Safe compared to SAFER

Why do I feel so
attached to my
phone? I’m a baby!
Safe compared to SAFER
Student cell phone users check their
phones an average of one to five times
during class, even though 51% say that
cell phone use in class affects their ability to concentrate and the amount of
information that they receive during
The act of sending sexually explicit
messages or photos electronically,
primarily between cell phones.
20% of teens (13-19) and 33% of
young adults (20-26) have sent nude
or semi-nude photographs of themselves electronically. Additionally,
39% of teens and 59% of young adults
had sent sexually explicit text messages.
Say it with me...once something
is online, it is never private.
“Once something is online,
it is never private.”
When was the last time you
“Googled” yourself? Did you
like what you saw? Would an
employer? A parent? A child?
Do you use curse words? Do
you share with the world every
possible emotion you could be
feeling? Do you have friends
that do that?
Do you get annoyed at them?
Hmmm...what if my ex-boyfriend/
girlfriend starts circulating these
pictures around school or FB?!?!
Social Media and Stalking
It’s really easy to stalk people via their social media posts. If you want
your friends to know where you are, tell them. For more info, call the
Interpersonal Violence Prevention Coordinator (309) 298-2242 .
Stall Talk
Volume 13, Issue 18
Feb 13, 2012
I like social media and technology as much as anyone.
But once something is out there, it cannot be undone.
So I ask,
What’s so important that I need to share with my 3,000
friends? Or that I feel completely left out if I don’t know the
Twitter trends?
Internet addiction disorder refers to the problematic use of
the Internet, including the various aspects of its technology,
such as electronic mail (e-mail) and the World Wide Web.
Internet addiction disorder is not listed in the mental health
professional's handbook, the Diagnostic and Statistical
Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM)), but it has been
formally recognized as a disorder by the American
Psychological Association. Internet addiction resembles
other "process" addictions, in which a person is addicted to
an activity or behavior (including gambling, shopping, or
certain sexual behaviors) rather than a substance (moodaltering drugs, tobacco, food, etc.). People who develop
problems with their Internet use may start off using the
Internet on a casual basis and then progress to using the
technology in dysfunctional ways. Source:
Does the expression “technology addiction” seem odd?
How can someone be addicted to Facebook? Or texting? Or email? But we are! In 2011, More than 1/2 of
Americans said they would rather give up chocolate, alcohol AND caffeine for a week before parting temporarily
with their phones (myself included), according to a recent
survey by technology firm TeleNav. 1/3 would give up sex,
22% would give up their toothbrushes (versus 40% of
Top 5 Places
it is rude to
iPhone users, who evidently love their phone more than
“check” or
clean teeth) and 21% would rather go shoeless before sepalook at your
rating from a mobile phone. 66% percent sleep with their
Top 5 Places it is rude to
Smartphone's by their side. Source:
TALK on your phone
5. In an area near other people
3. In a meeting
4. In the car with a friend
There is a reason we need the “It Gets Better”
2. At the dinner
3. At the movies
Bullies are everywhere. Sometimes in
2. At the library
or in the mirror. And it’s easiest of
1. When engaging with a cashier 1. During any
all to be a bully in the cyber world where you can’t
face to face
see the other person or you can remain anonymous.
Be nice. And don’t say or type anything you
with another
wouldn’t say to a person’s face. And remember,
human being
Challenge: How many
we are ALL people who deserve respect.
times a day do you
look at your phone/
social media? Can
Stall Talk is brought to you by Students T.A.L.K. peer educators and Beu Health Center
you cut that number
Graduate Assistant Molly McKeogh. For more information, call 298-3225. For more health
info, visit For adaptive form, see Disability Support Services.