Labor Management Meeting Minutes March 24, 2015 025 Gilchrist Hall

Labor Management Meeting Minutes
March 24, 2015
025 Gilchrist Hall
X Susie Baker
X Susan Basye
X Michelle Byers
X Mark Dunt
X Lisa Frush
X Shelly Hill
X Cathy Pearson
A Carol Petersen
X Angel Stigler
X Mike Zwanziger
X Scott Klahsen
X Glenn Gray
Facilitator Michelle Byers called the meeting to order at 2:00 p.m.
Approval of April 7, 2014 minutes
Susie moved to approve the minutes, seconded by Michelle.
Union Leave Time Card Code
Lisa confirmed that payroll had removed the unpaid union leave code but that the
paid union leave code had not yet been added. Payroll reported that the paid union
leave code is expected to be rolled out sometime this calendar year and employees
coding union leave should continue utilizing the excused duty code in the meantime.
Continuing Education Desk Audit
Susie spoke to concerns with multiple P&S positions including Merit work. A copy
of an email was distributed as documentation of these concerns. In this example,
there was a Merit role not filled and the work is being done by P&S and student
employees. Michelle will follow up with Continuing Ed on this role related to GIS
course registrations.
Temporary Employees
Cathy asked what the definition of a Program Assistant was. Michelle explained
that a P&S Program Assistant is the generic title used for all P&S employee serving
on a temporary basis. The employee is able to remain in temp status, full or part
time, for up to one year. She also spoke to the fact that HR reviews duties before
posting temporary positions to determine whether they should be Merit or P&S. HR
will also look into concerns over Camp Adventure temps working more than one
year at a time when provided with names.
Susie shared concerns with the amount of temps on campus. An example provided
was a Dept. of Residence hall secretary serving as a long term temp employee, hired
through an agency. Labor feels there is a need for a Merit employee for this position
due to the amount of time the temp has been in role. Michelle will follow up and
look into this situation.
The Union asked why Helpers were not appearing on the temp lists they receive
from HRS. Michelle indicated that the reports provided show temporary staff in
AFSCME covered classifications and Helpers are not currently covered by the CBA.
Michelle and Scott provided clarification as they are UNI employees with entry
level duties to assist with very basic duties, often at the UNI-Dome for events.
There are currently 88 Helper employees that work an average of 111 hours so far
this fiscal year.
Questions were raised by the Union about how temporary employees are paid. They
asked if it was possible for a temporary employee to be a UNI temporary employee
for 4 months, then switch over to a temp agency employee and continue working.
Scott said yes that was possible but they would still be held to a 780 hour limit for
the whole fiscal year. There was a report of a temporary employee working in April
and not paid until September. Management will look into this if a name is provided.
Dual Classifications
The Union asked how someone with two assignments (same or dual classifications)
would be handled in the event of a layoff. For example, if an employee works two 20
hour per week positions and one position is eliminated, how would that be handled.
Michelle indicated that this situation has not yet arisen, but if they were a 40 hour
employee overall, the employee may maintain 40 hours, either by adding another 20
hour position or being offered a different 40 hour per week position.
Training & Equity in Training Offerings
The Union brought up a specific situation where an employee reported that training
was not offered by seniority but did not provide a name. The employee did not want
their name brought up, but the Union reminded that training should be offered by
Job Coverage
Questions were raised about a motor vehicle operator that was off for several
months. His duties were filled by a Merit supervisory employee. The concern was
how and to whom this opening offered to other employees. Michelle and Glenn will
follow up.
Workplace Violence
Michelle stated the policy is in the process of being updated but at this point, there
is no new progress. The committee hopes to have the new policy and reporting form
in place by the end of the academic year. Until then, employees can contact HR,
OCEM, the Union or the State with concerns.
E-Learning Module
This is in regards to Workplace Violence training and whether this should be
converted to an e-learning training. Cathy would like something interactive vs the
slideshow that is on the website.
Additional agenda items will continue to be discussed at the April 30th meeting.
The meeting was adjourned at 3:05pm.
Respectfully Submitted,
Miranda Cornish
Human Resource Services