Sigourney News Review, IA 11-01-07 Harvest in Keokuk County High yields are the norm this year as farmers get into the fields. Corn and soybeans have done extremely well in Keokuk County and with prices hitting $9.12 per bushel for beans on Mon., Oct. 29 and moving above $3.27 per bushel for corn. Monday, area farmers were happy with this years prices and crop yields. Many areas in southeast Iowa are seeing mountains of corn temporarily laying on the ground as elevators try to make room for this year's crop in their bins. Pictured above is the Faas Feed & Grain, Webster elevators as they pile corn on the ground to accommodate the high yields, which is a common site around the county. According to Iowa State University Extension websites, corn yields are 4 to 13% above average in southeast Iowa in scouting reports with higher yields coming each year since 2004. Highs in 2004 hit 191 bushels per acre for corn and 53 bushels per acres for beans in some parts of Iowa.