AN ABSTRACT OF THE THESIS OF Kiseol Nam for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Economics presented on June 21, 1996. Title: Import Competition and Strategic Group Behav­ ior. Redacted for Privacy Abstract approved- Victor J. Tremblay This study provides the model that first synthesizes strategic group theory with the New Empirical Industrial Organization (NEIO) approach in the international trade analysis, and uses the annual group data (1953 ­ 1988) from the U.S. brewing industry with two strategic groups (national producers and regional producers) in the presence of growing import competition. The main goal of study is to examine the impact of import and strategic group competition on strategic group behavior and market power in the U.S. brewing industry. Using the conjectural variation technique under the profit maximization assumption, the model estimates directly conjectural elasticities and the Lerner indexes incorporating firm behavior in competing with rivals from imports, and inside and outside each strategic group. conclusions. The thesis shows the main following Inside the group, national and regional brewers behave like Bertrand-type competitors and regional firms are more competitive than national firms. In the cross-group rivalry, national firms expect a cooperative response from regional brewers and regional firms expect an aggressive response from national producers. Holding possibly a sufficient niche market, import competition does not affect the behavior and market power of national and regional producers. As for over-all behavior, neither national nor regional firms behave like price-takers. National firms exert a significantly higher degree of market power than do regional firms, the market power of which appears to be harmed by national brewers. However, an average brewer exercises no market power in the industry as a whole. IMPORT COMPETITION AND STRATEGIC GROUP BEHAVIOR By Kiseol Nam A THESIS Submitted to Oregon State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy Completed June 21, 1996 Commencement June 1997 Doctor of Philosophy thesis Kiseol Nam presented June 21, 1996 APPROVED Redacted for Privacy Major Prof sor, represen 1g Economics Redacted for Privacy Chair of De rtment of E tiTmics Redacted for Privacy Dean of Gra ate School I understand that my thesis will become part of the permanent collection of Oregon State University libraries. My signiture below authorizes release of my thesis to any reader upon request. Redacted for Privacy Kiseol Nam, Author TABLE OF CONTENTS Page CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION I.1 1.2 1.3 1 The Purpose of Study The Significance of Study The Organization of Thesis 1 4 5 CHAPTER II: MARKET STRUCTURE-INTERNATIONAL TRADE RELATIONSHIP AND STRATEGIC GROUPS 6 II.1 Market Structure, Performance and International Trade 11.1.1. Theoretical Studies 11.1.2. Empirical Studies 6 6 10 11.2 Strategic Groups 11.2.1. The Concept of Strategic Groups 11.2.2. Empirical Studies of Strategic Groups 12 12 13 CHAPTER III: THEORETICAL CONSIDERATIONS III.1 The 111.1.1. 111.1.2. 111.1.3. 111.1.4. 17 Theory of Oligopolistic Competition Oligopolistic Pricing of the Firm The Conjectural Variation and Market Behavior Conjectural Elasticities and Market Behavior The Derivation of Market Power 19 19 21 22 22 111.2 Strategic Groups and Competition 111.2.1. Competition in a Strategic Group Setting 111.2.2. Cross-Group Competition in the U.S. Brewing Industry 111.2.3. Import Competition and Strategic Groups 111.3 The Theoretical Model 111.4 Theoretical Interpretations of Strategic Group Behavior 111.4.1. The Own-Conjectural Elasticity 111.4.2. The Cross-Conjectural Elasticity 111.4.3. The Index of Market Power CHAPTER IV: THE EMPIRICAL MODEL IV.1 New Empirical Industrial Organization (NEIO) IV.2 The Empirical Model 1V.2.1. The Demand Side IV.2.2. The Supply Side IV.3 Expected Empirical Results CHAPTER V: EMPIRICAL RESULTS V.1 Review of the Empirical Model V.2 Econometric Concerns and Tests V.2.1. Contemporaneous Correlation Test V.2.2. Endogeniety Test of Imports and Advertising . 23 23 25 26 27 32 32 33 36 37 37 40 41 42 46 50 50 52 52 53 TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued) Page V.2.3. Autocorrelation Tests V.3 Estimation Results V.3.1. Firm Behavior inside the Strategic Group V.3.2. Firm Behavior across Strategic Groups V.3.3. The Impact of Import Competition on Strategic Group Behavior V.3.4. Overall Group Behavior V.3.5. Market Power by Strategic Group V.4 Alternative Models 54 56 58 59 60 63 63 67 CHAPTER VI: SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS 72 BIBLIOGRAPHY 75 APPENDIX 82 LIST OF FIGURES Figures Page II-1 Relationship between Imports and Monopoly Power 8 11-2 Relationship between Exports and Monopoly Power 9 LIST OF TABLES Page Tables III-1 Import Growth Rates and Shares in the U.S. Beer Market 18 111-2 Various Measures of Market Behavior and Power 24 111-3 Various Measures of Own- and Cross-Group Behavior 35 IV-1 Summary of Expected Empirical Results 49 V-1 Parameter Estimates of Primary Model 57 V-2 The Estimates of Market Power 65 V-3 Alternative Model (T) 69 V-4 Alternative Model (T72) 70 V-5 Alternative Model (D72) 71 TITLE: IMPORT COMPETITION AND STRATEGIC GROUP BEHAVIOR. CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION International trade economists, in both their theoretical and empirical models, have long attempted to explain why international trade takes place between countries. In the traditional Ricardian and the Heckscher-Ohlin (H-0) models, international trade is driven by differ­ ences in the comparative advantage of production due to the difference in resources and technology across countries. In these models, perfect competition is assumed, so that all profits are always competed away in the long run. In practice, however, many industries are characterized by imper­ fect competition where the assumption of price-taking behavior is inappropriate. In an imperfectly competitive industry, a few firms can enjoy monopoly profits by setting the prices of their products. This may increase the degree of linkages with international competition. Therefore, there may exist a significant relationship between market structure and international trade in an imperfectly competitive setting. Proper understanding of this relationship has required a new framework of theoretical analysis and empirical research. As a result, industrial organization and international trade has merged into a new field of study, which produces a range of new argu­ ments about international trade and market structure. During the last twenty years, great progress has been made in this new field, that has enriched both areas with new empirical and theoretical insights and has provided new tools of research. I.1 The Purpose of Study One of the interesting issues in this new field is to look at the relationship between import competition and domestic market power by 2 extending the Structure-Conduct-Performance(SCP) analysis to an open economy setting. 1 Based on the belief that international linkages can affect domestic market structure, a large body of empirical work has introduced measures of international variables in ad hoc reduced form equations of profits, concentration, and other structural or performance dimensions. Examples include works by L. Esposito and F. Esposito (1971), Pagoulatos and Sorensen (1976), Pugel (1978, 1980), Marvel (1980), Jacquemin (1982), Melo and Urata (1986), and Rosenbaum and Reading (1988). These studies find in general that import competition places a substantial limit on domestic market power, that simultaneously provides a powerful incentive to import competition. The theory of strategic groups has recently emerged to enrich the conventional theory of entry barriers.2 Numerous empirical studies demonstrate that strategic groups are present in many U.S. industries including the brewing: Hatten and Schendel (1977), Tremblay (1985, 1987, 1993), and Carroll and Swaminathan (1992) for the brewing industry, and Newman (1978), Porter (1979), and Oster (1982) for others. This theory argues that firms within the same industry may differ in a wide variety of ways because they may differ in goals and/or con­ straints (i.e. skills, resources, goals or risk posture, and other market and strategic conditions). They may face different demand and supply conditions, which may produce asymmetric rivalry from competi­ Market power may vary by strategic group if protected by differ­ tors. 1 The basic concept of the SCP model suggests that an industry's performance depends on the conduct of sellers and buyers, which depends on the structure of the industry. The structure, in turn, depends on basic industry conditions, such as technology and demand for the product. For example, the industry structure tends toward monopoly if the firm has technology such that the average cost of production falls as output increases or if the demand for the firm's product is relatively inelastic. This model was developed at Harvard by Edward S. Mason, his colleagues and students such as Joe S. Bain (Carlton and Perloff (1990), pp. 2-3). 2 The theory of strategic groups is basic to this study and will be discussed completely in chapter II. The conventional theory of entry barriers originates from Joe S. Bain (1956), assumes that firms in the same industry are homogeneous in strategies and performances, and focuses on barriers against entrants from outside of the industry. 3 ent levels of mobility barriers [Caves and Porter (1977)].3 This implies that the impact of competition on market behavior and power may differ by group. Thus, the incorporation of strategic group theory into the SCP analysis will provide for additional implications to the relationship between the competition and market power. It will be, therefore, very interesting to examine how import and strategic group competition affect domestic market power in the strate­ gic group model. This study is motivated by the fact that there has been no research on the impact of import competition on market power when two or more strategic groups exist within an industry. This thesis will develop and estimate an empirical model of the U.S. brewing indus­ try which includes growing import competition and the presence of national and regional strategic groups.4 The primary goal of this thesis is to examine the following: (1) How do import and strategic group competition affect the behavior of national and regional U.S. brewing producers? (2) To what extent do national and regional U.S. brewing producers have market power? 3 Mobility barriers are defined as economic factors such as economies of scale, product differentiation, switching costs, cost advantages, access to distribution channels, capital requirements, and government policy that deter the movement of firms from one strategic position to This concept provides the first major reason why some firms in another. an industry will be persistently more profitable than others [Porter (1980), pp. 132-134]. 4 Previous research verifies that two or more strategic groups exist in the U.S. brewing industry. For example, Tremblay (1985, 1987) presents evidence of two strategic groups, national and regional producers. Hatten and Schendel (1977) and Hatten and Hatten (1985) find that the brewing Chapter II reviews more consists of three or more strategic groups. Elzinga extensively the strategic groups in the U.S. brewing industry. (1992) indicates that imported beer has shown rapid growth and has become an increasingly important feature of the U.S. brewing industry along with Therefore, it can no longer be the changes in beer market structure. ignored in the market structure of the U.S. brewing: on a volume basis, imported beers have increased since 1970, growing at an increase rate of 578 % between 1974 and 1988, even though the percent of market share by During the imports in U.S. are still small with about 4.8% as of 1988. Import growth period, imports maintained an average growth rate of 14%. climbed to double figures eight out of twelve years between 1975 and 1988. <Table III-1> shows details. 4 1.2 The Significance of Study Interindustry studies using the SCP approach have come under criticism concerning the robustness of their results, the often ad hoc nature of model specification, variable measurement problems, and the absence of institutional details at the industry level inherent in a large cross-section of diverse industries [Pagoulato (1992), p. 37]. As a result, the New Empirical Industrial Organization (NEIO) approach was developed to eliminate these weaknesses (Bresnahan (1989) and Perloff (1992)].5 This paper synthesizes the NEIO method with strategic group theory in order to provide for more accurate empirical results. That is, specifying and estimating demand functions and supply relations by group, the synthesized model can measure market behavior and power by strategic group that directly involves the degree of competition inside and outside the group. Consequently, one can examine more closely over group level how the import and strategic group competition influence market behavior and power. Several studies integrate the NEIO method into international trade analysis: Yamawaki (1986), Domowitz, Hubbard and Petersen (1986), Karp and Perloff (1989), Buschena and Perloff (1991), and Aw (1991, 1992). However, no previous studies have attempted to synthesize the NEIO approach with strategic group theory in the study of international trade. Thus, the contribution of this paper is that it represents the first synthesis of the NEIO with strategic group theory to analyze the impact of import competition on market conduct and power by group in a particular industry. 5 This method typically uses pooled data at firm level to estimate structural econometric models based on optimization behavior for the purpose of directly estimating the market behavior or power. This method was pioneered by Appelbaum (1979, 1982) and has been surveyed most recent­ ly by Bresnahan (1989). Chapter II describes the concept of the NEIO, and chapter V introduces the stylized model of Bresnahan (1989). 5 1.3 The Organization of Thesis Following this introductory chapter, the remaining chapters are organized as follows. Chapter II reviews the relevant theoretical and empirical research on SCP analysis of international trade and the theory of strategic groups. this study. Chapter III provides a theoretical framework for The concept of strategic groups is incorporated for the model, and the competition between strategic groups and imports are dis­ cussed. The model allows for the empirical estimation of market behavior and power by strategic group. Chapter IV presents the specifi­ cation of the empirical model, which is based on the theoretical frame­ work developed in Chapter III. It discusses the estimation techniques and the main expected empirical results. Chapter V presents the econometric results and discusses alternative specifications. Chapter VI presents a summary of significant findings and conclusions of the study. 6 CHAPTER II: MARKET STRUCTURE-INTERNATIONAL TRADE RELATIONSHIP AND STRATEGIC GROUPS The preliminary ideas for this study originate from incorporating strategic group theory into the SCP paradigm of international trade. The main goal is to examine how import and strategic group competition affects domestic market behavior and power. Therefore, this chapter will provide a complete description of the SCP paradigm as it relates to international trade and of strategic group theory. II.1 Market Structure, Performance and International Trade 11.1.1. Theoretical Studies Several authors show how international trade is interrelated with domestic monopoly power. 6 They assume that a domestic monopolist faces foreign competition and that domestic and foreign goods are homogeneous. For simplicity, the domestic country is assumed to be small, which implies that the monopolist cannot affect the world price and import supply curve is perfectly elastic.7 They conclude that exports and imports can be stimulated by monopoly profits, and simultaneously, international competition can reduce the market power exerted by a monopolist in the domestic market. To illustrate, consider Figure II-1 where DD is the domestic demand curve, and MC is the industry marginal cost curve which will be the domestic supply curve if the market is perfectly competitive. Let P be the world price of the goods, and Pc be the domestic equilibrium price at perfect competition. With no foreign or domestic competition, the monopolist would choose the monopoly profit-maximizing level of output White (1974) 6 See Bhagwati (1965) and White (1974), for example. extends Bhagwati's (1965) model by considering the presence of uncertain­ ties in import price that may be created by the unexpected changes in foreign exchange rates, foreign price and costs, and transportation costs. 7 Marvel (1980) presents that the analysis results are the same even though the country is assumed large enough to affect the world price and the import supply curve is not perfectly elastic. 7 Qm and price With With foreign competition, however, consumers would buy the cheaper imports, so that the best the monopolist could do would be to produce at the point where marginal cost is equal to Pw at Qf. is, the modified MR curve is perfectly elastic along P. demanded by domestic consumers will be Df. will import DfQf. That The quantity As a result, the country Thus, the price charged by the monopolist will be This implies that imports put a limit on lower with free trade. domestic market power. Alternatively, let us consider the effect of domestic market power on imports. In Figure II-1, the country will import QfDf at the world price (Pw) if the domestic market is perfectly competitive. But the country will have the threat of increasing imports if the domestic market is dominated by a monopolist, since the monopolist charges the- higher price than Pw and Pc at This This implies that the domestic monopolist will leave more room for imports, and the country will have a greater likelihood of import competition, the greater degree of market power exerted by the monopolist. Thus, imports are more likely to enter the domestic market under a monopoly than under a competitive regime. Finally, consider the effect of domestic market power on exports. In Figure 11-2, if the world price (Pw) is higher than Pc, then the country will be a net exporter and will export QxDx in the case of perfect competition. If the domestic market is dominated by a monopo­ list, then the exports will be increased by the difference of Qm and Dx at Pm. However, this situation will be possible only if the monopolist can discriminate the foreign market from the domestic market. That is, the monopolist will charge the higher price, Pm, in the domestic market, but will charge the lower price, Pw, in the foreign market. as dumping in the export market. This is defined If it fails to discriminate between markets, the monopolist will be unable to exert monopoly power and will behave as a perfect competitor. Thus, the impact of market power on exports appears less obvious than the case of imports. 8 <Figure II-1> Relationship between Imports and Monopoly Power P MC D Pm Pc Pw Qf Qm Df Q 9 <Figure 11-2> Relationship between Exports and Monopoly Power MC P Pm POI Pc R Qm Ox Dx 0 10 11.1.2. Empirical Studies For over thirty years, the predominant approach in industrial organization has been the Structure-Conduct-Performance (SCP) paradigm which holds that market structure influences conduct, which, in turn, influences market performance. Initially, the SCP analysis tended to rely mostly on partial-equilibrium and closed-economy models. But, these models are inadequate where foreign competition is important. Thus, they have been extended to account for foreign trade. The SCP analysis of international trade focuses on the interaction of foreign trade with domestic market structure and power. The empiri­ cal evidence confirms that domestic market structure, conduct and market power are influenced negatively by foreign competition, and that domestic market power influences positively foreign entry into a domestic market. In an early study, L. Esposito and F. Esposito (1971) examine the effects of imports on domestic profits in oligopoly markets. They observe that imports have a negative impact on domestic profits in both consumer and producer goods markets. They conclude that imports are the most influencing factor in limiting domestic market power in an imper­ fectly competitive market. Pagoulatos and Sorensen (1976) indicate that variables of market structure such as market concentration, economies of scale, and product differentiation influence both import and export activities. Pugel (1978, 1980) and Marvel (1980) extend this work by control­ ling for simultaneity. Pugel (1978, 1980) examines the effects of international trade on domestic market power. He observes that import competition limits domestic market power, and this effect is more prominent in less competitive markets. Marvel (1980) estimates the determinants of both trade flows and market power. His model predicts that the elasticity of the residual demand faced by domestic producers, which depends on the elasticities of both import supply and domestic total demand for the goods, is an important element in explaining the 11 domestic import share. His empirical results indicate that imports are influenced by both domestic profits and market structure. More specifi­ cally, an increase in market power and concentration affects imports, and imports have a negative effect on domestic profits which appears larger in concentrated industries. Jacquemin (1982) indicates that imports interact, not only with domestic concentration, but also with the supply elasticity of imports in reducing domestic profits. In the monopoly case, domestic costs affect significantly the level of imports under the assumption of small open economy. a In an oligopoly case, the negative effect of imports on domestic profits is stronger, the more concentrated the industry or the less elastic the domestic demand. But, the relationship becomes more complicated if the assumption of perfectly inelastic supply of imports is dropped. Melo and Urata (1986) examine the effects of trade liberalization on market structure and performance for Chilean manufacturing. They find that trade liberalization substantially increases concentration and reduces domestic profitability. Rosenbaum and Reading (1988) use cross- section, time-series data to analyze the portland cement industry. They confirm that import share increases significantly with an increase in concentration, an increase in capacity utilization, and for higher marginal costs. That is, the seller concentration and domestic ineffi­ cient production technology in a single industry have a positive impact on import share of total domestic production. On the export side, Pugel (1978, 1980) and Marvel (1980) confirm that the relationship between exports and market structure is ambiguous. Pugel (1980) argues that, even in the case of price discrimination between domestic and export market, the weighted average profits may increase or decrease, since the profits may fall in one market while the profits may rise in the other market. Applying the New Empirical Industrial Organization (NEIO) approach to international trade issues has been recently popularized because of 12 dissatisfaction with the SCP analysis on both conceptual and empirical grounds. The NEIO estimates structural econometric models based on optimization behavior for the purpose of determining market performance. This approach evaluates the presence of market power in specific industries by specifying demand and cost functions, and hypotheses about strategic interactions among participants in the market. The indices of conduct and performance are treated as parameters to be estimated rather than observed from accounting data. Several studies attempt to integrate the NEIO approach into international trade analyses. For example, Yamawaki (1986) suggests that foreign market structure, pricing behavior, and exporters' reaction functions influence export pricing decisions by domestic exporters. Domowitz, Hubbard and Petersen (1986) provide the evidence that the relationship between concentration and domestic market power can be better explained by inclusion of import competition into the model. Karp and Perloff (1989) also estimate the market power of the rice export market by using a dynamic oligopoly model. Buschena and Perloff (1991) estimate the extent of market power and examine the effects of legal and institutional changes on the market power of a dominant firm. Aw (1991, 1992) quantifies the effects of VER (Voluntary Export Re­ straint) on exports and estimates the mark-ups of quality-differentiated export markets in the Taiwanese footwear industry. 11.2 Strategic Groups 11.2.1. The Concept of Strategic Groups Strategic group theory extends the conventional SCP model, which assumes that all firms in the same industry behave in similar ways. According to Porter (1980, p. 129), a strategic group is defined as follows: A strategic group is the group of the firms in an industry following the same or a similar strategy along the strategic dimension. 13 Firms in the same industry may differ in goals and/or constraints, so that the firms' strategies would differ in a variety of ways. There­ fore, these strategic differences can allow for a mapping of firms within an industry into one or more strategic groups. Caves and Porter (1977) show that the stable difference in market performances of firms in the same industry can be attributed to the presence of mobility barriers, entry barriers specific to a strategic group. 8 The firms in the same strategic group generally resemble one another closely along important strategic dimensions. In the process, mobility barriers may grow between the strategic groups and prevent firms from shifting from one strategic group to another.9 As a result, the market structure and power may differ by group, depending on the height of mobility barriers, by which each strategic group is protected. This implies that there may be a persistent difference in the perfor­ mance among firms in an industry. Subsequently, the impact of import competition on domestic market conduct and power may differ by group. Thus, the strategic group theory can enrich the conventional SCP analysis of international trade which assumes that all domestic firms in an industry behave in the same way against foreign competition. 11.2.2. Empirical Studies of Strategic Groups There is a large body of literature that shows the conventional theory of entry barriers is not adequate to explain why performance differs persistently for different groups of firms within the same 8 There have been other views on the reasons why the performance For example, Brozen (1971) argues that the difference in firm performance is due to long-run dis­ equilibrium, and Demsetz (1973) argues that it is due to different success differs across the firms in the same industry. rates. 9 Caves and Porter (1977), Porter (1979), and Tremblay (1985, 1993) argue that the presence of strategic groups will not guarantee the presence of mobility barriers and will not necessarily cause differences in firm performance. For example, Hallagan and Joerding (1983) find that strategic groups could exist without mobility barriers and performance But, the presence of mobility barriers will lead to the differences. formation of strategic groups and cause performance differences. 14 industry. For example, Caves and Porter (1977) provide the descriptive foundation for empirical studies of strategic groups. They contend that a single industry contains mobility barriers, barriers specific to a strategic group, that are not all the same. Thus, barriers to entry into an industry are not clear-cut and simple when the concept of mobility barriers is combined, but are quite sophisticated and specific to the new firms entering the group in the industry. Newman (1978) tests hypotheses about the influence of strategic groups on an industry's profitability over a sample of producer-good industries. He verifies the concepts of strategic groups and mobility barriers by showing that profits vary systematically by group. Porter (1979) explains why persistent differences exist in firm profits and corporate strategies in a single industry by presenting the results of a test that examines the structural determinants of profit­ ability for firms differently situated within their industries. He argues that the firm's profit in a single industry is determined by the interaction of various factors within as well as outside the strategic group. Porter (1979) finds several important reasons why the theory of strategic groups is an indispensable element in the SCP analysis. First, the low correlation between leaders' and followers' profits implies that the firm's profit depends on group as well as industry structure. Second, concentration ratios, the number of firms, and a firm's market share are positively related with leaders' profits, but are negatively related with followers' profits. Third, growth and capital requirements are positively related with the followers' profits and the industry advertising-to-sales ratio is positively related with the leaders' profits. Oster (1982) finds that the advertising strategy of high advertis­ ers is easier to change than for low advertisers. Her proposition is that mobility barriers affect the difference in variability rather than the level of profits between groups, such that high advertisers experi­ ence less variable profits than low advertisers. Finally, she verifies 15 the existence of a difference in profit functions between the groups and suggests that the strategic group model is superior to the SCP model. Tang and Thomas (1992) argue that firms competing with one another in a single industry tend to follow similar strategies and then form strategic groups. They indicate that the number and size of strategic groups depend on the height of strategic differentiation, which would determine the degree of mobility barriers in the industry. argue that strategic groups are And they more likely to exist when strategic differentiation and mobility barriers are relatively modest. There have been many studies discussing the presence of strategic groups in the U.S. brewing industry. For example, Hatten and Schendel (1977) test and find evidence to support the hypothesis that there exist more than one strategic group in the U.S. brewing industry. They use a Chow test and Johnson Cluster techniques to empirically classify firms into different groups. They regress firm profitability on market conduct and structure variables and identify six strategic groups in the brewing industry. They argue that, under the assumption of homogeneity, the regression estimates over a whole industry using pooled cross- sectional and time-series data might reduce the generality and reliabil­ ity in explaining the firm's profit by market conduct and structure variables. Therefore, the strategic group model provides a more accurate estimate of the relationship between the profit and conduct- structure variables. More recently, Tremblay (1985, 1987, 1993), and Carroll and Swaminathan (1992) verify that the U.S. brewing industry is composed of two or more strategic groups, although they have different views concerning the classification of strategic groups in the brewing industry. 10 Following Caves and Porter (1977), Tremblay (1985, 1987, 1993) classifies U.S. brewers into national and regional groups between 10 Tremblay (1993) argues that Carroll and Swaminathan (1992) mis­ interpret the implications of strategic group theory and ignore several potentially important variables, such as advertising, technological changes, and income, in their empirical analysis. 16 1950 and 1980. The reason is that there are significant mobility barrlers between the national and regional groups. During this period, the number of national brewers (Anheuser-Busche, Miller, Schlitz, and Pabst) remained constant, while the number of regional brewers drasti­ cally declined. Tremblay (1985) verifies empirically that demand and cost structures differ across these two groups, implying that two strategic groups exist in the U.S. beer industry. Carroll and Swaminathan (1992) attempt to integrate organizational ecology theory with the theory of strategic groups. They use organiza­ tional form to classify brewers into three strategic groups: mass producers, microbrewers, and brewpubs. Meanwhile, there have been also several additional empirical studies on the degree of competition across strategic groups in the U.S. brewing industry. Hatten, Schendel and Cooper (1978) and Schendel and Patton (1978) prove that there exists significant competition between strategic groups in the U.S. brewing industry; specifically small regional firms compete in different markets against the national brewers. To summarize the results described above, import competition places a substantial limit on domestic market power, and at the same time, market power can encourage import competition. relationship between exports and market power. Less clear is the It is also evidenced that strategic groups are present in many industries and are a key factor in determining market structure, behavior and power. These results imply that if the SCP model incorporates the theory of strategic group, it provides for more fruitful results of relationship between imports and market power in theoretical and empirical grounds. Unfortu­ nately, there has been no research using the incorporated SCP model of international trade. 17 CHAPTER III: THEORETICAL CONSIDERATIONS In this chapter, a theoretical model is developed which will be the cornerstone for the empirical model of the next chapter. In the U.S. brewing industry, the number of firms has decreased significantly and a handful of survivors has grown in size during the post World-war II period. For example, about 335 brewing firms exited industry between 1950 and 1983 [Tremblay and Tremblay (1988)]. The main reasons for these changes can be attributed to horizontal mergers, growing economies of scale, increasing entry barriers, and product differentiation by vigorous advertising efforts in the market [Elzinga (1992), and Tremblay and Tremblay (1988)]. In addition, the quantity of imported beer into the U.S. market has grown by 578% from 1,386 thousand barrels in 1974 to 9,399 thousand bar­ rels in 1988. With a 1988 market share of 4.75%, the import sector can no longer be ignored. Now that import competition has become a signifi­ cant element of the U.S. beer market, its impact on domestic market behavior and power seems worthy of study. In Elzinga's (1992, p.232) words concerning imported beer, presently, the most promising source of new competition is the importation of beer, .. ... Imported beer no longer can be discounted as insignificant. The import shares and growth rates in the U.S. brewing industry are presented in Table III-1. With these changes in structure, the beer market is characterized as an oligopolisticly competitive domestic market with international competition. The focus of the structural analyses in prior work has been on the U.S. brewing industry as a whole, and at this level the analysis raises numerous implications for market structure and competition. However, a large body of literature finds that two or more strategic groups exist in the U.S. brewing industry. For this reason, the analysis of the competition and market power for the U.S. brewing should incorporate 18 <Table III-1> Import Growth Rates and Shares in the U.S. Beer Market (31 Year Imports(A) 1,386 1,679 2,386 2,546 3,461 4,443 4,568 5,182 5,755 6,314 7,204 7,917 8,838 9,364 9,399 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 Note) Data are available (March 16, 1992). gallon barrels Total Output(B) Import Share(A/B) 156,147 160,599 163,657 170,508 179,657 184,188 194,086 193,687 194,349 195,123 193,021 193,308 196,499 195,420 198,025 0.89 1.05 1.46 1.49 1.93 2.41 2.35 2.68 2.96 3.24 3.73 4.10 4.50 4.79 4.75 from Brewers Almanac (various in thousands, %) Import Growth Rates - 19.2 35.1 6.5 30.7 25.0 2.8 13.4 10.5 9.3 13.2 9.4 11.0 5.8 0.3 issues) and Modern Brewery Age 19 strategic group theory and include import competition. organized into five sections. This chapter is In the next section, the theory of oligopolistic competition is discussed using a conjectural variation The second section discusses import and rival group competi­ approach. tion in a strategic group setting. The third section develops the theoretical model to examine the impact of import and strategic group competition on strategic group behavior and market power. 111.1. The Theory of Oliqopolistic Competition In this section, the theory of oligopolistic competition will be briefly discussed before presenting the theoretical model. In an oligopoly market where strategic interactions predominate, the firm makes strategic decisions with respect to pricing, marketing, and production policies based on explicit consideration of the actions and reactions of other firms in the market. The model uses the conjectural variation method which considers firm i's conjecture about rivals' behavior.11 It summarizes the strategic interactions among the oligo­ polistic firms. For simplicity, output is assumed to be the only strategic variable to develop an oligopolistic pricing equation of the Regarding output competition, each firm's decision to maximize firm. profits depends on the output reaction of other firms in the market. III.1.1. Oligobolistic Pricing of the Firm Suppose that we have a market with n firms producing homogeneous goods and that all input markets are perfectly competitive. Let us assume that the goal of firm i is to maximize profit with respect to output. Then firm i's profit is defined as: See Bresnahan (1989), Binger and Hoffman (1988), and Nicholson The for the good discussions of conjectural variation theory. major alternative to conjectural variation models is game theory. The conjectural variation approach will be used in this study because it is easy to apply in empirical research. See Schmalensee (1990) for a just­ ification of this approach and its relation to game theory. (1989) 20 ( 1 Hi ) Q_ p(qi ( qi ) qi Ci ( qi ) where ni is firm i's profit, P is market price as a function of (gi + Q_i) = total industry output where gi is output quantity of firm i, Q., = the output of all firms except firm i, is firm i's total cost, and C1 n firms. i = 1 The first order condition to this problem is:12 an- aP P aP a (2- i I MC qi - , -FcIT (2) MR- E P + aP MC 7g7i qi where MRi is marginal revenue of firm i, MCi is marginal cost of firm i, aP/agi is the slope of the inverse market demand curve facing firm i, Q_ is the output of all firms except firm i, 8Q_i/8qi is a conjectural variation, which represents firm i's expectation concerning the output reaction of its rivals with respect to changes in its own output. Furthermore, observe from equation (2) that firm i maximizes profit by equating marginal cost with marginal revenue. Unlike perfect competition, however, marginal revenue in equation (2) is composed of the price and mark-up effect, (OP/8qi + (8P/8Q_0(8Q_i/aqi)]qi. The mark-up term can be interpreted as the portion of market price being set above marginal cost. If we solve equation (2) for the market price, then P =MC­ (3) = MC- aP [-5T 8P aP aQ-i qi + aP qi 12 The second-order condition of profit maximization is assumed to hold. 21 where 0. = aQ /aq can be defined as the conjectural variation. From i equation (3), note that the pricing behavior of firm i depends on two main effects: the marginal cost facing firm i, and the size of the mark­ up effect. The mark-up effect involves the slope of the inverse market demand curve facing firm i (aP/aqi) and other firms (aP/aQ_i), the index of conjectural variation of firm i (00, and the output quantity of firm i (qi). 111.1.2. The Conjectural Variation and Market Behavior The size of the mark-up effect equals the portion of the price above marginal cost and will be affected by changes in the conjectural variation for price-making firms. Therefore, the relationship between conjectural variations and market conduct can be derived. That is, O. = 0 implies Cournot behavior, where other firms are assumed to hold their output level fixed when firm i changes its output level. If ei = -1, it implies Bertrand behavior where other firms hold their prices constant no matter what level firm i sets its price.13 If ei = n-1 (n = the number of firms), then a cartel solution results where the firms collude to produce the output level that maximizes joint profits. Following Bresnahan (1989), the first-order condition [equation (2)] can be written in the form: 7p (4) MR1 laP aQ)cr -MC; = 0, 7TS5-2 +l (7Q P = MCi aQ ) qi MCA Cqi gqi li = aQ/aqi or is equal to 1 + ei, and Q where (1989), p. 1027]. 13 Q.1 + qi [Bresnahan The mark-up effect is now A;(aP/aQ)qi. Cournot In the Bertrand model, firms set price rather than output. Bertrand equilibrium is equivalent to a competitive equilibrium. The 22 behavior exists when 1i = I, Bertrand behavior exists when Xi = 0 and cartel behavior exists when X. = n. 111.1.3. Conjectural Elasticity and Market Behavior In elasticity form, equation PL1 + (5) (4) can be transformed to: 2fNqi.? dQ dqi PQ =MC­ bil P 1 + = MCi EIIJI where 5, = (aQ/aqi)(qi/Q) = Xi(qi/Q) is the conjectural elasticity, and E = (aQ/aP)(P/Q) is the price elasticity of industry demand. Note that the conjectural elasticity is composed of the conjectural variation term (aQ/aqi) and the market share of the firm i (qi/Q). Now, Cournot behavior (Xi = 1) implies that the conjectural elas­ ticity equals the market share of firm i. Under Bertrand competition (Xi = 0), the conjectural elasticity is equal to 0. Under pure monopoly (Q = qi), the conjectural elasticity is equal to 1. Under cartel behavior (Xi = n), the conjectural elasticity is equal to n(qi/Q). 14 111.1.4. The Derivation of Market Power A Lerner-type index of market power can be derived from the first order condition. The Lerner index, which is defined as (P - MC)/P where P is market price and MC is marginal cost, measures the degree to which firm i elevates price above marginal cost. Therefore, it will be 0 under Bertrand competition, and it will increase with an upper bound at 1, the more market power a firm exercis­ es. Given its definition, the oligopoly Lerner index (Li) can be writtenasafunctionof&and E from equation (5) as: 14 If all firms are of equal size, then qi/Q = 1/n and the conjectural elasticity = 1 23 P -MCi (6) 6; Lis P E From equation (6), the degree of market power depends on the combined effects of the conjectural elasticity (5) of firm i and the price elasticity of market demand (e). Therefore, one can see how firm behavior affects exerted market power. As firms behave more competi­ tively or as the price elasticity of demand increases, the Lerner index falls, that is, there is less exerted market power. These different measures of market power under the three standard behavioral assumptions (Bertrand, Cournot, and cartel) are summarized in Table 111-2. 111.2 Strategic Groups and Competition 111.2.1. Competition in a Strategic Group Setting The theory of strategic groups implies that the degree of competi­ tion or market power may vary by group within an industry. Some strategic groups may specialize in serving narrowly-defined niches of customers without competing directly with rival strategic groups. Others may have more vigorous competition with rivals in serving similar markets. For example, Porter (1979, p.218) states: The impact of strategic groups on industry rivalry depends on three factors that also hold the key to the rivalry of particular groups with each other: the number and size distribution of groups, the strategic dist­ ance between groups and the market inter­ dependence among groups. Thus, strategic groups are comprised of firms that may compete for the same customers in different ways. A particular market segment could be served by more than one strategic group. The products of a group may sometimes be substitutable for the products of another group as far as a particular customer is concerned. Thus, the presence of strategic groups implies that firms in the industry may face different degree of competition, depending upon their group affiliation. In addition to the intergroup dependence, asymmetric mobility barriers between strategic 24 <Table 111-2> Various Measures of Market Behavior and Power Behavioral Assumptions Bertrand Cournot Cartel The Index of Conjectural Variation: 01 E aQ_i/aCli -1 Ai E aWaqi = (0i4-1) 0 Conjectural Elasticity: 6. 0 0 n-1 1 n n(qi1Q) qi/c2 2 (aWaqi)(qi/Q) 1 li(qi/Q) Lerner Index: 0 (cli/(2)/Ei (n(qi/Q)1/ei Li E (P-MC)/P = -6i/Ei Note) n = the number firm i of firms in the industry, and Q, = total industry output except 25 groups may affect the relative competition and market power of firms from different groups. Regarding asymmetric mobility barriers, Caves and Porter (1977, p.254) state: Group-specific entry barriers not only give differential protection against the new firms into the industry. They also protect the members of one group against entry by a member of another group. Thus, the firms in strategic groups with high mobility barriers will have greater market power than those with lower mobility barriers. Therefore, the presence of strategic groups complicates the degree of rivalry faced by a firm. That is, cross-group and import competition may have a different impact on the profits for firms from different strategic groups, depending on the degree of intergroup dependence and the height of mobility barriers that a strategic group has. This suggests that the first order conditions of profit maximization may differ by strategic group. 111.2.2. Cross-Group Competition in the U.S. Brewing Industry There are several empirical studies on the competition across strategic groups in the U.S. brewing industry. Hatten, Schendel and Cooper (1978) and Schendel and Patton (1978) conduct studies over the U.S. beer market and prove that there exists significant competition across strategic groups. Elzinga (1992) indicates that the average geographic market served by one brewer has widened due to economies of scale in production and marketing. Also, in a special report, Lyke (1986, pp.66-67) states: With a decline in consumption of domestic beers over the last two years, many brewing managers are looking toward imported labels to help boost sales .... new "boutique-style" beers flowing from small regional breweries can offer a domestic alter­ native to attract today's more discriminating beer drinkers Major national brewers may find the smaller-niche markets now being served the regional more attractive as sales continue to hold steady for standard domestic beers. Regionals should con­ tinue to offer interesting- and profitable alter­ natives to national brands. 26 Thus, these studies suggest that in the same market segment, some brewers may actively compete against other member firms classified in different strategic groups, and specifically, small regional brewers or imports may compete in different markets against national brewers. In this context, it is very interesting to assess the degree of competition and market power of U.S. brewing industry in the presence of cross-group and import competition. 111.2.3. Import Competition and Strategic Groups A large body of literature argues that domestic monopoly profits appear to provide a powerful incentive to import competition. These imports, in turn, may put a constraint on the domestic monopoly profits. Unfortunately, these studies all ignored the presence of strategic groups when discussing the relation between imports and domestic market power. In many industries, however, strategic groups are present and must be taken into account. That is, import competition can be stimulated by the market power exercised by a specific group rather than by the whole industry because each strategic group exercises different market power and because entry may be easier into one group than another. In turn, imports could constrain the market power of a particular group. This suggests that it may be important to study domestic market power at the group level of the market rather than over the whole industry. The SCP studies of import competition and market power verify that domestic market power encourages import competition. In particular, L. Esposito and F. Esposito (1971) find that it may be easier for a foreign competitor to enter a market than a new firm when entry barriers are high for the following reasons. lower factor prices. First, foreign competitors may face Second, they may experience lower economies of scale barriers than potential entrants since they already sell their products in their home markets or in the world markets. Third, product differentiation barriers may be lower for the foreign competitors, 27 unless the image of their goods are inferior to those of domestic products. Fourth, the response of foreign competitors to excess profits may be faster than domestic competitors because they are already selling in their home or foreign market and can more easily utilize current capacity. In this case, importers will enter the market for a strategic group exercising higher market power. Alternatively, importers could create a niche segment that provides a unique price premium for certain product attributes, such as high quality, which is not being served by existing firms in the market.15 Caves and Porter (1977) indicate that entry can be targeted at an existing group or it can occur through the creation of new group by attempting a novel business strategy. In this case, imports would have little effect on domestic strategic groups. These arguments imply that the degree of exposure to import competition may differ across strategic groups. Therefore, it is interesting to investigate the impact of import competition on national and regional strategic groups in the U.S. brewing industry where imported beers have grown in importance. No previous works have, however, attempted to examine the effect of import competition on strategic groups. 111.3 The Theoretical Model In this section, a theoretical model that is consistent with the key features of the brewing industry will be developed. It will allow the degree of market power to vary by group and be affected by import and cross-group competition. This will be accomplished by integrating the impact of cross-group and import competition into a conventional 15 Alchian and Allen (1964, pp. 71) theorem suggests that more expensive and high-quality goods will be imported from foreign countries due to the decrease in relative price of imports by transportation costs. This theory implies that imports could create a specialty niche market for more expensive and high-quality goods. 28 conjectural variation mode1.16 Following Tremblay (1985, 1987, 1993), this model classifies firms into two strategic groups, national pro­ ducers and regional producers (hereinafter called group N and group R, respectively). Group N consists of several large national brewers, which generally produce nationally marketed and advertised brands. Group R consists of relatively small regional brewers, which cover local or regional markets with regionally advertised or unadvertised brands.17 He finds that the two strategic groups, national producers (group N) and regional producers (group R) differ significantly in demand and cost structures. Therefore, his work seems most relevant to this study, which will be conducted by a structural econometric system involving demand and cost functions. Consider an imperfectly competitive industry with two strategic groups N and R that face import competition. Assume that the behavior of firm i is influenced by the behavior of rivals from its own group, other groups, and from foreign countries. In this setting, group N and group R inverse demand functions are: PN =PN(C2NIQR/QMIZN) PR 'PR (C2R1Q14,QM, ZR) where QN is the total output of group N, QR is the total output of group R, QM is the total output of foreign suppliers, and ZN and ZR are the vectors of exogenous variables that shift the demand functions of groups N and R. The total short-run cost function for the representative firm i in each group is: 16 In this section, the model will follow mostly Appelbaum (1979, 1982), Roberts and Samuelson (1988), Thomas (1989), Schroeter and Azzam (1990), Azzam and Pagoulatos (1990), and Bernstein and Mohnen (1991). 17 Tremblay (1993, p. 95) shows that national brewers and regional brewers have significantly different prices, advertising levels, number of brands, age of plant and equipment, and price-cost margins. 29 CNi = CN,(qN,,WN,,X0,TN,) CR, = CR, ( qR, , , XR, , TR, ) where WN, and WR, are vectors of variable input prices, XNi and are vectors of fixed inputs, and TN, and TR, are vectors of variables that control for changes in the technology of firm i in groups N and R, respectively. MCN, defirleclas- From equation (9) and (10), the marginal cost function is =aCNi(gNi, WNi XNP TN, ) 0%, for firm i in group N, and MCR, = 8Cu(qu, Wu, Xu, Tu)/aqu for firm i in group R. By Shephard's lemma, the input demand function for firm i in each group (Xu, Xu) equals: Xu(qu,Wu,V10,Tu) = acu ( ,W0 , To ) awNi acu ( qu , Wu , Vu , (12) ) XR,(qR,,WR,,VR,,TR,) = Given the inverse demand and total cost functions, the profit (ilu, Hu) maximization problem of firm i in each group can be expressed as: (13) Max "Ni = PN ( (14) Max BR, = PR ( ) CIR where PN (.) and ) CN - CR i are the inverse demand functions of firm i in are groups N and R, and CNiand CRi are total cost functions of firm i in groups N and R, respectively. The first-order conditions of profit maximization for a representa­ tive firm in each group are:18 18 The second-order conditions of this problem are assumed to hold. 30 [apN (15) PN 8pN aQR aPN aQm aCmi -3KIR -2W4 TWi TW aQN ZW4 PR TC1R-3ZIR; + acRi 8%) 8% [8PR ack (16) C71,4 T-1--; + T-Q-M -3(7-1Ri =0 =0 By rearranging terms, equations (15) and (16) can be rewritten in terms of output conjectural elasticities and price elasticities of demand. apN aQN qN; QN (17) PN [3­ (18) a apR 8QR PR [1 apN aQR 171i -C qRi QR MaTR -Fdli PR CTR aPN aQm QN + PN Q R TM aPR aQN qRi QN 1-a274 -aqFZ7 PR CT4.1 aCmi QM N 8PR 8Qm gRi QM -FM -a77172 QM/ PR i acR, agRii Given the aggregation assumption, equations (17) and (18) can be rewritten in aggregate form as follows:19 (19) PN (20) PR [1 [1 6NN 1PNR ONM ENN 6NR 6NM 6RR lirRN ORM ERR ERN ERM acN 1 -20; 19 Because only group-level data are available in this study, the If group-wide marginal costs are aggregation assumption is necessary. constant and equal for each firm within a group, and if all firms within a group behave in the same way, then an aggregate marginal cost and a unique conjectural variation exist [Appelbaum (1982), pp. 289-290)]. This assumption is relevant to this study because firms are assumed homogeneous This within a strategic group if the strategic group assumption hold. aggregation assumption implies that an empirical estimate of a conjectural variation or market power parameter provides a measure of average market conduct and power within a group [Bresnahan (1989), p. 1030 and Schmal­ ensee (1990), p. 150]. 31 where, aCN /aQN = the marginal cost of group N acRiaQR = the marginal cost of group R the own-conjectural elasticity of group N. NN = (aQN/agNi ) (c1N; P2N) 5RR (ac2Riachi ) (c1R; /c2R ) the own-conjectural elasticity of group R. 111NR (aQR/aciNi ) (go /12R ) the cross-conjectural elasticity of group N against group R. 6 the cross-conjectural elasticity of group R against group N. 4RN = (aQN/aCIRI) (CIRINN) 0 NM (aQM/aCiNi ) (clNi /QM) E the cross-conjectural elasticity of group 0RM (aQM/aCIRi ) (c1Ri /QM) ENN (ac2N/aPN)(PN/QN) N against imports. ERR = (aQR/aPR) (PR/QR) a the cross-conjectural elasticity of group R against imports. the own-price elasticities of demand for products of group N. the own-price elasticity of demand for products of group R. ENR (aQR/aPN) (PN/QR) the cross-price elasticity of demand for the products of group N against group R. ERN (aQN/aPR) (PR/QN) the cross-price elasticity of demand for the products of group R against group N. 6 NM (aQM/aPN) (PN/QM) the cross-price elasticity of demand for the products of group N against imports. ERM (aQM/aPR) (PR/QM) the cross-price elasticity of demand for the products of group R against imports. Finally, equations (19) and (20) can be written as Lerner indexes of market power for groups N and R (LN, LR): (21) LN = [ aNN + LR = [ a RR ERR + ENR ENN (22) giNR + lrRN ERN ONM 6NM + I ORM ERM I Equations (21) and (22) measure the market power exercised by group N and group R in the presence of competition between the two groups and with importers. Note that market power depends on various conjectural elasticities and price elasticities of demand. 32 111.4 Theoretical Interpretations of Strategic Group Behavior As the theoretical model shows, market power in the presence of strategic groups and imports is influenced directly by the values of various conjectural and price elasticities. In the conventional SCP model, market power is affected only by the own-conjectural and own-price elasticities implying the presence of only one group within the industry. However, with more than one strategic group, the degree of market power involves additionally the cross-con­ jectural and cross-price elasticities reflecting competition and product substitutability across groups. With the strategic group model, it is possible to show that three forces affect group behavior: own-group behavior, cross-group behavior, and import behavior. (5NN/510 ( 1/NR/ENR) For example, if > (0NN/eNN), then rivalry is greatest between group N If overall-group behavior is and imports, and lowest within group N. competitive, then the whole mark-up term will be equal to 0. occur, for example, if 6NN = IONN = ONN This can 0. 111.4.1. The Own-Conjectural Elasticity The value of the own-conjectural elasticity (5) can be described as the degree of own-group competition, which is affected by the extent of mutual dependence among firms within the same group. It depends on the degree of own-group competition, and the market share of representative firm i inside the group, ceteris paribus. For example, if firms within the national strategic group exhibit Cournot-type behavior, aQN/aqo = 1, and then the own-conjectural elasticity becomes equal to the market share of the representative firm (qNi/QN). For Bertrand-type behavior, For cartel- aQN/aqw = 0 and the conjectural elasticity is equal to 0. type behavior, aQN/aqo = n and the conjectural elasticity equals n(qNi/QN) where n is the number of firms inside the group. 20 Thus, in 20 If all firms are of equal size, qN/QN = 1/n, where n is the number of firms inside the group. If there is just one firm in the group, then QN = qNi, and the conjectural elasticity is equal to 1. 33 this case, 5 ranges between 0 and n(qNi/Q4), and as the value of the own-conjectural elasticity increases, market power of the group increas­ es, other things being equal. This implies that the group behaves less competitively within its own group and may have higher mobility barri­ ers. 21 111.4.2. The Cross - Conjectural Elasticity The cross-conjectural elasticities (*, 0) measure the responses from rival groups and imports when a strategic group changes its own output. It also reflects the height of mobility barriers that a strate­ gic group possesses against rival groups and imports. The cross-con­ jectural elasticity is composed of the conjectural variation across groups (8Qs/aqti, s*t) and the market share of the representative firm i across groups (qti/Qs), where s and t are indexes for two different groups, and Qs is the total output of group s. But, unlike the own- conjectural elasticity, qti is not contained in Qs. 22 Therefore, one could define Cournot-type behavior across groups as that which produces 8Qs/aqti = 0, and the cross-conjecture elasticity Analogously, for Bertrand-type behavior equals 0, ceteris paribus. aQs/aqti = -1, and the value of the cross-conjecture elasticity equals _.(qtfic2s).23 21 The profitability of a specific strategic group will be determined by the height of mobility barriers protecting it. See Porter (1979, pp. 218). 22 There is an important difference between the own-conjectural For example, the own- elasticity and the cross-conjectural elasticity. conjectural elasticity: 6NN = (aQN/ acki)(q0i/QN) where QN includes qNi, which means that firm i's output quantity is included in the total output quantity of its own group. However, the cross-conjectural elasticity: (aQR/8(aNi)(qNi/QR) where QR does not include qNi. 1IINR = 23 This holds only if the products are homogeneous across strategic For example, with two groups N and R that sell different groups. products, the Bertrand conjectural variation is derived as follows: Pm a0 +aq +aRa Inverse demand N N d'NN = N dq N + a R da Total differential -R' Conjectural variation: aqN/aqR = -aR/aN, which equals -1 only for homogeneous goods (aR=aN). : : 34 Finally, for cartel-type behavior, the value of the cross-con­ jecture elasticity equals n (qti/Qs) where ns is the number of firms in group s. Thus, a larger value of the cross-conjectural elasticity means that cross-group competition is lower and the response from the rival group or imports is less aggressive when a strategic group changes its own output level. These different measures of group behavior inside and across groups when group N and R are present are summarized in Table 111-3. According to Caves and Porter (1978) and Porter (1979), the impact This is because the of cross-group competition will not be symmetric. expectation of rival's competitive response may vary across strategic groups and because the degree of substitutability of products may vary across strategic groups. This asymmetric impact of cross-group competi­ tion may cause the degree of market power to differ across strategic groups. These arguments imply that values of cross-conjectural elastic­ It is, therefore, ities may differ across groups N, R and imports. important to estimate and compare the impact of cross-group and import competition on strategic group behavior. There are some important implications about the estimates of cross- conjectural elasticities. For example, t,NR > *RN implies that group R expects more aggressive response from group N than group N expects from group R. In other words, group N expects a more cooperative response from group R than group R expects from group N. reverse implication. *NR competition across groups. between them. *MR < *RN means the *RN implies that they expect equal mutual If t, NR = *RN = 0, they expect no response The same logic and implications can be applied to the competition between imports and group N or group R. Finally, if all conjectural elasticities are equal across the two strategic groups, 5NN 6RR *NR = *RN ONM = ORM ' there are no strategic differences in the competition between national and regional groups and imports. This would support the hypothesis that strategic groups N and R do not exist in the brewing industry. 35 <Table 111-3> Various Measures of Own- and Cross-Group Behavior <Group N> Behavioral Assumptions BertrandType Cartel- Type CournotType 5NN (aQN/aciNi)(clNi/C2N) clNiNN nN(ciNiIQN) 14NR (aQR/aciNi)(c1Ni/C2R) 0 nR(ciNi1C2R) ONM (aQM/aciNi)(ciNi/C2M) 0 nOgNi/QM) <Group R> Behavioral Assumptions BertrandType 0 Cartel- Type 5RR (aQR/agRi (CIRiP2R *RN (5C2N/acIRI (cIRINN) (4,/c2N) 0 nN(gRiNN) (51C2M/aciRi chi/QM) (ciR,/Qm) 0 nOgRi/Qm) ORM Note) CournotType = n = the number of firms in group N, nR(gRi/C2R) R, and importers. 36 111.4.3. The Index of Market Power The Lerner indexes of market power for strategic groups N and R are defined as: (23) (24) M 6NN itrNR ONM NN E NR et,IM 612R *RN ORM ERR ERN E RM As shown in equations (23) and (24), the Lerner index by group (LN, L R )depends on the combined effects of the own- and cross-conjectural, and the own- and cross-price elasticities. That is, the degree of market power for a strategic group is directly related to the combined effects of own- and cross conjectural elasticities and inversely related to the combined effects of own- and cross-price elasticities of the market demands for the group. This implies that market power of a strategic group may depend on the forces of rivalry across groups as well as within the same group and on the degree of substitutability of products from inside and outside groups. These may be determined by the degree of mutual market depen­ dence and the height of mobility barriers between strategic groups. Thus, the degree of market power that a strategic group exerts in the industry will be influenced by the combination of strategic interac­ tion among participants inside and outside the group. For example, the market power that group N exercises inside its own group ( NN/ENN) would be offset or enhanced by the strategic impact from the regional group (11/NR/6NR) and from importers (ONm/eNm) group N if LN = 0. are equal to 0 (b NN There is no market power for This can result if all the conjectural elasticities = 001 = 0). In other words, group N is compet- itive in its own group without any responses from group R and foreign suppliers to own-output variations. 37 CHAPTER IV: THE EMPIRICAL MODEL The purpose of this chapter is to specify an empirical model that is based on the theoretical model developed in the previous chapter. The model extends the New Empirical Industrial Organization (NEIO) approach by allowing for the presence of strategic groups and imports. Using a structural econometric model, the methodology specifies a demand and cost system and involves hypotheses about the degree of competition between strategic groups and imports and market power by group. With the conjectural variation approach, we estimate directly con­ jectural elasticities and the Lerner index by group. The demand equations and the supply conditions by strategic group will be jointly estimated by a method of simultaneous equation estimation. Annual aggregation group data will be used. This chapter is organized as follows. the NEIO approach. The next section introduces The second section develops the empirical model when strategic groups and imports are present. The third section outlines important expected empirical results. IV.1 New Empirical Industrial Organization (NEIO) The NEIO approach has been surveyed most recently by Bresnahan (1989). It was developed in response to several concerns with the traditional structure-conduct-performance (SCP) paradigm. According to Bresnahan (1989, pp. 1012): The NEIO is partly motivated by dissatisfac­ tion over three maintained hypotheses in the SCP paradigm: 1) economic price-cost margin (performance) could be directly observed in accounting data, 2) cross-section variation in industry structure could be captured by a small number of observable measures, and 3) empirical work should be aimed at estimating the reduced-form relationship between structure and performance. The main accomplishment of the NEIO approach is that it avoids the use of accounting cost data to estimate marginal cost. This technique is 38 used to estimate market power by using a structural econometric model, which specifies the demand function, cost function, and the supply relation. Because aggregate group data will be used for this study, the styl­ ized model assumes aggregate data. Bresnahan (1989) argues that aggre­ gate data can be used under certain assumptions: the firms in the same group produce homogeneous goods and marginal costs are constant and are the same across all firms within a group. In this case, one can inter­ pret estimates of conjectural variations as measures of average industry conduct and the Lerner index as providing estimates of the average degree of exerted market power.24 These assumptions seem reasonable for firms belonging to the same strategic group because they produce similar products and behave similarly. Assuming homogeneous goods and ignoring the presence of strategic groups, the demand function is written in inverse form as:25 Pt =D(Qt,Yt,A, Et) (25) where Pt is market price in time period t, Qt is the total quantity demanded of the industry or group, and these variables are endogenous in the model. Y t is a vector of exogenous demand shifters, A is a vector of unknown parameters, and et is an additive error term. The cost function is written as: (26) ct = c(Qt,wt,zt,r, et) where Qt is the total output of the industry or group at observation t, Wt is a vector of variable input prices paid by the industry or group, Zt is a vector of exogenous cost shifters (i.e., technology, fixed inputs), r is a vector of unknown parameters, and Et is an error term. 24 See Appelbaum (1982) for additional discussion for the aggregation issue used in this approach. 25 This description closely follows Bresnahan (1989). 39 From the first order condition, the supply relation is written in the conjectural variation form as: (27) Pt =mct(Qt,wt,zt,r,Et) apt (1+0) -a-c-j ( Qt , Yt , A , t ) cli t where MC t can be derived from the cost function [equation (26)], ap /aQ t t is the slope of the inverse demand curve, 0 is the conjectural variation defined mathematically as aQ_it/aqit where ocLit is the total quantity of industry or group minus firm i's output (qit). Bertrand competitors, then 0 is -1. If the firms behave like For Cournot behavior, 0 is 0. If there is cartel behavior in the industry, then 0 is n-1 where n is the number of firms. This supply relation can be rewritten as follows: (28) Pt = mct(Qt,wt,zt,r,Et) X aPt (Qt,Yt,a,Et)qit Qt where 1 is the conjectural variation defined mathematically as aczitiaclit where Qit is the total quantity of industry or group and is equal to 1 + 0. After some mathematical adjustment, equation (28) can be written in aggregate form as: apt (29) Pt = MCt(Qt,Wt,Zt,r,et) 5 7C5i (Qt,Yt,a,et)Qt where 5 is the parameter for conjectural elasticity and is defined as (aQt/aqit)(qit/Qt). Therefore, the final system of equations for estima­ tion is demand function [equation (25)] and supply relation [equation (29)]. This system of equations can be estimated by a simultaneous equation estimation method.26 As before, the Lerner index of market power can be derived from the supply relation in aggregate form, equation (29), as: 26 The cost functions or input demand functions could be included in the system of equation if the relevant data can be available. 40 aPt (57i-t-Qt (30) Lt= Pt-MCt . - Pt where E 45 = -__ Pt is the price elasticity of demand. E This index of market power can be measured by dividing the conjectural elasticity by the price elasticity of industry demand. Empirically, the conjectural elasticity can be estimated as a parameter of the supply relation, and the price elasticity can be derived from an estimated parameter of the demand equation. Given the conjectural and price elasticities, the Lerner index can be then estimated.27 This stylized NEIO method can be extended to the estimation of group behavior and market power in the setting of strategic groups. This can be accomplished by replacing aggregate data with strategic group data. In the econometric system, for example, the market power of a group can be calculated from the strategic group demand function and supply relation estimates, which may be affected significantly by other group or import rivalry. IV.2 The Empirical Model It is maintained that the U.S. brewing industry consists of two strategic groups, national brewers and regional brewers (hereinafter called group N and group R, respectively). The firms in these strategic groups compete with each other in the presence of import competition. With the introduction of strategic groups, the demand and cost struc­ tures are allowed to differ across groups, and the NEIO approach is used to build the empirical model. 27 With regard to identification problem, market behavior and power parameters are identified when marginal cost curve is constant [Appelbaum (1982), pp. 289-290]. They are also identified when Q interacts with an exogenous demand variable because the demand curve rotates with the exogenous demand variable, due to the interaction term, tracing out the marginal cost curve [Bresnahan (1989) and Perloff (1992)]. 41 In the output market, the output of each group is influenced by the output of rivals in its own group, in the other group, and from foreign firms. It is assumed that all domestic input markets are perfectly competitive. IV.2.1. The Demand Side In this model, the demand and cost functions are of particular importance because their specifications influence price and conjectural elasticities necessary to the study of strategic competition. The inverse demand functions for the national (N) and regional (R) groups are written as:28 (31) PN = DON INNQN PNRQR ONMQM PiNY RalPoP + p3NADvN + p4NADvR + (32) PR = POR PRRQR PRNQN PRMQM 01 RY 132RP0P + p3RADvR + p4RADv, + ER N where PN (PR) a the average real market price charged by group N (group R), QN (QR) a per-capita consumption of group N (group R) beer, a per-capita consumption of imported beer, QM ADVN (ADV R ) =- the real advertising expenditures of group N (group R), a real per-capita disposable income, a the percent of the population that drinks beer, POP E (ER) 1 a the random error for group N (group R). N As consumer theory suggests, the effect of own-output quantity on the own-price is negative unless beer is a Giffen good, so that the 28 See Hogarty and Elzinga (1972), Tremblay Tremblay (1992) for a discussion about empirical U.S. beer industry. The linear demand functions Time series data are used, and Tremblay (1985). subscript, t, will be omitted for simplicity. (1985), and Lee and demand functions in the in this study follow the time-series 42 signs of PNN and 3RR are expected to be negative.29 There are several cross-price parameters between groups N and R and imports, and PRm. B . NR' ONM' PRN' Each is expected to have a negative sign because they are assumed to be substitute.3° Evidence on effect of income on the demand for beer has been conflicting. 31 Demand for beer will increase with the beer drinking population. There has been much debate concerning the effect of advertising on the market demand for beer. The impact of advertising on the demand for beer is positive for groups N and R [Tremblay (1985)]. But, it is not significant at the industry level [Lee and Tremblay (1992)]. In part­ icular, Tremblay (1985) indicates that the advertising of rivals are important in determining strategic group behavior in the U.S. brewing industry. Therefore, the rivals' advertising expenditures are included in the demand function of each group. IV.2.2. The Supply Side Recall from equations (19) and (20) in chapter III that the first order conditions for profit maximization of group N and R can be solved for the market price as follows: (33) (34) a; PN = u-c-rti PR acR -- -F;FR -1 1 1 + 6 NN + ENN 1+ _RR ERR ilINR + ENM NR + 111RN ERN oNm + ORM ERM 29 Hogarty and Elzinga (1972) and Lee and Tremblay (1992) show that the demand for beer is inelastic. 30 For example, Elzinga (1992, pp.131-32) indicates that the demand for an individual brand of beer is quite elastic and consumers substitute brands in response to price changes. 31 For example, Hogarty and Elzinga (1972), Lee and Tremblay (1992) find beer to be a normal good, Johnson and Oksanen (1977) find beer to be neutral good, and Lynk (1984) find beer to be an inferior good. 43 Thus, the pricing behavior of each group depends on two main effects: the marginal cost facing each group and the size of the overall mark-up term. With regard to the composition of the mark-up terms, .5NN and 5RR are the respective own-conjectural elasticity of group N and R, 10NR and tRN , are the respective cross-conjectural elasticity of group N and R between each other, and ONm and ORm are the respective cross-conjectural elastic­ ity of group N and R with respect to importers. As described in chapter III, the value of the own-conjectural elasticity indicates the degree of competition within each group. the value increases, competition within a group is lower. As The value of the cross-conjectural elasticity measures the degree of competition across groups and imports. As the value increases, the firms behave less competitively across groups and imports. The ENN and ERR terms represent the own-price elas­ ticities of groups N and R, ENR and ERN are the respective cross-price elasticities between groups, and ENm and ERm are the cross-price elas­ ticities of each group against imports. There are three main inputs that are important to beer production: labor, materials, and capital. Therefore, a short-run cost function is expressed by the following Diewert functional form:32 (35) Cj Qj [ Yoi + + y2.ipm + y3 jKi. pr.,. pm 1/2 1/2) + y5j ( PL Kj ) 1/2 + y6i ( PM Kj ) where j = group N or R, PL E the real price of labor in the production of beer, PM E. the real price of materials in the production of beer, 32 See Tremblay (1987) for a discussion of short-run cost function for the U.S. beer industry. He suggests that it is more appropriate to estimate a short-run cost function than a long-run cost function because firms are likely to be in long run disequilibrium. Diewert functional form is used because it is flexible functional form [Varian (1984), p.180] 44 KN (KR) E the quantity of capital, a single fixed input, for group N (group R).33 From Shephard's Lemma, the input-share equations for labor and materials can be derived from equation (35). acj (36) = pm \ 1/2 -22 Tr., ) Y4 = aCj (37) X Mi = Y43( Qi[Y2, \ 1 + -1- W41 y5i K 1/2 + -2­ Y6i Kj )1/21 + -2­ where j = group N and R, Xi_j and XMj are labor and material demand functions, respectively, The resulting marginal cost functions of each group can be ex­ pressed as follows: aCN 1/2 = YON + YlNPL + Y2NPM + Y3NI(N + Y4N ( PL PM) (38) 1/2 + Y5N(PLKN) 1/2 + Y6N(PMKN) aCN (39) 1/2 -z,TR = YOR + Y1NPL + Y2RPM + YUKR + Y4R ( PL PM) V2 + Y5R ( PL KR ) 1/2 + Y6R ( PM ) Substituting these marginal cost functions for group N and R into the supply relations [equations (33) and (34)] produces: 33 Although this specification does not control for technological change, the alternative models in chapter V will include such controls for technological change. 45 PN [ YON 4. YlNPL Y2NPM Y3NKN Y4N ( PL PM) 1/2+ p 1/2 (40) Y6N(PMKN) PR = IYOR Y1RPL 1/2 Y2RPM , Y3RKR ( 41 ) 1/2 4- Y6R(PMKR) 5NN 1P NR ONM -NN -NR -NM Y 4R ( PL. PM) , 1/2 1/2 5RR lirRN ARM1-1 ERR ERN eRM After mathematical manipulations, equation (40) and (41) can be rewrit­ ten as: PN = YON + YlNPL Y2NPM Y3NKN Y4N ( PL PM )1/2+ Y5N ( PL KN )1/2 (42) v Y6N (PM "N ) 1/2 apNn a PN vN 1NR \dIR apN QM ONM -c214 PR = YOR Y2RPM 1RPL Y3RKR Y4R (PL PM )1/2 + Y5R ( PL KR )1/2 (43) Tt_ Y6R ( PM "R / 1/2 A ap R aPR -2K?Ti 412 +111RN ZW1 '41 + ORM aPR " -QM v-M As shown in equations (42) and (43), the overall mark-up term for group N is: [ 614),("NgQN)QN //1NR ( "R "QN ) QR 111NM ( "N"QM ) QM] It can be seen that the overall mark-up term is composed of the own- group and cross-group mark-ups. Therefore, the overall-group behavior of group N is close to Bertrand if 6NN = 11NR ORM = 0. This would imply that the average national firm behaves competitively in the industry. We have 10 equations to complete the econometric system for estimation. That is, the inverse demand equations (31) and (32), the 46 cost function for each group from equation (35), the input-share equations (36) and (37) for labor and materials of each group, and oligopoly behavioral equations or supply relations, equations (42) and Because of data limitations, however, the cost functions and (43). input-share equations are eliminated. As a result, we estimate four equations: demand functions (31) and (32) and supply relations (42) and (43). From the system of equations (31), (32), (42), and (43), we could estimate price elasticities, conjectural elasticities, and corresponding market power of each group in the presence of cross-group and import competition. In order to estimate them, we treat PN, PR, QN, and QR as endogenous variables in the model. An error term is added to each equation and is assumed to be normally distributed with zero mean. The system of equations are estimated using a non-linear three-stage least square estimator as they are non-linear in parameters and in the endogenous variables. The data consist of annual observations of group data from 1953 through 1988. See the Data Appendix for a complete description of measurement issues and data sources. IV.3 Expected Empirical Results Competition between groups is expected to differ for several reasons. First, it appears that mobility barriers are higher for group N than for group R. This is supported by the fact that Tremblay (1993) finds that from 1950-1988 group N had significantly higher average profit rates than group R. Tremblay and Tremblay (1988) find that from 1950-1978 the firm failure rate was much higher for group R than for group N. In addition, Elzinga (1992) shows that the market share of group N rose from 19 percent in 1948 to 88 percent by 1987. Second, coordination within group N may be relatively easier since there are generally fewer firms in group N than in group R (depending upon the region of the country). Given their superior position, 47 national firms may be better able than regional firms to withstand outside group competition. This is supported by several studies that show that national firms are more successful than regional firms [Tremblay (1985, 1987, 1993) and Tremblay and Tremblay (1988)]. Given this evidence, two results are expected. Expected Result 1: Competition is expected to be more rigorous in group R than in group N. Thus, äNN > 6RIR. Expected Result 2: Group N is expected to be more insulated than group R from outside group competition. Thus, ,NR > ORN dr This research is motivated by the fact that there is no evidence on the impact of import competition on the market power of groups N and R. Thus, the impact of import competition is uncertain. However, imported beer has continued to hold a strong position in specialty beer market since it first introduced the specialty beer with high quality to many Americans. Therefore, one might anticipate that group N is more insu­ lated from import competition than group R, since regional brewers produce more specialty or niche beer. greater competition to group R. In this case, imports may provide Then, it is expected that ONm > ORm. On the other hand, imports may be attracted by the relatively high profits of national producers. For example, L. Esposito and F. Esposito (1971), Pagoulato and Sorensen (1976), Pugel (1978), and Marvel (1980) demonstrate empirically that a higher degree of domestic market power provides powerful incentives to import competition. Besides, national producers produce the high-quality beers in which importers hold strong position. In this case, we can expect that ONm < ORm because imports compete more rigorously with national firms than with regional firms. The theory of niche markets suggests that entry can target the cre­ ation of new markets by attempting a novel business strategy.34 This implies that imported beers would have little or no impact on both group N and R, since imported beers attempt to target a niche area not 34 For example, Caves and Porter (1977) and Alchian and Allen (1964) indicate that the imports could create a specialty niche market by attempting a novel business strategy. 48 perceived by groups N and R in the U.S. beer market. expected that ONN = Orm = 0. Then, it is Thus, the expected empirical results are uncertain, so that it may be interesting to test this hypothesis. These lead to the next expected result. Expected Result 3: It is uncertain which strategic group is more exposed to import competition. Thus, either ONm > ORm, ONN < ONN or ONN = ONN = 0 Finally, if group N is better able to collude and is better insulated than group R from outside group competition, then group N would have greater market power than group R. For example, Expected Result 1 indicates that group N is less competitive in the own-group than group R. Expected Result 2 suggests that group N is less vul­ nerable to intergroup competition than group R. Expected Result 3 says that the impact of import competition on groups N and R are ambiguous. However, the impact of import competition on the degree of overall market power for group N is, if anything, small because the market share of imported beer is relatively small. These lead to the following expected result of the market power for each group. Expected Result 4: Group N exercises higher market power than group R in the U.S. brewing market. Thus, LN > LR, where L is the index of market power. These expected empirical results can be summarized in Table IV-1. 49 <Table IV -l> Summary of Expected Empirical Results Expected Results 1) Competition is expected to be more rigorous in group R than in group N 2) Group N is expected to be more insulated than group R from outside group competition. 3) It is uncertain which strategic group is more exposed to import competition. 4) Group N exercises higher market power than group R in the U.S. brewing market Conjectural Elasticity Estimates 8 NN > 5 RR 111NR > *RN Either ONm > ORm, Ow < oRm, or Omm = ORm 0 LN > LR 50 CHAPTER V: EMPIRICAL RESULTS In this chapter, the empirical results will be presented. The complete demand and supply models for national and regional strategic groups (hereinafter called group N and group R, respectively) are developed in chapter IV. The system consists of four basic equations: a demand function and a supply relation for each strategic group in the U.S. brewing industry. Using the New Empirical Industrial Organization (NEIO) approach already reviewed in chapter IV, conjectural elasticities and the Lerner index for each strategic group are estimated. This chapter is organized into six sections. The following section reviews the demand and supply system that can permit the econometric identification of the degree of competition. The second section de­ scribes several specification tests of the primary empirical model. The third section presents the estimation results of the structural equa­ tions. This involves the main inferences from conducting the hypothesis testings of strategic group behavior and market power for groups N and R. The fourth section describes the empirical results based on alterna­ tive models. V.1 Review of the Empirical Model From the previous chapter, we have shown that the final empirical functions of interest include the demand functions and supply relations by group. The inverse demand functions are defined below: (44) (45) PN PR PON + I3NNQN 130N + PRRQR PNRQR PRNQN 13NMQM + PINY + 13200P + 133NADvN + is4NADvR PRMQM + PUY 132RP°P + I33RADVR + I34RADVN where P is the average real market price charged by each group, Q is per-capita consumption of the beer that each group produces, QM is per­ 51 capita consumption of imported beer, ADV is the real advertising expen­ diture incurred by each group, Y is real per-capita disposable income, and POP is the percent of population that drinks beer. The supply relations by group equal: KN)1/2 PN = YON +Y1NPL +Y2NPM (46) +Y6N(PMwN) Y3NKN Y4N (PL PM)1/2 IaPN 1/2 "NN Qv PR = YOR +Y1RPL +Y2RPM +Y3RKR aPN RT, t N )1/2 Y 4R ( PLPM)1/2 (47) 1/2 aPR , aPR [ 'RR aPN wN Mw vR +4TRN $ aPR+Y6R(PM 7T From the previous chapter, note that 6NN = (8QN/aqNi)(qNi/QN) is the own- conjectural elasticity of group N's total output with respect to firm i's output in group N, 6RR= (a(2RiaciRi ) (qR i /42R ) is the own-conjectural elasticity of group R's total output with regard to firm i's output in group R' *Ne(aQR/agNi)(c4i/QR) and ONm=0Qm/8q0(qNi/Qm) are the cross- conjectural elasticities of group R's total output and total imports with regard to firm i's output in group N, ( 0 / a RN= a -N, a -IR; 1 (a /0-N, 1 and ONe(aQm/acimi)(qm/Qm) are the cross-conjectural elasticity of group N's total output and total imports with regard to firm i's output in group R. The slopes of inverse demand curves are observable from the demand equations (44) and (45). PNR, aPR /aQN PRN' That is, apN/aQN = .NN' aPR/aQR aPN/aQm = PNm, apR/aQm =P PRR' aPN/aQR The 6N, N ERR' *NR' *RN' ONM ONm are the parameter estimates of conjectural elasticities, which can be identified, given the parameters of supply relations and demand func­ tions for each group. The Lerner Index by group is defined as follows: (48) LN = PN -MC11 5NN 4INR ONRI PN ENN NR ENM 52 (49) L R PR MCR = p 5RR 1PRN ORM) ERR ERN ERM Note that the degree of market power in this setting is negatively influenced by the degree of competition from within a group and from outside groups (III NR 111RN (FNM ' cPRM ( 5NN' 5RR) The higher the values of ) these elasticities, the higher is the degree of market power. The degree of market power is also negatively influenced by the price elasticities of demand within groups ( s E NN' ERR) and across groups (ENR' ERN' ENW ERm) This means that the degree of market power falls as the values of these elasticities increase; that is, as the products become closer substitutes. V.2 Econometric Concerns and Tests The system of equations consists of the demand functions [equations (44) and (45)], and the supply relations [equations (46) and (47)] for groups N and R. They are estimated using a non-linear simultaneous equations estimator. QN, and The endogenous variables in the model are PN, PR, The empirical model is complete with the addition of additive error terms, the structure of which is discussed in the followings. V.2.1. Contemporaneous Correlation Test The question arises whether or not contemporaneous correlation exists among the residuals of equations in the structural model. Zellner and Theil (1962) suggest that if contemporaneous correlation of residuals is present in the model, then a three-stage least square estimator is asymptotically more efficient than a two-stage least square estimator. That is, using the two-stage least square estimator ignores relevant information concerning the error covariance matrix. Thus, it 53 is useful to test whether or not contemporaneous correlation exists across equations. An appropriate test for contemporaneous correlation is developed by Breusch and Pegan (1980): The test statistic is A = T(r212 +r213 +r214 4.r2 ..i.r2 23 a2 ij 24 4.r2 ) 34 where T = the number of observations, r2ij =a2ij laI-ajj where is the covariance of equations i and j, a ii is the variance of equation i, an is the variance of equation j. A has an asymptotic x2 distribution with M(M-1)/2 degree of freedom where M = the number of equations. The test result shows that the statistic value, A, is 25.47, which is greater than X20.01,6 16.81. This rejects the hypothesis that contemporaneous correlations is absent. Therefore, given endogeniety and contemporaneous correlation, a three-stage least squares estimator is efficient. V.2.2. Endogenietv Test of Imports and Advertising In this specification, it is maintained that imports are exogenous. To test this maintained hypothesis, a Hausman (1978) test is performed: H o' 0 Ha p : is consistent and efficient (Imports are exogenous) is consistent (Imports are endogenous) M,exo M,er b where p M,exo is the vector of coefficient estimates for the imports as an exogenous variable, and p M,ericlo is the vector of the coefficient esti­ mates for imports as endogenous variables. These estimates are produced by three-stage least squares estimation. For this Hausman test, import quantities were regressed on all exogenous variables in the demand functions and supply relations and other exogenous variables affecting import quantities: per-capita disposable income, the percentage of population drinking beer, real advertising expenditures of groups N and R, real labor price, real material price, capital stock of groups N and R, and weighted exchange 54 rate. 35 The test statistic is: / ( OM,emio I3M,exo) [V( 1314,endo) V( 13M,exo) 1 (I3M,endo- 13f.i,exo) where V(.) is the covariance matrix of coefficient estimates for imports as an endogenous and exogenous variable. A has a x2 distribution with k degree of freedom (k = the number of restricted parameters). result shows that A is 7.63 which is smaller than Y - 20.01, 4 The test 13.28. This rejects the alternative hypothesis, supporting the maintained hypothesis that imports are exogenous. To test the maintained hypothesis that the advertising of each group is exogenous, the Hausman (1978) test is performed in exactly the same way as import endogeniety was tested. 36 The advertising expendi­ ture of each group is regressed respectively on all exogenous variables in the demand functions and supply relations. The test results show that A is 4.52 for the advertising of group N and 5.21 for group R. Both are smaller than X20.01, 1 = 6.63. These reject the alternative hypotheses, supporting the maintained hypothesis that advertising expenditure of each group is exogenous in this model. V.2.3. Autocorrelation Tests When time series data are used in regression analysis, the error term is frequently correlated over time. This feature of the regression disturbance is known as autocorrelation (AR). When the regression disturbance is autoregressive, the least squares estimator of the regression coefficients are unbiased and consistent, but they are not efficient. 35 The weighted exchange rate is calculated by weighting the exchange rates in U.S. dollars with the import share of beer from Canada, Germany, Holland, and Mexico, the major exporters to the U.S. Over 85% of U.S. beer imports come from these four countries. 36 For example, Lee and Tremblay (1992) and Tremblay and Tremblay (1995) assume that advertising is endogenous. 55 Hence, the sampling variances are biased and may be understated.37 To test for the presence of autoregressive errors in the model, two tests are conducted under the following hypothesis, assuming that the model has first- or second-order serial correlations. Ho H a : : No autocorrelation autocorrelation exists The first test suggested by Greene (1990) is the Lagrange multipli­ er test [Breusch (1978) and Godfrey (1978)]. It is valid for very general hypotheses about serial correlation of the errors. This test was carried out by regressing the ordinary least squares residuals, et, on Xt, et_1,....et_o, where et_o is the residual with p lags, and Xt is the matrix of regressors. The test statistic is 1 = T*R2, where T = the number of observa­ tions, R2 is R-square obtained by regressing the ordinary least squares residual, et, on Xt, et.1,....et_o. 1 has x 2 distribution with p degrees of freedom (p = the order of the AR process). The test results show that the statistic values are 3.28 for equation (44), 5.43 for equation (45), 5.25 for equation (46), and 2.75 for equation (47). The critical value is x20.012 greater than these statistic values. 7.38, which is Therefore, it is concluded that Ho cannot be rejected for all the equations. For the second test, a simple t-test [Beach and McKinnon (1978)] was conducted. The residuals of each equation including estimated endogenous variables in the system are estimated by ordinary least squares. First, for first-order autocorrelation, et is regressed on et_i to estimate the coefficient AR1. et = AR1 *et.1 + v where v is the error term of estimation. As a result, the t-ratio for 37 See Kmenta (1986, pp.298-314), Greene (1990, pp.429-439), and Maddala (1988, pp.192-200) for detailed discussion and theoretical proof of the estimation problems to be raised by autoregressive errors. For example, in the case of positive autoregression and positive correlation between regressors, the estimated variance of the conventionally calculated estimator is biased. 56 AR1 for each equation is smaller than the critical values, not rejecting H that AR1 = 0. To test for second-order autocorrelation, the coeffi­ cients AR1 and AR2 are estimated. e AR 1 *et.1 + AR2*e t-2 It is found by t-test that AR1 = AR2 = 0. + v In the same approach, AR3 and AR4 are additionally estimated and tested, and no significant autocorre­ lation is found in any equation. Thus, these test results of autoreg­ ressive errors confirm that residuals of all the equations in the system are not autocorrelated. V.3 Estimation Results According to test results conducted to ensure consistent and efficient estimation, equations (44) through (47) are estimated using a non-linear three-stage least square estimation technique. The model is estimated using annual data for the sample period 1953-1988. Data Appendix for a complete description of the data. See the The endogenous variables are the prices and quantities of group N and R products, and all other variables are assumed to be exogenous. Table V-1 reports the estimates for all the demand and supply parameters for the strategic groups N and R. The signs of PNN and I3RR are negative, showing that beer satisfies the law of demand and is not Giffen goods. All signs of 13 .NR' ONM' PRN' PRm are negative as expected. As previ­ ous literature indicates, the effect of income on the demand for beer is conflicting in the model: group N beer is neutral, while group R beer is normal. Demand for group N beer increases with the beer drinking popula­ tion, but the effect on group R beer is not significant. This may be because the demand for group R beer has not increased persistently as regional brewers have been less successful and their failure rates have been much higher than national brewers. 57 <Table V-1> Parameter Estimates of Primary Model Parameter Estimate Approx. Std Err Ratio Label 0.417 0.184 0.236 1.317 0.00003 0.019 0.00002 8.18E-6 -1.43* -6.25*** -3.05*** -1.14 1.31 5.32*** 1.86** -1.84** Intercept 0.380 0.220 0.161 1.181 0.00003 0.017 8.48E-6 0.00002 3.71*** -1.38* -2.53** -1.71** 1.89** -0.94 0.02 1.61* Intercept 0.447 5.482 3.907 0.007 69.103 0.103 0.037 0.244 0.633 1.262 1.79** Intercept -1.68* PL PM -0.49 -3.08*** K. (pL*A)1/2 0.27 (pL*KN)1/2 3.44*** )1/2 0.72 -0.02 Group N Own-CE 1.91** Group N Cross-CE to R -1.30 Group N Cross-CE to M 'T' Group N Demand RON NNN NNR N NM N1N N2N N3N - 0.597 1.152 - 0.721 - 1.502 0.00005 0.104 0.00003 - 0.00001 1-'4N QN QR QM Y POP ADV N ADV R Group R Demand OOR 1!RR NRN NRM N1R N2R R3R 4R 1.410 -0.304 -0.407 -2.024 0.00006 - 0.016 1.67E-7 0.00003 QR QM QM POP ADV R ADV N Group N Supply YON YIN Y2N Y3N Y4N Y5N 16N aNN 11INR ONM 0.802 - 9.235 - 1.925 - 0.024 18.802 0.356 0.027 -0.005 1.213 - 1.663 Group R Supply YOR Y1R Y2R Y3R Y4R Y5it Y6R 5RR *RN ORM 3.744 - 6.423 - 14.250 - 0.017 62.200 - 0.083 0.230 -2.003 - 0.837 0.249 Note) *** 1%, 1.474 8.567 8.266 0.013 52.761 0.144 0.141 1.366 0.394 0.433 ** 5%, 2.54*** Intercept -0.75 PL -1.72** PM -1.33* KR (pL*pm)1/2 1.18 0.58 (PL*KR)]/2 1.63* (PM*K0)1/2 -1.47* Group R Own-CE -2.12** Group R Cross-CE to N 0.57 Group R Cross-CE to M * 10% significance level 58 As expected, advertising by both group N and R has a positive impact on the demand for beer, but this effect is not different from Ofor group R. This may be because national brewers as large scale advertisers have marketing advantages over regional brewers. Rivals' advertising outside group has a significant negative effect on group N beer and has a significant positive effect on group R beer. That is, group R advertising will decrease the demand for group N products while These group N advertising will increase the demand of group R products. results confirm Tremblay (1985) and suggest that group N advertising has spillover effects on the demand of group R beer. A critical motivation for this study is to investigate the market behavior and power of strategic groups N and R in the presence of import competition in the U.S. brewing industry. These can be reflected by the parameter estimates of the conjectural elasticities, and ORm 5NN' 10NR' ONM' 6RR' that are presented in Table V-1. V.3.1. Firm Behavior inside the Strategic Group This section concerns the investigation of firms' behavior inside their own group. Recall that Ne(aQN/agNi)(gNi/QN) measures how the national firms behave in their own group. Similarly, 6Ne(aWaciNi) (gRi/QR) measures how the regional firms behave in their own group. From Chapter III, recall the following: Own-Group Behavioral Assumptions Bertrandtype C2NN 0 C2NC2R 0 NN (a/aciNi)(c1Ni/Q) = RR (aia ciRi)(c1Ri/) Note) Cournottype CINi/QN n = the number of firms in group N and R. Cartel­ type nN /0N) nit(cliti/QN) 59 Therefore, one would expect the own-conjectural elasticities aNN' ( aRR) to range from 0 to nOgNi/QN) for group N and from 0 to nR(gRi/QR) for group R. For example, the actual bounds on 5NN and 6RR are calculated to be between 0 and 1, when the data are evaluated at their values of 1970, the mean year of the sample. Accordingly, as 6NN and SRR increase in value, the degree of market power increases, ceteris paribus. To test for Bertrand-type behavior within the same group, we can test the null hypothesis that 5NN = 0 for group N, 5RR = 0 for group R. As seen in Table V-1, A NN = -0.005 is not different from 0 at the 5% significance level. This cannot reject the null hypothesis of Bertrand­ type behavior within group N. 5% significance level. 6RR = -2.003 is different from 0 at the It is notable that the bRR has a significant negative sign out of bound. This implies that there is severe competi­ tion among regional brewers, which may explain the exit of so many regional producers during this period. These empirical results are in line with Expected Result 1 in chapter IV, which says that regional brewers are more competitive than national firms within the same group. They are consistent with the views of Greer (1981) and Elzinga (1992) and the empirical evidence of Tremblay and Tremblay (1995) who find that the U.S. brewers behave competitively. In the words of Elzinga (1992, pp. 155), Even with the increased demand for beer in the 1960s and 1970s, competition forces the exit of marginal firms. Moreover, Miller's increase in productive capacity (imitated by its rivals) overhangs the industry and now provokes the larger brewers to battle among themselves instead of merely competing away market share from smaller firms. V.3.2. Firm Behavior across Strategic Groups The second issue concerns rivalry across groups. estimates of cross-conjectural elasticities (*. NR ' R. 111RN ) This involves for groups N and Recall from chapter III the following definitions and bounds for *NR NR and 41RN: 60 Cross-Group Behavioral Assumptions Bertrandtype Cournottype Cartel­ type *NR=(aC2R/aCINi) (CINi/4R) (clNi/C2R) 0 r2R(ciNi/4R) *RN=(aQN/aciRi) (c1RiNN) = (gRiP2N) 0 12N(c1Ri/QN) Note) n = the number of firms in group N and R. As the values of cross-conjectural elasticities (III NR ' *RN) increase, competition is reduced and the degree of market power increase, ceteris paribus. For data from 1970, for example, the bound for *NR is -0.15 to 12, and the bound for *RN is -0.02 to 0.08. The non-zero value of the cross-conjectural elasticity implies that output strategic choices made by the representative firm of a strategic group are affected by the reaction from the rival group. From Table V-1, the parameter estimates for the cross-conjectural elasticity (*NR = 1.213 and significance level. *RN 0.837) are different from 0 at the 5% These results suggest that national brewers expect a cooperative or accommodating response from regional brewers when national brewers change their output. Alternatively, regional producers expect an aggressive response from national producers when regional producers change their output. The * RN -0.837 has a significant negative g sign out of bound. This implies that regional brewers are much harmed by the rivalry from national producers. These empirical results are consistent with the Expected Result 2 and support previous research [Porter (1979), Hatten and Schendel (1977), Tremblay (1985, 1987), and Elzinga(1992)]. V.3.3. The Impact of Import Competition on Strategic Group Behavior. The question to be examined in this section is how strategic group behavior is affected by import competition. The values of conjectural parameters 00 and ORm measure how imports influence the behavior of 61 groups N and R, respectively.38 Recall from chapter III the following definitions and bounds for Ow and 6 RN: , Behavioral Assumptions (against Imports) Bertrandtype ONm=(8QmiaciNi)(clNi/Qm) = -(clNi/C2m) ORm=(aQmiaciRi)(c1Ri/Qm) -(c1Ri/Qm) Note) Cournottype Cartel­ type 0 nm(c10/(20 0 nm(c1Ri/C2N) n = the number of firms in group N and R. Thus, as ONm and ORm increase in value, the degree of market power increases, ceteris paribus. For instance, data from 1970 indicate that the bound for ONm is -13.33 to not less than 13.33, and ORm bounds from -1.18 to not less than 1.18.39 Table V-1 shows that *NM = -1.663 and *Rm = 0.249 are not different from 0 at the 5% significance level. These results imply that national and regional producers expect no response from import producers when national and regional producers change their output levels. This supports the theory of niche market suggested by Caves and Porter (1977). That is, the import niche is sufficiently unique, so that little rivalry exists between domestic groups and imports. This is supported by Elzinga (1992) who points out that imports generally compete in the superpremium category. These empirical results of own- and cross-group behavior can be summarized as follows, including the actual bounds on conjectural elasticities for the mean year of sample, 1970: 38 In the case of exogenous imports, there is no reaction from the imports to strategic decisions of groups N and R. Hence, one can talk about simply the impact of import competition on strategic output choices of each group. 39 The actual bound for 0,, and ORm are not concrete because the number of importers (nm) are not available. 62 The Measures of Firm Behavior <Group N> Bounds on Conjectural Elasticities (The mean year: 1970) Bertrand -type ONM Cartel -type qpn/QN =0.25 0 5NN IONR Cournot -type Estimated Conjectural Elasticities npl(qpn/QN)= 1 -(q0/QN)= -0.15 0 nR(qNi QR) =12 -(c1Ni/C2m)=-13.33 0 nN(qNi/QN)13.33 -0.005 1.213** -1.663 <Group R> Bounds on Conjectural Elasticities (The mean year: 1970) Bertrand -type 5RR *RN ORM Note) Cournot -type Cartel -type qNi/c4=0.01 0 Estimated Conjectural Elasticities nN(qpn/QN)=1 -2.003* -(qrn/QN)=-0.02 0 z2N(qRj/QN)=0.08 -0.837** -(qNi/QN)=-1.18 0 nm(c4i/QN)1.1.18 0.249 n = the number significance of firms level in group N and R, ** 5% significance level, and * 10% 63 V.3.4. Overall Group Behavior A strategic group model can capture the cross-group as well as own- group behavior and can determine the degree of market power for a strategic group by combining the own- and cross-group effects. There­ fore, the overall effect by group can be tested as follows: no market power exists if 6 NN = *NR = ONm = 0 for group N and (5 RR group R. SRN = ONm = 0 for For example, if we accept these hypotheses, then we conclude that P = MC in each group (Bertrand behavior), where P is the market price and MC is marginal cost. This means that firms behave like price-takers inside the group and do not expect rival response to own output variations from other com­ The x2 value for a Chi-square test is 15.25 petitors outside the group. for group N and 20.55 for group R. 7.81. These are greater than If ^2 0.05,3 Therefore, we can reject the hypothesis of price-taking behavior and conclude that neither strategic group behaves like Bertrand competi­ tors overall. V.3.5: Market Power by Strategic Group The main question in this section is which strategic group exercis­ es higher market power. This can be answered by comparing the Lerner index of market power [(P- MC) /P] for each group. Recall that the Lerner index of market power for groups N and R (LN, LR) can be expressed as: (50) LN (51) = LR = ­ [5NN 11NR ONR ENN ENR ENM 61212 *RN ORM ERR ERN E RM + Table V-2 shows the degree of estimated market power of groups N and R (LN, LR), and of the industry as a whole. The degree of market power that each strategic group exerts during 1953-1988 can be estimated at sample means as: 64 LN -E(SNNieNN)+(*NR/ENR)+(ONN/6NO] = 1.539 (7.092) LR = -E(bRR/ERR)-1-(1/RN/ERN)+(ORN/ERO] = where the number in parentheses are t-ratios. -1.826 (-4.597) This shows that LN has significant positive sign, and LR has significant negative sign at the 5% significance level for a two-tailed test. Negative market power (P < MC) for group R can be explained by an unexpected drop in the price of regional beers and so many exits of the regional brewers from the industry. These may be due to growing economies of scale and expansion in the production of national producers. Perhaps this also implies that regional firms expect a predatory or retaliatory response from national firms to keep them in line." Thus, they are not static profit maxi­ mizers. Therefore, one can conclude that national firms have exerted higher degree of market power than regional firms. confirm Expected Result 4 of chapter IV. These empirical results In addition, mean difference in market power between groups N and R is significant with t-ratio = 47.56 at the 5% significance level for a two-tailed test. These results imply that the strategic groups N and R exert different degrees of market power and supports the view that mobility barriers are greaterin group N. Furthermore, to measure the degree of market power for the industry as a whole, the weighted average market power (LN +R) can be calculated by weighting the Lerner index by the market share of groups N and R: LN = MSNLN + MSRLR = -0.724 (-1.214) where the parentheses show the t-statistics, MSN is the average market share of group N, and MSR is the average market share of group R in the U.S. brewing industry. Table V-2 presents that LN+R is not different from 0 at the 5% significance level for a two-tailed test. 40 This pro­ For example, the predatory pricing behavior of national brewer can be seen in the antitrust case between Anheuser-Busche (A-B) and Fallstaff in 1955. The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) charged A-B with unlawful price discrimination and argued that this practice would give A-B market power by increasing its market share [Elzingar (1992)]. 65 <Table V-2> The Estimates of Market Power YEAR 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 Variable LN LN L N+R Note) LN LR 1.274 1.185 1.279 1.217 1.216 1.090 1.468 1.376 1.397 1.438 1.446 1.513 1.506 1.547 1.527 1.556 1.663 1.714 1.683 1.657 1.721 1.700 1.646 1.745 1.825 1.730 1.746 1.891 1.899 2.021 1.557 1.507 1.485 1.433 1.366 1.377 Mean 1.539 -1.826 -0.724 ** 5% significance level -1.593 -1.499 -1.566 -1.462 -1.440 -1.489 -1.721 -1.529 -1.528 -1.268 -1.316 -1.389 -1.568 -1.397 -1.479 -1.499 -1.592 -1.698 -1.702 -1.687 -1.795 -2.105 -1.923 -1.928 -2.042 -2.179 -2.267 -2.471 -2.558 -2.598 -2.529 -2.394 -2.340 -2.425 -2.130 -1.616 LN+R -1.249 -1.215 -1.276 -1.016 -0.996 -1.044 -1.239 -0.947 -0.924 -0.657 -0.656 -0.669 -0.749 -0.557 -0.553 -0.475 -0.498 -0.468 -0.399 -0.311 -0.270 -0.369 -0.272 -0.345 -0.342 -0.503 -0.551 -0.652 -0.647 -0.875 -1.222 -1.060 -0.955 -0.962 -0.733 -0.410 Std Dev t-ratio 0.217 0.405 0.596 -4.597 -1.214 7.092 ** 66 vides evidence that the average U.S. brewer exercises no market power and behaves like a price-taking firm. Finally, the question is how outside group and import rivalry affects the market power of strategic groups. The impact of group R and import rivalry on the market power of group N can be captured from esti­ and 001 /ENm, respectively. resectively mates of *q112ENR / - *NR/ENR 1.539 is different from 0 and ONm/ENm is not different from 0 at the 5% significance level for a two-tailed test. These results suggest that regional group competition is more important than import competition to the national group and enhances the market power of national group. On the other hand, group N rivalry significantly reduces the market power of group R. In this case, t izN,/ ERN = 1.430 is different from 0, f and ORm/ERm is not different from 0 at the 5% significance level. These imply that the market power of an average regional brewer has been harmed by the rivalry from national brewers and has not been affected by import competition. These results confirm that the impact of outside competition on market power differs between groups N and R and that group N has been more able than group R to withstand outside group competition. Given a superior position in technology and marketing, the national brewers may have increased market share and power at the expense of their smaller regional competitors. The national brewers have higher average profit rates than the regional firms, and the failure rate was much higher for the regional than for the national firms (Tremblay (1985, 1987, 1993), Tremblay and Tremblay (1988)]. Besides, it appears that import rivalry has not been an important factor in determining the market power of domestic brewers, although the amount of beer imported into the United States has recently been increasing in the U.S. brewing market. In 1970, imported beer was a negligible part of U.S. beer consumption, accounting for less than 1% of the market. By 1988, market share had soared to 4.8%. However, at least 50% of import volume comes from on-premises consumption, including 67 restaurants, bars, and other public eating and drinking places. Thus, imported beer has not affected the direct business of national and regional brewers, but imports has filled a niche for superpremium beers. V.4 Alternative Models The purpose of this section is to provide several alternative models to analyze the fragility of the results. This analysis is due to the work of Edward E. Leamer (1983) who argues: I believe serious attention to two words would sweeten the atmosphere of econometric These are whimsy and fragility. disclosure. In order to draw inferences from data as described by econometric texts, it is necess­ ary to make whimsical assumptions. The prof­ essional audience consequently and properly withholds belief until an inference is shown to be adequately insensitive to the choice of assumptions. In an empirical study such as this, it is important to address how the conclusions are sensitive to alternative model specifications. Tremblay (1987) finds that technology has changed considerably in the U.S. brewing industry during the period 1950-1978. In order to control for technological change that may affect marginal cost, a linear time trend T (the sample period 1953-1988=1,2,3...36) is included. This variable serves to capture the technological effects of learning by doing and organizational changes allowing for the more efficient use of existing inputs. Table V-3 shows that the time-trend variables are not significantly different from 0 in the supply relation for both strategic groups (t-ratio = -0.85 for group N, and 0.94 for group R). In addit­ ion, the other parameter estimates in the model are fairly insensitive to the inclusion of this time trend. Kerkvliet et al. (1993) find a structural break between the 1950-71 and the 1972-1988 regimes in the cost function of the U.S. brewing industry. Therefore, a disjointed time trend, T72 (which equals 1 for the period 1972-1988=1,2,3,..17, and 0 otherwise) is used to capture 68 this possible structural break in technology. Table V-4 shows that the variable T72 is not significantly different from 0 in the supply rela­ tion for both strategic groups (t-ratio = 1.08 for group N, and -1.01 for group R). The values and signs of other parameter estimates in the model show little change in general. A dummy variable D72 that equals 1 for observations that range from 1972-1988 and 0 otherwise is also used to capture this possible struc­ tural break in technology. Table V-4 indicates that the D72 variable is not significant for either group. Other parameter estimates of this specification are still the same in general. Thus, the parameters of demand and supply functions appear fairly insensitive to the assumption of technological changes. PNN' PRR' PNR, PNM' ORN' All signs of pRm are exactly the same as in the primary model. The effects of income the beer drinking population, and advertising are consistent in general. *RN' and The conjectural elasticities, 6NN' *NR' ONM' are e fairly consistent in estimated values and signs. 6RR' 69 <Table V-3> Alternative Model (T) Estimate Parameter Approx. Std Err 'T' Ratio Label Group N Demand - 0.678 - 1.173 - 0.707 3 ON P NN PNR P1N 2N 133N 4N -1.783 0.00005 0.105 0.00003 -0.00001 Intercept 0.414 0.183 0.235 1.298 0.00003 0.019 0.00002 8.2E-6 -1.64* -6.40*** -3.00** -1.37* 1.53* 5.35*** 1.88** -1.77* 0.370 0.216 0.157 1.143 0.00003 0.017 8.3E-6 0.00002 3.90*** -1.52* -2.56** -1.69* 1.88** -0.93 0.05 1.59* 0.470 6.455 5.752 0.008 97.320 0.107 0.040 0.015 0.444 0.721 2.176 Intercept 1.93** PL -1.76** PM -0.90 -2.80*** " 1/2 (PL*PM) 0.80 pL*K 1/2 3.09*** (pmk)1/2 0.25 -0.85 Group N Own-CE 0.58 1.89** Group N Cross-CE to R Group N Cross-CE to M 0.10 2.849 18.998 13.210 0.023 93.773 0.301 0.189 0.018 1.181 1.055 1.623 0.64 0.40 -0.49 -0.05 -0.02 -0.46 0.78 0.94 -1.62* -1.54* -0.68 QN QR QM POP ADV N ADV R Group R Demand 1.444 O OR - 0.328 - 0.405 - 1.930 (IP RR aP RN ,PRM 0.00006 RP 1R - 0.016 g 2R 4.2E-7 0.00003 a3R 4R Intercept QR QN QM POP ADVR ADVN Group N Supply YON Y 1N Y 2N Y3N Y4N Y5N Y6N 7N 'NN *NR 'NM 0.907 -11.359 - 5.519 - 0.022 77.978 0.330 0.010 - 0.013 0.256 1.360 0.213 Group R Supply 1.809 7.544 6.468 Y OR Y 1R Y 2R Y3R Y4R ity5R Y6R Y7R YRN 'RN ORM - 0.001 -1.849 -0.138 0.147 0.017 - 1,910 -1.627 - 1.103 Note) *** 1%, ** 5%, * 10% significance Intercept PL PM (pL*A)1/2 (pL*K)1/2 (pm*KRR) 1/2 Group R Own-CE Group R Cross-CE to N Group R Cross-CE to M Level 70 <Table V-4> Alternative Model (T72.1 Estimate Parameter Approx. Std Err 'T' Ratio Label Group N Demand 13n0N 1NN RNR li;NM 1N VN VN F4N -0.596 -1.113 -0.674 -1.417 0.00004 0.102 0.00003 -0.00001 0.411 0.179 0.224 1.288 0.00003 0.019 0.00001 7.6E-6 -1.45* -6.22*** Intercept QN QR Qm - 3.01** 1.10 1.23 5.33*** 1.73** 1.58* POP ADV N ADVR Group R Demand 13 OR ,FRR aPRN F1R 131R 2R 13F 3R 4R 0.374 1.455 0.210 -0.319 0.157 -0.401 1.154 -1.890 0.00006 0.00003 0.017 -0.017 5.1E-7 8.1E-6 -0.00003 0.00002 3.88*** 1.52* 2.55** 1.64* 1.87** -0.98 0.06 -1.55* Intercept QR QN Qm POP ADV R ADVN Group N Supply YON YIN Y3N Y4M Y5N Y6N Y7R .1.5NN YNR ONM 0.847 -5.277 -0.034 -0.019 -18.909 0.283 0.027 0.031 -0.111 0.944 -4.404 0.417 5.146 3.608 0.007 65.191 0.095 0.035 0.028 0.241 0.598 3.841 Intercept 2.03** PL -1.03 PM -0.01 K. -2.75*** " 1/2 (PL*PM) -0.29 (PL*K ) 1/2 2.97*** (pm*4)1/2 0.77 T 72 1.08 Group N Own-CE -0.46 1.58* Group N Cross-CE to R Group N Cross-CE to M -1.15 1.455 8.491 8.121 0.012 52.587 0.149 0.138 0.017 1.101 0.378 1.932 Intercept 2.37*** PL -0.57 PM -1.88** K -1.11 (pL*6)1/2 1.41* (pL*K 0/2 0.22 (pm*K:) 1/2 1.75** T -1.01 72 Group R Own-CE -1.65* Group R Cross-CE to N -2.02* Group R Cross-CE to M 0.92 Group R Supply YOR 11R Y2R Y3R 4R 15R Y6R Y7R 6RR 4RN ORM 3.447 -4.830 -15.285 -0.014 74.351 0.033 0.243 -0.018 -1.822 -0.764 1.780 Note) *** 1%, ** 5%, * 10% significance level 71 <Table V-5> Alternative Model (D72.1 Estimate Parameter Approx. Std Err 'T' Ratio Label Group N Demand 0.619 -1.148 ,3, 10N Fa'NN - 0.664 a'NR 1.623 0.00005 0.101 0.00003 -0.00001 p.IM pN Fa'2N N3N P4N 0.411 0.184 0.232 1.308 0.00003 0.019 0.00002 8.1E-6 -1.50* -6.24*** - 2.85*** - 1.24 1.46* 5.17*** 1.82** -1.79* Intercept QN QR QM Y POP ADV N ADV R Group R Demand 0.372 1.455 0.216 0.270 0.159 0.377 1.154 1.916 0.00006 0.00003 0.017 -0.020 8.5E-6 3.4E-6 0.00002 -0.00002 'OR . RR aPRN aPRM Pa1R aP3R '33R P4R 3.90*** - 1.25 - 2.37** 1.66* 1.91** -1.17 0.40 1.31 Group N Supply YON YIN Y2N Y3N 14N Y5N YoN Y7N (5NN IIINR ONM Intercept QR QN QM Y POP ADVR ADVN 0.785 6.401 0.443 -0.021 -16.101 0.303 0.032 0.072 0.090 1.113 1.307 0.440 5.655 3.980 0.007 73.829 0.103 0.038 0.055 0.250 0.676 0.926 1.79** -1.13 0.11 Intercept - 2.78** K,, 3.507 4.978 -17.039 -0.014 87.822 0.028 0.269 -0.086 -2.162 -0.636 0.604 1.395 8.143 7.925 0.012 52.566 0.141 0.134 0.073 1.599 0.378 0.602 Intercept 2.51** PL 0.61 PM 2.15** K 1.20 (PL*44)1/2 1.67* (PL*KR)1/2 -0.20 (pm*KR)1/2 2.01** D 72 1.17 1.35* Group R Own-CE 1.68* Group R Cross-CE to N 1.00 Group R Cross-CE to M PL PM ,,i i, (PL*PM) ''' -0.22 (PL*KN),1/2 2.94*** (PM*KN)1/` 0.85 D 72 1.30 Group N Own-CE 0.36 Group N Cross-CE to R 1.65* -1.41* Group N Cross-CE to M Group R Supply YOR Y112 Y2R 13R Y4R Y5R Y6R Y 7R (RR 11JRN ORM Note) *** 17., ** 5%, * 10% significance level 72 CHAPTER VI: SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS This study provides the first synthesis of strategic group theory and the NEIO approach in the international trade analysis. Data from the U.S. brewing industry are used to analyze the implications of the model. This is an imperfectly competitive industry with national and regional strategic groups in the presence of growing import competition. The main purpose of this thesis is to examine the following questions: (1) How do import and strategic group competition affect the behavior of national and regional U.S. brewing companies? (2) To what extent do national and regional U.S. brewing companies have market power? Using the New Empirical Industrial Organization (NEIO) approach, the conjectural variation technique is utilized to capture strategic behavior and measure market power under the assumption that firms maximize the profits. This thesis estimates directly the own- and cross-conjectural elasticities and the Lerner indexes incorporating firm behavior in competing with rivals inside and outside each strategic group. The empirical results show the following conclusions about import and strategic group competition and market power in the U.S. brewing industry. First, national brewers behave like Bertrand-type competitors inside their own group, and regional firms face more within-group competition than national firms: the estimated own-conjectural elastici­ ty for group N (SNN = -0.005) is not different from 0, and that for group R ( 5RR 2.003) is different from 0 at the 5% significance level. Second, national brewers expect a cooperative or accommodating response from regional brewers when national brewers change their output. Alternatively, regional producers expect an aggressive response from national producers when regional producers change their output. In other words, regional brewers are exposed to more competition from national producers than the reverse: the estimates for the cross-conjec­ 73 1.213 for group N and t RN = -0.837 for group tural elasticities /* , TNR R) are different from 0 at the 5% significance level. Third, neither national nor regional producers expect a response from import producers when national and regional producers change their output levels. It is possible that imported beers serve a niche market. This may explain why there is little rivalry between imports and domestic producers: the estimates for the cross-elasticities (tNN = -1.663 for group N and 111Rm = 0.249 for group R) are not different from 0 at the 5% significance level. Fourth, neither national producers nor regional producers behave like Bertrand competitors overall: the null hypotheses IIINR = ONM ( 5NN t RN = ORm = 0 for group R) are both rejected at 0 for group N and 6RR .. . the 5% significance level. In other words, the brewing industry is imperfectly competitive. Fifth, national firms exert a higher degree of market power than do regional firms: the estimated LN = 1.539 and LR = -1.826 are different from 0 at the 5% significance level. In addition, the national group and the regional group exert significantly different degrees of market power, implying that national brewers have greater mobility barriers However, than regional firms. the average market power of the brewing industry as a whole is not significantly different from zero. Sixth, the market power of national firms is not harmed by the competition from regional firms or imported beers: *NR /ENR 1.539 is different from 0 and ONN/ENN is not different from 0 at the 5% signifi­ cance level. On the other hand, the market power of regional brewers is harmed by the rivalry from national brewers, but it is not affected by import competition: not ID . RNI ERN 1.430 is different from 0, and ORm/ERN is different from 0 at the 5% significance level. That is, imported beer does not appear to compete directly with the products of the national and regional brewers. Additional research may fruitfully be directed to specifying and testing the relationship between import competition and market power 74 exerted by strategic groups if the model applies to an industry with greater import competition. 75 BIBLIOGRAPHY Alchian, Armen, and Allen, William, 1964, University Economics, Belmont, CA, Wadsworth Publishing Co. pp. 383-393. Appelbuam, Elie, 1979, Testing Price Behavior, Journal of Econometrics, 9(3), February, pp. 283-294. Appelbaum, Elie, 1982, The Estimation of The Degree of Oligopoly Power, Journal of Econometrics 19(3/2), August, pp. 287-299. Appelbaum, Elie and Berechman Joseph, 1991, Demand Conditions, Regulations, and the Measurements of Productivity, Journal of Econometr­ ics, 47(4), pp. 379-400. 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PN (PR) is the average real market price of group N (group R) beer per barrel. They are measured as the total revenue divided by the number of barrels sold by group N (group R) and are deflated by the CPI (Consumer Price Index: 1982­ 84=100). The total revenue for group N is measured by aggregating the average revenue of Anheuser-Busche (A-B) and Pabst for the period of 1953-55, A-B, Schlitz and Pabst for 1956-81, A-B and Pabst for 1982, and A-B for 1983-88. 41 The total revenue of the firm is taken from Moody's Industrial Manual and Moody's OTC Industrial Manual. Total revenue for group R is measured by subtracting group N's total revenue from the industry total revenue.42 QN (QR) is per-capita consumption of group N (group R) beer. They are measured in barrels and are put into per-capita terms by dividing the total output sold by group N (group R) by the U.S. population of 18 years of age and older. The output sold by group N is taken from Moody­ 's Industrial Manual and Moody's OTC Industrial Manual. The output sold by group R is measured by subtracting the output by group N from the quantity of the industry total output that is taken from Advertising Age (various issues). The exogenous variables in the demand equations are QM, ADVN (ADVR), Y, and POP. QM equals per-capita consumption of imported beer. It is measured in barrels by dividing the total quantity of imported beer per year that is taken from Brewers Almanac (Various issues) by the U.S. population of 18 years of age and older. ADVN (ADVR is real ) 41 Miller is excluded since it is a conglomerate firm, so that its beer revenue data are not available, and the corresponding aggregate output is used to calculate P. The reason why Schlitz and Pabst exit the sample data is that Schlitz went out of business in 1982, and Pabst became a regional producer in 1983. 42 Group N's total revenue is measured as the average revenue for group N (as defined above) times the total output of all national producers (including Miller). 84 advertising expenditures in thousand dollar incurred by group N (group R) and are deflated by the CPI. The advertising expenditures of group N (group R) are obtained by summing the total advertising expenditure of the firms belonging to group N (group R). The total advertising expenditure of the firm is obtained from Advertising Age for the period 1953-1984 and from The Beer Industry Update for 1984-88. Y is real per capita disposable income, taken from U.S. Bureau of the Census. POP is the percent of the U.S. population that drink beer, measured as the percentage of population weighted by index of beer consumption in various age group (18 years of age and older) over the U.S. total population. The index of beer consumption in various age group is taken from Advertising Age (16 January, 1984).43 The total population by age group is taken from The U.S. Statistical Abstract. The explanatory variables in the marginal cost functions are PL, PM, and KN (KR). try. PL is the real price of labor in the U.S. beer indus­ It is measured as the average wage per hour for production workers in the beer industry and is deflated by the PPI (Producer Price Index: 1982=100). The average wage per hour is taken from Brewers Almanac (Various Issues). try. PM is the real price of materials for the beer indus­ It is measured by weighted average price of important materials: malt, corn, rice, sugar, barley, and hops44 and is deflated by the PPI. The material weights in the production of beer are measured by the fraction of each material in pounds per barrel, which are taken from Brewers Almanac. The prices of materials are taken from Commodity Year Book and Agricultural Statistics. KN (KR) is the capital stock of group N (group R) in the beer industry. They are measured as group production capacity in millions of barrels per year. Digest, Brewer's Guide and Directory. They are taken from Brewer's The CPI and PPI are obtained from 43 The indexes of beer consumption by age group are as follows: 61% of the 18-24 year-old population drink beer, 58% of the 25-34 age group, 44% of the 35-49 age group, 26% of the 50-64 age group, and 24% of those 65 years and over [Lee and Tremblay (1992)]. 44 Following Tremblay (1987), only materials contributing at least 0.1 pounds per barrel of beer are included.