High Plains Journal, KS 03-23-07 Optimizing soybean yields not unrealistic

High Plains Journal, KS
Optimizing soybean yields not unrealistic
By Jennifer Bremer
"By scouting each field weekly and taking notes, management decisions can be
made to get to the yield potential of your crop," said Palle Pederson Iowa State
University Extension agronomist.
Farmers are all wanting to know how to get the record yields like a Missouri
grower had last year, but not everyone has the resources to raise 139 bushels
per acre, so knowing your own land is the start of optimizing yields.
Iowa State University Extension agronomist, Palle Pederson said that so many
soybean producers are not meeting the yield expectations that they could and
should be getting.
"Soybean yields are increasing slowly, but the numbers are not matching that of
corn," said Pederson. "Therefore, it is important to know what management
practices need to be done to increase these yields."
He said that there are many factors to take into consideration when optimizing
soybean yields, but they are not unrealistic.