GRENADA CONTENTS: 1. Exchange of Letters dated 7 Dec 92 and 11 Oct 93 p. 2 1 EMBASSY OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Note Number 123 The Embassy of the United states of America presents its compliments to the Ministry of External Affairs of Grenada and has the honor to refer to past discussions between representatives of our two Governments concerning the status of United States Armed Forces personnel present for temporary assignment in Grenada in connection with exercises or activities approved by both Governments in accordance with usual procedures. The Embassy proposes that such personnel shall be accorded the same status provided to members of the Administrative and Technical Staff of the United States Embassy under the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations of 1961. The Embassy further proposes that such United States Forces temporarily assigned to Grenada shall enjoy freedom of movement and the right to undertake those activities necessary for the performance of their mission and for the support of their personnel. If the foregoing is acceptable to your Government, the Embassy has the honor to propose that this Note, together with your reply, shall constitute an agreement between our two Governments, effective from the date of your reply. The Embassy of the United States of America avails itself of this opportunity to renew to the Ministry of External Affairs of Grenada the assurances of its highest consideration. [SEAL] St. George’s, December 7, 1992 2 MINISTRY OF EXTERNAL AFFAIRS, BOTANICAL GARDENS, TANTEEN, ST. GEORGE’S, GRENADA, W.I. NOTE NO: 554/93 The Ministry of External Affairs of Grenada presents its compliments to the Embassy of the United States of America in St. George’s and has the honour to refer to the latter’s Note No. 123 of December 7, 1992, which together with this Note shall constitute an Agreement between the two Governments effective from the date of this Note. The Ministry wishes to advise that United States Armed Forces personnel present for temporary assignment in Grenada in connection with exercises or activities approved by both Governments in accordance with usual procedures shall be accorded the status provided to members of the Administrative and Technical staff of the United States Embassy under the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations of 1961. The Ministry wishes further to advise that such United States Forces, temporarily assigned to Grenada, shall enjoy freedom of movement and the right to undertake those activities deemed necessary for the performance of their mission and or the support of their personnel. The Ministry of External Affairs of Grenada avails itself of this opportunity to renew to the Embassy of the United States of America the assurances of its highest consideration. St. George’s, October 11, 1993 [SEAL] 3