The Modernized NASPAC Simulation Environment Presented to: NAS-Wide Simulation & NextGen workshop By: Kimberly Noonan, Joseph Post Date: December 10th, 2008 Federal Aviation Administration Your Father’s NASPAC National Airspace System Performance Analysis Capability • The FAA’s standard system-wide model • Originally developed in late 1980s • Represents NAS as network of interconnected queues – Airports – TRACONs – En route sectors • Discrete-event – SIMSCRIPT II.5 – Fortran, C, Pascal pre-processors • Sun Solaris platform • Used mainly for investment analysis (i.e., cost-benefit analysis) The Modernized NASPAC Simulation Environment 10 December 2008 Federal Aviation Administration 2 Legacy NASPAC Environment TAF OAG ETMS Future Demand Generator Trajectory Builder ETMS Itinerary Purge Routes Fix Inserter 4D Trajectories Sector Crossings Sector Entry/Exit Times Core Queuing Model Output Trace Files Sector Geometries Sector Capacities Airport Capacities Flow Restrictions TAF = Terminal Area Forecast OAG = Official Airline Guide ETMS = Enhanced Traffic Management System The Modernized NASPAC Simulation Environment 10 December 2008 Federal Aviation Administration 3 Objectives of Modernized NASPAC Make available to more analysts and projects Maintain fast run time Incorporate traditional trajectory module with fuel burn computation Automate airport weather scheduler Obtain modern, configuration-controlled, documented source code Produce standard, analyst-friendly, repeatable output Validate • Develop GUI and output visualization tools • Facilitate Monte Carlo simulation The Modernized NASPAC Simulation Environment 10 December 2008 Federal Aviation Administration 4 Modernized NASPAC Environment Delay Wx Fuel Burn Rate TAF ETMS Future Schedule Generato r Unconstrained Traj.-Based Forecast (2D) Industry/ Regulatory Response Unsatisfied Demand Constrained Traj.-Based Forecast (2D) Δ Fuel Burn 4D Trajectories Legacy NASPAC Sector Entry/Exit Times Itinerary Generation Fleet Evolution Java Trajectory Module Fleet Forecast Wind Field Sector Crossings Sector Geometries Wx MAP Values The Modernized NASPAC Simulation Environment 10 December 2008 Flight Table Output Parser Airport Table Sector Table Flight Delays Sector Capacities Pareto Curves Wx = weather TAF = Terminal Area Forecast MAP = Monitor Alert Parameter ETMS = Enhanced Traffic Management System Core Queuing Model Capacity Scheduler Airport Capacities Flow Restrictions Federal Aviation Administration 5 Future Traffic Generation Airport A Airport B Airport A Airport B TAF Airport C 2007 ETMS Airport D Airport C 2010 Airport D Forecast • FAA airport forecasts are unconstrained – Yield excessive and unrealistic future delays at some airports • Estimated airport capacities used to constrain traffic growth – Mimic operator and FAA response to large demand and capacity imbalances – Apply both schedule smoothing and trimming at 110 airports The Modernized NASPAC Simulation Environment 10 December 2008 Federal Aviation Administration 6 Itinerary Generation • Constrained schedule consists of ETMS flight legs – No tail numbers • Create aircraft itineraries – Link flight legs with same airline and aircraft type – Minimize total fleet size, i.e. number of itineraries – Respect schedule turn time constraints ATL A Flight Leg arriving ATL B Flight Leg Departing ATL C Flight Leg Departing ATL Min schedule turn time The Modernized NASPAC Simulation Environment 10 December 2008 Federal Aviation Administration 7 Fleet Evolution • Retire and replace aircraft with newer types – minimize changes across seat-class/engine-type categories • Consistent with APO and Mitre Fleet Forecast • Domestic passenger and cargo airlines only Forecast by category (2008) 0.35 0.30 % of Total Fleet 0.25 T<20 T020-049 T050-099 T100-150 J020-049 J050-099 J100-150 J151-210 J211-300 J301-400 J401-500 J500-601 J 0.20 0.15 0.10 0.05 0.00 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 The Modernized NASPAC Simulation Environment 10 December 2008 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Federal Aviation Administration 8 Java Trajectory Module • Aircraft performance – BADA 3.6 tables • Waypoints / cruise alt. – ETMS flight plan • Arrival/departure fixes – Assigned to flight path • Wind data – NCEP/NCAR Global Reanalysis Model • 4D track points computed at 1 min. intervals The Modernized NASPAC Simulation Environment 10 December 2008 Federal Aviation Administration 9 Airspace Modeled 939 airspace elements The Modernized NASPAC Simulation Environment 10 December 2008 Federal Aviation Administration 10 Airports Modeled • All IFR flights touching U.S. airspace are modeled • Arrival/departure capacities for 110 airports included – All other airports assumed to have infinite capacity • VFR flights at 73 airports included 140 Arrlivals (/hr) 120 100 VMC MMC IMC 80 60 40 20 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 Departures (/hr) OEP Airports Other Airports The Modernized NASPAC Simulation Environment 10 December 2008 Washington Dulles International Airport Capacities Federal Aviation Administration 11 Output Files Input Files Airport Capacity File (airportc) ATO-P Input Schedule pre-configuration File Sector Capacity File (sector_sim) sim-configuration File Output Files Flight File Perl Arrival Trace File(t_arr) Arrivals-Departures at Sink Trace File(t_snk) At-Gate Trace File(t_agt) Change Parameter File (change_apt) Cross Arrival Fix-Departure Fix-Restriction Trace File(t_cnd) Departure Trace File(t_dep) Enter-Exit Sector Trace File(t_sec) IFR Trajectories(traject) JTM Bad Flights File JTM Flight Map File JTM Fuel Usage File JTM Generate Itineraries Schedule Pushback Trace File(t_pbk) Script s The Modernized NASPAC Simulation Environment 10 December 2008 Oracle Airport File Database Sector File Federal Aviation Administration 12 Metrics • Flights accommodated – Flight trimming process • Delay – – – – Gate push-back Departure runway/fix queuing Sector queuing Arrival fix/runway queuing • Fuel Burn – Origin to Destination – US airspace • CO2 – Jet A savings converted to CO2 using multiplier of 21.095 lb/gal The Modernized NASPAC Simulation Environment 10 December 2008 Federal Aviation Administration 13 NASPAC Project Wiki The Modernized NASPAC Simulation Environment 10 December 2008 Federal Aviation Administration 14 Validation Process Every new software release validated! • Run simulation for eight historical days – Demand variation • Two days per season (1 weekend, 1 weekday) – Weather variation • Actual weather used for each day • Distribution of surface and en route weather • Compute flight time, delay, fuel burn metrics • Compare validation metrics to observed system response – Ground Truth ≡ ASPM, ASQP, BTS databases – Mean, variance – Pooled, pair-wise statistics The Modernized NASPAC Simulation Environment 10 December 2008 Federal Aviation Administration 15 Airborne Delay, Daily Observations Airborne Delay, v5d Avg. Airborne Delay (min) 2.5 ASPM NASPAC Power (NASPAC) Power (ASPM) 2.0 1.5 y = 8E-10x2.0557 1.0 y = 4E-09x1.8972 0.5 0.0 0 5,000 10,000 15,000 20,000 25,000 30,000 35,000 40,000 Flight Count v5d The Modernized NASPAC Simulation Environment 10 December 2008 Federal Aviation Administration 16 Airborne Delay, OEP Airports OEP 35 Airports, v5d 10 ASPM Airborne Delay (min) 8 6 4 y = 0.8636x + 0.6282 2 R = 0.3575 2 ORD 0 0 4 2 6 8 10 -2 -4 FLL -6 NASPAC Airborne Delay (min) 19 Oct. 2006 The Modernized NASPAC Simulation Environment 10 December 2008 v5d Federal Aviation Administration 17 Taxi-Out Delay, Daily Observations Taxi-Out Delay, v5d Avg. Taxi-Out Delay (min) 9 8 7 6 5 ASPM NASPAC 4 3 2 1 0 0 5,000 10,000 15,000 20,000 25,000 30,000 35,000 40,000 Flight Count v5d The Modernized NASPAC Simulation Environment 10 December 2008 Federal Aviation Administration 18 Push-Back Delay ASPM Avg. Push-Back Delay (min) Push-Back Delay, v5d 25 20 y = 3.1782x + 4.1314 R2 = 0.0429 15 10 5 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 NASPAC Avg. Push-Back Delay (min) v5d The Modernized NASPAC Simulation Environment 10 December 2008 Federal Aviation Administration 19 ETE Distributions, 19 Oct. 2006 ETE Distribution, v5d 30 Frequency (%) 25 20 15 NASPAC/JTM ASPM 10 5 500 475 450 425 400 375 350 325 300 275 250 225 200 175 150 125 100 75 50 25 0 Estimated Time En Route (min) v5d The Modernized NASPAC Simulation Environment 10 December 2008 Federal Aviation Administration 20 Airport Arrival Rate, 19 Oct. 2006 CLT Arrival Rates, 10/19/06, v5d Arrivals (per 15 min. epoch) 20 18 16 14 12 NASPAC ASPM 10 8 6 4 2 0 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Local Hour (EDT) Charlotte-Douglas International Airport The Modernized NASPAC Simulation Environment 10 December 2008 Federal Aviation Administration v5d 21 Fuel Burn FY 2007 Actual Fuel Usage Domestic Commercial Flights 1 Actual Fuel: Total 2 FY 2007 Modeled Fuel Usage 10,843,220 13,594,891,330 Domestic Commercial Flights 3 10,563,035 Fuel 4 Nominal Taxi Out (gal) 310,763,808 Excess Taxi Out (gal) 50,646,405 0.4% Nominal Airborne (gal) 12,742,782,169 93.6% Excess Airborne (gal) 315,232,694 2.3% Nominal Taxi In (gal) 116,787,683 0.9% Excess Descent (gal) 82,043,414 0.6% 13,618,256,172 100.0% 29 2.3% Model Fuel: Total 2.3% Fuel per Flight Nominal Taxi Out (gal / flt) Excess Taxi Out (gal / flt) 5 0.4% Nominal Airborne (gal / flt) 1,206 93.6% Excess Airborne (gal / flt) 30 2.3% Nominal Taxi In (gal / flt) 11 0.9% 7.8 0.6% 1,289.2 100.0% Excess Descent (gal / flt) Actual Fuel: per Flight 1,254 Notes: 5 Model Fuel: per Flight 2.8% diff. 1. Sum total of revenue departures in domestic service, reported by U.S. carriers filing DOT Form 41, Table T-1 2. Gallons of fuel used in domestic service, reported by U.S. carriers filing DOT Form 41, Table P-12a 3. Domestic flights, excluding the categories of "Fractional / Business", "GA", and "Military" 4. Nominal fuel use taken from ATO's JTM trajectory modeler. Excess fuel used on taxi and enroute derived by multiplying minutes of NASPAC delays times BADA or ICAO fuel burn Excess fuel used on descent taken from estimates of below-cruise vertical holding on domestic flights arriving at the OEP 35 airports 5. Excess minutes per flight on descent is the ratio of the excess time at the OEP airports to the number of total domestic flights. The Modernized NASPAC Simulation Environment 10 December 2008 Federal Aviation Administration 22 Conclusions • Modernized model runs much faster, accessible to more users, and easier to use • Deterministic trajectory model provides easy means of specifying flight trajectories – – – – Uses standard Eurocontrol BADA data Fuel burn computation integrated into trajectory model Accommodates wind field Achieves good accuracy in nominal flight time and fuel burn • Airborne delays close to observed values • Surface delays appear underestimated The Modernized NASPAC Simulation Environment 10 December 2008 Federal Aviation Administration 23 Next Steps • Evolve International carrier fleet • Enhance airport capacity model – Incorporate additional airport pareto curves based on alternative configurations and/or wind conditions • Improve taxi-out delay – Update departure fix en trail constraints • Incorporate Traffic Flow Management (TFM) – Ground Delay Programs • Include Monte Carlo simulation capability • Validation, validation, validation The Modernized NASPAC Simulation Environment 10 December 2008 Federal Aviation Administration 24 Questions? The Modernized NASPAC Simulation Environment 10 December 2008 Federal Aviation Administration 25