NC Department of Public Instruction December 2, 2014

NC Department of Public Instruction
Office of Civil Rights Data Collection – Status Update
December 2, 2014
Dominguez: Terra Dominguez
My name is Terra Dominguez [ph]. I hope you all had a restive holiday. I said
the last time that I didn’t have much information for you, so I’m not going to
promise that at this point. I think I have quite a bit of exciting news to share with
you, and I’m going to go ahead and get started.
Now, as with all presentations, please feel free to add your questions to the
chat panel and I will answer them as best I can, or I will research and contact you
after the fact. So we’re going to go ahead and get started. So, high level stuff,
Office of Civil Rights. OCR is the acronym for Office of Civil Rights. CRDC is
the acronym for Civil Rights Data Collection. So those are interchangeable when
we’re talking about this particular project. The Office of Civil Rights Data
Collection is a national data collection, so it’s something like 17,000 district in the
national; all schools, all districts. This data is collected every two years by the
Office of Civil Rights, and it is previous-year data.
So let’s get started with federal submission dates. The submission date
was communicated as November 17th. There’s been some slippage on the federal
side and so they believe that they’re opening their submission in January of 2015.
No exact date has been communicated yet, but they do ensure that you will
receive the full 75, or we will receive the full 75 days to complete the submission.
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And we are on track, and hopefully we will be done much sooner. I still keep my
optimistic smiley face.
As far as communications, this is just a reminder that if this—if a
communication or notification goes out that is in relation to the Office of Civil
Rights Data Collection, OCR coordinators will receive it, and right on the followon, we request that the PowerSchool [ph] staff send it out to their listeners and the
Office of Charter Schools sends out to ensure that we are canvassing and
providing every opportunity for communication.
So let’s just talk a quick bit about the presentation. So I’m using, as a
reminder, the same presentation and adding slides, so this is a collection of the
full status update. Hopefully it’s comprehensive and you can kind of see how the
project has flowed. The presentation can be downloaded at the link that you see
here, and hopefully all of you are familiar and aware. And the slides from the
previous update, they’ve been hidden for the webinar, but they are visible on the
file and you can adapt them as you need to.
Some additional updates to the formatting of this presentation was that I
re-ordered some of the slides because I have been using them over and over, and
“updated” has been added to the original date of the slides. So you can see down
here at the bottom that I updated this slide on 12/2, or for the 12/2 presentation.
So we’ve had quite a few issues that have been resolved, and so I’ve provided an
icon for that as well. So just some fun stuff.
So let’s talk about today’s agenda. And at any point if you have questions,
you type them in, feel free to type them into the chat channel. And if you could
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press preface the question with the subject that we’re talking about, that would be
really helpful when I go through and try to answer your questions.
So we’ve seen this now three times in our previous status updates, and that
is the high level project tasks. And we’re still kind of at that midpoint, and we
should be prepared to kick off with the last half of this. So for today’s agenda, we
are going to talk about the status update and where we are, we’ll talk about known
issues and resolved items, we will have a December 12th maintenance weekend
for PowerSchool [ph] systems, and I also want to talk to you about the Office of
Civil Rights website that’s been created for the NC Public School site, and then
next steps for us to complete prior to our next status meeting. My apologies for
canceling the last one. I actually had a cold and very limited voice, so I don’t
think I would have been that entertaining.
So, again, feel free to ask any questions at any point. If I go too fast, if I
go too slow, you just let me know. I also wanted to apologize for running over
with the last status update. It seems that I can just talk and talk and talk and
didn’t realize I was keeping you longer than I should have.
Okay, so as far as the status update, as of today we have completed those
school form [ph] entries for specific to CRDC. So we’ve completed the
enhancement, and the LEA [ph] should have completed those screens. So I hope
that we’re all there. If not, then contact me with any questions that you have.
Section 504 records for the school year of ’13/’14 should have been already added
to PowerSchool. My understanding is that there are still some LEAs that are
working on that process, and that is fine but we need to wrap it up this month.
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Zero tolerance updates should also be completed within PowerSchool for ‘13/’14
records. And then our LEP [ph] data loads are complete as of two weeks ago—
Just a reminder as far as those that LEP indicators for ’13/’14 students are
only visible on the CRDC report. You’re not going to see that on the interface, so
if you want to see LEP counts then you’ll need to look at the PowerSchool CRDC
reports. But no data on the interface, unless a user has added it themselves, would
be associated to this particular report. It’s all in a table that’s not visible to the
users so that we could capture it for this collection. LEP data came from the
authoritative source, just to reemphasize that we pulled that from the CFDC [ph]
for ‘13/’14 to ensure that our counts were complete and accurate.
So, as of today, also in progress, we’re still working on loading that SAT,
ACT, and AP exam score data that some of your LEAs [ph] may have noticed are
missing from the PowerSchool CRDC report. That actually is a little bit of a
sticky wicket in the fact that it’s a little more complex to load this data. So I’m
hoping that we’re done by the end of the month, but we will be complete in
loading SAT, ACT, and AP exam score data before we vote our first true
submission into the federal school [ph]. So that is in progress and is being
worked on.
Third-party data for some LEAs, they are also in communication with the
PowerSchool staff to ensure that data, such as incidents [ph], possible 504 data
and other areas are loaded appropriately for the ’13/’14 school year, so that’s in
progress as well. Also in progress is continued tweaks to the PowerSchool CRDC
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reports. I anticipate that we may find some issues after our maintenance weekend
here in December that will still need to be resolved, but I think we’re wrapping up
pretty nicely in that area, and thank you to all LEAs who have identified the
issues and reported them. Much appreciated that you’re looking at your data and
voicing your concerns, so it’s really been helpful in this process.
And also in progress, so happy to say we are working with the feds on this
submission. So I wish I had a little soundbite to do the “Yay!” because I’ve been
very excited about this, but we started working with them not last week, but I
believe the week before. And their tool, so far, is fantastic.
So we have some pending items still in this process, and that is the
completion of the CRDC reports. We’ve got to get that done before I think any of
us would feel comfortable consuming that data and wrapping it up with the
remainder of the data that’s required for the Office of Civil Rights Collection and
then transmitting that into the tool for you to view. So also pending is
notification—excuse me—of the collection date for OCR. So we’re waiting for
them. We anticipate that the pilot will go on for possibly another two weeks,
which gives us great time to play around and try to break their system. And
we’ve already had a call with them as far as usability for the system, and that was
really good to work with them on that as well. But we’re still waiting on what the
exact date is of the submission window on the federal side.
Also pending for you excited staff out there is a demonstration of the
federal tool, and I believe—but please do not hold me to this quite yet—that we
will schedule this demonstration that will be provided by the feds for North
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Carolina so you can ask them your specific questions about their new system
probably January 6th. I think that I want to take the next status and kind of turn
that into a troubleshooting session for the CRDC reports, so if we don’t talk to the
feds and see that demonstration on the 6th of January, we will see it on the 20th.
So I’m pretty excited about that.
I do see that we have a question. LET counts [ph]. “Where in the CRDC
report is the LET count listed?” Well, that’s a great question. You’re going to
see LET count in the PowerSchool CRDC reports smattered all over the place, but
if you want to see your overall LET enrollment count, I believe we would look at
that in CRDC part 1. And we can go back to this after we finish with this status
and perhaps we can find it together. But really your LET count should be all over
the place within those reports because it’s one subset of data that they’re looking
for. So we can look at that in just a bit. Thank you for the question. Excuse me
for just a second. Apologize for the wiggly mouse. There we go.
All right. So now you will need to get login and security access to the
federal school, so that is in process right now. We’re kind of talking with the feds
about how we’re going to manage that. And primarily you at the LEA will
manage who you want to have rights to view the tool, so you have an opportunity
here to kind of parse out the data collection for review, so it doesn’t necessarily
have to be one person looking at and approving all of this data. And if you’ve
looked at all of the questions, it’s quite a bit of information. So you have the
ability within their tool—and I’m kind of getting ahead of myself here—to set
permissions as “read” [ph] for staff that you want to look at a specific category,
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possibly a specific part of the report—you know how it’s broken down into part 1
and part 2. But you have a lot of flexibility there. You can get them access to a
few schools, the entire LEA. Pretty slick, pretty smooth.
And then we need to discuss and agree upon a process for reporting issues
about data in the CRDC federal tool. The concern that I have personally is you,
as the LEAs, will have quite a bit of ability within the tool, and that is just fine,
but in order for us at the department to stay in sync with what is recorded and
approved, we need to come up with a process for fixing the authoritative source of
the data prior to approval rather than, say, a staff member updating a number from
one to two within the CRDC tool. And there is the ability to do that. So that’s
just kind of a heads-up. We really do need to talk about how we’re going to make
that a smooth process for all of us.
I’m going to stop here because I realized I had created a couple polls, so I
hope you guys did not have a really, really big lunch. I hope you’re ready. I feel
like this is almost—what is that?—Family Feud, where you smack the button. So
we’ve asked this before. I’m going to launch it quickly. Have you completed
your CRDC screens [ph]? So if you could very quickly answer this. And I’m not
going to give too much time to these. So for those of you who might be indicated
that you don’t know where they are, I have made promises to you in the past that I
will contact you. I know I have missed staff members, but I will specifically
focus on the, “I don’t know where they are,” and I will try to give you a call back
here within the next week or so because I really want to make sure that we get this
data in. Once the reports, the CRDC reports, are complete then we’re going to
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start consuming the data, so we need to make sure that that is—whoops, sorry
about that—that that has been completed. We don’t want to find that we’re
missing data and then have to go back. I’m going to close this poll. I’m going to
ask you a couple more questions here.
Has your LEA completed their 504 records? I’m going to launch that.
Okay. And [LAUGHS] okay, so I got a personal message from one person who
just said, “Oopsie, I answered the poll incorrectly. Don’t need a call.” So, on
recorded as noted, thank you. Okay, so I’m going to close this guy. I’m not
sharing any of this at this point; I just want the data at this point. Okay.
And so I think we’re going to stop right there and we’re just going to keep
going. And I want to talk to you about known issues that have come up since the
last time that we spent some time together. And, happily, there are only four that
look like there is a global impact. Yesterday, as I was making sure that this was
finalized, I only had two and I thought, “That’s fantastic, but I think there’s more.
I think there’s more.” So we found, we discovered—and this was about a month
ago, and with your help, thank you so much—that block courses are not being
counted as specific to OCR definitions of, say, algebra or geometry or calculus, so
on and so forth. That was recognized kind of at the same time by the vendor, and
so they are working on that, and that code should be dropped in in maintenance
So a couple of LEAs have reported that, “Wow, you know, my AP count
looks really strange. I have an indicator that says I have 70 AP students, but I
only see 25 in certain courses.” Well, likely that type of issue is because of those
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block courses being counted. That’s what I’ve discovered as I’m talking through
the issue.
Another thing that was missed is grade 13 is not included. Okay, so on the
federal level they don’t really see our grade 13 school board [ph]. They don’t
really, quote-unquote, recognize it. So what will happen to your data for students
who have been indicated as grade 13 is they will be counted in your 12th grade
population for that year. So what you’re going to see on the flip side when we
import the data into the federal tool is that your counts for 12th grade, if you have
an early college, for example, will increase, and that will be your grade level 13
increasing that enrollment count.
Also something that’s been reported is justice [ph] facility hours appear
randomly. I couldn’t even put that any better because I can’t figure out—and I’m
sure that the vendor will not have a problem with this, and I believe that it is
pending for the November maintenance weekend, but I can’t figure out why
justice hours would appear. But that is something that has been reported by
multiple LEAs.
[LAUGHS] Okay, somebody else answered the poll incorrectly, too, and
that is noted. Thank you very much. I appreciate that.
Then also, too, we have some kind of weirdness going on with the AP
special courses indicator at the middle school level. So we think we’ve narrowed
it down, but I have no notification from the vendor as of yet, and I don’t believe
that it’s going to get dropped in for December, but I’m going to have to follow-up
on that.
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So those are our latest issues overall with the reports and how they’re
counting. We’re really happy to say that the majority of the issues that I’m
encountering with the LEA are actually misunderstandings of where the data is
coming from, or possibly a data integrity issue. So that’s pretty cool that their
report is functioning very smoothly.
Okay, so I’m going to move to the next slide. I feel like I’m going very
quickly today, so if you have any questions at all just go ahead and type them in.
So the November 4th known issues update were resolved November maintenance
weekend, the majority of them were. So one of those problems was our section
504s were not being counted, and that’s because not everyone had the same
unique key [ph] number for program students in the category 504. And so that
was resolved very early. So if you’re finding issues with your section 504 count,
then please do let me know, but that should be resolved.
We also had this whole blanket issue at the LEA level and at the school
level that the CRDC school detail in part 1 was reporting just blank, everything
was “no.” So that’s resolved. If you find—so, for example, right there your
grade levels weren’t reporting, or if you had indicated you had a preschool or, I’m
sorry, early kindergarten or, I’m sorry, early childhood students, it just wasn’t
showing up, so there was some kind of missed connection. That’s been fixed.
The submission end date for the CRDC report has been moved. And actually—
whoops, sorry—I should have updated this slide because they moved to
December 31st and they will likely be moved again, depending on where we are
with the project.
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Also the section 504, we had a visibility—we have the ability to tunnel
into a record for a student who had possibly moved to another—or who had
moved to another school within our LEA. And in the effort of keeping student
privacy, we shut down that particular display. But I also want to show you that
we provided a sequel [ph] report for that, so I’m sure we’re going to have time so
that you can look at all of your 504 students outside of CRDC.
So, you asked and we provided an approval button for CRDC reports.
They still are not going to act in the same fashion that the state-level reports do,
even though they’re on that dashboard, but you do have an approval button at the
LEA level that will help you identify that you completed the report. You can
approve all day long, but I really wouldn’t at this point; there’s no point in doing
it. The report has not been considered finalized, so there’s no need to approve
anything. And people seem to be pretty hot to go ahead and proof that report.
But while we have enabled the functionality, we won’t be using it for a while.
Another issue that was reported in November was that you are unable to
see dashboards in non-state-reporting schools. So an example of this would be
your CECAS [ph] program school. This is still unresolved, and may not be fixed
for this particular submission window. So I just want to lay that out there that I’m
not sure that we’re going to see reports for CECAS program schools or for
schools that were created that are not considered public schools and do not do
state reporting.
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[LAUGHS] So, okay, I got another one that says, “I answered
incorrectly.” So—well, at least I am appreciating that you’re participating, so
thank you for the update.
Okay, and then our final flag [ph] about known issues was back in
October, and one of the big things was that we had incorrect grade level. This has
been fixed, but I want to emphasize that if you are still seeing an issue, the first
thing that you need to do is go back to EDDIE and look at your grade levels for
last year. So give me just a second and I’m going to show you how to do that.
Okay, so I’m going to navigate over to North Carolina Public Schools.
And the easiest way I can find, if I haven’t bookmarked the link, is to type E-DD-I-E into the search in the North Carolina Public Schools website. So when I
do, I get some options, EDDIE is the first one. It’ll take me to the EDDIE page.
And then right here is where I can access EDDIE. Now, everybody has the ability
to view data in EDDIE. There are certain users within your district that have the
ability to update EDDIE. And EDDIE is our Educational Directory and
Demographic Information Exchange. That’s a really big title.
But basically we pull the directories out of this and we house your federallevel school number and all sorts of vital data that deals kind of with the
demographics of your schools and your LEA.
So in order for you to view last year’s data, click on “Active Schools,” and
from Active Schools you’re going to get to a screen that allows you to change the
date of the school year. So we’re going to look at ’13/’14. Now, you’re looking
at everybody across the state, but it really doesn’t matter. So I’m just going to use
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Alamance, and Alamance-Burlington Middle College. If I scroll over, I see their
grade levels as reported in EDDIE for last year. Okay, so your grade levels for
CRDC are coming from this application. You have no ability whatsoever to
change this static grade level information, nothing, because other applications are
depending on this data as well. For example, the state-level school report card
that’s being revamped and redeveloped right now.
So what I need you to do—excuse me, I will go back—is I really, really
need you to contact the support center if you find, after you’ve looked at EDDIE,
that your grade levels are not accurate. This is very important because this is
something that we’re going to have to manually fix either in the tool or we’re
going to have to fix it before the data is uploaded. But this is one of the things
that we recognize that we cannot fix in PowerSchool to push over, so we’re going
to have to have another solution. I know of a couple districts who, unfortunately,
their data is wrong; their grade levels are wrong. So we need that reported so that
we’re prepared when we do the submission.
There was a problem with the IB indicator, and they were reporting on
courses based on the fourth character [ph], so that was wildly wrong and that
should be fixed. And then that red dot of death, that red dot of death still happens,
but primarily it’s because of schools in your district not having a ‘13/’14 term.
Now, I see that I have a question, so I’m going to pause for just a second to take a
look. And the question is related to EDDIE. “Can you go through the steps for
checking EDDIE again?” Happy to do so. Let me tab back over.
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Okay. So I’m just going to start from the beginning, so give me a second.
Sorry about the wiggly mouse. And I am going to start all the way from the North
Carolina Public Schools homepage. Now, if you don’t have this bookmarked,
Google it. Google DPI, you’ll find it, not a problem. Okay, so from our
homepage, all I do—because I never seem to be able to remember exactly where
this is located—is type in EDDIE in the search. When I press enter, EDDIE is the
first page that comes up, okay? And I can tell because I see the website right
here. Okay, so I click on the EDDIE link, and then I go to the middle of the page,
and this is the actual EDDIE application. So, again, this is completely public
information. Anybody can search it, but some members of your staff within your
LEA have the ability to make updates, and that is done on a regular basis, really
around the first of the year and then as needed.
So I will go to the active schools report. And from the active schools
report, it pulls up everything that’s considered active as of the year that’s
designated right where my cursor is. It doesn’t matter because you can search
through the whole thing; you can do a find, you can do whatever you’re
comfortable—or however you’re comfortable search the screen. So I’m going to
click the dropdown and I’m going to look at ‘13/’14 data. So once I make that
selection, the screen refreshes, takes a second, and now I’m looking at the data
that was housed for my school year ‘13/’14 for my directory information for my
demographic information from my LEAs and my school. And, conveniently
enough, if I scroll all the way to the right school, then my grade level there’s a last
column, and so I can see what was actually submitted last year.
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This is a really good reminder of how our applications are becoming more
and more integrated, and I doubt that we will have as much of this issue reported
the next time that we submit because your PowerSchool instances are dependent
on this data. So now that we know that the PowerSchool grade levels, for
example, are being fed in by EDDIE, and if they’re not there then we get some
really wacky, unexpected results for PowerSchool, I think EDDIE will become
more prominent, and we’re likely to see less and less of the issues that I’m
describing for this year.
So I hope that worked out for you. If you have any questions, I’m happy
to demonstrate again or to contact you if you have some questions.
So, okay, back to the red dot of death. Going to happen. It’s just going to
happen. But a lot of times it’s the data in our school; it’s not necessarily just, like,
a string within the report that’s causing that error. So prior to escalating the red
dot of death to the support center, you need to ask yourself a couple questions.
With my under-300 schools—so under-300 schools are not considered public
schools; they’re schools that are either created by DPI or created by your LEA.
They don’t do any kind of state reporting. An example of something that was
created by DPI is your CECAS program school. An example that might be
created by an LEA could be an assignment container. There are lots of districts
out there that use one of these containers as a place where their students sit prior
to enrollment as they’re determining what school they’re going to go to within the
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So ask yourself a couple questions: “Are there possibly terms missing in
my under-300 schools?” Okay, so the first time we will not—I’m sorry, so this
year we might be seeing the red dot of death a lot for this, but for anything that
was created by DPI in the last year or created by you, once we add that ’13/’14
term, we never have to add it again. Another thing that you want to consider—
and this is moving forward with any submission, and it’ll be a general reminder,
is: ask yourself, “Did we have any new schools in ’14/’15?” Because if we have
new schools in ’14/’15 and we stood them up—and it’s not really a very technical
term, but we set up the architecture—then we probably didn’t go back and say, “I
need a ’13/’14 term.” So there’s a possibility that the red dot of death is coming
from a new school as well, and once you fix that and you re-run the report, if
you’re still experiencing problems then do send this to the support center so we
can get the developer involved.
Okay, I see I have a couple questions. And I just want to make sure that
I’ve answered these. “Is there a checklist available of things that need to be
accomplished, with due dates?” Well, that’s a really good question. So far, this
presentation is the checklist because most of the deliverables are on the DPI side.
And some of the deliverables will not be discovered until the latter half of this
project. But I could put out a checklist for you of the things that needed to be
accomplished so far. I really like the idea of this as an operational document, and
so I will keep this in mind and see what I can do about providing that type of
resource. So right now the answer is this presentation kind of is the checklist for
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the project initiation at this point. So I’m not sure if that answers your question
fully, or at least to your satisfaction, but it is what it is right at this point.
Okay, so I don’t see that I have any other questions, so I’m going to move
forward. And the next topic should have been the December 14th PowerSchool
maintenance weekend, where we expect to see updates and fixes. What I really
want to emphasize, though, is that Pearson, the developer, and the staff that are
working on this have been knocking out the items as they have been discovered.
So we really are on a good clip. Another thing that I want to tell you as well is
that after this maintenance weekend in December, we are not going to have
another maintenance weekend until February.
What I anticipate is that once we have our maintenance weekend, that I’m
going to ask you to really heavily scrutinize these reports, even more so than we
have been throughout this project. And that’s because I want to make sure that
we are prepared. We will not have another maintenance weekend until February,
so I want to make sure that we get every single wrinkle out of this report within
those two months, even though they’re in the holiday. Every single thing that we
can find. And have that, whatever we need, updated in February and call it good.
That’s what my goal is, is to make sure that these PowerSchool reports are at their
best here at December, and if we need to make another tweak within February, we
hope that’s the final update to the reports for ’13/’14.
Let me see. So, here’s another question about EDDIE. So before we
move on, is, “How do we see the ’13/’14 year? The website gives access to
’14/’15. Somehow ours has changed this year, and it was correct last year.”
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“Somehow ours was changed this year.” All right, I’m going to show you just
one more time really quick. I’m going to go back. I’m going to close this report.
From the EDDIE screen—because we found it using our search up in the top
right-hand corner—I’m going to click on the EDDIE link. Now, you’re
automatically directed to a page where you can search. What you want are the
active schools list bullet on the left-hand side. So click on active school. When
you click on active school, by default you’re in ’13/’14, but if you look down, it’s
going to be slightly to the left where it says, “Active schools as of school year.”
You’re going to click this dropdown and make your selection for ’13/’14. Once
you make the selection, the screen refreshes and you’re looking at your—excuse
me—’13/’14 data as submitted into EDDIE. So hopefully that helps.
And I see some other comments, and I will be happy to follow-up with
you in regards to the comments after this presentation. Possibly not today, but
after this presentation. I hope that helps.
Okay. So, okay. Okay, so, sorry about the pause. I see some other
questions. They’re mostly comments, and, I’m sorry, I don’t think that they apply
to the entire audience. So, our December 14th maintenance weekend should house
the bulk of our fixes, and then we really need to pound on that report and just
really, really look at it. So what I think I want to do with the December 16th status
update, like I was saying, is turn that into some troubleshooting. So what I’d like
to do is use people’s questions as examples. I’ve got to kind of think about how
we’re going to do that and make sure that we maintain FERPA [ph] guidelines,
but I’d really like to use that as that troubleshooting opportunity.
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So, a couple of reminders as you’re looking at the report, all right? And
these are things that are easy to forget. Initially, when we launched this you were
supposed to run this particular report in ’13/’14. Now you run it in the current
year, the current term. You don’t have to go backwards. If you go backwards,
then what your report is pulling is data from ’12/’13. Not really the greatest stuff
there, and not complete, so it’s really—it behooves you to just remember that you
need to change—or you can stay in the current term.
And any time there is a change to data, to the report logic, to anything, so
you—I worked in an LEA that discovered that they had the wrong course code, so
they had to make some changes there. Any time you make any changes to the
authoritative source, whatever that is, or any time we have a maintenance
weekend, you have to re-run those reports. I think that’s probably one of those
common sense things, but it’s not always right immediately in your mind as
you’re thinking, “I need to review this report.” So you can run it all day long and
it shouldn’t break your system.
Now I think I have some other questions here. Okay, so one of the
questions here is, “Re-run reports: each school, or by LEA?” Ah, that’s a great
question, okay. And perhaps I will make sure to add another kind of reminder or
tip here.
Okay, so with CRDC, if you run it at the LEA level, it consumes and
generates all of your data and your aggregate counts for all of your schools. The
school level report is a bonus. It’s a bonus to allow you to review the detail of
what’s being submitted and what’s being counted. So there is no requirement to
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run the report at the school level, but what that allows you to do is to troubleshoot
by identifying an exact student for an exact course. So it lets you follow that
pathway all the way back. The LEA report only provides you data that will be
submitted after a small bit of transformation to the federal tool. And when I say
“small bed of transformation,” that could mean, for example, grade 13 students, or
it could mean our pre-Ks that are in an under-300 school that need to be identified
or, I’m sorry, located somewhere else for the report.
Let me see. So, in order for—you will receive a notification from me,
“you” being whoever the OCR contacts are. That said, at some point this report is
final. Please run this report. All districts run the report. So you’re going to hit
that at the LEA level. You’re going to run part 1 and part 2. And, at that point, I
guess you can approve it. So when we say, “On X date, this is when we’re
consuming your data,” you need to have had those LEA level reports run. The
school ones, again, they’re just a benefit.
Another question here is, “How do we know how frequently we should
run? Everything was correct when I last viewed it. Should I be checking and rerunning more frequently?” I am so pleased to hear that everything is correct.
That is awesome. You shouldn’t have to run this with any real frequency if
you’re feeling comfortable with the data, but here’s the key here: if you—once we
make an update, for example, on December 14th, you’re going to want to re-run it.
Once I notify you that all of the AP and SAT and ACT data is in there, you’re
going to want to run it.
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If you are comfortable with where things are now and you’re, again,
comfortable—I mean, I don’t know any other word, but if you feel confident that
the data is accurate with that report at this point, then, for example, right at this
moment there’s no need to re-run it. Probably the soonest that you would re-run
the reports and review for accuracy would be that December 14th maintenance
weekend. And, again, that’s if you’re really confident about the data. And you
can always use this report as, “What are the known issues?” Those are always
visible, and if you find that a known issue is marked as resolved and it really isn’t,
I sure do want to know about that, too.
So, the frequency of the run really depends on you and how confident you
are in the actual data that you’re viewing, and then if we make any changes or
need to make any updates. I hope that answers your question.
Another question here is, “Does the CRDC pull from 2013/14 first
semester only? Or should the numbers for courses included include students
enrolled in both semesters?” Fantastic question. Here’s the answer. Okay, for
courses that are applicable to OCR, the first thing that we look at is the October 1
snapshot date. Now, when you look at their rules—because they have actually
embedded the rules in the tool that they will demonstrate next month—you will
see that they say, “Please provide an enrollment count between this date range.”
Okay, so we thought, “Really wishy-washy for us.” October 1 is our date
within that date range. So the CRDC first looks at October 1 and all of your
students that are enrolled, and then all of your students who have indicators as
applicable—for example 504 and such—and then it looks at your first semester
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courses, and then if you have a block schedule. And this is what’s coming up
here in December. So you might—you in the particular, the LEA that’s asking
this question, might be seeing some off-count, but within the December
maintenance package, in that weekend, the report will be coded to look for 18week courses for block courses as of March 1.
So when it comes to the courses, it will look first at semester 1 as of
October 1, and then it will look at semester 2 as of March 1. But that’s only for
block courses. So I hope that answers your question. But right now you’re
probably seeing something that’s a little skewed and off.
Okay, there was a question about—or a request about reposting the
website link at the end of the webinar. Oh, you are surfing my brain waves. I’m
so happy to do it. There’s also another question about the PS sequel [ph] report to
look at 504 students. I’ll contact you directly, but I do want to bring that up
today. Thank you for that. It doesn’t hurt to talk about that. Let me check my
time, make sure I’m on my way here. Okay, so I have about 45 minutes; we’re
doing well. And thank you for all of your thoughtful questions. Let me go back
to the presentation and talk about some more things with the CRDC reports, just
as some [ph] schools have completed the CRDC screens [ph] in PowerSchool.
At this point, there is no really smooth way to do this. You can pull the
entire CRDC 1 [ph] report and pull it into, say, Excel, if that’s easier to work
with, and you can do some filtering. But there is no easy way to indicate that a
school has run or completed their CRDC screens. There is no, “I have completed
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my screen.” So if you want to look at that, then look at CRDC school detail part 1
at the LEA level and just kind of start perusing through and look at your schools.
The next one was my overall student enrollment count, so, “The CRDC
aggregation by school in part 1 is wrong, and I know I had X number of students
at the end of the year.” Okay, so there have been times where the overall
enrollment has been wrong because there was a coding issue, but ask yourself if
the student was enrolled as of October 1 of 2013. So you can’t take that end
enrollment date as—or your end enrollment counts, your year-end enrollment
counts as gospel for this. It’s really that October 1 snapshot. So what I have
noticed in working with the LEAs is that if I go and find—if they can provide me
an example of a student who’s not appearing on the report, and generally you
can’t. And I go look at their enrollment, they were not actually enrolled as of
October 1.
So I would start with the enrollment in looking at the troubleshooting.
And I do want to spend a whole session troubleshooting, so if you have any
suggestions on that, email me—like, what you would like to see. That would be
great and would help me build the content.
Another question is, “I know my school had more classes than what is
being reported on the CRDC.” So I need to update this because, A, we’re only
looking at specific course codes, right? And we’re only looking at semester 1,
unless you have a block schedule. So this should be resolved very soon. Again,
this should be resolved in the December 14th maintenance weekend. But second
semester courses are not reported unless they are in block format.
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“My grade levels are reporting incorrectly. ICP [ph] K through 8.” Okay,
so yes, I need to update this as well. So the fix went in and the report is
functioning as designed in this aspect, but I have to go back to—you really need
to go and look at EDDIE and see what’s being reported in EDDIE for the ’13/’14
year. And the slide that I have this recommendation on is a little bit farther down,
but what I would really appreciate, and what I think that the support center would
appreciate, is if you could take a look at that, take a look at your entire LEA, and
then report in one ticket. It would be a lot easier to manage and keep track of the
I see I might have some questions, so give me just a second. Ah, I love it.
This is a great question. “How do we know which course numbers you’re
expecting to see data on?” Well, I have a mapping document that I’m happy to
provide; I just haven’t gotten to the point of distributing it, of sharing it yet, and I
will try to make that a priority. What’s weird is—well, I guess it’s not weird
because you work on it day-to-day, but you guys were telling me what courses
needed to be on this. It was one of the first issues that was identified with the
report, was that, “Hey, we went directly for the course code called algebra 1, but
we did not even think about math 1, math 2, math 3, and how those apply to
OCR’s definition.” So I hope to publish that for you shortly so that you know
which course numbers you would be expecting to see reporting on for the CRDC.
I see a question or a request, “The sound cut out when you were talking
about the overall student enrollment. Can you please repeat?” I have a hard time
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with repeating because sometimes I don’t even know what I’m saying. I hope
you’re laughing at that. Okay, so what was I saying about the overall enrollment?
Oh, okay. So sometimes staff may anticipate that their end-of-year
enrollment count, for example, is what they expect to see on the CRDC reports,
and that’s not the case. We’re not looking at the first day of school, we’re not
looking at the last day of school, but we’re looking at a snapshot date of October
1. So if your LEA is reporting, “Hey, I know that this kid was there at the end of
the year and he’s not on the report,” the first thing I would look at is his
Another example of this was an LEA reported an issue that a principal
said this student was not here at—or withdrew—they said they were not there
within this particular range, and when I looked at the student’s record I found—
well, that poor baby is pretty transient. They bounced from school A, who was
reporting the issue, for two days—they were there for two days—then they went
to school B, and then they came back in the current year. So the LEA—or the
principal was reporting, “Hey, this student withdrew from us and he’s only here
this year.” Well, he is counted on their CRDC report because he was enrolled as
of that October 1 date, so that’s what we’re going for. So I hope that helps
explain that. Or I could have just made it a little more murky.
I don’t see that I have any other questions, so I’m going to move forward.
And please feel free to ask anything. Okay, so you asked and I heard. You
needed something of a resource that you could go to that was North Carolinaspecific. And so on the North Carolina website that we were just looking at, and
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I’ll take you back over there, we’ve built an OCR website page—or webpage. So
this houses links to the federal requirements so you can find those documents
there. Sometimes it’s really hard to work—or to find things on the federal side
because their website is beautiful but not always user-friendly. You’ll also find a
link to the status webinars, and you can, from there, navigate to the recordings,
you can download the presentation. You will found OCR, LEA, and charter
contacts, and we’ll talk about that in a minute. And then all archived notifications
to OCR coordinators from the beginning, from when I took this over.
So anything that I sent out is in that section. Now, it may not be updated
but every couple weeks, so that’s going to be the challenge there, but your
archived notifications you can always go back to.
Right here is the website. Da-da-da. And I can’t actually copy it there.
Whoops, sorry. But what I’m going to do is navigate back—excuse me for just a
second—and I’m going to close our EDDIE. And here’s what I’m going to do
just quickly, excuse me for just a second here. I’m going to copy this in and I’m
going to send this to everyone right this moment, so I’m going to send you the
EDDIE link right this moment. And I’m blanking out for just a second, my
apologies. Okay, so I’m sending this to you, so there you go.
And another thing that’s outside of this that I just want to share with you
that one of the LEAs did, and if you’re on you know who you are, is Symbaloo.
This is the coolest thing since sliced bread, after the digital watch. Okay, so
Symbaloo is an online application. It’s completely free, and it doesn’t care about
your browser. So what this does is allow you to have bookmarks that you can get
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through from Mozilla, that you can get to from Internet Explorer, you can get to it
from Google Chrome; it doesn’t matter what browser you’re using. And I find it
difficult sometimes to migrate my bookmarks and to remember to do that because
sometimes my bookmarks get really sloppy. So I have created work bookmarks
that I can get directly to, and it doesn’t matter where I am. So, very convenient,
always accessible. I would advise using this. It’s super cool. And it’s kind of fun
to play with.
Okay, so back to EDDIE. And you’ve got that link. I’m going right back
to the homepage. So the public schools OCR website is on the site. Easiest way to get there is point to data and statistics
right in the middle, and when you download this presentation I put a little
recording in here that shows you how to do this. It just kind of walks you
through. From data and statistics, you’re going to click on data management
group. And then from data management group, look for Office of Civil Rights.
When you click on this, you have links.
So what is the Office of Civil Rights Data Collection? And it kind of talks
you through what it is and a little bit about our project, as well as provides you the
link right back to their documents and what documents you might want to look at,
which you absolutely should do if you can.
Okay, so I’m going to go back. And also we have our OCR coordinators
list, okay? And this is important. We need to know where this is. Okay. So I’m
going to copy this in and I’m going to send this to you as well, but you will find
this on the presentation, not a problem.
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And I’m sending this to everyone. And I’m going to pause for just a
second and see what questions I have. Okay. [LAUGHS] I like this when you
send in the, “Never mind, I found it.” That’s awesome, that’s cool. I love that.
Okay, all righty. Excuse me. And I’m just checking out your questions
very quickly. Excuse me for just a second. Okay, “I am seeing students from last
year on my CRDC report. Is that correct?” “I’m seeing students from last year.”
Yes, that is correct. The reason that’s correct is because this collection is previous
year data, so anything that we’re looking at that we’re going to report to the feds
happened last year. So that’s one of the really cool things about making this an
electronic process, is PowerSchool has more flexibility to allow us to access that
previous year data than eSIS [ph] did.
And so with the next submission, which you guys will all have forgotten
about by the time it comes around because it’s two years from now, hopefully all
it is is a couple clicks on one side when we say, “Hey, submit your data,” and a
couple clicks on the other side. I mean, that would be the ideal, number one
solution, so that’s what we’re working towards is rather than spending months
and months collecting this data, which was already collected in a previous year,
all you have to do is push a couple buttons, review the data, and you’re good to
go. So it should take—it should give you back hours and hours and days of your
So let me go back to the presentation. Let me see where I am. So we’ve
talked about the website, so hopefully this provides you some information that
you’ve been looking for, and if you have suggestions of what you’d like to see—
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for example, the course code mapping. Another example is a checklist, which I’m
not sure about the checklist because I don’t know the end of the story yet. But if
you want to see things like that, then please let me know.
All right, okay. So let’s talk about those OCR contacts. Remember back
on one of the slides I said that those who are on the contact list are going to be the
first ones who receive access to the federal tool. Okay, I get a lot of bouncebacks, and I’ve been monitoring a contact list outside in an access database since
about April, I think—April or May, somewhere around there—trying to make
sure they’re up to date, but I’m not successful with that. For example, I know I’m
missing charters. I know that we have had turnovers within our schools. But
what I’m going to do is I’m going to rely on that OCR contact list to provide your
security to the Office of Civil Rights tool.
So here’s what I need you to do, please, is I need you to go and make sure
that those two contacts—and only two, I can’t do any more than that at this
point—are the ones that you actually want to receive access to the tool. And I
would like to take this month to do it, so if you flood my email, that’s just fine, no
problem. But I’m not sure—my goal here will be to have an updated contact list
by our next status, so I can’t republish this every couple days, so we’ll go over it
again on the 16th.
But as far as who should be an OCR contact, I’m really looking for, I
think, two people at this point. Or you, the LEA, needs to figure out how you
want to do it and that—you know, I mean, it’s entirely up to you, but my thoughts
were—is you would probably want the staff member who would be overall
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responsible for approving the data. Now, I’m not really talking about the
superintendent, unless the superintendent wants to take on that job. I know that
ultimately the principals, the superintendent, so on and so forth, are responsible
for the data, but who really is going to, you know, pick it apart and ultimately
approve it on behalf? That person should probably have access to the tool.
And then a staff member who supports the collection process. These are
recommendations. How you want to do it at your LEA is entirely up to you, as
long as it gets done. So I know that a lot of our data coordinators or LEA
coordinators who are PowerSchool and Home Base [ph], I have a lot of them on
this list, and I think that’s an entirely appropriate contact because they may be the
ones assisting with access for other staff members in their LEA once we get to the
point of opening up that federal school.
So, please look at this. I don’t need the names today. You can send me an
email. You can send a Remedy [ph] ticket in if you want. I would like all—
excuse me for just a second, I’m going to move this over. I would like all of these
items. The reason that I care about the title, though, is I want to know if I’m
going to talk to a person who is on the tech side or if I’m talking to the person
who’s really just kind of—who is approving the collection and just looking at the
data that may not necessarily be looking at the technical aspect of this project. So
these are my recommendations, but I’d like for us to verify that what I have is
correct. If you don’t see your charter, for example, then please let me know. I’d
really love to know what the charter number is and all that kind of stuff. I should
have considered that before I outlined the—oh, I did. Ha ha, sorry. Charter name
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[LAUGHS] and charter code. Okay. So, oh good, I’m thinking ahead of myself.
I like that.
So, like I said, I will make sure that this is reposted before our next status.
And I’m going to stop right here and see what questions I have. Ah, my email
address. Another fantastic question. I’m going to send it to everyone. Here we
go. Okay, so I’m sending you all my email address, so I would like to—oh, thank
you. Thank you for the catch on the slide. Okay, I’m sorry, I’m just looking at
the questions. I want to make sure that I got these. Okay, so some of you have
already said, “Please add me to your list.” I’ll do the best I can here. No
problem. I see that I have misspelled something. Thank you, I will make sure
that I update that.
“What is expected from a charter school that just opened this year if the
data is from last year for the CRDC report?” Another fantastic question. The
answer is nothing. So if you opened in the ‘14/’15 year, you have no data to
report in the ‘13/’14 year. So you can, in a sense, excuse yourself from this whole
process and then come and join us in ‘15/’16. So, really great question. Brand
new charters that opened up this year have no data for last year to report, so
they’re not on the hook to get this submission in.
Okay, so you asked for my email address, I sent that. Okay, so let me see.
I’m sorry, I apologize for the stalling here. I’m trying to—okay, “New school
‘14/’15. Should that school be excluded from the collection?” Yes. Okay, so if
we have an already established LEA or an already established charter that is
adding a new school to their instance for the ’14/’15 year, then the question that’s
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asked is, “Should they be excluded from the CRDC reporting altogether?” And at
the school level, as a reminder, in the CRDC screen you have the opportunity to
say, “Exclude this school from my Office of Civil Rights Data Collection.”
Since you have a new school on ’14/’15, then the answer would be yes,
exclude them. And you should be fine because they have no data to report—
excuse me. All right.
Okay, “Do you want a staff member or both from each school?” Oh,
okay, I think this is in relation to the contact list. Okay, so OCR coordinators and
contacts, from my experience so far, are generally at the LEA level. So while I
don’t mind working with school-level staff, I think it would be appropriate for it
to be an LEA-level staff member, or, if you’re a charter, then whatever staff that
you designate as appropriate. But if a school staff member is appointed the OCR
coordinator, then they need to have some pretty broad access for communication.
Oh, sorry, okay [LAUGHS]. Oh, you know, I have the secondary and
primary because that was the list that I inherited. What I would prefer to see and
make changes to, but really don’t have time and this is kind of a fluffy detail, is
technical versus the business person. Oh, you guys are awesome. Thanks. You
just want to see your names come up on my screen, huh? Okay, so that primary
and secondary, not so much. Oh, look at that. I think you guys are racing now
[LAUGHS]. Okay, let’s see.
So if it’s a school member that you want to be the OCR coordinator, I
would just say make sure that they have the ability to get to people that are at a
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broader level so that they’re working with the other schools and all that kind of
Okay. Okay, so I have an LEA that [LAUGHS]—I have an LEA that is
asking me something very specific, and that is, “I had some stuff last week, and
now I don’t.” I’m going to contact you directly. Okay. So, let me see. Okay,
and some of you have found your schools in EDDIE. That’s great. I think we are
close to having answered most of the questions.
There’s a question regarding the LET [ph] counts and where it was listed,
so the answer to that, again, is going to be smattered all over the place, but I think
I’ll just give you a call and make sure that you know where I’m talking about.
And we will do some real troubleshooting with the reports in the next session.
And then there is another comment—comment/question about a count
being off between CRDC and our sequel report that we created because we shut
down that functionality for that display because it was too broad of access. So let
me just say that—let me just contact you for this. Yes. Yes, the answer is yes.
Sorry about that, guys. Okay, I’m going to move forward.
All right. What else do I want to tell you? Okay, so the contact thing is a
big deal at this point in our life, and so these are our next steps, which I think I
just have beat into the ground. Please review your contact information and
provide those ten elements. And, if you could, please just give me your first and
second or whatever in the single ticket, and that would be awesome. And then
those grade levels. I really want to know, please, if your grade levels are incorrect
in EDDIE because I’d like to have that information ready when we’re at the point
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of doing a transformation on the data, when we’re at the point of, you know,
“How are we going to fix this so that we can come up with a solution?” It may
possibly be that we say, “Hey, change the data within the tool,” but we’re just not
there yet, like I said.
So those are our next steps. Now we have a webinar on the 16th. I’d
really like to do troubleshooting on that and kind of talk about where we are,
possibly maybe we need to go over the CRDC screen. Okay you guys, get ready.
Get ready, get ready. Hang on just a second, and sorry about the wiggly mouse.
I’m putting all of your hands down right this moment. Or at least I’m trying to.
Hang on. I’m trying to. It’s not allowing me. Hang on. I’ll sing to you while I
do it. Okay, why? Okay, I can’t put your hands down. That’s so inconvenient.
Can you all put your hands down for me, please? Maybe you don’t have the
ability to do that, but my screen has frozen. Well, that’s really unfortunate.
[LAUGHS] Okay, so one question is, “How did you say to correct the
contact list?” I’m going to have to make updates to that, so if you can send me
your information, I will have it published before our next session. But I won’t be
able to publish it with too much frequency—not as quickly as the turnaround is
going to happen. But I will have a document for you for the next generation of
those contacts for you to review before the 16th.
Yes, please just email me. Or you can go through the remedy—or the
support center. Okay. So, we’ve come to the end of the presentation. Please feel
free to ask any questions here. And I’ve got another couple polls I want to ask.
Give me just a second here. So the first one is—well, actually I just want one.
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OCR NC – Status Update
Page 35
The other one I think you’ve answered for yourself. It’s a pretty general question,
it’s a pretty general question, so I want you to think about this, and I’m launching
it. “Do you need assistance? Do you feel like you’re getting the help that you
need?” And if you say yes, I am happy to call you, absolutely. You know, or we
can just chat. We can talk about the holidays.
Oh, look at you all. You all [ph] say, “No, but you’re so kind to offer.”
Look at that. All right, I’m going to leave it open for just a couple more minutes.
And let me see, it looks like we might have a question here.
[LAUGHS] My poll needs another option, which is, “I don’t know if I—I
don’t know,” because you don’t know what you don’t know. But if you need it,
it’s there.
Let me see. Okay, so this is a reminder for me, so I’m just going to read
this real quick, but not out loud. [LAUGHS] I’m—okay, I will contact you. I
will contact you. Okay, so I’m going to close the poll. I don’t even need you to
share the information. And we’ll do that one regularly, and I’ll in, “I don’t
know,” to it as well.
So, gosh, I think we’re wrapping up about 15 minutes early. I’m trying to
make up for all that time that I took away from you the last time. My apologies
for running at the mouth there. I don’t see any additional questions.
Oh, so a suggestion is, “Can we cancel the December 16th?” [LAUGHS]
Okay, so it’s to cancel December 16th. You know, I understand the suggestion,
but I think I want to take—I want to take that opportunity for people to ask
questions about their report, or maybe it will be a more organic type of session.
Transcript prepared by
Rogers Word Service
919-834-0000 1-800-582-8749
OCR NC – Status Update
Page 36
But I really want to support you in looking at the report and any suggestions I can
provide. So I’m on the fence. I mean, if everybody wants to cancel December
16th because of the holidays, I can do that. And, as a matter of fact, if you will
just bear with me for a second—that’s true. If you will just—you know, yeah,
I’m kind of—kind of on the fence on that one. Okay. So is it a hot testing time?
Okay, so we have kind of back and forth on the “keep it as a follow-up to
maintenance weekend,” so I think I’m going to go with that. Okay, but if you’re
not able to attend, the records will be posted and you’re always welcome to
contact me.
Yeah, I was thinking about doing a poll real quick to see what people
thought, but I’m seeing the suggestions come through right at this point. So
here’s what I’m going to do, is we’re going to do a troubleshooting on the 16th.
I’ll figure out how to make it something that is relevant and walk through any
questions or anything that you have in regards to the PowerSchool CRDC report.
My personal goal, again, is to make sure that we can put the PowerSchool
reporting side to bed as soon as possible so that we can focus on the remainder of
the project.
So [LAUGHS]—so I think that’s it. I hope that you all had a great
holiday, and we’ll be talking soon. So if you have questions or anything, please
feel free to contact me. Thank you so much for joining today, and have a great
rest of the afternoon.
Transcript prepared by
Rogers Word Service
919-834-0000 1-800-582-8749