Cross Program Consolidated Monitoring
Sample Evidences
In general , the monitoring team is seeking substantial evidence that the program is conducted as approved and aligned with statutory requirements. The list provided contains sample evidences of compliance, but is not intended to be all inclusive. Local education agencies (LEAs) and charter schools may provide any documentation that is comprehensive, thorough, and detailed sufficient to demonstrate compliance.
Stakeholder Involvement: Parents, staff, students, and community members participate in developing, implementing, and evaluating programs at both LEA and school levels.
LEA Plan
LEA Parent Involvement Policy
School Parent Involvement Policy/Plan
Sample school improvement plans
Results of the previous year evaluation and needs assessment related to parent involvement policies/plans
Sample signed school-parent compacts
Evidence of annual public meeting
Notice of parent meetings, agendas, minutes, sign-in sheets, records of parent comments to support dissemination procedures
Meeting notices, meeting agendas, minutes of meetings, questionnaires, surveys, other relevant documents demonstrating stakeholder consultations
Copy of the LEA/School Report Card
Copies of right-to-know notifications
Samples of /LEA school communications to parents to reflect that families are included in meaningful way twoway communication (primary language)
Samples of school communication to families, records of meetings, training sessions, etc.
Parent Advisory Council (PAC) membership rosters, sign-in sheets, agendas, minutes, etc. (as applicable)
Evidence of migrant parent involvement in planning (as applicable)
Title I budget reflecting required parent involvement set-aside, distribution procedures of funds to participating schools, and samples of expenditures to date (as applicable)
Governance, Administration and Funding.
Applications, plans, administration of programs, allocation and use of funds meet statutory requirements.
Principal’s monthly ADM report, School Food Service report/certification
Copy of allocation procedures, Title I budgets for selected schools
Recent expenditure report, budget report
Rosters of consultations with teachers, principals, and other staff included in plan development
Meeting notice(s), meeting agendas/minutes, sign-in sheets for determining set-asides in consultation with stakeholders
Plans for monitoring implementation of federal programs aligned to written plans
Evaluation results of Title II equity plan
Evidence of consultation with private schools in the development of plans (e.g., letters to nonpublic schools, notice(s) of meetings, meeting agendas, meeting minutes for initial consultation on plan development)
Notice of meetings, meeting agendas, meeting minutes for participating private school ongoing consultations (as applicable)
Private school/LEA set asides, purchase orders from private schools, program description, FTE report, contracted services documents (if applicable)
Plans/agreements with private schools officials in providing equitable services (as applicable)
COE examples, ID&R procedures, recruitment schedules (MEP only)
Evidence of services for migrant children, homeless children, N&D children (N/D only)
Description of N/D program, memorandums with facilities (N/D only)
Program Quality.
Programs are implemented using research-based strategies and services, highly qualified staff, and high quality professional development, all aligned to a comprehensive needs assessment.
School Improvement Plans for selected schools
Sample documents used in conducting needs assessment using data from multiple domains including process, perception, demographic, and outcome data (e.g., test data, surveys, discipline reports, attendance reports, etc.) and summary of needs assessment.
Certification data and principal’s attestation statements
Documents demonstrating transition strategies between school and preschool programs; between elementary and middle school programs, and middle and high school programs for helping students make the transitions from early childhood to elementary or from elementary to middle, and middle to high school
Samples of Personal Education Plans and/or Instructional Intervention Plans
Records of recruitment and retention plans
Records of professional development activities/opportunities
Evidence of professional development aligned to needs and PD evaluations
Classroom observation protocols for fidelity checks
Samples of Individual Growth Plans, Professional Development Plans, etc.
Evidence of collaboration with community resources
A copy of selection procedures, multi-criteria scoring instrument, eligibility lists, participants list for all schools with targeted assistance programs (TAS only)
Documentation used for selection process (TAS/preschool only)
Process for enrollment including screening results and other selection criteria for preschool to grade 2, eligibility, participants list, and records of meetings with Title I staff in participating schools and/or preschool programs
(TAS/preschool only)
Selection process for students grades 3 and up (TAS only)
Rank order list of students (TAS/preschool only)
Program narratives for all schools with targeted assistance programs (TAS only)
Copy of curriculum, instructional materials used in project (TAS only)
Duty rosters for school staff and Title I teacher schedules (TAS only)
Rosters of enrolled students and students on the waiting list (TAS/preschool only)
Copy of curriculum, daily classroom schedules, sample lesson plans, sample child assessment documentation
(TAS/preschool only)
Accountability and Reporting. Programs use state and other assessments to measure the achievement of intended outcomes of programs. LEA and schools publicly report and widely disseminate all required program and student accountability results.
Documents to support public dissemination of the report card (e.g., news article containing the report or newsletter containing the report, cover letter for report, memo to schools, etc.)
Samples of teacher team meetings regarding use of assessments (e.g., agendas, minutes, etc.)
Student portfolio samples including ongoing assessment data
Samples of assessment tools used by teachers
Calendar of assessments
Student growth data
Evidence of Focus School plan revisions (e.g., Board meeting minutes, agenda, sign in sheets) o School plan dated, reviewed/revised o School team minutes, agenda, handouts o School needs assessments in CCIP o Comprehensive school plan for description of interventions in Focus Schools o Comprehensive needs assessment results o Diagnostic assessment results (e.g., formative, benchmark, etc.) o Research-based interventions o Professional development plans, participation rosters, agendas o Classroom observation protocols o Schedules/timelines of implementing interventions o School parent involvement policy/plan o Schedule, rosters, minutes from teacher planning time (e.g., PLCs, PLTs, department meetings, etc.)
Multiple and appropriate measures of student progress (including MEP, N/D as appropriate)