Technical Report Series Number 82-1 STRUCTURAL CONTROL OF DRAINAGE MORPHOLOGY OF SALT MARSHES ON ST. CATHERINE'S ISLAND, GA. Joe R. Wadsworth, Jr. Georgia Marine Science Center University System of Georgia Skidaway Island, Georgia STRUCTURAL CONTROL OF DRAINAGE MORPHOLOGY OF SALT MARSHES ON ST. CATHERINE•s ISLAND, GEORGIA Technical Report 82-1 by Joe R. Wadsworth, Jr. November 1981 (written June 1978) Department of Geology University of South Florida Tampa, FL 33620 The Technical Report Series of the Georgia Marine Science Center is issued by the Georgia Sea Grant Program and the Marine Extension Service of the University of Georgia on Skidaway Island (P.O. Box 13687, Savannah, Georgia 31406). It was established to provide dissemination of technical information and progress reports resulting from marine studies and investigations mainly by staff and faculty of the University System of Georgia. In addition, it is intended for the presentation of techniques and methods, reduced data and general information of interest to industry, local, regional, and state governments and the public. Information contained in these reports is in the public domain. If this publication is cited, it should be cited as an unpublished manuscript. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The author gratefully acknowledges the help of many organizations and individuals in this study. The Edward John Noble Foundation provided financial aid~ accommodations~ and the opportunity to study a unique and undisturbed marsh environment. Dr. Roy Welch and the University of Georgia Department of Geography provided use of photogrammetric equipment. Dr. Paul Pinet reviewed the manuscript and offered helpful suggestions. Dr. J.D. Howard gave permission to use several diagrams. TABLE OF CONTENTS Page ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ii LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS v ABSTRACT vi INTRODUCTION PREVIOUS STUDIES 2 REGIONAL SETTING 3 LOCAL SETTING 3 GENERAL APPROACH 5 IMAGERY SELECTION AND ANALYSIS 9 RESULTS - TOPOGRAPHIC INVESTIGATION 10 RESULTS - FIELD INVESTIGATION 10 RESULTS - PHOTOGRAMMETRIC ANALYSES General Observations Fore- vs. Back-Island Marsh Drainage Evidence of Structural Control 13 13 18 19 CONCLUSIONS 25 REFERENCES CITED 27 APPENDIX I - Drainage Network Maps 29 APPENDIX II - Juncture Angles (Raw Data) 34 APPENDIX III - Juncture Angles (Deviation from 90°) 36 APPENDIX IV - Tabulation of Juncture Angle Sign 38 APPENDIX V - Channel Segment Orientations (Raw Data) 39 · APPENDIX VI - Tabulation of Channel Segment Orientations 42 iii Page APPENDIX VII - Numerical Breakdown of Juncture Angle Distribution 43 APPENDIX VIII - Percentage Breakdown of Juncture Angle Distribution 43 iV LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS Page Figure 1 Regional and local map of St. Catherine ' s Island, Georgia 4 2 Generalized salt marsh crosssection 6 3 Generalized crosssection of washover fan 12 4 Location of drainage networks included in photogrammetric analysis 14 5 Distributions of juncture angles for all drainage networks 17 6 Ebb versus flood domination for fore- and backisland marshes 20 7 Comparative distributions of juncture angles for large and small channels 23 8 Rose diagrams showing distributions of channel orientations 24 LIST OF TABLES Page Table 1 Summary of data from photogrammetric analysis v 15 ABSTRACT A combination of photogrammetric, topographic, and field analyses showed that significant structural control by relict beach ridges is exerted on development of drainage morphology of salt marshes on St. Catherine's Island, Ga. Structural control was indicated by bifurcation ratio, juncture angle, and most clearly, in preferred orientation of channels, which was strongest in second order channels. Factors affecting structural control included stream order, basin size, and type of juncture. The principal mechanism of control was lateral confinement of channels by ridge remnants eroded below the marsh surface; extent of control appeared related to depth of channel incision below marsh surface. vi l INTRODUCTION The purpose of this study was to identify the effects of structural control exerted by relict Holocene beach ridges on morphology of tidal drainage networks on St. Catherine's Island, Georgia. Like many barrier islands on the Georgia coast, St. Catherine's consists of a core of Pleistocene material, surrounded by an extensive series of Holocene salt marshes and relict beach ridges. These marshes are very dynamic sedimentary systems, and have extensive and intricate drainage networks that are constantly changing through processes of lateral migration, stream capture, and channel blockage and fill. The extent and manner in which these processes operate depend upon such regional variables as tidal range, climate, and sediment type, as well as upon many local influences. Among the most significant local influences affecting the development of tidal-drainage morphology is structural control. Only when the effects of this control have been evaluated is it possible to interpret the true response of drainage morphology to regional variables and to make legitimate comparisons between the tidal drainage morphologies of widely separated localities. Ideally, one would like to know the following: 1. Which tidal-drainage networks exhibit strong structural control? 2. Which morphologic parameters describing these drainages are most strongly affected? Which are best for evaluating the effects of control? 3. How great is the effect of control? depend? 4. At what level in the stream order heirarchy do the effects of structural control become most evident? Why is this the case? 5. By what mechanisms is this control exerted? Upon which factors does it Effects of local structural control on salt marsh drainage networks on St. Catherine's Island were studied using photogrammetric methods along with field investigation and topographic analysis. Initial topographic analysis was used to check the validity of the photogrammetric approach, and to help select morphologic variables for subsequent measurement. Aerial photography of the study area was examined, and measurements describing the morphology of several tidal drainage networks were made. A field investigation was used to check photoidentification of drainage features and provided close-up observation of some specific control mechanisms. 2 PREVIOUS STUDIES Few studies have been conducted on the development of salt marsh geomorphology, although many previous studies have addressed their ecology (Chapman, 1960; Hinde, 1952), landforms (Johnson, 1925; Stevenson, 1954), and sedimentological significance (Straaten and Kuenen, 1957; Straaten, 1963). Three papers are of particular relevance to the present study. Pestrong (1965) studied San Francisco Bay marshes, which are similar in many respects to those on the Georgia coast. He noted several important mechanisms that influence surface development of the marshes, and measured their physiography and sediment properties. Ragotskie (1958) summarized the important controls that affect the development of Georgia salt marshes and concluded that little evidence from the morphology of the tidal drainages exists to suggest that structural control was an important factor in their development. Wadsworth (1980) characterized the network morphology of tidal drainage in the Duplin River system, Georgia, and compared it to that of typical fluvial systems. He described an annular drainage pattern that was a reflector of structural control by underlying beach ridge remnants. Studies of fluvial drainage systems are more numerous, and are useful in drawing inferences concerning salt marsh drainage geomorphology. Strahler (1964) gives an excellent review of frequently used fluvial geomorphic parameters, including specific techniques for measurement and some generalized lines of interpretation. Technical reports by Howard and Jaffe (1977) and Deery (1976) describe the sedimentary environments of St. Catherine's Island and its surroundings. Howard and Jaffe evaluate the various sedimentary environments on the island, including salt marshes, active beaches, and relict beach ridges. Deery examines washover fans as an important sedimentary process on St. Catherine's Island. · (As explained later in this paper, these fans may play a role in one structural control mechanism.) Many general papers have been written on the salt marsh environment of the Georgia coast, including those by Basan and Frey (1976), and Howard, Frey, and Reineck (1973). Papers concerning the use of various types of remote-sensing imagery in studying salt marshes of this region include those by Reimold, Gallagher, and Thompson (1972), Gallagher and Reimold (1972), and McEwen, Kosco, and Carter (1976). 3 REGIONAL SETTING St. Catherine's Island lies midway down the Sea Island Section, a barrier island chain along the Georgia-South Carolina coast (Figure 1). Approximately 18 km long and 2 to 6 km wide and oriented NNE by SSW, St. Catherine's Island is separated from the mainland by an expanse of intertidal salt marsh 6 to 10 km wide. St. Catherine's Island and the adjacent marsh belt to the west are bounded by two major tidal inlets; St. Catherine's Sound in the north separates the island from Ossabaw Island, and Sapelo Sound in the south separates it from Blackbeard and Sapelo Islands. These sounds are the lower reaches of "salt water estuaries" (i.e., marine embayments lacking true river input). Barrier islands along the Georgia coast consist of Holocene or adjacent Holocene and Pleistocene sediments deposited during successive stands of sea level. St. Catherine's Island consists of a Pleistocene core (a remnant of the Silver Bluff shoreline formed 20,000 to 40,000 years B.P.), from which extends a series of Holocene tidal marshes, relict beach ridges, and modern beaches. The Pleistocene core and relict beach ridges represent relative topographic highs, between which the low-lying tidal marshes have developed. LOCAL SETTING Salt marshes on St. Catherine's Island are typical of those along the Georgia-South Carolina coast, and consist of "well-vegetated intertidal flats" (Basan and Frey, 1972) dominated by the salt grass Spartina alterniflora. These marshes have extensive and intricate drainage networks connecting with the open sea through large tidal inlets that separate the individual barrier islands. Except in those marshes lying along the "true estuaries" (_e.g., the Savannah and Altamaha Rivers), marsh salinities generally range from 20 to 30 ppt (0/00), but can vary from about 4 (after a heavy rain) to 70 (in isolated low areas). Marsh sediments consist mainly of homogeneous silty clays, with muddy to fairly clean sands and oyster pavements present locally (Frey, 1973; Edwards and Frey, 1972; Wiedemann, 1972). Thicknesses of marsh sediment vary from a few centimeters bordering terrestrial environments to more than two meters in midmarsh areas (Hoyt et al., 1964}, depending upon the topography of the underlying Pleistocene surface. Tidal flushing and rapid decomposition of plant debris retard the accumulation of peat. 4 S 0 U T H CAROLINA N~TH &EACH MIDOLE lEACH SOUTH 8EACH 0~_ __.__~,. .... Figure 1. Regional and local map of St. Catherine's Island, Georgia. St. Catherine's lies in the middle part of the Sea Island Section of Georgia and South Carolina (from Howard and Jaffe, 1977). 5 Georgia tidal marshes are subdivided into the general categories of "high marsh" and "low marsh" on the basis of vegetative zonation and/or sedimentological characteristics; these two areas are further divided into subenvironments determined by vegetative zonation and slight differences in topography (Frey & Howard, 1969) (Figure 2). The breakdown of subenvironments within a marsh generally is independent of the distance across the marsh, although relative proportions of the various subenvironments are variable, depending on factors such as the age of the marsh. The Holocene relict beach ridge series on St. Catherine's Island presents a ridge and swale topography recognizable in aerial photography by relief of three to four meters between the ridge tops and the surface of the marsh, expressed by an obvious change in vegetative assemblage. Ridges are made of sand and generally show dune cross-stratification. Ridge vegetation on the southern end of the island is dominated by live oak (Quercus vir iniana) and cabbage palm (Sabal palmetto) with an understory of saw palmetto Serenoa repens), and in the north by live oak, slash pine (Pinus elliotti), and longleaf pine(~. palustris). These ridges represent former positions of accreting shorelines along St. Catherine's Island, presumably formed in the same manner as the modern actively depositing recurved spits and shoals of McQueens and Seaside Inlets and the northeastern tip of the island. Except for the tidal-delta deposits immediately south of McQueens and Seaside Inlets, all beaches bordering the salt marsh in the areas studied are erosional. Consequently, beaches on the eastern side of the island are continually moving inland over the marsA surface; active beaches are absent from the western side. Beach sand is transported inland chiefly by dune chain migration and emplacement of washover fans. The most intense washover activity in the Sea Island Section occurs on St. Catherine's Island, and may represent a link in one mechanism of structural control, as discussed later in this report. GENERAL APPROACH Photogrammetric analytical methods were used to study tidal-drainage networks for the following reasons: 1. accessibility: The intertidal environment is difficult to study on the ground, as it is inaccessible by terrestrial vehicles and only periodically accessible by boat. Travel on foot is slow and difficult, particularly in the wetter areas of the marsh. Aerial photographs provide ready access to any part of the marsh for purposes of simple visual inspection. 2. synchroneity: Considerable time may elapse between ground observations of widely separated areas of marsh, during which conditions may change significantly. For example, tidal marshes can completely change their circulation patterns in the space of an hour. Aerial 6 - - - - L O W MARSH---=----- - - - - - H I G H MARSH--'----- Figure 2. Generalized marsh cross-section, showing zonation of salt marsh environments. This basic sequence of subenvironments tends to be repeated along any transect, regardless of marsh width, although the relative extent of the various subenvironments may vary considerably (from Howard and Jaffe, 1977). 7 photographs minimize this problem by capturing an instant in time. 3. scale: The tidal marshes on St . Catherine S Island are extensive, and only a small part of the marsh can be seen in the field at one time. Aerial photographs provide an overview of an entire drainage networ k and offer a more complete perspective of the whole tidal system. 4. ease of measurement: f':leasurement of the location and distribution of tidal drainage channels may be obtained easily through analysis of aerial photographs, requiring only a minimum of equipment and training. 5. parallax error: Positional errors introduced by elevation differences within a study area are minimal for the salt marsh environment because of its extreme flatness and relative horizontality. Consequently, no adjustments for height differences are necessary for this type of study, which greatly simplifies the analytical procedure. 6. time of analysis: Compared to other methods, a photogrammetric approach to the study of tidal drainage networks greatly reduces the time needed to collect basic data. 7. cost of analysis: A photoanalytical approach to studying the intertidal environment is economical because it provides ease of data collection, minimum training and equipment requirements, and reduced overall project time. 8. permanent record: Photographs used in the study are permanently available for later reexamination or use in subsequent studies, and m1n1m1ze the possibility of personal bias being inherent in the data. 1 St. Catherine S Island is an excellent location for a photogrammetric study of the development of tidal drainage networks for the following reasons: 1 1. Photographic coverage at varying scales is available for the island, including color and panchromatic imagery. 2. Because of its designation as a protected area for scientific investigation, St. Catherine 1 S Island salt marshes remain essentially undisturbed, simplifying problems of cultural overprint and misidentification of artificial features. 3. Previous studies of the island provide supporting data in many fields that bear on the present study. 4. The island has both fore- and back-island tidal marshes (the former being a less common environment along the Georgia coast), which invite comparison of drainage development of the two. 8 5. Distribution of salt marshes on the island relative to locations of relict Holocene beach ridges includes both areas where the marshes are thin strips between closely-spaced ridges and broad areas of marsh in which no ridges are visible. This range permits determination of the relationship between structural control by relict beach ridges and drainage morphology of the tidal marshes by comparision of the two types of areas. 6. Ground access to the marshes is simplified by the presence of Holocene beach ridges and the network of sand roads on the island. 7. The broad strip of open marsh separating St. Catherine's Island from the mainland contains drainage networks essentially free of structural control, and useful for comparison to more controlled drainage networks on the island. Based upon the conclusions drawn in the preliminary topographic investigation and from previous related studies, the following parameters were chosen for the photogrammetric phase of the study as being most likely to show the degree of structural control inherent in the tidal drainage networks: 1. Stream order was used to indicate relative channel size for comparison of data from different networks, and in calculating bifurcation and stream length ratios (Appendix I). Stream orders were determined by the standard procedure used for fluvial systems (Strahler, 1964). 2. Drainage basin areas were measured for all drainage networks studied and were used in ranking all data obtained for those drainages (Table 1). Drainage basin area limits the maximum potential size of the corresponding drainage network, and therefore influences other descriptive parameters. 3. Drainage density has been a good indicator of structural control in related studies (Strahler, 1964; Manual of Remote Sensing, 1975), with high drainage densitiescorresponding to greater control. Measures were obtained by dividing total stream length of the drainage network by its drainage basin area (Table I). 4. Preferred orientation: In the prelim·inary topographic study, a direct relationship was indicated between the degree of preferred orientation of channel segments and proximity to elevated land. Orientation was measured for each stream segment in the photogrammetric study (Appendices V and VI) and plotted for different stream orders and for the entire network. 5. Juncture angles are related to the relative velocities of merging tidal channels (Pestrong, 1965), and therefore indicate tidal circulation patterns. Juncture angles were measured for each channel intersection (Appendices II, III, and IV) and plotted for different levels of stream order and for the entire drainage network. 9 6. Stream length ratios may indicate structural control, with low ratios corresponding to low control (Strahler, 1964). The ratio used in this study was derived by dividing total length of the stream segments of each stream order by the total length of segments of the next higher order, and was calculated for each pair of successive stream orders (Table I). 7. Bifurcation ratios also indicate structural control, with low ratios corresponding to greater structural control. This ratio equals the total number of stream segments of a particular order divided by the total number of the next higher order, and was calculated for each pair of successive stream orders (Table I). IMAGERY SELECTION AND ANALYSIS Tnree types of photography were used in the study: medium altitude (15,000 feet) vertical color transparencies, low altitude vertical panchromatic prints, and low altitude oblique color slides. Whenever possible, transparencies were used rather than prints because of their greater resolution (Welch, 1968). Color transparencies were obtained from the National Ocean Survey, and were taken at low tide on 11/4/71 for purposes of general delineation of the intertidal zone. The scale of 1:30,000 permitted viewing of an entire individual drainage network on a single image, and this imagery was used to assess the regional extent of relationships observed in larger scale imagery. Low-altitude oblique-color slides were taken by the author on April 15, 1976, during the year's lowest tide, from a light plane at an average altitude of 500 feet and using a Kodak 35mm camera. This imagery was used in conjunction with the field investigation to identify specific control mechanisms affecting the development of tidal drainage networks. Panchromatic photographs used in the study were taken during low tide on April 13, 1976. The scale of 1:24,000 allowed recognition of first order drainage channels, and the photos were used for final preparation of drainage network maps. Vertical photography was examined with a Bausch and Lomb Zoom Transfer Scope at magnifications ranging from lX to 7X. Drainage networks were transferred from the photographs to a set of base maps at a scale of 1:17,550. Ground control for transfer of imagery detail was obtained from U. S. Geological Survey 1:24,000 scale topographic sheets, which were sufficiently accurate for this study. Measurements of the drainage networks were than taken from the base maps, shown in Appendix I. 10 RESULTS - TOPOGRAPHIC INVESTIGATION A general examination of tidal drainage networks along the Georgia-South Carolina coast was made, using 1:24 , 000 scale U.S.G.S. topographic maps, to determine if detection of structural control through the study of marsh drainage networks was a practical approach, and to select morphologic parameters to assess this control. The following points were noted: 1. Although the total relief of the marsh environment spanned only a ten-foot contour interval, direction of the local slope could be determined from the orientation of stream junctures. This relationship was also useful in recognizing local structural control. 2. Drainage typically was dendritic, but stream segments close to the mainland or the barrier islands displayed preferred orientation normal to the shoreline, while drainage networks located centrally between the mainland and the barrier chain displayed no preferred orientation of their stream segments. 3. Deflected drainage networks appeared in some areas of the marsh with no visible physical barriers, possibly due to the presence of partially eroded relict beach ridges hidden below the marsh surface. 4. Drainage networks in marsh areas confined by adjacent beach ridges had lower drainage densities and stream orders than adjacent unconfined networks, and showed a decrease in overall drainage development. It was concluded that structural control exerted by relict beach ridges on the development of tidal marsh drainage was evident in the morphology of some of the tidal drainage networks, and was expressed by differences in the degree of preferred orientation, stream order, and juncture angle. RESULTS - FIELD INVESTIGATION The field investigation conducted August 1976 fulfilled two objectives: It verified features identified as tidal channel s on the image ry, and it examined in situ some specific processes by which relict beach ridges exert structurar-oDntrol upon the morphology of tidal drainage networks. Field verification of imagery was comparatively simple, because of the relatively undisturbed state of St. Catherine•s Island and the lack of car tracks, drainage control ditches, and other artificial lineaments. 11 Channels identified on the imagery correlated perfectly with the actual drainage networks. Several structural control mechanisms and their effects on drainage network morphology were identified during the field investigation, as follows: 1. 2. 3. Examples were seen of large tidal channels that had meandered against the side of relict beach ridges, beyond which point they apparently were unable to progress. Associated aspects include the following: a. The stream segment involved apparently became "fixed" in position until it naturally meandered in the opposite direction. b. This stream segment consequently developed an "artificial" orientation, which it would not have assumed had the ridge not been present. c. The stream segment had no tributaries on the ridgeward side. Both fore- and back-island drainage networks showed evidence of restricted tributary development, as indicated by higher-order channels extending to the limits of the drainage area, rather than bifurcating into successively lower-order channels near the perimeter of the drainage basin. Associated features include the following: a. Drainage density of higher-order channels appeared to be greater than in other areas which were not so confined. b. Conversely, drainage density of lower-order channels appeared lower than in less confined areas. c. Bifurcation was low. d. A greater percentage of the drainage area appeared to be low marsh than in comparable, less restricted areas. Numerous washover fans blocked off segments of tidal channels near the seaward marg i n of the island (Figure 3). Washover fans seemtohavedeposited sand preferentially in tidal channels, extending tongues beyond the main body of the fan. This was expected, because tidal channels are local depressions, and will channel sediment flow during washover deposition. Some associated features follow: a. Channel blockage Dccurred principally in those segments lying perpendicular to the direction of washover sediment movement. Blockage of channels which lay parallel to the direction of sediment movement proceeded more slowly. The net result was a preferential blockage and elimination of channels lying parallel and close to the eastern shoreline of the island. 12 durt~l lligh t id~ low tide- Figure 3. General cross-section of a washover fan, showing associated facies. As the beach erodes, washover fans are built across the seaward edge of the marsh, ultimately coalescing into a broad apron which is then overtaken by the dunes as they migrate inland (from Howard and Jaffe, 1977). 13 4. b. Location of the washovers was controlled by the spacing and orientation of relict ridges relative to the eastern shoreline of the island. This determined the shore areas where washover blockage of tidal channels was an effective process. c. The channel blocking process operates only on drainage networks located on the seaward side, because washover fans occur only on this side . Higher-order stream segments tended to align parallel to the general orientation of the relict Holocene beach ridges, even where channel segments did not closely approach visible ridges. Some associated features are listed below . . a. Alignment of the higher-order stream segments parallel to the beach ridges theoretically would reinforce blockage of smaller laterally branching channels by washover deposition. b. Alignment of the higher-order stream segments extended to the orientations of lower-order streams within the same network, resulting in a degree of preferred orientation at several stream orders. c. Alignment of higher-order stream segments in areas where no beach ridges are visible suggests that structural control in these areas is exerted by ridges that have been eroded below the marsh surface. RESULTS - PHOTOGRAMMETRIC ANALYSIS Four drainage networks were analyzed in the photogrammetric phase of the study--two from the fore-island marshes and two from the back-island marshes (Figure 4). These networks occupied the four largest tidal drainage basins (and have the highest stream orders) on the island. Results of this analysis fall into three categories: (1) general observation on drainage morphology and comparisons with previous work, (2) comparison of the drainage morphology of fore- versus back-island marshes, and (3) evidence of structural control shown by various morphologic parameters describing drainage. 1. General observations were made, based on measurements of channel segment lengths, drainage basin areas, and ratios derived from both (Table I): a. In each of the four drainage networks, maximum stream order was directly related to the area of the respective drainage basin (Appendix I), as is the case for fluvial systems . (Strahler, 1964). b. Drainage density was uniform for the three largest drainage basins, with the smallest having a slightly higher value. 14 c Figure 4. Locations of the four tidal drainage networks included in the photogrammetric analysis. Table I - Summary of geomorphic data from photogrammetric analysis. # of Network segments Order - - - B (backisland) - - 2 3 9 - - - - 1 19 6 1 2 3 - - c (backisland) 64 17 3 1 2 3 4 - - - - - 0 (foreisland) Stream length 3.56 9.00 4. 72 km 2.88 km 2.88 km 32 A (foreisland) Bifurcation ratio 2 3 4 5 - - 148 32 11 3 1 - - - - - - - - - 4.54 km 4. 72 km 3.15 km 3.17 6.00 - - - Stream length ratio - - - - - 1.64 1.00 - - - .963 1.50 - - - - - Cumulative stream length 4. 72 7.60 10.49 - - 4.54 9.26 12.41 km km km - km km km 10.75 km 10.75 km 3. 77 6.82 km 1.58 17.56 km 5.67 2.48 km 2.79 20.01 km 3.00 5.33 km .459 25.34 km ------ - - 29.80 km 29.80 km 4.62 12.06 km 2.47 41.86 km 2.91 6.20 km 1. 94 48.06 km 3.15 km 51.21 km 3.67 1.97 3.00 4.81 km b .655 56.01 km Drainage density Basin area 1.23 km 2 ------2.05 km 3.84 km 2 8.53 km/km - - - - - - - 2 - 2 6.05 km/km 2 ------ 6.60 km/km 2 ------- ------- 8.35 km 2 6. 71 km/km 2 16 c. Cumulative stream length in each basin was directly related to drainage area, again similar to fluvial systems. However, the total number of stream segments in a given drainage basin showed no consistent relationship to basin area. d. In all cases, bifurcation ratios were not consistent within a given drainage netv'lork from one level or order to the next. This is in sharp contrast to the morphology of fluvial systems, where bifurcation ratios are fairly constant on all levels of any given drainage network (Strahler, lg64). This implies that an additional control or controls operates in the tidal system that is absent in the typical fluvial system. e. In all cases, stream length ratios were inconsistent within a given drainage network from one level or order to the next. The variation in stream length ratio was similar to variation in bifurcation ratio of the same network, with the exception of the smallest drainage basin (where high drainage density of small channels was probably an overriding factor). Extensive measurements of juncture angle were also made {Appendices II, III, IV) and examined for evidence of ebb flow dominance (see Pestrong, lg65) and for evidence of control by relative channel velocities. According to Pestrong, as the difference in velocities between two intersecting channels increases, the angle of their juncture tends to approach goo. This hypothesis was examined relative to the St. Catherine's marsh data by plotting a family of histograms showing the deviation from goo of all types of junctures encountered in the study, treating the data from all four of the drainage networks collectively (Figure 5). Based upon these graphs, the following observations were made: a. Juncture angles of first-order channels with channels of all orders commonly approached 90°, suggesting that currents in first-order channels are weak in comparison to higher order channels in the network. b. Kurtosis and skewness toward goo increased markedly for junctures of first-order channels with channels of increasingly higher order; this supports Pestrong's previously cited hypothesis. c. Junctures between channels of order two or greater showed much lower skewness and kurtosis than did first-order channel junctures, and did not tend toward goo . While this may simply be a function of the larger channels being fewer than the first-order channels (and hence less clearly indicative of the relationships mentioned in (a) and (b) above), other possibilities which may enter into this variation include the fo 11 owing: 17 ORDER first - oF SECOND second CHANNEL third 40 70 40 70 40 70 8 Cll a:: H r.. 15 15 10 Notes Horizontal axis shows j uncture angle in degrees. Vertical axis shows number of observations for each ten degree interval of juncture angle, All combinations of stream order are shown. 40 70 15 10 40 15 15 10 10 ..c:: +> ~ ....0 10 40 70 10 Figure 5. Distributions of all types of juncture angles. Data from all four drainage networks have been treated collectively. Juncture angles are given as degrees of inclination from a right angle (0° = right angle). 18 i. ii. 2. The relative differences in the velocities are smaller, and consequently junctures tend less strongly toward goo. The absolut~ range of the velocities is greater, resulting in a lower kurtosis. iii. The effects of bidirectional flow are more important, obscuring the effects of cont~by relative velocities. iv. Some additional factor (e.g., structural control), which was relatively unimportant for the smaller channels, might be more influential in determining the juncture angles of the larger channels, obscuring the effects of control by relative velocities. Fore- versus Back-Island Marsh Drainage: Data for all geomorphic parameters routinely were grouped throughout the study into a subset for fore-island marshes and a subset for back-island marshes, to determine if marsh location on the island influenced the development of its drainage morphology. The rationale for making this comparison was threefold. a. Location on the seaward side of the island exposes the marsh to much more direct action by the sea, through such processes as formation, migration, and erosion of active beaches, and emplacement of washover fans. As explained previously, these processes may play a role in the development of foreisland drainage morphology. b. Aerial photo analyses indicate that the main beach ridge series which interfingers with the fore-island marshes has a somewhat different origin from that bordering the backisland marshes. Fore-island relict beach ridges appear to have formed throu9h the successive development of beaches and dune ridges that parallel the present shoreline. These may have developed by accretion of offshore bars, chenierlike ridges, or similar mechanisms, during the gradual progradation of the island seaward. In contrast, the back-island ridge series seems to have developed as a series of recurved spits deposited around the end of the island by longshore drift. This contrast could have played a role in differentiating the development of the respective drainage networks. c. The dissimilar locations of the fore- and back-island marshes affect their tidal circulation patterns and hence drainage morphologies. With one exception, the results of this study do not offer much support for any of these possibilities. At the scale of this study, none of the measures showed any significant differences 19 between the morphology of fore- and back-island marshes. However, this simply may be a function of the small number of networks available on the island for consideration. The one exception to this lack of contrast was seen in a second analysis of juncture angle data (Appendix IV) in which the deviation of juncture angle from 90° was denoted as positive (+) if the angle was obtuse relative to its seaward limb, and as negative (-) if the angle was acute. The percentage of (+) versus (-) inclinations then was plotted for each order (taken as the lowest order of the two stream segments making up the angle) for each drainage network. The author felt that this might indicate the relative importance of ebb versus flood flow as related to channel order. Pestrong (1965) observed that l ower-order channels appeared to be strongly dominated by ebbing flow in the San Francisco bay marshes. Despite the scarcity of available measurements in the present study, significantly different trends were evident in the lumped data for the foreand back-island marshes (Figure 6). For each order, fore-island marshes showed positive values, while each order of back-island marshes showed negative values. Using the limited data available, it is impossible to determine the cause of this difference. As suggested previously, it may indicate that channels in the fore-island marshes are ebbdominated, while those in the back-island marshes are flooddominated. Even if this is the case, however, the reason for thi s contrast in dominance is unknown, and offers an opportunity f or future research. 3. Evidence for Structural Control: The discussion of structural control will proceed by evaluating in succession the evidence offered a. drainage density: Drainage densities of all networks were very low (Table I) in comparison to other Georgia coastal marshes (see Wadsworth, 1980), in keeping with their lack of relief, high permeability and dense vegetative cover; these properties were described by Strahler (1964) as related to low drainage densities in fluvia l systems. The similarity of these values among the networks suggests that the aforementioned factors are also uniform for the four networks considered in this study, but offers no evidence for the presence or absence of structural control. b. bifurcation and stream-length ratios: Strahler (1964) states that fluvial watersheds free of structural control have bifurcation ratios between 3.0 and 5.0, and that abnormally high ratios are to be expected where structural control results in confinement of the stream valleys. On this basis, all four of the drainage networks considered in this study show evidence of structural control (Table 1) . Furthermore, two important trends should be noted: 20 +10 ---order • : fore-island marshes ~ ' back-island marshes Figure 6. Ebb versus flood domination in fore- and back-island marshes. Order on the horizontal axis i s taken as that of the lowest order limb of the juncture. Position of the vertical bars relative to the zero line indicates the relative proportion of juncture angles which are inclined positively (upstream) or negatively (downstream) from a right angle. Positive deviation indicates ebb domination; negative deviation indicates flood domination. 21 i. The highest bifurcation ratios occur beb1een secondand third-order channels in the three smallest networks, and between first- and second-order channels in the largest network. This suggests that the effects of structural control are most strongly imposed on channels of this size (i.e., larger channels). This is in agreement with the model advanced earlier in the section on field results, in which it was hypothesized that structural control by relict beach ridges which have been eroded below the marsh surface is most strongly imposed on the larger channels, as these channels are more capable of eroding down to the depth necessary for contact with the ridges. Why the channels of order four and greater do not show the effects of structural control as clearly as somewhat smaller channels is not known, but may be the result of another factor (e.g., discharge, peak velocity) overriding the effects of structural control on these larger channels. ii. The "extremism of maximum values for bifurcation ratio within a given drainage network decreases steadily with increasing size of the respective drainage basin (Table I). The reason for this is unclear, but it may relate to the size of the channels, since there is a general increase in the cross-sectional area of channels with · increasing drainage basin area. 11 Perhaps as the drainage basin gets larger in size there are more orders of channels capable of responding to structural control, and so bifurcation ratio value extremes are lessened. The pattern of stream length ratios (Table I) for a given drainage network is consistent with that of its bifurcation ratios, but when taken by themselves the ratios offer little indication of structural control, as they display neither the uniformity of pattern nor the trend of decreasing extremism shown by the bifurcation ratios. c. juncture angle: As explained in the section on general observations, the decreasing kurtosis and shift of modality to more acute angles of juncture (Figure 5) which occur with increasing channel order are in agreement with one mechanism of structural control. In this mechanism, larger channels incise the marsh surface to a depth at which they interact with relict beach ridge remnants that have been eroded to a level below the marsh surface. An expected consequence of this model would be a tendency toward parallelism of the larger channels induced by structural control, which would be expressed by these channels having more acute juncture angles with one another. A graph comparing the distribution of all juncture angles for first-order channels with the 22 distribution of all juncture angles between channels of order two or greater (Figure 7) shows a general displacement of juncture angles of the larger channels toward the more acute angles, agreeing with the hypothesis concerning parallelism given above. However, it is not possible with the limited data available to say if this displacement toward the more acute angles is a reflection of parallelism due to structural control or a product of control by the relative velocities of the pairs of stream segments as explained earlier, or perhaps a combination of the two. Juncture angle may also play an important role in the expression of structural control through preferred orientation, as explained below. d. preferred orientation: The analysis of drainage networks for evidence of preferred orientation is based on the fact that the presumed controlling features {relict beach ridges) occur in "sets," each of which has it own preferred orientation which is reflected in the orientation of the channel segments it influences. Since very few or no ridge remnants are visible within the expanse of the marshes themselves, it was assumed that the orientations of the ridge sets adjacent to the particular drainage networks in question would approximate those of the ridge remnants lying below the marsh surface. The bordering ridge sets were measured and plotted as dashed lines and fields on Figure 8. Network A, however, had no relict ridges left in the immediate vicinity, and so the orientations of ridges bounding Network D (which borders A) were used as an approximation. Also plotted in Figure 8 are the distributions of first-order channel segments, of segments second-order and larger, and of all segments for each of the four drainage networks (see Appendices V and VI). Note that since all of these lineations are bidirectional, the resulting diagrams have twofold rotational symmetry. The following relationships were noted: i. All major relict beach r idge sets were represented by at least one major channel orientation mode. ii. This ridge/orientation relationship was weakest for Network A, presumably because of the lack of accurate ridge set orientations as explained above . iii. iv. The ridge/orientation relationship was much clearer for channels of order two or higher than it was for firstorder channels, supporting the mechanism for structural control explained previously. For all networks, there was at least one major channel orientation mode not explained by coincidence with ridge set orientations, suggesting that at least one other major control is inducing preferred orientation in the channel networks. 23 30 ~: small channels (1st order) ~~ large channels (greater than 1st order) 5 90 Figure 7. Comparative di stributions of juncture angles for small (1st order) and larger (greater than 1st order) channels. Juncture angles are given as degrees of inclination from a right angle (0° = right angle). 24 x=s A ( c=1) x=4 B(c=1) x=7 C(c:::1) n=64 x=4 x=16 D(c-1 ) n=148 x:::;:6 n=10 x=6 A( all) n=7 x=7 Btall) n=26 C(C>1) n=21 x=a Ctall) n=85 D(c> 1 ) n=47 x=9 Dtall) n=95 A( C>1) n=19 B(C>1) Figure 8. Rose diagrams showing the distributions of channel orientations for all drainage networks; n is the total number of data in the rose, x is the value of the largest mode, c is the channel order, and r•s are ridge modes. 25 Although it is not possible to definitely identify the second control just mentioned from the limited data presently available, examination of the angular relationships between the various channel-orientation modes suggests an interesting possibility. In plots of first order channels, channel orientation modes which do not coincide with ridge set orientations are generall y inclined at about goo to modes which do coincide. This suggests that direct structural control imposed on the latter modes is being extended to the former through the influence of juncture angle, which for first-order channels tends toward goo. Further supporting this possibility is the fact that first-order junctures tend most strongly toward 90° when they include higher order channels, which in turn have orientations most reflective of direct structural control by the relict beach ridge sets. In plots of channels of order two or greater, channel orientation modes whic h do not coincide with ridge set orientations generally differ by angles of less than 90° from modes which do coincide with ridge set orientations. This finding agrees with the distribution of juncture angles for these larger channels, which tend to be more acute than those of first-order channels. CONCLUSIONS In summary , a review of the res ults of the topographic, field, and photogrammetric studies shows evidence of structural control in all three approaches. With reference to the questions asked at the very beginning of this paper, the following statements can be made: 1. Evidence of structural control was seen in all four networks · analyzed in the photogrammetric phase of the study. Even network A, which had no bordering ridge sets, showed some evidence of structural control. No difference in control was seen between fore-island and back-island marshes. 2. Evidence of structural control was seen in bifurcation and stream-length ratios, juncture angles, and preferred orientation of stream segments, and was clearest for preferred orientations; this was also considered to be the measure yielding the most information about control. 3. The degree of structural control varied both within and between the various drainage networks, and appeared to be modified by stream order, drainage basin size, nature of stream juncture, and perhaps drainage density. 4. Structural contr ol was expressed most clearly by second-order streams in most networks , and by first-order streams in the largest network. This difference was presumably related to the depth of incision 26 into the marsh surface (due to different channel sizes), as well as to other unnamed factors. 5. Structural control appears to be imposed upon the drainage networks through laterial confinement of the channels by relict beach ridges which have eroded below the marsh surface. This control may be extended to smaller channels through the influence of juncture angles determined by relative flow velocities. A less important mechanism of structural control may be the preferential elimination of channel segments by washover fans near the seaward edge of the island. 27 REFERENCES CITED Basan, Paul B. and Frey, R.A., 1976, Actual Paleontology and Neoichnology of Salt Marshes near Sapelo Island, Georgia: Geol. Jour., Spec. is. No.9 Seel House Press, Liverpool, pp.41-70. 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N / 1000 ° 0 I 1000 I 2000 ° of drainage network B, south end of St. Catherine's Island, Georgia. Boundary of the drainage basin is shown by a dashed line. All stream orders are indicated. f~ap w Map of drainage network C, south end of St. Catherine•s Island, Georgia. Boundary of the drainage basin is shown by a dashed line. All stream orders are indicated. M~p of drainage network D, McQueen's Inlet, St. Catherine's Island, Georgia. Boundary of the by a dashed line, All stream orders are indicated, ' 1000' 0' 1000' w w 34 Appendix II. Juncture angles, measured in degrees from downstream 1i mb (raw data) Network~ (fore~sland) Level 1-1 : 081 128 055 123 123 1-2: 056 061 138 122 090 1-3: 135 112 104 067 068 087 Level 2-2: 126 2-3: 077 057 100 127 090 1-3: 062 Level 2-2: 073 2-3: 057 121 117 080 047 037 106 167 085 128 118 087 061 039 041 090 Network I (back~sland) Level 1-1: 089 050 028 064 142 071 023 047 128 090 028 123 087 117 102 090 1-2: 144 076 129 090 102 146 091 1-3: 120 090 1-4: 069 064 060 047 090 090 090 148 128 090 095 103 Level 2-2: 053 049 090 2-3: 117 2-4: 159 031 092 037 Level 3-3: 021 3-4: 090 086 128 050 092 068 103 Network ~ (back~sland) Level 1-1 : 036 090 045 1-2: 129 075 022 033 090 071 062 084 131 038 097 027 105 144 053 35 Network Q (fore4sland) Level 1-1: 160 102 033 087 053 034 086 100 093 102 084 080 091 135 123 073 126 116 048 037 103 095 083 021 065 067 100 080 035 101 119 076 051 090 043 127 093 068 116 108 085 065 102 097 074 056 098 073 084 133 126 084 090 090 091 094 113 093 116 126 078 077 112 078 154 092 105 062 051 161 090 110 052 109 110 093 101 113 089 092 051 144 118 109 092 135 064 092 083 078 088 129 108 101 079 109 104 091 109 090 092 090 091 090 090 148 106 064 084 046 119 101 090 102 109 Level 2-2: 125 095 106 147 133 2-3: 090 034 090 120 090 2-4: 117 089 2-5: 151 055 Level 3-3: 095 110 078 3-4: 093 161 3-5: 072 Level 4-4: 156 4-5: 090 1-2: 1- 3: 1- 4: 1-5: 133 121 074 102 102 044 097 125 104 36 Appendix III. Juncture angles, given as degrees of deviation from a right angle (90°) Network~ (fore4sland) Level 1-1 : -09 +38 -35 +33 +33 +39 +31 +27 -53 1-2: -34 -29 +10 +48 +32 0 -43 l-3: +45 +22 +14 -23 -22 -03 +16 -40 +02 -22 +13 Network!!_ (back-island) Level 1-1 : -54 0 -45 -10 +77 -05 Level 2-2: +36 2-3: -13 -33 1-2: +37 1-3: -28 +28 Level 2-2: -17 2-3: -23 0 -51 +38 -03 -29 0 -49 Network f (back-island) Level 1-1 : -01 -40 -62 +38 -26 +52 -19 -67 -43 .. 62 +33 -03 +27 +12 0 -14 -15 +39 0 +12 +56 -43 0 0 1-2: +54 l-3: +30 0 1-4: -21 -26 Level 2-2: 0 -37 -41 0 +27 2-4: +69 Level 3-3: -69 3-4: -30 +58 +38 2-3: 0 -04 +38 -68 -28 -06 +01 +41 -52 -63 0 0 -19 +07 -59 +02 -53 +15 +05 +13 -57 0 +54 -37 37 Network Q (fore4s1and) Level 1-1 : +70 +12 -57 1-2: 1-3: 1-4: 1-5: Level 2-2: -56 -04 +10 +03 +12 -06 -03 -10 +01 +45 +33 -17 +36 +26 -42 -53 +13 +05 -07 -69 -25 -23 +10 -10 -55 +11 +29 -14 -39 -47 +37 +03 -22 +26 +18 -05 -25 +12 -17 0 +07 -16 -34 +08 -06 +43 +36 -06 0 +01 +04 +23 +03 +26 +36 -12 -13 +22 -12 +64 +02 +15 -28 -39 +71 0 +20 -38 +19 +20 +03 +11 +23 -01 +02 -26 +02 -07 -12 +54 +28 +19 +02 +45 -11 +19 +19 0 -26 -06 -44 +07 +35 +14 +39 +02 0 +01 0 0 +29 +11 0 +12 +19 +35 +05 +16 +57 +43 +12 +30 +18 +ll 0 -56 0 2-4: +27 -01 +43 2-5: +61 -35 Level 3-3: +05 +20 -12 3-4: +03 +71 +31 3-5: -18 Level 4-4: +66 0 -16 0 -39 -02 2-3: 4-5: -27 0 +14 +01 +58 +16 +12 -46 38 Appendix IV - Tabulation of juncture angles by sign of deviation from 90°. (0) signifies a right angle Drainage Network A B 1-1 1-2 (+) 7 3 4 (-) 1 4 3 (0) 2 0 all 9 8 0 7 (+) 1 4 2 1 0 3 1 6 1 3 0 4 (-) (0) all c 1-3 Juncture Level 1-4 1-5 2-2 2-3 2-4 - 1 2 0 4 - 0 1 0 6 - 0 1 0 3 - 0 1 - 1 4 - 0 1 - 2 0 1 3 16 9 0 1 1 1 - 9 1 0 5 5 1 0 1 3 1 1 14 26 - 5 3 3 - 10 10 - - - 1 5 0 3 - 11 11 0 3 1 - - - (+} 6 6 1 (-) 11 3 0 5 7 (0) 2 19 15 18 1 2 4 16 9 4 1 9 5 0 1 10 15 11 3 all A&D (+) 33 22 29 18 (-) 20 12 (0) 0 7 all B&C (+) 42 37 7 2 (-) 15 3 25 8 3 3 - 2 13 1 6 - 26 15 11 14 12 16 5 4 30 5 1 26 15 D all (+) (-) (0) (0) All all (+} (-) 29 35 15 14 13 8 1 21 (0) 3 9 2 all 67 50 28 - - - 2-5 3-3 3-4 3-5 4-4 - - - - - 4-5 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 3 - 0 0 5 - 1 0 - - - - - 0 1 1 - - - - - - 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 2 1 0 1 3 0 1 2 3 4 1 1 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 - - 0 - - 10 1 5 4 - 4 1 2 3 0 1 0 4 8 6 1 2 1 1 0 4 2 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 16 12 2 4 5 1 1 1 1 4 3 - 39 Appendix V. Bidirectional orientations in degrees for all channel segments* (raw data). Due north is (000). Network~ (for~island) Level 1: 097(277) 093(273) 174(354) 244(064) 141(321) 203(023) 254(074) 294(114) 009(189) 246(066) 086(266) 069(249) 337( 157) 063(243) 193(013) 204(024) 336(156) 076(256) 190(010)/273(093) 196(016) 246(066) 100(280) 221(041) 124(304) 044(224) 217(037) 220(040) 181(001) 038(218) 104(284) 092(272) 227(047) 185(005) 009(189) 030(210) 104(284) 090(270) 209(029) 224(044) 173(353) 278(098) 196(016) 132(312) 303(123) 044(224) 065(245) 017(197) 342(162) 314(134) 097(277) 077(257) 341(161) 344(164) 350(170) 048(228) Network f (back~s1and) Level 1: 032(212) 323(143) 329(149) 285 ( 105) 047 ( 227) 045(225) 039(219) 235(055) 119(299) 102(282) 073(253) 073(253) 060(240) 065(245) 109(289) 212(032) 310(130) 211(031) 047(227) 063(243) 172(352) 092(272) 101(281) 355(175) 304(124) 270{090) 159(339) 257(077) 101(281) 037 (217) 286( 106) 250(070) 223(043) 018(198) 282(102) 006(186) 079(259) 052(232) 132(312) 017(197) 294(114) 090(270) 350(170) 074(254) 303(123) 037(217) 091(271) 176(356) 252(072) 034(214) Level 2: Level 3: Network ~ (back~sland) Level 1: 050(230) 081(261) 025(205) 065(245) 034(214) 021(201) 058(238) 062(242) Level 2: 057 ( 237) 020(200) 187(007) 084(264) Level 3: 058(238) 059(239) 40 Network f (back-island) Level 1 (continued): 045(225) 170(350) 068(248) 156(336) 165(345) 126(306) 128(308) 137(317) 090(270) Level 2: 331(151) 329(149) 327(147) 019(199) 055(235) 087(267) 064(244) 140{320) /023(203) 084(264) 156 ( 336) 116 ( 296) Level 3: 338(158) 075(255) I 319(139) Level 4: 067 ( 247) Network Q (fore-island) Level l: 117( 297) 143(323) 324(144) 061 (241) 071(251) 057 ( 237) 000(180) 284(104) 011(191) 325(145) 210(030) 305(125) 092(272) 019(199) 061(241) 009( 189) 008{ 188) 074(254) 157(337) 215(035) 165(345) 348(168) 192(012) 120(300) 179(359) 167{347) 350(170) 348(168) 020(200) 207 ( 027) 158(338) I 262(082) 324 ( 144) 351{171) 339(159) 006( 186) 150(330) 165(345) 125(305) 047(227) 199(019) 191(011) 251(071) /301(121) 135(315) 122{302) 140(320) 186(006) 059(239) 354(174) 239{059) 078(258) 074(254) 026(206) 253(073) 174(354) 343 ( 163) 214(034) 325(145) 346(166) 127(307) 178(358) 354(174) 012(192) 170(350) 068(248) 192(012) 224(044) 174(354) 100(280) 107{287) 106(286) 087(267) 150(330) 033{213) 104(284) 090(270) 046(226) 078(258) 097(277) 063(243) 057 ( 237) 196(016) 054(234) 068(248) 355{175) 090(270) 154(334) 355(175) 007( 187) 198(018) 288(108) 190(010) 335(155) 336(156) 180(000) 188(008) 000(180) 079(259) 153(333) 062(242) 076{256) 221 (041) 158(338) 047(227) 202(022) 029(209) 037{217) 214(034) 091 ( 271) 039(219) 058(238) 261 (081) 165(345) 193(013) 180(000) 002(182) 330(150) 295(115) 250(070) 336(156) 275(095) 127( 307) 173(353) 302(122) 219(039) 004(184) 41 Network Q (fore~sland) Level 1 (continued): 134(314) 312(132) 304(124) 291 (111) 304(124) 315(135) 191(011) 144(324) 154(334) 190(010) 163(343) 180(000) 216(036) 180(000) 130 ( 310) 152(332) 029(209) 044(224) 336(156) 352(172) 049(229) Level 2: 131(311) 341 (161) 163(343) 038(218) 283{103) 014(194) 335{155) 144(324) 177{357) 193(013) 324(144) 030(210) 048(228) 199(019) 219(039) 212(032) 163(343) 237 (057) 064(244) 329(149) Level 3: 142(322) 085 ( 265) I 058( 238) 014(194) I 105(285) I 355(175) 163(343) 277(097) 195{015) Level 4: 326(146) 1034(214) 219(039) Level 5: 264(084) I 153(333) *Note: 315(135) 036(216) 229(049) 270(090) 047 ( 127) 049(129) 090(270) I 149(329) 122(302) 326(146) 061(241) 271(091) 070{250) 169(349) 103(283) 326{146) 333(153) 031 (211) 186(006) 120(300) 051(231) 276(096) 346(166) 309(129) 211(031) 193(013) 348(168) 051(231) 323(143) 040(220) 269(089) 248(068) Slashes (I) indicate stream segments which displayed two or more distinct orientations. Appendix VI - Tabulation of all channel segment orientations by network and order Dr ainage c B A network stream order 8 2 0 11 9 11 2 2 1 0 1 4 8 8 5 7 1 0 3 6 7 4 0 1 0 2 4 4 5 10 7 2 2 3 11 12 9 5 12 16 6 3 1 2 4 .o 1 2 4 2 4 0 0 0 0 3 0 076 -085 OR6-095 096-105 0 4 1 1 5 2 4 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 106- 115 116-125 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 2 1 0 0 1 126-135 136-145 146-155 156-165 0 1 166- 175 176-185 186-195 1 2 2 1 0 2 196-205 206-215 2 1 2 1 216-225 5 226-235 236- 2~5 246- 2!;5 256- 265 266-275 1 2 4 1 0 0 0 4 0 1 1 276-285 286-295 4 1 1 0 296-305 306-3 15 316-325 326-335 336-345 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 346-355 1 1 1 5 1 1 0 1 0 2 2 2 4 4 2 6 1 2 1 0 0 4 1 5 5 1 1 0 1 0 2 2 0 6 2 6 7 5 0 1 2 3 4 2 1 0 0 3 4 1 1 2 4 6 3 1 0 1 4 2 0 0 0 2 1 2 1 1 2 0 2 4 0 3 4 1 1 2 7 0 2 0 0 1 0 0 3 0 6 2 6 1 0 0 0 1 0 7 5 i 2 0 0 0 1 2 0 3 4 2 0 1 0 0 3 1 3 2 4 0 0 0 2 1 0 1 4 3 I 0 2 2 2 2 2 1 0 1 0 2 4 10 6 13 7 7 12 9 9 9 046-055 4 13 12 1 2 1 4 2 5 8 1 1 5 7 6 6 2 2 0 0 15 18 13 2 3 1 1 11 2 0 4 7 0 3 0 1 2 1 2 6 5 2 2 1 1 19 7 an 0 9 d 1 5 056-065 066- 075 1 5 6 026-035 036-045 6 6 8 8 7 1 4 >1 13 23 5 6 1 2 ll 1 1 4 1 6 3 1 0 2 1 4 •1 >1 4 4 4 all 13 13. 5 11 5 All B&C 0 •1 12 17 8 1 1 4 2 2 006-0 15 016-025 all all 0 0 2 all 0 >1 >1 >1 0 •1 2 =1 10 15 •1 1 1 2 2 •1 0 >1 0 2 2 356-005 A~ D all 1 4 8 6 7 26 22 3 2 7 8 9 9 17 13 6 4 5 15 21 5 5 9 15 0 2 0 2 4 6 4 16 10 10 2 6 10 9 17 18 16 20 3 8 5 18 22 13 18 8 4 26 26 14 27 3 8 6 5 18 7 9 2 2 9 11 8 11 2 2 10 13 8 4 8 9 5 7 0 1 .o 13 7 12 6 4 6 3 2 1 3 0 13 5 11 5 4 0 2 1 8 5 9 6 7 4 3 4 0 9 4 8 5 1 0 4 11 12 11 10 1 0 2 5 5 4 9 12 16 8 9 13 17 12 12 10 15 17 19 5 9 1 2 2 6 4 2 4 4 4 10 10 7 1 5 4 5 0 5 8 5 3 1 2 2 6 3 1 13 17 2 11 19 12 17 6 15 15 17 1 15 17 19 13 23 11 15 6 2 21 25 8 3 9 13 4 17 15 12 12" 10 7 5 5 18 19 8 2 2 6 9 4 14 27 19 8 7 6 8 15 0 1 9 7 all 12 8 13 12 4 5 6 6 5 10 15 1 1 4 9 4 11 10 8 9 1 5 2 1 5 4 4 1 1 1 3 10 >1 20 14 0 2 .4 6 8 5 4 6 2 1 5 5 1 1 4 5 7 6 7 5 4 I •1 13 18 12 14 1 0 1 0 0 1 4 1 0 2 5 2 3 5 1 2 19 18 8 6 7 12 14 1 9 7 7 20 5 25 8 12 8 7 8 9 5 14 18 19 5 8 3 6 4 19 26 6 4 9 17 13 19 21 22 15 21 5 0 18 10 18 2 2 6 10 8 17 18 16 20 26 22 4 26 9 15 16 10 9 43 Appendix VII (supplemental)*. Numerical breakdown of juncture angle distribution b~' order and angle ~ 0-9° 10-19° 20-29° 30-39° 40-49° 50-59° l (all) 58 44 32 29 14 14 6 3 2 (all) 12 7 4 7 6 6 3 0 3 (all) 3 3 l 1 0 0 1 1 4 (a 11) 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 2-4 (a 11) 16 10 5 8 6 6 5 1 order tota 1 # of junctures e 1 200 2 45 3 10 4 2 2-4 57 Appendix VIII (supplemental)*. 50-59° orde~ 29 22 16 2-4 (all) 28 18 9 *Note: 70-79° Percentage breakdown of juncture angle distribution by order and angle ~g1e 1 (all) 60-69° 14.5 14 7 ll 60-69° 70-79° 1.5 2 Supplemental appendices are those containing data which is neither included nor referred to in the original report to the Edward John Noble Foundation, but may be of interest to other readers.