i r~^ MIYEISITT REPORTER. DEVOTED TO THE INTERESTS VOL. VII. A WISTEK IS THE ROCKIES. OF THE UNIVERSITY OF GK RGIA. ATHENS, GA., SATURDAY NOV. 19, 1887. upon it. low they got there no one knows, as Ilie island is eight miles from the learest shore. It is also inhabited |v other animals, bears, deer, mo in tain lions, elk &c., being found in limited number. We passed w :liin a few rods of tue shore, and it was our good fortune to see a bt d of elks that had come down to th water's edge to drink. There wer four in the band, two large ones iftd two calves, a family probablj'. li was a noble sight to see the greatvbuli elk, as with head erect, his npsitrils high in air, and lils huge hijtiMS towering over him, "he sniffed jtue tainted gale," with scorn and <|iitrust of the approaching foes. "\Ve had now come in range, and wj fired a volley at him. At tlie report the cow elk and her little ones he fried up the bank and out of sight; but the great bull was made of ster HT stuff. He retreated it is true, buj slowly and in °good < -A J Early in the morning we loaded our luggage on the little steamer U. >s . Grant, that plys up and down the lake, to carry the necessaries of life to the scattered ranchmen that dwell in the fertile valley of the great Flathead River. The mountains were on (ire, :ind the stroke had descended into the valley :ind settled over the lake, making it irnpos sible to distinguish objects more than a few hundred feet ahead. The forest fires are caused by the Indians, who adopt this manner of trimming out the underbrush, so that hunting will not be so difficult. This lake being situated between the two divisions of the Kocky Mountains, the Rocky Mountains proper and the Bitter Root Mountains, allows t'ae Chinook winds from the Pacific to sweep through valley with terrific force, lashing the lake n>,to.waves of s.uch dimensions oi-tl/:«-, c-vi.visnp-a-in.Fii luiiiiug on us "titat ifiJ^lfoWafe for"even the steam as though he longed for the fight. ooat to encounter them. Fortunate Struck with admiration of his noole ly the day was calm, and the voyage behavior, we suffered him to depart was made without accident, and unhurt and without further molestawith only one interruption. tion. The elk is the noblest animal About ten miles out we discovered that roams these northern mountains an object in the water which we often attaining to the weight of five made out by the aid of a field glass, hundred pounds. I have seen their to be a bear. The boat was headed horns that measured seven feet in towards him, and we all eagerly length. To see a band of these huge grasped our guns. The animal scon creatures stretched out in full flight discovered us. and began making with their great antlers high in air, frantic efforts to escape, whining is a sight that thrills a true sportsplaintively, but the race was soon man's breast with anticipation and decided. When within about 30 delight; or better still, to come upon feet of the bear, finding that he them unperceived, when they are could not escape by flight, and feeding on the lichens that cling to doubtless exhausted by his long the rocks, and watch them in their swim in the ice cold water, turned wild gambols. at bay. As he did so a rifle was fired At head of the Lake where the at him by some one on the boat, and Flathead rivei1 enters into it, we he disappeared. We naturally sup- found some Kootenai Indians fishiuoposed that he had been killed, and for trout. They had their little that he would re appear in a few birch bark canoe almost filled with moments ; but after waiting some the speckled beauties that they had while we gave it up and headed on taken. I had often read of the ex our way. We supposed that the pert manner in which the Indians bear dived, and as the smoke ob handle these canoes, and had supscured objects unless close by, we posed that thesi; accounts were over were unable to see him. We had drawn, but not so. I found that the the consolation of knowing that he half haU not been written. In their would remember us for some time little canoes, weighing not over to come. twenty pounds, they dart here and A few miles further on we passed there, more like swallows on the a large island, almost in the middle wing than anytliing else I can com of the lake, that is known as "Wild pare them to; riding the roughest Horse Island." It derives this name waves with ease and safety, where a because a few wild horses are found less expert person would be certain NO. 6 bead and growled menacingly bis es looked like two huge balls of e as he riveted his guze upon us. [r now realized the power that these animals have to charm birds. I rclized my danger and wanted to teave, and that badly ; but at the time there was something that attracted and held me there. But lie spell was soon broken, for with It would not be of interest to de- wild scream he launched himself scribe the six months that we were traight at us. As he made the leap recovered the use of legs, but engaged in surveying, as we had no fore we could move he lit between time to organize hunting or explor us, not three feet from either. With ing parties, except Sundays, and it was out of the question to think of yell that almost equalled his, we k to our heels, my partner taking hunting on the Sabbath. There is ae way and I the other. As I ran one incident that occurred that is (looked back and saw that the worth relating. WT e had been enpast was after Jack. I saw him gaged in our work all the forenoon, ^ake another leap, and again jump and as we were in the high mountort, and this was all I did see, for tains, we became very much fatigued suddenly occurred to me that I and thirsty. We had all stopped to as needed at the top of the hill, rest, and were reclining on the slope ;id so I went. Arrived at the top, of a timbered ridge, where, several tthmy story, and those that had hundred tVct below us, in the gulch,! we could see a fringe of bushy I ins started to the rescue, but on cottonwood trees. T.iese trees are! tiie v ay they met Jack, breathless almost frightened to death. generally found on the edge of and o •/ ~ ion had made several springs The streams of water, and two of us de to be swamped. These canoes are very easily overturned by a "tenderfoot," as I found out to my cost, the greatest tare being necessary to maintain your equilibrium. Our trip extended for twenty miles up Flathead river, when, coming upon a broad plateau that fronted upon the river, we pitched our camp, and began preparing for our work. cidcd that we would go down and at uim,but each time he had dodged see if we could get the water lhati him, until he had finally given it up. we were so much in need of. Ac So fir so good, but we unanimously cordinsjlv, we commenced our de- resolved that the next time we heard scent, and reached the bottom of the a cat in the mountains, he could go . "TiNCH." hill in safety, and approached the to the cotton woods. To our delight, we The class of '88 will hold their found a crystal stream of water, and eagerly threw ourselves prone on Class Tree Exercises on next Wed the bank to slake our thirst; but our insday evening at 4 o'clock. The joy was shortlived, for the water] singing will be conducted by Mr. was strongly impregnated withal-; James C. Mell, who has been apkali, which renders it unfit for pi'inted leader. Miss Ellen Mell has drinking. As we were about to start kindly offered her services in teachback up the hill, we heard an old ing the class how to sing the song, pheasant in the brush near us chat- and the REPORTER returns thanks to tering and going on in a furious j her in behalf of the Senior Class. manner. Our curiosity aroused we i Let every friend of the University turned to investigate. We had gone | be present at the exercises. All are but a few feet, wheu we heard a j cordially invited to attend. mew, mew! that sounded like a bouse cat's call. The idea struck ]n giving the list of newspaper us at once that a cat had wandered correspondents in the University in away from some of the ranchmen, our last, we neglected to state that and was after the pheasant and her Mr. B. S. Miller will represent the brood. Acting on the impulse (f Columbus Enquirer-Sun here during the moment, we called out, " kitty, the current year. Mr. John W. kilty!" and stepped into a little Daniel keeps the Augusta Gazette opening in the bushes; and there, posted as to tennis clubs and other not twenty feet from us, stood, not a matters. A correspondent signing house cat, but a cat of quite another himself "Nap" has quite a lonf description a mountain lion with communication in the Constitution a pheasant under his paw. a few days ago. The nom de plume At sight of us, he raised his great is quite suggestive. *I Society then turned to the head of surdity of ghost stories!! nevertheless, feel a vague, unde|nble dread Debate. Resolved, "That the State Road of encountering one of |lise unsub be sold at the expiration of should stantial apparitions, wlifeirver I fi n(' lease." Debated atlirmapresent the myself, against my will, i those loBroyles, A., Mitchell, by lively calities which they are spposed to infest. Whenever I hiv occasion Gaston, Weaver, Dozier, Moon, Barto pass in the neighboring of lll(J nett, Gantt; negatively, by Shepcemetery, I manage to fee very in- pard, Lawrence, Bennett, Williford, offensive and to tread groiid pretty Quarterman, Morton. Decision for affirmative. lightly. Appointments for next Saturday: At the Summey Hou^e -upper last Senior orators, Downing and Hardnight, Day, Knight and he Moon wick; Junior orators, Crawt'ord and came into conjunction, .rnong the Soph, declaimers, Crittendou Gillis; by the literary societies of the University of illto consideration the number of bon-mots of the memer '>le astrc_ Dean. and following Terms, One Dollar per year, strictly in books read, we are informed that nomical occasion, was Question for next Saturday: Readvance. Summey. Sidney and Jones Percy Messrs. "Mrs Williford: "ram Communications solicited from students and "That home rule would be solved, othany than Reaves take out more 3ay is breaking broad alumni. Address all communications to to Ireland." Affirmative, beneficial ers in college, Messrs. Frank Dean THE REPORTER, Ellis; negative, Gillis and Downing f NC Y IT TERN FKA BasSUlger Athens, Ga. ;UU1 J. Q. a being ° _ I Jones. and Now that a good editorial staff ''lose second. The convention of th ; )elta Tau Debate for Saturday week: Relias been elected for Volume III of Under Miss Frierson's charge the Delta fraternity is holdin. its regus solved, "That the people be taxed more and more becoming is .ibrary the Pandora, and its success from a ar session in Chatlanp<ua, Tenn., directly to support the cause of eduliterary point of view seems to be popular. Last month 185 books list now. The Universal." chapter cation." Afiirmauve, Reed and assured, let us begin to take activewere taken out a number largely in s ably represented by Missrs. A. C. > R )( , ge ,.S) E_ W . ; negative, Shaw and steps in order to secure its success excess of previous years. A very Wilcoxsou and W. A. Dp'is Sheppard. liuaucially. Our Annual goes forthjtiue engraving, "Napoleon's return All business being finished, Sociej its held fraterni^; Phi Chi The to represent our college abroad, and from Elba," has been loaned to the adjourned. ly | in week t pi the during convention every student of the University ibrary by Dr. Newton, and attracts W. WHISHT, should feel a deep personal interest, considerable attention. The Uni- Philadelphia. Messrs. A L. McRae Pies. Protein. chap this represente Rice F. C. d nnd take a strong personal pride in- versity's crowded curriculum preProtein. Sec. WHENCE, LA making the volume in every respect cludes the idea of paying such at Ic the report of the I:. A. tennis worthy of our institution. We have !ientiou to leuding as is desirable, DEMOSTHENIAN HALL, ) all seen the annuals published by 'hut under the present, auspices, the club as given in our last, some misNov. 20, 1887. j the Northern and Eastern colleges^i^rary bi<i 3 fair to lake U 1J a " tlle takes were made id the officers. Society met and was called to orand while they all represent from spare moments of the student's life. They are as follows: President, John der by President Heyman. Daniel; Vice President, ^Iliert Howfive to fifteen years experience Minutes of pruceduig raceting. _ ell; Secretary and Treasurer, B. F. sucli work, their literary features do were read and adopted. Eot begin to compare with thoso of "No, sir, I'll never commit suicide Hardemau. Messrs. Shackelt'ord and Crawley either Vol. I or Vol. II of our Pan- as long as I have anything to eat.' The Chi Phi's have organized a were initiated as members of the dora. But in appearance, they are John Upshaw. tennis club with a membership of Society, having been elected several much neater and more attract vc, "Social Circle is such a busy place twelve, and the following officers : weeks ago. and it is often the outside appiar that my father has not been able to President, Wu3'land Wright; Vice The following appointments were ance that wins where the virtues- of get through the crowds to the post- President, P. S. Black; Secretary,A. made by the President : Comer, Secthe inside contents fail. Now let us office, to mail me a letter for three S. Harper. The club has among its retary ; Pope, Treasurer; Liitle,Cor. make Vol. Ill an improvement in weeks." J. B. H. Day. members some fine players, and Secretary; Trible.door keeper; com this respect. In order to do it we Evans (reading about Saul, of "Ich dien" will be the favorite by- mittee on query, Ross, Esles, Polmust increase our funds, and the Tarsus, in his Metaphysics): "Say, word during the coming winter af- hill, Brown, Warren. The Society then proceeded with Jiicst satisfactory way of doing this Williford, where is the incident ternoons. the balloting for anniversarian, as is by resurrecting the University The S. A. E.'s hold their conven- unfinished business from last Saturabout Saul found? Seems to me, I The proceeds of one minstrels. have read it in some book or other.'' tion i:i Columbia, S. C.. next month. day. Mr. Thomas withdrew his night's performance in the new" This buying a dictionary is a Their chapter here will be represent- name from the contest and left the Opera House, will be sufficient for light with Messrs. Little and Brand. matter." -Prof. Willeox. ed bv Mr. John Barnes. {The result of first ballot was: Little the purpose. Let us go to work in very serious the tune of three dolSince our last report, A. T. O. has 41; Brand 31. As Mr. Little reearnest, and have the amount raised Yes, very, to lars and a half. reinforced in membership by ceived a majority of votes cast, he been in this way before the Christinas "Tub" to Twitty, asking for a Mr. B. S. Miller, of Buena Vista, was declared duly elected. holidays. Socisty then adjourned in haste. sample of his goobers: "Consickety, and Phi Gamma Delta by Mr. W. A. HEYMAN, Pics. you is somctiug like a hog named M. Crane, of Athens. AT THE UA'lVEBSlTr LIBRARY. TWITTY, Sec. Gall gib him a little, and he want A Reporter representative droppn( all." HfniYer6ity gazaar, LITERARY SOCIETIES. into the University library a few "Tell Mr. Willeox to move up his evenings-ago and took his first ex- watch. If Mr. Willeox keeps you PHI-KAPPA HALL, / Nov, 191887.)' perience in interviewing, a result ol late, I mark you tardy." Prof, Society met. President Will which is given be'ow. Miss Frier- Charbonnier. It is with pleasure that we are able to anwj>s called to nounce son, the librarian, says that the the improvements we have ^made to A Reporter editor has been handed coxon being absent, well known our most popular class of books in the the following by George Anderson, order by 1st Assistant Wright. On motion, Mr. Cam Brumby was ; library is fiction a fact readily ac '89. We suppose he is the author MERCHANT AILORIN G and initiated i member of elected ouuted for when we remember the and take the liberty of affectionately and Furnishing Goods Establishment. We the Society. have added ana are the sole agents of the well dry nature of our text books. The dedicating it to "Bud" Brand: known Dunlup Hat. We also carry a full line reading; omit t< carried and Moved most popular book in the library h of the celebrated Stetson, Miller and Yeoman "1 would not die in autumn, of the Constitution to i ew members. \ Hats. An inspection of our establishment an old worn out copy of " Surry o With oysters fit for eating; wil convince you of the elegant line of goods Mr. Cohen's time for Senior orator we carry. \\ e solicit a continuance of the Wlien the wavy corn is getting ripe, Eagle's Nest," which is no sooner in business of our iriends and customers, with And candidates are treating." was extended mitil next Saturday. the than out again. Dickens' works are fullest confidence that courteous attention Mr. Bennelt responded as Soph. and tair dealing will insuie success. Prof. Morris: "Although I am exceedingly popular, but as there S. RAPHAEL & CO; are several sets of them the demanfc intellectually convinced of the ab- declaimer. University Reporter. s supplied. W ho is the best reader in college? [Second- C'ltutx Matter.] ivas then asked. Viewing good readPublished ^ETI^ DDEMOS'^ from lhe ^ud-point, of the quality of the books taken out, we . livere informed that Messrs. John EDITORIAL STAFF. T. W. Reed, P. K..............Elitor-in-Chi 9f Daniel, Dennis Reid and Robert . . W.H. Pope, D.........................Local F. w. Wright, p. .K .............. ..Society jMcGough were the University s best H.C. Polhill, D.......................Alumni eaders. McGoush takes out scarceL. L. Knight, P. K............... .Miscellany y anything but reviews upon scienC. R. Warren, I)........................Local subjects,such as the "Evolution E. C. Stewart, P. K......... .Managing Editor ,iflc >f Maa from Monkey," or a "The . , „ ... ,. , ,,. BUSINESS MANAGER, Oscar Uaris, D. , ! iretical Dissertation on Psychology . ,i ' „•, , • .... i. . IT The UNIVEEFITY REPORTER is issued every Taking° 'find Iransubstantiatiou. ii .t, ^ ,. . , afternoon year,! the college during Saturday S. RAPHAEL & Co. LOCALS. McRee says he is not a Little man. We learu that Mr. T. J. Thornton of last year's "Soph'' class will reenter college after Christmas. Mr. E. J, McWilliams, of last year's "Soph," will embark upon the sea matrimonial, on December 23rd, She is a Mississippi young lady. We wish "Mac" a hearty bon vjyaye. The Law Class debating; society did not hold its regular meeting on last Saturday evening, on account of the election in the Dernosthenian society. They will, however, meet this afternoon, when the question of foreign immigration will be discussed. he list of candidates for Champic a debate in the two Societies con tii ies to swell, and the prospect is th t the contests will be almost as ex iting as the Anniversarian electir i just decided. In the Phi Kappa, M ssrs. Hardwick. Wright, Willifo 1, Stewart and Lawrence, are aspi ants for the position : and Messrs. Rs r, Estes, Miller, Hawes, Pope and W A. Davis are all willing even er to tackle the trio chosen from tli; Phi-Kappa's, on the Saturday it of Commencement. Till' contest for the Anniversarian's position WHS renewed in tlie Deniostheninn Society lliis morning. The candidates had been busy during the week, keeping their old support an 3, where it was possible, obt>iuiiiin new votes. Alter tbe regular preMr. B. J. Smith, who was in col liminary exercises, tiie election came up lege last year, is studying for the under the liiad of unfinished business. degree of M. D., in the State Medi Mr W. E Thomas then arose and made cal college at Augusta, a graceful speech in which he stated that Messrs. Tom Cobb and San ford, in view of ihe fact that with thr<-e candi- on last, Siiudny afternoon, walked thirty limes in front of the L. C. I. On the thirtieth round they were saluted by cries of "chestnuts" from the fair occupants; their equilibrium was not, however, sufficiently dis ttirbed to prevent a continuance of the operation. The picture of Eugene Mitchell, of the Law class two years ago, adorns a recent issue of an Atlanta paper. We state this for the en couragemeat and emulation of this year's lawyers. The Grand Jury has been in session the past week. This fact occasionally has some significance to the students. Messrs. Sliackelford, Holder, Fowler and Ritch spent last Sunday in Jefferson. LUCY COBB DOTS. [For some unknown ref Lucy Cobb Dots of last w misplaced and were not We gladly insert them in th ion, tbe ek were iserted. issue.] "Vir sapit qui pauca loqt tin-." ' I'm soo mad I'm moost d ad." One of our bright Sen rs was heard to say, "Please tell a : about the annalists in Chicago. The S. A. E. girls are vei over the surprise received night. So glad we ate S. A Several of our most lo> friends have buen silencec meals. This is very sagacit happy 4onday E's. uaeious during s. One of the Juniors reqw ts that a search be made to supply ier with an autograph album to k ep heiphotographs in. The wedding of Miss Lena Latino er to Mr. E. A. Groover, of Quitman, was attended by a large number of students, who united in wishing the happy couple long life and prosperity. Miss Latimer was one of tbe most popular young ladies in this city, and Mr. Groover is an old University boy', whom we congratulate on his good fortune. The Athenaeum gave a delightful card party a few evenings ago. at which a number of students were present. Among those present were Messrs. Comer, Broyles, Estes, Daniel, Wright and Ellis. Tbe "Dichens Parly" which Was to have been given at Mrs. M. A. Lipscomb's on last Frida}7 evening, has been postponed indefinitely on account of the illness of Mrs. Lipscomb. LUCY COBB DOTS. We had a pleasant visit Is st night Misses Annie and Nellie Dodd from Prof., Mrs. and Miss White. dates in the race an election was impossibeen called to their home in have We wish they would coi e very ble, lie woulJ, for the sa'ke of harmony, often. Atlanta by the death of their brothwithdraw his name. This announcement er. They have the sympathy of the Mrs. Lovell, of Savannah is our as well as the noble sentiment which inwhole Institute. guest this week. spired it, was liberally applauded. The The Chi Phi young ladies thorLucy Cobb has a curiosity in the oughly enjoyed the bountiful offerballoting then proceeded amidst deep inti-aest, and resulted as follows : Little 41.; shape of an earthquake, (ij. R.) ings sent to them during the week Brand 31. The announcement of the retheir friends in the fraternity. by her Miss Mamie Hrrris inv ted salt was received with great applause. Mr. friends to a birthday supper on FriThe young ladies are very much Little was then called upon and responded day night. The guests app sared in interested and greatly benefltted by in a tew well chosen remarks. Thus end fancy costumes. Miss Walton's' lectures on current ed a^. contest which for i;ood feeling and and are thereby enabled literature, Since last week the Thesuifrrjccrywaitnth, has piobably never been equalled intelligently, any of the discuss, to sonicoehrysides has given place to in Ihe history of the University. day. the of topics we and ichthyology, hermeneutical A few nights ago, a party of sere- fear hypochondriacs! hypercriticisua. The K. A young ladies were also nadevs consisting of Messrs. N. R. the recipients of a gift from their K. EH-QT-MEW. Broyles, B. C. Collier, W. D. Ellis A. friends. They showed their apand others proceeded forth to dese preciation by remarks of fidelity and SOCIETY NEWS. crate the midnight air with such unswerving adherence to the colors songs as "Fly on the Wall." HavL. S. One of the pleasantest social of the fraternity. ing selected Prof. White as the in- events of the year was a reception noi-ent object of their attentions, the given a few evenings ago at Prof. A GUAKMING TREAT IS STOKE. party proceeded thither and for Morris', complimentary to Miss The young ladies of Athens will some time, by the melody of their Broun, of Auburn, Ala., wlio has an entertainment on next Frigive combined efforts, drove off from the been visiting here. Ainonu those at Deupres Opera House, night day Professor's mind all thought of present were Misses Schaller, Crawof the Young Mea's* benefit the for Nitroge^ Tetroxide, etc. After ford, Lucas, Willcox, Brotin and The pro-*, Association. Christian miii-h persuasion, the musicians Gussie Noble. The University was were induced by him to enter and handsomely represented by Messrs. gramme which they have arranged: for thetirst part of the evening, will partake of the hospitality (especTom Hardwick, Oscar Davis, R. L. be highly entertaining, the principal iallv the bananas) which his kindLamar, F. E. Galloway, E. AY. Lane feature being that of a waiteu drill,, ness furnished them. It is said and others. The evening was de- in which fifteen or twenty of the that the above young gentlemen inlightfully spent ia social intercourse, prettiest girls in town will take part. tend to go into the serenading busi and all went away regretting that After the intellectual feast is over,, ness permanently, but we may sugMiss Broun was so soon to return to tbe no less enjoyable repast of steagest that all of their expeditions her home in Alabama. ming stews and pas-Ivy dainties will may not be as pleasant and lucrative visiting is Lewis Claudia Miss served by the aforesaid young be as the first. Milledge on Will you forego such a plealadies. Talmadge, Maude Miss Mr. Wm. S. Upshaw, class of '86, avenue. twenty-five cents admission, for sure Covinglon, in law who is practicing Miss King, who has been visiting and the few dimes extra which theGa., is in Athens, shaking hands the family of Hon. Pope Barrow, left supper would cost you ? Let us with his many friends. show the yo«ng_ladies that we are for her home on yesterday. Ttible to Miss Frierson: "Can I The Athens friends of Miss always ready to help them by our ;et one of David Copperfield's Mamie Coates will be pleased to presence and our money, especially works?" know that she will soon visit our in 'L sueh a worthy cause. A delightful reception was given a few evenings ago at the residence of Mr. A. L. Hull, and all who were present pronounced it one of the pleasantest events ever enjoyed. One of the principal features of the evening was a lecture by Prof. White, on the subject of "The Land of the Midnight Sun." In his inimitable way, he illustrated it by a number of photographs. The RE VOKTER is certain it voices the wishes of all the students when it expresses the hope that Prof. White may de liver in public soon a number of lectures on such themes as his extended travels make possible. Don't forget the young ladies' entertainment next Friday night, at Deupree Hall. Admission only 25 cents. Let all the college boys be on hand. Prof. D. C. Barrow is a candidate fjr city alderman in the fourth ward. The REPORTER hereby pledges i s cordial support, and the UniverTlis fact that Mrs. Cleveland is a city. The largest remuneration received sity boys will assist the SJ. E. stu- graduate ot West College has given Miss Jennie White is visiting her by any college professor in the world dents in serenading him upon his that college a boom, and it is now brother, Prof. H. C. White, on Mill- is $20,000, the salary paid Professor election. overflowing with students. edge avenue. Turner, of Edinburgh. Ex. ' UNIVERSI TY JEWELER. There tire men in every community who are pointed out as the solid men of tlie town. They are landmarks—they reflect the b( st thought of tbe community. Who are the men of this stump in Athens ?— Skiff, the jeweler, has a splendid assort­ ment of fancy articles and jewelry, and is a candidate for Mayor of Athens. John Daniel won the " Booby Prize" at tbe Athenaeum last Tues­ day evening. Repairing Fine Watcher, Badge* and iis a Specialty. C. A. SCUDDER, This space is reserved for the Certain Catarrh Cure Company. LONG & TAYLR, THE LIVE" DRUGGISTS, STIRIEST .A-THZEHSTiS, GKA.. KEEP A FULL LINE OF CHEMICAL A'.YRATUS. GIVE THEM A CALL HASELTOFS MUSIC HOUSE. —MANrFACTUREK OP— FINE CIGARS, Clayton St. JSext to Post Office. Corner BROAD STREET and COLLEGE AVE. Pianos, Organs, Musical Instruments, and Novelties. Fine Harmonicas, Violin and Guitar Strings a Specialty. Cigars, Chewing and Smoking Tobacco of tl grades, also all kinds of Smokers Articles. f|amuel fg. Benedict, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON- FINE CIGARS A PECIALTY. A nice lot of Canes. Terms Strictly Cash. I WE KEEP IN STOCK A FILL LINE OF TOILET A.BTICLES, Soaps, Brushes, Combs, Colounes, Extracts, Bay RUDX Spontrjs, Etc. Colgate's cele­ brated Cashmere Boquet, and Violet Toilet Waters. Inscriptions Accurately Com-, pounded. "WA-IDIED <8c PiT ."FTPQ-TT! Office 59 CLAXTON STREET, next door to the Post-Offlce. Residence BROAD ST., Opposite Campus TELEPHONE NO. 24 Y. B. CLIFTON, — ARTIST IN — Over LONG'S DRUG STOBE, THE Of the Students is called to the NEW AND SELECTED Stock of FIXE SHOES at CHAS, STERN & CO,, CLOTHIERS, E. W. BURKE, SNEAD'S SHOE STORE. BOOKSELLER AND STATIONER The Best $3.00 Shoe in the Market. GENTS FURNISHING GOODS, HATS, ETC. FULL LINE OF HARMONICAS, 72, CLAYTON ST. ———————AND DEALERS IK——————— 7TI7ER3~£"Ca; Suits made to measurement a fspecialty. Au inspection o our stocksolicited. Broad street ——— AND ——— f- |pu6ieal merchandise. FRATERNITY PADS A SPECIALTY- Call attention of the students and general public to their select stock of Clothing, Hats, Shoes, Gents Furnishing Goods, And the most complete Hue of Scarfs Ties, Collars, Cuffs, Gloves, Etc., thatcau be found in the city. I Am Coming. CO&L HODS, TOflGS, Ptense save your old shots for me. I. T Shovels, Stew Pans, Oil Cans and numerous DERKICO'lTE, three doors east of Epis articles that Students reed, at copal church, will mend all old shoes with E. E. JONES' •white oak leather and InriaiMe Patches, and NEW STOVE STORE, buy all old shoes lie can get his hands on. Corner Broad and Wall Street. OPERA HOUSE. Two Nights Only, , 21 AXD 22, GO TO W. H. DAYS f|chcol Stationery, 53lank • Musicul IT gt.rumenes and Strings. cas a speo alty. Broad Street Harmoni McQUEEN & DURHAM, shave is wanted. J^* 1'ATRONIZE THEM. And the beautiful historical play by Tom Taylor, LADY CLANCARTY. Tbe plays are handsomely mounted,'and the costumes worn by Miss ELMORE, are the most elegant ev*r brought to this sec­ tion of country. A powerful company. Prices, 50, 75 and $1. Reserved seitson sale at W. H. Davis' Stationery Store, Broad steeet. CHILDREN'S * BOOKS, WAGONS AND VELOCIPEDES, FINE FRENCH CANDIES ——— AND ——— CONFEGTIONEEIES. of all DAVIS & HARRIS, PROPRIETORS OF TUB The management is pleased to announce —Piopnetors of the— that Miss ELMORE will appear at the Opera House on the above named dates, gitij ifarber f|hop. and present for the first time in this city, in her two in-nt sncs!ssfnl plays Sheri­ Opposite the IJanner-Watchman office. Satis­ dan Knowles' great melodramatic drama, faction guaranteed, when » good hair-cut or " THE HUNCHBACK " TOYS, GAMES, FOR YOUR First appearance in this city of the Bril­ liant emotional Actress, Florence Elmore, MlSS VON DER LlETH, THE; RELIABLE TAILOR SHOP, TOM The Tailor, can be found over Max Joseph's store. Cleaning and repairing neatly done. The cutting and making of pants a specialty. Give him a Call. JULIUS BOSNBUTT, §1 §lcujton |§treet, Deals in new and second hand guns, shells, wads, caps and all kiuds of GUN MOUNTINGS, Gnns and Rifles rented out at reasonable rates. Special atiention paid to the cleaning and repairing of bicycles. All Work Guaranteed. MRS. C. BODE Calls the attention of the students to her select stock of CANDIES, CAKES and all kinds o.f Confectioneries. A full line of Ilttiinonicas, Uase Balls and Bats, etc., con­ stantly on hand. HARRIS & MACK, ARTISTIC SHOEMAKERS JACKSON ST., opposite B.-W. Office. Do all kinds of repairing on shoes. Fine Stitrhmg, Invisible patching and putting in Elastics a Specialty. All Work Guaranteed. BUY YOUR DRUGS ——FROM—— PAlAGBBAEBBKSIOr, GEO. W. RUSH, BROAD STREET, ATHENS GA. : Guarantee satisfaction in their line. Cold Baths. Call on them. Hot and ] ORR & HUNTER,! — DEALERS IX— COAL.; C OLLEG-E AV E UE BRUMBY'S DRUG STORE, OnCOLLEGK AVBNUE, is headquarters lor HPURE•* DRUGSil and all kinds of PATENT MEDICINES. A full line ot'Cologne, Toilet rioaps, Tooth Krushes and Teeth Powders. A tine asaortoient of the Office opposite Opera House, above HulShe's best grades ot Cigars and Tobacco on hand. Store, THOMAS STREET. J J. 7.. COOPER & SON, Call attention of the students and gen sral public tr their select stock of HORSES, BUGGIES AND CARRIA( ES. The finest turn-outs in the city can be ob­ tained at the most reasonable prices at I lei stables on MARKET AND THOMAS SI !. . FOR ME«J'S ZFIlsriE • SHOES — CALL ON — E. I. SMITH & CO.: Cor Clavtou St. and College Avenue.