The Language of Coaching-based Supervision This presentation summarizes the basic language stems used in conducting coaching conversations. Many supervisors keep this page in front of them as they engage in conferences. Supervisors probe and cue with paraphrasing, interpreting, clarifying, and summarizing in response to what they hear from their supervisee. Paraphrasing Clarifying Interpreting Probing Paraphrasing restates the message and encourages the speaker to test their understanding. “So…” “In other words…” “What it sounds like is…” Paraphrasing Clarifying helps gather more information, seeks more specificity, grounding of assessments with assertions, and may uncover connections between ideas, feelings, and attitudes. “To what extent…? “What might be an example of…?” “What do you mean when you…?” “How many teachers…?” Clarifying Interpreting goes beyond paraphrasing to test possible causes, assumptions, new assessments. It is additive to paraphrasing. “I am wondering if what you are saying could mean…” “Based on what you have described so far is it possible that…” Interpreting Supervisors ask mediational questions and use transformational coaching to help supervisees reflect upon their own leadership practice and develop new habits of mind and ways of being as an educational leader. Mediational Transformational Mediational Questions and Transformational Coaching Mediational questions to help supervisees build their own capacity to develop and expand leadership skills and practices. Mediational questions are often future oriented, and help the supervisee to reflect on possible solutions and appropriate leadership actions. “What criteria might you use to…?” “What do you think would happen if…” “How might that decision impact…?” “What would be another interpretation of…?” “How would it look…What a win-win look would like…?” “What is the impact of … on students…?” “How do you decide…What are your non-negotiable…” “What are two or three other considerations that…?” Mediational Transformational coaching supports the development of new levels of commitment, emotional intelligence, and dispositions by helping their coaches to test new interpretations and to practice new ways of being. “Let’s try a role-play where you don’t get defensive…” “Ground that assessment for me…could you make a different assessment…?” “How could we turn that rut story into a river story…?” “What new ‘way of being’ are you willing to test in this situation…?” Transformational Supervisors instruct when their supervisees ask for specific, timely advice or when a gap in content or procedural knowledge is uncovered. Instructional coaching does not require that the supervisee follow given advice. Instruction Instruction is used to share craft knowledge, resources, models, and advice that is invitational in nature. “We know that some best teaching practices are…” “Our school’s data show that…you will need to focus on…” “Sometimes it’s helpful if…” “Would it be helpful if we spent some time looking at…?” “What I saw in that classroom is…” Summarizing is used to identify key points that help identify next steps, cue new thinking, and plan for future actions and accountability “Let’s review the key points so far…” “What elements of this situation need to be addressed first?” “Coming out of this conversation, you will ….and I will …” Summarizing When supervisors assess that their supervisees are not meeting established goals, standards, expectations, they promote action with supervisory feedback and/or direction. Feedback Direction Supervisory Feedback and Direction Feedback is provided with specific, data-based evidence to prompt reflection and ground coaching and/or supervisory direction “Based on my observations… I am rating you…” “Your actions are resulting in…” “I have observed this issue…” Feedback Direction is given when coaching is not likely to produce timely results, when the supervisor or the system establishes a mandate, when the supervisee fails to aspire to uphold professional standards, when the supervisee needs to be held accountable to agreements and direction established as a result of the supervision process. “The district priority for…requires that your school plan include the following…” “I expect you to…” “You need to…How will you proceed? How can I support you? “As a result of this conversation about…you will…and I will…” “After I provide you with…you will do the following…” Direction