Section 1
General provisions
Article 1.1
Applicability of the regulation
This regulation applies to the instruction and (preliminary) examination(s) of the following
Master’s programmes:
Accountancy en Management Control,
Economics and Finance of Aging,
Financial Management,
Fiscale Economie,
Information Management,
International Business,
International Economics and Finance,
Investment Analysis,
Logistics and Operations Management,
Marketing Management,
Marketing Research,
Quantitative Finance and Actuarial Sciences,
Operations Research and Management Science,
Mathematical Economics and Econometric Methods,
Strategic Management
M.Phil. in Business
M.Phil. in Economics
henceforth to be called ‘the programmes’. They are provided within the Faculty of Economics
and Business Administration of Tilburg University, henceforth to be called ‘the faculty’.
Article 1.2
In this regulation, the following definitions apply:
a) the law: de wet op het hoger onderwijs en wetenschappelijk onderzoek (WHW, ‘the
higher education and academic research act’);
b) student: a person who has been registered at the university for receiving instruction
and/or taking the (preliminary) examinations in one or more programmes;
c) course: an educational unit of the programme, in the sense intended by the law;
d) examination: the Master’s examination of the programmes;
e) preliminary examination: test of the students’ knowledge, understanding and skills in the
domain of a particular educational unit of the programme, including the assessment of its
f) European Credits: credit points in accordance with the European Credit Transfer System,
henceforth to be called ECTS;
g) written preliminary examination: a preliminary examination consisting of one or more
written assignments or of a paper, report or thesis, as well as a preliminary examination
with both oral and written components.
h) Pre-master programme: a pre-master programme consists of a maximum of 90 ECTS
and prepares a student for the respective Master 1
Any other terms have the meaning accorded to them by law.
In determining the number of ECTS the examination committee will check if agreements
between regional HBO’s and the UvT are in place with regard to the specific pre-master
Article 1.3
Aim of the programmes
The aims of the programmes are:
the acquisition of knowledge, insight, and skills in the fields covered by the programmes;
the acquisition of an academic attitude;
the preparation for a career at an academic level, or as an academic.
Article 1.4
Form of the programme
The programmes are taught on a full-time basis.
Section 2
Organization of the programme
Article 2.1
Study load
1. The study load is expressed in ECTS.
2. Each of the programmes has a study load of 60 ECTS, with the exception of the M.Phil.
in Economics and the M.Phil. in Business which have a study load of 120 ECTS.
3. The study load of the courses is 6 ECTS, with the exception of the Master’s thesis, which
has a study load of 18 ECTS. The courses of the master’s programme in Fiscale
Economie have a study load of 6, 9 or 12 ECTS, the master’s thesis of the master’s
programme in Fiscale Economie has a study load of 15 ECTS. The courses of the
M.Phil. in Business and the M.Phil. in Economics have a study load of 3 or 6 ECTS. The
first year theses of the M.Phil. in Business and the M.Phil. in Economics have a study
load of 12 ECTS.
Article 2.2
1. The programmes comprise the courses listed in appendix 1.
2. In the enumeration referred to in the first clause, no courses must appear that already
formed part of the Bachelor’s examination that provided access to the Master’s
3. In the enumeration referred to in the first clause, no more than 3 courses must appear
that already formed part of any Master’s examination completed at Tilburg University, with
the exception of the M.Phil. in Business and the M.Phil. in Economics.
Section 3
(Preliminary) examinations of the programme
Article 3.1
Periods and frequency of the (preliminary) examinations
1. Every academic year, there are two opportunities to take preliminary examinations in the
courses referred to in Article 2.2, with the exception of the Master’s thesis and the first
year theses of the M.Phil. in Business and the M.Phil. in Economics. For the first year
theses of the M.Phil. in Business and the M.Phil. in Economics, the opportunity to take
the preliminary examination is offered at least once per academic year. For the Master
thesis in the MSc programmes, the opportunity is offered at least five times per academic
2. In deviation from the provision in the first clause, the opportunity to take a preliminary
examination in a course that is not taught in a particular academic year is offered to the
students at least once.
Article 3.2
Form of the preliminary examinations
1. In most cases, the preliminary examinations of courses listed in Appendix 1 and 2 are in
written form.
2. At either the student’s or the examiner’s request, the Examination Committee can allow
(an individual) preliminary examination(s) to be taken in an alternative form.
3. The Examination Committee can, upon request, give students with functional disorders
the opportunity to take the preliminary examinations in ways that are as much as possible
adapted to their individual handicaps. In order to be considered for these adaptations,
students should report these special circumstances to the educational office and/or
student counsellors. If necessary, the Examination Committee asks expert advice before
making a decision.
Article 3.3
Oral preliminary examinations
1. At oral preliminary examinations, no more than one person at a time is examined, unless
the Examination Committee has decided otherwise.
2. An oral preliminary examination is public, unless, in a special case, the Examination
Committee or the examiner in question has decided otherwise, or if the student has
lodged an objection.
Article 3.4
Determining and publicizing preliminary examination results
1. The examiner determines the result of a written preliminary examination within 15 working
days after the day on which the preliminary examination was held. The results are
published on Tilburg University’s website within 5 working days after the day on which the
result was determined.
2. As soon as an oral preliminary examination has been taken, the examiner determines the
result, and hands a pertinent written statement to the student.
3. For a preliminary examination other than written or oral, the Examination Committee
determines in advance in what way it will be taken and within what period the student will
receive a written statement specifying the result.
4. The student has the right of inspection, referred to in Art. 3.6, as well as the right of
appeal to the appeals committee for the examinations.
Article 3.5
Period of validity
1. Completed courses retain unlimited validity.
2. In deviation from the provision in the first clause, the Examination Committee can impose
the obligation to a complementary or a substitute preliminary examination for a
preliminary examination that was passed more than five years earlier, prior to allowing the
student to take the Master’s examination.
3. For the period of validity of an exemption for a course, clauses 1 and 2 hold.
Article 3.6
Right of inspection
1. During six weeks after the publication of the results of a written preliminary examination,
the student may request to inspect his/her examined work in mutual agreement with the
examiner with respect to time and place. Also at his/her request, a copy of this work is
provided at cost price.
2. During the period mentioned in the first clause, any person interested can take
cognizance of the questions and assignments of the preliminary examination in question,
and, if possible, of the norms applied in the assessment.
3. In deviation from paragraph 1 of this article the Examination Committee can determine
that inspection and cognizance take place at a particular place and at not less than two
particular fixed times on separate days. If the party concerned can prove that force
majeure prevented him/her from appearing at that particular place and those particular
times, he/she will be given another opportunity, if possible within the period mentioned in
the first clause.
Article 3.7
1. At the student's request and after hearing the examiner in question, the Examination
Committee can exempt a student from a preliminary examination for a course, if the
student has completed a course in a Master’s programme which completely covers all
course objectives. No exemptions will be granted for the Master thesis.
2. Exemptions as meant in Art. 3.7.1 can be granted to a maximum of 18 ECTS.
Article 3.8
1. The Examination Committee determines the result of the examination as soon as the
student has submitted sufficient proof of the preliminary examinations passed by him/her
and of the academic skills thus acquired.
2. Before determining the result of the examination, the Examination Committee itself can
make an inquiry into the student's knowledge with respect to one or more subjects or
aspects of the programme, if and insofar as the results of the preliminary examinations in
question give the committee cause to do so.
Article 3.9
1. Those who have passed the examination are granted the title 'Master of Science' or
‘Master of Philosophy’. The title ‘Master of Science’ is awarded for the following
• Accountancy en Management Control,
• Accounting,
• Economics,
• Economics and Finance of Aging,
• Financial Management,
• Fiscale Economie,
• Information Management,
• International Business,
• International Economics and Finance,
• Investment Analysis,
• Logistics and Operations Management,
• Marketing Management,
• Marketing Research,
• Quantitative Finance and Actuarial Sciences,
• Operations Research and Management Science,
• Mathematical Economics and Econometric Methods,
• Strategic Management.
The title ‘Master of Philosophy’ is awarded for the following programmes:
• M.Phil. in Business
• M.Phil. in Economics
2. The conferred degree is indicated on the certificate of the examination.
Section 4
Admission, preliminary training
Article 4.1
Admission committee
Admission to the programme is assigned to the admission committees of the programmes.
Article 4.2
Preliminary training and admission
1. The programme has one starting moment, namely September 1, with the exception of
Fiscale Economie, which has two starting moments, namely September 1 and February
2. Admissible to the programme are those who, at the Faculty of Economics and Business
Administration of Tilburg University, have passed an examination in any of the Bachelor's
programmes mentioned per Master in appendix 1 and including the there listed courses.
Admission to the M.Phil programmes occurs only after the approval of the admission
3. Admissible to the programme are those who, at the Faculty of Economics and Business
Administration of Tilburg University, are registered in a Bachelor programme as referred
to in article 4.2.2. for at least three years and have passed at least 168 ECTS of
compulsory preliminary examinations.
4. Admissible to the programme, via the admission committee referred to in Art. 4.1, are
those who, in the Netherlands or abroad, have passed a Bachelor's examination that, in
the judgement of the admission committee, is equivalent to that referred to in article
4.2.2., or are in possession of a certificate of equivalent preliminary training. Furthermore,
the test score on the Graduate Management Admission Test (for the Business related
master’s programmes) or on the Princeton Graduate Record Exam (for the Economics
related master’s programmes) can be asked for by the committee. In addition, the
student's English language skills must be sufficient, i.e., comparable to an International
English Language Testing System (IELTS) score of 6.5.
5. The admission committee as referred to in article 4.1 can decide to pose extra
requirements before admitting the student to the master programme. This can take the
form of a pre-master programme. The content and duration of this programme is
dependent on the previous education and experience of the student. For students with a
some specific HBO programmes there are standard pre-master programmes, which are
described in appendix 2. Students in such a pre-master programme have to finish at least
80% of the credits of this programme before they will be admitted to the Master
6. Admissible to the M.Phil. in Business and the M.Phil in Economics, via the admission
committee referred to in Art. 4.1, are those who, in the Netherlands or abroad, have
passed a Bachelor's examination in Economics, Econometrics or Business, or have an
equivalent academic background. Applications are evaluated on:
a. certified results of undergraduate education
b. performance in the top 10% on the Graduate Management Admission Test (for
the M.Phil. in Business) or on the Princeton Graduate Record Exam (for the
M.Phil. in Economics)
c. performance on the TOEFL/IELTS English language test
d. two letters of recommendation
e. written work.
Article 4.3
Admission inquiry: procedure
1. Students who do not come from an EEA2 country and do not possess a permanent
residence permit for EEA countries must have submitted their request to be admitted to
the programme as of September 1 of any year to the admission committee before April 15
of the same year. Students who come from an EEA country or possess a permanent
residence permit for EEA countries must have submitted their request to be admitted to
the programme as of September 1 of any year before July 1 of the same year at the
2. In view of the admission to the programme as intended in Art. 4.2, fourth clause, the
admission committee makes an inquiry into the knowledge, insight, and skills of the
candidate. To complement written proof of the training programme(s) completed by the
candidate, the committee may decide to have certain knowledge and skills tested by
experts within or outside the university.
3. The admission committee makes a decision on a request to be admitted as intended in
Art. 4.3.1 within 6 weeks after the date on which the request was received.
As of May 2004, the EEA countries are: Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Denmark, Estonia,
Finland, France, Germany, Great-Britain, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia,
Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, the
Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, the Czech Republic.
4. Admission is granted subject to the condition that the candidate, at the latest on the
commencement date of the programme, meets the requirements with respect to
knowledge and skills evidenced by diplomas and/or certificates.
5. In the written statement with respect to admission, the student is alerted to the possibility
of appeal to the Appeal Committee for the Examinations.
Section 5
Article 5.1
Programme counselling
Study progress administration
1. The faculty records the students' individual course results.
2. The faculty supervises the provision of information about the accessibility of the study
progress records made available by the Tilburg University Central Student Administration.
Article 5.2
1. In the framework of the admission procedure, the faculty can make an arrangement with
the student about the individual organization of the programme he/she attends.
2. The faculty sees to it that every student receives sufficient guidance in the course of the
Section 6
Final provisions
Article 6.1
1. The dean by means of separate decrees establishes changes in this regulation after
hearing the Programme Board and after consultation with the Faculty council.
2. A change in this regulation does not concern the current academic year, unless this
prejudices the students' interests.
3. In addition, a change cannot, to the students' disadvantage, influence any other decision
that is made by the Examination Committee with respect to a student by virtue of this
Article 6.2
The faculty board sees to the fitting publication of this regulation, of the rules and
guidelines laid down by the Examination Committee, and of the changes in these
Every interested person can obtain a copy of the documents referred to in the first clause
from the faculty office.
Article 6.3
Date of commencement
This regulation comes into operation on September 1, 2006.
Laid down by the Dean on June 21th, 2006
Appendix 1 to Article 2.2
Composition of the master’s programmes
MSc Accountancy and Management Control (in Dutch)
Structure of the programme
Advanced Financial Accounting, 6 ECTS
Management Control, 6 ECTS
Voortgezette Administratieve Organisatie, 6 ECTS
Fiscale aspecten van het ondernemen, 6 ECTS
1 course out of:
- Advanced Management Accounting, 6 ECTS
- Voortgezette Accountantscontrole, 6 ECTS
Accounting Theory, 6 ECTS
Financial Statement Analysis, 6 ECTS
Master thesis, 18 ECTS (the Bachelor or pre-master programme has to be completed
successfully in order to participate in the Master thesis).
Entry requirements for admission (for regulations see section 4)
Bachelor Bedrijfseconomie including the following courses:
- Intermediate Financial Accounting
- Voortgezet Boekhouden
- Accountantscontrole en Administratieve Organisatie
- Intermediate Management Accounting
MSc Accounting (in English)
Structure of the programme
Advanced Financial Accounting, 6 ECTS
Advanced Management Accounting, 6 ECTS
International Financial Reporting and Analysis, 6 ECTS
Management Control, 6 ECTS
1 course out of:
- Strategic Management, 6 ECTS
- Corporate Valuation, 6 ECTS
- Investment Analysis, 6 ECTS
Accounting Theory, 6 ECTS
1 course out of:
- Financial Analysis and Investor Behaviour, 6 ECTS
- Other courses in the field of accounting to be approved by the examination
committee, 6 ECTS
Master’s Thesis, 18 ECTS (the Bachelor programme has to be completed successfully in
order to participate in the Master thesis).
Entry requirements (for regulations see section 4)
Bachelor Bedrijfseconomie, bachelor International Business or bachelor Business Studies. All
must include the course Intermediate Management Accounting and 6 ECTS out of:
- Intermediate Financial Accounting or
- Comparative Accounting
Bachelor Informatiekunde including the following courses:
- Financiering 2
- Accounting 2
- Intermediate Financial Management
- Intermediate Management Accounting
MSc Economics (in English)
Structure of the programme
Applied Methods for Economists, 6 ECTS
4 courses out of:
- Seminar Game Theory and Industrial Organization, 6 ECTS
- Seminar Privatization, Regulation, Productivity and Competitiveness, 6 ECTS
- Seminar Competition Policy: Advanced theory and cases, 6 ECTS
- Seminar Liberalization and Regulation: Advanced theory and cases, 6 ECTS
- Seminar Public Economics, 6 ECTS
Seminar Labour Economics, 6 ECTS
- Seminar Development and Growth, 6 ECTS
- Seminar Environmental Economics, 6 ECTS
2 Elective, 6 ECTS each
Master’s Thesis, 18 ECTS (the Bachelor or pre-master programme has to be completed
successfully in order to participate in the Master thesis).
It is possible to choose a track within this Master programme. Students who meet the
requirements listed below will get a listing of this specialization on their degree.
For the track Socio-Economic Policy the following courses are compulsory:
Seminar Public Economics
Seminar Labour Economics
For the track Competition and Regulation the following courses are compulsory:
Seminar Game Theory and Industrial Organization
Seminar Privatization, Regulation, Productivity and Competitiveness
Seminar Competition Policy: Advanced theory and cases
Seminar Liberalization and Regulation: Advanced theory and cases
For the track Resources, Development and Growth
- Seminar Development and Growth, 6 EC
- Seminar Environmental Economics, 6 ECTS
Entry requirements (for regulations see section 4)
Bachelor Algemene Economie or bachelor International Economics and Finance
Pre-master programme
The admittance committee as referred to in article 4.1.1. can decide that students with a
University’s Bachelor degree in Economics with insufficient background in the fields of
microeconomics, as well as statistics have to do a pre-master programme before they will be
admitted into the Master Economics.
MSc Economics and Finance of Aging (in English)
Structure of the programme
Introduction to Economics and Finance of Pensions and Aging, 6 ECTS
Empirical Research in Pension and Retirement Economics, 6 ECTS
Micro-economics of Life Cycle Behaviour, 6 ECTS
Investment Analysis of Aging and Pensions I, 6 ECTS
Macro-economics of Pensions and Social Insurance, 6 ECTS
2 courses out of:
- Psychology of Economic Behaviour, 6 ECTS
- Health Economics, 6 ECTS
Investment Analysis of Aging and Pensions II, 6 ECTS
Topics in Economics and Finance of Aging, 6 ECTS
2 modules to be selected from:
- Actuarial Sciences: Life Insurance
- Retirement and Taxation
- General Equilibrium Models
Master thesis, 18 ECTS
Entry requirements (for regulation see section 4)
Bachelor Algemene Economie, Econometrics and OR, Bedrijfseconomie of International
MSc Financial Management (in English)
Structure of the programme
Corporate Governance and Restructuring, 6 ECTS
Corporate Valuation, 6 ECTS
Capital Structure, 6 ECTS
2 courses out of:
- Advanced Financial Accounting, 6 ECTS
- Strategic Management, 6 ECTS
- International Management, 6 ECTS
- Derivative securities and risk management, 6 ECTS
- International Financial Management, 6 ECTS
- Investment Analysis, 6 ECTS
Treasury Management, 6 ECTS
1 course out of:
- Financial Analysis and Investor Behaviour, 6 ECTS
- Financial Statement Analysis, 6 ECTS
- Financial Markets and Institutions, 6 ECTS
- Empirical Finance and Investment Cases, 6 ECTS
Master's Thesis, 18 ECTS (the Bachelor or pre-master programme has to be completed
successfully in order to participate in the Master thesis).
Entry requirement (for regulations see section 4)
Bachelor Bedrijfseconomie, bachelor International Business or bachelor Business Studies.
Furthermore bachelor Informatiekunde or International Economics and Finance or Economics
including the following courses:
- Financiering 2/Finance 2
- Accounting 2
MSc Fiscale Economie (in Dutch)
Structure of the programme
Belastingheffing particulieren B, 6 ECTS
Europees- en Internationaal belastingrecht B, 9 ECTS
Methodologie van het belastingrecht, 6 ECTS
Belastingheffing ondernemingen B, 12 ECTS
Vrij keuzevak, 6 ECTS
Verplicht fiscaal keuzevak uit de volgende vakken:
- Capita selecta Europees en internationaal belastingrecht, 6 ECTS
- Capita selecta loonbelasting en sociale verzekeringen, 6 ECTS
- Capita selecta omzetbelasting, 6 ECTS
- Fiscale aspecten van bedrijfsopvolging en -concentraties, 6 ECTS
- Fiscale en civielrechtelijke aspecten van toekomstvoorzieningen, 6 ECTS
- Fiscale aspecten van vererving, 6 ECTS
- Fiscaal strafrecht I, 6 ECTS
- Geschiedenis van het belastingrecht, 6 ECTS
- Oefenrechtbank, 6 ECTS
- Persoonlijke financiële planning voor fiscale economie, 6 ECTS
Master Thesis, 15 ECTS.
Entry requirements
Bachelor Fiscale Economie, under the rules of section 4
Special programme for Masters in Tax Law
For students who are registered in, or have completed the Master programme Tax Law at the
Faculty of Law of this university and have completed the bachelor programme Fiscal
Economics at this Faculty, the Master Fiscal Economics consists of the following courses:
- Four fiscal electives (of 6 ECTS each), that are not comprised in his/her study for
the Master in Tax Law
- Two economic electives (of 6 ECTS each)
- Master thesis Fiscale Economie
A maximum of 12 ECTS in exemptions can be granted. Article 3.7.2 is not applicable.The
Master thesis cannot be exempted The student has to get approval for the programme from
the examination committee in advance.
MSc Information Management (in English)
Structure of the programme
4 courses out of:
- Business Intelligence, 6 ECTS
- Business Process Integration, 6 ECTS
- Business Transformation and IT, 6 ECTS
- Management of Knowledge and Innovation, 6 ECTS
- Method Engineering, 6 ECTS
- Advanced Resource Planning, 6 ECTS
- Logistics and Information, 6 ECTS
2 courses out of
- any MSc course at FEB of 6 ECTS each, including the above mentioned courses
- E-Business, 6 ECTS
Seminar Information Management, 6 ECTS
Master's Thesis, 18 ECTS (the Bachelor or pre-master programme has to be completed
successfully in order to participate in the Master thesis).
Entry requirements (for regulations see section 4)
Bachelor Informatiekunde. Furthermore bachelor Business Studies, bachelor International
Business or bachelor Bedrijfseconomie, all of which must include the following courses:
- Databases
- Business Process Analysis 1 (or old-style Business Engineering)
- Information Systems Strategy (or old-style Informatiebeleid)
MSc International Business (in English)
Structure of the programme
International Financial Reporting and Analysis, 6 ECTS
International Financial Management, 6 ECTS
International Management, 6 ECTS
International Marketing, 6 ECTS
2 Electives, any MSc course at FEB, 6 ECTS each
Seminar International Business, 6 ECTS
Master's Thesis, 18 ECTS (the Bachelor or pre-master programme has to be completed
successfully in order to participate in the Master thesis and the seminar has to be chosen in
the same specialization as the thesis).
Within the Master programme in International Business there are four specialization tracks,
organisation & strategy, marketing, accounting and finance. A track consist of two elective
courses in one of the fields mentioned before, the seminar in this field and the Master’s thesis
in this field.
Entry requirements (for regulations see section 4)
Bachelor International Business, bachelor Bedrijfseconomie or bachelor Business Studies.
Furthermore bachelor Informatiekunde including the following courses:
- Marketing 2: consumentengedrag
- Financiering 2
- Organisatie van de Onderneming
- Accounting 2: management accounting
MSc International Economics and Finance (in English)
Structure of the programme
Applied Methods for Economists, 6 ECTS
Seminar European Financial Economics and Policies, 6 ECTS
Seminar Trade Policies and European Tax Policies, 6 ECTS
4 courses out of:
Seminar Game Theory and Industrial Organization, 6 ECTS
Seminar Privatization, Regulation, Productivity and Competitiveness, 6 ECTS
Seminar Labour Economics, 6 ECTS
Seminar Development and Growth, 6 ECTS
Seminar Public Economics, 6 ECTS
Seminar Environmental Economics, 6 ECTS
Seminar Competition Policy: Advanced theory and cases, 6 ECTS
Seminar Liberalization and Regulation: Advanced theory and cases, 6 ECTS
Seminar Financial Markets and Institutions, 6 ECTS
Corporate Valuation, 6 ECTS
Investment Analysis, 6 ECTS
Derivative Securities and Risk Management, 6 ECTS
Corporate Governance and Restructuring, 6 ECTS
Treasury Management, 6 ECTS
Financial Analysis and Investment Behaviour, 6 ECTS
Other course: under approval of the examination committee
Master's Thesis, 18 ECTS (the Bachelor or pre-master programme has to be completed
successfully in order to participate in the Master thesis).
Entry requirements (for regulations see section 4)
Bachelor International Economics and Finance and bachelor Algemene Economie
Pre-master programme
The admittance committee as referred to in article 4.1.1. can decide that students with a
University’s Bachelor degree in Economics with insufficient background in the fields of
international economics and financial economics, as well as statistics have to do a pre-master
programme before they will be admitted into the Master International Economics and Finance.
MSc Investment Analysis (in English)
Structure of the programme
Investment Analysis, 6 ECTS
Derivative Securities and Risk Management, 6 ECTS
3 courses out of:
- Capital Structure, 6 ECTS
- Advanced Financial Accounting, 6 ECTS
- Corporate Valuation, 6 ECTS
- Corporate Governance and Restructuring, 6 ECTS
- International Financial Management, 6 ECTS
- Seminar Financial Markets and Institutions, 6 ECTS
Empirical Finance and Investment Cases, 6 ECTS
Financial Analysis and Investor Behaviour, 6 ECTS
Master's Thesis, 18 ECTS (the Bachelor or pre-master programme has to be completed
successfully in order to participate in the Master thesis).
Entry requirements (for regulations see section 4)
Bachelor Bedrijfseconomie, bachelor International Business, or Bachelor Business Studies.
MSc Logistics and Operations Management (in English)
Structure of the programme
Research & Design Methodology, 6 EC
International Production Management, 6 ECTS
Physical Distribution Management, 6 ECTS
Logistics and Information, 6 ECTS
Elective, out of any MSc of FEB, 6 ECTS
Purchasing Management, 6 ECTS
Elective, out of any MSc of FEB, 6 ECTS
Master's Thesis, 18 ECTS (the Bachelor or pre-master programme has to be completed
successfully in order to participate in the Master thesis).
Entry requirements (for regulations see section 4)
Bachelor Bedrijfseconomie, bachelor International Business or bachelor Business Studies.
Furthermore bachelor Informatiekunde including the following course:
- Organisatie van de Onderneming
MSc Marketing Management (in Dutch)
Structure of the programme
Brand Management, 6 ECTS
Strategic Marketing Management, 6 ECTS
Marketing Communications, 6 ECTS
2 courses out of:
- Advanced Marketing Research, 6 ECTS
- International Marketing, 6 ECTS
- Marketing Information Management, 6 ECTS
- Strategic Management, 6 ECTS
2 course out of:
- Survey Methodology, 6 ECTS
- Experimental Research, 6 ECTS
- Purchasing Management, 6 ECTS
Master's Thesis, 18 ECTS (the Bachelor or pre-master programme has to be completed
successfully in order to participate in the Master thesis).
Entry requirements (for regulations see section 4)
Bachelor Bedrijfseconomie, bachelor International Business or bachelor Business Studies, all
of which must include the courses Services Marketing and Marketing Research. Furthermore
bachelor Informatiekunde including the following courses:
- Marketing 2: Consumentengedrag
- Organisatie van de Onderneming
- Marketing Research
- Services Marketing
MSc Marketing Research (in English)
Structure of the programme
Advanced Marketing Research, 6 ECTS
Marketing Models, 6 ECTS
Experimental Research, 6 ECTS
Survey Methodology, 6 ECTS
3 courses out of:
- Strategic Marketing Management, 6 ECTS
- International Marketing, 6 ECTS
- Brand Management (in Dutch), 6 ECTS
- Marketing Information Management, 6 ECTS
- Marketing Communication (in Dutch), 6 ECTS
- Micro-Econometrics, 6 ECTS
- Simulation, 6 ECTS
Master's Thesis, 18 ECTS (the Bachelor or pre-master programme has to be completed
successfully in order to participate in the Master thesis).
Entry requirements (for regulations see section 4)
Bachelor Bedrijfseconomie including the course Marketing Research.
Furthermore bachelor Econometrie & OR including 18 ECTS:
- Marketing Management
- Marketing Research
- Consumer Behaviour
MSc Mathematical Economics and Econometric Methods (in English)
Structure of the programme
4 Master core courses from:
- Financial Models, 6 ECTS
- Dynamic Capital Investment, 6 ECTS
- Simulation, 6 ECTS
- Stochastic models, 6 ECTS
- Micro-Econometrics, 6 ECTS
- Empirical Applications, 6 ECTS
- Issues in Finance and Insurance, 6 ECTS
- Queueing Models, 6 ECTS
- Industrial Organization, 6 ECTS
on condition that 3 of the 4 courses must be chosen from the following courses:
- Dynamic Capital Investment, 6 ECTS
- Micro-Econometrics, 6 ECTS
- Industrial Organization, 6 ECTS
- Empirical Applications, 6 ECTS
3 courses from:
- Cases in Operations Research and Management
- courses from the above list 'Master's core courses insofar as they have not yet
been selected
- courses from the Master's programmes in the field of Economics and Business
Administration, to be approved by the Examination Committee
- Other courses in the field of Econometrics and Operations Research, to be
approved by the Examination Committee
- Any CentER course
and the Master’s Thesis, 18 ECTS (two of the chosen courses out of, Dynamic Capital
Investment, Micro-Econometrics, Industrial Organization and Empirical Applications, have to
be completed successfully in order to participate in the master’s thesis)
Entry requirements (for regulations see section 4)
Bachelor Econometrie & OR
MSc Operations Research and Management Science (in English)
Structure of the programme
4 Master core courses from:
- Financial Models, 6 ECTS
- Dynamic Capital Investment, 6 ECTS
- Simulation, 6 ECTS
- Stochastic models, 6 ECTS
- Micro-Econometrics, 6 ECTS
- Empirical Applications, 6 ECTS
- Issues in Finance and Insurance, 6 ECTS
- Queueing Models, 6 ECTS
- Industrial Organization, 6 ECTS
on condition that 3 of the 4 courses must be chosen from the following courses:
- Dynamic Capital Investment, 6 ECTS
- Simulation, 6 ECTS
- Stochastic Models, 6 ECTS
- Queueing Models, 6 ECTS
3 courses out of:
- Cases in Operations Research and Management
- courses from the above list 'Master's core courses insofar as they have not yet
been selected
- courses from the Master's programmes in the field of Economics and Business
Administration, to be approved by the Examination Committee
- Other courses in the field of Econometrics and Operations Research, to be
approved by the Examination Committee
- Any CentER course
and the Master’s Thesis, 18 ECTS (two chosen courses out of this list, Dynamic Capital
Investment, Simulation, Stochastic Models, have to be completed successfully in order to
participate in the master’s thesis)
Entry requirements (for regulations see section 4)
Bachelor Econometrics & OR
MSc Quantitative Finance and Actuarial Sciences (in English)
Structure of the programme
4 Master core courses from:
- Financial Models, 6 ECTS
- Dynamic Capital Investment, 6 ECTS
- Simulation, 6 ECTS
- Stochastic models, 6 ECTS
- Micro-econometrics, 6 ECTS
- Empirical Applications, 6 ECTS
- Issues in Finance and Insurance, 6 ECTS
- Queueing Models, 6 ECTS
- Industrial Organization, 6 ECTS
on condition that 3 of the 4 courses must be chosen from the following courses:
- Financial Models, 6 ECTS
- Dynamic Capital Investment, 6 ECTS
- Empirical Applications, 6 ECTS
- Issues in Finance and Insurance, 6 ECTS
3 courses from:
- Cases in Operations Research and Management
- courses from the above list 'Master's core courses insofar as they have not yet
been selected
- courses from the Master's programmes in the field of Economics and Business
Administration, to be approved by the Examination Committee
- Other courses in the field of Econometrics and Operations Research to be
approved by the Examination Committee
- Any CentER course
and the Master’s Thesis, 18 ECTS (two chosen courses out of this list, Financial Models,
Dynamic Capital Investment and Empirical Applications, have to be completed successfully
in order to participate in the master’s thesis)
Entry requirements (for regulations see section 4)
Bachelor Econometrie & OR
MSc Strategic Management (in English)
Structure of the programme
Strategic Management 6 ECTS
International Management 6 ECTS
Business Strategy 6 ECTS
1 Elective out of the following courses:
- Corporate Governance and Restructuring 6 ECTS
- Management control 6 ECTS
- Corporate Valuation 6 ECTS
1 Elective course out of any MSc in FEB 6 ECTS
Entrepreneurship & Innovation 6 ECTS
Corporate-Level Strategy 6 ECTS
Master's Thesis 18 ECTS (the Bachelor programme has to be completed successfully in
order to participate in the Master thesis).
Entry requirements (for regulations see section 4)
Bachelor Bedrijfseconomie, bachelor International Business or bachelor Business Studies.
Furthermore bachelor Informatiekunde including the course Organisatie van de Onderneming
M.Phil in Business, Accounting track (in English)
Structure of the programme
Year 1
Principles of Accounting, 6 ECTS
Quantitative Finance, 6 ECTS
Empirical Research in Economics, 6 ECTS
Quantitative Methods for Economics and Business, 6 ECTS
Micro I (introduction), 3 ECTS
Micro I (Finance module), 3 ECTS
Economic Analysis of Accounting, 6 ECTS
Econometric Models in Economics, 6ECTS
Micro II OR: Empirical Corporate Finance OR: Asset Pricing Theory OR: Elective 1
Thesis, 12 ECTS
Year 2
Research in Management Accounting, 6 ECTS
Research in Financial Accounting, 6 ECTS
Economic Foundations of Strategy, Organization and International Business, 6 ECTS
Advanced Topics in Accounting, 6 ECTS
Elective 2, 6 ECTS
Financial Econometrics OR: Multivariate Statistics OR: Micro II OR: Elective 3, 6 ECTS
Research Methods, 6 ECTS OR: Industrial Organization for Business, 6 ECTS
Thesis, 18 ECTS
Entry requirements for admission (for regulations see section 4)
Admission to the M.Phil. in Business and the M.Phil in Economics, via the admission
committee referred to in Art. 4.1, are those who, in the Netherlands or abroad, have passed a
Bachelor's examination in Economics, Econometrics or Business, or have an equivalent
academic background.
M.Phil. in Business, Organization track (in English)
Structure of the programme
Year 1
Mathematics and Statistics for Business, 6 ECTS
Empirical Research in Economics, 6 ECTS
Economic Foundations of Strategy, Organization, and International Business, 6 ECTS
Behavioural Foundations of Strategy, Organization, and International Business, 6 ECTS
Advanced Topics in Organization, Strategy and IB, 6 ECTS
Industrial Organization for Business, 6 ECTS
Multivariate Statistics, 6 ECTS
Research Methods, 6 ECTS
Thesis, 12 ECTS
Year 2
Advanced Strategy in International Business, 6 ECTS
5 Electives, 30 ECTS
Advanced Topics in Organization, Strategy and IB, 6 ECTS
Capita Selecta course, 6 ECTS – Not Compulsory
Thesis, 18 ECTS
Note: The content of the Advanced Topics in Organization, Strategy and International Business course changes each year,
so it can be taken twice without repetition
Entry requirements for admission (for regulations see section 4)
Admission to the M.Phil. in Business and the M.Phil in Economics, via the admission
committee referred to in Art. 4.1, are those who, in the Netherlands or abroad, have passed a
Bachelor's examination in Economics, Econometrics or Business, or have an equivalent
academic background.
M.Phil. in Business, Finance track (in English)
Structure of the programme
Year 1
Quantitative Methods for Economics and Business OR Econometric Methods, 6 ECTS
Econometric Theory, 6 ECTS
Empirical Research in Economics, 6 ECTS
Asset Pricing Theory, 6 ECTS
Quantitative Finance, 6 ECTS
Micro I (introduction), 3 ECTS
Micro I (Finance part), 3 ECTS
Empirical Corporate Finance, 6 ECTS
Elective 1, 6 ECTS OR Multivariate Statistics, 6 ECTS
Elective 2, 6 ECTS
Thesis, 12 ECTS
Year 2
Advanced Topics in Finance, 6 ECTS
4 Electives, 24 ECTS
Corporate Finance Theory, 6 ECTS
Financial Econometrics, 6 ECTS
Capita selecta course, 6 ECTS – Not Compulsory
Thesis, 18 ECTS
Possible Electives, M.Phil. in Finance:
Financial Models 6 ECTS
Issues in Finance and Insurance, 6 ECTS
Mathematical Finance, 6 ECTS
NAKE courses/EDEN seminars ( )
Mathematical finance (230260)
Entry requirements for admission (for regulations see section 4)
Admission to the M.Phil. in Business and the M.Phil in Economics, via the admission
committee referred to in Art. 4.1, are those who, in the Netherlands or abroad, have passed a
Bachelor's examination in Economics, Econometrics or Business, or have an equivalent
academic background.
M.Phil. in Business, Marketing track (in English)
Structure of the programme
Year 1
Mathematics and Statistics for Business, 6 ECTS
Empirical Research in Economics, 6 ECTS OR Econometric Theory, 6 ECTS
Marketing Models, 6 ECTS
Marketing Theory, 6 ECTS
Quantitative Models in Marketing, 6 ECTS
Consumer Behaviour, 6 ECTS
Multivariate Statistics, 6 ECTS
Industrial Organization in Business, 6 ECTS
Thesis, 12 ECTS
Year 2
Quantitative Research Methods in Marketing and Management, 6 ECTS
Advanced Topics in Marketing 1, 3 ECTS
Advanced Topics in Marketing 2, 3 ECTS
5 Elective / Network course, 30 ECTS
Thesis, 18 ECTS
Entry requirements for admission (for regulations see section 4)
Admission to the M.Phil. in Business and the M.Phil in Economics, via the admission
committee referred to in Art. 4.1, are those who, in the Netherlands or abroad, have passed a
Bachelor's examination in Economics, Econometrics or Business, or have an equivalent
academic background.
M.Phil. in Business, Operations Research track (in English)
Structure of the programme
Year 1
4 Master core courses from:
- Financial Models, 6 ECTS
- Dynamic Capital Investment, 6 ECTS
- Simulation, 6 ECTS
- Stochastic Models, 6 ECTS
- Micro-Econometrics, 6 ECTS
- Empirical Applications, 6 ECTS
- Issues in Finance and Insurance, 6 ECTS
- Queueing Models, 6 ECTS
- Industrial Organization, 6 ECTS
on condition that 3 of the 4 courses must be chosen from the following courses:
- Dynamic Capital Investment, 6 ECTS
- Simulation, 6 ECTS
- Stochastic Modelling, 6 ECTS
- Queueing Models, 6 ECTS
4 courses out of:
- Cases in Operations Research and Management
- Courses from the above list 'Master's core courses insofar as they have not yet
been selected
- Courses from the Master's programmes in the field of Economics and Business
Administration or LNMB program, to be approved by the Examination Committee
- Other courses in the field of Econometrics and Operations Research, to be
approved by the Examination Committee
and the Master’s Thesis, 12 ECTS.
Year 2
42 ECTS from LNMB, GPB OR courses
- Advanced Quantitative Logistics Management
- OR games
- Nonlinear Programming
- Capita selecta course, 6 ECTS – Not Compulsory
and Tilburg University courses, with the following conditions:
- at least 6 ECTS from linear and nonlinear optimization courses
- at least 6 ECTS from combinatorial optimization courses
- at least 6 ECTS from stochastic operations research courses
- at least 6 ECTS from game theory courses
Thesis, 18 ECTS
Entry requirements for admission (for regulations see section 4)
Admission to the M.Phil. in Business and the M.Phil in Economics, via the admission
committee referred to in Art. 4.1, are those who, in the Netherlands or abroad, have passed a
Bachelor's examination in Economics, Econometrics or Business, or have an equivalent
academic background.
M.Phil. in Economics (in English)
Structure of the programme
Year 1
- Empirical Research in Economics, 6 ECTS OR - Econometric Theory, 6 ECTS
- Quantitative Methods for Economics and Business, 6 ECTS OR - Elective, 6 ECTS
Macro I, 6 ECTS
Micro I (introduction), 3 ECTS
Micro I (Equilibrium Theory), 3 ECTS
Field course, 6 ECTS
Macro II, 6 ECTS
Micro II, 6 ECTS
Econometric Models in Economics, 6 ECTS
Thesis, 12 ECTS
Year 2
2 Field courses, 12 ECTS in total or 1 field course, 6 ECTS and Econometric Theory, 6 ECTS
3 Topics courses, 9 ECTS in total
Research seminar & NAKE workshop 1, 3 ECTS
2 Field courses, 12 ECTS in total
1 Topics course, 3 ECTS
Research seminar & NAKE workshop 2, 3 ECTS
Capita selecta course, 6 ECTS – Not Compulsory
Thesis, 18 ECTS
Entry requirements for admission (for regulations see section 4)
Admission to the M.Phil. in Business and the M.Phil in Economics, via the admission
committee referred to in Art. 4.1, are those who, in the Netherlands or abroad, have passed a
Bachelor's examination in Economics, Econometrics or Business, or have an equivalent
academic background.
Appendix 2. Pre-master programmes for HBO-students
Pre-master Accountancy en Management Control
Students with a degree in HEAO-BE or HEAO-AC can be admitted into this programme.
Courses in the programme
Voortgezet boekhouden, 6 ECTS
Intermediate Financial Accounting, 6 ECTS
Grondslagen Informatiekunde voor BE, 6 ECTS (exemption for HEAO-AC)
Academische vaardigheden Accounting, 6 ECTS
Bedrijfsethiek, 6 ECTS
Ondernemingsrecht, 6 ECTS (exemption for HEAO-AC)
Accountantscontrole en administratieve
Organisatie, 6 ECTS (exemption for HEAO-AC)
Intermediate Management Accounting, 6 ECTS
Statistiek 2, 6 ECTS
Bachelor thesis, 12 ECTS
Pre-master Accounting
Students with a degree in HEAO-BE or HEAO-AC can be admitted into this programme.
Courses in the programme
Intermediate Financial Accounting, 6 ECTS
Academische vaardigheden Accounting, 6 ECTS
Bedrijfsethiek, 6 ECTS
Voortgezet boekhouden, 6 ECTS
Statistiek voor HBO, 6 ECTS
Intermediate Management Accounting, 6 ECTS
Bachelor thesis, 12 ECTS
Pre-master Economics track: Competition and regulation (partly in Dutch)
Students can be admitted into this programme after approval of the admission committee as
referred to in article 4.1.
Courses in the programme
Economics of the European Union, 6 ECTS
Economie van de collectieve sector, 6 ECTS OR Elective, 6 ECTS
Language skills I, 0 ECTS
Markt en Milieu, 6 ECTS OR Elective, 6 ECTS
Mathematics 2, 6 ECTS
Statistics 2, 6 ECTS
Competition Policy and Deregulation, 6 ECTS
Environmental Economics, 6 ECTS
Industrial Organization and
Technological Change, 6 ECTS
Institutions and Incentives, 6 ECTS
Labour Economics, 6 ECTS
Language skills II, 0 ECTS
Pre-master Economics track: Socio-economic policy (partly in Dutch)
Students can be admitted into this programme after approval of the admission committee as
referred to in article 4.1.
Courses in the programme
Development economics, 6 ECTS
Economie van de collectieve sector, 6 ECTS OR Elective, 6 ECTS
Language skills I, 0 ECTS
Mathematics 2, 6 ECTS
Statistics 2, 6 ECTS
Empirische en experimentele economie, 6 ECTS OR Elective, 6 ECTS
Comparative Public Economics, 6 ECTS
Environmental Economics, 6 ECTS
Institutions and Incentives, 6 ECTS
Labour Economics, 6 ECTS
Language skills II, 0 ECTS
Sociaal Economisch beleid, 6 ECTS OR Elective, 6 ECTS
Pre-master Economics track: resources, development and growth (partly in Dutch)
Students can be admitted into this programme after approval of the admission committee as
referred to in article 4.1.
Courses in the programme
Development economics, 6 ECTS
Groei en Ontwikkeling, 6 ECTS OR Elective, 6 ECTS
Language skills I, 0 ECTS
Markt en Milieu, 6 ECTS OR Elective, 6 ECTS
Mathematics 2, 6 ECTS
Statistics 2, 6 ECTS
Comparative Public Economics, 6 ECTS
Environmental Economics, 6 ECTS
Finance and Growth, 6 ECTS
Labour Economics, 6 ECTS
Language skills II, 0 ECTS
1 course out of:
Industrial Organization and Technological Change, 6 ECTS
Institutions and Incentives, 6 ECTS
Pre-master Financial Management
Students with a degree in HEAO-BE or HEAO-AC can be admitted into this programme.
Courses in the programme
Financial Management, 6 ECTS
Academische vaardigheden Financiering, 6 ECTS
Bedrijfsethiek, 6 ECTS
Quantitative methods 1, 6 ECTS
Statistiek voor HBO, 6 ECTS
Microeconomie, 6 ECTS (study-unit 2 of first year)
Finance 2, 6 ECTS
Bachelor thesis, 12 ECTS
Pre-master Fiscale Economie
Students with a degree in HEAO-FE, HEAO-BE or HEAO-BL can be admitted into this
Courses in the programme
Bedrijfsethiek, 6 ECTS
Inleiding staats- en bestuursrecht, 7 ECTS
Accounting 2: management accounting, 6 ECTS
Openbare Financiën 2, 6 ECTS
Formeel belastingrecht, 6 ECTS
Privaatrecht 2, 9 ECTS
Financiering 2, 6 ECTS
Europees en Internationaal Belastingrecht A, 6 ECTS
Bachelor thesis, 12 ECTS
Pre-master Information Management
Students with a degree in Informatics (previously HIO) or Business Informatics (previously
HEAO-BI) can be admitted into this programme.
Courses in the programme
Organisatie van de onderneming, 6 ECTS
Accounting 1, 6 ECTS (study-unit 2, year 1) (exempted for Business Informatics)
Bedrijfsethiek, 6 ECTS
Statistiek voor HBO, 6 ECTS
Choice from cluster A (6 ECTS for Informatis (prev. HIO), 12 ECTS for BI (prev. HEAO-BI):
- IT Infrastructure, 6 ECTS
- Grondslagen EDP-auditing, 6 ECTS
- Management of InformationTechnology, 6 ECTS
- Business Networks and Interorganizational systems, 6 ECTS
- Systems Thinking & Modelling, 6 ECTS
- Software Engineering, 6 ECTS
- IS Analysis and Design, 6 ECTS
- Telematica *)
- International Orientation, 6 ECTS
- Industrial Organization, 6 ECTS
- Decision Modelling, 6 ECTS (optional only for Business Informatics)
- Service Oriented Enterprise Architectures, 6 ECTS
- Decision Support Systems, 6 ECTS
- Security and Risk Management, 6 ECTS
*) Requires sufficient knowledge of “IT Infrastructure”.
Business and IM Research, 6 ECTS
Information Systems Strategy, 6 ECTS
Financiering 1, 6 ECTS
Bachelor thesis, 12 ECTS
Student with a degree in HEAO-BE of HEAO-CE can be admitted into this programme
Courses in the programme
Databases, 6 ECTS
Business Process Analysis 1, 6 ECTS
Statistiek voor HBO, 6 ECTS
Bedrijfsethiek, 6 ECTS
Programmeren, 6 ECTS
Business and IM Research, 6 ECTS
Information System Strategy, 6 ECTS
Bachelor thesis, 12 ECTS
1 course out of:
- Management of Information Technology, 6 ECTS
- Business Networks and Interorganizational systems, 6 ECTS
- Software Engineering, 6 ECTS
IS Analysis and Design, 6 ECTS
International Orientation IM, 6 ECTS
Service Oriented Enterprise Architectures, 6 ECTS
Decision Support Systems, 6 ECTS
Security and Risk Management, 6 ECTS
Pre-master International Business
Students with a Bachelor degree IBMS or HEAO-BE can be admitted to this programme
depending on the specific content of the HBO programme.
Courses in the programme
Corporate Finance 2, 6 ECTS
Mathematics 2, 6 ECTS
Social Philosophy and Philosophy of Science, 6 ECTS
Statistics 2, 6 ECTS
Elective(s) *, 6 ECTS
Accounting 2: management accounting for IB, 6 ECTS
Business Ethics , 6 ECTS
Consumer behaviour and marketing action, 6 ECTS
Information Management, 6 ECTS
Management 2, 6 ECTS
* Elective(s) are not compulsory, only for students who are interested in taking an extra
Pre-master International Economics and Finance
Students can be admitted into this programme after approval of the admission committee as
referred to in article 4.1.
Courses in the programme
Corporate Finance 2, 6 ECTS
Economics of the European Union, 6 ECTS
Language Skills 1
Money, Banking and Financial Markets, 6 ECTS
Social Philosophy and Philosophy of Science, 6 ECTS
Statistics 2, 6 ECTS
European Financial and Monetary Integration, 6 ECTS
Finance and Growth, 6 ECTS
Industrial Organization and Technological Change, 6 ECTS
International Trade and Exchange Rates, 6 ECTS
Language Skills 2
1 course out of: - Comparative Public Economics, 6 ECTS
- Institutions and Incentives, 6 ECTS
Pre-master Investment Analysis
Students with a degree in HEAO-BE can be admitted into this programme.
Courses in the programme
Academische vaardigheden Ondernemingsfinanciering, 6 ECTS
Bedrijfsethiek, 6 ECTS
Quantitative methods 1, 6 ECTS
Statistiek voor HBO, 6 ECTS
Risk Management, 6 ECTS
Microeconomie, 6 ECTS (study-unit 2, year 1)
Finance 2, 6 ECTS
Bachelor thesis, 12 ECTS
Pre-master Logistics and Operations Management
Students with a degree in HEAO-BE can be admitted into this programme.
Courses in the programme
Organisatie van de onderneming, 6 ECTS
Academische vaardigheden Organisatie, 6 ECTS
Bedrijfsethiek, 6 ECTS
Statistiek voor HBO, 6 ECTS
Methoden van Bedrijfseconomisch onderzoek, 6 ECTS
Marketing 2: consumentengedrag, 6 ECTS
Supply Chain Management, 6 ECTS
Bachelor thesis, 12 ECTS
Pre-master Marketing Management
Students with a degree in HEAO-BE of HEAO-CE can be admitted into this programme.
Courses in the programme
Services marketing, 6 ECTS
Academische vaardigheden marketing, 6 ECTS
Statistiek voor HBO, 6 ECTS
Bedrijfsethiek, 6 ECTS
Methoden van Bedrijfseconomisch onderzoek, 6 ECTS
Marketing research, 6 ECTS
Marketing 2: consumentengedrag, 6 ECTS (exemption for HEAO-CE)
Bachelor thesis, 12 ECTS
Pre-master Marketing Research
Students with a degree in HEAO-BE of HEAO-CE can be admitted into this programme.
Courses in the programme
Services Marketing, 6 ECTS
Academische vaardigheden marketing, 6 ECTS
Bedrijfsethiek, 6 ECTS
Statistiek voor HBO, 6 ECTS
Methoden van Bedrijfseconomisch onderzoek, 6 ECTS
Marketing Research, 6 ECTS
Marketing 2: consumentengedrag, 6 ECTS (exemption for HEAO-CE)
Bachelor thesis, 12 ECTS
Pre-master Strategic Management
Students with a degree in HEAO-BE of HEAO-CE can be admitted into this programme.
Courses in the programme
Organisatie van de onderneming, 6 ECTS
Academische vaardigheden organisatie, 6 ECTS
Bedrijfsethiek, 6 ECTS
Statistiek voor HBO, 6 ECTS
Finance 2, 6 ECTS (exemption for HEAO-BE)
Methoden van Bedrijfseconomisch onderzoek, 6 ECTS
Marketing 2: consumentengedrag, 6 ECTS (exemption for HEAO-CE)
Industrial Organization, 6 ECTS
Bachelor thesis, 12 ECTS
Pre-master for non-business university graduates
Students with a university Bachelor degree in a non-business specialization can be admitted
into this programme after approval of the admission committee
Courses in the programme
Accounting 1: Financial Accounting for IB, 6 ECTS
Economics for Business, 6 ECTS
Management 1, 6 ECTS
Corporate Finance 1, 6 ECTS
Introduction marketing, 6 ECTS
Statistics 2, 6 ECTS
Accounting 2: Management Accounting, 6 ECTS
International Business Research, 6 ECTS
Management 2, 6 ECTS
Corporate Finance 2, 6 ECTS
Quantitative Methods for Business, 6 ECTS
Elective courses (not compulsory, only for preparation for a specific Master programme, for
requirement per Master see appendix 1).
Databases, 6 ECTS
Business Process Analysis- 1, 6 ECTS
Consumer behaviour and marketing action, 6 ECTS
Risk Management, 6 ECTS
Intermediate Financial Accounting, 6 ECTS
Marketing Research, 6 ECTS
Financial Management, 6 ECTS
Business Process Analysis – 2, 6 ECTS
Information Systems Strategy, 6 ECTS
Pre-master for Quantitative Finance and Actuarial Sciences
Students can be admitted into this programme after approval of the admission committee as
referred to in article 4.1.
Courses in the programme
Mathematical Analysis 3, 6 ECTS
Probability Theory, 6 ECTS
Applied Linear Algebra, 6 ECTS
Quantitative Finance, 6 ECTS
1 course out of:
- Statistics for Econometrics, 6 ECTS
- Differential and Integral Theory, 6 ECTS
Pre-master for Operations Research and Management Science
Students can be admitted into this programme after approval of the admission committee as
referred to in article 4.1.
Courses in the programme
Mathematical Analysis 3, 6 ECTS
Probability Theory, 6 ECTS
Applied Linear Algebra, 6 ECTS
Statistics for Econometrics, 6 ECTS
Orientation OR/MS, 6 ECTS
Combinatorial Optimization, 6 ECTS
Pre-master for Mathematical Economics and Econometric Methods
Students can be admitted into this programme after approval of the admission committee as
referred to in article 4.1.
Courses in the programme
Mathematical Analysis 3, 6 ECTS
Probability Theory, 6 ECTS
Orientation ME/EM, 6 ECTS
Game Theory, 6 ECTS
1 course out of:
- Applied Linear Algebra, 6 ECTS
- Statistics for Econometrics, 6 ECTS