. . ... I \SL OF TECNp. AUG 15 1266 USE OF ELECTRICAL PRESSURE TRANSDUCERS TO MEASURE SOIL PRESSURE by RICHARD SWAN LADD BSCE, Northeastern University (1962) Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1966 /7 Signature redacted Signature of Author . . . . . . . Department of Civil Engineering June 20, 1966 Signature redacted .- - - Certified by ............................... Cetfe0y0 Thesis Supervisor - ~ Signature redacted Accepted by ............ Chairman, Departmental Committee on Graduate Students ~~AL~e 38 ABSTRACT USE OF ELECTRICAL PRESSURE TRANSDUCERS TO MEASURE SOIL PRESSURE by RICHARD SWAN LADD Submitted to the Department of Civil Engineering on June 20, 1966, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science. The application of electrical transducers to measure soil pressures against planar surfaces is described, with emphasis on the determination of the coefficient of earth Data are prepressure at rest (K ) for cohesive soils. sented on the value of Ko for a saturated silty clay (Boston Blue Clay) as a function of consolidation pressure, maximum past pressure and overconsolidation ratio. These data were obtained via a square fixed ring oedometer which had a Dynisco pressure transducer screwed into one side of the cell. Although the observed values of K appear reasonable and are consistant with other publis~ed data, the degree of accuracy is unknown. Attempts to calibrate the transducer by comparing measured versus applied average pressures on a planar surface are described. These results indicated that the measured pressure is directly related to the applied soil pressure. Thesis Supervisor: A. E. Z. Wissa Title: Assistant Professor of Civil Engineering -2- ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The author is indebted to Professors C. C. Ladd, K. Hoeg, H. M. Horn, and A. E. Z. Wissa for their many helpful suggestions and their guidance in the preparation of this thesis. -3- TABLE OF CONTENTS Page No. Title Page 1 Abstract 2 Acknowledgement 3 Table of Contents 4 List of Tables 6 List of Figures 7 9 Chapter 1 INTRODUCTION Chapter 2 MEASUREMENTS OF THE COEFFICIENT OF EARTH PRESSURE AT REST (K 0 2.1 Scope 11 2.2 Preparation of Boston Blue Clay 11 Equipment and Related Problems 11 2.3 2.4 Chapter 3 11 2.3.1 Electrical Equipment 11 2.3.2 K 0 Cell 12 Test Procedure 13 2.4.1 Calibration of Pressure Transducer 13 2.4.2 Trimming Soil Sample 13 2.4.3 Loading Sequence 13 2.4.4 Measurements 21 2.5 Test Results 15 2.6 Comparison with Other Results 16 2.7 Discussion of K Cell CALIBRATION OF PRESSURE TRANSDUCER WITH A SOIL PRESSURE 3.1 Introduction 3.2 Equipment 3.2.1 Disk -4- 18 21 21 21 21 Page No. 3.3 3.2.2 Electrical Equipment 21 3.2.3 Pressure Cells 22 Test Procedures Calibration of Pressure Transducer 22 3.3.2 Trimming Soil Sample 22 3.3.3 Oedometer Unit 22 3.3.4 Triaxial Cell 23 3.3.1 3.4 3.5 3.6 22 Test Results 23 3.4.1 Oedometer Results 24 3.4.2 Triaxial Cell 25 3.4.3 Summary 25 Discussion of Test Results 26 3.5.1 Seating and Arching Effects 26 3.5.2 Frictional Effects 27 Conclusions and Recommendations 28 Chapter 4 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS 30 Chapter 5 REFERENCES 35 Appendix A PREPARATION OF BOSTON BLUE CLAY 64 Appendix B PRESSURE TRANSDUCERS 68 B.1 Pressure Transducers and Associated Instrumentation 68 B.l.1 Design of Gauge 68 B.l.2 Related Electrical Equipment B.2 Calibration of Pressure Transducer 69 B.2.1 General 69 B.2.2 Calibration when Excitation Voltage is Directly Measured 70 B.2.3 Calibration when Excitation Voltage is Indirectly Measured Appendix C 68 LIST OF NOTATIONS -5- 71 76 * in-------------------------------------------- LIST OF TABLES No. Title Page No. I Properties of Boston Blue Clay 37 II Typical Calibration of Pressure Transducer using VTVM Voltmeter 38 Typical Calibration of Pressure Transducer using Digital Voltmeter 39 IV Results of K 40 V Typical Values of Friction Angle for III Test on BBC 42 BBC VI VII VIII Soil Pressure in Consolidation Unit 42 a) With Filter Paper b) Without Filter Paper 43 44 Soil Pressure Results in Triaxial Cell without Teflon 45 Soil Pressure Results in Triaxial Cell with Teflon -6- LIST OF FIGURES Figure No. 1 Title Page No. Grain Size Distribution - Boston Blue Clay 47 2 K 48 3 Volumetric Strain vs. Log Consolidation Stress for Boston Blue Clay 49 Vertical Stress vs. Horizontal Stress in K Test on Boston Blue Clay 50 Coefficient of Earth Pressure at Rest vs. Overconsolidation Ratio for Boston Blue Clay 51 6 Jackson's Triaxial K 52 7 Ko vs. Overconsolidation Ratio for Several Clays 4 5 Cell Cell 53 8 Effect of Side Friction on Value of K 9 Disk for Calibration of Transducer 55 10 Oedometer Unit with Transducer 56 11 Triaxial Cell with Transducer 57 12 Pressure System for Triaxial Cell 58 13 Results of Oedometer Test - 14 17 a a 60 61 Effect of Friction on Stress Distribution in Oedometer Test 62 Effect of Friction on Stress Distribution in Triaxial Test 63 - Results of Triaxial Test with Teflon Ratio of P /P vs. P m 16 59 Results of Triaxial Test without Teflon Ratio of P /P vs. P m 15 Ratio of vs. P - P /P 54 0 a a -7- LIST OF FIGURES (Contd.) Title Page No. A-1 Self-Extruding Consolidometer 66 A-2 Method of Slurry Placement 67 B-1 Schematic Diagram of Dynisco Gauge 74 B-2 Voltage Change of 6 Volt Wet Cell Battery vs. Time 75 Figure No. Appendix A Appendix B -8- Chapter I INTRODUCTION A frequent problem in testing the properties of soil has been the accurate measurement of soil pressures against "rigid" surfaces. This retaining surface is usually used in direct or indirect measurements of the following soil properties or stresses: (1) Coefficient of earth pressure at rest - K0 (2) Coefficient (3) Coefficient of passive earth pressure - K (4) Major principal stress - a1 Minor principal stress - a3 Intermediate principal stress (5) (6) of active earth pressure - Ka p -2 In some cases the total load is measured and then an assumption is made relative to the stress distribution. In a conventional triaxial test, the stress on the top cap and bottom platten is assumed equal to the measured load divided by the area of the sample. In an oedometer test, the applied vertical stress is assumed to be uniform and equal to the applied load divided by the area. In other cases, a surface might be instrumentated with strain gauges, cell. such as in a K 0 In this case the confining ring of the oedometer has strain gauges and the lateral pressure is assumed uniform and proportional to the hoop strain measured by the strain gauges. An inherent problem in most measuring systems lies in the assumption relating a computed or measured value to the true stress at the interface. (1) Inaccuracies could arise from: The existance of shear stresses on planes which are assumed to be principal planes, such as at the top and bottom of triaxial samples; (2) The presence of shear stresses along the -9- circumference of oedometer samples and also along the top and bottom caps; (3) Deflections of the "rigid" surface used to measure the soil pressures causing arching. The use of electrical pressure transducers to measure soil pressures on a plane surface can minimize some of these problems since the transducer is highly rigid and is designed to measure pressures directly. Because pressure transducers have a flat measuring surface, they can only measure soil pressures which act against a flat surface. There are many possible applications for the use of pressure transducers, some being: (1) When one cannot measure the total load, or if it would be very difficult to do so; (2) When edge effects would cause a non-uniform pressure distribution over most of the surface; (3) Whenthe system used to measure total load would not be rigid enough and yet maintain the required sensitivity; (4) To measure the distribution of pressure over a surface. -10- Chapter 2 EARTH PRESSURE AT REST 2.1 (K ) MEASUREMENTS OF THE COEFFICIENT OF Scope K measurements, obtained by using an electrical pressure transducer in the side of a square oedometer, are presented on both normally and over-consolidated Boston Blue Clay (BBC). These data are compared with K measure- ments obtained from other equipment and procedures on BBC and on other soils. 2.2 Preparation of Boston Blue Clay The tests were performed on samples of Boston Blue Clay consolidated from a dilute slurry, as described in The soil was obtained from the M.I.T. campus, Appendix A. air dried and ground, and mixed with salt water (16 g/l to form a slurry which was then consolidated one2 Specimens dimensionally in a large cell to 1.5 kg/cm . NaCl) were trimmed from this large batch which had an average water content of 32%, a void ratio of 0.93, and a degree of saturation of about 99%. This soil is a silty clay with a Unified Soil classification of CL. Table I lists its mineralogic composition, Atterberg limits and some engineering properties. size distribution curve is plotted in Fig. The grain 1 (for the soil after grinding and after being scalped on a No. 200 sieve). 2.3 Equipment and Related Problems 2.3.1 Electrical Equipment The transducer was a Dynisco Model APT 25 with a pressure range of 0 to 200 psia excited by an Allstate 6 volt -11- The millivolt output was measured by a wet cell battery. VTVM vacuum tube voltmeter model 1477 by Daystrom, Inc., Weston Instrument Division. A full description of the equipment and problems related to their use are presented in Appendix B. 2.3.2 K Cell 0 Since a flat surface was required, a 2 inch square cell with a height of 1 inch was made out of 3/4 in. brass stock (see Fig. 2). When the cell was designed no provisions were made to clamp the cell to the bottom stone or to have the dial supports rigidly connected to the cell. Therefore changes in height of the soil could not be measured with a high A standard platform scale loading frame degree of accuracy. (Fig. IX-3 of Lambe, 1951) was used to apply the loads. One of the main problems in using pressure transducers in this manner is in machining the parts so that the transducer face will align perfectly with the plane surface which comes into contact with the soil. There are three criteria to meet: (a) The transducer face is not recessed or pro- truding; (b) The transducer face is perfectly parallel with the plane surface; There is not a large gap surrounding the transAs a rough ducer face, i.e., less than .0005 in. guideline, one should not feel any irregularity when (c) moving one's finger across the transducer face if the alignment is proper. -12- 2.4 Test Procedures All testing was carried out in a constant temperature room ( l 0 C) to help eliminate changes in battery voltage and in soil properties. 2.4.1 Calibration of Pressure Transducer The transducer was calibrated both in and out of the K cell using the procedure outlined in Appendix B. Both calibrations were made to see if the very close tolerances of the transducer in the cell would affect its calibration, because in future designs it might be impractical to calibrate the transducer in place. The results showed the calibrations to be identical. Typical calibration results are given in Tables II and III. 2.4.2 Trimming Soil Sample Individual test specimens were cut from half moon chunks of the consolidated batch (see Appendix A) by using a wire trimmer wherein four individual wires formed a square. The square was a little larger than the K cell so that there was a tight fit between the soil and the cell walls. The soil was placed in the cell by sliding the cell down over the soil specimen. Finally the top and bottom was trimmed flush with the cell with a wire saw. 2.4.3 Loading Sequence The loading sequence deviated from the standard procedure of doubling the load, in that at higher pressure (above 4 to 8 kg/cm ) the pressure was increased or decreased 2 This enabled more K readings to be taken. by 2 kg/cm . There were two load-unload cycles in the test and each -13- increment was left on for at least 24 hours. 2.4.4 Measurements Three measurements were taken: vertical stress on the soil (av); horizontal stress (ah) from the transducer; change in height of the sample during loading. and The vertical stress was assumed to be equal to the vertical applied load The change in height of divided by the area of the cell. the sample was obtained by a 0.0001 in. per division Ames dial which, as previously mentioned, was not securely attached to the cell. This fact could have caused inconclusive mea- surements, although during testing there did not seem to be any significant errors. The procedure described below was used to obtain these measurements: (a) One day before the soil was to be placed in the cell, all of the electrical equipment was connected and turned on, with the transducer screwed into the cell. On the following day the MV reading of the voltmeter was taken to establish the zero reading, i.e., (b) MV . The electrical connection to the transducer was then disconnected (Fig. 2) to facilitate the place- ment of the soil in the cell. After the soil was placed in the cell the transducer was reconnected and the K 0 cell and asso(c) ciated parts were placed in the loading frame as shown in Fig. 2. (d) 2 Before applying a load increment of 1/8 kg/cm to the soil, the following items were performed rapidly: Water was added to the container; a tare reading on the platform scale was taken; the dial -14- indicator was set, and the millivolt change was recorded for the calibration resistor. During each load increment, dial and MV readings (e) were taken at time intervals normally used in consolidation testing. Prior to each load increment the MV change due to insertion of the calibration resistor was recorded (f) to re-establish the calibration factor for the next increment of load and to see if the final pressure reading had to be corrected. 2.5 Test Results Test results at the various vertical stress increments are presented in Table IV. From this table the following plots were made: (1) vs. Volumetric strain vs. vertical stress (AH/H 0 Ov) - Fig. 3. Vertical stress vs. horizontal stress (v (2) h) (3) - vs. Fig. 4. Coefficient of earth pressure at rest vs. overconsolidation ratio O.C.R.) - Fig. (h v vs. / v or vs. 5. The results of other consolidation tests on similarly prepared BBC with different ring sizes and/or type of ring This figure shows that lining are also plotted in Fig. 3. the volumetric strain during loading is higher in the K test. This fact suggests that the sample had more disturbance and/ or that soil was squeezed out of the cell since the top stone was not recessed in the cell at the start of the test as it was in the other tests. When comparing the plots in rebound, the slope at an O.C.R. of 16 is smallest in the K factor of about 1.6. test by a This suggests that there was more fric- tion in the K 0 cell than in the other tests. -15- When the data are plotted with av vs. solidated clay, with K can be established for normally con= 0.48. This figure also shows that as the sample is rebounded from a maximum past pressure (a and as the sample becomes more overconsolidated, K and eventually becomes greater than 1. shown in Fig. 5 where K ) a line representing K h in Fig. 4, increases This relationship is is plotted against the O.C.R. to a Fig. 5 also shows that there is a linear relation- log scale. ship between K and log O.C.R. for an O.C.R. from 1 to 10, but after an O.C.R. of about 10, K A maximum K 0 increases very rapidly. value of 4.6 was measured at the maximum O.C.R. of 96. 2.6 Comparison with Other Results Jackson (1963) obtained a K value of 0.50 similarly prepared normally consolidated BBC. 0.04 for He used a triaxial cell (Fig. 6) where the lateral strain was maintained close to zero by controlling the volume of mercury in a chamber which totally confines the sample and top loading cap. Several investigators have reported relationships between values of K 0 for normally consolidated soils and the effective stress friction angle, Simons P. Bishop (1958) and (1958) found good agreement between measured and pre- dicted values using Jaky's 1-sin T. (1948) original expression, K0 = Brooker and Ireland (1965) found that the empirical relationship K = 0.95-sin 4 better fit their experimental data on five clays of low to high plasticity. Application of the relationship K 0 = 1-sin 4 to BBC yields K chosen. = 0.46 to 0.55 depending upon the value of S Table V presents values of compression tests. W obtained from triaxial Values of T vary depending upon: -16- Which criteria of failure is used, i.e., maximum obliquity or maximum stress difference; (1) (-ah /'v) at consolidation; (2) The value of K (3) Type of shear test, i.e., drained or undrained. When these values are compared with the average K0 value of 0.48 obtained in this investigation, one can only state that this type of K test yields values which seem to be reasonable. There are no other K 0 data on overconsolidated BBC. The data can only be compared with trends which other investigators have found. Figure 7 presents a plot of K versus overconsolidation ratio to a log scale for: BBC from this investigation; Three clays of low to moderate plasticity from (1) (2) Brooker and Ireland (1965). They employed an oedo- meter in which a portion of the cell ring was replaced by a steel membrane covering a pressure chamber filled with oil. An automatic control device, actuated by electrical strain gauges on the steel membrane, controlled the oil pressure such that there This pressure was equated was zero lateral strain. The to the lateral stress acting on the sample. vertical stress was carried in increments up to a value of 2200 psi (155 kg/cm ) and then reduced in increments to zero; The Weald Clay from Henkel and Sowa (1963), (3) who controlled the lateral strain in a triaxial cell. Their maximum vertical stress was about 12 kg/cm2 One notes that the relationships for the Weald Clay between K and O.C.R. from the two sets of investigators showed a significant difference. -17- This difference could have been caused by the different experimental procedures, by the difference in stress level, and/or by slight differences in soil properties. The results for BBC obtained in the K cell follow 0 the same general trends as observed by other investigators on clays of similar plasticity. Hence the cell again appears to yield reasonable data. 2.7 Discussion of K Cell In the design of a K 0 cell, the two most important factors to consider are side friction and the rigidity of the cell and transducer. These two items will be discussed separately. To measure K 0 properly there should not be any side friction, but inherently there has to be some side friction in this type of cell. (1) Therefore, several questions arise: How does this friction, which causes shear stresses on the transducer's face, affect the transducer in its ability to measure normal stresses? (2) To what extent does side friction cause the actual value of lateral stress to deviate from the true K value for no side friction? 0 (3) What is the effect of side friction on the vertical stresses on the top and bottom of the sample? The amount of side friction can be reduced by lining the cell walls with teflon and/or by decreasing the height to width ratio. However, further research is required to answer the above questions. For example, the amount of side friction could be varied by changing the roughness of the cell walls and noting the effects on measured K 0 -18- values. Another procedure would measure the coefficient of friction between the wall and the soil and then use this information to compute the effect on K 0 trated in Fig. 8. in K 0 from the Mohr's circle, as illus- The simplified analysis shows a reduction from 0.48 to 0.42 for a coefficient of friction of 0.31 along the walls of the cell. Regarding the influence of side friction on vertical stresses, one could measure the vertical force in the oedometer ring and thereby compute the average vertical stress on the bottom of the sample, as was done for the study of compacted soils (M.I.T., 1963). They found large differ- ences in top and bottom stresses, especially for heavily overconsolidated samples. To measure K 0 movement of the soil. properly there should not be any lateral In this case both the confining ring and the transducer's diaphragm should be absolutely rigid. Since this is impossible, allowable movements have to be chosen so that the measured K 0 value is very close to the "true" value (neglecting friction) • In choosing these allow- able movements, one would not only know how the flexibility of the cell and transducer affects the measured value, but also how the combined movements affect the measured value. In determining the allowable wall movement of the cell, one approach would be to first determine the wall movement that would cause an active pressure case, and then design the cell to have a movement which is one tenth to one hundredth of this value. In sands an active case of ob3 tained when there is a strain of about 5 x 10- , where the strain is the lateral wall movement divided by the height of the sample. There is very little, if any, published data on what strain causes an active case in clays, but one could assume it would be larger than for sands. Therefore, a wall movement causing a strain of less than 1/10 of -19- 5 x 10 3 should be adequate in measuring K in clays. Deflection measurements were not taken when hydrostatic water pressures were applied to the cell so an accurate estimate of the deflection of the walls cannot be quoted. The calculated deflections, making many simpli- fying assumptions, is of the order of 0.0004 inches at the 2 maximum horizontal stress of about 6 kg/cm2. This gives a strain of 4 x 10 4, which is probably adequate. In determining the allowable deflection of the transducer's diaphragm there is some literature which discusses the effect of the rigidity of the gauge on the pressure which it measures in relation to the assumed applied pressure. Trollope and Lee (1961) showed that the gauge can be more flexible when it is used to measure pressures in clay than in sand. They concluded that to measure clay pressures against a plane surface when using a circular measuring cell, one should use two design criteria. These are: (1) at maximum design pressure, the ratio of central deflection to the diameter of the gauge should be less than 1:2000; (2) the ratio of central deflection (dA) to the change in applied pressure (dp) should be less than 10 5 in./psi. Therefore, if the gauge meets these requirements it should measure the pressures accurately providing other effects, such as seating, do not five intolerable errors. For the Dynisco transducer used in these tests, the ratio of central deflection to diameter at maximum measured pressure was approximately 1:3000 and the ratio of dA/dp was approximately 1.75 x 10-6 in/psi. Therefore, the trans- ducer should have an adequate amount of rigidity to measure the soil pressure accurately. -20- Chapter 3 CALIBRATION OF PRESSURE TRANSDUCER WITH A SOIL PRESSURE 3.1 Introduction This investigation was aimed at the following question: If a uniform soil pressure acts on a rigid planar surface, will a pressure transducer inserted into this surface measure the correct pressure? Because of the diffi- culty in actually achieving a uniform soil pressure, two methods of pressure application were employed in order to study the effects of variable voundary conditions. 3.2 Equipment 3.2.1 Disk The circular disk with the transducer in its center It was was made of stainless steel and is shown in Fig. 9. machined with great care so that the transducer would fit properly, but because the transducer was out of shape one edge of the transducer's face was 5 ten thousands of an inch above the disk's surface, while the opposite edge was 5 ten thousands below the disk's surface. A teflon sheet (0.005 in. thick) was bonded to the disk, but not to the transducer's face, with a very thin film of flexible epoxy. 3.2.2 Electrical Equipment The transducer was a Dynisco Model APT 25 with a pressure range of 0 to 200 psi, excited by an Allstate 6 The millivolt output was measured by volt wet cell battery. a Keithley or an Electro Scientific Industries voltmeter. description of these items is given in Appendix B. -21- A 3.2.3 Pressure Cells Two types of cells were used to apply the soil pressure to the disk. The first was a standard fixed ring con- solidation unit in which the disk with the transducer became the top cap. This unit is shown in Fig. 10. the ring was lined with teflon to reduce friction. Note that The second was a Norwegian triaxial cell which had been modified to accommodate the disk with the transducer. is shown in Fig. 3.3 This set up 11. Test Procedures All testing was carried out in a constant temperature room ( 1*C). 3.3.1 Calibration of Pressure Transducer The transducer was calibrated both in and out of the disk, with and without the teflon sheet on the surface. This was done by the procedure outlined in Appendix B, except when the transducer was in the disk. In this case, the disk was placed in the triaxial cell and the pressure was applied by an air regulator. The results of each cali- bration proved to be practically identical. Typical results of a calibration are given in Table III. 3.3.2 Trimming Soil Sample The same soil that was used in the K 0 tests was trimmed to a diameter of about 2.78 inches using a procedure similar to that described in Chapter IX of Lambe (1951). The height of the samples was about 0.5 inches. 3.3.3 Oedometer Unit In a preliminary investigation it was found that -22- 66 eccentricity of the load on the top cap was a major problem. Therefore, extreme care was taken when this unit was placed in the loading frame to prevent this eccentricity. Filter paper was placed between the soil and the disk to facilitate removal of the soil from the disk. The pres- sure was applied by increasing or decreasing the axial load in 10, 50, or 100 pound increments (100 lbs. exerted a pres- sure of about 17 psi). The load on the soil was cycled during the test, i.e., the load was reduced to zero and then reapplied in the above mentioned increments. Each load was left on for at least 24 hours. this time, During readings were taken on the transducer and sample height to ensure that an equilibrium condition was obtained. Loads left on for longer periods of time did not cause any significant change in the measured pressure. 3.3.4 Triaxial Cell The trimmed sample was placed on the disk and enclosed in a specially made latex membrane, trying to entrap A rubber band wrapped around the as little air as possible. disk a few times sealed the membrane. The cell pressure was applied by air pressure using a Nullamatic air regulator which had a sensitivity of about To prevent air diffusion through the membrane, the The pressure was applied system shown in Fig. 12 was used. 1/8 psi. in 5 to 10 psi increments. As in the oedometer test, the pressure was cycled during the test and each increment of During each inpressure was left on for at least 24 hours. crement, transducer and volume change readings were recorded. 3.4 Test Results The data are presented as a ratio of the measured -23- pressure to the applied pressure versus the applied pressure, i.e., P /P versus P The data from the oedometer test and . the two triaxial tests are summarized in Tables VI, VII, and VIII, and are plotted in Figs. 13 through 15. 3.4.1 Oedometer Results Figure 13 shows the ratio of Pm a versus Pa for the oedometer test with and without filter paper placed between This figure shows the following gen- the soil and the disk. eral trends: During loading with filter paper: When the applied pressure was small (less than about 10 psi), the error was large, with Pm/Pa greater (1) than one. (2) At applied pressures greater than 20 to 40 psi, a remained relatively constant with the ratio of Pm a small difference of less than 5%. During loading without filter paper: (1) The ratio of Pm Pa was always less than one, with a maximum difference of 6%. During unloading: (1) a increased and approached a The ratio Pm value of 1.25 0.1 at overconsolidation ratios ex- ceeding 2 to 3. In summary, the measured pressure was close to the applied pressure (within 6%) during loading, providing the applied pressure was greater than about 30 psi. But during unloading, the measured pressure became much higher than the At zero applied pressure, with a difference as high as 35%. pressure, the measured pressure was essentially zero (note -24- that this is not shown in Fig. 13). 3.4.2 Triaxial Cell The test results (P /P versus Pa) from two cycles of loading for the disk with and without a teflon sheet are presented in Figs. 14 and 15 respectively. The following trends occurred: (1) Disk without teflon covering: During initial loading the ratio PM a either increased or decreased (depending on the cycle) as the applied pressure was increased from 5 to 20-35 psi, and then remained constant at Pm 1.12 to 1.15. a equals During unloading, the ratio decreased and eventually became equal to 0.8-0.9. (2) Disk with teflon covering: During initial loading the ratio increased substantially on the first cycle to about unity, whereas during the second cycle Pm tween 1.01 and 1.08. a varied be- During rebound, both cycles showed a large reduction in the ratio, which became as low as 0.67. 3.4.3 Summary When the pressure was applied by loading the disk in the oedometer unit, the measured pressure was generally close to the applied pressure (0 to 6% difference) during loading, but during unloading the measured pressure became substantially larger (15 to 35%) than the applied pressure. In the case of the uncovered disk inside the triaxial cell, the measured pressure was greater than the cell pres- sure by 10 to 15% during loading at the higher presssures. When the disk was covered with a teflon sheet, -25- the measured pressure was only about 3% higher. However, during un- loading, both with and without the teflon, the measured pressure became much less 3.5 (35%) than the applied pressure. Discussion of Test Results Most of the test results can be explained if the applied pressure is not uniform across the disk and transducer because of the following boundary conditions: arching within the soil, local seating effects, and friction along the walls of the oedometer ring, or, in the case of the tri- axial cell, along the surface of the disk. 3.5.1 Seating and Arching Effects On the first cycle of loading all of the tests started out with initial measured pressures which were either much too high or too low. This effect was probably caused by seating effects and local arching within the soil because the soil would not be perfectly flat and because the transducer was not perfectly aligned (see Fig. 9). Although both tests without the teflon gave high initial pressures, while the one test with teflon gave a low initial pressure, one is not sure whether this change is caused by the teflon or that the seating effect can give either a high or low value. The fact that the ratio Pm a becomes nearer unity with increasing applied pressure during the first cycle of loading is probably explained by a decrease in the effects of seating and local arching. These effects appear to nearly disappear when the applied pressure becomes greater than about the maximum past pressure, in this case about 20 psi. The clay becomes more "plastic" and is capable of flowing into voids between the soil and the disk. -26- It should be pointed out - - that seating and arching effects could vary from test to test and, of course, from soil to soil, but that these effects should reach a minimum once the soil reaches a "plastic" state, provided the transducer alignment and sample trimming are within reason. 3.5.2 Frictional Effects Even without seating effects the pressure is not uniform across the disk because friction is present which causes a change in the stress distribution across the disk. Oedometer Test The side friction on the walls of the ring during loading causes the pressure in the center of the disk to be lower than the average applied pressure because part of the The estimated change applied load is taken up at the walls. in stress distribution is shown in Fig. 16a. During unloading this side friction acts in the opposite direction which causes the soil to form an arch with Figure the contact area between the soil and disk reduced. There16b shows the assumed change in stress distribution. fore the ratio Pm /Pa would increase and become greater than unity during unloading. On the second cycle of loading the initial measured pressures were very high. This could be explained if the side friction on rebound caused the soil surface to become rounded. Therefore, the contact area is smaller and the The reastresses are higher at the center of the top cap. son why the test without filter paper did not show these high initial mreasured pressures is unknown. Triaxial Test In this case there is no wall friction, but because -27- the soil wants to consolidate isotropically (have strain in both the horizontal and vertical directions) shear stresses are developed across the surface of the disk. During loading these shear stresses caused the measured pressure to be higher in the center as shown in Fig. 17a, but during unloading the opposite is true, see Fig. 16b. When the disk is covered with the teflon sheet these shear stresses would be reduced, causing the ratio of PM a The test results showed this to be to be closer to unity. true during loading but not during unloading. The reason why the teflon did not help the ratio be be closer to unity during unloading is not known. 3.6 Conclusions and Recommendations The test results indicate that: (1) It is difficult to apply a uniform soil pres- sure against a plane surface. (2) The pressure measured by the transducer cannot be related accurately to an average pressure unless one investigates the effects of the boundary conditions. (3) During unloading the difference between the measured and the applied pressures is much larger The cause for this large than that during loading. difference is not fully understood. (4) Seating effects are a function of the stiff- ness of the soil relative to the applied pressure; the care with which the transducer is placed in the plane surface; and how the soil is placed in the testing apparatus. (5) The effects of seating on the first cycle of loading are thought to be eliminated when the applied -28- - ~ pressure is about 1.5 times the maximum past pressure of the soil. (6) The stress distribution across the top stone in an oedometer unit is thought to be close to uniform when the soil is normally consolidated or being reloaded, but far from uniform during unloading. (7) The placement of a thin sheet of teflon across the surface of the transducer and the plane surface apparently does not affect the accuracy with which the transducer will measure the soil pressure. (8) A flat face rigid pressure transducer, as used in this investigation, probably measures accurately the soil pressure which acts across and directly surrounding the transducer once seating effects are eliminated. Further testing is needed to study seating effects, and how different boundary conditions affect the measured and applied pressure. Although all of these studies would not be directly related to the measurement of K0 , they would be helpful in understanding how uniform or non-uniform the applied stresses are in different types of testing equipment. Finally, a testing program is required to study the effects of soil moving across the transducer's face, as occurs in the K cell. In this case any protrusion or re- cession of the transducer could greatly affect the measurements. However, a sheet of teflon across the plane sur- face would help to eliminate large errors. -29- Chapter 4 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS A K cell has been developed in which the lateral pressure is measured by an electrical pressure transducer. Test results on remolded BBC indicate that K 0 in the normally consolidated range is 0.48, which is in good agreement with other K 0 data on similar BBC. dated range, K In the overconsoli- increases with increasing O.C.R. and becomes greater than one at an O.C.R. of about four. A testing program was initiated to see if this type of transducer would measure the soil pressure acting across its face and the area directly surrounding it with a high degree of accuracy. This program consisted of applying pressure to a thin soil cylinder with one face covered by a stainless steel disk which had a transducer inserted in its center. The soil pressure recorded by the transducer indicated that the applied soil pressure was not uniform But most of the transducer's across the stainless steel disk. readings seemed reasonable because the systems used to apply this soil pressure had inherent boundary conditions which would cause this pressure to be non-uniform. Therefore, it is the opinion of the author that the transducer measures the soil pressure directly surrounding the transducer with a higher degree of accuracy than the assumption that the soil This may never be proven pressure on the disk is uniform. since it is next to impossible to apply a truly known soil pressure across a plane surface with a transducer in it. K There are three basic problems when using this type of First, there is the problem of rigidity of the cell cell. and transducer. Test results by others suggest that the trans- ducer is rigid enough, and as previously discussed (Section -30- (2.7) it was concluded that, providing the wall strain is less than 5 x 10 -, the value of K this small amount of strain. would not be affected by However, this number is an engineering approximation which needs further investigation. Secondly, the main problem with wall friction is most likely not how it influences the performance of the transducer but rather how this friction causes the horizontal stress to deviate from the true K value. The author pro- poses that this deviation is caused by two factors: (1) Wall friction negates the assumption that the normal and horizontal stresses are principal stresses. (2) Wall friction affects the uniformity of applied stresses along the top and bottom of the sample, which must also affect the normal stress applied and measured against the walls of the K To correct for item (1) outlined in Fig. 8. cell. the author proposes the method For item (2), no correction is proposed but two general statements can be made based on the data obtained from placement of the transducer in the top cap of an oedometer unit. The normal stress on the walls is probably not affected very much when the soil is normally con(1) solidated since the stress on the top cap remained fairly uniform, e.g., about 5% deviation. (2) The normal stress on the walls could be greatly affected when the soil is highly overconsolidated since the stress on the top cap was not even close to uniform, e.g., 15 to 35% deviation. In any case further investigation, as pointed out in Section 2.7, is required to develop a better understanding of the problem. -31- -1 since there is soil movement across the transducer's face, due to the soil being consolidated, the question arises: does this affect the transducer measurements? Thirdly, This problem has not been investigated, but providing the transducer is flush with the plane surface or covered with a thin teflon sheet, it is believed that there should not be any significant amount of error. In conclusion, two basic questions have to be asked and answered relative to the future development and use of this type of K cell. cell better than or equal to One: Is this type of K other types of K cells, such as an oedometer unit in which the hoop strain of the confining ring is measured to derive the lateral stress, and an oedometer unit similar to the one developed by Hendron (1963), and triaxial tests such as developed by Jackson (1963) or Bishop and Henkel (1962)? In the triaxial type K cells the wall friction is eliminated, which is a distinct advantage, but there are First, it is more difficult to three major disadvantages. run and requires either constant attention or elaborate Secondly, there is continual lateral movements of the soil sample, i.e., relaxation, then compression. Although these movements can be small (diameter change of about 3 x 10~4 inches) they could cause considerable errors when automation. the sample is overconsolidated since there would be a tendency to get a high reading when recompressing the sample by this amount because the soil is "rigid" compared to the In the normally consolidated range confining pressure. this should not be a major problem since the soil is in a Thirdly, Bishop (1958) pointed out that "plastic" state. in this type of test it is critical that the specimen be -32- honogenous regarding its stress-strain characteristics and that the pore pressure should be uniform throughout the specimen. The other types of oedometer units would have the same problem with wall friction. Hendron's (1963) unit has the advantage that it can go to higher pressures without losing sensitivity in the low pressure range, that it measures an average pressure, not just a pressure at one point, and that it has a symmetrical shape. Its disadvantages are that it is probably more difficult to operate and is certainly more expensive to build. This brief discussion leads to the conclusion that a K cell using a transducer has the advantage of being sim- ple, but the results are affected to an unknown degree by wall friction. Conversely, the triaxial K cell has the advantage of no side friction, but the relaxation-recompression and non-uniform pore pressure dissipation can also affect the results and the test is difficult to perform. Two: K Is it worth the effort to perfect this type of cell by developing a better understanding of how wall friction and/or wall deflection affects the measured value of K ? The answer depends upon the usefulness of K values to the soil engineer and whether or not this research yields additional insight into other problems in soil mechanics. K (1) is usually determined for: the evaluation of Poisson's ratio and earth pressures on buried rigid structures. (2) laboratory shear strength determinations in which the soil should be anisotropically consolidated before shear to represent in situ strength properties. (3) aiding the soil engineer in his endeavor to understand soil behavior. -33- These measurements are often required but small deviations in K generally have a minor effect compared with the over- all engineering problem. As pointed out, in the normally consolidated range this and other K cells measure K within a reasonable range but in the overconsolidated range this type and other K unknown errors. cells most likely have the largest and Therefore, in the normally consolidated range further investigation into wall friction, etc., is not required, but if good K values are to be determined in the overconsolidated range further investigation is needed. Furthermore, this research would lead to a better understanding of wall friction, its detrimental effects on consolidation and direct shear tests, and a better understanding of the measurements of earth pressures against a retaining surface. -34- Chapter 5 REFERENCES Bishop, A. W. (1958), "Test Requirements for Measuring the Coefficient of Earth Pressure at Rest," Proceedings, Brussels Conference on Earth Pressure Problems, Vol. I, p. 2. Bishop, A. W. and Henkel, D. J. (1962), "The Measurement of Soil Properties in the Triaxial Test," Edward Arnal, London. Brooker, E. W. and Ireland, H. 0. (1965), "Earth Pressures at Rest Related to Stress History," Canadian Geotechnical Journal, Vol. 2, No. 1. Hendren, A. J. Jr. (1963), "The Behavior of Sand in OneDimensional Compression," Ph.D. Thesis, University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois. Henkel, D. J. and Sowa, V. A. (1963), "The Influence of Stress History on the Stress Paths Followed in Undrained Triaxial Tests," Laboratory Shear Testing of Soils, ASTM Special Technical Publication No. 361, pp. 280-292. Jackson, W. T. (1963), "Stress Paths and Strains in a Saturated Clay," Master's Thesis, M.I.T., Unpublished, Cambridge, Massachusetts. Jaky, J. (1948), "Pressure in Silos," Proceedings, Second International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Foundations, Rotterdam, Vol. 1, pp. 103-107. Ladd, C. C. (1965), "Stress-Strain Behavior of Anisotropically Consolidated Clays During Undrained Shear," Proceedings, Sixth International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering, Montreal, Vol. I, p. 282. Lambe, T. W. (1951), "Soil Testing for Engineers," John Wiley and Sons, Inc., Lambe, T. W. New York. (1964), "Methods of Estimating Settlement," Journal of the Soil Mechanics and Foundation Division, ASCE, Vol. 90, No. SM5, Proc. Paper 4060, September, 1964. -35- Lambe, T. W. and Martin, R. T. (1953), "Composition and Engineering Properties of Soil," Proceedings of Thirty-Second Annual Meeting of the Highway Research Board, M.I.T. January. (1960), "Pore Pressure Measurements during Transient Loading," The Response of Soils to Dynamic Loadings, Report No. 5, Dept. of Civil Engineering, November. M.I.T. (1961), "Effects of Rate of Strain on Stress-Strain Behavior of Saturated Soils," The Response of Soil to Dynamic Loadings, Report No. 6, Dept. of Civil Engineering, April. M.I.T. (1963), "Effective Stress versus Strength: Saturated Fat Clay," The Response of Soil to Dynamic Loadings, Report No. 16, Dept. of Civil Engineering, April. M.I.T. (1963), "Engineering Behavior of Partially Saturated Soils," Phase Report No. 1, Department of Civil Engineering, May. Simons, N. E. (1958) Discussion on: General Theory of Earth Proceedings, Brussels Conference on Earth Pressure. Pressure Problems, Vol. 3, pp. 50-53. Stevens, S. F. (1953), "Effects of Times of Consolidation and Rebound on the Shearing Strength of Clay," M.S. Thesis, M.I.T., Unpublished. Taylor, D. W. (1942), "Research on the Consolidation of Clays," Department of Civil and Sanitary Engineering, M.I.T., Serial No. 82. Trollope, D. H. and Lee, I. K. (1961), "The Measurement of Soil Pressures," Proceedings, Fifth International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering, Vol. II, Paris. -36- TA5LE I COMPO SITIOA/ ANP EANG?/EEPIN& 81e OF oosToN PROPERTIES CLAY C/d Sf1 'fct;n dh Il/ite - f5 Yo to 70Y Ziquid Lio/t 45-Y Quartj - 20 %to 340 % I/'o;c lati/f 22% Composition MnerQ/ogc Ck/orite - sometlwe5 preweNt Refertetcos :- lreveo.4, S.f* M/f:5) 5peCille PreW/Ity - e 77z a 01g fe iyooo NX,.r., (1!5) 1,70rhe, 7. Perceift w/ils 2 0c1*4rors- 50% Compref ioll Index Cc -d-34 Coeffivem' of COKfol//aoit Fr c fioni 0P9/e - 5ee fab/e 7 - 2= x ia ~' 2 /sac. --- I TYPICAL CALI 1Be4TI2AI OF PRE55/PE TRANSDUCER - 11,5/NG V TVM VOL rME TER TABLE IT *1 MV $CA Lf /0 APL ED PA fSORS (Pvi i 0 5 I I MV f St I A MV I /e'4MI 0 0 0.9/ 5*9(46) 0.9/ 573 087 /0 / 78 0.89 /5 I E41MVI 7ff 51.2 2.6 ' 086 20 3.43 20 20 ~51z 0.87 25 5,9 25 fIt 30 /.35 0.92 5,35 z7 35 ha 0.8(0 *0 .5- 0.9/ (P./s 70* 569 Lij #5 /7/8 'kBi 0.88 50 8.8/ 567 972 5"a /0. 59 51,8 0.9/ 55 04: tiI '5. // /8.00 0.9 70 47 45 67 /2.564 0.02 75 /f/8 0.89 0.8By 80 If 607 85 50 S Ae. - 5.66 0.90 0 fo 85 90 ZO 7 - psi /AMV ; psi - 566 - /HV 5.46 5' , T mmml Nl TA5LE ll TYPICAL CALIBRATION OF PMF'E TZANA15/E9 95IN6 P/6/AL VOL TMETrF MV APPLIED PRE $RE 5 AMV AMV 5 ps/ (pSi) 0 5' -3.970 0.$85 0.8 IL 0.8 %t 0.951 0.957 0.857 f 70Z /0 555 7 /5. 6.4/4- 20 7.Z78 Zs' 8./45 0-8690.5 7 0.857 30 0.9% Z 35 ys6f *0 /0. 7Z# *5 /68 5*0 /2. *0 .0 1 08f0 60 /.826 70 /5.68 .73, 80 0.858 90 .858 (100 2/.088 /20 2*. 550 :11 3.114 /40 2797f* /60 3/ 4-5Z 3.0f58 3.3/ /0 3.$F3 200 /p 5a. T.6 M.A r /(</A V) Vo N lv KxzApsi Vo /4MV KS (5)1t.- 0)/(0.06 /4) - 3t I : n- /0- 6. 000 I - MEMN eEN/L r5 OF Ko TET ON tF v Kg /cWa C0 . f. bk ctb-,PX. WBv *,9/cmz e. C /. ,/0 (% ) TABLE HV O 00*3 0.066 0.-04* 0. Zil 0436 0-/53 0. 104 /- 0-4/8 0.4/b 2.75 0.3ftb 0.472 .76 '.9/ 0.4*6 4z I / 4 /6 /0.5* .3.89 /4-S 0.132.f50 0.725' 2 /4.57 . 9z5 0. f62 4 /4.25' /6f /4 /1.4* 2.2o Jz /4 /.24 0.g#52 /2.33 0.6*0 /.24 / 8 '/9 A-631f /. /3.56 0. 09 /3.74 25 0.5/4 It /i-55 10 4.01 8 /6.27 0. 77 5.74 5- 5 0- 543 / T- 03 0. b*9 /2 6 45" 0.-73 I 3.55 0- 8f6 ~ /6-8/ 3 /6.6* -1 TANLE a CONTrnUAED XC2 Ag /cow kg /cV 2 K 2.35 oq-q6 '4 6 /./65 43 (4og) /6.27 /5.4 /.pea 5o 0.72. 0-575 0 Max Qv ' I~ 1*3 AfH/H 0 0.252 . -- pi - 62 ; 4 wh7 TYPI CA L VA LIE5 OF FRICT ONA AGL E TABL E 1Z FOR B. C. VALUE OF 4 TYPE OF TE3T AF A fx.rAt (- /r wo (x., 2.5 32.7 PC 2 75* C WC c ff~ -- T DE6PEES 13.0N z 65 c 2 7./ CDC (I) From Ladd (/945 (2) From c<ackoti (/73) CItUC - CotvSo/idated- Utc 'idrre' tri4/d/ with /sotropic CK 0/C- A5 aove, b4t cC - Corgo/idfated - Co*1pf~55/d# ttt cco1s501,af/ofl wifth K 0 conso/,dafian draiied trtaxia// te5t TA&LE JU 501L PRE1UE IN CON0 IDA TIDN UNIT (a) wIr# FIL TE2 PAPER Pa psi 0 Pm psi 0 3.56 P4 p Pm-.Pa Pml,/f /E psi Pm si 3.1 j P/P Psi PSi 0. If -007 -- 25 0.994 3 3. y 3.* A +0.525 Pm- iE 4-. -0-6 6.719 23.0 4- 10 5$./ 8.0 S. r55 /319 +'.2* /6-97 +'0. 20. z .No- -0.f0 0.1 A.46 4f 2 fi. 5 0.7 f 3 83.0 -2.4 0./ .50.9 /.f3 ". 0 / f/ 7 7 -0.4 67f5 7". 55 -03.1 +150 -o.f Of "5.3 /9.77 /f./ tz. 90 .95 / 0/ A/ 99 0. OAP/ 0.996 zio 20.4 +0..5 271 1'-W 0 8.tw /' /. /5.1 /0.5 +"75 I/ /3.2 /./3z A.321 25.* //.60 .234 /.155* 3/os /.229 XE., 1.321 32.4 5.-5/ 25.13 6./ /17' 55.4 12./i /72 0-063 6.2 06A 753 50.55 Pt 0.55 Ov 0. 3/ /f 3.7 /-037 .00/ 35.7 -. if /.0// +'.5 /.05 52.4 75-.9 *1.6 ./.57 -2.5 /. sp95 35.7 +'1.2 /Oz.3 +3.3 O-f ff -2.8 /01.1 -0.0 X.3 -2.5 0.986 /08.2 /.. f012 f5 -0./f 0.977 -2.6 ~'0.,5 50.4 -2.8 -2.9 /06.5 /a7 0./1 11.3 /5f. t 0.987 -1.2 ?2.7 -0.5 +0./ -f 7f 55 /4009 Z7. 0 35.7 -o.9 /1.3 5-75" 31- -2.57 +/.53 *22 .34./ /. 3&/ 0 I.' J I i-i - /0.0/ 414f TA5L e psi E .r CoN rINulE : (b) w/r#our f/L r PAPre At &/4 AIpsiI psi %E 0 f 7z *0.02 4.xf0.fl /6.1 eis 5 53.7 /. W - 0.0/ 0 0.97* -0.59 -2.4 Z4.2 -3.5 3z#7 4.941 42.15 9S - /. 401. -. 45 -3.5 -#0 o.961 .5-f -1/.9 -5* 6745 65.0 75. 1/01' -3.65 0.9*6 -5.5 -405 oo .ff -5-9 -5.0 1,5 -59f 1.9*/ -55 -5.9 4541 0.99/ 0460 -5.9 159 /05./1 -Z.6 /5.i I//I./ _~7 /#55 -0.3* -'.9 -5.' -IL -55 -5.5 - 8/f P.0 f /217 -59 /01.7 /SZ. / 0.106 -2.5 /22.0 /of /.1 .b #3.3 *1.6 71 8.3 955 li. 0 /./f' 54/.2/ 33.7 If.S "/5.25 /. 24 I //./5 Ai-0 '9.7f .2 5, 4A.4 fg-.6 + 5.8 #9-09f I h TA B L f2 Pa psi Pn-Pa Pi Pm/P4 p PS/' I %E 0 +5./S /0 /5./1 /5 20-." 20 26.0 25 30.5 50 34.8 b5.0 1-5/ 59.6 15-95~ .5-5 .5 50-5 50 '5.7 576 60 d~s 0 70 80.0 70 1.16 /6.0 60 675 2.09 5,0 558 /0.8 40 -0.85 0 .f5/8 - 0.5/5 +2.7 1.153 '3.3 /5 /f:17 0.996 -0- 0.1/75 -8. 25 0 -0.50 5 5:2f #0.27 /-055 /0 ,0.67 +0.69 /0hi '5- /6.VI49-1 +/.9* /./.5 *0 23.0 -0.-95 /5-0 /5/ I. /5- 5*8 /6.1 5 10.5- /5:8 40a +6.9 L 3 /147 L /5.9 7 // /4.7 a 6.0 0 /3.0 50 /13s . 9/ -/9.0 *5 1.1-3 /0.0 9./7 22.7 /3.3 /. /17 /0 20 1. /55 +'58 2 72 '5 3 //.8 200 /072 1.1/5-3 10.0-9 f//-. 0 20 #2.2 4.05 +76 *-el /1.8 52.2 /5.6 1'70 3/. 50 5: 91.0 Pw- /& - psi 50 // /0 50 2/ Z "45 -0-05 52.0 1.2/2 ///' 40 4-5 p 0 1./2/ +5. f m psi 50.0 "4.5 #5 Jp /30 /-/ 10 Pa 1si psi % SOIL PkES5IUPE k[5UL T5 IN TIAYAL CELL WITH01T TEFLO a__________ g.-9/7 -5.3 V - - EMIR - TA &L EE SOIL PRES.U5E eLSUL T I N TRIAXIA L CELL WITH TEFLON Pm psi pa psj Cm -/ tooP/s EPa psi psi _ __ psi p 0 5 . C2 L.6 - /0 8.5#4l 1./ 0. 9 v /5 /4./6 ".951 -0.8 /9L.68 -57.3- -17 0.97/ --2.9 0.97 -30.4 -O.02 40 2f./Z fo 55 5502 40 *0.15 ?0. 0f 50 45 f 7f Ify./ -0.2/ 0.991 -0.6 50 49f 1 -0.86 0.93 -. 7 -/. 08 70 740.7,0 to.79 /.0/8 7'/.4 0.977 -2-.5 70 7/.5:7 go 60.5/ 521 49*0e 1. 020 tO.5/ 1.008 -0.20 o.9?6 "1.8 3&4/ 0. 766 YO /0 .50 W.0 0 -0.9 -/.51 67 60 psi 8/.4 0.98 245/ 'Pi 30 -2.53 - f9 0.9/6 -'4 20 - 2.58 0.97/ -/2.9 /0 74' -2.54 5.35 -2.65 -2Sf -35.0 - 0 /.0/0 0.73/ .070 279?4 ,00-15 20 -/2.0 -o.S7 /JE 0.755 30 -'1.0 -2+ 5f /0/0 /0 ,'07/ 55 f6/ /5 Of 2 --z /.0*24 20 -/.29 trl.1 5.650 5 v'5. 0 I. 050 +1.41 1015- 5 / 035 3 #0 /. 0.59 "3.? +-i.+ /-037 50 #3.7 /.033 +'o.BIa & "/5 . /Oa i a a i a a FIG. I GRAIN SIZE DISTRIBUTION FOR 0OTON BLUE CLAY MIT CLASSFICATION SAND COARSE MEDIUM * __ _ FINE SILT COARSE MEDIUM FINE CLAY COARSE MEDIUMJ FINE ___ __ _ _____ 90-so -T7O S 60 050 4c:40 z 10 - 153020-- 0 -10 1.0 0.01 0.1 DIAMETER IN MM 0.OOI 0.0001 FY 1 0 ce// PIA CRO5:5-.OYE, DAR FOR LOA D/A/ / Li VIAL Su'ppolrT Fi' * POLO~5 %t&WE, CELL I .5 ______________ a ITj.. P~OOP py4TFa~,4f Sr OME 5CA LE I I I I I Voume~tric 5traioi V5 Le 09 Col/IdfisN f for 001Mto ffl e/oy Fig.5. V 41- B I K root 0 ~, I ~ U PAvw 4A -2.5,0 t~ Pwr fy Trf/.w ir~,vy 2. .7fr tpsv I ~1 L OzI2 /81 4- 7fl1 I.& 045 to0 4, 2 Vertical ,k, leow a /0 ~'tress I I I Vsrt'io/ 5rM0 v* /7Dr'46fv4/ .tr Fi. 4 i# K(0 Test too A/ue C/ny 4v go /2 eq S,=0# N '~ /0 R7 CYCL E 0 I 9 S /adh Yf oadi9 '7 /7 IlL L .$EC4WD CYCLE 0oirtwkg / ~4b I IIN/Cadhif I 4 / ~1 * '7 7 3 ___ 2 bE - I i I- 0 I / 0 I 2 If 4 Meaurwd Harip&nta/ u; kt/cmg Stfo 5 I! A 5 F1q 5 I _____________________________________ Coefficict sf Orft/ " it for im ~ i~ ~1.... n uo Cley 3/e / uv mmmi - - x for 0 for lb Ofro# I- 4t RAO cot " OrereI5'hfi - yp - /m ki I- _ 2 x -00 I At ICR-/ 0 _______________________________________________ K 048 i I 7' f 3 45 C . i 1/ w /IF, A 30 pIdI iii I 450O60 M 0 II r~lfIVA ,P~blvam~AS ~ /IA&A" orA. ufvr smav uxxs &jrMr At~e~ LWTTZ OIL. LAAAGS COLLECTION: COLLAR *a.r / AtfIM Nt : ) ITAAr "W T A" EwW* SACO AdW c.mp~/E7r VAIE SAN -~TO 0-RiVO~T oz Imu iaoic HAI CL) (LI TI AII//EDD wI pgnl GU (WI1 TOP I1T iinvoM F ~~ Um~ DAMSc A. TOP O p~c~g Tr. v3 OIL 0 CIA:ii ~ ~2'*1D ~'E(o FIL JAY~r IIIJE?1 OL 00m ) TU(M (m:,) 3wZ CW&W (mh) rw'fLWOR JA CW P.Mu).p. CJ. COLLAR PLTE TSPL400 mmtU "UL VALU .c. FIG. A ?Uu -52- CES L 1 m&L (MT) I 3.0 1- 3/ --- 0--- Goove Lake Roave, r w /. 2.0 Ar. v (ropet I./wle.,V5) ('eo*e/ ( Soa, WaE/d C/oy, RZ. - 2# iee/d C/oy, f 20. % (rw*er p / oston 5/u . Clay. r. A/37 K, Celf Chicaqo Cloy, Pr /0.5 (Sowoker -f re/and, /965) /65) / -- 0-- c // f re/eod, /f65) kwm o crlf -o () w '. to Fif 7 , v 0 0 I 2 0 CR 8 4- .C.R. a/ for .5eVera /(p / ay4 32 64- Fil. d frictio# ow 1lte of K4 ffect of .5/dc - I measured 1% F" 4% KO "Trqg"a- 1 t& a Yb tv IFI.Ij t m tan -,p. 0 ~1 r-i Wall of Ko Cel 5., / E/igmvn |*vjeOpp r.Msdi .._t e ' Pric !Sei f mwII -D E:1 042 Nrma/ 5,'ress - 5~ 4 ) 5 ff ,I / 4 ,- Wher I& - MeS.* wrd Sa vw App/i .4 At'wss i Mis ex OMp/4 4/ , a X fo p S *rL c- r - 31. 2 Meesurda Siorss O/sk for Ca/ibratio# of TrMdaer F/9 9 0DE -I rA ILA Z735 -t - o- 0. 75l 3rA/wLE ~~ooo" K 000" 7- 5ssrrEa. r1f. /0 Oedu#,cter I/fi with risfMUCer i I L~9J LJ ZOAPINS CA-05,5-OVER 3A1 I I i 751no ,- 5~s. Thz IONI pI*j 2.75'b~4 .5rp 1* Z7777,7 7bov SzA0o OgDwqwrate e .. ~14 0w.v .g44g~ I IL// /!7 Ce// with ri]. 7L ra;ducer / / Trxia Fi. / Iicz~ Q-4? N61 ThRAxi AL CELL ,-ChL ED Wi T, WAnTE To FRE551vi YTE S5AE /I2 42 LA TEX PRAINA OE LINE 3 LAYER I/- F/LI. M PA 5oii 55 P/1A: / j P15k, T17 TRANSDWCER w Flo. /l Preare 5yotem Aor Trid)x/6/ Ce"' AmK 4ERIE, 40 Ns'AAbArnc Ai RW69 1.Aroc WArE 7VTNVO 25 orr-2F/ fl/as ro/Alm 7k/AXIAL c*Awl, Fi /5 A's'/fs of domcer Tw- ZOtiO Al Pm/Pa sPq 1.5 A -- o -. i gt /0q4Idv /M*: Ui/OfdiI 9 i~e 0 I-a --- A 3pd AQtv /oAdif 4 to 1.0 0 -9 ,to 40 60 o 100 It 4 -App//sd Prwsjwr. ;m 160 wv,' filftr pdp*r - U~ NK I I I A# /4 feou/fs of Trdxi / Rdti Pm /Pa If V$ P# 1+. -- 4 LT1 -st cycle /0secod Le A cyc/e - I.' I ist widkuf 7f/low 2 cydt -K~ /57' 00. ct/. /1A 'p I. 50/ - 4 a f~ i~W0gr in psi 90 k / 2ft/fT t r/fxi(/ Test Wj ILi5 Tji At#$ of At/Re r% A 1.03 2, ycle a.O mldem 0.7 AI 0 I0 ,to 50 40 p- 60 Applied PrWSSmre in *As; 10 80 Fig. /6 Effect of Frdioi ow Sfrels pisitribution /,, Ctdo neter Ted.s Loading ~ % - mEA~V4sc P/FPERENCFr - XsOszg 4CrTUAL 35/ Pl,'/rCERWC P15r'lvTrrTON AveRA6& P,/A R r< 1 0 7~eAAf* pL-'~ E~. -62- b 1si F4g /7 fifect- of fr/Ic tn# on 5r5 plstnpatlotl Triaxial (a) Loud,,,9q Awmrv~ AcTLJA. ei1L Aecost/Rec (&,) 14vodiP79 A65ufiff A4rUAL 5;#gAe 5rcesseS wl / / //LJ/ PI%- ~/ V! // N71RAA/ APV'Ce f I] Cai-'- /*as suqc Appendix A PREPARATION OF BOSTON BLUE CLAY The Boston Blue Clay (BBC) used in this investigation was obtiined from the M.I.T. campus during construction of the Materials Building pile foundation in September, 1963. The soil was removed from a auger which had obtained soil from a depth of between about 40 to 90 feet. The clay was air dried and ground up by the Sturtevant Mill Co., Boston, Mass., in an air swept pulver mill with a dust bag collector. A grinder was used to break up the chunks so that 100% would pass through a U.S. Standard No. 100 sieve. The one problem encountered with this pro- cedure arose from the fact that the augered clay contained rocks and/or lumps of shale which could not be completely removed prior to grinding and were therefore ground up with the clay. The air dried ground clay was formed into a slurry and consolidated in the large oedometer shown in Fig. A-l using the procedures described below in the M.I.T. Soils Laboratory. Ten kilograms of ground clay are added to 15 liters of demineralized water with a salt content of 16 g/liter. The salt is added to help make the soil structure similar to the in situ clay and to cause flocculation. The soil is added while the water is being stirred by a very high speed mixer in a 40 liter pyrex container. After mixing for about an hour, the slurry is allowed to settle overnight. It is then remixed and poured through a U.S. Standard No. 200 sieve into another container. The slurry is again remixed and allowed to settle for a few days. After syphoning off the clear water, the denser slurry is remixed and poured into a 5 gallon metal container where it is heated while -64- stirring to help remove trapped air. After the temperature has reached about 70 0 C the slurry is added slowly to the large consolidometer base unit with a 3-foot lucite chamber, The chamber and consolidometer unit as shown in Fig. A-2. was under a vacuum of about 75 cm of mercury before the slurry was added. During addition of the soil, the rate of soil input is varied to keep the vacuum greater than 73 cm of mercury. The process takes about one hour. After the slurry is placed, a partial (<4" Hg) vacuum is applied to the bottom drainage valve in order to consolidate the slurry so that its height will fall below the top of the base unit. The lucite chamber is then removed and the piston put in place after applying a slight vacuum to the piston's drainage lead. Finally, when the top of the piston support is below the top of the confining ring, water repellent transformer oil is added, the cover is attached and pressure is applied in the following increments: 0.5, 2 1, 1.5 kg/cm . A plot of dial change vs. log time is made to ensure that each increment reaches 100% primary consolidation before the increment is changed. Following consolidation at 1.5 kg/cm 2 for not less than 5 days, the soil cake (9.5 in. in diameter by about 5.5 in. high) is extruded and cut into eight half-moon chunks with a height of about 1-1/4 in. These chunks are stored in water repellent transformer oil (Mobilect No. 33) until used for testing. Samples prepared in this manner had an average water content of 32%, a void ratio of 0.93, and a degree of saturation of about 99%. Experience has shown that the soil does not lose a significant amount of water during storage in the transformer oil. -65- Stainless Steel Shaft Aluminum Pocking Nut Aluminum Bushing Holder Teflon Packing -Thompson Ball Bushing To Oil-Nitrogen Accumulator Top Drain Aluminum Cover 0" Ring Seal -+-- ----- Oi I ---- Main Holding Rod (4 Used) Aluminum Extrusion Rod (3 Used) 0-"UO" Ring Seal - ...--- Lucite Piston Bonded Teflon Porous Stan "D. Shelby.Tubing Soi Lucite Base Piston Porous Ston "O' Ring Seal - -Bottom Drain Aluminum Base Note: To extrude, relieve pressure, invert consolidometer ; remove main holding rods and tighten extrusion rods. Reapply light pressure sufficient to extrude. FIGURE A-1 SELF-EXTRUDING CONSOLIDOMETER -65- I- Soil Slurry introduced Here --- To Vocuum Pump 000 I000 -e 3*ft Lucite Deoiring column 000 Io \ 0 0000 000 Consolidometer Soil Slurry //0 ,-101 ~iY FIGURE A-2 II METHOD OF SLURRY PLACEMENT n7- Appendix B PRESSURE TRANSDUCERS B.l Pressure Transducers and Associate Instrumentation B.l.1 Design of Gauge The electrical pressure transducer employed in this research (Model APT 25) is commercially available from Dynisco, Division of American Brake Shoe Company, Cambridge, Mass. This "Dynisco" gauge consists of a four-active arm unbonded strain gauge bridge which senses the deflection of a small rigid diaphragm (see Fig. B-l). It has an accuracy of 0.25 per cent of its full scale output and exhibits a maximum nonlinearity and hysteresis of less than 0.50% of its full scale output. It is tempera- ture compensated between the range of -65 to +300*F with a maximum drift of 2% F.S./100 0 F. D.C. voltage (6 volts) When it is excited by a low the gauge has an output proportional to the pressure exerted on the diaphragm. At full pressure the output is about 25 to 50 millivolts (M.I.T. 1960 and M.I.T. 1961). These gauges are extremely rigid. The diaphragm de- flection is about 3.5 x 10~4 in. at full-rated pressure. The deflection of the diaphragm is a number quoted by Dynisco. B.l.2 Related Electrical Equipment (1) Voltage Source The voltage source for the transducer was a standard 6 volt wet cell battery obtained from Sears and Roebuck Co. (2) Voltage Measuring Equipment Three different types of voltmeters were used to -68- measure the millivolt (MV) output of the transducer. The first one was a vacuum tube voltmeter (VTM) Model 1477 manufactured by Daystrom, Inc., Weston Instrument DiThis voltmeter can measure vision, Newark, New Jersey. - voltages from zero to 1,000 MV on the following MV scales 0 to 2, to 5, to 10, to 20, to 50, to 100, and to 1000 and has a 1% accuracy of the reading on each scale. The second type used was a manual digital type voltmeter manufactured by Keithley Instrument Inc. gital voltmeter, model 6060T, This 5 di- can measure voltages from 0 to 500 volts with a sensitivity of 0.01 MV on the most sensitive range and an accuracy of 0.02% or 20 microvolts, whichever is larger. The third type used was a portable manual digital type voltmeter manufactured by Electro Scientific Industries. This 5 digital voltmeter model 300 can measure voltages from 0 to 511.10 volts in five ranges with a maximum sensiThe tivity of one microvolt on the most sensitive range. accuracy is 0.02% of the reading or one increment on the most sensitive decode switch. B.2 Calibration of Pressure Transducers B.2.1 General In general the calibration involves establishing a relationship between applied pressure, measured output voltage, and excitation voltage. This relationship should in- clude the excitation voltage because during long term tests, i.e., lasting more than a day, the battery voltage can change enough to cause an appreciable error. There are two different procedures for obtaining this relationship, which depend upon the type of voltmeter used. -69- In both cases the battery excitation voltage of about 6 volts is connected to the circuit for at least 2 hours before the calibration is started. Tests have shown that the voltage changes with time after the battery is connected to the transducer, but this change becomes minor after about 2 hours. This effect is shown in Fig. B-2. The applied pressure is supplied by a dead weight gauge tester which has an accuracy of 0.1% of the applied pressure. The gauge tester, model ML 23-1, is manufactured by Chandler Engineering Co., Tulsa, Oklahoma. B.2.2 Calibration when Excitation Voltage is Directly Measured Since the digital voltmeter can measure the excitation voltage directly with a high degree of accuracy, the following equation can be used to establish a calibration constant (gauge factor = K) for the relation among applied pressure, excitation voltage, and output voltage, and to determine unknown pressures once K is found. mV mv P - PV[ m_ 0] K e 0 where: unknown pressure P = P0 = known pressure (usually zero at start of test) mVm = measured millivolts at new pressure mV0 = measured millivolts at known pressure Ve = measured excitation voltage at unknown pressure V K = measured excitation voltage at known pressure = gauge factor derived during calibration where changes in pressures are known -70- K = Note: V0 -APressure = Ve since the voltage source does not V change during the short period required to calibrate the transducer. By using this equation and procedure, measured pressures during tests lasting over a long period will be extremely accurate because excitation voltage changes can be accounted for and the measuring equipment is more accurate than the transducer. B.2.3 Calibration when Excitation Voltage is Indirectly Measured When the Weston voltmeter is used another procedure has to be used to take into account any voltage changes because this meter cannot measure the excitation voltage directly, as in-the case of the digital voltmeter. The procedure used is based on the fact that when a resistor is added across one of the four active strain gauges making up the bridge circuit, the circuit's output voltage changes (see Fig. B-1). The amount of this voltage change depends on the value of the added resistance, the characteristics of the transducer, and the excitation voltage. Therefore, a resistor can be chosen which would give a change in output voltage equal b the output voltage change that takes place when a certain pressure is applied to the transducer. The calibration procedure is as follows: (a) Resistors are chosen which give a voltage change of about 75% full scale on each scale that will be used. (b) After the circuit has warmed up for 2 hours, -71- -U the voltage changes are determined for different known applied pressure changes at the unknown excitation voltage of about 6 volts. During the above, but between pressure increments, the voltage change due to adding the (c) calibration resistors to one arm of the circuit is measured. From the mV change/psi (from part b) (d) mV change for the resistor and the (from part c), one can determine the equivalent value of the resistor in psi. After the establishment of an equivalent psi for each resistor the transducer is calibrated for any desired excitation voltage. The equation expressing the transducer electrical output in terms of pressure has the following form: K P - P o = (mV m - mV ) (Weston Voltmeter) 1 AmVs where: mVm = millivolts measured at new pressure mV = millivolts measured prior to change in pressure AmVs = change in millivolts due to adding a calibration resistor K = equivalent psi of calibration resistor determined during calibration P = new or unknown pressure P0 = pressure at mV 1 reading (usually zero) or pressure before new increment of loading The equation takes into account the change in exciHowever, tation voltage from one test to another test. -72- in battery voltage. The procedure is outlined below. After the pressure change is applied, the calibration If the magnitude of the measured voltage changes, a new equation is started. example follows. mV )K1, where K At the start of the test P - P 0 o= An (mvm - resistor is continually checked. = Ke/AmVsl. If AmVsl changes, the pressure change equation becomes: P - P 1 = (mVm - mv2)K2, where K2 = K /AmVs2. mv2 is the mV reading when AmVsl is changed, and P is the computed pressure when AmVsl is changed. Although this method would take into account excitation voltages it would not have the accuracy of the calibration procedure explained previously because the voltmeter is not as accurate, and there is a human element in when one decides that AmVs has changed. The overall accuracy is approximately 0.5 psi when the excitation voltage can be measured, and about 1 psi when the Weston meter is used and the excitation voltage cannot be measured. Typical calibrations are presented in Tables II and III. It should be mentioned that pressure changes can be measured with a greater accuracy than these values. -73- ykemanic Diagram Fg. 07' pyi~co 67auge F PREs$URE - 0/APRA&1 .r a I 486Pv OF SMAIN WIRES 6vA r E C ltEc TR/CAL N CoaVNEcT/0N5 CALIOXATIOA/ Exc/rATroM -74- P-. PZ ttry Ve/feie Cimnme vs 1?me 0 510pw #m Vzday -5 uiva'ot- ft - O/ Psi /day ws 40 /4 AWtttvw mrafts cofnt are #vt, yvftr /Ot ocowet -for 80,0exi * I' -No 0 0 /00 300 200 ime 1* mig fes Appendix C LIST OF NOTATIONS K Coefficient of earth pressure at rest. 0 Ka Coefficient of active earth pressure. K Coefficient of passive earth pressure. p a3 Major principal stress. 03 Minor principal stress. a2 Intermediate principal stress. BBC Boston Blue Clay. Effective vertical stress. ah Effective horizontal stress. AH/H 0 Volumetric strain. vi 0 cm Pm v ) O.C.R. Overconsolidation (a Ia Maximum past pressure. a Ratio of the measured pressure to the applied pressure. Pm Pressure measured by transducer. Pa Assumed applied pressure to transducer. -76-