Modeling and Design of Perforated Prosthetic Sockets ARCHM to Increase Heat Transfer of Residual Limbs MASSACHUSF: TTS INS7rT OF -ECHNOLOLGY by JUN 2 4 2015 LIBRARIES Luis Carbajal Submitted to the Department of Mechanical Engineering In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Bachelor of Science At the Massachusetts Institute of Technology June 2015 02015 Luis Carbajal All rights reserved The author hereby grants to MIT permission to reproduce and to distribute publicly paper and electronic copies of this thesis document in whole or in part in any medium now known of hereafter created. Signature redacted Signature of Author: D partment of Mechanical Engineering May 8, 2015 Signature redacted Certified by: V Timothy Gutowski Professor of Mechanical Engineering Thesis Supervisor Signature redacted Accepted by: Anette E. Hosoi Associate Department Head for Education Chairman, Undergraduate Thesis Committee 2 Modeling and Design of Perforated Prosthetic Sockets to Increase Heat Transfer of Residual Limbs by Luis Carbajal Submitted to the Department of Mechanical Engineering On June 5, 2015 in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the Degree of Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering Abstract Heat build-up in prosthetic sockets is a significant problem experienced by many amputees in America, with no central solution in sight. Heat and discomfort accounts for over 70% of problems experienced by lower limb amputees in America. Although there have been advances in prosthetics in the active-power knees and ankles, not even cybernetics can improve the comfort of the prosthesis if there is still a socket. The materials in prosthetic sockets are not conductive enough to relieve the heat inside of the socket. The purpose of this study is to model the temperature variance and heat transfer of an amputee's residual limb and design ways to improve current prosthetic socket technologies. With the addition of small holes, or perforations, in the socket, there will be an increase in the heat transfer by convection, while still maintaining the strength of a carbon fiber prosthesis. Through the use of discrete approximation modeling, the transient temperature inside of the socket layers can be identified and improved through design patterns cut into the socket. Increased heat transfer can be observed as the perforations in the socket become larger, although the larger the holes, the larger the stresses are in the prosthesis. Non-intrusive designs were developed for sockets before and after they are made to increase convection surface area. More modeling needs to be done in 3-dimensional polar coordinates. Thesis Supervisor: Timothy Gutowski Title: Professor of Mechanical Engineering 3 Acknowledgments I have been inspired by so many here at MIT. My dedication has been to the improved rehabilitation for people around the world. I am inspired to do more to help out each and every individual who is in need, because regaining the reins of one's life is the ultimate accomplishment. I would first like to thanks my parents and my brother, who have always believed in me no matter what challenge I face. Their full support is one of the reasons I have strived to do more and was able to attend such a magical school. There are no words to describe the sincerity of the smile they put on my face. Many thanks to my advisor through my Mechanical Engineering experience, Professor Timothy Gutowski, who so graciously allowed me to pursue my own interests for the my Course 2 career. I would also like to thank Brandy Baker, who works so hard to keep Mechanical Engineering from falling apart, and most of all from keeping me from losing my mind. I am so thankful for the instructors that I have had over the years. I wouldn't be able to call myself a Mechanical engineer without the help of Barbara Hughey, David Wallace, Danny Braunstein, Warren Seering, Dawn Wendell, Bill Cormier, James Dudley, Steve Haberek, and Tasker Smith. I would also like to thank any other instructor that has been so patient with me as I've come in for classes or random questions. I would also like to thank everyone at the Biomechatronics group at the MIT Media Lab, for if it were not for our paths crossing, I would not be as involved in the field as I am today. There's nothing that makes you prouder to be an MIT student than the people that you get to meet on a daily basis. Who would think there would be so many students to thank during my time here. I would like to thank Douglas Sanchez for his increased support and amazing job as a teaching assistant. There was not a day that I wasn't happy to see Doug during my time taking 2.009, which seems like a forever ago, now. Many thanks to Angel Diaz, for his computational wisdom during the early stages of this thesis. I would also like to thank Mitali Kini, for helping me keep my cool here at MIT. The school looks filled the science and fun, but there are many a times I've been at my wit's end and she's always been there to bring me back. I would like to thank every single person at MIT and back home for making my dreams come true. I promised I wouldn't let you down and I plan to keep it. 4 Contents 1. Introduction 6 2. Background 7 3. Thermal Elements a. Estimation of Temperature Gradient using Numerical Methods b. Experiment Setup and Design c. Results of Experiment Trials 8 12 13 4. Socket Redesign a. Perforated Socket 14 5. Discussion 17 6. Conclusion 17 7. References 18 8. Appendix 19 5 Introduction While the commercial technologies available for amputees is drastically advancing with new active and quasi-passive prosthetics and orthopedics, there are still areas in the field that have been ignored and have been too difficult to innovate in. Amputees with even the most high tech and modern prosthetics still find it difficult to use their prosthetics over time because they become uncomfortable and can develop skin irritation from prolonged use, disrupting the user's gate, no matter how good the algorithm in the prosthesis is to correct it. Heat build-up in prosthetic sockets is a significant problem experienced by many amputees in America, with no central solution in sight. Developing prosthetic sockets that are strong and allow the user to cool off during use will be an important step forward and will help amputees wear their prosthetics more often and maybe even permanently, improving their current and developing healthy lifestyles. In conventional prosthetics, especially lower limb prosthetics, the amputee wears a silicone liner inside a harder socket, usually made with carbon fiber. In some cases, an added soft socket made out of polymers will allow the user to a more comfortable. The limiting factor to having so many different configurations of prosthetic sockets, is that users have to substitute initial comfort for long term usage. Heat build-up from non-breathable materials in the prosthetic sockets cause users to sweat, causing the loss of suction and control of their prosthesis. This can be seen more and more today with the rise of prosthetic devices used for running and other intensive sports. The body needs a way to expel the heat in the residual limb, and the user needs a way to feel secure in their own feet. In this thesis, I present a design improvement to prosthetic socket fabrication process for use on trans-femoral and some trans-tibial amputees that will increase heat diffusivity of the residual limb through the layers of prosthesis. This approach looks to add an additional step to the fabrication of prosthetics by certified prosthetists that can be implemented in both pre- and post-curing of a carbon fiber socket. This technique should prove to be non-invasive to the gait cycle and biomechanics of the amputee, but should improve the homeostasis of the prosthetic socket, nonetheless. First we will address the design of the prosthetic socket and its improvement. The importance of the increased heat transfer, and the reliability of the new geometry. 6 Background As of 2008, there are 1.7 million amputees in America, with that number looking to increase to 2.4 million by the year 2020. With over 300,000 of these amputees having transfemoral amputations, and an additional 30,000 trans-femoral amputations being conducted each year, there is a general need for the advancement of prosthetic technology.11 Current prosthetic sockets are made custom to the user, requiring a certified prosthetist to measure and develop solutions for each amputee. There are several different kinds of prosthetic sockets that lower limb amputees use. For trans-femoral amputees, sockets are made so that the amputee carries most of their weight on the upper posterior side of their femur, allowing extra support from pelvic bones and gastronomic muscles. Most trans-femoral amputees need full hydrostatic pressure from their prosthesis in order to have control of their prosthesis, so the leg needs to be flush against the residual limb and there should not be room for piston-like movement or rotation in the socket. Figure 1: Examples of current technologies for socket prostheses. Most Prosthetic and Orthopedic clinics can fabricate these sockets for individuals to shape and support their residual limb. Trans-tibial amputees also need to have tight fitting sockets to help control the below knee prosthesis. The loads in the prosthesis are concentrated along the lower patella tendon and the upper calf. To address these there are several different types of suspension systems for prosthetics. There are silicone liner based systems that use a roll one silicone sleeve to adhere to the skin of the user and can be connected to the socket with a variety of mechanical locks like pin ratchet systems or lanyards. For other prosthetic socket users, direct suction between the skin and the socket is the most comfortable option and allows the distal end of the residual limb to float above the bottom of the socket. The proposed method is designed for amputees who use liners along with their prosthetic sockets as to not affect the interface and pressure against the residual limb. It is a common practice to use a liner along with the prosthetic socket to cushion the user because most are not able to handle the pressure applied by the carbon fiber. 7 The most common problem with lower limb amputees is that they suffer from skin irritation and sweating in the prosthesis due to the increased temperature inside of the socket. The metabolic costs to move increase for lower limb amputees, meaning walking at the same pace as a non-amputee will waste more energy and fatigue sooner. Temperature of Socket 36.5 Skin Surface Socket Surface Liner Surface 35.5 F - 36 35 34.5 F Ea) ~ilLA~~l~j~- 34 I33.5 F 33 F -V. A A- 32.5 32 0 50 100 150 seconds(s) Figure 2: Above is a graph of sitting temperature inside of a prosthetic socket while the user is wearing it. The temperature change between the skin and the outer socket is over 4 degrees at times. Improvements to the temperature gradient of the socket will have a significant effect on the user, because their skin will be able to return to a normal skin temperature and will reduce sweat, preventing other problems, like rashes and sores, from developing. Thermal Elements Estimating Heat Conduction through Numerical Methods When analyzing the heat transfer through the prosthetic socket, a number of factors come to mind. Since each residual limb comes in a different shape and size, the use of a cylindrical model to visualize the heat transfer through a hard socket is not warranted. Instead, 2D visualization of heat transfer through a plate is preferred as the wall thicknesses and variations in material are small. Using plates allows for the consideration of heat transfer in other directions and allows for the control of boundaries. 8 Simulating the plate as a rectangular region in which heat conduction is significant in x and y directions, the plane of the region can be made into a mesh of nodal points that will be spaced out as Ax and Ay apart in the x and y directions. To eliminate a third dimension, Az = 1. Finding the temperature at these nodes will give an estimate of what the temperature is in the material. Using the logical numbering scheme for two dimensional problems, double subscript notation(m, n), where x = mAx and y = nAy and the temperature at node (m, n) is denoted by Tm,nt I T M+ 1 T -+ T *IhI At AAt Axx Figure 3: Depiction of the nodes for the approximation of heat transfer and temperature using numerical methods. Nodes examine all boundary conditions around it in order to understand its own property. The volume element for each node will be AxAyAz = AxAyl in a region which heat is is a generated at a rate of 4 in ( ) and k, the thermal conductivity of the material ( constant. Assuming the direction of heat conduction is toward the node under the consideration at all surfaces, energy balance on the volume element can be expressed as Qcondleft + Ocond,top + Qcond,right + Ocond,bottom + Qelement - AEelement = At o (1) for steady state cases. Where Qcond is the heat transfer rate from the edge conditions and Qelement is the rate at which the element generates heat. AEelement is the change of energy in the node (J) and At is the amount of time that has passed. Since the heat transfer area of AX = Ay *l in the x direction and AY = Ax * in the y direction, the above equations can be reduced. In the finite difference analysis, using a square mesh simplifies the spacing of the nodes and Ax = Ay = 1. This simplifies the above equation to 9 Tm-,n + Tm+i,n + Tm,n-1 + Tm,n+1 - 4Tm,n + k" = (2) 0 where Tm+i,n+jis the temperature of a nodes around Tm,n, in (K) and Om,n is the rate at which w by the element. To understand what is happening to the nodes in the plate during heat At, the energy balance on the volume element can be expressed as: Zaul sides 0 + Qelement = AEelement = (3) PVelement CT where p is the density of the material (k), Veement is the volume element of the node and AT is the change in temperature (K). C is the specific heat of the element (-) kg K In this numerical method to measure heat transfer, the temperature change of plates of silicone rubber and carbon fiber were modeled to have two boundary conditions at the top and at the bottom of the plates that were completely insulated, so the only conditions that were acting on the plates were the left and right boundaries. The left boundary provided a hot gas (310 K) for convection while the right boundary provided a cold gas (290K), keeping the transfer at steady state. This is believable because in the figure above, even through activities and exercise, the temperature inside the socket stayed at 35 C and room temperature did not change. Temperature Gradient Through Carbon Fiber '1945 292 2 2932-_ 02 00 93 5 01 Depth (mreters) 0 05 01 01 02 0' 3 055 Wdthb (moters) Figure 4: Above is an estimate of temperature through silicone rubber and carbon fiber using a numerical method of approximation. Both materials were allowed to sit through convection at boundaries for 10 seconds. 10 In the first model, there were two solid plates: one of silicone rubber and one of carbon fiber. The change of material can be seen at the depth of 0.04 meters. This meant that the temperature change through the layers could be calculated by the sum of the thermal properties of each plate. The silicone rubber showed to have greater conductance and heat transfer capabilities than the carbon fiber. Temperature Gradient Through Perforated Carbon Fiber 293 29429 293, 292.5 - 2292 E 291-1- 291.5 290 -- 0.02 291 .... - 0.04 - -0.3 0.08 Depth (meters) 0.2 290.6 Width (meters) Figure 5: Above is an estimate of temperature through silicone rubber and perforated carbon fiber using a numerical method of approximation. Both materials were allowed to sit through convection at boundaries for 10 seconds. Gaps were simulated in the carbon fiberfor increased convection. The second model that was made to simulate perforated carbon fiber. The carbon fiber plate had chunks cut out of it where it was just air. This allowed the silicone rubber to reach the edge boundary conditions and for a larger surface area for convection to take place. Notice that the overall temperature throughout the layers are lower than the model with solid carbon fiber. The gaps in the carbon fiber creates a variance in the temperature in both the x and y directions of the plates when there was only change in the x in the first model. Although the model only showed an x and y direction, this was enough evidence to continue on to experiment with the different size perforations and look into the effect of those holes on the structural integrity of the materials. 11 Experimental Setup An experimental system was developed in order to test the effects of different sized perforations on the temperature gradient of the socket. Without having the standard carbon fiber for sockets, ABS was used in replacement for the hard socket. To match the temperature of the skin inside the socket and still provide the same convection as the room, the layers of silicone rubber and ABS were placed and secured atop a container full of hot water. This allowed the air between the water and the rubber to heat up and when the temperature reached close to that of the human body, the experiment would commence. Hard Socket I Hot Air Figure 6: Diagram of experimental setup. Heat is transferred through the hot air by convection into the silicone rubber sheet and then transferred into the carbon fiber and out into the room. Thermistors were placed on both sides of the silicone rubber sheet. Two were exposed to air, while the other one sat underneath the hard socket, like conventional prosthetics. The container was insulated along the walls, as to mimic the model where the top/bottom boundaries do not provide any sort of heat transfer onto the materials, as well as to keep the water from cooling. Three Vernier STS (Surface Temperature Sensor) were used in order to measure the temperature change at the surface of the silicone sheet when it was exposed to air (the boundary condition) or when it was covered by the hard socket. Weight was not applied to the plate because the thermistors were sensitive to touch. 12 Figure 7: Actual experimental setupfor the temperature change of the silicone due to the design and perforation of the hard socket. Results of Experimental Trials Temperature of Socket Temperature of Socket 40 I 40 Inner Socket -_-- Surface Cove red 39 Surface Exp osed - 39 Inner Socket Surface Covered Surface Exposed 36 38 37 37 E E36 36 35 35 34 331 0 1000 500 1501 4L 600 800 seconds(s) 1000 1200 1400 1600 seconds(s) 1800 2000 2200 2400 Figure 8: Comparison of temperature change between layers of different size perforations. Left: Holes were drilled into the ABS at the size of 5/16". Right: Holes were drilled into the ABS at the size of Y2". The time to see a significant change in temperature was longer than the model before, but that may be due to the type of silicone rubber. The silicone rubber is for high temperatures rather than platinum cured silicone for the skin. The available silicone rubber may not have been as conductive as that modeled. The increased size of the holes in the perforations allowed 1 for greater temperature change in a shorter amount of time. The plate with the in holes was 5 3-6% more efficient at changing temperature than the -16 in. Seeing that there was 2.56 times as much surface area of the silicone exposed, this does not look to be a significant amount between the holes, although they both were much lower than their covered counterparts. 13 Socket Redesign Perforated Socket One way of perforating the socket to increase the surface area for convection would be to machine through the existing carbon fiber sockets and allow it to breath. For some sockets, where there is a hard socket (carbon fiber) and a soft socket (polypropylene shell), the prosthetist is able to machine through and cut large pieces of the hard socket off, allowing the hard socket only for support areas. This method does not work for users who needs all around support of their prosthesis. Below is an example of a process that can be done before the carbon fiber shell is made. To create the carbon fiber shell, the prosthetists covers a cast of the amputee's limb in carbon a carbon fiber weave and then applies resin to strengthen it and complete the shell. Below, the prosthetists would be able to apply removable plugs onto the cast which will allow the perforation holes to automatically form in the shell as the plug can easily find its way through the braid of carbon fiber. After the socket has cured, removal of the plugs from the cast will leave a carbon fiber shell that was set with holes, having all of its fibers uncut. Figure 9: Example of plug system for making the carbon fiber cost. The carbon fiber will be able to weave around the plugs before curing and then after will be set in that shape. 14 Figure 10: Above are samples of what the prosthetic socket may look like. The size of the holes have been exaggerated. Left would allow users who do not need support all around the residual limb. Right will cater to those who need complete hydrostatic pressure. 'K, Figure 11: Above ore two instances of holes that con be set into the carbon fiber socket. Left: Fibers that hove a hole machined through. The red indicators show cuts in the fibers and a reduction in tension. Right: Fibers that are weaved around pegs in the cost to create holes allow the carbon fiber to stay in tension while laminated. 15 Prosthetic sockets can be machined through, but the removal of material creates stress concentrations at different areas and tension changes at the break points of the fibers. To resolve this issue, weaving the carbon fibers around the plug, or merely pushing them aside to create the hole would prove to keep the integrity of the carbon fiber tension, while still creating pathways for heat to escape. The bundling of the carbon fiber at the edge of the hole would thicken the weave, which would counteract increased stress concentrations. The strength of carbon fiber changes when it is notched. The notched holes in carbon fiber reduce the yield strength of the composite at the edge, but increasing the distance between the holes will allow the strength of the carbon fiber to be restored. Increasing the plies of composites and distances between the holes, will allow reduce the effect of notches in the system. The strength of the notched hole follows the order of (4) a where bo is the characteristic length of the carbon fiber, where the strength is measured, and a is the given radius of the notch. For example, the notched strength at the edge of 714 carbon fiber is 180 (MPa), but once the characteristic length reaches an another radius from the center (bo = a), it increases to 600 (Mpa).14 ' This assumes that the characteristic length does not change given the size or the number of plies of carbon fiber. Smaller perforations in the prosthesis will prove to reduce the effect on the structural integrity but still increase the heat transfer of the prosthesis. 16 Discussion In the models, the addition of perforation to the plates vastly increased the temperature gradient through the layers of silicone rubber and carbon fiber. The increased surface area increased the heat transfer through convection. While there was almost a linear temperature gradient through the x direction, there was no variance in temperature for the y direction because there was no heat transfer through that boundary condition. It was not until the silicone was exposed to air, and there were gaps in the carbon fiber that there was any variance in the y direction. The problem with the accuracy of this model was that two boundary conditions were zero and the heat transfer remained at steady state because it was assumed that both boundary temperatures on the left and right side were constant. To improve upon this model, it will be important to look at the temperature gradient when there are transient temperatures at the boundary conditions. The next step for this process would be to model the temperature gradient through a cylinder over time and then apply that to the shapes of residual limbs. In the trials, the increased hole diameter allowed for an increased change in temperature of 3-6% when switching from 16 in to the 2 in. Although this showed signs of improvement, the area increase was over a twice the original. The temperature did not change as quickly as hoped, unfortunately. The silicone rubber might have been the culprit, as it might not have been up to the correct specifications for platinum cured silicone for liners. A next step for this process would be to perforate a carbon fiber socket and see how the temperature and yield strength changes before and after it is perforated and do cost analysis on the amount of effort and money it would take to improve the socket. - Conclusion Single digit percentage change to temperature variance were scene in both the model and the experimental trials. The model with holes always kept a lower temperature all around than the fully insulated model. It was noticed that the increase in thicknesses of layers in the models would improve the change from insulated to perforated sockets, so thinner sockets would see a diminishing return as there is not enough material to conduct through. The model and the experiments did not show the same temperature change. This might just be the materials that were used in the experiments, but an investigation into different prosthetic materials is required to find liners and sockets that have increased thermal conductivity. It should also be noted that the alterations done to prosthetic sockets to improve mobility and heat transfer are safe for they would not usually come within an order of magnitude of stress in the most extreme cases (running).If the heat transfer through convection is improving the temperature gradient, then circles might not be the right shape of perforation for the socket prosthesis. A change in shape to a star for more exposed surface area would allow for greater heat transfer. This coupled with new materials, even only at places exposed by the hard socket could create a new breed of prosthetic sockets that allow user residual limbs to breathe and cool down quickly. 17 References 1. Villalpando, E. (2012). Design and evaluation of a biomimetic agonist-antagonist active knee prosthesis (pp. 8-21). MIT. 2. Ik, M. (1994). Finite difference methods in heat transfer. Boca Raton: CRC Press. 3. Sengeh, D., & Herr, H. (2013). A Variable-Impedance Prosthetic Socket for a Transtibial Amputee Designed from Magnetic Resonance Imaging Data. JPO Journal of Prosthetics and Orthotics, 129-137. 4. Tsai, S. (1988). Notched Strength. In Composites design (4th ed.). Dayton, Ohio: Think Composites, 20-7. 18 Appendix A Matlab Code for Discrete Approximation of Heat Transfer % Modeling the heat transfer between silicone liner/ carbon fiber socket/ % air clear all close all clc %properties of carbon fiber socket k_s_cf = .25; %W/(m*K) rhocf = 1880; %kg/mA3 Cpcf = .71; %J/(g*K) alpha-cf = k_s-cf/(rho-cf*Cp-cf); h_air = 1; %properties of silicone rubber liner k_s_s = 1.2; %W/(m*K) rhos = 1100; %kg/m^3 Cps = 1.05; %J/(g*K) alpha-s = k_s_s/(rho-s*Cp-s); L_i = 0.4; %m length in verticle direction length in horizontal direction L_j = 0.00625; %m = 40; %" Number of nodes in i direction ni Number of nodes in j direction (adjusted to keep constant n_j = 10; % spacing) Spacing of nodes delx = L_i/(nJi-1); %m Temperature of skin T_skin = 310.3; %K Temperature of Cold gas T_cg = 290.3; %K Temperature of Cold side T_1 = 293.3; %K Stopping time %Seconds t_2 = 10; t(l)= 0 ; Change in time each iteration delt = 0.01; %seconds %Initial Temperature Matrices T(l:nJi+2,1:nj) = Ti; Fos = alpha-s*del-t/(delx.^2); Bis = hair*del-x/ks-s; Focf = alpha-cf*delt/(del-x.^2); Bicf = hair*del-x/k-s-cf; if Fos > 0.25 11 Fo-cf > 0.25 fprintf('Fourier number is too big, code is unstable \n \n') elseif Fos*(l-Bis) > 0.25 11 Focf*(l-Bicf) > 0.25 fprintf('Biot Number too big, code unstable') end 19 .. .. .. .. .... .. .... .. . .. . . . .. ....... ............ k = 1; while t < t_2 for i = 2:ni+1 if i <8 1i for > 14 && i < 26 11 i> 32 j = 1:n_j %Hot edge at skin if j==1 = Fo_s*(2*T(iT(i,j,k+l) 1,j,k)+T(i+1,j,k)+T(i,j+1,k)+2*Bis*T_skin)+(1-4*Fo_s-2*Bis*Fo-s)*T(i,j,k) %Middle of material elseif j > 1 && j < n-j/2 = Fos*(T(i+l,j,k)+T(iT(i,j,k+l) 1,j,k)+T(i,j+1,k)+T(i,j-1,k))+(1-4*Fo_s)*T(i,j,k); elseif j == n-j/2 % change to carbon fiber = Fo_cf*(2*T(iT(i,j,k+l) 1,j,k)+T(i+l,j,k)+T(i,j+l,k)+2*Bicf*T(i,j-l,k))+(1-4*Focf2*Bicf*Fo-cf)*T(i,j,k) ; elseif j > n-j/2 && j < nj %middle of carbon fiber = Fo_cf*(T(i+l,j,k)+T(iT(i,j,k+1) 1,j,k)+T(i,j+1,k)+T(i,j-1,k))+(1-4*Fo_cf)*T(i,j,k); % Exposed to air for carbon fiber elseif j==n-j = Fo_cf*(2*T(i-1,j,k)+T(i+1,j,k)+T(i,jT(i,j,k+1) l,k)+2*Bicf*Thcg)+(1-4*Focf-2*Bicf*Focf)*T(i,j,k) end % ( if statement) end % (j loop) else for j = 1:n-j %Hot edge at skin if j==1 = Fo_s*(2*T(iT(i,j,k+l) 1,j,k)+T(i+l,j,k)+T(i,j+1,k)+2*Bis*Tskin)+(1-4*Fo_s-2*Bi-s*Fos)*T(i,j,k) %Middle of material elseif j > 1 && j < n-j/2 = Fo_s*(T(i+l,j,k)+T(iT(i,j,k+l) 1,j,k)+T(i,j+1,k)+T(i,j-1,k))+(1-4*Fo_s)*T(i,j,k); elseif j == n-j/2 = Fos*(2*T(i-1,j,k)+T(i+1,j,k)+T(i,jT(i,j,k+l) l,k)+2*Bis*Tcg)+(1-4*Fo_s-2*Bis*Fo_s)*T(i,j,k) elseif j > n-j/2 T(i,j,k+1) = Thcg; end % ( if statement) end % (j loop) end end % (i loop) 20 .... ... .... . .... . % Resetting top and bottom no flux boundry conditions for j = 1:nfj T(1,j,k+l) = T(3,j,k) ; T(n_i+2,j ,k+1) = T(n_i,j,k) ; end t (k+1) k end % (while loop) Temp(l:n_i,l:nj) = t(k) + delt; = k + 1; = T(2:ni+1,1:nj,k-1) %Creating x direction position matrix for i = 1:n_i = del-x*(i-1) x(i) end %Creating y direction position matrix for j = 1:n_j = del-x*(j-l) y(j) end surf(y,x,Temp(:,:)), 2D temp matrix) shading interp, ; ; ; %surf(column matrix, row matrix, 21 .. .... ...... ........... . ......... ...