Des Moines Register 05-31-07 Read the faculty petition and see who signed it Following is the text from a petition submitted by ISU faculty about athletic program chaplains. Names on the petition are of those who had signed as of Thursday afternoon, May 31. Source of this information: William David, professor of music at ISU. May 23, 2007 PETITION SUBMITTED BY FACULTY OF IOWA STATE UNIVERSITY CONCERNING CHAPLAINS IN ITS ATHLETIC PROGRAMS We, the undersigned faculty members at Iowa State University, strongly oppose any effort to introduce chaplains or any other form of religious counseling, whether publicly or privately funded, into any part of our athletic programs. Such an effort by our football coach Gene Chizik has been reported in the local press. We believe that such religious positions violate the establishment clause of the first amendment of the U.S. Constitution, as Iowa State is a publicly funded land grant institution. Such religious positions also have many other negative consequences for non-Christian students, and even for Christian students who may not believe in the particular religious form of Christianity that such a chaplain might endorse. In the widely used "Lemon" test (Lemon v. Kurtzman, 1971), which is used by our own legal counsel at Iowa State, there are three indicators of whether a governmental policy conforms to the establishment clause. The first is that any government policy "must have a legitimate secular purpose." Chaplains, by definition, serve a religious purpose, and so pose a potential violation. Given public statements that the proposed chaplaincy is there to encourage a Christian viewpoint, we feel that it also violates the idea that government cannot prefer one religion over another. We should also alert you to the complaints of significant abuses that such chaplains have generated in other institutions, including the Air Force Academy and the Veterans Affairs Medical Center in Iowa City (see documentation below). Thus, we urge you to provide a clear statement that Iowa State University cannot provide chaplains or any other form of religious counseling, whether publicly funded or privately funded, in our athletic programs. Students are best served by their own clergy, and students should be free not to espouse any religious practice or belief to participate in athletics at Iowa State University. See further: 05110337/1001/SPORTS Signatories to PETITION Submitted by Faculty of Iowa State University Concerning Chaplains in its Athletic Programs As of May 31, 2007 (8:00 PM) Total Signatures: 121 (plus 10 non-faculty) Distinguished Professors: 7 University Professors: 5 Professors: 40 (including emeriti) Geoff Abelson Professor Curriculum and Instruction Dean C. Adams Associate Professor Ecology, Evolution, and Organismal Biology, & Statistics Virginia Allen Associate Professor English Robert J. Angelici Distinguished Professor Chemistry Hector Avalos Professor Religious Studies Nikki Bado-Fralick Assistant Professor Religious Studies & Women's Studies Tom Barton Distinguished Professor Chemistry Karen Bermann Associate Professor Architecture Roger Berger Professor Emeritus Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering Cliff Bergman Professor Mathematics Igor Beresnev Professor Geological and Atmospheric Sciences Amy Bix Associate Professor History Leslie Rebecca Bloom Associate Professor Curriculum and Instruction Department & Women's Studies Program Warren Blumenfeld Assistant Professor Curriculum and Instruction N. Laurence Burkhalter Professor Emeritus Music Joseph W. Burnett Senior Lecturer Chemistry Patricia M. Carlson Associate Professor Curriculum and Instruction Cinzia Cervato Associate Professor Geological and Atmospheric Sciences Al Clarke Senior Lecturer English Joel R. Coats Professor Entomology Dan Coffey Associate Professor Languages & Literatures Librarian Nancy R. Coinman Associate Professor Anthropology James T. Colbert Associate Professor and Biology Program Coordinator Ecology, Evolution, and Organismal Biology Beth Collins Lecturer English Greg Courtney Associate Professor Entomology John D. Corbett Distinguished Professor Chemistry Brenda Daly University Professor English William David University Professor Music Jane Dawson Senior Lecturer Geological and Atmospheric Sciences Vinay Dayal Associate Professor Aerospace Engineering Diane Debinski Associate Professor Ecology, Evolution, and Organismal Biology Alan A. DiSpirito Associate Professor Biochemistry, Biophysics and Molecular Biology John A. Downing Professor Ecology, Evolution, and Organismal Biology Brian Eslinger Lecturer Philosophy and Religious Studies Nancy J. Evans Professor Educational Leadership and Policy Studies Ellen Fairchild Lecturer Curriculum and Instruction Paula Forrest Lecturer Music Steven A. Freeman Associate Professor Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering Heimir Geirsson Associate Professor Philosophy and Religious Studies Douglas A. Gentile Assistant Professor Psychology Gordon Gerrard Lecturer Music Bernie Gerstein Professor Emeritus Ames Laboratory (Department of Energy) Michael Golemo Associate Professor and Chair Music Mark S. Gordon Distinguished Professor Chemistry David M. Gradwohl Professor Emeritus Anthropology John Hagge Associate Professor Department of English Linda Hagge English Instructor/Adviser English Department James Hannon Assistant Professor Music Alexander Henkin, Professor Emeritus Mechanical Engineering Madeline Henry Professor World Languages and Cultures Carl G. Herndl Professor English Laurent Hodges Professor Emeritus Physics and Astronomy Robert Hollinger Professor Philosophy and Religious Studies Christopher Hopkins Assistant Professor Music Jack Horowitz University Professor Emeritus Biochemistry, Biophysics and Molecular Biology Jesse M. Hostetter Assistant Professor Department of Veterinary Pathology Neal Iverson Professor Geological and Atmospheric Sciences Carl Jacobson Professor Geological and Atmospheric Sciences Fredric J. Janzen Professor Ecology, Evolution, and Organismal Biology Yan-Bin Jia Associate Professor Computer Science Robyn Johnson Lecturer Educational leadership and Policy Studies Kenneth R. Jolls Professor Chemical and Biological Engineering Thomas W. Jurik Associate Professor Ecology, Evolution, and Organismal Biology April Katz Associate Professor Art and Design Joseph H. Kupfer University Professor Philosophy and Religious Studies Richard LeSar Professor and Chair Materials Science and Engineering Howard A. Levine Distinguished Professor Department of Mathematics Donald R. Lewis Professor Entomology Eugenio Matibag Associate Professor World Languages & Cultures Richard W. Mansbach Professor Political Science Rita A. Marinko Associate Professor Parks Library Michael (Hogan) E. Martin Lecturer Materials Science and Engineering Bruce Menzel Professor Emeritus Natural Resource Ecology and Management Morris Mericle Associate Professor Emeritus Electrical and Computer Engineering Alzire Messenger Senior Lecturer English Joseph Messenger Professor Emeritus Music Kirk Moloney Associate Professor Ecology, Evolution, and Organismal Biology Margaret Mook Associate Professor Classical Studies, World Languages and Cultures Germán Mora Assistant Professor Geology and Atmospheric Science Sylvia Munsen Associate Professor Music & Curriculum and Instruction Cynthia Myers Adjunct Instructor English Ronald Myers Professor Department of Veterinary Pathology Neil Nakadate University Professor English James Noland Adjunct instructor English Eric W. Northway Lecturer Philosophy and Religious Studies Teresa Paschke Associate Professor Art and Design John W. Patterson Professor Emeritus Materials Science and Engineering James L. Pease Associate Professor Natural Resource Ecology and Management Barbara Pleasants Adjunct Assistant Professor Ecology, Evolution, and Organismal Biology Edward Pollak Professor Emeritus Statistics Diane Price Herndl Professor English Director of Women’s Studies Jill Pruetz Associate Professor Anthropology James W. Raich Associate Professor Ecology, Evolution, and Organismal Biology Mark Rectanus Professor World Languages and Cultures Penny Rice Director, Margaret Sloss Women's Center & Graduate Student in Educational Leadership and Policy Studies William S. Robinson Professor Philosophy Max F. Rothschild C. F. Curtiss Distinguished Professor Director for Center for Integrated Animal Genomics U.S. Pig Genome Coordinator Animal Science David R. Russell Professor English Mary Sawyer Professor Philosophy and Religious Studies Dan Shechtman Professor Materials Science and Engineering Kevin Schilling Associate Professor Music Mack Shelley University Professor Statistics, Political Science, & Educational Leadership and Policy Studies Joseph Shinar Senior Physicist, Ames Laboratory – United States Department of Energy Professor, Department of Physics and Astronomy Professor, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Donald R. Simonson Professor Music William W. Simpkins Professor Geological and Atmospheric Sciences Giora Slutzki Professor Computer Science Tony Smith Professor Philosophy and Religious Studies Robert Strahan Professor Emeritus Psychology and Statistics Departments Jonathan A. Sturm Associate Professor Music Robert Sunderman Associate Professor Music/Theatre Carlie C. Tartakov Professor Emeritus Curriculum and Instruction Gary Michael Tartakov Professor Emeritus Art and Design History & African American Studies Patricia A. Thiel Professor Chemistry Kirill Tuchin Assistant Professor Physics Carol Vleck Associate Professor Ecology, Evolution, and Organismal Biology Robert S. Wallace Associate Professor Ecology, Evolution, and Organismal Biology Clark Wolf Director of Bioethics Associate Professor Department of Philosophy Leroy Wolins, Professor Emeritus Psychology and Statistics William F. Woodman University Professor Sociology George P. Work Professor Music Edward S. Yeung Distinguished Professor Chemistry Non-faculty ISU Employee Respondents Cynthia Avalos Account Specialist IT Administrative Services Cynthia Feller Office of the Director Ames Laboratory Institute for Physical Research and Technology Michelle Garland Teaching Assistant Curriculum and Instruction Thomas Michael Lage FYC Teaching Assistant IEOP Teaching Assistant English Jonathan Mullin Graduate Student Chemistry Marcia Purdy Women's Center Secretary & Master's student in Higher Education Dan Rice Outreach Academic Adviser College of Liberal Arts and Science Dana Schumacher Academic Advisor Political Science Oren Tchaicheeyan Graduate student BBMB Jim Trenberth Production Manager/Lighting Designer Iowa State University Theatre