Sioux City Journal, IA 09-28-07 4-H Holiday planned Oct. 18 Woodbury County 4-H will host its 22nd annual 4-H Holiday Oct. 18 at the Sergeant Bluff United Methodist Church. The event will be a fun evening of activities for kids of all ages and will run from 7 to 8:30 p.m. "The 4-H Holiday is an event for youth to learn about 4-H, try something new and have fun," said Lujean Faber, Iowa State University Extension-Woodbury County youth coordinator. "If you have ever been curious about whether 4-H is for you, this is a great way to give it a try and see up close all the opportunities available through 4-H." At the Oct. 18 event, kids can do several "make-and-take" activities as well as learn what current 4-H’ers are doing in 4-H. There will be a cookie decorating contest at the 4-H Holiday and door prizes will be awarded throughout the evening. This event is open to all youth who have an interest in having fun and learning more about 4-H. Parents are welcomed to attend. Admission to the 4-H Holiday will be a donation of school supplies that will be given to a youth organization. Youth who are currently in fourth through 12th grades can join 4-H.