Oct. 1, 2015 Principals' Biweekly Message - Lynda Fuller 10/1/15 1:52 PM Oct. 1, 2015 Principals' Biweekly Message North Carolina Public Schools <NCPublicSchools@public.govdelivery.com> Thu 10/1/2015 1:18 PM Inbox To: Lynda Fuller <Lynda.Fuller@dpi.nc.gov>; Having trouble viewing this email? View it as a Web page. Oct. 1, 2015 In October, the schools participating in the Proof of Concept study of a potential new model for end-of-grade assessments will give the first shorter assessment to their fifth and sixth grade students. While only 80 schools and approximately 9,000 students are participating in the Proof of Concept study, we expect to learn a great deal about the use of “through the year” assessments rather than relying so heavily on one, longer end-of-grade assessment at the end of the school year. Even if your school is not involved, it is helpful if principals across the state know this work is underway. The goal of the new model is to provide teachers with more immediate feedback collected through four shorter assessments throughout the year while still collecting key student academic performance information for accountability purposes. If this model proves to be a good one, local benchmark or interim assessments would be replaced by the new shorter state assessments. Also, the Proof of Concept study assessments are given in a less high-stress environment. We will keep you informed as this work moves forward. https://outlook.office.com/owa/#viewmodel=ReadMessageItem&ItemI…wLATFQbVDaoQShvuEAAHlp7OHAAA%3D&IsPrintView=1&wid=82&ispopout=1 Page 1 of 5 Oct. 1, 2015 Principals' Biweekly Message - Lynda Fuller 10/1/15 1:52 PM State Board of Education Highlights At this morning’s Board meeting, members received reports on third grade performance under Read to Achieve and teacher turnover in 2014-15. Members approved the state’s READY Accountability results for 2014-15, the list of schools and districts identified as low performing, guidelines for academically or intellectually gifted programs, Read to Achieve local alternative assessments, and requests for approval from two charter schools to be funded as dropout prevention and recovery programs. Board members also recognized Guilford County Schools’ The Early/Middle College at Bennett for receiving the 2015 National Schools of Character Award and three Guilford County schools for receiving the 2015 North Carolina Schools of Character State Award: Brooks Global Studies Elementary, James Y. Joyner Elementary and The Early/Middle College at Bennett. A complete list of Board actions will be available online Friday afternoon. Principal READY Sessions Launch in November The fall Principal READY meetings are currently scheduled regionally in November and December. The 2014-15 Educator Evaluation System data, new legislation, Analysis of Student Work (ASW), and student surveys are topics that will be covered in these sessions. Participants will interact with various data points including EVAAS and student growth data using a PLN framework. Breakout sessions are differentiated and focus on needs of principals in each region based on feedback shared with Service Support Teams. You may register online beginning Oct. 5. Math Updates NCDPI’s Mathematics team has released updated Notes and Unpacking Guides for teachers of Math I, II and III as well as updated Indicators for Pre-Calculus, Discrete and AFM fourth courses. Teachers of Math I, II and III will find updated clarifications on the Notes here. https://outlook.office.com/owa/#viewmodel=ReadMessageItem&ItemI…wLATFQbVDaoQShvuEAAHlp7OHAAA%3D&IsPrintView=1&wid=82&ispopout=1 Page 2 of 5 Oct. 1, 2015 Principals' Biweekly Message - Lynda Fuller 10/1/15 1:52 PM Teachers of AFM, Discrete and Pre-Calculus: Indicators for Advanced Functions & Modeling, Discrete Math and Precalculus have been added to the HS Math Wiki Page under Instructional Resources. These documents, which include a list of vocabulary, skills, concepts and examples, are intended to help teachers plan instruction for students in these 4th level math courses. Word and pdf versions of the documents are included here. Both of these resources were created and/or updated in collaboration with the NC DPI Accountability Services Department and the Testing Section. If you have any questions, please contact one of our secondary consultants Joseph Reaper or Lisa Ashe. K-2 Math Assessments have been updated and revised. They are currently being vetted and will be available in October. If you have any questions, please contact one of NCDPI’s elementary consultants Denise Schulz or Kitty Rutherford. Don’t Freak Out, ShakeOut! Earthquakes in North Carolina are not usually severe, but they do happen. In fact, our state has had 14 minor earthquakes already this year. It only takes a few minutes to practice three simple steps – drop, cover and hold on – that can keep your students and faculty safe. North Carolina, along with six other Southeastern states, will participate in the Great Southeast Shakeout on Thursday, Oct. 15, at 10:15 a.m. We hope you’ll join us in the fourth annual earthquake drill and take time to practice earthquake safety. To learn more or register, visit the Great ShakeOut website and share that you are committed to practicing earthquake safety in your school. NCDPI Provides EdTech Platform for Teachers How effective are the instructional technology tools teachers will use this school year? How do teachers know which technology products are best for their classrooms? Thanks to a partnership with LearnTrials.com, NCDPI is providing a time-saving way for teachers to connect with their professional learning communities, see what teachers in their school or across the state are using to get results, share their thoughts and questions, and discover the products that are best for their classroom. NCDPI values every teacher's expertise, so please encourage your teachers to share their real experience with any digital learning tool online. Their insights will not only help their professional learning communities and other educators, but will help NCDPI staff make better decisions about the tools and resources we provide to NC educators. LearnTrials.com is a research-backed, online platform that combines verified educator insights with multiple data sources to help educators make informed decisions when they try, buy and use education technology. We hope you will encourage your teachers to visit the Education Technology Management Platform website and share their feedback, find thousands of useful insights from verified educators, https://outlook.office.com/owa/#viewmodel=ReadMessageItem&ItemI…wLATFQbVDaoQShvuEAAHlp7OHAAA%3D&IsPrintView=1&wid=82&ispopout=1 Page 3 of 5 Oct. 1, 2015 Principals' Biweekly Message - Lynda Fuller 10/1/15 1:52 PM connect with fellow educators to share products and best practices, and discover the digital tools that are best for their classrooms. America's Legislators Back to School Program America's Legislators Back to School Program, sponsored by the National Conference of State Legislatures, kicked off Sept. 14 and will run throughout the school year. Educators are encouraged to extend invitations to their local representatives to visit and talk with students about the legislative process and what it’s like to be a state legislator: the processes, the pressures, and the debate - the negotiation and compromise that are the fabric of representative democracy. Classroom discussions are being encouraged over school-wide assemblies. North Carolina has actively participated in the America’s Legislators Back to School program since its inception in 1999. STEM Funding Opportunities Available Many grant opportunities are offered to educators, students and schools to enhance STEM education. Grants are offered on national, regional and state levels. Visit the NC STEM Center website to learn more. Latest Messages Online Sept. 24, 2015 Teachers’ Biweekly Message https://outlook.office.com/owa/#viewmodel=ReadMessageItem&ItemI…wLATFQbVDaoQShvuEAAHlp7OHAAA%3D&IsPrintView=1&wid=82&ispopout=1 Page 4 of 5 Oct. 1, 2015 Principals' Biweekly Message - Lynda Fuller 10/1/15 1:52 PM Stay Connected with North Carolina Public Schools: SUBSCRIBER SERVICES: Manage Subscriptions | Help This email was sent to lynda.fuller@dpi.nc.gov using GovDelivery, on behalf of: North Carolina Public Schools · 301 N. Wilmington St. · Raleigh, NC 27601 https://outlook.office.com/owa/#viewmodel=ReadMessageItem&ItemI…wLATFQbVDaoQShvuEAAHlp7OHAAA%3D&IsPrintView=1&wid=82&ispopout=1 Page 5 of 5