Table of Contents GENERAL INFORMATION ........................................................................................................................................ 1-6 Higher Values in Higher Education ......................................................................................................................... 1 Western Illinois University History ........................................................................................................................... 2 Western Illinois University Accreditation ................................................................................................................. 3 Western Illinois University Program Inventory, Fall 2011 ........................................................................................ 4 ADMINISTRATION ................................................................................................................................................... 7-12 Organization Chart: President ................................................................................................................................. 7 Organization Chart: Provost and Academic Vice President .................................................................................... 8 Organization Chart: Vice President for Student Services ........................................................................................ 9 Organization Chart: Vice President for Administrative Services............................................................................ 10 Organization Chart: Vice President for Advancement and Public Services .......................................................... 11 Organization Chart: Vice President for Quad Cities, Planning and Technology .................................................... 12 NEW STUDENTS ................................................................................................................................................... 13-30 Table 1. Application, Acceptances, and Enrollments of New Freshmen, Undergraduate Transfer, and Graduate Students by Sex, Fall 2008-2011 .......................................................................................................................... 13 Figure 1. New Students, Percent Accepted and Percent Accepted That Enrolled, Fall 2011 ............................... 13 Table 1Q. Application, Acceptances, and Enrollments of New Freshmen, Undergraduate Transfer, and Graduate Students by Sex, Quad Cities Campus, Fall 2008-2011 ....................................................................................... 14 Figure 1Q. New Students, Percent Accepted and Percent Accepted That Enrolled, Quad Cities Campus, Fall 2011 ...................................................................................................................................................................... 14 Table 2. New Freshmen Class Profile, Fall 2011 .................................................................................................. 15 Table 3. Majors of New Freshmen, Fall 2007-2011 .............................................................................................. 16 Table 4. Distribution of New Freshmen by ACT Composite Scores, Fall 2007-2011 ............................................ 18 Figure 2. New Freshmen ACT Composite Score, Fall 2007-2011 ........................................................................ 18 Table 5. Macomb Campus Distribution of Illinois New Freshmen by Home County, Fall 2007-2011.................... 19 Table 6. New Transfer Profile, Fall 2011 ............................................................................................................... 21 Table 7. Majors of New Transfers, Fall 2007-2011 ............................................................................................... 22 Table 7Q. Majors of New Transfers, Quad Cities Campus & Quad Cities Extension, Fall 2007-2011 .................. 24 Table 8. Origin of New Transfer Students, Fall 2007-2011 ................................................................................... 25 Table 9. New Graduate Profile, Fall 2011 ............................................................................................................. 26 Table 10. Majors of New Graduate Students, All Campuses, Fall 2007-2011 ...................................................... 27 Table 10Q. Majors of New Graduate Students, Quad Cities Campus, Fall 2007-2011......................................... 29 ENROLLMENT ....................................................................................................................................................... 31-72 Table 11. Headcount Enrollment by Class Level and Location, Fall 2007-2011 ................................................... 31 Table 12. Enrollment by Race/Ethnicity and Location, Fall 2007-2011 ................................................................. 32 i Table 13. Enrollment by Race/Ethnicity, Sex and Class Level, Fall 2011 ............................................................. 33 Table 14. Enrollment by Age, Sex and Location, Fall 2011 .................................................................................. 34 Table 15. Enrollment by Student Residency and Location, Fall 2007-2011 .......................................................... 36 Enrollment by State Legislative District, Fall 2011 ................................................................................................ 37 Enrollment by State Legislative District, Chicago Metropolitan Area, Fall 2011 .................................................... 38 Enrollment by State Legislative District, Chicago Area, Fall 2011......................................................................... 39 Table 16. Enrolled Illinois Residents by County of Residence, Undergraduate and Graduate, Macomb Campus and Macomb Extension, Fall 2007-2011 ............................................................................................................... 40 Table 16Q. Enrolled Illinois Residents by County of Residence, Undergraduate and Graduate, Quad Cities Campus and Quad Cities Extension, Fall 2007-2011 ........................................................................................... 42 Table 17. Indiana, Iowa, Missouri and Wisconsin Enrollment, Fall 2007-2011 ..................................................... 44 Table 18. Enrolled Out-of-State Students by State, Macomb Campus, Fall 2007-2011 ....................................... 49 Table 18Q. Enrolled Out-of-State Students by State, Quad Cities Campus, Macomb Extension, and Quad Cities Extension, Fall 2007-2011 .................................................................................................................................... 50 Table 19. Enrolled International Students by Country of Origin, Macomb Campus, Fall 2007-2011..................... 51 Table 19Q. Enrolled International Students by Country of Origin, Quad Cities Campus, Macomb Extension, and Quad Cities Extension, Fall 2007-2011 ................................................................................................................. 53 Table 20. Undergraduate Enrollment by Degree Program, Race/Ethnicity, Sex, and Student Level, All Campuses, Fall 2011 ............................................................................................................................................ 54 Table 20Q. Undergraduate Enrollment by Degree Program, Race/Ethnicity, Sex, and Student Level, Quad Cities Campus, Fall 2011 ................................................................................................................................................ 56 Table 21. Transfer Enrollment by Degree Program, Race/Ethnicity, Sex, and Student Level, All Campuses, Fall 2011 ...................................................................................................................................................................... 57 Table 21Q. Transfer Enrollment by Degree Program, Race/Ethnicity, Sex, and Student Level, Quad Cities Campus, Fall 2011 ................................................................................................................................................ 59 Table 22. Graduate Enrollment by Degree Program, Race/Ethnicity, Sex, and Student Level, All Campuses, Fall 2011 ...................................................................................................................................................................... 60 Table 22Q. Graduate Enrollment by Degree Program, Race/Ethnicity, Sex, and Student Level, Quad Cities Campus, Fall 2011 ................................................................................................................................................ 62 Table 23. Undergraduate and Graduate Enrollment by College, Department and Major, Fall 2007-2011 ............ 63 Table 24. Undergraduate Enrollment by College and Second Major, Fall 2007-2011 .......................................... 67 Table 25. Undergraduate Enrollment by College and Minor, Fall 2007-2011 ....................................................... 69 Table 26. Post-Baccalaureate Certificate Enrollment by Program (Duplicated), Fall 2007-2011 .......................... 72 Table 27. Post-Baccalaureate Certificates Conferred by Program (Duplicated), Fall 2007-2011.......................... 72 DEGREES CONFERRED ....................................................................................................................................... 73-80 Table 28. Undergraduate and Graduate Degrees Conferred by Degree Program, Race/Ethnicity, and Student Level, FY2011 ....................................................................................................................................................... 73 Table 29. Undergraduate Degrees Conferred by College, Department and Major, FY2007-2011 ........................ 77 Table 30. Graduate Degrees Conferred by College, Department and Major, FY2007-2011 ................................. 79 OTHER STUDENT INFORMATION ....................................................................................................................... 81-94 Table 31. Student Credit Hour Production by College and Department, FY2010 and FY2011 ............................. 81 ii Table 32. Undergraduate Class Size, Fall 2010 and Fall 2011 ............................................................................. 82 Table 33. Graduate Class Size, Fall 2010 and Fall 2011 ...................................................................................... 83 Table 34. Retention and Graduation Rates of New Freshmen by Sex, Fall 2004-2010 ........................................ 84 Figure 3. Four- and Six-Year Graduation Rates of New Freshmen by Sex, Fall 2005 Cohort .............................. 84 Table 35. Retention and Graduation Rates of New Freshmen by Ethnicity, Fall 2004-2010 ................................ 85 Table 36. Retention of New Freshmen by Race/Ethnicity and Sex, Fall 2010 to Fall 2011 .................................. 86 Table 37. Total New Freshmen Fall to Fall Retention by Department, Fall 2010 to Fall 2011 .............................. 87 Table 38. Graduation Rates of New Freshmen by Admission Type, Fall 2003-2007 ............................................ 89 Figure 4. Four-, Five- and Six-Year Graduation Rates, Cohort Years 2003-2007................................................. 89 Table 39. Retention and Graduation Rates of New Full-Time Transfers by Sex, Fall 2004 to Fall 2010 .............. 90 Figure 5. Two- and Four-Year Graduation Rates of New Full-Time Transfers by Sex, Fall 2005 Cohort ............. 90 Table 40. Retention and Graduation Rates of New Full-Time Transfers by Ethnicity, Fall 2004-2010.................. 91 Table 41. Retention and Graduation Rates of New Full-Time Transfers by Class, Fall 2004-2010 ...................... 92 Table 42. Retention and Graduation Rates of Total New Transfers by Associates/Non-Associates Degree, Fall 2001-2010 ............................................................................................................................................................. 93 Table 43. Average Years to Graduate for New Freshmen and New Graduate Students by Program................... 94 FACULTY AND STAFF ........................................................................................................................................ 95-102 Table 44. Faculty/Staff by Employee Category and Location, Fall 2011 ............................................................... 95 Table 45. Employees by Race/Ethnicity, Sex and Location, Fall 2011 ................................................................. 97 Table 46. Distribution of Full- and Part-Time Employees by Job Category, Fall 2009 - 2011 ............................. 100 Table 47. Average Salaries for Full-Time, Nine-Month Faculty, FY2008-2012 ................................................... 100 Table 48. Selected Faculty Characteristics, Fall 2009-2011 ............................................................................... 101 RESOURCES ..................................................................................................................................................... 103-109 Table 49. Summary of Operation Costs by Funds, FY2007-2011....................................................................... 103 Table 50. Summary of Operation Costs by Function of Expenditure, FY2007-2011 ........................................... 103 Table 51. Summary of Operation Costs by Object of Expenditure, FY2007-2011 .............................................. 103 Table 52. Western Illinois University Appropriation History, FY2008-2012 ......................................................... 104 Table 53. Sponsored Research, Instruction and Public Service Grants and Contracts, FY2007-2011 ............... 104 Table 54. Cost Guarantee and Tuition and Fees ................................................................................................ 105 Table 55. Student Financial Aid and Institutional Support, FY2011 .................................................................... 106 Table 56. Alumni Survey Results, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2006 and 2009 Baccalaureate Degree Recipients .......... 107 Table 57. Macomb Campus Housing, Fall 2007-2011 ........................................................................................ 108 Table 58. Macomb Campus Residential Buildings as of Fall 2011 ..................................................................... 108 Table 59. Nonresidential Buildings as of Fall 2011 ............................................................................................. 109 iii The Western Illinois University Fact Book is published by Planning, Budget and Institutional Research Sherman Hall 315, One University Circle, Macomb, IL 61455-1390 The address for the electronic version is: If you would like more information about data contained in the Fact Book, contact: Planning, Budget and Institutional Research, 309/298-1185 iv A Strategic Plan for the Future of Western Illinois University HigherValues in Higher Education Our Vision Western Illinois University will be the leader in educational quality, opportunity, and affordability among its peers. Our Mission By enacting our values and supporting the synergy between instruction, research, creativity, and service, Western Illinois University prepares a socially responsible and diverse student, faculty, and staff population to lead in the global society. Educational Opportunity Western Illinois University values educational opportunity and welcomes those who show promise and a willingness to work toward achieving shared educational goals. We are committed to providing accessible, high quality educational programs and financial support for our students. Personal Growth Our Values Because Western Illinois University values the development of the whole person, we are committed to providing opportunities for personal growth in an environment that supports the development of wellness, ethical decision making, and personal responsibility. Academic Excellence Social Responsibility Central to our history and tradition is the commitment to teaching, to the individual learner, and to active involvement in the teaching-learning process. Western Illinois University’s highly qualified, diverse faculty promotes critical thinking, engaged learning, research, and creativity in a challenging, supportive learning community. We are committed to an academic environment that encourages lifelong development as learners, scholars, teachers, and mentors. Western Illinois University is committed to equity, social justice, and diversity, and will maintain the highest standards of integrity in our work with others. We will serve as a resource for and stimulus to economic, educational, cultural, environmental, and community development in our region and well beyond. For more information on the Western Illinois University Strategic Plan, please visit Western Illinois University History 1900 Macomb was chosen as the site for Western Illinois State Normal School. The cornerstone for Sherman Hall was laid on December 21, 1900. 1902 The school opened its doors to students. Approximately 525 students were enrolled in fourteen grades during the first year. 1903 Western Illinois State Normal School had its first graduating class, consisting of two students. 1906 Six Filipinos were registered as students, marking the beginning of international students on campus. 1911 Extension program began. This made Western the first state institution in Illinois to offer classes by extension. 1913 Western received full accreditation as a teachers college by the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools. 1917 A four-year collegiate program was initiated. 1918 The first baccalaureate degree was granted. 1921 Western Illinois State Normal School became Western Illinois State Teachers College. There was an enrollment of 518 post-high school students. 1944 The graduate program was established. 1946 The first master's degree was awarded. 1947 Western Illinois State Teachers College became Western Illinois State College. Enrollment was 1,345. 1957 Name was changed to Western Illinois University. Enrollment was 2,605. 1969 Western Illinois University became a charter member of the Quad Cities Graduate Study Center consortium. 1973 Total enrollment at Western Illinois University reached an all-time high of 15,469. 1988 Western Illinois University's Rock Island Regional Undergraduate Center (RIRUC) opened on the campus of Black Hawk College in Moline with an enrollment of 59 students. 1995 Western Illinois University purchases and begins renovation on the IBM building in Moline. The Rock Island Regional Undergraduate Center (RIRUC) name is changed to the Western Illinois University Regional Center (WIU-RC). 1997 Western Illinois University began offering classes at its newly renovated Regional Center in Moline. 1999 Western Illinois University celebrated the centennial of its charter with ceremonies which included opening of time capsules from the cornerstone of Sherman Hall. The centennial celebration concluded with a ceremonial luncheon and placing items into and sealing the Sherman Hall time capsule. 2003 Western Illinois University receives gift of real estate from Deere and Company on the Moline river front to expand Quad Cities facilities and create river front campus. 2004 Western Illinois University launched the University Strategic Plan, Higher Values in Higher Education: A Plan for Western Illinois University. 2010 Western Illinois University breaks ground for the Quad Cities Riverfront Campus. 2 Western Illinois University Accreditation University Accreditation Next Date of Accreditation The Higher Learning Commission - North Central Association National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education 2020-2021 2012 Athletics Accreditation NCAA-Division I Program Accreditation Business & Technology Accountancy Business Admin. Economics Finance Human Resource Mgt. Management Marketing Supply Chain Mgt. 2014-2015 Accrediting Body AACSB International—The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business 2014-2015 Council for Accreditation of Counseling & Related Ed. Programs American Dietetic Association 2016 2019-2020 Recreation, Park & Tourism Administration Commission on Accreditation of Athletic Training Education Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education National Recreation and Park Association Social Work Council on Social Work Education Education & Human Services Counseling (M.S.Ed.) Family & Consumer Sciences (Dietetics option) Athletic Training Nursing Fine Arts & Communication Art Museum Studies Communication Sciences & Disorders (M.S.) (SpeechLanguage option) Music Musical Theatre Theatre Western’s English as a Second Language Institute 2016 2015 2013 2016 National Association of Schools of Art and Design American Speech-Language-Hearing Association 2015-2016 National Association of Schools of Music 2016-2017 National Association of Schools of Theatre Commission on English Language Program Accreditation 2014-2015 2017 2017 Western Illinois University’s Carnegie classification is Master's colleges and universities - larger programs. 3 Western Illinois University Program Inventory, Fall 2011 Undergraduate Programs and Degrees Available DEPARTMENT CIP CODE DEGREE COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES African American Studies Arts & Sciences Biological Sciences Biological Sciences Chemistry Chemistry Economics & Decision Sciences English & Journalism English & Journalism Foreign Languages & Literatures Foreign Languages & Literatures Geography Geography Geology History Mathematics Nursing Philosophy & Religious Studies Philosophy & Religious Studies Physics Political Science Psychology Sociology & Anthropology Sociology & Anthropology Women's Studies 05.0201 24.0101 26.0101 51.1005 40.0501 40.0599 45.0601 09.0401 23.0101 16.0901 16.0905 40.0404 45.0701 40.0601 54.0101 27.0101 51.3801 38.0101 38.0201 40.0801 45.1001 42.0101 45.0201 45.1101 05.0207 African American Studies, B.A. Liberal Arts and Sciences, B.L.A.S.* Biology, B.S. Clinical Laboratory Science, B.S. Chemistry,B.S. Forensic Chemistry, B.S. Economics, B.A. Journalism, B.A. English, B.A. French, B.A. Spanish, B.A. Meteorology, B.S. Geography, B.S. Geology, B.S. History, B.A. Mathematics, B.S. Nursing, B.S.N.* Philosophy, B.A. Religious Studies, B.A. Physics, B.S. Political Science, B.A. Psychology, B.S. Anthropology, B.A. Sociology, B.A. Women's Studies, B.A. COLLEGE OF BUSINESS AND TECHNOLOGY Accounting & Finance Accounting & Finance Agriculture Computer Sciences & Information Systems Computer Sciences & Information Systems Computer Sciences & Information Systems Economics & Decision Sciences Engineering Engineering Technology Engineering Technology Engineering Technology Management & Marketing Management & Marketing Management & Marketing Management & Marketing 52.0301 52.0801 01.0000 11.0101 11.0901 11.0103 52.0601 14.0101 10.0305 15.0000 52.2001 52.0201 52.1001 52.0203 52.1401 Accountancy, B.B.* Finance, B.B. Agriculture, B.S. Computer Science, B.S. Network Technologies, B.S. Information Systems, B.S.* Economics, B.B. Engineering, B.S.** Graphic Communication Engineering Technology, B.S.* Construction Management, B.S. Management, B.B.* Human Resource Management, B.B. Supply Chain Management, B.B. Marketing, B.B.* 4 COLLEGE OF EDUCATION AND HUMAN SERVICES Curriculum & Instruction Curriculum & Instruction Dietetics, Fashion Merchandising & Hospitality Educational & Interdisciplinary Studies Health Sciences Health Sciences Health Sciences Instructional Design & Technology Kinesiology Kinesiology Kinesiology Law Enforcement and Justice Administration Recreation, Park & Tourism Administration Social Work 13.1202 13.1001 19.0101 13.0201 13.1307 43.9999 51.0701 13.0501 13.1314 31.0505 51.0913 43.0103 31.0301 44.0701 Elementary Education, B.S.Ed.* Special Education, B.S.Ed. Family and Consumer Sciences, B.S. Bilingual/Bicultural Education, B.S.Ed. Health Sciences, B.S. Emergency Management, B.S. Health Services Management, B.S. Instructional Design and Technology, B.S. Physical Education, B.S. Exercise Science, B.S. Athletic Training, B.S. Law Enforcement and Justice Administration, B.S.* Recreation, Park and Tourism Administration, B.S.* Social Work, B. COLLEGE OF FINE ARTS AND COMMUNICATION Art Art Broadcasting Communication Communication Sciences & Disorders Music Music Theatre and Dance Theatre and Dance 50.0701 50.0702 09.0701 09.0101 51.0201 50.0901 50.0903 50.0501 50.9999 Art, B.A. Art, B.F.A. Broadcasting, B.A. Communication, B.A. Communication Sciences and Disorders, B.S. Music, B.A. Music, Bachelor of Theatre, B.A. Musical Theatre, B.F.A. OTHER General Studies Interdisciplinary Studies 24.0102 24.0199 General Studies, B.A.* Interdisciplinary Studies, B.S. & B.A. DEPARTMENT CIPCODE DEGREE COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES Arts & Sciences Biological Sciences Chemistry English & Journalism Geography History Mathematics Physics Political Science Psychology Psychology Sociology & Anthropology 24.0101 26.0101 40.0501 23.0101 45.0701 54.0101 27.0101 40.0801 45.1001 42.0101 42.2805 45.1101 Liberal Arts and Sciences, M.L.A.S.* Biology, M.S.* Chemistry, M.S. English, M.A.* Geography, M.A. History, M.A. Mathematics, M.S. Physics, M.S. Political Science, M.A. Psychology, M.S. School Psychology, Spec. Sociology, M.A. COLLEGE OF BUSINESS AND TECHNOLOGY Accounting & Finance College of Business & Technology Computer Sciences & Information Systems Economics & Decision Sciences Engineering Technology 52.0301 52.0201 11.0101 45.0601 15.0613 Accountancy, M. Business Administration, M.* Computer Science, M.S. Economics, M.A. Manufacturing Engineering Systems, M.S. Graduate Programs and Degrees Available 5 COLLEGE OF EDUCATION AND HUMAN SERVICES Counselor Educucation Curriculum & Instruction Curriculum & Instruction Curriculum & Instruction Educational Leadership Educational Leadership Educational Leadership Educational & Interdisciplinary Studies Educational & Interdisciplinary Studies Educational & Interdisciplinary Studies Health Sciences Instructional Design & Technology Kinesiology Kinesiology Law Enforcement and Justice Administration Recreation, Park & Tourism Administration 13.1101 13.1202 13.1315 13.1001 13.0401 13.0411 13.0499 13.0901 13.1102 13.1205 13.1307 13.0501 31.0504 31.0505 43.0103 31.0301 Counseling, M.S.Ed.** Elementary Education, M.S.Ed.* Reading, M.S.Ed.* Special Education, M.S.Ed.* Educational Leadership, M.S.Ed.* Educational Leadership, Ed.S.* Educational Leadership, Ed.D.* Educational and Interdisciplinary Studies, M.S.Ed.* College Student Personnel, M.S. Secondary Education, M.A.T. (Temporary Suspension) Health Sciences, M.S.* Instructional Design and Technology, M.S.* Sport Management, M.S. Kinesiology, M.S. Law Enforcement and Justice Administration, M.A.* Recreation, Park and Tourism Administration, M.S. COLLEGE OF FINE ARTS AND COMMUNICATION Communication Communication Sciences & Disorders Fine Arts and Communication Music Theatre and Dance 09.0701 51.0201 30.1401 50.0901 50.0501 Communication, M.A. Communication Sciences and Disorders, M.S. Museum Studies, M.A.** Music, M.M. Theatre, M.F.A. Postbaccalaureate Certificate Programs Available DEPARTMENT CIPCODE DEGREE COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES African American Studies Biological Sciences/Geography Biological Sciences/Geography Geography Mathematics Women's Studies English & Journalism 05.0201 26.0701 45.0701 44.0201 27.0301 05.0207 23.0101 African and African Diaspora World Studies Zoo and Aquarium Studies*/*** Environmental GIS*/*** Community Development*** Applied Mathematics*** Women's Studies English* COLLEGE OF EDUCATION AND HUMAN SERVICES Educational & Interdisciplinary Studies Health Sciences Instructional Design & Technology Instructional Design & Technology Instructional Design & Technology Instructional Design & Technology Instructional Design & Technology Instructional Design & Technology Law Enforcement and Justice Administration 13.1401 51.0701 13.0501 99.9901 99.9902 13.0501 13.0501 13.0501 43.0103 Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages*/*** Health Services Administration* IDT‐‐Educational Technology Specialist*** IDT‐‐Graphics Applications IDT‐‐Training Development IDT‐‐Distance Learning IDT‐‐Multimedia IDT‐‐Technology Integration in Education Police Executive Administration*/*** COLLEGE OF FINE ARTS AND COMMUNICATION Fine Arts and Communication 30.1401 Museum Studies**/*** *Offered at both Macomb and QC Campus **Offered only at QC Campus ***An 18‐credit hour program as defined by Illinois Board of Higher Education 6 FY2012 Functional Organization Chart: President Board of Trustees President Alumni Budget Equal Opportunity and Access Governmental Relations Institutional Research and Planning Internal Auditing Provost and Academic Vice President Vice President for Student Services Vice President for Vice President for Administrative Advancement and Services Public Services Vice President for Quad Cities, Planning, and Technology 7 FY2012 Functional Organization Chart: Provost and Academic Vice President Provost and Academic Vice President College of Arts and Sciences College of Business and Technology African American Studies Biological Sciences Accounting & Finance Agriculture Chemistry English and Journalism Computer Sciences Economics & Decision Sciences Foreign Languages and Lit Geography Engineering Engineering Technology Geology History Management & Marketing Mathematics Nursing Philosophy and Religious Studies Physics Political Science Psychology Sociology and Anthropology Women's Studies College of Education and Human Services College of Fine Arts and Communication Counselor Education Curriculum and Instruction Art Broadcasting Dietetics, Fashion Merchan. & Hosp. Educational/ Interdisciplinary Bureau of Cultural Affairs Communication Educational Leadership Health Sciences Communication Sci/Disorders Museum Studies Instructional Design/Technology Kinesiology Music Performing Arts Society Law Enforcement/Justice Admin Military Science Theatre and Dance Tri‐States Public Radio Recreation, Park/Tourism Admin Social Work University Television Associate Provost for Budget, Planning, & Personnel University Libraries Associate Provost for Graduate/Undergraduate Studies Academic Budget/Personnel/Planning Center for Innovation in Teaching/Resrch. Registrar Sponsored Projects Summer School UPI Contract/Grievances Assistant Vice President for Academic Affairs Assessment of Student Learning Curriculum Development Academic Affairs Transfer Coordinator Diversity in Academic Affairs First Year Experience School of Graduate Studies Enrollment Management & Retention Commencement Student Issues Academic Program Review & Accred. University Advising & Academic Support Distance Learning, International Studies and Outreach Centennial Honors College Interdisciplinary Studies Distance Learning International Studies Non‐Credit Programs Study Abroad WESL BA in General Studies Illinois Institute for Rural Affairs Small Business Development Center 8 FY2012 Functional Organization Chart: Vice President for Student Services Vice President for Student Services Assistant to the VP Admissions Beu Health Center Electronic Student Services Financial Aid Go West Transit University Counseling Center Associate Vice President for Student Services Associate Vice President for Student Services Student Life Career Services AFS Budget Casa Latina Cultural Center Campus Recreation/Golf Course Disability Resource Center Learning to Lead Gwendolyn Brooks Cultural Center Residential Administration Student Judicial Programs Residential Facilities Student Legal Services Residence Hall Food Service Program Student Publications Residential Life WIU Childcare Office of Student Activities Women's Center Student Assistance & Parent Service Center Student Development and Orientation University Union/Bookstore University Union Food Service/Catering Assistant Vice President for Student Services – Athletics Director Academic Services/SWA Business Operations Compliance Equipment Operations External Operations Marketing Media Services Sports Medicine 9 FY2012 Functional Organization Chart: Vice President for Administrative Services Vice President for Administrative Services Legal Services Assistant Vice President for Administrative Services Business Services Document and Publication Services Accounting Bindery & Finishing Accounts Payable Document Preparation Billing and Receivables Mail Preparation Financial Systems Mail Services Payroll Office Supplies Property Accounting & Redistribution Center Printing & Copying Human Resources IL Law Enforcement Training and Standards Benefits Center for Homeland Security Leadership Classification/ Compensation Executive Institute Diversity Outreach Media Resource Center Employee and Labor Relations Office of Grants/Special Projects Employment Examination Staff Development Physical Plant Public Safety Building Services Emergency Medical Services Building Trades Key/Access Control Capital Project Construction Parking Services Central Receiving Police Environmental Health & Safety Student Patrol Facilities/Construction 911 Dispatch In‐House Construction Landscape Maintenance Mechanical Trades Plant Administration Transportation Sustainability Purchasing Administrative Information Management Systems Accounts Payable Database Administration Information Systems/Applications Programming Contract Administration Support for STARS and WIUP Procurement PCard 10 FY2012 Functional Organization Chart: Vice President for Advancement and Public Services Vice President for Advancement and Public Services – WIU Foundation Annual Fund Capital Campaign Corporate and Foundation Relations Donor Relations Foundation/Development Services Major and Planned Giving Research University/Foundation Special Events Director of University Relations Scholarship Office News Services Foundation Scholarship Programs Publications Short‐Term Loan Program Visual Production Center University‐Wide Scholarship Programs University Marketing Trademark Licensing Program 11 FY2012 Functional Organization Chart: Vice President for Quad Cities, Planning, and Technology Vice President for Quad Cities, Planning, and Technology Quad Cities Campus University Planning Academic Advisement and Student Services Accreditation Planning Admissions Campus Master Planning Development Strategic Planning Facilities and Security Technology Planning Instructional Services Marketing/Public Relations Technology Support Services University Technology WQPT Center for the Application of Information Technologies (CAIT) Infrastructure Security Telecommunications User Services QC Graduate Study Center 12 Table 1. Applications, Acceptances, and Enrollments of New Freshmen, Undergraduate Transfer, and First-Time Graduate Students by Sex, Fall 2008-2011 First-Time Freshmen Male Female Total Undergraduate Transfers Male Female Total First-Time Graduate Male Female Total TOTAL STUDENTS 2008 # Completed Applications # Accepted Applications # Enrolling Fall 2008 % Students Accepted % Students Accepted That Enrolled 3,820 2 532 2,532 929 66.3% 36.7% 4,344 2 996 2,996 887 69.0% 29.6% 8,164 5 528 5,528 1,816 67.7% 32.9% 1,398 1 014 1,014 704 72.5% 69.4% 1,189 869 569 73.1% 65.5% 2,587 1 883 1,883 1,273 72.8% 67.6% 806 520 278 64.5% 53.5% 953 655 379 68.7% 57.9% 1,759 1 175 1,175 657 66.8% 55.9% 12,510 8 586 8,586 3,746 68.6% 43.6% 2009 # Completed Applications # Accepted Applications # Enrolling Fall 2009 % Students Accepted % Students Accepted That Enrolled 3,750 2,323 819 61.9% 35.3% 4,581 2,978 822 65.0% 27.6% 8,331 5,301 1,641 63.6% 31.0% 1,392 1,048 743 75.3% 70.9% 1,345 980 589 72.9% 60.1% 2,737 2,028 1,332 74.1% 65.7% 734 436 261 59.4% 59.9% 875 1,609 553 989 338 599 63.2% 61.5% 61.1% 60.6% 12,677 8,318 3,572 65.6% 42.9% 2010 # Completed Applications # Accepted Applications # Enrolling Fall 2010 % Students Accepted % Students Accepted That Enrolled 3,868 2,456 864 63.5% 35.2% 4,527 2,964 894 65.5% 30.2% 8,395 5,420 1,758 64.6% 32.4% 1,424 1,082 739 76.0% 68.3% 1,368 999 605 73.0% 60.6% 2,792 2,081 1,344 74.5% 64.6% 892 520 281 58.3% 54.0% 937 564 345 60.2% 61.2% 1,829 1,084 626 59.3% 57.7% 13,016 8,585 3,728 66.0% 43.4% 2011 # Completed Applications # Accepted Applications # Enrolling Fall 2011 % Students Accepted % Students Accepted That Enrolled 4,327 2,860 987 66.1% 34.5% 5,404 3,524 970 65.2% 27.5% 9,731 6,384 1,955 65.6% 30.6% 1,472 1,089 704 74.0% 64.6% 1,499 1,017 597 67.8% 58.7% 2,971 2,106 1,301 70.9% 61.8% 922 517 256 56.1% 49.5% 979 615 349 62.8% 56.7% 1,901 1,132 605 59.5% 53.4% 14,603 9,622 3,861 65.9% 40.1% Figure 1. New Students, Percent Accepted and Percent Accepted That Enrolled, Fall 2011 70.9% 65.6% 65.9% 61 8% 61.8% 59.5% 53.4% 40.1% 30.6% Freshmen Transfer Grad 2011 Accepted 13 2011 Enrolled Total Table 1Q. Applications, Acceptances, and Enrollments of New Freshmen, Undergraduate Transfer and First-Time Graduate Students by Sex, Fall 2008-2011 Quad Cities Campus First-Time Freshmen Male Female Total 2008 # Completed Applications # Accepted Applications # Enrolling Fall 2008 % Students Accepted % Students Accepted That Enrolled 5 4 0 80.0% 0.0% 2009 # Completed Applications # Accepted Applications # Enrolling Fall 2009 % Students Accepted % Students Accepted That Enrolled 3 1 1 33.3% 100.0% 2010 # Completed Applications # Accepted Applications # Enrolling Fall 2010 % Students Accepted % Students Accepted That Enrolled 6 2 1 33.3% 50.0% 6 4 1 66.7% 25.0% 2011 # Completed Applications # Accepted Applications # Enrolling Fall 2011 % Students Accepted % Students Accepted That Enrolled 26 25 22 96 2% 96.2% 88.0% 17 12 7 70 6% 70.6% 58.3% 1 0 0 0.0% - Undergraduate Transfers Male Female Total 6 4 First-Time Graduate Male Female Total 66.7% 0.0% 112 99 73 88.4% 73.7% 176 288 157 256 130 203 89.2% 88.9% 82.8% 79.3% 86 60 47 69.8% 78.3% 188 274 150 210 112 159 79.8% 76.6% 74.7% 75.7% 568 470 362 82.7% 77.0% 1 4 0 1 0 1 0.0% 25.0% 100.0% 136 116 84 85.3% 72.4% 222 358 187 303 121 205 84.2% 84.6% 64.7% 67.7% 97 76 50 78.4% 65.8% 203 300 155 231 106 156 76.4% 77.0% 68.4% 67.5% 662 535 362 80.8% 67.7% 12 6 2 50.0% 33.3% 141 124 83 87.9% 66.9% 229 370 188 312 120 203 82.1% 84.3% 63.8% 65.1% 89 58 42 65.2% 72.4% 204 293 155 213 110 152 76.0% 72.7% 71.0% 71.4% 675 531 357 78.7% 67.2% 43 37 29 86 0% 86.0% 78.4% 137 118 80 86 1% 86.1% 67.8% 191 328 163 281 107 187 85 3% 85 7% 85.3% 85.7% 65.6% 66.5% 87 68 46 78 2% 78.2% 67.6% 184 271 156 224 101 147 84 8% 82 7% 84.8% 82.7% 64.7% 65.6% 642 542 363 84 4% 84.4% 67.0% Figure 1Q. New Students, Percent Accepted and Percent Accepted That Enrolled Quad Cities, Fall 2011 86.0% 85.7% 84.4% 82.7% 78.4% 66.5% Freshmen TOTAL STUDENTS 65.6% Transfer Grad 2011 Accepted 14 2011 Enrolled 67.0% Total Table 2. New Freshmen Class Profile, Fall 2011 Distribution by Race/Ethnicity and Sex Male White Black Hispanic Asian American Indian Other Pacific Islander Foreign 2 or More Total Percent Female 624 206 89 7 1 38 1 2 18 986 532 300 73 4 1 32 1 26 969 50.4% 49.6% Total High School Background Percent* 1,156 506 162 11 2 70 1 3 44 1,955 Illinois High School Graduates 61.3% 26.8% 8.6% 0.6% 0.1% 3.7% 0.1% 0.2% 2.3% 1,810 Out-Of-State High School Graduates 114 GED Equivalency or Unknown 24 Home School 3 Foreign Secondary 4 Total 1,955 High School Grade Point Average Year Admitted 2011 2010 2009 2008 *Excludes Other High School Percentile Rank Class Rank Number Upper 10% 132 20% 309 25% 412 30% 511 40% 705 50% 918 60% 1,149 70% 1,334 75% 1,423 80% 1,501 90% 1,585 100% 1,603 Percent 8.2% 19.3% 25.7% 31.9% 44.0% 57.3% 71.7% 83.2% 88.8% 93.6% 98.9% 100.0% Average GPA 2.99 3.00 3.01 2.98 Average ACT Score Year Admitted 2011 2010 2009 2008 Average ACT 20.7 21.0 21.3 21.2 Distribution by Residency Illinois Residents Out-of-State Foreign Residents Total Average HS Percentile Rank 55.3% 1,868 84 3 1,955 Excludes 352 students with no high school rank record. Indiana Students Iowa Students Missouri Students Wisconsin Students 10 43 12 9 High Schools Sending the Highest Number of Students to WIU Macomb High School Huntley Cons High School Moline Sr. High School Lincoln-Way East High School Plainfield North High School Galesburg Sr. High School Bolingbrook High School Maine Township High School West Downers Grove High School South Rushville-Industry High School Illini West High School H D Jacobs High School Financial Aid 40 21 19 17 16 16 15 14 14 13 13 13 Received Scholarships, Grants, Fellowships, Tuition and Waivers, or Traineeships 1,187 Received Loans 1,500 Employed by institution Served by all financial programs Average Financial Aid 15 65 1,649 $ 12,677 Table 3. Majors of New Freshmen, Fall 2007-2011 2007 COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES African American Studies Biological Sciences Biology Clinical Laboratory Science Pre-Dentistry Pre-Medical Pre-Nursing Pre-Optometry Pre-Physical Therapy Chemistry Chemistry Forensic Chemistry Pre-Chemical Engineering Pre-Pharmacy English and Journalism English Journalism Foreign Languages & Literature French Spanish Geography Geography Meteorology Geology History Liberal Arts & Sciences Mathematics Nursing Pre-Nursing Philosophy & Religious Studies Philosophy Religious Studies Physics Physics Pre-Architecture Pre-Engineering Political Science Psychology Sociology and Anthropology Anthropology Sociology Women's Studies TOTAL ARTS & SCIENCES COLLEGE OF BUSINESS AND TECHNOLOGY Accountancy & Finance Pre-Accountancy Pre-Finance Agriculture Agriculture Sci Pre-Ag Engineering Pre-Forestry Pre-Vet Medicine Computer Science & Info Systems Computer Science Network Technologies Pre-Information Systems Economics Economics B.A. Pre-Economics 2008 2009 2010 2011 1 131 55 2 4 25 18 2 25 47 10 25 12 46 22 24 5 2 3 16 16 4 33 25 1 1 8 3 2 3 30 75 5 5 427 128 54 2 5 15 32 2 18 63 15 35 2 11 39 26 13 3 1 2 22 1 21 2 25 7 1 1 14 3 2 9 26 74 8 8 412 1 90 87 3 55 11 44 34 25 9 4 1 3 6 1 5 26 4 11 66 66 1 1 21 2 5 14 19 56 5 5 1 400 1 96 92 4 62 5 50 1 6 38 24 14 7 5 2 9 9 2 23 3 11 75 75 1 1 18 3 1 14 19 74 11 5 6 450 1 107 102 5 54 13 32 1 8 37 19 18 3 3 16 2 14 1 20 8 10 116 116 2 2 40 1 4 35 21 86 6 2 4 528 70 50 20 35 32 3 35 32 2 1 3 3 59 48 11 37 29 8 40 38 1 1 1 1 46 31 15 47 36 1 10 30 23 4 3 5 1 4 41 38 3 44 36 8 36 31 1 4 3 3 51 38 13 45 33 12 47 40 1 6 12 2 10 16 Table 3. Majors of New Freshmen, Fall 2007-2011 (Continued) 2007 56 35 5 16 90 5 43 38 4 24 24 313 51 28 3 20 84 3 43 35 3 17 17 289 2009 44 24 6 14 74 3 37 30 4 12 12 258 2010 1 43 24 6 13 62 3 31 24 4 14 14 244 2011 14 41 19 5 17 84 4 45 30 5 27 27 321 COLLEGE OF EDUCATION AND HUMAN SERVICES 161 Curriculum and Instruction Elementary Educ. (and Pre-El Ed) 121 Special Education 40 Dietetics, Fashion Merch. & Hosp. 51 Family and Consumer Sciences 51 Educational & Interdisc. Studies 3 Bilingual/Bicultural Ed 3 Health Sciences 5 Health Sciences 4 Emergency Management Health Services Management 1 4 Instructional Design & Technology 76 Kinesiology Athletic Training Exercise Science Kinesiology 76 Physical Education Law Enforcement & Justice Admin. 321 Law Enf. & Just. Adm (& Pre-LEJA) 321 Recreation, Park & Tourism Admin. 17 Social Work 24 Pre-Social Work 24 662 TOTAL EDUCATION & HUMAN SERVICES 130 91 39 33 33 2 2 12 2 9 1 4 77 77 301 301 10 21 21 590 118 85 33 27 27 4 4 8 6 2 4 73 22 18 33 280 280 9 26 26 549 136 95 41 29 29 5 5 16 7 9 5 76 29 27 20 318 318 8 10 10 603 115 72 43 29 29 1 1 8 2 6 1 67 39 18 10 397 397 9 26 26 653 COLLEGE OF FINE ARTS AND COMMUNICATION Art 27 Broadcasting 27 Communication 29 Communication Sciences & Disorders 10 Music 61 Theatre 10 Musical Theatre 3 Theatre 7 164 TOTAL FINE ARTS & COMMUNICATION 19 26 21 16 49 18 6 12 149 20 30 17 9 49 13 5 8 138 11 46 10 9 47 17 8 9 140 18 53 12 18 53 19 8 11 173 OTHER University Advising General Studies Interdisciplinary Studies Unclassified WESL TOTAL OTHER 389 1 1 391 373 3 376 295 1 296 317 2 2 321 279 1 280 1,957 1,816 1,641 1,758 1,955 Engineering Engineering Technology Construction Management Engineering Technology Graphic Communication Management & Marketing Pre-Human Resource Mgt Pre-Management Pre-Marketing Pre-Supply Chain Mgt. Other Pre-Business Undecided TOTAL BUSINESS & TECHNOLOGY GRAND TOTAL - NEW FRESHMEN 2008 17 Table 4. Distribution of New Freshmen by ACT Composite Scores, Fall 2007-2011 2007 Total % of Total 2008 Total % of Total 2009 Total % of Total 2010 Total % of Total 2011 Total % of Total Standard Scores 4 6 7 11 20 36 44 54 83 110 147 194 222 256 227 178 119 74 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.6 1.1 2.0 2.4 3.0 4.6 6.1 8.1 10.7 12.2 14.1 12.5 9.8 6.6 4.1 2 2 4 6 11 28 26 46 66 68 106 132 172 200 197 188 158 108 76 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.4 0.7 1.7 1.6 2.8 4.0 4.1 6.5 8.0 10.5 12.2 12.0 11.5 9.6 6.6 4.6 98.5 1,792 98.7 1,596 30 1.5 24 1.3 1,957 100.0 1,816 OAS Admits 257 13.1 Mean ScoreRegular Admits 21.5 Mean Score-All WIU First-Time Freshmen 21.2 Nat'l Avg. 21.2 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 & Below Subtotal No Official Score TOTAL 1 1 3 10 6 28 31 66 61 101 133 150 196 250 257 229 214 118 72 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.5 0.3 1.4 1.6 3.4 3.1 5.2 6.8 7.7 10.0 12.8 13.1 11.7 10.9 6.0 3.7 1,927 - - 5 4 18 15 28 54 59 87 96 130 176 194 218 193 180 148 113 0.3 0.2 1.0 0.9 1.6 3.1 3.4 4.9 5.5 7.4 10.0 11.0 12.4 11.0 10.2 8.4 6.4 7 15 13 17 27 44 58 86 111 121 174 225 261 216 221 164 162 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.4 0.8 0.7 0.9 1.4 2.3 3.0 4.4 5.7 6.2 8.9 11.5 13.4 11.0 11.3 8.4 8.3 97.3 1,718 97.7 1,925 98.5 45 2.7 40 2.3 30 1.5 100.0 1,641 100.0 1,758 100.0 1,955 100.0 347 19.1 253 15.4 328 18.7 480 24.6 -- 21.6 -- 21.6 -- 21.4 -- 21.6 -- -- 21.2 -- 21.3 -- 21.0 -- 20.7 -- - 21.1 - 21.1 21.1 OAS: Office of Academic Services Figure 2. New Freshmen ACT Composite Score Fall 2007-2011 21.6 21.5 21.2 2007 21.6 21.3 21.2 21.6 21.4 21.0 2008 2009 Regular Admits 18 2010 All Admits 20.7 2011 1 1 1 - 21.1 Table 5. Macomb Campus Distribution of Illinois New Freshmen by Home County, Fall 2007-2011 2007 County Adams Alexander Bond Boone Brown Bureau Calhoun Carroll Cass Champaign Christian Clark Clay Clinton Coles Cook Crawford Cumberland DeKalb DeWitt Douglas DuPage Edgar Edwards Effingham Fayette Ford Franklin Fulton Gallatin Greene Grundy Hamilton Hancock Hardin Henderson Henry Iroquois Jackson Jasper Jefferson Jersey JoDaviess Johnson Kane Kankakee Kendall Knox Lake LaSalle Lawrence Lee Livingston Logan McDonough McHenry McLean 2008 30 1 7 2 2 2 6 9 10 5 3 1 532 1 8 1 3 212 1 2 26 8 5 24 4 24 3 1 1 4 83 4 17 21 119 14 5 8 4 93 88 17 26 2 4 3 12 3 7 6 2 9 1 517 1 15 1 176 1 1 16 7 9 20 9 28 1 1 4 75 6 20 18 103 8 9 8 8 67 97 26 19 2009 35 1 10 2 4 9 10 4 2 443 1 15 2 1 141 19 9 7 28 6 22 4 1 1 8 9 95 4 16 12 79 11 5 5 10 70 58 19 2010 34 9 4 5 5 5 3 1 2 1 562 9 3 160 1 15 9 8 20 8 21 1 1 5 1 71 15 6 12 88 9 6 4 7 76 69 14 2011 25 11 2 2 9 8 5 5 673 10 1 137 1 17 2 10 33 7 25 3 1 5 9 87 6 16 24 79 14 8 4 3 92 77 27 Table 5. Macomb Campus Distribution of Illinois New Freshmen by Home County, Fall 2007-2011 (Continued) 2007 County Macon Macoupin Madison Marion Marshall Mason Massac Menard Mercer Monroe Montgomery Morgan Moultrie Ogle Peoria Perry Piatt Pike Pope Pulaski Putnam Randolph Richland Rock Island St. Clair Saline Sangamon Schuyler Scott Shelby Stark Stephenson Tazewell Union Vermilion Wabash Warren Washington Wayne White Whiteside Will Williamson Winnebago Woodford 2008 2009 2010 2011 6 10 21 1 5 9 10 3 3 21 19 47 1 4 3 41 8 36 11 5 12 18 6 14 22 119 1 33 4 2 6 17 12 9 8 2 3 4 19 40 1 6 1 1 30 15 28 13 6 4 8 9 7 12 124 32 6 2 11 22 1 4 5 5 1 13 10 30 2 3 3 2 42 8 35 10 1 2 5 10 6 21 104 15 2 5 2 21 1 4 10 12 4 6 9 24 1 4 3 30 10 27 13 4 3 7 18 2 2 13 15 133 27 3 7 3 13 1 3 3 15 1 7 10 38 1 3 1 53 9 27 9 3 1 1 9 11 11 133 49 8 Totals 1,904 1,752 1,553 1,683 1,868 %Inc (Dec) over Prev Yr 3.3% -8.0% -11.4% 8.4% 11.0% 17.0% 16.2% 14.8% 16.2% 17.9% Total as % of Macomb Campus Headcount Enrollment Students from 62 Illinois counties. 20 Table 6. New Transfer Profile, Fall 2011 Distribution by Race, Class and Sex Freshmen Male Female White Black Hispanic Asian Amer. Ind. Other Pac. Islander Foreign 2 or More Total 84 21 5 1 5 1 1 118 65 26 5 7 1 3 107 Sophomores Male Female 166 20 14 4 12 2 4 222 120 27 5 8 2 3 165 Juniors Male Female 234 21 12 25 2 4 1 299 Seniors Male Female 200 18 15 6 14 5 3 261 50 4 1 1 8 1 65 Transfers by Location 44 7 5 2 5 1 64 Male Total Female TOTAL 429 78 30 8 34 8 10 597 963 144 62 14 84 2 16 16 1,301 534 66 32 6 50 2 8 6 704 Transfers by Full-/Part-Time Number Transferred Macomb Campus Macomb Extension Quad Cities Quad Cities Extension 1,044 79 162 16 Total 1,301 Number Transferred Full-Time 1,134 Part-Time 167 Total Top Ten Majors of Transfer Students 1,301 Top Ten Transfer Colleges Number Transferred LEJA/Pre-LEJA Agriculture Psychology General Studies Elementary Education/Pre-El Ed Biology Pre-Nursing University Advising Management Computer Science Number Transferred 202 68 56 46 41 38 36 36 35 28 Black Hawk College Spoon River College John Wood Comm. College Scott Comm. College Carl Sandburg College College of DuPage Illinois Central College Joliet Junior College Southeastern Comm. College Moraine Valley Comm. College Most Popular Transfer Major by Location Number Transferred Macomb Campus Macomb Extension Quad Cities Quad Cities Extension LEJA/Pre-LEJA General Studies Accountancy & LEJA General Studies 202 46 23 6 21 139 90 63 52 51 46 46 39 36 32 Table 7. Majors of New Transfers, Fall 2007-2011, All Campuses 2007 COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES African American Studies Biological Sciences Biology Clinical Laboratory Science Pre-Dentistry Pre-Medical Pre-Nursing Pre-Optometry Pre-Physical Therapy Chemistry Chemistry Forensic Chemistry Pre-Chemical Engineering Pre-Pharmacy English and Journalism English Journalism Foreign Languages & Literature French Spanish Geography Geography Meteorology Geology History Liberal Arts & Sciences Mathematics Nursing Nursing Pre-Nursing Philosophy & Religious Studies Philosophy Religious Studies Physics Physics Pre-Architecture Pre-Engineering Political Science Psychology Sociology and Anthropology Anthropology Sociology Women's Studies TOTAL ARTS & SCIENCES COLLEGE OF BUSINESS AND TECHNOLOGY Accountancy & Finance Accountancy (& Pre-Accountancy) Finance (& Pre-Finance) Agriculture Agriculture Sci Pre-Ag Engineering Pre-Forestry Pre-Vet Medicine Computer Science & Info Systems Computer Science Network Technologies Information Systems (& Pre-Info Systems) Economics Economics (& Pre-Economics) Economics B.A. Engineering 2008 2009 2010 2011 59 36 1 1 5 6 2 8 17 3 11 3 30 18 12 4 4 11 4 7 2 26 6 1 1 4 2 2 13 54 12 12 1 240 58 42 1 6 4 5 18 7 9 2 27 21 6 5 5 12 1 11 2 31 17 8 4 4 3 2 1 1 1 13 41 11 11 1 252 2 89 55 5 29 13 2 9 2 23 16 7 5 5 14 3 11 30 36 13 1 1 3 3 7 2 5 9 33 5 5 283 1 58 53 5 18 6 9 1 2 29 22 7 4 2 2 10 2 8 5 28 31 8 31 7 24 6 5 1 5 5 9 38 13 2 11 294 1 40 38 2 26 9 13 4 28 18 10 1 1 7 3 4 4 17 22 12 53 12 41 1 1 11 5 6 15 58 15 4 11 1 312 74 53 21 52 50 2 32 18 5 9 1 1 - 64 51 13 71 71 24 10 5 9 2 2 - 68 47 21 61 59 2 33 20 1 12 2 2 2 59 44 15 60 59 1 25 12 5 8 3 3 12 64 51 13 68 68 36 28 1 7 4 3 1 16 22 Table 7. Majors of New Transfers, All Campuses, Fall 2007-2011 (Continued) 2007 Engineering Technology Construction Management Engineering Technology Graphic Communication Management & Marketing Human Resource Mgt (& Pre-Human Res Mgt) Management (& Pre-Management) Marketing (& Pre-Marketing) Supply Chain Mgt. (& Pre-Supply Chain Mgt.) Other Pre-Business Undecided TOTAL BUSINESS & TECHNOLOGY COLLEGE OF EDUCATION AND HUMAN SERVICES Curriculum and Instruction Elementary Educ. (& Pre-El Ed) Special Education Dietetics, Fashion Merch. & Hosp. Family and Consumer Sciences Educational & Interdisc. Studies Bilingual/Bicultural Ed Health Sciences Health Sciences Emergency Management Health Services Management Instructional Design & Technology Kinesiology Athletic Training Exercise Science Kinesiology Physical Education Law Enforcement & Justice Admin. Law Enf. & Just. Adm (& Pre-LEJA) Recreation, Park & Tourism Admin. Social Work Pre-Social Work TOTAL EDUCATION & HUMAN SERVICES COLLEGE OF FINE ARTS AND COMMUNICATION Art Broadcasting Communication Communication Sciences & Disorders Music Theatre Musical Theatre Theatre TOTAL FINE ARTS & COMMUNICATION OTHER General Studies Interdisciplinary Studies Transitional Unclassified University Advising WESL TOTAL OTHER GRAND TOTAL - NEW TRANSFERS 2008 2009 2010 2011 55 20 17 18 137 8 76 44 9 7 7 358 51 23 12 16 123 6 65 43 9 1 1 336 51 31 12 8 110 7 67 33 3 5 5 332 59 34 11 14 108 2 60 36 10 5 5 331 45 19 9 17 99 4 60 29 6 11 11 343 134 117 17 25 25 1 1 7 5 2 1 48 48 208 208 24 17 17 465 120 92 28 34 34 1 1 11 2 6 3 3 59 59 213 213 30 28 28 499 112 97 15 18 18 2 2 16 1 10 5 3 70 13 28 29 210 210 25 30 30 486 105 88 17 24 24 1 1 22 1 15 6 2 71 19 32 20 220 220 36 22 22 503 78 61 17 14 14 2 2 14 2 4 8 2 54 14 21 19 230 230 20 24 24 438 9 7 30 9 13 4 1 3 72 10 9 30 9 13 5 5 76 20 8 32 14 9 9 3 6 92 15 21 25 8 14 7 2 5 90 12 17 24 15 12 1 1 81 57 5 51 87 1 3 48 139 76 8 3 39 126 78 4 7 1 37 113 60 2 1 48 111 127 1,248 1,274 1,332 1,344 1,301 23 Table 7Q. Majors of New Transfers, Fall 2007-2011, Quad Cities and Quad Cities Extension 2007 COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES Biology English Geography Liberal Arts & Sciences Nursing Physics Psychology Sociology TOTAL ARTS & SCIENCES 2008 2009 2010 2011 2 2 12 1 13 3 31 1 4 39 23 1 3 27 1 1 1 20 23 COLLEGE OF BUSINESS AND TECHNOLOGY Accountancy & Finance Accountancy (& Pre-Accountancy) Finance (& Pre-Finance) Computer Science & Info Systems Computer Science Network Technologies Information Systems (& Pre-Info Systems) Economics Economics (& Pre-Economics) Engineering Engineering Technology Construction Management Engineering Technology Graphic Communication Management & Marketing Human Resource Mgt (& Pre-Human Res Mgt) Management (& Pre-Management) Marketing (& Pre-Marketing) Supply Chain Mgt. (& Pre-Supply Chain Mgt.) Other Pre-Business Undecided TOTAL BUSINESS & TECHNOLOGY 24 24 5 5 5 5 60 2 38 20 94 27 26 1 4 1 3 6 6 49 31 17 1 86 27 27 6 6 2 1 1 48 35 13 84 23 23 1 1 12 5 5 30 20 9 1 71 24 24 1 1 15 3 3 31 23 7 1 74 COLLEGE OF EDUCATION AND HUMAN SERVICES Curriculum and Instruction Elementary Educ. (& Pre-El Ed) Special Education Law Enforcement & Justice Admin. Law Enf. & Just. Adm (& Pre-LEJA) Recreation, Park & Tourism Admin. TOTAL EDUCATION & HUMAN SERVICES 39 39 14 14 8 61 51 35 16 21 21 4 76 32 32 16 16 6 54 31 31 12 12 20 63 19 19 26 26 7 52 OTHER General Studies Unclassified University Advising TOTAL OTHER 26 1 27 22 22 29 1 30 33 1 34 28 1 29 184 197 207 195 178 GRAND TOTAL - NEW TRANSFERS 24 Table 8. Origin of New Transfer Students, Fall 2007-2011* Year 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Origin Quad Cities Campus Transfers Extension Transfers Macomb Campus Transfers Jr/Community Colleges in IL Senior Colleges in IL Colleges in Other States Total Macomb Campus GRAND TOTAL Quad Cities Campus Transfers Extension Transfers Macomb Campus Transfers Jr/Community Colleges in IL Senior Colleges in IL Colleges in Other States Total Macomb Campus GRAND TOTAL Quad Cities Campus Transfers Quad Cities Extension Transfers Macomb Extension Transfers Macomb Campus Transfers Jr/Community Colleges in IL Senior Colleges in IL Colleges in Other States Total Macomb Campus GRAND TOTAL Quad Cities Campus Transfers Quad Cities Extension Transfers Macomb Extension Transfers Macomb Campus Transfers Jr/Community Colleges in IL Senior Colleges in IL Colleges in Other States Total Macomb Campus GRAND TOTAL Quad Cities Campus Transfers Quad Cities Extension Transfers Macomb Extension Transfers Macomb Campus Transfers Jr/Community Colleges in IL Senior Colleges in IL Colleges in Other States Total Macomb Campus GRAND TOTAL Freshmen Sophomore Junior Senior 1 1 17 5 136 14 30 8 184 28 % DIFF PREV YEAR 19.5% -44.0% 125 23 33 181 183 241 36 43 320 342 358 21 99 478 628 30 8 18 56 94 754 88 193 1,035 1,247 -15.1% -12.4% 5 3 33 4 116 15 42 22 196 44 6.5% 57.1% 139 27 25 191 199 279 38 63 380 417 311 20 66 397 528 32 11 22 65 129 761 96 176 1,033 1,273 -0.2% 2.1% 3 2 21 3 13 125 4 26 44 7 21 193 14 62 138 28 38 204 209 231 43 61 335 369 354 24 86 464 615 22 12 26 60 125 745 107 211 1,063 1,332 2.9% 4.6% 6 6 22 6 121 2 26 40 4 20 189 6 58 -2.1% -57.1% -6.5% 127 21 31 179 191 254 33 58 345 373 362 17 118 497 646 23 16 31 70 134 766 87 238 1,091 1,344 2.6% 0.9% 6 2 14 2 12 99 10 37 43 4 28 162 16 79 -14.3% 166.7% 36.2% 136 33 48 217 225 257 41 61 359 387 336 16 62 414 560 22 10 22 54 129 751 100 193 1,044 1,301 -4.3% -3.2% - - - *Includes transfer students with matriculation dates of June and August 25 TOTAL -1.5% Table 9. Graduate Profile, Fall 2011 Total Graduate Student Enrollment by College Macomb Macomb Quad Campus Extension Cities Arts and Sciences Business and Technology Ed & Human Services Fine Arts & Communication Other** Total QC Total Extension Graduates Full-Time* Part-Time New Out-ofGraduate State International Students In-State 312 206 281 113 145 10 2 257 3 68 59 55 355 22 81 2 56 7 383 263 949 138 301 258 178 283 115 32 125 85 666 23 269 241 139 714 76 224 74 27 202 46 35 68 97 33 16 42 135 78 212 54 126 1,057 340 572 65 2,034 866 1,168 1,394 384 256 605 *Full-Time = 9 or more credit hours. **Includes unclassified, advanced graduates and WESL. Graduate Assistants by College/Area Quad Cities Provost Arts & Sciences Business & Technology Educ & Human Servivces Fine Arts & Communication Libraries Quad Cities Distance Learning Other VP for Administrative Services VP for Advancement & Public Serv VP for Student Services Univ Housing & Dining Campus Recreation Administrative Support VP for QC, Planning & Techology Total Graduate Assistants Teaching Assistants Provost Arts & Sciences Business & Technology Educ & Human Services Fine Arts & Communication Total Teaching Assistants Grand Total 3 9 2 1 15 Quad Cities New Graduate Students, by College/Previous School Macomb 29 68 37 38 48 3 3 31 4 14 66 17 13 10 1 382 - Macomb 1 52 10 12 10 85 15 467 Other Illinois WIU Arts & Sciences Business & Technology Education & Human Services Fine Arts & Communication Other Total U.S. Non-IL International 53 31 61 16 26 28 8 57 15 50 31 16 79 21 20 23 23 15 2 30 187 158 167 93 Age of Total Graduate Students 18-21 22-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-49 50-64 Full-Time Female Male 11 18 233 242 115 105 36 29 13 15 13 12 5 19 - 65+ Unknown Total 426 AVERAGE AGE: 31.2 26 Part-Time Male Female 3 52 73 103 233 81 145 56 87 81 132 30 86 - 440 5 1 - 408 760 Table 10. Majors of New Graduate Students, Fall 2007-2011, All Campuses 2007 COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES PBC-African Diaspora Biology Biology PBC-Biology PBC-Environmental GIS Chemistry English Geography History Liberal Arts & Sciences Mathematics Mathematics PBC-Applied Mathematics Physics Political Science Psychology Psychology Specialist in School Psychology Sociology PBC-Women's Studies TOTAL ARTS & SCIENCES 2008 2009 2010 2011 1 34 26 8 8 15 8 13 4 3 1 7 9 20 12 8 11 1 131 26 19 7 13 12 5 12 2 5 5 1 9 17 11 6 8 110 42 32 10 16 9 5 11 6 5 5 6 11 22 14 8 12 1 146 35 25 9 1 21 20 3 11 7 3 3 3 9 24 14 10 9 1 146 24 14 10 24 10 2 14 19 4 4 5 9 20 13 7 4 135 COLLEGE OF BUSINESS AND TECHNOLOGY Accountancy Business Administration Computer Science Economics Manufacturing Engineering Systems TOTAL BUSINESS & TECHNOLOGY 3 31 34 13 7 88 6 34 28 12 3 83 9 34 21 11 12 87 11 34 31 16 11 103 10 28 20 12 8 78 COLLEGE OF EDUCATION AND HUMAN SERVICES Counselor Education Curriculum and Instruction Elementary Education Reading Special Education Educational & Interdisciplinary Studies College Student Personnel Educational & Interdisciplinary Studies PBC-TESOL Educational Leadership Educational Leadership Educational Specialist Ed.D. in Educational Administration Health Sciences Instructional Design & Technology Instructional Design & Technology PBC-Instructional Design & Technology 10 55 24 28 3 24 22 2 37 35 2 8 14 10 4 14 60 19 34 7 27 21 6 30 13 17 15 17 13 4 18 43 19 19 5 31 22 9 20 18 2 17 15 13 2 11 41 12 23 6 26 19 7 61 59 2 17 18 11 7 8 24 9 14 1 37 22 12 3 28 16 12 19 22 17 5 27 Table 10. Majors of New Graduate Students, All Campuses, Fall 2007-2011 (Continued) 2007 43 19 24 24 23 1 13 228 2008 35 15 20 31 31 20 249 2009 38 16 22 9 9 25 216 2010 36 19 17 13 13 13 236 2011 35 14 21 20 20 19 212 7 19 11 14 51 8 16 3 9 8 44 7 15 9 12 7 50 12 16 6 12 10 56 5 18 8 10 13 54 OTHER Unclassified WESL TOTAL OTHER 80 23 103 149 22 171 86 14 100 58 27 85 97 29 126 GRAND TOTAL - NEW GRADUATE STUDENTS 601 657 599 626 605 Kinesiology Kinesiology Sport Management Law Enforcement & Justice Administration Law Enforcement & Justice Administration PBC-LEJA Recreation, Park & Tourism Administration TOTAL EDUCATION & HUMAN SERVICES COLLEGE OF FINE ARTS AND COMMUNICATION Communication Communication Sciences & Disorders Museum Studies Music Theatre TOTAL FINE ARTS & COMMUNICATION 30 Table 10Q. Majors of New Graduate Students, Fall 2007-2011, Quad Cities Campus 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES Biology Biology PBC-Biology PBC-Environmental GIS English Geography Liberal Arts & Sciences TOTAL ARTS & SCIENCES 9 4 5 4 13 10 7 3 4 1 15 17 9 8 1 4 22 14 9 4 1 7 3 24 14 6 8 5 6 25 COLLEGE OF BUSINESS AND TECHNOLOGY Accountancy Business Administration Economics TOTAL BUSINESS & TECHNOLOGY 11 1 12 12 12 13 13 13 13 1 13 14 COLLEGE OF EDUCATION AND HUMAN SERVICES Counselor Education Curriculum and Instruction Elementary Education Reading Special Education Educational & Interdisciplinary Studies Educational & Interdisciplinary Studies PBC-TESOL Educational Leadership Educational Leadership Educational Specialist Health Sciences Instructional Design & Technology Kinesiology Sport Management Law Enforcement & Justice Administration Recreation, Park & Tourism Administration TOTAL EDUCATION & HUMAN SERVICES 10 24 8 13 3 1 1 35 34 1 3 1 1 1 4 79 14 35 9 19 7 1 1 13 10 3 6 4 73 18 20 4 11 5 2 2 18 17 1 4 1 1 64 11 10 2 2 6 6 6 31 29 2 5 4 2 69 8 15 6 8 1 9 7 2 13 12 1 5 1 6 57 - 3 3 9 9 6 6 8 8 40 40 42 42 43 43 18 18 33 33 144 145 151 130 137 COLLEGE OF FINE ARTS AND COMMUNICATION Museum Studies TOTAL FINE ARTS & COMMUNICATION OTHER Unclassified TOTAL OTHER GRAND TOTAL - NEW QC GRADUATE STUDENTS 29 Table 11. Headcount Enrollment by Class Level and Location, Fall 2007-2011 2007 2009 2010 2011 2,742 2,022 4,764 2,260 2,685 4,945 9,709 1,076 10,785 -3.9% 2,532 1,896 4,428 2,320 2,659 4,979 9,407 1,080 10,487 -2.8% 2,549 1,740 4,289 2,298 2,705 5,003 9,292 1,085 10,377 -1.0% 2,792 1,759 4,551 2,114 2,701 4,815 9,366 1,057 10,423 0.4% 8 27 35 65 218 283 318 424 742 -14.0% 13 23 36 78 230 308 344 654 998 34.5% 11 30 41 100 303 403 444 335 779 -21.9% 18 29 47 105 300 405 452 395 847 8.7% 14 47 61 108 250 358 419 340 759 -10.4% QUAD CITIES Freshmen Sophomores Lower Division Total Junior Senior Upper Division Total TOTAL UNDERGRADUATE TOTAL GRADUATE GRAND TOTAL Percent Change 3 19 22 235 398 633 655 676 1,331 0.0% 6 39 45 215 411 626 671 689 1,360 2.2% 5 30 35 223 412 635 670 682 1,352 -0.6% 19 23 42 235 408 643 685 592 1,277 -5.5% 39 18 57 195 411 606 663 572 1,235 -3.3% QUAD CITIES EXTENSION Freshmen Sophomores Lower Division Total Junior Senior Upper Division Total TOTAL UNDERGRADUATE TOTAL GRADUATE GRAND TOTAL Percent Change 0 0 0 5 18 23 23 16 39 -2.5% 0 0 0 2 9 11 11 21 32 -17.9% 0 3 3 8 21 29 32 29 61 90.6% 0 0 0 7 38 45 45 39 84 37.7% 0 3 3 20 49 69 72 65 137 63.1% TOTAL ENROLLMENT Freshmen Sophomores Lower Division Total Junior Senior Upper Division Total TOTAL UNDERGRADUATE TOTAL GRADUATE GRAND TOTAL Percent Change 2,903 1,971 4,874 2,766 3,507 6,273 11,147 2,184 13,331 -2.0% 2,761 2,084 4,845 2,555 3,335 5,890 10,735 2,440 13,175 -1.2% 2,548 1,959 4,507 2,651 3,395 6,046 10,553 2,126 12,679 -3.8% 2,586 1,792 4,378 2,645 3,451 6,096 10,474 2,111 12,585 -0.7% 2,845 1,827 4,672 2,437 3,411 5,848 10,520 2,034 12,554 -0.2% MACOMB Freshmen Sophomores Lower Division Total Junior Senior Upper Division Total TOTAL UNDERGRADUATE TOTAL GRADUATE GRAND TOTAL Percent Change 2,892 1,925 4,817 2,461 2,873 5,334 10,151 1,068 11,219 -1.3% MACOMB EXTENSION Freshmen Sophomores Lower Division Total Junior Senior Upper Division Total TOTAL UNDERGRADUATE TOTAL GRADUATE GRAND TOTAL Percent Change 2008 31 Table 12. Enrollment by Race/Ethnicity and Location, Fall 2007-2011 White Black Hispanic Asian American Pacific Indian Islander MACOMB 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 8,750 8,220 7,892 7,608 7,306 775 864 899 1,124 1,441 474 476 530 579 601 152 141 109 97 84 42 58 22 21 19 % of Total 2011 (excludes other) 73.2% 14.4% 6.0% 0.8% 0.2% MACOMB EXTENSION 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 627 862 647 704 610 33 39 51 53 53 19 22 23 21 28 % of Total 2011 (excludes other) 85.8% 7.5% 3.9% 1.1% QUAD CITIES 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 1,113 1,123 1,129 1,059 1,033 59 61 49 50 52 66 62 65 57 60 2 10 11 10 9 % of Total 2011 (excludes other) 87.2% 4.4% 5.1% 0.8% QUAD CITIES EXTENSION 2007 32 2008 27 2009 48 2010 70 2011 112 % of Total 2011 (excludes other) TOTAL 2007 2008 2009 2010 2010 % of Total 2011 (excludes other) 86.8% 10,522 10,232 9,716 9,441 9,061 75.5% 4 4 3 7 5.4% - 2 4 9 6 8 1 4 7 1 2 5 4 4 5 3 0.4% 7 7 1 5 3 0.3% - 5.4% 1.6% 0.0% 871 964 1,003 1,230 1,553 559 560 619 661 696 156 155 130 113 103 54 69 27 31 25 12.9% 5.8% 0.9% 0.2% Foreign Other* 21 21 12 122 146 160 393 401 410 341 353 633 625 482 440 447 0.1% 1.6% 3.5% - - 2 1 0.1% - 7 7 8 12 6 7 9 2 - 0.3% 1 - 0.0% - 10 15 16 4 4 9 5 11 1.4% 0.9% - 1 2 1 0.0% - 0.8% 0.0% 23 22 13 139 172 179 404 412 428 358 370 0.1% 1.5% 3.1% - 49 60 28 37 48 0.8% - *Includes students who failed to provide ethnic data. **Percent of student body who completed ethnic data and identified themselves as belonging to one of the six minority groups listed, excluding Other. Total percents may not equal due to rounding. 32 2 or More 80 93 78 75 51 3 5 6 5 8 765 783 594 557 554 Total Percent Minority** 11,219 10,785 10,487 10,377 10,423 13.6% 15.1% 17.0% 20.0% 23.2% 100.0% 23.2% 742 998 779 847 759 8.5% 7.4% 12.8% 11.6% 13.4% 100.0% 13.4% 1,331 1,360 1,352 1,277 1,235 10.7% 11.0% 10.7% 11.5% 11.8% 100.0% 11.8% 39 32 61 84 137 11.1% 0.0% 10.9% 11.4% 13.2% 100.0% 13.2% 13,331 13,175 12,679 12,585 12,554 13.1% 14.1% 16.1% 18.5% 21.4% 100.0% 21.4% Table 13. Enrollment by Race/Ethnicity, Sex and Level, Fall 2011 Undergraduate Number Percent Graduate Number Percent Total Number Percent WHITE Male Female Total 4,050 3,511 7,561 38.5% 33.4% 71.9% 549 951 1,500 27.0% 46.8% 73.7% 4,599 4,462 9,061 36.6% 35.5% 72.2% BLACK Male Female Total 604 841 1,445 5.7% 8.0% 13.7% 41 67 108 2.0% 3.3% 5.3% 645 908 1,553 5.1% 7.2% 12.4% HISPANIC Male Female Total 349 302 651 3.3% 2.9% 6.2% 21 24 45 1.0% 1.2% 2.2% 370 326 696 2.9% 2.6% 5.5% ASIAN Male Female Total 46 39 85 0.4% 0.4% 0.8% 6 12 18 0.3% 0.6% 0.9% 52 51 103 0.4% 0.4% 0.8% AMERICAN INDIAN Male Female Total 8 12 20 0.1% 0.1% 0.2% - 0.0% 0.2% 0.2% 8 17 25 0.1% 0.1% 0.2% PACIFIC ISLANDER Male Female Total 8 5 13 0.1% 0.0% 0.1% - 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 8 5 13 0.1% 0.0% 0.1% TWO OR MORE RACES Male Female Total 77 85 162 0.7% 0.8% 1.5% 6 11 17 0.3% 0.5% 0.8% 83 96 179 0.7% 0.8% 1.4% FOREIGN Male Female Total 79 35 114 0.8% 0.3% 1.1% 166 90 256 8.2% 4.4% 12.6% 245 125 370 2.0% 1.0% 2.9% OTHER Male Female Total 280 189 469 2.7% 1.8% 4.5% 45 40 85 2.2% 2.0% 4.2% 325 229 554 2.6% 1.8% 4.4% 5,501 5,019 52.3% 47.7% 23.6% 100.0% 834 1,200 41.0% 59.0% 9.9% 100.0% 6,335 6,219 50.5% 49.5% 21.4% 100.0% TOTAL MALE TOTAL FEMALE PERCENT MINORITY* GRAND TOTAL 10,520 *Excludes Other. 33 5 5 2,034 12,554 Table 14. Enrollment by Age, Sex, and Location, Fall 2011 Full-Time Undergraduate Male Female MACOMB Under 18 18-19 20-21 22-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-54 55-64 65+ Age Unknown Total MACOMB EXTENSION Under 18 18-19 20-21 22-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-54 55-64 65+ Age Unknown Total QUAD CITIES Under 18 18-19 20-21 22-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-54 55-64 65+ Age Unknown Total QUAD CITIES EXTENSION Under 18 18-19 20-21 22-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-54 55-64 65+ Age Unknown Total Part-Time Undergraduate Male Female Full-Time Graduate Male Female Part-Time Graduate Male Female 28 1,568 1,792 1,101 261 46 20 13 6 3 4,838 45 1,700 1,604 664 110 31 27 15 13 1 4,210 1 21 32 58 27 14 6 1 6 166 2 13 24 53 12 10 7 8 17 6 152 9 211 104 25 8 6 2 1 366 16 198 76 13 8 5 6 7 329 35 48 26 17 14 13 6 3 162 2 27 74 33 17 15 19 12 1 200 1 8 13 14 3 4 1 1 45 1 18 17 14 2 2 5 2 1 62 1 5 23 30 25 18 19 20 8 1 150 2 9 31 20 18 13 16 43 8 2 162 11 4 3 1 1 2 22 1 7 8 2 1 2 1 22 6 16 21 7 15 10 1 1 77 16 54 36 35 29 40 9 219 21 47 32 9 10 5 5 2 131 47 74 35 23 9 10 8 206 1 20 12 27 35 18 13 6 10 4 146 6 19 40 28 27 13 16 26 5 180 2 10 7 7 5 5 36 1 35 21 13 6 1 5 3 85 10 35 33 28 19 26 6 1 158 28 91 62 32 26 39 15 293 6 4 1 1 12 3 1 4 4 1 2 1 16 1 2 4 1 3 1 1 13 2 5 9 5 1 7 2 31 1 1 2 2 1 1 4 1 4 1 4 1 11 1 2 14 14 3 7 6 1 48 34 Table 14. Enrollment by Age, Sex, and Location, Fall 2011 (Continued) Full-Time Undergraduate Male Female TOTAL ENROLLMENT Under 18 18-19 20-21 22-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-54 55-64 65+ Age Unknown Total 28 1,569 1,821 1,167 311 59 35 19 12 5 5,026 45 1,701 1,672 756 163 60 39 32 24 1 1 4,494 Part-Time Undergraduate Male Female 2 42 49 109 94 61 38 29 37 13 1 475 Average Age, Fall 2011 2 21 52 126 65 64 38 41 93 21 2 525 11 233 115 36 13 12 3 3 426 18 242 105 29 15 7 13 11 440 Part-Time Graduate Male Female 52 103 81 56 48 50 13 5 408 Students 25 Years Old and Older, Fall 2011 Average Age MACOMB Undergraduate Graduates Macomb Total Full-Time Graduate Male Female Full-Time Part-Time Total 20.9 28.2 21.6 MACOMB EXTENSION Undergraduate Graduates Macomb Ext. Total 33.4 35.2 34.2 QUAD CITIES Undergraduate Graduates Quad Cities Total 28.7 34.1 31.2 QUAD CITIES EXTENSION Undergraduate Graduates Quad Cities Ext. Total 33.6 33.4 33.5 All New Freshmen Total Undergraduate Total Graduates TOTAL UNIVERSITY 18.2 22.0 31.2 23.5 Undergraduates Graduates Total 35 Number 1,123 1,637 2,760 Percent 8.9% 13.0% 22.0% 1,358 1,402 2,760 12.9% 68.9% 22.0% 3 73 233 145 87 77 104 37 1 760 Table 15. Enrollment by Student Residency and Location, Fall 2007-2011 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 MACOMB In-state Out-of state Foreign Total Percent Change 10,421 405 393 11,219 -1.3% 9,998 386 401 10,785 -3.9% 9,638 439 410 10,487 -2.8% 9,520 516 341 10,377 -1.0% 9,495 575 353 10,423 0.4% MACOMB EXTENSION In-state Out-of state Foreign Total Percent Change 631 104 7 742 -14.0% 892 99 7 998 34.5% 656 115 8 779 -21.9% 723 112 12 847 8.7% 659 94 6 759 -10.4% QUAD CITIES In-state Out-of state Foreign Total Percent Change 946 381 4 1,331 0.0% 959 397 4 1,360 2.2% 974 369 9 1,352 -0.6% 882 390 5 1,277 -5.5% 847 377 11 1,235 -3.3% QUAD CITIES EXTENSION In-state Out-of state Foreign Total Percent Change 31 8 39 -2.5% 21 11 32 -17.9% 38 22 1 61 90.6% 68 16 84 37.7% 93 44 137 63.1% 12,029 898 404 13,331 -2.0% 11,870 893 412 13,175 -1.2% 11,306 945 428 12,679 -3.8% 11,193 1,034 358 12,585 -0.7% 11,094 1,090 370 12,554 -0.2% TOTAL ENROLLMENT In-state Out-of state Foreign Total Percent Change 36 Western Illinois University, Fall 2011 Enrollment by State Legislative Districts. Rep 68 91 students Jo Daviess Stephenson Winnebago Rep 89 110 students Freeport ! Rock Island 36 Moline ! ! ! Colona 37 ! Galesburg Knox Fulton 47 Hancock Canton ! Rep 94 1544 students Adams Pontiac Woodford ! Morton ! Pekin Normal Scott ! ! De Witt ! Sangamon Calhoun Macoupin Rep 111 stu Rep 112, 24 students Rep 114, 21 students Rep 113, 19 students ! 37 Alton ! Wood River Granite City ! Cahokia ! 56 Collinsville ! O'Fallon ! Effingham ! Charleston ! Clark Rep 109 6 students Jasper Crawford Robinson ! Clay ! Greenville 54 Clinton Senatorial District Washington Jefferson Rep 53 Representative District and 149 Stu the number of Students from that district Rep 107 6 students Pinckneyville ! Edwards Fairfield ! Hamilton White Carmi ! Franklin ! Du Quoin ! Murphysboro ! ! Carbondale Jackson Williamson ! Herrin Union 59 Pulaski Saline Gallatin ! Harrisburg Pope Johnson ! Anna Alexander Benton Rep 117 4 students Rep 115 8 students Wabash Rep 108 5 students Mount Vernon ! Perry Chester ! Wayne Centralia ! Rep 118 2 students Massac Metropolis ! Lawrence ! Olney Flora ! Salem ! St. Clair 58 Richland Marion Highland ! 57 Randolph Illinois Institute for Rural Affairs at Western Illinois University Created by William Westerhold October, 2011 Paris ! 55 Rep 102, 25 students Madison Rep 116 12 students 35 Edgar Vandalia ! Bond ! Mascoutah Waterloo ! Monroe ! Mattoon Fayette Effingham Rep 98 55 students Staunton ! Jersey Vermilion Cumberland Litchfield ! ! Jerseyville Rep 103 52 8 students 51 Montgomery Carlinville ! Coles Rep 101 21 students Pana ! ! Danville Douglas Moultrie ! Taylorville Champaign ! Rep 110 15 students Shelby 49 Rep 97 143 students Decatur Christian ! Chatham Greene Rep 104 20 students Monticello ! Macon Rep 99 79 stu ! ! Rantoul Piatt Clinton ! 44 ! Hoopeston Champaign Rep 88 64 stu Logan Rep 87, 79 students Jacksonville Springfield Watseka Ford Rep 105 39 students Menard 50 ! Iroquois 53 McLean Rep 100 197 students Morgan Pike Rep 106 ! 92 students Lincoln ! Cass ! Kankakee Livingston Tazewell ! Beardstown Rep 79 53 students Kankakee Rep 73 211 students Schuyler Brown Quincy ! ! Braidwood Streator ! Marshall Mason Rep 93 490 students 40 Morris Rep 75 97 students 38 ! Peoria Rep 91 244 students Macomb ! ! Peoria 46 McDonough Grundy Rep 76 Ottawa 90 students ! Rep 92 63 stu Warren 25 Rep 50 186 students Putnam Rep 74 423 students Kane Sandwich Kendall ! Mendota ! La Salle Stark Rep 49 139 students Rep 70 94 stu Rep 90 246 students Kewanee ! Mercer Sycamore ! ! DeKalb Lee Princeton ! Rep 72 562 students Henderson Dixon ! Geneseo ! Rock Island Monmouth ! 35 Bureau Henry ! West Dundee DeKalb Rochelle ! Sterling ! ! Rock Falls 32 Boone Rep 69 Marengo ! 96 stu McHenry Rep 67 28 stu 45 Whiteside Rep 71 519 students 34 Rockford ! Ogle Carroll See Chicago Metropolitan Area Map 1 and Chicago Area Map 2 Rep 63 109 students Hardin ! Mount Carmel Western Illinois University, Fall 2011 Enrollment by State Legislative Districts. Chicago Metropolitan Area, Map 1 Rep 61 78 Students McHenry County Rep 63 109 Students 31 Rep 62 87 Students 32 Waukegan 30 Rep 60 16 Students Lake County Rep 52 122 Students 26 Rep Rep 59 51 49 Students 123 Students Crystal Lake Rep 64 180 Students 29 Rep 53 109 Stu 27 Rep 54 113 Students Kane County Rep 43 35 Students Rep 49 139 Students Sycamore 22 23 28 DeKalb Rep 55 114 Students 25 35 Rep 45 85 Stu Rep 95 78 Students Geneva Rep 70 94 Students Aurora Rep 96 123 Stu Oak Park Elmhurst Chicago Rep 41 88 Students Rep 42 Oak Brook 94 Stu Rep 47 76 Stud DeKalb County Rep 83 45 Stu Rep 46 55 Students 21 48 Rep 50 186 Students Rep 18 22 Students 9 Rep 65 80 Students 33 Rep 56 75 Stu Rep 17 40 Stu Rep 57 49 Stu Rep 66 69 Stu Rep 44 37 Stu Rep 58 23 Stu 24 La Grange Justice Rep 48 105 Stu Rep 82 90 Stu Alsip Rep 85 Lemont 90 Students 42 Kendall County Rep 30 80 Stu 41 Rep 37 106 Students Rep 84 191 Stu Rep 81 154 Students Joliet 15 Rep 29 78 Stu 19 Rep 38 90 Stu Chicago Heights 43 Grundy County 38 Marseilles Rep 76 90 Students Rep 86 47 Students Rep 80 61 Students Will County Rep 79 53 Students 40 Rep 75 97 Students Kankakee County Illinois Institute for Rural Affairs at Western Illinois University Created by William Westerhold October, 2011 35 Senatorial District Rep 53 Representative District and 149 Stu the number of Students from that district Western Illinois University, Fall 2011 Enrollment by State Legislative Districts. Chicago Area, Map 2 Des Plaines Rep 17, 40 Skokie Niles Rep 65, 80 8 Park Ridge 33 Rep 18, 22 § ¦ ¨ Rep 14, 7 Rep 16, 18 94 Rep 15, 27 7 § ¦ ¨ 190 Rep 19, 28 Schiller Park Rep 13, 16 20 Rep 20, 48 Rep 77, 54 10 Rep 40, 11 Franklin Park 39 Rep 12, 4 6 Rep 39, 7 Rep 11, 7 Rep 3, 12 2 Melrose Park Rep 4, 12 Rep 78, 40 Rep 10, 44 Oak Park § ¦ ¨ 290 5 Rep 7, 95 § ¦ ¨ 290 Broadview § ¦ ¨ 4 88 Chicago Rep 9, 52 Rep 8, 61 Rep 24, 19 Rep 41, 88 Oak Brook § ¦ ¨ 294 Cicero 55 1 12 21 § ¦ ¨ Rep 2, 20 1 Rep 26, 36 Brookfield § ¦ ¨ La Grange 55 Rep 21, 58 Rep 23, 9 3 Rep 1, 9 Rep 5, 17 Rep 6, 33 Rep 82, 90 Hodgkins 13 11 Rep 25, 24 Bedford Park Rep 32, 57 Justice § ¦ ¨ 16 Rep 22, 51 90 Burbank Rep 31, 59 § ¦ ¨ 294 Rep 36, 74 Oak Lawn 18 Rep 33, 47 Palos Hills 17 Rep 35, 98 Alsip Rep 34, 58 Palos Heights § ¦ ¨ 57 Rep 27, 77 Rep 30, 80 Rep 37 106 § ¦ ¨ 94 Riverdale 14 15 Dolton Rep 28, 69 Rep 29, 78 Calumet City 19 Illinois Institute for Rural Affairs at Western Illinois University Created by William Westerhold October, 2011 35 Rep 27, 73 Senatorial District Representative District and the number of Students from that district Table 16. Enrolled Illinois Residents by County of Residence, Undergraduate and Graduate, Fall 2007-2011, Macomb Campus and Macomb Extension 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 COUNTY Adams Alexander Bond Boone Brown Bureau Calhoun Carroll Cass Champaign Christian Clark Clay Clinton Coles Cook Crawford Cumberland DeKalb DeWitt Douglas DuPage Edgar Edwards Effingham Fayette Ford Franklin Fulton Gallatin Greene Grundy Hamilton Hancock Hardin Henderson Henry Iroquois Jackson Jasper Jefferson Jersey JoDaviess Johnson Kane Kankakee Kendall Knox Lake LaSalle Lawrence Lee Livingston Logan Macon Macoupin Madison 312 4 2 56 29 78 9 36 73 58 20 11 6 2,223 5 6 61 11 4 993 4 2 5 2 6 283 29 39 1 262 66 191 16 5 1 2 15 36 1 428 33 71 235 559 102 77 28 66 48 55 79 290 3 4 38 27 80 9 37 57 42 27 2 1 6 7 2,243 4 5 73 11 2 905 1 2 7 3 3 2 305 35 47 1 242 64 198 16 3 3 5 16 30 388 37 74 265 524 90 82 31 57 38 58 80 40 281 2 5 41 33 65 5 43 55 44 24 1 6 4 2,184 5 5 83 11 3 856 3 8 1 2 2 312 32 48 1 234 56 197 20 4 2 4 17 28 390 35 81 232 457 97 70 29 57 35 48 86 311 2 4 39 30 56 2 40 55 45 21 1 5 3 2,326 3 2 68 10 3 804 1 1 8 2 3 2 288 32 51 198 56 196 11 3 1 3 19 20 1 394 43 71 210 426 98 1 61 23 59 37 33 93 274 1 3 46 34 44 2 38 59 39 22 5 2 2,495 1 2 68 6 2 741 1 1 7 3 1 1 263 31 45 217 1 55 179 16 4 2 21 28 1 381 38 85 233 419 83 1 55 21 39 30 29 85 Table 16. Enrolled Illinois Residents by County of Residence (Continued) 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 COUNTY 11 57 998 380 70 42 69 11 17 101 1 82 288 4 7 69 2 23 1 2 317 55 2 257 89 20 4 18 50 185 2 21 2 140 1 6 133 504 10 224 33 Marion Marshall Mason Massac McDonough McHenry McLean Menard Mercer Monroe Montgomery Morgan Moultrie Ogle Peoria Perry Piatt Pike Pope Pulaski Putnam Randolph Richland Rock Island St. Clair Saline Sangamon Schuyler Scott Shelby Stark Stephenson Tazewell Union Vermilion Wabash Warren Washington Wayne White Whiteside Will Williamson Winnebago Woodford TOTAL Percent Change 11,052 -2.6% Percent of Macomb Campus & Macomb Extension Headcount Enrollment 92.4% 8 73 1,013 402 92 43 79 12 16 103 85 258 5 9 71 1 18 2 3 325 55 4 261 96 21 3 17 39 165 3 16 2 166 2 1 1 121 494 7 184 34 2 6 55 941 368 89 35 68 10 12 76 2 73 234 3 7 48 22 3 1 355 43 2 231 86 16 5 17 37 142 2 7 2 110 1 1 2 117 515 7 165 32 2 17 72 902 365 96 47 66 8 12 67 2 73 257 2 2 46 21 4 335 49 1 240 87 20 7 8 47 124 2 12 116 1 117 550 6 162 23 1 13 61 857 374 111 40 73 6 10 67 71 253 3 4 42 1 1 12 3 283 54 1 228 87 22 7 7 41 126 2 11 106 1 1 102 595 6 181 30 10,890 -1.5% 10,294 -5.5% 10,243 -0.5% 10,154 -0.9% 92.4% 91.4% 91.3% 90.8% Students are from 92 Illinois counties. 41 Table 16Q. Enrolled Illinois Residents by County of Residence, Undergraduate and Graduate, Fall 2007-2011, Quad Cities Campus and Quad Cities Extension 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 COUNTY Adams Alexander Bond Boone Brown Bureau Calhoun Carroll Cass Champaign Christian Clark Clay Clinton Coles Cook Crawford Cumberland DeKalb DeWitt Douglas DuPage Edgar Edwards Effingham Fayette Ford Franklin Fulton Gallatin Greene Grundy Hamilton Hancock Hardin Henderson Henry Iroquois Jackson Jasper Jefferson Jersey JoDaviess Johnson Kane Kankakee Kendall Knox Lake LaSalle Lawrence Lee Livingston Logan Macon Macoupin Madison 4 1 1 19 3 1 1 10 4 1 1 8 5 18 129 1 10 2 1 29 1 5 6 1 2 3 1 18 3 2 1 12 3 3 16 2 15 138 1 1 9 3 25 1 7 10 1 2 5 1 1 18 8 1 1 27 2 8 13 1 2 12 138 1 1 7 3 1 1 35 4 6 9 2 1 2 42 3 1 15 7 1 2 13 3 6 1 1 14 1 1 6 134 1 7 3 2 25 6 12 15 1 1 1 3 4 13 5 1 13 1 4 1 1 8 2 2 12 122 1 6 6 1 1 35 6 11 14 1 1 1 - Table 16Q. Enrolled Illinois Residents by County of Residence, Undergraduate and Graduate, Quad Cities Campus & Quad Cities Extension, Fall 2007-2011 (Continued) 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 COUNTY Marion Marshall Mason Massac McDonough McHenry McLean Menard Mercer Monroe Montgomery Morgan Moultrie Ogle Peoria Perry Piatt Pike Pope Pulaski Putnam Randolph Richland Rock Island St. Clair Saline Sangamon Schuyler Scott Shelby Stark Stephenson Tazewell Union Vermilion Wabash Warren Washington Wayne White Whiteside Will Williamson Winnebago Woodford TOTAL Percent Change 1 1 1 27 3 33 1 8 9 2 1 534 1 1 5 2 4 3 2 13 4 54 2 1 - 1 1 20 3 2 29 1 3 6 11 1 1 527 2 2 2 2 4 7 14 1 56 2 5 - 1 1 1 31 3 3 1 30 2 2 5 12 3 512 1 1 1 3 3 6 9 1 12 2 44 5 6 - 1 21 4 1 31 1 1 7 18 2 484 2 8 5 13 11 2 45 5 2 - 1 1 18 4 2 41 1 2 5 12 3 492 1 4 5 5 1 11 1 52 3 2 - 977 -2.5% 980 0.3% 1,012 3.3% 950 -6.1% 940 -1.1% 70.4% 71.6% 69.8% 68.5% Percent of Quad Cities Campus & Quad Cities Extension Headcount Enrollment 71.3% Students are from 48 Illinois counties. 43 Table 17. Indiana, Iowa, Missouri and Wisconsin Enrollments, Fall 2007-2011 2007 MACOMB CAMPUS Indiana Continuing Undergraduates** New Freshmen New Transfers Total Graduate Students Total Indiana 2008 2010 2011 2 5 9 1 2 1 6 10 1 1 2 7 11 1 3 3 4 11 8 10 8 8 34 Iowa Border Counties* Continuing Undergraduates** New Freshmen New Transfers Total Graduate Students Total Iowa Border Counties 87 26 59 39 211 74 32 48 39 193 93 31 60 30 214 122 25 72 31 250 163 28 52 32 275 Remainder of Iowa Continuing Undergraduates** New Freshmen New Transfers Total Graduate Students Total Remainder of Iowa 9 1 7 23 40 6 1 2 21 30 5 8 9 22 44 16 4 13 26 59 24 10 6 26 66 2 2 2 3 9 4 6 5 2 17 8 3 6 2 19 13 2 2 1 18 10 1 1 5 17 Remainder of Missouri Continuing Undergraduates** New Freshmen New Transfers Total Graduate Students Total Remainder of Missouri 4 3 2 8 17 5 8 4 9 5 10 28 11 7 6 13 37 18 11 6 15 50 Wisconsin Continuing Undergraduates** New Freshmen New Transfers Total Graduate Students Total Wisconsin 1 3 2 10 16 15 18 3 8 3 8 22 7 7 2 11 27 16 9 6 9 40 302 288 338 402 482 Missouri Border Counties*** Continuing Undergraduates** New Freshmen New Transfers Total Graduate Students Total Missouri Border Counties TOTAL IN, IA, MO, WI 2 2009 - 7 20 2 1 44 Table 17. IN, IA, MO and WI Enrollments, Fall 2007-2011 (Continued) 2007 MACOMB EXTENSION Indiana Continuing Undergraduates** New Freshmen New Transfers Total Graduate Students Total Indiana 2008 2009 1 1 - - 2010 - 1 1 2 1 1 Iowa Border Counties* Continuing Undergraduates** New Freshmen New Transfers Total Graduate Students Total Iowa Border Counties 15 19 34 13 5 22 40 25 9 24 58 Remainder of Iowa Continuing Undergraduates** New Freshmen New Transfers Total Graduate Students Total Remainder of Iowa 11 2 8 21 9 12 2 14 Missouri Border Counties*** Continuing Undergraduates** New Freshmen New Transfers Total Graduate Students Total Missouri Border Counties Remainder of Missouri Continuing Undergraduates** New Freshmen New Transfers Total Graduate Students Total Remainder of Missouri Wisconsin Continuing Undergraduates** New Freshmen New Transfers Total Graduate Students Total Wisconsin TOTAL IN, IA, MO, WI 2 6 17 1 - 1 6 1 1 7 - 1 6 8 1 2 1 10 3 - 1 2 1 4 65 70 45 35 6 27 68 26 11 19 56 6 - 1 2 7 - 2 1 9 1 1 6 1 7 3 - - 4 - 7 - - 2011 2 2 3 - 1 - 3 3 1 1 3 86 87 71 Table 17. IN, IA, MO and WI Enrollments, Fall 2007-2011 (Continued) QUAD CITIES CAMPUS Indiana Continuing Undergraduates** New Freshmen New Transfers Total Graduate Students Total Indiana Iowa Border Counties* Continuing Undergraduates** New Freshmen New Transfers Total Graduate Students Total Iowa Border Counties Remainder of Iowa Continuing Undergraduates** New Freshmen New Transfers Total Graduate Students Total Remainder of Iowa Missouri Border Counties*** Continuing Undergraduates** New Freshmen New Transfers Total Graduate Students Total Missouri Border Counties Remainder of Missouri Continuing Undergraduates** New Freshmen New Transfers Total Graduate Students Total Remainder of Missouri Wisconsin Continuing Undergraduates** New Freshmen New Transfers Total Graduate Students Total Wisconsin TOTAL IN, IA, MO, WI 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 - - - - 2 2 2 2 98 60 170 328 116 57 174 347 117 54 141 312 128 54 154 336 128 5 52 132 317 6 10 5 25 40 6 8 - - 2 31 39 9 - 3 25 36 - 3 30 42 5 22 33 - - - - - - - - - - 1 1 1 1 - - 1 1 - 3 3 - 2 2 - 2 2 1 1 3 3 3 3 4 4 370 385 358 377 365 46 Table 17. IN, IA, MO and WI Enrollments, Fall 2007-2011 (Continued) QUAD CITIES EXTENSION Indiana Continuing Undergraduates** New Freshmen New Transfers Total Graduate Students Total Indiana Iowa Border Counties* Continuing Undergraduates** New Freshmen New Transfers Total Graduate Students Total Iowa Border Counties Remainder of Iowa Continuing Undergraduates** New Freshmen New Transfers Total Graduate Students Total Remainder of Iowa 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 - - - - - 10 1 11 12 3 24 39 4 - 1 1 3 - 1 5 5 8 2 - 8 6 3 17 1 - 2 1 - 2 - 1 - 1 1 - - 1 2 2 3 3 Missouri Border Counties*** Continuing Undergraduates** New Freshmen New Transfers Total Graduate Students Total Missouri Border Counties - - - - - Remainder of Missouri Continuing Undergraduates** New Freshmen New Transfers Total Graduate Students Total Remainder of Missouri - - - - - - - - - - Wisconsin Continuing Undergraduates** New Freshmen New Transfers Total Graduate Students Total Wisconsin TOTAL IN, IA, MO, WI 1 1 8 9 47 20 1 1 1 15 1 43 Table 17. IN, IA, MO and WI Enrollments, Fall 2007-2011 (Continued) 2007 TOTAL ALL CAMPUSES Indiana Continuing Undergraduates** New Freshmen New Transfers Total Graduate Students Total Indiana 2008 2010 2011 2 5 10 2 2 1 6 11 1 1 2 8 12 2 3 3 7 15 8 10 8 10 36 Iowa Border Counties* Continuing Undergraduates** New Freshmen New Transfers Total Graduate Students Total Iowa Border Counties 204 26 119 229 578 206 32 110 240 588 243 31 129 198 601 295 31 127 212 665 329 33 118 207 687 Remainder of Iowa Continuing Undergraduates** New Freshmen New Transfers Total Graduate Students Total Remainder of Iowa 28 1 11 62 102 24 1 7 52 84 27 8 13 54 102 28 4 20 50 102 41 10 13 54 118 Missouri Border Counties*** Continuing Undergraduates** New Freshmen New Transfers Total Graduate Students Total Missouri Border Counties 3 2 2 3 10 4 6 5 2 17 9 3 6 2 20 13 2 2 1 18 11 1 1 5 18 Remainder of Missouri Continuing Undergraduates** New Freshmen New Transfers Total Graduate Students Total Remainder of Missouri 10 3 2 9 24 12 8 1 8 29 11 9 7 12 39 17 7 6 17 47 20 11 6 17 54 Wisconsin Continuing Undergraduates** New Freshmen New Transfers Total Graduate Students Total Wisconsin 2 3 2 14 21 5 1 17 23 6 8 3 11 28 10 7 2 15 34 17 9 8 14 48 745 752 802 881 961 TOTAL IN, IA, MO, WI 3 2009 - *Counties include Clinton, Des Moines, Dubuque, Lee, Louisa, Jackson, Muscatine, Scott **Students who were enrolled previously and continue to show one of the above listed counties as their county of origin ***Counties include: Clark, Lewis, Lincoln, Marion, Pike, Ralls 48 Table 18. Enrolled Out-Of-State Students by State, Fall 2007-2011, Macomb Campus 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 STATE Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware District of Columbia Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Puerto Rico Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas US Citizen Undeclared Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming 3 2 2 9 3 1 4 1 1 9 251 5 2 1 1 3 2 9 10 26 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 5 1 3 3 1 1 3 5 2 3 2 2 3 16 1 3 3 3 13 4 3 2 10 223 5 2 2 1 6 11 37 1 2 2 1 3 3 2 1 2 4 1 1 3 6 1 3 3 1 18 - 2 2 2 10 6 2 1 11 258 7 3 1 2 7 8 1 47 1 2 4 2 4 2 6 6 3 1 1 2 7 1 3 1 22 1 2 2 1 9 1 1 7 11 309 6 5 2 1 16 7 4 55 2 3 4 5 4 5 1 1 3 1 3 1 1 7 1 2 1 3 1 27 1 1 3 2 1 6 1 4 2 1 34 341 6 1 2 1 2 12 4 4 67 1 3 1 2 3 1 6 1 5 2 2 1 1 6 3 1 1 40 - Total 405 386 439 516 575 Students are from 38 states. 49 Table 18Q. Enrolled Out-Of-State Students by State, Fall 2009-2011, Quad Cities Campus, Macomb Extension, and Quad Cities Extension STATE 2009 Quad Cities 2010 2011 2009 Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Florida Georgia Guam Idaho Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Military Pacific Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Nevada New Hampshire New Mexico New York North Carolina Ohio Oklahoma Pennsylvania Puerto Rico South Dakota Tennessee Texas Washington Wisconsin 1 3 354 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 2 369 1 2 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 2 357 - Total 369 390 377 Macomb Extension 2010 1 1 1 72 2 1 1 11 1 1 2 1 2 - 1 2 3 4 2 2 75 1 2 7 1 1 - 1 12 2 3 115 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 50 2011 Quad Cities Extension 2010 2009 2011 1 19 1 - 14 1 - 8 3 1 1 4 1 65 2 1 2 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 3 1 - 1 42 1 1 112 94 22 16 44 Table 19. Enrolled International Students by Country of Origin, Fall 2007-2011, Macomb Campus 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Country Afghanistan Antigua Armenia Australia Austria Azerbaijan Bahamas Bangladesh Barbados Belarus Benin Bolivia Brazil Bulgaria Burkina Faso Cambodia Cameroon Canada Central African Republic Chad China, People's Rep of Colombia Congo Costa Rica Croatia Denmark Ecuador Eritrea Estonia Ethiopia France Georgia Germany Ghana Greece Guinea Hong Kong India Indonesia Iran Iraq Ireland Israel Italy Jamaica Japan Jordan Kazakhstan Kenya Khmer Republic Cambodia Lebanon Libya Lithuania Macedonia Malaysia Mali Mauritius 1 2 2 3 1 1 15 1 8 1 1 1 2 2 1 4 3 1 4 1 102 2 1 2 1 35 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 - 1 6 1 2 1 2 1 3 1 1 17 4 1 1 2 2 5 2 6 1 126 2 1 1 1 18 2 1 1 1 - 51 1 1 4 2 1 2 1 3 6 1 1 2 13 8 2 1 2 1 3 4 2 3 1 1 1 118 1 1 1 1 2 12 2 2 2 1 2 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 5 1 2 11 1 15 1 1 2 1 2 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 90 1 1 1 2 11 3 3 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 5 2 11 2 23 1 1 1 1 1 3 2 1 91 1 1 9 4 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 Table 19. Enrolled International Students by Country of Origin (Continued) 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Country Mexico Mozambique Myanmar Namibia Nepal Netherlands Nigeria Oman Pakistan Peru Philippines Poland Romania Russia St. Vincent & the Grenadines Saudi Arabia Senegal Serbia & Montenegro South Africa South Korea Spain Sudan Sweden Switzerland Syria Taiwan Tajikistan Tanzania Thailand Togo Trinidad and Tobago Turkey Turkmenistan Uganda Ukraine United Arab Emirates United Kingdom Uzbekistan Venezuela Vietnam Zaire Zambia Zimbabwe Total Percent Change Percent of Macomb Campus Headcount Enrollment 3 4 30 4 1 4 1 67 1 1 23 1 3 2 11 1 1 6 7 9 1 4 1 1 - 8 4 24 3 2 3 1 2 1 68 1 22 3 4 1 9 1 6 9 8 2 1 2 1 1 - 9 2 1 19 1 6 3 5 1 1 3 60 1 18 3 5 5 1 1 11 2 1 1 5 13 7 1 3 5 1 1 1 393 12.6% 401 2.0% 410 2.2% 341 -16.8% 353 3.5% 3.5% 3.7% 3.9% 3.3% 3.4% Students are from 57 countries, and top 10 countries are highlighted. 52 2 1 7 14 1 6 2 2 1 1 1 64 1 13 2 5 5 6 1 2 8 9 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 4 5 3 2 12 3 1 1 1 1 90 1 13 2 4 2 6 2 8 7 1 2 1 2 2 1 1 1 Table 19Q. Enrolled International Students by Country of Origin, Fall 2010-2011, Quad Cities, Macomb Extension and Quad Cities Extension Macomb Extension Quad Cities 2010 2011 2010 Quad Cities Extension 2010 2011 2011 Country Albania Bulgaria Canada China, People's Rep of Eritrea France Germany India Iraq Italy Jamaica Kenya Mexico Namibia Nepal Netherlands Oman Saudi Arabia South Korea Sweden Taiwan 1 1 1 1 1 - 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 - Total 5 11 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 - - - 12 6 - - - 53 3 1 - Table 20. Undergraduate Enrollment by Degree Program, Race/Ethnicity, Sex, and Student Level, All Campuses, Fall 2011 Undergraduate Degree Program Foreign Black American Indian Asian Hispanic Pacific Islander White 2 or More All Other MALE TOTAL FEMALE TOTAL COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES B.A. in African-American Studies B.S. in Biological Sciences B.S. in Biology B.S. in Clinical Laboratory Science B.S. in Chemistry B.S. in Chemistry B.S. in Forensic Chemistry B.A. in English and Journalism B.A. in English B.A. in Journalism B.A. in Foreign Languages and Lit. B.A. in French B.A. in Spanish B.S. in Geography B.S. in Geography B.S. in Meteorology B.S. in Geology B.A. in History B.A. in Liberal Arts and Sciences B.S. in Mathematics B.S. in Nursing B.A. in Philosophy & Religious Studies B.A. in Philosophy B.A. in Religious Studies B.S. in Physics B.A. in Political Science B.S. in Psychology B.A. in Sociology/Anthropology B.A. in Anthropology B.A. in Sociology B.A. in Women's Studies TOTAL ARTS & SCIENCES 1 1 3 3 1 1 1 1 2 4 2 2 1 1 17 13 84 81 3 53 24 29 41 19 22 2 1 1 4 2 2 7 7 25 89 2 1 1 1 36 83 25 25 5 477 1 1 1 2 6 4 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 5 1 1 1 4 4 1 3 27 1 26 25 1 23 6 17 7 6 1 8 1 7 2 1 1 5 6 8 22 1 1 2 6 34 12 3 9 163 1 1 1 1 2 1 319 305 14 106 49 57 177 119 58 17 4 13 71 16 55 28 131 79 76 170 22 14 8 13 64 248 87 16 71 7 1,616 3 8 8 6 1 5 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 3 7 1 1 2 3 11 4 4 1 60 1 22 21 1 5 1 4 20 16 4 2 1 1 1 1 4 9 7 3 12 2 9 10 5 3 2 112 8 178 176 2 81 47 34 89 54 35 11 2 9 57 15 42 25 109 45 74 37 18 11 7 23 75 103 73 7 66 1,006 11 289 270 19 114 36 78 162 108 54 23 6 17 25 6 19 8 45 58 44 272 9 5 4 45 287 65 16 49 13 1,470 COLLEGE OF BUSINESS & TECHNOLOGY B.B. in Accountancy & Finance B.B. in Accountancy B.B. in Finance B.S. in Agricultural Sciences B.S./B.B. in Computer Sci. & Info Systems B.S. in Computer Science B.B. in Information Systems B.S. in Information Systems B.S. in Network Technologies B.A./B.B. in Economics & Decision Sci. B.A. in Economics B.B. in Economics B.S. in Engineering B.S. in Engineering Technology B.S. in Construction Management B.S. in Engineering Tech B.S. in Graphic Communication B.B. in Management & Marketing B.B. in Human Resource Management B.B. in Management B.B. in Marketing B.B. in Supply Chain Management TOTAL BUSINESS & TECHNOLOGY 9 3 6 1 14 6 5 3 5 2 3 1 6 2 4 16 3 7 3 3 52 48 37 11 7 34 25 1 6 2 6 2 4 1 28 10 9 9 96 6 67 19 4 220 1 1 1 1 3 3 5 9 7 2 2 1 1 4 3 1 2 1 1 18 23 18 5 3 11 9 2 2 1 1 2 11 7 2 2 26 1 13 9 3 78 1 1 2 2 3 250 182 68 314 171 111 25 12 23 29 13 16 38 265 129 45 91 456 15 268 122 51 1,523 6 5 1 2 2 2 4 2 2 7 3 3 1 21 11 8 3 19 10 10 5 2 3 4 19 13 3 3 30 1 16 13 98 199 132 67 233 217 147 30 13 27 41 17 24 41 271 159 62 50 396 9 236 105 46 1,398 158 129 29 115 26 17 1 5 3 7 3 4 5 67 7 2 58 242 17 144 65 16 620 54 Table 20. Undergraduate Enrollment (Continued) Undergraduate Degree Program Foreign Black American Indian Asian Hispanic Pacific Islander White 2 or More All Other MALE TOTAL FEMALE TOTAL COLLEGE OF EDUC. & HUMAN SERV. B.S.Ed. in Curriculum & Instruction B.S.Ed. in Elementary Education B.S.Ed. In Special Education B.S. in Dietetics, Fash Merch., & Hospit. B.S. in Family and Consumer Sciences B.S.Ed. Educational & Interdisc. Stud. B.S.Ed. in Bilingual/Bicultural Education B.S. in Health Sciences B.S. in Emergency Management B.S. in Health Sciences B.S. in Health Services Management B.S. in Instructional Design & Tech B.S. in Kinesiology B.S. in Athletic Training B.S. in Exercise Science B.S. in Physical Education B.S. in Law Enforce. & Justice Admin B.S. in Rec., Park & Tourism Admin Bachelor of Social Work TOTAL EDUCATION & HUMAN SERVICES 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 6 57 47 10 43 43 24 1 11 12 6 55 16 27 12 169 7 41 402 1 1 1 1 3 1 6 2 2 5 5 1 1 1 1 1 9 1 2 22 32 20 12 8 8 14 14 9 5 4 1 43 13 21 9 154 13 9 283 1 1 4 5 562 393 169 206 206 6 6 93 61 7 25 14 380 84 163 133 1,196 220 124 2,801 10 8 2 1 1 1 1 1 10 3 2 5 19 2 2 46 18 13 5 16 16 6 3 1 2 2 23 4 8 11 64 11 14 154 69 41 28 60 60 3 3 69 59 2 8 20 322 61 139 122 1,254 124 22 1,943 613 443 170 220 220 17 17 66 11 18 37 6 194 59 87 48 365 131 170 1,782 COLLEGE OF FINE ARTS & COMM. B.A./B.F.A. in Art B.A. in Art Bachelor of Fine Arts in Art B.A. in Broadcasting B.A. in Communication B.S. in Communication Sci. & Disorders B.A./B.M. in Music B.A. in Music Bachelor of Music B.A./B.F.A. in Theatre B.A. in Theatre B.F.A. in Musical Theatre TOTAL FINE ARTS & COMMUNICATION 1 2 4 4 1 1 8 11 11 65 54 13 15 15 14 10 4 172 1 1 1 1 3 2 2 4 4 1 1 7 5 4 1 8 18 1 13 2 11 4 3 1 49 - 91 75 16 130 191 56 183 21 162 51 28 23 702 2 2 1 5 1 4 1 3 2 1 1 15 9 7 2 5 7 2 11 3 8 2 1 1 36 42 36 6 136 138 4 114 5 109 35 20 15 469 78 65 13 75 138 71 121 22 99 40 24 16 523 OTHER B.A. in General Studies B.A. and B.S. in Interdisciplinary Studies University Advising TOTAL OTHER 31 31 49 3 122 174 1 3 4 5 6 11 22 1 55 78 3 3 402 35 482 919 6 14 20 31 1 37 69 231 21 433 685 285 19 320 624 114 1,445 20 85 651 13 7,561 162 469 5,501 5,019 UNDERGRADUATE TOTAL 55 Table 20Q. Undergraduate Enrollment by Degree Program, Race/Ethnicity, Sex, and Student Level, Quad Cities Campus and Quad Cities Extension, Fall 2011 American Indian Other MALE TOTAL 2 2 6 1 7 1 1 1 29 31 2 2 1 47 1 3 54 63 63 6 4 2 1 35 11 97 77 17 3 213 2 2 1 1 3 2 2 3 2 7 4 3 14 33 33 5 4 1 36 15 64 48 12 4 153 52 52 1 1 1 5 61 50 10 1 120 - 103 98 5 1 41 37 182 2 2 1 3 2 2 5 2 9 13 13 30 20 63 101 94 7 1 29 22 153 1 1 - - - - - 1 1 2 2 8 8 - 113 1 7 121 2 2 7 1 8 50 1 4 55 101 4 105 10 48 - 583 10 38 302 433 Asian Pacific Hispanic Islander Foreign Black White COLLEGE OF ARTS & SCIENCES B.A. in English & Journalism B.A. in English B.S. in Geography B.A. in History Bachelor of Liberal Arts & Sciences B.S.N. in Nursing B.S. in Psychology TOTAL ARTS & SCIENCES - 2 2 1 1 1 1 5 5 - 3 3 1 1 59 3 67 COLLEGE OF BUSINESS & TECH. B.B. in Accountancy & Finance B.B. in Accountancy B.S./B.B. in Computer Sci & Info. Sys. B.B. in Information Systems B.S. in Information Systems B.A. in Economics B.S. in Engineering B.S. in Engineering Technology B.B. in Management & Marketing B.B. in Management B.B. in Marketing B.B. in Supply Chain Management TOTAL BUSINESS & TECHNOLOGY 1 1 1 2 5 5 1 7 6 1 13 2 2 2 5 5 1 1 1 7 8 8 2 9 7 2 19 - EDUCATION & HUMAN SERVICES B.S.Ed. In Curriculum & Instruction B.S.Ed. in Elementary Education B.S. in Special Education B.S. in Family & Consumer Science B.S. in Law Enforce. & Justice Adm B.S. in Rec., Park & Tourism Adm. TOTAL ED. & HUMAN SERVICES - 6 1 7 - - 7 5 2 7 1 15 FINE ARTS & COMMUNICATION B.A. in Communication TOTAL FINE ARTS & COMMUNICATION - - - - OTHER B.A. in General Studies B.A./B.S. in Interdisciplinary Studies University Advising TOTAL OTHER - 19 19 - TOTAL QC UNDERGRADUATES 2 41 3 2 or More FEMALE TOTAL Undergraduate Degree Program 56 Table 21. Transfer Enrollment by Degree Program, Race/Ethnicity, Sex, and Student Level, All Campuses, Fall 2011 Undergraduate Degree Program COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES B.A. in African-American Studies B.S. in Biological Sciences B.S. in Biology B.S. in Clinical Laboratory Science B.S. in Chemistry B.S. in Chemistry B.S. in Forensic Chemistry B.A. in English and Journalism B.A. in English B.A. in Journalism B.A. in Foreign Languages and Lit. B.A. in French B.A. in Spanish B.S. in Geography B.S. in Geography B.S. in Meteorology B.S. in Geology B.A. in History B.A. in Liberal Arts and Sciences B.S. in Mathematics B.S. in Nursing B.A. in Philosophy & Religious Studies B.A. in Philosophy B.A. in Religious Studies B.S. in Physics B.A. in Political Science B.S. in Psychology B.A. in Sociology/Anthropology B.A. in Anthropology B.A. in Sociology B.A. in Women's Studies TOTAL ARTS & SCIENCES COLLEGE OF BUSINESS & TECHNOLOGY B.B. in Accountancy & Finance B.B. in Accountancy B.B. in Finance B.S. in Agricultural Sciences B.S./B.B. in Computer Sci. & Info Systems B.S. in Computer Science B.B. in Information Systems B.S. in Information Systems B.S. in Network Technologies B.A./B.B. in Economics & Decision Sci. B.A. in Economics B.B. in Economics B.S. in Engineering B.S. in Engineering Technology B.S. in Construction Management B.S. in Engineering Tech B.S. in Graphic Communication B.B. in Management & Marketing B.B. in Human Resource Management B.B. in Management B.B. in Marketing B.B. in Supply Chain Management TOTAL BUSINESS & TECHNOLOGY Foreign Black American Indian Asian Hispanic Pacific Islander White 2 or More All Other MALE TOTAL FEMALE TOTAL 1 1 3 1 5 3 13 12 1 7 2 5 14 9 5 1 1 1 5 14 9 15 4 4 2 88 1 1 1 2 3 2 1 2 1 1 1 7 7 7 6 1 5 3 3 4 1 3 2 5 1 5 1 7 6 1 5 47 1 1 1 108 101 7 36 17 19 56 35 21 4 2 2 29 6 23 15 51 61 29 57 11 7 4 4 19 97 39 12 27 2 618 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 4 1 2 19 8 7 1 1 1 9 7 2 1 1 1 1 4 7 7 4 2 5 6 3 2 1 58 2 52 50 2 22 11 11 36 21 15 2 2 24 5 19 14 48 33 21 15 9 6 3 8 21 39 29 6 23 375 3 89 81 8 29 10 19 48 33 15 8 4 4 9 3 6 6 14 48 10 74 3 1 2 13 89 23 9 14 4 470 7 2 5 1 5 4 1 2 1 1 1 3 1 2 11 2 7 1 1 30 12 7 5 1 7 5 1 1 2 1 1 1 6 2 4 23 2 13 7 1 52 1 1 2 2 3 5 5 2 3 2 1 2 1 1 12 11 9 2 5 4 1 7 4 2 1 11 9 1 1 34 1 1 2 2 3 129 102 27 155 77 43 16 8 10 9 4 5 21 111 53 21 37 214 8 137 50 19 716 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 8 8 7 1 15 5 5 3 1 2 3 12 7 3 2 17 1 8 8 63 92 64 28 123 86 53 17 6 10 14 6 8 22 123 64 33 26 171 5 101 47 18 631 82 70 12 52 15 10 3 2 2 1 1 4 22 5 17 113 8 79 22 4 290 57 Table 21. Transfer Enrollment (Continued) Undergraduate Degree Program Foreign Black American Indian Asian Hispanic Pacific Islander White 2 or More All Other MALE TOTAL FEMALE TOTAL COLLEGE OF EDUC. & HUMAN SERV. B.S.Ed. in Curriculum & Instruction B.S.Ed. in Elementary Education B.S.Ed. In Special Education B.S. in Dietetics, Fash Merch., & Hospit. B.S. in Family and Consumer Sciences B.S.Ed. Educational & Interdisc. Stud. B.S.Ed. in Bilingual/Bicultural Education B.S. in Health Sciences B.S. in Emergency Management B.S. in Health Sciences B.S. in Health Services Management B.S. in Instructional Design & Tech B.S. in Kinesiology B.S. in Athletic Training B.S. in Exercise Science B.S. in Physical Education B.S. in Law Enforce. & Justice Admin B.S. in Rec., Park & Tourism Admin Bachelor of Social Work TOTAL EDUCATION & HUMAN SERVICES 1 1 1 2 8 7 1 7 7 9 5 4 1 22 3 13 6 55 3 15 120 2 2 1 1 5 1 7 12 10 2 6 6 6 6 1 1 1 17 6 7 4 48 4 1 96 2 2 247 198 49 66 66 2 2 45 28 1 16 7 146 23 70 53 427 89 44 1,073 2 2 4 1 1 2 3 1 2 12 10 8 2 4 4 3 2 1 1 14 2 4 8 39 7 5 83 34 24 10 20 20 2 2 27 24 1 2 6 142 22 59 61 456 56 10 753 245 201 44 63 63 6 6 32 7 5 20 4 62 13 37 12 126 48 58 644 COLLEGE OF FINE ARTS & COMM. B.A./B.F.A. in Art B.A. in Art Bachelor of Fine Arts in Art B.A. in Broadcasting B.A. in Communication B.S. in Communication Sci. & Disorders B.A./B.M. in Music B.A. in Music Bachelor of Music B.A./B.F.A. in Theatre B.A. in Theatre B.F.A. in Musical Theatre TOTAL FINE ARTS & COMMUNICATION 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 3 3 16 19 2 3 3 3 3 46 - 2 2 2 2 1 1 5 4 2 2 2 1 1 13 - 40 35 5 33 65 22 31 4 27 9 5 4 200 1 1 2 3 5 3 2 2 6 1 3 1 2 1 1 18 23 21 2 33 60 2 20 1 19 7 5 2 145 28 22 6 19 37 24 24 6 18 9 6 3 141 OTHER B.A. in General Studies B.A. and B.S. in Interdisciplinary Studies University Advising TOTAL OTHER - 39 1 11 51 - 4 4 19 8 27 - 318 21 78 417 6 2 8 22 1 7 30 180 15 74 269 228 8 32 268 41 357 7 32 217 6 3,024 50 252 2,173 1,813 UNDERGRADUATE TOTAL 58 Table 21Q. Transfer Enrollment by Degree Program, Race/Ethnicity, Sex, and Student Level, Quad Cities Campus, Fall 2011 Undergraduate Degree Program Foreign American Indian Asian Black Hispanic Pacific Islander White 2 or More All Other MALE TOTAL FEMALE TOTAL COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES B.A. in English B.S. in Geography B.A. in Liberal Arts and Sciences B.S. in Nursing B.S. in Psychology TOTAL ARTS & SCIENCES - 2 2 1 1 - 4 4 - 1 1 53 2 57 2 2 6 1 7 1 26 27 1 42 1 2 46 COLLEGE OF BUSINESS & TECHNOLOGY B.B. in Accountancy & Finance B.B. in Accountancy B.B. in Finance B.S./B.B. in Computer Sci. & Info Systems B.B. in Information Systems B.S. in Information Systems B.S. in Engineering B.S. in Engineering Technology B.B. in Management & Marketing B.B. in Management B.B. in Marketing B.B. in Supply Chain Management TOTAL BUSINESS & TECHNOLOGY 1 1 1 2 5 5 4 3 1 9 2 2 2 4 4 1 1 1 6 7 7 8 7 1 15 - 51 51 4 3 1 21 5 79 61 16 2 160 1 1 1 2 2 3 2 7 4 3 14 26 26 3 3 21 8 51 37 12 2 109 43 43 1 1 4 52 42 9 1 100 COLLEGE OF EDUC. & HUMAN SERV. B.S.Ed. in Curriculum & Instruction B.S.Ed. in Elementary Education B.S.Ed. In Special Education B.S. in Law Enforce. & Justice Admin B.S. in Rec., Park & Tourism Admin TOTAL EDUCATION & HUMAN SERVICES - 6 1 7 - - 4 4 7 1 12 - 83 81 2 37 29 149 2 2 1 3 2 2 4 2 8 10 10 27 16 53 81 79 2 27 18 126 COLLEGE OF FINE ARTS & COMM. B.A. in Communication TOTAL FINE ARTS & COMMUNICATION - - - - 1 1 - - - - - 1 1 OTHER B.A. in General Studies B.A. and B.S. in Interdisciplinary Studies University Advising TOTAL OTHER - 15 15 - 2 2 7 7 - 107 1 1 109 2 2 7 7 48 1 49 92 1 93 UNDERGRADUATE TOTAL 2 33 3 8 39 - 475 8 36 238 366 59 Table 22. Graduate Enrollment by Degree Program, Race/Ethnicity, Sex, and Student Level, All Campuses, Fall 2011 Graduate Degree Program Foreign Black COLLEGE OF ARTS & SCIENCES PBC in African American Studies PBC in Africa & African Diaspora M.S./PBC in Biological Sciences M.S. in Biology PBC in Environmental GIS PBC in Zoo/Aquarium Studies M.S. in Chemistry M.A. in English & Journalism M.A. in English M.A./PBC in Geography M.A. in Geography PBC in Community Development M.A. in History Master of Liberal Arts & Sciences M.S./PBC in Mathematics M.S. in Mathematics PBC in Applied Mathematics M.S. in Physics M.A. in Political Science M.S./Specialist in Psychology M.S. in Psychology Specialist in School Psychology M.A. in Sociology PBC in Women's Studies TOTAL ARTS & SCIENCES 4 4 36 2 2 1 1 1 6 6 12 1 3 3 2 68 COLLEGE OF BUSINESS & TECHNOLOGY Master of Accountancy M.S. in Computer Science M.A. in Economics M.S. in Engineering Technology M.S. in Manufacturing Eng. Systems M.B.A. in Management Master of Business Administration TOTAL BUSINESS & TECHNOLOGY COLLEGE OF EDUCATION & HUMAN SERVICES M.S.Ed. in Counselor Education M.S.Ed. in Counseling M.S.Ed. In Curriculum & Instruction M.S.Ed. in Elementary Education M.S.Ed. in Reading M.S.Ed. In Special Education M.S./M.S.Ed./PBC In Ed. & Interdis. St. M.S. in College Student Personnel M.S.Ed. in Interdisciplinary Studies PBC in TESOL M.S.Ed./Ed.S./Ed.D. in Ed. Leadership M.S.Ed. in Educational Leadership Ed.S. in Educational Leadership Ed.D. in Educational Admin. M.S./PBC in Health Services M.S. in Health Education PBC in Health Services Adm. M.S./PBC in Instructional Design & Tech. M.S. in Instructional Design & Technology PBC in Instructional Design & Technology 1 1 5 4 1 American Pacific Indian Asian Hispanic Islander White 2 or More Other MALE TOTAL FEMALE TOTAL 1 1 9 2 1 1 3 22 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 8 - 74 56 18 6 30 30 9 8 1 26 24 5 5 2 14 52 32 20 15 2 259 1 1 4 4 1 1 7 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 5 1 1 14 23 21 1 1 26 10 10 10 9 1 18 12 10 10 15 20 22 17 5 10 176 1 1 63 45 18 17 28 28 2 2 11 26 2 2 1 5 39 22 17 11 2 208 1 56 19 9 9 12 12 97 2 6 3 4 4 2 2 17 - 1 1 1 1 1 2 - 15 17 10 9 9 84 84 135 1 1 1 3 2 2 4 4 9 5 67 26 20 20 63 63 181 13 16 7 4 4 41 41 81 2 2 3 3 9 9 7 7 - 2 2 4 4 9 5 4 7 5 2 7 7 8 8 - 1 1 1 1 - 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 4 2 2 5 1 4 4 3 1 4 2 2 - 67 67 209 65 112 32 78 31 42 5 207 132 32 43 30 29 1 51 40 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 - 3 3 6 3 1 2 5 1 4 9 4 1 4 3 2 1 8 5 3 13 13 10 5 3 2 33 15 16 2 109 64 19 26 14 14 30 18 12 60 60 214 65 117 32 69 27 39 3 123 84 18 21 38 36 2 51 46 5 - 60 Table 22. Graduate Enrollment (Continued) Graduate Degree Program Foreign Black M.S. in Kinesiology M.S. in Kinesiology M.S. in Sport Management M.A./PBC in Law Enforce.& Justice Adm. M.A. in Law Enforcement and Justice PBC in Police Executive Administration M.S. in Recreation, Park & Tourism Adm. American Pacific Indian Asian Hispanic Islander White 2 or More Other MALE TOTAL FEMALE TOTAL 8 7 1 4 8 2 6 4 4 2 - 1 1 1 3 2 1 4 4 - - 63 25 38 50 50 27 2 1 1 1 1 - 3 3 1 1 3 51 18 33 39 39 17 36 22 14 22 22 20 TOTAL EDUCATION & HUMAN SERVICES 33 51 2 9 25 - 782 6 41 316 633 COLLEGE OF FINE ARTS & COMMUNICATION M.A. in Communication M.S. in Communication Sci. & Disorders M.A./PBC in Museum Studies M.A. in Museum Studies PBC in Museum Studies M.M. in Music M.F.A. in Theatre TOTAL FINE ARTS & COMMUNICATION 4 3 1 1 7 1 16 5 3 8 - 1 1 2 1 1 - 13 31 20 19 1 17 25 106 1 1 1 2 1 2 3 8 1 4 4 12 14 39 16 33 18 17 1 16 16 99 OTHER Undeclared/Unclassified Graduates TOTAL OTHER 42 42 10 10 1 1 2 2 9 9 - 218 218 1 1 18 18 122 122 179 179 256 108 5 18 45 - 1,500 17 85 834 1,200 GRADUATES TOTAL 61 Table 22Q. Graduate Enrollment by Degree Program, Race/Ethnicity, Sex, and Student Level, Quad Cities Campus and Quad Cities Extension, Fall 2011 Foreign Black American Indian Asian Pacific Hispanic Islander White 2 or More Other MALE FEMALE TOTAL TOTAL Graduate Degree Program COLLEGE OF ARTS & SCIENCES M.S./PBC in Biological Sciences M.S. in Biology PBC in Environmental GIS PBC in Zoo/Aquarium Studies M.A. in English & Journalism M.A. in English M.A./PBC in Geography M.A. in Geography M.A.L.S. in Liberal Arts & Sciences TOTAL ARTS & SCIENCES - 3 2 1 - - - 1 1 - - 32 19 13 12 12 - 2 2 - - 6 4 1 1 4 4 - 29 17 12 11 11 - - 1 4 - - 1 2 - 8 52 1 3 - 7 17 4 44 COLLEGE OF BUSINESS & TECHNOLOGY Master of Accountancy MBA in Management Master of Business Administration TOTAL BUSINESS & TECHNOLOGY 6 6 6 1 1 - - - - 46 46 46 1 1 1 1 1 1 34 34 34 1 20 20 21 EDUCATION & HUMAN SERVICES M.S.Ed. in Counseling M.S.Ed. in Curriculum & Instruction M.S.Ed. in Elementary Education M.S.Ed. in Reading M.S.Ed. in Special Education M.S.Ed./Ed.S./Ed.D. in Ed. Leadership M.S.Ed. in Ed. Leadership Ed.S. in Ed. Leadership Ed.D. in Ed. Leadership M.S.Ed. in Educ. & Interdis. Studies M.S.Ed. in Educ. & Interdis. Studies PBC in TESOL M.S. in Health Sciences M.S. in Health Education M.S./PBC in Instructional Design & Tech. M.S. in Instructional Design & Technology PBC in Instructional Design & Technology M.A. in Law Enforcement & Justice Adm. M.S. in Rec., Park & Tourism Adm. TOTAL EDUCATION & HUMAN SERVICES 1 1 1 1 2 2 4 4 2 2 2 2 1 11 - - 1 2 1 1 4 3 1 3 3 1 11 - 67 113 28 53 32 125 76 14 35 27 24 3 13 13 2 1 1 16 3 366 1 1 1 3 4 2 2 7 3 1 3 4 4 1 1 1 1 20 13 6 3 1 2 64 37 9 18 12 11 1 4 4 2 1 1 12 2 115 60 113 28 53 32 78 51 7 20 24 22 2 13 13 1 1 6 1 296 FINE ARTS & COMMUNICATION M.A./PBC in Museum Studies M.A. in Museum Studies PBC in Museum Studies TOTAL FINE ARTS & COMMUNICATION 1 1 1 - - - - - 20 19 1 20 1 1 1 - 4 4 4 18 17 1 18 OTHER Undeclared/Unclassified Graduates TOTAL OTHER - 2 2 - 1 1 6 6 - 78 78 1 1 - 37 37 51 51 GRADUATES TOTAL 9 18 - 1 19 - 562 7 21 207 430 62 Table 23. Undergraduate and Graduate Enrollment by College, Department and Major, Fall 2007-2011 College/Department/Major COLLEGE OF ARTS & SCIENCES African American Studies African American Studies African & African World Diaspora-PBC Biological Sciences Biology Biology Ed Clinical Laboratory Science Environmental GIS-PBC Pre-Dentistry Pre-Medicine (also Chemistry Dept.) Pre-Nursing Pre-Optometry Pre-Physical Therapy Zoo & Aquarium Studies-PBC Chemistry Chemistry Chemistry Ed Forensic Chemistry Pre-Chemical Engineering Pre-Pharmacy English & Journalism English English Ed Journalism Foreign Languages & Literature French French Ed Spanish Spanish Ed Geography Geography Meteorology Community Development-PBC Geology History History History Ed Liberal Arts & Sciences Mathematics Applied Mathematics-PBC Mathematics Mathematics Ed Nursing, School of Nursing Pre-Nursing Philosophy & Religious Studies Philosophy Religious Studies Physics Physics Physics Ed Pre-Architecture Pre-Engineering Undergrad 2007 Grad 11 11 - 544 331 28 13 7 55 41 7 62 126 36 7 58 1 24 350 103 115 132 54 6 4 31 13 92 23 69 21 244 96 148 88 30 58 17 17 40 11 5 4 20 Total 2 2 80 69 11 24 24 45 45 19 19 37 37 16 1 15 14 14 - 13 11 2 624 400 28 13 7 55 41 7 62 11 150 60 7 58 1 24 395 148 115 132 54 6 4 31 13 111 42 69 21 281 133 148 104 1 45 58 17 17 54 25 5 4 20 Undergrad 12 12 543 306 27 12 9 59 62 6 62 158 47 6 77 3 25 302 83 115 104 41 2 1 25 13 101 13 88 16 231 75 156 21 52 15 37 6 6 22 15 7 34 8 7 5 14 2008 Grad Total 1 1 83 72 11 30 30 41 41 20 20 35 35 2 12 12 15 15 - 13 12 1 626 378 27 12 9 59 62 6 62 11 188 77 6 77 3 25 343 124 115 104 41 2 1 25 13 121 33 88 16 266 110 156 23 64 27 37 6 6 22 15 7 49 23 7 5 14 Undergrad 10 10 477 436 22 19 159 40 2 99 1 17 233 85 82 66 47 4 1 24 18 88 17 71 21 207 73 134 69 75 32 43 169 9 160 24 14 10 52 17 4 5 26 2009 Grad Total 1 1 92 75 2 15 37 37 36 36 16 16 37 37 13 16 16 13 13 - 11 10 1 569 511 22 19 2 15 196 77 2 99 1 17 269 121 82 66 47 4 1 24 18 104 33 71 21 244 110 134 82 91 48 43 169 9 160 24 14 10 65 30 4 5 26 Undergrad 8 8 483 437 31 15 180 47 3 111 3 16 245 83 85 77 51 7 5 22 17 78 18 60 33 198 71 127 100 70 27 43 238 55 183 32 19 13 53 20 4 2 27 2010 Grad 97 79 2 16 39 39 40 40 16 16 28 28 36 12 12 15 15 - Total Undergrad 8 8 19 19 580 516 31 15 2 16 219 86 3 111 3 16 285 123 85 77 51 7 5 22 17 94 34 60 33 226 99 127 136 82 39 43 238 55 183 32 19 13 68 35 4 2 27 467 417 29 21 195 59 6 112 1 17 251 84 78 89 34 7 1 17 9 82 21 61 33 154 64 90 103 63 23 40 309 69 240 27 16 11 78 20 3 5 50 2011 Grad Total 1 1 86 66 1 19 43 43 38 38 12 11 1 29 29 38 12 12 16 16 - 20 19 1 553 483 29 21 1 19 238 102 6 112 1 17 289 122 78 89 34 7 1 17 9 94 32 61 1 33 183 93 90 141 75 35 40 309 69 240 27 16 11 94 36 3 5 50 Table 23. Undergraduate and Graduate Enrollment by College, Department and Major (Continued) College/Department/Major Political Science Political Science Public & Non-Profit Management-PBC Psychology Psychology School Psychology Sociology & Anthropology Anthropology Sociology Women's Studies Women's Studies Women's Studies-PBC TOTAL ARTS & SCIENCES COLLEGE OF BUSINESS & TECHNOLOGY Accountancy & Finance Accountancy Pre-Accountancy Finance Pre-Finance Agriculture, School of Agriculture Agriculture Ed Pre-Agricultural Engineering Pre-Forestry Pre-Veterinary Medicine Computer Science & Info Systems Computer Science Information Systems B.B. Information Systems B.S. Pre-Information Systems Network Technologies Economics & Decision Sciences Economics (B.A.) (M.A.) Economics (B.B.) Pre-Economics Engineering, School of Engineering Technology Construction Management Engineering Technology Graphic Communication Industrial Technology Manufacturing Engineering Systems Management & Marketing Business Administration Human Resource Management Pre-Human Resource Management Management Pre-Management Marketing Pre-Marketing Supply Chain Management Pre-Supply Chain Management Undergrad 144 144 433 433 137 137 22 22 2,323 490 101 200 74 115 301 273 21 7 218 141 23 21 33 47 19 10 18 495 241 107 147 709 14 20 97 304 64 185 25 - 2007 Grad 22 21 1 58 30 28 29 29 2 2 348 12 12 90 90 26 26 21 21 113 113 - Total Undergrad 166 137 165 137 1 491 390 463 390 28 166 122 166 122 24 17 22 17 2 2,671 2,205 502 113 200 74 115 301 273 21 7 308 231 23 21 33 73 45 10 18 516 241 107 147 21 822 113 14 20 97 304 64 185 25 - 495 109 211 77 98 328 297 22 9 217 143 19 24 31 35 17 4 14 475 239 88 148 686 5 29 95 250 47 189 30 41 2008 Grad 18 18 56 31 25 25 25 1 1 339 12 12 95 95 27 27 16 16 107 107 - Total Undergrad 155 143 155 143 446 357 421 357 25 147 120 9 147 111 18 13 17 13 1 2,544 2,264 507 121 211 77 98 328 297 22 9 312 238 19 24 31 62 44 4 14 491 239 88 148 16 793 107 5 29 95 250 47 189 30 41 418 123 169 50 76 333 295 23 1 14 208 131 16 30 31 48 15 9 24 4 429 228 75 126 642 13 26 111 226 53 154 24 35 2009 Grad 25 25 56 33 23 31 31 1 1 374 14 14 99 99 32 32 21 21 109 109 - Total Undergrad 168 124 168 124 413 369 390 369 23 151 132 9 18 142 114 14 13 13 13 1 2,638 2,407 432 137 169 50 76 333 295 23 1 14 307 230 16 30 31 80 47 9 24 4 450 228 75 126 21 751 109 13 26 111 226 53 154 24 35 363 120 141 44 58 327 294 23 10 216 136 19 27 34 45 15 12 18 24 388 222 61 105 596 15 24 99 211 50 130 38 29 2010 Grad 26 26 59 35 24 31 31 1 1 400 21 21 78 78 26 26 22 22 118 118 - Total Undergrad 150 120 150 120 428 390 404 390 24 163 138 18 23 145 115 14 13 13 13 1 2,807 2,476 384 141 141 44 58 327 294 23 10 294 214 19 27 34 71 41 12 18 24 410 222 61 105 22 714 118 15 24 99 211 50 130 38 29 357 125 136 45 51 348 310 25 13 243 164 12 18 19 30 48 20 10 18 46 338 166 64 108 574 10 16 126 190 54 116 32 30 2011 Grad 25 25 61 39 22 21 21 2 2 384 18 18 83 83 33 33 24 24 104 104 - Total 145 145 451 429 22 159 23 136 15 13 2 2,860 375 143 136 45 51 348 310 25 13 326 247 12 18 19 30 81 53 10 18 46 362 166 64 108 24 678 104 10 16 126 190 54 116 32 30 Table 23. Undergraduate and Graduate Enrollment by College, Department and Major (Continued) College/Department/Major Pre-Business Undecided TOTAL BUSINESS & TECHNOLOGY Undergrad 62 2,322 COLLEGE OF EDUCATION & HUMAN SERVICES Counseling Curriculum & Instruction Elementary Education Pre-Elementary Education Reading Special Education Dietetics, Fashion Merchandising & Hospitalit Family & Consumer Sciences Educational & Interdisciplinary Studies Bilingual/Bicultural Education College Student Personnel Interdisciplinary Studies Secondary Education Teachers of English as a 2nd Language-PBC Educational Leadership Doctorate of Education Educational Leadership Ed Leadership-6th Year Health Sciences Health Sciences Emergency Management Health Services Administration-PBC Health Services Management Instructional Design & Technology Instructional Design & Technology Instructional Design & Technology-PBC Kinesiology Athletic Traning Exercise Science Kinesiology Kinesiology Teacher Ed Physical Education Sport Management Law Enforce. & Justice Adm., School of Law Enforcement & Justice Administration Pre-Law Enforcement & Justice Admin. Police Executive Certificate-PBC Recreation, Park & Tourism Administration Social Work Social Work Pre-Social Work TOTAL EDUCATION & HUMAN SERVICES 1,003 345 420 238 372 372 37 37 88 12 37 39 45 45 453 247 206 1,587 613 974 273 183 46 137 4,041 2007 Grad 262 83 326 109 172 45 101 43 47 11 267 34 176 57 47 47 90 85 5 94 38 56 101 100 1 29 1,138 Total Undergrad 62 51 2,584 2,287 83 1,329 454 420 172 283 372 372 138 37 43 47 11 267 34 176 57 135 59 37 39 135 130 5 547 285 206 56 1,688 713 974 1 302 183 46 137 5,179 904 313 356 235 324 324 29 29 133 18 76 39 48 48 458 260 198 1,440 537 903 275 187 49 138 3,798 2008 Grad 257 96 347 127 170 50 97 44 45 8 283 46 175 62 48 48 83 76 7 95 39 56 105 103 2 39 1,193 Total Undergrad 51 36 2,544 2,118 96 1,251 440 356 170 285 324 324 126 29 44 45 8 283 46 175 62 181 66 76 39 131 124 7 553 299 198 56 1,545 640 903 2 314 187 49 138 4,991 885 314 337 234 282 282 29 29 126 16 75 35 43 43 486 90 183 213 1,423 529 894 282 200 60 140 3,756 2009 Grad 275 102 291 104 152 35 102 42 59 1 220 34 139 47 51 50 1 79 75 4 90 38 52 76 76 45 1,056 Total Undergrad 36 42 2,393 2,001 102 1,176 418 337 152 269 282 282 131 29 42 59 1 220 34 139 47 177 66 75 1 35 122 118 4 576 90 183 38 213 52 1,499 605 894 327 200 60 140 4,812 818 302 305 211 291 291 27 27 152 20 92 40 37 37 501 101 212 188 1,472 556 916 275 183 71 112 3,756 2010 Grad 265 104 250 77 140 33 136 41 93 2 242 46 154 42 52 51 1 66 56 10 86 42 44 51 51 39 1,026 Total Undergrad 42 64 2,266 2,018 104 1,068 379 305 140 244 291 291 163 27 41 93 2 242 46 154 42 204 71 92 1 40 103 93 10 587 101 212 42 188 44 1,523 607 916 314 183 71 112 4,782 682 244 240 198 280 280 20 20 135 20 70 45 26 26 516 120 226 170 1,619 625 994 255 192 65 127 3,725 2011 Grad 262 73 224 70 120 34 102 42 55 5 232 47 148 37 52 50 2 81 64 17 87 40 47 61 61 37 949 Total 64 2,280 73 906 314 240 120 232 280 280 122 20 42 55 5 232 47 148 37 187 70 70 2 45 107 90 17 603 120 226 40 170 47 1,680 686 994 292 192 65 127 4,674 Table 23. Undergraduate and Graduate Enrollment by College, Department and Major (Continued) College/Department/Major Undergrad 2007 Grad Total Undergrad 2008 Grad Total Undergrad 2009 Grad Total Undergrad 2010 Grad Total Undergrad 2011 Grad Total COLLEGE OF FINE ARTS & COMMUNICATION Art Art Art (BFA) Art Education Broadcasting Communication Communication Sciences & Disorders Museum Studies Museum Studies Museum Studies-PBC Music, School of Music (B.A.) Music (B.M.) (M.M.) Music Education Theatre and Dance Musical Theatre Theatre TOTAL FINE ARTS & COMMUNICATION 134 75 18 41 157 364 66 228 128 87 13 69 24 45 1,018 18 51 31 31 36 36 136 134 75 18 41 157 382 117 259 128 118 13 105 24 81 1,154 126 72 16 38 174 360 75 230 134 89 7 69 21 48 1,034 23 36 5 5 33 33 33 33 130 126 72 16 38 174 383 111 5 5 263 134 122 7 102 21 81 1,164 129 78 13 38 171 314 79 225 127 98 73 27 46 991 23 32 21 21 23 23 32 32 131 129 78 13 38 171 337 111 21 21 248 127 121 105 27 78 1,122 119 65 17 37 178 296 63 221 124 93 4 77 29 48 954 27 32 31 31 30 30 28 28 148 119 65 17 37 178 323 95 31 31 251 124 123 4 105 29 76 1,102 120 63 19 38 211 276 75 235 125 109 1 75 31 44 992 24 34 22 21 1 28 28 30 30 138 120 63 19 38 211 300 109 22 21 1 263 125 137 1 105 31 74 1,130 OTHER Advanced Graduate General Studies Interdisciplinary Studies Non-Degree Student Unclassified* University Advising WESL TOTAL OTHER 453 45 189 711 44 1,442 106 166 28 300 106 453 45 355 711 72 1,742 488 29 178 682 34 1,411 178 305 38 521 178 488 29 483 682 72 1,932 557 32 1 179 625 30 1,424 106 160 24 290 106 557 32 1 339 625 54 1,714 530 37 4 172 601 12 1,356 110 134 28 272 110 530 37 4 306 601 40 1,628 516 40 2 146 576 29 1,309 99 161 41 301 99 516 40 2 307 576 70 1,610 11,146 2,184 13,330 10,735 2,440 13,175 10,553 2,126 12,679 10,474 2,111 12,585 10,520 2,034 12,554 UNDERGRADUATE TOTAL *Includes unclassified and transitional students Table 24. Undergraduate Enrollment by College and Second Major, Fall 2007-2011 2007 College/2nd Major COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES African American Studies Biological Sciences Biology Clinical Laboratory Science Pre-Medicine (also Chemistry Dept.) Pre-Nursing Pre-Physical Therapy Chemistry Chemistry Forensic Chemistry English & Journalism English Journalism Foreign Languages & Literatures French Spanish Geography Geography Meteorology Geology History Mathematics Nursing, School of Nursing Pre-Nursing Philosophy & Religious Studies Philosophy Religious Studies Physics Political Science Psychology Sociology & Anthropology Anthropology Sociology Women's Studies TOTAL ARTS AND SCIENCES 3 1 2 10 6 4 43 7 36 1 1 4 5 3 3 1 7 35 26 26 2 148 COLLEGE OF BUSINESS & TECHNOLOGY Accountancy & Finance Accountancy Pre-Accountancy Finance Pre-Finance Agriculture, School of Computer Science & Information Systems Computer Science Information Systems Economics & Decision Sciences Economics Pre-Economics Engineering Technology Construction Management Engineering Technology Graphic Communication Management & Marketing Human Resource Management Management Pre-Management Marketing Pre-Marketing Supply Chain Management Pre-Supply Chain Management TOTAL BUSINESS & TECHNOLOGY 14 3 2 7 2 2 8 7 1 4 3 1 4 1 3 8 2 3 1 2 40 2008 3 5 3 1 1 - 67 2009 2 3 2 1 2 1 1 12 4 8 41 7 34 3 3 1 3 6 1 1 10 20 22 22 4 130 9 3 3 1 2 1 7 7 7 4 4 - 11 4 7 52 8 44 2 2 4 2 3 2 1 1 4 25 29 3 26 2 151 7 1 4 2 5 3 2 12 7 5 46 7 39 3 1 2 1 5 2 4 3 1 1 9 41 28 7 21 2 173 2011 22 5 5 4 2 2 11 5 6 47 11 36 4 2 2 3 5 3 2 1 1 7 5 2 13 33 21 6 15 3 183 9 2 6 7 2 2 2 1 - - 1 1 3 2 1 5 2 3 3 - 1 2 8 - 3 3 - - 27 2 1 1 2 4 2 2 - - 2 7 5 - 3 2 1 1 1 3 3 2 2 - 6 10 2 4 3 1 39 9 5 5 - 5 5 4 3 1 8 2 2010 2 2 1 1 1 3 1 23 1 21 Table 24. Undergraduate Enrollment by College and Second Major, Fall 2007-2011, cont. 2007 COLLEGE OF EDUCATION & HUMAN SERVICES Curriculum & Instruction Elementary Education Pre-Elementary Education Dietetics, Fashion Merchandising & Hospitality Family & Consumer Sciences Health Sciences Emergency Management Kinesiology Athletic Training Exercise Science Kinesiology Law Enforcement & Justice Admin., School of Law Enforcement & Justice Administration Pre-Law Enforcement & Justice Administration Recreation, Park & Tourism Administration TOTAL EDUCATION & HUMAN SERVICES COLLEGE OF FINE ARTS & COMMUNICATION Art Broadcasting Communication Communication Sciences & Disorders Music, School of Theatre & Dance Musical Theatre Theatre TOTAL FINE ARTS & COMMUNICATION UNDERGRADUATE TOTAL - 2008 - 3 3 2009 - 2 2 1 1 3 2 4 4 3 3 3 1 2 - - 2 10 10 1 16 3 13 13 1 20 10 10 2 22 5 2 4 6 3 4 3 1 2 10 2 2 23 227 12 4 1 3 29 218 68 2010 7 5 1 4 18 218 2011 1 1 3 3 4 4 2 - 4 4 3 - 2 10 6 4 1 20 3 11 6 5 1 20 4 2 4 3 2 3 - - 7 1 5 2 - - 1 18 234 2 15 239 Table 25. Undergraduate Enrollment by College, Department and Minor, Fall 2007-2011 College/Minor COLLEGE OF ARTS & SCIENCES African American Studies Biological Sciences Biology Botany Microbiology Zoology Chemistry Chemistry Forensic Chemistry Forensic Science English & Journalism Creative Writing English Journalism Professional Writing Foreign Languages & Literatures French German Spanish Geography Geographic Information Systems Geography Meteorology Geology History History Legal History Mathematics Mathematics Statistics Philosophy & Religious Studies Ethics Philosophy Religious Studies Physics Political Science International Relations Political Science Public Administration Psychology Forensic Psychology Neuroscience Psychology Sociology & Anthropology Anthropology Sociology Women's Studies TOTAL ARTS & SCIENCES COLLEGE OF BUSINESS & TECHNOLOGY Accountancy & Finance Accountancy Finance 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 34 84 13 39 32 130 65 28 37 181 62 38 63 18 206 20 12 174 31 16 14 1 14 80 80 61 60 1 51 2 27 22 4 105 15 81 9 294 14 4 274 343 28 315 33 1,651 40 60 10 26 24 123 71 24 28 189 68 35 65 21 192 24 7 161 36 16 16 4 13 69 69 61 60 1 37 1 22 14 1 95 12 76 7 318 30 5 283 358 38 320 29 1,621 44 55 1 5 19 30 151 91 28 32 179 60 37 62 20 166 21 7 138 49 28 14 7 16 62 62 62 61 1 30 19 11 4 102 13 77 12 374 49 7 318 328 33 295 24 1,646 45 59 8 16 35 173 123 22 28 212 72 46 70 24 197 23 10 164 58 34 22 2 10 75 73 2 48 47 1 47 34 13 3 106 9 85 12 379 42 10 327 339 34 305 24 1,775 29 60 5 8 14 33 175 132 20 23 209 70 46 66 27 202 15 14 173 56 27 28 1 10 76 75 1 52 51 1 53 38 15 2 96 7 82 7 442 41 6 395 340 38 302 30 1,832 102 36 66 104 38 66 85 37 48 77 29 48 81 34 47 69 Table 25. Undergraduate Enrollment by College, Department and Minor (Continued) College/Minor Agriculture, School of Agricultural Economics Agricultural Technology Management Agriculture Agronomy Animal Science Horticulture International Agriculture Natural Resources Conservation Plant Breeding Urban Forestry Business Computer Science and Information Systems Computer Science Information Systems Economics and Decision Sciences Decision Sciences Economics Engineering Technology Construction Technology Engineering Technology Graphic Communication Industrial Technology Management & Marketing Human Resource Management International Business Management Marketing Operations Management Supply Chain Management Pre-MBA TOTAL BUSINESS & TECHNOLOGY COLLEGE OF EDUCATION & HUMAN SERVICES Educational & Interdisciplinary Studies Bilingual Education Dietetics, Fashion Merchandising, & Hospitality Family & Consumer Sciences Fashion Merchandising Hospitality Management Nutrition Health Sciences Community Health Emergency Management Health Services Management Occupational Safety Instructional Design & Technology Digital Media Instructional Materials Photographic Media Web Design Kinesiology Coaching Kinesiology Scuba Diving 2007 2008 90 8 7 2 19 12 37 5 55 159 132 27 35 35 62 9 10 38 5 816 37 27 446 275 3 28 1,319 102 42 2 1 57 35 7 4 24 32 12 1 19 61 23 38 - 70 81 6 7 1 4 18 4 37 4 57 146 120 26 36 36 67 5 8 42 12 700 32 21 376 242 2 27 1,191 113 27 13 7 66 24 5 4 15 36 11 25 61 19 28 14 2009 72 4 5 1 20 3 34 5 66 128 107 21 34 34 95 17 7 50 21 568 30 10 304 188 6 30 1,048 126 22 19 13 72 40 3 17 5 15 33 11 21 1 85 23 25 37 2010 109 5 6 3 11 34 7 1 33 3 6 81 120 93 27 32 32 112 20 10 57 25 519 21 9 317 142 2 28 2 1,052 127 32 19 24 52 41 6 17 4 14 47 9 35 3 86 22 28 36 2011 146 10 7 8 21 48 7 31 8 6 90 112 92 20 17 2 15 87 16 5 48 18 413 22 6 241 119 5 20 10 956 123 25 10 31 57 45 7 21 6 11 45 7 33 5 83 18 19 46 Table 25. Undergraduate Enrollment by College, Department and Minor (Continued) College/Minor 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Law Enforcement & Justice Admin., School of Fire Administration Homeland Security Law Enforcement & Justice Administration Security Administration Military Science Recreation, Park & Tourism Administration TOTAL EDUCATION & HUMAN SERVICES 482 146 221 115 63 57 832 504 148 25 235 96 70 52 860 547 151 81 246 69 65 45 941 554 134 110 247 63 70 55 980 551 97 125 267 62 78 56 981 COLLEGE OF FINE ARTS & COMMUNICATION Art Art History Art Studio Graphic Design Broadcasting Communication Communication Sciences & Disorders Acquisition & Disorders of Language Speech Science Music, School of Jazz Studies Music Music Business Theatre & Dance Dance Theatre TOTAL FINE ARTS & COMMUNICATION 92 8 84 58 79 3 3 88 5 28 55 42 24 18 362 88 9 79 63 83 2 2 65 3 22 40 35 16 19 336 79 10 69 42 90 2 1 1 70 3 27 40 42 17 25 325 58 9 49 42 95 5 3 2 78 2 34 42 61 29 32 339 67 7 59 1 46 98 7 3 4 70 3 24 43 55 26 29 343 OTHER American Humanics Broadcast & Print Media Environmental Studies Film Fine Arts Technology & Design Functional Morphology & Evolutionary Anatomy Gerontology International Studies Law & Society Nonprofit Administration Photography Pre-Law Survey Research Methods TOTAL OTHER 4 3 22 2 2 7 26 17 83 7 1 22 15 1 5 15 17 83 9 1 24 23 1 1 3 14 1 15 92 11 1 20 28 1 2 1 3 13 13 2 95 24 21 2 4 1 8 11 13 14 1 99 4,247 4,091 4,052 4,241 4,211 TOTAL MINORS 71 Table 26. Post-Baccalaureate Certificate Enrollment by Program, Fall 2007-2011 (Duplicated) Post-Baccalaureate Certificates 2007 African and Diaspora Studies (African American Studies) Applied Mathematics (Mathematics) Community Development (Geography) Counseling (Counselor Education) English (English & Journalism) Environmental GIS (Biological Sciences/Geography) Health Service Administration (Health Sciences) Instructional Design & Technology (Instructional Design & Tech) Language Literacy (Curriculum & Instruction) Museum Studies (Museum Studies) Police Executive Adm (Law Enforcement & Justice Adm) Public & Non-Profit Management (Political Science) TESOL (Educational & Interdisciplinary Studies) Women's Studies (Women's Studies) Zoology & Aquarium Studies (Biological Sciences) 2008 6 1 - 4 1 4 - - 4 5 2 - - 15 11 6 24 - 4 - 4 - 5 21 3 14 11 2 9 13 2 - 2 - - 2011 - - 7 1 2010 - 1 1 15 13 - TOTAL POST-BACCALAUREATE CERTIFICATE ENROLLMENT 2009 2 3 2 - - 6 25 5 24 6 32 2 3 33 59 68 70 90 8 6 36 117 Table 27. Post-Baccalaureate Certificates Conferred by Program, FY2007-2011 (Duplicated) Post-Baccalaureate Certificates 2007 African and Diaspora Studies (African American Studies) Applied Mathematics (Mathematics) Community Development (Geography) Counseling (Counselor Education) English (English & Journalism) Environmental GIS (Biological Sciences/Geography) Health Service Administration (Health Sciences) Instructional Design & Technology (Instructional Design & Tech) Museum Studies (Museum Studies) Police Executive Adm (Law Enforcement & Justice Adm) Public & Non-Profit Management (Political Science) TESOL (Educational & Interdisciplinary Studies) Women's Studies (Women's Studies) Zoology & Aquarium Studies (Biological Sciences) 2008 1 3 - 2 - 2 1 - 72 3 - 4 - 1 9 2 5 23 24 - - 8 - 4 1 1 2 6 1 7 3 2011 2 2 4 4 1 4 6 2010 - - - TOTAL POST-BACCALAUREATE CERTIFICATES CONFERRED 2009 3 4 - 2 1 - 4 1 1 - 12 1 17 3 1 17 32 37 40 Table 28. Undergraduate and Graduate Degrees Conferred by Degree Program, Race/Ethnicity and Sex, FY2011 Undergraduate Degree Program COLLEGE OF ARTS & SCIENCES B.A. in African American Studies B.S. in Biological Sciences B.S. in Biology B.S. in Clinical Laboratory Science B.S. in Chemistry B.A. in Chemistry B.S. in Forensic Chemistry B.A. in English & Journalism B.A. in English B.A. in Journalism B.A. in Foreign Languages & Literature B.A. in French B.A. in Spanish B.S./B.A. in Geography B.S. in Geography B.A. in Meteorology B.S. in Geology B.A. in History Bachelor of Liberal Arts & Sciences B.S. in Mathematics B.S.N. in Nursing B.A. in Philosophy & Religious Studies B.A. in Philosophy B.A. in Religious Studies B.S. in Physics B.A. in Political Science B.S. in Psychology B.A in Sociology & Anthropology B.A. in Anthropology B.A. in Sociology B.A in Women's Studies ARTS & SCIENCES TOTAL COLLEGE OF BUSINESS & TECHNOLOGY B.B. in Accountancy & Finance B.B. in Accountancy B.B. in Finance B.S. in Agriculture Computer Science B.S. in Computer Science B.B. in Information Systems B.S. in Network Technologies B.A./B.B. in Economics B.A. in Economics B.B. in Economics B.S. in Engineering Foreign - 1 4 4 3 3 - 4 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 - 1 4 13 5 1 1 - 1 - 5 - 7 35 9 3 6 6 6 - 6 2 3 1 1 2 4 3 1 2 1 1 1 - American Indian Black - - Asian 1 1 1 - 4 4 - 5 4 1 3 3 1 1 2 1 1 - 1 1 - 1 2 - 3 5 2 2 - 8 26 2 2 4 3 1 1 2 2 - - Pacific Islander White 2 2 - 1 2 - Hispanic 77 75 2 15 10 5 39 29 10 8 1 7 17 3 14 4 31 13 12 17 5 1 4 5 27 67 24 2 22 3 364 83 51 32 81 24 12 6 6 13 2 11 2 - Unknown - - - 2 2 1 1 5 1 - 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 - 1 32 1 4 3 1 7 7 2 3 2 1 - 11 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 1 1 6 5 1 14 10 4 6 1 5 15 3 12 5 35 5 12 2 5 3 2 7 29 18 16 1 - 1 - FEMALE TOTAL 58 56 2 9 5 4 39 26 13 6 - - 1 8 2 1 - 1 40 40 1 1 - 4 1 3 - MALE TOTAL 6 6 1 - 2 or More 16 216 61 32 29 65 37 16 12 9 12 3 9 2 6 3 3 13 12 5 16 3 3 8 77 18 2 16 3 270 48 36 12 27 6 5 1 6 6 - Table 28. Undergraduate and Graduate Degrees Conferred (Continued) Undergraduate Degree Program B.S. in Engineering Technology B.S. in Construction Management B.S. in Engineering Tech B.S. in Graphic Communication B.B. in Management B.B. in Human Resource Management B.B. in Management B.B. in Marketing B.B. in Supply Chain Management TOTAL BUSINESS & TECHNOLOGY COLLEGE OF EDUCATION & HUMAN SERVICES B.S.Ed. in Curriculum & Instruction B.S.Ed. in Elementary Education B.S.Ed. in Special Education B.S. in Dietetics, Fashion Merch., & Hosp. B.S. in Family and Consumer Sciences B.S.Ed. in Educ & Interdisciplinary Studies B.S.Ed. in Bilingual/Bicultural Education B.S. in Health Sciences B.S. in Emergency Management B.S. in Health Sciences B.S. in Health Services Management B.S. in Instructional Design & Technology B.S. in Kinesiology B.S. in Athletic Training B.S. in Exercise Science B.S. in Physical Education K-12 B.S. in Law Enforcement & Justice Admin B.S. in Recreation, Park & Tourism Admin Bachelor of Social Work TOTAL EDUCATION & HUMAN SERVICES COLLEGE OF FINE ARTS & COMMUNICATION B.A./B.F.A. in Art B.A. in Art Bachelor of Fine Arts in Art B.A. in Broadcasting B.A. in Communication B.S. in Communication Sci. & Disorders B.A./B.M. in Music B.A. in Music B.M. in Music B.F.A./B.A. in Theatre B.F.A. in Musical Theatre B.A. in Theatre TOTAL FINE ARTS & COMMUNICATION Foreign 1 12 7 3 2 5 1 5 - American Indian Black 2 2 2 1 31 3 22 - 6 4 2 6 6 - - 1 1 - 3 2 1 5 5 12 1 6 42 1 2 1 1 - - 5 13 1 1 2 1 - 1 - 1 - 5 20 Hispanic 1 1 - 7 6 1 10 1 7 2 1 1 - - 5 - Asian 6 22 4 3 1 4 3 1 2 2 3 3 1 1 - 1 1 4 - - 4 1 2 1 26 2 3 44 3 1 13 1 - 1 - 2 - 7 - 1 - 4 - 1 1 4 - 3 11 White 114 63 18 33 143 15 63 43 22 460 Pacific Islander Unknown - 8 3 3 2 6 2 - - 19 15 4 22 80 17 18 2 16 12 3 9 168 - 2 2 1 - 1 33 4 - 2 - - - 12 11 1 2 2 3 2 1 1 6 1 5 - 4 2 11 1 1 6 36 1 8 2 2 1 1 - 20 17 3 12 12 157 128 29 62 62 4 4 17 3 4 10 5 28 5 16 7 65 37 52 427 - - 1 33 5 3 25 80 14 39 18 9 200 21 19 2 - 6 51 8 27 16 262 33 9 414 6 3 3 15 48 6 2 1 1 10 1 - 14 1 13 2 2 FEMALE TOTAL 112 75 21 16 94 2 42 31 19 383 - 1 1 - - MALE TOTAL - 5 2 151 124 27 64 64 1 1 28 19 2 7 5 62 10 32 20 268 66 50 695 2 or More 2 85 18 16 2 12 64 18 11 1 10 12 4 8 135 Table 28. Undergraduate and Graduate Degrees Conferred (Continued) Undergraduate Degree Program OTHER B.A. in General Studies B.A. and B.S. in Interdisciplinary Studies TOTAL OTHER Foreign 1 1 19 4 23 36 151 2 2 4 4 1 1 - TOTAL BACHELOR'S DEGREES CONFERRED American Indian Black Asian 2 Hispanic 2 1 16 209 8 217 6 31 119 1,904 - 1 - 16 Pacific Islander White - - Unknown 23 23 6 2 or More - 134 26 MALE TOTAL FEMALE TOTAL 144 6 150 127 6 133 1,248 1,165 1 1 8 6 1 1 7 5 4 1 2 2 3 3 36 20 15 1 12 10 10 Graduate Degree Program COLLEGE OF ARTS & SCIENCES PBC in African American Studies PBC in African & Diaspora M.S./PBC in Biological Sciences M.S. in Biology PBC in Biology (Zoology & Aquarium Studies) PBC in Environmental GIS M.S. in Chemistry M.A./PBC in English & Journalism M.A. in English PBC in English M.A./PBC in Geography M.A. in Geography PBC in Community Development M.A. in History M.L.A.S. in Liberal Arts & Sciences M.S./PBC in Mathematics M.S. in Mathematics PBC in Applied Mathematics M.S. in Physics Political Science M.A. in Political Science PBC in Public & Non-Profit Management M.A./M.S./Specialist in Psychology M.S. in Psychology Specialist in School Psychology M.A. in Sociology PBC in Women's Studies TOTAL ARTS & SCIENCES COLLEGE OF BUSINESS & TECHNOLOGY Master of Accountancy M.S. in Computer Science M.A. in Economics M.S. in Engineering Technology M.S. in Manufacturing Engineering MBA in Management Master of Business Administration TOTAL BUSINESS & TECHNOLOGY - 17 - 11 - 1 1 1 1 2 - 1 1 1 1 2 2 5 5 5 - 2 2 - 2 - 1 - 33 3 30 12 4 4 6 6 55 - - - 15 9 6 6 1 102 - 14 4 3 2 2 38 38 61 - 1 1 1 1 - - 36 19 16 1 2 12 11 1 3 3 9 6 4 3 1 2 6 6 1 1 - - - 2 1 1 4 3 1 3 3 1 1 3 3 3 3 1 16 1 1 2 2 3 3 7 - - - 3 3 - 9 4 4 3 1 6 14 14 - 2 4 2 2 2 2 2 - 12 10 2 3 6 2 4 7 1 90 75 12 28 12 9 9 28 28 89 6 8 3 20 20 37 Table 28. Undergraduate and Graduate Degrees Conferred (Continued) Graduate Degree Program COLLEGE OF EDUCATION & HUMAN SERVICES M.S.Ed./PBC in Counselor Education M.S.Ed. in Counseling PBC in Counseling M.S.Ed. In Curriculum & Instruction M.S.Ed. in Elementary Education M.S.Ed. in Reading M.S.Ed. in Special Education M.S./M.S.Ed./M.A.T. in Educ & Interdis. Stu. M.S. in College Student Personnel M.S.Ed. In Educ. & Interdisciplinary Studies M.A.T. (Secondary Education) PBC in TESOL M.S.Ed./Ed.S./Ed.D. in Ed. Leadership M.S. Ed. in Educational Leadership Ed.S. in Educational Leadership Ed.D. in Educational Leadership M.S./PBC in Health Sciences M.S. in Health Education PBC in Health Service Administration M.S./PBC in Instructional Design & Techn. M.S. in Instructional Design & Technology PBC in Instructional Design & Technology M.S. in Kinesiology M.S. in Kinesiology M.S. in Sport Management M.A./PBC in Law Enforce. & Justice Admin. M.A. in Law Enforcement and Justice Admin PBC in Police Executive Administration M.S. in Recreation, Park & Tourism Admin TOTAL EDUCATION & HUMAN SERVICES FINE ARTS & COMMUNICATION M.A. in Communication M.S. in Communication Sci. & Disorders M.A./PBC in Museum Studies M.A. in Museum Studies PBC in Museum Studies M.A. in Music M.F.A. in Theatre TOTAL FINE ARTS & COMMUNICATION Foreign 1 1 - American Indian Black 2 2 - 1 1 4 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 - 2 1 1 5 5 - - 4 4 - 1 1 - 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 - 1 15 - 2 15 1 1 - - 1 1 TOTAL GRADUATE DEGREES CONFERRED 104 29 GRAND TOTAL DEGREES CONFERRED 140 180 - Asian Hispanic - 3 3 1 1 - - - 5 - 2 2 1 20 307 74 27 38 9 35 21 12 1 1 57 38 12 7 13 13 - - - - 5 1 1 1 - - 1 - 30 30 1 1 - Pacific Islander White 1 1 - 19 17 2 40 18 22 19 19 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 12 2 1 9 16 16 15 1 7 5 53 1 7 16 523 7 38 135 2,427 - 1 1 - Unknown 4 1 3 2 1 1 4 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 13 1 - 1 1 4 - 40 - 1 1 - 6 2 or More 174 MALE TOTAL FEMALE TOTAL 5 5 - 31 31 - 3 1 82 30 44 8 30 14 14 1 1 26 20 4 2 15 15 2 15 8 6 1 41 24 12 5 4 4 - 7 7 17 15 2 16 10 6 11 11 30 10 20 11 10 1 5 121 - 18 246 3 5 10 12 17 16 15 1 6 1 52 295 425 1,543 1,590 2 2 - 26 - Table 29. Undergraduate Degrees Conferred by College, Department, and Major, FY2007-2011 College/Major 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 COLLEGE OF ARTS & SCIENCES African American Studies Biological Sciences Biology Clinical Laboratory Science Chemistry Chemistry Forensic Chemistry English & Journalism English Journalism Foreign Languages & Literature French Spanish Geography Geography Meteorology Geology History Liberal Arts & Sciences Mathematics Nursing Philosophy & Religious Studies B.A. in Philosophy B.S. in Religious Studies Physics Political Science Psychology Sociology & Anthropology B.A. in Anthropology B.A. in Sociology Women's Studies TOTAL ARTS & SCIENCES 7 88 88 9 9 87 50 37 17 4 13 6 3 3 10 52 9 10 10 10 30 83 47 47 4 469 7 99 98 1 4 4 84 48 36 21 4 17 12 6 6 6 52 18 10 10 7 39 102 57 57 11 529 7 86 84 2 14 10 4 93 61 32 12 12 22 7 15 6 46 9 3 3 4 26 107 40 40 8 483 3 84 82 2 9 4 5 61 44 17 12 12 15 5 10 2 45 7 8 6 5 1 3 36 94 35 2 33 7 427 1 98 96 2 15 10 5 53 36 17 12 1 11 18 3 15 5 48 17 17 18 8 3 5 7 37 95 34 2 32 3 486 COLLEGE OF BUSINESS & TECHNOLOGY Accountancy & Finance Accountancy Finance Agriculture Computer Science & Information Systems Computer Science Information Systems Network Technologies Economics & Decision Sciences B.A. in Economics B.B. in Economics Engineering Engineering Technology Construction Management Engineering Technology Graphic Communication Industrial Technology Management & Marketing Human Resource Management Management Marketing Supply Chain Management TOTAL BUSINESS & TECHNOLOGY 116 55 61 89 41 26 15 19 9 10 101 45 30 26 173 9 91 63 10 539 111 51 60 92 30 17 12 1 17 10 7 106 49 22 34 1 169 10 81 50 28 525 152 70 82 90 37 17 9 11 18 11 7 115 52 25 38 166 6 74 54 32 578 106 64 42 105 45 23 14 8 15 7 8 133 59 31 43 175 8 91 58 18 579 109 68 41 92 43 21 13 9 18 3 15 2 145 80 24 41 174 16 81 49 28 583 77 Table 29. Undergraduate Degrees Conferred (Continued) College/Major 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 COLLEGE OF EDUCATION & HUMAN SERVICES Curriculum & Instruction Elementary Education Special Education Dietetics, Fashion Merchandising & Hospitality Family & Consumer Sciences Educational & Interdisciplinary Studies Bilingual/Bicultural Education Health Sciences Community Health Emergency Management Health Sciences Health Services Management Instructional Design & Technology Kinesiology B.S. in Athletic Training B.S. in Exercise Science B.S. in Kinesiology B.S. in Physical Education K-12 Law Enforcement & Justice Admin. Recreation, Park & Tourism Admin. Social Work TOTAL EDUCATION & HUMAN SERVICES 212 178 34 68 68 3 3 14 4 10 19 92 92 395 104 48 955 197 165 32 107 107 12 12 15 5 1 9 17 82 82 379 79 56 944 189 150 39 97 97 6 6 32 11 2 19 13 86 86 374 84 59 940 198 159 39 73 73 6 6 38 14 7 17 11 71 6 27 11 27 324 89 45 855 177 145 32 74 74 4 4 38 22 6 10 11 79 13 43 23 327 70 61 841 COLLEGE OF FINE ARTS & COMMUNICATION Art Art Art (BFA) Broadcasting Communication Communication Sci. & Disorders Music Music (BA) Music (BM) Theatre Musical Theatre Theatre (BA) TOTAL FINE ARTS & COMMUNICATION 42 35 7 64 136 19 25 16 9 12 2 10 298 24 18 6 41 137 16 37 16 21 14 4 10 269 36 27 9 36 135 20 32 10 22 9 1 8 268 24 19 5 48 109 18 38 3 35 15 6 9 252 24 19 5 27 112 18 25 2 23 14 4 10 220 OTHER General Studies Interdisciplinary Studies TOTAL OTHER 169 25 194 220 31 251 244 17 261 229 14 243 271 12 283 2,455 2,518 2,530 2,356 2,413 UNDERGRADUATE TOTAL 78 Table 30. Graduate Degrees Conferred by College, Department, and Major, FY2007-2011 College/Major COLLEGE OF ARTS & SCIENCES African American Studies PBC in African and Diaspora Studies Biological Sciences Biology PBC in Biology (Zoology & Aquarium Studies) PBC in Environmental GIS Chemistry English & Journalism English PBC in English Geography Geography PBC in Community Development History Liberal Arts & Sciences Mathematics M.S. in Mathematics PBC in Applied Mathematics Physics Political Science M.A. in Political Science PBC in Public & Non-Profit Management Psychology Gerontology Psychology School Psychology Sociology Women's Studies PBC in Women's Studies TOTAL ARTS & SCIENCES COLLEGE OF BUSINESS & TECHNOLOGY Accountancy Computer Science Economics Engineering Technology Manufacturing Engineering Systems Management Business Administration TOTAL BUSINESS & TECHNOLOGY 2007 2008 1 1 21 12 9 21 1 12 8 10 1 1 107 16 23 23 4 3 1 9 6 6 3 11 9 2 25 14 11 10 1 1 128 4 4 44 26 16 2 19 15 14 1 5 5 11 8 6 5 1 8 16 16 18 12 6 10 1 1 165 9 29 17 8 8 43 43 106 7 37 12 8 8 47 47 111 6 34 20 13 13 44 44 117 6 48 21 11 11 46 46 132 18 36 15 9 9 48 48 126 49 49 27 27 28 28 24 24 36 36 109 46 50 13 42 18 18 6 46 35 11 24 22 2 82 30 47 5 38 21 12 5 83 56 27 15 15 - 90 37 47 6 49 23 20 6 108 76 17 15 18 18 - 20 16 4 - 6 6 7 6 6 6 7 7 - 79 2011 1 1 43 24 16 3 12 11 10 1 11 10 1 16 6 6 3 9 9 18 10 8 4 1 1 135 13 8 8 COLLEGE OF EDUCATION & HUMAN SERVICES Counselor Education Counseling PBC in Counseling Curriculum & Instruction Elementary Education Reading Special Education Educ & Interdisciplinary Studies College Student Personnel Educational & Interdisciplinary Studies Secondary Education PBC in TESOL Educational Leadership Educational Leadership Educational Leadership Specialist Educational Leadership Doctorate Health Services Health Education PBC in Health Service Administration 2010 2 2 31 18 12 1 10 13 13 4 2 2 7 5 5 10 7 7 22 11 11 8 119 - - 2009 - - 99 35 52 12 38 20 17 1 85 31 44 10 45 22 20 1 2 67 44 16 7 19 19 89 71 14 4 16 16 - - Table 30. Graduate Degrees Conferred (Continued) College/Major 2007 Instructional Design & Technology Instructional Design & Technology PBC in Instructional Design & Techology Kinesiology Kinesiology Sport Management Law Enforcement & Justice Administration Law Enforcement & Justice Administration PBC in Police Executive Administration Recreation, Park & Tourism Administration TOTAL EDUCATION & HUMAN SERVICES 2008 2009 9 8 1 33 12 21 35 33 2 14 361 39 36 3 26 6 20 42 38 4 15 367 29 25 4 34 15 19 34 29 5 19 409 4 18 5 31 4 20 COLLEGE OF FINE ARTS & COMMUNICATION Communication Communication Sciences & Disorders Museum Studies Museum Studies PBC in Museum Studies Music Theatre TOTAL FINE ARTS & COMMUNICATION 16 6 44 9 7 52 19 8 51 TOTAL GRADUATE DEGREES CONFERRED, UNDUPLICATED 618 658 696 80 2010 29 29 44 18 26 34 33 1 26 399 16 15 3 3 2011 24 22 2 46 20 26 22 21 1 23 367 9 13 56 12 17 18 17 1 9 6 62 722 720 - Table 31. Total Student Credit Hour Production by College and Department, FY2010 and FY2011 FY2010 Macomb ARTS & SCIENCES Afri-Am Studies Biological Sci Chemistry Eng & Journalism Foreign Lang & Lit Geography Geology History Mathematics Nursing Phil & Rel Studies Physics Political Science Psychology Sociology/Anthropology Women's Studies Total Quad Cities FY2011 Extension Total Macomb Quad Cities Extension Total Percent Change 2010-2011 1,717 13,009 5,876 16,720 3,359 6,428 3,570 7,145 20,174 495 4,981 3,433 6,328 11,998 13,145 2,790 121,168 132 530 916 57 24 303 54 33 18 270 747 84 3,168 105 517 681 473 1,035 358 207 211 92 590 7 18 1,131 1,026 684 7,135 1,954 14,056 5,876 18,317 3,832 7,520 3,928 7,376 20,688 641 5,604 3,458 6,346 13,399 14,918 3,558 131,471 1,908 13,212 6,329 17,165 3,287 6,397 2,942 5,974 19,768 1,235 5,094 4,057 5,971 11,662 13,711 2,581 121,293 52 554 858 84 234 24 9 416 849 72 3,152 174 531 3 604 675 1,419 366 200 168 188 306 102 1,413 930 516 7,595 2,134 14,297 6,332 18,627 3,962 7,900 3,308 6,174 20,170 1,447 5,409 4,057 6,073 13,491 15,490 3,169 132,040 9.21 1.71 7.76 1.69 3.39 5.05 (15.78) (16.30) (2.50) 125.74 (3.48) 17.32 (4.30) 0.69 3.83 (10.93) 0.43 4,385 6,696 7,580 5,039 7,409 3,702 8,433 6,801 50,045 1,065 172 297 180 181 917 2,448 1,507 6,767 15 72 1,308 33 255 12 1,387 1,188 4,270 5,465 6,768 9,060 5,369 180 7,845 4,631 12,268 9,496 61,082 6,702 6,260 8,430 5,457 6,776 13,123 46,748 1,329 414 468 391 198 3,429 6,229 519 54 2,490 81 204 3,177 6,525 8,550 6,314 11,334 6,006 391 7,178 19,729 59,502 0.00 0.00 (6.71) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 117.22 (8.50) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (2.59) EDUCATION & HUMAN SERVICES Counselor Education 274 Curriculum & Instruction 6,353 Dietetics, Fashion Merch. 8,651 Ed & Interdiscplinary Studies 6,177 Educational Leadership 3,806 Health Sciences 6,579 Instr Design & Tech. 1,889 Kinesiology 12,596 School of Law Enf & Just Admin 18,354 Military Science*** 737 Rec, Park & Tour Adm 8,206 Social Work 3,475 Special Education 2,731 Total 79,091 1,966 2,515 1,084 2,639 489 171 1,500 583 934 11,881 1,711 585 494 662 986 1,113 165 1,080 996 477 8,269 2,240 10,579 9,236 7,755 7,107 8,054 3,173 12,761 20,934 737 9,785 3,952 3,665 99,241 227 8,156 8,784 5,481 3,528 6,647 1,860 13,070 18,865 736 7,643 3,451 77,712 1,911 2,703 1,066 2,601 183 135 1,077 865 150 10,691 2,151 980 739 636 1,399 1,205 343 1,464 1,218 465 10,600 2,138 13,010 9,764 7,286 6,765 8,229 3,200 13,413 21,406 736 9,726 3,916 150 99,003 (4.55) 22.98 5.72 (6.05) (4.81) 2.17 0.85 5.11 2.25 (0.14) (0.60) (0.91) (95.91) (0.24) 4,695 3,293 9,366 2,449 9,585 5,222 34,610 15 246 387 648 312 1,041 754 165 27 2,299 5,022 4,334 10,366 2,449 387 9,750 5,249 37,557 4,509 3,187 9,796 2,249 9,441 5,181 34,363 12 300 399 711 648 688 1,106 9 501 18 2,970 5,169 3,875 11,202 2,249 408 9,942 5,199 38,044 2.93 (10.59) 8.06 (8.17) 5.43 1.97 (0.95) 1.30 284,914 22,464 21,973 329,351 280,116 20,783 27,690 328,589 (0.23) BUSINESS & TECHNOLOGY Accountancy* Accountancy & Finance** School of Agriculture Computer Science* Comp. Sci, & Info Systems** Economics* Economics & Dec. Sciences** School of Engineering Engineering Technology Info Systems & Decision Sci* Management* Management & Marketing** Marketing & Finance* Total FINE ARTS & COMMUNICATION Art Broadcasting Communication Communication Sci. & Dis. Museum Studies School of Music Theatre and Dance Total TOTALS *Eliminated in FY2011. **New in FY2011. ***Student Credit Hour data reported but not included in totals. NOTE: Percentages may not add to total due to rounding. Excludes Sponsored credit courses: Summer 2009: 27 in Agriculture, 159 in Curriculum & Instruction, 57 in Educational & Interdisciplinary Studies, 114 in Educational Leadership. Total 357 Summer 2010: 258 in Curriculum & Instruction, 204 in Educational & Interdisciplinary Studies, 93 in Educational Leadership, 153 in Mathematics. Total 708 Excludes Sponsored credit courses: Fall 2009: 165 SCH in Educational Leadership. Total 165 Fall 2010: 150 in Educational & Interdisciplinary Studies, 180 in Educational Leadership. Total 330 Excludes sponsored credit courses: Spring 2010: 167 in Educational & Interdisciplinary Studies, 184 in Educational Leadership. Total 351 Spring 2011: 102 in Educational & Interdisciplinary Studies, 171 in Educational Leadership. Total 273 81 Table 32. Undergraduate Class Size, Fall 2010 and Fall 2011 Total Students ARTS & SCIENCES African American Studies Biological Sciences Chemistry English & Journalism Foreign Languages & Literature General Honors Geography Geology History Mathematics Nursing Philosophy & Religious Studies Physics Political Science Psychology Sociology/Anthropology Women's Studies Total Fall 2010 Average Total Class Classes Size Change from 2009 Total Students Fall 2011 Average Total Class Classes Size Change from 2010 348 1,837 849 3,041 591 169 1,122 419 1,034 3,253 219 869 630 985 2,018 2,526 532 20,442 21 93 21 161 34 12 37 16 36 127 21 33 23 38 65 66 25 829 16.6 19.8 40.4 18.9 17.4 14.1 30.3 26.2 28.7 25.6 10.4 26.3 27.4 25.9 31.0 38.3 21.3 24.7 (2.8) (1.1) 2.3 0.5 1.8 0.4 1.3 1.0 0.4 0.8 1.0 0.7 (1.7) (2.2) 3.9 (2.5) 0.1 472 1,880 847 2,913 557 188 1,130 417 1,103 3,348 295 911 616 950 2,368 2,527 541 21,063 17 92 21 159 33 13 37 16 41 133 17 29 20 31 76 74 24 833 27.8 20.4 40.3 18.3 16.9 14.5 30.5 26.1 26.9 25.2 17.4 31.4 30.8 30.6 31.2 34.1 22.5 25.3 11.2 0.7 (0.1) (0.6) (0.5) 0.4 0.2 (0.1) (1.8) (0.4) 6.9 5.1 3.4 4.7 0.1 (4.1) 1.3 0.6 1,333 1,085 1,855 885 75 898 2,944 9,075 58 51 90 41 9 53 111 413 23.0 21.3 20.6 21.6 8.3 16.9 26.5 22.0 0.9 (2.0) (0.3) 0.1 1,325 1,150 1,968 930 88 826 2,758 9,045 60 58 92 46 11 54 115 436 22.1 19.8 21.4 20.2 8.0 15.3 24.0 20.7 (0.9) (1.4) 0.8 (1.4) (0.3) (1.6) (2.5) (1.2) EDUCATION & HUMAN SERVICES Counselor Education Curriculum & Instruction** Dietetics, Fashion Merch. & Hosp. Ed & Interdisciplinary Studies Educational Leadership Health Sciences Instructional Design & Technology Kinesiology School of Law Enf. & Justice Admin. Recreation, Park & Tour Admin. Social Work Total 32 2,213 1,779 1,023 455 1,544 342 3,086 2,743 1,669 594 15,480 1 128 61 49 49 50 27 137 90 67 26 685 32.0 17.3 29.2 20.9 9.3 30.9 12.7 22.5 30.5 24.9 22.8 22.6 7.0 2.8 1.9 (24.0) 1.4 (1.6) (2.2) 2.2 1.1 (4.6) (1.5) 35 1,718 1,822 871 479 1,545 271 3,125 2,786 1,436 533 14,621 1 115 63 43 51 55 23 144 91 68 23 677 35.0 14.9 28.9 20.3 9.4 28.1 11.8 21.7 30.6 21.1 23.2 21.6 3.0 (2.3) (0.2) (0.6) 0.1 (2.8) (0.9) (0.8) 0.1 (3.8) 0.3 (1.0) FINE ARTS & COMMUNICATION Art Broadcasting Communication Communication Sciences & Disorders School of Music Theatre & Dance Total 831 714 1,621 288 2,424 885 6,763 62 38 66 12 155 52 385 13.4 18.8 24.6 24.0 15.6 17.0 17.6 (0.4) (2.0) 1.1 (3.4) (0.8) (0.9) (0.6) 666 614 1,724 284 2,497 918 6,703 58 48 69 13 150 54 392 11.5 12.8 25.0 21.8 16.6 17.0 17.1 (1.9) (6.0) 0.4 (2.2) 1.0 (0.0) (0.5) 481 37 13.0 1.8 632 44 14.4 1.4 52,241 2,349 22.2 (0.4) 52,064 2,382 21.9 (0.4) BUSINESS & TECHNOLOGY Accountancy & Finance* School of Agriculture Computer Science & Info Systems* Economics & Decision Sciences* Engineering Engineering Technology Management & Marketing* Total University Courses UNIVERSITY TOTALS *New in fall 2010. **Includes Special Education beginning fall 2010. Excludes overseas study "S" sections 82 Table 33. Graduate Class Size, Fall 2010 and Fall 2011 Total Students Fall 2010 Average Total Class Classes Size Change from 2009 Total Students Fall 2011 Average Total Class Classes Size Change from 2010 ARTS & SCIENCES African American Studies Biological Sciences Chemistry English Geography History Mathematics Physics Political Science Psychology Sociology/Anthropology Women's Studies Total 150 52 71 40 50 38 14 45 164 72 1 697 12 4 8 6 5 6 1 4 16 6 1 69 12.5 13.0 8.9 6.7 10.0 6.3 14.0 11.3 10.3 12.0 1.0 10.1 (2.0) 0.7 (4.5) 0.6 0.7 (2.3) 1.7 3.0 (3.3) 0.4 (3.6) 0.0 118 86 69 16 43 31 38 58 158 47 7 671 11 6 10 4 5 9 3 4 15 6 1 74 10.7 14.3 6.9 4.0 8.6 3.4 12.7 14.5 10.5 7.8 7.0 9.1 (1.8) 1.3 (2.0) (2.7) (1.4) (2.9) (1.3) 3.3 0.3 (4.2) 6.0 (1.0) BUSINESS & TECHNOLOGY Accountancy & Finance* Computer Science & Info Systems* Economics & Decision Sciences* Engineering Technology Management & Marketing* Total 100 167 113 44 133 557 6 10 10 7 10 43 16.7 16.7 11.3 6.3 13.3 13.0 (1.5) (1.2) 67 155 96 48 127 493 6 9 9 9 9 42 11.2 17.2 10.7 5.3 14.1 11.7 (5.5) 0.5 (0.6) (1.0) 0.8 (1.2) 177 331 360 310 109 150 243 88 44 1,812 12 24 20 22 9 9 13 9 2 120 14.8 13.8 18.0 14.1 12.1 16.7 18.7 9.8 22.0 15.1 (3.2) 0.2 2.0 0.6 2.0 (0.4) 2.0 (0.8) 0.5 0.7 118 325 277 341 148 177 233 133 60 1,812 11 32 17 25 14 11 13 14 3 140 10.7 10.2 16.3 13.6 10.6 16.1 17.9 9.5 20.0 12.9 (4.0) (3.6) (1.7) (0.5) (1.5) (0.6) (0.8) (0.3) (2.0) (2.2) 49 174 51 57 65 396 4 11 5 3 11 34 12.3 15.8 10.2 19.0 5.9 11.6 3.3 0.3 (6.1) 2.0 (0.4) 0.0 49 185 56 54 76 420 4 11 5 5 11 36 12.3 16.8 11.2 10.8 6.9 11.7 1.0 1.0 (8.2) 1.0 0.0 3,462 266 13.0 0.1 3,396 292 11.6 (1.4) EDUCATION & HUMAN SERVICES Counselor Education Curriculum & Instruction Ed & Interdiscip. Studies Educational Leadership Health Sciences Instructional Design & Technology Kinesiology School of Law Enf. & Justice Admin. Recreation, Park & Tourism Admin. Total FINE ARTS & COMMUNICATION Communication Communication Sci. & Disorders Museum Studies School of Music Theatre & Dance Total UNIVERSITY TOTALS *New in fall 2010. 83 Table 34. Retention and Graduation Rates of New Full-Time Freshmen by Sex, Fall 2004-2010 Number Enrolled Continuation Rates % Continued Continued to 2nd Yr to 3rd Yr Cumulative Graduation Rates and Continuation Rates % Graduated Continued Graduated Continued Graduated in 4 Yrs to 5th Yr in 5 Yrs to 6th Yr in 6 Yrs Year Enrolled 2004 Male Female Total 1,044 1,026 2,070 80.2% 79.2% 79.7% 66.5% 70.4% 68.5% 29.0% 37.1% 33.0% 28.2% 24.1% 26.2% 49.6% 57.6% 53.6% 5.9% 4.6% 5.3% 54.9% 61.4% 58.1% 2005 Male Female Total 920 887 1,807 74.4% 71.4% 72.9% 63.3% 61.5% 62.4% 28.9% 32.1% 30.5% 28.0% 23.6% 25.8% 48.2% 50.2% 49.2% 6.0% 5.0% 5.5% 53.1% 53.8% 53.4% 2006 Male Female Total 1,004 909 1,913 73.9% 71.4% 72.7% 63.7% 62.4% 63.1% 30.4% 30.8% 30.6% 27.0% 24.3% 25.8% 49.5% 50.5% 50.0% 6.0% 5.1% 5.6% ₋ ₋ ₋ 2007 Male Female Total 997 952 1,949 72.4% 74.8% 73.6% 61.7% 66.6% 64.1% 26.1% 32.8% 29.4% 27.8% 27.1% 27.5% ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ 2008 Male Female Total 926 881 1,807 75.6% 71.6% 73.6% 64.6% 62.5% 63.6% ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ 2009 Male Female Total 819 817 1,636 71.1% 74.7% 72.9% 59.2% 64.5% 61.9% ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ 2010 Male Female Total 860 887 1,747 70.7% 72.0% 71.4% ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ Figure 3. 4-Year and 6-Year Graduation Rates of New Full-Time Freshmen by Sex 4 Years Female (n=887) Total (n=1,807) 6 Years Freshmen Starting Fall 2005 (n=1,807) Male (n=920) 28.9% 32.1% 30.5% Male (n=920) 53.1% Female (n=887) 53.8% Total (n=1,807) 53.4% 84 Table 35. Retention and Graduation Rates of New Full-Time Freshmen by Ethnicity, Fall 2004-2010 Number Enrolled Year Enrolled Continuation Rates % Continued Continued to 2nd Yr to 3rd Yr Cumulative Graduation Rates and Continuation Rates % Graduated Continued Graduated Continued Graduated in 4 Yrs to 5th Yr in 5 Yrs to 6th Yr in 6 Yrs 2004 White Black Hispanic Asian Native American Foreign Total 1,674 153 90 33 6 15 2,070 80.8% 69.3% 73.3% 90.9% 0.0% 93.3% 79.7% 70.6% 52.3% 61.1% 60.6% 0.0% 86.7% 68.5% 35.9% 11.8% 22.2% 27.3% 0.0% 53.3% 33.0% 25.9% 27.5% 30.0% 21.2% 33.3% 26.7% 26.2% 56.7% 34.6% 40.0% 48.5% 0.0% 53.3% 53.6% 4.9% 5.2% 11.1% 3.0% 0.0% 13.3% 5.3% 60.9% 41.2% 46.7% 51.5% 0.0% 80.0% 58.1% 2005 White Black Hispanic Asian Native American Foreign Total 1,452 143 76 26 8 11 1,807 73.3% 72.3% 66.7% 76.9% 62.5% 90.9% 72.9% 63.4% 56.0% 57.3% 61.5% 37.5% 63.6% 62.4% 32.7% 16.3% 21.1% 15.4% 12.5% 54.5% 30.5% 24.4% 35.5% 29.3% 42.3% 25.0% 9.1% 25.8% 51.1% 34.0% 40.8% 46.2% 25.0% 63.6% 49.2% 4.7% 12.1% 10.7% 7.7% 12.5% 0.0% 5.5% 54.7% 44.0% 48.7% 50.0% 37.5% 63.6% 53.4% 2006 White Black Hispanic Asian Native American Foreign Total 1,561 140 81 28 14 18 1,913 72.9% 69.3% 75.0% 75.0% 42.9% 88.9% 72.7% 63.3% 57.9% 62.5% 64.3% 50.0% 83.3% 63.1% 32.6% 15.0% 25.0% 21.4% 28.6% 27.8% 30.6% 24.6% 29.3% 30.0% 28.6% 28.6% 50.0% 25.8% 51.2% 34.3% 48.8% 46.4% 57.1% 55.6% 50.0% 5.2% 7.1% 5.0% 7.1% 0.0% 22.2% 5.6% 2007 White Black Hispanic Asian Native American Foreign Total 1,510 180 114 29 11 10 1,949 74.9% 67.2% 65.8% 69.0% 63.6% 90.0% 73.6% 65.6% 53.9% 59.6% 65.5% 63.6% 90.0% 64.1% 31.8% 18.3% 21.9% 24.1% 9.1% 30.0% 29.4% 27.8% 21.7% 28.9% 34.5% 36.4% 40.0% 27.5% 2008 White Black Hispanic Asian Native American Foreign Total 1,354 228 106 21 12 6 1,807 74.7% 70.6% 77.4% 61.9% 58.3% 83.3% 73.6% 64.7% 61.4% 64.2% 52.4% 33.3% 66.7% 63.6% ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ 2009 White Black Hispanic Asian Native American Pacific Islander Foreign 2 or More Total 1,195 228 102 17 6 2 20 22 1,636 74.0% 74.1% 63.7% 64.7% 83.3% 100.0% 40.0% 68.2% 72.9% 63.6% 61.4% 50.0% 64.7% 66.7% 100.0% 15.0% 45.5% 61.9% 2010 White Black Hispanic Asian Native American Pacific Islander Foreign 2 or More Total 1,177 319 128 14 2 2 12 36 1,747 74.1% 62.4% 74.2% 64.3% 100.0% 50.0% 75.0% 63.9% 71.4% ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ Note: Other/Unknown ethnic groups are not included in the breakdown, but are included in the total. No shows are not included in the headcounts. Students that are deceased or active veterans are not included in percentages. 85 ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ Table 36. Retention of New Full-Time Freshmen by Race/Ethnicity and Sex, Fall 2010 to Fall 2011 Fall 2010 Enrolled Returning Fall 2011 Percent Retained Number Percent Major Non-Returning Fall 2011 Academic Good Probation/ Standing Suspension Total Non-Ret. Fall 2011 Number Percent White Male Female Total 605 572 1,177 432 439 871 71.5 76.7 74.1 58.3 52.4 55.4 81 81 162 92 52 144 173 133 306 28.5 23.3 25.9 Black Male Female Total 120 199 319 79 120 199 65.8 60.3 62.4 45.0 43.2 43.9 9 23 32 32 56 88 41 79 120 34.2 39.7 37.6 Hispanic Male Female Total 64 64 128 49 46 95 76.6 71.9 74.2 60.9 43.8 52.3 5 9 14 10 9 19 15 18 33 23.4 28.1 25.8 Asian Male Female Total 9 5 14 6 3 9 66.7 60.0 64.3 33.3 60.0 42.9 1 - 2 2 4 3 2 5 33.3 40.0 35.7 2 2 100.0 100.0 50.0 50.0 - - 50.0 50.0 - - American Indian Male Female Total Pacific Islander Male Female Total - 2 2 2 1 50.0 50.0 Two or More Male Female Total 21 15 36 16 7 23 76.2 46.7 63.9 57.1 40.0 50.0 Foreign Male Female Total 9 3 12 7 2 9 77.8 66.7 75.0 33.3 66.7 41.7 Male Female Total 30 27 57 17 20 37 56.7 74.1 64.9 Grand Total Male Female Total 860 887 1,747 607 639 1,246 70.6 72.0 71.4 Other 2 - 1 - 1 - 1 1 50.0 50.0 3 5 8 5 8 13 23.8 53.3 36.1 2 1 1 2 1 3 22.2 33.3 25.0 46.7 63.0 54.4 5 2 7 8 5 13 13 7 20 43.3 25.9 35.1 53.5 50.5 52.7 105 118 223 148 130 278 253 248 501 29.4 28.0 28.6 NOTE: Includes summer matriculants, excludes "no shows" and active veteran students. 86 1 2 3 5 2 - 1 - - Table 37. Total New Freshmen Fall to Fall Retention by Major, Fall 2010 to Fall 2011 Enrolled Fall 2010 Returning Students Fall 2011 Retained Changed Major Total (%) Major Non-Returning 2011 Left in Good Left in Standing Prob/Susp Total (%) COLLEGE OF ARTS & SCIENCES African American Studies Biological Sciences Biology Clinical Laboratory Science Chemistry Chemistry Forensic Chemistry Pre-Chemical Engineering Pre-Pharmacy English & Journalism English Journalism Foreign Languages & Literature French Spanish Geography Geography Meteorology Geology History Liberal Arts & Sciences Mathematics Nursing Pre-Nursing Philosophy & Religious Studies Philosophy Religious Studies Physics Physics Pre-Architecture Pre-Engineering Political Science Psychology Sociology & Anthropology Anthropology Sociology Women's Studies TOTAL ARTS AND SCIENCES 1 96 92 4 61 5 49 1 6 38 24 14 7 5 2 9 9 2 23 3 11 75 75 1 1 18 3 1 14 19 74 11 5 6 449 48 45 3 25 2 21 2 22 16 6 3 2 1 5 5 1 12 5 37 37 7 1 6 12 42 5 5 224 20 20 15 1 13 1 11 5 6 3 2 1 2 2 3 1 3 16 16 1 1 8 1 1 6 4 12 3 2 1 102 70.8 70.7 75.0 65.6 60.0 69.4 50.0 86.8 87.5 85.7 85.7 80.0 100.0 77.8 77.8 50.0 65.2 33.3 72.7 70.7 70.7 100.0 100.0 83.3 66.7 100.0 85.7 84.2 73.0 72.7 40.0 100.0 72.6 14 13 1 7 7 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 13 13 1 1 1 7 2 2 55 1 14 14 14 2 8 1 3 2 1 1 1 1 6 1 2 9 9 2 1 1 2 13 1 1 68 100.0 29.2 29.3 25.0 34.4 40.0 30.6 100.0 50.0 13.2 12.5 14.3 14.3 20.0 22.2 22.2 50.0 34.8 66.7 27.3 29.3 29.3 16.7 33.3 14.3 15.8 27.0 27.3 60.0 27.4 COLLEGE OF BUSINESS & TECHNOLOGY Accountancy & Finance Pre-Accountancy Pre-Finance Agricultural Sciences Agriculture Pre-Agricultural Engineering Pre-Forestry Pre-Veterinary Medicine Computer Science & Info Systems Computer Science Network Technologies Pre-Information Systems Economics & Decision Sciences Economics B.A. Pre-Economics Engineering 41 38 3 44 36 8 36 31 1 4 3 3 1 23 20 3 28 27 1 18 15 1 2 1 5 5 68.3 65.8 100.0 72.7 75.0 62.5 63.9 58.1 100.0 100.0 100.0 4 4 9 9 31.7 34.2 27.3 25.0 37.5 36.1 41.9 100.0 100.0 - 87 4 4 5 3 2 - - 7 6 - 1 3 3 1 1 - 5 3 2 10 10 2 2 - Table 37. Total New Freshmen Fall to Fall Retention by Major (Continued) Enrolled Fall 2010 Returning Students Fall 2011 Retained Changed Major Total (%) Major Non-Returning 2011 Left in Good Left in Standing Prob/Susp Engineering Technology Construction Management Engineering Technology Graphic Communication Management & Marketing Pre-Human Resource Management Pre-Management Pre-Marketing Pre-Supply Chain Management Pre-Business Undecided TOTAL BUSINESS AND TECHNOLOGY 43 24 6 13 62 3 31 24 4 14 244 22 13 4 5 29 14 13 2 6 127 7 3 1 3 14 9 4 1 3 38 67.4 66.7 83.3 61.5 69.4 74.2 70.8 75.0 64.3 67.6 8 5 1 2 6 2 1 2 1 1 30 COLLEGE OF EDUCATION & HUMAN SERVICES Curriculum & Instruction Pre-Elementary Education Special Education Dietetics, Fashion Merchandising & Hosp. Family & Consumer Sciences Educational & Interdisciplinary Studies Bilingual/Bicultural Education Health Sciences Emergency Management Health Sciences Health Services Management Instructional Design & Technology Kinesiology Athletic Training Exercise Science Physical Education Law Enforcement & Justice Admin Pre-Law Enforcement & Justice Admin Recreation, Park & Tourism Admin Social Work Pre-Social Work 136 95 41 29 29 5 5 16 9 7 5 76 29 27 20 318 318 8 10 10 51 32 19 21 21 2 2 10 5 5 1 39 11 16 12 198 198 8 4 4 48 34 14 3 3 3 3 1 1 1 14 9 1 4 35 35 1 1 72.8 69.5 80.5 82.8 82.8 100.0 100.0 68.8 66.7 71.4 40.0 69.7 69.0 63.0 80.0 73.3 73.5 100.0 50.0 50.0 TOTAL EDUCATION & HUMAN SERVICES 603 334 106 73.1 COLLEGE OF FINE ARTS & COMMUNICATION Art Broadcasting Communication Communication Sciences & Disorders Music Theatre Musical Theatre Theatre TOTAL FINE ARTS & COMMUNICATION 11 46 10 9 47 17 8 9 140 6 34 4 3 33 11 6 5 91 3 4 1 5 4 1 1 18 81.8 82.6 50.0 88.9 78.7 70.6 75.0 66.7 77.9 OTHER General Studies University Advising Interdisciplinary Studies WESL TOTAL OTHER 2 317 2 321 1 147 2 150 61 61 50.0 65.6 100.0 65.7 1,757 926 325 71.2 UNDERGRADUATE TOTAL - NOTE: Includes summer matriculants, excludes "no shows" and active veteran students. Includes all new freshmen, full-time and part-time. 88 6 3 Total (%) 3 13 1 7 5 4 49 32.6 33.3 16.7 38.5 30.6 100.0 25.8 29.2 25.0 35.7 32.4 17 14 3 3 3 3 2 1 5 4 1 44 44 3 3 20 15 5 2 2 2 1 1 3 18 5 9 4 41 41 2 2 27.2 30.5 19.5 17.2 17.2 31.3 33.3 28.6 60.0 30.3 31.0 37.0 20.0 26.7 26.5 50.0 50.0 75 88 26.9 2 5 2 1 13 18.2 17.4 50.0 11.1 21.3 29.4 25.0 33.3 22.1 1 48 49 61 61 50.0 34.4 34.3 227 279 28.8 - 3 3 1 7 4 2 2 18 3 1 - Table 38. Graduation Rates of New Full-Time Freshmen by Admission Type, Fall 2003-2007 Number Enrolled Year Enrolled % Graduated in 4 years % Graduated in 5 years % Graduated in 6 years Admission Type 2003 Regular Admissions Special Admissions Total 1,610 334 1,944 37.0% 25.2% 35.0% 56.3% 49.1% 55.1% 60.5% 54.8% 59.6% 2004 Regular Admissions Special Admissions Total 1,775 295 2,070 35.0% 21.0% 33.0% 54.5% 48.1% 53.6% 58.8% 54.2% 58.1% 2005 Regular Admissions Special Admissions Total 1,507 300 1,807 33.8% 13.7% 30.5% 52.5% 32.7% 49.2% 56.9% 36.3% 53.4% 2006 Regular Admissions Special Admissions Total 1,681 232 1,913 31.7% 22.4% 30.6% 51.3% 40.1% 50.0% 2007 Regular Admissions Special Admissions Total 1,691 258 1,949 31.3% 17.1% 29.4% Note: There are two admission types - admitted under regular admissions standards and admitted under special admissions standards. Students graduating within n years includes all students who graduated by the summer term of the nth year. The cohort selection is based on IPEDS GRS procedures. Six year graduation rates exclude veterans with active status Six-year status. Regular Admission includes students admitted as non-resident alien. Figure 4. Four-, Five- & Six-Year Graduation Rates New Full-Time Freshmen, Cohort Years 2003-2007 70% 55.1% 53.6% 60% 50% 40% 30% 59.6% 58.1% 49.2% 50.0% 53.4% 35.0% 33.0% 30.5% 30.6% 29.4% 20% 10% 0% 4-Yr Grad Rates 5-Yr Grad Rates 2003 2004 89 2005 2006 6-Yr Grad Rates 2007 Table 39. Retention and Graduation Rates of New Full-Time Transfers by Sex, Fall 2004-2010 Number Enrolled Continued to 2nd Yr Cumulative Graduation Rates and Continuation Rates % Graduated Continued Graduated Graduated Graduated in 2 Yrs to 3rd Yr in 3 Yrs in 4 Yrs in 5 Yrs Graduated in 6 Yrs Year Enrolled 2004 Male Female Total 658 543 1,201 80.1% 79.7% 79.9% 20.1% 20.7% 20.4% 50.2% 53.2% 51.6% 47.9% 51.6% 49.6% 61.3% 67.1% 63.9% 66.1% 70.8% 68.2% 67.6% 71.5% 69.4% 2005 Male Female Total 725 542 1,267 77.3% 79.1% 78.1% 23.6% 23.1% 23.4% 46.4% 48.1% 47.1% 48.5% 53.0% 50.4% 61.0% 65.2% 62.8% 64.6% 68.8% 66.4% 65.6% 70.1% 67.5% 2006 Male Female Total 736 537 1,273 81.3% 80.7% 81.0% 25.7% 18.8% 22.8% 46.1% 56.1% 50.3% 52.0% 49.8% 51.1% 66.7% 65.9% 66.3% 69.8% 69.0% 69.5% ₋ ₋ ₋ 2007 Male Female Total 624 465 1,089 82.5% 79.1% 81.0% 28.2% 24.3% 26.5% 45.1% 48.8% 46.7% 52.0% 55.7% 53.6% 62.8% 66.5% 64.4% ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ 2008 Male Female Total 645 471 1,116 82.0% 81.5% 81.8% 23.9 21.9 23.0 50.0% 52.8% 51.2% 51.2% 55.5% 53.0% ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ 2009 Male Female Total 671 482 1,153 82.2% 77.6% 80.3% 25.7 22.8 24.5 49.2% 50.8% 49.9% ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ 2010 M l Male Female Total 668 503 1,171 82 3% 82.3% 80.7% 81.6% ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ 2 Years Male (n=725) 23.6% Female (n=542) 23.1% Total (n=1,267) 23.4% Male (n=725) 4 Years Transfers Starting Fall 2005 (n=2,070) Figure 5. Two- and Four-Year Graduation Rates of New Full-Time Transfers by Sex, Fall 2005 Cohort 61.0% Female (n=542) 65.2% Total (n=1,267) 62.8% 90 Table 40. Retention and Graduation Rates of New Full-Time Transfers by Ethnicity, Fall 2004-2010 Year Enrolled Number Enrolled Continued to 2nd Yr Cumulative Graduation Rates and Continuation Rates % Graduated Continued Graduated Graduated Graduated in 2 Yrs to 3rd Yr in 3 Yrs in 4 Yrs in 5 Yrs Graduated in 6 Yrs 2004 White Black Hispanic Asian Native American Foreign Total 966 67 51 13 3 14 1,201 81.4% 74.6% 87.5% 84.6% 0.0% 42.9% 79.9% 22.3% 9.0% 8.3% 23.1% 0.0% 0.0% 20.4% 51.9% 47.8% 77.1% 53.8% 0.0% 42.9% 51.6% 53.6% 23.9% 41.7% 38.5% 0.0% 14.3% 49.6% 67.1% 40.3% 66.7% 53.8% 0.0% 35.7% 63.9% 71.3% 46.3% 72.9% 61.5% 0.0% 35.7% 68.2% 72.3% 49.3% 75.0% 61.5% 0.0% 35.7% 69.4% 2005 White Black Hispanic Asian Native American Foreign Total 984 78 54 14 7 23 1,267 79.3% 74.4% 83.0% 78.6% 85.7% 30.4% 78.1% 25.2% 10.3% 17.0% 14.3% 42.9% 8.7% 23.4% 46.6% 56.4% 56.6% 64.3% 42.9% 21.7% 47.1% 52.2% 37.2% 45.3% 42.9% 71.4% 21.7% 50.4% 64.6% 48.7% 62.3% 71.4% 71.4% 26.1% 62.8% 67.8% 56.4% 66.0% 78.6% 71.4% 26.1% 66.4% 68.4% 60.3% 69.8% 78.6% 71.4% 26.1% 67.5% 2006 White Black Hispanic Asian Native American Foreign Total 983 93 58 11 9 17 1,273 83.1% 67.8% 77.6% 81.8% 77.8% 47.1% 81.0% 24.4% 6.5% 27.6% 9.1% 0.0% 11.8% 22.8% 50.6% 56.7% 43.1% 45.5% 77.8% 35.3% 50.3% 54.2% 28.3% 51.7% 18.2% 33.3% 41.2% 51.1% 69.8% 41.3% 65.5% 45.5% 66.7% 47.1% 66.3% 72.6% 50.0% 67.2% 54.5% 66.7% 52.9% 69.5% - 2007 White Black Hispanic Asian Native American Foreign Total 836 64 64 8 5 19 1,089 82.5% 76.2% 77.4% 62.5% 80.0% 42.1% 81.0% 28.2% 17.5% 20.3% 12.5% 40.0% 5.3% 26.5% 46.5% 46.0% 51.6% 37.5% 40.0% 36.8% 46.7% 57.1% 38.1% 42.2% 12.5% 60.0% 15.8% 53.6% 67.4% 49.2% 54.7% 25.0% 80.0% 26.3% 64.4% - - 2008 White Black Hispanic Asian Native American Foreign Total 835 91 62 11 8 14 1,116 84.7% 65.9% 74.2% 81.8% 100.0% 35.7% 81.8% 24.7% 7.7% 22.6% 18.2% 25.0% 7.1% 23.0% 51.6% 52.7% 51.6% 54.5% 50.0% 28.6% 51.2% 57.1% 27.5% 43.5% 63.6% 37.5% 28.6% 53.0% - - - 2009 White Black Hispanic Asian Native American Pacific Islander Foreign 2 or More Total 893 90 64 14 1 3 28 13 1,153 82.2% 72.2% 82.8% 85.7% 100.0% 100.0% 35.7% 76.9% 80.3% 25.2% 11.1% 20.3% 42.9% 100.0% 33.3% 32.1% 38.5% 24.5% 51.2% 50.0% 54.7% 42.9% 0.0% 33.3% 25.0% 30.8% 49.9% - - - - 2010 White Black Hispanic Asian Native American Pacific Islander Foreign 2 or More Total 865 118 72 9 2 3 20 14 1,171 82.2% 73.7% 83.3% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 35.0% 92.9% 81.6% - - - - - - Note: Other/Unknown ethnic groups are not included in the breakdown, but are included in the total. Noshows are not included in the headcounts. Students that are deceased or active veterans are not included in percentages. 91 Table 41. Retention and Graduation Rates of New Full-Time Transfers by Class, Fall 2004-2010 Number Enrolled Year Enrolled Cumulative Graduation Rates and Continuation Rates % Continued Graduated Continued Graduated Graduated Graduated to 2nd Yr in 2 Yrs to 3rd Yr in 3 Yrs in 4 Yrs in 5 Yrs Graduated in 6 Yrs 2004 Freshman Sophomore Junior Senior Total 254 346 543 58 1,201 75.9% 77.6% 83.7% 75.4% 79.9% 4.8% 9.9% 31.1% 50.0% 20.4% 56.6% 60.9% 45.5% 31.6% 51.6% 18.9% 43.0% 65.2% 74.1% 49.6% 42.2% 61.3% 73.9% 79.3% 63.9% 53.8% 64.8% 75.6% 81.0% 68.2% 56.2% 66.3% 76.2% 81.0% 69.4% 2005 Freshman Sophomore Junior Senior Total 234 358 601 74 1,267 68.0% 78.2% 82.8% 70.3% 78.1% 2.2% 11.3% 36.6% 40.5% 23.4% 57.6% 53.4% 40.0% 41.9% 47.1% 17.7% 41.1% 66.4% 67.6% 50.4% 41.6% 56.6% 73.2% 74.3% 62.8% 49.4% 60.3% 75.4% 75.7% 66.4% 51.1% 61.4% 76.0% 78.4% 67.5% 2006 Freshman Sophomore Junior Senior Total 242 370 603 58 1,273 72.5% 81.6% 84.6% 75.9% 81.0% 1.3% 13.8% 35.7% 36.2% 22.8% 63.1% 59.2% 40.4% 44.8% 50.3% 14.2% 48.1% 66.2% 65.5% 51.1% 45.0% 65.4% 74.5% 75.9% 66.3% 52.9% 68.4% 76.1% 75.9% 69.5% - 2007 Freshman Sophomore Junior Senior Total 177 319 527 66 1,089 68.8% 79.3% 86.2% 81.0% 81.0% 0.6% 12.9% 41.5% 42.4% 26.5% 59.1% 59.2% 36.5% 33.3% 46.7% 17.6% 48.6% 67.4% 63.6% 53.6% 38.1% 61.1% 74.5% 69.7% 64.4% - - 2008 Freshman Sophomore Junior Senior Total 188 390 455 83 1,116 73.7% 84.8% 83.1% 79.3% 81.8% 2.2% 11.6% 38.7% 37.8% 23.0% 61.3% 64.1% 38.5% 37.8% 51.2% 14.0% 48.2% 70.8% 65.9% 53.0% - - - 2009 Freshman Sophomore Junior Senior Total 204 341 521 87 1,153 73.0% 81.8% 84.4% 66.7% 80.3% 1.5% 14.7% 38.3% 34.5% 24.5% 63.7% 61.0% 39.5% 35.6% 49.9% - - - - 2010 Freshman Sophomore Junior Senior Total 183 348 545 95 1,171 68.3% 84.8% 86.1% 70.2% 81.6% - - - - - - Note: Other/Unknown ethnic groups are not included in the breakdown, but are included in the total. No shows are not included in the headcounts. Students that are deceased or active veterans are not included in percentages. 92 Table 42. Retention and Graduation Rates of Total New Transfers by Associates/Non-Associates Degree Fall 2001-2010 Assoc. Degree Number Enrolled % Part Time Continuation Rates % Continued Continued Continued to 2nd Yr to 3rd Yr to 4th Yr Graduated in 2 Yrs Cumulative Graduation Rates Graduated Graduated Graduated in 3 Yrs in 4 Yrs in 5 Yrs Graduated in 6 Yrs Year Enrolled 2001 No Yes Total 876 489 1,365 13.3% 26.9% 18.2% 72.5% 82.1% 76.0% 50.9% 42.9% 48.0% 22.0% 9.9% 17.7% 13.0% 32.2% 19.9% 38.9% 65.1% 48.3% 54.4% 72.1% 60.8% 58.4% 74.5% 64.2% 60.1% 75.6% 65.7% 2002 No Yes Total 897 516 1,413 8.0% 21.2% 12.8% 71.8% 79.8% 74.7% 51.4% 39.5% 47.1% 21.7% 10.1% 17.5% 12.3% 35.6% 20.8% 38.1% 63.4% 47.3% 50.7% 69.1% 57.4% 55.9% 72.2% 61.8% 57.8% 73.9% 63.7% 2003 No Yes Total 891 466 1,357 7.3% 20.0% 11.7% 76.3% 81.3% 78.0% 53.8% 42.2% 49.9% 21.6% 9.1% 17.3% 12.1% 33.4% 19.4% 38.8% 67.5% 48.7% 52.7% 71.6% 59.2% 57.7% 74.8% 63.6% 59.1% 76.5% 65.1% 2004 No Yes Total 934 428 1,362 8.5% 19.7% 12.0% 74.4% 82.4% 76.9% 53.1% 44.7% 50.5% 24.6% 9.8% 20.0% 12.3% 33.5% 19.0% 37.7% 66.0% 46.6% 54.3% 74.0% 60.5% 60.4% 75.9% 65.3% 61.9% 76.6% 66.5% 2005 No Yes Total 951 443 1,394 7.6% 12.4% 9.2% 72.1% 86.2% 76.6% 48.7% 42.9% 46.9% 20.6% 12.2% 17.9% 14.0% 38.8% 21.9% 38.9% 68.4% 48.3% 53.4% 75.6% 60.5% 57.4% 78.8% 64.2% 59.0% 79.7% 65.6% 2006 No Yes Total 964 453 1,417 7.5% 15.9% 10.2% 75.9% 86.5% 79.3% 54.3% 40.6% 49.9% 24.2% 13.2% 20.7% 13.3% 38.9% 21.5% 40.4% 67.1% 49.0% 57.9% 75.5% 63.5% 62.1% 78.6% 67.3% ₋ ₋ ₋ 2007 No Yes Total 788 453 1,241 7.9% 19.9% 12.3% 73.9% 85.9% 78.3% 50.3% 40.2% 46.6% 19.1% 10.6% 16.0% 15.0% 40.8% 24.5% 40.8% 71.3% 51.9% 52.7% 79.0% 62.4% ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ 2008 No Yes Total 814 456 1,270 9.0% 17.8% 12.2% 77.8% 84.9% 80.3% 56.2% 41.0% 50.8% 23.9% 11.2% 19.3% 11.9% 38.6% 21.5% 39.8% 70.2% 50.8% ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ 2009 No Yes Total 796 532 1,328 10.4% 17.4% 13.2% 73.6% 87.0% 78.9% 55.0% 42.8% 50.1% ₋ ₋ ₋ 12.3% 38.1% 22.6% ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ 2010 No Yes Total 857 480 1,337 11.0% 15.0% 12.4% 74.9% 82.7% 77.7% ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ Table 43. Average Years to Graduate for Students Entering as New Freshmen and New Graduate Students New Freshmen COLLEGE OF ARTS & SCIENCES African-American Studies Anthropology Biology Chemistry Clinical Laboratory Sciences English Forensic Chemistry French Geography Geology History Journalism Liberal Arts & Sciences Mathematics Meteorology Nursing Philosophy Physics Political Science Psychology Religious Studies Sociology Spanish Women's Studies Average Years 4.7 5.6 6.0 4.5 4.2 4.2 5.1 4.3 4.4 5.0 4.7 4.8 4.5 5.2 4.3 4.1 4.5 4.6 5.7 4.5 4.4 4.0 4.9 4.9 5.1 COLLEGE OF BUSINESS AND TECHNOLOGY Accountancy Agriculture Computer Science Construction Management Economics (B.A.) Economics (B.B.) Engineering Technology Finance Graphic Communication Human Resource Management Information Systems Management Marketing Network Technologies Supply Chain Management 4.5 4.3 4.1 4.5 4.6 5.2 4.2 4.8 4.5 4.6 4.2 4.4 4.5 4.4 4.4 4.6 COLLEGE OF EDUCATION AND HUMAN SERVICES Athletic Training Bilingual/Bicultural Elementary Education Emergency Management Exercise Science Family & Consumer Sciences Health Sciences Health Services Management Instructional Design & Technology Law Enforcement & Justice Administration Physical Education Recreation, Park & Tourism Administration Social Work Special Education 4.5 4.2 5.0 4.6 4.5 4.4 4.5 4.8 4.7 4.6 4.1 5.0 4.9 4.7 4.8 COLLEGE OF FINE ARTS & COMMUNICATION Art (B.A.) Art (B.F.A.) Broadcasting Communication Communication Sciences & Disorders Music (B.A.) Music (B.M.) Musical Theatre Theatre 4.6 4.9 4.9 4.4 4.5 4.1 5.1 4.6 4.1 4.9 Interdisciplinary Studies General Studies 4.7 8.5 UNDERGRADUATE AVERAGE* 4.5 New Graduate Students COLLEGE OF ARTS & SCIENCES African-American Studies PBC Biology Biology-PBC (Zoo & Aquarium Studies) Chemistry English English-PBC Environmental GIS-PBC Geography Geography-PBC (Comm. Development) History Liberal Arts & Sciences Mathematics Mathematics-PBC Physics Political Science Psychology Psychology Specialist Sociology Women's Studies-PBC COLLEGE OF BUSINESS AND TECHNOLOGY Accountancy Business Administration Computer Science Economics Manufacturing Engineering 2.3 2.6 2.6 2.1 1.8 2.6 COLLEGE OF EDUCATION AND HUMAN SERVICES College Student Personnel Counseling Ed Leadership Ed Specialist Ed Doctoral Ed & Interdisiplinary Studies Elementary Education Health Sciences Health Services Admin.-PBC Instructional Design & Technology Instructional Design & Technology-PBC Kinesiology LEJA LEJA-PBC Reading Recreation, Park & Tourism Administration Secondary Education Special Education Sport Management TESOL-PBC 4.4 2.0 4.1 5.1 5.1 4.3 5.3 5.9 3.7 3.1 5.1 4.0 3.4 4.5 4.4 4.9 2.5 2.5 5.4 2.8 2.0 COLLEGE OF FINE ARTS & COMMUNICATION Communication Communication Sciences & Disorders Museum Studies Music Theatre 3.1 3.8 2.1 3.0 3.9 3.3 GRADUATE AVERAGE 3.8 Note: Represents graduates from Fall 2001 to Summer 2011/ *Excludes General Studies program 94 Average Years 3.2 2.0 3.8 3.4 2.4 3.5 2.8 2.3 3.6 2.9 3.4 5.8 2.2 2.0 2.2 3.7 3.1 3.1 3.1 2.4 Table 44. Faculty/Staff by Employee Category and Location, Fall 2011 Male PT FT Total FT Female PT TOTAL FTE Total MACOMB CAMPUS CIVIL SERVICE Negotiating Prevailing Wage Non-Negotiating Total Civil Service FACULTY Regular Negotiating* Temporary Negotiating* Non-Negotiating Faculty Department Chairpersons Total Faculty ADMINISTRATORS Negotiating Non-Negotiating Temporary Negotiating Total Administrators PROFESSIONALS** Negotiating Non-Negotiating Temporary Negotiating Total Professionals GRADUATE ASSISTANTS MACOMB TOTAL 178 48 144 370 1 1 178 48 145 371 76 390 466 12 12 76 402 478 254 48 547 849 839 271 32 15 28 346 1 3 23 27 272 35 38 28 373 175 73 13 8 269 2 17 19 175 75 30 8 288 447 110 68 36 661 632 18 128 146 - 18 128 146 46 99 145 1 5 6 47 104 151 65 232 297 289 12 39 51 130 1,043 10 10 87 125 12 49 61 217 1,168 7 57 2 66 165 1,111 1 12 13 85 135 8 69 2 79 250 1,246 20 118 2 140 467 2,414 122 404 2,286 8 8 - 8 8 15 15 1 1 16 16 24 24 23 19 1 1 1 22 2 9 11 19 3 10 1 33 24 2 2 1 29 2 6 8 24 4 8 1 37 43 7 18 2 70 58 2 6 8 - 2 6 8 2 11 13 - 2 11 13 4 17 21 21 1 1 2 4 44 1 1 12 2 1 3 4 56 9 66 2 11 11 77 2 1 3 15 133 QUAD CITIES CIVIL SERVICE Negotiating Prevailing Wage Non-Negotiating Total Civil Service FACULTY Regular Negotiating* Temporary Negotiating* Non-Negotiating Faculty Department Chairpersons Total Faculty ADMINISTRATORS Negotiating Non-Negotiating Total Administrators PROFESSIONALS** Negotiating Non-Negotiating Temporary Negotiating Total Professionals GRADUATE ASSISTANTS QUAD CITIES TOTAL 95 3 13 118 Table 44. Faculty/Staff by Employee Category and Location, Fall 2011 (Continued) FT Male PT Total FT Female PT TOTAL FTE Total TOTAL UNIVERSITY CIVIL SERVICE Negotiating Prevailing Wage Non-Negotiating Total Civil Service FACULTY Regular Negotiating* Temporary Negotiating* Non-Negotiating Faculty Department Chairpersons Total Faculty ADMINISTRATORS Negotiating Non-Negotiating Total Administrators PROFESSIONALS** Negotiating Non-Negotiating Temporary Negotiating Total Professionals GRADUATE ASSISTANTS GRAND TOTAL 178 48 152 378 1 1 178 48 153 379 76 405 481 13 13 76 418 494 254 48 571 873 862 290 33 16 29 368 1 5 32 38 291 38 48 29 406 199 75 15 9 298 4 23 27 199 79 38 9 325 490 117 86 38 731 690 20 134 154 - 20 134 154 48 110 158 1 5 6 49 115 164 69 249 318 310 12 40 1 53 134 11 11 87 12 51 1 64 221 7 57 2 66 174 1 12 13 87 8 69 2 79 261 20 120 3 143 482 125 417 1,087 137 1,224 1,177 146 1,323 2,547 2,404 *Total full- and part-time faculty in bargaining unit **Includes executive assistants and faculty assistants. 96 Table 45. Employees by Race/Ethnicity and Sex, Fall 2011 Macomb Campus White Black Hispanic Asian American Native American Pacific Islander 2 or More Foreign Other Total Professor Male Female Total 106 52 158 5 3 8 2 1 3 16 2 18 2 2 - 1 1 - - 131 59 190 Associate Professor Male Female Total 85 43 128 6 5 11 4 4 7 7 14 2 2 - 3 3 1 2 3 - 102 63 165 Assistant Professor Male Female Total 46 48 94 8 2 10 2 2 4 8 12 20 - - - 10 9 19 1 1 75 73 148 Instructor Male Female Total 57 81 138 1 1 2 1 1 1 3 4 - - 1 1 1 1 2 3 3 64 87 151 Lecturer Male Female Total 1 5 6 - - - - - - 1 1 - 1 6 7 TOTAL FACULTY MALE FEMALE TOTAL 295 229 524 20 11 31 5 7 12 32 24 56 2 2 4 - 3 2 5 12 13 25 4 4 373 288 661 Graduate Assistant Male Female Total 136 174 310 13 18 31 5 2 7 2 6 8 - - 3 3 45 36 81 16 11 27 217 250 467 Civil Service Male Female Total 329 453 782 22 15 37 2 2 - 4 1 5 - 3 2 5 - 13 5 18 371 478 849 Administrator Male Female Total 124 132 256 9 9 18 4 5 9 1 4 5 - - 1 1 6 1 7 1 1 146 151 297 Professional* Male Female Total 52 69 121 6 3 9 1 1 2 5 7 - - - 1 1 1 1 61 79 140 936 1,057 1,993 70 56 126 14 17 31 37 39 76 6 3 9 - 7 7 14 63 51 114 35 16 51 1,168 1,246 2,414 TOTAL MALES TOTAL FEMALES GRAND TOTAL Note: Department chairs included with faculty. *Includes executive assistants and faculty assistants. 97 Table 45. Employees by Race/Ethnicity and Sex, Fall 2011, Continued Quad Cities Campus White Black Hispanic Asian American Native American Pacific Islander 2 or More Foreign Other Total Professor Male Female Total 7 8 15 - - - - - 1 1 - - 8 8 16 Associate Professor Male Female Total 7 5 12 - - 1 1 - - - - - 7 6 13 Assistant Professor Male Female Total 4 13 17 - - 2 2 - - - - - 6 13 19 Instructor Male Female Total 9 8 17 2 1 3 1 1 - 1 1 - - - - 12 10 22 Lecturer Male Female Total - - - - - - - - - - TOTAL FACULTY MALE FEMALE TOTAL 27 34 61 2 1 3 1 1 2 1 3 1 1 - 1 1 - - 33 37 70 Graduate Assistant Male Female Total 3 10 13 1 1 1 1 - - - - - - 4 11 15 Civil Service Male Female Total 7 14 21 1 1 1 1 - - - - - 1 1 8 16 24 Administrator Male Female Total 5 12 17 2 2 - 1 1 - - - 1 1 - 8 13 21 Professional* Male Female Total 3 3 - - - - - - - - 3 3 45 70 115 5 2 7 1 2 3 3 1 4 1 1 - 1 1 1 1 1 1 56 77 133 TOTAL MALES TOTAL FEMALES GRAND TOTAL Note: Department chairs included with faculty. *Includes executive assistants and faculty assistants. 98 Table 45. Employees by Race/Ethnicity and Sex, Fall 2011, Continued Total White Black Hispanic Asian American Native American Pacific Islander 2 or More Foreign Other Total Professor Male Female Total 113 60 173 5 3 8 2 1 3 16 2 18 2 2 - 1 1 2 - - 139 67 206 Associate Professor Male Female Total 92 48 140 6 5 11 4 4 7 8 15 2 2 - 3 3 1 2 3 - 109 69 178 Assistant Professor Male Female Total 50 61 111 8 2 10 2 2 4 10 12 22 - - - 10 9 19 1 1 81 86 167 Instructor Male Female Total 66 89 155 3 2 5 2 2 1 3 4 1 1 - 1 1 1 1 2 3 3 76 97 173 Lecturer Male Female Total 1 5 6 - - - - - - 1 1 - 1 6 7 TOTAL FACULTY MALE FEMALE TOTAL 322 263 585 22 12 34 6 7 13 34 25 59 2 3 5 - 4 2 6 12 13 25 4 4 406 325 731 Graduate Assistant Male Female Total 139 184 323 14 18 32 5 3 8 2 6 8 - - 3 3 45 36 81 16 11 27 221 261 482 Civil Service Male Female Total 336 467 803 22 16 38 3 3 - 4 1 5 - 3 2 5 - 14 5 19 379 494 873 Administrator Male Female Total 129 144 273 11 9 20 4 5 9 2 4 6 - - 1 1 6 2 8 1 1 154 164 318 Professional* Male Female Total 55 69 124 6 3 9 1 1 2 5 7 - - - 1 1 1 1 64 79 143 981 1,127 2,108 75 58 133 15 19 34 40 40 80 6 4 10 - 8 7 15 63 52 115 36 16 52 1,224 1,323 2,547 TOTAL MALES TOTAL FEMALES GRAND TOTAL Note: Department chairs included with faculty. *Includes executive assistants and faculty assistants. 99 Table 46. Distribution of Full- & Part-Time Employees by Job Category, Fall 2009 - Fall 2011 Male Full-Time Female Total Male Part-Time Female Total TOTAL 2009 Faculty Executive/Administrative Professional Non-Faculty Secretarial/Clerical Technical/Paraprofessional Skilled Craft Service/Maintenance Total 380 156 105 18 82 78 152 971 292 160 173 258 70 1 53 1,007 672 316 278 276 152 79 205 1,978 43 1 16 1 2 63 39 5 26 7 3 1 81 82 6 42 7 3 1 3 144 754 322 320 283 155 80 208 2,122 2010 Faculty Executive/Administrative Professional Non-Faculty Secretarial/Clerical Technical/Paraprofessional Skilled Craft Service/Maintenance Total 369 156 115 18 78 73 154 963 291 160 175 246 70 56 998 660 316 290 264 148 73 210 1,961 38 1 13 5 2 33 5 13 71 6 26 5 2 2011 Faculty Executive/Administrative Professional Non-Faculty Secretarial/Clerical Technical/Paraprofessional Skilled Craft Service/Maintenance Total 368 154 115 14 73 83 146 953 298 158 184 237 68 58 1,003 666 312 299 251 141 83 204 1,956 2 61 1 52 3 113 731 322 316 269 150 73 213 2,074 38 11 1 50 27 6 18 5 2 1 59 65 6 29 5 2 2 109 731 318 328 256 143 83 206 2,065 - - - Note: EEO6 Categories Table 47. Average Salaries for Full-Time, 9-Month Faculty, FY 2007-2011 FY 2007 Number Mean Professor Associate Assistant Instructor Lecturer Total 153 171 195 84 11 614 81,998 62,995 50,618 38,397 37,049 59,970 FY 2008 Number Mean 155 179 176 100 11 621 84,090 65,239 51,987 40,126 35,786 61,622 Source: AAUP Annual Salary Survey (9 month) 100 FY 2009 Number Mean 166 168 171 118 12 635 86,067 67,375 54,749 41,381 38,093 63,478 FY 2010 Number Mean 163 175 167 113 11 629 88,985 70,303 57,034 42,911 41,411 66,195 FY 2011 Number Mean 164 181 167 101 8 621 90,076 70,855 57,724 43,927 46,159 67,702 Table 48. Selected Faculty Characteristics, Fall 2009 - 2011 FT Fall 2009 Professor Associate Assistant Instructor Lecturer Subtotal Male PT Total Female FT PT Total Total FT PT 65 65 81 72 9 292 65 67 82 108 9 331 198 180 170 113 11 672 - - 133 115 89 41 2 380 2 41 43 133 115 91 82 2 423 Librarian Counselors Graduate Assistants 12 2 159 96 12 2 255 4 5 168 2 89 4 7 257 16 7 327 2 185 TOTAL 553 139 692 469 130 599 1,022 269 FT Male PT Total Fall 2010 Professor Associate Assistant Instructor Lecturer Subtotal 2 1 36 39 2 3 77 82 Female FT PT Total Total FT PT 63 73 80 69 6 291 1 32 33 63 73 81 101 6 324 196 184 167 105 8 660 3 68 71 133 111 87 36 2 369 2 36 38 133 111 89 72 2 407 Librarian Counselors Graduate Assistants 12 2 136 83 12 2 219 5 5 169 84 5 5 253 17 7 305 167 TOTAL 519 121 640 470 117 587 989 238 FT Male PT Total Fall 2011 Professor Associate Assistant Instructor Lecturer Subtotal 138 109 79 41 1 368 - - Female FT PT Total Total FT PT 2 35 38 139 109 81 76 1 406 67 69 85 71 6 298 67 69 86 97 6 325 205 178 164 112 7 666 1 - 1 26 27 1 3 61 65 Librarian Counselors Graduate Assistants 12 2 134 87 12 2 221 5 5 174 1 87 5 6 261 17 7 308 1 174 TOTAL 516 125 641 482 115 597 998 240 *Excludes graduate assistants Note: Excludes Executive Assistants and Faculty Assistants For those new in Fall, years at WIU were counted as 0.5 101 Avg. Yrs. at WIU* Terminal Degrees # % Tenured # % Tenure Track # % 16.3 9.3 3.9 7.6 11.1 180 156 136 27 1 500 90.9 85.7 78.6 14.2 9.1 66.3 197 151 6 9 363 99.5 83.0 3.5 4.7 48.1 31 140 1 172 17.0 80.9 0.5 22.8 10.8 10.1 14 2 - 87.5 22.2 - 9 1 56.3 11.1 - 4 - 25.0 - 516 66.2* 373 47.9* 176 22.6* Avg. Yrs. at WIU* Terminal Degrees # % - Tenured # % 16.8 9.6 4.3 7.7 15.8 177 160 135 26 1 499 90.3 87.0 79.4 15.0 12.5 68.3 196 156 5 7 364 100.0 84.8 2.9 4.0 49.8 11.1 11.6 14 1 - 82.4 14.3 - 10 1 - 58.8 14.3 - 514 68.1* 375 49.7* Avg. Yrs. at WIU* Terminal Degrees # % Tenured # % 16.8 10.1 4.6 7.4 18.3 184 158 136 20 498 89.3 88.8 81.4 11.6 68.1 206 162 5 4 377 100.0 91.0 3.0 2.3 51.6 12.1 13.1 14 2 - 82.4 25.0 - 12 1 - 70.6 12.5 - 514 68.0* 390 51.6* Tenure Track # % 28 139 1 168 15.2 81.8 0.6 23.0 3 17.6 - 171 22.6* - Tenure Track # % 16 138 1 155 9.0 82.6 0.6 21.2 1 5.9 - 156 20.6* - Table 49. Summary of Operation Costs by Fund, FY2007-2011 FY2007 (In Thousands of $) General Revenue Funds Income Funds Local Grants State Grants Federal Grants Private Gifts, Grants, and Contracts Sales & Service of Auxiliary Other/Indirect Cost Recovery Total $ 57,213.4 52,474.9 302.3 3,667.5 14,974.8 1,421.9 46,727.9 20,602.8 $ 197,385.5 FY2008 $ 58,287.5 58,537.7 293.5 3,997.3 14,933.7 1,060.7 47,925.1 21,591.8 $ 206,627.3 FY2009 $ 58,421.6 59,234.7 304.3 3,303.7 16,428.0 1,212.6 48,710.6 21,639.1 $ 209,254.6 FY2010 $ 59,929.6 57,529.3 326.1 3,913.5 23,232.5 1,636.9 48,098.1 20,437.5 $ 215,103.5 FY2011 $ 56,182.7 60,882.9 151.9 3,607.4 25,902.2 1,721.6 48,365.9 21,527.7 $ 218,342.3 Table 50. Summary of Operations Costs by Function of Expenditure, FY2007-2011 FY2007 (In Thousands of $) Instruction Organized Research Public Service Academic Support Student Services Institutional Support O&M of Physical Plant Independent Operations CMS Group Health Insurance FICA/Medicare Total $ 69,958.7 2,697.1 14,057.9 8,959.8 29,097.0 7,891.8 27,121.1 33,669.6 2,679.2 1,253.3 $ 197,385.5 FY2008 $ 72,536.6 2,519.8 13,390.6 9,293.3 31,353.0 8,446.0 31,267.7 33,891.7 2,571.5 1,357.1 $ 206,627.3 FY2009 $ 73,949.1 2,332.2 13,360.8 9,442.7 33,295.8 9,030.4 29,370.8 34,473.9 2,567.6 1,431.3 $ 209,254.6 FY2010 $ 74,891.2 2,819.9 14,520.8 8,936.4 38,966.8 8,715.9 27,968.1 34,165.6 2,619.7 1,499.1 $ 215,103.5 FY2011 $ 74,708.8 3,078.5 14,250.9 8,228.4 42,381.8 8,983.7 28,294.0 34,260.0 2,648.0 1,508.2 $ 218,342.3 Table 51. Summary of Operations Costs by Object of Expenditure, FY2007-2011 (In Thousands of $) Personal Services Contractual Services Travel Commodities Equipment Awards and Grants Telecommunications Operation of Auto Permanent Improvements Other CMS Group Health Insurance FICA/Medicare Total FY2007 FY2008 FY2009 FY2010 FY2011 $ 110,435.2 39,825.3 1,954.3 4,834.2 7,811.7 14,497.5 1,379.1 346.3 1,170.5 11,198.9 2,679.2 1,253.3 $ 197,385.5 $ 115,908.7 41,778.5 2,114.0 4,598.9 7,332.8 15,819.8 1,290.0 428.8 2,862.1 10,565.2 2,571.5 1,357.1 $ 206,627.4 $ 119,984.6 41,693.3 2,033.2 4,725.1 5,884.6 17,640.8 1,310.2 618.9 790.1 10,574.9 2,567.6 1,431.3 $ 209,254.6 $ 124,285.1 39,274.4 1,734.0 4,002.7 3,764.5 23,599.4 1,188.0 625.0 1,048.7 11,462.9 2,619.7 1,499.1 $ 215,103.5 $ 123,381.5 40,157.8 1,417.0 3,913.3 3,905.0 27,101.0 860.0 839.5 560.2 12,050.8 2,648.0 1,508.2 $ 218,342.3 Source: Budget Office 103 Table 52. Western Illinois University Appropriation History, FY2008-2012 FY2008 Total Appropriation Percent Change FY2009 FY2010 FY2011 FY2012 118,287,500 7.80 121,919,600 3.07 123,919,600 1.64 123,919,600 0.00 127,000,000 2.49 General Revenue Fund Percent Change 58,287,500 1.88 59,919,600 2.80 59,919,600 0.00 56,182,700 -6.24 55,538,300 -1.15 University Income Fund Percent Change 60,000,000 14.25 62,000,000 3.33 64,000,000 3.23 67,736,900 5.84 71,461,700 5.50 50.72 50.85 51.65 54.66 56.27 Income Fund Percent Total Note: Excludes Retirement Source: Budget Office Table 53. Sponsored Research, Instruction and Public Service Grants and Contracts, FY2007-2011 Proposals Submitted Between July 1 and June 30 Research Instruction Public Service Other Total FY2007 Amount No. $9,382,060 $3,860,008 $13,095,584 $11,817 $26,349,469 53 15 135 3 206 FY2008 Amount $10,711,444 $541,272 $10,945,102 $178,115 $22,375,933 No. 53 15 135 3 206 FY2009 Amount $8,274,013 $1,568,586 $11,081,266 $168,405 $21,092,270 FY2010 Amount No. No. 50 8 122 7 187 $17,581,823 $574,624 $19,151,501 $302,918 $37,610,866 FY2011 Amount No. 60 3 140 3 206 $31,034,764 44 $482,167 4 $13,549,428 123 $54,727 1 $45,121,086 172 FY2010 Amount No. FY2011 Amount No. Awards Received Between July 1 and June 30 Research Instruction Public Service Other Total FY2007 Amount No. $1,092,442 $923,559 $10,774,794 $11,817 $12,802,612 22 7 106 3 138 FY2008 Amount $2,469,309 $942,701 $8,075,156 $11,250 $11,498,416 No. FY2009 Amount No. 22 7 106 3 138 $1,178,300 $765,500 $7,338,400 $123,225 $9,405,425 18 5 104 7 134 $2,869,901 $359,805 $9,964,035 $14,674 $13,208,415 23 3 103 3 132 $5,254,455 24 $453,305 3 $8,983,428 114 $54,727 1 $14,745,915 142 FY2010 Amount No. FY2011 Amount No. Awards by Type of Funding Federal Fed Flow-through* State Private Other Total FY2007 Amount No. $1,374,918 $2,715,617 $7,463,111 $163,048 $1,085,918 $12,802,612 14 13 49 5 57 138 FY2008 Amount $1,376,536 $1,668,975 $7,124,658 $371,869 $956,378 $11,498,416 No. FY2009 Amount No. 14 13 49 5 57 138 $1,648,498 $2,444,308 $3,793,865 $255,476 $1,263,278 $9,405,425 15 12 47 7 53 134 *Federal flow-through represents federal funds passed through a State of Illinois agency. Source: Office of Sponsored Projects 104 $1,743,394 $4,286,896 $5,083,417 $186,638 $1,908,070 $13,208,415 14 19 44 3 52 132 $6,079,858 21 $2,631,083 29 $4,363,785 34 $267,520 4 $1,403,669 54 $14,745,915 142 Table 54. Cost Guarantee Program and Tuition & Fees Since Summer 1999 Western Illinois University has offered an undergraduate cost guarantee for tuition, fees, room and board for each new class of entering students. The guaranteed rates remain in effect for four years if students maintain continuous enrollment. Incoming students in a degree program that requires more than four years to complete will benefit from the guaranteed rate until the expected time of degree completion. Western Illinois University also has provided a tuition, fees, room and board cost guarantee program for graduate students since Fall 2004. Western was the first university in the state to offer this guarantee, and is the only university in the state to include fees and room and board in that guarantee. Beginning Fall 2008, transfer students who earn an associate's degree and transfer to WIU the following semester receive the previous year's cost guarantee rates. Expected Annual Expenses for New Undergraduates* - FY2004 to FY2012 FY2004 FY2005 FY2006 FY2007 FY2008 FY2009 FY2010 FY2011 FY2012 Annual Tuition In-State Out-of-State $ 3,915 7,830 $ 4,538 9,075 $ 4,968 7,452 $ 5,439 8,159 $ 5,895 8,843 $ 6,456 9,684 $ 6,779 10,168 $ 7,220 10,829 $ 7,648 11,473 Annual Fees** Macomb Quad Cities 1,082 263 1,158 267 1,443 530 1,484 545 1,628 541 1,816 535 2,179 535 2,270 535 2,332 597 Annual Room & Board (Macomb Campus Only) 5,366 5,768 6,143 6,446 6,898 7,210 7,642 8,138 8,460 In-State Total Tuition, Fees and Room & Board*** 10,797 11,951 13,042 13,857 14,977 16,072 17,259 18,287 19,178 Out-of-State Total Tuition, Fees and Room & Board*** 14,712 16,489 15,526 16,577 17,925 19,300 20,648 21,896 23,003 850 2,401 1,000 2,450 1,000 2,454 1,050 2,700 1,150 2,766 1,150 2,885 1,200 3,233 1,200 3,081 1,200 3,041 In-State Total (Estimate) 14,048 15,401 16,496 17,607 18,893 20,107 21,692 22,568 23,419 Out-of-State Total (Estimate) 17,963 19,939 18,980 20,327 21,841 23,335 25,081 26,177 27,244 Annual Other Estimated Costs Books (Estimate) Personal Expenses (Estimate) *Based on 15 credit hours per semester. **Macomb campus fees include: Activity, Athletic, Bond Revenue, Computer, Facilities Enhancement/Life Safety, Health Center, Publication, Talent Grant, and Transit Fee. **Quad Cities Campus Fees include: Activity, Computer, Facilities Enhancement/Life Safety, Talent Grant, and Transit Fee. ***Health insurance fee was included. 105 Table 55. Student Financial Aid and Institutional Support, FY2011 Federal Fund Source Institution State Other Total Number of Students Receiving Each Type of Aid Type Grants, Scholarships & Waivers Loans Employment 19,785,953 74,919,094 715,874 14,562,775 3,165,599 7,961,527 121,195 12,070,254 28,196 6,552,926 49,584,581 82,908,817 7,389,995 7,671 8,150 2,739 Total 95,420,921 14,683,970 18,651,376 11,127,126 139,883,393 10,952 About 78 percent of all full-time undergraduate students who attend WIU receive assistance through loans, scholarships, tuition waivers, grants, and/or employment. Note: The Financial Aid fiscal year is fall, spring and summer. Source: Financial Aid Office 106 Table 56. Alumni Survey Results, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2006 & 2009 Baccalaureate Degree Recipients, One Year After Graduation Surveys were sent to students receiving baccalaureate degrees during calendar years 1997, 2000, 2003, 2006 and 2009. The table below displays responses to selected survey questions. 1997 2000 2003 2006 2009 Attitude Toward the University (Campus) % Reporting strongly positive, positive or somewhat positive 95.2 95.5 95.1 97.2 93.4 Attitude toward Bachelor’s Degree Major % Reporting strongly positive, positive or somewhat positive 92.0 92.4 90.9 92.9 90.3 Have you enrolled in college since earning your bachelor’s degree? % Reporting full-time % Reporting part-time 14.0 10.7 13.0 11.4 14.8 10.0 14.8 8.4 14.6 9.0 Degree Enrolled Second bachelor’s Academic master’s Professional master’s Law Doctorate Other (e.g., medicine, health, theology, other) 5.6 53.4 25.3 6.2 0.6 9.0 6.2 50.9 24.8 5.8 1.3 11.0 7.4 53.2 27.4 4.2 0.5 7.3 5.5 54.3 23.2 3.0 6.7 5.3 43.3 30.0 3.3 7.3 Are you currently employed? % Reporting full-time % Reporting part-time % Reporting not seeking employment 78.5 12.4 4.3 77.4 12.0 5.4 71.5 16.0 4.5 77.2 10.5 6.1 61.9 20.5 11.7 How closely related is your current job to your bachelor’s degree major? % Reporting "related" or "closely related" 74.3 76.6 71.8 74.2 67.4 If you incurred debt in your undergraduate degree program, how did this affect you after you left the University? 11.3 % Reporting serious sinancial problem 35.4 % Reporting moderate financial problem 7.7 34.5 5.3 31.6 7.5 32.8 11.3 31.8 48.8 2,074 1,012 36.3 2,343 851 38.2 2,309 882 34.5 2,315 798 RESPONSE RATES (%) Number surveyed Number responded 41.6 1,991 829 107 Table 57. Macomb Campus Housing, Fall 2007-2011 Residence Hall Capacity Residence Hall No. 5,000 4,800 4,400 4,400 4,400 4,574 4,456 4,138 4,086 4,207 1,720 1,668 1,136 935 744 - 2.96 (20.43) Year 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Percent Change Over Previous Yr Single Room No. University Married* No. Resident Assistants Total Living On-Campus Total Living Off-Campus Total Macomb Students 357 268 336 293 226 150 142 135 128 134 5,081 4,866 4,609 4,507 4,567 6,138 5,919 5,878 5,870 5,856 11,219 10,785 10,487 10,377 10,423 4.69 1.33 (0.24) (22.87) *Number of units available. Source: University Housing Table 58. Residential Buildings as of Fall 2011 Year Built BUILDING Bayliss Corbin East Village Grote Hall Henninger Higgins Horn Field Campus International House Kibbe Station Lamoine Village Lincoln Olson Tanner Thompson University Residence University Village Washington Wetzel 1966 1962 1966 2004 1966 1967 NA 1994 NA 1970 1963 1965 1968 1969 1973 1956 1963 1970 Total Gross Net Square Feet Assignable* Percent Assignable 116,800 135,200 41,538 44,940 116,800 310,248 1,820 9,420 8,146 154,240 98,150 135,200 228,083 300,097 7,400 14,508 98,150 208,900 78,346 35,032 33,102 76,422 196,377 7,580 69,144 63,525 154,142 190,116 13,252 63,526 - 67.1% 0.0% 84.3% 73.7% 65.4% 63.3% 80.4% 44.8% 64.7% 0.0% 67.6% 63.4% 91.3% 64.7% 0.0% 2,029,640 980,564 48.7% *Net assignable = Usable square feet Source: Physical Plant 108 0.44 Table 59. Nonresidential Buildings as of Fall 2011 Year Built BUILDING Alumni House Annex (Heating Plant) Bennet Hursh Lounge Beu Health Center Brophy Browne Cinema Commissary Currens DPS Building Farm Field Lab (All Buildings) Football Training Locker Room Garwood Godfather's Lease Space Golf Course (All Buildings) Gold Course Storage Shed Greenhouse Horn Field Campus Horrabin Kerr Farm (All Buildings) Kibbe Station Knoblauch Malpass Library Memorial Morgan Mowbray Multicultural Center Physical Plant Physical Plant East Physical Plant South Quad Cities 60th Street/John Deere Road Location Quad Cities Riverfront Campus Sallee Seal Sherman Simpkins Stipes Storage (All Areas) Student Recreation Center Student Recreation Center Addition Thompson Dining Hall Tillman University Art Gallery University Service Building University Union Utility Plant Waggoner Western 1900 1934 1957 1963 1973 1959 1971 1967 1970 2006 NA 2000 1914 1973 NA 2010 1964 NA 1967 NA NA 1964 1978 1962 1967 1973 2009 1969 1972 NA 1971 NA 1964 1955 1902 1937 1970 NA 1997 2008 2001 1953 1902 1977 1956 1924 1968 1964 Total *Net assignable = Usable square feet Source: Physical Plant 109 Gross Square Feet Net Assignable* Percent Assignable 5,700 30,400 38,900 15,300 107,500 70,200 8,736 7,538 142,200 17,000 74,290 10,225 25,900 2,728 7,832 3,072 5,000 2,280 148,700 8,052 7,254 93,500 222,300 83,500 118,300 9,600 14,000 43,200 2,535 5,875 58,500 60,040 53,000 35,500 107,100 110,600 142,600 22,075 51,380 25,000 26,000 88,400 7,100 26,000 183,683 18,200 131,900 132,892 4,636 21,640 25,900 9,365 92,318 46,064 6,823 101,592 15,300 73,943 8,642 19,068 7,832 3,072 4,829 2,250 99,683 5,171 63,241 167,917 59,923 72,960 7,103 11,010 35,542 2,281 5,875 42,880 40,827-Est. 33,265 20,907 69,025 60,680 100,065 22,075 38,791 20,693 26,000 58,626 4,791 21,000 127,412 17,811 88,145 100,324 81.3% 71.2% 66.6% 61.2% 85.9% 65.6% 90.5% 71.4% 90.0% 99.5% 85.0% 73.6% 100% 100% 96.6% 98.7% 67.0% 71.3% 67.6% 75.5% 71.8% 61.7% 74.0% 78.6% 82.3% 90.0% 100.0% 73.3% 68.0% 62.8% 58.9% 64.4% 54.9% 70.2% 100% 75.5% 82.8% 100.0% 66.3% 67.5% 80.8% 69.4% 97.9% 66.8% 75.5% 2,611,587 1,057,687 40.5%