Enterprise Village Information Letter Dear Parents: Your child’s fifth grade class will soon begin a new curriculum dealing with Free Enterprise. The Enterprise Village curriculum, for all Pinellas County fifth grade students, will introduce students to new concepts pertaining to free enterprise, community goods and services, banking services and how to run a business. At the culmination of this study, students will visit Enterprise Village to actually experience first hand work a job, earning a salary, managing their money, and will gain a better understanding of the roles of producers and consumers. We are looking forward to your child’s participation and would like to take this opportunity to inform you of some of the steps you can take to help your child be successful with this unit of study. Please do the following: • • Consider being a volunteer on the day of your child’s visit. Volunteers are an important and necessary part of the students’ experience at Enterprise Village. A training session is necessary and will be held the morning of the visit prior to the student’s arrival. Talk to your child about your own personal money management and ask about his/her classroom experiences. Students will eat a McDonald’s lunch (hamburger, 5 chicken nuggets, apple slices and milk). The cost will be the same as a regular school lunch. Please send money directly to your child’s teacher as soon as possible. The date of your child’s visit is ___________________________. Student lunch money is being collected from _______________________ to _____________________. Amount due for lunch: ___________________ Thank you very much for your help in making this an exciting and valuable unit of study for your child. We look forward to his/her visit. If you have any questions, please contact your child’s teacher or visit us at www.stavrosinstitute.org. Sincerely, Patricia Jeremiah-Pittman, Director Gus A. Stavros Institute www.stavrosinstitute.org 9