Student Democrats Picture text Picture Student Democrats Position on list Edmond Bitay #1 My favorite goal of Student Democrats is the one where the party aims to establish a community of intellectually and entrepreneurially oriented students. This fulfills two fundamental criteria for any party that wishes to represent TiU students, that of building a community and providing a vision we can work towards. It is my conviction that in the unfolding economy those individuals that can find creative solutions to complex problems within their fields and across disciplines will be those that thrive. We aim to nurture these individuals. This goal should be represented by the student community at the highest level, in the University Council, as well as by student associations and by activities of our party which are independent of the University Council. I believe that with creating such an environment we can build a meaningful future, have fun while doing so, and solve the challenges of our times. If you feel that we are on the same page with this, consider becoming a member and voting for us. Student Democrats Position on list Malte Böhm #2 text My motivation to be part of the Student Democrats at Tilburg University initially came from the lack of alternatives during the university council elections every year in April. I appreciated the work the student parties were doing however I could not identify myself with their profile neither did I see a vision for the campus and the student body as such. The Student Democrats provide both: A more engaging and interactive campus as well as the platforms that are necessary for entrepreneurial and intellectual exchange outside the classroom. The Student Democrats acknowledge the vast potentials that lay within the current students and alumni of Tilburg University and aims to bring them together with influential and innovative minds from the region, the Netherlands and Europe as a whole. Lastly and most importantly I care about democracy. The Student Democrats are the only party on campus that recognizes the undemocratic voting procedure at our university and wants to change it. Voting is at the very core of our democratic society, if we make a joke out of it, we ultimately do not take democracy as serious as we should. Picture text Student Democrats Position on list Ay r t o n v a n N o o r t #3 My name is Ayrton van Noort and this year I am running for the student council as a member of the Student Democrats. I never saw myself as politician but it is my opinion that when you see something that you find to be wrong you should do whatever you can to change it. It was this feeling that led me to join StuDem in the first place and it still keeps me going strong. I find it somewhat sad to see that student politics is no longer political and that the two party system of this university is no longer capable of securing democracy. I look forward to creating a body of student politics where it once again is not about winning or losing but changing things for the better. I believe that going to university is about more than going to a lecture. It is about learning rather than only studying and your time as a student will shape the rest of your life. I love Tilburg University very much but we could still do a little better. Let’s make it better! Picture text Student Democrats Position on list Esther Skorupa #4 I see myself as one of those who believe in academia and education in a traditional sense. In the sense of acquiring universal knowledge which is more extensive than schooling and derives from culture, history and the communities we live in. I enjoy learning and regard knowledge as an end in itself. Universities build the foundation of knowledge and enable higher education. Voicing our ideas in educational matters determines our futures. Our education should be the center of student politics. Further, I want student politics to be open to everyone no matter what language they speak. Equality is the basis of a more inclusive student community that we want to establish. We aim to make student representation more democratic by involving students in politics all year around, they will be informed about the topics being discussed and have a chance to be heard. The student democrats see themselves as an open platform that will enable everyone to participate in university life. I am a founding member of student democrats because I believe it is time for something new, for student politics to move forward. I stand for this change in perspective. I will put all my heart into enabling critical education and representing your views. Picture text Student Democrats Position on list Jörg von Dzerzawa #5 Student Democrats, for me, is about being proactive and legislating change. TiU’s current political configuration is as such that the University Council is comprised exclusively of natives. The implication of this is that a growing demographic of international students are subjected to policy decisions which they would have had no hand in devising. The electoral process of recent years has seen the two existing factions attempt to amass votes on the basis of material handouts, and sometimes, simple insistence, rather than any allure of their policies. The reason for this is most likely that the majority of students are clueless as to what they actually represent, but more dangerously, what their function is for the university. This approach to politics is the sort to foster lethargy within our community, and this is unacceptable considering that it concerns notions of such fundamental importance - one’s rights, their liberties, their duties, as are enforced by elected representation. We created Student Democrats as an answer to some of these issues, to promote inclusivity and provide greater leeway to all students who would have a say in the processes that affect them. Picture text Picture text Student Democrats Position on list Caroline Arias -van Oordt #6 I think it is really important that a university offers students not only a welcoming community, but also a critical and engaging environment that really pushes them beyond their own limits. In regard to the latter aspect, Tilburg University has still some ground to win. I hope to be elected to the council, so that I can represent the interests of those students who always strive to reach their maximum potential. For me, university should be about making the world a better place by making yourself grow. I believe that our party really places the student at the center of its values and aims. It's not about the party, it's about you. Student Democrats Position on list Guido de Been #7 I have always been interested in regular politics, but I felt that university politics never lived up to its expectations. We saw this for instance last year with the elections: it was a real circus. It seems as if the current parties do not take their responsibility to represent students seriously. I believe that student-parties should act as a counter-weight to the Executive board by offering a true vision; it shouldn't be just about microwaves and library opening hours. StuDem grew out of the New University movement of last year to do exactly that: offer students a vision of a better university. I have decided to run for Council to make that happen! Picture text Student Democrats Position on list Diana Meire #8 Tilburg University is a rather diverse community, a community that brings together people from all over the world with a goal of acquiring a diploma in higher education. This also goes for me, since I am from Latvia. Despite having this diverse setup of individuals and multiple programs that are thought in English, there is no sign of this diversity within the University Council. Additionally, it took me until my second year to find out about this body (the Council) that actually affects rather important aspects of my student life. The way the elections were held, gave me the impression that it was rather a Dutch activity to run for the University Council, This in turn left me further feeling like a guest instead of a full student at University. These experiences combined with my interest for inspiring communities lead me to join the newly created Student Democrats; which actually promised to give me and other internationals a voice. To set an example that every student body does have a power and voice within the University I decided therefore to run for the University Council. I believe that the qualities that I possess as an individual - which are, being caring, critical and pro-active - go hand in hand with the pillars set out by the Student Democrats. Pillars that should be projected in the Council by me or my party members who are here to promote democracy, increase transparency, and facilitate the creation of an inclusive student community. Picture text Student Democrats Position on list Evgeny La vrentjev #9 The values and aims presented by Student Democrats really spoke to me. I applied for a position on this list, because I believe that universities should play a large role in bettering society. The current parties in the University Council seem to operate without a larger vision as to what universities are for, and therefore I believe it to be necessary that we introduce some new and refreshing ideas to the system. With my educational background in business and finance (TiSEM), I hope to offer the Council a more systematic and cost-benefit type of thinking about political and educational problems. The end goal for me, is to realize a university that brings forth individuals who have a broader understanding of the markets beyond its business and finance dimensions.