Design of the Life-ring Drone Delivery System (LDDS) for Rip Current Rescue Context Rescue Process ~40% of US adults go to the beach each year. Stick Figures Graphic Surf Zone Fatalities 2014 Total 100% 50% 7% 0% 3% 6% 5% Rip Current Measurements Shoreline Neck Length Width ~[100,1000] feet Primary-Drowning Secondary-Drowning Speed [1,8] feet/second Head USLA, NOAA Drone Integration! (Our drone system will integrate with the report in) There are ways to escape from rip currents. Float with current, fight against current, swim parallel to shore Victim drowning is then averted and victim can be rescued by lifeguard at their leisure Secondary-Drowning Option 2: near guard towers. Range of the nearest towers. Closer to shore & eyesight of victims. Victim, Lifeguard, & Drone Victim Panics Set Ω: Design of Drone Motors Drone Platform (quad/hexa/octo) Battery Option 3: At Sea Avoid regulatory problems Section Flotation device alternatives Victim 3. Boat Swim to drowning victim 1. Control Room 2. Tower Tower Cost & Utility u s S T TR E E Lifecycle Cost (2yrs) Primary-Drowning System Acquisition Cost Drowning Averted Identify Drowning Victim Lifeguard secures victim Report in Annual Repair Cost Camera System Annual Maintenance Cost Swim to drowning victim Tether Leave home point Drone flys to victim Drop flotation device Operations and Support Cost Drone Platform Tether Release System Victim Saved Rip tides are, on average: Annual beach rescues: 81%, Annual beach fatalities: 79%, Average annual fatalities: 51 Lifeguards can reach victims in max of 92 seconds, Some victims have survival times as low as 60 seconds. When the report in is received 1. Drone leaves 2. Drone flys to victim location 3. Drone drops flotation device Primary-Drowning Range of multiple towers. Easier to charge drone. Safer for the drone. With Drone Feeder Current Speed Length Victim Panics Victim Dies Surf Zone [10,200] feet Option 1: main control room. Victim & Lifeguard Worst Case scenario!!! Lifeguard unable to reach victim Victim Panics in time to enact rescue. 1. LG ID’s drowning victim Identify Drowning Victim 2. Report in noticing victim 3. Swim to victim Report in • Worst case, are unable to reach victim before death ~80% of rescues & fatalities are caused by rip currents Width Set Α: Drone Location Only Victim With Lifeguard Rip Current High Surf Sneaker Wave Other Unknown Alternatives Victim Dies 79% victim is caught is a rip current 1. Victim Panics 2. They enter PrimaryDrowning 3. Then enter SecondaryDrowning 4. Then die Andrew Hardy Mohammed Rajeh Lahari Venuthurupalli Gang Xiang Annual Battery Recharging Cost Disposal Cost S = % lives saved TR= mean time to reach victim E = mean battery energy usage per rescue Controller’s salary Environment Protection Equipment Battery Acquisition Location Setup User manual/Training Model Inputs (Random) Rip Rip Current Current Speed Length … … Rip Current Width … Outputs Rip Current Victim Y- Position Escape Method … Repeat above for X reps, until % Saved σ < 10 % … Results: -> Base Hex Reach Time Conclusions & Future Work Results Baseline Base Octo Octo 2-ring Lifeguard Reach Reach only reach Time Time time … … … % Saved % Saved % Saved … Victim Survival Time … % Saved w/0 drone Historic USLA Data on Fatalities/ Rescues Graph Histogram for various paths and locations Vs time Graph Distance from shore vs Victim position % Saved Graph Design alternatives results Flotation device selection TEXT Text Recommendations Inputs for Alternatives Analysis (1 at a time) (same reps as before or less reps?) Location Battery Type Motor Types 3 locations Use battery equation Use motor equations CATSR(logo) Outputs (add time to reach as well?) Base Hex % Saved Base Octo % Saved Octo 2-ring % Saved Graph Guarded rescue util Vs Cost And/or Alternatives avg time to reach Vs % saved Graph Unguarded rescue util Vs Cost And/or Alternatives avg time to reach Vs % saved System Engineering & Operations Research, George Mason University ExpertDrones(logo)