. 0 c3t atnij jo oo.xep T'OI IOJ j 1O' UO t1I3TJ TttiU Ut qp:qn c T:T tio iITIm3 OCTLflcr q rLI$Y?: mw f:!IccIo&T MI iNfT (IJ.IOr AIIJt OO EIrK1Ytbt W APPROVED: Redacted for Privacy Protes8Or of .ric:J. tur:1 cwics in Chr::c cf jor Redacted for Privacy (1J..turi eono 1CS Head of Li Redacted for Privacy Oha1I0ja o1 ii;teo Redacted for Privacy Dean, radtc Division T) CT :V TJ Ti .qux oxt er?t[L OEItOt) Qt UWT1P ?iuyLC) 3U C txoot1too G[q OTO1ThDO qJC) cpt1B .ttTpuOLir 9TJ1 pctd .xoj cw' uc1orc.:Y J31t4 JO setdTotrcxd etj. uç uroL..;o q .ttuT.iUr uT £::inj uç SLi. y 'ao o. :c UTPTX :.:flrdt tZc uopnxoxT 'T1OIUt TC1 O 1tP I3PUtl U U UUtVtTiOeT T TOT1I 1-TP iC (4 ¶!GuTxe( 'O1.i:OtO5 31Trro tIOTIV 'JtVPJ (4 ti: Z)T11 tçq JO atj I o Jo JtiOO;; F s O).) )LW tOTOStflOO JO '1:roT o.3c3(jo;IT '1 urci j :trr o. Ct j'(T: .TTOV iuo:r tXOiO 8W1 t1t iFU oo oit O UiiOçl &jooin. :;a BTTt puoI ptXL f o;Ic £$3tttL &.IOQ (4 ,bt'A[. ° UT.&t .ZO 0 XTOi PDXO Chapter TIVE3 )F i.:iI3. FINDIN*G5 . TI rI-T-tc, * 4 4 . . 8 8 * * * 4 4 4 PJthT I pm r-o.uc:.i 1 IrL.try in Oe;on II Growth of' th ii: rketin Ucason. karket1n Cmne1s. . The Prioin . iair..nY CO1) i' II ORiGON . I . roeess . . . 4 . 4 4 4 0 . . . . . . , . . 4 . 4 4 4 , . . 8 0 4 4 . * DesIred ijnproveraefltc! Th OD RT nI CIT p'fllCd Op:3oity Ga8OflalitY of Gonsuiptiofl. , Ooxnjetition vith uther re:i. A Wartime . 6. Development of the Brod iroted rone. . . 69 . RT IV SOW 1b LV . ., . . &djust5.n.g 1r'Di1CtiOfl. . . . * $mall or Laro i'ur}ey . WIden1n: pront r riet3. T1'IW j &i."ENDI. irr A, 4 jJi U V . . 0 4 4 * * 8 4 4 4 8 4 * 0 0 4 0 4 * . . 0 4 0 4 4 4 4 4 OJXJ ' 4 4 * * 82 4 102 LIJ1 C i)e$crirtion 0. Rank of the first ten si.tci in numbers of turkeys rai ed r 5-your periods l93l-3 ana 19364l nc r yetr, 1941 throwh 1946.... 14 Turkeya: Prodtctiu., di oition, tverae th ore ou for period prtoe and tot3. ...... 1? 1930 to 1947.. .,,..., ;on, by co1ntlo total numbers. 20 Gash tarn incoe for Oro:on oi ..2.ected nr * ... 21 crops and rn3: ol loitance.... ... . 3. Turkeys: fox' i93 §. Thinther : nd, Dressed tur.:c:T: Uitd jtites 1)i3 t.. and cons 1t42 to j.. .Jrc. 6. 3ales o 'ir:..oY fro C3T ?. OoioroiLi. . 28 Lu .... i)istrbitio:L of t u'i:.y r-t .ctin s t ri)luu or oficit or ln population, j) Per capita ad for 1O4 and 1J45 . inco!e........ ......... 1 . 1u.iCtlOfl lj46*..,,*...,.*..,,.. :7 . i 40 139-4l 3VCrOC, .:e of avere 44 Crers, live estimated iriees: thc fru 19O to 1c4'?. 46 weight in Ore;on, b7 c1kens , tu.oy , ind all iieat OOfl$Ut1fi. "kcr e itt, o: rers 129 to 104i, red with indx nber b sea on lO59 everaes. 54 ortheeatern Yr:.:..t fc. joun Turkey prices: £ toa grown, droei £roze yom Ien turkeys fro. 1O5? to l4'i........... ...... ..... 5? 13, Averago viol ;t 14. i for 0reon for oriL turkeys: CJ± toric to 1947....... 1Ofl md ., 3.J1 t' .,,a*... ,.. r .Deicritiun No. Turkeys: A Tzrkeya 3J.ni New ro3k ii1lfl1fl(i prloe rati(J 17. ;e .** verae U.0 of rzwin hlnto3.. . L out board, by tito3 for uctobr a. 1946... .. 3. 19 20. Turkeys: each 2-weo 76 , 1940 444e4 4.44 4*4 4,4 stt.for lO poults in J), 14 2rIU 1 , per pOult.................... (o fo: Growth st; of vcru'e elt pe: bir4 at Turkeys: consiied .i:ci, anu onuu er In live ;eiht for :crcnt riOOM in e1t3in Broad I3re tet irnzo tur:.e 4... 484 a yule thta J-:io ijtc, . . . tJi cct c c,i' ct3lble meat A OOIfljDi$O11 pound 21 S .? '/ t.irr-fc4 t . co;ts lxi of the livo 22. J'eroen e cib10 i3 fe 3? 96 LIST C)Y Doscriotion iure No. riso3 in Oregon and Distribution or ur 1ootion ot ::roceoi11 1age 1Tht3 in 19 A acbetic diry.-. ohoin .retin chumo1s through which turkeys r1o'i iro rdtcer to o oxisuzer. . . . . . ... -. i'ou.te over \.ftdoh ure sunting ai3tributim -r aceordin to oop 1 aeficit in .ii1lions . * r?VO Ult..) Co.fl- **-eS** **4.$d i& ;i ;n1ea Jttes "irp1s and h OJfldS for 14b. . . . .. . . th 1945 1T.3. aver. 6. A opariu tion and 1930 to 33 ,. ..L:) ci1 C CJfl51L Tar3 . t.,. 0*e 4E U.S. turker ;riee. co ireu consumption anct th utrii io: .ro:irkey LiO &a,.,t to 1946.e.............***,,*,,44, trke, ohio::en U.3. per cjit-. c z;u;t1o:. of ]1r/ ts £rom i. 39 t and all re U.S. ave cz ricc :i: lii: tx-c.-s eo:iared retail prioeo ' bcf an. ve:.1, yor1 and chic onLh from b on signific3nt itr (Hto anuary 194.. to icrch ices of l::ee:o oh oE.on3, sheep, o..tnd fro 19 to cattle, cmho s Li C.. U 52 uarket hcn over toii (J.E3. averao price por r1oi.nd coipard VIItki Ti s. turkeys in cent 11 tur!ceyi fro. January average live ;'tciht of 194r7 .................. . 1c4O to Ari1 . 0 0 53 iLJ JYBOi'iIC OiaiTIi'I VE YsI 0 OR ;GOi ' U'i') PRODJGL jj:i The objeotiv First, to trc: tud of t:Lj uLuotry Lt In eceo of local jn Qreon whic 0onswiption dc .orket:ed in out of the rith state areas. ii'1cio1; f:1cieL Second. to 'ispect of the 11r()tiF: :.&cL1e.; rcr ;iiich thi. oaroflter: ito c:: ;:;it Ion i1th plus nr1$t be crr other turke prudcr.. Third, to x viou Droblems that a result of ti ra J o1 tL o(hc tJi ic :r3, ro !:. ortant tocl r f the 1ndutry r ro will have an ti or jit bor:L: ction :nd market in; attOrB 'be Fourth1 to cLi.c:: ;ovor. ide in an ;o i.tJ:t:f in will stab11Ic t; assure ijreon rodcO :et. in the turkey :,nL,.::, oi f:. Ii ui L oIe : rc rtur fr t ttlU S pOaTUfl uoo wi puts i t Lo$: iot:.: O.I )T)J) CfO{.Xt1 T (IO.IO r .&q UOi9XO YL p.iiq JO TI eiod000 4O :t Epiq toat. )Topt 9 rIU .rxapt1ctopUT CSO;Itt3. j)i O. t[UOS9S K) IO T4 )I IC 1 T;orpo..ta. XTtfl. IOJ ..TifltY ug tuOp3Xj iç I;ç T!': t: tII Icc LtOC I )UC 'JOAMot 'UOB pe.o.SOI irro fl q:tqz[r 1tI4 OT UOq.OtipOI T' UC; .I() poti o oo.ro p.Ip fr6t UI trt T3OTJ c;: pTXEI. OT.{ UTO LIOO U '&E1 TW OO(Q SB14 UOT urrque ;T1T zrçooq UTIXQD :at uç LzsrtpttT 't k'tq 3,IGLJ o 'O 2Ut UOtUi :';O JO o.xvi qotT 'tiJOAO :at;. ..iOI.TOO .j UE UOOl Xt t1OT4Nt .ifirç e3j, 9 A.:3sl1pUT OtJ). o. Utt4OE T L. potq Jo xOtZ 13 T .t;T.A' oTOflPO'i ti t.TTJ O oU P°IL- .EOO Gt 940.IdttlT ttT O15 TXoT:ccJ eic r:xoA XtT cc ' *ITq tUrJ.. 0 OOWd 3t[ 3)tT4 tTT tIC.f pttO p pt o:oo L qirj t.;O 0 OT1tT I0tirSuOO O. ,XtOA OOc P1U3P TUOBB9 OU)T I3 io )t4. EO.I TTPco qçM JO tuJJJTP OOT SJpGw zoao t)TW. o rq seo;.xd ettrn rt ooq ox uodn iTa.T PtI :o1çJ ST1TV 'TUt33 Or P8TVT Aiqt.iotj. IetaO c_ iOO IT1xocrx IOJ UTDt1pOXd £ain. 0T tIttOI 4Ttfl] .sovr oq O1. C.TT pnotç 'OOUGpAQ 1O.pB W1 q. ttcjtOt)OI c () prçJ Ti: .L.: UO.SE) oqiff. U(i i ';t UJJ or OO .TI 3Uc:t,.0 'P Sq peouu ttXepSUOO l T:toM; ooq. pTq 5'"f UO2$qI( XOJ wçoq TIT O 0Tp7c IoinJ tZO$tIO T 'POId UO20.Ifl I8AO i(iOC. 1" (2. I; iif1 O4 itMOMpTW 7ODfl)CJ '03 C UT T'jO ;;'poiJ xo'ox T 0 JUT SITT1In1 Eu. (4 aTT3 ;::ot)uLmsuoo TIQt. )O1 UE .UtO)ITW wç c.irntb =:twt)q. OT .xovx 3pTL:rc) 1 i .; tOOq SiieDtx Gq .&T3UX TX.(.)T.(i'iflUOO .iu EiO:1. * .uç.iq u. pçç.x -Bfl1O tIIO. .T !TOT1 oiuQJ 1LOIJ 3irqJ3p :j1, 03W)PTAO Th$t ,. TO tU ruoo -It4 JO IJC r TiOU p'Tq ki A)t ,XO.Otij tIprT XT ictioo Uoq. U$ zoJuo; UT)3T.t. ZQtTttLt -uq POIEI pJOIfl Otfl JO uoça Qrk. POUT JI) eti, O2'UoIg £ &rLO pet9.iOu pi; :00 q p:LuJ 0fl4O) .zo (4 poonpa1t eq nw (r (;) .j.:. :'iJ,: ( . 3() A - - Ii) -, O ioir. )TU' eçE POtd ;oi et ZftZU j-fl ) JLUQ) tC :. .touT ct wtop u'cIT.f JO UO1CLUIflS Io; pUtt1iP a Xu .. ot -OJ i.00d$ .- pc ti4 JO tIOT.OtP?tI SC.Ti . - 4çu! 'TOt':-rD rcYO -XA Z)1 tIoo OJL 'p.rq iart PiTh? prçq C-t )1I i ),I1i? 4JI JO .-T4 U1? UTJO Oi fl.X k (.. )OrD 't'.- SOT, i'I J Oii. :.;c ..iT . .)i-.)L[-) JO 8t3I 1 OU.TP oq. 4rT $tOt iUOO T -' ç:ç.rcisi. i ett1. ue'qq U9OJJO JO L1: L ()C.I( 07 1. br Ily, oi o cif a3 Iei 't.r t.tC eit roe bcC I r-: Ia c )CCfl U t t-IPL oc'e In production of expansion a h'.i. I erc :., ir1:.: :cr ).i br rof'.ect- be t. coi;taos If ;eo coirr o by be L aIit .es reo ;r uo processir; et restrict Modern. 3) for the in ed o:1 tho to resistance i..i:i; Ore(on. in 'rown .orco a hI;h as have one O).: '..I.. birci'; narket the rkj theii oncorod ijird .rowIn: n.tOCT, e.;a.ense tho a well as publicity This variety this anc: i3rnae 13reaite Broad proc enables ann aaoain hot. for shelter or ..ri'dc. * er;e favor:b1 A growth: oi C uHor this for are lher a profIt. uJCeci .ortir:cy. ot :ro :iIU bo I cIti been Ore In i.e..iity rIe It a t have which ad phenornon natural a o: rowti The t 7 f1icieci producers, makin. of roouc- tion. 4) atai: Oj' Feed sup].y produo1n areu bu i. ra <i uses and ur1iu; au .ui ranea re p1entifL anti I a deCieit focd 5. to a far .is;aa.t. Green aavin in total feed costs. .VC) C)Jbw;.C&i vanta2es Witn production E1flC. f'aot tt the of' income of' 5.0 lea 3 :i'tth.. . o i ar LVC OIia ad. i.Tha , c oa:!u. a1th the a t1 o.roe ita3tr e .'O'OXI aJ:'L: .a o era fo h fr tern aarl'ets cza reatest cor of .... In reas The reut (.1&3!CE eot ;reatest handieip, marketinf :av L northwestern preraiu.n for 'a-: - Uua :çj J}LJcn. tiiO CC( Li ;y. ).l.Ct1VO 3ar '1i f- v.)ra.)J sltiate to Ore on' J.ncroase the expand productian et; I a;i oonsuner de:aua 1noreated rod.cti:a caa a 1a1. a to a aa:a: aenta when the : - - market hu cre 11 a:et e sit ation and problems fostered future of the iflcL necesary rv1o:: .nt are vta1. to the hii :c'rt:i jU3tYiIt3 .T.ro ro ter efficien- With i.acei des in prothictin 1 ct1,ion enable Oreon witdi those of vrco 1a i,. :ovin:i practices will hatohability ai !11 )1J (Appendix 'Aab iccdin COXlO: !1OaJ methods must be iti:L.e. For producti to :CC jarket for the upon Beveral ict:rs: o3it :t be a 3J1 h COJ : Con ;rcr 1C.); rurkey r;Let ho.s COUO ijico a elasticity of co .and. peultin y ctoe a re :I frort ueOreSe in the There : .ot be C with other a1trtiv i;ua1TLy J.?or turc in substit;utive :L.Vti.:o.i to be conouae ro .1 c5.. co: .i)I( orice basis nust extt;. be such as to ie 011 a cYoet:LG1Ve iot .::ti tc A) .OT1 aAitT 1ToTtrtt C)T4. EUO UTO I OO. ':o'J -XO >J1 oT:r C U o q LrP T StJ tIE3ZO113 i: U :t'.. ti JO UOTZ IuT P.If tep1t o. '7r oq rr :i(. 1. jc * oi,xd 't ;J( tOT CTTM uq i;q pOTZTWX$8p (i 1L tooI Uo3 oo: Uç ct e:nt ue xoj - '.SOO t19M etp. .10 JJO UOO UT UT uoTt:-ttcIoa ::LouT 'c' ov_0 .!1j') £qtJo.1d L)4jE) (O OQ. UTt[M SP.ITQ UOt() .1O.1 (ç. çsniq Doo tio 22' 1O3 . 3t)(d UQ2Lr. &owouooa oq p uoorpotid 55_i $$'3.ii r:T.p et oaut.r UOptIO1C); ;2-ç i3UO0 tE O tzothi etrt 0IQCTS&! Otp; E1dOOd i:-; :3' jflSruT ;c )0C2 tO 'S :p aTp, T20UO09 2 2 8 ti Oct tor CiC.! TPG i:o o q:n5j. TW1 ST JQTJI0ATiOO oq. J.;.Ii:. .e ri: t:.UOO Ot{. eit.00 : LJ2uO O:To.IJ. ' -uo OU ç ztq 22;... U..:OO<.' ;:21 oi.;::' T2OJc UT 2U(I2 U ),IT11 0 tq. U2. -U22 I.JT:1.!E $2 .Ti.5,. r .; 20 S L) spoq. ciS. q S2. ptiq uLS 10 pezts tie ,U21SXO OUIOS OT, i 4OrpoId petu. .b £otiui jo .:T2 2 :ki-ssoao,id jo xt eq U' Pi,..OP '.tItiT15S02 L2 i!t;i:UT.UOr * .eci aq. u 1S.'/ ). CL C1.!UtT $J}2J1 23I[ 0O.I1 5S JO .. T.r0 .$$:fl tiOj 1O'rtaOUOQe or t :ro,r (OT O tzi1 u,t TLXtet o3. .Jp[s tt J1?Wd !LT 'Ii!(rOt i:(J I A2S 13 Ci'TEi 1 GR OwT.rJ. -cT" 1 The turLey ids duri the 1jt ;..) only a r1nor fsr eoao one of O:reo JFc -%j. Vi 1t T', r'c.1('1\T ir h:"s -:r.j,n 4ro)llcTLow3i3r Or turiT: c;V'5 yV .,cr:Lse i: ja ric C L.'utri.o ccordin to tii 3,OOO turkeys in thirtieth p1:;ce. .jr::i..wticn O(Y. boit during the ncxt cu i produced in Oron ii i 30 :m. nationally, ui iJ.L.-ort:Lce in rTher o paoe with that 1. tc :ter a peak produetioo o: arnon ;ixtn plco d.ictL L:cr Table 1) . :o lh lO' iL.. ion :L1; , ru1WL. .:oirth - z :-ig..icin the ten l.ciin -. iC. :t.ion Pac torr3 Or) iho rapid incr; e kot ll L;.t th ro...tiun during the p 0 oc,nocQl. the two more i.ortnt bein lii 1oIe Biologioal develop:.touts I nh(. L I i. i physically posib1e t economic conditi.ni- have hen - jj)IU ) .O 1 RhU OP !i'U LTh LI J1U*8 OP W! W8A) PJ 193146 aM 193641 LID P 1936-40 Txaa a1if. . iek Okie. Teza. (alif. Mliv. Okia. 1oa . I OW& k. Virginia . cthio oure: 1941 (alif. in:. ioa k i. k1a. io. 1JC. ns. S 1942 1943 1946 Texas izrn. Texas 'ft1if. Ltnn. Mlun. Jalif. IOI a1if. Oregon Iowa k. 1k. ebr. 5.-T1iAR P TMB 2941 rnROUIZ 1946 a. Jk. ebr. Uta tureau of Agvi3u1tura1 Iaonoeiiee, USE* O. lash. 1eb. Is Pa. e br. Pa. irg&nia. UC;Tf ,10 C tI) )MtT StIOT. ç otd ua i:i. o' P)TOr [f )T .IO PtU?O J £-wo OT IUT O.E3 I tI?. TOT- T jo o1 toqt.mu 3prçq n o:T .() OIDO TP '? ;y., .t.tnj trecq s si.iq po.xc )Y:RicT Zfl J)U )IuJ. VT c.. J (O tq tTTtO1 ç Stoqro t t :oiord ATt( °T tI).(O T Ut 1)U ITI3 JO QEfl1U ) T1Ut0 e!rçL[d G ir! PTX11 114 )T1poI<J Ot ;)UT.0 iVL.(: Ti P4it! Y) OTXO D ..co U 1 UIT 1$t )t (:. JTU L. ttc:L u ptTT2 ctoonpod r. uc.a:r O. .c et 9Tiooaq PT jo IT q vrri .!ct p :Y:(. o. s:; C. o. T; Corn: o p ztTJ ç41d I14 oJ ouoouT TC OAO JO UOT. ' CT 0r ?OI I:I !. 'OOO9t' 6t JO iLttJ 2) .()J 0 'rr.ztj t1EO m ( .rqu.j) 'qc3 tn Ctc1 t po3pCi Cuçq C'T E)tJ. PTX3 .TjOXd gt TLJL 2 !W3WS: POJJCflOJ, IgB?QSVMOI, LYZRAGE ?fl108 LID ?OTLI. TA1iJ3 11 OREGOI SCE P1RI0D 1950 TO 147 b* prO%LtGM, Tear 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1975 1936 1937 1938 2959 1940 1941 1942 1943 3.944 1945 1946 194? thousands 625 650 750 600 750 900 1159 1197 1259 1512 1700 171.9 1854 2241 2283 5060 2152 (1389) Lysrege prta live vt per lb 22.4 22.1 12.1. 13.3 15.5 3.9.? 16.0 17.6 18.8 14.8 15.0 20.2 28.5 33.1 33.2 54.7 33..5 Lye 1it'1 prios live vt per lb Oonsaisd 6o14, thousands of pounds pounds on faes, thousendt of 21 6 142 21' .6 56 2 iattoue1 thousands of dollars 2000 2015 1335 3.9.4 11.8 14.5 19.2 16.4 17.7 17.9 15.9 15.4 39.9 27.5 32.6 34.0 prooad, 3.182 1650 2798 3290 354$ 5901. 391 382 395 309 294 368 427 bor3*t Bzresn of Lgrioultursl &Qnoai3e, UI 29019 27992 33520 57583 41842 55384 47239 4412 6731 9666 12476 13990 19218 15015 7 6 6 7 6 6 5 5 5 4 4 S 4 5 J.J:i . J(... U)i. '.L.IC .rçoi 1 tEdt 4 I)T ;;OO IT.LXflt t1?O :tY4 ;o.IJ GiuQOUT 4J. pe.sfl ot. Jo oou1i u fX1I. 0 )O .TDTQ'91 Oqj, y iC 'ouwt 'ixtt( tCt Z)L wuroo Uo.UQ '.Iiç;' pooH Z;Tfl i.: UEfl. JQtfl.O pou r c;:r;: Iq'L) Jo jo Ucç.IT?d .1. is.; 3 :..jj: UI 3')J 1)U . .xo;:'t O.O.I( tLI1.SQ! UT toq Lt u1 0 JOuT Figure 1. DI8TRIBU!PIO OP TURKEYS RAISED IN OREGON AND LOCATION OP PROCESSING PLANTS IN 1945 Ley: Cooperative .1ante ° Indepently owned. planta One dot = 1000 turk.ye Souree: Oeneue oi Agriculture for Oregon, 1945 TA8a 3 ;h1xD Ih 0&, 13! TUR*E8: 1i PObi. Wi5&tS IS 1939 A.L 1944, A 1 91.8 1 852 13? 703 314 22 222 01.as 01tsop 0o1ubts 11155 Coos 4005 Craok Jso)mtss 295 104 358 G1U1 210 979 5 004 D*il*a (hant n.y 5525 Eoo4 River Jsokeo* J,ft.reo* Jospbins flemath L4noo1 sThe Irta* 1 441 25 542 58 536 2 206 2* 713 33 62? Polk flhl..os* 2 401 93 248 227 069 161 392 225 3 862 6 079 418 2 106 11 110 16 090 378 2 629 614 629 812 18 230 7 531 7011 7 212 51 005 2 123 1? 951 12 006 471 83 10 792 21 621 262 50 )48 697 248 809 3 555 319 005 8825 7? 177 50 361 531 456 192 3 781 4 885 18 040 17 802 178 57 178 1 36? 479 11050 1268 2? 1 219 263 092 76 251 116 567 2 214 138 536 88? 137 6?? 851 75 13 20]. 789 £ 403 986 0?LL I 1 1 045 161 192 10712 28 752 32 879 754 61 776 2 208 145 535 YsahilI 5074 5587 233 268 9782 s.kthg$on 26 085 735 70 379 2 186 2 882 Uaa.tt].1s Union eJ.1oo. 10 820 91 1*5 120 1 742 171 752 6 556 167 813 13408 it*sm*k 105 032 298 095 Soirces U.S. Cons of griz1ture for Oregozi,1945 ABL4 FhJ cao AL) AJZ 07 1A*C3 ote.1 Pcz]try Pro CaLtie & Calves Bats ota3. Livestock *11k roduts ?0L .PLUI ?R0i 58453 hee.t ia.1ey Cern }Le.y Po tetoes liope 11198(3) 1251 8908 14] 222 9151(4) 1126 1253 1388 1658 119 £82 "34(7) 3739(8) 0) 2026 3688 3063 760] 178 161 151 216 5244 7134(9) 7250 4269 199 225 0287 0 130 (2.25) $5 t 4 7l8 106(9) T0AL FI:LD tW?s Apples aerries Peeclie I era Is 1900 224 2707(111 1753 643. i*ts1 Orobex4 0 . 9171 3465(9 422 6007(7) 1410 998 1478 1570 w1 AL CROP PIWD (Con t1ILS& Ofl 205 42 9450( 2610 778 15288(5) 227 2576 TOTAL h2I.X. £ iao? PiQWOTb oTt Paraiats tRD TOTAL Does not inolude horso, m1es, cbsir, bee,1uoke, geese or ie foi. not inolude truok cn'ops, grass eeds, fae seeds, eppez'miut, 5Qc? bett, ,aa.s, f*r* timber ,xothts, berries and others. oroe: reu of Agrioultural .conomtos snd. regon ].47 estIrnate (1ated Mr tate rket ieortinm1, ff toe, rev 1ed 23 value of turkey ou1ts un value of turIcey ro even greater. * to the bo would have boon tune e of totJ as a cioC eit1 Inc oine from tho ry in Jr per eant Of 1:I0 t)ai Using :rp, te1y J1UC t8 woald be fro; tu.r:ov tribute to Ore. a;ricultura1 ir; o 1'3 A study of try in Oregon, ]e prieti T xord turkej indus- Lic rc.ctiaa of l cia; turkeys In exc *The added valao ary 1, 19, there season about O o 21,000,000 :j'cre bou1 Jcal 3U,O :-:i alS as fol1ow; On Janu- hor hens. iurin 'Lojt v:ero ;3rouue?a, or about that wore sold as ' ogs and the otr oio hf ;iec L 1tckoi 1n iolt. Tho average price recoi1eu for a a about 30 coit er e and for l0,oC,0? be abuaL t 1O,000. Poult prices avoia:e. 'ooa 7 cnta :;or oult. 'ith a , 30 per cent h. e1 , , 0. 0 uI t bu: atched and, at 7 cents there would be a 4,2,00O adued value. ' A close estirJE Ic be about 26,5O0,0uo foi' thu yuer pjrox1iote1y only one-half of LL n. e. c end. sold out of state anc the r ainer were used for our o LI flocks for b1r1( re 'u l Ce assumed that tot2 ca fr incoac ha turev ducer hou1d Include ts nL r of where they were :iatcd. ''o hi szrp1u3 'uut 1)0 di;i it 13 adViSb1(' ;: :i with its erficie.. ;.0 what the ooreti turkey roduc ii tio nvironi; *. L I; :1.x'. the uoon . erisin tro. th1 tIC the o iS they enter to deterw1n rif Ir u , tli cere will fr11:. TIT0'. -T - nTJUT ZY TO S ..) ticorpoiñ :.trt 2. ) ..-Lan4 Ss000rc q - JoJ ;cos UCuI UCT.- ttT f CV)? JTP OO1:) jc.tc t; 1STZ ..1J 't:4xnp orcTT TTT t?rçxc1 uoT1rt1:mmoo Ti ptrc 1)tt3 IoTnsUeo IO? f:ii:r ! I-EL r 9, 27 } 1946 1930 Cold Etcn'- age stk at at begin- tons of n.iag of mil1iozs pounds 1130 211 1152 1932 1933 21.4 1934 284. 1.930 #67 19fl 1931 2939 1940** 943** 942' 1.945" 1944's 1.945** 1946' * ha-. porta r j.: 264 millions :f o34 'tjX'e $too?$ !3t eni of yr, ih1tons of 10 5 10 10 15 16 19 16 19 17 19S * 35 311. I' 51 422 616 628 011 091 63. 52 61 50 50 36 6 37 73 768 742 106 1.05$ than; 5X), :on,t ion 7? 108 228 'er i&pita, t11tona of rQa3p 222 214 0 297 28 269 344 368 26 b BeutU4t D C0T10 1I) N.?S 2 J$11) LJRXfl; 393 496 527 539 615 555 647 721 2.8 1.7 2.10 2.40 2.20 2.10 2.70 2.70 2.70 3.00 3.76 3 99 4.09 3.91 4.20 4.76 3.46 0 pouiits. rsports s of Ant1. i97. Pr Cfi.pita oo1 Pattou nLi bejiii con utcd en revised basi of Cold 5tor.ge stooks 111 1m>orts less o1d storage stoo et end of pertd divided b7 average pouiativn ftgres of 1940 and 2941 Cinmis 2iiort* ourot bureau of Ai i1 t r3. coui . 0 t'o L'c o't c'i 6't Y Vf t'8Z O't ¶"9 0' 6'O VU' V1 V17 Vt 3' 99 3'7I g'1. rc rt £' '9 ?'(P 6'9 ?' Vt V f'O .W 6''t 'i O't 6' t''T "9 O' 9 6'#'t t' 'ec c't 9'8 o'tc o'e '9 O'69 9'Vt i' rt 'c Q' '8 e'o cr 8'9 9'9 ° e'v t'' 9' 9' FT 9 9'! 9'! V o' r g't c' 't r o'T r 1' g' F goTwco Er " 5° 8' I 1' c' ' VZ /'c t't T ' '' j3 ? t' T' c:' L.° q' 9'! VT rt 9' E 9' jo azr P V L' q' L' 3't 9" tr O°t c " s' 9' t' t V V V 6 9' O' seo4oi 9$6T 6t 'r g' ' O 9P6t 't 9P8T 6t 6t t6t 91'6t PP6Z V VV ø6t * c' g' 6' i' VI Ft t'T V Er P16T gP6T '7 t't Fl VT 6 OT E9 V t' F V 9' V V r c't V 't V o't " 9' V rr Vr t"' I' 9' 9 - 'L 6' ' -Y £' t' O't ' ¶1 t' t' Vri o't crs o c'i g° 6' Ft £' i' i' 8' V 9P6t 6t 06t NO'I 14 9t6t 6t -- Ft Vt 9' L' r" 9'T 6 9'J O'I Ft 6'9 9't ' 0'S 6' S' ' V 6' £' t 9' 't t"! 6 ' 6'9 9'O 9't 6'9 Q9 6'! C.t$ 8'P L'E 9° 9'9 Ft '. I s't c' 6'L9 ('/ O't 6 6'! 6' O't O' t'L 9' 9. FLt .(;$ "i 1't V $'T 9'!i 6' ga rt 't rtt ' 8'6t '' g'g t' V L'02 V'* 6'T! '9 8'! Q'F rt t'L h't -- 6'T 9'c g VS Q' L'89 VT £'t £' Zt6t ' 9'7 9c zqt Vh 099 6' 99 'I 6'9 t' rs 9'tq s°e ci £° rt rt o't O' 9° 6° 8' t't r g ' rr 'q 9' r r'r 9' V r ' L 9' 9' 9' a' 6t 6 F a' ' gt g t t 't r* 1t siiy £O T .zit ?i;.znp to epUm t;Q 30 ty pu 0.tO 9 TtOt! °D'l U I q. orpoxd ar eI(itI YUtJ .xoj et. 1XRUIO UOj1.(TPS -tto ) Jo Sv TtOT O 1 T. op O1, . 000.id pw ODtL3 ?A3U O33OOICI U?1 0i; ff3 cc:uup I T? PU (1 :c( t 'TTT° tuor; et TOTtV. saoo.id JO :.ut u. tooiJ U IOOt:UO.IC pLoT1 J.U) uq O&t3T.T 'i[qtIOGtX LIOA UIGt Z)A )Iv J) 10.IitcO0 MF OOI) 3J0UT L ::z :uI,1xt?yi ui pSbIp iat tq1: 9 .)LPi OITC TI!I UT C1..LLL 3AO.tt4 O '.xeqqo pui 1.; IC'i 0!fl. 0 .Ut pA0U ) UIL if OLiOS U OJ.0 T')J..) 00 pttL 'OOd Uj &'1M £q T0JUOO JOfl.XflJ ;i: dTt'XOUtO roo pu peimo ejr!m tIMe ';.ptr pin.ni t.p eq Xl Lt 1OO)YW :>---;....TL zi tGt1L c; urt.her alon' h2i1 of be dressed anc : re3sin pla pi2mt3. tor i:1rd r.cr by the iniiv1cu. ur1:o3r -'r oThuer on:c 't?i In 1i)2iO f':. crorE::in: 2:rCj r )1 2 ret' med :o'ir t Thi eIther 1flC rotnil ou.ti.et.. or ooiC. t;o o1 ,. prcducerc na O1" In L1ot case , nvrkets have becoro intf:rc. '' to c . and have rrcotc t.izers nd +- i'r- uo done their n..: ovin dietributioxi L,iO . :L .:)ro ic :c'. 1e.. . - rcve crJ rore. Thero tration or o ir-nr econonlical for oc: i)iret of meat and hi:' :e:.c e- n. c cvo).cn;:2. in hi .riiuincr those OlD: ortun 'roc :c e:r'o :' ec. There ore Ind1cti nroeessinr. j:' t' i.or'ina1 .:o:T:. ' r'cecin. ..L:1i1 on 't 'i ':r-:::orc :hir "cret pi;P oog1EcIA .iC Aroit 1vp U 1948 1 e&e Natioi*2. Affiliation 4tatE?4d0 Affjl1atjo Port iba* daond eskr df era b dnd. i iteto*t1. ffiliatiou £nrnaent luQal dealers t Qj3t o4ty oburg os il1'Jttj tng t 2kM ° e rketin4g oistto*i j9fl rr Harststo* RtaiIe ri Pr.dxev Ditche ri Bro/rcrs 4- Crcers r iiper4 ow,,d frcccssi#vj Wholesale r3 q Holds 4- rDJi#cfr Rest i.'n C.qieaDi y.cI4 b7 plo $ t Figur. 2. £ 8CTImILTIC DIAGRAM 8BOWING ULTilG CRAJNILS THROUGH WHICH TURU!8 PLOW fl PRODUCH t'O CON8UMZB 34 2eztivp marketed by :utin fl.Dci:: ti ro o,o be , 00 ovitd pIoces.?ir. andes. t tn y e prr.sn cent ot rothcer owner:i of the -b or .i:r:or :ro' t ho coorerativoo sib1 perceiL t.hl. s tirection estion,b1e this stae hr atives noriai I., ALt irooen best service their bs thy: po1icr is for ch.:'rocteri3t o in Ore.ofl. cOipetifl ifl(iC': ly h.ve the tL io: fl :r:or: C' jo. .TTtC'' SIOXl :to ro t :rr ,S) Lt urodiir txpi.ze. ear JO OUT CTUTCTJ L I1L JCz;CI" As J.TT ;c) so fl? 31.T .i.r:.. t i: 'siqSSOO. S3 C't (; çioqe TO ) :TrJjULi3J ¶.TUiL )(J ii [2UOpflI YqY1 .f1t1 S iTt :oToT ,: T UOTiTtfltO .t JO T5't; )t13 tj eptzq. Ot r. ,J ,LJ The major ctte it.ire 3). ij t .Duriim. to c:;::L.iu flic'm .)Lr )TL3.1I :ira- re OOflSUte(. th vere very tOfl c0:3.L3 .tate study Ifl practically vry iawaii. ihe No u ô per cent of to Gal1forni r;n C0fl.:.L:e tiun. $e-J ;112 ion $Ubt:. .l:rictt. mr ca ,. ondo :It. eon3:.i;;:.;t1r. 01 5 ounCs boin ::i ..L ifl 1L f L.r:oy lttions, about 1 the state. I. .boxt 4 year. ... j.i mr or 1, Sy in with probable f:Z.ijO2Y ; O 0 !.ce miiJ..lion bov iO (C)l3:. . incro:i 1.. turkey robabl;x :rrer .:o.u.U. were consumed state anu a ob'ibly bi:t:j ..ro c...k:.U( oI the Ore on ro' an verae U .3. ap:lied , 1.o iu) million pou ? pounds of turko :)tOI1 :.ui ,itttjn cjncIs Figure 5 ROUT8 OVER WHICH OBEGOi TURZEY8 MOVE INTO CONSUMING AREAS 8 a 1arce rarket for our tur.v:,r.; This shou:Ld 1iot.: on fu cure O1'a un iiD.: 7 rkuto in t.o .. ...uto::n production. force Oregon 01 duction to serve port Tixet do :jt 111 ro03j; cDost an( oc}j.:cent . . .crt o: our total turkey production entoro into th 000 7. 7r .rlc hut our .oific 2rt Marketc. On1,'y Coast states are in :n quite a substantioJ.. Canada and kaaii. forces OOII3UMO produced bird overlooked. Borrr 7 ct'Vi . cunt of their orou.uction in 1üaska, ro.cific ocou>ation ou a ith oi JortIriesterr to ..iiio not be ic ie ij. to either Alas}:a or 17 amount in that rth 3h)U1d ex)and ti Canada has ofrJ . A surprising, nuber a 7 Canadian ar1et i1 -JZ:;. )IJate ;u.r :eyo ure study assert rJ 1nere:e(. Iioso oko t for . ithe 7]v furnish n.LY I crc ti_on ifl .rc ohIp oflci 1ç4/ , iii outlet 1oc7ri In coo eat ;ftttic. oL' our turkeys t)u.T oi.0 ho. !trovod ouj.et for L;e:osl 0 con3uliQate o.r be an opportune tLi wtulch xiay offer a cot Lion to Cc)U D:t1t .ir ey Into rico TiLlS rn in (.xic':t the £utu.ro. ou1 poU C ::L OO.-J .. c o 9s0qq. (11t...I3:O .O14 'SUOO9 iT C;. trç jjO i.i']1 cmzi L Olfl. 3PTS çoçJ9P t.Sfl[tT 8 T[:). ntdJs :opo.ici Ae'[Jt4 t4OtiJ 2p3;J. O1. )tru UOOtPOIU p QC1 ..J8J:Tp )TJt: )}. IOO otu 11r OId spj. * ttOtti Ct0 0i3 ;iu :u:t,O ZOAOMOH JO U ; UT C) o. PTd ø qoT:. )OT.I T4O 4 o1*i. peq.6eoo3 tJZ;I ')UI. o jo1 0 tio cI i3:;n. 'ATtOBi 'ot:rcd oq; Ac ri nrr g 40 8 P1U FIJI?, ?0 1945 L 0. *ttLSte4 8tmte Opi1Stiuri I'UYsOyS iat.. ea Po!u let 1O Ir wampsbirs w t Vor $$0bü .tte kieoe lelend 3ozm.ettat w 1ok ew Jorsiy 11n 871 venie 1*t*. t iaonsi* Mizneas$s 1a 381rt orth .ka$$ 8otth kote £ees* V i.s Ylrgl*La crth .re1t*e QUth Osxa3.tna 7.6 3 ?94 452 310 182 Mo*ta 14ø 1'O 1 520 3 036 7Z8 786 659 8622 3 718 12 085 4 201 9 Ls4 6 873 3 438 60 753 20 280 5 472 2 952 2 497 2 260 3 551 521 505 1 188 1 740 4 384 179 1t 59? 26 416 1 260 L 04 O 12 Z33 6 138 4 120 8 65 16 184 16 302 10 905 68 095 1C 910 51 17 171 2 515 2 679 5 185 8 4Y) O ? 4 13 47 6 700 18 42? iS £8 28? 1. 386 1 670 3 063 3 080 1 725 14 787 14 869 8 32? 18 920 8 19? 2; bOS I 3 194 4 386 2 587 2 879 12 2 080 6 2 034 6 787 458 500 6 b.:5 5 825 I 66b8 2 770 1 665 4 114 2 118 15 409 U 518 12 4!iS () (J tD) U)) (B) (DI U)) 1 539 14 320 7 099 4 904 420 4 14 142 20 264 484 (1)) 1 U)) (B) (Di 10 114 (3) b 18 345 041 (tJ 40 677 () (6) (3) U)) (3) (3) ( U)) U)) U)) U)) U)) (D1 U)) 13 553 10 732 4 021 12 644 1 188 284 590 S 334 1 802 11 095 543 12 t339 9 865 8 341 U 480 19 (ii) 11 1 435 2 &6 U)) (B) 8 606 6 25? 654 488 74 553 (3) (3) 669 4]. 789 b7 ) 041 6 593 11 856 9 819 2 762 211 2 414 (D) (D (ia; 17 890 i 3? Def1it t 11 5 fl3 1 .PULA no:, 0 ?$U3 zr 1ia turker 1 49? 20 193 1. 710 Laats1Ma Cad. toss ! 4 183 2 Miestestppl UJ zJ.:L $ D1flaX1TL0 OF 10 2 418 6 760 56 (.I U 0* U)) (5) 267 4 346 4 $ (out1nn.d) - tets 1øttuateiI ?opu1tion 247 Qolorado Jew Ilszioo ]. 121 Irtzo 60 teva4a 61'! 160 'atngtozi Oregofl I11ints rnrce 1ILd Pro itu tion 1 192 2683 412 220 83 129 2 979 7.? 388 i 772 10 085 2 06 1 206 8 82 7 721 JJ, UjJ' ?ou lat ion £ 822 53 7 273 U.s. iai 3 2215 Sli 672 1k 347 16 864 cr rn., at it 1491 (3) () () () () () (:j ( () (D) 016 1 1344 1254 4 409 128 ..) 1L5 o o 69 1b4 20 4)9 trccta Pigure 4. 4- I DISTRIBUTION uP TURY8 IN THE UNITED STATES ACCORDING TO POPULATION, SHOWING SURPLUS OR DEPICIT IN MILLIONS 01' POUNDS, 1945 ft * f 4- 4 + 4- 4 #4 1:t #1'1 3 +4 4-! I + ' It 414 tft #/ ft ---4 I I r- * I I + tf+'-i +4-I t I 4 - 4 I+4-41 $ +4444++4 I 4 44ff I 3 + 4- * 3 -I I 4. 41 -f-_ti -I -1 4- + + 4- -3 44 4 -t 34 it +4- -(In Millions PICIT + + .4- + SURPLUS 4 I 444+44+44 + £57: + Il 14 1 - I + + + -__ I + + 4- I I f_If -# I 4- I f 4- 1 -1------4- 1+44- 4- p 14+4-If-, 4-4 + 4\444 4I4 I It + + +44 ++f+ 4 '-44- - I 4- + 4- 4- t of Pounds) Source: Bureau of Agricultural oonomioa, USDA and BuZreau of Census U.S. Dept. of Cowzueroe ?igure 5. U.S. AVERAGE P( PRICE IOR LIVI TURKEYS IN 1945 I .ss:uuuuu - 37. 2.0: a..,. 'aa..'.u'u... 'uu auuuuu 34. V U... iUIUiUUuU 33 I .33.611 31.8 rai '33.0 31.2 31. .0 .1 I 30.3 T32.-33. 30.0 ,.1 a i..i Source: Bureau of Agricultural Economics, USDA U-..i' aUU a..m.ia. --1-- U U 31.4 30-3t. b gIa.' ' -39. NUuiUlI U U V auuumau.ii. UU U UUUUL _s_a U ( aUUUU __1 35.0 14 334. :30.7 .33.0 IuluII ...rauu.u'.. .u.U.uaiI..u.. IU UIU U_____ ...u...LLIUr :32.9 uiiauuuiu uu,imi.vuu UU?A!1 3 P o.:i a 9 CLPI% II00U 1959-41 LY2M T s 1945 1941 1945 % AILD of av (E 1945 e4 1945 AS 1801ftLGJ 0 AYAG ieig 1939.. Stst* 1941. Lv* Ave 700 918 454 1sbea Ar I it(,i. o br 140 a4o re3Cim t lawere 1 of C. ?lor14 1066 D .orgia i19kO md tcuia Io L.ou t*tan* 4 ain '743 itch iwesot* 4s Isetp4 isaourt Sources 1947 24-2 564 1100 1449 1381 1361 996 745 1054 1360 1162 1109 1114 61. ontaz* 80 57 129 96 Z4brMka 12) 87 66 6 103 96 97 '735 64 785 1051 1212 1321 1212 1061 556 1063 C8 or14 A1nrn, ed 91 105 115 105 92 48 92 u 1945 sriet of : e'.ox ico ew crk 1ort1 Jsro1iza 1ort1 akot £0 k1shoa PesI1vftnia R3t* 1215nj Sezth Crolt', kota Tezaj Ut& Vermont *e. o99 454 840 89 829 248 910 353 430 7O1 itsociath yoiiIng 13.17 97 373. 108 84 119 14 1?3 812 71 th95 1Z9 64 12Z 129 98 LLZ 789 089 1266 1199 1248 418 1083 94 449 917 71 80 548 484 1023 1023 903 1407 379 648 77 110 104 110 58 7U 'Lrgt 11?2 1945 a e ave thaotie 102 423 89 56? 623 1161 1096 rtere'3 t..tistica1 ostraote. 89 89 79 122 101. 95 TIeJJ tI r:iTfl ioO wi.. u.in!p .' OTft. A Jip) $ETd j.:1:4 iJflS r itt PtT oU OiUtJ (ot q) ATn.0 Otfl £tt3rsr\ e.x1 1O .(?oT; 3>pait.tF I1- Tzq I)/LA OT1DC)i(A U iC- tIOJTI suoq. IOi UPQO sxej. CT(T UC)1 txtTd::T:1 . ICiC [)U. IoOflpOI(i FO updxo iii cu GA C1 t*u 'OTId utXa iOti çxqTpbo oAc UT., t OT. .. .1SfIT PT.W Jpt.O rrxci eq o. ao-ç.id SITI9U O 1.T .rtZQq oij. jo Xiu.ur 'TOT.P pvfc1 çiA pu3 it:. oonpo.td cft a £ 9'2 tc ac a. e . c. o ci 9 at at t. 1It at 6 '91 ' at IL 6 ci at at Li at t at t o t 9 at at St at t o ,t at t 61 at 6t at at at at 6! at at 'a 'ign '$CTWOUOt! tWttflDT ttio* .ted pss.z oc o 9L 9L OL OL tc I Li 9t Li tZ teqw1 o wçp..000'i gc a t t t at at Li 6t 6t St LI at at øT ;ci ue.zttg azei. ca 9 9 O O U 12 o £1 9 92 at I tt at at t Li £t Li £1 at 6t St Li Pt Li l't 91 £tltr O 1O :SZtiL qG 91'6t 9L 6t fl61 12 6t at Pt 6! St at 6! 91 Li it oz O pa D7 £O * OP6t 626! SLGt 926t 26t 26t 26t L6t tL6t 026t * san £v 'Si 41 £6t 0* O6t 1OU cIQV U It 'I!OTU IAr LWY1 U tIA1tWU at vra WI a1TiLa rn C° J i TfT U ø1id (g1 'Sti tOtIT ueeq OPUT :t j0q .)1:. Op3t.tiC) O'J.O3 9O1If I... IT4 IXOJ 'uoçi9.Idop O3.TYTJ Tb .xd nTIeMot j ErO i;Xt .0 3OTTI c. t'c;TJ ' IOT )U)q. 'h1fT 'J)I .. )O)U ( .LOLi;. T.T).oOT E.q.a:' UB pUnIIeP XOtUflSUOD fT4 1 QT 9i izp C)J JO OU( c T1O4j opr )i. 4ri rToop O pU9 OT ponpod O.I UTi OT.t: tflt3 E300T.x(t '21.8t U; ptp e-i: ç 1TJP4 i'Ot[ C4 j:..jc R;OC1 JX uç c-tiati TTV; 9 EJT -8T uotx nqonJ 9opJ [OJT. Figure 6. A COMPARISON OP U.S. ANNULL PRODUCTION, CONSUMPTION AN]) AVERAGE LIVE PRICE OP TURKEYS FROM 1930 10 1946 'C p 3_c JO) / oo Produc/oM Tu./rey ,4tc - ,5_ .00 3- /30 3/ Source: 3 33 3'? ,,34 36 37 31 3 Bureau of Agricultural Economica, USDA J4'o f 4, L. P1I0O PU. oz.i: i:oUoO petf9$t0t 0 IOTId . UTt i8tft Ariq oo jeq i.v:i ii U. ru ) . .. .coJ pU T;OUOOe e.ioru r.T TT .: -.: .T UOT. * (c . oq ptrc ._i . i:i:)t T toi 4 PUOtII. U 1 tI oo eqq ii ;:t: o3:i1iT) -uc; u. U'r UOq. u"ç 'rod 'joaq JO O C11E )I.XUi -UOT3I 0 o ouuj ..t t.... * 1:. iUT.:OO OLI tUc.D aq ) U 1B gCMe:T 0JOUT I T 0 Vt p8I ( TTO4d aq 50 'igure 7 U.S. A7ERLE TURXEY PRICES COMPARED WITH TOTAL TURKEY COIISUMPTION AND INDUSTRIAL 'NAGE INDEX PROM 1930 TO 1946 40 Boo 3D0 /135 Inivitrial Wct?e JhICJ( jo 00 &onSUThptiDM' I // ,- I ' I / / ,/ r 1' 1 ,/ I Tvrhey I Pri.ç I / / / / ,,'\_-_ '5 \x P---' ,/ \j /00 to 204 leo . 133 I - I ii4D i i . I - Source: Bureau of Agricultural 3oonomioe, USDA I ligur. 8. U.8. PIE CAPITA CON8WIPTIOX 07 TUET3, tICK1lS AND ALL RID ZAT8 PROM 1929 TO 194? Source: Bureau of Agricultural oonOmice, USDA Pigur. 9. U.S. LVZRLGI PRIS OP LIVE TUBT8 003UABED WITH RBTAIL PRICES OP PORZ, BEEP AND VEAL AND ICilNS ON SIGZiIPIOAIIT WAR DLTIS AND BY MONTHS PROM JANUARY 1945 TO MARCH 1947 - Buxsan of Agricultural Eooncios, USDA and Statistics, Dspt. of Coussros Buraau of Labsr 53 Piguz. 10 U.8. AVZRAE MART PRICES OP TURXZY$, CHIErT', SHEEP, CATTLE AND HOGS IN CENTS PER POUND PROM 1933 TO 1945 / //-Ctt/e. .\5Ncc,. I,'A4'1033 /911 3? 3Ouroi: .J J ,g? .3S S ,e 41 4 Burau of Agrioultursi Zoonctaice, USDA. 43 c j4$ b4 TL 00 UMPT1QI 02 Qt I GKi t* T&B5 1929 TO 1947, toksns, 1dx JftZ, AND 1I iN1 TI8$ Tiukeys, Nuab.rs in 19.8 21.5 11.4 19.7 *0.3 111 120 108 110 1.7 1.8 1.7 2.1 US 2.4 1e. 105 2.2 1935 16.1 101 936 18.1 103. 18.0 16.8 18.6 195549 Aye 1? ,9 1940 18.0 1941 19.4 1942' *3.5 101 93 in Me 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 3954 90 1151 1989 1943 1944 104 Id.z 27 2.? 2.? 3.0 All B.'i Nuabz'a 104 102 104 104 92 S5 146.0 117 81 115.9 127.5 125.4 126.3 152.8 102 100 101 106 81 104 104 104 US 158 138 142 131 127 141.0 141.4 3.41 4.3 150 4.2 4.2 165 162 162 157.7 134.2 120 160 23.6 108 93 .2 3.6 3.6 3.7 3.4 3.3 101 1n4SZ 151.3 128.3 130.0 130.3 134.6 65 69 65 2.1 ;T;T$. P CAP1. UPOl 193549 *VL 17.9 16.3 148.4 113 113 13.0 109 118 1940-44 Ai 1145 1946 194? Pxurn. Ion- 8zuei 25.8 22.8 22.2 124 ar.0 of Artcu1tzra1 aonts, U2.5 (April 1947 revte1 ftguzes not IncorouratetU 110 107 122 55 turkeys. can f1.i1y t;.k; ttL. O:) 1OS t hOUSEJI rants prefrre: 1derabIy na11c: vxrietie, Ø::)J c; to Figure 11, a creased, th6 ;r.t.o' thi This ap iiei1er birds. :C the ater;:e L tur .. weiching ap:ro:(J. .1; toLls. ie the Becauc ar to :ori- Figur. 11. U.S. AVERAGE PRICE RECEIVED POR NS OVER TOM TURKEYS IN CENTS PER POUND COMPARED WITH U.8. AVERAGE LIVE WEIHT OP ALL TURKEYS FROL JANUARY 1940 TO APRIL 1947 AVERAGE LIVE WEIGHT OP OREGON AND U. S. TURKEYS 0 re ow -- ----U.5. - L5. R'erd. e 18 elf - iT I Pric Piffrenz q) c-) Sl/5 - /4 PRICE OF TOM TURKEYS Source: Bureau o Acricultural Economics and Urner-Barry in Poultry Industries. Tho's Tho .1et GqJO ptr eG*ttpU $4t OZ to o s 'LueeTLzç GoJrLo BI.t!4 tt JO SiZø*V** tt 9t 1PUn 111 1.*.-; 9 LP LI UI fl, LI i, ç9, , I, 91 U It Lt tI LI 9, 9, LP6t It7 ax 9,61 9, 9, 6t Fl 11 0, * V 6cr L 6t ,6T t6t 1L !9 016T 0 O oi e * L1 *tp " 9, tI 6 Ttt L LL ¶ 9 $Z 9 rcx y . W) 4t 66t OtI UU1. 1TI 1L lZii Zt !TV 13 kY1G E&&D soLD, 1ozi 1.Atl. $ ! B3TLO5 ARD P0L J4.Cent. IG0 10R PiR10B 1929 TU 1946 1o.&tj. So.Gt. Ore jon ('.3. 14.] 14.2 14.5 14.? 14.9 13 (In Poun4) 1929 1930 1971 1932 1933 1934 195 1936 197? 1938 1979 1940 1941 1942 i43 1944 j945 1946 irae: 13.3 13.5 17.8 14.0 14.2 14.4 14.6 14.5 14.7 15.1 15.2 15.4 16.0 16.2 15.4 15.9 1.5 16.9 ir* 13.5 1.3.7 13.9 14.1 14. 14.5 14.1 15. 14.9 14.8 14.8 1.5.1 15.4 15.6 15.5 16.2 16.7 17.3 12.9 13.1 13.4 1..6 12.8 14.1 14.4 14.5 14.7 14.7 14.6 14.7 15.4 16.0 15.9 16.5 17.2 17.8 13.2 13.4 16.6 17.8 14.0 14.2 14.4 14,5 14.7 14.7 14.8 14.7 15.1 15.2 15.2 15.6 16.3 16.9 of Agrteu1tur1 borato*, USDL. 12.7 12.9 13.1 13.3 13.5 13.3 13.9 14,1 14.2 14.1 14.0 14.]. 15.0 14.8 14.9 15.4 16.1 16.0 14.0 14.2 1.4.4 14.6 14.8 .4.6 15.4 15.5 15.6 16.0 16.0 16.4 1.7.4 18.0 17.8 18.3 18.9 19.5 15.4 15.0 15.5 16.3 16.5 17.0 18.2 18.8 18.5 18.4 18.4 19.4 13 4 13 6 138 14.0 14.1 14.5 14.7 14.8 14.9 14.9 15 1 15.9 16 16.2 16.7 17.4 17.9 59 - i2JCt i;) t.1e ?or i1]afly consumer. the or on the faring. . to znnrket incro'..1 ward, tee 1re 1. ti..: ly discarted an o !jOrtant prOciUtCi.f. and Oregon 3S ort;ufl.:t methods such as i i:ti1i f Eniiand area techni)ues. i. Ii -t:.-. on farxn. the turkeys i1v;v, c yt .d b fi fl t ai tiU.3.tOd. tO . t,err ina continued imP1'0'...r; with other :it trade, dress and red for Coerci1 ovi;cr ly new prooee Oregon in about 1 pensive ec.uip::: CO ) LO 3.fford. 60 ther. aowever, f ore :)f, turk been e7iscer1tc report5, 12,c54r, i.n Ueon for the year i4t. in haIv1n tnc intere't; eyi' trede renuires N:: ) as they' bej.ic oerte their gin: irkets 1I rc reasons. ,L'ir3t e7er;I i.i:cc for the oven; oft bo ll to carcass, wiliCi ': nd t.1rd1y, it is a cost of trans: ndtural funct1n C.: .Lo;c ),.' tsint frora thu ;ur tILe :rozeund process of ev1sco'..t:i... boxed. In d:i1. not ;:c .iire Yor oeti'no do. Ioner. Greate 1 tit ion wj I y-products ss industries. the hc, uuc eceuitete uc uiY 1J. c t:.: :ri JIC (O Li1 .-.-j '4orpo.xd ?U qq. .xoj °i:' oo iqta JLCI iTT:oi 1t4;)d q u .D.1. wi1J tp3eooxT pt.rt:: per oq U? rt:.ot q OSTC iLO T T T - 1- IA: !1( Op : 8utflO -? 'r TIT1.Ie3 sdojd : 19 t0A JZi ErJ. -io'çiseo ei ciizt 3.XOUT flOTT'p ptzrod -03(1 UOT ir pocrpo.zd 'LxstipuT : utr 1? r pç"se.i 1 ojJ;ertc)q T £9:t.xr )Ttq OpT1I. ;TTO UT pOTpO.1CI O1 :CO :t: n: Ot TIC) u1 sJJ 14orPo3c poo, 3r. poGrTo o Pj O UX. T1IA Th' pU13 Lfl020q ptn Eq.Eetr poT 'utr;'c. e'iT1; V 9 Lgq -2- ILT pc" (:; -r-iT. tOJ JO U;T.'tISUOO (T.1 1TOT U(1 1:Ttfl. o poçrts p,iq ocS tI;,otd O. U1 pTx £irt. dV1Q.q. UO. O.fl ppx 01 tT1 UT o..00rpoxd rt ' J TX0XTTbO.X UMO Ot :''. i):OJf) 0 O1XT 'pGdOTBA t) 0.1(1 .ItIO iTt)(. ;UT.iJfl LOtJJO JO E?SO0O1 \TL Gu&t o. otJ{r oq i:: Txo:rIo ri.T T UOT 1L1+IOU oqo.ici etp 10XI LO 0A .irçr çc..r 0 :.: I flO : ' UT UOTO1P ri 0 T(I6 p?UOTpUT TT2 oI.:To oixd ;u OV; TtT1 'L o.qtopu L:0q u1 uo t? tT 1'in eta. UOOW.OQ J;- PJ TT nq tot coxd ,xoto r -- U9Q rçp))Iq :)&rJ -4O T.LT t:r JOTI '-t or tOT S:::tik!/ i;io 'ç ;: ' 1 .n uo.oe;.Iec G Aq pcziU pG.oeJ.Iec! L1xoxq po.u3eJq pfl3O.IO :'!OL P Vl PiYC:TO zp"Ciq po: T-: TXO oçt[L PIPUtL OilUI1TO po9Iq (OT- 'ct) :;;:;T(i ttO.IJ IpmrL T:tO cON JT!. /CT Jt' ET 1. OOQ T& 3.SJTJ .T 2ttt or )og iT:xcr ...,..,.rn J0 UTU 'atJdOTa&ep çt Ot. tr_ %C) oiLtrct ew breed. tbi.; ?;I he develo: accitanco by pr..'.ee:i to existi: size of tho vrll 1 show t.hst irketed LZjB year ericd. Iicrt breed thi wns beixi kW. erc erplia:. i:. ror were indiction type birds. variation A C ril parison with tilE; fares tal..ed an this :)frt- rowinf; CUj;cri. an increased hotels, a1on ?remhi1I11 o: the Ce1 fferentiale, - hoidins of t :nc 3torae (Table 14 sio tiu'key was which vrj de.id 1946 holiday 1ctj1l :L urc 4L:::.. the w isA S cold i;.cr.i.tixi Lh octo t, k ¶1 b1.is .:!CY In t; ae cent or 1UI 14 !11&h1Y8: LD STOMG* 0LDI BY 0I1 flC 1941 TO 194? 60,626 50,026 55,692 86,636 72,608 108,181 128,253 65,343 59,641 38,016 48,848 74,077 134,514 189,571 59,46 55,768 29,680 47,090 62,730 134,548 126,138 46,966 45,157 19,003 36,56? 46,486 123,920 107,59 . 221 3b,455 11,01 30,313 82,682 106,868 94,522 June 0427 fl,40L 7,625 3,6&8 28,827 96,710 86431 Ju ir 9, )?8 8,249 8.141 35,341 27,260 79,385 19,750 18,943 5,481 28,769 20,610 634O7 12,802 12,132 22,668 17,796 54,88 ,171 8,00'3 ¶,610 22,347 26,978 47,066 8,245 1,741 A 'C.! 42,126 42,722 83,547 21, 129 4,857 24,325 67506 77,583 116,695 Jsuuuy ebruiy tobe October 3ouz'ei 8urei ot Lgrtii1tur1 ooiomtos, UI fl!:. ThQ UOTT1t O. BOTAt( B uiri3 too ot Jo yQS poottpi U wt 4ozuoxc P0 OAi U pact;rd :J)OflOE& tI(Th0.i ao!u1. pio; q. nq )J; oj 3.U)O xeu eou:Td BUS9 g 'uoqolP -nn -o 1.U) ) .i'. JO(; 0.1 eAUT B10.It - c ut.xe !T.1.M Th: Lto UOt M 'pt JOZT otj - i-t,- ptw i: .4. UtSO.1CiOX) )t[ I p1T tXOCit eT J0 TT JO t.Or)uç ptI3 20Z[ c:L( hI .fl:; iO0t OT.(L c2i,J JJTP pixt'Od ioi:.I ii t;-e: Extendin;. of the criti.c&i Z)ThO * . onswLption oi br.. re.LrLc ; the Thanks.iviu fathers were . 41 u annually Drov1( .Uu' tr: ...; w's set aiid C ., . t'T: li&iCd the thy which The irual hi. 3tPb. C 4 role ci' luxi c ost , were ( :'rt.arily tr ih tterns tior -or recent times prod'icers to now enables co:. to aroved refri aie tur ey 2+ There ar aro'ind ccDns;z:. Lo.;: i rio QOd, people tjio factor in re3trictiii by very moriy po important tft en oq jc at Jo ;Y3-c xoJ PTr() ueM) 'ce)IJr4 trons xoumsuo° 3J'tf E.fl:' -iTi1 IOTO 0 oq c, tITPtG! UT pU1 uoTtp1tO3 UtUTWXOt.Op Ut oietj e4i UC; T T LE0 puJ; 'Ttrb (t ( t:o. : : iç aq 4ç JO tOU0O 3sTZ BQJUBA !TO1.tF upmtuoo et o. 1:tCO ' .ZLII Ot 0 :::x 0 U IT xoq 2ca po .d@ o çsnq e1.fl Tk) 1J)X ) ot3. G Jfl TTT ' JTh. 00T T:tJO .i:o "1:a OT: j ;.l T. UOJ tao oJ .qo.tci : OUO CC 0.JIO Ot :tTitptd jOTq.ID irOqO.I .utq.r;'. yp-Y tIC1 cITL'r;, :oo r t "Li & ITT p tTh:uc ) U,) Tj: I i Ep1rçq TTJ 'A.. :prçq ° t. T ;o o:u owr Ot( Tc q PUt OOT.i un J-:LT[i T J::;:.Ti 1.T .tiqi. qote xji uoso! uO uodT P9tu Jo sq uo eq tOj G3U ,_J t. BTt rq U!ct, : OMXrtO U r 0 J.AC3 .; piri -ç . ;OptiT .I9LC) U9e purtod TTTM £Ow1 steit uTzo ICYJL k:fl. O.ZOJJTP eoJã ; woi2 e.ii 9C IM o eq;p&o i:. oYfJT1. t OX T3T3OO tTTM 2J T0rOIQ LTT ct1ir;b COUT n' rrtnb putt:o POcep eq i.sii frr:t .J p:rq L)Ui; xoz, JO C nq ' IoY:T i.tuoo eq o .isw V4 3)t.L :IU Lo;; fl TtC LT .. . 7. 3)C1ZT :; I; :1 BT i'U) 'C(, ' CO OPflIOUT C.00 .O1U UL IC4O.. UO . pu3 .ituu 'STTr;.to1 ''tXi.SEA O't j'cc) Ec; :TO3. oo (7rTT T O14. 11Th flT1 -OI OT) 3T1AO 3 UOCt UOTJ(OO Li Tp1; oe1J ec tL a o idi:OO q PTTO '6t ti :JELre ixo xqu .io ()' ,u SUTItI TXt 'rE T UT 4cpnqs 3TJ02. T1P wto tçM x. .U.J() çEOc GAp.utot Ct( t4 OV1 3X&8S ) OTfldOO y U j:) 4 * £' i o.ID t)q.() . po r 8)fI JO . Otq O P'IOYUit PU pIIJ Otf. I94O p )tt!1. JO GUCI 3U9: tXOjj ç ;ro.j u1 JO T PTXPOC UO ct TOUTTi ys o ;o i1.O'4. :niT tto Gt Jo ESOO .xoqlT CYtT'i r.°çj' TY ;j:o .uao 1t UO2tXtttEfl 1)T qrno UT rTCTThM ptfl SOO :txoz ttoqwt OT7). itJ:.': .0) Oi1 PU .)crnc( ptr Jo 9 1Q U ptxnOa PU JO VLO .xd TCTT :ti trj ,/ r IOA1?J UT ST ETf L'O 1j.. JO U U E1) -' (1: pg .XOJ MOIS UT OtT 11)O ¶'' fI UT:O LO C ;J3Tq. )[IO flO1tt3 'tG.X ; )t eq 4GTRII 14 )r TO TTOPO UT pe;ri UT doo )J.IOd t TqTCOUXT uoeq '4VtpeTutpV "I 't'IdM.8 75 1 LOC )(j-; ! !OK, 1Lie110I8 &ND NT Coat/lb .rør c)nt 1ie wt of total entu P." 00 t S 66.3 17 . labor Poult cost (per biro oid) Misc. less credit 3 for anur 02.0 04.2 0 .7 1Gt.tkio rs Totele 26. lii's wt. 18.1 lbs. b live wt (cents) '.54 19.4 01.2 Labor Pailts on Lao tor 51.3 19 2 15.3 0b .8 Misc. To ala ?api$ Per 3ez1t of total 14 137i# 143f 100(est) 3'?.6 iYerse live wt. 07.6 15.9 13.2 st.1945 costs (cents) 19.4 09.9 08.2 .0k.* ?er cent of total oete 45 £3 2 19.2 12.2 .7 1 7 lbs. 1(ILN 22fl ** (Ldspted to a 1945 basis for ootirarison) Labcw Poiüte Totals 16.2 06.2 60.4 03.0 p1.8 11.7 07.6 £0 26.2 Average liv wt. 18.3 lbs. 1 6M turkey-f.id ratios (iable 161 Ai'sra.g Wage rates (ttb1 17) P1t cost (Table 18) (26, o.6) ** (11, p.3662) ** * (3, p.31J 104r 15.8 38.5 04.5 01.8 30.6 61.6 27.3 14.7 76 Thbl1S 16 ftVi\ RX8Ts UZILL RL aatto tTR at10 1940 8.4 1954 1941 9.2 3935 1942 9.8 1933 8 11.1 19 198? 1944 10.8 193$ 10.9 194 11 5 1939 10.4 1946 9.7 at pounds of turkey ration equivUsnt in vüue to looel prtoe to On. poui Of tiarkoy, live weight. $cuce* &zrsu of Aiu1tr1 . onrnitos reorts. SoL'ToTJJG Zt.? S'OO O co3t. '-T j0 E. uO2UW(X 0 coT:rJo p1. .ur.tote. ox o '3 JO TI t-_ Iou pIq UI UTtfM (OA9T i.:cO OoT.. ox eq PTtOM 'TI: OTW.t i:oa (4 '3.I tTW Ei2 1ttC) JIT) )JCO O2 oqr 1-t;Uco LTUTOTJJ:) OTTT tIl peotiei OA1 JCC UT BOVX CU U WJT 'L81 equ;.Z.:o u/L 1 ) j:c £)C u.:Jt .)(;f101 IO4.O11M ouI e iq 'oivoi Jo 11 78 AYR&G1 U4J -- AG a&G$, Y M0, I.0uP a0H], iY $TAT:S ii i), ].94b ai 1946 1940 134b 194 49.75 56.50 60.00 13o.00 io.00 65.50 132.00 65.00 N.J. cbia 54.00 40.75 66.50 43.00 40.20 39.50 111. tao. *.lnn. IOwa 10. LD. 10b. Ds]. flrg. 3o*ue.a 43.78 44.26 45.26 44.25 44.00 33.00 45.50 42.75 37.50 12t.00 13.?.)0 124..)0 1.J) 12H.) 9.25 8i. 5 9.o 10Z.0 1...ft..)) 10-. 0 117.03 82.50 14.00 1t3.3 151.:) 1.4.00 142.00 142.00 123.0u 134. in1.0 113.0 123.30 L3 0i 127.30 9. .30 144.:Z 127.Xi .L1.JQ 14.30 111.3..) 42.00 40.75 32,00 118.3 89.00 101.o 6$,O0 82.?i, 35.84 96.70 104.00 57.75 troa of 93J In.),; 1turt1 tata 194) ..Vtr. .. 3.00 .25 k;ria 18.7L iiortda e*t. i1a. 19.25 23.50 23.2.5 , jkls.. 24 50 23.25 31.25 31.25 t4 15 bi 50 £i1a3o b6.2L 56. 96.33 97.2.5 14,b 5450 3.01 84.3 71.10 54.75 57.53 72 £.) 99.25 132.'a 57.03 6...7 66.2 142,3) 145.0) 14b.O0 4:.75 L.3O 1E3.C)0 0roi 55.4 61.uU 195.0; 174.00 0L1Lf. 72.0.5 1.85.00 U$D 4 73.75 176.. 47.26 Jtuh 5i.f0 1946 15&.)0 177.00 143.03 131.33 5.50 Lyj. 85.00 46.00 48.00 80.00 67.00 67.0j 4t.50 ?. 4ont. jo. ..o1. 4-70.00 24.76 19.75 2).25 rk. 1945 156. 156.03 1L.03 Uc.3 1i5.)3 1b:.0 ].4.3u 173.)() 135.00 '79 itft$ AV11RAG Pt1CS P&1D bX 1945, BI ABMr13 $02 iO(LT2 U 1943, 1944, &AD AT&5, 0JT tat !kifle sw Ifsap Vt. u. It.1. Conn. 64.00 85.00 5.00 50.00 51.03 5o,00 w York 56.00 LJsr.y 55.00 P.a*. (LIø fli. Mieb. Wise. Iowt $o. KJ)sk. 13.00 13.00 51.00 *7.50 61.00 56.00 88.00 54.00 46.00 56.00 46.00 P.00 5Z.00 Md. T ir. 3oaros: 15.00 52.00 46.50 60.00 65.3) 67. 0 70.00 74.00 75.30 75.00 73.30 6.)o 62.00 60.00 52.00 80.30 66.Oo 81.o 16.00 52.30 88...0 73.00 7U.00 60.00 65.00 68.30 61.00 8.03 85.').) 8.00 83.00 8.00 Virg. h.Jr. 4. %un. ii.. iiss. Ark. a. Okia. 8..00 krau of kgriou1tiral 46.00 42.50 57.00 55.00 68.0) 64.)0 66.0.) 50.00 35.00 37.00 43.00 45.00 56.00 60.00 33.00 60.00 51.00 65.00 60t)0 53.00 46.00 56.00 70.00 53.00 65.00 64.00 80.00 78.03 83.00 86.00 70.03 75.00 68.00 82.00 74.00 7b.30 78.00 5.0) P1ort&. 8.t;ii 83.00 84.00 76.00 63.00 79.00 76.00 70.00 73.00 72.00 75.00 73.00 1944 Georgia 80.00 80.00 13.03 72.00 77.00 70.00 1943 rnont. ldctho o. 33.0) 35,5') 37.'0 4).00 35.50 46.00 31.30 41.00 46.03 62.0') 64.00 4o1o. 62.0) 66.30 .)Ia 54.00 Atz. ev. a&. Qrego* Calif. 53.00 72.00 70.00 54.33 58.03 64.00 Qoion'.i3s, U21*. 4)00 80.) 72.00 72.00 83.00 70.00 72.00 85.00 82.00 66.00 73.00 72.00 68.00 30 that of transortHt.ic..n, Ditnce fro oicit coi$u;iI areas is a detcri CC; iI iV(; LS TflO 'th west prodacers re :t r. u... :: LVi. O lii th:Ls re. ard The Eastern .rior:. ±1: .hIe3. tLr ,:i; c. . 'reater dist ...i.:. ce ..ro.:. . other :Cf, surpl.is prodacin i:'rocess1n. ,.F there is very ii :.10 t' MOSt areas have .LiJ. .b r' .. plants. It Ic ri1i.:.,.... efl.Ough equIpd it.................rn .)t. ;L. ;'t I ..roti hive oo1;i.rison. oi.:io t LOC ... ted. th.t ore .n is relI )CC.Th H...........t;c coy.. . re e with most areas The netc( of X:i yh.; will proiab1f.:.L has a creator dvant near lre ni, i sell direct tii. been an atte collectively os :.;.V: t.Io; singly direct to cnsu..o:.. .;!CiI[ hV to PP IV OLUTIONS TO or croi 19d the of cent nUs j0 jiii.ion ont crop 14Y The 1946. In )( tier /O ;jr. and Washintoa ornia, o.&nds iilion 13. a(. rn;rket offer ealif- oins jj itlaska, 1.940. Caidiii ;C5C nfl tur: of poud of three the in FLiilIOfl YL t cOflSthl. present eopie million J.i in population .. te . - isL.o IiCrO .Lfl to ..i i.'rei_ an1 coast West be shoild it If erc prodic Oreon in as .,:,'i';$. t:i.i .. 3Ui;11. anci 1945 .1. DV: U L:.: u....c.: i.Ciy ht .ii.:ici .. o ....e:: .J ..... li. u posii.s.c is it O!'eion place oi because rates eoipc to able be cuestiui a raises e C o(la In rl1iion ;eeti eastor the in are ab1e 1945 in Oregon surplus A DiJ.3TI r-ii, r 82 proxi for t 0. ld oe:rit t tLi.t per 6 ri3tel3r e population 83 aide price bird3 resuiti'v !oavy bIrds on classes of ureon :1rodacer cortiiue prOcUct tO a muai. rod cin a .1.,iOeS and expressed a i.I1i a bird but Nu.crous ;:;t.'. rovi raos t efficiently t 20 comparin: the eitsvil1e the iiB' viol: of the iicitsv: was nccessarç but 4.4 pomi of 1ta.L.l-Whit( * l.0 :)r Of i;ho BJ;B 5 1ABL 19 GO! S7Ai1AU3 1OB. iUIY s (;3o' xeaat.4 ierze azrøøt $tndaz'd r,a .134 .125 .i2) .1.10 .375 .31.5 3O .310 ]..035 .805 .735 .790 3.40 2.91 2.15 2.61 7.00 5.91 4.85 4.66 11.50 967 8.17 7.08 14.65 12.07 11.02 9.25 17.90 14.69 13.58 11.46 19.45 16.11 14.83 12 41 16.92 15.67 13.69 2L.85 18.32 23.00 16.66 (30, p.339) 14.59 17.20 16.67 6 16 20 2X3Ui £YLG \1GkI? P1t SIRD AT 1W 0? &V *.u.& ?U0D, AiD PW*08 fl1D 0SUt ?hR J2D GA1.Z i IJV *1U? IUP.UT PR1 0D6 Ii SBOLD $D 0&I JPd2Y8 £8D 1i I4.i.-TTZE YUI?8 4. f.1 oon.zzd per pouxid in live i81it to iid of period lroid Breasted 1roza LI4 bronze 0.3 0.7 1.4 2.2 1tn111e m11 bItes 8.1 3*3 1.4 1 9.2 2.8 5.0 15.7 17.3 19.7 20 1 10.1 344 5.0 6.7 8.5 11. - 12 2? 3z'oad A3reazted 3.3 2.9 2.7 ? -8 28 - 26 :ites 1.3 1.6 1.9 2.1 2.2 84-s U 24 ns.11 0.5 1.2 2.1 .8 18 - 14 18 - 16 1? - 16 - 20 21 - 22 .8eltsville 4,4 o .7 69 10.5 123 Jn11'a $fl7 1.1.2 L .5 r1 A., iisiu; Turkeys, ik*w Tork, 1947, p * 18)481. 2.4 2.6 3.6 5.7 4.0 4.2 5.2 3.7 4.0 4.3 2.8 2.6 2.9 3.1 44 rw-Aiil1 i3ook 87 flDI1L 2]. OO.soi op r OP i LIVE boM $rsaate4 arons. & 54.6 'h1ts bouze Ie &2.5 fo11en4 Isia.1os 6O; Rs.vaw, t a].., .3e1teii11e M1 52.4 I3ø1ttj].1 m11 !LI1!I1 1q 54.5 54.0 n. taticn, USa. ite Iei 54.4 O. E3tO i (.:T: Ut rLn: j.JJ oq. flC(O(J) at o E (1 .r; 9t O4 1) 1{ l; OL O ZTG JO .iy;4. UOOS a'tdoed S!3O tT u'. '1 C .P ( nq £an t 'c itUr ;i:oi JEOOU Ej Jo OUiO (..: 'ptttO.:tfld 003 o;:t4. C)T(; ;t 4O J L çt1 OLO Lt-:T. e 1c). T O 1OU4 .uaooi Ut OZ (t T (uocZ sOqO J(: o tx ;.uJ.tij ] Liog .opv1 at. jo putep q q.siu UttO . [t 'T;a t:q . 1 14 t) I teptSUOO ::ruçao.ep u YEqT: r:rj. OGtt Ot'3 Co P.Ip CTqp) JO e;,It d1 UO.I8d OTT, ITO I'tT t 'oUOOQ ./C)i\. uJ:d.t tT.jtr. t1A 4UW/i ' (TO o J .IflI 01,. JO oouto '! uo.xp opçoad rrç xoj. 1'.TT (g ci ..Vtl1. .c 'ç) a&tf t:flq ptI3 OpLZ tepE -Tef) 'T rxnp ptoJ ttOrturnstLO3 ia& TzeAes p:q L(. aC) XI1E t? O.IT )Tc)(j .IXIeJ rtrpq . £q, EUouO, [crci o. pouçawç G:L.xt t flu ITtie.I o. Atisoeu uL1:u uuoq sq qoqi ut pu hJu;. [OI1 r: rq r.fl' '.-''i o Lt .IOfl1 C' puv ;1Ot Ot SUCA() JO 9 in ion toi ox. h;r onierb1e i h ;ho 1 bird, a the .rt Aor 1 ill &x direction this t th:. probability ..... t'-en, i'here ;c't ir:b1e 1ie birds heavier the even ......the bei re.iire tride iiro pound 25 to 23 plate. dinner the Thi go i.' c LiJ.1t -- I IL Increased ee rL;.;;i;ti vr i1 2) hot year-around con;i roceszes and 3) witi.i other met :u h iiTco tu-: t:)fl, Year Arolinu Oo considered. priTi durin the ho11d.;j developed with re one additionol havo been cons' lucre :Oir :( al CaJDpai.'Ils :Y1: C den3nd and turkev hc c ,-:t will enco1ra'e had a neturu1 crerJ:. s. conscious thr of i:r thin.s are nece. Drir :.e t-, be 1r.ke 1; per capita COfl; s easan. cr ;r ro..a 1) ... L th' - ver :L±:- 0 C.. t.O 1Y.ICrCi3L far.. vi1 receo .;e. LL. :i. edU.C3 f1 T lor 1L0 .PiVO oli i .e horor of Than;.s. Jhe prol):: e' throu; conscious of t TL.OL ict lJI ifl or ..nlzod cc.)1i3cr El1C10US tion- T >J. t. qutc Yçuo .:ULJ 'T .T u SUOOi.( cq ot £ozt4 :'o.o.xrid £çt 1J i:Gp o. put;' IEIIUO3 Ot ttt £o,z1. 21Tt.P u-ioq IIIT oqt tICI L'3 XtpLtc ) p;q..co jo uooI jn ..k). :4 4 u Jf q . j OOtX)ApE OtI a. tpxti1 oq. tq 000 U'iOQ OAOL L:rJ sl3 ow uoo ueeq TO'. co tri: o:y: xor TTt.flt :OT;i p'ti 25 o: Jo oo unO JO OtQOU eq )Jn. inq. I9Aec ?i.LT. .4 .rTJJc Soytr.i TTT ;)otfl. $1$ E3!2 UT :j nwi T tpT sTcMTEseo ODtAO3! LTiT nq .o eq £nt rt3J OATTflf piir tTJTtitd piOJJ pTYOo )BTTozrci .TUt pt JO XD.I3O pe 110 Cti. 0 Ut4t[ )tX3 .zctJ ptre pourno TO1Ib PU t!T sLexr4 0 9TO puwQp UTthP? ei ed turc CiC; cessors but sLe:. in;. en &t.:1)4Ont i2o;.L kOor aua.1i i: prirwry reasonz :vc bec Co C L.OL' the fl t.2rci juices izi ti.c ca ;;.J:.J turkey for C1thLt. does n,t have chicken. - f..x peciu filled with it .Iu. die roast 'tli there haE3 been U.. eptr nJccd. ture,, i canneu AVC (v;. r ii3 1': C eaten it cost o1 curih exclusive trade it expect 11&tle ore i: Baxbecuin. t .. J few entusiastic :r PurkeyburerE )C.j:.L.::LiL racat shortage , uaiity. fill of cheaper poor U t U i.: ; C .. ttk S)iL C 1C)e Ci i oxL burer t an.. Canned and roz C'. r I punod 0 ':mucü ;1:T:0 Ii ( L[0 .10 q'iJ; : 1rOc oo 0t T0P toc purto uoo Soq TO tt tn. (O-OsC. '21) 1oeo ifl. JO TUJUOO jGQq qciq o. DUOd 1C qçq i.i f'''- :r(' J0j PQJ JO UiOd 9 03. cTLO pc)q. OAfl ) ;J JC; it 0 r:0qJ jt:: Li :.1ii'fl9TXO0 jo purod t1t 0 1T.I9A1 10!: C' .ItrTq.t1 U0TOJJ0 .Ytr1It 1. IT: 0T7J2 ;:UL.X :... Spt. GtTJ [q.Xid i:si3q O0 0:: vtr 3 E1.I Ctq. OpO.X(. Spt Atr4 .toj u:,;e.t OUT .. 4 UOTi ATC80 . (.4 0 )OfltTt OJ0 ) t UT X0tLtflS ioin. &!TIL r0) JO iJ0t4 oq i3. JO xoqmu tf Jo uoT4dllpt I UTJ £i tT0TTM oio:J ( 1o1Oc).... ç) trtTtJ. OIq. 1n.p 0uouTi.;e g In the fowl t'Lr1ey is rpas (Table 2l). In :)f oi5b1; io 0 :p:s .:2L 6 r)pr cent, beef 43 a3 ; O 0O1 (dJi)i i0tt percente Th12 I ib rL WOLLQ UL Table or 7 L cent in the Bro i3e1tvil1e exDeriV:: 0 is considered rO:O evidence t ducers, in oerc iTL/0 )jbJ ;' ...J_LJ L Squab )i:'eons att:C y:; Gee J. 67. crpor1s (iI'j . ) tc. 0 ett?i :ri::; U )4atte:uu.. )0j 3qub i1eac . Unrai Vt (lV 3(3 Unrattoiiou boiicro Source: Turkey Lrth 1940, p.510. bresse Edible meat cor:..;i. the bone$. , . 2? ja i H,ii Intert te, 4th cJ 1on fti J. tter ten thc' f cr t A oomparson th hon, the most took, tavors tb:: Corntiii co:t costs ibout 25 ccti.: dates ho: W0.L:i. C) or a differoncA * 0J A COMPARI30]Y. g PO[JU rati 1 There core 4. qents per potnd. hog-.com 1 ;'r1 (' [ A. :LJ 17.6. 50 per oent. fl-i - k i'eed i 80 ;f er;. Therefore c:r or raisins, :ork.. It takes 4. 11.15 cents L 107 .ri c ? O1 ) per ii or '.7 ho r rO1,L ritn a cost trr-e SO-) r or co:n -a1ti. ' 011., i ":aLn orore Therefore t. IT ic hi urey-. lb. Tc-rI': Feed i t1#### Pu.rkey rherefo 6 ti.:eys. fcdeound ain. 1COd o . -)- I.. The1o1. J.3AE. r, 12, pzra 1412, pam l:4.. 4, p.20. Table 20. ;: .7 cents/ os .7. ccnts/lb. e:) 93 Vitb a 8oarcity oi corn :ro:r,e for thc IV/ crop the cost or crk : O corn contjtïe but only robably fcvor utilize foed a: perconta''e c. :S icI :wt. yc& 99 Udrieki, I'U1 .1. 2. Arlcric?tn Lr' 1-? ncyeiopedia, 19. :iC.i:LC Chtoo, 53c p. ir te oiI Po1ry cd:'u. No.o1rj 1, 1-i6. anc ovisi IJEL rican ui1 veals .LPv'1u Auu3t 1 C. J.n: :Uy JO1iLEE3 c1; 'LuxOYt l'o3 8, 1ozcxi C3. J 4. l3erry'iian, C .M. :nt Bucbu::n, i. T. , of ;ah:: 1Cii.L1 i.rIey i. iflgton f . 453:i-2. ooxioz y ! .14 i. ) study LJLCt1fl . b ti: turkey c:nu Lin 1vn t!t z Cirke, M. C. , b:u::.l1 t. ou i:c :jfl :GU1kor :ri tho .'enu. U .J. beet aion-, try M ZLio cro'iic1. r4orIcst }ot i:e i 6. Oline, L. . ouei ion, rurkoy j'r , , .c'or i94. tit LUe . Iiarkw, i1. , .Loultr.J 1 .:c;JiO', ei t S. :ä ::Lo , fl L * ILO1 14), in; iu ey Oonsw.pion. tr ovio. 3: 52B-. i Huntington, Araerioan Juli, idor U El 11111 Boo 1 ;rtii, . IioL;.o. u'lli r. 773. The Intorco. if ii:in: iiri:y. E. '. ii. Mi.h.er, ioi, Coriv.i XtO1i:fl crvoo. ith 1:C2-3. December, sden, :nd 1 t i1oi Mnaeitouit. . r:,n .iition, L. Turkey :3flQ1York. 100 Morrison, F. 33. Th Itlaica, I 1946. . oc.in. 20th Edition, nc :rrj.i: it1iiiin 1O."O Norbst 1c;- IL I . best ikxrLzey irLc1usiv? 14. $mall, M. C. 1orld. 16. irj. fit narkot derninds. Tii1orin. 'r 1rrE ou:. r Small, U.S. 1945. erniohien, iericr 45?-8. c1o1'i Turker ;or1J. ifl I I11iioic. 3;r: of Uniie'1 tt: j)erArict1t;r..i Jhtht. 19 . r: C:. c)vorn:: nt :; 44X1CUI V :)f ;.1cs nccc. i;; n' it.ion, C; t:;ii; Unit ix Con. Oreoxi. 1' :. t:vti. c ?cr :1 cvi :: iJencu i;: United :ta: uensu" Statc. uffico.. ic vernnt pnin?in off1co 194?. Office ire. ktrt t;i:i.of . r. or :. nc tn epir United ricu1t.Lrz1 United 22. r.i ''i) t::. 2rioe. 2 1946 730 21. October -ro 1tr December 194?. or-. t) 1)47 , p. 16-i7. . J1h. C tjiii versti 'e t3r otapaay 143. 1O3) ;. of :v :c f :U. or dionker, pri1 nictre ti13$ for Brem1 o tue ;f Co:-rere. , J J, -L i tar. Ujarnrtent -ritt .) U2 .1 Li - Jo .. wctT TO iOi. O tOq DULI1 1T u cc UO1TTT1 PiIC)" ':t.T J:i.T..Tu XtV ' ir tU :;TC1T IT -:o ' )iO .zoq I io ToiVrnI 11: T *c:T,9 m t T 1TA J( £qUor 'DtT tOt .L: Qgt 6t1 UT ET(YcP - T'T' i; rt S t S S TPOM jc. u tr' .T.L)T 0 9 :jJc; S S r: iue.xq cp 1OiM1I iquao ,TXO.IOV Sn :C, ?:Ti (4 sS r:e3T.&9 511A A. S * lilA. J.;TP O 9 S S S * S S S S * doo: TO OI[ p rr i?:Jt4 JQd T 5 P S S * 95rwJ PA -rFT :trj, 14P S oA: .4 9 * 'UF ) TqPO q T' ;T' O 'o : q TT r'i OO7( D S 9 'q 'f.;J S :c irq ¶.:o :r T S S LT 1:T Jo :r o ' p)'r rç r' i4t1. f4 S ZtT S 011 80t 5 5 c41) 5A1 90LL3t 5 1 T!CJ 'T: p 9 S * * 9 9 5 P 5 * ::T.Irr, Si' S T) p a i:r ' 170t o1 UOT C .o4 PM3L I WXY3t Mvt,ta* i. Vt. 3.1. .T. N.J 3, k$j. * iLLZ1i I F IU 1, 1ff )A A2B, 1941.47 1944 1942 1945 1944 1945 1946 1947 5 5 5 s 7 10 13 49 10 15 1? U 10 26 e 10 20 1 7 3 5 N 14 41 U 12 65 113 40 55 55 13 69 189 33 3 16 45 45 58 56 52 202 180 121 147 12 52 105 29 45 40 21 52 15 60 138 221 5 11 37 3 18 21 70 56 189 - 226 61 284 14 30 92 9 39 53 U 5 45 16 4 4 3 26 61 27 78 275 30 81 24 106 61 109 69 56 72 8 100 27 95 34 86 839 320 175 166 85 144 100 85 98 86 61 496 284 357 254 128 221 164 139 96 150 300 339 380 265 138 134 79 141 335 53 1 10 47 103 23 38 49 22 10 40 254 125 76 92 112 1 20 30 51 C0ontin4 O&3 fo11ow 85 63 101 106 53 121 22 30 63 2]. pr.g*) 4]. 101 141 302 96 127 13 10 58 151 52 156 32 30 36 76 24 36 65 1.9 5 (Contina,d) 1942 1943 1944 40 30 16 169 609 29 21 11 65 13 12 20 6 Or.. 1it. 60 1!1 8ourst Iurau st 1945 1946 1947 39 26 41 26 37 34 34 33 ,. 35 31 30 12 103 774 23 1 147 28 13 106 4 670 1014 OB 8 29 23 28 8 65 24 9 26 66 20 6 62 5 76 39 10 5 7 66 17 10 25 8 19 16 36 6 76 196 32.8 235 18 331 668 r1u1tur1 conomtos, UL& 50 9 126 420 762 11 89 9 10 26 10 1. 34 24 25 2.5 22. . 20 140 433 899 4 57 15 12 10 5 112 299 657 L\JQ M Ai$, 31 58 145 23$ ft. u. *4. *3 0oa. 106 197 )I .J. 1*4 45 6Z 149 LU 22 104 438 119 840 959 1Uo 111. oh. !tp. IJ. Cn. 410 2829 809 556 623 466 423 2677 51 6 140 286 25 131 486 136 915 889 890 664 475 063 U74 0$. 11109 US 11,0. Q 1 4fl 128 269 60 49 58 70 91 74 141 184 2 36 173 350 33 210 751 402 1424 292 0 26 136 466 183 961 248 224 752 87* 1116 1463 845 971 448 52]. 512 bOO 1147 1 .05 992 994 474 177 647 783 831 .576 1141 1078 1138 925 07 4886 2882 2866 18 4772 160 287]. 1825 3162 959 2882 992 c2r 1539 1121 925 912 1043 10215 1314 731 523 792 82? 1507 1818 598 842 1)47 31393 9727 90]. 9 1729 961 416 1149 882 84 8? 423 978 817 284 in? 1226 1014 1134 11136 4? 64 L940.4 797 2*? 797 237 2*4 234 400 893 294 261 114 146 1 112 151 60 847 268 235 233 141 784 274 141 424 100 '5 1217 413 371 411 111 U4 L24Z 90 462 1320 434 416 412 179 1 onttnL1eI on fo11owth page 107 ?AiLii Ii (CottI) 1941 291 1*? Ui 272 171 110 109 184 Ui 6t 911. LIox. AxIs. Vt $s. 219 172 164 112 120 50 225 Z7 8G61 147 15 88 62 12Z8 3563 1iX)S 192 8825 8829 £16 204 182 278 314 251 166 8 831 65 79 852 9i8 68 77 101 85 85 2032 1.484 60 27 080 u712 46 1296 2152 $61 41 821 1039 j74 1279 29 996 88 898 48 146 48 66 4402 4 153 39 172 84 1341 1094 171.9 1854 3506 3zb4 224]. Z96b 9129 102?? 11598 14255 10873 323b9 31854 'J.70 43791 40426 32497 OhEa in inv,n try. I*r*a oi 215 172 146 77 127 45 68? 56 127 sold p1u8 oo trns1 in 1f1seho1c cf !avn mt*us 254 155 145 92 127 57 60 38512 278 152 144 132 186 61 17 1700 1945 z.tou1tarR1 3(o'(tio, 4?? ochcrs, iL r1u* 108 L1W III JR2Y5; 756 8 2*03 $570 315 1632 £QJXJ P0U1f1 720 1021 2354 43.3.2 338 184* 6877 1976 9 UN J. Gszit. iI*668 44217 26$2 25500 22729 1864G Ak. ,L Gut. 11264 1fl40 169016 3.725 623.6 73.6 3.10 440 A 6943 LZY1 41210 48981 28674 24043 18944 176b5 1590 D 138 1138 2353 4719 407 2122 7808 2288 4 Y PA1, 1940-46 M 706 1012 1920 4055 404 44tth 45076 311 20630 1067 13476 765 14865 13068 1628 16G 626 12194 5241 3487 2293 1612 32329 14il 632.1 136t3 42t! 3811 2766 1965 04 35644 820 1120 923 1520 2266 3036 S 4672 5773 580 3718 12333 6138 9 15342 9911 15695 16784 16864 15302 10906 79650 68095 51581 19510 18383 3.2021 3.1& 1713 144 2Ce96 7684 17O9 1945 6944 837 13730 6201 10071 7172 44808 50876 28153 21959 1944 1415t8 9970 95 67 52173 0724 13246 3.6049 1700 11427 6322 )k22 16156 204J59 21B183 4O49 24865 117C 6000 143H _LJI8I _Lã& 1670 Ui15 $3.97 8085 22966 6855 6936 7004 20*33 6825 352 3682 2229 426) $82. 4193 855 2270 34627 40415 53513 .'382 203.42 15447 11108 84590 71158 57298 31122 1392 6768 164b2 4715 1310 5616 12874 7 (o31ttnu,d on fo11owin.. 57961 S6tL £99/J II ,trq hth99Z TtT Lvct t e) 006 L!t 6t e9t OL8 coot 09L9 g66z 99tq eset 8t Z16t 6tz ttC9 129T 9fl7T 90It9 gggq t1498t CO6 6 0ht 9 o6t't stot q11 611 OTOD 969 69 O8 9tt9/ . 9tc 68 c0, OO6 ot. 9V4Wt t't ctt Ot& 9t O6t 8tP egc 9T t89I 9W 9iMo 99 ¶cg t 96 £06 80't e9T £t86 Gt069 ot a, 69t tLtt p9Zg ti gqç 9t 8e&T &T £96t tnz ,9 (p(tU !t TLt cz Vt £ ITT rrct 110 IV E3 .1 194.5 1944 1945 27.5 31.9 34.9 36.9 40.4 34.6 .554 4 86.6 37.0 2.6 4 4.1.4 2$ 31.5 28.1 28.1 22.9 28.2 28.0 26.4 22.5 26.3 17.9 16.3 15.7 21.7 1r .;..4 1..9 27.0 i.L*.L ..L. 26.9 26.2 26.0 264 2&9 .&L_ Ln4. I 11. Mtoh. 1G42 I 32.0 2.0 3..6 32.b Lbr. /.5 V. b.Y$. d.C. s. S. Ml. ? 2.. ..) 27.t. 24. 14.6 11.2 3.3.1 1ti. 12.7 14.7 17.2 2L.4 2 20.5 20.3 17.9 18.5 18.8 19.7 2t.3 3.5 1.9.1 3.9J 19.0 25.1 2e..3 .7 24.4 2.... 2u.7 22.4 23.0 . 8& .9 41.1. 41.3 41.3 2.O 2.O 44.6 42.6 47.0 41.1. i.6 4.O .J*?..D .;). .2 .c. I .- 1i.1 i,t 1.2 , ,.. p6.0 .8 16.7 16.8 S.8 41.4 $.4 -r .b4 'I r1 3c.7 34.5 .2 .6 .b .1 5t.0 3.1 '('" .4j1_(. ...9 e..9 33. .? 326 81.3 32.0 3? 9 37.2 ...3.l . 3i.4 :i.o 3.T ;.& 'e 2 31.8 31.2 .4 .2 2 3.0 :.o 39.4 3.4 96 4.7 $.G.8 2).1 4).1 .e ..$ .u.o 3?.]. 36.1 .,4. 6.6 z.4. .5 3b 2 34.4 86.9 29.2 35.4 36.6 37.9 u o_;7.,6 (Continued on followtiw p*.g) 38.1 39.4 ._ 5 44 IV (Cont 1942 15J 1944 19 2 18.4 24.0 19. 2ó.) 3.S 2.5 29.5 .0 3.o.4 4.O 2:.5 27 17.3 2.8 30.1 Lont. 16.9 .i.4 ).6 3i.7 o. 2,.0 15.2 20.1 26.5 M. QicIs, lisbo o1o. Wh. 'ze. *1if. 1.5 14.3 15.2 1?.6 17.4 1.7.7 lfS.O 1.9 1? L.9 23 24.1 Q.2 2t.b 24.) 4*5 .9 37.7 41.? 2 36.1 4t).6 ;!.6 â7 ..4 ?l ,-.,5 .1).., )0 312 3)4 ?4 36.8 .8 3. .0 33.0 3e.3 33.6 2i.c c3.o AJ . 4.? 28.b 2J.., 4.1 3.b .2 '.) 31.1 b't... 44.7 b 7 32.9 ;3.r$ 4.0 4.O 35 3b t3. 1i.4 Sour.s 34.J $.; .4 2d10 15.0 14.8 gi*ted aver*e of rnonth.L? 1946 34.1 18.9 15.0 17.2 17.0 13.5 18.8 12.2 iäss. 1945 Zri .: kr*ra of .11tn'a1 er tz.I ree1ve4 b 3;$iJ 26.3 37. X.8 11 Ji6: T1P 'kb, 1940-46 Y t&te 1940 'i q 1941 16 725 1364 16 128 409 64(3 1 94 2065 739 4784 86 291 25O lrLth lii. 1177 1594 1744 UZG 1OI2 )eit. 78 1078 14'. 12Th &i8 £15 714 1570 151 78 2701 1177 99 1945 1946 £;4 24??9 599 1841 100 £46 86 27 354 6608 772 5)6 128 34b6 1674 7167 1074 2231 218 14$ 4341 2373 9388 6347 31e7 10651 5 3341 8559 5453 7111 6b38 E87 5204 4831 'r?'46 17Z 167 988 2713 188 15552 59 o? 3534 5829 ;.;L1t. 191 ?.L? 6968 iowa o. 1'. 4_2Li11 1 2'22 IetT 19 14076 46 34;9 56'i0 4.7 3C)bL) 4,) 15 2634 743 71 442 316 32' ' 1;:0C 9L 601 37/3 261 719 17O1 147 84_b $88 £0496 16514 8956 43c.5 8105 2G788 i082 ;io 20% '-404 292 685" 7084 4 62T1; 630 3131 7119 2259 2023 2382 932 ?96]. S 2 9 3 1377 1411 74 540 9 OtL4 O2l fo11owL; p*g1 540 649 44gfl gjg i86t tr(X9t ?r f oc t. YT6T 9 96 6 -r iL U91iit ?8 1' t$t t ii 2 601Z b86 ¶L t. (;. r. 7fl: t: 't --- tt /2! 9:2 IT tt T:Ygi - tct -Yt - 1rqg 8 Dt L tI 9Et OGtt 6/1' tQt 9 809 (veNzTno) A IVV7 BIZ TI iO O L1S turkeye ioHt es *. oi tota. wb.rs bout '*4 borne b3tohd r9adIug 3to'k lost as a. per .ent o brcoiers on psr ne I 194] 1942 19.3 1944 1945 1'46 'Z .orth t1itic t 7otb re outh South 4; trs.1 21 atr1 24 28 9 3 1 1 2? 31 3.8 O 24 47 45 4 44 1ttu tr1 8 .L 32 14 1 1L5. 27.8 28.8 29.7 25.9 22.? 21.? f 3 9 1.? O2te?fl Sroe 144 1945 194 i94 I1tu.ra1 co 1 7 8 2 1( 12 L) 1 4. 15 15 13 G 6 8 7 9 1..5 13.1 11.4 10.4 9.3 8.? i'i g.tg 9i (Z 9.t 96t g.c 9 g g.09 C009 9IZ BLt 30 ptEU to (9 li '(9 c9 g9 o'9 t9 1' 0' L Lli9 0z Cot at oot 00! t tQTlv Qot Got_____________ jo q o.tt .1,. r * 0 6 otct 2t It 9! L lit 6' 6! 0. g; Vt 9 t t'Lt 9! *fl 9! £' lit at 6 6! 0' Z 1Z t V *L.!Z 30 sq 9.9 69 6 9' t P6 99 6 g' t Ct g. g & h0t r lit t 'i t.6 9' T t tc øt'P1 o P4°' 91 00! 00! 00! oat o' C6 9U6 T$" qçp30 PTI 9'! 6t ta 9'6 9' 9 rc IL 'P , gt .9 Jo ;i g.Lt 6* oiio t°' 1. t '(cc( $xrTh 'ij flJ () C Y 1t ') T'T11' hA ?T!VJ I ?Qtsl lbs 8tze o of N.!. drps.d wt. b!1 22 20 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 18 16 14 12 10 8 ot1 hid. of £dibl wt 87.0 86.6 8: 7 85.7 85.0 640 32. 62.7 82.0 61.1 6.0 56.6 Yteld of 47,7 15.J .7.0 46.7 45.6 42.9 155 161 it 17.2. 1.0 37.5 19.0 21.0 175 57.'5 S5.0 51. At'.1 d eit als r cnt yiell of cooke.1 edb].e ¼cked breast meet (b) LLJ.tJO1 tukj 52 30 28 i.6 51 . 0 .6 4. ',., 19.6 18.8 4 22 47 3 1b. 16.9 15.6 'iS -5 4 41.2 1 i9 Ir 47.? 20 16.1 16. 17.1 17.5 19.0 20.0 14 12 41.0 7.5 a 8ouraes Citne, L. ,, Ttark,y Nowe, ;1I.t 1. tzo .8 15b 155 47.0 46.? 45.6 16 (3) 52.2 4; 26 yi].l of Per .on t eonomic81. ar3h 1947. o ort U? DL1 TilL APPR0X1LA?1 AND OP DI V1Ct1'D lGW, I I1i TURJYi kV1x, 3' Li1. L FQUi %ILU O -4V YIi P 2$ 8i'o4 rsasted ronz, t11*1I$ 1.i .0 .5 14.2 12 .L5 1.4 OP 17.9 11.9 13 1 il 2 tandftritbrd aronze 5 Feiasls htt Ho11e.d itales 16.5 97 femftle I e1tsii11e 811 17.4 15O 0.0 E . 13.4 7.9 10.9 65 i1og, L i. ietor 1tir, 1 A3:rt.:2out of A 9.? 8.0 ts: rem1es Soiaroe 7.0 81 49 d B. J 1itkLL1 A.PPR0X1ML PC! 0i S KJ,1 AJI TC AE L2Zt.AT OF 8QR*D TO fl LK 4Ze LIVi AT 28 UStt 33UG LV i;ir, OF A 24.0 15.5 $. 9.5 90.5 91.5 17.5 16.0 82.5 84.0 74.7 76.9 20.0 12.5 10.0 9.0 91).0 91.0 19.0 18.0 81.0 8..O 72.9 74.6 .5 11.0 bh1t o11snd M1ei Pei,1o$ Betsi111e 1.O 89.0 88.0 19.0 .0 1.0 81.0 82 0 72.1 72.2 1.0 9.0 L.0 BQ 19.0 18.0 81.5 72.5 0 rna11 Sarc. L It. SXLw st rtnin t of ijit4f3 94$. L1 r BZT APkOA3EAT. ?TA D1L 1L A!r, CTL 't . G iBL. LA3 I I'X 4 &riety sni iex rc'D C) 0 ,. ro& f1YGLtoci 4oa rouze; 21.? .b 23.0 34.2 ea1es Stn4srdbre4 rone 41ns1,s &urG rhew, rsden, U. h 21. 6.7 21.') 31.4 19.ti 13.0 24.0 16.5 18.) 1.O 9.? 13.5 1s. .5 S1.b 60.2 1.4 20.0 13.5 1..5 .0 60.5 7.9 a. L 71.2 19.5 White Holland3 ite: ;i5 1.O Ma1Gs J3eltsvilli ia11 18.0 o * t 59.5 61.6 64.1 61.1 b.0 62.7 6.6 i.4 61$ .. tox LU ,i. 120 1 $:4 J et eiLt I had. A) .aple of yield on ben turke ork Costs bas*t on â.st G0w3 t icxt: tIan 10000 pouud. 1ts de. .?cy Outs (Out-up ivisoerated 4) .oancls of Out-up. I.., od and sold. i1ea. York et th $etall tteaaton ker J.)J lbs. .ttin of ::.. losed ?er ?onnct of zke 3roaet Legs .69 Th tgs Z?otal ney Out Other Outs I 40 -S. 4.5? 3.75 -4) 40 Liver Eeart V40 t$ 11.58 2? .76 11.10 3.07 26 Iksga ad aste York iA'ssaed to I7is4eratd. e1ght OTL }.!. aEijj 1.09 .4? Tot&l Otber uts Total &1&b1e Cute (0ut-*p Aviaoersted 1 $ lb .9i i0; Izjia 41iveret ct .ãross 1z'gtn.15.... ISOa*4 V. .....Gross rtn ,, . ................... .r-up % on Co.t...,.,.,-....,.,..,.,.,.,,.,, 4926 a