HOPE COLLEGE REACH Summer Science Program 2012 TEACHER APPLICATION June 11 – July 20, 2012 Due Date Applications should be received by March 5, 2012. The target date for award notification is Friday, April 13, 2012. Application process • • • • • Complete the attached application informational form. Write a one page statement explaining why you’d like to be considered for the REACH program and how it would help you in the classroom. Review the research descriptions on the Project Descriptions Page on the REACH website and include the type(s) of research projects that appeal to you and why. While not required, you might include a description of any work, class, or personal experiences (jobs, reading interests, course work, class projects, etc.) that have prepared you to do research. Current resume. Please e-mail, fax, or mail your statement and application to the address below: REACH Applications Hope College Office of the Dean of Natural and Applied Sciences Holland, MI 49422 616-395-7075 616-395-7923 fax reach@hope.edu or nordellpearson@hope.edu HOPE COLLEGE REACH TEACHER APPLICATION SUMMER 2012 NAME: __________________________________________________________________ SCHOOL: ________________________________________________________________ SCHOOL ADDRESS: ________________________________________________________ OFFICE PHONE NUMBER: ___________________________________________________ HOME PHONE NUMBER: ____________________________________________________ CELL PHONE NUMBER: _____________________________________________________ SUMMER CONTACT : ____________________________________________________ EMAIL ADDRESS:__________________________________________________________ GRADE(S) TAUGHT:________________________________________________________ SUBJECT(S) TAUGHT (NUMBER OF YEARS):____________________________________ U.S. CITIZEN OR PERMANENT RESIDENT CIRCLE ONE: MALE YES NO FEMALE PLEASE CIRCLE ALL ETHNIC GROUPS IN WHICH YOU CLASSIFY YOURSELF: AFRICAN AMERICAN AMERICAN INDIAN HISPANIC PACIFIC ISLANDER ASIAN AMERICA WHITE OR CAUCASIAN OTHER (PLEASE SPECIFY) RESEARCH INTERESTS: _____________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________