University of Northern Iowa Institutional Research Reports UNI Student Satisfaction Survey Spring 2006 104 Seerley Hall Cedar Falls, IA 50614-0005 UNI Student Satisfaction Survey Kristin M. Moser, Senior Research Analyst Office of Institutional Research University of Northern Iowa 104 Seerley Hall Cedar Falls, IA 50614-0005 (319) 273-3050 February 2006 Table of Contents Page Introduction ....................................................................................................................... 1 Method .............................................................................................................................. 1 Results .............................................................................................................................. 3 Section 1 Summary of Responses by College 1.1 I am encouraged by faculty and staff to participate in university-related intellectual activities (e.g. guest speakers, symposia, conferences)....................... 15 1.2 I have received high quality advising at UNI ........................................................... 16 2.1 I have had a high quality mentoring relationship with a UNI faculty or staff member .................................................................................................................. 17 2.2 I feel a sense of belonging to the university community ......................................... 18 3.1 I have collaborated with faculty or staff on academic or extracurricular activities.................................................................................................................. 19 3.2 My academic major includes information on multiple cultures and points of view ........................................................................................................................ 20 4.1 UNI is effectively preparing me to be a contributing member of a multicultural / multinational world.................................................................................................. 21 4.2 UNI provides a welcoming and responsive environment for members of the UNI community who have unique needs that may affect their opportunity for success .................................................................................................................. 22 5.1 I have experienced positive social interactions with students who have different backgrounds or beliefs than my own ...................................................................... 23 5.2 UNI provides opportunities for mentoring and social interaction among students, faculty, and staff ..................................................................................................... 24 6.1 UNI values all of its members regardless of race, ethnicity, sex, age, sexual orientation, religious beliefs, physical disability, or socioeconomic status .............. 25 ii 7.1 I have experienced a prejudicial remark or behavior on campus tied to my race, ethnicity, sex, age, sexual orientation, religious beliefs, physical disability, or socioeconomic status ............................................................................................. 26 8.1 Faculty encourage the expression of diverse points of view in the classroom........ 27 9.1 UNI provides opportunities for participation in university governance activities...... 28 10.1 The library usually has the scholarly journals (periodicals) and other materials I need for my studies .............................................................................................. 29 10.2 The Rod Library home page is a valuable resource for finding information on the Internet ................................................................................................................... 30 11.1 When I ask a librarian for assistance, I usually get a useful response.................... 31 11.2 Rod Library instruction sessions (e.g. tours, classes, workshops) have been helpful to me in my academic work......................................................................... 32 12.1 Rod Library’s inter-library loan service usually permits me to obtain materials from other libraries within two weeks of my placing a request ................................ 33 12.2 Computers have been a significant part of my coursework at UNI ......................... 34 13.1 The UNI computer network is generally accessible after 5 pm from off campus .... 35 14.1 The training I have received at UNI on the use of computers has generally met my educational needs............................................................................................. 36 15.1 I feel I have been exposed to the computer tools necessary for me to use and learn about computing in my chosen profession or field following graduation ........ 37 16.2 Do you have a computer for your personal use available during the school year... 38 Section 2 Multiple Year Comparison of the UNI Student Satisfaction Survey ................................... 39 List of Tables Table 1. Demographic Characteristics by College ............................................................ 3 Table 2. Mean Ratings by College .................................................................................... 7 List of Figures Figure 1. Distribution of Respondents by College ............................................................. 2 iii Figure 2. University of Northern Iowa Mean Ratings ......................................................... 9 Figure 3. College of Business Administration Mean Ratings............................................. 10 Figure 4. College of Education Mean Ratings ................................................................... 11 Figure 5. College of Humanities and Fine Arts Mean Ratings........................................... 12 Figure 6. College of Natural Sciences Mean Ratings ........................................................ 13 Figure 7. College of Social and Behavioral Sciences Mean Ratings ................................. 14 Appendix A The UNI Student Satisfaction Survey ................................................................................ 41 iv v Introduction This report presents a summary of the University of Northern Iowa (UNI) Student Satisfaction Survey. The purpose of this report is to provide summary information on the perceptions of UNI students regarding multiple aspects of student life at UNI, including the academic curriculum, social interactions, university computer services, and library facilities and services. Campus climate is an issue that strongly affects the student’s opportunity for success at the university. The goal of this survey is to present a list of issues that the student body feels should be addressed in order to improve the climate on the UNI campus. Method Students were presented with the UNI Student Satisfaction Survey questions during the Spring 2006 online registration period between November 10, 2005 – December 2, 2005. A total of 8,553 students responded to the survey. Figure 1 presents the composition of respondents by college. Respondents were asked to answer a set of two paired questions randomly selected from a list of 18 pairs. Each question was answered by approximately 500 students, except for one item. This question, which asked students about personal computer ownership, was matched with eight questions (6.1, 7.1, 8.1, 9.1, 13.1, 14.1, 15.1 and 16.1). The item on personal computer ownership was answered by 3,826 students. 1 Figure 1. Distribution of Respondents by College 2.2 3.8 Business Administration 23.2 17.7 Education Humanities and Fine Arts Natural Sciences Social and Behavioral Sciences General/Undecided 13.9 21.0 Missing 18.2 Respondents were randomly presented with two paired questions prior to being advanced to the registration screen. They were then asked to indicate the extent to which they agreed or disagreed to the survey statements on a Likert scale ranging from 1 (strongly disagree) to 5 (strongly agree). Some of the items required the student to indicate a “yes” or “no” response. All survey responses were recorded and compiled into a master file. The survey responses were sent from Information Technology Services to the Office of Institutional Research and converted into a data file. The data were then analyzed to show patterns of response by college. Table 1 presents demographic information for respondents to the UNI Student Satisfaction Survey by college. Most questions on the Student Satisfaction Survey focused on aspects of university climate directly related to student life and learning. Items such as “I have had a high quality mentoring relationship with a UNI faculty or staff member” assessed student and faculty relationships. Items like “the library usually has the scholarly journals (periodicals) I need for my studies” examined the library services necessary for student success. Other items such as “the UNI computer network is generally accessible after 5 pm from off campus” evaluated student opinion on university computer services. See Appendix A for a complete list of the survey questions. 2 Table 1. Demographic Characteristics by College Business Admin. N % Sex Male Female Total Race/Ethnicity Caucasian Black/African Am. Native American Asian/Pac. Island Hispanic Non-Resident Alien Total Age 19 or under 20-23 24-29 30-39 40-55 Over 55 Total Grade Level Freshman Sophomore Junior Senior Graduate Total Residency Resident Non-resident Total Education N % Humanities and Fine Arts N % Natural Sciences N % Social and Behavioral Sciences N % General/ Undecided N % Total N % 1148 834 1982 57.9 42.1 100 401 1398 1799 22.3 77.7 100 510 1044 1554 32.8 67.2 100 709 481 1190 59.6 40.4 100 542 972 1514 35.8 64.2 100 98 231 329 29.8 70.2 100 3408 4960 8368 40.7 59.3 100 1822 28 1 22 16 42 1931 94.4 1.5 0.1 1.1 0.8 2.2 100 1646 42 1 12 26 27 1754 93.8 2.4 0.1 0.7 1.5 1.5 100 1376 34 5 18 31 34 1498 91.9 2.3 0.3 1.2 2.1 2.3 100 1085 25 0 9 8 25 1152 94.2 2.2 0 0.8 0.7 2.2 100 1349 40 6 15 26 13 1449 93.1 2.8 0.4 1.0 1.8 0.9 100 318 6 0 1 2 0 327 97.2 1.8 0 0.3 0.6 0 100 7596 175 13 77 109 141 8111 93.7 2.2 0.2 0.9 1.3 1.7 100 141 1157 136 31 22 0 1487 9.5 77.8 9.1 2.1 1.5 0 100 153 947 153 63 51 7 1374 11.1 68.9 11.1 4.6 3.7 0.5 100 131 855 142 44 26 2 1200 10.9 71.3 11.8 3.7 2.2 0.2 100 102 625 107 42 23 2 901 11.3 69.4 11.9 4.7 2.6 0.2 100 114 890 145 40 33 3 1225 9.3 72.7 11.8 3.3 2.7 0.2 100 123 66 2 0 1 0 192 64.1 34.4 1.0 0 0.5 0 100 764 4540 685 220 156 14 6379 12.0 71.2 10.7 3.4 2.4 0.2 100 389 371 596 573 53 1982 19.6 18.7 30.1 28.9 2.7 100 355 329 474 391 270 1799 18.6 18.3 26.3 21.7 15.0 100 272 318 434 391 139 1554 17.5 20.5 27.9 25.2 8.9 100 251 228 353 329 29 1190 21.1 19.2 29.7 27.6 2.4 100 242 302 478 399 93 1514 16.0 19.9 31.6 26.4 6.1 100 252 64 12 1 0 329 76.6 19.5 3.6 0.3 0 100 1741 1612 2347 2084 584 8368 20.8 19.3 28.0 24.9 7.0 100 1881 101 1982 94.9 5.1 100 1689 110 1799 91.5 8.5 100 1422 132 1554 91.5 8.5 100 1115 75 1190 93.7 6.3 100 1454 59 1513 96.1 3.9 100 317 12 329 96.4 3.6 100 7878 489 8367 94.2 5.8 100 Results A table and figures containing mean scores for each survey item are presented in the pages to follow. Mean scores are displayed with the “no opinion” response and without the “no opinion” response included. Summary tables and charts of responses to the survey questions showing the number and the percent responding to each question broken down by college are also presented. Data for some respondents was unavailable; therefore, some percentages may reflect this missing data. The following list presents some of the key observations of the survey. Certain patterns of response 3 may indicate a need for future examination of these relationships in the university environment. Please note that agreement is presented in terms of individuals who responded either “agree” or “strongly agree” to the survey items. • As a whole, students are satisfied with their experiences with computers at UNI. 58.2% of students indicated that the training they have received at UNI on the use of computers has generally met their educational needs. This was down from 62.3% satisfaction reported last year. Just over sixty percent (61.8%) of the respondents indicated that they have been exposed to the computer tools necessary to use and learn about computers in their chosen profession or field following graduation. The majority of students (72.7%) indicated that computers had been a significant part of their coursework at UNI. • Students appear to be generally satisfied with regard to faculty mentoring and advising relationships at UNI. Less than half of the respondents (42.4%) indicated that they had a high quality mentoring relationship with a UNI faculty or staff member. 53.3% of respondents said that they had received high quality advising at UNI. Fifty percent of students (50.9%) indicated that they have collaborated with faculty or staff on academic or extracurricular activities. • Students perceive that UNI is an entity that fosters the development of multicultural ideas and values in the classroom. Just over half of all respondents (53.1%) indicated that their academic major includes information on multiple cultures and points of view. Over half of all respondents (59.5%) perceived that UNI effectively prepared them to be contributing members of a multicultural / multinational world. 4 56.5% of students said that faculty encourage the expression of diverse points of view in the classroom. • Students feel that UNI promotes an environment that is accepting of diversity and different ideas and values. 65.9% of students perceive that UNI values all of its members regardless of race, ethnicity, sex, age, sexual orientation, religious beliefs, physical disability, or socioeconomic status. Almost seventy percent of students (66.3%) indicated that UNI provides a welcoming and responsive environment for members of the UNI community who have unique needs that may affect their opportunity for success. 67.0% of respondents said that they had experienced positive social interactions with students who have different backgrounds or beliefs than their own. A small number of students (11.9%) indicated that they had experienced a prejudicial remark or behavior on campus tied to their race, ethnicity, sex, age, sexual orientation, religious beliefs, physical disability, or socioeconomic status. • Students feel that they are given adequate support in the use of the library and its resources, however many fail to take advantage of the opportunities that exist there. Nearly sixty percent of the respondents (58.3%) indicated that the library usually has the scholarly journals and other materials they need for their studies. Over two-thirds of the respondents (69.6%) had no opinion on the timeliness of the library’s inter-library loan service, while 22.2% said they agreed that the service provided them with their requests within a two week time period. 5 Just over forty percent (41.9%) of students agreed that Rod Library instruction sessions (tours, classes, workshops) are helpful in their academic work; however, almost half (47.0%) were neutral in response to this question. 6 Table 2. Mean Ratings by College I am encouraged by faculty and staff to participate in university-related intellectual activities (e.g. guest speakers, symposia, 1.1 conferences). 1.2 I have received high quality advising at UNI. I have had a high quality mentoring relationship 2.1 with a UNI faculty or staff member. I feel a sense of belonging to the university 2.2 community. I have collaborated with faculty or staff on 3.1 academic or extracurricular activities. My academic major includes information on 3.2 multiple cultures and points of view. UNI is effectively preparing me to be a contributing member of a multicultural / 4.1 multinational world. UNI provides a welcoming and responsive environment for members of the UNI community who have unique needs that may affect their 4.2 opportunity for success. I have experienced positive social interactions with students who have different backgrounds 5.1 or beliefs than my own. UNI provides opportunities for mentoring and social interaction among students, faculty, and 5.2 staff. UNI values all of its members regardless of race, ethnicity, sex, age, sexual orientation, religious beliefs, physical disability, or 6.1 socioeconomic status. I have experienced a prejudicial remark or behavior on campus tied to my race, ethnicity, sex, age, sexual orientation, religious beliefs, 7.1 physical disability, or socioeconomic status. Faculty encourage the expression of diverse 8.1 points of view in the classroom. UNI provides opportunities for participation in 9.1 university governance activities. Education Mean w/o No Mean Opinion Humanities & Fine Arts Natural Sciences Mean Mean w/o No w/o No Mean Opinion Mean Opinion Social & Behavioral Sciences Mean w/o No Mean Opinion General/ Undecided Mean w/o No Mean Opinion Total Mean w/o No Mean Opinion 3.38 3.43 3.66 3.55 3.75 3.50 3.71 3.36 3.48 3.71 3.95 3.42 3.61 3.24 3.34 3.28 3.35 3.49 3.66 3.57 3.74 3.15 3.20 3.86 4.04 3.36 3.47 2.75 2.55 3.33 3.46 3.49 3.64 3.32 3.47 3.19 3.29 3.28 3.45 3.18 3.28 3.55 3.69 3.71 3.88 3.61 3.73 3.60 3.76 3.60 3.77 4.00 4.29 3.63 3.79 3.27 3.46 3.49 3.72 3.66 3.86 3.43 3.66 3.33 3.53 4.05 4.40 3.46 3.70 3.29 3.60 3.49 3.65 3.48 3.63 3.31 3.50 3.66 3.82 3.75 4.50 3.46 3.68 3.39 3.57 3.73 3.94 3.60 3.81 3.43 3.69 3.51 3.69 3.68 3.93 3.54 3.75 3.61 3.83 3.90 4.08 3.71 3.96 3.44 3.74 3.71 4.02 3.84 4.00 3.69 3.94 3.49 3.64 3.62 3.75 3.84 3.97 3.87 4.10 3.64 3.82 4.00 4.07 3.68 3.83 3.43 3.59 3.65 3.83 3.74 3.91 4.00 4.11 3.57 3.75 3.44 3.47 3.64 3.81 3.59 3.73 3.54 3.62 3.63 3.73 3.76 4.07 3.72 3.84 3.62 3.76 3.64 3.77 2.07 1.83 2.14 1.91 1.88 1.68 2.08 1.85 2.21 1.97 1.76 1.50 2.07 1.83 3.39 3.62 3.51 3.73 3.65 3.97 3.56 3.78 3.43 3.63 3.52 4.09 3.50 3.75 3.17 3.30 3.35 3.74 3.07 3.14 3.36 3.84 3.35 3.60 3.59 4.25 3.26 3.51 Business Administration Mean w/o No Mean Opinion 3.23 Business Administration Mean w/o No Mean Opinion Humanities & Fine Arts Natural Sciences Mean Mean w/o No w/o No Mean Opinion Mean Opinion Social & Behavioral Sciences Mean w/o No Mean Opinion General/ Undecided Mean w/o No Mean Opinion Total Mean w/o No Mean Opinion 3.76 3.62 3.78 3.57 3.83 3.35 3.44 3.62 4.00 3.54 3.76 3.89 3.69 3.88 3.63 3.93 3.57 3.66 3.86 4.00 3.69 3.86 3.97 3.47 3.57 3.75 4.26 3.50 3.70 4.21 4.31 3.62 3.87 3.98 3.23 3.42 3.56 4.13 3.15 3.26 3.86 4.20 3.37 3.71 3.20 3.18 3.58 3.08 3.26 3.25 3.77 3.40 3.86 3.12 3.40 3.72 4.00 4.08 4.01 4.09 3.80 3.84 4.13 4.42 3.85 3.95 3.39 3.47 3.77 3.30 3.46 3.46 3.67 3.50 4.33 3.36 3.57 3.70 3.44 3.57 3.60 3.89 3.19 3.28 3.92 4.00 3.46 3.64 3.87 3.49 3.68 3.55 3.68 3.60 3.76 3.45 3.83 3.60 3.80 NA 2.20 NA 2.04 NA 2.18 NA 1.82 NA 2.12 NA Education Mean w/o No Mean Opinion The library usually has the scholarly journals (periodicals) and other materials I need for my 3.62 3.93 3.50 10.1 studies. The Rod Library home page is a valuable 3.72 3.93 3.74 10.2 resource for finding information on the Internet. When I ask a librarian for assistance, I usually 3.65 3.90 3.64 11.1 get a useful response. Rod Library instruction sessions (e.g. tours, classes, workshops) have been helpful to me in 3.36 3.74 3.49 11.2 my academic work. Rod Library’s inter-library loan service usually permits me to obtain materials from other 3.03 3.14 3.06 libraries within two weeks of my placing a 12.1 request. Computers have been a significant part of my 3.83 3.98 3.64 12.2 coursework at UNI. The UNI computer network is generally 3.31 3.49 3.27 13.1 accessible after 5 pm from off campus. The training I have received at UNI on the use of computers has generally met my educational 3.48 3.67 3.51 14.1 needs. I feel I have been exposed to the computer tools necessary for me to use and learn about 3.67 3.91 3.66 computing in my chosen profession or field 15.1 following graduation. Do you have a computer for your personal use 2.08 NA 2.14 16.2 available during the school year? 16.2 was paired with questions 6.1, 7.1, 8.1, 9.1, 13.1, 14.1, 15.1 and 16.1. Figure 2. University of Northern Iowa Mean Ratings 4.50 4.00 3.50 3.00 2.50 2.00 1.50 1.00 Exposed to computer tools Computer training has met my needs UNI computer network accessible after 5 off campus Computers significant part of courses at UNI Inter-library loan service timely Library instruction sessions helpful Librarians helpful Library home page is valuable Library has journals I need Opportunity for governance activitity Faculty encourage diverse ideas I've experienced prejudice UNI values all members Mentoring opportunities Positive interaction with diverse people Welcoming for those with unique needs Member of multicultural society Major is diverse Collaborate with faculty Sense of belonging High quality mentoring High quality advising Encouraged by faculty Mean Without "No Opinion" Mean Figure 3. College of Business Administration Mean Ratings 4.50 4.00 3.50 3.00 2.50 2.00 1.50 1.00 Exposed to computer tools Computer training has met my needs UNI computer network accessible after 5 off campus Computers significant part of courses at UNI Inter-library loan service timely Library instruction sessions helpful Librarians helpful Library home page is valuable Library has journals I need Opportunity for governance activitity Faculty encourage diverse ideas I've experienced prejudice UNI values all members Mentoring opportunities Positive interaction with diverse people Welcoming for those with unique needs Member of multicultural society Major is diverse Collaborate with faculty Sense of belonging High quality mentoring High quality advising Encouraged by faculty Mean Without "No Opinion" Mean Figure 4. College of Education Mean Ratings 4.50 4.00 3.50 3.00 2.50 2.00 1.50 1.00 Exposed to computer tools Computer training has met my needs UNI computer network accessible after 5 off campus Computers significant part of courses at UNI Inter-library loan service timely Library instruction sessions helpful Librarians helpful Library home page is valuable Library has journals I need Opportunity for governance activitity Faculty encourage diverse ideas I've experienced prejudice UNI values all members Mentoring opportunities Positive interaction with diverse people Welcoming for those with unique needs Member of multicultural society Major is diverse Collaborate with faculty Sense of belonging High quality mentoring High quality advising Encouraged by faculty Mean Without "No Opinion" Mean Figure 5. College of Humanities and Fine Arts Mean Ratings 4.50 4.00 3.50 3.00 2.50 2.00 1.50 1.00 Exposed to computer tools Computer training has met my needs UNI computer network accessible after 5 off campus Computers significant part of courses at UNI Inter-library loan service timely Library instruction sessions helpful Librarians helpful Library home page is valuable Library has journals I need Opportunity for governance activitity Faculty encourage diverse ideas I've experienced prejudice UNI values all members Mentoring opportunities Positive interaction with diverse people Welcoming for those with unique needs Member of multicultural society Major is diverse Collaborate with faculty Sense of belonging High quality mentoring High quality advising Encouraged by faculty Mean Without "No Opinion" Mean Figure 6. College of Natural Sciences Mean Ratings 4.50 4.00 3.50 3.00 2.50 2.00 1.50 1.00 Exposed to computer tools Computer training has met my needs UNI computer network accessible after 5 off campus Computers significant part of courses at UNI Inter-library loan service timely Library instruction sessions helpful Librarians helpful Library home page is valuable Library has journals I need Opportunity for governance activitity Faculty encourage diverse ideas I've experienced prejudice UNI values all members Mentoring opportunities Positive interaction with diverse people Welcoming for those with unique needs Member of multicultural society Major is diverse Collaborate with faculty Sense of belonging High quality mentoring High quality advising Encouraged by faculty Mean Without "No Opinion" Mean Figure 7. College of Social and Behavioral Sciences Mean Ratings 4.50 4.00 3.50 3.00 2.50 2.00 1.50 1.00 Exposed to computer tools Computer training has met my needs UNI computer network accessible after 5 off campus Computers significant part of courses at UNI Inter-library loan service timely Library instruction sessions helpful Librarians helpful Library home page is valuable Library has journals I need Opportunity for governance activitity Faculty encourage diverse ideas I've experienced prejudice UNI values all members Mentoring opportunities Positive interaction with diverse people Welcoming for those with unique needs Member of multicultural society Major is diverse Collaborate with faculty Sense of belonging High quality mentoring High quality advising Encouraged by faculty Mean Without "No Opinion" Mean Section 1 Summary of Responses by College Q1.1. I am encouraged by faculty and staff to participate in university-related intellectual activities (e.g. guest speakers, symposia, conferences). Strongly Disagree Disagree No Opinion Agree Strongly Agree Total Business Administration N % 8 7.8 11 10.8 41 40.2 34 33.3 8 7.8 102 100.0 Education N % 8 7.0 5 4.3 41 35.7 52 45.2 9 7.8 115 100.0 Humanities and Fine Arts N % 5 5.9 5 5.9 22 25.9 44 51.8 9 10.6 85 100.0 Natural Sciences N % 2 3.3 5 8.3 18 30.0 31 51.7 4 6.7 60 100.0 Social and Behavioral Sciences N % 11 13.1 6 7.1 21 25.0 34 40.5 12 14.3 84 100.0 General/Undecided N % 0 .0 2 7.1 7 25.0 16 57.1 3 10.7 28 100.0 Total N % 34 7.2 34 7.2 150 31.6 211 44.5 45 9.5 474 100.0 60.0% 50.0% 40.0% 30.0% 20.0% 10.0% 0.0% Business Education Humanities and Fine Arts Strongly Disagree Disagree Natural Sciences No Opinion 15 Agree Social and Behavioral Sciences Strongly Agree UNI Total Q1.2. I have received high quality advising at UNI. Strongly Disagree Business Administration N % 9 8.8 15 14.7 32 31.4 35 34.3 Strongly Agree 11 10.8 Education N % 13 11.3 16 13.9 24 20.9 50 43.5 12 10.4 115 100.0 Humanities and Fine Arts N % 3 3.5 12 14.1 21 24.7 38 44.7 11 12.9 85 100.0 Natural Sciences N % 3 5.0 7 11.7 14 23.3 25 41.7 11 18.3 60 100.0 Social and Behavioral Sciences N % 13 15.5 12 14.3 20 23.8 27 32.1 12 14.3 84 100.0 General/Undecided N % 1 3.6 2 7.1 5 17.9 12 42.9 8 28.6 28 100.0 Total N % 42 8.9 64 13.5 116 24.5 187 39.5 65 13.7 474 100.0 Natural Sciences Social and Behavioral Sciences Disagree No Opinion Agree 50.0% 40.0% 30.0% 20.0% 10.0% 0.0% Business Education Humanities and Fine Arts Strongly Disagree Disagree No Opinion 16 Agree Strongly Agree UNI Total Total 102 100.0 Q2.1. I have had a high quality mentoring relationship with a UNI faculty or staff member. Business Administration N % Strongly Disagree 14 12.2 Education N % Humanities and Fine Arts Disagree No Opinion Agree Strongly Agree Total 28 24.3 50 43.5 19 16.5 4 3.5 115 100.0 12 11.4 10 9.5 29 27.6 39 37.1 15 14.3 105 100.0 N % 9 12.0 4 5.3 17 22.7 31 41.3 14 18.7 75 100.0 Natural Sciences N % 4 5.9 11 16.2 21 30.9 23 33.8 9 13.2 68 100.0 Social and Behavioral Sciences N % 8 10.0 10 12.5 28 35.0 27 33.8 7 8.8 80 100.0 General/Undecided N % 1 5.6 2 11.1 7 38.9 7 38.9 1 5.6 18 100.0 Total N % 48 10.4 65 14.1 152 33.0 146 31.7 50 10.8 461 100.0 Natural Sciences Social and Behavioral Sciences 50.0% 40.0% 30.0% 20.0% 10.0% 0.0% Business Education Humanities and Fine Arts Strongly Disagree Disagree No Opinion 17 Agree Strongly Agree UNI Total Q2.2. I feel a sense of belonging to the university community. Strongly Disagree Business Administration N % 6 5.2 11 9.6 24 20.9 62 53.9 Strongly Agree 12 10.4 Education N % 5 4.8 3 2.9 20 19.0 66 62.9 11 10.5 105 100.0 Humanities and Fine Arts N % 6 8.0 6 8.0 12 16.0 38 50.7 13 17.3 75 100.0 Natural Sciences N % 2 2.9 6 8.8 14 20.6 41 60.3 5 7.4 68 100.0 Social and Behavioral Sciences N % 4 5.0 5 6.3 18 22.5 45 56.3 8 10.0 80 100.0 General/Undecided N % 0 .0 0 .0 4 22.2 10 55.6 4 22.2 18 100.0 Total N % 23 5.0 31 6.7 92 20.0 262 56.8 53 11.5 461 100.0 Disagree No Opinion Agree 70.0% 60.0% 50.0% 40.0% 30.0% 20.0% 10.0% 0.0% Business Education Humanities and Fine Arts Strongly Disagree Disagree Natural Sciences No Opinion 18 Agree Social and Behavioral Sciences Strongly Agree UNI Total Total 115 100.0 Q3.1. I have collaborated with faculty or staff on academic or extracurricular activities. Strongly Disagree Disagree No Opinion Agree Strongly Agree Total Business Administration N % 5 5.3 12 12.6 39 41.1 30 31.6 9 9.5 95 100.0 Education N % 9 7.7 7 6.0 38 32.5 44 37.6 19 16.2 117 100.0 Humanities and Fine Arts N % 5 6.0 6 7.2 19 22.9 35 42.2 18 21.7 83 100.0 Natural Sciences N % 8 11.8 0 .0 24 35.3 27 39.7 9 13.2 68 100.0 Social and Behavioral Sciences N % 5 6.6 10 13.2 29 38.2 19 25.0 13 17.1 76 100.0 General/Undecided N % 0 .0 0 .0 5 25.0 9 45.0 6 30.0 20 100.0 Total N % 32 7.0 35 7.6 154 33.6 164 35.7 74 16.1 459 100.0 50.0% 40.0% 30.0% 20.0% 10.0% 0.0% Business Education Humanities and Fine Arts Strongly Disagree Disagree Natural Sciences No Opinion 19 Agree Social and Behavioral Sciences Strongly Agree UNI Total Q3.2. My academic major includes information on multiple cultures and points of view. Strongly Disagree Disagree No Opinion Agree Strongly Agree Total Business Administration N % 3 3.2 9 9.5 48 50.5 27 28.4 8 8.4 95 100.0 Education N % 10 8.5 9 7.7 29 24.8 52 44.4 17 14.5 117 100.0 Humanities and Fine Arts N % 6 7.2 9 10.8 20 24.1 35 42.2 13 15.7 83 100.0 Natural Sciences N % 5 7.4 6 8.8 26 38.2 25 36.8 6 8.8 68 100.0 Social and Behavioral Sciences N % 8 10.5 4 5.3 15 19.7 28 36.8 21 27.6 76 100.0 General/Undecided N % 0 .0 0 .0 10 50.0 5 25.0 5 25.0 20 100.0 Total N % 32 7.0 37 8.1 148 32.2 172 37.5 70 15.3 459 100.0 60.0% 50.0% 40.0% 30.0% 20.0% 10.0% 0.0% Business Education Humanities and Fine Arts Strongly Disagree Disagree Natural Sciences No Opinion 20 Agree Social and Behavioral Sciences Strongly Agree UNI Total Q4.1. UNI is effectively preparing me to be a contributing member of a multicultural/multinational world. Strongly Disagree Business Administration N % 8 6.7 11 9.2 38 31.7 52 43.3 Strongly Agree 11 9.2 Education N % 6 6.6 2 2.2 21 23.1 44 48.4 18 19.8 91 100.0 Humanities and Fine Arts N % 4 4.1 6 6.2 25 25.8 52 53.6 10 10.3 97 100.0 Natural Sciences N % 3 4.8 4 6.3 24 38.1 27 42.9 5 7.9 63 100.0 Social and Behavioral Sciences N % 3 3.8 8 10.0 21 26.3 41 51.3 7 8.8 80 100.0 General/Undecided N % 1 5.3 0 .0 5 26.3 11 57.9 2 10.5 19 100.0 Total N % 25 5.3 31 6.6 134 28.5 227 48.3 53 11.3 470 100.0 Disagree No Opinion Agree 60.0% 50.0% 40.0% 30.0% 20.0% 10.0% 0.0% Business Education Humanities and Fine Arts Strongly Disagree Disagree Natural Sciences No Opinion 21 Agree Social and Behavioral Sciences Strongly Agree UNI Total Total 120 100.0 Q4.2. UNI provides a welcoming and responsive environment for members of the UNI community who have unique needs that may affect their opportunity for success. Strongly Disagree Business Administration N % 6 5.0 7 5.8 32 26.7 58 48.3 Strongly Agree 17 14.2 Education N % 5 5.5 1 1.1 15 16.5 47 51.6 23 25.3 91 100.0 Humanities and Fine Arts N % 3 3.1 3 3.1 25 25.8 54 55.7 12 12.4 97 100.0 Natural Sciences N % 4 6.3 2 3.2 25 39.7 26 41.3 6 9.5 63 100.0 Social and Behavioral Sciences N % 1 1.3 2 2.5 24 30.0 45 56.3 8 10.0 80 100.0 General/Undecided N % 0 .0 1 5.3 3 15.8 13 68.4 2 10.5 19 100.0 Total N % 19 4.0 16 3.4 124 26.4 243 51.7 68 14.5 470 100.0 Disagree No Opinion Agree 60.0% 50.0% 40.0% 30.0% 20.0% 10.0% 0.0% Business Education Humanities and Fine Arts Strongly Disagree Disagree Natural Sciences No Opinion 22 Agree Social and Behavioral Sciences Strongly Agree UNI Total Total 120 100.0 Q5.1. I have experienced positive social interactions with students who have different backgrounds or beliefs than my own. Business Administration N % Strongly Disagree 17 14.0 4 3.3 29 24.0 45 37.2 Strongly Agree 26 21.5 Education N % 17 14.9 0 .0 19 16.7 51 44.7 27 23.7 114 100.0 Humanities and Fine Arts N % 7 8.0 3 3.4 12 13.8 40 46.0 25 28.7 87 100.0 Natural Sciences N % 1 1.6 5 8.2 13 21.3 24 39.3 18 29.5 61 100.0 Social and Behavioral Sciences N % 8 11.4 2 2.9 15 21.4 27 38.6 18 25.7 70 100.0 General/Undecided N % 1 6.3 1 6.3 1 6.3 7 43.8 6 37.5 16 100.0 Total N % 51 10.9 15 3.2 89 19.0 194 41.4 120 25.6 469 100.0 Disagree No Opinion Agree 50.0% 40.0% 30.0% 20.0% 10.0% 0.0% Business Education Humanities and Fine Arts Strongly Disagree Disagree Natural Sciences No Opinion 23 Agree Social and Behavioral Sciences Strongly Agree UNI Total Total 121 100.0 Q5.2. UNI provides opportunities for mentoring and social interaction among students, faculty, and staff. Business Administration N % Strongly Disagree 14 11.6 5 4.1 33 27.3 53 43.8 Strongly Agree 16 13.2 Education N % 10 8.8 4 3.5 25 21.9 52 45.6 23 20.2 114 100.0 Humanities and Fine Arts N % 5 5.7 2 2.3 17 19.5 50 57.5 13 14.9 87 100.0 Natural Sciences N % 0 .0 5 8.2 6 9.8 34 55.7 16 26.2 61 100.0 Social and Behavioral Sciences N % 5 7.1 4 5.7 17 24.3 34 48.6 10 14.3 70 100.0 General/Undecided N % 3 18.8 2 12.5 1 6.3 5 31.3 5 31.3 16 100.0 Total N % 37 7.9 22 4.7 99 21.1 228 48.6 83 17.7 469 100.0 Disagree No Opinion Agree 60.0% 50.0% 40.0% 30.0% 20.0% 10.0% 0.0% Business Education Humanities and Fine Arts Strongly Disagree Disagree Natural Sciences No Opinion 24 Agree Social and Behavioral Sciences Strongly Agree UNI Total Total 121 100.0 Q6.1. UNI values all of its members regardless of race, ethnicity, sex, age, sexual orientation, religious beliefs, physical disability, or socioeconomic status. Business Administration N % Strongly Disagree 11 10.8 4 3.9 20 19.6 48 47.1 Strongly Agree 19 18.6 Education N % 20 20.4 3 3.1 12 12.2 30 30.6 33 33.7 98 100.0 Humanities and Fine Arts N % 15 15.8 3 3.2 13 13.7 35 36.8 29 30.5 95 100.0 Natural Sciences N % 5 7.9 0 .0 18 28.6 22 34.9 18 28.6 63 100.0 Social and Behavioral Sciences N % 11 11.8 4 4.3 13 14.0 37 39.8 28 30.1 93 100.0 General/Undecided N % 3 14.3 1 4.8 4 19.0 6 28.6 7 33.3 21 100.0 Total N % 65 13.8 15 3.2 80 16.9 178 37.7 134 28.4 472 100.0 Disagree No Opinion Agree 50.0% 40.0% 30.0% 20.0% 10.0% 0.0% Business Education Humanities and Fine Arts Strongly Disagree Disagree Natural Sciences No Opinion 25 Agree Social and Behavioral Sciences Strongly Agree UNI Total Total 102 100.0 Q7.1. I have experienced a prejudicial remark or behavior on campus tied to my race, ethnicity, sex, age, sexual orientation, religious beliefs, physical disability, or socioeconomic status. Business Administration N % Strongly Disagree 55 47.4 23 19.8 24 20.7 3 2.6 Strongly Agree 11 9.5 Education N % 43 43.4 21 21.2 21 21.2 6 6.1 8 8.1 99 100.0 Humanities and Fine Arts N % 39 46.4 26 31.0 13 15.5 2 2.4 4 4.8 84 100.0 Natural Sciences N % 30 46.2 13 20.0 13 20.0 5 7.7 4 6.2 65 100.0 Social and Behavioral Sciences N % 32 35.6 26 28.9 21 23.3 3 3.3 8 8.9 90 100.0 General/Undecided N % 10 58.8 3 17.6 3 17.6 0 .0 1 5.9 17 100.0 Total N % 209 44.4 112 23.8 95 20.2 19 4.0 36 7.6 471 100.0 Natural Sciences Social and Behavioral Sciences Disagree No Opinion Agree 50.0% 40.0% 30.0% 20.0% 10.0% 0.0% Business Education Humanities and Fine Arts Strongly Disagree Disagree No Opinion 26 Agree Strongly Agree UNI Total Total 116 100.0 Q8.1. Faculty encourage the expression of diverse points of view in the classroom. Strongly Disagree Disagree No Opinion Agree Strongly Agree Total Business Administration N % 7 7.1 4 4.1 37 37.8 44 44.9 6 6.1 98 100.0 Education N % 6 5.9 6 5.9 31 30.4 48 47.1 11 10.8 102 100.0 Humanities and Fine Arts N % 3 3.2 3 3.2 31 33.0 44 46.8 13 13.8 94 100.0 Natural Sciences N % 2 4.0 3 6.0 14 28.0 27 54.0 4 8.0 50 100.0 Social and Behavioral Sciences N % 9 9.2 2 2.0 31 31.6 50 51.0 6 6.1 98 100.0 General/Undecided N % 0 .0 0 .0 12 52.2 10 43.5 1 4.3 23 100.0 Total N % 27 5.8 18 3.9 156 33.5 223 48.0 41 8.8 465 100.0 60.0% 50.0% 40.0% 30.0% 20.0% 10.0% 0.0% Business Education Humanities and Fine Arts Strongly Disagree Disagree Natural Sciences No Opinion 27 Agree Social and Behavioral Sciences Strongly Agree UNI Total Q9.1. UNI provides opportunities for participation in university governance activities. Business Administration N % Strongly Disagree 14 12.8 6 5.5 48 44.0 30 27.5 Strongly Agree 11 10.1 Education N % 6 6.1 1 1.0 52 53.1 31 31.6 8 8.2 98 100.0 Humanities and Fine Arts N % 14 14.4 4 4.1 48 49.5 23 23.7 8 8.2 97 100.0 Natural Sciences N % 0 .0 5 6.6 44 57.9 22 28.9 5 6.6 76 100.0 Social and Behavioral Sciences N % 7 9.1 3 3.9 32 41.6 26 33.8 9 11.7 77 100.0 General/Undecided N % 0 .0 0 .0 9 52.9 6 35.3 2 11.8 17 100.0 Total N % 41 8.6 19 4.0 233 49.2 138 29.1 43 9.1 474 100.0 Disagree No Opinion Agree 60.0% 50.0% 40.0% 30.0% 20.0% 10.0% 0.0% Business Education Humanities and Fine Arts Strongly Disagree Disagree Natural Sciences No Opinion 28 Agree Social and Behavioral Sciences Strongly Agree UNI Total Total 109 100.0 Q10.1. The library usually has the scholarly journals (periodicals) and other materials I need for my studies. Strongly Disagree Business Administration N % 8 7.2 2 1.8 37 33.3 41 36.9 Strongly Agree 23 20.7 Education N % 10 9.3 4 3.7 36 33.6 36 33.6 21 19.6 107 100.0 Humanities and Fine Arts N % 5 6.2 6 7.4 17 21.0 40 49.4 13 16.0 81 100.0 Natural Sciences N % 4 6.0 2 3.0 21 31.3 32 47.8 8 11.9 67 100.0 Social and Behavioral Sciences N % 7 8.9 9 11.4 15 19.0 45 57.0 3 3.8 79 100.0 General/Undecided N % 0 .0 1 4.8 8 38.1 10 47.6 2 9.5 21 100.0 Total N % 34 7.3 24 5.2 134 28.8 204 43.8 70 15.0 466 100.0 Disagree No Opinion Agree 60.0% 50.0% 40.0% 30.0% 20.0% 10.0% 0.0% Business Education Humanities and Fine Arts Strongly Disagree Disagree Natural Sciences No Opinion 29 Agree Social and Behavioral Sciences Strongly Agree UNI Total Total 111 100.0 Q10.2. The Rod Library home page is a valuable resource for finding information on the Internet. Business Administration N % Strongly Disagree 12 10.8 0 .0 25 22.5 44 39.6 Strongly Agree 30 27.0 Education N % 12 11.2 1 .9 18 16.8 48 44.9 28 26.2 107 100.0 Humanities and Fine Arts N % 5 6.2 5 6.2 17 21.0 37 45.7 17 21.0 81 100.0 Natural Sciences N % 3 4.5 2 3.0 22 32.8 30 44.8 10 14.9 67 100.0 Social and Behavioral Sciences N % 9 11.4 4 5.1 11 13.9 43 54.4 12 15.2 79 100.0 General/Undecided N % 1 4.8 0 .0 3 14.3 14 66.7 3 14.3 21 100.0 Total N % 42 9.0 12 2.6 96 20.6 216 46.4 100 21.5 466 100.0 Disagree No Opinion Agree 60.0% 50.0% 40.0% 30.0% 20.0% 10.0% 0.0% Business Education Humanities and Fine Arts Strongly Disagree Disagree Natural Sciences No Opinion 30 Agree Social and Behavioral Sciences Strongly Agree UNI Total Total 111 100.0 Q11.1. When I ask a librarian for assistance, I usually get a useful response. Strongly Disagree Business Administration N % 9 8.2 2 1.8 31 28.2 45 40.9 Strongly Agree 23 20.9 Education N % 10 9.3 0 .0 37 34.3 33 30.6 28 25.9 108 100.0 Humanities and Fine Arts N % 13 16.0 2 2.5 14 17.3 38 46.9 14 17.3 81 100.0 Natural Sciences N % 0 .0 3 4.7 26 40.6 19 29.7 16 25.0 64 100.0 Social and Behavioral Sciences N % 11 12.5 1 1.1 25 28.4 35 39.8 16 18.2 88 100.0 General/Undecided N % 0 .0 0 .0 1 7.1 9 64.3 4 28.6 14 100.0 Total N % 43 9.2 8 1.7 134 28.8 179 38.5 101 21.7 465 100.0 Disagree No Opinion Agree 50.0% 40.0% 30.0% 20.0% 10.0% 0.0% Business Education Humanities and Fine Arts Strongly Disagree Disagree Natural Sciences No Opinion 31 Agree Social and Behavioral Sciences Strongly Agree UNI Total Total 110 100.0 Q11.2. Rod Library instruction sessions (e.g. tours, classes, workshops) have been helpful to me in my academic work. Strongly Disagree Business Administration N % 7 6.4 5 4.5 56 50.9 25 22.7 Strongly Agree 17 15.5 Education N % 4 3.7 3 2.8 54 50.0 30 27.8 17 15.7 108 100.0 Humanities and Fine Arts N % 8 9.9 3 3.7 36 44.4 30 37.0 4 4.9 81 100.0 Natural Sciences N % 0 .0 2 3.1 32 50.0 22 34.4 8 12.5 64 100.0 Social and Behavioral Sciences N % 11 12.5 7 8.0 38 43.2 22 25.0 10 11.4 88 100.0 General/Undecided N % 0 .0 0 .0 4 28.6 8 57.1 2 14.3 14 100.0 Total N % 30 6.5 20 4.3 220 47.3 137 29.5 58 12.5 465 100.0 Disagree No Opinion Agree 60.0% 50.0% 40.0% 30.0% 20.0% 10.0% 0.0% Business Education Humanities and Fine Arts Strongly Disagree Disagree Natural Sciences No Opinion 32 Agree Social and Behavioral Sciences Strongly Agree UNI Total Total 110 100.0 Q12.1. Rod Library’s inter-library loan service usually permits me to obtain materials from other libraries within two weeks of my placing a request. Business Administration N % Strongly Disagree 10 8.5 Education N % Humanities and Fine Arts Disagree No Opinion Agree Strongly Agree Total 0 .0 88 75.2 14 12.0 5 4.3 117 100.0 8 8.2 2 2.0 68 69.4 16 16.3 4 4.1 98 100.0 N % 4 5.2 2 2.6 53 68.8 12 15.6 6 7.8 77 100.0 Natural Sciences N % 7 9.6 0 .0 50 68.5 12 16.4 4 5.5 73 100.0 Social and Behavioral Sciences N % 2 2.5 2 2.5 54 67.5 18 22.5 4 5.0 80 100.0 General/Undecided N % 1 6.7 0 .0 8 53.3 4 26.7 2 13.3 15 100.0 Total N % 32 7.0 6 1.3 321 69.8 76 16.5 25 5.4 460 100.0 80.0% 70.0% 60.0% 50.0% 40.0% 30.0% 20.0% 10.0% 0.0% Business Education Humanities and Fine Arts Strongly Disagree Disagree Natural Sciences No Opinion 33 Agree Social and Behavioral Sciences Strongly Agree UNI Total Q12.2. Computers have been a significant part of my coursework at UNI. Business Administration N % Strongly Disagree 17 14.5 2 1.7 18 15.4 27 23.1 Strongly Agree 53 45.3 Education N % 19 19.4 3 3.1 10 10.2 28 28.6 38 38.8 98 100.0 Humanities and Fine Arts N % 11 14.3 1 1.3 6 7.8 18 23.4 41 53.2 77 100.0 Natural Sciences N % 9 12.3 1 1.4 5 6.8 23 31.5 35 47.9 73 100.0 Social and Behavioral Sciences N % 14 17.5 1 1.3 4 5.0 29 36.3 32 40.0 80 100.0 General/Undecided N % 0 .0 0 .0 3 20.0 7 46.7 5 33.3 15 100.0 Total N % 70 15.2 8 1.7 46 10.0 132 28.7 204 44.3 460 100.0 Disagree No Opinion Agree 60.0% 50.0% 40.0% 30.0% 20.0% 10.0% 0.0% Business Education Humanities and Fine Arts Strongly Disagree Disagree Natural Sciences No Opinion 34 Agree Social and Behavioral Sciences Strongly Agree UNI Total Total 117 100.0 Q13.1. The UNI computer network is generally accessible after 5 pm from off campus. Business Administration N % Strongly Disagree 11 9.4 10 8.5 43 36.8 38 32.5 Strongly Agree 15 12.8 Education N % 12 12.2 9 9.2 32 32.7 31 31.6 14 14.3 98 100.0 Humanities and Fine Arts N % 6 6.9 5 5.7 34 39.1 26 29.9 16 18.4 87 100.0 Natural Sciences N % 5 8.2 6 9.8 22 36.1 22 36.1 6 9.8 61 100.0 Social and Behavioral Sciences N % 5 5.9 7 8.2 27 31.8 36 42.4 10 11.8 85 100.0 General/Undecided N % 0 .0 0 .0 10 62.5 4 25.0 2 12.5 16 100.0 Total N % 39 8.4 37 8.0 168 36.2 157 33.8 63 13.6 464 100.0 Disagree No Opinion Agree 50.0% 40.0% 30.0% 20.0% 10.0% 0.0% Business Education Humanities and Fine Arts Strongly Disagree Disagree Natural Sciences No Opinion 35 Agree Social and Behavioral Sciences Strongly Agree UNI Total Total 117 100.0 Q14.1. The training I have received at UNI on the use of computers has generally met my educational needs. Strongly Disagree Business Administration N % 8 6.8 8 6.8 33 28.0 57 48.3 Strongly Agree 12 10.2 Education N % 6 6.3 6 6.3 26 27.1 49 51.0 9 9.4 96 100.0 Humanities and Fine Arts N % 6 6.5 11 11.8 21 22.6 46 49.5 9 9.7 93 100.0 Natural Sciences N % 1 1.5 5 7.4 22 32.4 32 47.1 8 11.8 68 100.0 Social and Behavioral Sciences N % 9 11.7 8 10.4 24 31.2 31 40.3 5 6.5 77 100.0 General/Undecided N % 0 .0 0 .0 1 8.3 11 91.7 0 .0 12 100.0 Total N % 30 6.5 38 8.2 127 27.4 226 48.7 43 9.3 464 100.0 Disagree No Opinion Agree 60.0% 50.0% 40.0% 30.0% 20.0% 10.0% 0.0% Business Education Humanities and Fine Arts Strongly Disagree Disagree Natural Sciences No Opinion 36 Agree Social and Behavioral Sciences Strongly Agree UNI Total Total 118 100.0 Q15.1. I feel I have been exposed to the computer tools necessary for me to use and learn about computing in my chosen profession or field following graduation. Strongly Disagree Business Administration N % 8 6.6 3 2.5 32 26.4 56 46.3 Strongly Agree 22 18.2 Education N % 8 7.7 6 5.8 25 24.0 39 37.5 26 25.0 104 100.0 Humanities and Fine Arts N % 6 7.7 6 7.7 22 28.2 32 41.0 12 15.4 78 100.0 Natural Sciences N % 9 12.7 1 1.4 14 19.7 36 50.7 11 15.5 71 100.0 Social and Behavioral Sciences N % 7 8.3 6 7.1 18 21.4 36 42.9 17 20.2 84 100.0 General/Undecided N % 1 9.1 0 .0 5 45.5 3 27.3 2 18.2 11 100.0 Total N % 39 8.3 22 4.7 116 24.7 202 43.1 90 19.2 469 100.0 Disagree No Opinion Agree 60.0% 50.0% 40.0% 30.0% 20.0% 10.0% 0.0% Business Education Humanities and Fine Arts Strongly Disagree Disagree Natural Sciences No Opinion 37 Agree Social and Behavioral Sciences Strongly Agree UNI Total Total 121 100.0 Q16.2. Do you have a computer for your personal use available during the school year? Business Administration N % 331 37.2 1 to Less Than 3 Years Old 319 35.9 Education N % 271 34.8 277 35.6 Humanities and Fine Arts N % 239 33.2 Natural Sciences N % Social and Behavioral Sciences Less Than 1 Year Old 3 to Less Than 5 Years Old 132 14.8 5 or More Years Old No Total 55 6.2 52 5.8 889 100.0 119 15.3 70 9.0 41 5.3 778 100.0 265 36.9 104 14.5 52 7.2 59 8.2 719 100.0 196 37.1 199 37.6 78 14.7 31 5.9 25 4.7 529 100.0 N % 242 34.7 254 36.4 96 13.8 42 6.0 63 9.0 697 100.0 General/Undecided N % 84 60.9 24 17.4 10 7.2 11 8.0 9 6.5 138 100.0 Total N % 1363 36.3 1338 35.7 539 14.4 261 7.0 249 6.6 3750 100.0 40.0% 30.0% 20.0% 10.0% 0.0% Business Education Less Than 1 Year Old Humanities and Fine Arts 1 to Less Than 3 Years Old Natural Sciences Social and Behavioral Sciences 3 to Less Than 5 Years Old 38 5 or More Years Old UNI Total No Section 2 Multiple Year Comparison of the UNI Student Satisfaction Survey 2003-2006 4.00 3.50 3.00 2.50 2.00 1.50 1.00 Encouraged by faculty High quality advising High quality mentoring Sense of belonging Collaborate with faculty Major is diverse Member of multicultural society 2003 3.28 3.32 3.12 3.45 3.31 3.44 3.35 2004 3.34 3.39 3.23 3.51 3.38 3.46 3.39 2005 3.30 3.35 3.26 3.60 3.38 3.60 3.43 2006 3.42 3.36 3.18 3.63 3.46 3.46 3.54 Welcoming for those with unique needs Positive interactions with diverse Faculty encourage diverse ideas Opportunity for governance 2003 3.48 3.52 3.53 3.41 2.32 3.44 3.16 2004 3.61 3.53 3.59 3.49 2.21 3.42 3.20 2005 3.60 3.69 3.58 3.56 2.16 3.37 3.23 2006 3.69 3.68 3.64 3.64 2.07 3.50 3.26 4.00 3.50 3.00 2.50 2.00 1.50 1.00 I've Mentoring UNI values all experienced opportunities members prejudice 39 Multiple Year Comparison (continued) 4.00 3.50 3.00 2.50 2.00 1.50 1.00 Library has journals Library homepage I need valuable Librarians helpful Library instruction sessions helpful Inter-library loan service timely 2003 3.38 3.54 3.43 3.25 3.13 2004 3.36 3.55 3.53 3.28 3.13 2005 3.52 3.59 3.65 3.30 3.19 2006 3.54 3.69 3.62 3.37 3.12 4.00 3.50 3.00 2.50 2.00 1.50 1.00 Computers significant part of courses UNI computer network assessible after 5 off campus Computer training has met my needs Exposed to computer tools 2003 3.67 3.29 3.39 3.43 2004 3.79 3.26 3.47 3.46 2005 3.90 3.28 3.53 3.44 2006 3.85 3.36 3.46 3.60 40 Appendix A 41 Appendix A 1.1 I am encouraged by faculty and staff to participate in university-related intellectual activities (e.g. guest speakers, symposia, conferences). 1 2 3 4 5 1.2 I have received high quality advising at UNI. 1 2 3 4 5 2.1 Strongly disagree Disagree Neutral/No Opinion Agree Strongly agree I feel a sense of belonging to the university community. 1 2 3 4 5 3.1 Strongly disagree Disagree Neutral/No Opinion Agree Strongly agree I have had a high quality mentoring relationship with a UNI faculty or staff member. 1 2 3 4 5 2.2 Strongly disagree Disagree Neutral/No Opinion Agree Strongly agree Strongly disagree Disagree Neutral/No Opinion Agree Strongly agree I have collaborated with faculty or staff on academic or extracurricular activities. 1 2 3 4 5 Strongly disagree Disagree Neutral/No Opinion Agree Strongly agree 42 3.2 My academic major includes information on multiple cultures and points of view. 1 2 3 4 5 4.1 UNI is effectively preparing me to be a contributing member of a multicultural / multinational world. 1 2 3 4 5 4.2 Strongly disagree Disagree Neutral/No Opinion Agree Strongly agree I have experienced positive social interactions with students who have different backgrounds or beliefs than my own. 1 2 3 4 5 5.2 Strongly disagree Disagree Neutral/No Opinion Agree Strongly agree UNI provides a welcoming and responsive environment for members of the UNI community who have unique needs that may affect their opportunity for success. 1 2 3 4 5 5.1 Strongly disagree Disagree Neutral/No Opinion Agree Strongly agree Strongly disagree Disagree Neutral/No Opinion Agree Strongly agree UNI provides opportunities for mentoring and social interaction among students, faculty, and staff. 1 2 3 4 5 Strongly disagree Disagree Neutral/No Opinion Agree Strongly agree 43 6.1 UNI values all of its members regardless of race, ethnicity, sex, age, sexual orientation, religious beliefs, physical disability, or socioeconomic status. 1 2 3 4 5 6.2 Do you have a computer for your personal use available during the school year? 1 2 3 4 5 7.1 Strongly disagree Disagree Neutral/No Opinion Agree Strongly agree Do you have a computer for your personal use available during the school year? 1 2 3 4 5 8.1 Yes, less than 1 year old Yes, 1 to less than 3 years old Yes, 3 to less than 5 years old Yes, 5 or more years old No I have experienced a prejudicial remark or behavior on campus tied to my race, ethnicity, sex, age, sexual orientation, religious beliefs, physical disability, or socioeconomic status. 1 2 3 4 5 7.2 Strongly disagree Disagree Neutral/No Opinion Agree Strongly agree Yes, less than 1 year old Yes, 1 to less than 3 years old Yes, 3 to less than 5 years old Yes, 5 or more years old No Faculty encourage the expression of diverse points of view in the classroom. 1 2 3 4 5 Strongly disagree Disagree Neutral/No Opinion Agree Strongly agree 44 8.2 Do you have a computer for your personal use available during the school year? 1 2 3 4 5 9.1 UNI provides opportunities for participation in university governance activities. 1 2 3 4 5 9.2 Yes, less than 1 year old Yes, 1 to less than 3 years old Yes, 3 to less than 5 years old Yes, 5 or more years old No The library usually has the scholarly journals (periodicals) and other materials I need for my studies. 1 2 3 4 5 10.2 Strongly disagree Disagree Neutral/No Opinion Agree Strongly agree Do you have a computer for your personal use available during the school year? 1 2 3 4 5 10.1 Yes, less than 1 year old Yes, 1 to less than 3 years old Yes, 3 to less than 5 years old Yes, 5 or more years old No Strongly disagree Disagree Neutral/No Opinion Agree Strongly agree The Rod Library home page is a valuable resource for finding information on the Internet. 1 2 3 4 5 Strongly disagree Disagree Neutral/No Opinion Agree Strongly agree 45 11.1 When I ask a librarian for assistance, I usually get a useful response. 1 2 3 4 5 11.2 Rod Library instruction sessions (e.g. tours, classes, workshops) have been helpful to me in my academic work. 1 2 3 4 5 12.1 Strongly disagree Disagree Neutral/No Opinion Agree Strongly agree Computers have been a significant part of my coursework at UNI. 1 2 3 4 5 13.1 Strongly disagree Disagree Neutral/No Opinion Agree Strongly agree Rod Library’s inter-library loan service usually permits me to obtain materials from other libraries within two weeks of my placing a request. 1 2 3 4 5 12.2 Strongly disagree Disagree Neutral/No Opinion Agree Strongly agree Strongly disagree Disagree Neutral/No Opinion Agree Strongly agree The UNI computer network is generally accessible after 5 pm from off campus. 1 2 3 4 5 Strongly disagree Disagree Neutral/No Opinion Agree Strongly agree 46 13.2 Do you have a computer for your personal use available during the school year? 1 2 3 4 5 14.1 The training I have received at UNI on the use of computers has generally met my educational needs. 1 2 3 4 5 14.2 Yes, less than 1 year old Yes, 1 to less than 3 years old Yes, 3 to less than 5 years old Yes, 5 or more years old No I feel I have been exposed to the computer tools necessary for me to use and learn about computing in my chosen profession or field following graduation. 1 2 3 4 5 15.2 Strongly disagree Disagree Neutral/No Opinion Agree Strongly agree Do you have a computer for your personal use available during the school year? 1 2 3 4 5 15.1 Yes, less than 1 year old Yes, 1 to less than 3 years old Yes, 3 to less than 5 years old Yes, 5 or more years old No Strongly disagree Disagree Neutral/No Opinion Agree Strongly agree Do you have a computer for your personal use available during the school year? 1 2 3 4 5 Yes, less than 1 year old Yes, 1 to less than 3 years old Yes, 3 to less than 5 years old Yes, 5 or more years old No 47 16.1 Will it hinder your ability to register or prepare to register if the Schedule of Classes is only available electronically (on the web)? 1 2 16.2 Do you have a computer for your personal use available during the school year? 1 2 3 4 5 17.1 Half day Full day Before/after school Evenings No children Do you use child care in order to attend UNI? 1 2 3 18.2 1 child children 3+ children No children What type of child care do you need? 1 2 3 4 5 18.1 Yes, less than 1 year old Yes, 1 to less than 3 years old Yes, 3 to less than 5 years old Yes, 5 or more years old No How many of your children need child care? 1 2 3 4 17.2 Yes No Yes No No children Does your current child care meet your needs? 1 2 3 Yes No No children 48