Quantifying Ballet Technique through Turn Kinematics for Injury Assessment ARCHNES MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE by OF TECHNOLOLGY Hannah Barrett JUN 2 4 2015 LIBRARIES Submitted to the Department of Mechanical Engineering in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology June 2015 @ 2015 Barrett All rights reserved The author hereby grants to MIT permission to reproduce and to distribute publicly paper and electronic copies of this thesis document in whole or in part in any medium now known or hereafter created. r Signature of Author: Signature redacted \ 1Hannah Barrett Department of Mechanical Engineering May 11, 2015 Certified by: _Signature redacted Di. Barb"ara Hugfty Engineeri g Mechanical Instructor of Thesis Supervi or Signature redacted Accepted by: Anette Hosoi Professor of Mechanical Engineering Undergraduate Officer Quantifying Ballet Technique through Turn Kinematics for Injury Assessment by Hannah Barrett Submitted to the Department of Mechanical Engineering on May 11, 2015 in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering ABSTRACT The most common turns in ballet, pirouettesandfouett6s require precise movement to match proper technique and prevent injury. Variation in knee angle of a dancer's supporting leg during pirouettes of 1-5 rotations was measured using a goniometer for 12 professional and pre-professional ballet dancers. P1d angle saw no significant difference for different numbers of rotations, but the effect of gender was significant: males plied at least 20.3 degrees deeper than females. Average knee angle while turning was less than zero for all pirouettes, highlighting dancers' tendency to bend their supporting knee to correct for instability, which may contribute to knee injuries. Knee angle trajectory closely matched a minimum jerk profile, indicating that dancers encode movements in angle coordinates. Knee angle was compared between pirouettes and fouettes using 2 goniometers and aerial video for 3 advanced amateurs. No difference was found in preparation plid or turn angle between turn types. Axis of rotation remained within 0.221 0.014 meters of starting position duringfouett6s. Maximum angular velocity of the head was nearly one and a half times that of the body duringfouett6s. This kinematic definition of ballet technique creates a framework for movement control of a dancer's lower extremities to prevent injury. Thesis Supervisor: Dr. Barbara Hughey Title: Instructor of Mechanical Engineering 3 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The author would like to thank Dr. Barbara Hughey for her immense support, guidance, and encouragement throughout the research. Further thanks to Professor Sangbae Kim, Matt Haberland, Paul Ragaller, and Professor John Leonard for their input on experimental design, to Angie Locknar for research assistance, Dr. Weihua Huang for statistical analysis advice, and to Camille Henrot, Akshai Baskaran, Daniel Bramlet, Joao Luiz Almeida Souza Ramos, Grace Young, Wyatt Ubellacker, all the professional dancers who participated in the study, and the staff at the ballet company that made the research possible. 4 Table of Contents 1. Introduction 7 2. Background 2.1 BriefHistory of Ballet 2.2 Physics of Turning in Ballet 2.3 Definition of Knee Angle 2.4 Ballet Turn Technique 2.5 Minimum Jerk Model of Movements 2.6 Knee Misalignment and Injury 2.7 Applications of Sensors to Ballet Technique 2.8 Early Research and Motivation 7 7 8 10 10 13 14 15 15 3. Experimental Design 3.1 Overview of Subjects and Experiments 3.2 Goniometer to DetermineKnee Angle Trajectory over Time during Pirouettes 3.3 Assessment of Relevant Knee Anglesfor Pirouettes 3.4 ComparativeMeasurementsfor Fouett' Turns 3.5 Assessment of Relevant Knee Anglesfor Fouett's 3.6 High Speed Video Analysis 16 16 18 19 22 22 24 4. Pirouette Technique Assessment: Results and Discussion 4.1 PreparationPlie 4.2 Turn Angle 4.3 Turn Duration 4.4 Minimum Jerk Models 27 27 30 35 37 S. Pirouette and Fouette Comparative Analysis: Results and Discussion 5.1 PreparationPlij 5.2 Turn Angle 5.3 Evolution of Plij and Turn Angle with IncreasedRotations 5.4 Dynamic Analysis of High Speed Video 39 39 41 43 45 6. Conclusions 47 7. Further Work 48 References 49 5 List of Figures Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure 1: 2: 3: 4: 5: Side view of a preparation pli. Diagram of torque applied at the start of a turn, produced by the dancer's turned-out feet. Definition of supporting knee angle. Steps of a right-sided ballet pirouette. Steps of a right-sided balletfouette. 8 9 10 11 12 Figure 6: Popliteus tendon. 14 Figure 7: Average preparation plid angle as reported in the author's past research paper. Figure 8: Average turn angle as reported in the author's past research paper. Figure 9: Device attachment for data acquisition. Figure 10: Sample raw data for a single pirouette completed by a professional-level subject. Figure 11: Trimmed data from single, double, and quintuple pirouettesby a professional-level subject. Figure 12: Normalized trials for a single, double, and triple pirouette by one subject. Figure 13: Experimental setup for measuringfouette turns. Figure 14: Data for afouette, showing the course of movement of both the standing and rotating legs. Figure 15: Images from high speed video trials, including tracking dots. Figure 16: Raw video tracking data, as X and Y coordinates. Figure 17: Measured angle of each point relation of video tracking data. Figure 18: Minimum plid angle for single, double, triple, quadruple, and quintuple pirouettes. Figure 19: Magnitude of plid angles for each pirouette type, separated out by gender. Figure 20: Magnitude of plie angle for males versus females. Figure 21: Probability density of magnitude of plid angles for single, double, and triple pirouettes. Figure 22: Average preparation plid angle across all dancers for pirouettes. Figure 23: Angle during the course of each type of pirouette turn is shown by subject. Figure 24: Single pirouette probability density of angle during rotation. Figure 25: Double pirouetteprobability density of angle during rotation. Figure 26: Triple pirouette probability density of angle during rotation. Figure 27: Quadruple and quintuple pirouetteprobability density of angle during rotation. Figure 28: Characteristic standard deviations while rotating for pirouettes. Figure 29: Turn duration and turn fraction for each of the 5 types of pirouettes. Figure 30: Minimum jerk profiles in joint coordinates matching plid movements. Figure 31: Minimum jerk profiles in Cartesian coordinates matching plid movements. Figure 32: Parametric displacement of the center of mass of a dancer during one trial. Figure 33: Magnitude of pli6 angle for single, double, and triple pirouettes andfouett6s for each advanced amateur subject. rigure 34: Magnitude of p15 angle in aggregate for single, double, and triple pirouettesand fouettes completed by the advanced amateur subjects. Figure 35: Fouette probability density of angle during rotation. Figure 36: Magnitude of p1id angle versus rotation number of the turn within thatfouette trial. Figure 37: Average turn angle versus rotation number of the turn within thatfouettd trial. Figure 38: Standard deviation during turn versus rotation number of the turn for allfouette trials. Figure 39: Position of the center point of the head of a dancer through the course of 11 fouette turns. Figure 40: Position of the arm of a dancer in time, position relative to the dancer's moving center. Figure 41: Angular velocity of the head and body in time. 15 16 18 20 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 28 29 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 6 40 41 42 43 44 44 45 46 46 1. Introduction Classical dance involves precise technique that requires remarkable talent and years of practice to perfect. At the intersection of art and science, movements in ballet depend upon careful execution to maintain stability, proper force input and body placement to optimize dynamics, and skillful rhythm and artistic talent for graceful performance. Turns are one of the most common and technically complex movements in ballet. The pirouette turn, a fundamental move in ballet, involves nimbly pivoting one or more times about one's supporting leg. The fouettd, a more advanced turn of multiple rotations in succession, involves similar preparation, but requires more complex leg dynamics: a bend of the supporting leg after each rotation provides an increase in angular momentum. Thus, experienced dancers can complete a much greater number of rotations during fouettd turns-16 to 32 for many professional dancers-than for pirouettes-usually3 or 4. Dancers must follow a specific pattern of knee flexures to remain balanced and ensure proper technical execution of a turn.1 Consistency in technique is important for advanced dancers not only to maintain proper aesthetics of the art form but also to prevent injury.2 To achieve proper technique, dancers must stably balance on their supporting leg, push off their opposite leg with the correct amount of force for the number of turns they hope to complete, and engage their core to ensure correct upper body alignment-making knee, arm, and torso angle and alignment vital to successful completion of a turn. With knee, foot, and ankle injuries accounting for approximately 60% of ballet injuries, proper turn technique has important implications for dancers. 3 Past research on the kinematics of ballet dance has focused on corrective methods for the alignment of the body during pirouettes.4 However, few studies have focused specifically on the alignment of the dancer's body as it relates to technique or analysis of the supporting leg, the portion of the body most central to maintaining proper balance and thus preventing injury throughout a turn. Further, little work has compared stability and control during the two most fundamental turns in ballet, pirouettes and fouettes. This study determines a mathematical definition of proper technique as defined by optimal knee angles for both pirouettes and fouettes and assesses the implications of deviations from optimal angles on dancer stability during turns. 2. Background Ballet turns involve complex movements to preserve the art form, as dictated by tradition, and to execute the turn stably, as dictated by physics. A brief history of ballet technique, summary of positions and terms, and a detailed breakdown of the proper steps to complete pirouette and fouette turns are detailed below. The importance of knee angle throughout the course of each turn is emphasized to highlight the significance of the measurements taken. 2.1 Brief History of Ballet Ballet is the most emblematic of all dance styles: it is the foundation for nearly every other form of dance, from jazz to lyrical to modern, and its elegance and specific, traditional style are well-recognized and admired by many. 7 While the beginnings of ballet can be traced back to the Renaissance courts of the 15th century, the precise technique of ballet became well recognized in the 17th century, when Louis XVI created the first ballet school, l'Academie Royale de Danse, in 1661, and Pierre Beauchamps defined the five fundamental ballet positions in 1670. Over time, it transitioned from a component of opera to a distinct art form of its own. 5 Ballet has continued to evolve through the present; many countries now have at least one ballet school and famous company. While some modern ballet productions contain a storyline, others use movement as a means of expression-translating human emotion through traditional movements. In spite of the innovations in contemporary choreography, ballet is an art form that will never lose its tradition: both training and choreography are still centered around the fundamental positions and movements.5 As Francia Russell, mistress (teacher) of the New York City Ballet writes, "Good ballet training produces... strong muscles, awareness and control of the entire body, and the ability to move in many different ways at the request of a choreographer."1 2.2 Physics of Turning in Ballet Turning in ballet involves considerations of rotational dynamics of the dancer. Concepts of torque and rotational inertia as they relate to pirouettes and fouettes are detailed here. To start turning, a dancer plies-bends her knees with feet turned out-to prepare. A side view of a plid preceding a pirouette orfouettd turn is shown in Figure 1. Figure 1: A side view of a preparation plie, the bend of the knee that helps a dancer prepare for a pirouette or fouettj turn. Dance instructors and professionals suggest that a deeper pli, or greater bend, allows a dancer to push off the floor with more control, gaining more angular momentum at the start of the turn. 8 Turning at a comfortable pace to stay balanced is vital to a dancer's stability during rotation. To begin rotating, a dancer applies sideways, opposite forces with each of her two turned-out feet, as shown in Figure 2. The torque at the start of the turn is thus proportional to the frictional force resulting from her push off the floor, which allows the dancer to begin rotating clockwise. A greater push will provide more torque and thus produce a faster turn. The distance between the two feet also affects the torque applied, with a greater spread of the feet making it easier to apply more torque. 2 F d =*F Figure 2: Torque applied at the start of a turn is produced by the dancer's two turned-out feet. Each applies an approximately sideways force in the direction it faces. Frictional forces from the floor provide a torque that will allow the dancer to rotate clockwise. Sugano and Laws suggest that a deeper, wider plid-the bend of the knee that helps dancers prepare for a turn-produces a more stable, technically correct ballet pirouette.6 Dance instructors encourage dancers to plid deeper for pirouettesof more than one rotation to allow dancers to push up from the ground more easily, thus obtaining a greater torque and angular momentum. This practice allows the dancer to turn faster and makes it more manageable to complete multiple rotations. 2 A comparison was obtained between executed plid angles for single, double, and multiple pirouettes to determine if professional ballet dancers follow this suggestion and if it leads to more technically correct pirouettes, as described in Section 2.2. Due to conservation of angular momentum, a dancer's rotational inertia affects the speed at which he or she rotates. During a pirouette, a dancer maintains the same position, with her bent leg and arms very close to the body, allowing a fairly rapid spin. However, during a fouette, a dancer whips her leg out to the front and extends her arms, increasing her rotational inertia and thus decreasing her rotational speed. As the dancer pulls her arms and legs back in, she speeds up at the end of afouettd rotation. In general, a straighter body also decreases the dancer's rotational inertia, allowing her to turn at a faster rate. Thus, proper posture of not only the dancer's arms, but also her upper body and leg are important. Maintaining a straight leg and avoiding knee bend allows the dancer to maintain proper posture, contributing to better balance and greater turn speed. Understanding proper turn alignment allows dancers to properly exploit the angular momentum of their bodies, and appear more graceful during turns. 9 2.3 Definition of Knee Angle A dancer's supporting knee moves through a pattern of angles as she follows the steps to complete the turn. Angle of the supporting leg is measured as deviation from initial angle, corresponding to a straight leg, as illustrated in Figure 3. A bend of the knee is defined as negative directional change in angle. Figure 3: Supporting knee angle is defined as deviation from initial angle-that is, how far the leg has bent from it's original straight position. Bent knee, the most typical change during a turn, is defined as the negative directional change in theta, shown above. Based on the positions of standard ballet pirouettes and fouettes, a dancer's supporting knee should transition through specific knee angles as he or she performs a technically correct turn. These angles are detailed in the next section, which outlines proper ballet turn technique. 2.4 Ballet Turn Technique In ballet, technique refers to the proper method of executing a movement, such as a turn or leap. The steps that a dancer should move through to complete a pirouette and a fouett6 turn as defined by proper technique are illustrated below. The most common and important turn in ballet, the pirouette involves moving through a series of positions to achieve turning stability and traditional dance form. The steps of a right-sided pirouette-the most popular direction of turning-are described here, emphasizing the alignment of the supporting leg. Dancers begin a pirouette with two steps of preparation. First, both arms are held horizontal and straight while the right leg is pointed out to the side, as illustrated in Figure 4, position 1. The dancer then plies, or bends, her left leg-the supporting leg-and places the right leg behind it, turning her knees out (position 2). The left arm remains straight out to the side, while the right arm is placed horizontally in front of the dancer. Next, the dancer applies a force to both feet (as shown in Figure 2) and moves into relevd, standing on the ball of her left foot, and places her right foot at her left knee in passe, forming a triangle with the bent leg against the thigh of the supporting leg, retire (position 3). As she moves into this turning position, the dancer brings her arms together and pivots three 10 hundred sixty degrees clockwise. To end, the dancer places both feet down and pliesbends her knees-to stabilize (position 4).7 - 10 0(3 -10 - B 4-20C" - S V -30 CU E -400 '-50- 0 -60 0 (2) 0.1 0.2 (1) 0.3 0.6 0.4 0.5 Fraction of Time (2) 0.7 (3) 0.8 1 0.9 (4) Figure 4: To perform a right-sided ballet pirouette, a dancer begins with her right leg to the side and arms out horizontally (position 1). She then places her right leg behind her, curls her right arm inward, and plies her supporting (left) leg (position 2). The dancer next pushes off with both feet, transfers her weight to her supporting leg, and enters releve on the ball of her left foot with her right leg in passe as she begins to turn (position 3); for demonstration, this position is shown here facing forward. The dancer uses the torque generated from pushing upwards to turn clockwise and lands facing forward in a finishing plid for balance (position 4). The graph above the images shows a typical profile of the knee angle of the supporting leg throughout the turn. Position 4 is not shown in the angle profile because it occurs after the period that was analyzed. Thefouett6 is another famous turn in ballet: professional dancers are admired for their ability to turn for great spans of time, completing manyfouettes in a row, with as many as thirty-two required for the most famous scene in Swan Lake. The steps of a right-sided fouette are shown below, emphasizing the differences in leg alignment from a pirouette. Dancers begin fouette turns with the same three initial steps as those used for a pirouette, as shown in Figure 5, positions 1-3. The distinction begins upon the completion of three hundred sixty degrees of rotation. At the end of each full rotation after which the dancer desires to complete another rotation, she opens her arms, plies her left, or standing, 11 13I115 Rotating leg, extends her right leg from retire out to the front (position 4), and whips it around to her right (in the direction of rotation), a rond dejambe, to second position-horizontal to the side (position 5). Finally, the dancer curves her right leg inward, returning it to the original retirdposition (position 6) to complete the turn (position 7). Further rotations are completed as such until the final rotation, during which the dancer turns as in a pirouette, with the right leg in retire, and lands as in a standard pirouette. 20(6) (5) (3) S-20- repeat 4-6 -40FS-60 - 4) (2) -80 -1-tStanditnerg 0.15 0.2 0.15 0.2 0.25 n - 0 0.1 0.05 -0 (1 - ---repeat 4-6 A -50 - (2) -100 -- -150 0 0.05 0.1 Fraction ()(2) (3) of Time (4) (5) 0.25 (6) Figure 5: To perform a right-sided balletfouettd, a dancer begins with her right leg to the side and arms out horizontally (position 1). She then places her right leg behind her, curls her right arm inward, and plie's her supporting leg (position 2). She next pushes off with both feet, transfers her weight to her supporting leg, and enters relevd on the ball of her left foot with her right leg in pass6 as she begins to turn (position 3), completing a pirouette. The dancer uses torque generated from pushing off to turn clockwise and as she finishes the rotation, whips her leg out front to begin the fouettd (position 4). She brings her leg out to the side (position 5) and rotates as she pulls her arms and leg in (position 6). To complete additionalfouettds, the dancer repeats steps 4, 5, and 6 as many times as desired. Finally, the dancer does a pirouette to end, and lands in the standard position with legs together (position 7). Position 7 is not shown in the angle profile because it occurs after the lastfouett6 rotation. 12 (7) Based on the four positions of a standard ballet pirouette, a dancer's supporting knee should begin at 0 degrees (if she does not hyperextend), move to approximately negative 60-70 degrees for the preparation plie and return to 0 degrees during the extent of the turn, as shown in the sample graph in Figure 4. During afouette, a dancer's supporting knee should follow the same pattern, repeating for each additional rotation. The dancer's turning leg should have an opposite pattern of knee flexures to her supporting leg after the preparation for a turn. While the dancer is rotating and the supporting leg is oriented at approximately 0 degrees from initial angle, the rotating leg will be bent, at approximately 120 degrees less than initial angle. Conversely, each time the supporting leg plids, the rotating leg is extended, so it should be at approximately 0 degrees from initial angle. These angle trajectories are shown over their corresponding leg positions in Figure 5. During rotations of any type of turn, dancers also complete a motion called "spotting," which refers to the whip of a dancer's head to face the front at a faster rate than the rest of her body. This action prevents dancers from becoming dizzy when completing many rotations. It also may contribute to the angular momentum of a turn and preserve balance, reducing the risk of injury. Considering overall angular velocity as seen aerially, during a fouett&, a dancer is constantly rotating, though he or she will slow down upon returning to the forward-facing position and whipping his or her leg out front and speed up as he or she brings her leg back in to the bent position. Thus, overall angular velocity of the dancer's body is expected to oscillate between two points of nonzero magnitude and the same sign. If a dancer spots correctly, the angular velocity of her head should oscillate between approximately zero and some velocity of greater magnitude than the maximum magnitude of body angular velocity. 2.5 Minimum Jerk Model of Movements Maximum smoothness describes the kinematics of unhurried movements very well. Flash and Hogan quantify maximal smoothness as minimizing the average magnitude of higher time derivatives of position-specifically, jerk, the time derivative of acceleration. 8 Written as an optimization problem, the position coordinate can be expressed as the kinematic objective function: x(t) = argmin 1 D 1 dx 2 J - -J- dt x(t) D fo 2 d t3) (1) where x represents the coordinate of position, t is time, and D is the duration of the movement. Choosing boundary conditions that represent simple discrete movementsthat is, setting the first and second derivative of position at the beginning and end of the movement to zero and indicating initial and final positions-the resulting polynomial equation is a fifth-order polynomial in time: x(t) = xo + A [10 - () +6((2) where xO is the initial position and A is the amplitude of the movement. 13 This model can be extended to multiple coordinates by optimizing in each coordinate using the same method. Thus, this model predicts straight-line movements in x-y coordinates when optimized in the Cartesian coordinate frame because x and y positions both have the same movement profile. The minimum jerk model predicts simple reaching movements expressed in Cartesian coordinates to within 4% of experimental data, as shown in Flash and Hogan's original tests to assess the model. However, the minimum jerk model is only a representative model when computed in the coordinate frame in which the Central Nervous System is thought to encode the movement. For reaching movements, the model is very representative in hand coordinates-Cartesian coordinates-but not in joint coordinates-angles. Namely, straight paths in Cartesian coordinates will not yield straight line trajectories from a minimum jerk model optimized in joint coordinates. The nonlinearity of the Jacobian that converts between coordinate frames accounts for this difference. 8 The minimum jerk model has been applied successfully to other simple point-to-point trajectories and biomechanical tasks. 9 This study applies the minimum jerk model to the preparation plid of the knee prior to a pirouette. 2.6 Knee Misalignment and Injury Knee misalignment while turning can propagate through other parts of the body and cause difficultly in turning, improper technique, and risk of injury. Hyperextending or underextending the knee during a turn puts unnecessary stress on the knee joint and the connecting tendon, the popliteus, as shown in Figure 6.10 Popliteus tendon Figure 6: The tendon at the back of the knee joint, the popliteus (in red), is subject to undesired stress during a turn if a dancer hyper- or underextends her leg. 11 Simon et. al note that knee injuries account for 20% of all dance injuries, while foot and ankle injuries, often caused by imbalance during turns, account for approximately 40%.3 Between 67 and 95% of professional dancers sustain a foot or ankle injury during their career, and precise technique and careful training are important to prevent such injuries. While continuous strain on the joints has a strong influence on such injuries, monitoring proper alignment can reduce unnecessary strain and help to prevent painful injuries or prematurely end a dancer's career. 14 2.7 Applications of Sensors to Ballet Technique Sensors are already used to assist dancers in improving technique. Grosshauser and Blasing have analyzed joint angle and foot pressure of dancers performing leaps as teachers give them feedback.1 2 With the instructor's voice as a control system, dancers corrected these parameters as they were verbally coached on potential improvements in technique. Berardi has similarly discussed the use of a goniometer to assess technique.' 3 The application of goniometers within dance training can be extended to help dancers analyze their deviation from the desired knee angle during dance movements to assist them in correcting their mistakes, improving overall technique and helping to prevent injuries. When dancers participated in the research, an explanation of the measurements was provided, and dancers successfully acknowledged the deviation from proper technique present in the turns they completed upon looking at their knee angle graphs. It is evident that sensors can have a strong impact on dancers' training, particularly for younger dancers who are preparing to perform with competitive ballet companies. 2.8 Early Research and Motivation Early research was conducted by the author using similar methods on experienced collegiate dancers to assess consistency of technique across double and single pirouettes. Variation in knee angle of a dancer's supporting leg during single and double pirouetteswas measured using a goniometer to assess the difference in angle at the three turn positions for nine intermediate dancers. 14 Minimum preparation plid angle was found to be -61.5 3.0 degrees for single pirouettes and -62.4 3.4 degrees for double pirouettes, as shown in Figure 7, indicating either that deeper plies do not necessarily allow a dancer to complete more rotations, or that intermediate dancers do not employ this recommendation. (Note: in the remainderof this paper, the uncertaintieslisted indicate the 95% confidence intervals on the mean values.) 70 Double Single 60 .040 30 20 10 0 Figure 7: Average preparation plii angle was reported in the author's past research paper as 61.5 3.0 degrees less than initial angle for single pirouettesand 62.4 3.4 degrees less than initial angle for double pirouettes.14 15 Average angle while turning (referred to throughout this paper as turn angle) was reported as 4.1 1.3 degrees less than initial standing knee angle for single pirouettes and 5.8 1.7 degrees less for double pirouettes, as shown in Figure 8, highlighting dancers' tendency to bend their supporting knee to correct for instability. Overlapping confidence intervals for single and double pirouettes indicate that further testing is needed to verify differences between the two types of pirouettes. Double 0Single, -2 -3 C h- -6-7-8 Figure 8: Average turn angle was reported in the author's past research paper as 4.1 1.3 degrees less than initial standing knee angle for single pirouettes and 5.8 1.7 degrees less for double pirouettes.'4 While this study revealed valuable information about the tendencies of recreational dancers, determining a mathematical representation of proper technique could highlight how well these subjects and other dancers aptly matched the strategies mastered by professional dancers. This study provided foundation and motivation for further research in obtaining a quantitative definition of turns in ballet dance. 3. Experimental Design Two experiments were performed to assess the consistent joint angles that characterize advanced technique, as exhibited by professional and pre-professional ballet dancers. Angle of the standing leg was measured during two key steps of a pirouettepreparation plid and turn-using a goniometer, and deviation from expected angle was analyzed to determine the consistency of each subject and mathematically define qualities of professional level ballet technique. Additionally, two goniometers and an aerial highspeed camera were used to define the proper course of movement during fouette turns. Stability of the standing leg was compared for pirouettes andfouettds. 3.1 Overview of Subjects and Experiments Pirouette experiments were conducted on ten professional and two pre-professional dancers training with a professional ballet company. The pre-professional dancers were in their final months of training with the company at the time of measurement and have since begun dancing professionally. Extensive ballet experience within a professional company makes these subjects a strong representation of advanced and technically correct turns. Eleven of these twelve subjects were reported in aggregate data. Seven of these subjects 16 elected to record data for more than two pirouettes. For these trials, dancers were instructed to complete as many rotations as they felt comfortable with; these subjects completed three to five rotations. Due to limited availability and company restrictions on the professional dancers, three advanced amateurs were used for the comparative analysis of pirouettes andfouettss. Table 1 provides details-including professional experience, company position, turn direction preference, and tests completed-on the subjects measured. Subjects are ordered in terms of skill level; the table order does not correspond to the order in which subject data is reported in Section 4. For professional dancers, the Experience column denotes the number of years of professional experience, while for pre-professional dancers, it details years spent dancing pre-professionally with a professional company. For advanced amateurs, it represents years of competitive dance experience. Table 1: List of subjects, including experience and turn types measured. Fouette experiments completed with advanced amateurs are listed below the bold line. For second company dancers*, the Experience column refers to the number of years spent dancing pre-professionally in a professional company. For advanced amateurs**, it refers to years of competitive dance experience. Pirouettes Gender Experience (Years) Highest Company Position Direction of Turn 1 2 3 4 5 Fouettds M 6 Principal L X X X F 6 Principal R X X F 16 Soloist R X X M 6 Soloist R X X X M 4 Soloist R X X X M 15 Second Soloist L X X F 4 Corps de Ballet R X X F 2 Corps de Ballet R X X F 1 Corps de Ballet R X X M 1 Corps de Ballet R X X X M 2* Second Company L X X X F 2* Second Company R X X F 10** Adv. Amateur R F 6** Adv. Amateur R X X X X F 4** Adv. Amateur R X X X X X X X X 17 X 3.2 Goniometer to Determine Knee Angle Trajectory over Time during Pirouettes A Vernier Goniometer GNM-BTA, a sensor that allows for precise measurement of joint angle, was used to measure knee angle during each turn.15 The goniometer was attached to each subject's leg using athletic tape at four pointstwo on the thigh and two on the calf (as illustrated in Figure 9) to eliminate any undesired degrees of freedom. Careful and rigid attachment-wrapping the tape around the leg twice at each point of attachment-ensured accuracy of results by preventing the goniometer from moving with respect to the subject's leg during the procedure. The goniometer was connected to a LabQuest 2, a data acquisition module, to collect measurements of knee angle during each pirouette.16 Each subject held the LabQuest 2 in his or her hands during the experiment so the wires connecting the devices would not cause a safety hazard while the dancer turned. Because dancers usually hold their hands together in a rounded out position in front of the torso during the course of a turn, holding the device was not uncomfortable or unnatural for the subjects and did not impact the quality of their turns. Duringfouettes, an additional goniometer was attached to the second leg using the same method. LabQuest 2 Vernier Goniometer GNM-BTA Figure 9: The goniometer was attached to the subject's leg at four points to eliminate the degrees of freedom between the sensor and the dancer's body and ensure measurement accuracy throughout the dancer's entire turn (left). The goniometer is shown recording the dancer's knee bend, or pli6, as she prepares for the pirouette while holding the LabQuest 2 data acquisition module (right).15 18 Subjects were given the opportunity to practice with the device on to ensure it was comfortably attached and that they could turn with the desired timing. Each subject was then asked to perform three single, three double, and three multiple (any desired number of rotations exceeding two) pirouettes in separate trials, with pauses in between each measurement. Data were collected at a rate of one hundred samples per second for the duration of the turn. Dancers started and stopped the recording, and excess measurement time-typically time spent standing before beginning a turn or walking upon completion of a turn-was removed from each trial before analysis. Observations were recorded for each turn regarding the quality of turns and technique and noting if the subject fell or appeared to slightly lose balance. These observations are quantifiable in the results as higher standard deviations from the expected angle during the turn. Knee angle at each relevant pirouette position was assessed to determine subjects' accuracy and consistency in execution. Care was taken to ensure the goniometer was oriented as close to 1800 at the start, but this is difficult to accomplish. Thus, each relevant angle was subtracted from initial angle to account for variation in initial angle when analyzing data. 3.3 Assessment of Relevant Knee Angles for Pirouettes Knee angles of interest during a pirouette represent each of the stages shown above in Figure 4, positions 2 and 3. These include minimum preparation plid angle-expected to be about sixty degrees less than initial angle, angle during turn-expected to be approximately the same as initial angle, and total time / fraction of run time spent turning. Standard deviation of angle during rotation is also important: it serves as a measure of a dancer's stability and highlights the need to correct for balance during the course of a turn. Data were imported into Matlab and recorded data that did not represent a component of a turn were removed, as shown in Figure 10. Because some subjects did not stand perfectly still before or after the turn during data collection, data were trimmed using Matlab's data cursor tools on plots of each trial. The portion of the trial that corresponded to rotation was also selected using the data cursor tool. After a turn, some dancers complete a finishing plid comparable to the preparation plid. However, not all dancers exhibited this movement during tests, instead walking or standing still to stop the data. Thus, this portion of the turn was also trimmed from each data set. The quantities of interest were extracted from graphs of each trial and analyzed in Matlab. All angles were recorded as the difference between initial angle and angle during the respective stage of the turn to correct for variation in alignment of the goniometer for different subjects. Figure 10 shows one trial of raw data, highlighting the segments that correspond to data analyzed. Red points indicate points selected using the data cursor tool, including the start of a trial (to eliminate excess noise if present), the start of rotation, and the end of rotation. Blue points represent quantities determined from data: minimum plid angle and average turn angle. 19 190 180 Turning -tart (Removed) Setup (Removed) -170 0160 CM * 150 E 0 0> 140 -II - 0S130 4120 1 10 Minimum Pie 100 0 2 1 3 Finishing Pild 4 Time [s] 5 7 6 8 Figure 10: Sample raw data for a single pirouette completed by a professional-level subject. The three red points were selected in Matlab to trim the trial, representing, trial start and start / end of rotation. Blue points represent quantities later determined from data, minimum plie angle and average turn angle. Points before the start of the trial and after the end of rotation were eliminated for this analysis. Trimmed data from three turns-a single, double, and quintuple pirouette-by the same subject are shown in Figure 11. As expected, in general, time spent turning increases with added rotations. 10 0 0 C) 0-50 0 - -70 0.5 1 1.5 2 Time [s] 2.5 RA"**I**i 3 - -Single -Doube 60 1r. 3.5 Figure 11: Trimmed data from single, double, and quintuple pirouettesby the same professional-level subject. The first peak shows the plid, and the perturbations near zero show variations in the stability of the standing leg while a dancer balances and rotates for the turn. 20 The duration of each trial was normalized in time to assess fractions of time during which dancers were rotating. Angle change versus fraction of run time for a single, double, and triple pirouette by the same subject is shown in Figure 12. 10 0 -20r -30 Cl) - E -40 0 0-50 Single -Double Multi e (5) S-60 --700 0.2 0.6 0.4 Fraction of Time 0.8 1 Figure 12: Normalized trials for a single, double, and triple pirouette by one subject. Angles are reported as deviation from initial angle. Each turn type clearly results in a similar trajectory, where more turns generally produce more variability in angle. Multiple trials for a single dancer are not independent measurements. Thus, to obtain statistically accurate parameters for each type of turn (i.e. confidence intervals on plid angle, turn angle, turn standard deviation, and turn duration), average values for each parameter were determined for each dancer, and statistical calculations were performed on those averages. This procedure eliminates the issue of dependence between trials completed by the same dancer and allows for accurate inference calculations, which can only be performed on independent measurements. Data from the selected starting point of the run to the start of the turn (the first and second red points in Figure 10) were compared to a minimum jerk model in joint coordinates. The model was created for each trial as two motions: from the starting point to the minimum plie angle and back, from the plie point to the start of turning. The root mean square error of the model as compared to experimental data was determined. Approximating the length of the upper thigh as 0.35 m, angle measurements were converted to change in height of the dancer in time. Minimum jerk models were also determined for these measurements in Cartesian coordinates, and the fit was compared to determine the coordinate system in which dancers plan movements. 21 3.4 Comparative Measurements for Fouett Turns Similar techniques were employed when measuring fouette turns. A Vernier Goniometer GNM-BTA was attached to each leg of the subject and connected to a LabQuest 2, as for pirouette measurements.' 5 Figure 13 shows the experimental setup for fouettd turns. Figure 13: The experimental setup for measuring fouett turns. Two goniometers were used, with one attached to each leg with athletic tape at four points, as for pirouette data collection. The dancer also held the LabQuest 2 as in previous tests. Additionally, a Samsung TL350 high-speed camera (set to measure at 240 frames per second) was mounted to the ceiling, parallel to the floor, to take aerial video to allow 7 tracking the movement of subjects during the course of each turn.' 3.5 Assessment of Relevant Knee Angles for Fouettes Similar parameters as those measured for pirouette turns were recorded for fouettd turns. Preparation plid angle was measured as the minimum initial deviation from initial angle, or the maximum bend of the supporting leg that the dancer completed before pushing off to begin a turn. Angles during each rotation (defined for fouettds as all of the segments throughout the course of a trial during which the subject is rotating with straight supporting leg) and characteristic standard deviation of rotation were also assessed. These values were directly compared with the parameters for pirouette turns from the group of subjects that completed both types of turns to determine differences in the behavior of the supporting leg between pirouettesandfouettes. During afouettd, each valley seen in the angle data of the standing leg represents a plie, or the start of another turn. Perturbations near zero angle for the standing leg show variations in the stability of the standing leg while a dancer balances and rotates for the turn, similar to those seen in the pirouette data detailed in Section 3.3. Valleys in the 22 rotating leg data occur during the turn (while the standing leg is near zero angle), and peaks-points during which the rotating leg is straight-occur during the preparation plies of the standing leg before each subsequent turn. Figure 14 shows the sample motion of the supporting and rotating legs of one subject during afouettd. K I 20 r 0 -20 I lilt -40 0 E *0 -60 CD) 0 -80 0 -100 0 -120 E T -140 - -160 - 0 Standing Leg Rotating Leg 2 4 6 Time [s] 8 10 12 Figure 14: Data for a fouett by one subject, showing the course of movement of both the standing (left, in black) and rotating (right, in pink) legs. Angles are reported as deviation from initial angle. Each valley in the standing leg data represents a plid, or the start of another turn. Perturbations near zero angle for the standing leg show variations in the stability of the standing leg while a dancer balances and rotates for the turn. Valleys in the rotating leg data occur during the turn, while peaks-points during which the rotating leg is straight-occur during preparation plies of each subsequent turn. Collected fouettd run data were also normalized in time, as shown for pirouettes in Figure 12, to determine the fraction of run time spent completing certain actions. Comparisons were drawn between pirouettes and fouetts by relating the data for each turn type measured for the group of advanced amateur dancers. 23 3.6 High Speed Video Analysis Aerial video was used to supplement goniometer data for fouette turns. Three colored dots on the top of the dancer's head were used as a center point and means to track the angular velocity of the head while turning. Similarly, a colored dot on each shoulder and on the wrist of the right arm (the arm that remains bent and stationary during a turn) were used as markers to track the angular velocity of the dancer's body throughout the course of thefouette, as shown in the clips from the high speed video in Figure 15. Figure 15: Images from high speed video trials, including the first frame, with the tracking dots that marked positions throughout the entire turn shown (left), and a later frame with the dancer's leg extended (right), with tracking dots hidden so the markers tracked are visible. Tracker1 8 video analysis software was used to analyze the high-speed video, using color thresholds to track the movement of the colored markers on the dancer's body as Cartesian coordinates in time, as shown in Figure 16. Tracking of these points in time was used to measure change in angular velocities of the body and head to assess the contribution of spotting tofouettd turns. 24 I-A -D -B-C nr 0 0 0 0 5 5 10 10 -0.3 15 - 0.5 0 0 5 10 1 15 5 10 5 10 -5 5 10 ii 0 5 -0 10 10 n - -5 0 0 - 0 n -r% 0 15 0 5 10 0 15 1.- 1.- 0 -I 0 -I 0 5 10 15 15 0 5 10 15 Time [s] Figure 16: Raw video tracking data, as X and Y coordinates, of points A (center red marker), B (green head marker), C (blue head marker), and D (green arm marker) in time. Occlusion of several markers as the dancer turned made it challenging to track certain parts of the dancer's movement; thus, to preserve accuracy of the measurements, the four colored dots shown in the left image of Figure 15 were the only points tracked in the video data. The green and blue dots on the right and left sides of the dancer's head were also hidden from video for small portions of the trial, so manual selection was used to track the markers during those sections. The orientation of the lines connecting (1) the red center point (point A) and the green head marker (point B), (2) point A and the blue head marker (point C), (3) points B and C, and (4) points A and the green arm marker (point D) were determined from the measurements as an inverse tangent in Matlab, and data were then manipulated such that the magnitude of the bearing continually increased, as shown in Figure 17. 25 90 - 80 70-60 s0 _ 40- 10 20 10 2 4 6 Time [s] 10 12 14 - Figure 17: Measured angle of each point relation (1 - between points A and B, 2 between points A and C, and 3 - between points B and C). While measurements are slightly different-as limited by the precision of the software-the patterns of angle changes are comparable, such that all can be reasonably used to estimate angular velocity. The derivative of each relation in time was estimated using a centered difference approximation to determine angular velocity. Angular velocity for the body was estimated based on relation 4, while angular velocity for the head was estimated as the average between relations 1, 2, and 3, removing outliers that occurred with spikes in the estimated angular velocity vectors due to measurement noise. 26 4. Pirouette Technique Assessment: Results and Discussion To quantify a kinematic representation of proper pirouette technique, preparation plid angle, average and standard deviation of turn angle, and fraction of time rotating were determined. 4.1 Preparation Plie 100 -- - - - - - Preparation plie angle was measured for each subject. 95% confidence intervals on magnitude of preparation plid angle by subject are reported in Figure 18. Ingle Do MTrIple 909- MQuedruple 80 - =Wuntupe 70 ~60 -. - 5040m302010 1 2 3 4 5 6 Subject Number 7 8 9 10 11 F F F F F M F M M M M Figure 18: Minimum plid angle for each type of pirouette-single, double, triple, quadruple, and quintuple-is shown with 95% confidence intervals for eleven of the subjects measured. Only seven subjects opted to record data for more than two pirouette turns. Only one subject chose to complete a quadruple pirouette and two completed quintuples. Results indicate that professional dancers tend to plid to a similar level prior to completing pirouettes. As predicted, these results approach approximately sixty degrees. Some variation occurred, which may have been due to height and weight of each dancer: dancers bend their knees to the level that feels comfortable or necessary prior to turning. While height and weight of each subject is not known (due to restrictions by the professional company), gender was recorded. Subjects 6, 8, 9, 10, and 11, the dancers that exhibited the largest plid angles generally, are males. In fact, the correlation coefficient relating gender (when expressed as a numerical indicator, males as 1 and females as 0) and plid angle is 0.69. This implies a strong correlation between gender and plid angle-males appear more likely to plid more deeply. The discrepancy between male and female plid angles is shown in Figure 19, with values separated out by number of pirouette rotationssingles, doubles, triples, quadruples, and quintuples. 27 6 I e m * e Seece Sos 0 0 5 US 0 @SS 0 2 30 S 5 Os @0 s@ 50 40 eFemale o 80 70 60 Magnitude of Pile Angle, A6 010 Figure 19: Magnitude of plkd angles is shown for each pirouette type, separated out by gender. Clearly, regardless of turn type, males tend to plid more deeply than females, implying that plids angle depends on body geometry (e.g. height). 2C Averaging across all turn types, males and females show statistically significant differences in p116 angle at any reasonable significance level. The average p116 angle of males is at least 20.3 degrees greater than that of females with 95% confidence, as shown in 0 o9 07 5 ~~~~ 40 30~ Figure 20. Female 80Male 70o60- 10 . 30- E 20100 Figure 20: Magnitude of pPii angle for males versus females. With 95% confidence, the average p it of males is at least 20.3 degrees greater than that of females. Clearly gender is a strong predictor of ped angle. The height and weight disparity between males and females implies that body geometry-height and/or weight-may affect preparation p11e angle; however, additional tests that include height and weight measurements are needed to verify if a statistically significant difference exists. Turn type was also assessed as a predictor of pc angle. Probability density histograms of ptle angles for single, double, and triple pirouettes (those with the greatest amount of data collected) are shown in Figure 21. The data do not appear to follow a normal distribution; other factors may affect dancers' p11e angles. 28 0.3 0.3 r 0.3 0.25 0.25- 0.25 0.2- 0.2 0.15- 0.15 0.2 I >- 0.15 .0 0.1 I 0.1 0.1 j 0.05 0.05 [ - '2 a. 0.05 IL 0 0 0 Magnitude of PlHe Angle, A0 40 L 80-A Figure 21: Probability density of magnitude of plid angles for single, double, and triple pirouettes. Plots do not appear to follow a specific distribution. The black line along the x-axis represents the 95% confidence interval. Pli angles aggregated across subjects by turn type are reported with 95% confidence intervals in Figure 22. 110 Single Double Triple Quadruple Quintuple 100 90 CD 80 70 a. 60 0 50 40 C1 30 20 10 0 Figure 22: Average preparation plie angle across all dancers is reported with 95% confidence intervals. Single pirouetteshave a plid angle of 59.2 4.0 degrees below 10 for triple 4.6 below for double pirouettes, 64 starting angle, with 61.9 19 for quadruple pirouettes, and 74 11 for quintuple pirouettes. pirouettes, 88 Overlapping confidence intervals indicate that a significant difference does not exist between plid angles for each type of turn as exhibited by professional ballet dancers. Note that only one subject completed quadruple and two subjects quintuple pirouettes. Observed plid angle magnitude was 59.2 4.0 degrees for single pirouettes, 61.9 4.6 degrees for double pirouettes, 64 10 for triple pirouettes, 88 19 for quadruple pirouettes, and 74 11 for quintuple pirouettes. A smaller standard deviation for single and double 29 turns indicates that dancers know how much they must plid to prepare for a lower number of rotations. Standard deviation increased with number of rotations, indicating that more variability existed in plid angle across dancers for greater number of rotations. It should be noted that only one subject completed quadruple pirouettes and two subjects quintuple pirouettes. Thus, additional data would make the assessment of differences in angle across turn types more robust. The confidence intervals overlap: while the observed mean showed deeper pli angles for greater turns, the differences are not statistically significant. Paired t-tests comparing the differences of means across turn types yielded similar results. The differences between pli6 angles for singles and doubles and for singles and triples were not statistically significant at the 5% level. However, the difference for doubles versus triples was significant; with 95% confidence, the average plie angle for double pirouettes is at least 2.7 degrees less than that for triple pirouettes. Additional data (only four subjects completed triple pirouettes) would better verify this result. Comparisons for quadruple and quintuple pirouettes were not possible due to limited data. The results of these experiments do not validate the hypothesis that dancers tend to plid more to complete a greater number of turns as instructors often suggest. Rather, it appears that body geometry-namely height and/or weight-could be a stronger predictor based on the high correlation between gender and plid angle. 4.2 Turn Angle Angle during the portion of the trial for which the dancer was rotating was measured for each turn by each subject and aggregated to assess its difference from initial angle. 95% confidence intervals on turn angle for each subject by turn type are reported in Figure 23. 10 5- T 0 4 E -5- ~-10- I -15Trip e MQuadruie -20 1 II 2 3 1 1 4 5 Sulbject Number 0 11 Figure 23: 95% confidence intervals for angle during the course of each type of pirouette turn is shown by subject. Typical averages were within 10 degrees of initial angle, with the majority of subjects having an average angle below zero (bent leg), as expected to maintain balance. 30 Across all dancers and trials, angles were aggregated to examine the probability distribution of values observed. Figure 24 shows a probability distribution of all angles during the turning portion of single pirouettes, the confidence interval on average angle while turning (shown as a black dot and line on the x-axis), and a Gaussian fit. The results are approximately normally distributed, as evident by the Gaussian fit to the data, a normal distribution of mean -3.2 and standard deviation 4.4. Average angle during rotation for single pirouettes was found to be -2.0 2.1 degrees. The upper limit of the confidence interval is only slightly above zero, indicating statistically significant evidence that average turn angle during single pirouettes is less than initial angle. 0.12 0.1 I 0.08 '0.06O.04 20.04- 0.02 0 -15 -10 -5 5 Deviation from starting angle, 10 is ) -20 Figure 24: Single pirouette probability density of angle during rotation, measured as deviations from initial angle, as observed during all trials. The dashed line denotes the zero degree mark. The black line along the x-axis represents the 95% 2.1 confidence interval for angle during rotation for single pirouettes, -2.0 degrees. The observed results are approximately normally distributed, as indicated by the Gaussian fit of mean -3.2 and standard deviation 4.4. The upper limit of the confidence interval is only slightly above zero, indicating statistically significant evidence that average turn angle during single pirouettes is less than initial angle. Angles were also aggregated for double pirouettes, as seen in Figure 25. The observed results are approximately normally distributed, with a similar mean and a greater standard deviation than those observed for single pirouettes; the Gaussian fit to the data is a normal distribution of mean -2.7 and standard deviation 6.2. The distribution for double pirouettes, however, has larger spread than that for single pirouettes, indicating more variation over the course of rotation, perhaps due to the need to adjust for stability. Average angle during rotation was found to be -2.0 3.2 degrees. The upper limit of the confidence interval is above zero; there is not statistically significant evidence that average turn angle during double pirouettesis less than initial angle. 31 0.1 0.09 0.08:0.07 C 0.06 20.05 2 0.04 0- 0.03 0.02 0.01 0 -30 -20 -10 0 Deviation from starting angle, i 10 20 Figure 25: Double pirouette probability density of angle during rotation, measured as deviations from initial angle, as observed during all trials. The dashed line denotes the zero degree mark. The black line along the x-axis represents the 95% 3.2 confidence interval for angle during rotation for double pirouettes, -2.0 degrees. The observed results are approximately normally distributed, with a Gaussian fit of mean -2.3 and standard deviation 4.3, a similar mean and a greater standard deviation to those observed for single pirouettes. The upper limit of the confidence interval is above zero; there is not statistically significant evidence that average turn angle during double pirouettes is less than initial angle. Angles for triple pirouettes are shown in Figure 26. The observed results are slightly left skewed, but a Gaussian fit to the data showed that it could be considered an approximately normal distribution, of mean -2.3 and standard deviation 4.3. Average angle during rotation was found to be -1.9 5.1 degrees. The upper limit of the confidence interval is above zero; there is not statistically significant evidence that average turn angle during double pirouettes is less than initial angle. Note the increase again in angle spread, indicating increased need for dancers to bend their knees to correct for instability during triple pirouettes. 32 0.12 0.1 . 0.08 0.06 0.04 0.02 0 -20 -15 -10 -5 0 5 Deviation from starting angle, 10 15 ( -25 Figure 26: Triple pirouette probability density of angle during rotation, measured as deviations from initial angle, as observed during all trials of triple pirouettes. The dashed line denotes the zero degree mark. The observed results appear slightly left skewed, but they can be considered approximately normally distributed as seen by the applied Gaussian fit in black. The black line along the x-axis represents the 95% 5.1 confidence interval for angle during rotation for multiple pirouettes, -1.9 degrees. The upper limit of the confidence interval is above zero; there is not statistically significant evidence that average turn angle during double pirouettes is less than initial angle. Distributions were also produced for quadruple and quintuple pirouettes. Adjacent histograms for these turn types are shown in Figure 27. Both distributions are left skewed and have a very large spread, indicating that dancers tend to bend their legs much more often than they tend to hyperextend and this bending has a great deal of variation. Since only one and two subjects completed these turn types, respectively, it is difficult to express reasonable confidence intervals on turn angle. For quadruple pirouettes, average turn angle was -12 12; this does not appear to be a representative result for quadruple pirouettes, however. Similarly, for quintuple pirouettes, average turn angle measured was -5 32. The high uncertainty resulted from the small number of measurements (two dancers). While quadruple and quintuple pirouettesdo appear to have greater deviations from starting angle, further tests are required to produce generalized results that represent typical performance of professional dancers. 33 0.12 0.12, 0.12, 0.1 0.1 0.08- 0.08 0.06 0.06- 0.04 0.04 -30 -25 -20 -15 -10 -5 -20 -15 -10 0 ( Deviation from starting angle, Figure 27: Quadruple (left) and quintuple (right) pirouette probability density of angle during rotation, measured as deviations from initial angle, as observed during all trials. Dashed lines denotes the zero degree mark. Results are aggregated from the single subject that completed quadruple pirouettes and the two subjects that completed quintuple pirouettes during testing and are thus not representative of how professional dancers complete these turns generally. The observed results are left skewed with a large spread. Averages were found to be -11.9 and -4.7, respectively, as indicated by the black dots on the x-axis. The large deviations from initial angle observed for quadruple and quintuple pirouettes may have been influenced by the instructions of the experiment: subjects were told to complete as many pirouettes as they were comfortable with for these trials. Some dancers may have chosen to test their limits, performing a number of rotations they knew they could complete without falling but not to a level of technical expertise the same as their other turns. Because insufficient data were collected for these turn types, the remaining observed parameters are only reported for single, double, and triple pirouettes. While the amount of variation differs slightly by number of rotations, distributions of angles while rotating for all types of pirouettes measured demonstrate that even professional dancers cannot maintain a completely straight leg during turns. Thus, it can be hypothesized that dancers use their supporting leg as a control system for balance while rotating during turns. As a dancer feels an imbalance, represented by a slight lean off her axis of rotation, she appears to bend her supporting leg to lower her center of gravity and regain stability as she continues to rotate. The supporting leg of a dancer appears to change based on neural feedback, likely involving position of the center of gravity, tilt of the axis of rotation, and comfort with the turn. Use of more advanced motion capture technology could help to determine a model of the supporting leg's reaction to disturbances. Characteristic standard deviation for each turn type was determined as the average of the standard deviations of each dancer. Figure 28 shows the observed values for single, double, and triple pirouettes, 2.00 0.36, 3.17 0.77, and 3.2 34 2.0, respectively. 5 6 Single Double Triple - C 0 C 2M 01 Figure 28: Characteristic standard deviation while rotating was found to be 2.00 0.36 for single pirouettes, 3.17 0.77 for double pirouettes, and 3.2 2.0 for triple pirouettes. While standard deviation while rotating appeared to increase with the number of rotations of the pirouette, no significant difference was identified in standard deviation between double and triple pirouettes.The difference between standard deviation of turn angle for single and double pirouettesis at least 1.15 degrees with 95% confidence. Thus, completing multiple turns (regardless of number of rotations, it appears) results in more instability of the dancer's standing leg. 4.3 Turn Duration Both turn duration in seconds and percentage of the trial during which the dancer was rotating-with the supporting leg approximately straight and the opposite leg bent-were measured. Figure 29 shows difference in turn duration and turn fraction for each type of pirouette. No significant difference was found in duration between turn types. Single turns lasted 0.97 0.43 seconds, doubles 0.93 0.22 seconds, triples 1.58 0.83 seconds, quadruples 1.61 0.49 seconds, and quintuples 1.52 0.53 seconds. However, fraction of time turning yielded statistically significant differences between some pirouettes of different numbers of rotations. Single turns lasted 22.5 2.1 percent of total run time, doubles 34.3 2.7 percent, triples 36.0 4.1 percent, quadruples 52.8 6.6 6.7 percent. Single turns were notably different than the percent and quintuples 58.9 others; doubles and up saw very narrowly overlapping confidence intervals. + Graphing turn fraction against number of rotations of the pirouette, a statistically 0.011 and intercept 0.135 significant linear relationship was found, of slope 0.091 0.037, shown in the right panel of Figure 29. 35 0.65 - - * 1 data slope = 0.091 1 1 1 , 0.7 2.5 0.011 0.62- 0.55- .2 0.5 C - 0 0.45 - 1.5 - 0.40.350.3- 0.25 0.501 0 1 4 3 2 Number of Rotations 5 0.2 6 1 4 3 2 Number of Rotations 5 Figure 29: Turn duration (left) and turn fraction (right) are shown for each of the 5 types of pirouettes measured versus number of rotations. It is clear that a correlation exists between number of rotations and fraction of time turning: a linear 0.011 fits the data well. Turn duration, however, does not model of slope 0.091 show such a correlation since dancers were allowed to turn at their desired pace. This difference occurs because during the tests, dancers were not mandated to go at a particular speed-there was no music or count in the background. Thus, dancers were able to complete the turns measured at their own preferred pace, whether fast or slow, and this preference varied greatly across subjects as the high standard deviations and thus overlapping intervals on turn duration indicate. Regardless, dancers are very skilled at maintaining pace, like an internal beat, when completing moves without music. Thus, the dancers completed the preparation plids prior to each turn at a comparable pace to the turn itself. This tendency explains why 95% confidence intervals on turn fractions for each turn type were very narrow and some did not overlap. A statistically significant difference in fraction of run time turning exists across pirouettes of different rotations. Turn fraction is not directly proportional to number of turns, i.e. a double pirouette does not take twice as long as a single pirouette, but rather it has an affine relationship, with a "setup time" of approximately 13.5% of the run length-a mechanical constraint on how fast dancers can turn-and an additional 9.1% of run length for each additional rotation. Dancers naturally complete a greater number of rotations at a faster pace. The additional angular momentum needed to complete extra rotations results in a greater rotational speed. Completing turns too slowly makes it much more difficult to maintain stability because it forces the dancer to balance on his or her supporting leg in relevd for a longer period of time. 36 4.4 Minimum Jerk Models Minimum jerk models were compared to observed trajectories of the angle of the standing leg during the plid phase of pirouettes. Plots of two sample fits are shown in Figure 30. 10 10 0 0 CD 10 5 L-20 E 1-30 E 2-40 -30 1-40 C 0 %-50 .- 50 -60 -60 -RMSE=1. 1.0 RME3.8 -70C 0.5 I Time [s] :4.7 -701 0 1.5 0.5 1 2 1.5 Time [s] 2.5 Figure 30: Minimum jerk profiles in joint coordinates (dotted lines) are shown for the first (red) and second (pink) half of plie movements as compared to data (blue) for two archetypal profiles of plies. Root mean square error of the two profiles is reported in the legend in degrees. The left profile represented a smooth movement into pli, exhibited by the majority of dancers measured. The right profile represents a step into a plid, so the first half of the trajectory does not follow a single minimum jerk movement. Two profiles were observed for preparation plies amongst dancers measured. The first, shown in the left panel of Figure 30, represents a smooth entry into a plik, while the right panel, which shows a small jump up in the first half of the trajectory, represents a step into a plid. Observed root mean square error of minimum jerk profiles is shown in Table 2. Results are reported for those dancers that exhibited no-step plies only-all but three-and are separated out into values for the first half of the plie, the second half of the plid, and for the trial overall. Table 2: Root mean square error in degrees for minimum jerk profiles for the no-step preparation plies. First Half RMSE 6.18 Second Half 3.87 0.85 37 0.49 Overall 7.40 0.65 In general, minimum jerk was a better model for the second half of the pli trajectory, with a root mean square error of 3.87 0.49 degrees, versus 6.18 0.85 degrees for the first half of the trajectory. Overall, the root mean square error between the minimum jerk 0.65 degrees, within about 10% of the model and the whole pli trajectory was 7.40 maximum model deflection. Across all trials, coefficient of determination R 2 for a minimum jerk model in joint 0.038. The minimum jerk model is thus a coordinates to observed plie data was 0.873 very good fit for this motion in joint coordinates; 87% of the observed movements are well explained by the model. By converting joint coordinates-the angle of the standing leg-into change in height, minimum jerk models in Cartesian coordinates were also determined. Coefficient of determination R 2 for a minimum jerk model in Cartesian coordinates to observed plid data was 0.710 0.090-a much worse fit than that of the model in joint coordinates. Figure 31 shows the analogous plots to those in Figure 30 for the model computed in Cartesian coordinates. 0 0 -0.02-0.04 -E -0.05- Ec -0.06 0.1 -- F-0.08 -0.1 E) E 0-0.12 -0.15 .2-0.14>-0.16 - -0.18 - --- - Data -RMSE -0.2 -Data - - -0.026 =0.019 m -- 1 0 0.5 1 Time [s] 1.5 .2 RMSE = 0.062 m = 0.0069 m -0.251 2 0 0.5 1 1.5 Time [s] 2 2.5 3 Figure 31: Minimum jerk profiles in Cartesian coordinates (dotted lines) are shown for the first (red) and second (pink) half of pli movements as compared to data (blue) for two archetypal profiles of plids. Root mean square error of the two profiles is reported in the legend in meters. Plots are analogous to those in Figure 31, indicating that the minimum jerk model is a better fit to the data in joint coordinates. This poor fit results from the nonlinearity of the trajectory of a dancer's leg in Cartesian coordinates. Plotting the x and y position of a dancer's center of mass for one trial yields, as expected, a curved path, shown in Figure 32. 38 0 -0.02-0.04- -0.06-0.08-0.1 -0.12-0.14-0.16-0.18-0.21 -0.35 -0.3 -0.25 -0.2 -0.15 X [in] -0.1 -0.05 0 0.05 Figure 32: Parametric displacement of the center of mass in Cartesian coordinates of a dancer during one trial. The nonlinearity of the path of the leg in Cartesian coordinates and the goodness of fit in joint coordinate space implies that for dancing movements, the Central Nervous System encodes movements in joint space rather than Cartesian coordinates. 5. Pirouette and Fouette Comparative Analysis: Results and Discussion To compare dancers' ability to maintain standing leg stability between pirouettes and fouett6s, preparationplid angle and angle while rotating were evaluated for each type of turn by advanced amateur dancers. In addition, the dynamics of fouettds were studied by comparing turn angle and plie angle across rotations within the same trial. Aerial video was used to compare the movement of the head with that of the body and assess the quality of spotting during the turns. 5.1 Preparation Plie Magnitude of preparation plid angle was averaged for each turn type for all advanced amateurs that completed both pirouettes andfouettes. Results are shown in Figure 33. 39 n I 90 IDuble ITripleI S80 FoueM 70 C .50 0 * 40- C 30i2010 01 2 Subject Number 3 Figure 33: Magnitude of plie angle for single, double, and triple pirouettes and fouettes completed by the advanced amateur subjects. These subjects showed very comparable plid angles across all turn types, as demonstrated by the aggregated data in Figure 34. Average plid angle magnitude was 68 22 for single pirouettes, 71 17 for double pirouetes, 70 20 for triple pirouettes, and 65 18 for fouettes. A small number of samples resulted in wide confidence intervals. No significant difference can be observed between plid angle before pirouettes as compared to before fouettes. When averaged across subjects, only subject 3 showed a significant difference between plie angles for single pirouettes and fouettes at the 10% level. While it appears that some dancers plid less prior to completing their first fouettd-perhaps because they know they will soon be able to plie again and regain angular momentumthese tests were not conclusive in identifying a difference between single pirouette and fouettd preparationplid angles. Further tests with additional subjects would help to identify if a significant difference exists. 40 Single Double Triple Foueft 90. 80<70 60 50 I-so 040 0 ~30 1 20 10 0 Figure 34: Magnitude of plid angle for single, double, and triple pirouettes and fouettes completed by the advanced amateur subjects. When averaged over the three subjects, none of the differences are significant. 5.2 Turn Angle Turn angle for fouettds was assessed on several levels-in aggregate for all rotations and as it evolved throughout the trial as number of completed rotations increased. When aggregated across all rotations, average angle while rotating for fouett turns was similar to that observed for pirouette turns: it falls just below zero, or at a slight bend of the leg. However, the observed standard deviation far exceeded that observed for any number of pirouette rotations, leading to a 95% confidence interval that extends from 15 degrees below initial angle to 10 degrees above initial angle. Statistically significant evidence that average turn angle during fouettds is less than initial angle does not exist because the confidence interval contains zero. Figure 35 shows a histogram of angles observed during all rotations for recorded fouette turns. The observed results are approximately normally distributed; a Gaussian of mean -0.8 and standard deviation 6.5 is a good fit. 41 0.07 0.06- - 0.05 C - A 0.04 - 2 0.03 0.02- - 0.01 0 -25 -20 -15 -10 -5 0 Deviation from starting angle, 0 5 10 15 Figure 35: Fouette probability density of angles during periods of rotation, measured as deviations from initial angle. The black line along the x-axis represents the 95% confidence interval for angle during rotation for single pirouettes, -2.4 12.6 degrees. The observed results are approximately normally distributed, as indicated by the Gaussian fit of mean -0.8 and standard deviation 6.5. Statistically significant evidence that average turn angle duringfouettes is less than initial angle does not exist because the confidence interval contains zero. Comparing the observed interval on average angle while rotating for fouettes with those observed for different numbers of pirouettes by the same subjects, it is clear average angle while rotating cannot be distinguished between turn types. However, the large standard deviation and spread in the distribution for fouette turns is evident in the wider confidence interval on average fouettd turn angle. Table 3 shows results for turn angle on single, double, and triple pirouettes and fouettds. Table 3: Average angle while rotating for single, double, and triple pirouettes andfouettes, reported with 95% confidence intervals. Single Pirouettes Average Angle while Rotating 0.1 0 5.9 Double Pirouettes Triple Pirouettes Fouettis -3.0 -3.4 -2 9.2 42 4.4 13 5.3 Evolution of Plie and Turn Angle with Increased Rotations Plid angle, turn angle, and turn standard deviation were measured as rotations increased throughout the course offouettd trials. Plid angle prior to each subsequent turn was found to be relatively consistent by subject as number of rotations increased, and deviation from average plie angle was found to be the same across subjects. The left panel of Figure 36 shows the relation between plhd angle and rotation number for the three advanced amateurs measured, with each subject's data in a different color. Difference in plie angle and subject's average phid angle for all turns after the first (not including preparation plie) and rotation number were compared. The correlation was not statistically significant at the 5% level, as shown in the linear model in the right panel of Figure 36. 80 o 75- 4 0 0 00 X x PlieAngle vs. RotationNumber 1 x 6 - 0 70 X X 0 0 -X 6 5- 5 0 00-0 0 0)6 0.....X 0 .......... 2 X.... ...... o-,-2 -X 50 - X .2X 0 40 - 35 0 X - 45 - - 2 -6 S0 0 4 8 6 Rotation Number ' 10 .6 12 X X x X@--------.Confidence ,IIII 8 6 4 2 Rotation Number x ta Bounds 10 Figure 36: (Left) Magnitude of plid angle versus the rotation number of the turn within that fouettd trial. Each subject is indicated with a different color. (Right) attempted linear model relating the difference between p11d angle and average plie angle to rotation number. The red line indicates the fit, which falls very close to the gray zero degree reference line. Correlation was not statistically significant at the 5% level. Therefore, rotation number does not have a significant effect on the plie angle prior to that rotation; namely, dancers maintain a relatively standard plie angle, and their plid angles, regardless of rotation number, remain relatively constant. Average angle of the supporting leg during each rotation was also measured for fouettd turns. Like with plid angles, dancers maintain a relatively constant average turn angle, even as rotations increase. Rotation number was not a significant predictor of average turn angle at the 5% level. Figure 37 shows the relation between average turn angle and rotation number, with each subject's data in a different color. 43 15 0 10 0 0 00 0 0 5 4) @O0 I-B) 0 00 0 8o~ o 0 0 cc -5 00 0 -10 -15 0 0 2 4 8 6 Rotation Number 10 12 Figure 37: Average turn angle versus the rotation number of the turn within that fouette trial. Each subject is indicated with a different color. Standard deviation during turn saw much more variation across rotations than the other two parameters, but rotation number was again not a significant predictor of this parameter at the 5% level. Figure 38 shows the relation between standard deviation of turn angle and rotation number, with each subject's data in a different color. 12 0 10k 0 I- 8 0 0 00 0 0 0 cc 'U 6 0 0 0 o 8 4 09 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 8 01 0 2 4 6 8 Rotation Number 10 12 Figure 38: Standard deviation during turn versus the rotation number of the turn within thatfouette trial. Each subject is indicated with a different color. Clearly dancers are able to maintain relatively consistent plies, average turn angles, and turn quality independent of rotation number. 44 5.4 Dynamic Analysis of High Speed Video Movement of points A, B, C, and D, as defined in Section 3.6 and reproduced in Figure 39, was tracked in time and assessed to determine consistency offouettes. To complete what is considered a perfect turn, a dancer theoretically must keep his or her center point, the location of his or her axis rotation, exactly still. However, in practice, this is nearly impossible for dancers to achieve: they must readjust their position constantly to maintain stability. Thus, minimizing traveling during turns is considered best practice, but small deviations are accepted. A parametric plot of the movement of the center point of the head (red marker A) is shown in Figure 39. The direction of movement in time is indicated by the color gradient on the right hand side. 0.5 12 0.410 0.3 8 - 0.2 >- 6 0.1 E 4 0- -0.11 0.4 2 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0 X [m] Figure 39: Position of the center point of the head of a dancer through the course of 11 fouettg turns. An image of the point tracked is shown to the left. The change of position in time (right) is indicated by the color gradient, scaled to the duration of the turn in seconds. A technically perfect fouette would require the center point to remain still at its initial position; however, in practice, this is very challenging for dancers to maintain. Minimizing movement of one's central axis during turns is the accepted best practice. As Figure 39 shows, this advanced amateur dancer was able to remain within half a meter in any given direction from her starting point, a very small radius. Average deviation from the center point was 0.221 0.014 meter (less than 9"), under 15% of the dancer's wingspan. Overall movement in time produced nearly perfect circles across all completed rotations, as shown in Figure 40. Tracked motion of point D in time, representing the overall motion of the subject's body, produced circles of different centers (left). Subtracting out the distance from the center point (A) produced nearly overlapping circles (right). The dancer maintained a steady radius between her axis of rotation and her hand during the course of a turn. 45 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 >-I 1 0.5. 0.8 210.6 0 .90.4 0 -0.2 -0.4 0.2 -0.5 -0.5 0 X[m] 0.5 0 0 -0.5 0.5 Figure 40: Position of point D-the steady arm-of a dancer in time (left) and position of point D relative to the dancer's moving center, point A (right). The subject maintained a relatively constant distance between her axis of rotation and steady arm through the course of her turns. Due to time constraints of the subjects, only one dancer was measured with video analysis. Analysis of additional dancers may yield further insight on how capable advanced and/or professional dancers are of minimizing travel while turning. Data collected was limited by the accuracy of the video-tracking software: slight noise in positions measured produced a noisier angular velocity estimate. Higher resolution video and more advanced tracking software may produce a clearer measurement. Angular velocity was determined for each of the relations defined in Section 3.6 to assess the quality of a dancer's spotting, as defined in Section 2.4, by comparing the change in rotational speed of the head and body during the course of each trial. Overall angular velocity of the dancer's body is expected to oscillate between two points of nonzero magnitude and the same sign, while angular velocity of the head should oscillate between approximately zero and a value of greater magnitude than the maximum body angular velocity. Figure 41 shows angular velocity values for the head and body of a dancer as estimated from measured angles. 25. 20 0 15 C 10 s 5 VI.1 0 ~0 2 4 6 Time [s] a 10 12 Figure 41: Angular velocity of the head (red) and the body (green) in time. Angular velocity of the body varied between 4.85 0.72 and 6.97 0.12 radians per second, while angular velocity of the head showed greater amplitude of oscillation, between 1.93 0.15 and 10.60 0.35 radians per second. 46 14 As expected, angular velocity of the body varied between 4.85 0.72 and 6.97 0.12 radians per second, while angular velocity of the head showed greater amplitude of oscillation, between 1.93 0.15 and 10.60 0.35 radians per second. Thus, maximum angular velocity of spotting is about one and a half times that of a dancer's body while turning. These data represent a preliminary look at the contribution of spotting, a practice that helps dancers maintain balance and avoid dizziness, to turns. However, because spotting is a fundamental part of correct turns, it is difficult to assess if it contributes to a dancer's overall speed or stability during a turn. Further analysis across a greater number of advanced and/or professional dancers may provide a stronger overall estimate of the difference in angular velocity of spotting and turning and the potential contribution of spotting to injury prevention. 6. Conclusions Minimum preparation plid angle, turn angle, and turn standard deviation did not differ significantly across different numbers of rotations in pirouettes. The insignificant difference in preparation plie angles shows that a deeper plid does not necessarily improve a dancer's ability to complete more turns. Instead, plie angle is likely influenced by gender, and thus the geometry of the leg: magnitude of plie angle was found to be at least 20.3 degrees greater for males than for females. Similarity in angle while rotating for single, double, and triple pirouettes shows that for professional and pre-professional dancers, there is little difference in skill in performing one to three pirouette rotations. Average angle during the turning portion of the pirouette was 2.0 2.1 degrees less than initial standing knee angle for single pirouettes, 2.0 3.2 degrees less for double pirouettes, and 1.9 5.1 degrees less for triple pirouettes. Characteristic standard deviation during rotation was 2.00 0.36 for single pirouettes, 3.17 0.77 for doubles, and 3.2 2.0 for triples. These results emphasize dancers' tendency to bend their supporting knee to correct for instability: a combination of neural feedback on balance and dancer comfort with the turn cause the dancer to bend and straighten the supporting knee while rotating. However, bending one's knee while turning can lead to fatigue injuries and greater risk of falling; as such, this is not good practice. The positive deviations from average turn angle illustrate some dancers' tendency to hyperextend during stable points in a turn-also a dangerous practice. These results could be used to help dancers correct their knee angle during each stage of a pirouette to reduce risk of injury and improve technique. Since dancers were instructed to complete turns at their own pace, turn duration in seconds varied greatly by subject. However, fraction of time turning saw a statistically significant difference between single and double pirouettes, 22.5 2.1 and 34.3 2.7 percent of total run time, respectively. Turns required at least 13.5% of run time with an added 9.1% of run time for each additional rotation. Goodness of fit of the minimum jerk model to plid movements in joint space rather than in Cartesian coordinates implies that the Central Nervous System encodes bending motions in dance in joint coordinates (angles) instead of in Cartesian coordinates, the encoding coordinates for reaching movements of the arm. 47 In comparing fouett6s to pirouettes, no difference could be distinguished between turn types for both preparation pli6 and angle while rotating. Rotation number was not a significant predictor of plie angle or angle while turning during each successive rotation for fouettes. Dancers can successfully maintain consistent plid and turn angles when turning continuously duringfouettds. For the one advanced amateur recorded with high speed video, axis of rotation remained within 0.221 0.014 meter of starting position during fouettes-minimal travel but sufficient to correct for instability. Advanced dancers are thus able to minimize travel to a small fraction of their wingspan-in this example, below 15 percent-while completing manyfouettds in succession. Angular velocity of the body varied between 4.85 0.72 and 6.97 0.12 radians per second, while angular velocity of the head showed greater amplitude of oscillation, between 1.93 0.15 and 10.60 0.35 radians per second. Thus, maximum angular speed of spotting is approximately one and a half times the angular velocity of the body while turning. This kinematic definition of proper ballet technique, with deviations from expectation representing potential for improvement, creates a framework for interpreting dancer movement control that could contribute to the understanding of neural control of a dancer's lower extremities to prevent injury. 7. Further Work Use of more advanced movement tracking technologies could allow for further development and testing of a dynamic model (such as the minimum jerk model) that matches the form of proper technique as quantified during these experiments. The use of motion capture technology for this study was investigated early on, but the issue of occlusion and time and resource constraints prevented its use for the study. Motion capture technology would enable tracking of further degrees of freedom and could potentially enable computation of a more detailed mathematical model of pirouette and fouette motions in multiple degrees of freedom. While complicated, modeling the standing leg as a feedback mechanism could provide greater understanding of the inputs (neural and mechanical) that a dancer uses to control his or her movement during turns. More detailed comparison of pirouette andfouetti turns, particularly with more advanced dancers, could yield additional insight on the standing leg as a control system that corrects for instability during turns, allowing dancers to maintain their balance and prevent falls. 48 References Laws, "Physics and the Art of Dance: Understanding Movement," New York: Oxford University Press (2002), pp. 62-82. 2 A. Watkins, "Dancing Longer and Stronger: A Dancer's Guide to Improving Technique and Preventing Injury," New Jersey: Princeton Book Co. (1990). 3 J. Simon et. al, "Prevalence of Chronic Ankle Instability and Associated Symptoms in University Dance Majors," Journal of Dance Medicine & Science, Vol. 18 Issue 4 (2014), pp. 178-184. 1 K. 4 T. Huang, "Automatic Dancing Assessment Using Kinect," Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies, Vol. 21 (2013), pp. 511-520. 5L. Kirstein. "Four Centuries of Ballet: Fifty Masterworks," New York: Dover Publications (1984), pp. 49-97. 6A. Sugano and K. Laws, "Physical Analysis as a Foundation for Pirouette Training," Medical Problems of Performing Arts, Vol 17 (March 2002), pp. 29-32. 7 J. Butterworth, "Dance Studies: The Basics," New York: Routledge (2012). 8T. Flash and N. Hogan, "The Coordination of Arm Movements - An Experimentally Confirmed Mathematical Model," Journal of Neuroscience. 5, 7 (1985). 9T. Flash and E. Henis, "Arm Trajectory Modifications During Reaching Towards Visual Targets," Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience. 3, 3 (1991). 10S. Fitt, "Dance Kinesiology," New York: Schirmer Books (1996), pp. 134-143, 227-243. 11J. Fitzgordon, "Core Walking: The Popliteus." http://corewalking.com/knee-stuffpopliteus-muscle/. 2 1 T. Grosshauser and B. Blasing, "Wearable Sensor-Based Real-Time Sonification of Motion and Foot Pressure in Dance Teaching and Training," Journal of the Audio Engineering Society 60 (July/August 2012), pp. 580-589. 13G. M. Berardi, "Finding Balance: Fitness, Training, and Health for a Lifetime in Dance," Psychology Press (2005), pp. 77-92. 1 4 H. Barrett, "Assessing Dance Technique through Knee Angle During Pirouette Turns," (unpublished) Cambridge, MA: Massachusetts Institute of Technology (2013). 15Vernier Software & Technology. http://www.vernier.com/products/sensors/gnm-bta/ 16Vernier Software & Technology. http://www.vernier.com/products/interfaces/labq2/ 17Samsung. 18 D. http://www.samsung.com/us/support/owners/product/EC-TL350ZBPBUS Brown, Tracker (Cabrillo College, 2015). 49