Des Moines Business Record, IA 08-25-07 ISU grants lead to new programs Iowa State University's College of Human Sciences has funded seven new faculty-led projects as a result of a new initiative launched by the college last spring. The college offered a total of $75,000 to fund winning proposals related to teaching innovations and another $75,000 for entrepreneurial-related proposals. With the funding, the department of food science and human nutrition and the department of apparel, educational studies and hospitality management will launch an undergraduate curriculum in "culinology," which blends culinary arts and food science. The program will enhance cross-disciplinary research, especially from the Nutrition and Wellness Research Center, such as how culinology students can use functional food ingredients studied by the NWRC to create new products for entrepreneurial activities. Funding will go toward hiring a part-time program director and part-time graduate student to manage the program. ISU will also launch a new initiative to improve financial education for students. Funding will go toward creating two courses that will allow those not majoring in family finance, housing and policy to study personal finance issues. Freshman and sophomores will be able to sign up for a basic personal finance course, while seniors will be able to take a course that covers personal financial planning as they approach graduation. Financial literacy offerings wil also be expanded. To see the other funded programs, or for more details, visit www.hs.ia