The 1998-99 North Carolina State Testing Results Multiple-Choice Grade 3 Pretest, End-of-Grade, High School Comprehensive, and End-of-Course Tests March 2000 Public Schools of North Carolina State Board of Education Department of Public Instruction Office of Instructional and Accountability Services Division of Accountability Services / Testing Section Acknowledgements The development of a comprehensive document that contains student and school system performance on grade 3 pretests, end-of-grade tests, high school comprehensive tests, and endof-course tests requires the skill and efforts of many individuals. We would like to thank Mildred Bazemore, Monica Geary, and Ken Barbour for their assistance in preparing all phases of this publication; George Stubblefield and Betty Marsh for supplying the statistical data; Karen Eller, for creating the tables and figures, and Andrea Barefoot, Anthony Wells, Kathleen Snyder, and Katie McCann for verifying accuracy of the numbers and editing. Abstract The 1998-99 North Carolina State Testing Results Grade 3 Pretest, End-of-Grade, High School Comprehensive, and End-of Course Multiple-Choice Tests Background Grade 3 Pretest Findings • Initially implemented during the 1996-97 school year, the North Carolina Pretest-Grade 3 is a multiple-choice reading and mathematics test administered to students during the first three weeks of the third grade. Student scores on this test are used to measure student growth in performance when compared to the end-of-grade test results at the end of the third grade year in the areas of reading and mathematics. The pretest at grade 3 measures the knowledge and skills specified for grade 2 from the reading and mathematics goals and objectives of the North Carolina Standard Course of Study. The pretest was administered to more than 101,000 students in the beginning of the 1998-99 school year. • Beginning in the 1992-93 school year, the North Carolina State Board of Education authorized administration of North Carolina-developed end-of-grade tests aligned with the Standard Course of Study. These state-normed tests were administered to over 569,000 students in grades 3 through 8 during the last three weeks of the 1998-99 school year. • The North Carolina High School Comprehensive Test in reading and mathematics was first administered in 1997-98 to all students in grade 10. It assesses the English Language Arts and Mathematics competencies the typical student should master by the end of grade 10. The test is used to measure student growth in achievement in reading and mathematics since completion of grade 8. It was administered to more than 75,000 students in the last three weeks of April 1999. • End-of-course tests measure achievement on curricular goals and objectives with an emphasis on higher-order thinking skills. Multiple choice tests were administered in Algebra I; Algebra II; Biology; Chemistry; Economic, Legal and Political Systems (ELP); English I; Geometry; Physical Science; Physics and U.S. History to over 631,000 students within the last two weeks of instruction during the 1998-99 school year. • Achievement Level III or Above. These results show that 67.4 percent of students entering third grade scored at or above Achievement Level III on the reading pretest while 74.7 percent scored at or above Achievement Level III on the mathematics pretest. The percent of students scoring at or above Achievement Level III on the grade 3 reading pretest in 1998-99 increased 2.1 percentage points from 199798. The percent of students scoring at or above Achievement Level III on the grade 3 mathematics pretest in 1998-99 increased 3.2 percentage points from 1997-98. End-of-Grade Findings • Mean Scale Scores. In these data, the grade 3 reading pretest mean scale score increased from 137.7 in 1997-98 to 138.1 in 1998-99. The grade 3 mathematics pretest mean scale score increased from 130.2 in 1997-98 to 130.9 in 1998-99. • Gender. A higher percentage of females than males performed at Achievement Level III or above in the grade 3 reading pretest and the grade 3 mathematics pretest. • Ethnicity. Disparities in performance among subgroups were noted in these results. In reading, the American Indian (53.7%), Black (53.8%), and Hispanic (54.1%) subgroups had lower percentages performing at Achievement Level III or above than the Multi-Racial (70.5%), Asian (73.0%) and White (74.8%) subgroups in these data. In mathematics, the Black (60.8%), American Indian (61.3%), and Hispanic (64.8%) subgroups had lower percentages performing at Achievement Level III or above than the Multi-Racial (77.2%), White (82.1%), and Asian (83.8%) subgroups. In comparison to 1997-98, all subgroups have higher percentages of students performing at Achievement Level III or above in reading and mathematics in 199899, except for the Asian subgroup which decreased slightly. • Achievement Level III or Above. Data from 1998-99 suggest the percentage of students in grades 3-8 performing at Achievement Level III and above in both reading and mathematics continues to grow, from 52.9 percent in 1992-93 to an estimated 69.1 percent in 1998-99. • Mean Scale Scores. In these data, mean scale scores for reading increased at least slightly from 1997-98 to 1998-99 at every grade level except grade 5 (remained the same). Mean scale scores for mathematics increased somewhat at every grade level. On average, student performance increased on end-of-grade testing every year. • Gender. In 1998-99, a higher percentage of females (72.1%) than males (66.2%) scored at or above Achievement Level III in both reading and mathematics in grades 3-8 combined. Although the number of females and males performing at Achievement Level III continues to rise across the years, the females consistently outperform males in a trend established with the 1992-93 school year’s testing. • Ethnicity. Disparities in performance were present among subgroups. The Black (48.5%), Hispanic (55.5%), and American Indian (55.6%) subgroups had lower percentages performing at Achievement Level III or above in both reading and mathematics in grades 3-8 combined than the Multi-Racial (70.4%), Asian (75.0%) and White (79.2%) subgroups in these data. However, each subgroup had a higher percentage of students scoring at Achievement Level III or above than in 1997-98. High School Comprehensive Findings End-of-Course Findings • Achievement Level III or Above. These results show that 61.1 percent of students taking the high school comprehensive test scored at or above Achievement Level III in reading while 61.4 percent scored at or above Achievement Level III in mathematics. The percent of students scoring at or above Achievement Level III on the high school comprehensive test in reading in 1998-99 increased 5.5 percentage points from 1997-98. The percent of students scoring at or above Achievement Level III on the high school comprehensive test in mathematics in 1998-99 increased 6.5 percentage points from 199798. • Mean Scale Scores. In these data, the high school comprehensive mean scale score in reading increased from 163.3 in 1997-98 to 164.8 in 1998-99. The high school comprehensive mean scale score in mathematics increased from 174.3 in 1997-98 to 176.3 in 1998-99. • Gender. A higher percentage of females than males performed at Achievement Level III or above in reading and mathematics. The percent of females at Achievement Level III or above in reading increased from 62.0 in 1997-98 to 65.8 in 1998-99. The percent of males at Achievement Level III or above in reading increased from 49.0 in 1997-98 to 56.3 in 1998-99. The percent of females at Achievement Level III or above in mathematics increased from 57.1 in 1997-98 to 62.4 in 1998-99. The percent of males at Achievement Level III or above in mathematics increased from 52.6 in 1997-98 to 60.4 in 1998-99. • Ethnicity. Disparities in performance among subgroups were noted in these results. In reading, the Black (38.4%), American Indian (42.8%), and Hispanic (48.5%) subgroups had lower percentages performing at Achievement Level III or above than the Asian (60.2%), Multi-Racial (65.8%), and White (71.1%) subgroups. In mathematics, the Black (36.8%), American Indian (44.9%), and Hispanic (50.2%) subgroups had lower percentages performing at Achievement Level III or above than the Multi-Racial (60.5%), Asian (70.7%), and White (71.9%) subgroups. In comparison to 1997-98, all subgroup performance increased with the exception of the Asian subgroup performance in mathematics. In 1997-98, 73.3% of Asian students performed at Achievement Level III or above in mathematics in comparison to 70.7% in 1998-99. • During the 1997-98 school year, school systems had the option of administering the end-of-course tests of Algebra II, Chemistry, Geometry, Physical Science, and Physics. Although statewide administrations of these tests were mandated for the 1998-99 school year, comparisons across years are not available. • Achievement Level III or Above. Student performance at Achievement Level III or above in end-of-course tests increased in four of the five tests reported to the State in 1997-98. The comparison of results from 1997-98 to 1998-99 is as follows: Algebra I increased from 61.6% to 65.4%; Biology decreased from 59.0% to 57.7%; ELP increased from 66.9% to 67.4%; English I increased from 60.7% to 64.6%; and U.S. History increased from 49.6% to 51.0%. Students with Limited English Proficiency • Mean Scale Scores. The mean scale score for Algebra I is 58.0; for Biology, 56.0; for ELP, 55.0; for English I, 54.5; and for U.S. History, 56.6. The mean scale scores from 1997-98 to 1998-99 increased with the exception of Biology. In 1997-98, the mean scale score for 78,804 students was 56.2. In 1998-99 the mean scale score for 76,872 students was 56.0. • Gender. A higher percentage of females than males performed at Achievement Level III or above in Algebra I and English I. More males than females scored at or above Achievement Level III on Algebra II, Biology, Chemistry, ELP, Geometry, Physical Science, Physics, and U.S. History end-of-course testing. • Ethnicity. Performance among subgroups varied while tending to be relatively consistent across subjects in these data. The Asian subgroup had the highest performance on Algebra I, Algebra II, Chemistry, and Physics. On Biology, ELP, English I, Geometry, Physical Science, and U.S. History, the White subgroup had the largest percentage scoring at Achievement Level III or above. On most of the end-of-course tests the Hispanic, American Indian, and Black subgroups had the lowest percentages of students performing at or above Achievement Level III. Generally, the Hispanic subgroup had somewhat better performance than the American Indian subgroup, which in turn had somewhat better performance than the Black subgroup. • Among students meeting the limited English proficiency requirement, the highest average performance was on Physics, with 68.8 percent scoring at Achievement Level III or above. Performance on Algebra I was very similar, with 68.3 percent scoring Level III or above. Algebra II (59.3%), Chemistry (46.0%), Geometry (39.2%), U.S. History (26.2%), ELP (25.0%), Biology (24.3%), English I (23.5%) and Physical Science (23.0%) test results showed lower percentages of these students scoring at Achievement Level III or above. The 1998-99 North Carolina State Testing Results Grade 3 Pretest, End-of-Grade, High School Comprehensive, and End-of Course Multiple-Choice Tests Table of Contents List of Tables ............................................................................................................................... i List of Figures .............................................................................................................................. ix Introduction...................................................................................................................................1 Grade 3 Pretest Multiple-Choice Results................................................................................. 19 Statewide Summary................................................................................................................. 21 Goal Summaries ...................................................................................................................... 33 Frequency Distribution ............................................................................................................ 34 End-of-Grade Multiple-Choice Test Results ........................................................................... 43 Statewide Summary................................................................................................................. 45 Goal Summaries ..................................................................................................................... 88 Frequency Distribution ............................................................................................................ 94 Student Performance by LEA................................................................................................ 106 High School Comprehensive Multiple-Choice Test Results................................................. 173 Statewide Summary............................................................................................................... 175 Goal Summaries ................................................................................................................... 188 Frequency Distribution .......................................................................................................... 189 Student Performance by LEA................................................................................................ 192 End-of-Course Multiple-Choice Test Results........................................................................ 215 Statewide Summary............................................................................................................... 217 Goal Summaries .................................................................................................................... 253 Frequency Distribution .......................................................................................................... 263 Student Performance by LEA................................................................................................ 273 Appendix................................................................................................................................... 383 List of Charter Schools.......................................................................................................... 385 List of Tables Grade 3 Pretest Results Table 1. 1996-97 to 1998-99 Grade 3 Pretest Multiple-Choice Results, Statewide Summary, Reading and Mathematics................................................................................................... 21 Table 2. 1996-97 to 1998-99 Grade 3 Pretest Multiple-Choice Results, Percent of Students at Each Achievement Level by Gender and Ethnicity, Reading .......................... 22 Table 3. 1996-97 to 1998-99 Grade 3 Pretest Multiple-Choice Results, Percent of Students at Each Achievement Level by Gender and Ethnicity, Mathematics ................... 23 Table 4. 1998-99 Grade 3 Pretest Multiple-Choice Results, Performance of Exceptional and Limited English Proficient Students.....................................................................................30 Table 5. 1998-99 Grade 3 Pretest Multiple-Choice Results, Performance of Students Using Accommodations/Modifications ..........................................................................................31 Table 6. 1998-99 Grade 3 Pretest Multiple-Choice Results, Numbers of Exempt Students with Disabilities or Limited English Proficiency .........................................................................32 Table 7. 1998-99 Grade 3 Pretest Goal Summary Report ................................................................. 33 Table 8. 1998-99 Grade 3 Pretest Distribution of Scale Scores - Reading ........................................ 34 Table 9. 1998-99 Grade 3 Pretest Distribution of Scale Scores - Mathematics................................. 35 End-of-Grade Test Results Table 1. 1998-99 End-of-Grade Multiple-Choice Test Results, Statewide Summary, Reading and Mathematics................................................................................................... 45 Table 2. 1992-93 to 1998-99 End-of-Grade Multiple-Choice Test Results, Statewide Summary of Student Performance, Reading ......................................................................46 Table 3. 1992-93 to 1998-99 End-of-Grade Multiple-Choice Test Results, Statewide Summary of Student Performance, Mathematics ...............................................................47 Table 4. 1992-93 to 1998-99 End-of-Grade Multiple-Choice Test Results, Statewide Summary of Student Performance, Reading.......................................................................48 Table 5. 1992-93 to 1998-99 End-of-Grade Multiple-Choice Test Results, Statewide Summary of Student Performance, Mathematics ...............................................................50 Table 6. End-of-Grade Multiple-Choice Tests, Achievement Level Ranges by Subject and Grade...................................................................................................................................52 i Table 7. 1992-93 to 1998-99 End-of-Grade Multiple-Choice Test Results, Percent of Students at Each Achievement Level by Grade, Reading .................................53 Table 8. 1992-93 to 1998-99 End-of-Grade Multiple-Choice Test Results, Percent of Students at Each Achievement Level by Grade, Mathematics ..........................54 Table 9. 1998-99 End-of-Grade Multiple-Choice Test Results, Percent of Students by Achievement Level, by Grade and Ethnicity ...................................................................... 72 Table 10. 1998-99 End-of-Grade Multiple-Choice Test Results, Percent of Students by Achievement Level, by Grade and Gender........................................................................ 73 Table 11. 1998-99 End-of-Grade Multiple-Choice Test Results, Performance of Exceptional and Limited English Proficient Students, Grades 3-8......................................................... 74 Table 12. 1998-99 End-of-Grade Multiple-Choice Test Results, Performance of Students Using Accommodations/Modifications, Grades 3-8........................................................ 77 Table 13. 1998-99 End-of-Grade Multiple-Choice Test Results, Numbers of Exempt Students with Disabilities or Limited English Proficiency, Grades 3-8........................................... 80 Table 14. 1998-99 End-of-Grade Multiple-Choice Test Results, Characteristics and Performance of Grade 3 Students .................................................................................... 82 Table 15. 1998-99 End-of-Grade Multiple-Choice Test Results, Characteristics and Performance of Grade 4 Students .................................................................................... 83 Table 16. 1998-99 End-of-Grade Multiple-Choice Test Results, Characteristics and Performance of Grade 5 Students .................................................................................... 84 Table 17. 1998-99 End-of-Grade Multiple-Choice Test Results, Characteristics and Performance of Grade 6 Students .................................................................................... 85 Table 18. 1998-99 End-of-Grade Multiple-Choice Test Results, Characteristics and Performance of Grade 7 Students .................................................................................... 86 Table 19. 1998-99 End-of-Grade Multiple-Choice Test Results, Characteristics and Performance of Grade 8 Students .................................................................................... 87 Table 20. 1998-99 End-of-Grade Grade 3 Goal Summary Report ................................................... 88 Table 21. 1998-99 End-of-Grade Grade 4 Goal Summary Report ................................................... 89 Table 22. 1998-99 End-of-Grade Grade 5 Goal Summary Report ................................................... 90 Table 23. 1998-99 End-of-Grade Grade 6 Goal Summary Report ................................................... 91 ii Table 24. 1998-99 End-of-Grade Grade 7 Goal Summary Report ................................................... 92 Table 25. 1998-99 End-of-Grade Grade 8 Goal Summary Report ................................................... 93 Table 26. 1998-99 End-of-Grade Distribution of Scale Scores, Grade 3 Reading ........................... 94 Table 27. 1998-99 End-of-Grade Distribution of Scale Scores, Grade 3 Mathematics.................... 95 Table 28. 1998-99 End-of-Grade Distribution of Scale Scores, Grade 4 Reading ........................... 96 Table 29. 1998-99 End-of-Grade Distribution of Scale Scores, Grade 4 Mathematics................... 97 Table 30. 1998-99 End-of-Grade Distribution of Scale Scores, Grade 5 Reading .......................... 98 Table 31. 1998-99 End-of-Grade Distribution of Scale Scores, Grade 5 Mathematics....................99 Table 32. 1998-99 End-of-Grade Distribution of Scale Scores, Grade 6 Reading ......................... 100 Table 33. 1998-99 End-of-Grade Distribution of Scale Scores, Grade 6 Mathematics.................. 101 Table 34. 1998-99 End-of-Grade Distribution of Scale Scores, Grade 7 Reading ......................... 102 Table 35. 1998-99 End-of-Grade Distribution of Scale Scores, Grade 7 Mathematics.................. 103 Table 36. 1998-99 End-of-Grade Distribution of Scale Scores, Grade 8 Reading ......................... 104 Table 37. 1998-99 End-of-Grade Distribution of Scale Scores, Grade 8 Mathematics.................. 105 Table 38. 1998-99 End-of-Grade Multiple-Choice Test Results, Grade 3 Mean Scale Score by LEA - Reading ............................................................................................................... 106 Table 39. 1998-99 End-of-Grade Multiple-Choice Test Results, Grade 3 Mean Scale Score by LEA - Mathematics........................................................................................................ 107 Table 40. 1998-99 End-of-Grade Multiple-Choice Test Results, Grade 4 Mean Scale Score by LEA - Reading ............................................................................................................... 108 Table 41. 1998-99 End-of-Grade Multiple-Choice Test Results, Grade 4 Mean Scale Score by LEA - Mathematics........................................................................................................ 109 Table 42. 1998-99 End-of-Grade Multiple-Choice Test Results, Grade 5 Mean Scale Score by LEA - Reading ............................................................................................................... 110 Table 43. 1998-99 End-of-Grade Multiple-Choice Test Results, Grade 5 Mean Scale Score by LEA - Mathematics........................................................................................................ 111 iii Table 44. 1998-99 End-of-Grade Multiple-Choice Test Results, Grade 6 Mean Scale Score by LEA - Reading................................................................................................................. 112 Table 45. 1998-99 End-of-Grade Multiple-Choice Test Results, Grade 6 Mean Scale Score by LEA - Mathematics ......................................................................................................... 113 Table 46. 1998-99 End-of-Grade Multiple-Choice Test Results, Grade 7 Mean Scale Score by LEA - Reading................................................................................................................. 114 Table 47. 1998-99 End-of-Grade Multiple-Choice Test Results, Grade 7 Mean Scale Score by LEA - Mathematics ......................................................................................................... 115 Table 48. 1998-99 End-of-Grade Multiple-Choice Test Results, Grade 8 Mean Scale Score by LEA - Reading................................................................................................................. 116 Table 49. 1998-99 End-of-Grade Multiple-Choice Test Results, Grade 8 Mean Scale Score by LEA - Mathematics ......................................................................................................... 117 Table 50a-f. 1998-99 End-of-Grade Multiple-Choice Test Results for LEAs, Grade 3 Reading and Mathematics, by Region....................................................................................... 118 Table 51a-f. 1998-99 End-of-Grade Multiple-Choice Test Results for LEAs, Grade 4 Reading and Mathematics, by Region....................................................................................... 124 Table 52a-f. 1998-99 End-of-Grade Multiple-Choice Test Results for LEAs, Grade 5 Reading and Mathematics, by Region....................................................................................... 130 Table 53a-f. 1998-99 End-of-Grade Multiple-Choice Test Results for LEAs, Grade 6 Reading and Mathematics, by Region....................................................................................... 136 Table 54a-f. 1998-99 End-of-Grade Multiple-Choice Test Results for LEAs, Grade 7 Reading and Mathematics, by Region....................................................................................... 142 Table 55a-f. 1998-99 End-of-Grade Multiple-Choice Test Results for LEAs, Grade 8 Reading and Mathematics, by Region....................................................................................... 148 High School Comprehensive Test Results Table 1. 1997-98 to 1998-99 North Carolina High School Comprehensive Multiple-Choice Test Results, Statewide Summary, Reading and Mathematics ......................................... 175 Table 2. 1997-98 to 1998-99 North Carolina High School Comprehensive Multiple-Choice Test Results, Percent of Students at Each Achievement Level by Gender and Ethnicity, Reading............................................................................................................. 176 Table 3. 1997-98 to 1998-99 North Carolina High School Comprehensive Multiple-Choice Test Results, Percent of Students at Each Achievement Level by Gender and Ethnicity, Mathematics .................................................................................................... 177 iv Table 4. 1998-99 North Carolina High School Comprehensive Multiple-Choice Test Results, Performance of Exceptional and Limited English Proficient Students...............................184 Table 5. 1998-99 North Carolina High School Comprehensive Multiple-Choice Test Results, Performance of Students Using Accommodations/Modifications......................................185 Table 6. 1998-99 North Carolina High School Comprehensive Multiple-Choice Test Results, Numbers of Exempt Students with Disabilities or Limited English Proficiency................186 Table 7. 1998-99 North Carolina High School Comprehensive Multiple-Choice Test Results, Characteristics and Performance.........................................................................................187 Table 8. 1998-99 North Carolina High School Comprehensive Test Goal Summary Report...........188 Table 9. 1998-99 North Carolina High School Comprehensive Test, Distribution of Scale Scores – Reading.................................................................................................................189 Table 10. 1998-99 North Carolina High School Comprehensive Test, Distribution of Scale Scores – Mathematics........................................................................................................190 Table 11. 1998-99 North Carolina High School Comprehensive Multiple-Choice Test Results, Mean Scale Score by LEA - Reading ................................................................................192 Table 12. 1998-99 North Carolina High School Comprehensive Multiple-Choice Test Results, Mean Scale Score by LEA - Mathematics.........................................................................193 Table 13a-f. 1998-99 Multiple-Choice Test Results for LEAs, North Carolina High School Comprehensive Test, Reading, by Region....................................................................194 Table 14a-f. 1998-99 Multiple-Choice Test Results for LEAs, North Carolina High School Comprehensive Test, Mathematics, by Region.............................................................200 End-of-Course Test Results Table 1. 1990-91 to 1998-99 End-of-Course Multiple-Choice Test Results, Statewide Summary ........................................................................................................................... .217 Table 2. 1998-99 End-of-Course Multiple-Choice Test Results, Percent of Students at or Above Level III, by Ethnicity..............................................................................................218 Table 3. 1998-99 End-of-Course Multiple-Choice Test Results, Achievement Level Ranges by Course .................................................................................................................................219 Table 4. 1998-99 End-of-Course Multiple-Choice Test Results, Percent of Students by Achievement Level, by Course and Ethnicity.....................................................................226 v Table 5. 1998-99 End-of-Course Multiple-Choice Test Results, Percent of Students by Achievement Level, by Course and Gender...................................................................... 228 Table 6. 1998-99 End-of-Course Multiple-Choice Test Results, Performance of Exceptional and Limited English Proficient Students, by Course ........................................................ 229 Table 7. 1998-99 End-of-Course Multiple-Choice Test Results, Performance of Students Using Accommodations/Modifications, by Course.......................................................... 234 Table 8. 1998-99 End-of-Course Multiple-Choice Test Results, Numbers of Exempt Students with Disabilities or Limited English Proficiency, by Course ........................................... 239 Table 9. 1998-99 End-of-Course Multiple-Choice Test Results, Characteristics and Performance of Students Taking Algebra I....................................................................... 243 Table 10. 1998-99 End-of-Course Multiple-Choice Test Results, Characteristics and Performance of Students Taking Algebra II .................................................................... 244 Table 11. 1998-99 End-of-Course Multiple-Choice Test Results, Characteristics and Performance of Students Taking Biology........................................................................ 245 Table 12. 1998-99 End-of-Course Multiple-Choice Test Results, Characteristics and Performance of Students Taking Chemistry.................................................................... 246 Table 13. 1998-99 End-of-Course Multiple-Choice Test Results, Characteristics and Performance of Students Taking ELP ............................................................................. 247 Table 14. 1998-99 End-of-Course Multiple-Choice Test Results, Characteristics and Performance of Students Taking English I...................................................................... 248 Table 15. 1998-99 End-of-Course Multiple-Choice Test Results, Characteristics and Performance of Students Taking Geometry .................................................................... 249 Table 16. 1998-99 End-of-Course Multiple-Choice Test Results, Characteristics and Performance of Students Taking Physical Science ......................................................... 250 Table 17. 1998-99 End-of-Course Multiple-Choice Test Results, Characteristics and Performance of Students Taking Physics ........................................................................ 251 Table 18. 1998-99 End-of-Course Multiple-Choice Test Results, Characteristics and Performance of Students Taking U.S. History ................................................................ 252 Table 19. 1998-99 End-of-Course Goal Summary Report, Algebra I ............................................ 253 Table 20. 1998-99 End-of-Course Goal Summary Report, Algebra II ........................................... 254 Table 21. 1998-99 End-of-Course Goal Summary Report, Biology............................................... 255 vi Table 22. 1998-99 End-of-Course Goal Summary Report, Chemistry........................................... 256 Table 23. 1998-99 End-of-Course Goal Summary Report, Economic, Legal, and Political Systems............................................................................................................................ 257 Table 24. 1998-99 End-of-Course Goal Summary Report, English I............................................. 258 Table 25. 1998-99 End-of-Course Goal Summary Report, Geometry ........................................... 259 Table 26. 1998-99 End-of-Course Goal Summary Report, Physical Science ................................ 260 Table 27. 1998-99 End-of-Course Goal Summary Report, Physics ............................................... 261 Table 28. 1998-99 End-of-Course Goal Summary Report, U.S. History ....................................... 262 Table 29. 1998-99 End-of-Course Distribution of Scale Scores, Algebra I ................................... 263 Table 30. 1998-99 End-of-Course Distribution of Scale Scores, Algebra II .................................. 264 Table 31. 1998-99 End-of-Course Distribution of Scale Scores, Biology...................................... 265 Table 32. 1998-99 End-of-Course Distribution of Scale Scores, Chemistry.................................. 266 Table 33. 1998-99 End-of-Course Distribution of Scale Scores, ELP ........................................... 267 Table 34. 1998-99 End-of-Course Distribution of Scale Scores, English I .................................... 268 Table 35. 1998-99 End-of-Course Distribution of Scale Scores, Geometry................................... 269 Table 36. 1998-99 End-of-Course Distribution of Scale Scores, Physical Science........................ 270 Table 37. 1998-99 End-of-Course Distribution of Scale Scores, Physics ...................................... 271 Table 38. 1998-99 End-of-Course Distribution of Scale Scores, U.S. History .............................. 272 Table 39. 1998-99 End-of-Course Multiple-Choice Test Results, Algebra I – Mean Scale Score by LEA................................................................................................................. 273 Table 40. 1998-99 End-of-Course Multiple-Choice Test Results, Algebra II – Mean Scale Score by LEA................................................................................................................. 274 Table 41. 1998-99 End-of-Course Multiple-Choice Test Results, Biology – Mean Scale Score by LEA........................................................................................................................... 275 Table 42. 1998-99 End-of-Course Multiple-Choice Test Results, Chemistry – Mean Scale Score by LEA................................................................................................................. 276 vii Table 43. 1998-99 End-of-Course Multiple-Choice Test Results, ELP – Mean Scale Score by LEA................................................................................................................................ 277 Table 44. 1998-99 End-of-Course Multiple-Choice Test Results, English I – Mean Scale Score by LEA................................................................................................................. 278 Table 45. 1998-99 End-of-Course Multiple-Choice Test Results, Geometry – Mean Scale Score by LEA................................................................................................................. 279 Table 46. 1998-99 End-of-Course Multiple-Choice Test Results, Physical Science – Mean Scale Score by LEA ....................................................................................................... 280 Table 47. 1998-99 End-of-Course Multiple-Choice Test Results, Physics – Mean Scale Score by LEA........................................................................................................................... 281 Table 48. 1998-99 End-of-Course Multiple-Choice Test Results, U.S. History – Mean Scale Score by LEA................................................................................................................. 282 Table 49a-f. 1998-99 End-of-Course Multiple-Choice Test Results for LEAs, Algebra I, by Region ......................................................................................................................... 283 Table 50a-f. 1998-99 End-of-Course Multiple-Choice Test Results for LEAs, Algebra II, by Region ......................................................................................................................... 289 Table 51a-f. 1998-99 End-of-Course Multiple-Choice Test Results for LEAs, Biology, by Region ......................................................................................................................... 295 Table 52a-f. 1998-99 End-of-Course Multiple-Choice Test Results for LEAs, Chemistry, by Region ......................................................................................................................... 301 Table 53a-f. 1998-99 End-of-Course Multiple-Choice Test Results for LEAs, ELP, by Region... 307 Table 54a-f. 1998-99 End-of-Course Multiple-Choice Test Results for LEAs, English I, by Region ......................................................................................................................... 313 Table 55a-f. 1998-99 End-of-Course Multiple-Choice Test Results for LEAs, Geometry, by Region ......................................................................................................................... 319 Table 56a-f. 1998-99 End-of-Course Multiple-Choice Test Results for LEAs, Physical Science, by Region ................................................................................................................... 325 Table 57a-f. 1998-99 End-of-Course Multiple-Choice Test Results for LEAs, Physics, by Region ......................................................................................................................... 331 Table 58a-f. 1998-99 End-of-Course Multiple-Choice Test Results for LEAs, U.S. History, by Region ......................................................................................................................... 337 viii List of Figures Introduction Figure 1. 1996-97 to 1998-99 Grade 3 Pretest Multiple-Choice Results, Percent of Students at Each Achievement Level in Reading.................................................................................... 3 Figure 2. 1996-97 to 1998-99 Grade 3 Pretest Multiple-Choice Results, Percent of Students at Each Achievement Level in Mathematics............................................................................. 3 Figure 3. 1992-93 to 1998-99 End-of-Grade Multiple-Choice Test Results, Percent of Students at Each Achievement Level in Reading, Across All Grades (3-8)........................................ 4 Figure 4. 1992-93 to 1998-99 End-of-Grade Multiple-Choice Test Results, Percent of Students at Each Achievement Level in Mathematics, Across All Grades (3-8) ................................ 4 Figure 5. 1992-93 to 1998-99 End-of-Grade Multiple-Choice Test Results, Percent of Students at or Above Achievement Level III, Reading and Mathematics, Grades 3-8 ....................... 5 Figure 6. 1992-93 to 1998-99 End-of-Grade Multiple-Choice Test Results, Percent of Students at or Above Level III in Both Reading and Mathematics, Grades 3-8.................................. 5 Figure 7. 1992-93 to 1998-99 End-of-Grade Multiple-Choice Test Results, Percent of Students at or Above Level III in Both Reading and Mathematics, Grades 3-8.................................. 6 Figure 8. 1992-93 to 1998-99 End-of-Grade Multiple-Choice Test Results, Percent of Students at or Above Level III in Both Reading and Mathematics, Grades 3-8, for Black and White Students ...................................................................................................................... 6 Figure 9. 1992-93 to 1998-99 End-of-Grade Multiple-Choice Test Results, Percent of Students at or Above Level III in Both Reading and Mathematics, Grades 3-8, by Ethnicity ............ 7 Figure 10. 1998-99 End-of-Grade Multiple-Choice Test Results: Minimum, Maximum, Median, and Mean Reading Scale Scores, Grades 3-8 ...................................................... 8 Figure 11. 1998-99 End-of-Grade Multiple-Choice Test Results: Minimum, Maximum, Median, and Mean Mathematics Scale Scores, Grades 3-8 ............................................... 9 Figure 12. 1992-93 to 1998-99 End-of-Grade Multiple-Choice Test Results, Percent of Students at or Above Level III in Both Reading and Mathematics, Grades 3-8, by Disability.......................................................................................................................... 10 Figure 13. 1997-98 to 1998-99 North Carolina High School Comprehensive Multiple-Choice Test Results, Percent of Students at Each Achievement Level in Reading ..................... 11 ix Figure 14. 1997-98 to 1998-99 North Carolina High School Comprehensive Multiple-Choice Test Results, Percent of Students at Each Achievement Level in Mathematics.............. 11 Figure 15. 1994-95 to 1998-99 End-of-Course Multiple-Choice Test Results, Percent of Students at Each Achievement Level in The Ten Core Courses (Algebra I, Algebra II, Biology, Chemistry, ELP, English I, Geometry, Physical Science, Physics, and U.S. History) ............................................................................................... 12 Figure 16. 1994-95 to 1998-99 End-of-Course Multiple-Choice Test Results, Percent of Students at or Above Level III, by Course ....................................................................... 15 Figure 17. 1994-95 to 1998-99 End-of-Course Multiple-Choice Test Results, Percent of Students at or Above Level III Across the Five Core Courses (Algebra I, Biology, ELP, English I, and U.S. History), for Black and White Students................................... 15 Figure 18. 1994-95 to 1998-99 End-of-Course Multiple-Choice Test Results, Percent of Students at or Above Level III Across the Five Core Courses (Algebra I, Biology, ELP, English I, and U.S. History), by Ethnicity............................................................... 16 Figure 19. 1994-95 to 1998-99 End-of-Course Multiple-Choice Test Results, Percent of Students at or Above Level III Across the Five Core Courses (Algebra I, Biology, ELP, English I, and U.S. History), by Disability ............................................................. 17 Grade 3 Pretest Results Figure 1. 1997-98 to 1998-99 Grade 3 Pretest Multiple-Choice Results, Percent of Students at or Above Level III in Reading, by Ethnicity....................................................................... 24 Figure 2. 1997-98 to 1998-99 Grade 3 Pretest Multiple-Choice Results, Percent of Students at or Above Level III in Mathematics, by Ethnicity................................................................ 24 Figure 3. 1998-99 Grade 3 Pretest Multiple-Choice Results, Percent of Students at or Above Level III in Reading and Mathematics, by Ethnicity .......................................................... 25 Figure 4. 1998-99 Grade 3 Pretest Multiple-Choice Results, Percent of Students at or Above Level III in Reading, by Gender and Ethnicity ................................................................... 26 Figure 5. 1998-99 Grade 3 Pretest Multiple-Choice Results, Percent of Students at or Above Level III in Mathematics, by Gender and Ethnicity ............................................................ 27 Figure 6. 1998-99 Grade 3 Pretest Multiple-Choice Results, Percent of Students at Each Achievement Level in Reading, by Gender and Ethnicity.................................................. 28 Figure 7. 1998-99 Grade 3 Pretest Multiple-Choice Results, Percent of Students at Each Achievement Level in Mathematics, by Gender and Ethnicity .......................................... 29 x End-of-Grade Test Results Figure 1. 1998-99 End-of-Grade Multiple-Choice Test Results, Percent of Students at Each Achievement Level in Reading, Grades 3-8 Combined, by Ethnicity ................................ 55 Figure 2. 1998-99 End-of-Grade Multiple-Choice Test Results, Percent of Students at Each Achievement Level in Mathematics, Grades 3-8 Combined, by Ethnicity......................... 56 Figure 3. 1994-95 to 1998-99 End-of-Grade Multiple-Choice Test Results, Percent of Students at or Above Levels III in Reading and Mathematics, Grades 3-8 ....................................... 57 Figure 4. 1992-93 to 1998-99 End-of-Grade Multiple-Choice Test Results, Percent of Students at or Above Level III in Both Reading and Mathematics, Grades 3-8................................ 58 Figure 5. 1997-98 to 1998-99 End-of-Grade Multiple-Choice Test Results, Percent of Students at or Above Level III in Both Reading and Mathematics, Grades 3-8 Combined, by Ethnicity .............................................................................................................................. 59 Figure 6. 1997-98 to 1998-99 End-of-Grade Multiple-Choice Test Results, Percent of Students at or Above Level III in Both Reading and Mathematics, Grades 3-8 Combined, by Gender................................................................................................................................. 59 Figure 7. 1993-94 to 1998-99 End-of-Grade Multiple-Choice Test Results, Percent of Students at or Above Level III in Both Reading and Mathematics, Grade 4, by Ethnicity ............... 60 Figure 8. 1997-98 to 1998-99 End-of-Grade Multiple-Choice Test Results, Percent of Students at or Above Level III in Both Reading and Mathematics, Grade 4, by Ethnicity ............... 61 Figure 9. 1997-98 to 1998-99 End-of-Grade Multiple-Choice Test Results, Percent of Students at or Above Level III in Both Reading and Mathematics, Grade 4, by Gender .................. 61 Figure 10. 1993-94 to 1998-99 End-of-Grade Multiple-Choice Test Results, Percent of Students at or Above Level III in Both Reading and Mathematics, Grade 8, by Ethnicity ........................................................................................................................... 62 Figure 11. 1997-98 to 1998-99 End-of-Grade Multiple-Choice Test Results, Percent of Students at or Above Level III in Both Reading and Mathematics, Grade 8, by Ethnicity ........................................................................................................................... 63 Figure 12. 1997-98 to 1998-99 End-of-Grade Multiple-Choice Test Results, Percent of Students at or Above Level III in Both Reading and Mathematics, Grade 8, by Gender.............................................................................................................................. 63 Figure 13. 1997-98 to 1998-99 End-of-Grade Multiple-Choice Test Results, Percent of Students at or Above Level III in Both Reading and Mathematics, Cohort Comparison, Grade 3 to Grade 4 ..................................................................................... 64 xi Figure 14. 1994-95 to 1998-99 End-of-Grade Multiple-Choice Test Results, Percent of Students at or Above Level III in Both Reading and Mathematics, Cohort Comparison, Grade 4 to Grade 8 ..................................................................................... 65 Figure 15. 1998-99 End-of-Grade Multiple-Choice Test Results, Percent of Students at or Above Level III in Both Reading and Mathematics, Grades 3-8, by Gender and Ethnicity ........................................................................................................................... 66 Figure 16. 1998-99 End-of-Grade Multiple-Choice Test Results, Percent of Students at or Above Level III in Both Reading and Mathematics, Grade 4, by Gender and Ethnicity ........................................................................................................................... 67 Figure 17. 1998-99 End-of-Grade Multiple-Choice Test Results, Percent of Students at or Above Level III in Both Reading and Mathematics, Grade 8, by Gender and Ethnicity ........................................................................................................................... 68 Figure 18. 1998-99 End-of-Grade Multiple-Choice Test Results, Percent of Students at Each Achievement Level in Reading, Grades 3-8 Combined, by Gender and Ethnicity.......... 69 Figure 19. 1998-99 End-of-Grade Multiple-Choice Test Results, Percent of Students at Each Achievement Level in Mathematics, Grades 3-8 Combined, by Gender and Ethnicity ........................................................................................................................... 70 Figure 20. 1992-93 to 1998-99 End-of-Grade Multiple-Choice Test Results, Gains in Mean Scale Scores - Reading, Grades 3-8 ................................................................................. 71 Figure 21. 1992-93 to 1998-99 End-of-Grade Multiple-Choice Test Results, Gains in Mean Scale Scores - Mathematics, Grades 3-8.......................................................................... 71 High School Comprehensive Test Results Figure 1. 1997-98 to 1998-99 North Carolina High School Comprehensive Multiple-Choice Test Results, Percent of Students at or Above Level III in Reading, by Ethnicity ........... 178 Figure 2. 1997-98 to 1998-99 North Carolina High School Comprehensive Multiple-Choice Test Results, Percent of Students at or Above Level III in Mathematics, by Ethnicity .... 178 Figure 3. 1998-99 North Carolina High School Comprehensive Multiple-Choice Test Results, Percent of Students at or Above Level III in Reading and Mathematics, by Ethnicity..... 179 Figure 4. 1998-99 North Carolina High School Comprehensive Multiple-Choice Test Results, Percent of Students at or Above Level III in Reading, by Gender and Ethnicity.............. 180 Figure 5. 1998-99 North Carolina High School Comprehensive Multiple-Choice Test Results, Percent of Students at or Above Level III in Mathematics, by Gender and Ethnicity ............................................................................................................................ 181 xii Figure 6. 1998-99 North Carolina High School Comprehensive Multiple-Choice Test Results, Percent of Students at Each Achievement Level in Reading, by Gender and Ethnicity ... 182 Figure 7. 1998-99 North Carolina High School Comprehensive Multiple-Choice Test Results, Percent of Students at Each Achievement Level in Mathematics, by Gender and Ethnicity ............................................................................................................................ 183 End of Course Test Results Figure 1. 1997-98 to 1998-99 End-of-Course Multiple-Choice Test Results, Percent of Students at or Above Level III in Algebra I, by Ethnicity................................................. 220 Figure 2. 1998-99 End-of-Course Multiple-Choice Test Results, Percent of Students at or Above Level III in Algebra II, by Ethnicity ...................................................................... 220 Figure 3. 1997-98 to 1998-99 End-of-Course Multiple-Choice Test Results, Percent of Students at or Above Level III in Biology, by Ethnicity................................................... 221 Figure 4. 1998-99 End-of-Course Multiple-Choice Test Results, Percent of Students at or Above Level III in Chemistry, by Ethnicity ...................................................................... 221 Figure 5. 1997-98 to 1998-99 End-of-Course Multiple-Choice Test Results, Percent of Students at or Above Level III in ELP, by Ethnicity......................................................... 222 Figure 6. 1997-98 to 1998-99 End-of-Course Multiple-Choice Test Results, Percent of Students at or Above Level III in English I, by Ethnicity ................................................. 222 Figure 7. 1998-99 End-of-Course Multiple-Choice Test Results, Percent of Students at or Above Level III in Geometry, by Ethnicity....................................................................... 223 Figure 8. 1998-99 End-of-Course Multiple-Choice Test Results, Percent of Students at or Above Level III in Physical Science, by Ethnicity............................................................ 223 Figure 9. 1998-99 End-of-Course Multiple-Choice Test Results, Percent of Students at or Above Level III in Physics, by Ethnicity .......................................................................... 224 Figure 10. 1997-98 to 1998-99 End-of-Course Multiple-Choice Test Results, Percent of Students at or Above Level III for U.S. History, by Ethnicity ....................................... 224 Figure 11. 1997-98 to 1998-99 End-of-Course Multiple-Choice Test Results, Percent of Students at or Above Level III Across the Five Core Courses (Algebra I, Biology, ELP, English I, and U.S. History) by Ethnicity.............................................................. 225 Figure 12. 1997-98 to 1998-99 End-of-Course Multiple-Choice Test Results, Percent of Students at or Above Level III Across the Five Core Courses (Algebra I, Biology, ELP, English I, and U.S. History) by Gender ................................................................ 225 xiii Introduction The 1998-99 North Carolina State Testing Results document provides information on student performance at the state, regional, and school system levels on the following multiple-choice tests administered as components of the 1998-99 North Carolina Testing Program: grade 3 pretest (reading and mathematics), end-of-grade tests (grades 3-8 in reading and mathematics), high school comprehensive test (grade 10 in reading and mathematics), and end-of-course tests (high school subjects). The figures and tables in this document were generated using student test data from the grade 3 pretest fall 1998 test administration; the end-of-grade spring 1999 test administration; the high school comprehensive spring 1999 test administration; and the end-of-course summer 1998, fall 1998, and spring 1999 test administrations. These test data were generated from raw data files provided by each local education agency (LEA), including charter schools. Some minor duplication for end-ofcourse test data can occur when students re-take courses and, therefore, are required to retake the test. Test data were reconciled with school systems’ test data through October 15, 1999 (the cutoff for the 1998-99 school year reporting.) The general focus of the State Testing Results is on student performance on multiple-choice tests administered during the 1998-99 school year. However, many data are reported across years in order to show gains in student performance. Student performance and growth are the key components of the State Board of Education’s ABCs of Public Education schoollevel accountability program. School-level accountability results are found in the State Report Card, which is published annually. State and system-level results contained within this document may be used to make grade-tograde, subject-to-subject, and year-to-year comparisons. In addition, comparisons of developmental scale scores of cohort groups as they move through grades 3-8 in reading and mathematics can be made. A variety of statistical descriptions, test scores, and formats have been used to present the aggregate student data. Mean scores, the percent of students identified at the four achievement levels, and the percent of students identified as Achievement Level III or above on the grade 3 pretest, end-of-grade tests in grades 3-8, the high school comprehensive test, or end-of-course tests are also presented. Information in this document may be used as a reference for school systems and schools interested in making similar comparisons, analyses, and reports. In addition to the summary statistics, this document contains disaggregated test results for subgroups for the grade 3 pretest, end-of-grade tests, high school comprehensive test, and end-of-course multiple-choice tests. The state-level goal summary reports serve as a curriculum reference of student performance on the curriculum goals across grades and subjects. These results represent average student performance on the curriculum competencies measured in the revised North Carolina Standard Course of Study. The frequency distributions provide state-level summary statistics for 1998-99. End-of-course testing began as a part of the North Carolina Testing Program in 1985-86 with the first Algebra I administration. Other high school subject tests were added over time until 1994-95 when the program included eleven tests: Algebra I; Algebra II; Biology; Chemistry; Economic, Legal, and Political Systems (ELP); English I; English II; Geometry; Physical Science; Physics; and U.S. History. In 1995-96 under the ABCs plan, end-of-course tests were reduced to include Algebra I, Biology, ELP, English I, and U.S. History. For the 199899 school year, the following ten end-of-course tests were mandated: Algebra I; Algebra II; xv Biology; Chemistry; Economic, Legal, and Political Systems (ELP); English I; Geometry; Physical Science; Physics; and U.S. History. End-of-grade testing was implemented initially in 1992-93 when more challenging assessment strategies replaced the California Achievement Tests (1978-92). During the 1997-98 school year, end-of-grade tests administered as a component of the statewide accountability program included reading and mathematics multiple-choice tests in grades 3 through 8. The administration of the North Carolina Pretest-Grade 3 began in 1996-97. The High School Comprehensive Test began as a part of the North Carolina Testing Program in 199798. The purpose of this publication is to provide a longitudinal, comprehensive compendium of test results from grade 3 pretest, end-of-grade tests in grades 3-8, high school comprehensive test, and end-of-course multiple-choice tests from 1991 to 1999 with a focus on reports of the 1998-99 school year performance. As the public schools of North Carolina continue to implement the ABCs of public education, the State Testing Results documents student performance and provides the reader an opportunity to develop an overall perspective on absolute student achievement in North Carolina. xvi Figure 1. 1996-97 to 1998-99 Grade 3 Pretest Multiple-Choice Results Percent of S tudents at Each Achievement Level in Reading 100 90 25.3 25.8 26.2 80 70 65.3%* 50 67.4% 65.3% 60 39.5 40.1 41.1 23.4 23.4 22.5 40 30 20 10 0 34.7% 34.7% 32.6% 11.3 11.3 10.2 1996-97 1997-98 1998-99 N = 94,551 N = 99,583 N = 101,394 Level I Level II Level III Level IV Figure 2. 1996-97 to 1998-99 Grade 3 Pretest Multiple-Choice Results Percent of S tudents at Each Achievement Level in Mathematics 100 90 29.7 30.2 32.9 80 70 50 40.6 74.7% 71.5% 70.3%* 60 41.3 41.8 40 30 20 23.5 10 0 23.1 29.7% 6.2 20.6 28.5% 5.4 1996-97 1997-98 4.6 1998-99 N = 94,846 N = 99,801 N = 101,639 Notes: Due to rounding, data for some years may not add to 100%. *Level I/II and Level III/IV percents are calculated based on actual N-counts and are not the sum of each percent. Data received from LEAs after October 15, 1999 are not included in these figures. 25.3% Figure 3. 1992-93 to 1998-99 End-of-Grade Multiple-Choice Test Results Percent of S tudents at Each Achievement Level in Reading Across All Grades (3-8) 100 90 23.2 24.3 25.8 26.4 29.1 33.3 80 33.7 70 65.3% 63.4%* 60 40.2 68.0% 67.0% 41.0 41.2 50 41.6 73.0% 68.9% 74.9% 39.8 40.0 41.2 40 30 26.3 20 24.9 24.1 23.3 34.7% 36.6% 33.0% 10 10.3 0 9.8 22.6 31.1% 32.0% 8.9 8.7 8.5 20.2 19.5 27.0% 6.8 5.6 1992-93 1993-94 1994-95 1995-96 1996-97 1997-98 1998-99 N=504,508 N=512,592 N=519,704 N=529,710 N=546,496 N=554,903 N=569,177 Level I Level II Level III 25.1% Level IV Figure 4. 1992-93 to 1998-99 End-of-Grade Multiple-Choice Test Results Percent of S tudents at Each Achievement Level in Mathematics Across All Grades (3-8) 100 90 20.8 23.8 27.1 29.3 32.8 80 36.7 40.3 70 61.2%* 60 40.4 64.0% 67.0% 40.2 39.9 50 71.7% 69.6% 40.3 76.1% 79.3% 38.9 39.3 40 39.0 30 28.0 20 25.8 38.7% 24.3 33.0% 36.0% 22.3 30.4% 20.9 28.3% 10 10.7 10.2 8.7 8.1 0 7.4 18.5 5.5 23.9% 16.3 4.5 1992-93 1993-94 1994-95 1995-96 1996-97 1997-98 1998-99 N=501,336 N=512,572 N=519,644 N=529,959 N=547,238 N=556,418 N=571,041 Notes: Due to rounding, data for some years may not add to 100%. *Level I/II and Level III/IV percents are calculated based on actual N-counts and are not the sum of each percent. Data received from LEAs after October 15, 1999 are not included in these figures. 20.7% 100 Figure 5. 1992-93 to 1998-99 End-of-Grade Multiple-Choice Test Results Percent of S tudents at or Above Achievement Level III Reading and Mathematics Grades 3-8 90 80 70 67.0 68.0 68.9 63.4 65.3 73.0 74.9 61.2 64.0 71.7 67.0 69.6 76.1 79.3 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Reading 1992-93 100 1993-94 M athematics Grades 3-8 1994-95 1995-96 1996-97 1997-98 Figure 6. 1992-93 to 1998-99 End-of-Grade Multiple-Choice Test Results Percent of S tudents at or Above Level III in Both Reading and Mathematics Grades 3-8 90 80 70 60 52.9 55.5 58.1 60.0 61.7 50 40 30 20 10 0 Grades 3-8 Note: Data received from LEAs after October 15, 1999 are not included in these figures. 66.3 69.1 1998-99 Figure 7. 1992-93 to 1998-99 End-of-Grade Multiple-Choice Test Results Percent of S tudents at or Above Level III in Both Reading and Mathematics Grades 3-8 100 90 80 69.1 70 66.3 60 55.5 52.9 61.7 60.0 58.1 L L L L L L L 50 40 0 1992-93 1993-94 1994-95 1995-96 1996-97 1997-98 1998-99 Figure 8. 1992-93 to 1998-99 End-of-Grade Multiple-Choice Test Results Percent of S tudents at or Above Level III in Both Reading and Mathematics Grades 3-8, for Black and White S tudents 100 90 80 76.7 70 60 50 66.2 63.4 WhiteL 52.9 StateL L 55.5 L 68.9 L 58.1 L 70.9 L 60.0 L 72.7 L L 66.3 61.7 L 30 0 30.1 BlackL 1992-93 32.0 L 1993-94 36.2 L L 1994-95 1995-96 34.5 L 69.1 N=391,870 L L 44.7 L 40 79.2 N*=288,048 48.5 L N=80,745 38.4 L 1996-97 1997-98 1998-99 Notes: *N counts equal the number of students at or above level III in both reading and mathematics for 1998-99. Previous years are comparable. The inclusion of Black and White ethnic groups in this figure reflects their status as the largest ethnic groups in the state. Data received from LEAs after October 15, 1999 are not included in these figures. Figure 9. 1992-93 to 1998-99 End-of-Grade Multiple-Choice Test Results Percent of S tudents at or Above Level III in Both Reading and Mathematics Grades 3-8, By Ethnicity 100 90 80 79.2 N*=288,048 76.7 75.0 N=6,795 70 Asian 69.3 72.6 70.9 68.9 70.6 72.7 70.5 73.2 66.7 70.4 N=3,487 69.1 N=391,870 66.2 62.0 White 63.4 M ulti-Racial 60 61.8 60.0 66.3 61.7 58.1 55.6 N=4,504 55.5 N=8,185 55.5 State 52.9 50 50.1 Hispanic 49.5 52.0 50.4 48.7 48.5 N=80,745 47.3 44.7 42.9 40.7 40 American Indian 30 0 30.7 30.1 38.4 36.9 33.3 32.0 34.5 1993-94 1994-95 36.2 Black 1992-93 1995-96 1996-97 Notes: *N counts equal the number of students at or above level III in both reading and mathematics for 1998-99. Previous years are comparable. Asian and Hispanic results were not reported in 1992-93. Multi-Racial results were not reported in 1992-93, 1993-94, and 1994-95. Data received from LEAs after October 15, 1999 are not included in this figure. 1997-98 1998-99 Figure 10. 1998-99 End-of-Grade Multiple-Choice Test Results Minimum, Maximum, Median, and Mean Reading Scale Scores Grades 3-8 210 200 190 180 170 168 169 164 160 • 150 140 164 • • 142 140 8 130 163 137 • • 136 136 Black 167,197 Hispanic 14,799 166 • 169 • 143 140 120 110 100 90 80 0 All Students N=569,177 American Indian N=8,121 Asian N=9,093 • 90th Percentile 10th Percentile 25th Percentile 75th Percentile Mean Median Multi-Racial 4,971 White 364,800 Figure 11. 1998-99 End-of-Grade Multiple-Choice Test Results Minimum, Maximum, Median, and Mean Mathematics Scale Scores Grades 3-8 210 200 190 180 185 182 180 176 175 177 172 170 160 • • • • • • • 150 9 144 140 140 130 138 144 137 135 139 120 110 100 90 80 0 All Students N=571,041 American Indian N=8,177 Asian N=9,150 Black 168,117 Hispanic 14,939 • 10th Percentile 90th Percentile 25th Percentile 75th Percentile Mean Median Multi-Racial 4,986 White 365,473 Figure 12. 1992-93 to 1998-99 End-of-Grade Multiple-Choice Test Results Percent of S tudents at or Above Level III in Both Reading and Mathematics Grades 3-8, By Disability 100 99 70 69.4 Not Exceptional 69.1 State N*=295,420 N=391,870 66.5 66.3 61.7 60 58.1 55.5 52.9 60.0 58.9 61.3 56.5 53.2 53.1 51.9 50 50.3 Visually Impaired N=140 49.5 Speech-Language Impaired N=2,742 47.8 44.1 42.5 Orthopedically Impaired N=111 41.2 40 39.3 38.5 38.3 40.6 Hearing Impaired N=306 39.4 Other Exceptional Classifications N=389 37.1 35.9 35.1 35.0 30.6 32.0 30.5 29.6 33.8 31.7 30 28.6 26.4 27.4 32.6 31.8 24.2 20 18.7 17.1 15.4 10 0 12.7 11.9 1992-93 22.0 21.4 31.1 31.2 Specific Learning Disabled N=2,171 N=12,299 N=41 23.1 22.0 33.8 Other Health Impaired 29.3 Traumatic Brain Injured 26.4 25.2 27.2 34.6 34.0 27.4 22.2 22.7 Behaviorally-Emotionally Handicapped N=1,216 19.5 19.2 17.5 15.0 14.8 14.0 15.2 0.4 0.7 0.8 0.9 1993-94 1994-95 1995-96 1996-97 12.9 1.7 1997-98 2.4 Educable Mentally Handicapped N=107 1998-99 Notes: Orthopedically Impaired, Traumatic Brain Injured, and Other Exceptional Classifications were not reported in 1992-93 and 1993-94. Educable Mentally Handicapped was not reported in 1992-93. *N counts equal the number of students at or above level III in both reading and mathematics for 1998-99. Previous years are comparable. Figure 13. 1997-98 to 1998-99 North Carolina High S chool Comprehensive Multiple-Choice Test Results Percent of S tudents at Each Achievement Level in Reading 100 90 14.6 15.9 80 55.6%* 70 61.1% 41.0 45.2 60 50 40 30 32.5 10 30.2 44.4% 20 38.9% 11.9 8.8 1997-98 N=73,976 1998-99 N=75,660 0 Level I Level II Level III Level IV Figure 14. 1997-98 to 1998-99 North Carolina High S chool Comprehensive Multiple-Choice Test Results Percent of S tudents at Each Achievement Level in Mathematics 100 90 16.0 19.4 80 70 60 38.8 54.9%* 61.4% 42.0 50 40 30 30.2 20 10 26.8 45.1% 38.6% 14.9 11.8 1997-98 N=73,635 1998-99 N=75,527 0 Notes: Due to rounding, data for some years may not add to 100%. *Level I/II and Level III/IV percents are calculated based on actual N-counts and are not the sum of each percent. Data received from LEAs after October 15, 1999 are not included in this figure. Figure 15. 1994-95 to 1998-99 End-of-Course Multiple-Choice Test Results Percent of S tudents at Each Achievement Level in the Ten Core Courses** (Algebra I, Algebra II, Biology, Chemistry, ELP, English I, Geometry, Physical S cience, Physics, and U.S . History) 1994-95 100 90 14.1 15.6 15.9 21.6 25.2 80 70 54.0%* 40.0 56.1% 40.5 60 49.7% 58.2% 61.7% 33.8 36.7 36.5 50 40 30 32.1 46.0% 20 10 0 34.4 27.9 25.1 43.9% 50.3% 41.8% 38.3% 16.0 13.9 29.6 13.2 12.2 15.9 Algebra I Biology ELP English I U.S. History N=80,370 N=62,480 N=83,597 N=67,748 N=53,160 1995-96 100 90 14.4 15.8 15.9 21.1 22.7 80 70 49.4% 38.7 53.1%* 57.0% 55.8% 40.1 60 58.1% 33.5 37.0 34.3 50 40 30 31.8 46.9% 20 10 0 27.7 15.1 35.2 28.4 44.2% 29.2 43.1% 16.5 50.6% 41.9% 14.7 12.7 15.4 Algebra I Biology ELP English I U.S. History N=82,635 N=77,420 N=82,577 N=85,411 N=65,725 Level I Level II Level III Level IV Notes: *Level I/II and Level III/IV percents are calculated based on actual N-counts and are not the sum of each percent. **Beginning in the 1998-99 school year, Algebra II, Chemistry, Geometry, Physical Science, and Physics were mandated statewide. Data for these tests are not available for 1994-95 through 1997-98. Due to rounding, data for some courses may not add to 100%. Data received from LEAs after October 15, 1999 are not included in these figures. Figure 15. 1994-95 to 1998-99 End-of-Course Multiple-Choice Test Results Percent of S tudents at Each Achievement Level in the Ten Core Courses** (Algebra I, Algebra II, Biology, Chemistry, ELP, English I, Geometry, Physical S cience, Physics, and U.S . History) (continued) 1996-97 100 90 15.8 17.4 15.6 21.4 24.7 80 70 60 55.5%* 57.0% 39.7 49.5% 62.6% 39.6 58.5% 33.8 37.1 37.9 50 40 30 30.6 44.6% 20 10 0 35.5 27.2 42.9% 14.0 15.7 Algebra I† Biology † N=83,777 N=78,725 50.5% 41.5% 37.4% 13.3 12.5 15.0 ELP English I U.S. History N=82,611 N=89,500 N=68,613 1997-98 100 90 29.0 24.1 18.3 19.6 16.5 23.0 27.6 80 49.6% 70 60 61.6%* 59.0% 66.9% 40.7 41.9 60.7% 33.0 37.7 39.3 50 40 35.2 30 26.4 27.7 20 10 0 41.0% 38.4% 27.8 22.4 50.4% 39.3% 33.1% 14.6 10.8 10.7 11.4 15.2 U.S. History Algebra I Biology ELP English I N=83,124 N=78,804 N=77,348 N=88,307 Level I Level II Level III N=68,341 Level IV Notes: *Level I/II and Level III/IV percents are calculated based on actual N-counts and are not the sum of each percent. **Beginning in the 1998-99 school year, Algebra II, Chemistry, Geometry, Physical Science, and Physics were mandated statewide. Data for these tests are not available for 1994-95 through 1997-98. †Data for 1996-97 Algebra I and Biology reflect changes made after publication of the 1996-97 Report Card. Due to rounding, data for some courses may not add to 100%. Data received from LEAs after October 15, 1999 are not included in these figures. Figure 15. 1994-95 to 1998-99 End-of-Course Multiple-Choice Test Results Percent of S tudents at Each Achievement Level in the Ten Core Courses** (Algebra I, Algebra II, Biology, Chemistry, ELP, English I, Geometry, Physical S cience, Physics, and U.S . History) (continued) 1998-99 100 90 22.0 15.9 23.0 22.8 28.3 80 59.0% 70 60 57.7% 65.4%* 67.4% 41.8 36.0 43.4 60.5% 37.7 39.1 50 40 30 20 28.2 31.0 25.5 41.0% 34.6% 10 0 26.7 42.3% 22.5 39.5% 32.6% 14.1 12.9 Algebra II Biology Chemistry ELP N=48,956 N=76,872 N=41,261 N=77,740 9.1 10.0 Algebra I N=87,404 10.1 100 90 16.1 20.9 25.2 17.3 28.2 80 58.4% 70 64.6%* 33.7 72.0% 39.5 37.5 60 51.0% 55.7% 39.4 50 43.8 40 30 20 26.1 34.6 31.7 30.6 41.6% 49.0% 44.3% 21.4 35.4% 28.0% 10 9.3 11.0 12.7 English I Geometry Physical Science 0 N=89,679 N=67,397 N=60,764 Level I Level II 14.4 6.6 Physics U.S. History N=11,221 N=70,187 Level III Level IV Notes: *Level I/II and Level III/IV percents are calculated based on actual N-counts and are not the sum of each percent. **Beginning in the 1998-99 school year, Algebra II, Chemistry, Geometry, Physical Science, and Physics were mandated statewide. Data for these tests are not available for 1994-95 through 1997-98. Due to rounding, data for some courses may not add to 100%. Data received from LEAs after October 15, 1999 are not included in these figures. Figure 16. 1994-95 to 1998-99 End-of-Course Multiple-Choice Test Results Percent of S tudents at or Above Level III by Course** 100 90 80 70 67.4 66.9 65.4 64.6 ELP 60 62.6 61.7 60.7 English I 58.2 Biology* 56.1 Algebra I* 54.0 58.1 58.5 57.0 55.8 57.0 59.0 57.7 55.5 53.1 51.0 50 U.S. History49.7 0 61.6 1994-95 49.4 49.5 49.6 1995-96 1996-97 1997-98 1998-99 Figure 17. 1994-95 to 1998-99 End-of-Course Multiple-Choice Test Results Percent of S tudents at or Above Level III Across the Five Core Courses** (Algebra I, Biology, ELP, English I, and U.S . History) for Black and White Students 100 90 80 70 69.8 White 66.4 65.5 67.1 60 59.8 State 56.2 54.9 71.4 N=188,613 61.6 N=247,550 56.9 50 40 Black 33.5 30 0 1994-95 34.4 37.7 39.9 N=45,373 32.0 1995-96 1996-97 1997-98 1998-99 Notes: *Data for 1996-97 Algebra I and Biology reflect changes made after publication of the 1996-97 Report Card. **As of 1998-99, five additional courses were mandated. Since there is no data available from 1994-95 through 1997-98 for these five courses, they are not included in these figures. The inclusion of Black and White ethnic groups in this figure reflects their status as the largest ethnic groups in the state. N counts equal the number of students at or above level III across the five courses for 1998-99. Previous years are comparable. Data received from LEAs after October 15, 1999 are not included in these figures. 100 Figure 18. 1994-95 to 1998-99 End-of-Course Multiple-Choice Test Results Percent of S tudents at or Above Level III Across the Five Core Courses* (Algebra I, Biology, ELP, English I, and U.S . History) By Ethnicity 90 80 70 71.4 N=188,613 Asian 68.1 White 66.4 65.5 65.2 M ulti-Racial 61.0 60 State 50 69.8 56.2 67.1 65.6 66.2 66.4N=1,590 66.1 N=5,231 62.3 61.9 59.8 61.6 N=247,550 56.9 54.9 Hispanic 50.7 50.5 51.6 N=4,062 47.0 45.4 40 45.0N=2,398 41.5 American Indian 38.2 Black 33.5 37.7 33.6 32.0 39.9 N=45,373 34.4 33.7 30 0 Notes: 1994-95 1995-96 1996-97 1997-98 *As of 1998-99, five additional courses were mandated. Since there is no data available from 1994-95 through 1997-98 for these five courses, they are not included in this figure. Data for 1996-97 Algebra I and Biology reflect changes made after publication of the 1996-97 Report Card. Multi-Racial results were not reported in 1994-95. N counts equal the number of students at or above level III across the five core courses for 1998-99. Previous years are comparable. Data received from LEAs after October 15, 1999 are not included in this figure. 1998-99 100 Figure 19. 1994-95 to 1998-99 End-of-Course Multiple-Choice Test Results Percent of S tudents at or Above Level III Across the Five Core Courses* (Algebra I, Biology, ELP, English I, and U.S . History) 59.8 By Disability 99 60 56.9 56.2 61.6 State N=247,550 59.6 Not Exceptional 59.1 Visually Impaired N=196,167 N=127 57.4 54.9 54.1 52.9 51.8 51.0 51.2 50 49.2 48.7 45.1 41.7 Other Exceptional Classifications 41.3 40 45.2 Orthopedically Impaired N=94 N=374 40.6 39.9 39.6 38.0 36.3 Other Health Impaired 35.2 Traumatic Brain Injured 34.9 Hearing Impaired 36.0 34.5 33.3 33.2 32.8 32.3 30 28.3 31.7 31.5 30.4 31.9 31.9 29.3 28.9 28.6 N=818 N=37 N=152 Speech-Language Impaired 31.0 N=77 30.4 Specific Learning Disabled N=5,165 26.7 25.1 24.2 23.4 24.6 23.5 22.4 20.6 20 19.0 16.9 Behaviorally-Emotionally N=444 Handicapped 17.3 15.3 10 4.6 3.1 3.6 4.3 Educable Mentally Handicapped N=136 1.9 0 Notes: 1994-95 1995-96 1996-97 1997-98 1998-99 *As of 1998-99, five additional courses were mandated. Since there is no data available from 1994-95 through 1997-98 for these five courses, they are not included in this figure. Data for 1996-97 Algebra I and Biology reflect changes made after publication of the 1996-97 Report Card. N counts equal the number of students at or above level III across the five core courses for 1998-99. Previous years are comparable. Data received from LEAs after October 15, 1999 are not included in this figure.