 1911 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 TOTAL EMPLOYED , IN ISRAEL (Thousands) 1.1 5 .• 9 8.2 11.5 22.1 26.3 25.9 27.8 27.5 31.4 34.3 34.5 35.9 36.1 39.1 40.2 41.1 43.4 46.0 INDUSTRY AGRICULTURE As 8 As • Percentage Percentage . or Total or Tota I Employed Employed In In Ilr •• 1 Agriculture 40.7 51.2 45.0 31.0 32.1 18.5 19.6 20.4 23.2 20.1 18.3 16.2 16.9 16.719.6 21.6 21.8 21.0 . 12.5 20.8 40.6 42.0 42.6 21.5 29.9 30.8 41.6 42.0 41.8 40.7 42.4 43.1 50.5 50.6 52.6 52.8 As 8 Percentage of Tota I Employed In Israel . 8.5 8.5 14.7 13.6 14.8 18.1 18.5 19.6 20.4 21.6 20.9 18.4 17 .4 19.1 16.1 19.0 17.1 18.7 CONSTRUCTION As 8 Percentage of Tota I Employed In Industry . 7.3 9.8 30.6 35.1 41.0 45.5 44.3 46.5 46.1 46.9 45.6 46.2 48.3 52.3 47.6 49.8 45.0 47.5 OTHER SECTORS As 8 As 8 Percentage Percentage of Tota I of Total Employod Employed In In Israel Construction . 47.4 37.8 36.0 43.2 46.4 53.3 51.8 46.5 44.3 44.3 44.0 49.5 51.2 46.9 45.1 42.3 44.7 41.9 . 38.3 56.4 11.8 85.3 86.5 85.1 87.3 79.9 80.9 83.0 81.2 81.5 82.9 83.5 82.0 81.3 82.6 81.0 As • Percentage of Tota I Employed In Isr •• 1 . 3.4 2.5 4.3 6.2 6.1 10.1 10.1 13.5 12.1 14.0 16.8 15.9 14.5 17 .3 17.2 17 .1 16.4 18.4 As 8 Percentage of Tota I Employed In Other Sectors 0.8 0.8 2.1 5.1 5.5 9.1 9.4 11.8 11.9 16.5 16.5 17 .8 16.2 20.7 20.2 20.1 19.9 21.2 -J ~ TABLE LE/II/IIC WEST BANK: DISTRIBUTION Of EMPLOYED PERSONS WORKING IN ISRAEL BY SECTOR, 1969-1987 (Percent) YEAR 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 197" 1975 1976 1971 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 198" 1985 1986 1987 INDUSTRY AGRICULTURE TOTAL EMPLOYED IN ISRAEL (Thousands) 8.11 111.7 25.6 311.9 38.6 112.11 40.11 37.1 35.5 36.8 39.8 40.6 39.9 113.0 118.1 50.1 47.~ 51.1 62.9 As a As a Percentage Percentage of Total of Tota I Employed ,Employed In In Israel Agriculture . 17.7 12.9 12.3 8.8 10.6 10.9 12.2 12.7 11.4 10.3 9.9 9.3 9.4 8.4 9.8 10.1 10.4 9.8 . 5.8 8.3 11.1 10.2 11.1 12.1 12.6 12.7 11.4 12.3 11.11 11.5 11.4 12.1 14.2 15.3 13.8 17 .1 As 8 Percentage of Tota I Employed In Israel 12.9 16.8 18.6 20.7 19.3 18.6 20.9 22.5 23.6 23.9 21.0 18.1 17 .9 18.2 17 .9 16.6 17 .8 17 .1 CONSTRUCTION As a Percentage Of Total Employed In Industry 11.5 24.4 33.0 35.7 36.7 34.2 36.1 36.3 31.6 39.1 31.11 33.0 33.2 35.4 35.2 32.1 33.4 31.0 OTHER SECTORS As 8 As a Percentage Percentage of Tota I of Tota I Employed Employed In In Israel Construction 57.2 57.0 56.8 56.8 56.1 55.0 49.6 114.2 46.0 41.1 ·50.1 52.7 511.1 53.4 51.0 52.3 51.0 48.4 . 50.1 72.2 75.4 76.7 77.7 74.1 66.7 62.5 62.0 63.5 66.7 65.9 68.8 70.4 68.5 66.2 63.9 68.6 As a Percentage Of Totll Employed In Israel . 12.2 13.3 12.3 13.7 111.0 15.5 17 .3 20.6 19.0 18.1 19.0 19.9 18.6 20.0 21.3 20.4 20.8 24.1 As II Percentage of Tota I Employed In Other Sectors 4.9 8.7 10.5 12.6 13.4 14.2 14.3 16.3 15.7 15.9 16.7 16.8 16.5 18.3 18.8 17 .4 18.0 22.6 co 0 ~ TABLE LE/III/IiC OCCUPIED .TERRITORY: DISTRIBUTION OF EMPLOYED PERSONS WORKING IN ISRAEL BY SECTOR, 1969-1987 (Percent) INDUSTRY AGRICULTURE YEAR TOTAL EMPLOVED IN ISRAEL (Thousands) 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 9.5 20.6 33.8 52,14 61.!3 68. 7 66.3 64 •. 9 63.0 68.2 74.jl 75.1 75.:8 79.·1 87.8 90.3 89.2 94.5 1 108~9 As a Percentage of Total Employed In Israel 24.3 22.2 23.2 19.2 19.1 13.9 15.4 16.1 16.8 14.8 13.8 12.6 12.8 12.2 14.2 15.8 15.6 14.5 ,As a Percentage of Tota I Employed In Agriculture . 7.8 12.5 21.0 22.1 21.6 11.1 18.5 18.9 21.2 22.1 20.5 20.5 20.3 21.9 25.5 27.6 26.2 29.1 As a Percentage of Total Employed In Israel . 11.6 14.8 11.3 18.1 11.6 18.4 19.9 21.2 22.1 22·8 21.0 18.2 17.7 18.6 18.0 17.7 17 .5 18.1 CONSTRUCTION As a Percentage of Total Employed In Industry 10.2 20.2 32.3 35.5 38.0 37.8 39.0. 39.8 40.8 42.2 40.8 38.2 38.6 41.7 39.8 39.0 37.8 40.9 As a As a Percentage Percentage of Total of Tota I Employed Employed In in Israel Construction 54.4 52.3 49.9 51.8 52.4 54.3 50.5 45.2 45.2 46.1 47.3 51.2 52.8 50.5 48.4 47.6 48.1 45.7 46.5 68.8 75.9 19.1 80.5 78.1 74.4 69.3 69.3 70.9 72.2 72.2 74.4 75.3 73.5 71.8 70.7 72.9 OTHER SECTORS As a Percentage of Tota I . Employed In Israel . 9.7 10.7 9.6 10.9 11.0 13.4 14.2 11.5 15.8 16.2 18.0 18.0 16.1 18.8 19.5 18.9 18.. 8 21.7 As a Percentage Of Tota I Employed In Other Sectors . 3.2 5.5 7.4 9.6 10.3 12.2 12.4 14.5 14.2 16.2 11.4 17 .2 16.4 19.2 19.3 18.4 .18.7 22.1 ex> ~ 82 TABLE LE/I/5A GAZA STRIP: EMPLOYED PERSONS WORKING IN GAZA STRIP BY SECTOR, 1969-1987 (Thousands) YEAR Agriculture 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 TOTAL EMPLOYED IN THE OCCUPIED TERRITORY ECONOMIC SECTOR Industry . Construction . 6.4 6.4 5.8 5.7 5.6 5.6 6.5 6.2 7.5 8.4 8.6 7.7 6.7 6.9 8.0 8.0 9.1 9.5 16.8 16.0 11.5 11.6 11.6 12.6 12.8 12.6 10.2 9.5 8.8 8.5 8.3 8.8 7.7 8.8 8.5 8.6 , 4.5 2.4 1.8 1.7 1.9 2.3 2.1 3.2 3.3 3.1 3.5 4.0 3.8 3.7 4.0 4.1 4.1 4.5 Other Sectors Thousands 51.8 52.8 51.5 46.1 45.4 46.7 46.5 48.3 49.7 49.0 45.3 46.4 46.6 45.9 45.6 47.0 49.2 50.3 54.2 • '25.1 26.7 26.9 26.4 27.6 26.0 27.0 27.7 28.0 24.3 25.5 26.4 27.1 26.2 27.3 28.4 28.6 31.5 As • Percentage of Toul Employed Persons 97.9 89.9 86.3 72.5 66.7· 64.0 64.2 63.5 64.4 60.9 56.9 57.4 56.5 56.0 53.5 53.9 54.1 53.7 54.1 TABLE LEII 1/5A WEST BANK: EMPLOYED PERSONS WORKING IN THE WEST BANK BY SECTOR, 1969-1987 (Thousands) YEAR Agriculture 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 TOTAL EMPLOYED IN THE OCCUPIED TERRITORY ECONOMIC SECTOR . 42.4 36.6 34.2 30.0 36.0 31.9 31.3 30.9 32.5 29.3 31.3 28.5 31.5 29.3 29.6 28.2 33.2 29.8 Industry Construction . . 14.6 13.3 13.2 14.4 14.1 14.5 13.7 14.0 14.4 14.8 . 14.3 14.7 15.5 15.9 16.5 16.7 18.1 19.0 8.4 5.6 6.5 6.7 6.8 7.8 9.2 9.4 10'.4 10.9 10.2 10.9 10.5 10.8 11.7 12.7 14.7 14.0 ) Other Sectors . 34.5 35.7 3'6.4 36.7 38.3 37.7 38.4 37.5 37.4 38.0 38.5 39.5 40.4 43.1 46.1 46.1 48.6 51.9 Thousands 101.5 99.9 91.2 90.3 87.8 95.2 91.9 92.6 91.8 94.7 93.0 94.2 93.5 97.9 99.1 104.0 103.7 114.6 114.7 As a Percentage of Total Employed Persons 92.4 87.2 78.1 72.1 69.5 69.2 69.5 71.4 72.1 72.0 70.0 69.9 70.1 69.5 67.3 67.5 68.6 69.2 64.6 83 TABLE LE/III/5A OCCUPIED TERRITORY: EMPLOYED PERSONS WORKING IN THE OCCUPIED TERRITORY BY SECTOR. 1969-1987 (Thousands) YEAR Agriculture 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 TOTAL EMPLOYED IN THE OCCUPIED TERRITORY ECONOMIC SECTOR . 59.2 52.6 45.7 41.6 47.6 44.5 44.0 43.5 42.7 38.8 40.1 37.0 39.8 38.0 37.3 37.0 41.7 38.5 Industry 21.0 19.7 19.0 20.1 19.7 20.1 20.2 20.2 21.9 23.2 22.9 22.4 22.2 22.9 24.6 24.7 27.2 28.5 Construction , . 12.9 8.0 8.3 8.4 8.7 10.1 11.3 12.6 13.7 14.0 13.7 14.9 14.4 14.5 15.7 16.7 18.8 18.5 Other Sectors Thousands 59.6 62.4 63.4 63.1 .65.9 63.7 65.4 65.2 65.4 62.3 64.0 65.9 67.5 69.3 73.4 74.5 77.2 83.5 153.3 152.7 142.7 136.4 133.2 141.9· 138.4 140.9 141.5 143.7 138.3 140.6 140.1 143.8 144.7 151.0 152.9 164.9 168.9 As • Percentage of Tota I Employed Persons 94.2 68.1 80.8 72.2 68.5 67.4 67.6 68.5 69.2 67.8 65.1 65.2 64.9 64.5 62.2 62.6 63.2 63.6 60.8 TABLE LE/I/'C GAlA STRIP: DISTRIBUTION OF EMPLOVED PERSONS WORKING IN GAlA STRIP BV SECTOR, 1969-1987 (Percent) YEAR 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 "1975 -1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 TOTAl EMPLOVED IN GAlA STRIP (a) (Thousands) 51.8 52.8 51.5 46.1 45.4 46.7 46.5 48.3 49.7 49.0 45.3 46.4 46.6 45.9 45.6 47.0 49.2 50.3 54.2 INDUSTRY AGRICULTURE As a Percentage of Total Employed In Gaza Strip . 311.8 31.1 25.0 25.6 24.8 27.1 26.4 25.3 20.8 21.0 18.9 18.2 18.1 19.2 16.4 17 .9 17.0 15.9 As a Percentage of Tota I Employed In Agriculture . 87.5 79.2 59.4 58.0 57.4 72.5 70.1 69.2 58.4 58.0 58.2 59.3 57.6 56.9 49.5 49.4 47.4 47.2 As a Percentage of Total Employed in Caza Strip 12.1 12.4 12.6 12.6' 12.0 12.1 13.4 12.5 15.3 18.5 18.5 16.5 14.6 15.2 17 .1 16.2 18.0 17 .5 CONSTRUCTION OTHER SECTORS As a As a As a Percentage Percentage Percentage of Tota I of Total Of Tota I Employed' Employed In Employed in in Industry Caza Strip Construction . 92.7 90.2 69.4 64.9 59.0 54.5 55.7 53.5 53.9 53.1 54.4 53.8 51.7 47.7 52.4 50.2 55.0 52.5 a) Includea persona working In other parts of the occupied territory. 8.5 4.7 3.9 3.7 4.1 4.9 4.3 6.5 6.7 6.9 7.6 8.6 8.3 8.1 8.4 8.3 8.2 8.4 . 61.7 43.6 22.2 14.7 13.5 14.3 12.7 20.1 19.1 17.0 18.8 18.5 17 .1 16.5 18.0 18.7 17 .4 19.0 As a Perce'ntage of Tota I Employed in Caza Strip . 47.5 51.8 58.5 58.1 59.1 55.9 55.9 55.7 57.1 53.6 55.0 56.6 59.0 57.5 58.1 57.7 56.8 58.2 As a Percentage of Tota I Employed In Other Sectors . 99.2 99.2 97.3 94.9 . 94.5 90.9 90.6 88.2 88.1 83.5 81.5 82.2 83.8 79.3 79.8 79.9 80.1 78.8 ex> .to. a TABLE LE/II/5C WEST BANK: DISTRIBUTION Of EMPLOYED PERSONS WORKING IN THE WEST BANK BY SECTOR, 1969-1981 (Percent) YEAR TOTAL EMPLOYED IN THE WEST BANK (. ) (Thousands) 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 8) 101.5 99.9 91.2 90.3 87.8 95.2 91.9 92.6 91.8 94.7 93.0 94.2 93.5 97.9 , 99.1 101f.O 103.7 114.6 1'''.7 INDUSTRY AGRICULTURE As • Percentage cif Tota I Employed In the West Bank . 42.4 40.1 37.9 3".2 37.8 34.7 33.8 33.7 34.3 31.5 33.2 30.5 32.1 29.5 28.5 27.2 29.0 26.0 As a Percentage of Tota I Employed In Agriculture . 94.2 91.7 88.9 89.8 88.9 87.9 87.4 87.3 88.6 87.7 88.6 88.5 88.6 87.9 85.8 84.7 86.2 82.9 As a Percentage of Total Employed In the West Bank . 14.6 14.6 14.6 16.4 14.8 15.8 14.8 15.3 15.2 15.9 15.2 15.7 15.8 16.1 15.9 16.1 15.8 16.5 CONSTRUCTION As a percentage of Tota I Employed In Industry 88.5 75.6 61.0 64.3 63.3 65.8 63.9 63.7 62.4 60.9 62.6 67.0 66.8 64.6 64.8 67.9 66.6 63.0 Includes persons working In other parts of the occupied territory. OTHER SECTORS As a As a Percentage Percentage - of Tota I of Tota I Employed Employed In the In West Bank Construction . 8.4 6.1 1.2 1.6 7.2 8.5 9.9 10.2 11.0 11. 7 10.8 11.6 10.8 10.9 11. 3 12.2 12.9 12.2 . 49.9 27.8 24.6 23.3 22.3 25.9 33.3 37.5 38.0 36.5 33.3 34.1 31.2 29.6 31.5 33.8 36.1 31." As • Percentage of Total Employed In the West Bank . 34.5 39.1 40.3 41.8 40.2 41.1 41.4 40.8 39.5 40.9 40.9 42.2 41.3 43.5 44.4 "4.5 42." 45.3 As a Percentage Of Tota I Employed In Other , Sectors . 95.1 91.3 89.5 87.4 86.6 85.8 85.7 83.7 84.3 84.1 83.3 83.2 83.5 81.7 81.2 82.6 82.0 77 .4 (Xl VI TABLE LE/III/5C OCCUPIED TERRITORV: DISTRIBUTION OF EMPLOYED PERSONS WORKING IN THE OCCUPIED TERRITORV BY SECTOR, 1969-1967 (Percent) VEAR 1969 1910 1911 1912 1913 1974 1915 1916 1971 1918 1919 1980 1981 1982 1983 1964 1985 1986 1967 TOTAL EMPLOYED IN THE OCCUPIED TERRITORY (Thousands) 153.3 152.1 142.1 136.4 133.2 11&1.9 138.4 11&0.9 141.5 11&3.1 138.3 140.6 140.1 143.8 141&.7 151.0 152.9 161&.9 168.9 INDUSTRY AGRICULTURE AS • Percentage of Tota I Employed In the Occupied Territory . 38.8 36.9 33.5 31.2 33.5 32.2 31.2 30.1 29.7 28.1 28.5 26.4 27.6 26.3 24.7 21&.2 25.3 .22.8 AS a Percentage of Tota I Employed In Agriculture . 92.2 67.5 79.0 77.9 18.4 82.9 61.5 61.1 18.8 71.9 19.5 79.5 79.1 78.1 74.5 72.4 13.8 10.9 AS a Percentage of Total Employed in the Occupied Territory 13.8 13.8 14.0 15.1 13.9 14.5 111.3 11&.3 15.2 16.8 16.3 16.0 15.5 15.B 16.3 16.1 16.5 16.9 CONSTRUCTION As a Percentage of Total Employed in Industry . B9.B 79.6 67.7 64.5 62.0 62.2 61.0 60.2 59.2 57.6 59.2 61.8 61.4 58.3 60.2 61.0 62.2 59 .. 1 OTHER SECTORS As a As a Percentage Percentage of Total of Tota I Employed Employed in the in Occupied Construction Territory B.4 5.6 6.1 6.3 6.1 7.3 6.0 B.9 9.5 10.1 9.7 10.6 10.0 10.0 10.4 10.9 " .4 10.9 . 53.5 31.2 24.1 20.9 19.5 21.9 25.6 30.1 30.1 29.1 27.8 27.8 25.6 24.7 26.5 26.2 29.3 27.1 As • Percentage of. Tota I Employe~ In the Occupied Territory . 39.0 43.7 46.4 47.1& 46.1& 46.0 116.4 1&6.1 45.5 1&5.0 1&5.5 41.0 46.9 41.9 48.6 48.7 46.8 49.4 As a Percentage of Tota I Employed In Other Sectors . 96.8 94.5 92.6 90.4 89.7 61.6 67.6 65.5 65.6 83.6 62.6 82.8 83.6 80.8 60.1 81.6 81.3 71.9 (» 0\ · 87 SOURCES TABLES lE/I/1A - lE/III/1A 1. Population Aged 14 and over; Total labour Force; Total Employed Persons; Total Unemployed Persons; Males Aged 14 and over; Male Labour Force; Total Employed Males; Total Unemployed Males: 1983-87: SAl. 1989. No. 40. Table XXVII/17, p. 716 1979-82: SAl, 1983. No. 34, Table XXVlI/17, pp. 774-775 1975-78: JSGAS. 1980, voL X, No.4, Table E/2, pp. 35-36. More recent estimates for 1975 and 1976 were used when available. 1970-74: SAl. 1977, No. 28, Table XXVlI/19, pp. 720-21 1968-69: SAl. 1974, No. 25, Table XXVI/18, pp. 696-7 2. The following series are computed as the difference between the total category and the corresponding category for male population and labour force: Females Aged 14 and over; Female labour Force; Total Employed Females; Total Unemployed Females; Crude Activity Rate; Unemployment Rate. TABLES lE/I/2A - lE/III/2A 1. Economically Inactive Population; Economically Inactive Males: 1983-87: SAl, 1989, No. 40, Table XXVII/18, p. 717 1980-82: SAl, 1985. No. 36, Table XXVII/18, p. 721 1975-79: JSGAS. 1980, vol. X, No.4, Table E/2, pp. 35-56 1970-74: SAl, 1977, No. 28, Table XXVl/19, pp. 720-21 1968-69: SAl, 1974, No. 25, Table XXVI/18, pp. 69-698 2. Work Abroad and Study 1983-87: SAl, 1989. No. 1980-82: SAl, 1985. No. 1979: SAl, 1983, No. 1977: SAl, 1985, No. 3. Abroad: 40, Table XXVII/18, 36. Table XXVII/18. 34. Table XXVII/25, 36, Table XXVII/18, p. p. p. p. 717 721 788 721 Economically Inactive Female Population: Computed as the difference between the Economically Inactive Population and Economically Inactive Males. TABLES lE/I/3A - LE/III/3A 1. Total Employed in: Agriculture; Industry; Construction; Trade, Restaurants, and Hotels; Transport. Storage and Communication; Community and Social Services; Other Sectors. 1985-87: SAl, 1989, No. 40, Table XXVlI/23, p. 723 1982-84: SAl. 1985, No. 36, Table XXVlI/23, p. 727 1979-81: SAl. 1983, No. 24, Table XXVl1/21. p. 781 1977-78: SAl, 1981, No. 32, Table XXVlI/20. p. 733 1972-76: SAl, 1977. No. 28. Table XXVlI/23. p. 727 1970-74: SAl. 1975, No. 26, Table XXVl/21, p. 704 1969: Computed from percentageflQures in SAl. 1972, No. 23, Table XXV1/9, p. 659-60 SAl. 1969, No. 20, Table Xl8, p. 638 1968: 2. Total Employed Persons is the same total quoted in Table lE/1 A and is not equal to the sum c:A components. . TABLES lE/I/3C • lE/III/3C Calculated from data in Tables LE/1/3A - LE/lII/3A. 88 TABLES LE/I/4A • LE/III/4A 'I- 1. 2: Total Employed in Israel: 1979-87: SAl, 1989, No. 40, Table XXVII/21 , p. 721 1975-78: JSGAS, 1980, vol. X, No.4, Table E/2, pp. 34-35 1970-74: SAl. 1981, No. 32, Table XXVII/19, p. 732 SAl, 1971. No. 22. Table Y/21. p. 621 1969: Total employed in Israel in: Agriculture, Industry, Construction, Other Sectors: 1979-87: SAl, 1989, No. 40, Table XXVII/21 , p. 721 1978: SAl. 1981, No. 32. Table XXVII/19, p. 732 1972-77: SAl, 1983, No. 34. Table XXVIV20, p. 780 1970-71: SAl. 1977, No. 28, Table XXVJI/22, p. 726 TABLES lE/I/4C • LE/III/4C All Years: Each of the sectoral employment figures for each of the areas was computed as a percentage of the total employed in Israel from that area (column 1, from Table LE/I/4A - LE/III/4A) and as a percentage of the total employed from that area in that particular sector (as in Table LE/1/3A -LE/III/3A). TABLES LE/I/SA • LE/III/5A All years: Figures for total and sectoral employment in each of the areas were computed by subtracting figures on employment in Israel (Tables LE/4A) from the corresponding categories for total employed (Tables LE/3A). TABLES LE/I/SC • LE/III/SC All years: .. Each of the sectoral employment figures for each area was computed as a percentage of total employed inside that area (column 1, from Tables LE/I/4A - LE/III/4A), and as a percentage of the total employed of that area in that particular sector (as in Tables LE/I/3A and LE/II/3A). #" I