Looking for the Capacity in NGATS George L. Donohue, John Shortle and B. Jeddi Systems Engineering and Operations Research Center for Air Transportation Systems Research Volgenau School of Information Technology and Engineering NextGen Research on Aviation Capacity TRB January 2008 CENTER FOR AIR TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS RESEARCH © CATSR 2008 Outline • What has Changed in 50 Years? • Safety is the Underlying Capacity Constraint • Current Safety Trends • Airport Arrival – Departure 90% CEP • What are the Underlying Causes of Delay? • Too Many Scheduled Flights into Too Few Runways – Average Aircraft Gauge Too Small – Stochastic Queuing Delays Too Inefficient – 80-90% Max Capacity Safety and Economic Optimum • What Does NGATS do for Safety? • What Does NGATS do for Capacity? • New Separation Standards in Terminal Airspace? • Wake Vortex Separation Reduction? 2 CATSR What has Changed since 1947? •Transonic vs. Subsonic Aircraft •40,000 ft vs. 20,000 ft Altitude •Avionics: • Flight Management Systems • Required Navigation Perf. 0.1nm • Required Time of Arrival • Traffic Collision Avoidance System – On the Aircraft! • AOC Data Links • Zero Visibility Landing Systems •ATC radar Separation •WHAT HAS NOT CHANGED • Air Traffic Controllers talking to Pilots using WW II AM Radio Technology 3 CATSR Some Little Discussed Facts •Modern Jet Aircraft “Gate-to-Gate” Travel Time is the Same or Longer than Propeller aircraft (DC-6 circa 1947) for many routes in NE Triangle • Typical Jet Aircraft is 70% Faster and fly's 80% Higher •Jet Aircraft can fly Over most bad weather •Modern Commercial Jet Aircraft can Land in Very Low Visibility •Airport Congestion Causes Most ATC Delays and Airline Schedule Padding Masks Real “Gate-to-Gate” Delay 4 CATSR Today’s Lack of Predictability is Predictable! 5 CATSR Outline • What has Changed in 50 Years? • Safety is the Underlying Capacity Constraint • Current Safety Trends • Airport Arrival – Departure 90% CEP • What are the Underlying Causes of Delay? • Too Many Scheduled Flights into Too Few Runways – Average Aircraft Gauge Too Small – Stochastic Queuing Delays Too Inefficient – 80-90% Max Capacity Safety and economic Optimum • What Does NGATS do for Safety? • What Does NGATS do for Capacity? • New Separation Standards in Terminal Airspace? • Wake Vortex Separation Reduction? 6 CATSR Part 121 (Scheduled Commercial) Accident Rates are Increasing 2.5 2 y = 0.0533x + 1.0647 1.5 1 0.5 06 20 05 20 04 20 03 20 02 20 01 20 00 20 99 19 98 19 97 19 19 19 7 96 0 95 c ount per million operations My filtered part-121 Analysis from Zohreh Nazeri,accidents PhD GMU 2007 CATSR Safety at Principle Network Nodes (i.e. Airports) is the Capacity Constraint CATSR • Aircraft Safety Separation Time over the Runway Threshold sets the ATS Capacity Limits • Critical Technical Parameters that Define Network Capacity: • • • • 8 Runway Occupancy Time (ROT) Landing Aircraft Inter-Arrival Time (IAT) Capmax = 90 sec IAT at 10-3 PSRO = 40 Arr/RW/Hr Queuing Delay Onset at ~ 80% = 32 Arr/RW/Hr limit for Predictable Performance Data Analysis Process to Estimate: IAT, IAD and ROT pdf’s Airplane i Threshold Airplane i+1 Aircraft Type Heavy Large Large Small Runway Threshold 10:23:14 10:24:28 10:26:16 10:28:32 Leave Runway 10:24:04 10:25:13 10:27:12 10:29:28 ... ... ... Col. Clint Haynie, USA PhD., 2002 9 Yue Xie, PhD. 2005 CATSR ROT vs. IAT to find Simultaneous Runway Occupancy (SRO) Probability: est to be ~ 2 / 1000 CATSR Runway Occupancy Time (sec) SRO Region Inter-Arrival Time (sec) 10 •Detroit Metropolitan Airport (DTW) • Freq (IAT < ROT) ~= 0.0016 in peak periods and 0.0007 overall (including non-peak periods - 1870 total samples) • IMC: 1 / 669= 0.0015 in peak periods • Correlation coefficient = 0.15 [Babak, Shortle and Sherry, 2006] How Will NGATS change these Distributions ? Runway Occupancy Time (sec) New Avionics & Procedures Existing Avionics and Slot Controls Inter-Arrival Time (sec) 11 Changes in FAA Procedures, Airport Slot Controls and New Avionics Will Improve BOTH Safety and Capacity CATSR DTW CEP* 90% (2000-2003) Calculated Capacity (Today) and Actual Throughput Optimum Rate 140 Calculated Capacity - Today Arrivals per Hour 120 Facility Reported Rate - DTW (arrivals, departures per hr) 92,92 CEP 90% as a Measure of NAS Network Node Efficiency 100 80 60 Infrequent Most Frequent 40 20 Each symbol represents actual traffic during a single hour 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 Departures per Hour IFR Rate 140 140 120 120 100 76,92 Arrivals per Hour Arrivals per Hour Marginal Rate 80 60 40 20 70, 66 80 60 40 20 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 Departures per Hour 12 100 120 140 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 Departures per Hour 120 140 * Contour of Equal Probability CATSR EWR CEP 90% (2000-2003) Calculated Capacity (Today) and Actual Throughput A New Metric for BOTH Safety and Capacity Efficiency ! Optimum Rate 80 Calculated Capacity - Today Facility Reported Rate - EWR (arrivals, departures per hr) Arrivals per Hour 42, 42 60 NGATS needs to shrink the 90% CEP 40 Infrequent Most Frequent 20 Each symbol represents actual traffic during a single hour 0 0 20 40 60 80 Departures per Hour Marginal Rate IFR Rate 80 60 Arrivals per Hour Arrivals per Hour 80 40, 40 40 20 33, 33 40 20 0 0 0 20 40 60 Departures per Hour 13 60 80 0 20 40 60 Departures per Hour 80 CATSR Outline • What has Changed in 50 Years? • Safety is the Underlying Capacity Constraint • Current Safety Trends • Airport Arrival – Departure 90% CEP • What are the Underlying Causes of Delay? • Too Many Scheduled Flights into Too Few Runways – Average Aircraft Gauge Too Small – Stochastic Queuing Delays Too Inefficient – 80-90% Max Capacity Safety and economic Optimum • What Does NGATS do for Safety? • What Does NGATS do for Capacity? • New Separation Standards in Terminal Airspace? • Wake Vortex Separation Reduction? 14 CATSR Queuing Delays set the Practical Capacity Limitation set by Safety Separation Standards •Sched. Synch can reduce Delay by ~50% 15 20 Expected Delay (number of slots) •Lack of Schedule Synchronization and 90 second IAT generate Queuing Delays above about 80% of Maximum Runway Capacity CATSR 18 16 Random arrivals Bank size = 3 Bank size = 5 Bank size = 10 Optimum bank size 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 Number of Slots Filled (100 total) 90 95 100 NGATS Does Nothing about Too Many Flights on Small Aircraft: Passengers Pay the Price in Flight Delays and Cancellations CATSR JFK Summer 2007 Departures FAA Announced Departure Rate (weekday AVG +/- 2) Airline's Scheduled Departures Flight Departures per 15 Minure Epoch 25 20 15 AVG ADR 10 5 0 0 5 AM 20 10 40 AM 3 PM 60 8 PM 80 24 Hours in 15 min. Epochs 16 Midnight 100 120 JFK Average Delay Profile (2006) CATSR Delay per Flight (minutes) JFK 80 60 40 20 0 -20 -40 0 5 10 15 Time of Day (hour) 17 20 Delay Incurred at Major Airports Propagate Network Wide (Summer 2005) CATSR Total Delay Ordered by Arrival Delay at Outbound Destination. (minute) 20,000 Flight Hours 1450000 850000 Airport Delay Early-arrival Gap Inbound Delay Airborne Delay 650000 Arrival Delay at Outbound Dest. Total Delays (minute) 1250000 1050000 450000 250000 50000 -150000 -350000 34 OEP Airport 18 [Ning Xu GMU 2007] PDX MEM SAN SLC STL PIT TPA SFO MDW CLE CVG FLL SEA BWI LAS LAX MIA PHX DCA MCO CLT IAD IAH LGA JFK BOS DEN DTW MSP PHL EWR DFW ORD ATL -550000 Air Transportation System is Designed to Move Passengers and Cargo Passenger Tier Performance = f (Vehicle Tier Performance, Passenger Factors i.e. Aircraft Gauge, Load Factor, Cancellations) 19 D. Wang GMU PhD 2007 CATSR Passenger Total Delay – Airports • • CATSR 10 of the OEP-35 airports Æ 50% Total EPTD some airports significantly impact Passenger Delay more than others (e.g. ORD, ATL, DFW and MCO) 50% Closed Network of OEP35 Airport in 2004 20 D. Wang GMU PhD 2007 200 Routes generate 50% of Total Passenger Delay CATSR What Does NGATS Do for These Routes? • • 17% of the 1044 routes between OEP-35 airports Æ 50% Total EPTD LGA, JFK, EWR, PHL connected Routes Æ 11 out of top 20 routes 50% Closed Network of OEP35 Airport in 2004 21 D. Wang GMU PhD 2007 Minimum Economic Cost is at ~90% Max. Capacity Cost to Nation's Economy ($B) $45 Slot Reductions Imposed at Top 35 Airports Sum of Both Costs ($B) $40 $35 Costs Resulting From Reducing Airport Landing Slots $30 $25 $20 Some Costs Approximated, Other Costs Not Included Costs Resulting from Passenger Delays and Flight Cancellations $15 $10 $5 $0 0.0% 2.5% 5.0% 7.5% 10.0% 12.5% 15.0% 17.5% 20.0% Percent of Slots Withheld at Top 35 Airports 22 Donohue and Shaver 2008 CATSR Summary on Capacity • ~40 Arrival per Runway per Hour is current Safety Maximum • ~32 Arrivals per Runway per Hour is ONSET of Queuing Delays & Optimum Predictability and Economic Utilization Rate • How will NGATS Technology/Procedures Change This? • Market Allocated Scheduled Landing/Departure times at 90% Max Capacity Will Be Required to Achieve Optimum Network Performance • EVEN WITH NGATS! 23 CATSR Outline • What has Changed in 50 Years? • Safety is the Underlying Capacity Constraint • Current Safety Trends • Airport Arrival – Departure 90% CEP • What are the Underlying Causes of Delay? • Too Many Scheduled Flights into Too Few Runways – Average Aircraft Gauge Too Small • What Does NGATS do for Safety? • What Does NGATS do for Capacity? • New Separation Standards in Terminal Airspace? • Wake Vortex Separation Reduction? 24 CATSR IS NGATS Adequately addressing the Capacity related Safety Problems? CATSR • What is the Wake Vortex Warning System? • What is the ADS-B Back-up to GPS for aircraft without Inertial Guidance? • ADS-B (out), 4-D trajectories, RNP-0.1 • Good for Airline Fuel Efficiency but NOT ENOUGH for Increasing System Network Capacity! • How will Aircraft Separation in Terminal Airspace and on the Runways be REDUCED by X3? • Closely Spaced, Fully-coupled Autopilot Formation Landings with 2 – Lane Runways? • Can Closely Spaced Airports be Cross-linked with Runway Independent Air Transport (MegaPlex System Network Nodes)? • New Generation of Heavy Lift Helicopters? 25 Outline • What has Changed in 50 Years? • Safety is the Underlying Capacity Constraint • Current Safety Trends • Airport Arrival – Departure 90% CEP • What are the Underlying Causes of Delay? • Too Many Scheduled Flights into Too Few Runways – Average Aircraft Gauge Too Small • What Does NGATS do for Safety? • What Does NGATS do for Capacity? • New Separation Standards in Terminal Airspace? • Wake Vortex Separation Reduction? 26 CATSR The Predicted Growth in Aviation Demand is based on Passenger Demand NOT Aircraft Operations 27 CATSR • Aircraft Gauge, Schedule Synchronization and Network Load Balancing will Be Required • Annual Combinatorial Clock Slot Auctions ? • Larger Aircraft will be required to meet X2 or X3 demand • Business Jet and VLJ Air Taxi Service will emerge to compete with Commercial aviation due to current System Failure • May not be able to put the Geni back in the Bottle • Environmental Implications? • New Aircraft (e.g. B 787) should be Environmentally Friendly (Emissions/passenger/mi.?) • US airlines are not currently ordering them due to poor financial position • New Public Policy will be needed to Deal with these Complex Adaptive System Problems • NEXTGEN System not addressing these issues Center for Air Transportation System Research Publications and Information • http://catsr.ite.gmu.edu – Other Useful Web Sites • http://mytravelrights.com • http://gao.gov • http://www.airconsumer.ost.dot.gov 28 CATSR CATSR BACKUP Material 29 Trends for Incidents Associated with Accidents Trends of the factors in incident databases • Pilot factors decreasing • Aircraft factors slowly decreasing • ATC factors increasing 30 800 600 200 0 ATC incidents in FAA/OED data, Terminal 40 30 y = 0.0824x + 29.716 10 0 count per million operations 40 20 y = -3.8007x + 683.79 400 50 19 95 19 96 19 97 19 98 19 99 20 00 20 01 20 02 20 03 20 04 20 05 20 06 count per million operations ATC primary factors in ASRS reports Aircraft primary factors in ASRS reports 1000 19 95 19 96 19 97 19 98 19 99 20 00 20 01 20 02 20 03 20 04 20 05 20 06 y = -7.1868x + 123.33 PhD GMU 2007 count per million operations 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 19 95 19 96 19 97 19 98 19 99 20 00 20 01 20 02 20 03 20 04 20 05 20 06 count per million operations Pilot primary factors in ASRS reports Analysis from Zohreh Nazeri, 35 30 25 20 y = 1.4581x + 18.118 15 10 5 0 95 96 97 98 99 00 ;01 02 03 04 CATSR ATC factors – Communication Errors CATSR Top complexity factors associated with ATC factors: • number of aircraft in airspace • runway configuration -- airspace design -- controller experience % commerrors Top-10 traf fic complexity f actors associated w ith communcation errors 40.00% 30.00% 20.00% 10.00% ot he r b #a lan k /c ,o th er ai rs pa ce ,# # a/ a/ c, c #a ai ot /c r he , e spa r xp ce er ,o ie nc the rw e, r y ot co he nf r ig ,o th er #a ai /c rsp ,r w ace y co nf ig 0.00% Analysis from Zohreh Nazeri, PhD GMU 2007 These factors will get worse over time: • air transportation is projected to grow for the next 10 years 31 • majority of controllers will retire within next few years Aircraft factors CATSR “Flight Control System” problems growing Other aircraft factors decreasing Aircraft flight control system problems 4.5 4 3.5 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 03 20 02 20 01 20 00 20 99 19 98 19 97 19 96 19 95 y = 0.4037x - 0.2704 19 ar i ng nd c ount per m illion operations so r La As se m Ge bly in g W es pr m Co ion ll is Co Sy s te an Av o id lon Py ll e / ce Na ce ac hm att tr o on tC igh Fl m t en m ys te 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 -0.1 -0.2 -0.3 -0.4 -0.5 -0.6 -0.7 lS tren d lin e slo p Growth of aircraft problems in SDRS data Analysis from Zohreh Nazeri, PhD GMU 2007 32 FAA: 2 Separate Functions with an Inherent Conflict of Interest CATSR • A Safety Regulatory Agency • Airlines • Aircraft Manufactures • An Air Traffic Management Operator • Safety Oversight of ITSELF • Many Industrialized Nations have Separated this Function from the Gov’t Oversight Agency – Australia, Canada, Germany, New Zealand, United Kingdom, etc. 33 My Opinion on WHY FAA has and Will Continue to Fail CATSR • FAA Organization, Culture and Engineering Expertise is Totally Inadequate to the Task of Designing, Acquiring and Maintaining a Modern Telecommunications System • Exhibits Monopolist Behavior • Not Held Accountable! • It is NOT in the Self Interest of a Wealthy, and Politically Powerful Union (NATCA) that has: • • • • • 34 Total job Security (civil service protection) Ability to Directly Lobby with the Public and Congress VERY HIGH PAY and Wealthy PAC (some >$200,000/yr) Short Work Hours (< 5 hours/day) Low Educational Entrance Requirements (High School) • No Accountability for Poor System Performance EWR Free-Market Fleet Mix Appears to be Far from Optimum 35 CATSR Summary of European Passenger Bill of Rights http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/business/4267095.stm • Overbooked Flights • • • • • • • Offered a refund of your ticket, along with a free flight back to your initial point of departure, when relevant. Or, alternative transport to your final destination. Rights to meals, refreshments, hotel accommodation if necessary, even free e-mails or telephone calls. – Airlines can only offer you a refund in the form of travel vouchers if you agree in writing Refunds may also be paid in cash, by bank transfer or cheque If the reason for your flight's cancellation is "within the airline's control", it must pay compensation. Compensation for cancellations must be paid within seven days. Delayed Flights • 36 Passengers can now get roughly double the existing compensation if they are bumped off a flight. – Compensation must be paid immediately. – These passengers must also be offered the choice of a refund, a flight back to their original point of departure, or an alternative flight to continue their journey. May also have rights to meals, refreshments, hotel accommodation if necessary even free emails, faxes or telephone calls. Cancelled Flights • • CATSR • Airline may be obliged to supply meals and refreshments, along with accommodation if an overnight stay is required. If the delay is for five hours or more, passengers are also entitled to a refund of their ticket with a free flight back to your initial point of departure if this is relevant. Air Transportation is Characterized as a Complex Adaptive System (CAS) Fleet Attributes Fleet Costs Trips flown by fleet CATSR Fleet Revenue Effect on GDP Passenger Delays Delays Airport Capacity Enroute Capacity Flight Delays & Cancellations Offered Schedule Inconven ience Reference demand 37 Airline Profits Effective Price Flights by Fleet Market Clearing Ticket price Aircraft Fleets Active fleet Effective price by length of trip Baseline Demand Bengi Mezhepoglu, PhD in progress