PFC/RR/82-1 DOE/ET/51013-28 UC20G Excitation of Quasielectrostatic Modes in a Magnetized Plasma by a Modulated Hollow E-Beam* by A. Ezzeddine and L.D. Smullin Plasma Fusion Center Research Laboratory of Electronics Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, MA 02139 January 1982 This work is supported by DOE Contract DE-AC02-78ET-51013. Excitatioii of Quasielectrostatic Modes in a Magnetized Plasma by a Modulated hollow E-Beam A. Ezzeddine and L. D. Smullin January 29, 1982 Plasma Fusion Center Research Laboratory of Electronics Massachusetts Institute oflTechnology PFC/RR-82-1 Abstract The power radiated into the modes of an infinite magnetized plasma by a modulated hollow electron beam is calculated for the cases of cold and wann plasmas. The beam is assumed to be sinusoidally density modulated and the induced fluctuating electric field is strong enough to quench any beam plasma interaction. Numerical results are presented for the power deposited into the plasma at frequencies near the lower hybrid frequency for different beam plasma parameters. 2 1. Introduction Several experiments were done in the past two decades to investigate the interaction between magnetized plasmas and modulated electron beams(--7). Hcating of the plasma near the ion cyclotron frequency was observed by Haas and Dandl (1967),Yatsui and Yamamoto (1969),and I Isich et al (1973). It should be mentioned that the plasmas used in these experiments had very small densities. Bhatnagar and Getty (1971),Kovnik and Kornilov (1974), and Zeidlits et al (1976) did observe strong heating near the lower hybrid frequency for plasmas that have densities of the order of 101 2 cm 3 . In this paper we investigate the heating of an infinite magnetized plasma using a hollow thin electron beam as shown in fig. 1. 11he electron beam is density modulated at a frequency near the lower hybrid resonance, and the beam density is assumed to have a sinusoidal periodicity in the z direction with wavelength equal to X;. We neglected the effects of the beam plasma instability near the plasma frequency since this instability is quenched by the induced low frequency field 6 - 7 ). In section 2 of this paper we found the excited quasiclectrostatic mode that is excited by the modulated beam in a cold plasma and in section 3 an expression for the power delivered to this mode is written. In section 4 the case of a warm plasma is considered and finally numerical results in section 5 are given for the power delivered to the lower hybrid mode for different beam and plasma parameters. 3 2. 'he Case of a Cold Plasma As shown in fig. I the magnetic field is in the ; direction. Due to the beam modulation an alternating current source will arise which will excite die plasma waves, this current has the following form: YI 0 6(r - a) exp(ikllz) J = (1) 22ra Where I is the amplitude of the alternating current, a is the beam radius, k1l = W/Vb, and vb is the beam velocity. The charge density of the beam is given by I0 Pb = (r - a) exp(ik 1 z) 27rav (2) From the divergence relation we have (3) (2V)= -Pb Hence E V,2 - e (4) P6 =lk 4 is the electrostatic potential. fA. the perpendicular plasma relative permittivity. f-1 the parallel plasma relative permittivity. W2~ __2___ -C S S 2 - 2 W - W(5) (5a) (5b) ePCW21~ Taking the Hankel transform of eq. 4 we have (EIk 2 4 + ellk~ = Pb (6) Where $(k±, z) = dr2wr4(r, z) Jo(k r) 4 (7) p(kj, z)= f dr2xrpb(r, z)Jo(kr) (8) Hence pb(ki, z) = -Jo(kaa) exp(ikljz) (9) z) ="Jo(k_ a) exp(ikllz) (.10) Vb Hence from (7) (9) . <(k-_, f0 Vb -Lk2 + 1101 k Finding the inverse Il-ankel transform q(r, z) = 1 fdk_ ** exp(iklz) foVeo k±LJo(kLr)Jo)(k-.a) ) 2 + 2? e k2 + elk We have two regions r > a and r < a i) r > a dkk Jo(kjr)Jo(kja) ek2 +e * k -_ 1k2 H ')(kLr)Jo(ka) 2 (12) k2 + ellk From (11) (12) O(r, z) = '0 j exp(ikliz) -~4wr -k _L Jo(kja)H(')(k_,r) 0okaH k ek + f-lk~ (3 (13) The integrand of eq. (13) has the asymptotic value ke ik_(r-a)/(ehk2 + f11k ) and by Jordan lemma the integral is equal to the residues of the poles lying in the upper half plane. Hence O(r, z) = H((kr)Jo(kpa) (14) k, is the solution to the dispersion relation k2F_ + kje11 = 0 ii) For r < a we get O(r, z) = 4f"' H )(ka)Jo(k,r) _ovb 5 (15) I 3. Power Delivered by the Bean We note from the dispersion relation that we have 1 k22 + eki = 0 And that kp can be either positive or negative for propagating waves. One way for choosing the excited mode is to assume that the plasma is lossy by introducing collisions between the particles of the plasma and then pick the mode that has always a positive imaginary part, this mode is a backward wave near the lower hybrid frequency. Hence the radiated power per unit length is dSEJ P = -Real (16) dS is an element of the cross sectional area P = Real j dr 2rr I'8(r - a) exp(-iklz)ikil $(r, z) Hence P = Real( kiH )(kpa)Jo(kpa)) (17) We should note that up to this point we neglected the effect of the radiation on the beam, in other words the beam is taken to be rigid which is not very obvious however if this radiation is only a fraction of the beam dc power when integrated over many wavelength P'Z << IdcVdc then our assumption is justified. 6 4. Modes in a Warni Plasma The dispersion relation in a warm infinite plasma is given by 9(w,kj) = k2+kii ± 100 j -00 00 00I dvjj f dv.L 27rvL kIvi k11 T, + OA" Cj, w -~nwcj -18 (18) Where j refers to the plasma species and 9(w, kL) = 0 The above equation is derived from the dispersion relation (k2 +k+ dv~f .)c~( b(k L,z) v Ij)D(k_,z) =- qf (19) 3 For zero external sources b = 0 we get the dispersion relation of eq. (18). Using eqs. (2) (19) we get I(ki, z) = 1 Jo(kja)exp(ikljz) 9(w, k_) EoVb (20) Hence O(r, z) = 00*dkf k Jo(kr)Jo(ka) ei *01 C-Ab fo 2r 9(w, k_,) (21) We know that for r>a the above integral can be written as O(r,z) = 10 dkL H(')(kLr)Jo(kLa) ( * exp(iklz) * dkk_ 2eovb T.o 7r 9(w, kj_) (22) Taking the residues of the poles in the upper half plane we get O(r,z) " exp(ikjz) 00 2eovb E k±)/kJo.kpa) 9 w k )/k (23) And similarly for r < a we get 4(r, z) = *- exp(ikljz) T oVb= k, (k±)Okpr) 8r(Wki)Iak | 7 (24) Again the power per unit length defined in eq.(16) can be written as follows for a warm plasma P -, 12 k .4vbf,e 00kR(H(kpa).J(k,,a) Real( k---k (W, P=1 k-L) /(k-L I (25) _= k, It can be shown that for(w - kivt,)/wej >> 1 the zeros of the dispersion relation occur in pairs which are the negative of each other complex conjugate when the waves are damped in the ; direction, consequently the contribution from the poles off the real axis is zero, and the power radiated is provided by those zeros lying on the real kp axis. In fig. 2 the locii of the propagating modes near the lower hybrid frequency are sketched one of these modes is a backward wave and the other is a forward wave ,most of the radiated power is delivered to the backward wave which is usually called the lower hybrid wave. 8 5. Numerical Results A computer program was written to calculate the power radiated into the lower hybrid mode in a plasma that has a Maxwellian distribution. The dispersion relation for tie infinite plasma can be written as follows: 9(w, kp) = 0 Where Wj 9(w, kl) = k + kl + E exp(-( )2) -(( We4 Wi ei I2 r" kvtj ))WZ(w (26) k(V26 Where vt,, vtj are the electron and ion thermal velocities respectively, we, we are the electron and ion cyclotron frequencies, I,, is the modified Bessel function of order n of the first kind, and Z is the plasia dispersion function. The power radiated increases as the square of the ac current I, ,hence the maximum radiation occurs when the current modulation is 100 %that is I. = Id. Putting the current equal to this value the ratio q of this maximum power radiation to the de power transported by the beam is given by Pmax Id.Vd, (27) Using eq.(25) S=-Real Putting I 9Vd k Ink VVcEo V =(w, M(kpa)Jo(kpa) k)|9k ,k,( (28) and k= w/vb we get Vc t7Rel(W ' 9=4v - Atle E k7,H(')(kva)Jo~ka Real(% &(w,k ka ) |k_ |9kLk, Hence ti =-,- 9w 4vbe,, 00 2e P= Real( 9 kHM(k a)Jo(k,a) &(w, kL)1,k_ |,k (29) Where 9 is the beam perveance, And ?7 is the ratio of the power radiated per unit length to the total power of the beam. We should note again that when the ratio of power radLated per unit wavelength (X = 2ir/kIi is large 27ril/k, >> 1 the above results are not accurate since the beam modulation would be damped in the z direction. In figs.(3-10) 27 is plotted for a variety of beam plasnia parameters. The beam perveance is taken to be 10-6 perv and the plasma is a hydrogen plasma with density equal to 10O2 c -3.In each of the above figures the real and imaginary parts of kj as well as the ratio q; are plotted versus frequency for the lower hybrid mode. Most of the radiated power goes to the lower hybrid mode, so we calculated the contribution of this mode only. As for the other modes more calculations are to be done. The results show considerable heating near the lower hybrid resonance and by changing the beam velocity then the magnetic field intensity we concluded that the heating goes up as the B field increases and by decreasing the beam velocity. The results where obtained for two temperatures and they show a decrease in heating efficiency as the plasma becomes warmer. 10 -------------- q 6. Suiniary In this paper the quasielectrostatic waves that are radiated by a modulated E-Beam in a magnetized plasma are analyzed and analytic formulce are given for the wave potentials for both cold and warm plasmas at frequencies near the lower hybrid resonance. It should be emphasized that the high frequency beam plasma interaction was neglected in the analysis and this is justifiable if the beam modulation is large enough such that the high frequency is quenched by the lower hybrid wave. The numerical results for the power radiated per unit length of the beam in a Maxwellian plasma show that the heating efficiency increases with increasing magnetic field intensity, that it decreases with increasing beam velocity and that the efliciency is lower for warmer plasmas. 11 References 1. H aas G.M.and Diandl R.A.(1967) Phys.Fluids,10,678 2. Yatsui K.and Yarnamoto Y.(1969) Phys.Lellers,30A,1.35 3. Haas G.M.and Eisner M.(1971) Phys.Fluids,14,606 4. Blhatnagar V.P.and.Getty W.D.(1971) sl Phys.Rcv.lectt.,26,1527 5. ilsich C.L.ct al (1973) Phys.fluids,1 6,2031 6. Kovnik O.F.and Kornilov F.A.(1974) Sov.Phys.-Tech. Phys.,18,1284 7. Zeidlits V.P.ct al (1976) Sov.Phys.--Tech.Phys.,21,356. 12 A R INFINITE PLASMA Al B A 2A z THIN HOLLOW BEAM FIGURE 1. V3 CYLINDRICALLY SYMMETRIC HOLLOW E-BEAM 3 0 3~0 U)w 0 a z z 0) 3U w Ia- Xox w -j 0 0 w 0 a 3 0 0 0 w -- -0 ww N x MIN 12:33:50 MWnday, 21st Septenber, 1981 0500 I TeTi- a n 1.0 eV 1.0 eV A- I.OE-4 0.1 T V/C0.1 "LH/C- 1.30568658 B- r y K Frequency 1.1 p 0 w R 0r K r .1 -2800 Frequency Frequency FIGURE 3 -R .L- MIN 12:35:26 bnday, 21st Septenber, 1981 r100 m Te= TiA- 1.0 eV 1.0 eV 1.OE-4 0.1 T 0.5 V/C= WIl/Ca 1.30568658 n a r y K 0, , . . . . g.ArB Frequency U IN'ES8 * .8 P 0 w r r R K 0 :800 n i 'lEA i Frequency Frequency FIGURE 4 AMIN 12:37:C9 Monday, 21st September, 1981 1800 I m 1.0 eV 1.0 eV TeTiA- n a r y K 1.0E-4 0.1 T 0.9 WLHi/C- 1.30568668 v/V/C- Frequency 3T I I I ' . 4ES p 0 w R e8 r K F I K 450 Frequency Frequency FIGURE 5 MIN 12:38:21 Monday, 21st Septepber, 1981 000 I m Te. TiA= BV/C. a r y K 1.0 eV 1.0 eV 1.OE-4 0.3 T 0.1 WLH/C- 2.99685428 Frequency ' ' I ' '2.'8E8 p 0 w 6 r r R I K , , , , :4500 Frequency A Frequency FIGURE 6 M4IN 12:47:21 Monday, 21st Septenber, 1981 [12000 I m 1.0 eV 1.0 eV TeTiABV/CWLH/C. fi a r y K S . . . . _......... . 1.OE-4 1.0 T 0.1 4.1870263 P.lFR Frequency 14 p 0 R r r i K I . -11000 . Frequency Frequency FIGURE 7 I . t s nra MIN 12:13:19 Monday, 21st Septetber, 1981 01200 I TeTiA0. V/C- n a 10.0 eV 10.0 eV 1.OE-4 0.1 T 0.1 VU/C- 1.30568658 r y K . . -. --. . . . F Frequency i 1.bta 0.45 K IF.equ -2000 Frequency . Frequency FIGURE 8 . 1 AMIN 12:20:54 Monday, 21st Septeober, 1981 Dam0 I mI To. TiA- n r y K B- 10.0 eV 10.0 eV 1.OE-4 0.3 T 0.1 UWVC- 2.99685428 V/C- A-FR Frequency 0 ' ' ' ' I 'I ' 16 4.5E8 p 0 R r r K 0 I :4500 Frequency Frequency FIGURE 9 - - Aira AMIN 12:26:00 Monday, 21st Septenter, 1981 000 I m Te TiABV/CWI/C- a r y K L . .. . . - 10.0 eV 10.0 eV 1.OE-4 1.0 T 0.1 4.1870263 -nFA Frequency 5.UE8 26 R p 0 w K r I 0r f, S -6500 Frequency Frequency FIGUE 10 - - nrA PFC BASE LIST INTERNAL MAILINGS (MIT) G. Bekefi 36-213 R.R. Parker NW16-288 A. Bers 38-260 N.T. Pierce NW16-186 D. Cohn NWI 6-250 P. Politzer B. Coppi 26-201 M. Porkolab 36-293 R.C. Davidson NW16-202 R. Post NW21 - T. Dupree 38-172 H. Praddaude NW14-3101 S. Foner NW14-3117 D. Rose 24-210 J. Freidberg 38-160 J.C. Rose NWl6-189 A. Gondhalekar NW16-278 R.M. Rose 4-132 M.D. Hoenig NW16-176 B.B. Schwartz NW14-5121 M. Kazimi NW12-209 R.F. Post NW21-203 L. Lidsky 38-174 L.D. Smullin 38-294 E. Marmar NW16-280 R. Temkin NW16-254 J. McCune 31-265 N. Todreas NW13-202 J. Meyer 24-208 J.E.C. 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