Advanced Applications in Wide-Area Impedance Sensing by Elizabeth C. George S.B., Massachusetts Institute of Technology (2012) Submitted to the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of MASSACNUSETTS INGT TUTE Master of Engineering in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science j at the OF TECHNOLOGY JUL 15 2014 MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY 1LIBRA.RIES February 2014 @ Massachusetts Institute of Technology 2014. All rights reserved. re redacted Signatu .... :.......................... .. A uthor ..................... ' ............... Depar~ent of Electrical Eng eering and Computer Science January 31, 2014 Certified by.. Signature redacted .............. .......... Dr. Steven B. Leeb Professor of E.E.C.S. & M.E., MacVicar Faculty Fellow 4-. Certified by... .... A gnar U rc C ac.#LCU 4 Thesis Supervisor A ....... ..................... Al-Thaddeus Avestruz Doctoral Candidate Thesis Supervisor Signature redacted Accepted by.............. ........................ Prof. Albert R. Meyer Chairman, Master of Engineering Thesis Committee Advanced Applications in Wide-Area Impedance Sensing by Elizabeth C. George Submitted to the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science on January 31, 2014, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Engineering in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Abstract In this thesis a wide-area impedance sensor used in hyperspectral imaging for a wide variety of applications is presented. Building on previous work, this sensor is decoupled from fluorescent lamps and thus is used to passively detect independent sources such as fluorescent lamps and laptop control signals. The active sensing electrodes with common-mode feedback are used with a spectrum analyzer and synchronous demodulator for source and material detection respectively. A setup for active source multiplexing is described and used in image reconstruction and material detection. Algorithms for image reconstruction from such ill-posed inverse problems are discussed and improvements are made. Hyperspectral techniques for extracting the occupancy values of various materials are shown. Finally, future experiments using this sensor for gesture sensing and as a purely digital demodulator for passive imaging are described. Thesis Supervisor: Dr. Steven B. Leeb Title: Professor of E.E.C.S. & M.E., MacVicar Faculty Fellow Thesis Supervisor: Al-Thaddeus Avestruz Title: Doctoral Candidate 3 Acknowledgements I would like to thank everyone whose support made this thesis possible. I am extremely grateful to my thesis supervisors, Professor Steven B. Leeb and PhD Candidate Al-Thaddeus Avestruz, for their continued guidance and wisdom. I would also like to thank my colleagues from LEES and friends at MIT for their help and encouragement. They include, but are not limited to, Shahriar Khushrushahi, William Thompson, Brian Sennett, Kawin (North) Surakitbovorn, Arthur Chang, John Donnal, Jim Paris, Shuyi James Chen and Ashley Brown. I would finally like to thank my family, especially my parents Christine and Dan George, for their constant support throughout my time as an undergraduate and graduate student, and beyond. 4 Contents 1 Introduction 1.1 2 15 1.1.1 Performance objectives. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 1.1.2 Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Previous Work 1.3 Thesis Overview Sensor Circuitry and Setup 19 2.1 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 2.2 High Voltage Source . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 2.3 Sensing Circuitry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 2.3.1 Front-end Amplifier . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 2.3.2 Signal Conditioning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Circuit Changes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 2.4.1 Signal Conditioning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 2.4.2 Signal Synthesis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 2.4.3 HV Selection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 2.5 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.2 2.4 3 Motivation 15 Setup ..... ... ................ . ......... . .. .............. 29 Passive Scanning 31 3.1 Analog Demodulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 3.2 Spectrum Analyzer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 3.3 Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 Hyperspectral Imaging 4.1 Background ........ 4.2 Previous Work 39 .. ............. ....... ... ... ........... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 39 40 5.2 T heory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 5.3 Forward Problem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 5.4 Inverse Problem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 . . . Setup .... Constraints . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 5.4.2 CVX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 Image Reconstruction Algorithms . . . . . . . . . . . 50 . . . 5.4.1 Linear Back Projection . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 5.5.2 Least Norm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 5.5.3 2-Norm with 2-Norm Regularization . . . . . . 53 5.5.4 1-Norm with 2-Norm Regularization . . . . . . 53 5.5.5 2-Norm with 1-Norm Regularization . . . . . . 53 5.5.6 Landweber/Newton-Raphson . . . . . . 54 5.5.7 Image Segmentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 Improvements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 . . . . . 5.5.1 Influence Matrix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 5.6.2 Subpixel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 . 5.6.1 . 5.6 57 Occupancy Detection Results and System Performance Sensor Range . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 6.2 Noise and Drift . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 6.3 Object Detection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 Scalability of Objects 6.3.2 Multiple Materials . 6.3.1 . . . . 6.1 63 Conclusion and Future Work 63 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64 7.2.1 Electrode Configurations . . . . 64 7.2.2 Digital Demodulation . . . . . 64 7.2.3 Laptop Gesture Sensor . . . . . 64 7.2.4 Floor Shoe Scanner . . . . . . . 64 Future Work . 7.2 . . Sum mary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.1 . 7 43 ..................... 5.1 5.5 6 43 Imaging Techniques . 5 65 A Code Sensor Interfacing Software in A.1.1 65 MATLAB@ readADC.m . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A.1 6 . . . 65 A.2 A.1.2 recorder.m A.1.3 rangeExpt.m . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67 A.1.4 lightpulse.m . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70 A.1.5 gridExpt.m . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72 A.1.6 BM atrix.m . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78 A.1.7 AM atrixPM .m . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79 A.1.8 ImSeg.m . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83 Sensor Board Software . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85 A.2.1 86 FullyDiff8.c . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B Schematics and Boards B.1 103 High Voltage Signal Source B.1.1 Full Schematic B.1.2 PCB Layout B.1.3 Bill of M aterials 104 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B.2 Standalone Sensor Electrodes 106 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107 B.2.1 Capacitive M ode Electrodes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107 B.2.2 Resistive Mode Electrodes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111 B.3 Sensor Signal Conditioning B.4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128 B.3.1 Full Schematic B.3.2 PCB Layout B.3.3 Bill of M aterials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129 Atmega32U4 Breakout Board . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131 B.4.1 Full Schematic 131 B.4.2 PCB Layout B.4.3 Bill of M aterials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133 7 8 List of Figures 2-1 A lumped element model for the capacitive sensor system [1]. 2-2 Diagram of the generalized standalone occupancy sensor. 2-3 The circuit model for the PI controller and plant. vi, is taken from the output of the . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 multi-frequency source from the sensor board and v0 ,t drives the source plates directly. 20 2-4 The high voltage source board. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 2-5 These figures were taken from a single frame of a digital oscilloscope. . . . . . . . . . 22 2-6 A close-up of the front-end amplifier on one of the receive electrodes. . . . . . . . . . 23 2-7 Schematic for the half circuit common mode feedback of the front end amplifier. Feedback capacitances represent lumped T-networks. Electrode circuitry is left of the cable and sensor board circuitry to the right. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-8 Block diagram for the common mode feedback of the front end amplifier. 2-9 The generalized block diagram for the signal conditioning circuitry. . . . . . . 24 24 The first gain stage is singled ended and located on each respective electrode. The following stages are all fully differential and reside on the sensor board. The dashed box is replicated four tim es. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 2-10 One-channel circuit implementation of the synchronous demodulator. . . . . . . . . . 25 2-11 The sensor board with DDS signal creation in the bottom-right corner, microcontroller breakout in the center-right and demodulation signal creation top-right. The frontend amplifier is at the input to the board on the left. The signal is delivered to the board from the active receive electrodes via driven coaxial cables to the MMCX connectors. .......... ......................................... 26 2-12 Schematic for one channel of the high voltage source multiplexer board. Three relays are stacked in series to standoff the 500 V peak voltage. The remaining two channels and shield switches are not shown. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 2-13 Revision 2.0 of the high voltage multiplexer board. Large separation between channels and input and output provided a significant reduction in coupling capacitances. . . . 9 28 2-14 Receive electrodes placed on plastic shelves in the lab space. Sensor electronics are beyond the shelves on the ground and source electrodes are on a table across the lab 29 ............................................ space. .......... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-1 Block diagram of manual demodulation tuning test. 3-2 Gradually increasing the demodulation frequency to within 0.01 Hz of the independent 3-3 32 ...................................... source frequency. ......... With the demodulation frequency within 0.01 Hz of the source frequency, the beat frequency is observed over time. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 3-4 Block diagram of manual demodulation tuning test. 3-5 These figures were taken from a single frame of the spectrum analyzer used with our front-end amplifier and electrodes. 3-6 32 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 These figures were taken from a single frame of the spectrum analyzer used with our front-end amplifier and electrodes. The laptop was placed on the same shelf as the left-side electrode. 3-7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 These figures were taken from a single frame of the spectrum analyzer used with our front-end amplifier and electrodes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-1 The conductivity and permittivity of human muscle as a function of frequency [2,3]. 4-2 The conductivity of aluminum as a function of frequency. 4-3 Difference between COMSOL-modeled human image at 100kHz and 20kHz 4-4 A COMSOL-modeled test case distribution with solutions by the LBP and SVD 36 39 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 . . . . . 40 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 4-5 The same test case distribution with solution by the Landweber algorithms. . . . . . 41 4-6 The experimental setup and test case for hyperspectral ECT. In this test case, pixels algorithm s. 1 and 4 were filled with water and pixels 2 and 3 were filled with wood. On the right, . . . . . 42 5-1 The 4x4 grid in 2D space used as the spacial reference for all imaging. . . . . . . . . 44 5-2 Partial image of the 4x4 floor grid used for all experiments. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 5-3 On the left, individual pixels are filled with dielectric material to calculate the values the difference between the permittivity distributions at 10kHz and 100kHz. of the sensitivity matrix. On the right, the result of the superposition of all pixels is shown................ 5-4 ...................................... A pictorial representation of the linear back-project algorithm for "hard-field" tomograph ies. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-5 46 51 Fitting data for measurements taken at each pixel in 13x13 grid: source position 1, ADC 1. ........... ........................................... 10 56 6-1 The response of the sensor as a single source electrode is moved away from the receive electrodes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-2 58 The relative difference between the levels of human material calculated by the 11 algorithms with 11 regularization for two people of different sizes. . . . . . . . . . . . 60 6-3 Occupancy values in the 4x4 gridspace with two people differentiated by size. . . . . 61 6-4 The occupancy maps of human and metal presence in the lab space. In this case, noise-free data is used in the sensitivity calibration and as the experimental data and a perfect detection is achieved. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 62 12 List of Tables 2.1 Stray capacitance measurements at 100kHz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 3.1 Lab Space Independent Source List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 6.1 Noise Floor Measurements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 6.2 Repeated Calibration Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 6.3 Multiple Object Data Pairs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 6.4 Multiple Object Data Coordinates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 60 14 Chapter 1 Introduction 1.1 1.1.1 Motivation Performance objectives The need for a simple, cheap occupancy detector and material detector has motivated the research presented in this thesis. This sensor would take precise differential current measurements to create an accurate depiction of the material occupancy of a given space through the use of image reconstruction algorithms. The sensor's low SNR would make it possible to reconstruct an image of a resolution relevant to the size of an average person. 1.1.2 Applications Several possible applications are envisioned and detailed here. Airport body-image scanners have undergone many changes in recent years, first due to legislation mandating increased security measures at airport checkpoints following the 9/11 terrorist attacks. The introduction of full-body scanners was followed quickly by backlash from privacy groups likening the scanners to a "virtual strip search" with many also fearing the effects of the scanners' radiation. Many called for new legislation to protect them from such invasive technologies [4]. The capacitive sensing system described in this paper could be used to replace existing airport x-ray scanners to provide a minimally invasive alternative which would pick up the presence of metals, suspicious plastics used in making explosives, and other dangerous substances. One of the biggest areas of development in Human Interface Devices (HIDs) is in gesture recognition. Capacitive touch sensor with multi-touch capabilities have been realized in many commercial products including mousepads, smartphones and touchscreens. The research focus has shifted towards methods of sensing without maintaining physical contact between the user and the device [5]. This idea is quite new, with only a few products currently out in the market boasting this technology. 15 However, the current implementation which requires a dedicated camera and significant processing power could greatly benefit from integration with a low-power solution. A touchless capacitive gesture recognition system installed on a 12" laptop screen was proposed and built in 2006 [6] using four long metal electrodes arranged around the screen's bezel. This system was only capable of differentiating a few gestures, with low reliability. A similar system for low cost gesture sensing on the centimeter scale was demonstrated in 2011 [7]. Another simple touchless capacitive user interface using an array of small electrodes in a row to track user movement has been implemented for use in interactive textiles for patient care [8]. Combining these technologies, a screen using multiple arrays of electrodes around its keyboard and screen could provide refined tracking and a larger range of gestures supported. This sensor's unique ability to distinguish between different types of materials present in an area using hyperspectral detection has not been realized in its current applications, and will be discussed here. Standard room sensors detect motion, not occupancy, and cannot differentiate between the presence of a human or other objects. This sensor would present a great improvement over standard room detectors as it could tell the relative occupancy level of a space and would be able to detect human presence when stationary. The goal of this sensor is to be able to distinguish between different objects and materials. To obtain detailed information about the usage of potentially inefficient loads on a utility network can be a hard problem. Smart-metering technologies can be expensive when sensors must be installed to monitor every load in a network. Non-Intrusive Load Monitoring (NILM) is a proposed solution to the smart-metering problem which inserts one sensor into a network and uses smart processing to differentiate loads from one-another. A passive capacitive scanner which takes the frequency signature of a space with a very high frequency could perform this task in a load-saturated area. The passive scanner is an exciting tool that can amplify the signals present in a room (from fluorescent lamps to monitors refreshing) and use these signals to detect objects in the space. 1.2 Previous Work The first iterations of this sensor were electrically coupled to fluorescent lamps. Electrodes on the lamp would synchronously detect changes in the electric field produced by the excitation of the fluorescent ballast and use this information to detect human presence [9,10]. The application in this sensor was primarily in building energy management. The lamp could be turned off when human presence was no longer detected. Previous sensors achieved capacitance measurements as low as 10fF [11]. In the latest iteration of this sensor, the sensor was decoupled from the fluorescent lamp and a differential high voltage source was built [1]. Creating a high voltage source with controllable 16 frequency and amplitude provided the ability to perform hyperspectral imaging. Furthermore, the absence of the fluorescent lamp removes the physical limitations on the setup posed by its fixed location. The analog signal conditioning path was also improved in this iteration and the front-end amplifier was redesigned to emphasize common-mode rejection. This amplifier was relocated to the receive electrodes of the sensor to shorten the sensing node. This made the sensing node less susceptible to parasitic capacitances from an undriven cable and the environment. 1.3 Thesis Overview With the improvements to the decoupled capacitive sensor discussed above, it is now possible to perform hyperspectral imaging on a room scale. This thesis discusses various methods for object detection using this capacitive sensor system. Image reconstruction algorithms and methods are evaluated and optimum configurations and applications for the sensor are presented. Chapter 2 presents changes and additions to the sensor's schematic, layout and wiring since William Thompson's thesis. The use of the sensor as a passive room scanner to detect asynchronous sources, such as fluorescent lamp ballasts and laptop signals, is discussed in Chapter 3. Hyperspectral imaging techniques are introduced in Chapter 4 and image reconstruction algorithms are compared in Chapter 5. The overall system performance and results of the system tests are discussed in Chapter 6. Finally, the thesis is concluded in Chapter 7 with a discussion of the results, system limitations, and future work. The microcontroller code, Matlab code, relevant schematics and board layouts follow in the appendices. 17 18 Chapter 2 Sensor Circuitry and Setup 2.1 Overview The circuit model shown in Figure 2-1 depicts the electrical path from the high voltage signal source to the active receive electrodes. A default capacitance Csen is observed between source and receive plates and small changes in that capacitance is measured as AC from the positive and negative differential receive electrodes. -AC +AC idl S id2 Zd Zd icrn Zern Figure 2-1: A lumped element model for the capacitive sensor system [1]. The capacitive sensor circuitry detailed in this chapter can be summarized by the block diagram in Figure 2-2. A high voltage source converts a low voltage sinusoid from a digital synthesizer to a 200-500 V waveform to drive a source electrode. The source can be configured as single-ended or differential. The source electrodes are driven, thus creating an electric field in the space between the source and receive electrodes. Small currents are picked up by the front-end amplifier and are converted to voltages via a transimpedance amplifier for signal processing. The signals are amplified and sent to a demodulation block which uses in-phase and quadrature demodulation signals derived 19 from the original source frequencies. These demodulated signals are passed through a bank of lowpass filters to leave a dc value representing the amount of a given demodulation frequency and phase in the input signal. This slowly-changing dc value is then sampled by an ADC and the digital values are sent to a PC running Matlab to be processed. Noise Sources HV Source +Target (s) + Source HElectrodeH Receive Electrodes I .Sensor + BoardH PC Figure 2-2: Diagram of the generalized standalone occupancy sensor. Four channels of the signal conditioning circuitry are used to measure the two frequencies and two phase components of the input signal simultaneously. 2.2 High Voltage Source The high voltage signal source is made up of several blocks. On the sensor board itself, two DDS chips are programmed by the Atmega32u4 microcontroller to output sinusoids of 10.4 kHz and 83.3 kHz respectively. Because both are derived from the same clock signal, they have the same phase. The dc component is then removed and an output amplifier drives a 15 ft cable to bring this low voltage signal to the source board across the space. Vout 9 VIn K(Ts + 1) _ Power Rd2 Cb Figure 2-3: The circuit model for the PI controller and plant. vi" is taken from the output of the multi-frequency source from the sensor board and v 0 t drives the source plates directly. As is shown in Figure 2-3, the input signal is gained up by a power amplifier and autotransformer with a PI feedback network. An autotransformer has several advantages over a two-winding transformer for this application. First, the non-isolated output of the autotransformer allows for 20 a feedback path to be wrapped around the transformer to the PI controller. An autotransformer also requires less copper than its equivalent two-winding transformer. Finally, the autotransformer is more efficient electrically. It experiences lower losses through the secondary leakage impedances than a two-winding transformer. Figure 2-4: The high voltage source board. 2.3 Sensing Circuitry 2.3.1 Front-end Amplifier The receive electrodes, like the source electrodes, are copper planes on a printed circuit board. The front-end amplifiers of the differential pair are placed on the electrodes themselves to prevent against the parasitic capacitive loading of the sensing node by an undriven cable. The amplifier on these active electrodes is configured as a transimpedance amplifier and thus will convert an input current to an output voltage . (Rf-in Vo= (2.1) The input current is provided by the signal source, vin, and the sensed capacitance to the receive electrode, Cen, by iin = Vin Zin = 21 Vin " sen. (2.2) Tek Run 22 Dec 13 02:53:03 22 Dec I1302III:5II 8:0II 3 II 57 Acis Icq HI Res Ru Ie~57 IIIe Curs1 POs 800.Ons Curs2 Pos 96.58ps 0i: 800.Ons Z AL: 1/6: M 40.0ps 5.0GS& A Ch1 r 424mnY 200rnY 10.44kHz Pk-Pk(C1) 976.Okri m: 968.Orn M: 984.On n: 57.0 p: 974.35563rn ...... Chi 96.58s 95.78P a: 3.544m 200" (a) The summed sinusoids at the divided output of the high voltage source e T k. R H 107 A' 22~ D 1 3 71 Curs1 POs 10.4kHz Curs2 Pos I - I |-83.345kHz T- 1 1 4kH .. .I .. ...- si I M 20.Oms 250kS/s A Ch1 f 396mV 4.0psAx (b) FFT taken of the divided output of the high voltage source Figure 2-5: These figures were taken from a single frame of a digital oscilloscope. 22 Simplifying these equations gives us the theoretical relationship between the front-end transfer function and the sensed capacitance Vo0 t _ SRf Cen vi,, 1+sRCf (2.3) Another important aspect of this front-end is its common-mode feedback for common-mode rejection. The electrodes are meant to measure the small changes in the differential signal between them corresponding to a change in the occupation or location of materials in the space, and commonmode signals must be rejected. To do so, the output from the active electrodes, given by Vout = Ad(v1 - v2 ) + Acm (V 1 + V2 2 (2.4) is sent to the sensor board; the common-mode signal is then extracted and sent back to the active electrodes to be canceled. A circuit diagram is presented in Figure 2-7 and the corresponding block diagram in Figure 2-8. Figure 2-6: A close-up of the front-end amplifier on one of the receive electrodes. 2.3.2 Signal Conditioning Once the signal is received and its common-mode component is rejected, it is ready for processing. The diagram in Figure 2-9 summarizes this three to four channel signal conditioning block. The synchronous detector used in this sensor design collects both the in-phase and quadrature data from the input to the front-end. To do so, the input signal is multiplied separately by a clock signal and a signal 900 out-of-phase. Collecting in-phase and quadrature information reduces the impact of any phase error between the input signal and the demodulating signals. The synchronous detector 23 Cf CS Rf Vi" vin+ AD4817-1 X10 'E Cc R Active Re ceive Electro de vo+ AD8138 __C. IGc vo_ CC AD4817-1 X Sensor Boar d Cf Figure 2-7: Schematic for the half circuit common mode feedback of the front end amplifier. Feedback capacitances represent lumped T-networks. Electrode circuitry is left of the cable and sensor board circuitry to the right. Interference Fig2: B k d H- g x 10 Figure 2-8: Block diagram for the common mode feedback of the front end amplifier. 24 is realized with the MAX4523. This set of analog switches is configured in a full bridge topology and driven by the in-phase s and quadrature s clock signals to form a square wave multiplier as in Figure 2-10. The 900 phase shift between multiplier clock signals is generated by a chain of D flip flops. Vinl - G1 Synch. Det. G2 G3 0 Instr. Amp. & -+ & LPF I b ADC ii Vin2 G, -- x4 Figure 2-9: The generalized block diagram for the signal conditioning circuitry. The first gain stage is singled ended and located on each respective electrode. The following stages are all fully differential and reside on the sensor board. The dashed box is replicated four times. The passive low-pass filter block following the multiplier suppresses unwanted high frequency content. The filter poles have been placed according to a compromise between settling time and multiplier ripple aliasing rejection. ' Vin+ 0- MA X4523 | - A -E SADC |I PC PC - V VOWt,+ r 2 I --------- Figuire 2-10: One-channel circuit implementation of the synchronous demodulator. Next the AD8230, an instrumentation amplifier, converts the differential signal to single-ended and adds a reference voltage. It does so to shift the signal to the middle of the analog-to-digital (ADC) converter rail. A configurable gain may also be added to make use of its full range. Finally, the output of the instrumentation amplifier is sent to the ADC. The LTC2484 is a 24-bit E-A ADC with an SPI interface for sampling and reading from the converter. A photo of the sensor board with four channels (two frequencies with in-phase and quadrature information) is shown in Figure 2-11. 25 Figure 2-11: The sensor board with DDS signal creation in the bottom-right corner, microcontroller breakout in the center-right and demodulation signal creation top-right. The front-end amplifier is at the input to the board on the left. The signal is delivered to the board from the active receive electrodes via driven coaxial cables to the MMCX connectors. 2.4 Circuit Changes Since Version 2.0 of the sensing circuitry, there have been several changes made to cut out extraneous hardware and add extra capabilities to the system. 2.4.1 Signal Conditioning Along the signal conditioning path, a second differential pair of channels was added to provide the ability to add a second pair of receive electrodes. Jumpers are used to allow either a second electrode pair or a divided source signal input to collect drift and noise measurements. The potentiometers at the output of the AD8230 instrumentation amplifiers were also removed to allow for the placement of matching resistors to set the gain of this amplifier. The gain, given by g 2 1+ RF) RG (2.5) can be calculated to take advantage of the full input range of the ADC. The adjustable delay blocks before the flip flops were also removed because they were unnecessary. The relative phase delay between the DDS-derived source signal and the in-phase demodulation signal is unimportant because the delay introduced between the DDS signal and the received signal is unknown. Also, when both in-phase and quadrature measurements are used, all phase information is gathered regardless 26 of phase delay. 2.4.2 Signal Synthesis In the signal synthesis block, several parts were removed or replaced to cut down the total BOM cost and reduce complexity. The resistor reference summed with the two DDS outputs in Revision 2.0 was replaced here with an op-amp buffer reference. Without the op-amp buffer, the reference (used to subtract the combined dc offset from the summed DDS outputs) would be sensitive to changes in the gain of the summing amplifier. This would mean that without the gain of 10 originally used in this circuit, a dc offset whose value is scaled by this gain would be added to the summed sine waves from the DDS. 2.4.3 HV Selection To multiplex the three high voltage source electrodes, a National Instruments DAQ device was used with high voltage, RF relays to switch the input signal between possible combinations of electrodes. Three relays were used in series to increase the standoff voltage to 200 x 3 = 600V. This left plenty of room for the high voltage maximum amplitude of 500 V. The NI-DAQ device was controlled with a Matlab interface. Each of three digital outputs were toggled in binary order to create seven possible combinations of source electrodes, and one "off" state. Vout + Vd, VNI Vin Figure 2-12: Schematic for one channel of the high voltage source multiplexer board. Three relays are stacked in series to standoff the 500 V peak voltage.: The remaining two channels and shield switches are not shown. Two issues arose while creating the final source setup. First, coupling was causing a signal to appear on source electrodes that were supposed to be switched off. Second, unwanted oscillation of 27 Table 2.1: Stray capacitance measurements at 100kHz Rev. 1.0 2.0 Cnii 3 pF 0.25 pF Cin2 Cin3 Cgndi Cgnd2 Cgnd3 C1 2 C2 3 C13 2.71 pF 0.23 pF 2.68 pF 0.23 pF 7.3 pF 0.2 pF 6.46 pF 0.18 pF 6.35 pF 0.18 pF 2.23 pF 0.08 pF 1.97 pF 0.08 pF 2.15 pF 0 pF the source would occur when all electrodes were connected. To solve these problems, several important layout and wiring changes were made. First, the source multiplexer board was rebuilt on unplated perfboard and all components were soldered together with short pieces of wire wrap wire. Layout changes were also made. The three relays for each channel were placed close together in series with 2" separations between each channel. The shields of the output connectors were also switched with three relays in series and a 1" separation was left between each channel and its respective shield. Finally, a distance of about 5" was left between the closest output and the input. With these changes made, there was an order of magnitude improvement in stray capacitance as illustrated in Table 2.1. Next, a ground plane in the form of a long piece of copper tape was added across the outputs of the multiplexer board to shunt any source radiation from the input connector to the board. This is to prevent any coupling from input to output on each channel. The new board revision is shown in Figure 2-13. Figure 2-13: Revision 2.0 of the high voltage multiplexer board. Large separation between channels and input and output provided a significant reduction in coupling capacitances. To eliminate a large ground loop from the sensor board, through the laptop running Matlab to 28 the multiplexer board through the cable carrying the digital output signals from the NI-DAQ box, USB isolators were added between the NI-DAQ box and the computer, and the computer and the sensor board. Ferrite beads were positioned around the circuit to suppress EMI. The NI-DAQ box was also moved next to the high voltage source. The NI-DAQ cable was originally fed across the room along the floor about 15', adding an unshielded coupling path for the source signal. With the NI-DAQ box close to the source, the signal transmission path is almost solely along an isolated, well-shielded USB cable, blocking a previous source of coupling. 2.5 Setup There are several experimental setups used in this thesis. The primary configuration of electrodes in the lab space is shown in Figure 2-14 Figure 2-14: Receive electrodes placed on plastic shelves in the lab space. Sensor electronics are beyond the shelves on the ground and source electrodes are on a table across the lab space. 29 30 Chapter 3 Passive Scanning 3.1 Analog Demodulation When used without an active source, this system becomes a "passive scanner." By sweeping the demodulation frequency, the contribution of asynchronous, independent sources within the frequency range of the sensor (such as fluorescent lamps, laptop drives, etc.) can be determined. Unfortunately, there are several issues with using an asynchronous demodulation signal. These issues and several solutions are discussed here. In the test depicted by Figure 3-1, an independent source was created using our source boards and a function generator. Because this source is not synchronous with the detection circuit, it provides a way to observe and study the effect of a controlled asynchronous source on the sensor. This source was placed across the room and its signal was then picked up by our receiver and demodulated using a separate function generator. The demodulation frequency was tuned by hand to be closest to the source frequency, as in Figure 3-2. Here, only the difference in frequency between the source and receive frequencies matters as all phase information is contained in the IQ measurements. The difference or "beat" frequency between the independent source and demodulation frequencies is defined as A2 A cos(2rrfit) x A cos(2rrf2 t) =2 (cos(2rr(fi + f 2 )t) + cos(2rr(fi - f 2 )t)) (3.1) where the difference frequency is given as fbeat = Ifi - f21. (3.2) The bandwidth of the low-pass filter after the demodulation block is not low enough to attenuate this beat frequency so it is passed to the input of the ADC. Therefore, the digital output of the 31 vi(s) High Voltage 0 Source Differential v,.(S) Front-end Amplifier EActrives User variable input demodulation frequency from signal generator Figure 3-1: Block diagram of manual demodulation tuning test. ADC is no longer entirely DC as shown in Figure 3-3. 2.7 x 10- Tuning Demodulation Frequency to Independent Source 2.6 2.5 -. .. -....-. ... -. . 2.3 -. . -... -. 2.4 2.2 a) a) L) 2.1 2 1.9 1.8 . 17 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Time (s) Figure 3-2: Gradually increasing the demodulation frequency to within 0.01 Hz of the independent source frequency. Another factor effecting the ability to precisely demodulate an asynchronous source such as a fluorescent lamp is source frequency drift. Fluorescent lamp switching frequencies in the laboratory space range from 26 kHz to 49 kHz and have exhibited frequency drifts of at least t 1 Hz. It becomes very difficult to demodulate a drifting source without a synchronous receive signal. 3.2 Spectrum Analyzer A real-time spectrum analyzer (RTSA) was used with our active electrodes and front-end amplifiers to analyze the frequency content of the lab space. Table 3.1 shows the various distinct peaks we were able to identify in the space. The fluorescent lamps are the most prominent sources in the 32 6 X 10 3 Difference Frequency with Independent Source = 400kHz 5 . .. .. . . . ... .. . .... . .. .. 4 ...... .. . . . . .... ..... 0) 0) 3 0 0) 0 0) 2 1 ... .... . 0) 0) 0) 0~ C 0 f 0.07H -1 -2 -31 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 Time (s) Figure 3-3: With the demodulation frequency within 0.01 Hz of the source frequency, the beat frequency is observed over time. space and by approaching each bank with a oscilloscope probe with pick-up loop the peak size at each frequency was matched with its physical location in the room. The spectrum analyzer used was the Tektronix RSA3303A 3GHz Real-time Spectrum Analyzer. All figures below were captured in single-shot trace mode. Vi (S) High Voltage Source Differential Acltives FRont-end Amplifier Vsa (S) Figure 3-4: Block diagram of manual demodulation tuning test. 3.3 Applications This "passive scanner" could be an excellent companion to previous non-intrusive load monitoring capabilities developed by Professor Steven Leeb. Our sensor provides the ability to observe the frequency characteristics and amplitude of various high voltage electrical sources in an area with no electrical contact required. By replacing the spectrum analyzer in this system with the electronics described in Section 7, we would avoid the problems of asynchronous detection described above. Additionally, this scanner could be used in conjunction with our hyperspectral EIT techniques. By locking onto one of these sources and observing changes in signal amplitude when various objects 33 Power Spectrum Fluorescent Lamp -30 . . ............. 40 - - -. ....... -50 - -60 -- 0 . -. - - -70 - - - - E -80 -.-.- 0L . .......... .. - - -.-..- . -100 - . ..... .. -9 0.. -110 2.35 2.4 2.45 2.5 2.55 2.6 2.65 Frequency (Hz) 2.7 2.75 2.8 2.85 x 10 (a) Left Fluorescent Lamp at 26.54 kHz, RBW = 5 Hz Power Spectrum Fluorescent Lamp ... ..... ...... .......... -20 ...... .. .... - -30 ... ...... .. ..... ..-. -40 .. . . . .. . .... . . . .. .. .. ..-..-. .. - - -. -50 ..... - -10 - .... - . ... .. .. . . . -60 -.. - 0 CL -70 -.... -..-. - -..... - -80 ... ..... ..-.. -Mn . -90 4 4.12 4.24 4.36 4.48 4.6 4.72 Frequency (Hz) 4.84 4.96 5.08 5.2 x 104 (b) Front and Back Fluorescent Lamps over 41-49 kHz, RBW = 10 Hz Figure 3-5: These figures were taken from a single frame of the spectrum analyzer used with our front-end amplifier and electrodes. 34 Power Spectrum Laptop Touchpad -70 - -75 . - -80 - -85 - -.En - -90 M -95 CL -100 - - CD -105 -110 -.- -115 --1 5 .2 5.21 5.22 5.23 5.24 5.25 5.26 Frequency (Hz) 5.27 5.28 5.29 5. 3 x 10 (a) Laptop Touchpad Signal at 52.53 kHz, RBW 10 Hz Power Spectrum Laptop Hard Drive -40 ....-. .-50 En .......-. ..-. ..-. ..-. ..- -. -60 - .. .-. -. - M0 CD -70 -80 -. .......... ...... -.. . . -90 -100 6.6297 7.0598 7.4898 Frequency (Hz) 7.9199 8.35 x 10 (b) Laptop Hard Drive Signal at 68.77 kHz, RBW = 50 Hz Figure 3-6: These figures were taken from a single frame of the spectrum analyzer used with our front-end amplifier and electrodes. The laptop was placed on the same shelf as the left-side electrode. 35 Power Spectrum Second Harmonics -50 -55 -60 -- -65 --- T -70 - --- - - -70 ......... - - - -- .- -..-.-.- .... ~-80 -90- -95 -- -100---105 8.7801 8.35 10.0703 9.6402 9.2102 Frequency (Hz) x1 (a) Fluorescent Lamps Second Harmonics, RBW= 50 Hz Power Spectrum Third Harmonics -G0 -55 -60 -.-.-.- -65 T -- --- - -- -70 -75 -83 -95 - S-85 --- -100 1. 23 1.275 1.32 1.365 Frequency (Hz) 1.41 (b) Fluorescent Lamps Third Harmonics, RBW 1.455 1.5 x 104 50 Hz Figure 3-7: These figures were taken from a single frame of the spectrum analyzer used with our front-end amplifier and electrodes. 36 Table 3.1: Lab Space Independent Source List Frequency (kHz) 26.54 Power (dBm) -39.5 Identity Left Lamp 42.09 -42.6 Back Lamp 43.77-45.74 45.74 ~-42 -20.73 Back Lamp Front Lamp 47.13-48.73 68.77 ~-44 -43.17 Front Lamp Laptop HDD 52.53 -46.95 Laptop Touchpad are introduced into the lab space, the same image reconstruction could be performed without the need for our own HV source. Preliminary experiments showed a roughly 10dB change in signal of the closest fluorescent lamp as a person moved along the 2 meter horizontal marker in front of the receive electrodes. 37 38 Chapter 4 Hyperspectral Imaging 4.1 Background Many products and systems have used capacitive technologies for touchless sensing as discussed in Chapter 1. However, this technology's unique ability to distinguish between different types of materials present in an area using hyperspectral detection has not been realized in its current applications. This ability stems from the different permittivity responses as a function of frequency in different materials, as shown in Figures 4-2 and 4-1. It is clear that while the conductivity of muscle changes by orders of magnitude across this frequency range, the conductivity of aluminum is relatively constant. Similarly, the relative permittivity of muscle changes dramatically with frequency, while the relative permittivity of metals is 1 and is not frequency dependent. To take advantage of this property, we drive our ECT system with several frequencies and are able to differentiate humans from metal in a 100 ft 2 area. 10" 10-0.3 10 5 103 3 10 10 5 10 4 Frequency (Hz) 106 Figure 4-1: The conductivity and permittivity of human muscle as a function of frequency [2,3]. Image reconstruction techniques are then used to locate objects. Ideally, the images produced are sparsely populated in our 16-pixel space; this reduces the demands on reconstruction and allows for accurate detection and differentiation of a small number of different objects in a larger space. 39 5.96 5.94 > 5.92 Q5.9 8 5.88 103 104 105 106 Frequency (Hz) Figure 4-2: The conductivity of aluminum as a function of frequency. In this chapter, we present an ECT system operated at several frequencies which not only produces a reconstructed image of the space occupancy, but provides information about the material composition of occupied areas. 4.2 Previous Work First, a COMSOL Multiphysics model for the 2D system was created and capacitance data was derived as in a traditional ECT system described in Section 5.2. Matlab simulations were run then for various image reconstruction algorithms for use in an ECT system. These algorithms were compared using COMSOL test cases for interesting permittivity distributions. Figure 4-3 shows the modeled difference between the distributions of a test case of a human at two difference frequencies. Clever manipulations of the permittivity vs. frequency responses of different materials can lead to the differentiation of these materials when many types occupy one region. - X 010 3 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 101 Figure 4-3: Difference between COMSOL-modeled human image at 100kHz and 20kHz To verify this, a simple proof-of-concept experiment was performed with help from post-doctoral researcher Dr. Shahriar Khushrushahi. The setup, shown in Figure 4-6a, was made of a cardboard 40 Table 1: Case 1: c, 80 2i Original 'IL LBP Image Error: 0.962, Capacitance Residual: 1.0047, CC: 0.2103 Image Error: 1.0282, Capacitance Residual: 1.0074, CC: 0.14% SVD Image Error: 0.7802, Capacitance Residual: 0.99M5, CC: 0.7363 1 Image Error: 0.9680, Capacitance Residual: 0.9996, CC: 0.8261 Figure 4-4: A COMSOL-modeled test case distribution with solutions by the LBP and SVD algorithms. Landweber a=0.006 1000 iterations Image Error: 0.7676, Capacitance Residual: 0.9978 CC: 0.9347 Image Error: 0.9787, Capacitance Residual: 0.9996, CC: 0.7404 Figure 4-5: The same test case distribution with solution by the Landweber algorithmis. 41 box shielded by grounded aluminum foil. Inside, four plastic boxes represented four "pixels" which could be filled with air (empty), distilled water or solid wood blocks. The box containing the pixels was surrounded by four copper foil electrodes. Using a impedance analyzer, the capacitances between each pair of electrodes were found. With the capacitance matrix and sensitivity matrix construction described in Section 5.2, the inverse problem involving these matrices was solved to produce the distribution shown in Figure 4-6b. In this experiment pixels 1 and 4 were filled with water and pixels 2 and 3 were filled with wood. By taking measurements of the discrete distribution at two different frequencies, 10 kHz and 100 kHz, the location of the water in the setup could be reproduced by using the information from both data sets in the inverse problem solution. G(100kHz)-G(10kHz) 0.M 0 -0.02 -OM raw# 3 (b) Resulting difference between permittivity distributions (a) Experimental test case Figure 4-6: The experimental setup and test case for hyperspectral ECT. In this test case, pixels 1 and 4 were filled with water and pixels 2 and 3 were filled with wood. On the right, the difference between the permittivity distributions at 10kHz and 100kHz. 42 Chapter 5 Imaging Techniques This chapter will discuss the theory of tomographic imaging and the algorithms employed in this research. Given prior knowledge about the nature of the of the space, it is much easier to narrow down the possible solutions to an ill-posed inverse problem and pick a "most-likely" solution. 5.1 Setup First, an experimental setup was constructed so that absolute position of objects in the space could be precisely recorded. Between the two rows of electrodes (three source plates and one differential pair of receive plates) the floor tiles formed a 4 x 4 grid. Each group of 4 tiles formed a square and each square marked a pixel in the vector representing the occupancy of the space. Objects were positioned in the middle of each square while data was collected. 5.2 Theory In this section, the theory behind conventional electrical capacitance tomography (ECT) systems is described. Our approach to this problem is to abstract away the physics and use a binary occupancy value that will be described in Section 5.3. To derive the capacitances between two electrodes relative to ground, we can first express the charge on each electrode as a linear combination of the voltages on all electrodes. The coefficients of these combinations are known as the coefficients of capacitance, and can be expressed in terms of the circuit capacitances. In a system with two electrodes, the measured capacitances of the circuit 43 X direction _____ x1 p ! r2 x4 ... n C 0 X13 S1 X 16 S2 32_ Figure 5-1: The 4x4 grid in 2D space used as the spacial reference for all imaging. Figure 5-2: Partial image of the 4x4 floor grid used for all experiments. 44 are related to the charges and voltages of the electrodes in the following way: Q1 = c 11V 1 + c 12 V 2 (5.1) Q2 = c 2 1V 1 + c 22 V 2 (5.2) Because of the symmetry of the problem, C 1 2 = C 2 1 , meaning that there are only three unique coefficients. + 0G C 1 2 (V1 - C2G2 + C 12(V 2 - Q1 = C Q2 = C1 72) = (CIG + C12) V1 VI) = = C 1G -0121 1 (02G - C122 C12)2 + 012 (5.4) (5.5) (5.6) C12 = -C12 C22 = C2G + (5.3) 012 (5.7) Finally, it becomes clear that the coefficients of self-capacitance, cil etc., provide no new information about the system and thus are generally ignored in our calculations. The capacitance is measured by sending an ac signal to the source electrode and grounding the receive electrode. The induced current from the receive electrode is proportional to the actual capacitance between the two plates I, = jwVC, including any intervening dielectric material. To retrieve the original permittivity distribution from these capacitance measurements, it is necessary to solve an inverse problem. An inverse problem is one that requires a solution for x in the matrix equation Ax = b. With an overdetermined or underdetermined system, this problem becomes impossible to solve exactly because A has no inverse. Indeed, ECT most often presents underdetermined problems because of the nature of the setup. In ECT systems, the unknown values are the permittivitties of each pixel in the desired image and the known values are the capacitances measured as detailed above. Thus, the inverse problem can be described by the equation Sg = c where c is a vector containing all capacitance measurements, g is the vector of unknown permittivities and S is a sensitivity coefficient matrix which linearly relates these values. To calculate the sensitivity matrix for a particular configuration, a function of the space and range of permittivities desired, the pixels of the space are individually filled with blocks of the material one wishes to sense. Solving for each value in the sensitivity matrix individually as in this 3 pixel, 2 electrode system gives 45 AC2T 12 AC1 2 I==[AE 1 AC AE1 2 2 AC 12 Ac I AE 3 I AC1 2m Aci 1 AC1 2 m - S 11 AE1 Here, the complete result is a superposition of the results of filling each pixel with a dielectric permittivity. The configuration is first measured "empty" and a displacement current I, is observed. Subsequently, each pixel is filled one-by-one and the changes in current corresponding to changes in capacitance are recorded and used to fill in the sensitivity matrix: Im - 1, = jWV1AC1 m. Once the 2 sensitivity matrix for a given configuration is calculated, an inverse problem, as described above, must be solved to find the permittivity distributions from the sensitivity matrix and given capacitance measurements. Various methods of choosing these distributions for underdetermined systems are discussed in Section 5.5. [AC I AC12 12 ]QlaX AC1 2 [EAC 12 AE2 AE3 A6 1 A1 Ac AE 3 I Ad I A - I II IL-L Ac,-f I. = (a Cluain I-A , -4= IV tesnivtym ix S= jrol AC1 (b) Superposition of all pixels filled Figure 5-3: On the left, individual pixels are filled with dielectric material to calculate the values of the sensitivity matrix. On the right, the result of the superposition of all pixels is shown. 5.3 Forward Problem In our forward model, we would like to abstract away the physics described above. It is easier to think of a vector x as x = f(c, m, S, etc.) where c, m, S, etc. are permittivity, mass and surface area, 46 etc. of an object in the space respectively. Thus, each x value represents a value we will henceforward call the "occupancy" of each pixel, which is a function of many parameters. Our goal is detection, defined as the ability to determine which pixels in a space are occupied, and eventually, by which material. Here we will focus solely on detection of occupancy. In Chapter 4 material detection will be discussed. The linear system relating system voltage measurements and occupancy is given by Ax = y (5.8) with xi c 0, 1 (5.9) where A is an m x n sensitivity matrix, x is the n x 1 pixel occupancy vector and y is the m x 1 measurement vector. Specifically, in our experiment as described in Section 2.5 a 1, 1 a1 ,2 a1 , 3 -. - a2,1 a 2 ,2 a 2 ,3 ... a2,n 22 Y2 a3,1 a 3 ,2 a 3 ,3 ... a3,n X3 Y3 am, am,1 ... am,1 Xn Ym m,1 l,n / X2 Y1 The A matrix is filled column-by-column from the calibration measurements using single pixel occupancy; i.e. if only pixel x 1 is filled, the equation becomes C amx I 2mx1 3m X1 ..- anmX 1 Y1 0 Y2 0 Y3 0 Ym where aimx is one vector of calibration measurements. From the above equation, it becomes clear that a1 = Q. In our experimental setup, m = 28 and n = 16 in our 4 x 4 grid. The 28 measurements taken are in-phase and quadrature measurements at each of two frequencies and seven possible source combinations (2 x 2 x 7 = 28). All combinations of the three source electrodes are expressed in binary below with a "0" designating a source electrode which is undriven and a "1" representing 47 a driven source electrode. The linear system Y001,10.4k,I Y001,10.4k,Q Y001,83.3k,I Y001,83.3k,Q Y010,10.4k,I Y010,10.4k,Q a,28x1 a228x1 a328x1 X1 Y010,83.3kI X2 Y010,83.3k,Q X3 Y011,10.4k,I 2 ... a1 6 8xl Y011,10.4k,Q X16 Y011,83.3k,I Y011,83.3k,Q Y111,10.4k,I Y111,10.4k,Q Y111,83.3k,I Y111,83.3k,Q I describes our forward model, where the first subscript of y refers to which of the 3 source electrodes are used, the second subscript is the source and demodulation frequency of the sensor and the third subscript denotes an in-phase (I) or quadrature (Q) measurement in regards to the phase of the demodulation signal. In our model, we make several assumptions. 1. Pixel occupancies are uncoupled. This is an idealization because of the effect of the unavoidable mutual capacitances between nearby objects. Section 5.6 discusses an improved model with respect to this non-ideality. 2. The columns of AT are linearly independent. If there is a high degree of symmetry in the system, e.g. single-source in the middle, the columns might not be independent. Once the sensitivity matrix is created as above, we are left with a linear system of equations. Given information about the environment and the distribution of added material in the space, the values measured by the sensor electronics are well-defined. Assuming that the occupancy of each pixel will be independent from that of any other pixel, we can use linear indexing of the pixel grid to create 48 an occupancy vector, as below. Xi <1 X2 X5 X6 X3 . 4 X2 X3 ' Xg X16 16 The forward problem can be formulated similarly in the multi-material case. In our experiment, humans and aluminum are detected. Thus, two sensitivity matrices (Ap is the human sensitivity and Am is the aluminum sensitivity) are constructed as above and place together on the left side of the equation below. Yi Y2 Ap Xp Y3 Ym 5.4 5.4.1 Inverse Problem Constraints Unfortunately, as with most imaging problems, our measurements are given and we would like to find the added material distribution that produced those measurements. An inverse problem such as this is often ill-posed. Well-posed problems must satisfy three constraints: 1. Stability: The solution must depend continuously on the initial conditions. 2. Existence: The problem must have a solution. 3. Uniqueness: There must be only one solution. Inverse solutions can be very unstable. Small perturbations in measurements can result in large changes in the estimated model. These problems are ill-conditioned. The process of regularization by which other constraints to the problem can add stability to the solution. Typically, the desired resolution in our space is greater than the number of measurements will allow with absolute certainty. More precisely, the length of is greater than that of y. This means that the sensitivity matrix A is not full-rank and the system is underdetermined. There are infinite solutions to this system, and this violates the uniqueness constraint. To further constrain this inverse problem and ease the choice of a solution, all occupancy values are considered to be non-negative, as the actual occupancy of a pixel is either positive or zero. The 49 -Yo data is also preconditioned to negate the effect of the background measurement of the space without any additional objects. Therefore (5.10) Yi Y and all measurement vectors yi are expressed as a difference in voltage between the absolute measurements and the background measurement. 5.4.2 CVX Convex functions are those that, if any two points in the Euclidean function were connected by a line, will always have the line above the graph. Because of this property, any local minimum of these functions must be the global minimum. Convex optimization is the process of finding the minimum of a convex function over a convex set, through iteration. The program CVX, developed by Stephen Boyd of Stanford University, performs convex minimization on finite-dimensional normed spaces [12, 13]. This program is used in image reconstruction as choosing the "best" solution often involves minimizing the energy of the occupancy vector or the distance between the data vector and Ax. In the algorithms which use this program, each will first be presented as an optimization and then the occupancy will be given as a formula if one exists. 5.5 Image Reconstruction Algorithms Several image reconstruction algorithms were investigated for use in this application. Many were taken from cited sources while others were developed for use in our specific application. 5.5.1 Linear Back Projection The most straightforward algorithm for single pixel detection is linear back-projection (LBP) which uses the values of the projection of the measurement vector Q onto each column of A' where AT is the sensitivity matrix where every column is normalized to 1 as shown in Figure 5-4. The columns of A are normalized so that each product is a true projection of a vector onto a unit vector, with a maximum value of 1 as follows in Equation 5.11. T A 50 cos 0 (5.11) The LBP solution is given by the optimization Maximize pi subject to P= (5.12) (5.13) AN. In a noise-free case, this method would produce the correct answer, a vector of numbers < 1 and a single xmax = 1 in the position of the object. However, with each measurement vector so similar and noise pushing a measurement vector away from the original intended pixel, this method becomes very poor at picking out the occupied pixel. A Y1\ Yi b Y2 Pi y3 Figure 5-4: A pictorial representation of the linear back-project algorithm for "hard-field" tomographies. In the N-pixel detection case, the N pixels with the largest projections onto the columns of AN are occupied, and are chosen by the optimization Maximize where PkN P1, P2,P3 ... Pi (5.14) subject to P = AND. (5.15) PkN = maxpk (5.16) is the set of N largest elements of p. 51 5.5.2 Least Norm For an underdetermined system, a least norm approach finds the solution out of the infinite set that minimizes the 2-norm of the occupancy vector. This solution is analogous to the least squares solution to an overdetermined system where m > n. In this case the least squares solution is one that has the smallest euclidean distance from the data points taken. It minimizes the 2-norm of the residual Ax - b and has the largest projection onto the column-space of A. The least norm solution, then, is the "shortest" solution of Ax = b. This solution may be appealing if we are given prior knowledge regarding the sparseness of the occupancy. Minimize JlxJJ (5.17) subject to Ax = b (5.18) Axl, = y (5.19) AT Axi, = ATy (5.20) xln =AT(AT (5.21) A)-ly Given Ax = b and x k xl,: (x - xn)T Thus, x and xin (AAT -1b (5.22) = (Ax - Ax 1n)T (AAAT)-b (5.23) = 0 (5.24) xin = (x - xin)T AT must be orthogonal. (5.25) 2 ||xJ|2 = ||X - x 1n + xi~n| 2 = ||x - xin|| + 2(x = + ||xian 12 x-xin2 > lxn|1 2 - xin )T xin + ||xin|\ 2 (5.26) (5.27) (5.28) (5.29) ixH| > |ixi~nJ This proves that any other solution x will have a larger 2-norm than the least norm solution xln. 52 5.5.3 2-Norm with 2-Norm Regularization The least norm solution minimizes I xJ a weighted sum of the two: IfAx - bl | 2 with I|Ax - b 12 = 0. Another approach looks to minimize + piffxff2. This approach is commonly referred to as the least squares solution with Tikhonov Regularization and is the most commonly preferred solution because of its convergence stability and relatively small computation time. However, when the 2-norm is applied to the regularization term it acts as a low-pass filter and chooses solutions which are spatially smooth. Similarly problematic is the fact that because the residual is squared, the 2-norm solution for the data term becomes sensitive to errors in the data. Minimize | IAx - b| 1 [||x|| (5.30) subject to x > 0 x, As /p -+ 5.5.4 0, xY -* = (AT A + I) -A Ty (5.31) (5.32) xi. 1-Norm with 2-Norm Regularization This solution suppresses the affect of outliers in the data caused by electronic glitches or the movement of an object in the space. It is able to do so because the residual, or error term is no longer squared so it does not have as large an impact on the optimization problem. This solution minimizes the expression Minimize ||Ax - bH 1 + [ 2|xfl| subject to x > 0 5.5.5 (5.33) (5.34) 2-Norm with 1-Norm Regularization Using a 1-norm instead of a 2-norm for the regularization term means that this solution is more likely to pick out sharp transitions in the occupancy (i.e. from air, to person), a characteristic that our experiments exhibit. Out of the possible least squares solutions with regularization, this solution is preferred for this reason. 53 This solution minimizes the expression (5.35) Minimize I Ax - bI'+ plx1 (5.36) subject to x > 0 5.5.6 Landweber/Newton-Raphson The Landweber iterative algorithm is a different approach to regularization of the least squares problem. Xk+1 = Xk + oAT (5.37) (y - Axk) This iterative algorithm starts with an initial guess for the distribution (usually an "empty" space) and adds to this distribution to approach the closest solution. If the prior distribution is removed from this solution, it becomes the linear back projection algorithm. Therefore, the Landweber algorithm is a direct improvement upon the initial approximation of ECT as a hard-field tomography. Optimum number of iterations and step size value will need to be found if an iterative algorithm such as Landweber is to be used. This may take less computational power than the optimization problems described above. 5.5.7 Image Segmentation Image segmentation algorithms have been used in extracting useful information from given images. Images can be segmented according to gray-level, color, texture, motion or depth [14]. In this case, we will start with an initial image found by applying the least norm solution and apply this solution to increasingly small segments of the image until each pixel is resolved and an object is found. Using this branch-and-bound algorithm means the number of located objects must be given as an initial condition so that the correct number of best branches of the solution tree are maintained through all iterations. Algorithm 1 Image Segmentation algorithm with least-norm optimization 1: for All pixels do while quadchosen == quadcorrect do 2: Find least-norm solution 3: 4: if sizegrid <size, then 5: Use Least-squares solution else 6: 7: Shrink grid end if 8: 9: end while return 11: end for 10: sizegrid 54 The algorithm steps are described in 1. First, the image is split into n large, overlapping quadrants and the m quadrants with the highest occupancy value after minimizing the norm of the occupancy vector I xJ are chosen. The occupancy value of a quadrant is given by the energy in each quadrant shown below. The chosen quadrants are each split into n sub-quadrants, and the process is repeated. The iteration ends when the variance of the m remaining occupancy values is below some threshold value Ec = (X1)2 + (x 2 ) 2 + (X3) 2 + ... + (x,)2 < E. (5.38) This method introduces a rigorous way to find the maximum resolvable pixel size for a given level of SNR. Five randomly generated Gaussian white noise vectors are added to noise-free data of each pixel and run through the algorithm for different levels of SNR. In this way, the largest quadrant size that still contains the correct solution is considered the best resolution for this SNR, averaged over the five random noise vector inputs. 5.6 Improvements Several improvements upon the above described algorithms were proposed. In conjunction with the chosen algorithm, they can increase the resolution and improve image quality. 5.6.1 Influence Matrix Though ideally this system would be completely linear in permittivity distributions, this is not the case. For example, when two object are positioned next to each other on the grid, we would want, but not expect their capacitance measurements to add linearly. Instead, because we expect this physical non-linearity, we create an influence model to account for it. Without the influence model, the geometry of the permittivity distribution (a 13x13 grid) has no effect on our solution. By optimizing the equation ABXb = Y (5.39) where the influence matrix B 1 6 62\ 6 1 6 62 6 1 we should observe smoother permittivity distributions that account for the proximity of certain pixels to their nearest neighbors. The influence matrix is constructed according to pixel proximity. 55 For each row, a 1 represents the pixel in question and a 6 represents a bordering neighbor. Influence falls off by distance meaning that pixels that border on a diagonal will have V2 influence and pixels that are horizontally or vertically two away from the pixel in question will have 62 influence. 5.6.2 Subpixel A method to improve the resolution of the reconstructed image involves dividing each pixel into multiple. The sensitivity matrix is then updated using a 5-degree polynomial fit to interpolate between points. Using this updated sensitivity matrix in the Ax b problem will produce a permittivity distribution of greater resolution than the original. - 001 U.05 - j -a -0.016---0 .015 - - .....-..... -21 ydsta xdata. Figure 5-5: Fitting data for measurements taken at each pixel in 13x13 grid: source position 1, ADC 1. 56 Chapter 6 Occupancy Detection Results and System Performance In this chapter, results concerning the range, noise rejection and performance of this sensor as an occupancy and material detector are presented. The data was collected with the sensor circuitry described in Chapter 2 and the image reconstruction algorithms used are those detailed in Chapter 5. 6.1 Sensor Range As previously noted, the range of the sensor with a single-ended source physically parallel with (on the same shelving as) the differential receive electrodes was 11ft. In the configuration described in this thesis, the source electrodes are placed across the room and the response is recorded in Figure 6-1. 6.2 Noise and Drift In order to measure the noise floor of this sensor, measurements were taken with the spectrum analyzer in various configurations. First, the spectrum analyzer noise floor was measured using a 50 Q terminator input. Next, the noise floor of the analyzer with attached probe was measured by shorting the differential input of the probe. Finally, the noise floor of the front end amplifier itself was measured by probing the differential output of this amplifier yo the demodulation block. The results in Table 6.1 show that these measurements are consistent and increasing with added potential noise sources. If the ADC has 21 effective number of bits (ENOB) and a range of 57 0-5V, 0.4 0.3 C.) 0.2 0.1 0 0 L 1 2 3 4 5 7 6 8 9 10 11 Distance from receive electrodes (ft) Figure 6-1: The response of the sensor as a single source electrode is moved away from the receive electrodes. the largest signal delta detectable is given by 5 2 = 2.38 (6.1) V. In converting power measured by the spectrum analyzer to noise spectral density, a low bound on the noise level at the input of the ADC can be calculated with Equation 6.3. P = 101ogio 1 " ?2 dBm (0.001 Vn-o = \ (6.2) - RBWi 10o R - 0.001 nV/v Hz (6.3) Combining equation 6.1 and data from Table 6.1 shows that the noise floor of the amplifier is less than the minimum signal detectable by the ADC, as shown below. 2.38pV = 476 /25Hz 6.3 nV/V Hz > 224.14 nV/viiz (6.4) Object Detection Three types of measurements were taken of the space. First, a measurement was taken with no objects of interest in the space. This measurement was taken between each piece of data, and will be referred to as the background measurement. transmitting was taken. Next, a measurement with no source electrodes This offset measurement was taken right before the data was collected 58 Table 6.1: Noise Floor Measurements Measurement 50 Q Probe Amplifier Power (dBm) -140 -106 -100 -106 RBW (Hz) 5 10 5 10 Noise (nV/VHz) 4.47 112.07 224.14 223.61 Table 6.2: Repeated Calibration Data Measurement Aluminum Human A Human B Human A + Aluminum Human A + Copper (front) (by side) (out at side) Number of sets taken 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 because an object's presence does not change its value; it is based purely on the performance of the electronics. Finally, the seven pieces of data corresponding to each combination of electrodes was taken. All final data measurements are normalized and scaled and are of the form data - background background - offset (6.5) where data here refers to the raw data values. The calibration data taken is shown in Table 6.2 and the individual data points taken with multiple objects are shown in Tables 6.3 and 6.4. 6.3.1 Scalability of Objects Two people of different mass and dimensions were measured in the lab space. When the person of larger mass, Person A, was used to calibrate the space, his location at pixel one with an average Table 6.3: Multiple Object Data Pairs Object 1 Human A Human B Human A Aluminum Object 2 Human B Human A Aluminum Human A 59 Table 6.4: Multiple Object Data Coordinates Coordinate 1 (1,1) (1,2) (3,1) (1,1) (4,2) (2,3) (2,2) (1,2) (4,3) Coordinate 2 (4,4) (4,3) (2,4) (1,2) (4,3) (2,4) (2,3) (1,3) (4,4) 1.5 Q Person 1 F-7 Person 2 1 Q 0 0.5 0 1 2 3 4 x pixel Figure 6-2: The relative difference between the levels of human material calculated by the 11 algorithms with 11 regularization for two people of different sizes. occupancy value of 0.964 over two trials was found with the above algorithm. Person B of smaller mass could also be located at pixel one with an average occupancy value of 0.583. We are also able to locate and differentiate between Person A and Person B when both are in the same space. Figures 6-3a and 6-3b show the results of the image reconstruction using the 11 solution with 11 regularization. 6.3.2 Multiple Materials Several experiments were performed with two materials. Unfortunately, we are currently unable to reliably distinguish between aluminum and a human of roughly the same surface area with noisy data. Figure 6-4 shows a noise-free object detection, but even then all noise-free data corresponding 60 I1 I I 1 0.8 2 0.6 3 0.4 A- 0.2 4 i I 1 2 _____________ 3 4 0 X direction (a) Person A in pixel 1, Person B in pixel 16. 1 1 0.8 > 2 0.6 3 0.4 0.2 4 1 3 2 4 0 X direction (b) Person B in pixel 1, Person A in pixel 16. Figure 6-3: Occupancy values in the 4x4 gridspace with two people differentiated by size. 61 to a human or aluminum piece in the space only guarantees a detection in the overdetermined case (all 28 measurements for 16 pixels). When only 12 measurements are used to make the system underdetermined, it is impossible to resolve a detection with an object within the four middle pixels. Human 1i/li Metal li/li 1 | 0 C 2 C C 2 -C *tS 3 4 4 1 2 .3 1 4 2 3 X direction X direction Figure 6-4: The occupancy maps of human and metal presence in the lab space. In this case, noisefree data is used in the sensitivity calibration and as the experimental data and a perfect detection is achieved. 62 4 Chapter 7 Conclusion and Future Work 7.1 Summary The system presented in this thesis has the potential to be used in many exciting applications, including room-scanning and body-scanning. We have shown that the use of hyperspectral detection in ECT can provide valuable information about the material content of detected objects. This sensor would be a powerful tool for touchless gesture sensing when used in parallel with a camera or IR sensor to create a complete picture of the sensed object. A future iteration of this sensor will include an FPGA FFT-implementation to increase the number of frequency measurements made. The use of more source and receive electrodes and their optimum configuration will also be explored. Chapter 2 presented additions and changes to the sensor electronics. Specifically, the high voltage multiplexer board was added and many unnecessary components were removed. The high voltage board layout and wiring to the board were optimized to prevent unwanted coupling, interference and ground loops. Chapter 3 included a study of asynchronous sources in the lab space using a spectrum analyzer. Fluorescent lamps and laptop hard drive and touchpad signals were picked up by the front-end amplifier and measured. The locations of the fluorescent lamps were confirmed by toggling their switch banks. Hyperspectral imaging theory and preliminary results were discussed in Chapter 4. Image reconstruction algorithms using hyperspectral data were compared in Chapter 5 and improvements were discussed. For this application, algorithms that favor sparse solutions such as the 11 solution with 11 regularization will work best. Finally, the results of several detection experiments and the characterization of the system are discussed in Chapter 6. 63 7.2 Future Work The research presented in this thesis is far from complete, and could take many paths in the future. Topics to consider next are touched on here. 7.2.1 Electrode Configurations In the current revision of the board, it is possible to use two pairs of differential receive electrodes. With this capability, it would be interesting to analyze the benefit to using multiple receive plates over multiple source plates. The effect of using differential source and receive electrodes instead of single-ended electrodes could also be quantified. The position of these electrodes in relation to each other should also be studied for the best resolution. Finally, the optimal shape and size of these electrodes should be reviewed. Using Comsol Multiphysics to model various set-ups with different electrode shapes, sizes and locations would be a controlled way of verifying the optimal values for these parameters. 7.2.2 Digital Demodulation A future iteration of this sensor should include an FPGA FFT-implementation to increase the number of frequency measurements made. In doing so, an entirely digital demodulation could be performed to collect information about the spectral location of all asynchronous sources in a given space. In this way, a true passive scanner without the need of a spectrum analyzer could be realized in the sensor electronics. With this tool, object and material detection could be performed without an active source. 7.2.3 Laptop Gesture Sensor With the ability to see two distinct laptop control signals using this wide-area sensor, it would be interesting to observe the gesture recognition capabilities of this sensor with many electrodes positioned around a laptop LCD screen. Integrating this sensor with the laptop video camera would be an important project for research exploring the improvement of touchless sensing in laptops, smartphones and other devices. 7.2.4 Floor Shoe Scanner In the same vein as the airport body-scanner, an floor shoe scanner would be able to image an object, but at a smaller scale. This would be used at airports to avoid the need to remove shoes when going through security. A shoe scanner would be able to distinguish between different types of plastics in order to identify those used in bombs and be able to pick out metals. 64 Appendix A Code A.1 Sensor Interfacing Software in Matlab® A.1.1 readADC.m % Inputs: s % 5 10 intialized serial port chan = ADC channel to be read from % Output: % val = raw data value in decimal function val = readADC(s, chan) %% Send the coninand to the sensor if necessary fprintf (s, '%s',strcat('A',chan)); %% Read from the board 15 % matrix = fscanf(s.'%s'): raw = fscanf(s,'%02x*); matrix = rot90(raw); %% Print channel and received data 20 fprintf ( '%c:-, chan); 25 for k=1:4 fprintf end %02X9,matrix(k)); %X% Interpret data received from the board and print and return read value 65 30 if bitget(matrix(1),6) result = matrix(1)*2^24+matrix(2)*2^16+matrix(3)*2^8+matrix(4); result = bitshift(result,-5); result = bitand(result,16777215); val = result*5/(2^24-1); 35 fprintf (' ,%'(f\n', val); elseif bitget(matrix(1),6) == 0 result = matrix(1) *2^ 24+matrix(2) *2 ^16+matrix(3) *2 8+matrix(4); result = bitshift(result,-5); result = bitand(result,16777215); val = -(16777215-result)*5/(2^24-1); fprintf(' ,%f\n', val); 40 end end A.1.2 recorder.m % Inputs: 5 %; port: port to collect (lata from % pts: unmlber of points to record % ADC: array argument to select ADCs to read % should be in the form: ['0','1] % file : target file to save data to / Taikes ini a numiber of point to record. Usually used to observe the 10 % response of the system to demodulating one frequency over a long period %Xof tine to check consistancv. function recorder(port,pts,ADC,file) 15 %X Open Data Link to Board s = openser(port); %%IX 20 Initialization % Set drive frequencies % - xl: 10.416 kHz % - x2: 83.333 kHz % fprintf(s,9%s ' p2'): %X PWM frequency for denodulation %e fprintf( s .%(Xs '., d ): % DDS source drive frequency 25 (Y% Open Target Save File f id = fopen(f ile,'w*); '% Open file with write access fprintf (fid, %s\r\n',datestr(now)); , Record starting t ime 66 and date 30 % Write colunin headers for k = 1:2:length(ADC) fprintf (f id,*%c., ADC(k)); fprintf (f id, '%c,', ADC(k+1)); fprintf (f id, iq%d. ,k); 35 end fprintf (f id,'\r\n'); % New line for the recorded data %%{ Main plot loop 40 for 1 = 1:pts %c Print current point to screen fprintf ('%vd:-\r\n',1) X Read one channel from board for k = 1:2:length(ADC) % Read a pair of ADCs and find sqrt of the sum of the squares sample-i = readADC(sADC(k)); sampleq = readADC(s,ADC(k+I1)); sample = sqrt(sample-i^2 + sample-q^2); 45 50 % Print results to screen and write to file fprintf ('%2.6f-.2.6f,%2.6f\r\n',sample-i,sample.q,sample); fprintf (f id, '%10. 18f,% 10. 18f,%10. 18f, ,sample _i,sample -q,sample); end 55 %X Create new line for after each datapoint fprintf (f id,'\r\n'); %A\\ait sufficient tne to resamnple pause(1/6.7); 60 end fprintf (fid,'%s',datestr(now)); % Record time and date at the end of recording 65 % Close file and serial port upon termination fclose (f id); stopasync (s); fclose (s); 70 end A.1.3 %c Inputs: %: port % pts rangeExpt.m = port to collect data fron (usually 10) = numnber of range points to record (16-24) 67 5 %, avgpts = number of samples to average at each point (usually 10) % ADC = array argument to select ADCs to read %A should be in the form [0',1'] % file = target file to save data to % Ouput: response = length(ADC) x pts matrix of raw data 10 % 15 function response = rangeExpt(port,pts,avgpts,ADC,file) %% Open Data Link to Board s = open-ser(port); %% Initialize %4 Preallocate space for result response = zeros(length(ADC),pts); 20 standdev = zeros(length(ADC),pts); rmsv = zeros(length(ADC),pts); % Set drive frequencies 25 %A- xl: 10.416 kHz A - x2: 83.333 kHz %fprintf(s,'%s *. p3l): % PWM frequency for demodulation %fprintf(s,'%s ', d3"); DDS source drive frequency (%%3 Open Target Save File 30 fid = fopen(file,w'); 54 Open file with write access fprintf (f id,'%X3s\r\n*,datestr(now)); %Record starting time and (late (, WArite cohumn headers for k = 1:2:length(ADC) 35 fprintf (f id,%c.', ADC(k)); fprintf (f id, %3,(, ADC(k+1)); fprintf (f id,'iqc,',ADC(k)); end 40 fprintf (fid,'\r\n"); W New line for the recorded data, (, Record from board f 1 = figure(1); waitforbuttonpress; %4 Press button to start recording 45 for k = 1:pts % Press button before waitforbuttonpress; each point fprintf (I "Xs',repmat (sprint f('\n *) ,1,10)); 50 , (Re)-Initialize sample array 68 pt-vals = zeros(length(ADC),avgpts); 55 %. Poll ADCs and discard result to flush % each ADC before recording. for 1 = 1:length(ADC) readADC(s,ADC(1)); end % Pause sufficient time before beginning to sample (150 is) 60 pause(1/6.7); for 1 = 1:avgpts % Sample each ADC once for n = 1:length(ADC) pt-vals(n,1) = readADC(s,ADC(n)); end (X Pause before resanipling (150 ins) pause(1/6.7); 65 end 70 for m = 1:length(ADC) %/Average sampled values response(m,k) = mean(pt.vals(m,:)); % Standard deviation calculation for error bars stand-dev(m,k) = std(pt-vals(m,:)); 75 % RMS calculation at each point--could be useful %rnmsv(m,k) = rms(pt-vals(m.,:)): 80 V Write sampled values to file fprintf (f id,'%c,', ADC(m)); fprintf (f id, %10.18f,',pt_vals(m,:)); fprintf ( fid ,' X10. 18f ', response(m,k)): fprintf (f id,'\r\nu); 85 end %XPrint separators 90 fprintf ('%s\n',repmat(sprintf('=i),1,50)); fprintf ( '%s\n',repmat(sprintf('='),1,50)); fprintf ( '%s\n",repmat(sprintf('='),1,50)); fprintf ( '%s\n',repmat(sprintf('='),1,50)); fprintf ('%/,s\n'i,repmat(sprintf('='),1,50)); 95 % Plot first channel in figure figure (1) ; clf; plot (1: length(response(1,1:k)) ,response(1,1:k)); fprintf (*POINT-%1 .Of\\n\n,k); 69 100 for i = 1:(length(ADC)-2) fprintf ( ChanieL%1 .OLaverage:i ,i); fprintf ( '%f\n',response(i,k)); end 105 % axis([1 pts -0.5 0.5]): axis ([1 pts mean(response(1,1:k))-10e-3 mean(response(1,1:k))+10e-3]); end 110 %% Write averaged samples (response) to file fprintf (f id,'%s\r\n','Average(s)'); for k = 1:Iength(ADC) fprintf (f id,'%10.18f,',response(k,:)); 115 fprintf (f id,'\r\n'); end fprintf (f id,'%s\r\n','STD(s)'); 120 for k = 1:length(ADC) fprintf (f id,'%10.18f,' , stand-dev(k,:)); fprintf (f id,'\r\n); end response = [response' stand-dev']'; 125 % fprintf( fid ,'%s\r\n '.' RMS(s)'): % for k = 1:length(ADC) % fprintf (fid ,'%10.18f ,, rmsv(k.:) % fprintf ( fid ,'\ r\ni):; 130 % end %% Close file and serial port 135 %fclose(fid) stopasync(s); fclose (s); delete(s); clear s; close all; 140 end A.1.4 lightpulse.m % Inputs: % port = number of COM port 70 %Y, pts % 5 = nuiber of points in plot butffer count = end of frequency count nmge W % Adapted from liveGraph, this plots the frequency response of the space 10 % % in order to confirim existance of sources at certain frequencies. % After each increment in frequency. it takes 10 ADC readings and averages % over them, then plots the value in realtime. function iq = lightpulse(port,count ,length,f ile) s = open-ser(port); 15 x1 = zeros(1,length); x2 = zeros(1,length); iq = zeros(1,length); time = zeros(1,length); 20 start = clock; hex = dec2hex(count,4); fprintf (s, '%s',strcat(f',hex)); 25 30 35 f id = fopen(f ile,'w'); fprintf (f id, '%s\r\n',datestr(now)); % Associate an ADC reading with a timestamp for i=1:length+1 current = etimne(clock,start); time(1,i) = current; a = readADC(s,(Y0); b = readADC(s,.l'); if i ~= 1 xl(1,i-1) a; x2(1,i-1) b; iq(1,i-1) = sqrt(xl(1,i-1)^2 + x2(1,i-1)^2); plot (time(1:i-1),x1(1:i-1)) 40 45 50 % Quit the loop if 'q' is pressed, close figure as well if Q' if strcmp(get(1,'currentcharacter'),'q') strcmp(get(,'currentcharacter'),'Q) % Close serial port stopasync(s); fclose (s); delete(s); clear s; if strcmp(get(1, currentcharacter'),'Q') close all; break 71 else break end end end drawnow pause(1/6.7); end % Write sampled values to file fprintf (f id,'\r\n\n'); fprintf (f id,'%oc , 0') fprintf (f id,'\n'); fprintf (f id, %10.18f,',xl (1,:)); fprintf (f id,'\r\n'); fprintf (f id,'\r\n); fprintf (f id,'%1, fx'1'); fprintf (f id,'\n'); fprintf (f id,'%/c10.18f.' ,x2 (1,:)); fprintf (f id,'\r\n') ; fprintf (f id,'\r\n'); fprintf (f id,'%s , ' IQ'); fprintf (f id,'\n') ; fprintf (fid,%10.18f,',iq(1,:)); fprintf (f id,"\r\n'); %c fprintf( fid,'%10.18f', response(m,k)): end A.1.5 gridExpt.m %AInputs: = port to collect data from = number of x points to record % port xpts = number of y points to record ypts avgpts = number of samples to average at each point ADC = array argument. to select ADCs to read should be in the form ['0,'lj] = target file to save data to %X file %AOutput: response = length(ADC)*(2^nuuimsrc-1) x ypts*xpts matrix of raw data %A =length(ADC)*(2^munsre-1) x vpts*xpts of data with nothing in %Y back %A % 5 10 the space 72 15 20 =flength(ADC) x ypts*xpts matrix of data with no sources on %A off %e % Last modified 16 Dec 2013 by Lizi George function [respl,resp2,resp3,back,off] = gridExpt(port,xpts,yptsavgpts,numsrc,ADC,f ile) %% Open Data Link to Board s = open-ser(port); %Xs=serial('COM4','BaudRate', 9600, 'DataBits', 8., 'Parity', 'none'. 'StopBits', 1, 'terminator ', 'LF' timeout ',2); %set(s, Timeout',1): %Open serial port defined above %fopen(s); 25 % Initialize and Set Up Experiment % Preallocate space for result 30 35 response = zeros(ypts,xpts,legth(ADC),2^numsrc-1,3); %to do respi = zeros(length(ADC)*(2^numsrc-1),ypts*xpts); %to (1o resp2 = zeros(length(ADC)*(2 ^numsrc- 1),ypts*xpts); %to (1o resp3 = zeros(length(ADC)*(2^nmsrc-1),ypts*xpts); %to do background = zeros(ypt s,xpt s,length(ADC) ,2 ^numsrc- 1); back = zeros(length(ADC)*(2 ^numsrc- 1),ypts*xpt s); of f set = zeros(ypts,xpts,length(ADC)); of f _temp = zeros(length(ADC),ypts*xpts); % Setup beep on completion of each point 40 f s = 8000; T = 0.25; % seconds duration t = 0:(1/f s):T; fpt = 450; % frequency in Hz fbk = 300; a = 0.25; %X, volume 45 point-beep = a*sin(2*pi*fpt*t); back-beep = 2*a*sin(2*pi*fbk*t); % Set drive and chop frequencies 50 % - xl: 10.416 kHz % - x2: 83.333 kHz % - x3: 10.416 & 83.333 kHz Drive CIl: 10.416 kHz, Ch2: 83.333 kHz Chop % fprintf (s, '%s','p3'); % PWVM Chop fprintf (s, '%s','d3'); % DDS 55 % Set up NI-DAQ using Session-based (new) interface myDaq = daq.createSession('ni); myDaq.addDigitalChannel('Devl', Port0/Line0:2','OutputOnly') 73 60 X% Open Target Save File f id = fopen(f ile,'wN); % Open file with write acces fprintf (fid,'%s\r\n',datestr(now)); % Record starting time and date fprintf (f id,'%s\r\n',ADC); % Record ADC fprintf (f id, Grid:-%d-x-%d\r\n',xpts,ypts); % Record grid size 65 %% Record Data from Board figure (1); clf; 70 myDaq.outputSingleScan ([0,0,0]) % Turn off all sources to begin to do waitforbuttonpress; % Press button to start experiment % Iterate through each column of every row in grid, and ALSO over nunmsrc % source boards. For each grid position. we'll do all the sources at once for k = 1:ypts 75 for 1 = 1:xpts waitforbuttonpress; % Take offset measurement. 80 myDaq.outputSingleScan ([0,0,0]) offsetvals = zeros(length(ADC),avgpts); 85 % Flush ADCs before each point for m = 1:length(ADC) readADC(s,ADC(m)); end pause(1/6.7) 90 %/ Sample each ADC at each point for m = 1:avgpts for n = 1:length(ADC) offset-vals(n,m) = readADC(s,ADC(n)); end 95 pause(1/6.7); end for m = 1:length(ADC) of f set(k,1,m) = mean(of f setvas(m,:)); 100 % Write each sampled value to file % This will write length(ADC) rows per point. 105 % There will be xpts*ypts*length(ADC) rows total, %4 as there will be a new row for each point. fprintf (f id,'%s,' , strcat(' 6ffset ',ADC(m))); fprintf (f id, '%10.18f,' of f set vals(M,:)); fprintf (f id,'\r\n ); 74 end 110 % Take background measurenent between each point now! (changed % 12/16) Store in back. for j = 1:2^numsrc-1 115 %nyDaq.outputSingleScan (de2bi(2^(j-1).iiuinsrc)) myDaq.outputSingleScan (de2bi(j,numsrc)) backvals = zeros(length(ADC),avgpts); 120 % Flush ADCs before each point for m = 1:length(ADC) readADC(s,ADC(m)); end pause(1/6.7) 125 % Sample each ADC at each point for m = 1:avgpts for n = 1:length(ADC) back-vals(n,m) = readADC(s,ADC(n)); end 130 pause(1/6.7); end for m = 1:length(ADC) background(k,1,m,j) = mean(back-vals(m,:)); 135 % Write each sampled value to file % This will write length(ADC) rows per point. % There will be xpts*ypts*length(ADC) rows total. % as there will be a new row for each point. fprintf (f id, %s. ,strcat ('back',ADC(m))); fprintf (f id, '%10.18f,',backvals(m,:)); fprintf (f id,'\r\n'); 140 end 145 end sound(back-beep, fs); for d = 1:3 150 waitforbuttonpress; V Take actual data measurement for j = 1:(2^numsrc-1) %AWrite source number out to corresponding DIO pins on NI-DAQ %iuyDaq.outputSingleScan (de2bi(2^(j-1),nmunsrc()) 155 myDaq.outputSingleScan (de2bi(j,numsrc)) 75 % Press button before each point % (Re)-Initialize sample array 160 pt-vals = zeros(length(ADC),avgpts); % Flush ADCs before each point for m = 1:length(ADC) readADC(sADC(m)); 165 end pause(1/6.7) % Sample each ADC at each point for m = 1:avgpts for n = 1:length(ADC) pt-vals(n,m) = readADC(s,ADC(n)); end 170 pause(1/6.7); end 175 180 for m = 1:length(ADC) % Average the sanpled values for each point response(k,1,m,j,d) = mean(pt vals(m,:)); %to do %4 switched order of x and y for ease of use (changed 12/16). %o Still have to change ImSeg code to adjust. %, Write each sampled value to file % This will write length(ADC) rows per point. %o There will be xpts*ypts*length(ADC) rows total. %A as there will be a new row for each point. fprintf (f id,'%c, ,ADC(m)); 185 fprintf (f id,'%(,10. 18f,, pt _vals~m:) fprintf (f id,'\r\n'); end 190 %, Print separators fprintf ( %s\n,repmat(sprintf('=),1,50)); fprintf ( %s\n',repmat(sprintf('='),1,50)); 195 fprintf ('%s\n',repmat(sprintf(='),1,50)); fprintf ('%s\ii',repmat(sprintf('='),1,50)); fprintf ( "4s\n',repmat(sprintf('='),1,50)); %APlot first channel in figure figure (1); cIf; 200 iinagesc(1:ypts,1:xpts,response (:,:,2,2,1)); %4todo fprintf ( POINTX%1.f\n\n\n,1*k); 76 for i = 1:(length(ADC)-2) 205 fprintf ('Channel-%I.Of-aver age:-',i); fprintf ('%f\n",response(k,1,i,2,d)); %Xtodo end % axis([1 pts -0.5 0.5]): % axis([1 pts niean(iesponse(1,1:k))-10e-3 imean(response(1,.1:k))+10e-3]); end sound(point-beep, fs); 210 end 215 end end 220 %%1/, Write final (averaged) respones to file fprintf (f id, '%s\r\n', Response'); for k = 1:ypts for 1 = 1:length(ADC) fprintf (f id, 'X10.1Sf, , response(k,:,m)); fprintf (f id,' \r\11) end 225 end 230 for i=1:ypts for j=1:xpts back(:,j+(i-1)*xpts) = reshape(background(i,j ,:,:),length(ADC)*(2 numsrc- 1),1); respl(:,j+(i-1)*xpts) reshape(response(i,j,:,:,1),1ength(ADC)*(2^numsrc-1),1); %to (10 resp2(:,j+(i-1)*xpts) = reshape(response(i,j,:,:,2),length(ADC)*(2^numsrc-1),1); resp3(:,j+(i-1)*xpts) = reshape(response(i,j,:,:,3),length(ADC)*(2^numsrc-1),1); offtemp(:,j+(i-1)*xpts) = reshape(offset(i,j,:),length(ADC),1); 235 end end off = [off._temp' off temp' off-temp' off temp' off-temp' off-temp' off-temp']'; save('current.. mat',resp Y, 'back', ' off) %to do 240 myDaq.outputSingleScan ([0,0,0]) %% Close file and serial port felose (f id); 245 250 stopasync(s); fHose (s); delete(s); clear s; % close all: end 77 A.1.6 BMatrix.m %o Inputs: S( = delta base used nx % N number of pixels across in the x direction number of pixels / 5 % % This function creates the influence matrix for the AMatrix-PM function % with a specific delta and a maximum Euclidean distance between pixels of two. 10 function B = BMatrix(d,nx,N) B = zeros(N,N); 15 for i=1:N row = zeros(1,N); row(1,i) = 1; if (mod(i,nx) -= 1) row(1,i-1) = d; if (i > nx) 20 row(,i-1-nx) = d^(1/sqrt(2)); end if (i <= (N-nx)) row(1,i-1+nx) = d^(1/sqrt(2)); end 25 end if (mod(i,nx) ~= 0) row(1,i+1) = d; if (i > nx) 30 row(,i+1-nx) = d^(1/sqrt(2)); end if (i <= (N-nx)) row(1,i+1+nx) = d^(1/sqrt(2)); end end 35 if (i > nx) row(1,i-nx) = d; end if (i <= (N-nx)) row(1,i+nx) = d; end 40 %[1 d (1^2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (1 (sqrt (2) ]: B(i ,:) = row; 45 end 78 end A.1.7 AMatrixPM.m , % Example Usage: [ANlb-pmnAVMv-pm,B-pnmdistrilpmI] =A\aitrixPM(lizi,pvcal,lackiizibackpvcalc, %X V, testVector(:, pixel) -back -lizi(:,pixel),6,1,4,7); (7 5 10 15 20 25 The input values are: ANp = ADC*source-by-nx*ny occupancy sensitivity matrix, whose columns are made of raw (or modified) data vectors AM-m = ADC*source -by-nx*ny occupancy sensitivity natrix. whose columns are made of raw (or modified) data vectors (A, back-p = ADC*source-by-nx*ny backm = ADC*source-by-nx*ny constant factor used in 11 and 12 regularization optimizations (7, alpha %7 lambda ADC*source-by-1 measurement vector for unknown occupancy nx = number of pixels in the x-dimension (defined as left -to-right in front of the sensing electrodes) number of pixels in the y-dimension (defined as front-to-back in (7, 1y front of the sensing electrodes) (7 (X ADC = number of ADC measurements taken (channels) source = number of sources measurements taken: could be numlber of V, source places or (7, %7 The output values are: (7 AMb =ADC*source - by -nx*ny occupancy sensitivity matrix minus background (% WM = ADC*source-by-nx*ny weighted occupancy sensitivity (7, B = nx*nv-by-nx*ny influence matrix (7% distribI = nx-by-ny pixel occupancies ( distrib3 = nx-by-ny pixel occupancies function [AM,WM,Bdistribl] source) AMatrixPM(AMp,AMm,backp,backm,alpha,ambda,nx,ny,ADC, 30 (7 # of grid pts N = nx*ny; (7, 14*13 = 182 N2 = 2*N; 35 WM = zeros(source*ADC,N*2); AM = [AM-p AM-m]; background = [back-p back-m]; AMb = AM - background; 40 for x = 1:N 79 WM (:, x)=AMb(:,x)/sqrt (sum(AMb(:,x). ^2)); % Equation 2 WM (:, x+N) = AMb(:,x+N)/sqrt(sum(AMb(:,x+N).^2)); end 45 %% Building the B influence matrix dp = 0.001; dm = 0.001; 50 dpm = 0; B = zeros(2*N,2*N); Bp = BMatrix(dp,nx,N); Bm = BMatrix(dm,nx,N); 55 %Bpm = BMatrix(dpm,nx.N): Bpm = zeros(N,N); B(1:N,1: N) = Bp; 60 B(N+1:2*N,N+1:2*N) = Bm; B(1:N,N+1:2*N) = Bpm; B(N+1:2*N,1:N) = Bpm; %% Sub-pixel code 65 p00 = -0.001581; p1O = 0.0001897; p01 = 0.006957; p20 = -3.42e-05; p11 = -0.001315; 70 p02 p30 p21 p12 p03 p40 p31 p22 p13 p04 = = = = = = = = = = p50 p41 p32 p23 p14 p05 = 1.637e-08; = 4.00le-08; = -3.434e-08; = 5.044e-07; = -1.737e-08; = -5.848e-07; 75 80 85 -0.0005672; 1.216e-05; 4.652e-05; 0.0002608; -0.0001756; -1.048e-06; 2.971e-07; -1.085e-05; -1.135e-05; 2.087e-05; f = zeros(2*nx,2*ny); for x=0.5:0.5:nx 80 for y=0.5:0.5:ny f(2*x,2*y) = p00 + p10*x + pOl*y + p20*x^2 90 + pl1*x*y + p02*y^ 2 + p30*x^3 + p21* x^2*y ... + p12*x*y^2 + p03*y^3 + p40*x^4 + p31*x^3*y + p22*x^2*y^2 ... + p13*x*y^3 + p04*y^4 + p50*x^5 + p41*x^4*y + p32*x^3*y^2 ... + p23*x^2*y^3 + p14*x*y^4 + pO 5 *y^5; end 95 end %X CVX code 100 c = alpha; / least norm cvx-begin variable distrib(N) 105 minimize(norm(distrib,1)); subject to distrib >= 0; AMb*distrib == lambda; cvxend 110 % 11 cvx-begin variable distribl(N) 115 minimize(norn(AMb*distribl -lambda,1)); subject to distribi >= 0; cvxend 120 % 11/11 cvx-begin variable distrib2(N) minimize(norm(AMb*distrib2-lambda,1)+c*norm(distrib2,1)); subject to distrib2 >= 0; 125 cvxend % 12/11 cvx-begin variable distrib3(N) 130 minimize(norm(AMb*distrib3-lambda,2)+c*norm(distrib3, 1)); subject to distrib3 >= 0; cvxend 135 % 11/12 cvx-begin 81 variable distrib4(N) minimize(norm(AMb*distrib4-lambda,1)+c*norrn(distrib4,2)); subject to 140 distrib4 >= 0; cvxend % entropy cvx-begin 145 variable distrib5(182) maximize(sum(entr(distrib5))) subject to 1 >= distrib5 >= 0; WM*distrib5 == lambda; 150 cvxend %%) Plotting % One figure is plotted here, but any number of the above solutions may be % plotted by following the format below. 155 colormap(gray) f ig = figure(1); set (f ig, ' Position', [200 150 1000 400]) cm=flipud(gray); 160 colormap(cm) subplot (1,2,1) 165 image(reshape(256*distrib1 (1:N)/max(distrib1),nx,ny)'); title ('Li/L1-Person*,'FontSize',14) xlabel('X-directioni,'Font size',12) ylabel ('Y-direction' , Fontsize' ,12) %zlabel("Occupancy value," Fontsize '12) set (gca,' XTick',[1 2 3 4]) 170 set (gca,'YTick',[1 2 3 4]) v=get(gca,'XLin); line ([1.5 1.5], v, 'Color',*k', *LineStyle','-') line ([2.5 2.5], v, Color', 'k', 'LineStyle', -) line ([3.5 3.5], v, 'Color', 'k', 'LinieStyle',-') w=get(gca,'YLim'); 180 line ([0.5 line ([0.5 line ([0.5 4.5],[1.5 1.5], w, 'Color',*k', 4.5],[2.5 4.5],[3.5 2.5], w, 'Color', *k', 'LineStyle', 3.5], w, 'Color','k', 'LineStyle', "LineStyle*, ') -' ) 175 -') subplot (1,2,2) image(reshape(256*distrib1 (N+1:N2)/max(distrib1),nx,ny)'); title ('L1/L- Metal','FontSize',14) xlabel( X-direction' , 'Fontsize ,12) ylabel("Y-direction', aFontsizei* ,12) 82 185 set(gca,'XTick',[1 2 3 4]) set(gcaYTick',[1 2 3 4]) line ([1.5 line ([2.5 ' 4.5],[2.5 4.5],[3.5 1.5], w, 'Color', 'k', 'LineStyle', '2.5], w, 'Color', *k', 'LineStyle', ' 3.5], w, 'Color', 'k', 'LineStyle' , ) line ([0.5 line ([0.5 ) line ([3.5 3.5], v, 'Color','k', 'LineStyle', w=get(gca,*YLim'); line ([0.5 4.5],[1.5 ) 190 1.5], v, 'Color','k*, 'LineStyle', 2.5], v, 'Color', 'k', LineStyle', ) v=get(gca,'XLhm'); 195 end ImSeg.m A.1.8 %/ Input: %c VM = Weighted sensitivity matrix noise level . 5 %, This function performns the inage segmentation algorithm on data with % specified added noise to find the radius of resolved pixels for a given function final-pixel = ImSeg2(WM) 10 N_in = 169; meas = 12; pixelorder =1N_i; % [1 2 ... N] 15 random = zeros(meas,5); %7 this can be changed to add different noise levels Xrandomn = .05.*randn(mneas,5); f inal-pixel = zeros(1,N-in); for i=1:1 20 noise = random(:,i); %, Pick a noise vector for j=1:Nin iteration= j W = WM; %Xnornalized sensitivity matrix by column data 25 N = N-in; grid-size = 13; quad-size = 8; pixels = reshape(1:N,grid.size,grid.size); % [1 14 . . %X2 15 30 %A. stop = 0; 83 y = W(:,j)+noise; % Add chosen noise vector to each pixel in data 35 x = W'*y; % Apply LBP equation %figure(2) %o grid = reshape(x.grid-size, gridsize %imagesc(grid); 40 % Continue optimizing until incorrect quadrant found while stop == 0 45 grid = reshape(x,grid-size,grid-size); %c Reshape LBP solution into 13x13 image %figure(2): %iiagesc(grid); % Store the indices of our known pixel j [row,col] = ind2sub(size(pixels),find(pixels == j)); 50 j is in => TEST THIS quad-list = zeros(1,4); if ((row <= quad-size) && (col <= quad-size)) % Store which quadrant(s) our known pixel 55 60 65 70 75 quad-list = quad-list 1 [1 0 0 0]; xstart = 1; % col y-start = 1; % row end if ((row > grid-size-quad-size) && (col <= quad-size)) quad-list = quad-list 1 [0 1 0 0]; x-start = grid-size-quad-size+1; y-start = 1; end if ((row <= quad-size) && (col > grid.size-quad-size)) quad-list = quad-list 1 [0 0 1 0]; xstart = 1; y-start = grid-size-quad-size+1; end if ((row > grid-size-quad-size) && (col > grid-size-quad-size)) quad-list = quad-list 1 [0 0 0 1]; xstart = grid-size-quad-size+1; y-start = grid-size-quad-size+1; end %7 Quadrant divisions quadi = grid(1:quad-size,1:quad-size); quad3 = grid(1:quad-size,(grid-size-quad-size+1):grid-size); quad2 = grid(grid-size-quad-size+1:gridsize, 1:quad-size); quad4 = grid (gridsize-quadsize+1:end,grid-size-quadsize+1:end); 84 sumvec = [sumn(sum ((quad1))) sum (suni((quad2))) sum(sum((quad3))) sum(sum(( quad4)))]; 80 ~ index] = max(sumnvec); if size (find(sumnvec==max(sum-vec)),2) > 1 % To do: deal with 2 equal maxima f inal-pixel(1,j) = size(pixels,1); 85 pixell = size(pixels,1); stop = 1; elseif quad-list(index) 1 f inal-pixel(1,j) = size(pixels,1); size (pixels,1) stop = 1; 90 else pixels -1); 95 pixels(x start:xstart+quadsize- 1,ystart:y-start+quad size % Print for lists x-quad = reshape(x,grid-size,grid-size); x-quad = x-quad(x start:xstart+quadsize- ,y_start:y.start+quad-size -1); grid-size = quad-size; quad-size = quad-size/2; 100 x = reshape(x-quad,grid-size^2,1); if quadsize == 0.5 stop = 1; end 105 end end end 110 end final-pixel; figure (3) images(reshape(f inal-pixel,13,13)'); save ('LiageSeg2. mat','ranidomi'); end A.2 Sensor Board Software The software below can be compiled from a fresh installation of Ubuntu with the following commands. sudo apt-get install build-essential subversion git gcc-avr avr-libc dfu-programmer cd $HOME svn checkout mkdir $HOME/atmega32u4/ 85 5 cd $HOME/atmega32u4/ git clone a-lib.git cd lufa-lib/ git checkout acd92983 cd $HOME/StandaloneSensor/Sensor\ and\ Code/code/FullyDiff/ The command make will compile the software. The command make dfu will program the ATmega32U4 microcontroller breakout board with the makefile included here. The breakout board must be reset with the HWB button held down, in order to enter the bootloader, and program the microcontroller. A.2.1 FullyDiff8.c Passive Scan: Fully Differential Standalone Sensor Code MIT 01/2013 5 10 Lizi George Rev. 1 Adapted from: LUFA Library Copyright (C) Dean Camera, 2012. 15 dean [at] fourwalledcubicle [dot] com 20 Copyright 2012 Dean Camera (dean [at] fourwalledcubicle [dot] com) Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appear in 25 all copies and that both that the copyright notice and this permission notice and warranty disclaimer appear in supporting documentation, and that the name of the author not be used in 86 advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the software without specific, written prior permission. 30 The author disclaim all warranties with regard to this software, including all implied warranties of merchantability and f itness. In no event shall the author be liable f or any special, indirect or consequential damages or any damages whatsoever resulting from loss of use, data or profits, whether in an action of contract, negligence or other tortious action, arising out of or in connection with the use or performance of this software. 35 40 * * /** \f ile 45 50 Main source file for the Fully Differential Standalone Sensor board. This file contains the main resources for using the board: - hardware configuration and initialization - USB and virtual serial communication #inldude "FullyDiff8.h"' #include <stdlib.h> /** * 55 * LUFA CDC Class driver interface configuration and state information. This structure is passed to all CDC Class driver functions, so that multiple instances of the same class within a device can be differentiated from one another. USBClassInfo_CDCDevice_t FullyDiffCDCInterf ace = { .Conf ig 60 65 = { .ControlInterfaceNumber = .DataINEndpointNumber .DataINEndpointSize .DataINEndpointDoubleBank = CDCTXEPNUM, = CDCTXRXEPSIZE, = false, 0, .DataOUTEndpointNumber = CDCRXEPNUM, .DataOUTEndpointSize = CDCTXRXEPSIZE, .DataOUTEndpointDoubleBank = false, 70 .NotificationEndpointNumber = CDCNOTIFICATIONEPNUM, .NotificationEndpointSize = CDCNOTIFICATIONEPSIZE, .NotificationEndpointDoubleBank = false, 87 75 /** Standard file stream for the CDC interface when set up, so that the virtual CDC COM * 80 port can be used like any regular character stream in the C APIs static FILE USBSerialStream; /* Global Variables */ char ADCbuf[5]; //Array to consolidate ADC conversions 85 char lastPress = 0; bool debugFlag = true; // 90 Generic bad input message char *ErrStr BadlInput.\r\nf; uint16_t sweep-count = 1; uint8_t dds-chan = 0; /** 95 * Main program entry point. This routine contains the overall program flow, including initial setup of all components and the main program loop. int main(void) { SetupHardware(; 100 /* Create a regular character stream for the interface so that it can be used with the stdio.h functions */ CDCDeviceCreateStream(&FullyDif f _CDCInterf ace, &USBSerialStream); //LEDs-SetAllLEDs(LEDMASKUSBNOTREADY); 105 seiO; for (;;) { 110 CheckPE2(; /* Must throw away unused bytes from the host, or it will lock up while waiting for the device */ uint16_t BytesReceived = CDCDeviceBytesReceived(&FullyDiff _CDCInterf ace 115 if (BytesReceived) { 88 int16_t recByte switch (recByte) 120 CDCDeviceReceiveByte(&FullyDiffCDCInterf ace); { case 'A': // ADC Command { int16_t ADCrec = 0; 125 if (debugFlag) { 7/ Echo received command byte CDCDeviceSendByte(&FullyDiff CDCInterface, recByte); CDCDeviceSendString(&FullyDiffCDCInterfacej ":\i\ ii"); } 130 // Receive channel byte and check if valid ADCrec = waitf orByte(; 135 // Select a single ADC if (ADC-rec >= '0' && ADC-rec <= '7') { uint8_t chan = ADCrec-'0'; ADC-flushO; ADCread(chan); ADC-responseo; // Responds with 4 bytes 140 } 7/ 145 Select all ADCs else if (ADCrec == 'a' 11 ADCrec == 'A') { for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) { ADC_flushO; 150 ADC-read(i); ADC-response(; // Responds with 4*6=24 bytes } } 155 /7 (Re)Conf igure ADCn else if (ADCrec == 'w') { /7 placeholder for writing to ADC } 160 /7 Invalid input else 89 reportError(; } 165 break; case 'd { 170 int16_t DDS-rec = 0; extern uint8_t ddschan; DDSrec = waitforByte(; if (checkHex(DDS-rec)) { 175 if (DDSrec == '1') { DDSConf ig(dds_chan,0x00 100000); DDSConf ig(dds-chan+1,0x00100000); } 180 else if (DDS.rec == '2') { DDSConf ig(dds_chan,0x00800000); DDSConf ig(dds-chan+I1,0x00800000); } 185 else if (DDS.rec '3') { DDSConfig(ddschan,0x00100000); // set chan to 10.4 kHz DDSConfig(dds-chan+1,0x00800000); // set chan to 83.3kHz } 190 else if (DDS-rec == '4') { DDSConfig(ddschan,0x00010000); // set chan to 1.3kHz DDSConfig(dds.chan+1,0x00100000); /7 set chan to 10.4kHz } 195 else if (DDS-rec == '0') { DDSConf ig(dds-chan,0); DDSConf ig(ddschan+1 ,0); } 200 } else { reportError(; break; 205 } 90 7* CDCDeviceSendByte(&FullyDif f _CDCInterf ace,DDS-rec); CDCDeviceSendString(&FullyDif f _CDCInterf ace," r\\n"); 210 } break; 215 7s7 case sweep frequencies { 0x17; 77 16E6/(2*8*(1+23)) 41.6kHz OCR1A = sweep-count; // 16E6/(2*2*96) 41.6kHz OCR4C = sweep-count++; // 16E6/(2*192) 41.6kHz (SOURCE) OCR4B = OCR4C/2; // set PWM to 50% //; OCROA = 220 } break; 225 case 'f ': { uint8_t list[] for (uint8_t i {0,0,0,0}; 0; i < 4; i++) { 230 uint8_t f req waitf orByte(); if (freq >= '0' && freq <= '9') list[i] = freq - '0'; else 235 list[i] = freq - 55; } OCR1A = (list[0] << 12) + (list[1] << 8) + (list[2] << 4) + list[3]; } break; 240 case p { int16_t pwm-rec = 0; 245 pwmnrec = waitforByteO; if (checkHex(pwm-rec)) { if (pwm-rec == '1') { 250 /7 Set PWM chans to 41.6kHz OCROA = Ox17; /7 OCR1A = 0x0060; 77 OCR4C = OxCO; 77 OCR4B = OCR4C/2; 77 16E6/(2*8*(1+23)) = 41.6kHz 16E6/(2*2*96) = 41.6kHz 16E6/(2*192) - 41.6kHz (SOURCE) set PWM to 50% i 255 else if (pwmrec =='2') 91 77 Set PWM chans to 333kHz { OCROA OCR1A OCR4C OCR4B 260 0x02; OxOOOC; 0x18; OCR4C/2; // /7 /7 // 16E6/(2*8*(3)) = 333.3kHz 16E6/(2*2*12) 333.3kHz 16E6/(2*24) = 333.3kHz (SOURCE) set PWM to 50% } else if (pwm-rec == '3') // PWM1: 41.6kHz, PWM2: 333kHz { OCROA OCR1A OCR4C OCR4B 265 0x02; /7 333.3kHz 0x0060; /7 41.6kHz 0x18; OCR4C/2; 7/ 16E6/(2*24) 7/ set PWM to = 333.3kHz (SOURCE) 50% I else if (pwm-rec == '4') 270 // PWM1: 5.208kHz, PWM2: 41.6kHz { OCROA OCR1A OCR4C OCR4B 275 = 0x17; = 0x1800; = OxCO; = OCR4C/2; /7 41.6kHz /7 5.208kHz /7 16E6/(2*192) = 41.6kHz (SOURCE) set PWM to 50% /7 } } else { reportError(; break; 280 } } break; } } 285 else if (BytesReceived > 1) { char recBytes[BytesReceived+1]; 290 for (int i = 0; i < BytesReceived; i++) { recBytes[i] = CDCDeviceReceiveByte(&FullyDiff _CDCInterface); I 295 CDCDeviceSendString(&FullyDif f _CDCInterf ace,recBytes); } CDCDeviceUSBTask(&FullyDif f _CDCInterf ace); USBUSBTask(; } 300 void delay-ms(uint8_t count) { 92 while (count--) 305 { _delay-ms(1); } I 310 bool checkHex(int16_.t data) { if (data >= '0' && data <= '9') { return true; 315 } else if (data >= 'a' && data <= 'f') { return true; } 320 else if (data >= 'A' && data <= 'F') { return true; } else return false; 325 I void reportError(void) { 330 debugCheck(; //Clear CDC buffer and exit if input not valid CDCDeviceFlush(&FullyDif f _CDCInterf ace); CDCDeviceSendString(&FullyDif f _CDCInterf ace,ErrStr); 335 } int16_t waitforByte(void) { /7Wait f or an incoming byte while (!(CDCDeviceBytesReceived(&FullyDiff _CDCInterf ace))) {continue;} 340 // Receive incoming byte return CDCDeviceReceiveByte(&FullyDiff _CDCInterf ace); 345 } /* Configures the board hardware and chip peripherals */ void SetupHardware(void) { 350 /* Disable watchdog if enabled by bootloader/fuses MCUSR &= ~(1 << WDRF); 93 *7 wdtdisableo; MCUCR = (1 << JTD); MCUCR = (1 << JTD); 355 /* Disable clock division */ clock-prescale-set(clock-div_1); /* Hardware Initialization //LEDsInit(; 360 *7 USBInitO; SPIInito; /* Set up pin direction for button *7 DDRE &= ~(1 << PE2); 365 DDRE &= ~(1 << PE6); PORTE 1= (1 << PE2) I (1 << PE6); /* Set up pin directions for CS and disable all chips DDRD = 0xFF; PORTD = 0xFF; DDRF 1= (1 << PFO) I (1 << PF1); PORTF 1= (1 << PFO) | (1 << PF1); 370 /* Set up PWM for chopper channels *7 375 PWMInit(); DDSInitO; /* Set up PWM on Status LEDs 380 */ LEDsPWMInit(; /* Set up Debug Mode *7 DDRF &= ~(1 << PF7); PORTF 1= (1 << PF7); 385 debugCheck(; } /* Set up PWM pins on board */ 390 void PWMInit(void) { /* Set up directions for PWM pins */ 395 DDRB 1= (1<<PB6) I (1<<PB5); //DDRB &= ~(1<<PB5); // tri-stating DDRC 1= (1<<PC6); PB5 /* Set up PWM for 8-bit TCO OCOA on PB7 connected, toggle on compare match WGM = 1 (0b010), TOP=OCRA0 94 *7 400 405 410 Prescaler: CLK/8 TCCROA = ObO1000010; TCCROB = ObOO000010; */ /* No prescaler: 0x00 8MHz, OxFF = 31.2kHz * CLK/8: OxOO 1MHz, OxFF = 3.94kHz * CLK/8: 0x02 333kHz, 0x18 = 40kHz * CLK/8: 0x17 41.6kHz TCCROA 0; TCCROA (1<<WGM01); TCCROB (1<<CS01); OCROA = 0x02; TCCROA 1= (1<<COMOA); /* Set up PWM for 16-bit TC1, OClA on PB5 Use frequency and phase correct mode: - Mode: Toggle OClA on compare match (OC1x disconnected) - WGM: Mode 9 (1001) - Prescaler:CLK/1(none) - TCCR1A = ObO1000001; 420 425 - TCCR1B = ObOO010001; */ /* OCR1A: 400kHz = OxOA, 333.33kHz = OxOC, 40kHz 0x64, 41.6kHz // Chan: 40kHz TCCR1A = 0; TCCR1A = (1<<WGM10)1(1<<COMAO)1(1<<COMBO); TCCR1B = (1<<WGM13)j(1<<CS10); OCR1A = 0x0060; OCR1B = OxOC; 430 /* Set up PWM for 10-bit TC4, OC4B on PB6 Use frequency and phase correct mode: - Mode: - WGM: - Prescaler:CLK/1(none) ObOO100000 TCCR4B = ObOO000001 TCCR4C = ObOO100000 - TCCR4A = 435 - */ /* OCR4C (TOP): 400kHz = 0x14, 40kHz = OxC8, - TCCR4D = ObOO000001 440 77 445 OCR4C (TOP): 333.33kHz = 0x18, 41.6kHz = OxCO, OCR4B (MATCH): 50% Duty Cycle = OCR4C/2 */ Chan: 400kHz TCCR4A (1<<COM4B1) (1<<PWM4B); //Enable PWM on OC4B TCCR4A (1<<COM4A1)j(1<<PWM4A); //Enable PWM on OC4B TCCR4B 1= (1<<CS40); 95 0x60 * 415 //TCCR4C = (1<<COM4BS); TCCR4D 1= (1<<WGM40); OCR4C = 0x18; OCR4B = OxOC; OCR4A = 0xOC; 450 /* Set up PWM f or 4MHz DDS clock on TC3, 455 * Using OC3A on PC6 CTC mode, * OCR3A: 0x01 = 4MHz, Ox02 = 2.67MHz, * THIS IS FOR THE DDS CLK! Ox18 320kHz */ 460 TCCR3A = 0; TCCR3B = (1<<WGM32)I(1<<CS30); OCR3A = 0x02; TCCR3A 1= (1<<COM3AO); 465 } void SPIInit(void) { /* Set up SPI Data Directions: 470 !SS (PBO): output - MOSI (PB1): output - SCK (PB2): output - - MISO (PB3): input explicitly set !SS as output to ensure SPI configuration //DDRSPI = (1<<DDMOSI)j(1<<DDSCK); DDRB = ((1 << PBO) I (1 << PB1) I (1 << PB2)); PORTB 1= (1 << PBO); PORTB &= ~(1 << PB5); /7 475 480 /* Enable SPI as Master with clock rate f ck/16 Transmit MSB f irst (DORD=0), SCK low when idle (CPOL=0) Sample data on trailing (falling) edge (CPHA=1) *7 //SPCR = (1<<SPE)1(1<<MSRT)1(1<<CPHA)1(1<<SPRO); SPCR = 0b01010101; 485 } uint8_t SPItransmit(uint8_t data) { 490 /* Send data SPDR = data; */ /* Wait for transmission complete while (!(SPSR & (1<<SPIF))); */ 495 96 *7 /*Return received byte */ return SPDR; } 500 void ADCread(uint8_t chan) { /* Sample data on trailing edge (CPHA=1) May need to reconfigure sample edge depending on how MOSI data works //SPCR = ObO1010101; SPCR = ObO1011101; 505 /* Chip Select Enable *7 PORTD &= ~(1 << chan); /* Send dummy bytes over SPI and read back 4 byte conversion for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) 510 { ADC-buf [i] = SPI-transmit (OxOO); } 515 /* Chip Select Disable *7 PORTD 1= (1 << chan); } 520 void ADC_flush(void) { /* Clear ADC temp bytes and buffer*/ for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { ADCbuf [i] = 0; 525 } void DDSSet(uint8_t chan, uint16_t data) 530 { unsigned char dataH = (data >> 8); unsigned char dataL = (data & OxFF); /* Shift data on FALLING edge of SCK 535 SCK idles HIGH when FSYNC/CS goes low (mode 3) SPCR = ObO1011001; /* Chip Select Enable *7 PORTF &= ~(1 << chan); 540 /* Send DDS setup data (no data to read back) *7 SPI_transmit(dataH); SPI_transmit(dataL); 97 */ */ *7 /* Chip Select Disable *7 545 PORTF 1= (1 << chan); } void DDSFreq(uint8_t en, uint16_t reg, uint32_t freg) { /* * 550 * freg is the 28 bit result of the following: * freg = (fout/fmclk)*2^28 555 */ reg =(reg 560 + 1) & 0x03; uint16_t fregL = (reg << 14) uint16_t fregH = (reg << 14) (Ox3FFF & freg); (Ox3FFF & (freg >> 14)); DDSSet (en,fregL); DDSSet(en,fregH); 565 //DDSSet (en,0x4000); //DDSSet (en,0x4040); } 570 void DDSPhase(uint8_t en, uint16_t reg, uint16_t preg) { 7* * The phase registers are written to with a 16-bit word. * D15 and D14 are always 1, D13 selects PHASEO or PHASE1 * registers. D12 doesn't matter. The remaining 12 bits 575 * * are preg. * preg is the 12 bit result of the following: * preg = (phase-shift*2^12)/(2*pi) */ 580 reg = (reg & Ox0l) << 13; // picking PHASE1 register preg = (3 << 14) 1 reg I (OxOFFF & preg); // writing "preg" to a phase register 585 DDSSet(en,preg); } /* Configures DDS with a 10kHz and 100kHz sine wave on Ch. A and B void DDSInit(void) 590 { 98 *7 DDSSet(PFO, // Ox2100); Reset first DDS, set for loading a complete word into either frequency register (B28 bit DDSSet(PF1, /* Write to frequency register (Fout,Fin): * Fmclk 595 of control register) 0x2100); 320kHz: 10kHz 0x00800000, * * * Fmclk 2.67MHz: 10.416kHz OxOO100000, 83.3kHz 0x00800000, 125kHz Ox00CO0000, * 600 * * * * (~10khz, 4MHz) = OxOOOA3D70, (~100kHz, 4MHz) = 0x00666666 * (~1OkHz, 5MHz) = 0x00083126, (~100kHz, 5MHz) = 0xOO51EB85 */ 605 DDS_Freq(PF0,0,0x00800000); *7 /* Write PHASEO Reg DDSPhase(PFO,0,0); // DDSPhase(PF1,0,0); 610 just added to synchronous the phase of second channel on startup /* Exit Reset and Begin Output DDSSet(PFO, DDSSet(PF1, 615 *7 0x2000); 0x2000); } void DDSConf ig(uint8_t chan, uint32_t f req) { DDSSet(chan,0x2000); // take this out -- no need to reset, making unnecessary offset DDSFreq(chan,0,freq); DDSPhase(chan,0,0); 620 //DDSSet(chan,0x2000); //take this out -- redundant } 625 void debugCheck(void) { uint8_t PF7Stat = (PINF & (1 << PF7)); if (!PF7Stat) 630 { debugFlag = true; I else debugFlag = 635 false; } 99 void CheckPE2(void) { uint8_t PE2Stat = (PINE & (1 << PE2)); char* ReportString = NULL; static bool ActionSent = false; 640 if (!PE2Stat) { 645 ADCflushO; ADCread(1); ReportString = "ButtoinDowi\r\n"; } 650 else ActionSent = false; if ((ReportString != NULL) && (ActionSent false)) { ActionSent = true; 655 CDCDeviceSendString(&FullyDiffCDCInterf ace, ReportString); ADCresponse(; 660 } } void ADCresponse(void) { char ADC-chars[5]; 665 // // There are two methods for sending data over serial: Method 1: Using the CDCInterf ace for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { 670 sprintf (ADC-chars,j%02X",ADC-buf [i]); CDCDeviceSendString(&FullyDiffCDCInterf ace, ADCchars); } CDCDeviceSendString(&FullyDiff _CDCInterf ace," \r\n"); // 675 Method 2: Using the USBSerialStream /*for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { f printf (&USBSerialStream,"%XX",ADCbuf [i]); } CDCDeviceSendString(&FullyDif f _CDCInterf ace," \r\n);*/ 680 } /** Event handler for the library USB Connection event. */ void EVENTUSBDeviceConnect(void) 100 685 { //LEDsSetAllLEDs(LEDMASKUSBENUMERATING); LEDsSetBrightness(LEDSBLULOW); } 690 /** Event handler for the library USB Disconnection event. */ void EVENTUSBDeviceDisconnect(void) { //LEDs_SetAllLEDs(LEDMASKUSBNOTREADY); LEDsSetBrightness(LEDSBLUHALF); 695 } /** Event handler for the library USB Configuration Changed event. *7 void EVENTUSBDeviceConf igurationChanged(void) { 700 bool Conf igSuccess = true; Conf igSuccess &= CDCDeviceConfigureEndpoints(&FullyDiff _CDCInterf ace); //LEDs _SetAllLEDs(ConfigSuccess ? LEDMASKUSBREADY : LEDMASKUSBERROR); LEDsSetBrightness(LEDS BLUConf igSuccess ? LOW : HIGH); 705 I /** Event handler for the library USB Control Request reception event. void EVENTUSBDeviceControlRequest(void) 710 { CDCDevice_ProcessControlRequest (&FullyDif f _CDCInterf ace); I 101 */ 102 Appendix B Schematics and Boards 103 High Voltage Signal Source Full Schematic B.1.1 <[ - -0 -- --- w - - B.1 : U T2 T 0 0) 0 M CU) --l-- -r Oj C4 -- 42 >1 to) Ln 0 -4 ru D C -C (U ON >N 0) oo ) j>-i a 0 M, DH AI Hh 4-44 In 0) 0 z U-) C LI 9/3/12 11:32 PM f=0.92 /home/bjthom28/Projects/StandaloneSensor/Sensor and Code/pcband schematic/HVrev2/HVrev2.: 104 C) Se INI CD 3 r CA 0 0 1 2 CB5 IC4 ------------a, 9 CB4 01 PS ........... .................. .................... -15V IN2 66 ......... ....... 2 10 0 7 0 ........... ...... ... ... ..... ..... = 4 P6 +35U .................... . ................. z ..... 15V P2 0 CD IC6:: 0 13 GAIN3 0 0 "ON3 ........ 0 ........... ........ .......... 0 U a) Ln ................................................................................................... High Voltage Source Board Standalone Sensor :,:BJ Thompson +50V :-,5:: MIT 02/2012 Pev. I ............. ............................................................ ......................................................... .........................................................................o............................. 0 0 0 +15 11 Q. c8i 01 ........... ... ........................ ... ................... .......... .... C 2 10 0 0 0 CON2 CONI 0 :7 U) CD U) Q :3 CD 0) 0 CL 0 3 r%) 00 0 =r 0 3 Ln W N) (A) 7 B.1.3 Qty Bill of Materials 1 8 1 1 1 13 Value 15mH DIODE-DO-214AC 10 Jumper Terminal .lu 2 2 1 6 2 1 1 1 2 8 1 1 2 2 2 2 4 1 4 4 2 6 .1uF iM 1k lu luF 2.2uF 10 10k 10k lou 22uF 50 50k 317T 330pF 337T OP27P OPA452/3S R1 R2 BNC TPT-SMD Parts Li Dl, D2, D3, D4, D5, D6, D7, D8 ROPTI SJ2 PWR CB1, CB2, CB3, CB4, CB5, CB6, CB7, CB8, CB9, CB10, CB11, CB12, CB13 CT3, CT5 R1, R16 R14 C3, C7, CIO, C13, CB14, CB15 CT2, CT6 CT4 R5 RP1 R2, R17 C2, C4, C5, C6, C8, C9, C11, C12 CT1 R15 R3, R4 IC4, IC6 CCl, CC2 IC5, IC7 ICd, IC2, IC8, IC9 IC3 R7, R9, R10, R12 R6, R8, R11, R13 CON1, CON2 GAIN2, GAIN3, HVDIV, IN1, IN2, OP2 106 CMP ( ) Pequired 'ifF/4pF = 2.5 x 10-4 min. resolution / < background cap. to drive electrode both coax lengths for both channels for best phase matching Match - - :33 - 2 Both shields grounded, no ground loop if cables tuisted and pairs of jacks in close proximity _L L - E Notes: C B A 1 ffi. 6 7/15/12 10:28 PM Date: 7/15/12 1S:2B PM Date: Sheet: Sheet: 1/1 1/1 Document Author(s): Al-Thaddeus Avestruz PEU: BJ Thompson 2-Mica File: diff-platesmica Title: Sense Electrode (1 of 2) Fully Differential Standalone Sensor -Th 5 1 !E D C B A (D Ow e+ C) CI) C CD Ct2 PCB Layout . ............... .. 9/3/12 05 PM f=1.04 /homelbjthom28/Projects/StandaloneSensor/Sensor and Code/pcb-and-schematic/diff-a/diff plate- 108 0 0 W . 9/3/12 11:05 PM f=3.51 /home/bjthom28/Projects/Standalone_Sensor/Sensor and Code/pob and schematic/diff_aI/diffplate_ 109 Bill of Materials Qty 5 2 2 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 2 1 Value .lu .01u lu 10, 1% 10k, .01% 22-23-2031 51, .05% 500, .05% ADA4817-1 LT1806 MICA MMXC-CUT SMA-ONLY Parts CB3, CB4, CB6, CB7, CB9 CB5, CB8 CB1, CB2 R5 R1 PWR R3, R4, R6 R2 ICd IC2 C1 CON1, CON2 DRIVE 110 - - ( CMrP Pequired 'lfF/pF = 2.5 x 10-min. resolution ) / ( background cap. to drive electrode> both coax lengths for both channels for best phase matching Match - 3 Both shields grounded, no ground loop if cables tuisted and pairs of jacks C -A TA[ J_____ - E Notes: D C B A 2 in close proximity F 5 5 i ---0 I -; 6 Date: 7/15/12 10:28 PM Date: 7/15/12 10:28 PM Sheet: Sheet: 1/1 I/I Document Author(s): Al-Thaddeus Avestruz PEU:2 BJ Thompson File: diBfplate Title: Sense Electrode (1 of 2) Fully Differential Standalone Sensor ___- j _ _ ................ ... .. . 44 E D C B A e+ Ci2 C PCB Layout - ......................................................... ................. :-- 7I........... ............. ..................... I I............................................. .......................... a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o o 0 0 o o 0 o 0 0 ..................... 0 0 ........................................ 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 ............................................ ......................... ....................................... ...................... .................... ..................... C R 9/3/12 10:58 PM f=1.04 /home/bjthom28/Projects/Standalone-Sensor/Sensor and Code/pcb-and-schematic/diff-al/diff plate.1 112 0 o9 * 0 0 03 * u. L&~ * (A CL. 9/3/12 11:04 PM f=4.22 /home/bjthom28/Projects/StandaloneSensor/Sensor and Code/pob and schematic/diff-aI/diff-plate. 113 Bill of Materials Qty Value Parts 5 2 1 2 1 1 1 3 2 1 1 1 2 1 .lu .01u .01u, 1% lu 10, 1% 10k, .01% 22-23-2031 51, .05% 220p, 1% 500, .05% ADA4817-1 LT1806 MMXC-CUT SMA-ONLY CB3, CB4, CB6, CB7, CB9 CB5, CB8 C3 CB1, CB2 R5 R1 PWR R3, R4, R6 C1, C2 R2 ICd IC2 CONI, CON2 DRIVE 114 B.3 B.3.1 Sensor Signal Conditioning Full Schematic 115 E Notes: C B A 1 I _ _ 0- z2 27+, I74 -- 3 --- -- ----- 4 -4 -t .1 . 6 6 Date: 11/19/2013 4:51:29 PM I-PEU:1 Sheet: 1/12 Al-Thaddeus Avestruz Document Author(s): BJ Thompson, Lizi G File: diff sensor_8 Title: Fully Differential Front End Standalone Sensor -AI- 5 5 IE 110 B .J E B A Notes: 1 ----------- 1~ 2 2 AN3 4y HN+ 3 _3 ......--------4 4 -~ I-;L __j_ _6_ Date: 11/19/2013 4:51:29 PM Sheet: 2/12 Document Author(s): BJ Thompson, Lizi 6 PEU: 1 Al-Thaddeus Avestruz File: diff-sensor_8 Title:FulLj Differential Front End Standalone Sensor 7 H; 5 E D C B A ...... E D C A Notes: 1 1 - -- -L--__ ._.__..22 ........................... ..... ... ... + 3 -- wv ------ w--- -- LP _ _ 1 _ .. _ _.. _... __. .44 _ Date: 11/19/2013 4:51:29 PM Date: 11/19/2013 4:51:29 P11 |Sheet: Sheet: 3/12 3/12 Document Author(s): BJ Thompson, Lizi G REU:1 Al-Thaddeus Avestruz File: diff-sensor_8 Title: Chopper and IAmp (1, 2) Standalone Sensor v - 3 6 6 I E C B A E B Notes: A C~~~~ NCN sii .AA I -J AI}F w Vw- D 3 Document Author(s): BJ Thompson, Lizi 6 JPEU: 1Al-Thaddeus Avestruz 4/12 M ,Sheet: 4 Date: 11 / 1 9/ File: difL. sensor-8 Title: Chopper and lAmp (3, 4) Standalone Sensor wV--- -+i ID B E D B A Notes: 'c ...... ...... 1 27 T P8; 2 ___J_ - - --- --- - 2 S N t i 01 4A __ _ 47h -:Y % 4 0L--IK 16 3 N A N ik. PI iW | 6 ___ iDate: 11/19/2013 4:51:29 PM |Sheet: 5/12 Document Author(s):BJ Thompson, LiziG IPEU: I Al-Thaddeus Avestruz File: diff-sensor-8 Title: Chopper and IAmp (3, 4) Standalone Sensor p 5 E 01 C B A B A---------- L, W E--AVVA -~ -- ---- --- +- --- -- - 2 L2 . -oum LF1- .. - 1 -- ...... 6 Dae 11/01 :12 M he:61 T-leChperanOAm HL Stnaln Senso Note-- Fie AIffsnso8 --Tompon,-izi--P--:n Auhr-) A--Thadd-us-A----r- IE 5.... ___ _ claueet lB A.... D C B A ...... ...... .. .... ............ . Notes: 1 IT 22 NA 44 ---~ ~ ----- 33 .1 4 4 -a _ i_ 2 GNO N ___ 6 6_ _ _____ IDate: 11/19/2013 4:51:29 PM Date: 11/19/2013 4:51:29 P11 ISheet: 7/12 Sheet: 7/12 Document Author(s): BJ Thompson, Lizi G PEV:1 Al-Thaddeus Avestruz File: diifsensor-8 -4) Standalone Sensor Title: ADC (4 o ATT 5 5 E !D C B A L~Q E Notes: C B 11 ,I- I- ND 2 2 nT A N ~ i - I-- -- M 1>L NII r T ------ t G-N- -F ; 6 6 Date: 11/19/2013 4:51:29 PM ISheet: 8/12 Lz1PEU:1I Al-Thaddeus Avestruz] Document Author(s): BJ Thompson, File: diff-sensor_ Standalone Sensor Title: ADC (4 of 4) IIo a I 5 b E ID B A i1 E B ........ ........ 4f 22 '50% duty cycle 10/20 kHz Chop: P74 = inf, P 5 = 0, PP5 = 250k, lou ppm high stability 100kHz Chop: P74 = 976, P75 = 102, PP5 = 250k, lou ppm high stability Notes: 11 33 - -R I-1 50% ---- 2f, - duty c--- 777 GNE f, duty cycle duty cycle 6 6__ 1__ JDate: 11/19/2013 4:51:29 PM ISheet: Document Author(s): BJ Thompson, Lizi G Al-Thaddeus Avestruz ----------- --------------- File: diff-sensor_8 50% f, 50% Title: Clock Drive 10kHz Standalone Sensor ycle I 9/12 - iREU: E D !B A ......... . NJD -Z 10/20 kHz Choh P74 = inf, P 5 100kHz Chop: P74 = 976, P75 E Notes: C A 1 I = =, 259k, 59% duty lou ppm high stabilitj 2 102, PP5 = 250k, lou ppm high stabilty PP5 6--. II cycle '0 a2f, 3 3 50% duty 44 X > t C, cycle 6 6 Date: 11/19/2013 4:51:29 PM - REV:1 Sheet: 10/12 Al-Thaddeus Avestruz Document Author(s): BJ Thompson, Lizi S File: diff-sensor-8 50% duty -L f , 50% duty cycle , Title: Clock Drive 100kHz Standalone Sensor cle 5 5 E ID l8 E D B Notes: 1 Tl L1F _I F; C3 NO - L.0 --- F41 2 1 3 - 1-1 J D / A 613- P, C2 -C GO --2 --- -4 ,I 2E Z7 FcK/T 5' '/TO BD~ tD/ n-C ZnM -- ::' Microcontroller P D 4'3 ' -- 6 Date: 11/19/2013 4:51:29 PM PEU: i Sheet: 11/12 Al-Thaddeus Avestruz Document Author(s): BJ Thompson, Lizi G Breakout (ATMEGA32U4) Digital Synthesizer Standalone Sensor File: diffsensor_8 Title: --- 4------------- PL USCK F'; P STS F-- 6 E D C B ...... E Notes: D C B A 1_ __ 22 I-L 33 I-1 AND AeD U. Test Points AI- AN Ji %Tr N7 9 MD- T3 44 I ._NA+ _EN . ..... Spectrum Analyzer Header Connections C' 6 r- Uoltage Peference and Pegulators 11 J _6 _ _ LLT r 6 DB;fB5+L T- - 1 Date: 11/19/2013 4:51:29 PM Sheet: 12/12 Document Author(s): BJ Thompson, Lizi G IPEU:1 Al-Thaddeus Avestruz File: diff-sensor_8 Title: Uoltage Pegulators and Peference Standalone Sensor 5 5 E D C B A IN2- Spe =A L 0-6 P P. ....................... C-ND Ln ..... ........ * Ch 1,2 + + C h 31 0 C', 0 G H Sense Input Test Points This Pou Fully Differential Siandalone Sensor BT Thompson MIT 11/20133 Pev. 3 F ) Avestruz 7 7 ....... .......... '....'.'...'.'....'....'....: ...... 7 0 7 in- ................ ........ ti 6 ...... ............... ................. 7" ................. -------------- 6w6 .... 9 w ...... ........ 77 ...... ............................... ...................................... .............................. ...... -15V.. ...... ... ...... GNO +15V ............... .................. ......... ............................ 77 - 7................ 7 ................................................................................................. ................................................... .................................... ....... ........................................................................ I ........... B.3.3 Bill of Materials Qty Value 6 10k Pot 18 Gain Adj. 1 5 MHz 6 Jumpers Parts RPI, RP2, RP3, RP4, RP6, RP7 R22, R23, R36, R37, R50, R51, R64, R65, R74, R75, R94, R95, R108, R109, R114, R115, R116, R117 Xi SJ1, SJ2, SJ3, SJ4, SJ5, SJ6 C76, C78, C80, CB1, CB2, CB4, CB5, CB7, CB8, CB10, CB11, CB13, CB14, CB16, CB17, CB18, CB19, CB20, CB21, CB23, CB24, CB25, CB26, CB27, 63 .lu CB28, CB30, CB31, CB32, CB33, CB34, CB35, CB337, CB338, CB39, CB40, CB45, CB46, CB47, CB58, CB59, CB60, CB361, CB63, CB64, CB65, CB66, CB67, CB68, CB70, CB71, CB72, CB73, CB76, CB77, CB78, CB79, CB80, CB81, CB87, CB89, CB90, CB92, CB93 8 .Au 24 .lu, PPS C4, C5, C10, Ci1, C16, C17, C22, C23, C29, C31, C34, C36, C39, C41, C44, C46, C52, C53, C58, C59, C65, C67, C70, C72 14 .01u C77, C79, CB3, CB6, CB9, CB12, CB15, CB22, CB29, CB36, CB62, CB69, CB88, CB91 24 .01u, 1% C6, C7, C8, C9, C12, C13, C14, C15, C18, C19, C20, C21, C24, C25, C26, C27, C54, C55, C56, C57, C60, C61, C62, C63 12 .01u, 2% C28, C30, C33, C35, C38, C40, C43, C45, C64, C66, C69, C71 1 iM 2 1N4148S 4 1k R76, R77, R78, R79 21 lu C32, C37, C42, C47, C48, C49, C50, C51, C68, C73, C74, C75, CB41, CB42, CB48, CB50, CB51, CB52, CB53, CB55, CB56, CB84 R7 D3, D4 CB43, CB44, CB49, CB74, CB75, CB82, CB85 2 10k, .01% R1, R2 R14, R15, R16, R17, R18, R19, R20, R21, R28, R29, R30, R31, R32, R33, R34, R35, R42, R43, R44, R45, R46, R47, R48, R49, R56, R57, R58, R59, R60, R61, 60 10k, 1% R62, R63, 1166, R67, R68, R69, R70, 1171, R72, R73, R86, R87, R88, R89, R90, R91, R92, R93, RiOC, R101, R102, R103, R104, R105, R106, R107, R11O, R111, R112, R113 1 10n, 1% 1 22-23-2031 C3 PWR 129 4 30, .1% 2 33u CB54, CB57 2 33u CB83, CB86 2 34, .1% R81, R119 14 50, .1% R3, R5, RIO, R12, R24, R26, R38, R40, R52, R54, R82, R84, R96, R98 2 51, .05% R8, R9 6 74VHC74 IC22, IC23, IC37, IC38, IC40, IC41 1 loop, 1% C2 2 110, .1% R80, R118 1 180p, 1% Ci 3 250k 10 500, .05% 1 7805 IC26 1 7905 IC27 7 AD8138 IC, IC5, 1C8, ICl, IC14, IC29, IC32 6 AD8230 IC7, IC1I, IC13, IC16, IC30, IC33 2 AD9837-10 1 ADR441 1 ATM32U4 5 LT1806 6 LTC2484 3 LTC6994-2 IC21, IC36, IC39 6 MAX4523 IC6, IC9, IC12, IC15, IC28, IC31 4 MMXC 5 SMA CLKJN_40K, CLKIN-400K, CLKINVAR, DDSOUT, HVDIV 7 TPT AGND1, AGND2, AGND3, AGND4, AGND5, GND1, GND2 R83, R85, R97, R99 RP5, RP8, RP9 R4, R6, R11, R13, R25, R27, R39, R41, R53, R55 IC42, IC43 IC25 ATMEGA32U4-BREAKOUT IC2, IC3, IC4, IC44, IC45 IC17, IC18, IC19, IC20, IC34, IC35 CONI, CON2, CON3, CON4 130 B.4 B.4.1 Atmega32U4 Breakout Board Full Schematic <r I I m I LU 0 ___ LU .C Ln C: 27 0 N 0 LU LC 0 :3C-- T j 0 N 0) -C 8 8 (U j 8 U 0 0O LU OD CO 1 ,I71 T T~ L 0 -M -- - -- U T 0 I- LUi 9/3/12 10:35 PM f=0.92 /home/bjthom28/Projects/StandaloneSensor/Sensor and Code/pcband schematic/atmega32u4/atm 131 B.4.2 PCB Layout Og * 0* gO so OS Og So go Ug * gO 0 Og Og *5 *0 Os Og soS Og So S. Os S S. S. S. gO 0 so .5 *5 so Og US * *5 IS S. Sg so so * 0 *5 *5 @5 @0 Og So S. So 50 so *5 Os 0S Os so SO So so 0* S 0~ S. so * 0 05 * 0* *5 OS us S *5 .5 Og OS * *5 gO 50 go 0 So Sg S. 0, SO 50 S * .5 Os S. 5. Og S. S. S. * * S 5. 5. so 0* @0 Os Os gO 0 o OS * ........................... s.... S. 5, 0 9/3/12 10:16 PM f=6.29 /home/bjthom28/Projects/StandaloneSensor/Sensor and Code/pob and schematic/atmega32u4/atrn 132 B.4.3 Bill of Materials Qty Value Parts 1 1 1 3 2 1 2 2 I I 2 I 2 I .Au 0 1k lu lop 16MHz 22 100 ATMEGA32U4-AU LDO3.3 LED MICRO-USB-ZX62-B-5PA SW-C&K-KSC-JWING TC2050-IDC-NL C2 RI R4 C1, C5, CB1 C3, C4 X1 R2, R3 R6, R7 ICi LDO DI, D2 USB1 HWB, RST ISP 133 134 Bibliography [1] William H. Thompson. A standalone capacitively coupled occupancy sensor. M.eng. thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts, September 2012. [2] Daniele Andreuccetti, Roberto Fossi, and Caterina Petrucci. Dielectric Properites of Body Tissues, 2010. 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